#i... didn't realise how much roman angst there would be
writer-jamie · 1 month
| Aphrodite's Spell | Chapter Two |
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Summary: Aegon was the definition of fuckboy. He didn't care about people's feelings, fucked with no strings attached and used whoever he wanted. He never got attached. Never made friends. That was until he met you online. You didn't know him, nor his family. You were an innocent his family and their legacy tainted. Someone new. Something new.
Warnings: Talks of alcohol and drugs, some slight smut, angst.
Author's note: Thank you for all the love on the first chapter of this series! I'm feeling extremely motivated to write so I will try and get as many chapters written while i'm in this motivated mood. Can't promise this will last though, but will try my best to keep to regular updates.
Taglist: @neithriddle @sab-falco @prp-butterf1y @deltamoon666 @sewmxx
Link for taglist.
Divider: @fairytopea
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You squinted at the bright screen as you sipped on your wine.
EggTarg liked your post.
Who the fuck is called Egg?
You knew all your other likes, mainly your friends or the guys online who followed you to wank over your photos, but this Egg guy is new. You clicked on his profile and there wasn't much to see. His profile picture was the side of her face but you couldn't see much of his features. The thing that stood out was his striking hair.
Blonde. That explains a lot.
Your friends would describe you as a creature of habit. Always went for the blonde boys, smokers, "rat looking" as Lisa would say. You knew what you liked and there was no shame in that. So when you looked at Egg's profile picture and saw the blonde hair, you could have sworn you felt your heartbeat in your clit.
You finished the rest of your wine in one big gulp and placed your glass on your oak bedside table. Leaning back into your headboard, you pulled your laptop closer to your chest and began typing.
Direct Message - User EggTarg
Me: You have peaked my interest Egg 🥚
EggTarg: As you have mine...pretty name, pretty face, what’s not to like.
Me: Romanic as well as one of my favourite foods, I think you are a winner.
EggTarg: Winner?
Me: You’ll see...
You couldn’t help laughing from behind your screen, feeling a rush of heat over your body. He sent you a photo. Oh. No guy ever sends you photos, just wants sex or a hookup.
EggTarg: Image attached.
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EggTarg: You like what you see?
Me: Well I’m not blind so yeah 🤤
EggTarg: ***-***-**** call me
That was easy. A phone number and a shirtless pic in less than ten minutes. He must be either desperate or horny. You debated picking up the phone and calling him. What if he was a serial killer or a weirdo wanting to eat your body.
Eh anything would be better than going to work in the morning.
***-***-**** added to contacts as Egg.
Calling Egg…
Buzz buzz…buzz buzz…buzz…”Hello?” A man’s voice answered the phone. He sounds Egg like. “Egg? It’s Y/N?” You could almost hear his posture shift as he realised who was on the other end of the phone. “Y/N. You called. Thought you weren’t gonna.” He sounded well educated but there was something about him that seemed off. He definitely sounded hungover. “So how can I help you EggMan?” You smirked down the phone, hearing him chuckle on the other end at the new nickname.
“You fancy hanging out? I don’t do public really well but we can go out for some food or drinks?” He heard you take a deep breath in, realising quickly how strange it sounded that he ‘doesn’t do public’. “I mean I do do public just not great. My family is kinda well known and I never get any peace and quiet when I’m out and-“ The panic in his voice obvious. Great you fucked this up Aegon.
“Egg. Egg it’s ok, I don’t ‘do’ public either. My family has a lot of drama surrounding it and I usually like to go out of town for dates or stay home. Or rent a hotel.” He suddenly felt at ease with your response. “I have a hotel room booked for this evening. Rook’s Nest Hotel. Ever heard of it?” You asked, pulling up your reservation and adding an addition person to the booking. “Meet me in the lobby at 7pm?” You suggested, pausing before clicking the save button on the reservation email.
“See you there. Wear something red.” He said with a smile and hung up the phone. Cheeky cunt. You sent him quick text with a lips emoji before laying back in your bed. “What the fuck have you gotten yourself into?” You asked yourself, running your fingers through your hair.
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You adjusted your dress as you sat on the soft leather seat, nursing your red wine as you awaited Egg to show up. You looked down at your phone. 7:08pm. He's only eight minutes late, traffic is probably bad. No traffic isn't bad. He's just late. What if he doesn't show up? What an embarrassment. You debated getting up to leave, looking around seeing many couples drinking in the lobby. You knew almost everyone here by name, the staff and the regulars.
Pepper was one of your favourite bell boys. He always is the first at the door to welcome you. He has worked at the hotel since he was sixteen and he was now thirty two. You used to see him every summer when your parents would take you to the hotel for your first of many family getaways. Your father always tips well, but for Pepper he was the most generous. He saw him like a son figure, after all he only had you and God knows he wishes he had a son. Instead he was stuck with you. Even now, Pepper is the first to take your bags to your room. He never expected a tip like a lot of the other workers. He knows you give tips at the end of the stay. But normally it would be enough of a tip to feed his family for at least four months (until you showed your face again).
Denise was your favourite cleaner. She knew when you were staying and would leave strawberry chocolates on your pillow. She's also been working there since you were young. She must be pushing sixty now and definitely didn't need to work but she worked her whole life and would probably be really bored at home. She was the sweetest lady you had ever met, she felt like a grandma to you. Denise never felt a need to change her posture or attitude when she saw you or your father. She was 100% Denise and you admired her for that. Most people would stand up straighter when your father entered the room, but Denise would continue dusting or hoovering, telling your father to lift his feet or move his ass if he was in the way.
You were snapped out your daydream by Mr Mortez, the hotel manager, who placed his hand on your shoulder gently. "Miss Y/L/N. Can I get Pepper to escort you to your room? I hate to see you sat alone." You smiled sweetly at the gesture. "No thank you. I will be ok." He nodded and turned around, walking back to the reception desk, joining many staff looking at you with worried expressions.
You pulled out your phone and opened up your messages with Egg.
Me: You are a cunt
The message sent quickly before shoving the phone into your bag, grabbing your wine glass and cardigan before standing up. You walked past many couples who were enjoying each others company. Not looking where you were going you bumped into a figure who was hastily walking through the lobby doors. "Oh God I am so sorry..." You mumbled, grabbing your bag and cardigan off the floor. You rised to your feet and looking the stranger with a soft smile.
"Sorry I'm late." He said with a smile, taking your hand into his and placing a soft kiss to your hand. "Egg?" You looked the man in front of you up and down, making sure this was the same man you arranged to meet mere hours ago. "Aegon. But Egg works too." You relaxed your shoulders and put your hand on his chest, seeing his shirt was now stained red with your wine. "Oh Aegon I'm so sorry! Let me take you to the laundry room and we can wash your shirt." Grabbing his hand and walking him towards the laundry room.
Pepper looked at you with a soft smile, almost checking you were ok. You gave him a reassuring smile in return.
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You placed your key card to the doors lock and it opened with a click. Aegon followed you inside, impressed with this hotels facilities. You put your bag and cardigan down on the floor and opened the washer, grabbing the items from the shelves and preparing the stain remover and liquid. "Take off your shirt." You demanded plainly, hopeful this could be sorted soon so you could enjoy your evening.
"At least buy me a drink first." Aegon replied, a smirk spreading across his lips. You shook your head and walked towards him, placing your hands on his chest and began unbuttoning his shirt buttons. His sparce chest hair came into view as you unbuttoned his cream coloured shirt. "Don't push it." You replied. Aegon rested his hands on your hips as you continued to remove his shirt. The shirt came off quickly and just like that the moment was over. You threw the clothing into the machine and set it off.
"Let's hope that comes out. I don't fancy buying you a new shirt." You said with a smirk, walking back over to him and sitting down on the other washing machine.
"Red." Aegon said with a dark expression behind his eyes.
"Yeah. Do you like it?"
"How could I not?" Aegon replied, his hands wandering towards your hips again. You rested your hands on his soft chest. He had small blemishes on his chest as well as a couple birth marks and moles. He looked perfect. Something must be off.
"So what's wrong with you?"
Aegon's face dropped. "What?"
"Well you are literally so perfect, there must be something wrong." Aeon chuckled under his breath, an almost confident chuckle. "Family trauma, dead parent or sibling, abuse in childhood?" He couldn't help laughing at the suggestions.
"All the above." Aegon raised his eyebrows at you. "Does that scare you?"
"Nah, I'm a big girl. I can handle my bad boys."
The bumping of the washing machine was the only noise heard for miles. Almost like the busy hotel outside wasn't there. It was just you and Aegon at that moment. Nobody else mattered. You watched as his chest began to rise and fall quickly as you raised your hands up his chest, past his nipples and to the sides of his neck. You found the back of his hair that rested on the nape of his neck. The blonde locks that lay there were soft. He definitely used conditioner. It felt as if the oxygen in the room had been sucked out as he looked into your eyes with his. Placing your hands on his face, he leaned into your touch. He was touch starved. He loved the feeling you of your touch. He had had sex with plenty of women, sometimes the same booty call over and over again but nobody looked at him the way you did. Nobody looked into his eyes like you did, or genuinely made him laugh the way you did.
Aegon placed his thumb on your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly exposing your lower teeth. You leaned into his touch, wanting him to make the move, but not knowing if he would at this rate.
Also as if he could read your mind, he grabbed the sides of your face and pulled you in close. Lips gently grazing yours softly. He was gentle. You didn't expect that. The softness of the kiss.
Then it got intense. Fast. It was as if you couldn't get enough of each other. Your tongue danced in his mouth, fighting his tongue for dominance. Aegon pulled you closer, almost like he was trying to climb inside your body. He needed you. Gasps and moans were heard in the room. "Aeg..Fuck!" You groaned, running your hands through his hair and pulling him closer. "Don't fucking stop…Jesus." Grabbing his wandering hand and placing it closer to your inner thigh. Aegon didn’t stop. His fingers pushing your black underwear to the side and he slides a finger between your folds. You felt your stomach flip as he played with your wet entrance. “Oh darling so wet for me already? That’s so hot.” That nickname. “Call me that again..” You looked up at Aegon with hooded eyes.
He pushed a finger into your tight hole, a groan leaving your lips. “Darling..”
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scarletttries · 1 year
The Apple Falls Far From The Tree (Roman Roy Succession Request)
Pairing: Roman Roy (Succession) x Preg!Reader
Request: "I loved the pregnancy head-canons! Could I request an extended one for Roman, or perhaps a one-shot? I love your writing!!"
Word Count: 1.1k of angst and fluff :)
Author's Note: Thank you for this very cute request, I'm glad you enjoyed the pregnancy headcanons and want more fluff for our boy Roman 🥰
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The Apple Falls Far From The Tree
Whenever a couple gets pregnant in the movies, it's the mother that locks herself in a bathroom, unable to face this reality until she's had her moment of quiet acceptance. But in those films no-one has a father like Logan Roy, or quite the range of bathrooms to lock themselves in across their sprawling penthouse landscape. And so you find yourself sat on the floor outside one of Roman's many bathrooms, back pressed to the cold lacquered wood of the door, quietly listening to the desperate gasps of your other half cowering on the other side of it.
This hadn't exactly been in yours and Roman's plan. Hell, you and Roman had never really had a plan. It had taken him months to even kiss you, and you quickly learned that discussing the future left him feeling closed in like a rabid animal trapped in a hunter's cage. His life had left any sense of joy and optimism in shreds when you found him, and as you lured him away from his toxic family and into the safety of your love, you had tried to make only careful moves so as not to spook him and leaving him running back to the devil he knew. But months had turned into years, and slowly his home became yours, and his future became promised to you in every way but verbally. Tearing down the walls around him, carefully taking brick by brick apart, Roman learned what real love was, reassured every time he lashed out and you stayed to help him through it. Finally he'd even grown to crave physical affection from you as well, a once repulsed recluse now wishing more than anything he could feel your body pressed against his, in the salvation he'd grown dependence on.
But when he'd come through the door that day to the news of a little cross on a test and a big change to your safe and comfortable life, it was like he'd gone back to being a five year old boy fighting back tears to avoid his father's swift hand, running to the bathroom and locking the door as he chanted over and over again that's "he's fucking fine." The moment the door was secured behind him, his knees gave out, the cold marble floor catching his fall in a way that would leave his forearms bruised for weeks. He tugs his knees up to his chest, letting sobs break free to drown out your gentle knocking, until the other side of the door goes quiet and he's left alone with his own sense of panic and dread.
Every inch of him feels cold as he pictures himself in his father's cruel shoes, a tiny version of you looking up at him in tears, expecting nothing but cold disappointment in the place of love and affection. The thought turns his stomach, knowing with every fibre of his being that he couldn't ever lay a hand on a child, let alone one that reminded him of you. As his breath finally coming back under his control, Roman starts to sit up, picturing who he might have become if he was raised by someone like you; kind, understanding, patient. You were everything a child would need, and you certainly didn't need him in the way. As he listens more closely, he can't hear anything outside the bathroom door anymore, an aching disappointment tearing through his heart at the possibility that you've done what's best for that child and just left him. The hopeless disappointment brings a new flood of tears as he realises just how much that's not what he wants, your perfect family of two not necessarily imploding by the mere fact of its expansion. He wants to be with you, through everything, gradually rising to his feet with the need to follow after you, to chase down his future happiness and tell you he'll do whatever it takes to be what your family needs.
He rips the bathroom door open with every ounce of strength that remains in his trembling body and watches as you come with it, sliding down the wood until your head reaches the bathroom floor, staring up at Roman with wide eyes as you try to take him in.
"How are you feeling?" You try to ask sensitively, ignoring the absurdity of your head resting between his feet as he looms over you. His face contorts in the strange, struggling way it does when he's trying to let himself feel things, and suddenly that familiar hyena laugh erupts from inside him, his body surrendering to your gravitational force and sinking back to the ground. He sits with his legs crossed, looking more like a boy than a man as he gingerly pulls your head into his lap, stroking strands of hair from your face where your own tears have framed them.
"You know me, cool as a fucking cucumber, nothing to worry about." He chokes out in laughter, watching your chest rise and fall as you fight back a teasing laugh, relieved to see him smiling again. "But I'm ready, let's fucking do this. Let's have a baby."
You almost can't believe the words as they spill from his lips, but his cheeks flush with colour as he smiles, and his eyes glisten through tears and you get the impression that this isn't a dismissive Roman acceptance, but real and genuine enthusiasm, your heart growing at the man he's become in his time with you.
"You know you're going to be really good at it." You whisper warmly as you rise from his lap and turn to face him, capturing his face in your gentle hands, and wiping away the sheer volume of tears that threaten to render him dehydrated.
"Well I was already so good at the baby-making part." He quips sarcastically, wiggling his eye brows as you smooth your thumbs over them.
"That too. But I mean you'll make a great dad Rome, I know it." His eyes are almost pleading as they meet yours, begging for the sentiment to be true, for you to have faith that he can be the kind of man you deserve. Slowly his hand will fall to your stomach, another choking sob echoing through the bathroom as he lets himself feel hope, that his future might contain yet another bright thing he never could have imagined for himself before he met you.
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I got a prompt, not sure how good it is but:
Patton tries to distract himself from his stress/emotions via stress baking for the sides. This has dire unintended consequences when Patton realizes too late that his negative energy managed to seep in and poisoned his baked goods
Stressed Bakes
Patton channels a little too much stress into his baked goods, everyone feels the consequences.
| Ao3 |
Warnings: What could potentially be seen as unintentional emotional manipulation, a hefty amount of food mentions (this fic is entirely about baking)
Pairings: gen, no romantic pairings
Word count: 3164
Notes: Thank you anon for the prompt! Anyone please feel free to send prompts my way, they're a very good motivator!
