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williamvrex · 2 months
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harrelltut · 11 months
Pentagon UFO Chief to step down next month... since 1968-michaelharrelljr.com's Occult Okcult Occult TECH POWER CARTEL [PC] ILLUMINATI of © 1698-2223 quantumharrelltech.com’s Clandestine Department of defense.gov Domain Communication [D.C.] Portal Address [PA] @ quantumharrellufo.tech's quantumharrelltech.ca.gov Military of Economic [ME] Alliances & Partnership [MAP] States... Independently Banking from Mother's [IBM's] Old 1698 Ægiptian America in Mu Atlantis [MA]
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1968-michaelharrelljr.com REMEMBER ATLANTIS & LEMURIA
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1968-michaelharrelljr.com Incarnated as Extremely Wealthy TUTANKHAMÚN… Died Contractually [D.C.] Wealthy on Earth [WE]… only 2 come back on Earth [Qi] Wealthier than before
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Gen X is in Charge Now
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Department of DEFENSE.gov's Domain Communication [D.C.] Computer Aided Drafting [CAD] defense.gov Department PAY TO THE ORDER OF: QUANTUM HARRELL TECH LLC
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Department of DEFENSE.gov's Domain Communication [D.C.] Computer Aided Drafting [CAD] defense.gov Department PAY TO THE ORDER OF: QUANTUM HARRELL TECH LLC
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I.B.MICHAEL's [IBM's] ANCIENT 9 ETHER Ægiptian FREEMASON UNDER Father’s Old America of Mother’s GOLDEN BLACK SUN MONARCHY in Mu Atlantis [MA]
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qwertyyp · 2 months
The mind on the machine
Artificial intelligence (AI) is augmenting the speed, efficiency and quality of human work. For companies involved in public-facing industries such as travel, education and healthcare, there is a major opportunity to leverage the latest advances in generative and conversational AI. These technologies can help  free up limited resources, allowing companies to reinvest in front-line services.
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Customer engagement is one of the key areas where AI can add value. In a joint study by the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) and Oxford Economics, over 1,000 respondents across 12 industries and 33 countries were surveyed. The results showed that 99% of survey participants reported an increase in customer satisfaction as a result of using virtual assistants.
Also, 96% of the respondents from the same survey group reported that their virtual assistants had exceeded, achieved or were expected to achieve the anticipated return on investment.
As more AI use cases emerge, the importance of AI ethics is also coming to the fore. In another IBV study, 85% of consumers said that they considered it important for organizations to factor in ethics as they use AI to tackle society’s problems. In the C-suite, ethics are an equally pressing concern. The number of executives who rank AI ethics as important has jumped from 50% to 75% in just 4 years.
There is growing consensus around how ethical AI technology can deliver substantial value for organizations in public-facing industries.
Realizing the promise of AI
As this research shows, companies that invest in designing, developing and customizing their virtual assistants can unlock significant value for their users—including customers, employees, trading partners and the public.
One example is Trinity ViaggiStudio (link resides outside ibm.com), a company specializing in international study holidays. Traveling to a different country and speaking in another language can be as daunting as it is exhilarating. The organization receives a flood of questions from students, parents and university staff as they research and prepare for their trips. Responding to these questions in a timely manner was stretching the Trinity ViaggiStudio team to its limits, until the company introduced AI to the equation.
By implementing an AI-powered virtual assistant powered by IBM® watsonx Assistant™, the organization has dramatically increased both responsiveness and customer satisfaction. The assistant, named Trinny, interacts with website visitors in real time, fielding 120 frequently asked questions in natural language. Today, the virtual assistant handles approximately 85% of all questions from website visitors, and Trinny’s ability to learn and improve over time means that this AI solution will deliver even more value for the organization as time goes on.
As Trinity ViaggiStudio has a large and dynamic client database, privacy was a key consideration when designing the AI solution. Working with IBM Business Partner® Ubico (link resides outside ibm.com), the organization designed the virtual assistant to process questions and answers anonymously and in compliance with the latest data protection regulations.
Reducing costs and freeing up resources
The IBV’s biennial survey on enterprise AI highlights that advanced adopters of the technology achieved proportionately more financial value from their investments than those who did not. In particular, the study found that AI is  valuable for enhancing customer engagement and maintaining operational flexibility. More than 85% of advanced adopters reported that they are reducing operating costs with AI.
In the healthcare sector, these types of savings are especially valuable, as human and financial capital can be redirected to other services. In the UK, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust (link resides outside ibm.com) delivers state-funded healthcare services to over one million local residents. To care for an aging population with increasingly complex care needs, the organization is continually searching for ways to manage workloads for clinicians and staff while improving patient experiences.
