#ib german tutor
dakareapurva · 1 month
From Beginner to Bilingual: How an IB German Tutor Can Accelerate Your Learning
From customized learning approaches to targeted exam preparation and cultural immersion, the benefits are undeniable. If you're serious about mastering German and excelling in your IB studies, investing in an IB German tutor is a wise decision. So, if you're ready to accelerate your journey from beginner to bilingual proficiency, consider the expertise of an IB German tutor. With their specialized knowledge and personalized support, you'll be well on your way to achieving your language learning goals.
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Specific instruction for each concept in class from the IB German tutor
A qualified Advanced Skills Teacher and Examine a private online German tutor for any topic from primary through university level by using ibteach Tutors, which is the only place to learn  for the best online German tutors for your needs. 
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sysy-studyblr · 2 months
hello! i stumbled upon your blog a few days ago and was honestly amazed at how you progressed in your german learning in less than a year. i don't know if you ever made a post about it, but could you share how you structured your learning routine? i'm self-studying french and the thing i find the hardest is how to cover all the topics i need and fit them jn a schedule. i know it's different fot everyone, but you're a major inspiration source, so it'd be pretty helpful! thank you in advance 💜
hi, firstly thank you so much!!! this is such a kind message!!!!! like very seriously, the type of message I would store in my heart for a long time, so thank you.
going to be absolutely real with you, I was very free as I picked up German, it was kind of my only goal for 8 months, so I didn't need to worry about other tasks!!! but in general, I started using the Common European framework of reference for languages [CEFR - A1-C2] to guide my revision, I did A1 - A2 with a language learning institute [goethe], where I got content + guidance from them and B1 - B2 with a private tutor, though I used a lot of my own resources + scheduling, so I'll break down what could be useful for you!
I broke German down into vocabulary and grammar, like just fundamentally - I did learn a bit of French, so I think this could work for French too, considering tenses as a part of grammar.
generally you have to progress in a language from basics to intermediate to then advanced, such that vocabulary + grammar structures get more complex as you go along. I (allegedly) pirated (alleged) German learning books from the (alleged) website libgen/scihub, and used them for practice. I also found free content online for German B2 grammar.
if you want to pass an exam, then what I did would work - towards the exam time, I pretty much just understood grammar structures, and read vocab, then did past papers until I was really good at it, because I needed the certificate for uni. but in general, I recommend practicing these structures yourself, and integrating them into your life. I watched German shows, listened to German music, read tons of stuff in German, and of course, all my devices are in German now. [I also did this before my French IB exam, albeit I am not very good at French]
my schedule had German every day, on average 3 hours, the week before exams 4 hours a day for like 5 days straight. I gave myself a week to go over grammatical structures, but if you just obtain a French A1 book and start doing the exercises alone, you would be just fine. I missed 20 hours of the start of the A1 class (I did 4 hours a day from A1 - A2) and I just used the simple book they gave, understood stuff with a dictionary and pushed forward.
this reply might be super all-over-the-place so do let me know if I should expound on something specific or if something makes little to no sense,!!!!
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viva-1a-resistance · 1 year
hello! what's up? it's been so long. my second prelims start monday and the first is math so im understandably dying. wby?
yes it has been very long but im in my ghosting everyone era so no big deal
i love math are you in icse or cbse or ib i can tutor you if you want
my second prelims are almost over :D i just have chem and german left
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Level Up Your Learning: Effective Home Tutors & Online Classes
Looking for the perfect tutor for your child? Look no further than CareerMakerz!
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eclassopedia22 · 9 months
Discover the Top Tutoring Companies in USA for Exceptional Educational Support
In today's competitive educational landscape, students and parents are constantly seeking ways to enhance learning and achieve academic excellence. One valuable resource that has gained immense popularity in recent years is professional tutoring. With a plethora of tutoring companies available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. This blog aims to simplify your search by unveiling the top tutoring companies in USA that offer exceptional educational support.
Why Choose Tutoring Companies?