I'll be honest this didn't turn out nearly as angsty as I intended when I started writing it, but I still have fun, I hope you enjoy!!
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @reptilianrapscallion420 @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess (if anyone wants to be added let me know1)
Patton loved to bake. Ask any of the others and they’d tell you the same thing. It was true! Patton loved making just about anything, cakes, cookies, macaroons, meringues, pastries and pies, sweet and savoury. He enjoyed making cinnamon swirls, belgium buns, and apple tarts. Just about anything, really, if you can name some baked goods, Patton’s probably made them and enjoyed the process.
Baking came to him almost like magic, it was easy as pie (haha, get it?) to whip up sweet treats and savoury snacks for everyone to enjoy. 
That was why, as well as one of his favourite hobbies, baking was Patton’s favourite coping mechanism too.
It was easy, but still took focus, it was time consuming but still enjoyable, it was fun and even resulted in an end product everyone could enjoy! It was a much better way to cope with the stresses he pretended not to deal with than other methods he’d seen, anyway.
Patton would never tell the others, not with them all already upset and stressed enough without everything he had going on being dumped onto their plates as well. The wedding had hit all of them hard, Patton knew. Knowing what he was doing wrong - and that he could fix it - had made things a little easier, but ultimately that fiasco hadn’t ended well for anyone.
Roman was still angry at himself and pushing himself too hard as a result. Logan was working overtime and barely leaving his room aside from mealtimes, Virgil was… well, upset didn’t cover half of it, Patton knew Virgil was angry at him for accepting Janus so quickly, not to mention anxious about what it would do to them. Janus himself… well Patton had no clue how he was feeling, he was just as good at hiding things as Patton himself had gotten, and Remus… Well. 
Remus still scared Patton out of his socks whenever the opportunity seemed to arise for him, it was driving Patton a little mad, with paranoia and then guilt at being paranoid and then worry about how his worry would effect Thomas whilst he also couldn’t help but worry about how Remus was faring despite his own hesitations. 
All in all, it was stressful, Patton was stressed and emotionally keyed up to maximum with worry and sadness and anxiety to the point he was genuinely surprised he hadn’t accidentally summoned Virgil by now.
So Patton turned to his one steadfast trick that was almost guaranteed to help him relieve some of the stress he had been feeling over the last few days. 
Patton baked, and baked and baked. All morning and well into the afternoon Patton was making sweets and cakes and other sugary treats and as he baked he slowly felt his negativity melt away.
His worries about the others, his fears that he couldn’t help them, his overwhelming guilt for the way he had so blatantly manipulated and hurt his famILY without even realising it. All the self doubt over what was right, all the self hatred and pily for not knowing the answer. The terrible feeling that had him wondering if he was even useful anymore, the worry that maybe he really had been doing everything on purpose, maybe he really was just evil, bad for Thomas. All the bad feelings, all the things he tried so hard to push down, down, down with a smile, all the stress he forced himself not to show. It all just… melted away as he baked. 
And when he finally felt like he was done, now that his feet were sore and his arms ached from kneading dough and stirring mixtures but all he felt was the light, happy feeling of pride at a job well done, Patton had a plethora (Logan would be proud of him for that word, he thought) of baked goods for everyone to share, too. 
Since he’d been thinking about Logan, Patton decided he’d be the first side Patton offered his treats to. He grabbed a selection he thought the logical side might like; some jam tarts, made using the various flavours of Crofters they kept in the cupboards, a blackberry and pomegranate mini-pie, an apple turnover cupcake, some sugarcookies that he had decorated in colours for each side (he grabbed the dark blue ones for Logan) and a couple bite-sized pieces of sugar dusted shortbread. 
“Hello, Patton,” Logan said when he answered Patton’s knock at his bedroom door, his face stony and emotionless as it always seemed to be lately, he hoped one of his treats might be able to bring a smile back onto his friend’s face, even for a short while, “Did you need something?”
“Nope!” Patton said, popping the ‘p’ happily, “I’ve been baking! I wondered if you wanted something?”
“Oh,” Logan said, standing up straighter, he looked rigid, like someone could snap him in half, the sight usually made Patton’s heart hurt, but now he couldn’t help but think positively! Was that a hint of a smile he saw? “What did you make?”
“I brought you a selection!” Patton said, grinning fully now as he offered the plate, “I made a lot, so I thought I’d let you choose.” 
The corner of Logan’s mouth twitched upwards as he took one of the jam tarts, thanking Patton before biting into it. Instead of the smile Patton expected to see in response to Logan’s favourite jam, though, his face twisted almost immediately into a frown whilst he looked mildly surprised.
“Is… something wrong?” Patton asked, entirely confused, he had made those tarts the same way he always had, and Logan had never frowned like that before.
“Nothing- wrong, per-se,” Logan said softly, “It’s just, strangely bitter, is all, I was surprised.”
“Oh?” Patton said, somehow even more confused, “Well that’s- odd- maybe I accidentally got some of the lemon into the jam by accident…”
“Could I take another? To check?” Logan asked, Patton modded immediately, offering the plate. Logan took another tart, one of the other flavours, this time Roman’s Royal Raspberry flavour, instead of his own. Again, he frowned and said that that one was bitter too. How strange, Patton thought, 
“Maybe those jars of Crofters were a bit off,” Patton chuckled, trying to hide his embarrassment, “You’re welcome to take the plate, if you’d like- I don’t know if the others will be ok, but these ones I made for you?”
“That is appreciated, Patton,” Logan said, taking the plate from him, his face briefly ticked into what might have been something happy, before smoothing out again, “Please be sure to check the use-by dates on products when baking in the future.”
“Will do! Enjoy the treats!” Patton called with a wave before Logan shut the door. Patton turned around, taking a deep breath. The Crofters must have just been a little out of date and he must’ve just not realised, that was fine, just a little mistake, nothing to worry about. Patton was sure the rest of his treats would be just as yummy as he expected. 
When Patton arrived back in the kitchen to grab the next side on his list a similarly plated up selection of snacks he found that Remus had beaten him to it and was currently stuffing his face with the mini French Fancies Patton had made a couple of batches of. 
“Hey bud,” Patton said, announcing his presence from the doorway, Remus jumped and turned to him, looking a little sheepish as he popped the final Fancy into his mouth. 
“Hey Pat!” Remus called through a mouthful of sponge and icing, waving a hand, “D’you bake all this?”
“Mhm,” Patton said, trying not to cringe at the way Remus was getting crumbs everywhere, “Did you like those Fancies?”
“Oh yeah, delicious,” Remus grinned, finishing his mouthful, “Jan never lets me eat any of his stress bakes, I didn’t know you did it too!”
“Janus stress bakes too?” Patton asked, curious despite himself, Remus took one of the chocolate chip cookies from the side and bit it clean in half, pausing a second before answering.
“Yeah, he usually throws everything he makes away though! I never get to have some,” Remus huffed, tilting his head a little.
“Well you’re always welcome to mine, kiddo,” Patton said, putting on a smile that he was sure was slightly awkward. If Janus stress baked too, why would he throw it all away? Wasn’t that a waste?
Remus gasped, “I get a kiddo? Must be my lucky day, cookies and a kiddo!”
Patton chuckled, “Well, you’re part of this famILY too now, aren’t you?”
It hurt, just a little, how astounded Remus looked by that statement, as if he thought Patton would still shun him after everything that’s happened now. After a moment of awkward silence, Patton realised he’d forgotten about his original mission, delivering sweet treats to the other sides, and set about making up another plate of the baked good left. 
“Where’re ya taking those?” Remus asked, hopping onto the counter when Patton picked up the plate. He swung his legs, kicking the cupboard beneath him with every swing. 
“These are for Roman, I’m gonna take some for Virgil and Janus too when I get back,” Patton explained. Remus frowned for a moment, before shrugging and going back to eating Patton’s sweets. That was odd, wasn’t it?
Once Patton had delivered his treats around to everyone in record time, he settled into the couch to work on a bit of crochet. A hobby he had had barely any time to dedicate to since all this mess had started. He made himself busy picking up a half finished project for almost half hour before he was interrupted by Virgil coming down the stairs in floods of tears.
Well, that wasn’t normal. Patton didn’t think he’d ever seen Virgil cry at all, let alone sobbing so hard he had to cling to the banister for support. Patton immediately dropped what he was holding and jumped up, rushing over to Virgil.
“Kiddo!” Patton cried, “What happened? What’s wrong- oh, are you alright with touch? Would you like a hug?”
“I- touch- touch is fine,” Virgil said, surprisingly lucid through the tears. Regardless, Patton reached for him and pulled him tightly into a hug. When they separated, Patton gently tugged Virgil over to the sofa, sitting him down and pressing their shoulders together. Virgil was still crying, attempting to wipe the tears that wouldn’t stop coming away from his eyes, though he seemed a little less distressed than before, at least. 
“Can you tell me what’s wrong, Virge?” Patton asked, rubbing circles between his shoulder blades. Virgil had hunched forwards a little, hands clenched into fists.
“I don’t- I don’t know-” Virgil choked out around the sobs, “I don’t- I don’t understand why I’m crying- it’s- I was fine ten minutes ago- not- not even panicking too bad or anything and- and now I can’t stop-,”
“Alright kiddo, I hear you,” Patton said softly, “Can you maybe talk me through what you’re feeling right now?”
“Confused,” Virgil said, “Really fucking confused.”
“Language,” Patton chided gently.
“Sorry,” Virgil muttered, “I just- I just feel this weird sense of… worthlessness, like, like I’m messing up everything, all the time, like I feel like I can’t make any good choices, or say the right things but- but they’re not my feelings, but- I don’t know how the heck to describe it, but it- it hurts, Pat, it’s painful and- and I haven’t been able to stop crying since it started it’s so awful-”
“Gee that does sound confusing,” Patton said shaking his head, “Well- well I’m here for you, if you want to talk it out, or we would just sit, if you’d like?”
“I think just- just sitting would be good,” Virgil said, wiping his eyes with his hoodie sleeve yet again, Patton summoned a box of tissues and silently passed them to him, “Thanks- I just- I feel so, so alone and empty it’s just- it’s just nice knowing you’re here, I guess, eugh, that’s gross.”
Patton chuckled, at least the Virgil he knew was in there beneath all the tears that had been brought on by who knows what, “Well I’ll always be here for you, kiddo, don’t you worry.”
“Thanks, Pat,” Virgil said, leaning his head on Patton’s shoulder. They sat in silence, every so often Virgil’s sobs would get worse and Patton would squeeze his shoulders, offering quiet murmurs of comfort and otherwise they sat there quietly. Patton didn’t pick up his crochet again, happy to dedicate all of his attention to Virgil for now. 
That was until, during a bout of calm in Virgil’s tears,  Roman came crashing down the stairs, rushing into the living room and collapsing to the ground in front of them and taking deep breaths. Virgil let himself slide off the sofa so that- despite his tears- he could guide Roman through the panic attack he seemed to be having. 
“Roman?” Patton asked, once Virgil had seemingly gotten him to a state of relative calm, “What’s wrong, kiddo?”
“I don’t-” Roman took a deep breath, “I was doing my own thing in the imagination when I was- was overcome with this sense of panic, about whether you were all alright, and I suppose I worked myself up over it until I was thinking what if one of you were hurt or upset and I wasn’t there to help and I just- well I ran here to try and find you, where’s Logan?”
“Logan is safe, kiddo,” Patton reassured, he knew how it felt, he always worried about the others too, he knew the feeling almost as if it was his own, “And me and Virgil are fine too, right kiddo?”
“But- but Virgil, you’re crying-?” Roman asked, seemingly only just noticing that fact, Patton had to hold back a giggle at Virgil’s startled expression as Roman swooped forward to cup his face with his hands, gently wiping away the tears.
“I’m fine Princey, you oaf, just- just something weird’s going on, I think,” Virgil said, batting at Roman’s hands halfheartedly. 
“How about you two come and sit with me up here,” Patton suggested, “Then I can hug you both, if you’d like me to.”
“I- I think I’d like that very much, padre,” Roman said, shifting to sit back up whilst Virgil sniffed and mumbled an agreement.
Only maybe five minutes later, Logan silently walked down the stairs, book under his arm and with a wary expression on his face, and sat down on the floor in front of them with his back to the sofa. He brought his knees to his chest and opened his book, beginning to read. A few minutes in, Logan reached over and placed a hand on Patton’s ankle. 
Patton couldn’t quite fathom what on earth had gotten all three of them so upset all at once, with Virgil’s quiet sniffles and choked off sobs every now and then buried in Patton’s cardigan. Roman’s hands that shook where they held onto one of Patton’s and the featherlight touch of Logan’s hand on his foot, grounding and safe. Patton was certain he’d head Logan’s breath hitch more than once too, but he wouldn’t bring it up. Logan hated showing emotion, after all, and if he was willing enough to seek comfort then Patton wouldn’t ruin it by pointing it out.
“Well isn’t this just a lovely pile of joy?” Said Janus, completely shattering their moment as he appeared around the side of the sofa.
“Hey- hey Jnaus,” Virgil mumbled, wiping away yet more tears, “What do you want?”
“Oh nothing at all really,” Janus said, waving a hand, “I just heard from my sources that someone was being irresponsible with his stress bakes.”
“What do you mean?” Patton asked, tilting his head in confusion, he had remembered to give Jnaus some of his bakes, hadn't he? “Did I forget to give me some?”
“No, you gave me some,” Janus confirmed, “Tell me Patton, have you ever stress baked in the same capacity as you did today before?”
Patton’s face scrunched up a little, eyebrows furrowing and nose wrinkling in confusion, “I- suppose not? Today was- today was pretty bad, I suppose…”
“Well I suppose that explains your complete ignorance as to what’s happening here,” Janus huffed. 
“Why’re you being so mean,” Roman snapped from his place leaning against Patton’s side, “Patton just wanted to share his sweets with us.”
Janus recoiled only slightly, before taking a deep breath and ignoring him, instead continuing to focus on Patton, “By channelling your emotions into your baking, Patton, with… the way we are… the emotions seeped into the goods, making them bitter and impacting everyone who ate them.”
“Wh-what?” Patton squeaked, leaning forward and startling Logan by accident, “Sorry, L, but Janus, what? Are you- are you saying I’ve- what- poisoned them? With- with my negativity?”
Virgil gripped tighter to his arm, whilst Janus sighed.
“That is entirely incorrect,” He said, swiftly walking over and offering a glass of water to Virgil, “I see you’ve already made progress by calming them down, but they’re feeling your feelings, the ones you wished away into your cookies, and it won’t go away until you confront them.”
“And there’s- there’s not gonna be a way around that, is there?” Patton asked, cringing a little. Already knowing the answer.
“I’m afraid not,” Janus said with a sad smile, “Luckily for you, I had only eaten one cookie before Remus informed me what was going on, so I’m definitely not in a mindspace to help you sort this out.”
“Alright,” Patton took a deep breath, “Are, um, are you guys ok with this- I suppose having to help me sort out… my own feelings.”
“It does not seem like we have much of a say in the matter,” Logan said, voice quiet and subdued.
“If it’ll stop this crying I’ll do literally anything,” Virgil groaned.
Roman just nodded, so Patton gently nudged him with his shoulder, hoping to comfort him at least a little.
“Alright,” Janus said, moving over to sit down, “It’s time for some group therapy.”
“Wait!” Patton cried, “Um, surely uh, surely we should get Remus here too? He definitely ate far more than his fair share of the cakes.”
“You are correct that Remus has been affected by this incident, as well,” Janus said, before waving him off, “But I would recommend that you deal with him individually, considering.”
