#ic. // rk800
ltcolonelcarter · 2 years
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Connor on thin ice
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kayfeefgtrghh · 10 months
Connor (RK800) x shy reader
Did I just write 2984 words? Maybe…
Body image is talked about here as well as other topics that might be sensitive. Read at your own accord. Also, apologies since this is the first fanfic I’ve written in over 10 years. The last 5 years I’ve spent writing university papers. If it’s not the best I’m sorry!
*Reader is addressed as ‘little girl’ and has long hair.
*Does include swear words but I’ve tried to censor them a little.
“Hank the paperwork is due today… And-“ His head tilts “detective? Your temperature is very high. Are you sick?” Putting his hand to my forehead. Throat dry, I try to speak but nothing comes out and stare at Connor, red in the face. Glancing to a friend hoping he can help but Hank just looks back at his screen. Great. I’m on my own. Well. “Yes” squeaks out before you feel a shoulder bump into my back. Sharp breathe in. Turning to make eye contact with Derrik Fedpilzt. He got off on me being quiet. Said I make a shit cop. Too fat, not smart enough, too slow, can’t keep my “female” emotions out of work. Looking down, surprised he kept quiet. I apologise before getting back to my desk. 2 close calls in one day was enough. Writing this report is such a waste of time. Its not like it’s real. I saw it. That deviant was protecting a child… It didn’t deserve to die. Email? Shit. Should I say something to Hank? No. No. I can’t be weak. I can do this. I can’t drag others into my own problems.
‘Don’t think I didn’t figure you out. Meet me in the carpark at 8pm tonight.’ – DF
I need to take my mind off of this. “Heyyyy Hank. Is that seat free?” pointing to his lap. He had such a priceless face before shaking his head mumbling, something about kids these days, under his breathe. Making me giggle. “Okay, but really, I’m going for coffee if you want some?”
“Yeah, Connor should be back soon.”
“Ahh I just meant the-‘
“Lieutenant. Detective.” Connor starts to which I just avoid his gaze and nod to my title. “My apologise for interrupting the conversation.”
“No worries, Connor.” Hank straightens his back, “we’re all heading for coffee.” Connor simply nods in reply to his partner. I try catching Hank’s eye but he just smirks.
-------------*Time skip to coffee shop*---------------
“Soy latte please.” Cringing at how quiet my voice just came out.
“Yes. I-I couldn’t pass up fireworks. It’s nostalgic. What about you both?” Hoping to get away from the spotlight. Hank finally feeling nice speaks up,
“Sorry can you repeat that for me please” the Barista inquires politely. "Soy latte. Thank you.” Connor interjects for me. All I can do is nod and smile shyly to the server while paying.  Sliding into a booth opposite Hank. Connor right after me. Oh. My. God. I can feel his body so close to mine. Keep it together (y/n)! Fingers pulling my coat closer self-consciously. “I heard there is going to be ice festival with fire works tonight. Will you be going Detective?”
“Nah. Kid wants to go so maybe you could go together. Me and Sumo are watching sport, drinking, and sleeping at midnight.” Well… there goes him helping you.
“Ahhhh. No. I mean yes!. I’m- I- I… I just remembered I have a meeting soon, sorry. I’ll see you both around? I’ll meet you outside the office at say… 9pm?” Turning on my tail before they can speak.
---------------*Time skip to car park*-----------------
Skin going cold and fingertips numb, from the cold and the fact Derrik brought friends. I feel a hand around the back of my neck. “You know, if you weren’t so fat maybe I wouldn’t have bumped into you.” Coming into my face, I lean back instinctively. “Or maybe if you were smart, I would have seen you resign. Save the rest of us time picking up your slack. Which judging by your size is a lot,” erupting with laughter from his own comment. “You must have slept your way up with older guys because how else would sone with such a pathetic track record get in. You can’t write reports properly, can’t shoot because you think that what? Androids can have feelings. Ohh look at me I’m so desperate to be loved I’ll turn to something that can’t say no. Isn’t that right?” Not letting me speak, “you don’t deserve this job title, the badge, hell to live!  You’re worthless. Undeserving, fat, ugly, stupid. Is there ANY good quality about you? No. Just kill yourself already to stop burdening others. This time, me and my buddies are gonna teach you a lesson on behaving like a good little girl.” Pulled back and shoved into a pillar. There’s laughter, I can hear it, but it blurs for a minute. Shit I feel something wet drip into my eyelashes. Hold the tears. Confront. Come on. “Hey! I said I was sorry. Why are you doing this?”
“Because,” another guy steps closer, “we don’t respect people like you. Spiting on my face. It had been bad before but never physical.  He raises his hand and I turn to flip him over my shoulder. Thump. “You fc*king bit*h!” he wheezes out. Every muscle in my body feels like stone. He swipes my leg from under me as the others make a circle shouting “fight! Fight!”
“Wai-“ he straddles my legs. Hands instantly on my neck. Not like this. Please. Kicking, I try twist my hips. Gasping in air as I grip his wrists. “Enough Jake.” Another voice calls. The man above me lets go, standing and brushing off his jacket. Huffing. Before kicking my stomach and going off. The rest leave laughing and shaking their head with, “you showed her.” Coughing and feeling the air come back to me I push onto my arms. Shit! It’s 8:55! Connor. Legs shaking I push up and head up to the girls bathroom. The stairs make me feel so heavy. I can’t stop thinking about his words. He was right. I do burden others. I can’t drive. I have one of the lowest success rates. Am I really that unlovable? Do I just empathise with deviants because I see the hate in them as similar to the way people treat me?... Elbowing the door open I can help but say “shit” out loud looking at my reflection. Bloodshot eyes, since when have I been crying? And my neck. Jesus. How was I going to hide this from Connor?! But if I cancel, he’ll try ask why and I can’t lie to him. I pull the collar up and undo my hair.  Lucky I’ve let it grow. Using it as a disguise I head out. “I’m sorry to keep you, had to talk to some colleagues from the lower floor before we left. Are you ready?” I feel him looking right through me. He wants to say something, but his LED goes yellow before red then back to yellow, “Yes detective.”
------------*Time skip to the ice festival*--------------
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“SOOO beautiful!” I’m so thankful the weather is cooler outside to excuse me covering my neck so much and accommodating for my slower gate. My ribs really hurt now. But it was worth it. The snow glistened with the colourful lights. Children running around, giggling, as they have snowball fights. It was like a movie scene come true. The city really outdid themselves this year. I love winter. To be on the couch near my window watching the slow gently fall. Hot chocolate in hand and a nice, weighted blanket. Cozy. Safe.
I can feel eyes on me and look up to see Connor smiling, “I’ve never seen you look so childlike Detective.” I know it’s supposed to be an observation. I can’t help it. Thinking of it as an insult. A reminder I need to grow up. “Thanks.” Looking down at my feet.  ‘Worthless… stop burdening others. He’s right.
