speakupcee · 1 year
Dear Ex,
You poppin back into my life I’ve never felt so happy in a really long time. Honestly it’s scary because it’s like self check wtf you been doing this whole time. I know things are never perfect but with you how could that be so true. How can we pick up the phone& act like we never left. That’s a crazy ass connection. Right? How can talking to you feel so right? Like it’s home! After 10+ years how could this connection be so strong? You keep me nervous like ima say the wrong thing. Like my heart skips a beat when isee you text or call me. Shouldn’t be happening right . All this emotions come flooding back like they have been waiting for you & only you. I can’t even think of the last time I cried. (Shit I didn’t even know tears existed). When love comes so easy and natural nothing we did really felt like work. Each night I replay are relationship in my head like is was so sad love movie. One last hug, one last kiss,one last cuddle, one last dance, one last smile, one last laugh, one last memory.I hold on to what I can remember to hope I can feel that again one day. I want you to know; I think about you, I think about us, I really don’t know why I reminisce about how things were.Even if sometimes, it makes me cry. I know, that I miss you like crazy But sometimes I feel it’s best if I pretend what would my life be with you? What if’s cloud my brain 🧠. Shit working overtime lol.. because I know I can’t have you.I forever treasure the person yu made me. You changed my life in ways you don’t even know. I would never be able to tell how much you truly meant to me. I will say is thank you. Thank you for showing me how to care. Every time you ask me if I’m okay I break down in tears because I don’t know what to say. Right now I really feel like this karma. Karma coming back and laughing at me like you fucked up so here it is. How could I meet my soulmate so young and not be ready for it. I ask myself that question everyday! Everything is so PERFECT just not the TIME. Something so close but yet so far. Like now yu gotta watch you be happy while you sit on the sideline. I want yu to know I don’t hate you , I’m not mad, shit I respect the fuck out of for even talkin to me & saying stop. That’s a real woman for you.. gosh how could I let somebody go like you. I will have to live w/that.. I hope are worlds align again.I just hope the next time we meet I’m ready for you.. will I ever get another chance.. I hope so ; shit I’m praying so this time will be different.. continue to live yur life to the fullest . I wish yu & yu wife nothing but the best!! This is what life is.. a bunch of decisions and hoping you make the right now. Figuring out yur mistakes and living with the consequences.Maybe, what I thought was perfect was never meant to be…
- this isn’t goodbye it’s see ya later
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 the HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] New World Order [NWO] BEE Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Egyptian [JE = JESUS] HARRELLTV® 卍
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akers698 · 4 years
Focal concentrations and Disadvantages of Online Tutoring From a Business Perspective
Progression has improved in a general sense over the scope of the latest 20 years to where it is at present clear and insightful to give teaching relationship on the web. While distinctive free associates and planning affiliations accept this to be an outstanding change in the business it also presents various threats to existing affiliations. Various articles look at the propensities and heaps of electronic getting ready from the perspective of the understudy - this article will investigate this subject from the perspective of the training business ISEE .
Focal core interests
The availability of progress for electronic getting ready is commonly significant to new aides or training affiliations that are not yet picked the post. Web instructing requires low start up costs, it lets free the mentor to in a general sense more important market and offers more observable versatility for engineering. We should review these inclinations independently:
Lower checks to section
Regardless, extraordinary free associates moreover have low start up costs, in case you are a readiness alliance and decide to go the online course, you can avoid an enormous number of the costs related with starting up a standard instructing connection. Ordinary affiliations a huge piece of the time require an office for alliance or where planning occurs, publicizing through close by media, scrambling toward get-togethers to approaching clients, etc Internet preparing affiliations needn't play with an office other than a home office and absolutely needn't meddle with a structure for instructing understudies. Web demonstrating is lower cost and can be spun around more clearly than standard advancing, and visiting with clients should be conceivable on the web or by phone. These low start up costs make it basically less difficult for new relationship to start the web.
More unmistakable market
Standard planning affiliations are limited by geology - they can't cost-feasibly serve understudies outside of their geographic zone due to time-constraints related to transportation and the cost of transportation. Thusly, training affiliations have extensively more unassuming business locales and can basically enter new business domains by adding new zones. Web preparing affiliations don't go confronting this limitation. They can show up at anyone with a web coalition and the standard authentic limitation is language. Thusly various individuals like to start an electronic coaching alliance so they can show up at by and large more significant market. This can be a unimaginable methodology if your connection educates an out and out unequivocal subject that would not have enough people locally to support the business.
Getting ready affiliations can in like manner select helpers from inside and out more essential zone and may be more useful in finding top-quality teachers in the subjects they offer.
