iamcrimelord · 1 year
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"You see, Masamune is praised as the greatest sword maker in japan because he made a sword that could not hurt the innocent. But see, in my opinion that actually makes him a lousy sword smith. See, in taking away the wielders ability to choose who he spares and who he kills, he denies them the chance to show their true colors. A man who has a weapon that cannot kill the innocent will not develop the discipline it takes to measure his attacks. To take careful aim, he can just swing it around as much as he likes and only the 'bad people' get hurt. But what happens once he loses that sword and once again picks up a blade that does not discern between a good person or a bad person? He will not have the discipline to use it carefully because before he had a barrier to protect others from his lack of skill."
~Daigo upon finding a Muramasa sword during a heist at a museum.
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i-am-venomancer · 8 years
The rat in the vineyard closed rp
The cloaked figure of Control slipped through through the city alleys unseen by its inhabitants. He knew that the skaven were hated by the citizens for the recent conflict. The colorless one had been satisfied by his work and had sent him to fulfill a request from a special customer. He was to go to a tavern called ‘The Cloak and Dagger.’ and ask for emberbrand wine. An odd request, but any friend’s of the colorless one probably enjoyed their privacy. 
He soon found the tavern, its windows were bright but the place looked a bit seedy. Before leaving the safety of the shadows, Control casts a spell which morphs his form into that of a grubby looking gnome. He pulls his hood over his face as he darts across the street and slips through the tavern door. 
He did his best to act like he belonged there, striding up to the bar and climbing onto a stool. 
“I’ll have the emberbrand wine” he requested with a raspy voice, his extremely observant eyes darting around the room while he waits tensely.
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
Whenever people ask why Daigo does what he does:
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
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"The most important room of any adventurer's house, base, domain or living space. THE CRAFTING ROOM. Where legendary weapons are made, life saving potions are brewed, priceless gems are polished and sold for a fortune and powerful magical scrolls of world changing power are scribbled. An adventurer is only as good as the tools they can make for themselves."
~Daigo justifying the expenses it took to make his legendary level crafting room.
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
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"..ey....off my throne'
~Daigo one morning...probably.......A.I. refused to just give me an empty chair lol.
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
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"Rogues all wait amidst the night Blades all a hiding out of sight
But one soul walks slowly unredeemed Hunting all manner of scum, fools, and fiends For his dark heart, bleeding and gone Betrayed by all and thus walks alone For the Vampire, heartless, cold Poisoning all with gold He comes, he'll go Take all you love And laugh at your woe Deep, deep woe
People now know to fear the night Silence grows as daylight dies But one soul still walks the streets alone Hunting all manner of flesh, meat, and bones. My dear child, shut your eyes Be good, be humble, utter no cries As the Vampire, heart so cold Has no need of gold
He'll bite and claw you Drink and drain you Swallow you whole Swallow you whole."
~A little version of the Lullaby of Woe from the Witcher I made since I love it so much and wanted to make a version for Daigo.
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
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"Elf Maiden Blood with an infusion of black cherry, chilled to just above freezing level and then served on chilled metal cubes to avoid ice water melting and watering down the beverage in question."
~Daigo's Favorite Wine Vintage: Sang du Jeune Fille L' Elfe
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
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"How do you smuggle thousands of pounds of gold out of a town tightly controlled by paladins? easy....make a car out of it, spray paint it black and drive it *very* carefully out of the city and then blast down the road at 120 till you can get to the border where the pick up is at."
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
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"Listen here kiddo...the downfall of every asshole who ever lived happened because they thought more money meant more happiness...or more of something led to more happiness.....what really leads to happiness is reaching and maintaining a level of 'go to hell' money. It's a little higher and lower depending on who you ask but here's what happens, you get enough money to live comfortably, not the lap of luxury. Luxury is what drags in the thieves. You then get a sturdy house, a mode of transportation that you know is gonna last you a long ass time, and then that's when put the rest of it in the bank and invest it where needed. That's go to hell money. Boss being an ass? 'go to hell, I've got enough cash in the bank to find something else.' Parent cuts you out of the will? 'go to hell, I've got everything I need to live comfortable.' Neighbor cant shut up about his new car? 'go to hell, I get to point A to point B just as fast as you at half the cost with a third of the insurance.' But you only get there if you're willing to live lean for however long it takes and not waste your cash. Once you reach that point... well you're not gonna live a hollywood life style....but you may be able to figure out how to get out of the 9 to 5 racket."
~Daigo talking to new hires in his organization.
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
Watch "tommy shelby and alfie solomons being besties for 3 minutes straight" on YouTube
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker (Audio)
Daigo’s theme song, hands down. 
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iamcrimelord · 1 year
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