“Considering… what?” Patton asked, wary.
“Remus has landed himself with all of your intrusive thoughts,” Janus explained, “As is his name, as well as the thoughts you try and push away about wishing you could let loose every now and again, he is… incredibly excited about it.”
“...ah.” Patton said softly, nodding, “Alright, I’ll find Remus later, group therapy with just us five for now.”
“Alright,” Janus sighed, sitting down in an armchair, “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”
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ts-sides-head-canon · 1 month
Hey there, I might send in another post later, but I just have to share this. It's been in my head for half of the day. But first, this is mainly for a human AU, and also content/trigger warning for toxic and abusive relationships, self-image and romantic issues, and unhealthy dynamics with "intamacy". Part of me has no idea if this is gonna end up being deleted, but please let me know if it is. I just feel the need to share this.
I have no idea how much people realise the potential for creative twins angst with the song "Mad at Disney." There's so much potential angst you could dive into for both of them with their potential views on romance. I imagine that Roman would primarily sing the verses, Remus comes in for the pre-chorus, and they share the chorus.
For Roman, it could be him lamenting the fact that all his romantic relationships so far have been one-sided, the fact that he puts his heart in other people's hands only for them to have been using him for wealth, status or pleasure. The line "What the hell is love supposed to feel like?" being about how he's well aware of what it feels like to be in love, but not what it's like for that love to be reciprocated. The ending line "No more wishing on a shooting star" could indicate Roman completely giving up on love as he can't trust his own judgement and doesn't feel like anyone will ever be telling the truth when they say I love you back.
For Remus, it could be him lamenting that he's never going to be loved. He's constantly insulted and ridiculed by his peers, and the only people who are ever nice to him are only after a "good time." At this point, he's completely convinced that nobody will ever love him, so he avoids falling himself, even keeping affectionate things like kissing out of more carnal encounters because it's so connected with love. For him, the line "what the hell is love supposed to feel like?" means that he has no idea what it feels like to have the feeling that he even could be loved, that he's worth loving. The ending line "No more wishing on a shooting star" indicates that he's resigned himself to only ever being used for the pleasure of others, and the belief that he's never gonna be worth the time and effort of growing attached let alone falling in love.
I know this is kinda heavy, but I just can't help but imagine this. I didn't even listen to the song, it just popped into my head, and I was like, "Oh yeah, that's angsty. " It honestly could incapulate most of the issues that I give the twins romantically in human AU'S. Again, please let me know if this is too dark or sad or something like that, I sometimes have a hard time telling with these things. I'll probably have something more light-hearted later, so even if this doesn't make it to your blog, you can share that info dump instead.
HI! I am so sorry this took so long to answer properly. I am going to say for Remus's section that that's about as far as I'm going to let ventures into more NSFW topics go.
Anyways these are so sad dhdhdh.
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kinderes · 5 years
hello!! guess who’s finally putting together a fic rec list!! it’s me! :D mostly bc I’m so bad at keeping track of my favourite fics skdlsd but!! I thought I’d share the list in case anyone needs some new fics to read (or old ones?? I dug a lil for some of these!!), also I’ll be hopefully updating as I find new ones!!
also!! I haven’t mentioned the warnings for each of them, but please make sure to check before you start reading!! especially since many of them get kinda dark in places!
(under the cut bc this got a lil long oops-)
college!au by @princelogical (link)
will I ever stop talking about this and re-reading it? no!! marin is so good at pulling me into this world and making me feel so many gosh darn things! this is a human/college au that does an amazing job of exploring the boys and their various issues throughout their time at college, and it goes into some kinda dark stuff but the boys..... they’re so good and I love them ;u;
silence and duality by @parkersanders (link)
am I biased bc I helped a little in planning it out? yes!! but also it’s still really good and I’m always amazed how friendo came up w/ this idea before dark sides were even a thing!! basically a dark side was locked away when thomas was young but now he’s back! parker is my boy pls appreciate him
chivalry is dead by @imnotcameraready (link)
lemme tell you, I was constantly awaiting updates for this one once I’d binged through the chapters that were already posted!! if you love roman angst, a good old-fashioned adventure in the mindscape and some dlamp goodness you’ll probably love this!!
shatter by @rose-gold-roman (link)
I only read this one one a few days ago but it’s already one of my favourites!! some dark side!logan and a lot of good deceit content that made me v. soft?? don’t get me wrong though, you’re gonna be on the edge of your seat!!
casting shadows by @altruistic-skittles  (link)
this is a callout for cat bc I wanted to only chose one work from each author but she made it super difficult by being talented ;u; in this one roman’s feeling underappreciated and accidentally wishes for some things he doesn’t really want to happen! this one’s more roman angst, but there’s also plenty of angst to go around for the whole family!! yay! :D
lovely, dark and deep by @teacupfulofstarshine (link)
merpeople!! analogical!! cute family content!! it’s wonderfully written and if you have any interest in at least one of the previously mentioned things, I guarentee you will love it!!
love and other fairytales by @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors (link)
pretty much the ultimate fae au!! it’s beautiful and full of good, sweet lamp content!! also plenty of oneshots to accompany the main story, so you’re gonna be busy w/ this one for a while! c:
both foul and fair by @lovelylogans (link)
this list exists solely for this fic bc I think about it so often but I always forget what it’s called gosh darn it ;u; also v. self indulgent bc I love me some good ‘patton being comforted’ content! a good wintery fic!!
the butterfly effect by @stillebesat (link)
human!au roman gets the chance to change 3 decisions in his past and proceeds to make me v. proud of him!! and yes this is more roman angst bc you know what I love almost as much as roman? seeing roman suffer c; 
that’s just how siblings are by @doctor-gloom (link)
you ever crave that good creativitwins content?? then this is exactly what you’re looking for!! roman keeps showing up injured and remus is a good brother!!
homeward by @today-only-happens-once (link)
a christmas fic!! virgil gets stuck without a way home for christmas and him and roman go on a lil roadtrip!! it’s v. cute and sweet and wholesome!!
things we lost in those we loved by @notafeeling (link)
virgil-centric lamp that takes place in a universe where people are informed on the day they’re going to die - be warned, this one doesn’t have a happy ending!! in fact it is v. sad and will probably definitely make you cry ;u;
lo stesso tempo by lganc (link)
a cute lil platonic logince fic where they both play piano and start off competitive but eventually become friends!! c:
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jamiewintons · 2 years
Octavia (BBC Ghosts OC) Questions!
I decided to answer my BBC Ghosts OC Questions for my OC, Octavia! You can find the blank list of questions here.
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What era does your character originate from?: The Roman Britain era, approximately 60-61 AD.
How old was your character at their time of death?: Somewhere in her early 20's. She can't quite remember anymore.
How did your character die? Is there any visual indication of their cause of death?: She was stabbed in the chest with a dagger. There's a wound on her chest, along with a considerable amount of blood staining the front of her stola.
Which of their fellow ghosts is your character closest to?: Robin, Kitty, and Thomas.
Are there any ghosts that your character doesn’t get along with? If so, who, and why do they not get along?: She doesn't really like Fanny or Julian (Fanny because she's intimidated by her, and Julian because she thinks he's rude).
What is your character’s relationship with Alison like?: She didn't really like Alison at first, and just wished for her to leave the house, but after a while, the two of them bonded and now they're quite good friends.
Does your character have a romantic interest in anyone? If so, who? Is there any chance that a relationship will blossom between them?: She's got a massive crush on Thomas, and has since he came to Higham House on the day of his death. She was far too shy to even speak to him at first, but eventually they became closer, and he's now one of her best friends. Their relationship progresses a bit more thanks to Alison's help, and I like to think they get together in the first Christmas special.
If it was your character’s turn to pick for Film Club, what film would they choose and why?: She'd pick something light and romantic. A nice love story with a happy ending. She's not a big fan of tragedy or angst.
What kind of television shows does your character enjoy? Would any of the other ghosts want to watch with them?: I think she'd get really invested in dating shows like The Bachelor(ette), and get genuinely emotional about them.
Does your character try to interact with Mike, despite knowing that he cannot see or hear them?: No. She usually doesn't pay that much attention to the living (Thomas was an exception).
What kind of books would Alison buy for your character?: Like Kitty, she reads a lot of romance novels, but she prefers more 'innocent' stories, unlike Kitty.
Does your character have a special power? If yes, is there any meaning to why your character has this particular power? (for example, is it related to how they died, or indicative of their personality?): She is able to alleviate people's pain, whether they're living or dead, just by sitting beside them. What the others don't know is that she actually takes their pain on herself, she's just very good at hiding it.
How do they act on their death day? Do they become withdrawn, upset, or does it simply not bother them anymore?: She can't really remember the date of her death anymore, but in earlier years she did not deal with her death day very well. She'd refuse to talk to anyone and just cry the whole day.
How did they react to realising that they were dead and had become a ghost?: She was absolutely terrified, and very much in denial for a bit. Bonding with Robin helped her accept what had happened.
What was your character’s relationship with their family/friends like when they were alive?: The only family member she really knew is her father, since her mother died when she was too young to remember. She didn't think her father loved her, because he was so desperate for a son, but after her death, she discovered that he truly did care about her, he just didn't know how to show it.
If your character saw Humphrey’s head left stranded on the floor, what would they do?: Pick him up and take him wherever he wanted to go. She hates it when people just leave him places.
What kind of music would your character enjoy? Would they be willing to get up and perform for Music Club?: I could see her enjoying early Taylor Swift, and probably soundtracks from old Disney princess movies. There's no way she'd be able to get up and perform though, because she'd be just too terrified with all of those people looking at her.
What kind of activities does your character wish they could participate in, but cannot due to being dead? (Especially things that weren’t around when they were still alive): There are a lot of things that Octavia wishes she could do, because she was very sheltered when she was alive and didn’t get to experience a lot of things.
In terms of things she misses from her life, the main thing would really be something as simple as being able to take a bath. It was something she always found so relaxing, and whenever she gets anxious or stressed she truly wishes she could experience it again, even so long after her death.
But when it comes to things that she wasn’t able to do in her lifetime, I think she’d like to try out some type of art, possibly painting or drawing. I imagine she would have been watching Alison paint Thomas’ portrait with great interest (partially because she was admiring how handsome he looked, but also because she wished that she could do something like that).
What would your character wear if they could today?: She'd like pastel colours, and wear a lot of skirts and dresses (some examples of outfits I think she'd like: x x)
Did your character witness the deaths of any of the ghosts that died after them?: She definitely witnessed Thomas and Pat's deaths, and even sat beside Thomas as he died so she could use her powers to stop him from being in too much pain.
How does your character feel about the plague ghosts?: She finds them a bit scary. If she gave them a chance she'd find that they were actually quite nice people, but like most of the other 'upstairs' ghosts, she's too creeped out by them to even try.
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waynewifey · 4 years
Fading away. —
Pairing: Jason Grace x Roman!DaughterofPluto!Reader
Sumary: after moths of over working, a colapse makes you get into a coma and reflect on your feelings.
Warnings: coma, angst, Pluto as a caring dad, fluff at the end.
Words: +-3k.
A/N: This is my first Percy Jackson Franchise fanfiction, so take it easy on me. This is also my biggest and favourite one. I hope you like this! My requests are always open.
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(Y/N) (L/N) had a good reason to hate Jason Grace. How could she not? Jason was so annoying, self centred, selfish, stubborn and worse of all? He dated Piper McLean. Piper was great, (Y/N) knew that and they seemed happy together. But, still, he chose Piper, not (Y/N), his girlfriend back at Camp Jupiter, who he totally forgot about. How come Percy remembered Annabeth but Jason wouldn't remember (Y/N)? And when he recovered his memory, he chose Piper. But she also loved him still, and seeing him hurt like a bullet going straight through her heart. She decided to spend a year at Half-Blood Camp to stay with her half-brother Nico Di Angelo when Gaea were defeated. She thought she could manage to see him almost every day, but she couldn't. So she started doing anything to get her mind occupied. Going on meaningless quests, travelling to New York randomly, volunteering for literally any service in the camp and barely sleeping — because sleeping meant dreams.
"It doesn't have to be like that, (Y/N)." Her brother gave her another shot of Nectar. The sunlight that entered Hades' cabin was leaving slowly as they talked, (Y/N) leaned on her bed watching her fingertips become solid again.
"I'll learn how to do it right and I promise I won't push myself too much, but I can't stop practicing." She avoided eye contact with Nico, feeling ashamed of herself. After all, she was supposed to be the one taking care of him, since she was older. She came back from a "quest" for her father, that was staying a weekend on the Underworld. She started using Shadow Travel to get there. The problem? She had no idea how hard it was, and she almost died every time. He sighted.
"I'm not talking about Shadow Travel. You should talk to Jason and sort this out. You're almost killing yourself everyday doing the craziest stuff just to keep your mind off him. He already broke up with Piper, what's stopping you now? I'm your brother and it pains me to see you suffering, I won't just sit and watch while you literally desapear." He got up and walked to the door. The (h/c) girl forced a smile so he believed she was fine. Nico left the cabin.
After hours reflecting and thinking, she heard the trumpets that announced the convocation to a game of Capture the Flag. Since she was feeling better, she changed her clothes and walked outside. The teams were: cabins 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 18, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29 vs. cabins 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, 24, 25, 26. They started the game. (Y/N) had to protect the boundary with a kid from Hipnos' cabin while a group attacked the opponent's flag and another protected their territory and their flag. Everything was going as planned, she hadn't seen anyone yet. Out of the sudden, she saw a blond guy running in their direction with a sword. Oh hell no, Jason Grace wouldn't attack her like that. But he did.
"What the hell?!" She screamed, reacting to the blade flying in her direction. Her teammate was asleep. She defended herself with her own sword and counterattacked. He invested against her leg, trying to make her fall. Her instincts took place, she jumped, attacked again and they started a meaningless battle. Jason looked the same as always. He was almost the same Jason that used to take her on cute dates in New Rome. But he fought like a greek. And that was when it hit her, he changed. The mixture of love and hate made her loose her senses for a bit, giving Jason the lead. He focused on her leg but hesitated to hit it, giving her time to get back on the fight. She knocked him to the floor, her foot on his chest and her blade on his neck, when she heard footsteps approaching quickly. Of course. It was a trap. She turned around and saw a son of Hebe holding her team's flag running, followed by two daughters of Hephaestus. She grabbed a knife from her belt and threw it to his leg, hitting exactly where she wanted. She then grabbed Jason's blade and Shadow Travelled. For a moment everything was fine, while she drowned into darkness, but then she couldn't get out. She saw her father's face mixed in the dark. He raised his hand and touched her face, than she was back at the forest. Realising not even a second had gone through, she attacked the — injured — boy and the two gigantic girls at the same time. She wasn't really expecting to defeat them, just trying to win some time so, hopefully, someone would come help her. The boy dropped the flag and got a small sword. The two girls had hammers... oh. The three of them attacked at the same time and she protected herself with Jason's sword, which flew away. She was out of hopes when a figure appeared beside her and started fighting them.
"What are you doing here?! You're not supposed to help me, we're enemies, remember?" She said, fighting Hebe's son.
"I guess you're welcome then." Jason replied smiling, fighting the hammers-girls. (Y/N) sighted in annoyance. Seconds later, her teammates came running from the enemies' territory with a flag and the three-people group surrendered. Everyone started screaming and celebrating. (Y/N)'s head hurt with the noise and she looked to her brother, feeling numb.
"Hey, can we talk?" Jason said, getting in front of her with a big smile. He was proud of himself for helping her? Of course he was. He was going to take all the credit for her team's win. The anger rose inside of her burning everything. She furrowed her eyebrows and with the last energy that remained in her body, she tried to Shadow Travel for the perhaps hundredth time that day.