Tutoring has evolved from supplementary academic aid to a vital component of many students' educational journeys. It offers a range of benefits, including:
1. Personalized Learning: Tutoring companies tailor their teaching methods to each student's unique needs, ensuring personalized attention.
2. Improved Grades: Tutoring can boost students' understanding of subjects, leading to improved grades and test scores.
3. Confidence Building: Regular interactions with tutors can boost students' confidence in their abilities and make them more enthusiastic about learning.
4. Targeted Exam Preparation: Many tutoring companies offer specialized programs for standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, or GRE, helping students excel in these crucial exams.
5. Flexibility: Tutoring can be scheduled to fit your convenience, allowing for a flexible learning experience.
The Top Tutoring Companies in the USA
Without further ado, here are some of the top tutoring companies in the USA, renowned for their commitment to educational excellence:
1. Eclassopedia
Eclassopedia, a worldwide-known education platform for kids in grades I-XII, is changing traditional education by reducing geographical, access, and financial constraints. Eclassopedia is reinventing the potential of education, giving stackable and high-quality learning experiences, in response to students' desire to learn on their terms. Eclassopedia provides courses from class I to XII, encompassing CBSE, IB, ICSE, IGCSE, GCSE, Edexcel, UK, USA, AUSTRALIAN, SINGAPORE, K-12 curriculum, as well as language studies in Hindi, Sanskrit, French, German, and Spanish.
2. Sylvan Learning
Sylvan Learning is a nationwide tutoring network with a strong focus on personalized learning. They offer a wide range of services for students of all ages, from elementary to high school. Sylvan specializes in improving math and reading skills and has earned a reputation for effective results.
3. Huntington Learning Center
Huntington Learning Center is known for its individualized programs that cater to the specific needs of each student. They offer tutoring in a variety of subjects and also provide test prep services for standardized tests.
4. Tutor.com
Tutor.com is an online tutoring platform that connects students with experienced tutors 24/7. Their convenient and accessible service is ideal for students seeking immediate assistance with homework or test preparation.
5. Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors offers both in-person and online tutoring services. They have a vast network of tutors specializing in a wide range of subjects, making it easy to find the right tutor for your needs.
The top tutoring companies in the USA mentioned here are just a glimpse of the diverse options available. When choosing a tutoring service, it's essential to consider factors such as your child's unique learning style, specific educational goals, and budget. Conducting thorough research, reading reviews, and consulting with the tutoring companies directly can help you make an informed decision.
Investing in your education or that of your child is an important decision, and selecting the right tutoring company can make a significant difference in achieving academic success. Whether it's improving grades, excelling in standardized tests, or simply gaining a deeper understanding of a subject, these top tutoring companies in USA are dedicated to providing exceptional educational support to help you reach your goals.
Article Source: https://medium.com/@eclassopedia22/discover-the-top-tutoring-companies-in-usa-for-exceptional-educational-support-20c2e81efd35
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subjects that the crows would take for ib (inspo from @sophiewith7es )
btw for those who don't know SL is standard level HL is higher level
• jesper:
SL environmental studies (cmon he's a durast!), SL econs (idk he just seems like an econs lad), SL maths (he probably hates maths)
HL lang lit (don't ask me why he just has those vibes), HL theatre arts (i bet he'd be a theatre kid) and HL global politics or geo or maybe even psych (seems like a guy who wants to know more about the world and understand people better!)
also yes he is a humanities person and a theatre kid because i said so
and and and as an extracurricular he would totally do some kind of service like teaching kids arts & crafts or something
• inej:
SL maths (she doesn't like it very much but is very good at it), SL hindi (loves it with all her heart but could not do it as an HL for her life; and hindi bc she is suli! aka south asian! and she loves her mother tongue so), SL physics (the woman defies gravity what more do you need as an explanation)
HL history (she just seems like someone who would absolutely adore it), HL geo (she wants to travel the world), HL literature!! (she's just someone who loves languages okay)
her extracurricular would be a service which is teaching kids how to dance/being a self defence instructor for teens!
