#ibyk part 12
apotatomashedbybts · 5 years
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[Genre: Fluff; slight angst
Pairing: Jimin×reader
Soulmate!Taehyung; BestFriend!Yoongi
Word Count: 4145 words]
[Summary: When Y/n met Jimin she knew that it was a love at first sight. But she didn't expect the consequences that came with loving him. After their unwilling separation will Y/n be able to do what it takes to get him back?
A story of love, loss, fight, dreams, and friendship...]
Chapter XII: Too Happy Too Soon
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"The stars... Aren't they so beautiful tonight?"
"Yes.." Jimin paused for a while, "they are."
"I gaze at them every night. But tonight they seem more meaningful. May be it's because I am with you. You make the stars feel more beautiful."
"It's nothing like that!" He blushed.
"Everything is like that! The moon, the stars, the breeze, everything seems so beautiful and perfect. I do this everyday but today they do feel different. You make everything around you worth it. And I am telling the truth." I replied.
I scooched closer in his arms as we were lying down on the rooftop and gazed at the endless stars. With Jimin so close to myself it was hard to control my feelings and the words came out spontaneously. He made me feel so happy and the butterflies in my stomach were having a party.
"The same goes for you. I have always wanted to tell you these but you beat me to it. You always mesmerise me. I never knew what it would feel like to love someone and to be loved back. But now I know and I will tell everyone that it's the most wonderful feeling and I am the luckiest man in this world, to have you by my side." Jimin pulled me closer to him.
"Now you are exaggerating! I am the luckiest one. And you are not a man, you are still a baby." I nudged him playfully and the constant smile on my lips became wider.
"May be I could show you that sometime later what this baby can do." He said pulling off a perverted grin. Seeing him like that it was hard to control my laughter but I did it anyways and replied pinching his nose slightly, "Ooh naughty baby, no no, don't be so naughty." And we both burst into laughter. I felt content and my heart was full. I just wished for everything to fall into place so that Jimin could stop leading this life of always on the run and also I wanted Tae to gather the courage that he needed; he too deserved the happiness that I was feeling right now.
This made me remember the thing that I was thinking of doing for sometime now and this felt like the right time. I sat up and turned towards Jimin; I could sense that my expression was somewhat serious because his face turned into one after seeing me.
"Chim, I have something and I need you to wear it." I said taking out the chain from my neck that I had always wore .
"It's the chain that you always wear! Wait! Tae and Yoongi hyung wear the same chain! Why are you giving this to me? Isn't it like some kind of friendship bond chain? I have always thought of it as one!" He said with a worried curiosity while looking at the chain in his hand.
It was a normal platinum mariner link chain but the thing special about it was its locket. It was a big almond sized black opaque stone which was rounded by a thin line of diamond.
Jimin looked up at me and asked again, "Why are you giving this to me?"
I took the chain from him and explained, "This chain isn't a normal chain as it may seem. This stone is actually a protective metal. Inside this stone there's a tracking device specially designed by uncle, I mean Tae's dad. When we were in the last year of middle school there was a huge terror caused by a group who were kidnapping kids. That's why as a precaution he made these for us. But that's not important now. Your safety is my first priority. Until any of these get solved I want you to wear it. Please?" I requested him with the puppiest eyes I could pull off.
He giggled and taking the chain from my hand he put it on.
"It suits you!" I exclaimed and looked at him. I felt this wave of emotions that swelled up inside my chest and I couldn't help but tear up.
"He makes me happy," was the only thought that was swimming through my consciousness and I knew that I would go to the end of the world for this man.
He noticed me looking at him and waved his hands in front of my eyes, "You're drooling."
"How can I not when there's such a tasty full course meal in front of me?" was my reply which caught him off guard and made him blush. Before he could make a comeback I went on top of him and cupping his face in my hands showered it with innumerable kisses that made him giggle like a happy baby.
This was one of those nights that I wanted to last forever - us, in each others arms, comfortably sharing our feelings and loving each other without any worries.
The loud ringtone of my phone woke both of us up from our sleep but we were too reluctant of letting each other go and also to leave the warmth of the bed. On the third call my consciousness alarmed me that it may be something important so I got out of my bed and went towards the sideboard by the door while whining about why I kept it there last night. My groggy hello was met by a mad Jinnie's voice who would have totally threw his hands at me if it was possible through the phone.
After a series of sorry-s he calmed down and said smiling, as I could feel it, "Listen, I want you two to come to my café today at lunchtime. My cousin is coming from Seoul to visit me! And he is going to be a great help for us. So don't laze around, okay? I am hanging up. Bye!"
