#iOS Dev Break
babyspacebatclone · 1 year
I’m in trouble.
Like, seriously, I was up until morning last night partially because of this game.
I just… I can’t.
This is gorgeous.
The amount of detail in the animation is just…. 😭😭
The way the story and the experience evolves, always challenging the player, offering new variables to consider.
Up until - it literally lets you program your idle AI.
Which is the “stay up all night” bit, I haven’t programmed in anything but HTML and associated since high school (20+ years now…) but it’s all coming back to me.
Oh, and here’s your character…
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(image cropped because of hud spoilers from leveling)
I repeat - the animation in this game is gorgeous!!!
For example, the reveal of the second boss is just….
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My only description right now is:
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Edit: The Discord helped me!!!!! Ah, this feels so good!!!!!
My one, one issue right now is all I have access to is my phone, and not being able to copy-paste in the iOS scripting interface is killing me with order of operations being so impossibly vital….
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Do not misunderstand me, Dev, I am persevering as best I can…
And reading how versatile the import script system is for non-mobile devices, I know it’s something you recognize and will address to the absolute best of abilities!!
But getting the Skeleton Arm quest finished without breaking everything else I had worked out took a bit.
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heretic-altias · 2 years
Hello internet! As I mentioned in a post yesterday, I’m working on my very first game. It’s a simple 2D endless runner mobile game where you fly a dragon as far as possible to beat your high scores. Something to play idly with spare time.
But to make a decent game, I need some help testing! Right now if you’re an iPhone user, this link will take you to TestFlight (apple’s official beta testing app) to join the test group. You can submit feedback through there and you’ll receive any build updates I make in the app. At the moment this is just general gameplay testing. The graphical assets are not done, so the game will look ugly for now. But my artist friend is hard at work on those, so beauty will come with time! Until then, just focus on functionality. The controls are something I’ve been actively working on, so those might be wonky or the game might be too hard/too easy. All of these things I can improve on with user feedback!
Android users, while I don’t have an android test going on publicly, the final app will release on the play store too. I have my sister and some friends testing android builds to make sure they don’t break as I update based on iOS feedback, and I may look into a larger scale android test closer to release. For now, iOS is just easier with TestFlight since I already have that dev membership.
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fahrni · 1 month
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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I still get a bit lost in my new gig — at WillowTree — as a React Native/TypeScript dev. The syntax is making more sense and getting easier to follow, but, I do have a difficult time understanding the errors produced by yarn ts:check. It’s the same each time I learn a new language.
I’m also developing an interest in Rust. That’ll have to be a part time interest for a long time I suppose. I have more important business to attend to. 😃
Filipe Espósito • 9to5Mac
Shareshot is an iOS app that transforms how you share iPhone and iPad screenshots
A friend of mine, Marc Palmer, is part of the duo who created Shareshot! It is, as always, absolutely beautiful, full featured, and stable.
If I’m not too lazy moving forward I should use it to make screenshots for Stream blog posts and the like.
Congratulations, Marc! 🥳
Andrew Carter • WillowTree Blog
Mobile app interactivity, multimodal voice technology, and AI are all converging with Apple Intelligence — Apple’s new artificial intelligence feature set announced at this year’s WWDC, coming soon with iOS 18 (maybe in October). And the secret sauce powering those awesome interactions is something called App Intents.
Andrew is pretty legendary in the halls of WillowTree. So damned smart and witty, and he plays a mean fiddle and banjo.
Anywho, go give his piece on App Intents a gander, you might learn a thing or two.
Kelly Crandall • Racer
Austin Dillon has been stripped of the NASCAR Cup Series playoff eligibility that came with his victory at Richmond Raceway.
Austin Dillion looked great all night. I don’t recall how many laps he lead but it was a lot. He was two laps short of victory when a late caution came out.
On the restart he was beat off the line by Joey Lagano and fell into second place.
I wanted to see Mr. Dillion win so badly. He hasn’t had a win in a couple years and Richard Childress Racing needed one but the way he did it was not great.
He kept the win but was stripped of his points and playoff berth. They should’ve disqualified him and given the win to Legano, if I’m being honest about my feelings.
Scharon Harding • Ars Technica
Sonos is laying off about 100 people, the company confirmed on Wednesday. The news comes as Sonos is expecting to spend $20 to $30 million in the short term to repair the damage from its poorly received app update.
It’s incredible how much an app redesign can make or break an application or company.
Another critically acclaimed podcasting app called Overcast was also redesigned and released recently. It too has had a very difficult time with its subscribers. Lots of one star reviews and hate.
Rewrites can kill companies. Don’t do it. Evolve your code over time. Think of it as a Ship of Theseus.
Tasha Robinson • Polygon
Ryan Reynolds had very specific tech (and humor) requirements for Wolverine’s corpse
I still haven’t see the new Deadpool but I really want to. Deadpool’s obsession with Wolverine is funny as heck and I’m here for it. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are hysterical.
Juan José López Jaimez and Meador Inge • Google Bug Hunters
In a throwback to the past, this blog post takes us on a journey back to a time when eBPF was a focal point in the realm of kernel security research. In this update, we recount the discovery of CVE-2023-2163, a vulnerability within the eBPF verifier, what our root-cause analysis process looked like, and what we did to fix the issue.
Fresh off the heels of the Crowdstrike fiasco we get a story of how Google engineers found vulnerabilities in a Linux technology that allows for similar extensions to the OS. Similar in desired outcome, not in implementation.
Matthias Endler
Quite a few websites are unusable by now because they got “optimized for Chrome.” Microsoft Teams, for example, and the list is long. These websites fail for no good reason.
Chrome has definitely become the new Internet Explorer in a way. Devs have become lazy and don’t code for the open web, they’re coding against a specific browser. Not good. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Stan Alcorn • Rest of World
How Spotify started — and killed — Latin America’s podcast boom
What Spotify has done is not podcasting if it doesn’t allow any podcast player to subscribe to a feed. That’s part of what makes a podcast a podcast. What they’ve done is something that needs a new name.
Lately I’ve heard some podcasts announce ad free versions available on Apple Podcasts, which is also just as bad as Spotify’s locked up audio thing.
Please, don’t do this, keep your podcast a podcast and find a better way to create subscriptions. Others have done it. You can too.
Apple is requiring that Patreon switch to their iOS in-app purchase system starting this November, or risk being removed from the App Store. Here’s what’s coming, and what you can do about it.
My opinion on this is simple.
If they really believe in creators Patreon should abandon their iOS App in favor of a really great mobile experience on their website.
Liam Proven • The Register
Before WordPerfect, the most popular work processor was WordStar. Now, the last ever DOS version has been bundled and set free by one of its biggest fans.
It’s not surprising how many fans of WordStar exist. Many of them are novelists and columnists. The best of the best writers in the world. Of course they’re most likely of a certain ventage, if you know what I mean? 😂
I started as a BASIC programmer and used WordStar as my editor until I discovered Brief. True story.
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David Edwards • Raw Story
Judge Chutkan faces call to seize Trump’s passport after threat to flee to Venezuela
Can Judge Chutkan do the opposite and encourage Trump to move to Venezuela, now? That would solve a lot of problems with the upcoming election and help preserve democracy.
It would be a great service to the country. 🇺🇸
Rex Huppke • USA TODAY
Trump rambles, slurs his way through Elon Musk interview. It was an unmitigated disaster.
