#ibm shimomura izumi
dailyfigures · 2 years
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Shimomura Izumi ; Ajin ☆ Good Smile Company
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simplelobster · 2 months
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Ajin Week 2024 Day Two: Neck
They're bonding, don't worry about it.
ref pic under cut
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coriandher · 9 months
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Ajin Secret Santa 2023 for @judaeu!!!
What are their ghosts' dynamic to each other oh my god they're all roommates
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wibblewomble · 1 year
Ranking Ajins by Death Toll
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Oh but count them I did.
Have you ever wanted a comprehensive list of Ajin deaths? Well, here is one anyways!
The list is based on manga events as I actually haven't seen the anime 😬
The ranking only includes Ajins (AKA revivable characters) because otherwise the list would be…even longer than it is and 90% of it would be no-name characters. They also MUST make an appearance (so ruling out mentioned Ajins, like the Chinese Ajin with 2,000+ deaths).
...under the cut (I’m sorry, it is very long)...
🚨CW for Ajin typical shenanigans (death, mutilation, suicide, the like)🚨
Ranking by onscreen/shown deaths
Satou (44 deaths)
Kei Nagai (35 deaths)
Kou Nakano (15 deaths)
Koji Tanaka (9 deaths) TIE
Izumi Shimomura (9 deaths) TIE
Takahashi (6 deaths)
Masumi Okuyama (4 deaths)
Shinya Nakamura (2 deaths)
Reiji Akiyama (firefighter) (1 death) TIE
Himeko Tachibana (diet member passing the Ajin bill) (1 death) TIE
Satou detractor (with the cross-body bag) (1 death) TIE
Satou collaborator (with the two IBMs) (1 death) TIE
Ranking by estimations
Koji Tanaka (5,892 deaths)
Satou (692 deaths)
Kei Nagai (347 deaths)
Kou Nakano (215 deaths)
Izumi Shimomura (9 deaths)
Takahashi (7 deaths)
Masumi Okuyama (5 deaths)
Shinya Nakamura (2 deaths)TIE
Reiji Akiyama (firefighter) (2 deaths) TIE
Satou detractor (with the cross-body bag) (2 deaths) TIE
Satou collaborator (with the two IBMs) (2 deaths) TIE
Himeko Tachibana (diet member passing the Ajin bill) (1 death)
Everyone gets +1 to account for their first death in the estimation rankings (except Satou, Kei, Kou, Izumi, Shinya, and Ms. Tachibana because their first deaths were shown and already counted in the initial ranking)
Ajin’s with too little information to estimate (at least one death)
Takeshi Kotobuki
Jun Suzuki
Dr. Smith
Satou detractor (with the glasses)
Satou collaborator (with the glasses)
✨Honorable mention✨
Kai (by technicality)
Let’s go into some more detail about each death and estimation calculations.
Deaths are listed chronologically by manga appearance. “S” means it was self-inflicted with intention. They have to be the ones to cause the fatal blow (aside from one exception, being Izumi throwing herself in front of a car). Assisted suicide, like Tanaka stabbing Satou as a demonstration, does not count as self-inflicted.
Koji Tanaka
Gunshot to head (chpt 1)
Crushed by hydraulic press (chpt 2)
Stabbed with rods (chpt 3)
Neurological experiments (assumed) (chpt 3)
Dismemberment by lab researchers (assumed) (chpt 3)
Collision trauma (used as a crash test dummy) (chpt 14)
Gunshot to head by Gen (chpt 33)
Gunshot to head by Satou (chpt 37)
Assumed reset (shoulder wound from Satou is gone) (chpt 43) S
+1 for first death (implied in chpt 13).
+1 assumed reset after being accidentally shot by Satou in chapter 41. His shoulder wound is gone and he (or the rest of the gang for that matter) probably wouldn’t wait for it to heal.
+1 assumed reset at some point after chapter 56. His leg wound—where he got stabbed by the minister's goons—disappears. Could have been forgotten about, could be he’s still walking around with it, but I think they would want to be in top shape when fighting Satou, so I’m counting it as a reset.