• kaz:
SL maths (as good as he is at it, he'd just never want to do it, cant be bothered to make that much effort), SL physics (because he just likes it for some reason; or maybe inej influenced him), SL french or german (no comment)
HL business, HL econs (need i explain), HL langlit (bro wants to get into law like @sophiewith7es said)
his extracurricular would probably be mun or some other form of debate or something
• nina:
SL maths (hates it with all her heart), SL global politics or psych (loves psych, zoyalai influenced her into GP), SL theatre arts (she is a theatre kid just like jes shush)
HL language (any- she'd crush all of them), HL bio (it's her thing), HL literature (she is definitely a lit girl)
her extracurricular would also be mun and she'd purposely request to be in the same committee as kaz for each and every conference (and it works every time) just so she can prove to him she's the better delegate ;)
• matthias:
SL maths (let's just conclude that no one but wylan loves maths; matthias especially hates it), SL german, SL langlit (doesnt give a shit about english but is good at it anyway; nina's probably his tutor for languages)
HL sport science (do i really need to elaborate), HL gp (probably took it because of nina, actually likes it), HL literature (you can't tell me this man is not deep af, he'd be amazing at literature)
his extracurricular would be some environmental community service (bc he's dorky and adorable)
• wylan:
SL langlit, SL business/econs (loves it despite his stupid father), SL french (he is a french bean okay)
HL bio, chem, maths (he is stem lad)
his extracurricular would be robotics club (eventually becomes president) and psych club
basically we have ib course selections due in like 2 days at school which is why i got a sudden urge to make this post so yes >:)
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ibteach · 3 years
IB Teach offers 1 on 1 individual tutoring that allows students to see the simplicity of the German language. Login to our website to book a demo session with IB German Tutor now.
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Language Learning Log 2022 Week Two (10.01 - 16.01)
Banner photo: I went out for burgers with some friends, and it was delicious! Mine was a jerk-spiced chicken burger with peppers, onions and pineapple, minus bread because who needs bread *prepares to get attacked by Germans and Norwegians*.
Listened to 2x Ekko podcasts
Klart Det! chapter 2
Finished writing article about the stupidity of people
Started writing an essay about social media
3x italki lessons
Watched 1x 113 episode
Watched 1x Debatten episode
Practice Bergenstest parts 2, 3 & 4
Reviewed vocab with Anki
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I did another interview report, but this one was a lot tougher than last week's. The interviewee spoke trøndersk (which you all know I struggle with at the best of times lmao) and there were some words I didn't know. I think I would've passed, but I don't think I'd have got C1 as there was definitely some information I missed.
In general I didn’t do as much as I’d have liked this week, but part of that is due to being ill. Last Friday I got diagnosed with IBS and told to avoid any triggers, one of which could be tea. I was in agony on Sunday, so I decided to stop drinking tea and haven’t had a cup since. Of course, this has brought on all the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal: headaches, shivers, inability to sleep, feeling tired all the time etc. But those could also be because of my booster jab on Monday morning. Perhaps it’s a combination of the two. Either way, it really knocked me for six and I was largely useless on Tuesday and Wednesday (although I did push myself to do something on those days, plus I had italki lessons).
I watched 113 for the first time in a long time this week. I searched on my blog and the last time I watched it was apparently April 2019, and I didn’t actually say much about it other than I understood all the østnorsk parts and was starting to get the hang of trøndersk (lies lmao I remember I had the subtitles on every time and watched each episode in 10-minute blocks because it was so much effort to focus on it for 40 minutes at a time). I’m pleased to say that I understood most of what was being said without subtitles regardless of dialect (not everything though - I missed some of the quieter parts and at one point I turned on subtitles for like 20 seconds because I had no idea what they were saying). So here we have some development in (a) my understanding and (b) my peace with not understanding perfectly and acknowledging I still have a way to go on this little language learning journey of mine.