I looked at my phone, taken aback as he hung up so suddenly without letting me say anything. Sighing I turned around at Jimin who was sitting up on the bed - face puffy because of sleep and messy bed hair - looking as adorable as ever, clearly not planning to leave the bed anytime sooner.
Hopping over the bed I ruffled his hair some more and hugged him. He smiled lightly and leaned his head over my head. The moments passed by as we looked out the window and stayed in that position soaking ourselves in each others embrace; it was perfect.
Another ringing sound from the phone made us wince and it was Jinnie again. As soon as I received the call he shouted, "You are still on the bed, aren't you? Get. Your. Asses. In. The. Water. I told you, didn't I? That my cousin is a high ranked police officer? He will shoot you in the head if you make him wait! He has the permission and I'll be completely fine with it! Hmph!" And just like earlier this time too he hung up the call without listening to anything in reply.
"Looks like we have no other choice. Let's get ready." My words made Jimin groan and he hid his head under the blanket. I couldn't help but smile and wondered if I deserved all of him.
The café seemed busy as it always did but Jinnie was nowhere to be seen. We were afraid about being late though we arrived just before the time he told us to. He had always told me scary stories about his cousin like how he treated criminals, how he got angry when he had to wait and how he liked everything to be in order. We didn't know what Jinnie was thinking when he thought that it was a good idea to meet such a person when I was clearly not a well-mannered 'lady'.
"Relax y/n, relax. He is not going to eat you alive and even if he wants to Jinnie won't allow it so you are totally fine." I convinced myself and held Jimin's hands in mine after sitting on Jinnie's soft cushiony bed.
He convinced me that it was just a simple meeting and I should consider him as a friend as I considered Jinnie. Along with a few other words he took all my nervousness away. Leaning my forehead on his I calmed down and for a moment it felt like we were totally alone in an unknown island where no one had set foot before.
The creaking sound of the door and the loud shriek freaked us out and we looked at the door like a deer caught in a headlight.
"Geez! Wasn't the whole night enough? Now you are ruining my pure home too!" Jinnie walked through the door, right hand still over his chest.
We breathed out a sigh and I asked him, "And where are your manners of knocking the door before entering?"
He made a done face at me and said, "Why would I need to knock to enter my own house, dumbhead?"
I was going to retort something back but my words got lost before they arrived at my tongue as my eyes landed on a really small cute yet handsome face poking itself inside from outside the door frame. Following my gaze Jinnie turned backwards and almost instantly facepalmed saying, "Aish! Because of you two I totally forgot about him. Come on in!" Jinnie made room for him to enter and we stood up to greet him. I was sweating internally until his voice hit me like a million ton truck, "Hello, nice to meet you. I am Kim Namjoon, Seokjin's cousin."
I was totally fuming inside and was about to punch Jinnie whenever I could get him alone because he totally wronged me. He filled me in with the wrongest information possible about one of the sweetest person who goes by the name of Kim Namjoon. All the things about him being cruelest, angriest and an uptight being just flowed away into the drain once we started talking and I knew almost instantly that Jinnie was just messing with my head.
"You seem so different from what Jinnie had told me about you!" I said with a smile, low-key trying to threat Jinnie side-eyeing him who was clearly not scared because he knew his cousin well; the only loser seemed to be just me!
"Different? How so?" Namjoon asked keeping the coffee mug on the table after taking a sip from it.
"Well..." I looked at Jinnie as if asking for permission but in reality I was just contemplating whether I should add some more things or not to worth my panic.
"Nothing much. Just that 'Kim Namjoon can be pretty reckless and aggressive when it comes to security of nation. So please refrain yourself from securing his hate spot. He is a nightmare to his enemies, the cruelest ever. And he never likes things being messy.' - a gist of what he said." I replied doing a quoting gesture.
Namjoon covered his face with his long palm and smiled shyly, "He put my reputation in a quite high position I see." He laughed, "I am not that bad. But, yes, I do take my nation's security rather seriously and I don't like someone messing with it! And don't worry, the messy part is rather an unnecessary addition to my 'reputation', I am a messy person myself and a lot clumsy too."
"Yeah we know that very well Mr. Youngest major of the South Korean S.W.A.T team!" Jinnie laughed.
"What? You are already a major? Should I be scared?" I asked with my eyes big.
He looked at me - his sharp eyes invading the deepest corners of my soul - and asked, "Well, should you be?"
There was a strange energy in those eyes that reflected reliableness which made me answer automatically, "...No."