+5,880 for deaths while in captivity. Some were already included, but it pales in comparison to the total count. Tanaka was probably subject to experiments everyday. Let’s assume 3 deaths per hour (accounting for setup time and various death methods), 8 hours in a working day, and 245 working days in a year (Japanese work duration from Google). Which means in 10 years that’s 5,880 deaths. This is a very VERY general approximation, not taking into account probable overtime, lengthier experiments resulting in slower deaths, or extremely fast causes of death like getting shot. Regardless, with 10 years of captivity, Tanaka’s death toll is certainly the highest.
Tanaka’s total estimated deaths: 9 + 5,883 = 5,892
1 suicide, 2 estimated suicides
Stabbed by Tanaka (chpt 6)
Gunshot to head (chpt 9) S
Shot multiple times by Kei (chpt 10)
Stabbed and tossed around by Kei's IBM (chpt 11)
Shot by Tanaka (accidentally) (chpt 15)
Plane crash (chpt 19) S
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 20)
Shot by SAT (chpt 21)
Shot by SAT (chpt 21)
Shot by SAT (chpt 21)
Shotgun to the chest (chpt 21) S
Diced by wood-chipper (chpt 35) S
Caught in explosion (chpt 36) S
Gunshot to head (chpt38) S
Gunshot to head by Kuroki (chpt 38)
Gunshot to head by Kuroki and Suzumura (chpt 38)
Gunshot to head by Kuroki and Suzumura (chpt 38)
Gunshot to head (chpt 38) S
Gunshot to head (chpt 40) S
Impaled by own IBM (chpt 40) S
Gunshot to head (after severing arm) (chpt 42) S
Jumped off Forge Safety building (chpt 42) S
Gunshot to head by gang members (chpt 47) FIRST DEATH
Decapitation by Takahashi's IBM (chpt 52)
Gunshot to head (assumed) (chpt 54) S
Shot by soldiers (chpt 54)
Shot by soldiers (chpt 54)
Gunshot to head (chpt 54) S
Blown up by C4 (chpt 54) S
Shot by soldiers (after intended suicide detonation) (chpt 55)
Gunshot to head (chpt 57) S
Bomb vest and plance crash (chpt 60) S
Bomb vest and plance crash (chpt 61) S
Bomb vest and plance crash (assumed, offscreen) (chpt 62) S
Bomb vest and plance crash (chpt 65) S
Bomb vest and plance crash (assumed, offscreen) (chpt 65) S
Bomb vest (chpt 71) S
Gunshot to head (after severing arm, assumed) (chpt 71) S
Head trauma/snapped neck from falling from heli after being shot by Manabe (chpt 76)
+40 for deaths from organ harvesting. Satou trades 10 livers, 10 kidneys, and 10 hearts for guns in chapter 8 so that’s at least 10 deaths. I don't think he would ask Tanaka to help given him being freshly released from lab experiments. Nekozawa calls him “a valued client”, it’s implied he’s done this before. Satou needed guns to save Tanaka, but aside from that we don’t know how many times he’s done this. Let’s just add another 30 deaths on top of the 10.
+540 for deaths from repeat killings by SAT. I imagine the SAT encounter until Satou’s recovery was quite fast and lasted at most 5 minutes. Killing Satou at a rate of 2 shots per second means 600 deaths in 5 minutes. Let’s subtract 60 (half a minute of deaths) to account for moments when SAT was distracted by Takahashi’s sniping.
+15 for deaths from fighting with SAT offscreen. Satou is a power house. He takes out at least 5 people for every death of his own. Slapping on an estimated extra 15 deaths from this fight since he was still tuckered out by the end.
+3 for deaths from fighting gang members (chapter 47). Though unarmed against a group of 100+ men, Satou would probably make quick work of these guys since they seem mostly untrained. Slapping on an estimated extra 3 deaths.
+50 for deaths from fighting Iruma Air Base soldiers (chapter 55-57). I’ve had enough of this dude. Let’s just add 50 more for his fight against the army base soldiers since they are highly trained, killing him without restraint, and there are a lot of them. Satou is also visibly weary by the end of it.