Working with IBM Business Partner SCC, UHCW piloted an AI-powered virtual assistant called People Assist to streamline its HR operations. Built in just seven weeks with IBM watsonx Assistant and trained using IBM watsonx.ai™, the AI solution uses retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to analyze the Trust’s policy documentation and present responses to the user. This capability provides instant self-service support across all channels and touchpoints.
Since People Assist was launched, the solution has had over 500 conversations with employees, answering questions on topics ranging from car parking to pensions to staff training. In total, UHCW estimates that the virtual assistant will save approximately 2,080 working days a year across several key departments.
Applying robust ethical principles
In highly regulated public-facing industries such as healthcare, the ethical use of AI is imperative. As AI technologies become more deeply embedded into day-to-day operations, it’s crucial to ensure that robust guardrails are in place. Research by the IBV and Oxford Economics shows that trustworthy AI is crucial for maintaining public confidence in the technology.
Here, too, the IBM watsonx™ platform is helping AI innovators make sure that their solutions meet strict ethical standards. In a joint project, Informed Genomics (link resides outside of ibm.com), a UK-based genomics pioneer,  ­and CanSense, an IBM Build Business Partner® and startup revolutionizing bowel cancer detection and treatment, are working together. They are bringing a pioneering AI-powered colorectal cancer screening solution to market.
Hosted in IBM Cloud®, the AI model behind the screening solution is monitored and managed using IBM watsonx.governance™. Using the platform, the team can track the health, accuracy and the potential for drift bias for their AI model, making it easier to demonstrate how the solution reaches its conclusions.
The potential benefits for the UK health system are substantial. By replacing today’s invasive and time-consuming diagnostics with a fast, simple and accurate blood test, the partnership anticipates that the solution will help physicians diagnose colorectal cancers faster. This solution will promote better outcomes and deliver cost savings of up to GBP 300 million a year for the NHS, which ultimately means better value for UK taxpayers.
Creating business value
An overwhelming number of the executives surveyed by IBV and Oxford Economics are convinced that AI assistants have been key to boosting customer satisfaction. According to the study, 3 in 4 executives see ethical use of AI as a source of competitive differentiation.
For organizations in public-facing industries, virtual assistants represent an enormous opportunity to free up people and resources and focus on delivering stakeholder value.
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govindhtech · 4 months
Launching Triparty Repo with Cloud-Based IBM MQ
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Triparty repo
A crucial component of the financial sector that necessitates high standards of efficiency and security is the exchange of securities between parties. The triparty repo dealing systems, which are essential to these transactions, need to communicate securely and seamlessly across many platforms. In order to administer the triparty repo dealing system, the Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL) recently advised (link lives outside ibm.com) that all of its members use IBM MQ as their messaging software.
Continue reading to find out more about how IBM MQ affects triparty repo dealing systems and how to leverage it to facilitate safe and efficient transactions.
IBM MQ’s impact on the triparty repository dealing system
IBM MQ is a messaging system that enables trustworthy and secure communication between parties. IBM MQ serves as the main conduit for communication in a triparty repo trading system, allowing the parties to communicate transaction-related data and instructions. IBM MQ improves a triparty repo dealing system’s effectiveness in a number of ways:
Effective communication
IBM MQ facilitates effective communication between participants, enabling them to instantly share instructions and information. This lowers the possibility of mistakes and misunderstandings, which in the financial sector can result in large losses. Parties can ensure correct and efficient transaction execution with IBM MQ. IBM MQ ensures that messages are delivered exactly once, a feature that is very crucial for the financial sector.
Scalable and able to handle more messages
IBM MQ is a perfect fit for triparty repository dealing systems because of its ability to handle a high amount of messages. IBM MQ can scale up to meet expanding communication demands as the system grows, maintaining it reliable and efficient.
Secure communication
IBM MQ protects sensitive data from illegal access. The banking business need this for security. IBM MQ protects data and transactions with encryption and other security mechanisms.
Easy and flexible integration
IBM MQ is a flexible messaging system that is simple to combine with other programmes and platforms. Because of this, adding new features and functionalities to the triparty repo dealing system is simple and enables it to adjust to the demands of customers and shifting market conditions.
How to properly use IBM MQ in systems that deal with triparty repos
To efficiently use IBM MQ in a triparty repo dealing system and make a difference, adhere to these guidelines:
Establish unambiguous message formats for various communication channels, including trade capture, confirmation, and settlement. By ensuring that all parties comprehend the message’s form and content, mistakes and misunderstandings will be minimised.
