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maternalcube · 4 months ago
ch 38 oh god im not writing fast enough to keep up a buffer aaaaa
I'm anxious—reasonably—when I approach Iamon, but also I somehow feel like weight is being lifted off my shoulders the closer I get. He might have bad news for me, but he'll have a plan, too. He's my dragon—he's going to take care of me. He snorts and noses against my arm once I'm in reach. "Did you watch this bonding, or are you still squeamish about it?" He's going to take care of me, but he won't be very nice about it.
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randgugotur-6 · 9 months ago
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May 24th 1993 #WASP released the GREAT album "The Crimson Idol" #IAmOne #TheIdol #HoldOnToMyHeart #ArenaOfPleasure #HeavyMetal
Did you know...
It is a concept album, telling the story of the rise and fall of a fictional rock star named Jonathan Steel. https://t.co/4K5DZj9Qib
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444names · 1 year ago
minerals + fells in cumbria + american states + the entire article on "acariasis" from the english wiktionary BUT excluding "t"
Acarnum Adanka Adaull Admill Alaise Alcocond Alcon Alegois Alinindiam Allaum Allber Alord Alzacry Alzburdium Alzii Ameekiel Amexafer Amise Ammey Amoside Amperouse Amsiside Amunia Anabascags Anargine Anbell Anesill Anglenrow Angzhnkell Anigg Ankfer Anoidd Anzine Aquis Arball Ardes Ardke Arian Arium Arson Aschlfor Ashble Assidd Aucoll Audon Avings Axipall Babak Balum Bandrolmel Banianeven Baragne Bardawad Bargy Barick Baringbar Barium Baroke Baserside Bashedone Baungag Bauruby Becia Becrax Bensourane Bergade Bermon Berne Berspigg Berudwaike Bicocke Bicupine Binde Binium Block Blodde Blorike Boell Bogag Bogeridd Borfirane Borid Borubermon Boughabii Bowirk Brags Bramold Bredor Brell Brenconise Brenese Brill Broclanne Brocoll Brogenise Bropike Bruperiall Budall Budium Buell Buriphore Buruseagg Cafeline Calferike Caluor Capmag Carag Cardke Carfel Carlede Carseild Cauine Cemell Cemun Cerinosum Cesamene Charsill Chese Chlorigon Chlow Chrow Chryll Chvad Chvan Chvausings Chyaine Clarke Cobanne Colagne Colic Coline Colyell Compide Cones Cophlor Copropi Cosell Coviriemar Cramine Cryll Curigg Cyley Dalarnad Dawak Delferia Delscracon Derell Deroome Derserigg Diangangs Diangarsis Dipper Dodia Dolum Doragg Dormal Dzhose Eliase Emcke Enckidd Enium Enrodde Esiophyll Euclic Evanborine Faurar Felirk Fericke Ferinson Ferlsberry Ferne Ferosemium Flogdow Fluamill Flucombena Fludime Fluergell Flumind Fluor Fluorar Fluoreese Fluoria Flusearag Fragne Frashar Ganoves Gayrimon Geadowfell Gensdandii Gensferown Glacar Glayfeld Goenia Golas Golinois Gondum Gopall Gorna Gragg Grags Grapallord Gread Greadiad Greag Grengalbar Greve Grikeyl Grise Grocel Grony Guyase Gyron Habassine Halinylvey Halpike Hamsene Harey Harmarag Harrone Haulinepia Hauseke Hederine Hedspine Hendide Hengman Herrodgme Hervad Hiedamolil Hofell Hopardian Hydrom Hyhylle Hålecksope Hübne Iamon Illows Iocoli Jacrel Jafellum Jamane Jefphlow Jerson Jolls Julas Kabil Kailve Kalighpine Kalquermor Kamberizar Kamic Kanabroell Kerhom Kharaike Kirapkeigg Knohoell Knohyll Knoline Krama Krune Kurag Lagne Laissanse Langs Larnor Lauessampe Lerican Leudaugg Leuspike Liggill Lodde Lomells Looide Loornavane Lorffell Lorippe Lybde Lévyn Lévyngs Magne Malanore Mandum Manne Mardspell Marse Mebre Mejerry Mengable Mergypike Mesben Mexiane Mixby Mogdorn Monne Monnerigg Moodum Moophyline Moroke Moruse Mulves Nadaleend Nadall Narissine Nawag Neplac Nerisla Nesse Nobiemose Nochlor Nolor Obisda Oklodd Olynesspe Ordium Orsermag Packe Pagne Peckfell Pecrag Pelione Peria Perine Pernor Pesill Pezings Phill Phiophag Phircel Phyassinle