I really struggled with my listening practice test this week. What I find most difficult is I don’t always have time to read all the answers before the task starts, so I have to try and read it while the person’s speaking, and I do both really inefficiently. I need to ask my tutor if I’ll have time to read the questions/answers before I listen, because that’ll make a huge difference. I did okay on the other sections though - better than the past couple of tests actually.
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basia2002ib · 3 years
Profile & summary of my CAS
Learning outcomes
All in all I can say I achieved all learning outcomes. 
1. I identified own strengths and developed areas for growth. I got involved in activities that based on my prevailing skills but opened new ways to develop. Language can be deepened without limits; although I have got a certified C2 level in German I can still develop my skills and I continued to do so throughout my CAS.
2. I have undertaken a range of challenges, for instance passing a C2 exam in German seemed outlandish at first but then I got used to the idea and focused all my efforts to pursuing this goal. And I did it, even though it might seem abstract. I wanted to challenge myself to spice up my life a little bit and grow personally from the process. Now I can see a difference - my German language skills developed to such degree that when I am reading literature in German now I see an immense difference - now I can easily spot nuances and extract the deep meaning.
3. I initiated and planned CAS experiences thoroughly. I am a pragmatic person who tends to stick to the plan because it gives direction. CAS stages came naturally to me, I did not have to force them because they are inherent parts of planning process. My intellectual challenges undertaken in German - 2 competition and one language certificate required detailed planning for adequate preparation. Also my internship in the foundation required planning and time-management skills as I had to combine it with my various initiatives and rigorous IB programme. CAS stages were useful to plan my CAS project as well - I was in MUN staff, which means I coorganized WawMUN 2019.
4. Commitment and perseverance are prerequisite for success. I understand it therefore in every action I take these factors resonate. Otherwise I would accomplish my goals such as honours in German, I would not be able to play volleyball in the first-line up or I would not fulfill my demanding duties throughout my internship effectively. These are only examples of actions where I used my commitment and perseverance to succeed.
5. I saw benefits of working collaboratively during the WawMUN 2019 conference, which I organized as my CAS project but also in my internship in the foundation and my service as a student goverment vice president. In the student government we need to rely on one another and have each other’s back. We do share responsibilities to make sure nothing is neglected. We help each other and in case of emergency may replace one another either during a debate or while discussing issues with the head mistress. Throughout my internship I served as an assistant therefore I needed to adjust to the current responsibilities. I was instructed by more experienced employees all the way and assigned tasks. WawMUN conference is the biggest MUN in Poland therefore the organization process is complicated and required the division of tasks. If we did not trust each other and if we did not share responsibilities, the effect would not be so spectacular. The results showed the benefits of the team work from its best side.
6. I engaged with issues of gloabl significance throughout my CAS project which was co-organizing the MUN conference. Practising debating skills is crucial in today’s world and new generations of politicians have a chance to challenge their capabilities on the conference. The topics discussed in individual commitees touched upon issues of global significance. It is great to give my peers a chance to gain skills, delve into controversial subjects and defend their position. Some of them would probably pursue politics further in life; MUN conferences are truly inspirational in this respect.
7. One of the ethical issues I adressed during my activity as a student government vice president was the animal consumption. To relieve the environment, make my own step to reduce cruelty against animals, at least at the local level, I negotiated with the canteen supervisor to introduce vegan food. Unfortunately it was not possible to serve vegan dinners because of technical diffuculties but vegan sandwiches appeared in the canteen soon after our proposal. This is the way to satisfy needs of people on a plant-based diet but also a way to promote environmentally friendly food, with no associated cruelty.
I love literature and foreign languages. Throughout my CAS, I combine this two effectively to follow both of my passions simultaneously. I read and write a lot in German and do far beyond what is required in my school. My goals in German are wide-ranging and not confined to my German B classes, but I challenged myslef to take part in competition and to read German literature. Once I have read “The Sorrows of Young Werther”, “Faust”, “The Visit”, “The Trial” in original and it commenced my relationship with German literature. I was captivated by it to such extent that I made a German classic “The Magic Mountain” the center of my Extended Essay. I also chose “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka to use in my oral exam. Thomas Mann and Franz Kafka are one of my favourite writers of all time and they allow me to trace different nuances of German language. Close analysis of these works of art should involve in my opinion delving into the original work. A valuable experience might be to compare it with the translation, which I did throughout my independent study.