Use robust security measures, such as access limits and encryption, to safeguard sensitive data. By doing this, the data will be shielded against alteration and unwanted access.
Keep an eye on message queues to make sure there are no mistakes or bottlenecks and that messages are processed effectively. This will lessen the chance of system disruptions by assisting in the early identification of problems.
To manage and keep an eye on message queues, use message queue management tools. These instruments can assist in enhancing system performance, lowering latency, and optimising message processing.
To guarantee that communications are accurately formatted and include accurate content, test and validate them on a regular basis. This would facilitate the proper execution of transactions by lowering errors and misunderstandings.
IBM MQ and CCIL as a triparty repository dealing system
Central counterparty (CCP) Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. (CCIL) was founded in April 2001 to clear and settle money market, foreign exchange, and government securities transactions. In a number of financial market sectors overseen by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), including the government securities, or outright, market repo and triparty repo, USD-INR, and currency forward segments, CCIL serves as a central counterparty.
It is mandatory for all members to utilise IBM MQ as the messaging platform for the triparty repo dealing system, as advised by CCIL. It is advised that members have IBM MQ v9.3 Long Term Support (LTS) release and higher installed in their software environment.
In triparty repo dealing systems, IBM MQ is essential for facilitating dependable, secure, and effective communication between parties. Through adherence to the previously mentioned principles, parties can efficiently utilise IBM MQ to enable seamless and secure transactions. It is inevitable that IBM MQ will become an ever more crucial aspect of triparty repo dealing systems as the financial industry develops further.
Are you prepared to improve the triparty repo transactions? On June 6, join with IBM for a webinar to find out more about the CCIL’s notification and how IBM MQ may help you maintain secure, dependable communication while streamlining your processes.
Advantages of IBM MQ
Protect your company from dangers.
IBM MQ never loses a message or delivers a message more than once, in contrast to its rivals.
Straightforward multi-style messaging
Link disparate systems that can enable events or PubSub, transaction processing, and message queuing.
24/7/365 technical assistance
You have the support of a sizable user base and a committed IBM MQ staff.
Leading-edge communications across all platforms
Get the same tested, highly secure, and performant messaging system, regardless of where and how you choose to deploy it.
Cloud-native “always-on” messaging
MQ’s small footprint and low infrastructure requirements make it ideal for cloud-native, highly available deployments.
Enterprise-wide, secure connectivity
Message-level security, identity access control, TLS protected communications, and other features help protect data.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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vijayashree4400 · 6 months
How Security Testing is Strengthening the Banking Industry? 
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In today's digital age, where financial transactions occur predominantly online, ensuring robust cybersecurity measures is paramount for the banking industry. Cyber-attacks pose significant threats to financial institutions, ranging from data breaches to financial frauds, leading to substantial financial losses and erosion of customer trust. According to a report by the Federal Reserve, cyber-attacks against financial institutions have increased by 13% in recent years, highlighting the urgency for enhanced security measures. 
For instance, in 2020 alone, there were over 1000 reported data breaches in the financial sector, exposing millions of sensitive records to cybercriminals (source: Verizon's Data Breach Investigations Report). These statistics underscore the critical need for banks and financial institutions to bolster their cybersecurity defenses against evolving threats. 
To mitigate these risks, financial institutions employ various security testing methodologies to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen their defenses against potential cyber-attacks. While it might be impossible to eliminate cyber threats, robust security testing practices significantly reduce the likelihood and impact of successful attacks. 
Security Testing in the Banking Industry: Numbers and Resources 
Here's a breakdown of some key numerical data and resources related to security testing in the banking industry: 
Cost of Data Breaches: According to the Ponemon Institute https://www.ponemon.org/, the financial services industry experiences the highest average cost of a data breach at a staggering $4.24 million. This emphasizes the financial incentive for banks to invest in robust security testing practices. 
Security Testing Market Growth: The global security testing market is expected to reach a value of USD 21.32 billion by 2027, according to a report by Grand View Research [report not publicly available]. This significant growth reflects the increasing awareness of cyber threats across various industries, including banking. 
Top Security Threats to Financial Institutions   
The financial services industry (predominantly banking) is looming large with a range of security threats. Heavens will break loose if hackers get hold of the customer data and vital information related to the bank! Partnering with a proven security testing company like Testrig Technologies should be considered in case the institution does not have in-house expertise with security testing. 