I listened to it for a few minutes and the Orange Man sounded like Sylvester the cat!
Sufferin’ Suckatash! 😋
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john-carle123 · 2 months
The Future of Cross-Platform Development: Flutter vs. React Native in 2024
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Hey there, fellow code wranglers and app aficionados! Pull up a chair, grab your favorite caffeinated beverage, and let's dive into one of the hottest debates in the mobile dev world: Flutter vs. React Native. It's 2024, and these two titans of cross-platform development are still duking it out for supremacy. But which one should you choose for your next project? Let's break it down, shall we?
The Cross-Platform Dream
First off, let's remind ourselves why we're even having this conversation. Remember the days of building separate apps for iOS and Android? Yeah, those were fun times (said no one ever). Cross-platform development promises the holy grail: write once, run anywhere. And both Flutter and React Native have been delivering on that promise, each in their own unique way.
Flutter: The Dart-Powered Dynamo
Let's start with Google's golden child, Flutter. Born in 2017, Flutter has grown up fast. By 2024, it's become a force to be reckoned with. Here's what's got developers buzzing:
1. Dart-astic Performance
Flutter's secret weapon? Dart. This language compiles to native code, giving Flutter apps that buttery-smooth 60 FPS performance we all crave. In 2024, Dart's just gotten better, with even more optimizations that make Flutter apps fly.
2. Widget Wonderland
Flutter's widget-based architecture is still a hit. Everything's a widget, which makes building UIs a breeze. And with the ever-expanding catalog of pre-built widgets, you can whip up a slick UI faster than you can say "hot reload."
3. Hot Reload on Steroids
Speaking of hot reload, Flutter's implementation is still lightning-fast in 2024. Make a change, see it instantly. It's like having a superpower for debugging and iterating.
4. Beyond Mobile
Flutter's not just for phones anymore. With Flutter for Web and Flutter Desktop in full swing, you can truly write once and run everywhere. Building a cohesive ecosystem across all platforms has never been easier.
5. Strong Community Vibes
The Flutter community has exploded. There's a package for everything, and the knowledge sharing is off the charts. Got a problem? Stack Overflow's got your back, pronto.
React Native: The JavaScript Juggernaut
Now, let's talk about Facebook's baby, React Native. It's been around since 2015, and it's aged like fine wine. Here's why it's still a top contender in 2024:
1. JavaScript Everywhere
React Native's use of JavaScript is still its biggest selling point. With JS being the lingua franca of web development, the learning curve for web devs is practically flat. Plus, the JavaScript ecosystem is vast and vibrant.
2. Native Feel, React Familiarity
React Native lets you build truly native apps using React. If you know React, you're already halfway there. And in 2024, the bridge between React Native and native components is smoother than ever.
3. Hot Reloading Delight
Like Flutter, React Native boasts hot reloading. Make a change, see it live. It's a developer's dream come true.
4. Web Integration Winner
Need to share code between your web and mobile apps? React Native's got you covered. The line between web and mobile development is blurrier than ever in 2024.
5. Battle-Tested and Enterprise-Ready
React Native has been around the block. It's proven itself in the trenches of app development, and big names are still betting on it. Stability and reliability are the name of the game here.
The Showdown: Flutter vs. React Native in 2024
Alright, now for the main event. How do these two stack up against each other in 2024? Let's break it down:
Flutter still has the edge here. Its compiled nature gives it a performance boost that's hard to beat. React Native has made strides, but if raw speed is your game, Flutter's your name.
Development Speed
It's a close call, but Flutter might have a slight advantage. Its hot reload is a tad faster, and the widget-based architecture can speed up UI development. However, if your team is already React-savvy, React Native might be quicker for you.
Learning Curve
React Native takes the cake here, especially if you're coming from a web background. JavaScript's ubiquity makes it easier to pick up. Dart, while not difficult, is less common and might take a bit more time to master.
UI Components
Flutter's built-in widget library is more comprehensive out of the box. React Native relies more on third-party libraries for advanced components. However, both have robust ecosystems in 2024, so you're not likely to be left wanting.
Community and Ecosystem
It's neck and neck. React Native has the advantage of age and the broader JavaScript community. Flutter, however, has seen exponential growth and has a dedicated, passionate following. You'll find plenty of support and resources for both in 2024.
Cross-Platform Capabilities
Flutter has made significant strides here. Its ability to target mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase is impressive. React Native can do this too, but Flutter's implementation feels more cohesive.
Long-Term Viability
Both are here to stay. Google and Facebook are still heavily investing in their respective frameworks. Neither is going anywhere anytime soon.
So, Which One Should You Choose?
Ah, the million-dollar question. The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on your specific needs, your team's expertise, and your project requirements. Here's a quick guide:
Choose Flutter if:
- Performance is your top priority
- You're building a complex UI with custom designs
- You want to target multiple platforms (mobile, web, desktop) with a single codebase
- Your team is willing to learn Dart or already knows it
Go with React Native if:
- Your team is already proficient in JavaScript and React
- You need to share code between web and mobile apps
- You're building an app that needs to integrate closely with native components
- You prefer a more mature ecosystem with a longer track record
The Verdict
Here's the beautiful truth: you can't go wrong with either Flutter or React Native in 2024. They're both fantastic frameworks that can help you build amazing cross-platform apps. The "best" choice is the one that aligns with your team's skills, your project's needs, and your long-term goals.
My advice? Try them both. Build a small project in Flutter and another in React Native. See which one feels more natural, which one your team enjoys working with more. At the end of the day, the best framework is the one that helps you ship great apps efficiently and joyfully.
Remember, the tool is just that – a tool. What matters most is the craftsperson wielding it. So whichever you choose, focus on writing clean code, creating intuitive UIs, and delivering value to your users. That's what will set your app apart in 2024 and beyond.
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ahex-technologies · 7 months
iOS vs. Android: A Developer's Dilemma - Choosing the Right Platform for Your Next App
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As a mobile app developer, the age-old question looms: iOS or Android? Each platform boasts a dedicated fanbase, unique advantages, and inherent challenges. Choosing the right one can make or break your app's success, so let's delve into the key pros and cons to help you decide.
iOS: The Allure of Apple's Walled Garden
Premium Market: iOS apps users tend to spend more on iOS apps, leading to potentially higher revenue.
Streamlined Development: Swift, Apple's native language, is known for its clean syntax and easier learning curve.
Faster App Review: The App Store review process is generally quicker, often taking days compared to weeks on Google Play.
Strict Quality Control: Iphone stringent guidelines lead to a more consistent and polished user experience.
Uniformity in Devices: With a focus on iPhones and iPads, iOS application development services ensure optimized apps for specific screen sizes and resolutions
Limited Reach: Compared to Android's dev global dominance, iOS apps restricts your potential audience.
Higher Development Costs: iphone devices and  iphone developer tools can be more expensive, impacting development budgets.
Restrictive Guidelines: Apple's strict rules can limit creative freedom and functionality.
Android: Openness and Flexibility Galore
Global Market Reach: Android's apps wider user base means potentially reaching a larger audience across diverse regions.
Open-Source Flexibility: App Developers have more control over app design and functionality compared to iOS.
Wider Hardware Range: Android development runs on a vast array of devices, catering to different budgets and preferences.
Lower Development Costs: Open-source tools and diverse hardware options can be more cost-effective.
Fragmented Market: Different device versions and customizations can lead to compatibility issues.