My tangible achievements in German (the evidence for my skills) were: a C2 certificate in German, a disitinction in the translation contest “Juvenes Translatores” organized by the European Commision and a finalist title in the National German Olympiad. I reached my aforementioned goals in 2020. They involved CAS stages. 1. I investigated the area I wanted to deepen my skills in and specific aims I wanted to pursue and these were competitions in German. 2. I prepared my strategy, researched the most respectable competitions and exams I wanted to take part in, signed up for them and planned preparation which was necessary because of huge amounts of school work and limited free time. 3. I took specific action, exposed myself to the language days before the exam and throughout multiple months I was doing practice papers, reading and watching a lot. 4. I realized that by pursuing my passion in German and going beyond the curriculum I freed myself and could really delve into the language. The experience provided me with the sense of purpose - my life was not only concerned with my Diploma syllabus but I could get acquainted with literature and recognized the power of translation in terms of its strong influence on the reception of foreign texts. 
From then onward I worked to maintain my German on the same high level. I should not take it for granted - I am not a native speaker. My accomplishements required huge amounts of work and also talent but might disappear if not cared for properly.
In the course of my CAS journey I have been active in many disciplines. Sport is one of my few ways to unwind and stop stressing about reality. I think that the limited possibilities to practice sport were one of the major obstacles during the pandemic. I was deprived of my only way to switch off and relax. Before the pandemic I used to swim and play volleyball in a school team every week plus I attended 3 Physical Education classes per week. Now my prefered activities are not possible to pursue because of lockdown which entailed school, sport halls and swimming pool closures. Moreover I am concerned with the virus. At the start of 2020 we managed to take the fouth place in district-wide volleyball competition. My team and I wanted to improve next year but the pandemic unexpectedly shattered my plans. I am grateful, however, for having been given a chance to represent my school in the first line-up. Moreover, I would attend volleyball practice every Saturday.
My PE classes give me a chance to play volleyball, football or do fitness. I enjoy almost every activity that is physically demanding. And I am also great in sport which boosts my motivation. Beyond school, I used to exert myself a lot in swimming and have difficulties to find enjoyment in it. However, I am a really good swimmer and it strengthens my determination, improves posture and health.
Throughout the pandemic, I have been practising sport independently, as it is an extremely important part of my life. However, in the first lockdown in the spring I used to overexert myself doing long and intensive workouts every day on an empty stomach to the point when I got health problems. I had to give it up and switched to another physical activity, less demanding but equally fun: walking. Never before have I taken walks so often as during the pandemic. Now, in the winter lockdown I also go for a walk sometimes.
I began my CAS journey in 2019 with giving tutoring to a primary school student from a underprivileged background. Teaching subjects I am comfortable in (English and German) and his improved grades were reasons for my satisfaction. It required a lot of patience and perseverance as it was extremely difficult to teach him something because firstly he lacked motivation and secondly he had difficulties memorizing. This made it a huge challenge but turned out to be rewarding.
The second half of my first IB year (2020) I sacrificed for my internship (voluntary work) in a foundation.  My scope of activity consisted in the cooperation with the Fundraising Director and the Spokeswoman of the foundation; I had duties related to fundraising and media such as: preparing summaries of the reports from humanitarian missions for fairs in Dubai, translating posts for English social media profiles, collecting data for media reports, translating official requests for the sponsorship, gathering contact details of potential sponsors i.e. big companies and Presidents of the biggest Polish cities, monitoring press mentions.
Throughout 2020 I have also been fulfilling duties of the student government vice president. My team was elected in February 2020 and until now (beginning of 2021) I hold this position. I resolve current problems with the head mistress, co-organize and participate in events e.g. open days, control social media, coordinate logistics. In March we attended an event for student governments across Warsaw. I also tried to organize the Physics conference with my 2 friends in my school but it was cancelled last-minute due to imposed school closure, one week before it was scheduled to take place. Everything had been arranged with lecturers and we had to cancel feeling miserable.