Phyivia Phyne Physonfien Pikase Plandum Pleag Pleindon Plese Pophlow Poppike Posweell Povirose Psell Pshirk Pyroxifell Pääkköne Quill Ragson Rankabsone Rargine Reande Remona Rhorse Rhowodd Rokyamen Rokyoum Rossana Sacesson Safell Salkhaline Samar Samens Sanerson Sapsene Sarber Sarigg Saskisill Scacirows Scadois Scagg Scanknown Schiggfel Schran Sconepike Scophryfel Seane Segre Sequar Sergirgush Seria Sevell Sewbaks Shaum Sheniashum Shill Shoperl Sicalacirk Sindoll Skand Sloragran Smium Smone Smookyquer Sonido Soudle Spikar Spouse Svadores Svand Swill Syllan Syngum Séramue Ukhaldpike Ukhodorags Ulfelimes Ulfell Uminike Urburad Usile Uyamale Vlace Vlanpike Voreen Vulfell Waine Waleyalill Waline Welmquarag Whable Willine Wilpicedd Woorpar Wyarna Xenhyll Xielos Xileusse Xocchell Xochar Xocle Xocoline Xonaks Xoniel Yerow Zahilbia Zanackpike Zendium Zenskine Zhagfell Zhodine Zimell Zinghses Zings Zirke Zoizine Zurag
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hellfire--cult · 1 year ago
@eddiesxangel IAMON IT PLS
Baring Teeth {Eddie Munson x Reader} - Chapters and Warnings
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Picture for Banner: pitifulbaby
Chapters: Warnings - Ch. 1 - Ch. 2 - Ch.3 - Ch. 4 - Ch. 5 - Ch. 6 - Ch. 7 - Ch. 8 🔥 - Ch. 9 🔥 - Ch. 10 - Ch. 11 - Ch. 12 - Ch. 13 - Ch. 14
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Non-Traditional Omegaverse, Slow burn, Modern!AU
Warnings: Ab*se, Violence, Mental Health, Cursing, Smut, oral sex, p in v, unprotected sex, A/B/O dynamics but not explicit, dirty talking, breeding kink, bdsm, choking, mental abuse, manipulation, depression, self sabotage
Crossposted on: Wattpad & AO3
The world only reigns in Betas, the middle in between an Alpha and Omega, someone who provides children with the adequate amount of treatments and prescriptions in medications, making them fertile. That is how the world procreated and mutated into just this kind of gender.
Alphas and Omegas were a myth.
Normal jobs, normal people, normal life, great friends. That's what you want. But of course, there's always a needle somewhere that pokes and doesn't stop. Yours was called Eddie Munson.
This has Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics. Let me be clear, NONE of this is going to be relevant till a certain part of the story. It is a very important dynamic indeed, but there's no explicit behaviour in the characters at the beginning or in the middle of it. Like literally, PACKS DO NOT EVEN EXIST.
The smut will be MILD. I know that Omegaverse tends to go EXPLICIT, but I do not write that. There will be at some point, mentions of rut, heat, and other things that I will explain along the way. But if you are uncomfortable at some point, do not read. There will be though, dirty talking, because it cannot really be avoided. But it won't happen in all the smut, I promise.
Just treat this as a normal Enemies to Lovers AU, until the Omegaverse lore appears which won't be too explicit.
No Stranger Things lore involved.
Slowburn, of course. 
Specific topics will be included that may be triggering to some: ab*se, violence, drugs, mental health, and cursing.
There'll be no usage of Y/N in this story. 
I do not own ANY of the characters involved.
The picture of Eddie in the cover (Which is property of Pitifulbaby on tumblr) is actually how Eddie looks in this AU. Same old metal head, just with a beard and using manbuns.
Now: Let's go over some definitions if you are not familiar in the Omegaverse universe. (ADAPTED TO THIS STORY, OF COURSE)
- Alphas: In some stories, they may exhibit "dominant" behavior or have other temperamental quirks. They are able to impregnate Omegas. Male Alphas usually have a knot when aroused, and they go into rut for a specific amount of time.