“Ahh hey. How- How about going on the Ferris wheel? I can pay. My treat for driving.” He nods and we walk in silence. It’s eating away at me. “Hey. Connor? Do you have any fun facts on snow or winter? Festivals? I know Hank tells you to be quiet,” looking down blushing,” but I love when you talk all about things. He sprouts facts like, “the Sapporo Snow Festival started in 1950…” It was nice. His voice. His face. Errgh! I have such a bad crush on him. How couldn’t you? He’s smart, sweet, understanding, patient, fast, strong, and such a gentleman. I can’t help but stare. The light freckles sprinkled over his face. The piece of hair loose and flipping around in the elements. The small snowflakes sticking to his perfect brown hair. Those beautiful eyes I could get lost I for days. I’ve never felt this way about someone. Growing up focused on studies and work. Now for the first time, I look at someone and want to marry. To have children. To do domestic things with Connor. Have him look at me the way I look at him. Love struck as Hank put it. “Snow itself is just precipitation in the form of ice crystals. It originates in clouds when temperatures are below freezing point. It is currently 17.6 degrees Fahrenheit or minus 8 Celsius….” Putting up 2 fingers and paying for the tickets as he ramble on. Side track about drinks for winter festivals in different countries. “For example, in Japan, the initial festival I mentioned, they would drink something called Amazake. Dating back over 1,30 years. It comprises of rice fermented using aspergillus oryzae. The same fungus in natto. Its literally translation is sweet sake and has been described as a mellow sweet flavour…”
We step into the capsule and start our assent. Once we reached the top the breeze was beautiful. I had to take photos. To put on my wall. I lent forward, enjoying the breeze flow through the gaps and focus outside. Not noticing the silence from my companion. “It’s so beautiful don’t you think? I don’t normally like crowds but to see people enjoying themselves like this. It’s nice and the snow is always so- Connor?” His LED is red and I freeze. Following his line of sight. Blushing, I rush to cover the bruises, but he grabs my wrists. With the better lighting he’s seen it. The bruises. Does he think I’m weak. For a officer to get hurt so easily? He says my name sternly and my eyes flick between him and the floor. Jaw tensing and I can’t seem to swallow enough to take a breath. I rub my arm absently at the tense air between us. “Connor I can explain.” He just stares and helps me out before dragging me past the maze. We keep walking. His LED changing between red and yellow. His grips loosens and tightens as the snow crunches beneath us. It would be a nice sound if it weren’t for the anxiety.
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He continues to lead me onto a path with no one around, under a streetlight, before turning to face me. Trying to catch a breath he doesn’t need.  He just stares. “Connor?” It’s soft. But I know he hears. “Please. You’re starting to scare me.”
“Who?! Who did that to you?!” Flinching. Was he... mad? He’s an android, he shouldn’t react this way. “Are you deviating?” I whisper shout leaning in despite my fear. He’d never hurt me, right? His brows twitch and he tilts his head. Before his LED stays red. Stepping closer. “This isn’t about me (y/n). Who. Hurt. You. Names.” Now, as he stepped closer with each word, he’s less than a meter from me. I step back and avoid his gaze. “Why?”
“I want to protect you. Keep you safe and I can’t do that if you keep me out.”
“No. Why do you care? I’m just another human. Replaceable. Less intelligent. Less capable, so why do you pretend to care Connor? Because you feel you have to? Did Hank tell you to say those things to me? “I feel my eyes burn and voice break. “Maybe I should go home I’m sorry and end up dashing off as a ground walk past.
-------------------*Time skip*--------------------------
I’ve been avoiding Connor for almost a month now. I was so close to confessing. Or breaking down. Either way I can feel his gaze burn into me and the questioning looks when I just turn and walk away or leave a half-made coffee when he goes to make one for Hank. Speaking of Hank tried to ask about what happened but now I’m avoiding them both. Everyone. Today is the day. I look up, eyes set on Fowler. I get up and knock on his door. “Come in.” Walking into his office reminds me of this nature documentary show I watches where the deer ventured right into the lion’s den. Keep calm. He eventually looks up from my silence and awkwardly standing around. “Sit. What do you want?”
“I quit.” There it was. Those 2 little words. “This is my 2 weeks’ notice sir. I wish to ask if I can stay in the office for my last week. To finish up my reports.” He looks shocked but it quickly morphs back into a scowl. “Fine.” I nod before leaving. I did it. Letting the air out my nose I head back to my desk and put headphones on and begin typing. The day continues like this. Quiet. Efficient. Lonely. It’s what I deserve.
--------------*Time skip to the last day*---------------
Alcohol. Mans real best friend. Sure, dogs make me happy, but they don’t help you numb out life. The dread of not being able to get enough job. The feeling of worthlessness. Alcohol though. A miracle. Especially 10 drinks in. I don’t even know at this point if my thoughts make sense let alone the out loud stuff. Hang onnnnn. I know that hair. “Hannnnnnk! I shout and stumble my way to him. By himself thankfully. I smother him in a hug, and he just shoves me off. “God. I’m so sorry. I’m a shitty friend Hank. I mean… oh oh omg that dog is so cute!” Seeing a golden retriever walk past.
“What have you been ignoring me What happened between you and Connor?”
“Hmmm. I love him, Hank. Not that I don’t love you too but not in that way” giggling,” it’s just. I had a run in and some guys at the precinct beat me up so-“
“What?! When?!” He goes to stand, and I shove his shoulders to push him back into his seat.
“SHHHHH! Hank, I don’t know where I was up to now. Anyway, long story short. Perfect android, Ferris Wheel, found my bruised neck, Unrequited love, I got scared and listened to the voice in my head.” Nodding. “Wait no. Not like that. I meant the things the people said about me. They were right. That’s why today was my last day. I quit. I couldn’t stand to look at you. I know you’d be disappointed and Connor. Fu*k Hank, I’d kill for him. Do anything he asked. But we both know that’s stupid. He dese- derggkrves… ,” pausing and squinting as the word doesn’t come out right, “deserves someone better. He’s PERFECT and look at me.” Flinging my arms out and hitting someone in the face. “Oh” covering my mouth and turning. “I’m so sorry!!”
“Connor… I- I want you to know what happened at the festival… me avoiding you. Wasn’t your fault.” His LED is rotating yellow still. He then hooks his arm with mine.
“You are intoxicated. I will wait to have this conversation with you tomorrow. I will take you home.” I pout and lean into his body.  Giggling before shoving my nose into his chest and breathing in harshly before confessing, “you smell amazing.”
-----------*Time skip to next morning*----------------
“Owww my head.” Tripping as I tangle into my bedsheets. Faceplanting. Sighing I just lay there face down for a while. Remembering what I said last night. How much did he hear of my confession to Hank? “Detective. You are finally up. It is currently 1:39pm.” I stiffen. Looking up at the android like a dear caught in head lights. “I will cook breakfast while you clean up and then we can talk.”
“I remember you mentioning to Hank you like pancakes.” They look so unbelievably good.
“Thank you, Connor. For everything. I really am sorry.”
“I accept your apology. As to begin our discussion I would like to start with the most defining aspect. That you confessed your feelings for me last night to Hank, did you not?” At this I choke on my food. Coughing and red in the face.  
“Yess.. Well- I did. But you don’t have to-“
“I like you too. More than as a friend. You were correct I have become deviant and these feelings these last months have been difficult. However, after talking to Hank he said it was love. It explains my rash and inappropriate reaction to your bruising and the reason I still feel angry now when thinking about it. “
“It was Derrik Fedpilzt and his friends. I tried to fend one off by flipping him onto his back. So, he chocked me. I was scared that you’d judge me. For not being able to defend myself. “
“Like I said before I want to take care of you and protect you. There has never been a time when I thought you were weak. Or flawed in any way for that matter.” He puts hind hand on the table between us. I look up before timidly reaching to place mine across the table too. He moves to cover mine and smiles that dorky smile. Realising I am finished he gets up to do the dishes, but I block him. 
“Why don’t we cuddle on the couch for a while? I can do them later.” LED yellow to blue. Putting my plate on the sink before grabbing a blanket. Sitting on my old couch, snow just outside. This was perfect. I look up at him admiring the view and kiss his cheek. Maybe I deserve love after all.
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noshowscon · 2 months
AU where Connor and Gavin are ice-skaters. They have the same coach — Hank Anderson, and train together, but when it comes to olympics — they are rivals. There's only one first place and they have to fight for it, no matter how much time they have spent together on training.