Lower ARPU: While the user base is larger, monetization might be less effective compared to iOS.
Longer App Review: Google Play's review process can be slower and more intricate than the App Store's.
So, Which Platform to Choose?
There's no one-size-fits-all answer. The best platform depends on your app's goals, target audience, and mobile app development resources. Consider these factors:
Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach? Where are they located, and what devices do they use?
App Type: Does your app require specific hardware features or functionalities only available on one platform?
Development Expertise: Are you familiar with specific languages and tools required for each platform?
Monetization Strategy: Does the platform's pricing model and user spending habits align with your goals?
Ultimately, the choice between iOS and Android is a strategic one. Weigh the pros and cons carefully, understand your target audience, and don't be afraid to explore cross-platform options if your app's vision demands it. Remember, the right platform can become the springboard for your app's success, so choose wisely and build something amazing!
For more details, visits Ahex Technologies
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corbindavenport · 8 months
The new ImageShare
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ImageShare is my lightweight web app for uploading and sharing images, originally created as a replacement for the Nintendo 3DS Image Share service. It has gone through a lot of code updates and migrations over the last few years to keep it compatible with aging web browsers, and now I've rolled out another update.
The new features
ImageShare still allows you to choose an image from your device, click Upload, and get a QR code linking to the image that you can easily scan with another nearby device. It's still entirely server-side PHP, so it loads quickly, even on low-end and legacy web browsers that can no longer connect to image upload services directly.
The app previously used Imgur for all image uploads, but that API isn't always reliable, so ImageShare now fully supports ImgBB as an alternative platform. You can select which service to use from the main upload page. For security reasons, images uploaded anonymously through ImgBB are deleted after two minutes, which should be long enough to save the image after scanning the QR code.
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There's also a new option to use ImgBB with your own account, instead of uploading anonymously, by entering an API key in the ImageShare settings. This allows images to be saved permanently to your ImgBB account (unless you delete them later), and the images are always accessible through the ImgBB site on another web browser.
I've wanted to add authenticated image uploads for a long time, so the functionality could be closer to uploading screenshots on an Xbox or PlayStation console, but it wasn't easily doable with Imgur. Just like before, images uploaded from a Nintendo 3DS console have the game title saved with the image when it's available.
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The downside is that the new API key feature doesn't work on the Nintendo 3DS Browser (and possibly the Wii U Browser, I haven't checked). As far as I can tell, Nintendo blocks any kind of permanent storage in that browser, even the simple cookies used to store the API key.
ImageShare also now has improved support for other legacy web browsers: it fully works in Netscape Navigator 6 from 2001, and possibly earlier versions. It also now has a proper icon when pinned to the Start menu on Windows 10 Mobile, and there are some more fixes for older iOS devices.
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I've taken it as a challenge to support as many old web browsers and devices as possible, at least as long as it remains practical. ImageShare also now uses the goQR.me API to generate QR code images, because the deprecated Google API previously in use has stopped working entirely.
Self-hosted ImageShare
I've also done a lot of work to make ImageShare as easy to set up on a home server or production site as possible. The dev instructions are now more detailed, and more features that were previously hard-wired in the code are now optional when setting up an ImageShare instance. It's still a Docker Compose application, so it works on Windows, Mac, and Linux hosts.
The server configuration for ImageShare supports an Imgur API key, an ImgBB API key, or both. If you set up both options, the user can choose which option they want (the ImgBB option with a custom key is always available). For example, only the ImgBB option is enabled on the main server right now (I think Imgur blocked the server's IP for too many requests, so I'm giving it a break). Plausible Analytics is also now easily configurable, with reporting for page views, basic device and browser information, upload events, and so on.
I'm not aware of any other ImageShare instances, but now is as good a time as any to set one up!
The open future
ImageShare has required a lot of work to stay functional on the Nintendo 3DS and other legacy platforms. I've gone through three hosting services: first Heroku, then DigitalOcean's App Platform, then an Ubuntu VPS through Digital Ocean. After that last migration, I reworked it to run in Docker, which has made development and troubleshooting much simpler. That has all ensured ImageShare remains functional on legacy browsers through non-secure HTTP connections, while also supporting newer devices with HTTPS.
I'm not sure how long image hosting platforms will continue working with the current infrastructure, and I do not want to deal with hosting user content. There's also the issue where the main supported device, the Nintendo 3DS, can't save settings on the browser side. I'm thinking about how best to handle the project's future with those problems.
ImageShare might eventually morph into a minimal web server that runs on a computer on your home network, which would be less vulnerable to rate limiting by APIs (or could just dump images directly to a computer). Another option would be improving the self-hosted setup and publishing ImageShare to Docker Hub, where it could be installed on any computer or server with Docker in one command. This is already a popular option for NextCloud, Plex, and other local server software, so it would probably work well for ImageShare.
I don't have any plans to shut down the current ImageShare site, unless all the image hosting APIs stop working and I don't have any options left. ImageShare has already outlived the Nintendo service it was initially designed to replace, and I'd like to keep that going.
You can learn more about ImageShare from the GitHub repository, and you can try it out from theimageshare.com. If you want to help keep this service running, please consider joining my Patreon or donating through PayPal and Cash App.
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prometteursolutions · 8 months
From Brainstorm to App Store: Your Essential Guide to iOS App Development
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iOS app development process is often seen as a mysterious process, but with the right guidance, you can take your app idea all the way from brainstorming to launch in the App Store. Let's break down the key steps:
The Initial Brainstorm
Every great app starts with an innovative idea. Brainstorm ideas that solve real problems or improve lives. Look at your own frustrations and think about how an app could help. Study the top apps in the App Store to see what’s working. Settle on an idea that gets you excited and seems viable from a development standpoint.  
Research and Validation 
Now that you have an initial idea, validate that it’s something people actually want. Talk to potential users and get their feedback. Conduct surveys to gauge interest. Study the competition to make sure your idea is unique enough. This market validation will help refine your concept further.
Wireframing and Prototyping
With a validated concept, it’s time to map out how your app will look and function. Create wireframes that outline each screen and how users will navigate between them. Build a clickable prototype to simulate the real app experience. Test these with users to catch issues early before coding begins.
Visual Design
Work with a designer to define the look and feel of your app. They will produce mockups that establish the color scheme, typography, interface elements, and overall visual brand. This is your chance to make the app beautiful and visually differentiated. 
App Development
Now the hard work begins! Work with an experienced iOS developer or dev shop to architect and code your app. They will recommend the right technologies and frameworks. Plan for multiple iterations to get the features and UX just right. Rigorously test on both simulators and real devices. Pay special attention to edge cases and failure modes.  
Quality Assurance Testing
Once a working app is built, meticulously test it for bugs, crashes, and other issues. Define clear acceptance criteria and test cases. Try breaking the app every way you can. Fix all critical and high priority bugs before release. Make sure the app is stable and secure. Prioritize the user experience.
App Store Optimization 
With development winding down, work on App Store page assets like screenshots, videos, description, etc. to market your app. Research the top keywords for your category and target those in your metadata. Craft compelling texts that convince users to download. Localize all metadata for global reach.  
Submission and Launch
Exciting times! Submit your app and metadata for review. This process generally takes 1-2 weeks. While waiting, spread the word on social media and your website. Reach out to bloggers and media outlets. Launching with a bang will propel your app up the charts! Monitor user feedback closely after launch.
