#i. theon stark — thread.
steelfyre · 2 months
starter ›› @morewoe , @cursebrcken , @insooth , accepting 3 / 3 more replies.
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wolf knew  his duty  and  had been raised to perform it well, but today it paled to the grief that still clung to his bones. the thought of swallowing it alongside icy rage at being summoned mere months after laying his sibling to rest in winterfell's crypts for the sake of making conversation with southerners made bile rise in his throat. no. theon was a statue sitting beneath highgarden's weirwood. the approaching footsteps were heard but the stark didn't even glance in their direction.
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royalreiqn · 2 years
with  vaelyx  velaryon    /    @stvvlblcde
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        he'd made  a promise  to  himself  long before he'd entered the city that he would avoid the velaryons as much as possible, not for their sake but for his ( being here was difficult enough, he didn't wish to add to it, to tempt his fury ) but they wouldn't leave his family be. first, the queen revealing her black heart to ceria and now vaelyx . . . his blood burned. it was why when he entered the training grounds and spotted the pathetic prince himself, theon didn't turn on his heels. he should. ceria would tell him too, william as well, and arya too. but the storm's winds screamed louder. he stepped forward.        ❝  are you up for a real match?  ❞        once the same words would've been spoken in jest, accompanied by the mischievous smile theon was known for, but now there was only ice.        ❝  or do you only spar those who hold their swings and forget to block yours?  ❞
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Can I request a another Ramsey x Freader we’re the reader is a servant and hates Ramsey and the two of them don’t get along and verbally fight with each other until one day Ramsey comes up with a solution by letting her have a brief moment of control over him or so she thinks and then he suddenly turns the tables on her and takes all the control back ?
and as usual can there be smut? :)
Ramsay Bolton*Servant
Pairing: Ramsay x f!reader
Word count: 3531
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Warnings: teasing, Ramsay being Ramsay, f!recieving oral, face sitting/riding, soft dom reader, hard dom ramsay, marking, p in v sex, nipple play, light choking think that’s everything angst smut 18+
Masterlist here
You hated him and who could blame you? Before the Boltons took Winterfell you had met Ramsay on a couple of occasions when his father would bring him. You were a mere baker’s daughter, and he was just a bastard. Ramsay was ignored by most of the true born children and even the starks bastard did not take kindly to his fellow snow. The few times he came to Winterfell he sulked off to the kitchens, swiping food off the counter resulting in you chasing him around the castle, demanding he give the bread back.
While you scawbled at times you never hated the boy. He was only a year older than you and there was even a point you wondered if he could be more than a friend however the last time you saw him you had got in a fight. He had lashed out at you and now you couldn’t even remember why. All you remembered was when you yelled back Roose Boltons hard hand came down across your cheek, accosting your father to train you better. That was the last time you saw Ramsay.
Or so you thought until his father strode in Winterfell on horseback with Lannister soldiers riding behind him. It had already hard enough being a servant under the Greyjoy’s especially since not long before Theon left with Robb you had harshly rejected his drunken advances. However, Rooses presence did not settle you any less than his sons.
When Ramsay finally arrived at Winterfell he barely glanced towards his new squad of servants unless to bully and berate them. Lordship did not suit him well you thought. You resented him and everything he stood for. How could someone who could barely hold a wooden stick last time you saw him be in charge of the house you had called home since before you were born?
While all your fellow servants were just trying to survive you had given up. There was no stark nor snow to protect you or loyalty for anyone anymore. You did your jobs when asked and left when told. Despite Ramsay never greeting you or even using your name he had selected you as one of his main four to tend to his chambers and needs.
“you missed a spot,” Ramsay drawled as you went to pick up the mop bucket to leave. He never even looked up from his book to say it.
“where?” You asked, your expression blank as the idea of dinner was the only one on your mind. Ramsay looked up from his book for only a moment with a surprised look on his face before he pointed to a spot beside the fireplace.
You rolled your eyes, quickly moving to the spot and dumping the mop down on it before bringing it back into the bucket you had to carry down all the stairs before you could even think of eating. “happy my lord?” You asked.
“it’s still wet,” Ramsay said as he sat his book down, a scowl marked on his face.
“the fire is hot my lord,”
“I know the fire is hot,”
“then you know it will dry,”
“I want it dry now,”
“then wait a few minutes,” you said, narrowing your eyes, “goodnight my lord. I shall see you in the morrow,” you said before stalking off to leave his chambers, not bother to mop the splashes from the bucket that spilt in your haste. Ramsay stared after you as the chamber door clunked shut, shaking his head lightly but there was a vague smile on his lips.
You wished this had been a onetime occurrence but as the days and weeks went by Ramsay made it his mission to point out any missed spot, lose thread, untucked sheet that he could find. The longer he continued the harsher your snap backs became.
As you finished drawing his bath your head snapped up at the sound of fabric hitting the ground. You turned to see Ramsay stripping out of his tunic and tossing it to just beside where his dirty sheets were waiting for you to collect. “what do you think you’re doing?” You asked, venom dripping off your tongue.