My wide range of CAS activities - other examples
Apart from my core activities which I described, I got involved in numerous other CAS experienced described on this blog. One of the most enriching ones was my participation in the process of creation of a book. I wrote my own essay to a book published this month by my former class teacher. I entitled my work: “School is people: about sparking authenticity and breaking patterns”. I also cooked a lot and published some of my recipes on the blog, wrote to my school newspaper, took part in environmental protests, wrote some poems, some diary entry, practiced Frech, including writing, took many beautiful photos on my trips abroad,... 
I also co-organized WawMUN2019 conference as my CAS project.
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trewloves · 4 years
tag - who’m i
thanks to @fitzrove​ and @georgefancys​ for tagging me!!
name: ivy! (i actually have a given name that is not ivy but. i go by ivy lol)
nickname: i thought it was rlly funny when bex said a few of her friends call her b b/c a few of my friends from high school ALSO call me b
zodiac: cancer
height: close to 5′10″, but i wear heels a lot in both my professional contexts so that usually puts me in the 6′1″-2″ range
languages: mandarin chinese was my first and i can understand a lot of other dialects (mostly cantonese) without speaking, but obviously living in the states my whole life i have pretty much native fluency in english. i also used to know german (i had a private tutor from age 5-12 if i remember correctly) but i’ve pretty much forgotten all of it now, i speak pretty decent french (learned it for ib) and i’m studying dutch rn and also spanish bc i think it’s pathetic that i grew up in the southwestern united states and can barely speak spanish... lol
nationality: american!
favorite season: i think probably autumn because the weather’s the most temperate (i literally live in two of the places with the worst weather) and also i’m a hoe for autumnal colors
favorite flower: carnations!
favorite fictional character: god this is SO hard but like i will always love clara oswald from doctor who till the end of my days (and ofc special shoutout to my sweet baby peter jakes)
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? i love them ALL but i will say working in a coffeeshop and making hot chocolate makes you less inclined to enjoy drinking it lol... i drink matcha lattes on the regular but i’ll always enjoy both coffee and tea
average sleep: i prefer the classic 7.5 but i usually get closer to 4. oof
dogs or cats: i like both but probably dogs
dream trip: i loved scandinavia and the benelux countries, they’re so beautiful, but i’ve never been to iceland so i’d love to go
blog established: i believe spring my junior year of high school, which would’ve been 2017?
random fact: i’m bleaching my hair right now. lol
gender: is a scam (but i consider myself a cis woman. lmao)
current time: 20.36
favorite artists: hayley kiyoko, hozier, and flor are the first ones that come to mind. i’m a closet camila cabello fan and also i love rina sawayama as well
stuck in my head: the same 4 bars from this piece i’m playing for wind ensemble smh
last movie i saw: i can’t really remember but i’m going to see portrait of a lady on fire on saturday!
last thing i googled: ‘tim longman international criminal tribunal rwanda’ because i’d read on my professor’s wikipedia page that he’d served as an expert witness so i was googling him during class (i’m obsessed with him and need him to adopt me)
other blogs: my main is chuckrussinks but i rarely post there anymore, i haven’t even updated my age lmao
do i get asks? once in a while which is really cute and nice!
reason for url: because i thirst. nonstop. for peter jakes
followers/following: 5,120 followers (most of them are from when i was a shameless supernatural hoe...sigh) and i’m following 128!