Web instructing affiliations have more obvious flexibility since they can choose to help understudies in different time regions. Partners that are fundamentally available to educate in the late night can pure and simple show understudies from a later timezone where it is evening. This makes it less irksome with the longing with the expectation of complimentary mentors to oblige their coaching into their own or work schedule.
Lower working costs
The ceaseless working costs of keeping up a web getting ready business are furthermore lower than standard instructing. A bit of the butchered costs come through building leases, phone, transportation and appearing. Online colleagues can do everything from their home, they can use free or straightforwardness online phones like Skype for correspondence and they don't have to experience worthwhile an easy route for the instructing office or to clients' homes.
An astounding bit of the potential gains of web getting ready can in like manner present troubles for training affiliations. We'll look at the loads under independently.
Lower obstructions to district
Low cutoff focuses to an area make online instructing addressing new getting ready affiliations, yet for officeholders this is a negative since it makes it less difficult for new relationship to enter the market and battle with them. This finally prompts more worth clash and lower all around pay rates.
Debate from various business districts and various countries
Online training routs the geology block which is also a check for existing planning affiliations. This infers that instead of going toward strife just from showing relationship in their close to exhibit they beginning at now face competition from guides in various bits of the country and in various countries all-together. Distinctive online associates are from countries like India where the normal expense for major things is a colossal heap of lower. Thy can show American understudies on the web and charge a rate that is up 'til now a colossal heap of lower than standard rates in the United States, yet still well over the rate they would ensure about for preparing in their own country.
Movement checks of understudies
While by far most have a PC at home and web access, various understudies who need instructing don't have the basic movement to get electronic teaching. Disregarding a PC, a smart web affiliation is ideal, a headset and mouthpiece are needed for visiting with the guide, and hardware, for instance, a creation board may be required depending in regards to the issue. This determines if your business needs to give basically web preparing there will be various understudies that you can't reach.
While electronic teaching can be fruitful, there are certain subjects where close correspondence and explaining examinations on a bit of paper are more feasible than passing on the web. It can other than be additionally endeavoring to keep understudies related with while tutoring on the web, which can negatively affect the understudy's advancement.
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kaaramel · 4 years
apologies, hope you don’t mind moving to a new post so that the previous one doesn’t become even more of an impregnable wall of text
@christopher-seagull​ writes:
I definitely find this fascinating and super evocative, but  I’m not entirely sure I get it 100%. Would it be reasonable for me to understand the Drowning Deeps as the view/interpretation of existence somehow below the level of “meaning”?
Like, if I pretend I have a mossy log, rotting in the forest…
When I look into mythic reality, Isee twin spirits of Decay and Regrowth, cutting apart an old tree-spirit, tending to a garden of moss and fern and fungus within the corpse?
If I look closer, into the Deep Mythic, I see my vision was incomplete - Decay still exists, but it is no monolith. What I see arises from uncountable spirits of bug and mushroom and rotting slime, all thoughtlessly performing their natures, making themselves the substrates upon and through which Decay performs?
If I look closer yet, I lose sight of individual things-that-are, instead seeing separately their least actions and qualia. No root-eating grub, but here the motion of a jaw closing, there the sensation of splintering, in another place a flash of pallid white. All without context, all past the point where we can understand them as unified or causal?
And I guess the Drowning Deeps would also contain isolated meaningless qualia that normally just exist harmlessly below perception, but become Actuals when dragged up to a reality where “relation” and “meaning” are non-optional?
prefacing this with: i’m not sure i’m equipped to have a philosophical discussion about what the drowning deeps Means, i’m equipped to relate how we are told it functions. i don’t think yours is a wrong interpretation and it would almost certainly hold up in play. also i’m extremely not the author and have no authority here.
the bethesda train hat example was a bit glib, possibly the painting of a forest example will be more illustrative for the level you want to think on?
if i am parsing you correctly, which is not a given, i’m not sure i’ve grasped what you mean by “meaning,” i think i can pinpoint my disagreement to “past the point where we can understand them as unified...”. one of the few ‘defining’ ‘characteristics’ of the Drowning Deeps we’re given is “the sky and the sea and the earth are as one thing, there.” my reading is that, instead of the nobilisverse becoming more separated and defined while losing cohesion as you look closer, everything ultimately becomes unified into one mass as you approach the primal source from which existence & meaning originally arose.
that is, what i imagine in the Drowning Deeps is not individual sensations brought into such sharp focus that they aren’t connected with each other anymore, but a foggy interconnected wash of sensations bleeding into each other until they’re indistinguishable. the Deep Mythic showed us that every individual event/thing/phenomenon is part of these huge, symphonic, colonial-organism-esque networks of True Gods, which are too large and complex for humans to apprehend and hold in our minds all at once. so in my eyes it’d be a contradiction for the level beyond that to explode into “none of the qualia have connections with each other any more.”
