#ic ♡ αnd just líkє thαt shє turns íntσ α mσnstєr
timidful · 5 years
@hackingboi​​​ said:" My name is Seven, defender of justice and I have come to rescue you...! " (Have an absolute random Seven)
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          She   was   definitively   confused   by   the   sudden   appearance,   and then out burst that he made .  It showed all over her face, a bewildered smile on her face with upturned eyebrows , she was pretty sure she didn’t need to be rescued but she didn’t mind the ... sentiment ?  She was unsure if he knew any kind of sign language so instead she just wrote out    ‘   I don’t think I’m in any peril , am I ?   ’   On her  notebook and handed it to him , because that’s really all she could do when trying to squeeze into a conversation . 
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timidful · 5 years
@lifelirius​​ said: “You’re not busy, it seems. I need your help with something. You think you can sneak in somewhere for me? You’re smaller and quieter than I am, after all. I just need to get something back that was taken from me.”
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          Usually   she   was   easily   convinced   to go along with requests from Felix , considering that she thought of him as a good friend . Too bad for him , today was not one in which Sanya was feeling very agreeable and yet when she turned to listen to his request her frown softened . She didn’t exactly want to go sneaking around for him , but a distraction from what was upsetting her might have been a better idea than snapping more training weapons in half .           ‘ okay , where am i going ? ’   She signed out to him , tilting her head ‘ and what exactly am i getting back ? ’  She didn’t fully realize what he was asking of her until she signed it out . What had happened where he was desperate enough to ask her such a strange request --- Who would go around stealing Felix’s belongings ?  ‘ wait , hold on back up --- what did you do ? ’
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timidful · 5 years
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          Snaps her axe in half.
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timidful · 5 years
@yarkly​​ said: "soooo, i've been working the greenhouse a lot lately--" he says with a grin, and pulls a large bouquet from behind his back and offers it to her. mostly blues, purples, and whites, save for a single tiger lily at the center.
          She   eyed   the   bouquet   in   an   almost   suspicious   manner   , wondering what inclined him to make her such a nice array of flowers . Could it really have been out of the kindness in his heart ? She gingerly took it from his hands into her own , admiring how well they all fit together . She didn’t know he had an eye for things such as arrangements , at least he did enough to pull off something pleasing to the eyes . 
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          While she appreciated the flowers she couldn’t help but raise her eyes to meet his own , trying to find some kind of alternative motive .   (   Ah , but what good did it do to try to find fault in a kind gesture ?   )   She quickly wiped the look of mystification off her face and replaced it with a smile , if he really was working in the greenhouse whose to say he wasn’t just trying to have himself some fun ?            She signed a simple thanks , unsure what to say but she no longer hid her excitement that she had flowers for her room and they were a gift , of all things . She even had an empty vase waiting for her back in her dorm room that she hadn’t had a chance to fill herself . It wasn’t like she prided herself on having a giant green thumb but she knew seeing the flowers sitting in her room would cheer her up in a pinch . 
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timidful · 5 years
@rushifaas​ said:“Relax. I’m here now.” from hera, bc worried as always for her.
          Only   half   awake   as   flashes   of   terrors   only   her   mind   could make up still flickered fresh in her mind . She felt Hera’s hands on her shoulders before she could see them , it wasn’t that she couldn’t see in the darkness of the room but she just wasn’t registering the scene while trying to force out those nightmares .           She was slow to understand the situation but once she did she felt herself shudder . Nightmares weren’t new to her , and lashing out in her sleep because of them was also rather common . She would wake up with bruises and cuts due to her own reflexes on the daily . What was new to her was actually sleeping next to someone when she had these terrors --- she didn’t even think to warn him forgetting that it wasn’t a normal thing everyone dealt with. 
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           Leaning into his embrace she was trying to steady her heavy breathing , looking him up and down before she was satisfied to find that she hadn’t harmed Hera in her sleep . ‘ I’m sorry , did I wake you up ? ’  She finally got out , feeling almost ashamed of herself . 
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timidful · 5 years
@obligeas​​ said: She's been known to be a quiet one, so Lelouch doesn't expect much in way of conversation. But they have something in common--bearing a Crest in their eyes. So he sits, hands folded in front of him, quietly observing her for a moment. "...So your Crest is blue?" He half-laughs to himself, a quiet shake of the head. "Peculiar. Mine is pink."
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          She   marveled   at   him   ,   shocked   to   how   close   their crests were and yet , how different they were in the same instance .  It was true her crest was blue but when activated it turned her eye pink to match her other --- and he was right --- how peculiar it was . She was aware he probably wasn’t expecting much from her in a reply but she didn’t want him to sit and have a conversation with himself when it was clear he speaking to her .            She wondered for a moment if he knew any sign language and decided it was a safe bet to just write to him . Quickly , she pulled a small notebook out of her pocket along with something to write with . Pondering what exactly to write before she started to scribble in big loopy lettering .            ‘ ah , yes it’s blue ! it does happen to change my eye to pink , though . i find it amazing that we have it in common to be quite honest. ’ and she hopped up off of the chair she was occupying to hand him the paper she had written on. 