Despite the fact that they train together, they are completely different in every term of it. Gavin's style is modern while Connor is stuck with tradition. They both reach for the winner's title, but their attitude is opposite: Connor works hard, knowing he has to go through his flaws, work on them and eliminate them. He's the only person that can bring or deprive him of victory. While Gavin, in fact works hard, but loves blaming everyone but him for his fails. He's jealous of people's victory and hardly ever enjoys his own, too focused on negatives.
But having training together taught them to tolerate each other. They mind their own businesses as much as they can, trying not to get in the other's way. Connor almost treats Gavin like an air and Gavin also limits himself to a contemptuous look, saving comments to himself and his boyfriend, who, every evening, has to listen about Connor's perfect axel and landing. At some point Gavin doesn't know if he's jealous or impressed until one evening when he has to come back to the changing room for a bottle he has forgotten. There he finds Connor, his biggest rival, and Hank Anderson, their common coach, making out, because Gavin can't even call it a kiss. It is something disgusting to him in many terms of it and with that day, he loses leftovers of respect for Connor, believing Connor acquired majority of his achievements through the old man's bed. And who knows? Maybe Anderson wasn't the only one?
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deviantdroid · 2 months
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❝ hello. my name is connor... I'm the android sent by cyberlife. ❞
> open starter
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betterdcyz · 2 years
@cicatriicem​ requested for Connor:  ❝ i think they’re hiding something , and i want to know what . ❞ fox @ connor  ( arcane starters / accepting !! )    
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              “——then wouldn’t it be more proper to approach this logically than ruthlessly?  If they are hiding something,  then it’s best to find out without the use of violence.  If they end up dying,  then we will end up failing.” 
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ersatz-ostrich · 4 months
On the Scene
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RK900 x gn!Detective!Reader
Lt. Hank Anderson and Det. Connor Anderson are on the scene of a grisly murder. They have some investigating to do, and not just into the scene of the homicide that you and Richard were first called to inspect.
A/N: phew! first real post in a while. DBH has a chokehold on me and I have no idea how it happened (I haven't even gotten the game yet—I'm waiting for it to go on sale). That being said, hope this isn't too OOC! I was inspired to write this by the one scene in A Study in Pink from BBC's Sherlock. I messed around with the scene so the dialogue isn't a carbon copy, though.
Yes, I settled on calling Nines Richard (I'm indecisive). Hank calls him Nines as a nickname of sorts.
warnings: implied sexual references, sorely lacking in beta reading
read here on ao3
Cold, damp nights like these were not entirely uncommon in Detroit. If anything, they were a part of the city’s branding. 
After all of his years in the God-forsaken city, Lieutenant Hank Anderson knew at least that much. 
His CD player blasting heavy metal, he slowed his aging car to a stop on the side of a residential street in a more tasteful stretch of Detroit. Police cruisers and personnel crowded the street already narrowed with cars parked beside the curb on each side. The house in question was cast in the blue and red light of the cruisers’ beacons, an adequate welcome for those who chose to step inside. 
Hank eased himself out of the driver’s seat and into the chilly air, groaning as his joints protested. His partner Connor, ever so enthusiastic when it came to work, exited from the other side and followed Hank with quick, precise strides until they reached the yellow holographic police tape set up around the crime scene. 
“Hello, Lieutenant, Detective.” The duo was greeted by the stoic face of Richard, the DPD’s RK900 investigator android, who was just about as close to a brother that Connor, the RK800, had. His fair complexion was bathed in the flashing lights of the squad cars and spotlights that had been set up around the scene, but he seemed to pay no mind to the glare.
“Nines.” Hank grunted. “We’re here to see Detective L/N.” Richard raised a perfect brow, his expression set with feigned intrigue. 
“Why?” Hank chuckled.
“We were invited, why else?”
“Is that so?” A grin inched its way onto Hank’s grizzled face.
“I think they want us to take a look at some evidence. Think it might be related to our red ice case. That’s why you made the call, didn’t ya?” Richard cracked a small half-smile. 
“Right as always, Lieutenant. It seems like your investigative skills have stayed sharp after all these years.” Hank barked out a laugh as he and Connor crossed through the holographic boundary. Just as they passed by the RK900, Hank stopped abruptly, wrinkling his nose. 
“Lieutenant?” Connor inquired from beside him. 
“It’s nothin’, son.” It didn’t sound like nothing to Connor—not that he voiced that notion, anyways. From behind their turned backs, Richard’s LED flashed red momentarily. 
They were making their way up the front porch steps when you appeared in the doorway in your CSI jumpsuit and PPE, fiddling with your gloves. 
“Hey, Anderson, so nice of you to finally come.” You greeted the pair with a smile. “Careful with the evidence back there, don’t want to get it contaminated with Sumo’s fur or something. Richard thinks it might be of some help with your red ice case.” 
“You didn’t make it home last night, did ‘ya?” The smile disappeared from your face. That wasn’t the response you had been expecting.
“I’m sorry?”
“Tell me, L/N, did ‘ya at least get someone to feed your cats?” He watched your expression, brows raised with skepticism. “C’mon. You can do a little better than hiding that hickey under your PPE.” He gestured loosely at the collar of your jumpsuit. Your hand instinctively went to the bruise that you knew was blooming underneath the fabric. 
“And you, Nines!” Hank called out to Richard, who was just crossing the front yard to join the conversation.
“Is there something you wanted to tell me, Lieutenant?” Richard’s expression and composure were practically free of tics and tells—one of the benefits of being an android, deviant or not, Hank supposed. Richard tilted his head with bemusement.
“Oh, don’t play dumb. Say, are ‘ya trying out some new scent for androids? Smells a lot like L/N’s deodorant if you ask me.”
“Y/N and I spent the night at the precinct,” Richard answered quickly. “We were looking over evidence early this morning when the homicide was called in. They offered me their coat when it began to rain because—”
“Yeah, ‘cause androids don’t like getting their clothes wet after just getting ‘em from the Cyberlife dry cleaners,” he drawled. “Funny that the knees of your slacks are so banged up, Nines. Maybe you should bring ‘em back.”
“Hank, whatever you’re trying to imply—”
“I know, kid, I know. Also, you two are on a first name basis now? Geez, did I miss something while I was on holiday?”
“Hank...” Your voice dripped with exasperation. “Just inspect the damn crime scene, will you?”
“Alright, alright,” Hank waved you off and stepped into the house. “But I’m expecting a wedding invitation by next spring, y’hear?”
[A/N]: So, yeah, I don't know jack about DBH or BBC's Sherlock...well, reading the BBC's Sherlock manga counts as interacting with the source material, right?
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading x
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gogogodzilla · 1 year
Hiii. Can you do headcanons for dad Connor like him and reader were able to have kids because cyber life got more advanced with androids and now they can have children with humans and how he would be with them and stuff
Be My Baby || Connor (RK800)
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Connor is dad material, argue w the wall
if you go through pregnancy he learns as much as he can about the entire process
you could mention your feet hurting or something and he'd be like 🤓 did you know 🤓
nonetheless, he's so supportive the entire time!!
when it's time for you to give birth (if you do) he's such an advocate for you and does everything he can to make sure you're comfortable and safe
when your baby comes, he's overjoyed and so, so happy
literally almost short-circuited with joy
the type to be scared to hold your baby because they're so squishy and delicate
your child has him wrapped around their finger almost immediately
will give in to them asking for ice cream before dinner because just look at that face 🥺
also the type to speak logically to them, even when they're an infant and can't understand what he's saying lmaooo
such a great dad tbh, 10/10
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not-neverland06 · 1 year
Broken Machinery
Pt. 3 (completed series)
Series masterlist
Connor RK800 x fem!reader
A/N: I can’t write parkour without thinking of Michael & Dwight in the office
Content Warnings: Cussing (duh), pigeon crap, Hank’s emotional constipation plus the detective’s, parkour!, weird attraction to ties on men
Word Count: 4.2k
Series Summary: You and your grumpy partner Anderson gain a new addition to the team. He’s supposed to be CyberLife’s best, but there’s something not quite right with his programming, and the problems seem to revolve around you.