Here are the top security threats being faced by the financial services industry (as a whole):    
DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) Attacks  
These attacks overwhelm a system with an influx of traffic, making it unavailable to legitimate users. Financial institutions rely on constant system uptime to process transactions and serve customers. A successful DDoS attack can disrupt operations, leading to financial losses and reputational damage. 
According to a study by Neustar Security Services [report not publicly available], the financial services sector experiences more DDoS attacks than any other industry. In 2022, they observed a 125% increase in the average size of DDoS attacks compared to the previous year. 
Web Application Attacks   
These attacks target vulnerabilities in web applications, such as online banking portals, to steal sensitive data or compromise user accounts. A successful attack can result in financial losses for both the bank and its customers. 
According to IBM's X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2023 [ibm.com], 43% of all cyberattacks target web applications. Financial institutions are a prime target as they often hold a wealth of personal and financial information within these applications. 
Insider Threats   
Insider threats arise from malicious activities by individuals with authorized access to a system. These individuals may steal data, manipulate financial records, or disrupt operations. Insider threats are particularly dangerous because they can bypass many security measures. 
Verizon's 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report [verizon.com] indicates that insider threats were involved in 25% of all data breaches. The insider threat landscape for financial institutions is complex, with disgruntled employees, accidental data leaks, and social engineering attacks all posing potential risks. 
Emerging Technologies 
As financial institutions embrace new technologies like cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI), new attack surfaces are created. Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics to exploit vulnerabilities in these emerging technologies. 
While there isn't a single statistic encompassing all emerging technologies, a report by Gartner [gartner.com] predicts that by 2025, 60% of security breaches will involve cloud-based assets. This highlights the need for banks to adapt their security strategies to address the evolving threat landscape. 
Apart from these major security threats, banks (and other financial institutions) should also address the following threats:   
Backdoors And Supply-Chain Attacks 
Third-party (and beyond) party vendor Attacks 
Global penetration risks 
Top Application Security Testing Tools   
Irrespective of the size or scale of the security threat, banks should consider all of them as a top priority. At the end of the day, the reputation of the financial institution will get tarnished if it experiences any security threat! 
Here are the top application security testing tools that can be used for addressing security threats faced by banks:  
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools: 
SonarQube: SonarQube is an open-source platform for continuous code quality inspection that includes static code analysis for identifying security vulnerabilities. It provides detailed reports on code quality, security issues, and code smells, allowing developers to remediate issues early in the development lifecycle. SonarQube supports multiple programming languages and integrates seamlessly with popular development tools. 
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) Tools: 
OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy): OWASP ZAP is an open-source web application security scanner that helps identify vulnerabilities in web applications. It performs dynamic analysis by simulating attacks against web applications and analyzing their responses for security flaws. OWASP ZAP supports automated scanning, manual testing, and scripting capabilities, making it suitable for both developers and security professionals. 
Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) Tools: 
Acunetix with AcuSensor: Acunetix IAST, also known as Acunetix with AcuSensor, is a commercial Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) solution offered by Acunetix. It combines elements of static and dynamic analysis to provide real-time feedback on application security vulnerabilities. AcuSensor is a proprietary sensor technology that instruments the application during runtime, allowing for deeper analysis and more accurate detection of vulnerabilities. 
Also Read: Ultimate Guide To Types and Security Testing Tools 
Best Practices of Security Testing in Banking Industry 
Ensuring robust cybersecurity measures is imperative for the banking industry, given the sensitive nature of financial transactions and the constant threat of cyber-attacks. Implementing effective security testing practices helps banks identify vulnerabilities and fortify their defenses against potential threats. Here are some best practices for security testing in the banking industry: 
Comprehensive Testing Approach: Employ a comprehensive testing approach that encompasses various methodologies such as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, code review, and security architecture assessment. This ensures thorough coverage of all potential attack vectors and vulnerabilities within banking systems and applications. 
Continuous Testing Lifecycle: Implement a continuous testing lifecycle that integrates security testing at every stage of the software development process, from initial design and development to deployment and maintenance. By embedding security testing into the development pipeline, banks can identify and remediate vulnerabilities early, reducing the risk of security breaches in production environments. 
Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with relevant regulatory standards and guidelines such as PCI DSS, GDPR, and SWIFT CSP. Conduct security testing in accordance with regulatory requirements to demonstrate adherence to industry standards and protect customer data from unauthorized access and disclosure. 
Third-Party Vendor Assessment: Conduct thorough security assessments of third-party vendors and suppliers to ensure they adhere to stringent security standards and protocols. This includes evaluating the security posture of third-party software, applications, and services used within banking systems to mitigate the risk of supply chain attacks and data breaches. 