Satou total estimated deaths: 44 + 648 = 693
22 suicides, at least 40 estimated suicides
Kei Nagai
Hit by a truck (severed in half yikes) (chpt 1)
Strangled (chpt 2)
Slit throat (chpt 3) S
Bike crash (chpt 6) S
Stab to chest (after torture and dismemberment) (chpt 7)
Dismemberment by lab researchers (assumed) (chpt 8)
Drowned (chpt 12)
Stabbed in the throat (chpt 17) S
Shotgun to the chest (chpt 22)
Assumed reset (head wound from car crash is gone) (chpt 22) S
Shot by Satou via attack helicopter (dream sequence, yeah buckos i'm counting these) (chpt 31)
Assumed reset (hand wound is gone) (chpt  33) S
Caught in explosion caused by Satou (chpt 36)
Gunshot to head by Kou (chpt 39)
Gunshot to head (chpt 39) S
Gunshot to head by Satou (chpt 40)
Gunshot to head by Hirasawa (chpt 41)
Gunshot to head by Hirasawa/Kou (after severing both arms) (chpt 42)
Gunshot to head by Hirasawa (chpt 42)
Fell off Forge Safety building (after being shot) (chpt 43)
Hypoxia (chpt 49) FIRST DEATH
Slit throat (after biting off fingers) (chpt 57) S
Slit throat (after biting off fingers) (chpt 57) S
Slit throat (after biting off fingers) (chpt 57) S
Slit throat (after biting off fingers) (chpt 57) S
Slit throat (after biting off fingers) (chpt 57) S
Slit throat (assumed, to heal fingers) (chpt 57) S
Gunshot to head (after poped eardrums) (chpt 60) S
Gunshot to head by Anti-Demis (chpt 61)
Plane crash and explosion caused by Satou (chpt 70)
Gunshot to head by Satou (chpt 72)
Impaled by own hostile IBM (chpt 72)
Gunshot to head (chpt 77) S
Gunshot to head (missing an arm and impaled on a rod) (chpt  78) S
+240 for deaths while in captivity. Using the same metrics as Tanaka, in 10 days Kei died 240 times. Again, this is a very general approximation.
+72 for drowning deaths while adrift for a week (chapter 14). The stages of drowning take between 10-12 minutes. But let's be generous and say Kei either lucked out with calmer waters or manages to stay afloat for longer. So he drowns at a rate of 1 death per hour. Let’s also say Kei was confused and his estimation of being adrift for a week was off (downing consecutively will do that to a man), and he was only in the water for 3 days. I also don’t think he would be floating around for a week, especially if he didn’t make it out of Tokyo Bay.
Kei total estimated deaths: 35 + 312 = 347
15 suicides
Kou Nakano
Jumped out a window (chpt 15) S
Electrocution (chpt 16) S
Bled out (after falling from aparment building, stabbed in the stomach, run over by Tosaki) (chpt 16) S...ish...I’m counting as 0.5
Impaled by Kei's IBM (chpt 16)
Jumped off a cliff (chpt 17) S
Assumed reset (leg wounds from Kei are gone) (chpt 17)
Impaled by Kei's IBM (chpt 25)
Hanging (chpt 26) S
Shot by Satou via attack helicopter (dream sequence) (chpt 31)
Caught in explosion caused by Satou (chpt 36)
Impaled by Tanaka's IBM (chpt 37)
Gunshot to head by Kei (chpt 39)
Gunshot to head by Kei/Hirasawa (assumed) (chpt 41)
Fell off Forge Safety building (semi-accidental) (chpt 42) S, another 0.5
Head trauma (could also be eventual starvation/dehydration) (chpt 43) FIRST DEATH
+200 for deaths from hanging. We are doing a lot of assuming, so let’s continue that trend. Let’s say Kou would only hang himself for 5 hours a day after training and before bed. Let’s also say they had approximately two weeks of training. To account for extra training, rest time, and Kou generally not feeling up for dying on repeat, we’ll assume out of the two weeks, Kou only used 10 days. Where am I getting these numbers? My gut tells me so (source: trust me bro).
Short drop hanging takes 10-20 minutes for complete brain death. Let's take the middle road and say 15 minutes. So on average, 4 deaths per hour. 4 x 5 x 10 = 200 deaths.
Kou total estimated deaths: 15 + 200 = 215
5 suicides, 200 estimated suicides
Kou and Satou were really hard to estimate for, but we powered through lads.