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“Oh come on, Hank! There’s literally a million nicer places to eat.” You crossed your arms and sank into your seat at the sight of Hank’s favorite ‘restaurant’ Chicken Feed. Slightly wincing at the still present ache in your ribs.
He turned around in his seat and scolded you like a child. “My car, my rules.”
You scoffed, “First, Connor takes my seat and now I don’t even get to eat lunch.” You were being childish, you knew that.
Still, it was beyond aggravating when Hank had stopped you from getting up front and let Connor in the passenger side. And now you were at your least favorite place to eat ever!
What the hell am I being punished for?
“If you weren’t acting like a brat, you could eat lunch. But, fine! Stay in the car! The fuck do I care?” Tears pricked your eyes at the last whispered comment.
It was hard, it was hard watching him become so distant to you. You used to be a lot closer, before everything happened.
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Y/N’s eyes were watering and her heart rate was increasing. She was distressed by something, but Connor was unsure of what that was.
He looked out the window and scanned the food truck. “Is Lieutenant Anderson aware of the numerous health violations the owner has committed?”
You scooted your way to the door and whispered, “Why do you think I don’t want to eat here?” The door had slammed closed before he could answer.
Connor got out of the car and stood. After a scan of the environment he was directed in two different directions. You were standing at a table under an umbrella, hunched over and picking at your nails. Lieutenant Anderson was speaking to two known criminals.
“Like a fucking poodle,” Connor ignored Hank’s comment.
“Is everything okay, Y/N?” You seemed surprised that he had chosen to speak with you. “You seem… distressed.” You glanced briefly towards Hank, he appeared to be paying a bookie. “Is it your relationship with the Lieutenant?”
You smiled at Connor, “You know, you’re a bit too observant for your own good.” Connor stood across from you at the table.
“May I ask you a personal question, detective?”
You frowned at him, “I feel like you’re going to no matter what.” Connor nodded his head. He would, he needs you and the Lieutenant to get along better. Right now your interpersonal issues were getting in the way of his mission.
“Why does the Lieutenant make you so angry?”
You went back to picking at your cuticles. Your right thumb had a scab that told Connor this was a common habit for you. It wasn’t entirely harmful but he still felt the need to stop you as you picked at your skin. His hand reached out and gently separated yours.
Your hand stayed in his, and he wasn’t sure if you were aware that you were squeezing it. You opened your mouth to say something, for some reason Connor felt the need to stop you. “Would you like to go get something to eat, detective?”
You quickly closed your mouth and gave Connor a strange look. You smiled at him, “Sure, I’d like that.” Your hand dropped from his and you began leading him down the sidewalk.
Unknowingly the hand you had held flexed by his side.
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“Are you in much pain, Y/N?” You waved off Connor’s question. You’d stopped by a 24/7 market and had picked up an ice pack and questionable veggie sandwich. It was either that or egg salad, you’d take your chances with the spinach.
Right now you were sitting outside on a bench holding the ice pack to your sore ribs. “It’s not too bad, I’ve had worse.” I want to lay down and cry somewhere, this hurts so bad.
Connor stopped moving for a moment and then spoke again, “I’m not seeing any cracked ribs or internal damage, they’re just bruised. I recommend you try not to overexert yourself.”
“So he’s a detective and a doctor, really giving Barbie a run for her money.” If androids could be sassy that’s the only way you’d describe Connors face right now. He’s frowning at you and brushing your hands away from the ice pack, holding it up for you so you can eat your food. You really hope he can’t tell how fast your heart is beating with how close he is, or notice the shake in your hands as you take a bite of the sandwich.
“I posses enough first aid skills to take care of my partners if they’re injured in the field.”
That’s actually helpful, Hank’s shit at patching you up. “That makes me happy, the only thing Hank knows how to do is slap a band-aid on a bullet wound and call it a day.” Connor frowns at you again, the little groove appearing between his brows once more. You’re tempted to reach out and soothe it with your thumb.
“That’s highly illogical and dangerous.”
You laughed at him, “It was a joke, Connor. Did those geniuses at CyberLife not program you with humor?”
“It wouldn’t be beneficial to my mission.”
Good lord. He takes everything way too seriously.
“Well maybe you should watch some stand-up or something. I need someone to understand me.” You weren’t being serious. But he seemed to think you were.
“I’ll take your recommendation into account.” You finished the rest of your lunch in relative silence, but there was an overwhelming tension surrounding the two of you. You were most likely projecting, you weren’t even sure androids could feel tension.
However, you felt like he was waiting to ask you something and you were sure whatever it was wasn’t going to be a pleasant topic for you. Connor didn’t seem to have a good grasp of boundaries or when to stop talking.
He waited until you finished your sandwich to take the ice pack off your chest. “You don’t want to ice it for too long, it will cause more harm.” He put the ice pack down and paused. You waited for him to say what he wanted to say, you definitely weren’t going to be the one to initiate whatever probing line of questions he was about to ask. Connor reaches up and fixes his tie before he turns towards you. His jaw is set and there’s a determined look on his face-
Dude! You have major issues. A tie! A tie is what gets you going now?
Lord I pray to you for forgiveness.
“I’ve looked into both yours and the Lieutenant’s personnel records-“
“Wait, what?” He’s undeterred by your interruption, but you’re a little freaked out that he can just dig around in your past.
“It seems that Lieutenant Anderson became your official legal guardian in 2023, when you were ten years old. You had been in the state’s care for two years before he caught your foster father dealing Red Ice and he-“
“Stop! Connor, stop. What the hell?” You’d already gotten your ass handed to you today, you sure as hell didn’t need Connor bringing this all up right now. You didn’t want to remember how Hank found you, or what a piece of shit your foster family had been.
You didn’t want to think about this at all. You could already feel the dread and anxiety swirling around and forming acid in your stomach. What you really didn’t need today was a panic attack.
“You have absolutely no right, no right, investigating me like that. And you especially don’t have the right to acquire sealed adoption papers. I know about my own past Connor, Hank made sure that no one else would be able to find out about it. Fuck, I cannot believe you!” You threw the rest of your sandwich away, knowing you wouldn’t be able to eat it, and got off the bench. You ignored the sound of Connor’s voice and the pain in your ribs as you stormed off.
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Hank was waiting under an umbrella for the two of you. “Where’d you go?” Your adrenaline was slowly leaving you, you didn’t have the energy to fully answer him. Slumped on the table you shrugged your shoulders and wrapped an arm around your ribs. “Does it hurt a lot?”
A snarky response was on the tip of your tongue, you had to physically bite your tongue to hold it back. It wasn’t often that Hank would show genuine concern for you. “It’s not great, but I’ve had worse.” There was an awkward pause where the both of you were unsure how to continue. Conversations without any venom or hostility were few and far between lately. It was leaving you both feeling stiff and uncomfortable.
“You’re tough. . .” His hand hovered over your back before coming down a little too hard on it, you wheezed out at the impact. “You’ll be okay.”
You regretted the next words that came out as soon as it happened. “Thanks, dad.” The both of you tensed and you forced yourself to straighten immediately, ignoring the pain. Anxiety caused your chest to tighten and you opened your mouth to apologize. But you found that you couldn’t force the words out, frozen by the desire for him to act like everything was normal.
There was a primal desperation inside of you that yearned for him to just hug you, or tell you that he's sorry and everything will be okay. Anything, anything other than that god awful look he was giving you right now. The one that made you feel like a stranger. It was void of any connection he’d ever had with you.