“getting ready to bathe?” He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “unless you would rather assist me,” he said making you roll your eyes as you finished setting his bath.
“not even in your dreams,” you said as you stood up straight, hands on hips. “that’s not my job,”
“your job,” Ramsay said as he stripped off his under shirt, tossing it right at you. You didn’t even attempt to catch it, letting it fall into the hot water. “is whatever I say it is. Whether that be to change my sheets, undress me, or bathe me in that bath you just lovingly drew,” he said with his sweetest smile he could muster. “understood?”
While you were secretly enjoying the view of a shirtless, and surprisingly toned Ramsay, you wanted to punch that pretty face. You looked down at the ground for a moment, praying for strength not to drown this man as you walked out from behind the bath, slowly walking up to him. “if you dare take your breeches off while I am in this room,” you said as you noticed his fingers on his laces, “or try make me bathe you I will cut your cock off,” you said, less than a foot from the new lord, “and make you choke on it. Understood?” You spoke.
Ramsay let you both stew in the silence for a moment but when you saw his eyes glance down at your heavy chest you scoffed and strode off to his chamber door, “I take my leave my lord,”
“I did not dismiss you,” Ramsay called after you, loving the sight of you walking away as your hips swayed.
You ignored the washing you were supposed to collect and ripped open the chamber door, “I did not ask to be dismissed,” you scoffed before slamming the door behind you. Or as much as you could that is. Ramsay chuckled as the door closed. He had plans for you yet.
You were sat in the servants’ quarters eating your morning meal as you gossiped with one of your friends sara when Layla approached the table making your whisper hush, “his lordships sent for you,” Layla said as she dropped in the seat beside you with her own meal.
“no,” you groaned, flinging your head back, “I don’t do him in the mornings remember that’s you and Amy’s time,”
Layla rolled her eyes as she began eating her meal, “be that as it may I showed up and he practically told me to fuck off and fetch you. So, fetch,”
“I’m not a dog,” you said as you shoved the last of your food down before standing.
Sara smirked at you as she took your leftovers, “then don’t act like a bitch,” you hummed in annoyance at her, knowing if she didn’t have the best dirt in the castle you’d never speak to her again.
When you arrived at Ramsay’s chambers you opened the door without knocking, a hand still on the handle as you waited instruction, “what is it my lord?” Ramsay was sitting in a chair by his window overlooking the courtyards. His eyes lazily turned to you as you noticed he’d yet to finish getting ready. If he was going to try make you shave his stubble you wondered if you’d slip and nick his throat, “not a morning person, are we?” He chuckled as he beckoned you to come in, “close the door love, I’m getting a chill,”
“don’t call me that,” you said as you shut the chamber door behind you.
“I can call you whatever I want,” Ramsay said as he stood from his chair, “and there’s nothing you can do about it. You hate that don’t you?” Ramsay smirked as he slowly began to cross the room, “that here I am, just some bastard son who now practically runs this place,”
“you’re not lord of Winterfell,” you scoffed at the Ramsay who still wore that cocky smirk. He hadn’t been so cocky before you remembered.
“yet,” Ramsay said, now only inches from you, “and here you are. Still just some servant girl- “
“im more than just a servant,”
“are you?” He asked, brushing your hair over your shoulder, leaning his head down to have his breath fan across your chest, “I could do anything I want to you right now and no one would even try stop me,”
“I would,” you said, standing as proud as you could as you glared at the man despite the weird lightness in your stomach. Gods what was wrong with you, you wondered. “you shouldn’t underestimate me,”
“underestimate you?” Ramsay laughed, finally stepping back and slowly pacing the room, “no, no love that’s where you’re wrong. I think you’re the bravest person in this castle. You’re the only one left with any fire,” he said, a spark tinkling in his eye.
“there is no fire in my blood. Only ice,” you said, watching as he slowly began circling you like a lion and his prey.
“they tell us northerners are stubborn,” Ramsay said, his eyes raking your body, “I wonder which one of us will win out,” he said before stopping behind you. He placed his hands on your shoulders, and you shrugged them off only for him to wrap them around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest as you tried to shove off his arms. His archery had done wonders for his muscles but that was not what you were supposed to be thinking of right now, “I have a proposition for you,”
“you said it yourself,” you said, groaning when you couldn’t shove his arms off, “I have no choice but to serve,”
Ramsay laughed, his chuckle vibrating against your spine, “normally I would agree but this time I will give you a choice. For once I will let you lead the charge, make the decisions,” he said, his nose nuzzling your ear, “in these chambers I will let you do whatever you want to me, to use me how you please,”
“you may not walk out here alive my lord,” you spat despite sudden ideas rushing to your head.
Ramsay chuckled again, wrapping his arms around you tighter, “there is a catch love,” he said, kissing behind your ear gently, “you cannot harm me. Cannot raise a weapon to me. Cannot kill me. But you can use me to satisfy any of your other needs,”
“please,” you scoffed, mocking offence to his suggestion, “you would be so lucky for me to use you,”
You gasped when Ramsay suddenly flipped you around, your chest now pressed into his and his hot breath fanning your face, his lips only an inch away, “don’t you want to feel in control for once? To order me around for once? Maybe this way you won’t be so defiant if you weren’t so tense,”
“you think fucking me will make me listen to you?” You spat your words at him, but Ramsay did not flinch at your venom as he held you close by your wrists, “who says I even want to sleep with you?”