Secure Coding Practices: Promote secure coding practices among developers and engineers involved in banking software development. Provide training and resources on secure coding techniques, secure API design, and common security pitfalls to minimize the introduction of vulnerabilities during the development process. 
Incident Response Planning: Develop and regularly test incident response plans to effectively mitigate and manage security incidents and breaches. Establish clear protocols and procedures for detecting, reporting, and responding to security incidents, including escalation paths, communication protocols, and post-incident analysis. 
Security Awareness Training: Provide comprehensive security awareness training to employees at all levels of the organization to raise awareness of security risks and best practices. Educate employees on common attack vectors such as phishing, social engineering, and malware to empower them to recognize and report suspicious activities. 
Security Testing Automation: Leverage automation tools and technologies to streamline security testing processes and improve efficiency. Implement automated vulnerability scanning, code analysis, and security testing tools to identify and remediate vulnerabilities more effectively and reduce manual effort. 
Also Read: The List of Top Security Testing Best Practices of 2024 
Banks across the world (including those in emerging economies) are witnessing a digital transformation. Though this has brought increased convenience to the end-users, it has also resulted in an increase in the intensity of security threats. Security Testing services play a crucial role in ensuring that banking systems are robust enough to withstand these threats and protect sensitive financial information.  
Hence, it is important for banks to address security-related loopholes as a priority so that their customers can truly enjoy a frictionless and highly secure banking experience. Banking institutions can also take support from proven companies like Testrig Technologies that have expertise in the security testing services sector. 
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jobzz0 · 10 months
artificaial inteligence
Despite numerous definitions emerging, John McCarthy in a 2004 paper (link outside IBM.com) provides the following definition of artificial intelligence (AI)."It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs," McCarthy writes.
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Gain knowledge about Machine Learning for Digital Healthcare Innovation at the 14IHNPUCG from our experts.
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How does machine learning work?
A subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science called machine learning focuses on using data and algorithms to simulate how humans learn, gradually increasing the accuracy of the system.
IBM has a long history with artificial intelligence. With his research on the game of checkers, one of its own, Arthur Samuel, is credited with coining the term "machine learning" (link outside of ibm.com). In 1962, Robert Nealey, a self-described checkers master, competed against an IBM 7094 computer, but he was defeated. This achievement seems insignificant in light of what is now possible, but it is regarded as a significant turning point for artificial intelligence.
Machine learning-based products like Netflix's recommendation engine and self-driving cars have been made possible in recent years because to technical advancements in storage and processing capability.
A casual format for presenting research findings or showcasing cutting-edge techniques is the poster session. The CME/CPD accredited 14th International Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing and Patient Safety Conference offers you the chance to present your original ideas in a less formal setting than a paper presentation. Submit your paper, and join us in Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE & Virtual from July 25–27, 2024. Submit here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/
The rapidly expanding discipline of data science includes machine learning as a key element. Algorithms are trained using statistical techniques to produce classifications or predictions and to find important insights in data mining projects. The decisions made as a result of these insights influence key growth indicators in applications and enterprises, ideally. Data scientists will be more in demand as big data continues to develop and flourish. They will be expected to assist in determining the most pertinent business questions and the information needed to address them. The majority of the time, machine learning algorithms are developed utilising accelerated solution development frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.
Increase in ML in medical settings
As technology advances, machine learning offers an exciting potential in the field of healthcare to enhance the precision of diagnoses, personalise care, and discover fresh approaches to problems that have persisted for decades. A tangible influence on the health of your community can result from using machine learning to programme computers to make connections and predictions and to unearth crucial insights from vast volumes of data that healthcare providers might otherwise overlook.
Machine learning seeks to enhance patient outcomes and generate previously unobtainable medical insights. Through predictive algorithms, it offers a means of validating the judgement and judgements of physicians. Consider a scenario where a patient is given a specific drug by a doctor. Then, using data from a patient who received the same treatment and benefited from it, machine learning can verify this treatment plan.
Internet of Medical Things and machine learning in healthcare
A constantly changing patient data set is essential when using machine learning in the healthcare industry. These data can be used to identify trends that help medical practitioners identify new diseases, assess risks, and forecast treatment outcomes. Due to the sheer number of patients and the variety of medical technology available for data collection, having medical equipment sync to a central "network" is an efficient approach to gather enormous amounts of data.
The network of medical apps and equipment that may connect with one another through online networks is known as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). Nowadays, a lot of medical gadgets come with Wi-Fi, enabling them to interface with other machines through cloud platforms or other devices connected to the same network. This makes it possible to track information from wearable devices, track medical histories, and monitor patients remotely, among other things. The IoMT is expected to grow rapidly as more wearable medical devices with internet connectivity hit the market.