- Betas: Betas are often presented as having "normal" human anatomy, with none of the special attributes of Alphas or Omegas. They may be the peacemakers between Alphas and Omegas. They cannot impregnate or get pregnant if not going through special treatment to do so.
- Omegas: They can get pregnant and go into heat for a few days, depending the person. Omegas are often portrayed as the most fragile of the hierarchy, with frailer bodies and painful presentations.
Alphas and Omegas have SCENT glands. They have them on their neck, wrists, and sometimes on their ankles. While Alphas scents are usually musky, dominant, rough; Omegas have a sweet, peachy kind of smell.
This scent only becomes stronger as they go into rut or in heat.
Alphas and Omegas also have a Mating gland, something that Betas do not have. This is always positioned between the junction of the neck and shoulder, and they have to bite one another to seal their bond, and be forever mates. 
It can happen that one of the two might not seal the bond, and not bite the other person. The bite will disappear in time, as well as the bond that the person that bit created, but it is a painful process for the biter. 
As there are no Alphas or Omegas in this story, the world is as we know it, except for the fertility treatments people have to go through to get a baby. 
There are no packs, no 'pups' as people call the children in this AU.
(If you have more questions, please don't be afraid to ask!)
Follow me for updates! ❤️
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rajeshdhimal · 5 years ago
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Learn first to Survive, then Success and finally Prosper. Most of the novice traders ( more than 90%) don't thrive the first stage or the startup stage of the trading. But your priority should be to survive and don't lose significant money/cash on those beginning days. Neither you should dream of winning lottery trades because, it is not how markets work Instead, you want to learn more and more and be familiar with the market and its terms and so on. This is "Know the Market stage." Once you become familiar with market and become a little confident with it, you may want to make little money but again you are not the pro trader yet, survival is the first priority. At this stage you gather move confidence, know more about markets and how things are and works. You may begin to correlate Financial markets to external environment like Economy, politics, weather, market cycles, news and trends. And if this, it is very positive sign that you are making progress. After too many failures, too many tests, market researchs, studies, and many up and downs, what happens is that you make up an unconscious mentality about the market moves and it's behaviors. At this stage, you become confident on yourself and your analysis. No one is going to disturb you and interrupt your opinions. This stage is what we call pro-trader. You are never going to become pro-trader overnight. It takes time, passion, capability to adapt on extremely difficult mental conditions,and more importantly a never give up attitude. #tempertrader #tradingforbeginners #tradingeducation #imback #iamon #lowrisk #lowriskstrategies #lowrisktradingstrategies #lowriskinvestingstrategies #strategictrading #strategies #tradeconsciously #investconsciously #fx #forex #forextrading #forexinvesting #forexforbeginners #forexfornovicetraders #forexeducation #strategicplanning #challengeaccepted #letsdoit #wecan #wedo #weareheretodo #tradingforaliving #tradingforliving #motivation #motivationfordreamers https://www.instagram.com/p/CAYGC-IplOz/?igshid=qjd8d616qjlz
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angeljimmykarunaprasad · 5 years ago
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https://iamon.in/upload/photos/2020/07/wORLD_CLASS_15951522152007191520155f141757beaff.jpg "I Don't Care What Others Think About Me... I'm Not Born To Impress Anyone..." - #IAMON #iamonteam #MADE_IN_INDIA #INDIAN_SOCIAL_MEDIA #TRENDING #ANGELJIMMY #KARUNAPRASAD #popular #IAMONOFFICIAL #VIRAL #FORYOURPAGE #IAMONUsers #IAMONLOVERS #FORYOU #IAMONIndia #IAMONCreator #vocalforlocal #atmnirbharbharat #[email protected] #www.iamon.in @instagram @myglobaldesi #facebookpage #AngelJimmy @facebookapp @twitter @glblctzn @tumblr @facebook @facebookwatch (at Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC0dOgHJYqt/?igshid=1rfz7vw17s3pa
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thisismotherhoodxo · 4 years ago
I Am One. My Preeclampsia Story.
I Am One. A Preeclampsia Survivor. 
My knowledge of preeclampsia - at the time it was happening to me - was next to nothing. I knew it had to do with high blood pressure, but that was it. 
I felt completely fine. I went to a routine prenatal appointment and after three high BP readings I was sent to labor & delivery. 