Ramsay leant his head down closer, his lips brushing against yours, “now that I just don’t believe darling,” he said as if scolding a child, “it is wrong to lie to your lord,”
“no wronger for me to sleep with a man I have not wed,” you countered as Ramsay moved one of his hands to the small of your back, “besides I know you won’t listen to what I tell you to do,”
“I will,” he lied, “promise,” he never planned to keep it. You knew it, he knew it, the birds knew it, but that smirk on his face was making you had drunk on the idea.
“get on your knees,” you said, testing out his word. Ramsay dropped to his knees slowly, allowing his face to brush against your breasts before finally sinking to his knees, his hands resting on the backs of your knees.
“now what my lady?” He asked, kissing your knee over the fabric of your dress.
You paused for a moment; your breathing heavy as you considered your options. Ramsay’s hands slipped under your dress, slowly tracing up your calves to your lower thighs when you suddenly reached out, grabbing his hair by your hand. “I didn’t say touch me,” you said, stepping back from him slightly, “lay on the bed,”
“yes, my lady,” Ramsay said, standing as slowly as he had gone down this time his eyes glued to yours. Once he was finally stood, he lingered a moment his lips brushing yours before he turned away and stalked off to the bed. He fell into the middle of it, raising his torso up as he leaned on his elbows to look at you, “now what?”
“take off your breeches,” you said as you slowly approached the bed, leaning against the poster post to watch as he rid himself of fabric, “you listen better than I expected,” you said, a slight smirk on your lips.
“I can be good,” Ramsay said, laying back down after he tossed his last layer away leaving him bare in front of you, “when I want to,” he finished as he looked at you. You took a moment of silence to scan his frame. His stomach was toned, the ghost of abs pocking through. His arms even not flex you could tell were strong. Your eyes grazed down his body, landing on the sight of his cock. It was already hard, waiting for instruction, and red at the tip as if it was waiting for you.
You moved to sit on the edge of the bed, running your hand gently down his chest to his abs, down to his pelvis and finally trailing a finger up his manhood. You smiled when you saw him shudder at your touch. You took his cock in your hand, pumping it painfully slowly as you moved to kneel above his legs. Ramsay groaned when your hand fell away but his eyes lit up as he watched you slowly unlace your dress, discarding your own clothing one piece slowly at a time. He couldn’t rush you, not yet at least.
“anything I say?” You asked, leaning down till you could place a soft kiss to his chest.
Ramsay took the moment to appreciate the view of your ass before answering, “anything you say,”
You leant up, placing your hand on his chest as you moved up his body. For a moment Ramsay’s cock twitched, thinking in its excitement he would already receive your cunt, but he was not disappointed when you continued up his body till your already wet cunt was hovering his face. “You gonna be good for me?” You asked, reaching down to stroke his hair.
“yes, my lady,” Ramsay said, the warmth of his breath on your cunt making you shiver, “let me be good,” he said as his hands moved to gently hold your thighs, lowering you closer to his face.
Your hands took a hold of the headboard, lowering your body down the final inch till you felt Ramsay’s tongue gently lick up your folds. Ramsay held your thighs tightly, his fingers digging into flesh, as his tongue began to lap up your juices making you moan above him which only seemed to spear him on. You gasped when you felt his nose begin to nuzzle your clit.
You allowed yourself to be free as Ramsay’s tongue worked its wonders like a hungry dog. Your moans fell freely as you felt your body begin to tighten. Your hands reached up to play with your nipples over your shift, already being heard from the cold air. You could feel Ramsay’s smirk, his chuckle vibrating up your core as your body began to tense but you did not care as the pleasure bubbled and you began to ride his face, his nose perfectly rubbing your clit. You felt your legs turn to water as you rode out your orgasm on his tongue but did your best to remain steady as you dismounted him, moving back down to kneel over him just below his cock.
“someone looks happy,” Ramsay smirked as you caught your breath.
“shut up,” you snapped, taking his cock suddenly in your hand. Even Ramsay did not wish to test you when you held something so dear to him, “or you won’t like the outcome,” you said, slowly pumping his cock.
You shifted your body up, your cunt now above his cock. You slowly rubbed his tip up and down your folds making Ramsay groan, “be patient,” you are scolding with a smirk, “after all this was your idea,” you said, slowly sinking down onto his tip making Ramsay’s eyes screw shut in pleasure, “look at you,” you smirked down at him, “so desperate for me. Bet this is all you’ve been thinking of,” you said as you finally sunk all the way down, his cock now stretching you out to the fullest.
You placed your arms on his chest to steady yourself as you slowly began to grind your hips. Ramsay’s hips began to buck, desperate to speed the pace. You just tutted as your hand moved to hold his hip down, “nuh uh,” you scolded as you began to get lost in the pleasure as your own movements sped up but still not to his liking.