rereading dr. moran’s words just to be sure i’m not making things up, and no, i’m confident that the “twist into the fabric of the world [which produces trainishness]” and “the colors and movement of that intention [of a forest]” are not individual qualia that become a train and a forest when they’re added up. the program code and the abstract swirls of color in the Deep Mythic-analogies have already lost sight of specific qualia, actually. can you have a .. (looks up singular form) a quale that’s just the whole experience of train/forest without any details? i think that’s my final answer. whatever incomprehensible mess is in the drowning deeps is outputting/has output a fundamental essence of “train,” and in another case “forest,” and “rotting log,” and so on, and the trainishness/forestitude/rottinglogalike filtered upward and accumulated sensory data we can actually use.
i also want to say that Actuals are Actuals whether they’re embodied in reality or not. i think ‘isolated meaningless qualia’ is close to what’s being described in the supplementary essay on Actuals here? hrm... actually, i would argue that Actuals aren’t disconnected sensations, they’re.. organizational principles without form or self-awareness? they get all the fanciful language about wriggling insect legs and ivory pillars but i definitely don’t read that as literal. “[Actuals] are the matrix of being, and its container, in which the others war,” is what Glitch tells us; so in their natural state they’re.. building blocks of the structures that enable qualia to happen in them? I Guess?
ANYWAY that’s tangental to your main point. “meaning”... “meaning”... if i HAVE to have a take on where Meaning sits in this cosmology, then.. Mythic Reality is where events are most Meaningful on a human scale. where you can chat to the personified representation of the reason you lost your job. which is obscured for our protection by Prosaic Reality, because it’s a lot more comfortable to live in a world where you lost your job for no cosmic-level reason, it’s not karmic retribution or anything. in the Deep Mythic there are reasons and meanings but the interplay and the scope are so broad it’s not useful information for mortals. the Drowning Deep .. is no longer meaningful to us but i don’t think it’s an accident that a major front of the Valde Bellum is being carried out down there. if somebody wanted to run with an interpretation like “the war between imperators and excrucians is ultimately meaningless” then yeah! i will pass you the ball and wish you luck for a touchdown or whatever, that’s just not where i’m at.
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liveblog: yugioh! s548-552
okay y'all this now begins the end of this series and am i prepared? yes and no.
ep548 - "the final journey"
ugh fuck that title
atem looks.. so good
tristan reminding joey to be more sensitive
so atem has to lose a duel
kaiba came in and was like "this is my time to duel you for once and all"
and yugi's like no i have to do this
"not that bargain basement deck you use"
i'm dying
kaiba even offered to have yugi build his deck from his own collection and yugi said nah
this was an episode just to take a moment to reflect on everything
ep549 - "the final duel, part 1"
shit let's sooo
yugi has put the items back in the stone!
okay so now that kaiba has literally seen how yugi and atem are separate beings then how is he gonna reconcile this
wow we wasted no time in starting this duel okay wow
we're three (?) turns in and atem's played obelisk
this duel is EXCITING!!!!!
they both played trap-magic cards and now atem has summoned slifer!
he summoned slifer and ra in one turn love this
this is so sexy of atem wow
"only fate can defeat the outcome of this battle"
kaiba is ready to go since all three god are on the field and how isyugi gonna win?
"wrong. i only want to see you get crushed if i'm the one doing the crushing"
but kaiba has also proven time again that kaiba is the only one who wants to (and probably can) beat yugi and he's always turned his head when yugi starts losing against someone that kaiba deems "lesser"
oh wow kaiba's been convinced to stay
honestly isee how rivalshipping is a thing
atem and yugi talking about when they learned from each other :')
oh another good turn
actually i would love to see kaiba duel against all three gods at the same time
time to believe in the heatrt of the cards!!!!!!!
yugi's gonna make a move next episode!!!!!
doing laundry and i don't like the new washing machine we have because the normal cycle takes more than an hour and it should NOT take so long to was some fucking clothes
"for though i held the most powerful cards in existence, i knew i would need more"
atem KNEW that yugi was gonna defeat the egyptian gods!!
this is great
hell yeah dark magician let's gooooo
hell yeah it's MAHAAD!!!!!!
this os honestly an exciting duel and i'm getting caught up in it
"we should've sold tickets to this"
haha thanks mokuba
nice way to get around marshmelon's special ability
kaiba's actualyl a really great duelist because he knows card combos for a duel he's watching that can e played on either side
and since he knows the duelists so well, and their decks, kaiba actually can figure out what would be good moves
i will forever be upset that we never got more dungeon dice monsters
dark magician girl <3
atem used monster reborn to bring back slifer
"i guess yugi and i weren't destined to separate"
oh shit hahahahahahahaha
yugi's magic trap from turns ago was monster reborn so slifer actually goes bye-bye
yugi won the duel :')
yo i'm dead tearing up right now
"a champion doesn't belong inhis knees"
"i'm gonna miss you" "you do realize we'll never truly be apart, right?"