All of a sudden I had to process the fact that I was being put on hospital bed rest until I delivered a month later. The snowball of events continued.  I couldn’t wait a month, I would need to be induced in a week or that day. Moments after we were told it would be next week, more results came in and it had to be that day. I was given magnesium sulfate to prevent seizures, steroid shots for my daughter’s lung development and the induction process began. A day of contractions and little progress, and I needed to have a csection and it had to be now. My BP still wasn’t stable and my daughter was in distress. I was given a spinal and my fiance was able to come into the OR. 
Preeclampsia made my birth story hazy, but I am forever grateful for the moment I heard her cry and saw my daughter's face. Four and a half hours later, just as I was finally feeling okay to hold her, she was taken to the NICU for having trouble regulating her body temperature. I still needed the mag drip and couldn’t leave my bed to see her. After days of NICU life for my girl, and trying to get my blood pressure under control, we were finally able to take our baby home. 
There’s so much that preeclampsia took away from me and some days, it’s hard to process. Even though I felt fine my health was not okay so I feel honored to share my story to spread awareness on preeclampsia and the importance of prenatal care. Had I missed that appointment, I might not be here to share my story. Thank you for reading and sharing.
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simplelittlebrowngirljae · 5 years ago
Sweet endings
Like many, I have been social distancing to protect myself from COVID-19. And it always seems like when you can't go somewhere you want any and everything!! So, I have found myself baking and trying new recipes this week. But one that is really caught my fancy was for cookies from chickpeas. Yes, you read that correctly, cookies from chickpeas. I made a huge point to stock my pantry with beans and rice and pasta and never thought I'd turn to my chickpeas to satisfy my sweet tooth. But it turned out to be one of the best things ever.
So, here is the recipe for Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies!
1- 15 ounce can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
½ cup cashew butter, unsalted or peanut butter
⅓ cup sugar free syrup
2 tablespoons splenda
2 teaspoons vanilla
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
½ cup Lilly's sugar free dark chocolate chips( or any chocolate chip you like!)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Add the chickpeas and cashew butter into a food processor and blend on high for 1 minute. Add the maple syrup and vanilla and continue to blend for 2-3 minutes, scraping down the sides every minute. You want the mixture to be entirely free of any lumps. Add the baking soda, baking powder, and salt, then blend for 30 seconds. Test the temperature of the batter and if necessary, let cool before adding the chocolate chips. When blending for a long time, the mixture can get warm and cause the chocolate to melt slightly. Once cooled, stir in the chocolate chips.
* I put my mix in the fridge for about an hour to firm up before baking*
Drop rounded tablespoons of cookie dough onto a baking sheet.  The cookies will spread just slightly so be sure you leave a few inches of space between cookies. Bake for 12-14 minutes until the cookies have browned on the edges.
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ruderubicante · 6 years ago
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Page 407, Page 409
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maternalcube · 4 months ago
34! its a big one!
“I had a thought,” I say eventually. “I know you can’t tell me what’s going to happen with any of the prophecies I can affect. But are there any going on that I could, I dunno, watch from afar? See how it goes?” He rumbles. “You know, we don’t need to talk about prophecy every time.” “Is that a no?”
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zere-arts · 6 years ago
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all bad one can be redeemable uwu
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deejaycruxz-blog · 6 years ago
Mejor Persona
Every nation or group should have a leader not just a good leader but a very effective and efficient one. We truly can't deny that Bro. Eduardo V. Manalo, the executive minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo is a good and wise leader. Bro. Eduardo V. Manalo is the grandson of Bro. Felix Y. Manalo the founder of Iglesia Ni Cristo, Bro Eduardo V. Manalo became the executive minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo when his father Bro. Eraño G. Manalo died. He is the third generation of Manalo to lead the INC from 2009 up to present. We can't hide the fact that he has done many contributions insdie the church but not only in the church but also in our country Philippines. His father imparted him to have a selfless love for the church for this reason he has also been described as a "compassionate" and "good listener" although very firm and meticulous in implementing church rules and disciplines.
From 2009 to 2014 in just four years Brother Eduardo V. Manalo already established 10 ecclesiastical districts outside the Philippines, namely: United Kingdom, Eastern Canada, Western Canada, Middle East , UAE, North East Asia, China, South East Asia I & II, and Australia. Ten ecclesiastical districts in the Philippines including Palawan North, Bulacan South, Tarlac North, Laguna East, and the reorganizing Metro Manila into six districts and ordained more than 2,000 new ministers of the gospel and until now he continues to be a successful leader of the Iglesia Ni Cristo.