Post-Launch Support
Your work isn’t over after launch! Release frequent updates to fix bugs, add features, and refine performance. Respond promptly to user reviews and feedback. Cultivate an engaged community around your app via social media and a blog. Add more localizations. Work tirelessly to boost downloads and revenue.
As you can see, launching a successful iOS app requires meticulous planning, solid development skills, and ongoing dedication. While challenging, the rewards for launching a breakout hit make all the hard work worth it. Follow these steps, and you will maximize your odds of standing out in the lucrative iOS app market. Let the brainstorming begin!
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threeboy · 2 years
Games I finished in 2022 (and some I didn't)
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Three years running, baby (read 2020, 2021 installments if you want). These are not in any particular order and it's also not the order I beat them in...
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U) 😀 Awesome. Better than I thought it would be. Full of charm as expected with things in the Mario Universe. Neat boss fights. I thought the game was over after Chapter 1 and then was happy there was more.
Pikmin 2 (Wii) 😍 I was hungry for more Pikmin after finishing the 3rd installment in 2021 and it was was a step down in fidelity (480p 😭) but still enjoyable. If you haven't played any of the series try the demo for Pikmin 3 on the Switch - there's nothing else like it.
Total Party Kill (iOS) 😍 I will rarely include mobile games because they are usually pseudo-gambly dogshit designed to bleed money. None of that garbage in this game it's just a bunch of cool levels and console game-like vibes. It's Lost Vikings-like but the puzzles are centered around killing your party and using their dead bodies to solve the puzzles. It's the game I've gifted to others the most on Steam.
Heart Star (iOS)😀 Same dev as Total Party Kill and it's another great console vibey puzzle platformer with less murder and more cuteness. It's totally playable on mobile but I'd probably get the Steam version if I wanted to do to another playthrough.
Kirby Star Allies (Switch) 😀 Totally Kirby and totally okay to play with my 5 & 7 year olds since slow characters get teleported to catch-up. You can tell Smash Bros was started by HAL with the similar chaotic vibes. My only complaint is this game skews too easy and it makes me wonder if they'll ever crank the difficulty of the puzzles up in a Kirby game because the setup has a lot of potential.
Starfox 64 (3DS) - two different playthroughs 😀 The original was already good but they updated the graphics and added some quality of life fixes so that was great. Starfox Zero gets shit on a lot but I'm interested in giving it a go next.
Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS) - 100% 😀 Bought a 3DS just to play this as I was flying high from finishing Metroid Zero mission in 2021. I explored the map pretty thoroughly so by the time I was near the end game I was close to 100% so I went ahead and did it anyway.
Metroid: Dread (Switch) 😍 This plays like a smoother version of Samus Returns and that makes sense since it was the same developers. The lore dumps were good. I liked how cinematic it felt when the camera zoomed out to show scale of things. I tried to 100% this but ragequit. Having beat the main 5 Metroid games I'm gonna try to get into the Metroid Prime series I skipped out on - I feel like I might like it now.
Super Mario 3D Land (3DS) - 100% 😀 It's everything you expect from a Mario game - tight platforming and lots of level variety. I felt a bit cramped not being allowed to control the camera but I got used to it. This just made me want to re-play Super Mario 3D Land and my kids are better at gaming now so that should be a fun replay. I'm surprised I 100%'d this.
New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS) - 100% 😀 I liked this better than 3D Land - it's classic Mario platforming with a nice coat of paint. I'm surprised I 100%'d this one too but it's just too easy to have a 3DS on a nightstand and do a few things every night. I think this game made me develop "Mario Fatigue" because I need to take a break now.
Pokémon Puzzle League (N64) 😏 I never got into the actual Pokémon games but I have fun with the ancillary ones like the puzzle spinoffs. I replayed the single player hard mode to see if I could still beat it (and I can) and just when I started feeling good about my Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon skills I started playing Panel Attack (it's free!) against others online and got my ass handed to me repeatedly.
Zelda: Link Between Worlds (3DS) 🥰 This was marketed as a sequel to Link to the Past but it seems barely connected. I was worried the "wall walking" would be gimmicky but it added a lot of freshness. They had a lot of fun with "depth" and even with the 3D disabled some parts get very vertical. I didn't like the "buy all the tools" thing and I wish it was more of the traditional Zelda/Metroidvania styled with different areas unlocked as you gained abilities but I'm also glad they're trying new things.
Games I didn't finish
I tried a smattering of other games but didn't finish them - these were the most notable:
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS) 😭 I like it but rage quit pretty bad and not sure if I'll go back before I try the Switch remake (when if it's eventually released). I'm also going to try some Fire Emblem games to see if I like them too.
Any Mobile Game (They're all shit) 🤬 I didn't finish any mobile game beacuse they aren't designed to be finished they're designed to sell you crystals and shit - fuck 'em they're garabge.
Pic: I got into pearler beads / beadsprites pretty hard this year - it's pixel art IRL!
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rollici · 2 years
The raid 2 english subs
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#The raid 2 english subs full#
#The raid 2 english subs android#
Hi, we are aware of this and have a work-around you can try if uninstalling and reinstalling HBO Max from the Roku Streaming Channels store does not help. HBO has the following to say regarding the issue: says that they’re working on a fix for the issue and it should be released as early as the next build.Ġ2:25 pm (IST): HBO is reportedly not working properly on Roku and trying to play videos takes users back to the home screen.
#The raid 2 english subs full#
Head here for the full story.Ġ2:15 pm (IST): HBO app on Samsung TVs reportedly ‘breaks the system’s remote’s conventions.’ The play/pause button brings up options about using Samsung’s “Bixby” voice features. The bug tracker will be updated regularly with new bugs or when there is any development on existing bugs, issues, or pending improvements on HBO Max so stay tuned.Ġ3:45 pm (IST): Apparently, the subtitles issue with Gomorrah on HBO Max has finally been fixed according to HBO’s Andy Forssell on Twitter. There are also improvements suggested by users that occasionally get scooped up by the HBO Max devs if they gather enough requests. Therefore, on this bug tracker, we will be tracking the status of all existing HBO Max bugs and issues to the best of our abilities in order to help you save time. Obviously, it isn’t easy to keep track of bugs that have been acknowledged or fixed and those that are still pending acknowledgment.
#The raid 2 english subs android#
Subscribers can literally use almost every available platform be it Android, Android TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, iOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or Samsung smart TV platforms to watch their favorite stuff to their heart’s content.Īnd as for Mac, Windows, and Chromebook users, one can always use the desktop web player.īeing such a widely used service that’s available on almost every possible platform means that there are new bugs and issues popping up every now and then. With critically acclaimed recently released shows like Friends: The Reunion, Raised by Wolves, Love Life, Made for Love, and Veneno, it’s pretty clear that subscribers aren’t going to run out of great HBO exclusives any time soon. Sure, HBO Max does have a smaller library than other services, but its base collection can’t be easily beaten. Given the huge number of streaming services these days, a service must include exclusive shows and movies people can’t stand to miss to survive the video streaming wars.Īnd this is where HBO Max shines. Original story (published on June 5, 2021) follows: New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
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kingdomtrust · 2 years
Chrome app shortcut mac
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#Chrome app shortcut mac for mac#
#Chrome app shortcut mac mac os x#
Locate the initial "Settings" section and scroll to the bottom of the page.How to make Chrome the default browser on Mac In the sidebar, to the right of Google Chrome, click Eject.Find Chrome and drag it to the local Applications folder - you might need admin permissions for certain file locations.Select the correct version and download the installation file.How do I download Google Chrome on a Mac? If you want to use Chrome as your default browser, you will need to manually set it to the default browser on your PC as Mac comes out with the Safari web browser pre-installed. FAQ Can you install Google Chrome on a Mac?
