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crohns-girl · 7 years ago
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#crohnsdisease #crohns #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #ibd #ibdorknownasinflammatoryboweldisease
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tropicanine · 8 years ago
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make jokes about yourself to get going skmehow. if you're german you get it. well it's basicly saying bag animal which would be a marsupial. hence the stoma i found it was quite funny I even called an email of mine like that before. I just had to take it. #colitisawareness #colitisulcerosa #ulcerativecolitis #crohn #crohns #ibd #ibdorknownasinflammatoryboweldisease #photooftheday #may #bag #backpack #ourlifewithcrohns #illness #crohnicillness #autoimmuneillness #autoimmune @ulcerativecolitissupport @our_life_with_crohns
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queenbeeofibd · 7 years ago
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So today is #worldibdday so thought I'd share this. I suffer with Crohns colitis. I live each day fighting off fatigue, stomach cramps, anaemia, joint pains and having to think about what I eat on a daily basis. I'm actually one of the lucky ones. Im still able to work and pretty much do what I want whereas so many others can't. Work have thankfully allowed me this day to raise awareness in gym. I'm hosting a charity football match end of June and I'm able to live a pretty normal life despite having this awful disease. - Shared from @andywhittamore #ibdsuperheroes #ibd #crohns #colitis #awareness #livingdaybyday #invisibleillness #notaprogresspic #gym #dwffdunstable #dwff #charityevent #30thjune #crohnswarrior #ibdwarrior #ibdlife #ibdproblems #ibdawareness #ibdorknownasinflammatoryboweldisease — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/154bc93e626d8678e46cdfc420f5480f/5B846F12/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/31906344_2075062212707348_6309509027445342208_n.jpg
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crohns-girl · 8 years ago
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#ibd #ibdorknownasinflammatoryboweldisease #crohns #colitis
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crohns-girl · 8 years ago
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#ibd #ibdorknownasinflammatoryboweldisease #crohns #colitis (at St. Clair College Centre for the Arts)
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crohns-girl · 8 years ago
Having family help you though an illness
When someone becomes sick in a family , the journey they take is very seldom ever a journey they take alone. It is a journey that love ones often take with with the patient . They as a family unit grow and face difficult challenges . They go though the highs and lows together . The strength of the family unit grows so much in a short time . This is key to the progress the patient makes which is also essential to the families and patients well being !
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crohns-girl · 9 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing your page with me Julie ! I hope everyone checks it out and show her some love !
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crohns-girl · 9 years ago
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#Crohns #colitis #ibd #ibdawareness #ibdwarrior #ibdorknownasinflammatoryboweldisease #crohnsdisease #ulcerativecolitis #spoonies #invisableillness #chronicillness #chronicallyill #crohnsandcolitis #crohnsjokes
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crohns-girl · 11 years ago
In this brochure you will find advice on how to handle the basics of living with inflammatory bowel disease from others who have been down the road as well. For more information, find us online: www.thegutsygeneration.ca www.facebook.com/thegutsygeneration
There is a a great pamphlet ! Please Rt to other #crohnies The Gutsy Generation is the voice of the new generation that Youth affected by Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, the two most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The CCFC Youth Advisory Council (YAC) helps advise the Foundation on how to better engage youth in the mission – to find the cure for IBD. As youth between 15 and 24 years of age, we face unique challenges with our diseases. Even though IBD affects more than 200,000 Canadians, it is not uncommon to feel isolated. We believe that no one needs to go through this alone. It is our goal to help youth by providing them with knowledge and by connecting them with others going through the same experiences whether it is navigating through high school, going on your first date or surviving frosh week on a gluten free diet.for the whole story read the pamphlet http://www.isupportibd.ca/pdf/brochure-youth-support.pdf ......... In this brochure you will find advice on how to handle the basics of living with inflammatory bowel disease from others who have been down the road as well. For more information, find us online: www.thegutsygeneration.ca www.facebook.com/thegutsygeneration
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crohns-girl · 11 years ago
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#life #kindness#whatdidilearn #crohns #crohnie #crohnsgirl #colitis #ibd #ibdteam #ibdorknownasinflammatoryboweldisease
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jrobinjrob · 12 years ago
Hey Friends,
  It's just me, just Josh,
Just one person in at least five million worldwide (probably many more since 50,000.each year is diagnosed), at least 1.5 million Americans that suffer from a Chronic Illness called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn?s disease and ulcerative colitis, we have no cure. We, I could really use you help!
  I spend a lot of my time working in Taylor County, WV for youth sports, I am a basketball coach, (good one) and a baseball coach, I  really enjoy the Kiddo?s. My last basketball All Star Team went 24 and 2.  I also spend some time on Veterans Affairs, and my Son (ARob) and I walk every year for breast cancer in our local Relay For Life.
  This time of year is for me. I am and have been sick for 5, years with an incurable disease called Crohn's disease, Crohn's is illness that causes never ending sickness and pain, and as of late I am very sick again. The meds I take are deadly, they cause infections, heart failure, liver failure drug induced Lupus and sudden death, and the illness can be deadly as well. I have lost 5 very good friends just in 2012 to Crohn?s, and a beautiful friend to Meningitis whom has a sweet little girl with Crohn's. 
  Please consider me and my friends a worthy cause. I know that many of us are struggling financially right now and I know there are many causes out there to contribute too.  But I am asking you as my friend to please donate any amount of money you can and walk with me, us, on June 29, 2012 at Hazel Ruby-McQuain Riverfront Park, Morgantown WV. Registration begins at 3:30PM. I am so looking forward to you guys being there, and again I?m not beating around the bush, I your help and support, your money and support will help me and my ?Crohnies? survive and find a cure!!! ( I love these people more then you can know)?. Last get together the CCFA had they told us VERY big things are right around the corner!!! So join me, PLEASE I need you, join our cause!!!
Just Me, Josh!!!
June 29, 2013
Hazel Ruby-McQuain Riverfront Park Registration Start: 3:30 PM Walk Start: 4:30 PM
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