Bro. Eduardo V. Manalo's leadership is God-inspired. The victories and achievements of the Church of Christ are not the work of men but the work of Our Almighty God. The Chruch that came form a small and poor country and without any support of government and ohter organization is now recognized as one of the largest churches and fastest growing church in the world. The present status of the Chruch of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo) is indeed the work of God, the fulfillment of God's promise to His messenger in these last days, Bro. Felix Y. Manalo. And continued fulfilling his promise to the present Executive Minister of the Church of Christ , Brother Eduardo V. Manalo.
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We are always one with EVM ❤
Photo credits: IG @/bolynlyn.inc
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jonathanedmund · 2 years ago
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The seemingly infinite beauty of the planet, is a testament to the greatness of the creator! ❤🌍🙏😊 #AffirmLife #Freedom #KnowYourWorth #WeAreOneHumanFamily #LiveUpGunsDown #SelfRealization #loveandlife #iamone https://www.instagram.com/p/CiG9ikKsFJf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rajeshdhimal · 5 years ago
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"" If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the Solution"". To acknowledge any problem, you must be aware of what you are doing or what's your project is about. Unfortunately, most of the people lack this fundamental concept and struggle for success. Defining the problem means understanding the situations well. If your Trading system is consistently failing to make profitable trades, then it is time for detailed analysis of your trading system, all the things it includes like signals, Stoploss, targets, entry signals, exit signals, Economic indicators, discipline, types of trades you take, long term or short term......etc. and do experimentation but, slowly and strategically. Your goal is to know what works best for you and adjust accordingly. Do not rush to make too many changes on your trading system all at once as doing this may not produce any positive results at all. Changing too many items in the system makes difficult to notice the change on the final trading results. . . . . . . #tempertrader #tradingforbeginners #tradingeducation #iamback #iamon #lowriskstrategies #lowrisktradingstrategies #lowriskinvestingstrategies #strategictrading #tradeconsciously #investconsciously #forex #forextrading #forexinvesting #forexforbeginners #forexfornovicetraders #forexeducation #strategicplanning #strategictadeplan #challengeaccepted #letsdoit #wecan #weareheretodo #tradingforliving #motivation #motivationfordreamers #technicalanalysis #fundamentalanalysis #technicalanalysisforbeginners #basictechnicalanalysis https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQIMQLpL8T/?igshid=hup3ks5wpv2q
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angeljimmykarunaprasad · 5 years ago
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https://iamon.in/upload/photos/2020/07/wORLD_CLASS_15947246712007141634315f0d913fa3534.jpg “If you are always trying to be normal, you’ll never know how amazing you can be.” #IAMON @poonamdileepmishra @iamonteam #MADE_IN_INDIA #INDIAN_SOCIAL_MEDIA #TRENDING #ANGELJIMMY #KARUNAPRASAD #IAMONOFFICIAL #VIRAL #FORYOURPAGE #IAMONUsers #IAMONLOVERS #FORYOU #IAMONIndia #IAMONCreator #vocalforlocal #atmnirbharbharat #[email protected] #www.iamon.in @instagram @myglobaldesi #facebookpage #AngelJimmy @facebookapp @twitter @glblctzn @tumblr @facebook @facebookwatch (at Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCnubC-JlAF/?igshid=betjvqyqandf
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scholarshipja · 3 years ago
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HUGE CONGRATULATIONS @1on1ricardo &RHE @onexbyoneonone TEAM!!! Sky is the limit…• @1on1ricardo || Our Initial Public Offering (IPO) to raise J$358M is now closed after being massively oversubscribed. In 2013, Danny gave us the first $1M to One on One as our first shareholder. Shortly after, we were joined by another 5 shareholders. Over the years, we have worked tirelessly to build a company that has impacted so many people in so many ways using our best in class technology and online content marketplace. Today, our company has been valued at J$1.9B and a huge number of believers will join us as shareholders who completed their applicationfor shares in the IPO. My fellow Jamaicans, dream with me (!) as we advance the human race using tech to make knowledge acquisition easier. #IAmOne! Thanks for being $ONE.ja too.💚💙 My team remains committed to working for you! (at ScholarshipJamaica.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChLySMXuxX6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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