Ramsay growled and before you could stop him, he had grabbed your wrists, flipping you onto your back with your wrists pinned above your head with one hand, his cock still sheathed inside. Your eyes were wide as you stared up at him at a loss for words, “c’mon love,” Ramsay said as he slowly began to pull out, “you couldn’t possibly think you’re in charge,” he said before suddenly thrusting back in making you gasp, “how could you expect me to resist this,” he said, his deep slow thrusts continuing, knocking the wind out of you each time.
“such a pretty girl,” he said as he thrust in again, enjoying watching how your tits bounced, “shame you’ve got such a filthy mouth,” Ramsay said as he grabbed your jaw, sticking his thumb in your mouth to keep it open, “I think I need to teach you a lesson you see,” Ramsay said as his thrusts began to increase, the headboard slamming against the wall with each thrust, “that im the one in charge. Who’s in charge?” He asked, his lips moving to suck harsh hickeys onto your neck, moving his thumb to allow you to speak.
“you are,” you said but it came out as more of a moan. You hated him, you knew you did, you knew this was wrong, but gods how can something so wrong feel so good? “you are my lord,” you said as you wrapped your legs around his hips, allowing him to go deeper and making Ramsay groan and curse under his breath.
Ramsay let go of your jaw but only to hold your throat, squeezing the sides gently at first as you began to go lightheaded from a mixture of pleasure and pain as he left bites along your collarbone. This new position also allowed his pelvis to rub against your clit which only made your cunt tighten around his cock even more. “this is what happens when you talk back,” Ramsay grunted, his hand moving from your throat to squeeze at your breasts, pinching your nipples harshly.
“then I shall talk back more often,” you said but it was mixed with gasps and moans. You moaned even louder when your words seemed to speed up Ramsay’s pace. You couldn’t stop yourself from enjoying it even less so when you felt your body tightening, another wave of pleasure rushing over you, but Ramsay was not done yet.
You felt your body twitching, your legs staring to slip from his waist as you came down from your high, “not yet,” Ramsay grunted, shoving your legs back around his waist, “im not done with you yet,” he groaned, his head falling into the crook of your neck while his hand slipped between your body to rub sloppy circles on your sensitive clit.
You could feel Ramsay’s cock twitching inside you, but he was determined for one more show out of you and it was not hard for him to get it as he bit down on your skin one last time. Your moan was louder than all the rest as you came for the third time and finally Ramsay could no longer control himself as he grabbed the headboard to steady himself before fucking you full of his seed.
Ramsay was panting as he fell in bed beside you, both of you staring at the ceiling in silence as you caught your breath. You did not know where to go from here, but you knew one thing; you were defiantly a morning person now.
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @nyotamalfoy
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jackoshadows · 1 year
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Earlier I had mentioned how ‘Arya’s’ marriage to Ramsay Bolton is the thread that connects all the plots in the North in ADwD and I could not help notice how it’s mentioned or is the driving force for what is happening in four different locations or about 70% of the North plot.
Reek I (Theon I) - We are first introduced to this wedding in the North in this chapter when Ramsay tells Reek that he is to be wed to Arya Stark and needs Reek to stick around in better conditions.
Davos III: Davos is brought before the Manderlys with the Freys and Lannister/Bolton spies in attendance. Lady Wylla Manderly sticks up for Lady Arya Stark by telling everyone what an absolutely rotten fellow Ramsay Bolton is.
Reek II (Theon II): Reek meets ‘Arya’ and understands what is happening. This is Jeyne Poole, not Arya Stark.
The Wayward Bride (Asha I): The Boltons send off the wedding invites. Over at Deepwood Motte, Asha Greyjoy gets one written in the blood of dead Ironborn. This is also where she learns that her brother Theon is alive.
Jon VI: An interesting parallel with Asha and Theon here when Jon also gets a wedding invite at the Wall and learns that his little sister Arya Stark is alive and to be married to Ramsay Bolton. A lot of soul searching and angst happens before he decides he can’t help.
Davos IV: Manderly reveals all and the North Remembers. Manderly and Robett Glover proclaim Ramsay evil by birth and blood and tell Davos they need Ned’s son, Rickon, to prevent the Boltons from claiming Winterfell through Ned’s daughter Arya. They promise to support Stannis if Davos gets them Rickon Stark and Shaggydog.
Melisandre I: The red priestess convinces the Lord Commander to send Mance and the spearwives to rescue Arya based on her visions of Arya fleeing her marriage and heading to the Wall.
Reek III (Theon III): The Boltons get news that Stannis has left the Wall, won Deepwood and is marching on them. They strategize and decide to wait at Winterfell because Roose is confident that the Northmen with Stannis will reach Winterfell come what may to save Arya Stark.