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timidful · 5 years
@brazenful​​​​ said: "So, here you are." -bad dad time 
          She   wasn’t   crying   ,   she   promised   herself   to   shed   no   tears   over a man who would never so much as think of her as his child . She was so far away from him even though she stood tall only a few feet away from his throne. Her clenched teeth groaned under the pressure of her jaw , as if they were going to shatter . What was she supposed to do when all she could think about was what would come next ? Her hands were shaking , and for the first time in her life she felt like she was freezing . Feeling ice creeping up her hands as she tried to move her body but the more she stared at him the harder it became to even breathe.           Was she afraid of him ? No , not anymore . She had never been scared of ghosts and that wasn’t going to change even for one of her father . Slowly, she moved like a machine trying to power up after rusting away from years on end --- that’s exactly what she was --- a malfunctioning machine . Her joints like gears as she clicked and dragged herself forward , towards the start of the ending .            Her mind raced as she took the steps up to his old and rotting throne , she couldn’t understand her own motives , and she didn’t want to think about why he was going to let this happen . Was she saving him , and why was she giving him the satisfaction of finally being right ? He was right . She shocked herself with the revelation freezing in her tracks again as her body shivered , she could feel it --- the dragon inside of her aching for some kind of escape from her body .            She hushed it with closed eyes , as she blocked out her father’s face which only brought feelings of rage and terror to the beast stalking inside of her . Once she opened them again she could only FORCE the look of sympathy as they met face to face . She opened her mouth only to close it once more , unsure if it was fair that her first words to him would also be her last . 
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          ‘ i’m so sorry , father , that i could never be the perfect child . i wish we didn’t end up this way , and i wish i could go back and stop myself from being swallowed whole by the beast you created . ah , but we both know wishes will not save our damned souls — i will meet you in hell . ’
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timidful · 5 years
@protectfuls​​ said: “You’re so different now.”
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          Before   the   words   were   so   much   out   of   his   mouth   the   air   turned   tense   enough to snap , as multicolored eyes gazed forward past the man speaking and deep into the sky . Blue , white , and blazing light all melting into each other as she could barely make out what was 5 feet in front of her much less light years away . The girl turned away , not out of shame or rejection , it was just that the muddled colors made her more melancholic than she already was .  How much more was she bound to lose by the end of this --- and did it even matter to her anymore ?            Everyone changes , after six long years no one would be the same person they were before . It was a fact of life , one that can’t be out ran no matter how hard someone tried    (   and she sure as hell ran --- she ran further than the sun , but she could never outrun herself . )    He wasn’t trying to be insensitive , clearly by his tone he was worried for her , fretting over how much his sweet little Alexandra had turned sour .            There were no words she planned on forming back , she doubted he needed to hear her sob story . He was just stating facts , even if she left him worried with her silence he would live on . If he really did intend on listening to her explanation it would do him no good , there was no satisfying ending to her story .            ‘ I wish I had died years ago . ’   She finally answered , trying to dodge the topic he started --- though the one she started wasn’t much better .    ‘ If you care to know about that time ... ’   She stopped speaking as the images of her father passed through her mind , even then after all was said and done he still caused her to go cold .    ‘ That man is the reason , as he always is . ’   Even if her words were vague there was an understanding between them that Evgeni ruined their lives as if they were bugs under his feet .            ‘ He’s dead , you know ? He died a few years after the monastery fell . ’   She took a breath , taking a few steps forward and then slowly setting herself down on the grass . Leaning on her hands she once again looked to the sky as if it would tell her what to say .    ‘ Everyone knows , but I haven’t said anything about the how’s and the why’s . You’re a smart one , I’m sure you can figure it out . ’            It was no secret to anyone that her hands were stained with blood , but still people desperately tried to keep her and the dragon as separate . Sanya had gotten over that affliction much too long ago , knowing there was never a girl --- there had always been a dragon and a dragon only . She didn’t believe she deserved to survive , wishing that something had put her to rest much before her father’s death --- Much before she had taken life after life .            ‘ I’m sorry , I’m speaking all too much about unsatisfactory things . Why don’t you sit with me ? We can just pretend we are young again , we can be happy again . ’   
                              unprompted ask // damn this little body I don’t fit inside it
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timidful · 5 years
@yarkly​ said:⎈ //  006. a farewell letter
           To whom ever it may concern ,  It wasn’t supposed to go this way but there’s really nothing I can do about it. What I thought were once empty threats have turned into actual attempts to harm me. My father has always been a coward and I am deeply concerned with what ever is turning his temperament , and because of this change I cannot stay and fight this war .  This letter is nothing more than me letting you know why I left . Sadly , I can’t divulge exactly where I am or what I’m doing but I hope you don’t worry about me too much ! ( Not that I actually think you would ... ) I realize all my life I have been  running not only from myself but also my family . I want to  stop playing the runaway princess , life is not a fairy tale .                                       - 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓪
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timidful · 5 years
@takesheart said:⎈ eyes ...  // 003. an apology  
          Dear Akira ,  I wanted to let you know how sorry I am for missing your actual birthday! I hope these cookies will suffice as an apology , I didn’t know if you liked  sweet or not so I made two different kinds : Chocolate Chip with Macadamia Nuts and Rosemary-Walnut Brown Butter Cookies ! I’m still getting used to  baking cookies so I hope they aren’t too burnt or anything like that . I do hope that you had a good birthday , and you enjoy at least one of the cookies !                                - 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓪
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timidful · 5 years
@fierystardom​​ said: Hubert simply stares at her, vampire teeth sticking out of his mouth as he judges with only his eyes. He's not even wearing a proper costume aside from the teeth themselves.