#Chrome app shortcut mac mac os x#
Google no longer provides support for older versions than Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10. The work in progress edition is mainly for developers who want to have information about future releases to help them in their creative processes. This new technology is sometimes referred to as Bleeding edge technology, as it can sometimes break down completely and cause havoc. This is the experimental edition of Chrome with all the newest technologies still under development. These versions are still in the testing stage so you can expect a bug, but you get to test the newest features first Dev Channelĭedicated to the people who use the cutting-edge web platform APIs and developer tools to develop apps for all versions of the web. This is the latest stable version and the safe option with all the features tested before release.
A user interface, themes, apps, and desktop shortcuts.
Bookmarks and settings synchronization across devices and browsers.
DevTools allows developers to simulate device and to collect vital information on their code and most other web applications in real-time to debug code and analyze load performance. When you install Chrome on Mac, you automatically get access to Chrome DevTools with the browser. Licensed as proprietary freeware, Chrome uses the Apple WebKit rendering engine for iOS versions. Google Chrome is preferred by two-thirds of browser users across platforms, securing that position by serving as a major platform of compatibility for web apps, and should not be confused for Chrome OS which is an operating system.
#Chrome app shortcut mac for mac#
Google Chrome for Mac is widely popular because it offers Google-specific features on your Mac.ĭownload Google Chrome on your Mac to get a multi-functional web browser that’s easy to use and customize, no matter your skill level. Because Google has used parts from Apple's Safari and Mozilla's Firefox browsers, they made the project open source. It utilizes very fast loading of Web pages and has a V8 engine, which is a custom built JavaScript engine. Google Chrome is a Web browser by Google, created to be a modern platform for Web pages and applications.
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longsilent · 2 years
Years used runonly to detection five
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#Years used runonly to detection five android
#Years used runonly to detection five software
#Years used runonly to detection five windows
Pr_err("sched: Error, all isolcpus= values must be between 0 and %d ", nr_cpu_ids) īut as you observed, someone could have modified the affinity of processes, including daemon-spawned ones, cron, systemd and so on. Ret = cpulist_parse(str, cpu_isolated_map) Static int _init isolated_cpu_setup(char *str)Īlloc_bootmem_cpumask_var(&cpu_isolated_map) Static DEVICE_ATTR(isolated, 0444, print_cpus_isolated, NULL) Īnd cpu_isolated_map is exactly what gets set by kernel/sched/core.c at boot: /* Setup the mask of cpus configured for isolated domains */ N = scnprintf(buf, len, "%*pbl ", cpumask_pr_args(cpu_isolated_map)) Try ruthlessly logging your own smartphone activity for a couple of days.What you look for should be found inside this virtual file: /sys/devices/system/cpu/isolatedĪnd the reverse in /sys/devices/system/cpu/present // Thanks to John Zwinckįrom drivers/base/cpu.c we see that the source displayed is the kernel variable cpu_isolated_map: static ssize_t print_cpus_isolated(struct device *dev, A typical smartphone user looks at their phone about 150 times per day.11 That seems like a ridiculous number, but, when you break it down by activity, it suddenly seems a lot more plausible. What are we doing on our smartphones? It’s clear that the demand for more intelligent mobile devices is huge – but what is driving it? One way to understand this accelerating trend is to investigate exactly what we’re using our smartphones for. In 2015, the number of smartphone users is expected to hit 2 billion.10 The lower cost of mobile devices combined with the growth of mobile broadband networks will actually see the next billion people who come online bypass desktop computing entirely and go straight to mobile. If the above trend continues, then mobile is going to represent the majority of all personal computing platforms by 2016. China ended 2013 with 618 million Internet users, of which 500 million were mobile Internet users.7 Eighty-one per cent of Chinese are now accessing the Internet via mobile.8 Mobile Internet browsing as a percentage of total Internet browsing had reached 23 per cent by 9 – that’s an 83 per cent increase in just a year.
#Years used runonly to detection five android
Global Market Share of Personal Computing Platforms by Operating Systems Shipments, 1975–2012 The Android OS could therefore be used, adapted and optimised for use on ssung and BlackBerry And herein lies the massive opportunity with mobile – and, more specifically, with mobile apps. People want their computers to be as mobile as they are. People have adopted mobile computing more than three times faster than they did the desktop.6 This points in a fascinating direction: people don’t want to be artificially stuck behind desktop or even laptop computers.
#Years used runonly to detection five windows
When Microsoft launched Windows in the 1980s, it took 12–15 years for it to dominate 96 per cent of all desktop computers.5 And yet, when you look to the right of the graph, you can see that iOS and Android have destroyed Microsoft’s near-monopoly in a mere five years. The diagram below shows how dramatically things have changed. Apple would not allow anyone else to use the system, and iOS would run only on Apple-made hardware. Apple, on the other hand, had taken a highly controlled, walled-garden approach with iOS (its mobile operating system).
#Years used runonly to detection five software
That meant that anyone in the world – from an individual developer all the way to a giant smartphone manufacturer – was allowed to use the Android software and tailor it to their own specific purpose. Android would run on open-source software. Android mirrored Apple’s entire ecosystem, but with one key difference – and ultimately a massive one. After only a handful of meetings Page was so impressed by Rubin – and the technology – that he was ready to buy the fledging company and inject massive internal investments into the project. Since 2005 he had been talking to a developer called Andy Rubin about a rather secretive project called Android – a new mobile OS. Over at Google, co-CEO Larry Page watched the iPhone launch and realised that mobile was going to become a dominant force. It was through the combination of all these ine time, that Apple was able to set the stage for what would be a multibillion-dollar-per-year app industry. They also filled the iPhone with sensors such as GPS (Global Positioning System, to tell you where you are), a magnetometer (to tell you which direction is north), and accelerometers (to detect whether the iPhone is moving, and, if so, which way). Rubin joined Google in and, three years later, Google launched the first smartphone running the Android OS This makes for a huge momentum shift towards mobileĪpple do away with the clunky method of entering letters via a numeric keypad, but they also replaced the pokey BlackBerry keyboard with a virtual one, thus freeing up more space for a larger screen (and more engaging apps).
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crucialfusion · 4 years
ExoArmor is a modern take on classic arcade space shooter action, all in the palm of your hand.
