#ic answers ; random asks.
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askcapital · 1 year ago
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The egg has been misplaced, not abandoned, as suggested by the tracks and torn cloth. I am not going to raise a child, period. I am going to find its parents, and that will be the end of it.
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Capital seems desperate for advice.
[ @askbohemiancompany / @ask-the-royal-absol / @connectedspace ]
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purpledisastertwin900 · 5 months ago
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Is that you pinky?!
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townofcadence · 7 months ago
❛yes, i did beat him up and i will not apologize.❜ (from voices-of-ether specifically Aurilio)
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Caelan stood, practically unmoving. He is wearing his full royal memorabilia, except for his mantle, but with a green apron over it that reads 'Market Grove' in thick white lettering with a cabbage and carrot. He has a pair of sunglasses over the band over his eyes.
"Am not paid enough to care." Caelan continues scanning items and adding them to the basket.
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fairymint · 7 days ago
Ice + catch!
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"I have a spheal named Something, already, but I'll humor you one since some people like to bitch about how they 'already caught' something of that type. They don't love their pokemon enough to talk about em?" Mind his possible migraine making him snippy.
"So I think raising a cubchoo properly might be fun. Or, a Cetitan; I wanna see what that thing can do. Whale with defensive capabilities might be fun for a long game. Stuff like Charm, Chilling Water, or Curse. I'll have to get back to y'all on that.
In the meantime, Something gives me a lotta joy. Being a little clown and approving anytime some very deep shit or really sweet is said. That's all I need."
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z-v06instance · 7 months ago
" hello,friend! a bunch of expendable's is bringing food into here,so i decided to unfortunately steal some of those food.want one? "
[ it says while holding a bag full of shrimps ]
-( @squiddysquiddle )
-the eyes from within the darkness looked down at the bag, both surprised by the offer and the sight of another creature which seemed to share the characteristic of having tentacles.-
〈 " er- thank you, i suppose? i am- i'm unsure what that is, though. " 〉
-it gestured to the inside of the bag, hesitating to bring itself too close to the strange-looking contents of the bag.-
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dlstmxkakwldrlarchive · 4 months ago
joining the other anon spamming your inbox cos no updates today - who is who in onminkey we bare bears? kb ice bear? jk panda? mh grizzly? this is very important
the way they got that nickname only bcs of their smcu outfits but like it was all wrong like who even thought that jinki = grizzly like 👤
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starswirly · 8 months ago
What’s Jupiter’s relationship with Error like?
[ * Short and long of it is… surprisingly good! ]
[ * given infants are very grabby individuals, thinks weren’t necessarily great at first. Which is what other parents are for— and eventually baby Jupiter gets the memo that random grabbing isn’t cool ]
[ * But much like how pets will gravitate to the person who says they don’t like them…. So does the child ]
[ * Error swears he doesn’t like these anomalies in the slightest! That baby only looks like him and calls him dad because some creator made it. He’s only hanging around Outer because he likes the stars and the other knows good stargazing spots. He didn’t make Outer a blanket for when he gets cold. He didn’t make Jupiter a sling specifically so he could carry them around as an infant and toddler without actually touching them. ]
[ * He hates them. Ignore how much he clearly cares for them. ]
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habitual-creatures · 5 months ago
Hey mystery guest,, When I come over I was wondering if you can teach me how to sew? :3
I've never learned,,, 😔
- 💜 anon
Oh,that'dbeinteresting... IcanteachyouPortugeseifyouwant.
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sonicprim3d · 9 months ago
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@universalzones asked:
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"Surge, I think we need to have an important talk about the importance of maintaining a clean and orderly environment."
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" How's about we have an important conversation about minding your own business. " Just to emphasize her point, Surge crushes the empty can of Chao Cola she had previously been holding onto against her forehead before just tossing it over her shoulder. There's only one person in the whole world who can get her to do whatever he says.
And that duck-billed fuck ain't around here, so she's gonna do what she wants.
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ankle-breaker-101 · 10 months ago
I was terribly curious, do you have a large, incredible, amazing sword? I would adore it if I could trouble you to show me it, please?