She fell into the darkness while feeling her body desapear quickly. Her heart was very accelerated but then it stopped. She saw herself at the barks of Lete's river. I'm dead., she thought. The desperation started taking over. She remembered the face of all her friends. Her siblings, Hazel and Nico. Her mother. Her best friend Reyna. Camp Jupiter. New Rome. The Lar Vitellius. Lares? Lares! Maybe she could go back as a ghost! She would at least see her friends again.
"Didn't expect to see you this soon." A voice said with humor. She turned around, as always enlighten by her father's presence. But his face was sad. Not the everyday-sad-Pluto, but the my-daughter-just-died-sad-Pluto.
"Am I d-... dead?" The anxiety forbid her from crying in front of her father. The one she never knew and once she did, she didn't want to disappoint him.
"Yes and no. You see, my darling, there are things more powerful then death. Right now, your physical being is exhausted from travelling through darkness and light — which I told you not to, but we'll talk about this later, you have a decision to make. You're body is surrendering to Death out of hopelessness. But your soul, on the other hand, still fights for the heart beating in your chest. And your conscious, the controller of both body and soul, has to decide which one of them you'll support right now. As Lord of the Death that's all I can say to you. But as your father, I would like to say that we have a room for you in the castle, if you'd like that. And also, I feel obligated to show you what is happening on Earth." When he finished his words, an image formed in the air, sort of an Iris message, but no one saw them. (Y/N) saw herself laying on the grass, surrounded by some campers, Nico and Jason.
She was watching them from above. Jason put two fingers on her neck, trying to feel her pulse. She — the one in the Underworld — gasped as the blond boy whispered 'nothing'. She glanced at her father, who had a pained expression as he stared at Nico freaking out. Her brother had his hands on her chest and was murmuring something in greek. Then, he opened his eyes, filled with tears of desperation, and glanced at Jason, who didn't look any better. She wanted to scream and go back to up there, but her voice wouldn't come out of her throat.
"Half of her is already gone." Nico struggled to say. Everyone around gasped. "I can't Shadow Travel with her, it- it would k-kill the other half..."
"Let's take her to the Infirmary. Everything's gonna be fine. She'll be okay." Will Solace had appeared in the crowd and kneed down to take (Y/N) in the arms, being helped by the other two. As they walked, (Y/N) held herself in her arms, sobbing. She didn't want to die, not like that. The image faded away and Pluto hugged her. He never did that before. She left out all her emotions through the cry. Her father caressed her back and gently kissed the top of her head.
"Now you see, my child, what those on Earth are going through. You have a family up there. And if you'd ask me, Jason Grace is a good person, even being a son of my brother. You have a choice, so make it wisely." Pluto said, not backing away from the hug. She nodded and he immediately knew what her choice was. "You know I'd love to have you here with me, but I'd love even more to see you happy. Don't be reckless. And listen to your brother. You don't have to worry to come see me, I'll make sure to visit you during your recovery." As he said that, a white door appeared out of nowhere. "Here's your carpool." The girl started to walk to the door, when she heard Pluto say: "(Y/N) I lo-... Good luck." She smiled to him and went through into the door. It felt like eons in the nothingness. She felt so much pain all over her body. Then she gained conscience. She didn't knew how long it had passed. She also couldn't open her eyes or say anything, but she knew she was laying down something comfortable, a bed, perhaps. But she could hear perfectly well.
"... and I'm so sorry you had to die for me to gain the courage to say this. Please come back to us... Come back to me. Nico barely leaves this room and nor do I, Will had to force him to go eat. It's not the same without you, (Y/N/N), it really isn't." Jason's words gave her the urge to cry, but she couldn't. It was like her body had shutdown completely. She felt his warm hands on her cold ones and after that, a door was opened. Footsteps. Only one person. Jason didn't move. Someone sat down next to them.
"Dad- I mean, Hades said she will be okay." It was Nico's voice. He sounded extremely tired.
"Didn't he say that last month?" Grace was annoyed, but he didn't stop holding her hand.
"I know, I wish I could do more... I'm... I'm sorry Jason." The blond sighted.
"I should be the one to be saying that. I know there's nothing else to do. I'm sorry for putting the blame on you. It's just- if we've talked before, nothing of this would have happened. If only I was brave enough..." (Y/N) felt weak and her consciousness was back at nothing again. When she heard something again, it looked like a lot of time had passed by, but she wasn't sure at all. Jason's voice was happy as he told her his plans to the future.
"I realised you would like to work with me training the legion. You're obviously skilled and the payment is quite good. And I've heard they are planning to build a village here as well, but I don't know if you-..." Every time she tried to stay conscious, she felt weaker. 'Rest', her father's voice said inside of her head, so she let herself.
Some time...? A long time...? She didn't knew. But the next time she heard, she was way stronger. She waited until then, so she could stay longer and try to understand her emotions. She heard almost an entire day. Her friends entered and left cabin 13 — she found out that she was there. Some of them talked "to" her, some just sat there in silence. When alone, Nico talked a lot about Will Solace. (Y/N) smiled mentally. Then Jason entered. She could already recognise the sound he made walking. He sat beside her bed and held her hand, as usual.
"Hello, princess. You look better." She reunited all the strength she had storage and sent it all to her right hand. She softly squeezed Jason's hand, for a small portion of second, trying to say 'hi'. She felt exhausted. He gasped.
"She just squeezed my hand!" He screamed, laughing. Nico jumped out of his bed, laughing as well. They both stared at her, waiting for more. "You're there, right? I knew you were! It's been long months, but you're getting better. Don't work too hard. We'll see each other soon, don't worry." He kissed her forehead. After that, it was easy for her to let go and dive into her sleep again.
She was slowly getting better. She noticed her comas were smaller now, and she got stronger every time. She started communicating by squeezing people's hand. One time for 'yes' and two times for 'no'. But it still was exhausting. She met with her father a couple times through dreams, but it never lasted long. She was sick of it. She wanted to jump out of the bed and run through all the camp. She was alone with Jason, as he talked about the last time he went to Camp Jupiter, telling every change. She slowly forced herself to open her eyes. It wasn't for too long, just enough for her to see the big smile he had while talking, her favourite blond hair and how he gesticulated while speaking. By that time, her feelings were completely lined. She declined her childishness and stubbornness to accept the fact that she obviously loved him. Her lips were able to form a small smile. He hadn't noticed her yet. I can do this, she thought.
"J." She whispered for the first time in five months. Her eyes were already closed again. He gasped.
"Did you just say J? That's me! I'm here, i'm right here, love. Can you hear me?" She squeezed his hand one time. Yes. He chortled. "You're so strong. I miss you so much." He started softly crying. She squeezed his hand two times. No. Don't cry, she wanted to say. "Alright, 's fine, 's fine. Gods, you're coming back. I bet Aphrodite is watching us closely." He chuckled but suddenly stopped. "I forgot we haven't talked about that yet, i'm sorry. I don't wanna be intrusive, you know. It's just, by what Nico has told me, well, you still liked me." She squeezed two times. "That's... that's great, love. But don't worry about that just yet. You should take some rest now, my love."
Five days. She had woken up every single one of them, but only listening. No squeezes, no talking, no looking. Just storing strength. She knew she was close to fully waking up. She was already able to keep track of the days. It was a Sunday, the day she received the most visits. It should be morning, because she only heard Nico's snorting. She slowly opened her eyes. The same place. Different clothes. She wondered who had changed them. Perhaps Will did. She systematically moved her arms, pushing herself to sit. Her back was laying at wall. She took a deep breath. It was going fine. She wanted to wake Nico up, but she decided to wait to see if she would be able to actually stay awake. About an hour later, Nico woke up by himself. He yawned and turned to her bed. She looked at him with a big smile. He jumped out of bed.
"Holy shit, (Y/N)! You're up! How- Wait! I need to- Wait! Don't fall asleep, I'll be right back!" She blinked slowly to sign 'ok'. He was back moments running later with a bunch of teenagers in pyjamas. They all froze at the door, staring at her. Hazel, Frank, Annabeth, Percy, Jason and even Piper. Hazel was the first one to wake up from the trance. She ran to her sister and hugged (Y/N).
"Ouch." She managed to say, reacting to the tight hug that made her head hurt.
"Right, sorry! I forgot. Wait, you speak!" Hazel answered and laughed. All of the others joined in, amazed by her friend, and started talking, telling everything she had missed. (Y/N) couldn't speed properly, only a few words like 'hi', 'ow', 'miss' and 'food'. Later that day, Will came to check on her. He said everything looked just fine, but that she should rest.
"Hey." Zeus' son said, once they were alone.
"Gods, it's so good to finally hear you again. I've talked to myself for a long time." They giggled softly. (Y/N) wasn't showing any signs of it, but that day had been extremely tiring. Her entire body hurt but she couldn't give up just yet.
"I... heard." She whispered. "A bit." Her eyes tried to close but she opened them wide, fighting her own nature. Jason noticed that.
"Hey, no need to over do it.” He brushed her cheek with his thumb.
"Sleep... here." She begged, placing her hand beside her. He froze for a moment, embarrassed. And then, with a rubor across his face, he sat on the bed beside her. She laid her head on his chest and quickly fell asleep.
“Go to sleep, love. We have all the time in the world.”
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b00t-s · 3 years
We're all gossip-y bitches sometimes
this is part two
Janus xey/xem
Roman she/he
Patton he/him
Virgil he/him
See the character intros for more info
TW. Swearing, arguments, alcohol, drunk characters, the word v//mit is used once, characters being characters, past trauma mentioned, tiny tiny tiny sprinkle of angst but just a passing of it at end, and nothing to intense
Again, tell me if I'm being insensitive. Shout at me if I am.
Summary: Patton goes to talk to Janus about Roman. The group opens...'some' bottles. Virgil adds on some...interesting opinions.
Events occur few hours after this.
Janus just finished xeir nightly shift when Patton came bounding up to xem. Janus raised an eyebrow at how ecstatic he looked.
"Yes?" Xey managed out, forcing back the hundreds of snarky comments xey could of said right then.
"Can you hang out at My house later?" Patton practically beamed out.
"why would I want to 'hang out'? It's just a social construct created to give people a higher sense of being." Janus remarked, flipping to closed/open side to closed.
"So you'll be there?"
"hmm. Will doom-and-gloom be there?
"doom and---ohhh, Virge. Yeah, probably," Patton realised now that this was a bad mix of people to invite "probably-probably not for long though!"
"Fine" Janus replied, taking off xeir apron. Xey ignored the obvious lie. "I'll be there in an hour." Xey knew one way or another xey would end up there due to Patton's... effective persuading.
"Great!" Patton exclaimed "oh yeah, and...um...it's raining outside so..take my umbrella, kay?"
His tone more serious all of a sudden, Patton nodded to Janus' heavily made up face, so well done an ignorant bystander wouldn't of noticed the thick layers of foundation on xeir face.
Patton handed xem a translucent umbrella, patterned with cute frogs and flowers, to Janus. Ignoring the distasteful cartoons, Janus nodded and took the umbrella.
"See you soon, Jan!" Patton cheerily waved as he bounced off.
Janus folded xeir apron, opened Patton's umbrella and braved the outdoors.
Janus arrived at Patton's house exactly on time, bone dry, despite the heavily flowing rain. Patton expected nothing less of his friend. He invited xem inside, amazed as always by his friend's everyday fashion.
Jan was wearing a casual yellow shirt over a long sleeved black shirt. Fishnet gloves adorned xeir hands, and xeir ruffled hair was let lose.
Xeir fashionably messy hair was topped with a neatly placed black fedora, which of xey never took off. Xey even scarred persuaded Thomas to let xem wear it to work.
Patton offered xem a smile, and walked xem upstairs. "Hi Jan!" He grinned.
"Hello" xey replied mundanely.
Xey absent-mindedly glanced at Patton's outfit, which contained a violet cashmere sweater, bell bottomed jeans, circular silver glasses and a sunflower clip in his perfect curls.
It was a good look, xey had to admit.
When they both reached Patton's room, Janus stood still, taking in xeir surroundings.
Patton's room was covered with things from the 2000's; Tamagotchi's, stickers pressed up against the pastel wall, stuffed animals, wristbands, old CD's, care bears posters and butterfly clips littering the floor in a deadly trap.
A trans flag was pinned above the single bed with blue tack, right next to some inspirational and motivational quotes.
The whole place looked like it had been puked on by unicorns.
It hurt Janus' eyes.
Xey was a little overwhelmed by all the spiraling colours and nostalgia-inducing objects, so xey sat cross-legged in the middle of the pink carpet. The world slowed down.
Janus wondered, not for the first time, how a 29 year old could be this cheerful.
Or appear this cheerful.
Janus gave a small twitch of xeir head, realising that xey had spaced out. "Hmm?" Xey replied.
"Hey, you were up with the clouds! I was just saying, I think Virge is here" Patton chirped.
"he...might be staying for a little longer then i said"
"How wonderful." Janus muttered, knowing this would happen but hating it anyway.
"oh, don't be like that! I'm sure you guys could become friends!" Janus snorted. "Or...at least not kill at each other whenever you're in the same general area" Patton corrected.
"Anyway! I'm going to greet him at the door!" He suddenly proclaimed, skipping downstairs.
Janus was disgusted at how naïve this man was.
But that was a lie.
Patton slowed his happy skip to a casual walk. His grin slipped into a content smile as he reached the end of the stairs. Being so happy takes its toll on people, he thought. Soft tapping of the door interrupted his thoughts as he opened the door to reveal Virgil.
The first thing you notice about this man was his unfair tall-ness. He nearly had to duck to get inside; being too skinny didn't help. Virgil was wearing a plain black hoodie over a mcr top, completing the look with a short, pleated skirt and docs. His face was slathered in white foundation, accompanied with dark eyeshadow under his eyes.
"Virge!! I'm glad you could make it, even if you are late!!Again!" Patton hugged his friend, genuinely glad for his presence. The taller man patted Patton's curls awkwardly.
"Heyyyy Pat-" Virgil did the awkward pats on the back everyone does when they want to get out of a hug but don't want to say it in fear of hurting ones feelings. "Traffic-"
Patton withdrew from the hug and smiled. "okay! at least you're here safe! Can't control the traffic"
"Janus is waiting for us upstairs" Patton continued. He hurriedly carried on speaking before Virgil could spit out an insult about xem "say, you know what I hate about stairs? They're always up to something!" Patton laughed at his own joke, whilst Virgil pretended to face-palm, hiding a snigger.
"Alright, Alright dAd, didn't you say snake face was waiting for us?" Virgil mocked. Patton chuckled uncomfortably at the nickname, but nodded nonetheless.
"Yeah, we shouldn't leave xem waiting"
They both entered his room, having walked the short journey there in a comfortable silence. Patton noted Janus had not moved from were he left xem; xey had just shifted to read a book xey most likely found lying around. Janus looked up upon their arrival, xeir face immediately twisting into a mocking grimace upon seeing Virgil. "ah, you brought the racoon"
"Janus play nice--"
"you're one to talk, you participated in 2012 Tumblr" Virgil threw back
"must you be so wounding" Janus dramatically threw xeir hand against xeir forehead.
"okAY, that's enough guys." Patton firmly said. Janus pulled a face in reply, and Virgil returned the favour. Patton sighed. He just wanted them to get along, which was probably a high expectation by itself.
Perhaps he had booze leftover somewhere.
Twelve near fist fights, two crying sessions and many, many, many bottles of alcohol later, it was nearing eleven pm and the group was drunker than a litter of catnip high kittens.