Izumi Shimomura
Impaled by Tanaka's IBM (chpt 4)
Head trauma (chpt 27)
Untreated illness/STD (chpt 27) FIRST DEATH
Fell off a building with Satou's IBM (dream sequence) (chpt 31)
Bled out (after losing an arm fighting Tanaka) (chpt 39)
Gunshot to head by Tosaki (assumed) (chpt 41)
Hit by car (chpt 56) S
Shot in the throat (chpt 56)
Gunshot to head by Satou (chpt 78)
I’m assuming Izumi didn’t die after Tosaki hired her since she wasn’t being researched nor was it likely she needed to die for Tosaki as a bodyguard.
Izumi total estimated deaths: 9
1 suicide
Sniper shot to the head (chpt 21)
Sniper shot to the head (chpt 21)
Sniper shot to the head (chpt 21)
Gunshot to head by Gen (chpt 33)
Assumed reset (shot by Satou) (chpt 37)
Gunshot to head by Anti-Demis (chpt 66)
Takahashi total estimated deaths: 6 + 1 = 7
Masumi Okuyama
Carbon dioxide poisoning (chpt 32) S
Electrocution (chpt 32) S
Assumed reset (shot by Satou) (chpt 37)
Improvised explosive device (chpt 58) S
Okuyama total estimated deaths: 4 + 1 = 5
3 suicides
Shinya Nakamura
Motorcycle crash (accidental beheading) (chpt 9.5) FIRST DEATH
Gunshot to head (chpt 9.5)
Shinya total estimated deaths: 2
Reiji Akiyama
Bled out (after being harpooned and fighting Tanaka's IBM) (chpt 15)
Akiyama total estimated deaths: 1 + 1 = 2
Satou detractor (with the cross-body bag)
Bled out (shot in spleen by Tanaka) (chpt 15)
Total estimated deaths: 1 + 1 = 2
Satou collaborator (with the two IBMs)
Sliced in half after pushed off building by Izumi (chpt 63)
Total estimated deaths: 1 + 1 = 2
Himeko Tachibana
Satou's plane crash (chpt 65) FIRST DEATH
Total estimated deaths: 1
Gunshot through throat by Satou (chpt 72)
Total estimated deaths: 1
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oceancracker · 4 years
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55 notes · View notes
ymir-su-hehong · 4 years
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44 notes · View notes
dailyajin · 4 years
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AJIN Demi Human acrylic keychains! Designs are based on the Nendoroid figures!
Also I totally didn’t forget about this blog! I was running kinda dry!
I think the site these were on are not available no more :( they were selling form 2016-2017
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wool-string · 5 years
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Ajin and their tiny ibms
Bonus: team no ibm doodle
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83 notes · View notes
taloyo · 5 years
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iconnoteven · 5 years
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Odds and ends from Ajin 👤
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kaito-senpai-ajin · 6 years
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I’ll keep you safe.
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aviscranio · 6 years
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Ajin: Demi-Human 亜人 (2017) dir. Katsuyuki Motohiro
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hehearse · 7 years
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Day 4: The Chariot / favourite friendship / Lobelia
Upright: Control, will power, victory, assertion, determination
Reversed: Lack of control and direction, aggression
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dollfishu · 7 years
New Ajin Live Action Trailer
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5am-nztime · 7 years
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IBM week, Day 3: Favorite Relationship
I imagine that Kei’s IBM likes to follow Kai around. Every Ajin knows it’s Keis, yet no one says a thing.
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epic-potato-crisp · 3 years
Day 2: Favorite minor character/ cigarettes / sin
Notes: A combination that just screamed Ogura, imo. More of a character study than a ship fic, but some sad-adult-trio undertones.
For all intents and purposes, Ogura Ikuya was dead.
It’s not that his heart had stopped beating, or he had stopped breathing, or even his synapses had stopped firing.
Physiologically, he was in an impeccable condition. Minus a few broken bones, but hey. With all the cigarette smoke he kept inhaling, he had made peace with the fact that he was here for a good time, not necessarily a long time.
To the American government, he was dead. To the Japanese government, as good as, with a handful of exceptions that knew better and were currently keeping him kidnapped at a hideout in the countryside.
Was it even kidnapping, at this point? It better not be Stockholm Syndrom, Ogura thought with vague amusement, noticing how relaxed and carefree he felt despite his situation.