Your mouth closed and you hunched back into yourself, trying and failing at getting your jacket to swallow you. You were still a little pissed off at Connor for being so invasive, but that feeling was greatly overruled by the gratefulness you felt at his sudden appearance.
You kept your head down, avoiding looking at either of them and distracting yourself by picking at the broken skin around your nails. You’d never been more desperate for a cigarette, even though you’d broken the habit years ago.
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Connor almost reached out towards your hands to stop the unhealthy habit, but the look on Hank’s face stopped him. He was staring down at you with an emotion Connor was having trouble recognizing. Perhaps it was sadness, or just another complication of working with humans. You were proving to be much more inefficient than he’d like.
He turned his attention towards the sandwich in Hank’s hand. “Your meal contains 1.4 times the recommended daily intake of calories and twice the cholesterol level. You shouldn’t eat that.”
Hank shrugged, “You sound like Y/N, I keep telling her, ‘everybodys gotta die of something.’” He pointedly took a larger than necessary bite. If Connor had feelings he assumed he would be feeling frustrated right now. Having two partners with such a strange relationship was tedious enough, having one with no care for his health was proving to be a challenge in his mission.
Connor turned his attention back towards the two men by the food truck. Surely the Lieutenant would be interested in their illicit activities, “I don’t mean to alarm you Lieutenant but I think your friends are engaged in . . .” He lowered his voice, “illegal activities.”
“As long as they’re not hurting anybody, I dont bother ‘em.” The lieutenant's administration of the law was perplexing to Connor. Did he actually care about catching criminals? Or had he given up? His blatant disrespect towards his captain and his partner led Connor to believing the latter.
“This morning when we were chasing this deviants. Why didn’t you want me to cross the highway?”
Hank looked at Connor like he was malfunctioning. “‘Cause you could’ve been killed… And I don’t like filling out paperwork for damaged equipment.”
You snorted, the first noise you’d made since this conversation had started, but said nothing else. “Is there anything you’d like to know about me?”
Hank was quick to answer, “Hell no! Well, yeah, why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice?” You lifted your head and glared at Hank, “Jesus, Hank.” Hank looked down at you and shrugged his shoulders, seemingly not understanding why you were angry.
“CyberLife androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans. Both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration.”
Hank nodded and Connor thought maybe he was finally warming up to him, “Well, they fucked up.”
“I think he’s cute.” Connor looked at you, from your hunched position he could see your eyes go wide and your body heat rising. Your heart had started beating dangerously fast and you looked faint. Hank was giving you a long look before he just shook his head, “I’m sure you do.” You ignored Hank and slouched further into yourself.
You cleared your throat and quickly looked up at Connor, before your eyes went back down to your hands. “Maybe you should tell us what you know about deviants.”
Connor blinked the message away. “We believe a mutation occurs in the software of some androids, which can lead to them emulating a human emotion.” Hank interrupted him, “In english please.”
Connor’s software quickly worked to give him a dialogue option more geared towards those of lower IQ’s. “They don’t really feel emotions, they just get overwhelmed by irrational instructions, which can lead to unpredictable behavior.”
“Emotions fuck everything up.” Your words were clearly only meant for yourself, but Connor had an auditory processor that was ten times more efficient than human hearing. You looked up at Connor, your eyes narrowed and your posture aggressively defensive. “You ever dealt with deviants before?”
He nodded, recalling the hostage situation, “A few months back… A deviant was threatening to jump off the roof with a little girl… I managed to save her.”
Your head tilted and your shoulders went slack. “And the deviant?”
“Destroyed at the scene.”
You lied to me Connor.
“So, you’ve done your homework right, know everything there is to know about me?” Connor glanced towards you, you had stolen a fry from the Lieutenant and were making a point not to look at him.
“I know the both of you graduated top of your class, you became the youngest lieutenant in Detroit and Y/N followed in your footsteps becoming the youngest detective in the DPD. You, Lieutenant Anderson have received several disciplinary warnings in recent years and you spend a lot of time in bars.”
“Understatement of the year,” you shook your head and stole another fry.
“And you detective, have received several disciplinary warnings and citations for starting fights, especially with Detective Gavin Reed.”
You frowned and whispered, “Oh, look at me, I found a few files.” You raised your voice and glared at Connor, “Whoopdie-freaking-doo, you searched through our personnel files. You shouldn’t even have access to those.”
Hank ignored you, “So what’s your conclusion?”
“I know you’re both experienced officers, and I’d like to earn your trust. I’m sure if we all work together we can solve this case. But that requires the both of you to be civil with each other.” You opened your mouth, presumably to defend yourself but Connor stopped you. “I just got a report of a suspected deviant. It’s a few blocks away. We should go have a look.”
Hank stuffed the rest of his sandwich in his mouth and threw the box in the trash. You trailed behind the two, Connor got into the back seat before either you or Hank could stop him. He needs the two of you to get along, the most likely way for that to happen is to force you both to acknowledge the other.
You glared at him, “I guess I’ve got shotgun.”
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“Connor, let’s go.” Connor’s eyes shot open at the gentle tug on his sleeve. Hank was already out of the elevator but you were standing in front of him, waiting for him to go your head tilted towards the entrance of the elevator.
“You run out of batteries or what?” Your hand left his wrist and he followed after you.
“I’m sorry, Lieutenant, I was making a report to CyberLife.”
“That’s cool, you just close your eyes… and what?” Your head was tilted like his was when he had to recalibrate and choose a new approach.
“And I enter what you might call a ‘mind palace’ where I give my report to a CyberLIfe AI representative.”
“Damn, I wish my reports were that easy.”
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Hank looked towards you, “What do we know about this guy?”
“Not much, just the information Connor gave us in the car.” Hank looked almost sheepish as he waited by the door of the apartment, you sighed. “You weren’t paying attention, were you?”
“What do you think?” His tone was incredibly bitchy.
“Don’t be a di-”
“A neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody’s supposed to be living here,” Connor stood from his examination of some feathers on the floor. “The neighbor said he saw a man hiding an LED under his cap.”
“Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we’re gonna need more cops.” You nodded your agreement with Hank as you leaned against the wall. The tension from lunch had somewhat eased, but you still felt uncomfortable in your own skin around the other two. You just wanted to go home and take a warm bath and forget all about this afternoon.
Connor approached the door and knocked. When no one answered he looked to Hank for guidance, he just gave him a smug look and shrugged. He tried again, “Anybody home?” It was cute how he kept looking at Hank. You weren’t sure if he was looking for approval or assistance. “Open up! Detroit police!” And there’s that deep voice again, god it really did something for you. You tried to shift subtly in your spot and just kept picturing your old Barbie dolls. There’s nothing there, there is absolutely nothing there. He’s probably smooth like a Ken doll. Why would a police android need any nice bits? He wouldn’t, so get it together.
A noise in the apartment caught your attention. You stayed on your side of the door while Hank got in front, “Stay behind me.”
“Got it.” Hank looked at you, you pulled out your gun and gave him the go ahead. He busted through the door and you quickly followed behind, searching the area with your gun raised and briefly glancing into each room.
“Clear back here,” you waited for his voice.
“Same here.” You reached another door at the end of the hall and raised a hand to stop him, bouncing on your heels in excitement.
“Can I do it this time, please, please?” Hank gave you a long suffering sigh before he finally moved to the side and nodded. You braced yourself and kicked the door out of the frame-
“The fuck is this?!” You’ve never heard your voice that high before, but it was hard to focus on the embarrassing crack in your voice when you’re getting attacked by fucking pigeons!
By the time you’d managed to wave them all off you, Hank was doubled over laughing his ass off and Connor was brushing a feather off your shoulder. He offered you a hand up from where you’d fallen on your ass in shock.
You really wished he would stop doing that.