They all crowded into a close-knit circle on the bed, nearly falling off but not caring.
"ssso your telling me that flashy asss hhimbo sssssaid I wasss hot but then rude and that I wore too muchh makeup? What a *hic* bitchh" Janus hissed.
Patton giggled. "yeeeeee, be nice though! She was kindaaaa alllllllll over the place!" Patton continued bluntly, "But how would you feel if I set you guys up????~"
"oh pleassssse do, I would just love that" Janus may be trashed but xey still knew sarcasm. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending who you are, Patton did not.
"yayyy! This is gonna be great!!"
Virgil butted in then, waving around the bottle he was holding "hold on, just holllld on a minute there, you're planning to set up that" he vaugly gestured in Janus' direction "with Princy??? Xey've known her for what, 4 minutes? Life isn't a disney movie"
"Dare I detect a hint of jealousy there emo?" Janus purred "am I that lovable?" Xey hiccuped.
"ooooooooh" Patton leaned into the circle, loving the drunk drama.
"wouldn't you like to know weather boy" Virgil droned back, finishing off the bottle.
"Honey, I would dare ssay that was a yesss"
"oooooo, you liiiiike meeeEe"
"you disgust me"
Patton shook his hands excitingly at them, nearly hitting Virgil, causing them to shut up. "I can't believe you're finally open to a relationship after what happened! With my best friend no least! Boy did I try to get you to go on more dat--" Patton suddenly clasped his hands over his mouth as if he just said something nasty.
Everyone went silent. Janus stared at Patron, xeir mouth slightly parted. Virgil laughed nervously to try and break the tension. It sounded strained.
Janus began to speak to stop Patton from starting to spout drunken apologies. "Well thatssss jusst a liee, I've dated pleeenty of people over..well...that...period..of time."
Everyone went silent again, not quite sure on what to say.
Virgil's anxiety was heightening due to the social awkwardness and the influence of the alcohol.
Patton was fidgeting in his lap.
It was Janus yet again who broke the uncomfortable atmosphere.
"Sssso, *hic* you ssaid you wanted me to go out with thisss idiot?"
updated masterpost
tag list: @arrowthenon-binaryroyalty, @spellingwillbethedeathofme,
ask if you want to be added or removed from tag list
and we meet our boi virgil
context is for losers
i could of probably cut out unnecessary things in that but y'know I'm new and I like it
these posts will be in chronological order, unless flashback, but it's not following a set-in-stone story line, so asks are, yet again, much appreciated.
I procrastinated too much during the making of this
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A/N:this is based on a song and it's sad, I hope you still like it though! I appreciate any comment / reblog!!
AU:Human AU
Pairing:Pining(one sided) prinxiety
TW:Major Past Character Death, Suicide mention/getting talked about, denial over death, mentions of college / school being hard, insecurities, angst/hurt no comfort, multiple mentions of Logan and Patton, one mention of Janus and one of Remus
Here a five emails Roman wrote, over five years. People change and realisations are hard.
Dear Virgil,
You are Sixteen now!!!! WOW!! SWEET SIXTEEN!!!
Happy Birthday, emo storm cloud!!!! I know we haven't talked much in a while, but Hey. What better time to reconnect than the day to celebrate you, right?
Logan has been trying soooooooo hard to get me to learn.. But like I don't need physics!
Like hello!? I'm an actor, a prince, an artist. No nerd. That's Logan.
Ugh. But now My mum starts to stress cause I need the good grade. But for what!? Argh. It's so annoying. All I want is to sing and play. Not do numbers stuff.
Well whatever, can't do much about that. And brave knights do what's best for the peasants even if they don't agree with it.
Oh! OH! Patton!! I have to tell you about Patton!
He started to learn how to bake! And he brings the goodies to school or Disney marathons! Like imagen Lion king and brownies! How great is that!? Ahhhh even LOGAN likes it.
Sure few things aren't perfect but puffball only started!
Well, I just wanted to chat a bit.
But just talked about me and the others! Well that's what I do I guess, talk about me.
How are you? I hope it's treating you well.
I have to go now. I will write you again
xx Roman
Dear Virgil,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Nearly an adult now! Congrats!
Have you heard!? I got the lead role in the play! Yes! I'm gonna play Evan! WAVING THROUGH A WINDOW
AHHHH I'M SO HAPPY. like you know how I always wanted the lead role! I finally got it. And Janus finally didn't get it! Like finally as if he is that good of an actor. I deserve it I worked for it! Patton said I worked for the audition more than all school work last year probably true lol
ALSO Logan is now doing the big quizes. He won the school one and now goes national. He is such a nerd!!! But honestly it's cool! He was missing a school day for a quiz like I want that too for plays!
Well Honestly that's all that happened. Sorry that's so short! But I don't have much time next to the play!
As Patton would say:Eat and drink like you would tell your kitty to and love yourself like it, bye bye
Dear Virgil,
I hope you are doing well.
Sorry I don't have a present for you. I know you like flowers, roses. I know. I know. Sorry Remus did some bullshit (what's new tho) and our parents froze both our bank accounts. Can't wait to be 18 Jeez.
WELL, I look for colleges now! Majoring in Acting. Patton want to do psychology and Logan physics. WELL I guess or majors aren't big surprises to you, are they?
I think a lot about you.
Just yesterday I found the city we drew at my room wall. My closet stood there for the longest time. But OMG do you rember us 5 year Olds doing that?! We felt like the biggest artist ever. That was fun. I miss that.
Well whatever!!
I will go adventure the world next year! Can't wait for it!
Miss you
Dear Virgil,
I nearly forgot to write you today, sorry!
College is so stressful! I couldn't just take acting, no, the other class I had to take was a language and that's so hard. But hey now I can speak a bit spanish
In all honestly college is draining. Maybe it's just the first year. But it's so overwhelming. You always told me that about school Guess now I can feel it.
And yeah that's fucking tiring. Oof. Let's hope it's gets better. Princes go to bad times and get out even stronger!
Well I hope so. Also sorry that all of them are so short. I SWEAR I always tell myself "today I'll write more" but then everything feels so wrong to write.
I don't know how to explain it.
Hope you are good
XX Roman
Dear Virgil,
Rember when I told you that writing so many things feel wrong?
Well I figured it out.
I was still in denial.
I didn't want to touch on anything that would make it to clear that you are gone.
It's silly, I know I know.
But acting as if I'm having a very one sided, yearly email exchange is better than realising facts. You are dead. For four years now.
And I, well I couldn't, didn't want to, see it. It's easier to ignore. Ignorance is bliss and all that.
And talking about anything in more detail would make it clear, you are gone. Crazy, right?
I still struggle with college by the way. I feel like I need to always be perfect, but learning a language is so hard, I just want to major in drama.
I also haven't seen Patton or Logan in the last few weeks. The curse of different colleges. I guess that makes it harder too. You know me, I love being with my friends.
I'm a bit scared that they forget me. They nearly never talk about you, so forgetting me isn't to far away, right?
Well.. Let's hope for the best.
I really miss you, Virge.
I don't know if you ever noticed, probably not, I had the biggest crush on you. How cliché, I know you don't like them, but I do. I planned in my head that picture percent future. I daydreamed about that quiet a lot. Then the call came. Your mother called us to come to the hospital. I did come, so did Logan and Patton, and she told us the doctors are trying to safe you. From yourself, basically. You couldn't do it anymore. And killed yourself. And my daydreams too. But even though you are dead. I know that. The day dreams for what futures we could have had don't leave. From celebrities to farms on the country side.
I know I told you that already, but I miss you. I love you. I'm sorry. I feel like I should have picked up something. I day-dream about being your knight in charming armor because I failed to do it in real life.
I wish I could have helped you.
I'm sorry.
I hope you are well.
I'll write you again next year, then I'm six years older than you were.
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darling-i-read-it · 5 years
The Dress
Roman Sionis x reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: attempted murder, blood talk, murder talk, sadness, death
Author’s Note: I hope this is to your liking! I liked the idea a lot but I wasn’t quite sure how to end it so I hope it’s okay babe :)
Requested: by @moonheartsposts I hope you are all alright ❤. I don't now if the request are open at the moment but I just want to tell you my idea before I totally forgot it. It is about Roman Sionis and mostly angst. What about Zsas ( hope I got this right) nearly kill the reader because he was jealous of her relation with Roman. The reader didn't die and decide to take her revenge on Zsas and Roman bc she thought he was in the plot too. She is about to kill Zsas when Roman come in and realise she's not dead. The end is just basically angst mix with love between the two. I hope this make sense ❤
Summary: the request
Genre: angst
(not my gif)
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When Roman heard you had been killed he thought he would be furious. He had assumed that if anything like that would happen he would want to get vengeance but for a moment he could just stand. He just stood there, staring at Zsasz as he just stood there.
Roman asked if he knew who did it and his friend shook his head.
All Victor could do was hold up a picture of your body, clearly bloody and if not dead dying. Victor confirmed you were dead in an alleyway.
And Roman sat down on his chair and looked at the wall behind Zsasz. He was quiet. Victor thought he was going to blow up but all Roman could think about was how much he was going to miss you, how hard it would be to get on without you.
“What..what was she wearing?” he whispered. Victors eyebrows furrowed.
“That dress you bought her last week from the looks of it.” Roman finally stood up quickly, both hands going through his hair.
“I fucking told her not to wear that dress out of the club. I told her she couldn’t die in that dress but she just loved it so much-” He couldn’t finish his sentence because he had started crying.
If Victor knew Roman would be so torn up about this he wouldn’t have killed you in the first place. It was just because he had always been Romans right hand man and when you showed up he was pushed to the side.
That should have tipped you off that you shouldn’t have been so close to Roman, despite him being enthralled with you. But once he started hurting you he just couldn’t stop. His cuts came deeper and you passed out and didn’t wake up. When that happened he took the picture and ran.
But you woke up. Neither of those boys knew it though.
You figured that Victor had somehow convicnced Roman to come to you and kill you. You didn’t know what went wrong, where on Earth the attack had come from but not only were you hurt physically you were broken emotionally. You loved Roman and the idea of being his girl forever.
Now all you could think about was killing both of them.
You had stayed under the radar for some time. You healed. You trained. A few months later you were standing outside of The Black Mask Club, hands on the knives at your side. You walked up the fire escape in the back that you knew about. You went in the back window and opened it, knowing that the boys wouldn’t be there.
You waited though. It was one of the best places where Roman did business. You had stitched up the dress that Roman had bought you, scrubbed out the blood stains and dirt from your unfortunate night of near death.
Victor came in first and you threw a small knife at the side of his head as he shut the door behind him. You raised your eyebrow and when he caught sight of you he went for the door again. You threw another knife, perfectly just above the door knob.
“Have a seat Zsasz,” you said with a smile. You stood up, walking over to him. You held up a knife, pointing it at one of the many seats. He plopped down.
“How are you alive?” he breathed. You shrugged.
“Are one of those scars mine? For my ‘death’?” you hissed. You brought your knife up and just before you brought it down to leave another slash the door opened. You and Victor turned to see Roman standing there.
He saw your dress first.
He didn’t even see your face, a little scared now.
Roman Sionis saw his dress first.
He dropped the weapon he was holding that he wanted to show Victor.
You turned and pointed a knife at him.
“And you, you fu-”
“Roman didn’t know. He wasn’t a part of it,” Victor said quickly, protecting Roman as he always had. You turned to Victor in surprise.
“You tried to kill me and Roman didn’t even tell you to do it?” you asked, surprised. You hadn’t figured that.
“You’re the one who tried to kill her?!” Roman asked. Victor let out a sigh and Roman walked forward quickly, pointing a gloved hand at his henchmen. “I trusted you. You comforted me and you thought she was dead because you killed her.”
You stepped back, confused. Roman took the knife from your hand and nearly slashed Victor but you grabbed his arm in the act.
“You thought I was dead?” you whispered. Roman turned to you and lowered his arm.
“For months.” You grabbed the knife back for him and pointed it at Victor.
“Stay here. I’ll be back to you.”
Roman called someone to watch Victor as you dragged him back to his office. When you got in there all the anger you thought you had for him went away. He grabbed you and hugged you close to him.
“I looked for that dress for months,” he whispered. You missed his arms.
“It is your dress.”
Ewan: @daphne-fandom-writing , @satanslov3r @records-and-stardust @broodybats @starwarsprequelfangirl @ah-callie @rai-strangebr @whyisgmora @fandxmnerd @ewanfuckingmcgregor @peterpstuff @stardancerluv
Roman: @onebatch--twobatch @queenofgangsta
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cool-guysyndrome · 6 years
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(I was gonna post this to Instagram first but the story got too long so here sees it first skkdhdh)
Title: dammit why do i always give the angst a resolution
TW: anxiety attack, heckloads of angst, swearing because virgil+stress=i get to write swearwords
Patton paced the dimly lit room, becoming more agitated with every step. He didn't know where he was, why he was there, how he got there, anything. It was awful being completely in the dark, thrown randomly into some foreign place with no forewarning or instructions. He had so many questions that it was hard to think at all. Where were his friends? Were they okay? Were they even in the same place as him? What if they were across the country or something? How would he find them? Where even was this country? Was he in a country? Why was he in a weird castle thingy on a mountain? It was scary up so high. What were these weird clothes he was wearing? What was wrong with him? Why could he suddenly create a weird green fire with his hands? Was he going crazy?
Patton sat down and leant against the cold stone wall, trying to steady his breathing. Was this how Virgil felt when he had an anxiety attack?
He looked down at his hands, scared to accidentally replicate the spectacle he had made when he went outside and set a tree on fire.
"Maybe i can control it?" He thought aloud. Worth a try.
Patton shut his eyes and tried to focus his thoughts on the tingly feeling that had spread through his fingertips when he made the fire the first time. Sure enough, he felt a soft heat begin to emanate from where his hands were outstretched, and when he opened his eyes he saw the small green flame dancing across his fingertips.
He found that he could make the flame larger or smaller by mentally compressing it, like a camera's focus lens. It was amazing, but at the same time it scared Patton more than any fear he'd ever felt before. This wasn't a kind power. This was something destructive, something dangerous. If this power was any clue to why he was in this strange place, it was not a comforting one.
Patton released his mental hold on the fire and it dissipated into nothing. He realised with a start that he had been crying while watching it, and he wiped his cheeks dry with a sleeve.
Whatever this was, it wasnt going to be easy, and how his heart ached every time he thought about the others was really not helping. Especially Virgil. Sweet, lovely Virgil, who was always kind and worried for Patton as much as his mother did, was probably hurting just as much as he was. That thought would have killed Patton, but his thoughts were mercifully interrupted by a-
"Fuck. Just when i thought my day couldn't get better huh."
Virgil glared at the fallen ornament like it was personally responsible for all the wrongs in the world, which it probably was in his eyes.
He crouched down with a sigh and picked up the broken pieces of ceramic. There were far too many breakable things in this stupid palace for someone as clumsy and lazy as him to be around.
He found some servant to give the pieces to, waving off their apologies and persistent praise. It was exhausting, all this social interaction. Virgil wondered how Roman ever wished for this kind of thing, but he supposed Roman was the only person crazy enough to like it.
He kept walking, slow enough to still pass as a walk, but fast enough that he could escape to his room as quickly as possible. Finally he reached safety, locking the door behind him. He sunk to the floor, exhausted.
"This place is fucking crazy. I think im going crazy." He told the empty room.
"I dont know what they want me to do half the time, and they treat me like the fucking king of the universe more than some stupid prince. I just want to go home and not have to deal with this stupid, stressful, nonsensical place and its mad inhabitants!"
He ran a hand through his hair.
"Inhabitants? What am I saying? Fuck, i sound like Logan."