(ooc/ pay special attention to the letter color :) )
Greetings, Elizabeth! To answer your question, I have had several swords throughout my time as a knight. It really depends on which kingdom I’m currently serving and/or any mission I’m currently on.
You see, I travel between the kingdoms and domiciles of many people. Think of me like a wandering knight. My purpose changes as I go place to place and so does the armor and weapons I am given to use.
Although, this one was one of my most recent and favorites. ↧
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ka-go-me · 8 months ago
A Random Youkai asked: Maybe he’d be more inclined to strip if you did as well haha
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「巫女」:: "Maybe he would...But odds are--probably not. He'd probably just--stare and ask me "What the bleep I was doing"...and make me put it the clothes back on in case someone came along and saw...."
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tierra-paldeana · 9 months ago
How do you go about interviewing academy students who are neurodiverse? Like, if there was a kid in front of you who was on the spectrum or had ADHD?
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☠🌏– ''As serious and strict as I can get during interviews, there are different types of people I've interacted with during assessments, each with their own needs and tolerance tresholds. I always strive to push others to do their best regardless of who they are, but the more nervous the person is, the more I can tell they actually care about what's at stake.''
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''As someone who considers herself neurodiverse, it would be unfair of me not to be understanding with those who also are. On more than one ocassion, I've had students freeze and go non-verbal and zone out during the interview, something which I'm pretty familiar with. Naturally there are things I cannot change for the sake of the test, but I've gone as far as to officiate exams outdoors in open air because it was overwhelming and kind of claustrophobic for them indoors. Likewise, I'm also willing to switch or change questions that, while still focusing on the journey the student has gone through, aren't as cut-and-dry or intimidating in tone or wording.''
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''And y'know... I'm also fine wit' droppin' my serious persona. One thing is makin' someone nervous to make 'em take the test seriously, the other is givin' someone debilitatin' anxiety, yeah? Good ol' Rika's not heartless.''
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townofcadence · 4 months ago
😼 ((everybody wants to be a cat!))
Everybody Wants to be a Cat
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Artair is fairly capable as a guy he likes to think, but when he's cursed into a feline form, a lot of what makes him capable goes right out the window. Now he's a three legged cat with the same if not less capability of any other cat. Which... also makes him even more susceptible to anything that liked to chase or hunt cats too. A dog had found him, and seemed less than friendly. He'd bolted and it'd given chase. The dog was fast, but at least in that regard, his leggy stature meant speed was his biggest strength. He was big for a cat, and most of it was leg and tail.
He rushes blind through alleys and streets, trying to lose the animal, but he only manages when he sees one of those sidewalk trees. While he could tire out and the dog could find him, he doubts it could climb a tree quite as well as a cat. So out the claws come, and he scampers like his life depends on it up the bark. The texture catches his claws easy enough and he finds his way to the higher branches and out of harm's way. The dog finds the base of the tree and plants paws against it, barking up at him. His fur is fluffed and he stays small and compact in the nook he'd found, watching it and trying to self sooth the panic away by kneading the wood.
Someone yells and the dog retreats, likely scared off by the person and unable to reach him. He sags with relief against the branch.
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advnterccs-archive · 2 years ago
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@yournamedarling sent; ➤➖❥ Rick 137
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The tiny arrow stuck itself at the side of Rick's neck. Stinging that spot and causing him to hiss. He didn't think anything of it. For all he knew, it must've been a spider or some other galactic bug that he must have brought back with him. So he swiped at the spot, causing the arrow to fall on the ground, going completely unnoticed.
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For now, he'll continue sitting in his chair in the garage, minding his own business as he works on his device. None the wiser about what he had just been infected with.
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little-miss-buffy · 10 months ago
🍦🍧🍨 ICE CREAM DELIVERY!! 🍨🍧🍦 give ice cream to your favourite bloggers and help them stay cool this summer. 😎🍦 x 100000000000
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//Aw, you didn't have to do that. ❤❤❤ But, thank you!
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fodlansbestmom · 10 months ago
Anonymous asked:
*holding a stick*
you want. sum fuck?
A blink.
“Erm.. not from you?”
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