lucky number: 8
currently wearing: shorts and my pavement coffeehouse t-shirt
dream job: bruh i don’t even know anymore... i’m currently studying music, political science, and international governance (part of international relations) so we’ll see what happens. would love to go to grad school though and work for the EU since i’m very interested in the topic of european integration and regional organizations
favorite foods: i love all spicy food, but since i’m a western united states bitch i gotta say. in-n-out burger. i miss that shit so much
instruments: obvs flute, since i’m studying flute performance at university (i’ve been playing for 10 years now, shook). my first instrument was piano which i started 15 years ago and i’m still playing, just not studying privately anymore. i also played the bassoon in middle school (i know) and can sort of play violin poorly
i can’t really think of anyone to tag who hasn’t already been tagged, and i’m lazy af, so if u’d like to just say i tagged u heh
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dakareapurva · 8 months
Top IB German Tutor for Language Mastery
Acquire proficiency in the language with our dedicated IB German tutor. Our tutoring sessions focus on language mastery, cultural understanding, and exam success. Improve your IB German experience with personalized guidance from a skilled tutor. Check our websites and achieve your academic achievement.
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Personalized Online IB German Education Is Available At Any Time
The German course will help students learn how to write, speak, and understand German well. The IB course is meant to help students become more open to other cultures and ideas by studying languages .
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ignited-minds-era · 2 years
How to find best tutor in Hong Kong?
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The Best IB Schools in Hong Kong 
The International Baccalaureate curriculum is popular in Hong Kong. 
Today, the IB education system is recognized in over 100 countries worldwide. 
The professional tutors of top schools in Hong Kong sheds light on some reasons why schools all around the world choose to offer the IBDP programme. 
If you are a student looking for an education that stimulates and challenges you but also requires hard work, then the IB is the perfect field to study in. 
You can make the best out of it by taking the help of the best IB tutors in Hong Kong. 
Studying in Hong Kong 
Hong Kong holds the status of a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. 
It is now grown as an IB rant city where students are exposed to both Eastern and Western cultures. 
Best IB Schools in Hong Kong 
1. German Swiss International School 
Location: 11 Guildford Rd, The Peak, Hong Kong 
Education: Co-Ed
No. of Students: 1300
Curriculum: IBDP and German 
2. Australian International School 
Location: 3A, Norfolk Rd, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Education: Co-Ed
No. of Students: 1100
Curriculum: IB and Australian 
3. Hong Kong Academy 
Location: 33, Wai Man Rd, Sai Kung, Hong Kong
Education: Co-Ed 
No. of Students: 530 Curriculum: IBDP, IBMYP, IBPYP
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olesentuition · 2 years
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As GCSE, A-level, IB and Pre-U German exams are well under way, we share some last minute tips on how to get the top grade. Just click on the link in our bio. Best of luck 🤞 And if you‘re in your first year and your final exams are in 2023, then get support from experienced native German tutors with an excellent track record in preparing students for all exams in the language. You‘ll find more information on our GCSE and A-level German courses in our bio. #gcsegerman #alevelgerman #ibgerman #preugermqn #gcse #gcses #gcse2022 #gcse2022exams #alevelgerman #alevels #alevel2022 (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdtCxiBo9CS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coachingselect · 3 years
Where can I find Tutors/Mentors for home tuition in India?
What a tutor can teach sitting at home; nobody else can perform that job well, let’s check out the list of home tuition!
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Benefits of Home Tuitions
With home tuitions, students get completely personalized and one-to-one attention. They can customize their study plan to address the weaker subject areas.
The private tutor can easily gauge the student’s learning abilities and identify the subjects in which he is facing difficulty.
Students can clarify all their doubts and difficulties in any subject or topic.
Through home tuitions, the tutor can watch, analyze, and make assessments about the knowledge level of the students. Accordingly, he can devise a methodical study plan for the students, which can help them perform well.
Advantages of Home Tutor:
Time Flexibility
No Geographical Boundaries
No need for travelling
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Best Home Tutor in India
Vedantu: It has become a very renowned tutoring site, particularly among students. The best thing about them is that they provide coaching on a lot of subjects such as Physics, German, French, maths, computers, Science and many more subjects. Plus they also provide separate coaching on IIT-JEE, CAT, NEET, etc.