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exeggcute · 3 years
genuine question, wasnt tumblr already planning the nsfw ban before the app got removed from the app store back in 2018? and im curious as to how twitter gets away with having porn on the ios app while tumblr has to ban tags like "mine". fuck apple and all, im sure they play a huge part in all this, im just confused honestly. how much of this is really on them?
your guess is as good as mine (no idea what their product roadmap looked like back then) but afaik there was never a porn ban in the works before then... you could definitely see tits on the dash up until the 2018 ban (and I mean you definitely still can, technically lol). but also remember that this website changed owners a million times so it's very well possible that some peabrained executive at like yahoo or whatever made a decree that tumblr would become ""family-friendly"" and it never materialized. if there's one thing I've learned in software dev it's that C-level dipshits love to make promises that may never get realized.
it's genuinely not in tumblr's interest to restrict content like this though. think about it: restricting content (especially something as nebulously all-encompassing and popular as "adult" content) restricts your user base, and restricting your user base means less traffic. less traffic means less ads served which means less money, because most ads are paid per impression. unless tumblr thinks they can rebrand themselves with a squeaky-clean image (and they're not stupid, I know they don't think this) there would be no point in enacting a policy like this other than shooting themselves in the foot for no reason. no other social media sites do this willingly. (also the fact it's only applicable to iOS users also really tells you everything you need to know.)
now, when it comes to questions of actual content moderation and bots and shit... that's another matter entirely. and also imo not even relevant to this discussion since it's a whole separate nightmare but I will say that tumblr's content moderation (in terms of "if enough people report a nazi will they actually get banned") seems to be slightly better than average, although the bar is extremely low. but social media in general is plagued with moderation problems and part of it is a labor problem and part of it is stuff I don't want to get too into because I might technically break an NDA lol. but it's a worthwhile, albeit separate, topic to pursue!
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callmearcturus · 4 years
Also, point of interest? Epic is not suing for damages. They actually aren’t asking for a cut of the profit from that 30% storefront tax from Apple and Google. They have floated the idea of being released to make their own storefront in the iOS infrastructure. Which would function like EGS, in that it provides an alternative to the megaplatform that has a stranglehold on the platform.
EGS wants money! They are motivated to get more money! But the thing they are offering is breaking up that stranglehold and actually offer devs a more equitable option to lure them over. They will never eradicate Steam. They will never beat the App Store. But giving devs a better option, to give an option outside the monopoly is good.
A true statement: Fortnite is a cash shop with a game attached that preys on children to make money.
A true statement: EGS’s disruption of the Business As Usual model of the games industry is good for devs, who have been crushed under the boots of publishers and platform holders for a long time.
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spellscarred · 5 years
So here’s a list of games that help me get through bad days, whether it’s just being out of spoons, or being triggered, or just needing to not think for a hot second, it doesn’t matter. I’ll make sure to tell you why they might appeal, because not every game will work for every mood/situation.
STARDEW VALLEY [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 / SWITCH / IOS / ANDROID ] — of course, this is the ultimate good mental health game. It’s very relaxing, it’s involved enough that you can focus on it without having to do anything intensive. You can play at your own pace, and you can even play with a friend, if you need that extra support.
GRAVEYARD KEEPER [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 / SWITCH / IOS / ANDROID ] — this game is here for the same reason as stardew valley, but with an entirely different vibe. You play a man from our time who’s mysteriously transported to medieval times, who has to run a graveyard to find his way back. If Stardew Valley is too soft and cutesy for you, you’ll like Graveyard Keeper’s more morbid twist on it. Steeped in dark humour.
NO MAN’S SKY [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 ] — surely everyone’s heard of this game from its disastrous launch back in 2016. Since then, Hello Games has worked tirelessly to bring existing and new players free updates and turn it into the game that they’d promised from the start. I’d say they’ve delivered. This game is vast, with plenty to do, plenty to see; you can get lost exploring planet after planet, learning more about the other civilisations that inhabit the galaxies (yes, plural), trading, hunting pirates, raiding freighters, owning freighters, base building, playing with friends... This game can initially be very overwhelming, but the key to this game is to just focus on one thing at a time.
ASTRONEER [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 ] — if No Man’s Sky is too vast for you, then you might want to try your hand at Astroneer. It’s a lot more contained, much more stylised, and since there’s less content, it’s a lot harder to lose yourself in how much there is to actually do and thus get overwhelmed. Just a fun, lowkey planetary exploration game with cartoon-y graphics. Also with co-op options.
CITIES: SKYLINES [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 / SWITCH ] — if you’re looking for something to just relax with but still get the sense you’re doing something productive, then you might want to try your hand at Cities: Skylines. The goal is to make a functional city, down to managing the flow of traffic and meeting the zoning demands of your citizens, et cetera. It’s easy to pour a few hours into this once you get the hang of it. Of course, you can also go the Sims route and just give yourself infinite money to design a city to your wishes.
JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 ] — so this is like the old Zoo Tycoon, if the animals were large long-extinct creatures that have a habit of breaking out of their habitats if sufficiently agitated. There’s two ways you can play the game; you can follow the story line, which slowly seeks to reclaim the islands lost in the Jurassic Park trilogy, right down to wrangling the now wild dinosaurs roaming the islands and turning the GenSec bases into functional parks. Or, once you get a 4 star rating on Isla Matanceros, you go sandbox mode on Isla Nublar, which provides you with ample space and neigh unlimited money to go wild on.
BORDERLANDS 2 [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 / IOS / ANDROID ] — if you’re more into shoot and loot, you’ll find Borderlands 2 (and the Borderlands franchise in and of itself) quite satisfying. I recommend BL2 especially because while it’s dated, its graphics and gameplay still holds up, it’s on older gen consoles as well, and its price tag is a lot less costly than immediately going for Borderlands 3. The game’s funny, it doesn’t really require you to think a lot, and it’s just great fun shooting AI in the face and blowing things up. Even if you’re self-reportedly ‘bad at FPS’, there’s no expectations where Borderlands 2 is concerned. Just sorta aim and shoot, no doubt something will die and give you a shiny prize for it. Endorphines galore.
SPORE [ PC ] — disclaimer, Spore is great up to a certain point, and after that it becomes absolute garbage. Most people agree that the microbial and creature stages of Spore are absolutely fantastic and there’s some whacky fun to be had creating ridiculous-looking creatures and getting them to survive in the direction you’ve decided to take them. Generally, after the Creature Stage comes the Civilisation Stage, which is about the time I restart the game, which is a pity. The longest stage, which is the Space Stage, is arguably also the worst stage. But it’s cheap, and the first two stages are really just that iconic.
TWO POINT HOSPITAL [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 / SWITCH ] — if you’re like me and you’ve been playing video games on PC for 25 years, surely you’ll remember a little game called Theme Hospital. The weirdest, most ridiculous hospital simulation game ever created. This is that, but from 2018, opposed to 1997. I’ve spent hours upon hours in Theme Hospital trying to save patients, make my layouts make sense, and keep people from littering everywhere, you heathens! In later levels, it can get pretty stressful, but particularly earlier levels, it’s just good ol’ fun.
THE SIMS 4 [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 ] — speaking of the Sims, the franchise is obviously the most well-known ‘I know I’m in a depression hole because I played for the past 21 hours and I haven’t eaten yet and I probably won’t shower for the next 5 days’ game. Granted, I list the Sims 4, but any iteration of the Sims works for this purpose. Just motherlode and go, my friends. Cure the emptiness by creating a house you’ll never be able to afford. (Personally I use it to create my characters from toddler and making them meet and kiss their SOs, but you know.)
PLANET ZOO [ PC ] — I likened Jurassic World Evolution to Zoo Tycoon but with dinosaurs. Planet Zoo is Zoo Tycoon on steroids. That’s it. Planet Zoo is incredibly robust and in-depth, but the idea is simple: manage a zoo, help animals get off the endangered species list, and release them into the wild where you can while keeping visitors happy and keeping your park clean (why are visitors in sim games always such terrible raccoons)! Go creative mode and just create a zoo to your own wishes with no constraints and you’ll have a great mental health game.