Now is your chance to claim your Best Poster Award/Best Speaker Award certificates for the CME/CPD credited 14th International Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing and Patient Safety Conference, which will take place in Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE, on July 25–27, 2024. Attend the seminar right away to receive these certifications for the lowest price.
Register, grab your slot & certificates here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/registration/
How is machine learning applied in the medical field?
Numerous healthcare use cases involve the use of machine learning, and much of this technology's potential stems from its capacity to manage complicated data.
disease prediction and treatment
medical imaging and diagnostic services
finding and creating new medications
Putting medical records in order
As data sets in the healthcare sector grow in size, they are frequently organised as unstructured data in electronic health records (EHRs). Machine learning organises this data into more organised groupings using natural language processing so that healthcare practitioners can swiftly draw conclusions from them.
For pharmaceutical businesses, machine learning and AI have also had an impact on medication research and development. Drugmakers are hoping that machine learning (ML) will be able to forecast how patients will react to different medications and pinpoint which individuals have the best probability of benefiting from the drug. The technology has already supported central nervous system clinical trials.
Additionally, machine learning advancements in healthcare have benefited telemedicine, as some machine learning firms are researching how to organise and deliver patient information to doctors during telemedicine sessions as well as capture information during virtual visits to streamline workflows.
On behalf of the Utilitarian Conferences Gathering, we are delighted to extend our warmest invitation to you to attend the upcoming Nursing Conference: 14th International Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety Conference. This prestigious event will be held from July 25-27, 2024 at Dubai, UAE. The theme of the conference is “displaying the most recent research results and innovations that underpin evidence-based nursing practise. Innovations in Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice.”
As a leading figure in the nursing profession, your presence and expertise would be invaluable to our conference. The event aims to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional growth among nurses and healthcare practitioners from all corners of the industry.
Connect with us:
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/442033222718 Email: [email protected] Visit: :  https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/ Call for Papers: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/ Register here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/registration/
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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How to build more sustainable transportation infrastructure Transportation infrastructure—the networks of fixed installations that ensure safe transport of people and goods—is a critical part of modern economies. The post How to build more sustainable transportation infrastructure appeared first on IBM Blog. https://login.w3.ibm.com/oidc/sps/auth?client_id=MmNiYmFkNTQtM2ZhZi00&Target=https%3A%2F%2Flogin.w3.ibm.com%2Foidc%2Fendpoint%2Fdefault%2Fauthorize%3FqsId%3D41c42ea3-5529-4624-8a6f-4341244173aa%26client_id%3DMmNiYmFkNTQtM2ZhZi00
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welidot · 1 year
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praveenjohny0 · 2 years
Key Features of Software Development
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Using software development to differentiate brands and gain competitive advantage requires proficiency with the techniques and technologies that can accelerate software deployment, quality and efficacy.
Artificial intelligence (AI): AI enables software to emulate human decision-making and learning. Neural networks, machine learning, natural language processing and cognitive capabilities present developers and businesses with the opportunity to offer products and services that disrupt marketplaces and leap ahead of the competition. IBM Watson offers developers a way to connect with and use artificial intelligence services as part of their applications through application programming interfaces or APIs. You can also use IBM Watson to improve your product requirements by checking for ambiguity, unclear actors, compound or negative requirements, missing units or tolerances, incomplete requirements, and unspecific quantities. Top web application or website development company can make your web application with Artificial intelligence (AI).
Cloud-native development: Cloud-native development is a way of building applications to exploit cloud environments. A cloud-native application consists of discrete, reusable components known as microservices that are designed to integrate into any cloud environment. These microservices act as building blocks and are often packaged in containers. Because of this architecture, cloud-native applications can use cloud environments to improve application performance, flexibility and extensibility.
Cloud-based development: Just as IT organizations look to the cloud to improve resource management and cut costs, so do software development organizations. In this way, the cloud can be used as a fast, flexible and cost-efficient integrated development environment (IDE) or development Platform as a Service (PaaS). Cloud-based development environments can support coding, design, integration, testing and other development functions. They can also offer access to APIs, microservices, DevOps and other development tools, services and expertise.
Blockchain: Blockchain is a secure, digitally linked ledger that eliminates cost and vulnerability introduced by parties like banks, regulatory bodies and other intermediaries. It is transforming businesses by freeing capital, accelerating processes, lowering transaction costs and more.  Blockchain presents a tremendous opportunity for software development. Developers are working with distributed ledgers and open source Hyperledger (link resides outside of ibm.com) technology to change how businesses operate.