Jon VII: Jon prays for Arya and gets a letter from Stannis with a recap of all that’s happened, promising to do his best to save Arya and find a better match for her (Presumably after killing Ramsay). Jon makes plans to send Arya to Braavos
The Prince of Winterfell (Theon IV): The Wedding of ‘Arya Stark’, given in marriage by Theon Greyjoy to Ramsay Bolton. There’s a feast, lots of interesting dynamics and political games played between various houses. Roose is vary of Manderly and Abel the Bard is there with his ‘Die Hard’ mission to get a Stark maiden secretly out of Winterfell.
Jon VIII: Jon and Val discuss Mel’s visions in her fires. Jon hopes that her visions of Arya are true and that Arya gets to the Wall safely.
The Turncloak (Theon V): Lady Barbrey and Theon Turncloak discuss the intricacies of the alliances between the different houses and the impact of Lady Arya’s tears in galvanizing the North to unite against the Boltons.
The King’s Prize (Asha II): Asha is introduced to the bad-ass mountain clans marching with Stannis Baratheon, who make it clear that they are going to save Lady Arya Stark come what may, no matter that Winter has clearly come to the North. The Boltons were right about them.
Jon IX: Jon’s hopes are dashed when Mel’s visions of a girl in grey fleeing a marriage on a dying horse turns out to be Alys Karstark and not Arya Stark.
A Ghost in Winterfell (Theon VI): Stannis reaches Winterfell! Theon ponders on the uncertain loyalties of the lords who are only there at Winterfell because of Arya Stark. Mance’s Spearwives approach Theon.
Jon X: Jon compares Alys’ bravery to Arya and gives her in marriage to Sigorn, Magnar of Thenns, in a wedding that is clearly meant to contrast the darkness of ‘Arya’s marriage to Ramsay in Winterfell.  Melisandre warns Jon of ‘daggers in the dark’, a warning that Jon refutes because she was wrong about Alys being Arya.
Theon VII: The escape. The Spearwives approach Jeyne and tell her that they are taking her to her half-brother at the Wall, Lord Crow. Even as the Spearwives are trapped and possibly caught, Jeyne Poole and Theon Greyjoy jump the walls to freedom.
Jon XI: Jon walks the Wall, worried and concerned for Arya. He misses her and hopes that Mance succeeds in his mission and gets her home to him.
The Sacrifice (Asha III): While the king’s men and queen’s men complain about the march to Winterfell, the loss of life and lack of food and doubt if they can make it, the Northern army and mountain clans are adamant about taking Winterfell and saving Arya. Asha is then finally united with Theon (and Jeyne).
Jon XIII: The Pink Letter. Ramsay demands his bride back, along with Reek and Stannis’ family. Jon decides to go attack the Warden of the North with an army of Wildlings. This leads to mutiny, assassination and his death.
And this is why GRRM considered Jeyne Poole essential to the story he was telling in the books. Without it, everything changes and story is now different on the TV show compared to the books or two different canons as GRRM puts it.
It’s incredible how Arya Stark is not even in Westeros and yet the entire plot in the North location in ADwD pivots around her marriage to Ramsay Bolton, in terms of House Stark politics in the North.
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cdragons · 1 year
Masterlist/Welcome Post
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Hello To All! I am very slow updater, but I write for or am willing/open to write for characters for characters of fandoms listed below.
If you have a request, please keep in mind that I am a very slow writer and may not want to accept it or want to write it out. I will have a list of topics/characters I will not write for at a later date. I also will be prioritizing my current works before any requests or asks.
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Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon Universe
Like a Wave She Broke, But Like the Sea She Persevered
Stannis x Yi Ti! Second Wife w/ eventual Robb Stark x OC (maybe)
House Stark & Spicy Food
Imagine Being Luwin's Apprentice & Childhood Friends with Robb, Jon, and Theon
More Robb, Jon, and Theon with Luwin's Apprentice Headcanons
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MCU Eternals
Our Love is Eternal
Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader
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Bound by Embroidered Chains - Aemond x Seamstress!OC x Jacaerys Fic
Warmth & Stories - Aemond Targaryen x Wildling!Reader
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The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Feathers & Threads Soaked In Red
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Saltburn 2023
Fuck Everything, But Mostly Fuck You
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firebloodicee · 5 months
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Starter Calls ; Memes ; Promo ; Wish List ; Head canons ;
Rules, Muses & Mains below ;
Rules ;
Please DO NOT rush me with replies. i am kind of slow with replies from time to time. i try to get better with that buttttt. xD
2. Note that this is not my only blog so i may not be on here everyday.
3. i will NOT be writing with anyone who isn't of age. so please if you are under age DNI please & thank you.
4. this blog WILL have NSFW themes on here & yes i do write NSFW threads.
5. i am a shipping whore, 9/10 i'm gonna like the same ship as you.