PLANET COASTER [ PC / XBOX1 / PS4 ] — if Planet Zoo is Zoo Tycoon on steroids, then Planet Coaster is Rollercoaster Tycoon on steroids (which, in turn, was a more robust version of 1994′s Theme Park, from the same devs as Theme Hospital mentioned above). Like with Planet Zoo, you make a theme park, create rides that kill people and desperately try to hold back the tide of litter that’ll inevitably happen. But really, just go creative mode and make rollercoasters with so much G-force that it’ll kill everyone that rides them.
RAFT [ PC ] — a co-op game set in an Earth enveloped by oceans, you’re essentially a scout on a raft and that raft will become your home as you build onto it. You go from island to island to collect materials, seeds for food and trees, and discover the lore of the world. Your only enemy is hunger, thirst, and the ever-present shark that really only wants to hug you with its teeth. It’s a friend. Promise.
So do you have any games that you think should be on this list? Games that help you get through days where it’s just really hard to be a person? Feel free to add onto this post. Just make sure you let people know the name, the platforms its available on, the general gist of the game, and why it helps you through tough days.
Enjoy your good mental health days and good luck on your bad mental health days, everyone. 💛
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alahmnat · 3 years
Safari 15's weird full circle
To say that the last few months since WWDC 2021 have been turbulent for the Safari dev team would be putting it mildly. Apple's intention to reimagine the way that users think about and use the web browser, announced back in June, landed with what could generously be called a damp thud. After months of iOS, iPadOS, and macOS betas, things have almost completely fallen back to where they were in May of this year as Apple's design collided headlong with user expectations.
At the heart of the redesign seemed to be an intention to treat the tab as more of a proxy icon than a document container. If you're unfamiliar with macOS, proxy icons are little icons in the titlebar of most document-based apps that "represent" the file within the file system. You can drag it from the titlebar into a folder in the Finder, for example, to move the document to that location without having to dig it up in a separate Finder window to copy/paste it. You can also command-click it to see the full path to the document's current location (the pop-up that appears is even functional, allowing you to open the file's containing folder in Finder by clicking on it). The design for Safari 15 seemed to be centered around treating website tabs the same way.
The initial implementation on iOS was a complete UX disaster, as Apple tried to cram two whole toolbars into the space of a single control that didn't even fill the whole page. The address bar, which was relocated to the bottom of the screen for ergonomic reasons, now had to pull double or even triple duty, and even the most common actions like reloading the page were tucked into a "•••" button's pop-up menu. Over the course of the iOS 15 beta, the address bar was gradually reverted back to its original purpose, and the bottom toolbar from iOS 14's Safari reappeared to hold controls like opening the tab overview, sharing content, and navigating between pages. For the most part, the only thing that's stuck around from the original design is the ability to use the address bar as a sort of Safari-specific Home Indicator, enabling you to quickly switch between tabs without having to open the tab overview screen. There's some extended functionality in the menu accessed by tapping on the left-most "button" in the address bar, but that's essentially it.
On the whole, where the iOS version has landed feels like the happiest middle ground between what Apple envisioned and what users needed and expected. It's hard to break the muscle memory of 14 years of reaching for the top of the screen to type a URL or search term, but on balance I think moving the address bar to the bottom and surfacing it as more of an actual tab works well and is a positive change. I even use the fast-switching swipe a lot more than I expected to, and it doesn't interfere or conflict with the system-wide Home Indicator as much as I worried it might. One minor added benefit of moving the address bar to the bottom is that you no longer have to tap twice at the top of the screen to scroll to the top of a page (once to un-collapse the address bar, and then again to actually execute the "go to top" action).
I think the "browser chrome adopts the theme color of the page" behavior that Safari 15 added is also the most effective on iOS, because it only applies to the top-most UI elements, and that's nothing but the notch area now. It's more of a mixed bag on the other platforms.
One change I'm still not a huge fan of is the decision to redesign the tab overview/tab switcher screen. Previously, it was a single column of, essentially, hanging file folder-like sheets, each with the name of the page and a close button. You could scroll the list vertically, and either swipe a tab left or hit its close button to remove it from the list. Now, Safari uses the same 2-up card design that every other browser seems to have standardized on, and honestly? I hate it. It breaks my mental model of where tabs are. Before, it just zoomed out slightly and dropped down while revealing the "rolodex" of other tabs. Now, it recedes back to a seemingly-random location, and it throws me off every. single. time. Additionally, it doesn't show as much of the important piece of information about a tab—the page title—while showing more of the less-important part IMO—the page itself. I never try to go back and identify tabs visually. The new tooltips in Safari and Chrome that show a page preview when you hover over a tab frankly drive me bonkers, because the page preview appears above the title, which is what I'm actually trying to get at. My brain keys off of the title of the page, and now that's a lot harder to do.
(There's also the new minor annoyance of the "new tab" button being on the exact opposite side of the screen from the tab overview button, because the center is now being used for the tab group switcher.)
Another issue I have with Safari 15 on iDevices is that the extensions implementation feels sort of half-baked. On iOS, extensions are always automatically crammed into the already-crowded left-hand pop-up menu accessible from the address bar's "Aa" button. The more you add, the longer that menu gets, and there's seemingly no way of organizing it. It also adds an "extensions" puzzle-piece icon to the address bar, which shares a touch region with the button beside it. On iPadOS, you can have up to two extensions add their own icons to the address bar (not the toolbar for some reason, though). They're very small and very fiddly. As soon as you add a third extension that wants to add an address bar button, though, everything collapses down into the same sort of lengthy over-crowded pop-over many as on iOS, represented by a puzzle piece and a counter showing the number of active extensions. Again, this extensions icon shares its touch region with the "•••" button beside it, instead of acting as its own menu (there's space to do that!). I feel like either some mid-cycle release or Safari 16 needs to really focus on improving the extensions experience, because right now everything from activating them to using them is a bit of a chore if they do anything besides sit in the background and wait for a trigger to fire. (Also, as an app-specific aside, 1Password's new Mobile Safari extension won't let me use TouchID or FaceID to log into it. I have to type my master password in on a regular basis, which sucks no matter where I have to do it because it's a fairly lengthy passphrase. But it definitely sucks a lot more on iDevices than on a Mac, and the Mac's extension lets you use bio-auth!)
On iPadOS and macOS, the story has, in some ways, been a lot weirder. On those platforms, Apple unified the address bar with the idea of a tab, such that they functioned as the same control. Clicking on a tab to select it would expand it to show the page's URL (rather than its title), and then you could change the address from there.
I can at least understand the intention behind this move. Since the beginning, browser tabs have had a … complicated relationship with the concept of vertical UI hierarchy, where controls affect the things that are visually beneath them. Tabs used to sit beneath the global toolbar(s) of the browser, and yet those global toolbars (or at least the address bar) were affected by what tab you had selected. Most browsers have landed on a "tabs on top" design, but Apple's attempt at that with Safari 4 was walked back before final release. I think it could have worked if they hadn't glued the tabs directly to the top of the window, instead leaving some space for a tab container—and thereby a space to be able to grab the window without also grabbing a tab and activating the tab-dragging behavior—but alas.