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          Eyebrows   twitched   as   she   tried   to   keep   her   composure   ,   unsure if he was intentionally trying to upset her or if this was just how thing played out . She didn’t like being stared at in the first place , and having those fangs sticking out didn’t make her feel any more comfortable .    ‘ d  - do you want something , hubert ?   ’   She asked , trying to looked stern with her arms crossed over her chest . Even though she was aware he wasn’t a real vampire , it was almost hard to assume he wouldn’t be the type to drink blood if given the chance .   ‘   if you don’t then ... you shouldn’t just stare at me , it’s rude .   ’
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timidful · 5 years
@lifelirius​​​ said: There's not much she seems to be afraid of, which makes much of any Hallow's Eve prank pretty difficult. Still, dark rooms and strange noises inside of them could make anyone's skin crawl, and that's what he was going with. He'll even be with her, but he's contributing to the eerie atmosphere by asking if she's hearing all of this, knowing very well that she couldn't see him to write ---
          She   glanced   over   at   him   able   to   make   him   out   in   a   vague   shape   ,   she wasn’t entirely blind in the dark through she didn’t have perfect night vision or anything . She wasn’t aware not everyone could see as well as she could , so she merely shrugged back at him not knowing he wouldn’t see her . Was Felix trying to scare her ? She had to hand it to him she was a little bit unnerved if nothing else , but having Felix right there only made her feel more safe . If they were in any real danger he would never just leave her there , that much she knew . 
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          She was happy to know her friend wanted to frighten her , not many people payed attention to her in general so being able to spend part of Halloween experiencing it for herself meant more than it should've to her .           Walking next to him through the dark she avoided running into spare chairs or a random table , at one point she grabbed Felix’s arm and pulled him away from a hanging broken light . Each footstep made the floors creaked under them and echo down the hallways as if there were other people all around them , walking just out of rhythm . She had heard countless scary stories about dark and empty buildings where ghosts and other monsters lurked but they had gone so far in and nothing was chasing them so she figured they were just stories after all .            A little disappointed at her rather childish discovery , she was glad once they exited for all the wrong reasons.    ‘   that was fun , next time let’s find some real ghosts !   ’   She signed smiling wide at him . 
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timidful · 5 years
Whats your type?
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          ‘ ... huh. ’
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timidful · 5 years
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          ‘ forget what you’ve heard , I fear nothing ! ’
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timidful · 5 years
places a lizard next to her, for science
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          ‘ haha… ’  she walking away as fast as she can without looking like she’s running away .    (   What kind of dragon is scared of lizards —   )
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timidful · 5 years
@lifelirius​​ said:❝ You're having trouble because your weapon is made too heavy for you. ❞ It's in no declaration that she is weak, but with her move style, the way that her axe barely stays upright when she just holds it is concerning. The worst thing to happen in that situation is a missed target from a too - heavy swing, ❝ If you want, I can forge you a new one. Something lighter. More fit for someone your size, but just as mighty. Your choice. ❞
          She   tried   to   gracefully   set   the   axe   down   on   the   ground   but much to her dismay it landed with too much force and fell right to the ground . She jumped backwards hands up as the weapon connected to the floor with a loud sound . She straightened up with a sheepish look , hands placed behind her back as if she was trying to play innocent .            Thinking about his offer she placed on hand to her chin and tapped a few times , eyes turned upwards as she rocked on her heels . She let out a hum here and there , realizing she wasn’t actually considering the offer and was just trying to look like she was . She already had the answer , it was a very sweet deal he was presenting to her .            She paused , in real thought now . Was he doing this just to be nice , maybe just to make sure he didn’t accidentally get hit by a wild axe swing ? Or , maybe he wanted someone from her out of the deal ? She wasn’t sure if that was a Felix thing to do , but she had decided she needed to details before she agreed . 
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           Pulling out a notebook she quickly wrote out in simple lettering  ‘ I would love to accept your offer , though I also would like to know what’s in it for you ? ’ And then she dutifully handed it to him . 
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