"Let's get into business then? I especially wanted to meet you after Jinnie told me about what happened back in Seoul! The Seoul Police Department had been on a chase behind them since long I can remember. But there's nothing as a solid evidence that can prove their involvement in any of the crimes. And I suspect that many from the police department itself are involved with them too. Jimin, I need you to be careful and on alert every moment of the day. You are now a subject of superior priority to us." The seriousness that was radiating from Namjoon reflected on us and we knew that it was almost like a national emergency. We could sense that the situation was graver than we had fathomed earlier. When Namjoon turned to Jimin and looked into his eyes telling him to be careful I could feel the dryness in my throat and the fear in Jimin's eyes. I held his hand into my warm ones as a gesture to relax him but it felt like I was consoling myself in the process and it was difficult. Namjoon paused for a moment and after looking at our tensed faces he leaned back on his chair in a relaxed position and said, "You don't have to be tensed, don't worry. We'll try to sort this out as quickly as we can. Jimin I need you to inform your father about my arrival and arrange a meeting tomorrow at around 2pm. I'll depart the day after. Don't worry much. Everything will be fine. I'll get going now. See you later." He stood up while speaking to Jimin and gestured Jinnie to see him off. Amidst all the thoughts that were running around throughout his mind Jimin could only muster a forced nod and that even while not looking at Namjoon. All of us knew that every word of comfort now was just like splashing water on a very old stain - of no use.
"Why don't you move in here?" I asked while running my fingers through Jimin's hair. He leaned in a bit more with his head resting on my chest and smiled, I couldn't figure out what that smile meant but as he shifted and switched his position with me, the proximity of his lips near my neck and the warm breath that touched my skin made the organised rhythm of my heart a bit louder - loud enough to make him whisper, "I can hear it..". There was something in the depth his voice held, in the closeness of our breaths that made this immense desire to close all the distance between us boil inside me. May be that was the first time we kissed so breathlessly but I didn't want it to be our last. There was a strange sweetness that made me want more of those lips, something that I could never get enough of. I could see his face make that expression that I had never witnessed but had imagined countless times - his chest heaving up and down, those eyes locked into mine that held desire to never let go, those plump redder lips - yes, I had imagined them innumerable times but never thought it could be this tempting. My heaving chest made a harmony with his as I laid under him, the trails of kisses along my neck making me squirm. He stopped for a moment and looked into my eyes as if his thoughts were running in the same way as mine. I touched his cheeks lightly with my left hand and then pulled him in for another kiss.
"If I can get kisses like this everyday then I have no problem moving in here." Jimin smiled mischievously while maintaining an eye contact with the ceiling.
"Oh. Is that so? But what if I don't kiss you anymore? Won't you move in then?" I asked fake displaying how hurt I was.
"Then may be I have to think of some alternative way..." He words trailed on at the end as he played along.
"Like?" I looked away, surprised at the little wetness at the corner of my eyes. Was I really getting into the trap of believing his made up playfulness?
"Like staring at you all day long and loving you endlessly..." He held my hand into his warm ones softly.
My heart did a somersault. Turning towards him I hid my face in the crook of his neck, "I hate you.."
My warm tears hit his skin loosely and he hugged me more gently whispering, "I love you more.."
The first rays of the sun made its way through the window and I felt like there was a lot of work that had to be done today. I gently nudged Jimin with my nose and kissed him gently on his cheeks - a more natural way to wake him up.
Seeing him shifting comfortably in his sleep I got back beside him, into my comfort zone. We still had time before we had to get ready and for the first time Monday didn't feel so awful.
"Aren't you going to go to class today? Why?" I asked Jimin with confused eyes.
He smiled broadly and pinched my cheeks, "In case you forgot, we planned yesterday that I am going to move in with you! So I have to talk with my dad and pack my stuffs. It's going to take a handful of time!"
My mind went blank as I processed everything he said just now. It put everything into a serial inputter and put out the conclusion that Jimin was moving in with me TODAY!
"WHAT?" I didn't want it but the word came out of my throat in the form of a scream.
"That is some late reaction." He burst out laughing, "You are so cute." He was still laughing while I watched him with disbelief.
"You are not kidding, are you?" I asked him holding him by his shirt's collar, looking into his eyes.
He stared into my eyes with the most sincere feelings he could convey as his laugh faded away and he replied, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and if I could I would put my heart in the palm of your hands to show that my feelings are always sincere when it's about you. I am so sorry that I left you to suffer for such a long period.. I will never leave you ever again."
My heart played this known rhythm that it always played whenever my feelings for Jimin got overwhelmed which shook the inside of my chest. Before my tears could fall down I placed my lips on his lightly and whispered, "I know. I believe you."
Dropping me off at college Jimin went to his house to talk to his dad about us and also about the meeting with Namjoon.
I wished everything to go on smoothly and waited impatiently for Jimin to call me to let me know about everything.
After settling on my seat inside the class I texted Tae to tell him about everything that is going on here.