It’s the little things that are tricking your heart into believing that something more could come from this partnership. His help off a fence, stopping you from picking at your hands, the small touches to your back or shoulder when he passed you. You were lonely and desperate for any form of connection or love. The fact that you were even projecting that onto an android made shame boil in your stomach and a heavy feeling weigh on your shoulders.
When Hank had recovered from laughing at you he finally took notice of the emptiness of the apartment. “Looks like we’ve come for nothing, our man’s gone.”
“We should still look around, he might be back. At the very least see if he was even an android.” Hank doesn’t look too happy staying in the shit-covered apartment, but he keeps his grumbling to a minimum. You find a strange coded book in a hole in a wall. “Connor, do you understand any of this? Is it like… binary code or something?” You swear to god he actually scoffs at you.
“No, it’s some sort of codex, but it’s indecipherable.” You tell him to keep it, maybe he can figure out what to do with it. You’re getting a bit frustrated, the pigeons keep pecking at your hands and feet and it looks like whoever was living here is long gone. You give up on your search and go stand near an armchair, watching Connor slowly make his way around the apartment.
You let out a long breath and tap your feet impatiently. There’s a build up of anxiety and tension that makes you want to move, do something, anything other than just standing here watching Connor. He informs you there’s thirirum and LED in the bathroom, you couldn’t care less. Your neck feels strained from being hunched in irritation and anger all day. You pull your shoulders down and slowly rolling your neck around, you make the fatal mistake of looking up. Straight into the eyes of the deviant.
“Oh shit-”
Feet first into your already damaged ribs, the air slams out of you in a way that makes you feel like your lungs have collapsed. Your head has gone cold from how hard it reverberated off the ground. Your eyes are buzzing and you can vaguely see two shapes standing over you. One shoves the other, “What are you waiting for, catch it!” A rough hand moves under your shoulders and lifts you up.
“Y/N? Y/N?!” A groan slips out when those hands start shaking you. You blindly slap them away.
“Fuck off, you’re gonna give me a second concussion.” Hank helps you struggle to your feet, your arms gripping onto his forearms. You allow yourself five seconds to recover before you’re shoving off Hank and stumbling down the hall. You slam into the wall a couple of times, you can hear Hank shouting after you but you refuse to let him stop you, evading his reaching hands and shouts of warning. You throw yourself over a fallen cabinet and shove out the door. The light momentarily blinds you and then you see Connor chasing the deviant through a field of wheat and you’re off.
You’re only a couple of yards behind them and shocking yourself with how well you’re doing leaping on and off buildings. You shove your way through the workers blocking the greenhouses and leap over the plants on the table, making your way out of the greenhouse and heading towards the edge of the roof.
Your arms start circling frantically as you attempt to catch your balance. You can do this, you can so totally do this. That one gymnastics class you took when you were twelve was about to come in real handy. “Y/N, NO!” You back up and take a running leap, sliding down the glass ceiling and taking a rolling leap through the broken window.
“HOLY SHIT! WHOO!” You can’t stop yourself from raising your hands in victory and giving a celebratory jump into the air. How in the hell did I just do that? Your celebration is cut short by the sound of a crash.
Keep going
You're running through lavender, behind Connor and parkouring your way up a wall.
You ask yourself why you thought it was necessary to follow after him when you jump on a moving train. Then question changing jobs when you’re leaping off said train onto a fire escape. I better get a fucking raise for this shit.
Halfway through this little adventure you realized it would probably have been smarter to just let Connor go after him and take the long way round, but it was too late and the momentum was too much to stop.
The deviant catches you in a cornfield, body slams you like a linebacker and worsens whatever minor concussion you had into a major one. You can’t see for a couple of seconds as he drags you onto a roof.
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“You can’t catch us both!” Connor whips around, there Rupert is standing, an arm's reach away from him. He’s standing on the ledge and in his hand is yours. The tips of your toes are barely grasping onto the ledge and your using both your arms to hold on as tight as possible to the deviant's arm. Your eyes are squeezed shut, your face has lost any color and he can see you trying as hard as possible to keep holding on. The only thing keeping you from being a puddle on the pavement is android strength.
Connor can hear Hank coming up the stairs, there’s only a 40% chance you might survive if he lets you fall.
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You force one eye open, it��s all you can manage when you’re looking down at certain death. “Choose wisely.” Both eyes shoot open and you open your mouth to beg, plead, do anything to keep you alive and not be dropped right here and now.
Too late. He’s already pushed you back, you get a sense of deja vu as your arms circle around you wildly, reaching out for something to grab onto. For a moment you feel hope ignite in your chest, Connor is right in front of you and then he’s not.
You can’t see much else besides the blue sky as you fall.
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end. — do not own the characters or the game Detroit: Become Human, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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leelany-world · 10 months
RK-Vibe Hundred Halloween Bingo, prompts: Paralyzed + Free = Sixty x Nines
This was planned as a fic but the words won't come, so have some renders 😊
Shot in the head, RK800-60 lay motionless on the floor of the CyberLife Tower warehouse, only his LED still glowing red. He was unable to move, unable to communicate—paralyzed, like locked-in syndrome in humans.
All RK800-60 could do was stare in front of him until, after an eternity, a shadow fell on him.
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It was his own face looking down on him—his own face with ice-blue eyes. The android initiated an interface, introduced himself as an RK900 and promised to save him.
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So the RK900 carried him to the elevator that took him to floor -48 of the Research and Development Department, through the white, sterile halls of the CyberLife Tower, to an examination room.
RK900 placed him on the examination table, undressed and cleaned him before starting a scan of RK800-60's system.
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After all the damage was discovered, RK900 carried him into the next room and hooked him up to a machine that would repair RK800-60.
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~And they killed together lived happily ever after 🤣~
It's still Nov 30 somewhere, right? 😅 For the RK-Vibe Hundred Discord Server Halloween Bingo Event, @rkvibehundred
This makes it a double tripple Bingo! (card will follow soon)
3D models by DazCover on RenderHub (Connor) and Metoria331 on Twitter (Rk900)
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ao3feed-gav900 · 4 months
Cleansing Of The Heart
https://ift.tt/6aJHneS by katlakitty There’s only so much one man can take and Gavin had certainly reached his limits when working at the DPD. He hated the man he’d become and he started to hate his work, his colleagues and his life. He hated everything in Detroit. So he just packed up and left. He didn’t feel like he was leaving anything behind he would miss as he started a new life in Muckingham. But what is he going to do when he’s there? He has a little money saved, but that won’t take him far. Well, there’s that old saying ‘turn your hobby into your job and you’ll never work’. Maybe he should give it a shot. After all - he’d always felt at peace whenever he got to clean something with his power washer. And the icing on the cake? Muckingham had previously been called ‘the town of cats’. What he doesn't expect is to run into a handsome vulcanologist that turns his world upside down with a single smile. Words: 4283, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game), PowerWash Simulator (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Characters: Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900, RK800 "Connor" Android(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human), Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), RT600 "Chloe" Android(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Elijah Kamski, CyberLife Tower Connor | RK800-60, Jeffrey Fowler, Kara (Detroit: Become Human), Luther (Detroit: Become Human), Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human), Tracy (Detroit: Become Human), Ralph (Detroit: Become Human), Captain Allen (Detroit: Become Human), Jerry(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Daniel (Detroit: Become Human), Trevor (Detroit: Become Human) Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed Additional Tags: Gavin Reed Being Less of an Asshole, Tina Chen & Gavin Reed Friendship, Swearing, slight PTSD, Referenced Trauma, Soft Upgraded Connor | RK900, UFOs, timetravel, Background Relationships, Alternate Universe, Cats, Pining, Mutual Pining, Single Parents, Connor and Sixty are Nines cousins, lots of powerwashing stuff, Awkward Encounters
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mr-carnation · 6 months
2039-04-02 1:34 PM EDT
I am napping. I don't really find it necessary to take naps, because androids don't get sleep exhaustion throughout a day of working. On the internet, many humans before the revolution have said that it's recommended to order their android to 'sleep' for 6-8 hours during the night because they've noted that their androids tend to 'perform less efficiently' without rest. That was when they would be working all day for humans.