By unifying the tab bar with the address bar at the top of the page, I think Apple was trying to address this weird UI hierarchy issue in a different way, by treating the tab as a document's proxy object, and not having the rest of the browser's chrome have a weird association with what was technically a parent container located beneath it. Having the browser window adopt the theme color of the site you were on also served as a way to further enhance the notion that the chrome was in service to the current page. Of course, because web pages are more dynamic than documents, it needed to pull double-duty as a proxy and as the place you went to change what that proxy was associated with, and there has never been a time in human history when arbitrarily adopting colors into a window background didn't also potentially negatively impact usability (but I'll get to that).
Unfortunately, I don't think this idea quite worked out. In practice, it suffered from several problems. First, because your address bar was now also a tab, switching tabs meant moving where the address bar was located, as well as where all of the address bar's controls were located. After spending some time with the design, I feel like I was able to adapt to it fairly quickly, but it certainly took a lot of getting used to (the biggest issue was always reaching for the reload button on the right side of the window, instead of its new default position: hidden on the right side of the active address bar; I eventually dragged the reload button control itself up onto the right side of the toolbar just so I wouldn't have to change course mid-motion as I remembered where it was supposed to be, but that's never really a good sign for your UX).
Second, because the address bar was now sharing space with your open tabs, it meant that both got less breathing room than before. While on Safari 14 you could have a dozen or more tabs visible in the tab bar at once, Safari 15's new design cut that down to just 5 or 6 because so much of the area needs to be dedicated to the expanded address bar of the active tab. And if you did only have a couple of tabs open, the tabs and the active tab's address bar were both weirdly constrained to an awkwardly-small maximum width, instead of being allowed to take up the full space between other controls on its left and right. As you added more tabs, the bar would eventually fill and start to overflow, but for small numbers of tabs it always felt extremely awkward and unbalanced. Again, in Safari 14, if you only have one tab open, it fills the entire tab bar, while having two tabs open means they're both 50% of the window width.
Third, because the tab bar was now in the same space as the rest of the browser's toolbar buttons, it even further constrained the amount of space available to tabs. Because you can't add new toolbar rows, there was no way to designate a whole horizontal space just for tabs to live in. And if you take Apple up on their offer of installing a bunch of browser extensions? Well then you've got even more icons that are taking up valuable tab space (I currently have 7 extension buttons in my toolbar, and that's after having pared it down from what you get by default when activating every extension I have installed; there are 10 extension buttons in the "customize toolbar" UI). Even this would be something that I could mitigate with shortcuts, context menu actions, and share sheet destinations, but not every extension supports those endpoints, and there's no way to tell Safari to put certain icons in an overflow element the way you can in Firefox and Chrome.
Fourth, there's the close button, which was moved to hide underneath the favicon until you moused over it. This seems like a good idea until you think about it, and while I seem to have been more successful in avoiding the pitfall of closing a tab by clicking on its icon more reliably than folks like John Gruber, I did still do it occasionally, and that sucked. I noticed that in 15.1 they've now separated those elements, at least in "separate" tab bar mode.
Fifth, there's the issue of pinned tabs. Pinned tabs are nice because they take up a minimal amount of space while maintaining permanent quick access to the page they contain. However, in "compact" mode, clicking on a pinned tab expands it out to the size of a regular active tab, because it needs to provide access to the address bar. I feel like this was an awkward decision, since a pinned tab is locked to a specific domain—any links you follow that would take you to another site are opened in a new tab—and if you really needed to get to the URL or close the tab, you could unpin it first. Expanding a pinned tab just like it was a regular one always felt awkward, and it messed with the positioning of the actual tabs in the tab container something fierce. Which brings me to...
The tab bar just… didn't work very well as a UI control. Clicking on a tab that was at the edge of the visible set would sometimes work as expected (that tab would become active), but sometimes it would just scroll the tab bar to the left or right by a seemingly-arbitrary amount, causing me to lose the tab I was looking for in the shuffle. And sometimes even clicking on a fully-visible tab that was just to the side of one that had started scrolling off would select tabs adjacent to it instead. It was just a buggy mess sometimes.
Additionally, by default Safari also adopted the theme color of the website you were viewing, either as explicitly defined by the site owner, or as inferred by Safari from the page's top-most content region (usually a navigation bar or header). The thing is, unlike on iOS, there's a lot of chrome up there, and there are color choices that can and will interfere with the application's buttons. In fact, Safari refuses to adopt certain colors because they would interfere with the "traffic light" window controls at the top left. I don't know if it also does the same for the other toolbar buttons, since extension icons are tinted with the OS's chosen highlight color, but it doesn't take a terrible amount of effort to render the UI a difficult-to-read mess, and switching between tabs can be a bit jarring as the color of the window flips across all kinds of different colors.
The one thing that didn't actually bother me at all was something I saw a lot of people complaining about throughout the beta: the active tab no longer displayed the page's title unless you hovered over it. Personally, I didn't find this to be a huge issue. I'm rarely looking at a page and finding myself thinking "what page am I on again?" in a way that requires me to look back up at the tab (besides, my tab bar is always so full that names are super-truncated anyway). What I do use the page title for, as I've mentioned, is finding pages in my background tabs by name. And in that case, the compact tab bar was no better or worse than Safari 14. It just had the issue of there not being as much space for the tabs to exist in, so it required a lot more scrolling around. But aside from the occasional bugginess of actual tab selection, I rarely had problems keeping track of where my tabs were. I do still miss the title-only overflow menu in older versions of Safari, but I think the scrolling bar is more functional at maintaining the "geography" of your tab layout. I just wish I could, like, pull up a full list of open tabs somewhere without activating the RAM- and processor-intensive tab overview screen, which always caused my laptop fans to spin up to takeoff speed while it tried to chug through re-cacheing thumbnails for every tab I hadn't accessed in a while (or since the last browser restart). It wasn't great for the network either, and sometimes created "you're flooding the site with requests, please stop" messages if I had too many pages from a particular site open. But, Safari 15 does at least seem to be more intelligent in its re-cacheing, if it's even doing any at all, since I haven't really encountered that problem since upgrading.
After initially only providing this new "compact" view in the first betas, Apple semi-relented and gave users the option to revert to a "separate" tab bar. Unfortunately, they tried sticking to their guns in terms of the design of the tabs themselves, which looked a lot more like text fields than labeled tabs. In fact, I eventually went back to the compact design because I kept trying to click on the tab itself to select the address anyway, so I figured I might as well just stick with the design where I don't look like an idiot for trying that. Famously, this also created a massive legibility issue because it was basically impossible to tell which tab was active. The unselected tabs were a slightly darker shade than the rest of the chrome, and the selected tab was a slightly lighter shade. If you only had two tabs open, good luck remembering that, though. Both appearances could be read as both "active" and "background" depending on how you thought about it. At least two different people built browser extension apps that would indicate within the page content which tab was actually active by underlining it, that's how bad it got.
Now, as of Safari 15.1, the "separate" tab bar is back to its previous Safari 14-era appearance. The only difference is that the "new tab" button has been relocated from the tab bar to the toolbar, which is a weird flex, but ok. On top of that, the option to tint the window to match the page has been removed entirely if you use the separate tab bar, and it's off by default if you use the compact view. It's been such a long, weird road that's ended essentially right back where we started.
I will say, after all of that, that the other banner feature in Safari 15, tab groups, is also considerably more useful than I had expected it to be. It does slightly contribute to my habit of keeping too many tabs open, but at least now they're sort of organized without having to resort to terrible systems like "sort by domain" or "manually keep all of the tabs for X in this window".
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