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I guess soulmates have that kind of power where just there presence, just talking to them makes your heart feel the peace it always longs for. A faint smile lingered at the corners of my lips as I absent-mindedly opened the page of the textbook we were told to.
Forty five minutes have already passed in the class and I seriously had no idea what was going on because, come on, how can you study when your boyfriend is going to move in with you the very day? It was not possible, not even the slightest bit.
The momentary vibration of my phone made me jump on my seat. Jimin had texted me...
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There was no way I could continue my class with the rate my heart was racing. For the first time I felt my legs do those continuous shakity steps underneath the table and I knew I would just burst out of the class if I get another text from Jimin. Yes, I would definitely do that.
Despite of how difficult it was to continue being inside the university, I successfully passed another two hours attending two more lectures. The credit for that goes to, of course, Jimin, for not texting me once in the middle. And this is me not so praising him! I was so ready to burst out of this damn university the second I received his message! 
I sat down at my favourite spot in Jinnie's cafe and took out my phone. I still had one more lecture left to attend but I was in no mood to do so.
Absent-mindedly I fidgeted with my phone thinking whether I should call him or not while waiting for my cup of coffee to arrive. I wanted to talk to Jinnie too but I guessed he was in the backyard tending his small herbal plants.
At last accepting my defeat to the itchy heart I decided to bunk my last lecture and finished my coffee quickly, almost burning my throat. The impatience growing inside me was too much to handle and I knew Jimin too would love it if I go and surprise him. By this time he might had already transferred his belongings to my apartment so I decided to go there directly. I hoped the landlady helped him as I had informed her about Jimin moving in earlier in the morning while leaving for uni.
"Why isn't he texting me though?" I thought and texted him first – "Hey Chim! Are you done transferring? Where are you now? Text me back as soon as you see this text. I miss you. Love you ♥️"
I checked my phone again before knocking on the landlady's door in the ground floor but Jimin had not seen my message yet. My stomach crunched as I prevented myself hard from imagining the worst possible scenarios. I shook my head each time something bad crossed my mind and tried to focus on meeting him as earliest as I could.
          The landlady, Mrs. Brook, opened her door and smiled at me warmly inviting me inside but I politely refused so that I can go find Jimin quickly. 
– "Mrs. Brook, sorry to disturb you and I am afraid that I have to decline your request today but did Jimin come here?"
– "It's no problem dear. Don't worry! And yes, he had already placed his stuffs in your apartment. He told me to tell you that he forgot to bring his phone that's why he won't be able to text or call you for awhile. He left about 15 minutes ago saying he is going back to his home to bring his phone and he'll return after meeting with his dad."
– "Oh thank you so much Mrs. Brook! If you would excuse me I'll take my leave. Thank you once more."
– "Mention not. I am always here to help you. Now get going. Have a safe journey. Bye!"
I skipped towards the bus stop rather happily realising I was worrying for nothing. Near the bus stop my steps got interrupted by a phone call and almost quicker than my expectations I picked it up without paying much attention to the fact that it was not from Jimin but from Jinnie.
"Hello! Jimin?" I exclaimed.
"No, y/n/n, it's me Jinnie." A somewhat disappointed "oh" came out of my mouth instantly after he said that.
"Yes Jinnie what's up? Done watering your babies?" I chirped, correcting my behavioral demeanor.
"Where are you now?" He asked – his voice expressing emotions that were rather opposite of mine. In fact that were quite unusual of him to begin with.
"At the bus stop near my apartment. I am going to meet Jimin at his house. Why?" I asked, question laced throughout my whole face.
"I need you to stay there. We are coming to pick you up. Stay there. Don't go anywhere. Okay?" With each passing word Jinnie's voice took more serious turn and an unfamiliar fear grasped my heart.
I didn't know why I stuttered while asking him, "Jinnie, i-is everything o-okay? I-is Ji-jimin okay? Nothing has happened to him, right?"
There was no answer from the other side of the phone and each fraction of passing time felt like a torture. A dry scream came out of mouth and I repeated the same question, "RIGHT?"
I could feel Jinnie was trying his hard to control himself as well as struggling to find the right words to say to me, "Listen y/n/n, we are already on our way. Please stay calm and don't do anything reckless...."
"FOR GOD'S SAKE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" I shouted, not letting Jinnie avoid the subject.
An audible sigh came out of Jinnie's mouth and he replied,"Y/n/n, Jimin has been kidnapped. The Yuhaehans got him." 
A/n: I have updated the previous chapter like a million years ago! Please forgive me! I'll try to complete this series as soon as I can! I hope you like it! And if you haven't read the series yet I hope you do.. thank you again for being patient!!! Love you all so much 💜💜💜!
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