Low code: Forrester defines low code as: “Products and/or cloud services for application development that employ visual, declarative techniques instead of programming and are available to customers at low- or no-cost in money and training ...” 4 In short, it’s a development practice that reduces the need for coding and enables non-coders or citizen developers to build or help build applications quickly and at lower cost.
Analytics: Annual demand for data scientists, data developers, and data engineers will reach nearly 700,000 openings by 2020. The demand signifies how critical it is for companies to gain insight and value from the explosion of data. Accordingly, software developers are integrating advanced analytics capabilities into their applications. Cloud-based services and APIs make it simpler to guide data exploration, automate predictive analytics and create dashboards that deliver new insights and improve decision making.
Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE): In MBSE, software modeling languages are used to perform early prototyping, simulation and analysis of software designs for early validation. Building designs in MBSE helps you to analyze and elaborate project requirements and move rapidly from design to implementation. 
Mobile: A key capability for software developers is creating mobile apps with deep connections to data that enriches and elevates user experiences. Forrester has found that “deeply integrating digital/mobile customer data has a strong effect on how customers interact with brands.”
Read: Top Mobile application development company
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jobacademy · 2 years
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harrelltut · 11 months
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govindhtech · 8 months
Hybrid multicloud strategy it’s techniques
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Successful multicloud strategy
Enterprises are using multicloud services to maximize performance, reduce prices, and avoid vendor lock-in. Gartner (link outside ibm.com) predicts that global end-user expenditure on public cloud services would rise 20.4% to $678.8 billion in 2024 from $563.6 billion in 2023. Multi zcloud architecture lets organizations pick the finest cloud products and services for their requirements and accelerates innovation by enabling game-changing technologies like generative AI and machine learning.
Multicloud environments get increasingly complicated as enterprises add cloud services. To succeed with multicloud, enterprises require a thorough multicloud management plan.
Describe multicloud architecture
Multicloud computing uses numerous cloud services from major cloud service providers (CSPs) such Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure in the same IT architecture.
SaaS software applications like Webex or Slack hosted on the public internet may be provided by two cloud providers in a basic multicloud scenario.
A multicloud solution usually extends beyond SaaS distribution from several CSPs in complicated corporate businesses. An company may utilize Microsoft Azure for data storage, AWS for app development and testing, and Google Cloud for backup and disaster recovery.
Along with SaaS, many contemporary corporate firms use cloud service providers for the following cloud-based computing models, PaaS offers hardware, software, and infrastructure for app development, operating, and management. PaaS reduces the cost, complexity, and inflexibility of on-premises platform development and maintenance.
Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) provides computing, network, and storage capabilities on-demand, via the internet, and for a fee. IaaS lets organizations increase and downsize workload resources without the enormous capital expenses of ramping up conventional IT infrastructure.
The multicloud hybrid environment
Today, multicloud environments are sometimes integrated with hybrid cloud, which combines public cloud, private cloud, and on-prem infrastructure. One flexible IT architecture facilitates workload interoperability and portability across many clouds in a hybrid cloud system. Hybrid multicloud architectures allow enterprises to migrate, construct, and optimize applications across various clouds using the best of both cloud computing worlds.
Modern hybrid multicloud ecosystems use open-source container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes and Docker Swarm to automate app deployment across on-premises data centers, public cloud, private cloud, and edge settings for cloud-native application development. Microservices accelerate software development and deployment for DevOps.
An IBM Institute for Business Value research found that a comprehensive hybrid multicloud platform technology and operating model at scale provides two-and-a-half times the value of a single-platform, single-cloud vendor strategy.
Multicloud challenges?
Multicloud environments are vital to business digital transformation, yet operating numerous clouds and services from various
CSPs is complicated: A major issue with multicloud is cloud sprawl, the uncontrolled expansion of an organization’s cloud services. Cloud sprawl may increase costs and overprovisioning. Overprovisioning increases the multicloud attack surface, making it more exposed to data breaches and cyberattacks and pays for unneeded or neglected workloads.
Silos of data: Organizations risk data silos with data spanning many clouds and platforms. Data silos hinder data analytics by prohibiting teams from sharing a comprehensive picture of aggregated data to collaborate and make business choices.
Security risks: Enterprise cloud usage requires solid security. Complex multicloud environments with data flowing between private and public clouds pose concerns. When using one cloud provider, a business may employ a single set of security measures. However, combining an organization’s internal security tools with the native security controls of platforms from different cloud service providers might fragment security capabilities and increase the risk of human error or misconfiguration.