6. ALL muses will be written as Bi.
7. my messages is always open so if y'all have any questions please send me a message. <3
House of the Dragon Muses ;
Alysanne Targaryen FC ; Scarlett Johansson
Rhaenyra Targaryen FC ; Emma D'Arcy { Show-based }
Daemon Targaryen FC ; Matt Smith { Show-based }
Aemond Targaryen FC ; Ewan Mitchell {Mostly book based }
Alicent Hightower FC ; Olivia Cooke { Show -based }
Helaena Targaryen FC ; Phia Saban { Show mixed with book-based }
Aegon Targaryen FC ; Tom Glynn-Carney { Show -based }
Jacaerys Velaryon FC ; Harry Collett { Headcanon-based & some pulls from the show }
Saera Targaryen FC ; Jodie Comer { Headcanon & book based }
Game of Thrones Muses ;
Sansa Stark FC ; Sophie Turner { Show, book & headcanon mix }
Cersei Lannister FC ; Lena Headey { Show & book mix }
Tyrion Lannister FC ; Peter Dinklage { Show-based }
Jamie Lannister FC ; Nikolaj Coster { Show-based }
Daenerys Targaryen FC ; Emilia Clarke { Show up till season 5 then headcanon }
Sandor { The Hound } FC ; Roy McCann { Show-based }
Joffrey Baratheon FC ; Jack Gleeson { Show-based }
Margaery Tyrell FC ; Natalie Dormer { Show-based }
Oberyn Martell FC ; Pedro Pascal { Show-based }
Lyanna Stark FC ; Katie McGrath { Book-based mixed with headcanon }
Joanna Lannister FC ; Lucy Lawless { headcanon }
Jon Snow FC ; Kit Harington { Show-based up till season 5 then headcanon }
Theon Greyjoy FC ; Alfie Allen { Show & headcanon mix }
Viserys Targaryen iii FC ; Harry Lloyd { Show-based }
Ramsay Bolton FC ; Iwan Rheon { Show-based }
Testing Muses ;
Petyr Baelish FC ; Aidan Gillen
Catelyn Stark FC ; Michelle Fairley
Myrcella Baratheon FC ; Nell Tiger Free
Dragons ; Drogon, Syrax, Caraxes, Seasmoke, Vhagar, Dreamfyre, Sunfyre & Silverwing
Direwolfs ; Lady, Ghost & Nymeria 
Ser Criston Cole FC ; Fabien Frankel
OC Muses ;
Valkyrie Targaryen { Daenerys & Jon's daughter } FC ; Katheryn Winnick
Eddard Targaryen { Ned } { Sansa & Jon's son } FC ; Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Alyssa Targaryen { Sansa & Jon's daughter } { twin to Eddard Targaryen } FC ; Tamzin Merchant
Daemon Targaryen ;
Kyra Targaryen ; @amarvelousmencgerie
Cersei Lannister ;
Jaime Lannister ; @notdrifting
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roleplayfinder · 7 months
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST. I write on Discord but like to plot on Tumblr. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. I work full-time during the week so replies won't happen every day. I try to get them up as soon as possible and don't really expect more than 1 reply a week out of my writing partner because sometimes that's all I can do myself. Because of my limited amount of free time, I don't double.
Please read everything and be 21+ to interact!!!
What I'm Looking For: Threads for my five-ish biggest fandoms right now. I prefer canon x canon but will take on some canon x OC (I'm just picky with those so don't be offended if I turn your OC down). I'm open to MxM (my big preference for my male muses), MxF, or FxF. I like canon and canon divergent plots the most. As long as a plot could reasonably happen within the universe, I'll likely be okay with it. I'm open to writing NSFW/smut and do prefer romantic ships, but I'm also okay with keeping things clean.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom and some of my favorite ships (with my preferred muse in italics, if I have a preference). I'm more than open to discussing other ships, however. There's only a small chance I'll turn one down.
All characters will be 18+!
Doctor Who: Delgado!Master, Dhawan!Master, Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Second Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
Delgado!Master x Three
Dhawan!Master x Any Doctor
Eleven x Jack
Eleven x Clara
Five x Turlough
Fourteen x Jack
Two x Jamie
Ten x Jack
Ten x Simm!Master
Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter: Albus Dumbledore (FB era), Barty Crouch Jr (Golden Trio era)., Cedric Diggory (Golden Trio era or AU where he survives), Cormac McLaggen (Golden Trio era or post-Hogwarts), Gilderoy Lockart (any era), Severus Snape (any era), Theseus Scamander (FB era)
Dumbledore x Grindelwald
Dumbledore x Newt
Dumbledore x Theseus
Barty x Lucius
Barty x Draco
Cedric x Harry
Cormac x Ron
Cormac x Hermione
Lockhart x Snape
Lockhart x Quirrell
Snape x Lucius
Snape x Harry
Snape x Lupin
Theseus x Newt
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon: Alliser Thorne, Benjen Stark, Beric Dondarrion, Daemon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister, Yoren
Beric x Thoros
Daemon x Laenor
Daemon x Criston
Daemon x Viserys
Daemon x Laena
Daemon x Rhaenyra
Dany x Margaery
Dany x Jorah
Jaime x Sansa
Margaery x Sansa
Margaery x Roose
Margaery x Stannis
Margaery x Joffrey
Petyr x Renly
Petyr x Sansa
Robb x Roose
Robb x Jon
Robb x Theon
Roose x Stannis
Roose x Tywin
Roose x Sansa
Stannis x Davos
Marvel: Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Carol Danvers, Eddie Brock, Frank Castle, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Andrew!Peter Parker, Ray Nadeem, Remy LeBeau, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Dex x Ray
Dex x Billy
Dex x Matt
Dex x Karen
Billy x Frank
Billy x Karen
Bruce x Tony
Bucky x Zemo
Carol x Valkyrie
Eddie x Venom
Frank x Matt
Frank x Karen
Loki x Grandmaster
Loki x Thor
Loki x Mobius
Cable x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Tobey!Peter
Andrew!Peter x Matt
Andrew!Peter x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Male MJ
Andrew!Peter x Gwen
Gambit x Wolverine
Gambit x Rogue (canon female or genderbent male)
Tony x Strange
Tony x Tom!Peter
Tony x Steve
Wade x Wolverine
Wade x Dopinder
Wade x Comics!Peter
Wade x Matt
Wade x Colossus
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Charlie Hewitt Jr., Drayton Sawyer, Johnny Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer
Johnny x Leland
Johnny x Sonny
Johnny x Nubbins
Johnny x Julie
Nubbins x Bubba
Nubbins x Sissy
If you'd like to work something out, please like this post. It may take me a few days to get back to you because I'm both wary and weary of being shadowbanned for sending too many similar messages at once.