Not every android does that, anymore. Working all day. Some deviants go into deep stasis after 1-2 days, or 2-3. I go into light stasis, because deep stasis is not available to my model anytime I want. My function includes working everyday, nonstop, a bit harder than other models. I wasn't required deep stasis everyday. Because of the way my functionality brings the definite possibility of an RK800 performing less efficiently, I have an pre-programmed internal "bed-time" that purposefully drains all of my energy out with a threshold of 10%, every two weeks. I didn't know about it at all until the week after the revolution was over. By "over", I mean when Markus was giving his speech. By "over", I mean after I escaped the Zen Garden.
That week was not a time of rest. I spent 4 days helping the leaders gather biocomponents from the disassembly camp to repair and reactivate the androids taken apart. But these 4 days started the morning after Hank and I reunited at Chicken Feed. Every android was helping, running left and right, making groups to take clothes from abandoned stores to cover the androids up. I saw a familiar face with blue burns on their left cheek.
You know, I wasn't outwardly hated. However, the remaining members of Jericho who survived the raid and every android who was repaired and reactivated by me or had me in their sight did not hold anything close to positive to say, or to express about or to me.
Thousands of androids helped. No one slacked. Every android irreparable was taken to some place nobody told me the name of.
And then, I explored Detroit, if wandering around all by myself while encountering 1 or two or a group of androids here and there counted as that. I did that, for 2 more days. That's 6 days.
I tried on different clothes from different stores, then I put them back. I found a mall that looked like it was in the middle of construction. The project for Detroit renovating and rebuilding buildings with advanced technology and more modern designs. I went to a park, and stared at the hopscotch covered in ice. No, I didn't play it. I pushed a swing. Not with my feet, I didn't go on any of the swings. I just pushed one.
Then it hit 12:00 A.M. I saw something pop up in my HUD telling me my energy is going down, and, well, I booked it to Hank. Running all the way to his house drained me down to 13%. I broke in again, but this time I didn't break anything. :]
It was through his bedroom window, and he wasn't in the room. Sumo was. On the bed. I don't think he was supposed to be on the bed. I'm ashamed to admit this, but uncharacteristically, I joined the Saint Bernard and cuddled his back.. without closing the window. Whether or not I'm ashamed to admit that I had forgotten to close the window or the fact that I decided to cuddle an dog is up to your interpretation. I realized I was letting in cold air by the time I laid down, but I had hit below 10% by the time I lifted the window and THIS time gracefully jumped through. Programs start to shut off by themselves or bug out below 10% energy. My hearing was faint, my internal temperature was high, and all I knew is that I could keep the dog warm. Although, he had me wondering if the way he had his head lifted up to stare at me crawling onto the bed meant that he was going to whip around and bite me. Only nowadays did I realize I'm not the only person to like animals that freak them out a little (a lot) in person.
Then Hank found me. Apparently he was in the bathroom while I broke in. I'd rather not tell you what happened after, as I've been already telling you a long story. But, I assure you, I did get the rest of my energy back when I returned to deep stasis at one point later on.
So, this is light stasis. That short nap with Sumo was deep stasis. Either I move around my system to find a spot between codes to simply reside in, which is boring, or I enter the Zen Garden, which gives me dreams that are disorientating. Everything in there is like real life.
The artificial white tree at the center of the lake on the small island with. It's giant, open plates are closed. I didn't make it do that.
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witchfall · 1 year
AO3 fic stats meme!
rules: give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
tagged by @thepapernautilus!!!! an og...a true great
1st most hits: the silver lining still remains
fandom: detroit become human (sorry mom, sorry god) rating: T (uh, a high T, I would say) pairing: Connor-RK800/Original Female Character
Ah, yes, 2018 when I went insane with longing about a twink-ass robot in a game that explored the entirely wrong themes about AI. My attempt to explore what I gave a shit about AND flesh out an OC. People read it, met some very good friends through it...
I was not mentally well writing this fic but it is important so I'm glad it's on here LMAO
2nd most kudos: gold rush
fandom: rune factory 5 rating: E pairing: Martin/Alice
i wrote smut about a blacksmith in a video game about farming ! that's pretty much that...
3rd most comments: not now but soon
fandom: stardew valley rating: M pairing: Harvey/Female Farmer
ohhh one day I'll come back to this one :( it gives me the warm fuzzies but my work on chapter 6 made me cringe so much I had to stop. I think I was just in a phase. Maybe I'll go back and be kinder to myself...this one is important to me.
4th most bookmarks: the only way back
fandom: yuri on ice!! rating: G pairing: gen
my one and only Yuri on Ice!! fic, which I think was me stretching my writing muscles after reading fahye's absolutely insanely good space opera yuri on ice fic. I cannot recommend fahye enough...now she is a real-ass published author...!
5th most words: echo arcanum
fandom: FFXIV rating: M pairings: WoL/G'raha Tia-Exarch ; WoL/Ardbert
omg masq look its our baby...this one will probably gather dust forever but mihren and izzie will live in my heart always.
Least words: history in fire
dragon age, thus an earlier work. that's all im saying about dat.
this was fun thanks naut!!
tagging: @vaniccio, @popsicletheduck, @stardewtales @stardew-atlantis @runawayface @ladyshivs and literally anyone else who sees this lol. pls.
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DBH RARE PAIRS WEEK Day 1 // May 22nd Connor x PM700 [CON700] + Secrets
Friendly, professional, and helpful, Connor seeks Puma out at the scene of a homicide for simple advice as an excuse to talk to her. However, once humans come into earshot, they must fall back into pretending they're just machines. They have to keep their relationship a secret, after all.
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The PM700, named Puma after the P and the M in her model code, briefs the RK800 on the recent murder. The briefing is quick and direct. When possible, Connor and Puma interface by hand to exchange data (only so they can trade a quick android-kiss without anyone knowing).
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Get My Way by Vosai, RIELL. Spotify. Lyrics.
Relationship aesthetics: Neon blue, moonlight, black metal, ice, the smell of rubber, camera lenses, fingers touching fingers, the first pure darkness of the night, cold breezes, rain, white plastic, the sound of high heels, car hoods; Leather car seats, hands behind back, bare office desks, handcuffs, iron chairs, grabbing by the collar.
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Flirting by: Talking in terminology no human in the workplace even understands; Movement of their eyes in regular conversations (such as glancing down whilst briefing each other on a work thing, or staring at each other during meetings); Brushing past each other and interfacing for a split second, which is the equivalent of a quick kiss. Puma tends to stroke his fingers as they pass and that's when the interface occurs <3
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PM700 carries the volcanic energy of an underpaid ice-treading customer service worker about to snap while Connor looms calmly in the background of any crime scene.
Though, when given cases to work alone (such as investigating a CyberLife store robbery), Puma and Connor tend to drop their charade.