Logan. The others. Shit. "Great now thats just a whole other problem as well. Wonderful. Fucking fantastic!"
Virgil stood up and took his cape off, tired if the heavy and unnecessary clothes. He started to anxiously pace the room, caught up in a flurry of thoughts that were making it a little hard to breathe.
"Shit. Shitshitshit. The others. Are they safe? I need to go find them. Are they even here? What if theyre in trouble? Logan and Roman might be okay on their own, but Pat..."
Virgils voice trailed off as his mind thought a horrible, terrible thing. Patton. Gentle, bubbly Patton, the light of his life, could be in danger. Or worse, already hurt. Virgil fell back to the floor, every inhale more of a struggle than the last. His whole body filled up with an overwhelming sense of dread that drowned out any of his attempts to calm himself down. His heart began to pound like it wanted to escape his chest, and he pulled at his hair like he wanted to rip it out. He thought he heard a strangled scream from someone nearby. Why were they screaming? He should be the one screaming. Then he realised that it was his own voice, and he was the one emitting the heartbroken cry. He managed to stop his screams but there was no ceasing the sobs that wracked his body as he lay curled on the floor, his mind repeating a single horrible thought a million times-
-over Patton's head flew a tiny streak of black, and it seemed to be hurt because it wasnt flying in a very coordinated fashion. One wing was flapping a lot less than the other.
Patton waited for the little animal to settle, then he stood a few feet away from where it had landed on the table.
"Hey, hey, I'm not gonna hurt ya. You look like you need a bit of help, actually, little guy."
He started moving towards the table very slowly so he didnt startle the creature.
"Hey, its okay, im gonna help you, alright? Lets have a look at that wing."
Patton continued to talk soothingly to the little creature until he was close enough that he could reach out and touch it. He saw that the animal was a small black bat, and one of its wings had a splinter of wood in it, not enough to do bad damage, but enough to affect its flying ability.
Patton slowly outstretched his hand, and waited for the small animal to make a move first, as a kind of permission. The little bat looked up at him with big black eyes with a shine of blue in them, and if it were human Patton would have sworn it was studying his face.
Then, all of a sudden, he heard a voice say, "Help?"
He nearly fainted.
"What?! Did you- did you just speak?!"
He watched the bat carefully, but its little face didnt move an inch even though he heard the voice clear as day. "Help wing?"
Patton couldn't help staring at the little creature.
"How are you doing that?!"
"Person help wing? Yes, no?"
"Oh my goodness gracious. And i thought the fire was weird."
"Help wing, yes, no?"
"Yes, yes, sorry, yes, ill help you. May i?"
Patton held out a hand to the bat's wing. The little creature obliged and lay its wing across his hand.
"If i ever see him again, i will definitely tell Virgil about this. He'll hate me for it because he's always wanted to talk to animals."
"Yea, hes my boyfriend."
"Oh. Boy Friend Virgil." The little animal seemed to think for a second, then it spoke again.
"Boyfriend, Virgil. I, Jazzy. You?"
"What?" Patton took a second to realise what the little creature meant.
"Oh, is that your name? Oh! Its lovely! I'm Patton!"
"Pat..ton. Patton. Patton help Jazzy."
"Yes, thats right, im helping you! By the way, are you a boy or a-
-Gurl you are a mess. You're lucky i can pick locks hun."
Remy closed the door quietly and went to sit beside where Virgil still lay on the floor.
"I heard you scream. Good thing i convinced those other losers that I'd handle this." He glanced down at Virgil again, noting his fists still clenched in his hair.
His voice was a bit more firm as he continued. "Virgil. Can i touch you?"
The purple-haired boy hesitated a moment, then shakily nodded through his hands. Remy gently pried his hands down from his hair.
"Can you sit up for me?"
Virgil did.
"Okay. Can you copy my breathing? 4-7-8 yeah?"
Virgil nodded.
Once Remy was sure that Virgil was no longer in such a bad state, he got him to sit on his bed and gave him a glass of water.
"Thanks." Virgil managed as Remy handed him the glass.
"Youre fine, gurl, i get this kind of thing a lot. The staff here get stressed all the time and someones gotta help calm 'em down, y'know?"
"Besides, gotta have you in top condition so i can 'scold you' as Perce puts it, or as i like to say, roast your sorry ass."
"Really? What did i fuck up this time?"
"Oooh gurl you wouldnt believe it. So much that the cat wants your hide."
"The cat?"
"The cat."
Virgil wasn't quite smiling, but his eyes werent as sad any more.
Remy lay back on his bed like he owned it.
"Nah, I'm messing with ya."
"I know." Virgil couldnt help a small smile.
"Its not the cat, hun, its the rats that cat's chasing that want your blood. Have fun arguing with rodents."
"That bad huh?"
"Nah not really. Percy wants to help you with some stuff you were struggling with today."
"Struggling?" Virgil raised an eyebrow at the other man.
Remy chuckled. "Gurl, you and i both know you aren't really the prince. Gotta have someone in on the secret to help before everyone is."
After Remy left, Virgil lay back on his bed, realising just how exhausted he was. This wasn't going to get any easier. But maybe it could, at the very least, be possible.
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Putting Yourself First
Virgil didn't go to the wedding because he knew it would go to shit. He didn't quite realise he would have such an influence whne it came to dealing with that shit afterwards.
Or, Roman is very upset by the proceedings after the wedding and turns to Virgil for help
| Ao3 |
Warnings: Panic attacks, kinda angst.
Pairings: No romantic pairings, platonic prinxiety.
Word Count: 4444
Notes: I've been writing this one for a hot second, lol. I've wanted to write an aftermath fic about Roman dealing with POF basically since I watched it. Here's that.
Possibly going to write a part two but no promises because I'm lazy and currently have seven other oneshots and a long fic that I'm working on at the same time sooo... oop.
I hope you enjoy!
P.S. woah look at me go, two fics in two days? How is this possible!! Well don't worry! There's more where that came from :D (this one's actually been finished and sitting in my Google Doc for a hot second, haha)
There was a crash and Virgil’s music stopped playing, it took him a moment to realise that he’d jumped so badly at the sound that he’d yanked his headphones cord out of his phone. He sighed, pulling off his headphones and putting them down on his desk, investigating whatever caused that crash was probably important.
Finding the source of the noise was actually a very simple task. When he looked around he found that his dresser had been knocked out of place, causing his mirror and a lot of his jewellery- as well as some figurines and his very emo plant- to fall from the shelf. What worried him the most though, was the fact that Roman was on his floor. 
The Prince was curled tightly into a ball; Virgil could quite easily figure out that Roman had stumbled in here, crashed into his dresser and then fallen. After a double take Virgil realised that Roman was also crying. Well, at least he could guess that the wedding he had refused to show up for didn’t go well, then.
“Roman?” Virgil said softly as he picked up his plant, hastily scooping as much of the spilled soil back into the pot and placing it back on the dresser before kneeling down next to the prince. Roman’s shoulders shook, though he didn’t make any move to indicate that he’d heard Virgil.
“Can you hear me, Roman?” Virgil asked softly, although his entire brain was screaming at him- obviously something was very very wrong if Roman was panicking- he never seemed bothered by anything “I need you to take a breath for me, alright?”   
“V-Virgil-” Roman choked out, trying to reach for him, Virgil let Roman grab his wrist.
“Yeah Princey, I’m here,” Virgil answered, patting Roman’s arm, “You remember the- the breathing exercises Logan and I had you guys practice?”
“I- Virgil I- I fucked up- I fu-fucked up really bad-” Roman choked out, between shallow breaths and sharp sobs.
“Roman,” Virgil said firmly, “I don’t care what happened or what you did right now, ok? You can explain later, you- you’re having a panic attack right now, and I really need you to calm down a little before you try and talk,”
Roman whimpered, before leaning forward and bumping his head against Virgil’s chest. Virgil took his free hand and placed it on Roman’s back, slowly beginning to rub comforting circles.
“Copy my breathing, alright?” Virgil instructed gently as he tried his best to regulate his own breathing into a steady rhythm.
Slowly Roman’s breathing slowed and deepened, though it didn’t quite return to it’s usual level, Virgil realised a little too late that Roman wouldn’t be able to completely calm down in his room. Being in Virgil’s room would only make this worse in the end.
“Come on, I’m going to sink us out to the commons, is that alright?” Virgil asked, Roman shook his head immediately, gripping tighter to his sleeve as a new wave of fear fell over his face, “Woah woah ok, not the commons then, I need you to keep trying to breathe for me, how about your room?”
Roman paused, before nodding. Virgil hummed an acknowledgement before sinking them both out into Roman’s room, they bounced a little as they landed on his bed, though Virgil was able to breathe deeply as the oppressive atmosphere of his own room fell from his shoulders. Roman seemed better off as well, though he was still crying. 
“Alright, now you’ve calmed down a little, are you up for telling me what happened?” Virgil asked, not letting go of Roman. The prince didn’t make any move to let go of him either, though he did tense up when Virgil asked.
“I fucked up- Virge- I really, really fu-fucked up,” Roman answered, trying to wipe away his tears with his sleeve before Virgil summoned the box of tissues from across the room and passed one to him silently.
“You might have to elaborate on that one, buddy,” Virgil said softly, rubbing Roman’s shoulder.
“W-well I guess I just- we were- eugh,” Roman growled, shaking his hands.
“Take as long as you need, Ro,” Virgil mumbled, “Words are hard,”
“That’s certainly right,” Roman said with a sad laugh, before taking a deep breath, “After the wedding I guess we were- Patton and Thomas and I- were talking about- moral stuff and- and- Logan was trying to- and then Deceit showed up-”
“Of course he did,” Virgil shook his head, annoyed.
“He- he had good points but- anyway- I uh- god Virgil I was such an asshole,” Roman sighed, “He… told us his name,”
“He what,” Virgil said, now glaring over Roman’s head at his door to the imagination instead.
“Yeah.. and… and I think- I think Patton accepted him,” Roman mumbled.
“He what?” Virgil hissed, “How could he- how could he accept that- that snake! After everything-”
“Virgil- I-I laughed at him- when he told us,” Roman whispered, Virgil’s anger immediately fizzled out at Roman’s defeated tone, “I was just- so riled up from everything that happened and then- he- he chose to be vulnerable with us and I laughed- Virge, I called him- I fucking said he sounded like ‘a middle school librarian’, and like- I actually really like his name, it's really unique and interesting but in the heat of the moment I just-”
“I’m gonna be honest, Roman,” Virgil said, cutting him off, “The librarian thing is kinda accurate,”
“Virgil…” Roman whined, “That- that doesn’t help,”
“Sorry- sorry,” Virgil apologised, “No making fun of Janus, got it,”
“Wait- how do you know his name? I didn’t tell you that-”
“You remember uh- after the episode with Remus?” Roman flinched and Virgil winced- he should’ve thought that Roman’s brother would be a sore subject, “When you guys all found out I used to be a dark side?”
“Oh- right,” Roman said, seeming defeated, “Speaking- speaking of Remus…”
“Did- he show up too?” Virgil asked, tilting his head.
“No- no… just… De- Janus made a comment,” Roman looked down… 
“Can you tell me what he said?” Virgil asked.
“I-” Roman was interrupted by a knock on the door that made him flinch, gripping tighter to Virgil’s hoodie. Gently, Virgil patted his hair.
“You wanna answer it?” Virgil asked, Roman adamantly shook his head.
“I- I don’t want- I don’t want to- to talk to anyone right now- especially not Patton- or- or Janus,” Roman said, voice shaky and quiet. It really did break Virgil’s heart to see him like that.
“I’ll tell whoever it is to go away, then, alright?” Virgil asked, Roman nodded and slowly let him go and the anxious side ruffled his hair before swiftly standing up and heading for the door. Opening it only slightly to find the cardigan-clad moral side at the door.
“Ro- oh! Hey Virgil, kiddo! Is Roman in? I just wanted to-”
“Roman doesn’t want to talk to anyone at the moment,” Virgil interrupted, making sure the door didn’t open any more than it already had, “He’ll talk to you when he’s ready.”
“...Alright kiddo- but if I could just-” Patton said, gently trying to push open the door, “I’d just like to see if he’s ok,”
“No,” Virgil said, pushing back on the door, “If you even think that there’s any chance that anyone’s ok after everything that I heard just happened, you don’t belong in here right now,”
With that closing statement, Virgil closed the door in Patton’s face before heading back over to Roman, who had taken one of his plush pillows to hold onto in Virgil’s place. 
Sitting back down, Virgil slowly put an arm around Roman’s shoulder. Roman leant into him with a sigh.
“So… if you’re up to it- Will you tell me what Janus said?” Virgil asked quietly, rubbing Roman’s shoulder, Roman practically melted into the touch.
“He…he said-” Roman said, before scrunching up his face with a whine, “I can’t- I- I just- I-”
“Hey- hey- breathe, Princey, breathe,” Virgil said, holding him a little tighter while Roman tried once again to copy his breathing. 
“I- I’ll just- show you…” Roman sighed, waving one of his hands in front of them until a slightly fuzzy image of Thomas’ living room appeared in front of them, a fuzzy patton and Roman stood in their usual spots, as well as Thomas, except Janus appeared standing in Logan’s usual space. An illusion- kind of like Remus’. Virgil had almost forgotten that the other sides’ rooms enhanced some of their powers the same way his room did for him.
“Oh, Roman,” The illusion Janus spoke, the Roman beside him flinched just as the illusion’s Roman’s face fell and Virgil realised this wasn’t an illusion, it was a memory- Roman’s memory that he was showing to Virgil in illusion form, “Thank god you don’t have a moustache, otherwise between you and Remus, I wouldn’t know who the evil twin is,”
Virgil stared in shock as the memory kept playing, everyone else going silent as Roman looked around for some kind of reassurance.
“Are you guys seriously going to take his side?” Illusion Roman asked, illusion Thomas stuttered, before being interrupted, “Over me?”
Virgil found it interesting to note, looking around at all of the side’s faces in the memory, that Janus actually looked like he regretted what he said.
“I thought I was your hero,” Memory Roman said, growing more upset as Thomas tried to reassure him and the memory fizzled away, leaving the room empty once again.
“Oh… Roman,” Virgil murmured as the prince practically collapsed into his offered embrace, beginning to sob into his shirt. Virgil could do nothing but murmur reassurances and stroke Roman's hair while he plotted to murder that snake the next time he saw the guy. That chance, unfortunately for everyone involved, came much sooner than Virgil had expected. 
Because just as Roman's tears had once again begun to calm down there was another knock at the door.
"I'll get it," Virgil told Roman before he could react, carefully untangling himself, "I'll be back in a second, ok Princey?" 
Roman nodded and let him go, wiping at the tears on his cheeks as Virgil made his way over to the door and opened it slightly in the same way he did for Patton. 
Though, unlike when it was Patton at the door, when Virgil saw Janus he simply hissed and attempted to slam the door. Janus was smarter than that, though (of course he was, Virgil thought bitterly) and stuck his foot in the gap to prevent the door being closed.
"I was warned that Roman had a guard dog, I suppose Patton wasn't far off the mark," Janus hissed, his voice a whisper, which was really Virgil's only saving grace here.
"Fuck off," Virgil said, trying to slam the door again. He knew Janus' foot was still blocking the door from closing, it was just incredibly satisfying to slam the door on his foot, "Roman doesn't want to see you, so go away," 
"Virgil please,* Janus said and for a moment Virgil was hit with the notes of remorse in that plea, "I wish to apologise-" 
"He doesn't, want, to see you," Virgil gritted out, "I don't care if your intentions are as pure as gold, Roman is not in the state to talk to you right now,"
"I did many wrongs by him, Virgil," Janus tried to protest, though he didn't attempt to push the door open like Patton had, "I have to speak with him."