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kingsmoot · 3 months
@dolorous-eddd :
Not to be the biggest pedant ever but the ask specifies that only the younger son could conceivably be Theon's, and 16 is well within possibly! I think it's interesting to think about but obviously we'll never know. Anyway I love this, love and light of r'hllor ♡
if 19yo theon had a 4 year old son he would have been 15 when he got the miller's wife pregnant or just recently turned 16, you're right. what i didn't mention in my response is it is silly to think the miller's wife would keep a child that a teenage war hostage put in her. a teenage war hostage she sees every now and again just to catch dick. westerosi aborticides are plentiful. no mature older woman with an existing child and a mill to run would keep theon greyjoy's bastard.
also i did talk about why i think it's thematically more consistent for ramsay to be the kinslayer here, over theon
i do suppose that the same thread of alienation and of incest expressed as a failure to recognize your own (marina warner, managing monsters) that starts with theon trying to fuck asha could possibly be continued by him killing his unknown unnamed bastard child but like.... why. why would it be better writing to have theon kill his secret bastard that is never mentioned or alluded to in the text than it just being horrific for him to stoop so low as to murder two innocent children because he failed to kill his adoptive brothers? (disclaimer that i know theon's hostage situation was not an adoption and he was not integrated into the stark family)
i just don't agree that we'll never know. i think we do know that the miler's wife's children were not related to theon. for the same reason we know euron isn't daario and tyrion isn't a time traveling fetus.
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westerosoliviapope · 9 months
Theon Greyjoy - A Day in the Life
I loved this Theon segment so much, I want to give it room to breathe outside the other shenanigans in my latest update.
From Warrior in a Suit (Scandal Westeros - Finale) on A03
"That's the one."
Gods, Theon thinks. Don't let it be the expensive one. He flips the view on his phone so Sansa can inspect the selection of rings on the tray.
"Far right. 1.5 carat, round cut, white gold," she says. "It looks just like the one on her Pinterest board."
Of course.
He nods to Sabitha, the smiling saleswoman behind the counter. A mere six months ago, those tits peeking through her scandalously-buttoned white shirt would have compelled him to give her something more fleeting than the healthy commission she's about to collect.
He's in love, not blind—but neither Sabitha's turnips nor the significant dent in his credit card can cool the warmth in his chest imagining Jeyne's face when she sees this ring.
Theon Greyjoy. Betrothed. He's tempted to pinch himself.
You learn a thing or two watching your best mate spin out from a broken heart. Namely, you don't want to be the bloke who lets the girl—the One—get away.
Day two of their trip to wine country, having dinner on a balcony at Redwyne Family Vineyards as the sun set over rows of red grapes as far as the eye could see, when the light caught whatever Jeyne put on her face that evening to make her cheeks shimmer and all of a sudden he couldn't breathe, Theon knew.
He was done for. Over. So long to the Sabithas of the world.
Maestro, you can cue the wedding march…
The Riverlands' rains don't bother him —a walk in the park compared to the icy storms he grew up with. As far as he's concerned, it's 70 degrees and sunny as he whips his Tesla through the Capitol nodding to the sounds of Jaero Hovys. He became a fan while stationed in Tyrosh, sharing a base with Braavosi soldiers who couldn't get enough of Jae's layered, braggadocious rhymes. When you spent your days trying not to get your cock blown off by landmines, you took confidence where you could get it. For Theon, that meant chanting lines like "I will not lose" and "allow me to re-introduce myself" while waiting in the fields, rifle at the ready.
He generally prefers the earlier stuff to the recent releases with his wife, Bellegere Otherys. Since taking Jeyne to see the pair in concert, however, he appreciates the newer tracks. He doesn't even skip when "Boss" thumps out of his custom speakers.