ohmygod atem!!!!!!!
me as everyone crying
i'm not physically crying but my mind is
"true friends maybe be hard to leave, but they're impossible to forget"
"you're not oging anywhere! because everything you've given us is gonna stay right here in our heart!"
he walks away with his thumb up, transforms into his pharaoh garb
yo i'mhonestly sad right now i miss him already
but ut was for the best - atem's reunited with those from his past
well, time to fucking go since the place is collapsing!
oh hey shaadi
"permantely" sealed i'm sure
the ishtars are freed from their duty
"at leat make one of your little wrap-up speeches, yug"
it... it jsut ends like that? liek... it jsut ends like that????????
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vickyrobinsonblog · 6 years
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 I Mathematically Add & CALCULATE [iMAC] HIGH LEVEL EQUATIONS that Structurally Support My HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] QUANTUM [HQ] Signal Processors of Computational [PC] Data Intel that Organize [I/O] MOOR HIGHLY [MH] Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Language Architecture [L.A.] I Design [I.D.] since I BEE Mentally [IBM] Thinkin' @ A QUANTUM LEVEL of UNDERSTANDING that Organically ILLUMINATE My HIGHLY Functional PINEAL GLAND of Extraterrestrial Origins 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian iTUT® on Egyptian HARRELLTV®#when will modern day americans finally figure out Quantum Computing???#I Mathematically Add & CALCULATE [iMAC] HIGH LEVEL EQUATIONS @ QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® LLC#Violate Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] so I can Magically + Legally KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] you#I am the illuminati#I Organize [I/O] MOOR HIGHLY [MH] Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Language Architecture [L.A.]#Welcome to the Great Wealth Transfer of 2020#I BEE Mentally [IBM] Thinkin' @ A QUANTUM LEVEL of UNDERSTANDING about EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE#I Organically [I/O] ILLUMINATE My HIGHLY Functional PINEAL GLAND of Extraterrestrial Origins#I Politically + Militarily [P.M.] got FULL LEGAL PROTECTION Under Secret [U.S.] Government PROTECTION in California [PC]#the U.S. Pentagon + the U.S. Military Contractually PAY Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] INFINITE MONIES on Earth [ME]#iSEE Mythically HIDDEN [MH] Underworld Subcontinents of ATLANTEAN [USA = LEMURIAN] Civilizations of Extraterrestrial Origins [CEO]#modern day america still trying to find extraterrestrials in outer space... smdh#I Structurally Support My HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] QUANTUM [HQ] Signal Processors of Computational [PC] Data Intel#QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® Structurally Support My HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] QUANTUM [HQ] Signal Processors of Computational [PC] Data Intel
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 iJEHOVAH® GOD… Witness My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® Corporation of Intel Architecture [CIA] from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] Tactically Aquire DOMINANCE OVER EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE since I BEE So HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] in SPIRIT as I Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY] WORSHIP Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] in Church [JC = JESUS CHRIST] cause ain’t nobody else OVER Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] 卍
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 I Bibliographically MANIFEST [IBM] My Biblically Black [Ancient] Engineering [BAE = COSMIC] Skills from My PREDYNASTIC Ancestors [PA] who Scientifically Engineered Egyptian [SEE] Underworld Nations [SUN] of Primordially Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Black Cosmological [B.C.] GREEKS I MYTHOLOGIZED on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] since I BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian GENIUS [GOD] of EVERYTHING [G.E. = GHIZEH = GIZA = JESUS] in EXISTENCE [JE = JEHOVAH] 卍
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 iJEHOVAH® GOD… BEE So Mystically INTELLIGENT [MI = MICHAEL] like Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN from HEAVEN’S Astronomical [HA = HARRELL] SATURN since I Metaphysically + Ancestrally PREDATE [MAP] EVERYTHING [ME = U.S. MICHAEL HARRELL = TUT = JAH] in EXISTENCE [JE = JESUS] 卍
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 abracadabra… abracadabra… abracadabra… I Now [NWO] Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] My Biblically Black [Ancient] IFÁ CHRIST MYTHOLOGY of Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] King TUTANKHAMŪN in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] since iSEE INSIDE of Everything in Existence as I Celestially Broadcast SUPERNATURAL [CBS] Black ATLANTEAN [BA = BABYLONIAN] Life from Inner Earth [HADES] 卍
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