"After everything you've done you really think you can just- just come in here with your flowery language and fake apologies and expect everything to be ok?" Virgil asked, fighting to keep his voice quiet, "After you've used him, manipulated him and then berated him? Made him think he wasn't a hero? That was all you, buddy," 
Virgil leaned forward and grabbed the front of Janus' capulet in his fist, they were almost nose to nose now.
"If you really think I'm going to let you speak to him, let alone lay a finger on him until he is ready, then you're thinking wrong," Virgil said, voice harsh, "No-one is talking to Roman until he's ready to talk," 
Virgil let the other side go and he stepped back from the door, looking adequately shaken. It was only then that Virgil realised that Janus wasn't wearing his gloves, and that might've been the only thing that stopped him from slamming the door there and then. He sighed.
"Look, Janus, Roman is upset right now, he's not in the right state of mind to talk to anyone, especially you guys and-" Virgil took a deep breath, "Look I- I know you and Patton probably feel like shit about what happened up there, ok," 
Virgil huffed, wondering if Janus would speak, when he didn't Virgil chose to just continue, "But you know as well as anyone that everyone has different ways of coping with stress and sadness and- trust me this is Roman's way, you'll only hurt him more by forcing an apology on him when he isn't ready to accept it," 
Janus fiddled with his sleeve, looking down and away like a scolded child, "I… understand, Virgil," 
"I'll tell him what you said, and he'll come to you when he's ready," Janus looked doubtful, so he continued, "I know Roman better than any of the others, Jan he's… my best friend, he'll come and talk to you once he has the words,"
Janus was silent for a long while, before sighing, meeting Virgil's eyes, "I was your best friend, once," 
"Yeah well, things change," Virgil said, looking away before sighing, "Go away now, and uh- tell the others not to come up here, will you? I don't want to have to slam more feet in the door,"
Virgil could've sworn Janus almost smiled then as he turned to head down the hall.
"I think I can manage that," Janus said, glancing back.
"Good, oh and Janus?" Virgil called, leaning out of the door, Janus turned, Virgil whispered just loud enough for Janus to hear, "If you really want to get on Roman's good side, make one of those red velvet cakes you always used to make, red velvet is his favourite," 
"Oh well now you're truly asking too much of me, Virgil," Janus said as he turned to continue walking. 
“Wh-what did he want?” Roman asked after Virgil closed the door and made his way back to the bed.
“He says he wants to apologise,” Virgil huffed, “But- he’s willing to wait for you,”
Roman sighed, pulling himself into a tighter ball and glancing around his room, “I don’t… think- I don’t think I could… say all the things I wish to say to him- or- any of them- right now.”
“That’s alright,” Virgil said immediately, “It’s ok to not be ready, I can promise you they’re willing to wait. For now… how about we get comfy here and watch a few movies?”
“May I have the first choice?” Roman asked, already pulling up Disney+ on his laptop. 
Virgil couldn’t help but chuckle as he resigned to the evening of watching the cheesiest classic Disney films there were, “All yours, Princey,”
Halfway through their movie night, one of the others left dinner for them outside the door, knocking and then sinking out so that when Virgil opened it in a huff all he found was a plate of quesadillas- enough to share between both of them. The anxious side could tell immediately that it was Janus’ cooking, he had a way with cooking that Patton could never seem to achieve, arranging the food in a way that effortlessly looked like it could’ve come straight from a five star gourmet restaurant. 
Virgil couldn’t help a smile as he brought the food back to Roman’s bed, they ate it while making their way through the second movie of the night.
“You know… as much as I hate to admit that I like anything about Janus… I missed his cooking,” Virgil huffed as he finished off the last quesadilla on the plate.
“I could stand to get used to it,” Roman nodded with a soft, tired laugh. 
By the end of their third movie, Roman had fallen fast asleep, and that meant it was time for Virgil to get some answers that he couldn’t get from Roman. With a deep breath, he very carefully pulled away from Roman. He paused for a second, holding his breath as he made sure Roman wouldn’t wake up before sighing and taking the plate, sinking out to the commons.
“Hey Virge!” Patton exclaimed the moment Virgil had risen up, “How’s Roman doing?”
“He fell asleep,” Virgil answered shortly, he still wasn’t sure who exactly was in the wrong for this entire mess, but for now he was going by the principle of guilty until proven innocent. 
“Oh- er- alright kiddo,” Patton said, going back to whatever he was doing, obviously realising Virgil didn’t want to talk.
Virgil nodded before heading into the kitchen to wash up the plate, unfortunately Janus was also there- making a cup of tea.
“Ah, Virgil, just the side I didn’t want to see,” Janus turned to face him, “Do you have a moment, I wouldn’t like to speak with you,”
“Not right now,” Virgil answered, turning on the tap.
“It’s not important at all that I-”
“I said not now,” Virgil said, turning around, “Look, this can wait, I need to go and see Thomas before he goes to sleep, so- whatever you have to talk to me about- it can wait until I’m done with that, ok? I’ll- I’ll come and find you,”
Janus looked torn, but in the end he sighed, relenting, “Alright, I won’t wash that up for you, go and do what you have to,”
“...Thanks,” Virgil huffed, leaving the plate and sinking out once again.
This time when Virgil rose up it was in Thomas’ living room. Glancing around he concluded that Thomas was not, in fact, there. He’s probably just somewhere else in the apartment, Virgil thought as he took a steadying breath. It wasn’t uncommon for Thomas not to be in the living room when the sides rose up outside of filming. Hearing a clunk from the kitchen indicated that that was where Thomas was- or there could be a burglar in their apartmen- no, Virgil, focus.
It turned out that the noise in the kitchen was caused by Thomas, not a burglar, thank god.
“...Hey Thomas?” Virgil called from the door of the kitchen, Thomas turned quickly, before relaxing slightly.
“Oh, Virgil,” Thomas said with a sigh, “It’s just you,”
‘Shit’ Virgil thought, in his hurry he’d forgotten that he wasn’t exactly on the best of terms with his centre either, the last time he’d directly talked to Thomas he’d driven them both into a panic attack, and the time before that he’d told everyone he used to be a dark side- deep breaths, Virge, you can do this.
“Yeah- just me,” Virgil nodded, “I was… wondering if I could watch the video of what went down earlier, I know you were filming,” 
“Oh right- you missed it,” Thomas nodded, rubbing a hand across his face, “Give me a second to finish this and I’ll grab my laptop,”
Virgil sat in stunned silence as he watched the video back and Thomas hovered awkwardly in the edge of the room. 
He watched as Patton told Roman his opinion was wrong after prompting him to share, he watched as Roman tried to yet again blame himself for their problems, he watched Patton skip Logan- allowing the perfect opportunity for Janus to take his place. He watched Patton freak out and turn into a giant frog, he saw how Janus did nothing but protect Thomas from the moment he revealed himself, he saw Roman desperately try to keep fighting.
And then he watched Janus reveal his name, he watched Roman laugh, he watched the same scene Roman had shown him earlier.
He saw Roman look to Janus to confirm whether or not Thomas was lying, he saw Janus nod in response. 
Roman sank out, straight to Virgil’s room if he could guess, Patton left to check on Roman, and Janus told Thomas to push someone down a flight of stairs. Well, at least Janus seemed to be fine.
After the video ended it took Virgil a few tense seconds to pull himself together, before turning to look at Thomas.
“Are… are you ok? After all that?” Virgil asked quietly, “I know the mindscape is a mess right now so- so chances are you’re not but… I’d like to hear from you,”
“I’m… better than I was when we ended that video,” Thomas shrugged, “Otherwise I… guess I’m doing as well as I can be, how’s Roman?”
“He sank out straight to my room,” Virgil sighed, “I’ve been with him since, got him to calm down with Disney films,”
“Of course,”
“Of course,” Virgil nodded, “He’s sleeping now but… there’s a lot that needs to be said- and not just from Roman, and we’re working on it, I just- wanted the whole context of what happened before I started pointing fingers too.”
“Thanks for that, Virgil,” Thomas said, completely sincere, “To be honest, I’m glad you weren’t there- no- wait- not like- not like I didn’t want you there- but-”
“It means you have at least one impartial side, I get it,” Virgil shrugged, “Unless you count Remus- but- no Remus isn’t impartial, he’d side with whoever it would be funniest to side with,”
“Yeah that’s probably right,” Thomas shrugged, “Uhh- if you’re staying, would you like a cupcake?”
“...No number of cupcakes would be able to fill the empty void where my soul should be,”
“They’re vanilla?”
“...Ok fine gimme one,”
When Virgil returned to the mindscape he sank straight to the hallway outside of Janus’ door. He might be absolutely exhausted from dealing with everything at this point, and he needed to check up on Roman, but he had told Janus that he’d come find him when he was done with Thomas and Virgil wasn’t exactly one to go back on his word about stuff like that.
Standing outside of Janus’ door was odd, to say the least. Virgil hadn’t been here since… he shook his head, no point reminiscing about the past now. He knocked.
“The door is locked,” Janus’ smooth voice called from inside and god Virgil just wanted to punch the guy, just once! Instead he simply pushed open the door a little harder than he would usually have.
Janus was no longer wearing his regular clothes, instead he was sitting at his desk in an oversized hoodie that looked suspiciously like one of his old ones that he thought he’d lost. He had been writing in a notebook, gloves off and hat askew.
“Hey, you wanted to talk to me?” Virgil asked, standing in the doorway. Janus turned in his chair, god it was hot in here, Virgil would never get used to that.
“Yes,” Janus nodded. “Did you get what you wanted from your meeting with Thomas.”
“Mhm, gained some valuable knowledge and exhaustion points, so whatever you wanted to talk to me about better be quick or I’m going to need some coffee,” Virgil huffed, leaning on the doorframe, he hated Janus’ room, in all sincerity, because it forced the sincerity out of you. For the guy called Deceit, his room made it almost impossible to lie.
“Well first of all, I would like to tell you that I’m an idiot,” Janus said, before grimacing, “I didn’t mean to say that, What I meant to say, was that I wanted to apologise for making everything more difficult for you,”
“...oh,” Virgil couldn’t think of the right words to say, so he stayed silent.
“I suppose I simply found it difficult to accept, especially at first, that you had found a new family in the light sides,” Janus said with a dramatic sigh, “But seeing you protect Roman earlier made me come to the realisation as to how shitty of a person I have been, to all of you, but especially to Roman,”
“Thanks, for the apology, I guess- I just- It hurt, to leave you guys, I guess, but- I wish I had done it in a way that didn’t make you hate me,” Virgil sighed.
“I never hated you,” Janus said immediately, Virgil looked up, eyes wide, “Envied you, maybe, hated the others for taking you away, definitely, but hated you? Never,”
“Oh,” Virgil whispered into the now silent room, “I… don’t think I ever really hated you either,”
“That's… good to know,” Janus said, folding his arms around himself, “I’m worried that Roman might, though,”
“He would have every reason to,” Virgil couldn’t help but say, damn Janus’ room for pulling the words from his throat.
“I’m well aware,” Janus nodded, “I hope he doesn’t, though,”
“Sap,” Virgil said, a small smile on his face, “That shit’s for you two to sort through, I’m not your couple’s therapist,”
“I- wha-” 
“Bye Janus,” Virgil said, wiggling his fingers in a wave-like fashion before closing the door and sinking out. He had no idea why he’d said half of the things he had said, but oh well, no point dwelling on that now. When he rose up, he was finally back in Roman’s room. Just this last stop before he could finally pass out on his own bed. 
On arrival in Roman’s room he let out a sigh of relief to find that Roman was still sleeping, though it looked restless. The prince was clutching onto one of his pillows for dear life with his face buried into the soft material. His blankets were half on the floor and it looked as though Roman had kicked them away in his sleep.
As quietly as he could manage, Virgil made his way over to the bed, picking up the blankets and gently tucking the prince back in properly, Roman shifted to seemingly get more comfortable in the blankets and Virgil couldn’t help the urge to run his fingers through Roman’s hair.
Unfortunately though, as he moved to pull his hand away his wrist was grabbed in a loose grip- loose enough that Virgil could easily pull away if he wanted to. Roman looked up at him now, slowly blinking open his half asleep eyes to look at Virgil.
“Stay?” Roman asked softly and…. Really what kind of soul crushing monster would Virgil have to be to say no to that.
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nyxwordsmith · 7 years
hey, hey... what if Patton wasn't the side that still believe in Santa, but instead it's actually Virgil. ( Patton finds out, love it, and now he HAVE to dress up as Santa, for his dark strange son) ( he also forbid the others, including Thomas, for trying to tell Virgil that he's not real) and some angst: Virgil always believed that he didn't get any gifts because he was on 'the naughty-list' ( and that he always will be) ( and they all want to protect him because this so sad, sweet and pure)
Okay, so I had to write this into a full fic because this was too good not to:
Warnings: Uh, a food mention, loneliness, crying…I can’t really think of much else. A little angst, with an unhealthy dose of fluff.
Word Count: 3,466
Tag: @red-the-ruler (If you wanna be added, or have other prompts, hmu in my ask or PM me)
Christmas had never been a time Virgil lookedforward too. It was different this year, sure. He’d been accepted more or less,and even though things had changed in the mindscape since, the very month ofDecember brought waves of anxiety.
Despite that, Virgil had a little traditionhe’d fulfilled for as long as he could remember.
Hunched over his small desk, room illuminatedonly by his small, dim desk lamp, his pencil scribbled over a piece of paper.And maybe he was crying. And maybe his music was too loud. And…maybe he hadn’trealised that someone had walked into his room.
He jumped with a yelp, hands slamming down tocover the piece of paper as he turned. Patton was standing behind him, a smallsmile on his lips, but his eyes were sad and worried. His music was loudlyplaying from the headphones now perched on his shoulders, “Hey, kiddo,”Patton’s smile grew a little more, “Sorry I let myself in, you couldn’t hearme.”
A weak, nervous laugh escaped Virgil as hequickly turned to face Patton and hopefully block his view of the letter, “It’scool.” He scratched his nose, “What’s up?”
“Oh.” Virgil bit his lip, “Be down in a sec?”
Patton beamed down at Virgil, “No problem,kiddo.”
Virgil listened for Patton’s footsteps to fadedown the hall before he turned back to the letter and finished it hurriedly.Maybe it would never see the light of day, but at least it was done. And thosewaves of anxiety were replaced with a deep, aching sadness.
That was much easier to ignore. He’d done itthis long, hadn’t he?
Patton couldn’t help but muse about the letterVirgil had been writing. He’d been standing over Virgil’s shoulder for longerthan the anxious Side knew, or he would have said a lot more. It had taken toomuch energy not to let the heart ache show through the conversation and lunch.But now, alone as he washed the dishes, he stared morosely at the dish he’dbeen scrubbing absently.
Had Virgil alwaysfelt that way? It had brought a flash of joy to know that Virgil still believedin Santa (he had so many ideas), butseeing how Virgil felt…
It had broken his heart.
Nothing but a steady stream of apologies forbeing who he was. For being Anxiety.A disorder. For never being enough before.
The plate slipped from Patton’s fingers intothe soapy water and he had to brace himself against the sink.
Virgil hadn’t said it explicitly, but Patton understood. Virgil had neverreceived a gift before, let alone spent Christmas with the others. He was onthe ‘naughty-list’ for twenty-eight years and (by the letter) felt he alwayswould be.
Patton let a single tear slip free.
Then a steely resolve he rarely felt floodedhim. He wasn’t going to allow it this year. No, sir! If he had to dress up asSanta himself, he would! He was not going to let his dark, strange son feelthis way any longer.