2. TutorVista: It is tutoring company that has become one of the most famous tuition services for in India and even abroad. They provide worldwide services and that too at affordable prices. This portal started in the year 2005, and was acquired for more than 800 crores by Pearson in the year 2013 after that it became the whole owned subsidiary. Here, there are tutors from different parts of the world and they are required to go through training and pass it before they become eligible to teach students.
3. Tutor.com: It is another amazing website for teachers as their main aim is to make a great connection between the students and teachers, plus they also ensure that the teachers earn a good income. The best thing about them is that the tuition sessions are available round the clock which means that you can create your schedule accordingly.
4. Chegg: There are a lot of people who are aware of this website as it is one of the most reliable and popular websites among teachers and students. For subjects like science, accounts, management and finance and also subject like English, Math’s, Chemistry, etc.
5. TutorME: It is a great website for selecting tutor but usually, as they have teachers who have some prior teaching experience, masters in the subject you want to take sessions on. They offer you four plans which you can choose as per your availability and flexibility. The subjects that you can select from are history, foreign languages, humanities, computer science, social science, science, engineering, math, and test prep.
6. KK Home Tuitions: KK Home Tuition is the India’s most reliable and trustworthy platform. There are 7500+ best and experienced teachers available. Every teacher is experienced and qualified with the recognized institutions. We are providing home tuitions at your doorstep as well as online classes also available for each and every class, course, subject and also for competitive exams.
7. All india home tuitions: We are providing online and offline tutors all over India from nursery to Pg level for all subjects based on requirement. Syllabuses like STATE, CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE, IB, Cambridge, etc. And also computer coursers like C, C++, MS OFFICE, JAVA, ORACLE, SAP, etc. And competitive exams like NEET, EMCET, RRB, banking exams, etc. Based on student requirement we provide skilled male and female tutors and well experienced (min 3yrs to 15yrs). We provide home tuitions for males and females with in their areas up to 5kms of radius. Based on student requirement duration will be between only 1hour to 2hours. Free demos will provide to student if student is ok with teacher they can finalize things like timings, fees, working days, working hours and duration Period.
8. Gargi Coaching Classes: Provides home tuitions and tuitions at coaching institute for pcb/maths/bio-tech for 10th, 11th, 12th , bsc, b.com, b.a. Gargi Institute provides complete solution to all problems regarding all subjects from XI, XII to BSc., B.Com, B.A. PMT, IAS and other Preparation. The Place is all-in-one Study Center for New-Gen Students. Those who are in search of IGNOU BSc. Classes or Previous Years’ Solved Papers can join Gargi Coaching Classes. These notes will be free for GCC students however, those who are graduating from IGNOU and need notes related to Chemistry (CHE), Life Sciences (LSE) and other subjects can contact the institute and clear the exams without wasting time or making large efforts. Home Tuitions are also available for IGNOU BSc. students as well as for students of class XI, XII. Free Trial Classes will be given to pupil interested in scoring high. Contact at 9811943923, Siddhartha Bhardwaj.
9. SS Home Tutions: SS HOME TUITIONS is established in 2009, A platform which was designed to address the immediate need to increase the visibility of qualified affordable tutors to parents. Various screening parameters were installed in place to achieve quality tutoring at a home ambience. “One of the best home tuitions in Visakhapatnam”. We are assigned faculty throughout the city and having 3000+ experienced and dedicated faculty. At SS HOME TUITIONS, you can choose your home tutor from our wide database of talented tutors. You can also perform location, qualification, fees, and specialization based searches to get the best suitable home tutor as per your need SS HOME TUITIONS a premier has about 10 years experience helping students achieve their potential.Leading private tuition agency with a personal touch, SS HOME TUITIONS brings learning to your doorstep, which is tailored to your needs and busy schedule.
10. Alchemy Home Tutors:They are group of tutors. we are teaching our student since 2008. They started providing our services in Delhi and UP initially. Now they are moving one step more in Ahemdabad,Gujrat also. Who are trying to help you at every condition. They are also providing special educators for students who are not able to get succeed in exams even after hard work. May be they are not working and practicing in a specific direction.
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