The animosity that had been there between him and the others initially, had started to dissolve into an air of ambivalence, that slowly began resembling a sort of kinship.
Hirasawa might have broken his fingers, but he was an interesting guy and Ogura enjoyed hanging out with him and his crew after work hours. Especially when Manabe brought generous amounts of booze.
And there are, well, there are others.
Shimomura Izumi is one of the smartest and one of the prettiest women he has seen throughout his entire life. One that could easily take you down, if you weren’t careful.
It’s quite obvious that Tosaki is aware of that too, as much as he tries to gloss over it with bureaucratic terminology and the constant air of being stressed.
He has a fiancé, that much Ogura knows. She’s comatose, but even with Tosaki’s character deficiencies, he’s aware that the man would rather give an arm and a leg than to be unfaithful to her.
It’s almost ludicrous how it is exactly this determination that makes him so appealing to Ogura. The waves of hatred he feels coming from the other man are just a bonus, the cherry on top of a large sundae. He itches to get under his skin, to unravel that cold exterior, to unclench that beautifully chiselled jaw. And if Izumi were to be there, in the same room with them, well- wouldn’t that be a lucky coincidence?)
(He leaves these fantasies at the door. Some nights. Others, he replays them over and over.)
Ogura is a man of many talents. He has a doctorate in the sciences, a senior position at a prestigious research facility and a fluency in three languages. But now, more than ever, he has time to kill, so out of necessity, he expands his hobbies.
He keeps himself updated on his colleague’s research by anonymously browsing the main publishing hubs, and on American politics in general. He refamiliarizes himself with Tetris. He third-wheels Tosaki and Izumi at every possible occasion, as it is both hilariously entertaining and another petty opportunity to exact revenge on the ministry worker that had ordered his fingers to be broken. These bones might heal themselves, but that would take time and copious amounts of physiotherapy he was not able to receive, let alone have his insurance cover - yet another regrettable downside of being considered deceased. This was nothing Tosaki’s laughably insincere apology could fix. And yet, he can’t bring himself to be too hard on the man.
At least, he, Ogura, is free to do as he pleases at the hideout. Aside from answering any of the group’s burning queries on IBM research and voicing his opinion when the time came for making plans, he doesn’t have much on his plate. It’s not him that spends half his day going about his governmental dayjob and the other half running an illegal resistance operation that included quasi-babysitting two immortal teenagers.
Ogura had always known he was suited far better for the role as the fun uncle that would smoke with you and talk about physics, or more recently, ghosts made out of invisible black matter. Nagai Kei takes advantage of the opportunity, often coming to him with an remarkable amount of questions at quite the impressive level that he genuinely enjoys answering. He doesn’t connect with Nakano Kou as easily – to be fair, it is hard standing out next to Nagai – but soon discovers the teenager’s need for some remedial English lessons, which he has no trouble delivering. If he happens to teach him several swear words while doing so, it is nothing but a happy coincidence.
“Can I interest you two in another evening of bad decisions?” he says, one evening, mischievously gesturing with a tequila bottle and three glasses.
He’d walked in on them sitting half-dead in their meeting room, which was becoming a regular occurrence.
Izumi gives him a tight-lipped smile: “We’re not playing “How many drinks until the IBM manifests” again. Remember what happened the last time?”
Ogura remembered, in fact, he was sure everyone did. That had been one of the most entertaining evenings of his entire summer. Izumi could certainly hold her liquor, if four drinks were anything to go by. That was usually how long it took for Kuro-chan to go wild.
“Aww, see, and here I thought I was in for a treat.” Ogura says, sighing theatrically.
“Just get out if you’re going to waste our time.” Tosaki grumbles. But then, he clicks his tongue and holds out his hand expectantly.
“You can at least make yourself useful.” he says, averting his eyes.
Ogura raises an eyebrow in surprise, but then obliges, pouring him a glass.
The man is walking enigma. One that is a but a day away from ending up as clinical burn-out patient.
“Drinks for the lady?”
Izumi graces him with a withering glare, but then she too nods in defeat.
“Hit me up.” she says, a smile tugging at her lips.
“As you like it.” Ogura says, grinning, as he settles down to join the saddest party of his entire life.
After all, it would be nearly a sin to pass up such an opportunity.
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