Brushing the tear away with the back of hiswrist, he allowed a grin to spread on his face instead. He had so many ideasalready. But first, he had to get Logan and Roman involved.
“You know that I would never usually agree tosuch elaborate and…frivolous displaysbut this…” Logan ran his hand over his tie, the silky fabric soothing somethinginside him, “Is something I can make a wholehearted exception to.”
Patton beamed, desperately holding back theurge to clap his hands, “Aw, thank you!”
Roman was rocking onto the balls of his feet,hands pressed together at his lips as he grinned. Patton could see his eyesflashing with ideas, too fast for him to verbalise, hair bouncing with hismovements beside them.
“I must ask, how do we intend on pulling thisoff without alerting Virgil?” Logan adjusted his glasses, again, and wrapped anarm around his chest, “Or frightening him?”
Patton glanced to Roman, who was hurriedlylooking for a notepad to write in. Logan helped him, leaving the royal to siton Logan’s bed and scribble out ideas.
“I know we can do this.” Patton excitedlygiggled, before his face suddenly dropped to one of grim seriousness. Hisshoulders dropped, arms limp at his sides as he fixed both Roman and Logan witha glare. They both went pale, “But if eitherof you ever tell Virgil that Santa isn’t real?” he narrowed his eyes ateach, “I’ll end you.”
Logan and Roman hurriedly nodded, eyes wide.There had been few times that Patton grew serious. There was absolutely no argument to be had here.
Patton grinned, “Well, I’ll leave you too it!Call me when you’re ready to share!” then he skipped from the room, leaving aslightly bewildered, and worried, Logan and Roman behind.
Convincing Thomas not to say anything had beendifficult. Patton knew that was partly his own fault (Thomas felt that theywere technically lying) but once Patton had explained the letter and Virgil’spoorly hidden tears, he was on board.
In fact, Thomas had been gracious enough todistract Virgil when needed.
Patton peered up at Virgil as he huffed to thecommons, bleary eyed and rumpled, “Is Thomas calling you too?”
Shaking his head with a smile, Patton winked,“Maybe he just wants to hang out?”
Virgil rolled his eyes, though Patton saw thetiny smirk of longing, “I doubt that.” He grabbed his phone from the couch,before giving Patton his salute and sinking out.
As soon as he was gone, Patton was rushingaround to the sofa, Logan and Roman quickly descending the stairs. They workedquickly. And with time to spare!
The trio shared a hi-five, Patton and Romansquealing with excitement and Logan grinning. This was definitely going to bean interesting Christmas.
It had been three days before Christmas whenVirgil noticed that they were all…excited. Okay, maybe that wasn’t the rightword. Roman and Patton in particular were alwaysexcited for Christmas. But Virgil knew when Logan was excited.
Too many side glances, too many grins hiddenbehind his hand, too many lights dancing in his eyes, too many snickers.
It was Christmas Eve when Virgil felt that alltoo familiar ball of nerves starting to coil itself. He definitely wasn’t goingto sleep. He never did, really. That was what Christmas Day was for.
It didn’t help that Roman wouldn’t stop fidgeting. He glared at Roman’s hands,finally throwing off his headphones, “Roman, will you stop?” he waved to Roman’s hands, “It’s…annoying.”
“Oh! Sorry.” Roman glanced to Patton at thetable, cracking his knuckles, “Say, want to have some eggnog with me?”
Virgil desperately wanted to say no. Mostlybecause he wasn’t sure he could keep it down. But Roman’s eyes were sparklingso bright, filled with so much excitement that Virgil had never seen before, that he couldn’t.
“I- yeah. Sure.” He shrugged, shrinking alittle into his hoodie as Roman leapt to his feet.
Virgil grimaced as Roman raced off to thekitchen, and the anxious Side had to force a deep breath. Even forcing hisshoulders down was difficult. He could feel the panic desperately trying toclaw at him, thoughts trying to drag him to his room. But Roman was being nice.
Roman sat closer this time, “Oh! What about amovie?”
“A mov-“
“Yeah, I heard that.” He hid his shaking handsby cradling the glass. Roman was either feigning ignorance, or hiding nerves ofhis own, because he sipped at his eggnog. Virgil had no choice but to explain,“You want to watch a movie. With me. Tonight.”
Hurt flickered across Roman’s face, loweringhis glass a little, “Do you not want to?” he asked carefully, eyes searchingVirgil’s face, “You don’t have to…I just thought-“
“No, no, I just-“ Virgil huffed, dropping hiseyes to look at his feet. “I want to.” He finally said, quietly, “I guess Ijust wasn’t…expecting you to ask.” He shrugged, hoping Roman wouldn’t ask why.
The royal grinned, but there was something inhis eyes, something secretive, that Virgil didn’t like. “Excellent! Anythingyou want to watch?”
Roman was at the television, pulling out DVD’sbefore Virgil could answer. And maybeVirgil was quiet for far too long. Roman paused, looking up at Virgilexpectantly, “I…dunno.” How was he supposed to admit that the only Christmasmovie he knew was also a Halloweenmovie?!
Roman seemed to understand, quickly bringingover some of his favourites for Virgil to peruse. With a few picked out, Romanset them up and scampered off to prepare some snacks while Virgil watched thetitle screen.
Virgil wasn’t alone for long. Logan joined himon the other side, a cookie held out silently as he read a small book in hishands. Hesitant, Virgil took the cookie and nibbled at it. “Movie marathon?”Logan inquired, slowly turning the page in his book, never looking up atVirgil.
“Yeah.” He quickly turned off his headphonesand tucked his phone into the pocket of his hoodie, “You wanna join?”
Logan sat back against the couch cushions,“I’ll read for the time being. Would you protest my company?”
It was now that Logan looked up, eyebrowarched slightly, a tiny curl in his lip. “No!” Virgil shifted awkwardly, “Imean, whatever. Do what you want.” He shrugged.
The curl in Logan’s lip got a little bigger,“Very well. I will remain.” He returned to his novel, greeting Roman when theprince returned with more snacks than they could possibly need.
The coil of nerves got tighter and tighter thecloser it grew to midnight. Virgil tried not to look at his phone, but hecouldn’t help it. If Roman or Logan noticed, neither of them had mentioned it.He considered slipping away, disappearing to his room to hide away. He wasgoing to do it anyway, better now than later, right?
Apparently not, because Patton appeared atthat moment. Halfway through their second movie, he draped himself over allthree of their laps, giggling at Logan’s protests.
“Patt, really,” Virgil complained, gentlypushing at Patton, “Why?”
Patton budged, but simply rolled to rest onhis back again. He was beaming up at Virgil, his head on Logan’s lap, “’Causeit’s a sleepover!” he waved his hand, and the other three were promptly changedinto their pyjamas. Virgil scowled at Patton, who giggled at him, “See?”
“But it’s-“ Virgil caught himself, feeling allof their eyes on him. He could run. He could run and lock his door and nevercome back out.
“Exactly!” Patton beamed, “It’s Christmas,which means sleepovers and junk food and movies!”
That wasn’t exactly the response Virgil hadexpected. But…he’d take it. Selfish as it was, he’d take it. Besides, it didn’tseem like Patton intended on moving.
Roman glanced over Virgil’s head to Logan,smirking as his eyes shone with excitement. The anxious trait had slipped backagainst the couch, head lowered as he struggled to keep his eyes open, pullinghis hoodie around himself every so often. Logan smirked back, closing his novelwith a yawn (that may or may not have been dramatized) and rested against thecouch cushions.
Virgil stirred, lifting his head with heavyeyelids to sleepily regard Logan. The logical Side pulled off his glasses torub at the inner corner of his eyes, “Roman? Mind conjuring a blanket?” Virgilwatched Logan glance down at Patton, “I am certain Patton’s already asleep.”
As if in answer, the fatherly trait snoredsoftly and shifted slightly. A small smile pulled onto Virgil’s face. He wasalready starting to move, to try and slip out from beneath Patton, but Romanwaved his hand as Logan sank against Virgil’s shoulder.
He stiffened as Logan rested his head onVirgil’s shoulder, something he’d done before, “Is this okay?” he yawned,glasses in his lap.
“I-uh…yeah.” Virgil relaxed back against thecouch, all of his remaining energy sapped away as Roman draped the blanket overthem all.
Virgil was asleep before Logan was, his headresting against Logan’s. Roman moved quickly. Everything was set.
This was going to be a Christmas none of themwould forget.
At some point in the night, Patton had gottenup. Virgil was aware of this, still deep in a sleepy haze, because he was awareof the lack of weight over his lap. Somewhere deep down, he considereddisappearing to his room. But he could feel Roman on one side, arm draped overhis shoulders and resting his head on Virgil’s. Logan on the other, curledaround him, arm draped over his waist.
He swore to himself, that one of these days,he’d stop falling asleep in the commons with them. He wasn’t a damn teddy bear.
His sleepy haze was abruptly swept away whenhe heard something metallic hitting wood. His eyes snapped open, musclescoiling as he tried to adjust to the dark room. Someone had turned off thetelevision, leaving only the dim lights around the Christmas tree to illuminatethe room.
Virgil’s heart might have simultaneouslydropped and skipped a beat.
Someone was standing at the small table theothers left out for Santa every year. Virgil…wasn’t actually sure what happenedto the cookies and milk left out every year. He’d never been present. Throughthe quiet of the room, Virgil heard the munching of someone enjoying a cookie,followed by a tiny giggle.
“Mmm.” Santa reached out and downed half ofthe glass of milk, before brushing cookie crumbs from his beard and turningtoward the couch.
Virgil couldn’t see his face, but obviously hecould see Virgil’s. Because he froze in place. Virgil looked like a deer inheadlights, back straight, clutching handfuls of the blanket and shaking.
Was he…was he supposed to run? Or pretend hedidn’t see?
Santa slowly moved his hand, pressing a fingerto his lips, “Shh.” He whispered, and a child-like excitement quickly rushedover Virgil, pushing away all the anxiety and fear he’d been wrestling with.
None of the others would believe him anyway.
All he could do was nod, swallowing nervouslyas he saw a grin spread on Santa’s face, eyes glittering with reflected lightfrom the tree lights. He sank out, as the other Sides did, but Virgildistinctly heard bells ringing throughout the mindscape.
It was hardly two minutes later, while Virgilwas processing what he’d seen, that Patton reappeared, yawning tiredly. “Whatis it, kiddo?” Patton asked, eyes wide with concern, if still sleep foggy.
“I thought I saw-“ the words died on his lips.
If he told Patton, he would get over-excitedand make a lot of noise, which would wake up Roman. And even though Roman mighthave been excited too, he was also nota morning person. Logan…well, Logan would have mocked and laughed at him, forsure.
Or maybe they would all laugh at him.
“Kiddo?” Patton whispered, tilting his head.Backlit by the Christmas lights, Virgil couldn’t decipher his expression.
“It…was probably nothing.” He was breathlesslike it had been something, “A…dream…I guess.”
“Would you like some water?” Patton reachedout, gently brushing some of Virgil’s hair from his eyes. Staring back at thetree, Virgil nodded, still trying to decipher what he’d seen. Or if it wasworth bringing up.
He hardly noticed the new presents under thetree. Or the letter with his name on it.
When Virgil woke up the next morning, to sayhe was disoriented, was an understatement. Both Roman and Logan were gone,leaving Virgil laying on his side on the couch. Someone had been kind enough toprop his head on a pillow.
There were hushed murmurs and whispers behindhim, but (somehow) it was too low for Virgil to make out what was being said.Shrugging it off as breakfast conversation, and strongly considering remainingon the couch, he curled up under the blanket.
Until he recalled that it was Christmas. Andhe was still on the couch. And he wasprobably intruding and god, he was such a moron!
He shot upright, feeling the chill as theblanket fell off him and he heard silence from the dining room as he got to hisfeet.
“Sleeping Beauty awakens!” Roman declared,beaming as Virgil shuffled around the couch, “Come! Join us!”
Virgil hesitated on his journey to the stairs.They wanted him to join? He slowlyscanned the table before him. They were…excited?
“Oh-okay.” Breakfast was lighter and happierthan Virgil had expected, but he could see the end fast approaching.
Still, he wanted to drag it out as long as hecould. Picking at his pancakes, he watched as the other three finished. Butonly Roman made a move to get up.
When he returned, Virgil felt like he wasgoing to be sick. He’d over-stayed his welcome, he was going to make thisawkward, he-
“- and this one’s yours.”
Blinking, Virgil saw Roman was holding out aletter to him.
Roman smirked, “The letter? It’s yours?” hewiggled it in front of Virgil’s nose, “Gonna take it or am I just gonna standhere forever?”
Almost expecting Roman to snatch it away,Virgil snatched it first, hurriedly pressing it to his chest. His heart wasfluttering, eyes wide and bright as he nervously glanced around the table. OnlyRoman seemed to have noticed.
He smirked, sitting back at his spot. Virgilwasn’t going to be able to finish his pancakes now.
With shaking fingers, he opened the letter,hiding behind his hair. He recognised the handwriting. Logan’s cramped, preciseprint. Patton’s hurried, heart adorned script. Roman’s graceful, almost artfulcursive.
“Kiddo?” Patton’s concerned voice interruptedVirgil’s reading. Tears blurred Virgil’s vision as he looked up, lip trembling,“You okay? Something wrong?”
Virgil shook his head, closing his eyes andducking his head as he wiped at his eyes, “No,” he sniffed, “Everything is…good.”A watery smile escaped him as he read the letter trembling in his fingers.
Imust apologise sincerely for the last twenty-eight years! I am not entirelysure what happened to your gifts, and we’re I’m so sorry that you’vefelt this way for so long! There is no way we can appropriately express howsorry we all I am, but I can assure you that you have never been on mynaught-list!
Andyou never will be.
It felt a little dumb to be crying, since henow knew. And yet that was exactly why he was crying. Not because they’daccidentally revealed the truth.
But because they’d wanted so badly to makethis special for him.
And maybe his heart was swelling and flyingall the same. The watery smile turned into a grin as the tears fell from hiseyes onto the page. Patton was the first one to wrap him in a hug, followedvery quickly by Roman and Logan.
And maybe Virgil lied to keep up the façade.And maybe he revelled in their excitement when Virgil ‘discovered’ thehalf-eaten cookie and half-empty milk. And maybe he stared in horror as giftswere pulled out from under the tree, each ‘Santa’ label in distinct handwriting.
And maybe…maybe he ran to his room to pull outgifts he’d made over the years. And threw away the old letters, uncaring if theothers saw him. And grinned and laughed with reckless abandon for the firsttime in ever.
But it was Christmas. And he couldn’t think ofa better gift to give his family.
Logan caught Patton in the kitchen, milling about with snacks and drinks. It was clear that he was just trying to keep his hands busy, eyes a little foggy behind his glasses. It was an emotional day for everyone it seemed.
“You alright, teach?”
 Logan looked up with a start, blinking away his tears and clearing his throat, “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
 Patton smiled gently, “Just checking in.”
 Logan nodded, turning to the sink as Patton gingerly picked up a chocolate chip cookie. Part of the same batch Logan had left by the tree the night before.
 “By the way, Patton, how were-” he turned to see the moral trait staring at him, wide-eyed, mouth stuffed to the brim with cookies. He tried to grin, throwing him two thumbs up before darting back out of the kitchen with a giggle.
 Logan sighed, before grinning himself. Although he didn’t always understand the heart, he understood that well enough. He brushed a tear away before re-joining the others at the tree, plate of cookies in his hands.
Uh, yeah. So here we go. My first fic on tumblr. Enjoy!
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