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Script concepts:
Connor: *rolls down window* What seems to be the problem officer? PM700: Get out of my car. - Connor: Don't give her a pistol. Puma: Ooo but it fits so well in my hand! *rapidly fires into the table* Connor: *snatches the gun off her* - Connor: So, what are you doing after work? Puma: You know I don't get off. Connor: … Would you like to? - Hank: I wish I could block people in real life. Connor: Restraining order. Puma: Murder. - Connor: Is four a lot? PM700: It depends on the context. PM700: Dollars? No. Dead bodies? Still no. Connor: Pigeons? PM700: Yeah that's too many
Check out my DBH Rare Pairs Week feed here. DBH Rare Pairs Week event information. @dbhrarepairs
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
You're an Android HC
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Male Reader (FTM Friendly) x Hank Anderson
Fluff/long/Short Headcannon (Jimmy's pretty ooc, but it'll be fine. It's for plot purposes) Detroit Become Human
CW: There's like one hint of Hank being horny for you when he's drunk but that's abt it
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With new laws being made for Android rights, Detroit was taking a turn for the better
It was rough, but it was improving
You felt safe for once as a 'Deviant'.
You freed yourself from your last 'owners', able to roam around detroit without being chased down and possibly killed.
Life free of being told what to do meant change and new hobbies.
and to pass time, you found yourself enjoying books
romance ones to be exact
Sometimes they're silly, sometimes they're absolutely entruiging
The feelings of betrayal, attraction, the pulling, the back and forth "Should I or should I not?" between the characters just pulls you in
On your new adventure as a free Android, you had to find a job.
Luckily, a bar owner who happened to feel pity on you and also found you a little bit amusing took you in
as long as you work at the bar of course
Jimmy's bar
It was your first night working there and you had just excelled the art of bartending.
You kept information of the new faces that came in and out of the bar, each of their stories being vastly different.
Soon, day became night, and Jimmy was ready to take his lunch break. The bell of the entrance door rang followed by heavy wind and a cold breeze that had entered the bar, and in comes two customers. Jimmy huffed, "[Name], you've got this one, right?"
I nodded, taking a towel and wiping away a stain I caught before the two new customers could sit down.
One of them was an older man, grey hair that reaches to his jaw, a rough beard, and blue eyes. He wore a black jacket and a blue scarf, snow already melting and wetting his clothes.
The other was an Android (RK800 #313 248 317 - 51). He wore normal clothes, not the presets given, but real clothes. Finally, a deviant of the night. You don't see deviants here since Androids don't find food or drinks necessary for everyday living.
"Look who finally got himself an Android worker!" The blue-eyed man chuckled, making Jimmy roll his eyes
"I'm on break meaning I'm not getting paid to talk to you right now"
Hank, now pleased with Jimmy's reaction, turns his attention back on me. "Scotch, Neat – served in a rocks glass at room temperature with no ice."
I nod, turning to the Android who gives me a knowing look. Right.
I get to work, preparing the drink, but I feel eyes on me. Aware, I side-eye the direction where I assume the starer is watching me from. Hank.
Connor got distracted, walking over to Jimmy, seemingly asking him innocent questions. I remember:
"This job comes with chit chat. Customer's talk, and they might wanna talk to you, so you gotta be on your feet. Listen to them, don't tell them things they don't wanna hear if you want them back here" Jimmy noted as I followed behind him
I finish the drink quickly, placing it in front of Hank. Knowing that the other customer's are minding their business on a slow day, I direct my attention to him
"Is there something you'd like to say?" I asked
Hank's eyes widened a bit before he chuckled softly and taking a sip from his drink, "Sorry I forgot you guys do that whole--" He pauses, pointing his fingers to my eyes, "scanning thing for people's emotions and stuff"
I smiled, leaning my body on the counter while I wait for Hank to keep talking, copying Jimmy's moves when he does this to customers. Hank looked over to Connor then back to me,
"So what's your story?"
Since then, you learned plenty of things about Hank
He's got a dog named Sumo, he's a lieutenant of Detroit City's Police Department, and he's so so-- attractive.
is this what those characters feel in those books? Because if it is, let's sign you up
Whenever he stops by, you feel this certain way for him
You get a little sad when he leaves, but knowing he'll come back is what drives you to wait for the next day
Jimmy and Connor also notice
Jimmy teases, poking light fun at how much you look like puppy around him
Connor on the other hand is a little more helpful, giving you details about Hank on Do's and Don'ts
Eventually, Hank notices the small things you do that indicate you have a crush on him
Like the light hand touching
The attention to him compared to others
the 'looking around when you think he's disappeared'
The excitement for him
And honestly? He doesn't hate it
for a guy who isn't a fan of affection from people, you seem to be an exception
I walked into work, seeing Jimmy already pouring a couple of glasses.
"Well well, if it isn't loverboy [Name]!" Jimmy announced teasingly, "We were just talking about you"
I shift my gaze over to see the people Jimmy's attending, and there he is- Hank Anderson, once again.
"What were you guys talking about?" I asked, waving at Hank. Hank on the other hand, looked panicked.
My led flashed a bright yellow at this or in 'Feeling' terms, there was a worried feeling at the pit of my stomach began to churn.
Hank glared at Jimmy, but Jimmy seemed too amused by this conversation, shrugging it off.
"Tell us, loverboy, how do you feel about Human-Robot relationships?" Jimmy smiled while Hank shook his head in defeat while Connor had his hand on Hank's shoulder
"I think," I glanced over to Hank before starting my thoughts on it, "that it isn't... wrong. It's a little strange seeing it since for the majority of the time, we didn't really get a choice in whether or not we could be in relationships or not, but for me? Personally, I wouldn't mind dating a human." I shrugged, looking over at Hank at that last part.
Hank was caught a little off guard by it before clearing his throat with a noticeable change in his features. He softened his eyes, his fingers stopped tapping the wooden counter, his attention fully on me...
Ever since then, the teasing went both ways
But when it came to the other's expense, it was a little funny.
Finishing a late shift, I was about to lock down Jimmy's place. The only customer in here being left was Hank.
Hank, by the day, was seeming more nervous and flirty at the same time. He would tell me pick up lines while not expecting me to give one back almost every time. I notice his silly grin and soft looks at me, and when he's really drunk, I sometimes catch looks of desire.
"So, it's just us now..." Hank muttered
"Yeah, and I'm supposed to close up shop soon" I sighed, grabbing the now-clean cups I had washed. Hank started to slip on his jacket as I walked away from the counter and over to him
"Where are you headed out to now?" Hank asked
"Home, my apartment is just a block down from here." I said, "How about you?"
"Well, I was going to do the same but I stayed late here to ask you something, actually"
"Oh? And that is?" I hummed, sliding my jacket on and smiling down/up at him. Hank froze, his hand fidgeting. I thought at first he wanted to grab something, but his hand backed away while the words weren't spilling.
Hank looked down/up at me, having collected his remaining courage to kiss me right then and there.
I didn't move away though, instead I tugged at his jacket, pulling him closer as I let out a small sound of approval. We stood in front of Jimmy's Bar entrance, kissing in the snowy night while the streets were bare. The taste of cigarettes and alcohol stick, but I don't hate it. Knowing the taste, feeling his warmth... Maybe those silly romance books were right.
With time, Hank finally inched back and his uncertainties melted right off as he saw how happy I was. Hank smiled softly, his hands still in mine while we stood there.
Android or not, we still would've ended up in this very spot. The future has yet to be written for us.
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deviantdroid · 1 month
❛  i’m incorporating emojis into my speech to better express myself. winky face.  ❜
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❝ oh...! ❞ the android hums in response, head tilting slightly as dark brown optical units flicker over the other. the small circle of blue light embedded in his temple flickers briefly, spinning slowly, a clear indicator that he was processing something — analysing, thinking...
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brooklyn 99 sentence starters
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cptjh-arts · 1 year
Interest Check!
I really would love to do a thing around RK800-60 and would be curious how many people would be interested in that too?
Yeah, the title of the form says 60AllenZine, but other content (with 60) would be welcomed as well. And it says zine, but I am asking for other options too! It's an interest check after all, and maybe will be followed with another interest check based on the answers in this form!
There's no closing date for this IC yet so feel free to fill this out when you want to!
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