Uncontrolled costs: Cloud services increase cloud expenses. The pay-per-usage approach for cloud services controls cloud expenditure, but difficulties controlling CSP pricing structures, forgotten data egress fees, and more may lead to unanticipated charges.
8 techniques for multicloud strategy success
Multiple cloud environments and providers complicate technical and administrative tasks. Here are eight essential stages for a successful multicloud approach, however each journey is different:
1. Set objectives
Starting a multicloud journey requires matching corporate objectives with a strategy. Review your company’s infrastructure and apps. Determine business use case workload and objectives.
Hybrid multicloud architectures provide integrated data communication, assuring minimal latency, no downtime, and easy data transfer. A healthcare firm may want a multicloud environment so teams in various locations may exchange data in real time to improve patient care.
2. Choose the finest cloud providers
Most CSPs provide similar core functions, but each has distinct features and services. A multicloud strategy helps you select the finest cloud services for your organization, whether it’s high-performance computing or sophisticated data analytics.
Check service contracts as some cloud providers provide flexible contracts and reduced beginning fees. Make sure IT teams and other stakeholders weigh in on CSP selection.
3. Make one glass pane.
In a multicloud context, APIs from different cloud platforms might hinder visibility. A central dashboard or platform that provides enterprise-wide visibility is needed to fully benefit from a multicloud architecture. This dynamic, secure centralized cloud management platform (CMP) lets IT teams develop, administer, monitor, and control multicloud environments.
4. Take use of automation
IT infrastructure and process automation are key to corporate multicloud models. Organizations may minimize IT staff manual duties using automation solutions. Cloud automation solutions provide a software layer to public or private cloud VMs.
Selecting the finest automation solutions for your company’s cloud management platform helps minimize computer resources and cloud computing costs. Infrastructure-as-code supports multicloud automation with containers and orchestration technologies. IT infrastructure provisioning is automated by IaC using a high-level descriptive coding language. IaC streamlines infrastructure administration, improves consistency, and reduces human setup.
5. Implement zero-trust security.
A recent IBM IBV survey found that the typical firm employs more than eight to nine cloud infrastructure environments, raising security risks and putting sensitive data at risk.
Managing numerous clouds requires zero-trust security, which implies a complex network is constantly vulnerable to external and internal attacks. Zero trust demands several security skills. These include SSO, multifactor authentication, and rules to regulate all user and privileged account access. Multicloud security solutions from major CSPs and other cloud service suppliers assist control risks and maintain reliability.
6. Include regulatory and compliance requirements
Enterprise-level enterprises, particularly multinational ones, must comply with regulatory norms (e.g., the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, the US’s AI Bill of Rights (link lives outside of ibm.com)) in several nations. Companies in healthcare, energy, finance, and other areas must follow industry laws.
Industry standards violations may compromise sensitive data and cause legal, financial, and reputational harm. Integrating compliance norms and regulations into the multicloud development and deployment lifecycle reduces these risks and builds customer confidence. CSP compliance technologies that automate compliance updates may be integrated into cloud management platforms to assist enterprises meet industry-specific regulatory norms.
7. Optimize costs via FinOps
Multicloud cloud cost optimization plans use methods, methodologies, and best practices to limit expenses. Cloud financial management and culture FinOps enables firms optimize business value in hybrid multicloud settings. Along with FinOps, AI-powered cost-management technologies may boost application performance and optimize cloud expenses.
8. Keep improving your multicloud approach
A successful multicloud implementation never ends. Instead, it adapts to business demands and uses cutting-edge technology. Your company may innovate, remain nimble, and stay ahead by reviewing business objectives and cloud service portfolios.
Multicloud benefits
Single platforms cannot deliver the variety of services and capabilities of a multicloud. Businesses may benefit from Multicloud:
Choose “best-of-breed” cloud computing services to avoid vendor lock-in and its costs.
Get flexibility with the finest cloud services for cost, performance, security, and compliance.
Data, process, and system backups and redundancies prevent outages and assure resilience.
Control shadow IT with multi-cloud visibility.
IBM, multicloud
Companies will use hybrid multicloud solutions for infrastructure, platforms, and apps in the future. In 2027, public cloud provider services will cost $1.35 trillion globally, according to IDC.
IBM helps firms establish effective hybrid multicloud management strategies as a worldwide leader in hybrid cloud, AI, and consultancy. IBM collaborates with AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform to provide your company with the finest cloud-based services to compete in today’s fast-paced digital economy.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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