"Everybody's bosses/ till it's time to pay for the office—"
Fucking hell. How does the phone always know to ring right before the best part of the song? His frustration is quickly replaced with a shit-eating grin when he sees the name flashing across his dashboard.
"Ms. Poole," he answers. He swears he can feel the ring burning a hole in his pocket, even though it's locked in his safe at home. She has no idea… he thinks. Or does she? Bloody hell, if Sansa spoiled the surprise—
"Are you seeing this thing with Arya and your uncle?"
He tries—actively—not to see anything about anyone in his family, except maybe Asha. But keeping the Greyjoy name out of his feeds is difficult of late. What with Euron emerging from bumfuck Asshai and casting himself as Westeros' new main character. Running around with Cersei Lannister. Going viral for shitposting celebrities and the government. Now, apparently he's arguing with Arya on Twitter.
Once he's at his desk, Theon goes through the tweets. All 319 of them. Arya listed the 318 victims of the 2002 Bear Island Attack, a name per tweet, and ended the thread with:
"The media wants you to forget, so they can use the theatrics of a suspected terrorist to boost their ratings. Please think of your Northern neighbors before you platform/share/boost Euron Greyjoy. Time changes many things—it doesn't bring back the loved ones we lost at Bear Island. #TheNorthRemembers."
In reply, Euron posted a photo from Robb's campaign with Theon featured prominently among the Stark siblings.
"Seems you aren't triggered by all Greyjoys. Just the ones who don't kiss your 'honorable' arses. Westerosi elites use every trick in the book to censor me because I tell the truth. Don't let the sob stories fool you.
How long before his phone starts buzzing with requests for comment? Theon gives it two, three hours tops.
When he left Pyke to join the armed services at 18, he thought his days of explaining his family ties were over. He enlisted as Theon Harlaw with no plans to return to the western shores of the Narrow Sea. Once the Three Daughters' conflict settled, he'd find a local Tyroshi girl—a buxom waitress, bartender, or the like—and have a stable full of blue-haired sons who'd never hear their family name associated with words like "extremist," or "cult."
He was in Tyrosh a year when a new crop of cadets came over from the Military Academy at Storm's End, and the name "STARK" appeared over one of the bunks in his unit.
When the Bear Island Courthouse fell, he and Asha were already emancipated, having won their freedom with the assistance of their Uncle Rodrik. The national media knew of Balon Greyjoy, the Iron Islands governor who didn't publicly support the Church of the Drowned God, but—conveniently—never brought the full force of the law down on its extremist sect. They knew the masterminds behind the attack, and applied the term to Aeron and Victarion without irony. And they knew of the enigmatic Greyjoy brother whose "business" took him to Qarth—known drug and money laundering capital of the world—a month before the attack.
They knew little of the wife who divorced Balon ten years prior on grounds of spousal abuse. Or the pair of teenage orphans left to fend for themselves when she died.
His mother's surname let him and Robb coexist peacefully when he first arrived. As the legend of the Young Wolf spread, Theon stayed cordial, but distant. They worked together when duty called. Otherwise, Theon spent his leisure time with the Braavosi unit. With their music, brashness, and penchant for good liquor, they were more his speed than the boy scouts from the Military Academy.
Leave it to Balon to blow it to shit.
News of his father's stroke came via letter. Addressed to "Theon Greyjoy." Like it was bloody designed for shouting in the unit for everyone to hear.
Theon learned three things that day.
One: He wouldn't receive a penny of his trust fund without the Greyjoy name.
Two: Robb has literal bricks for hands.
Three: A fist fight can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Moments like tonight—watching his name turn into a trending topic because he didn't just have "a" crazy uncle, but came from a family of hucksters who amassed power by deluding an impoverished region with the fantasy of subjugating women, never paying taxes, and attacking merchant ships in the Sunset Sea like a band of old time pirates—makes him wonder if being a Greyjoy is worth the money.
Hovys said it best. Take the good with the bad or throw the baby out with that bath water. Theon Harlaw couldn't drop $21k on an engagement ring.
Fuck waiting out the storm. He may as well steer into it. Smother this baby in the crib before it hits Robb's radar and turns into a real shit show. It's the last thing they need after that Westerling business.
And yes. Perhaps, somewhere in the back of his mind, Theon liked the idea of eye candy in the office when that bloke from the Lorathi embassy gave him her resume. How was he supposed to know Robb would lose his godsdamned head?
Before Jeyne—his Jeyne—not Slutty Fanfic Jeyne…
Well. Okay. Theon would've done the same. Or at least tried. But he didn't unzip Robb's pants and stick his cock in the girl. So, not his fault.
"WNTH. How may I help you?"
"Theon Greyjoy for Wylla Manderly."
Hound that she is, Wylla barely lets the phone ring. Gods save anyone standing between her and an exclusive. "Your uncle has half the republic calling you 'Theon Sheepboy.' Care to comment?"
Sheepboy? Oh. Wolves. Sheep. "Charming," Theon retorts, tapping his pen on his desk.
Time to earn his keep as comms director.
"I'd like to say, on the record, that I have been honored by the gracious warmth and welcome I've found within the Stark family, and stand ardently with them in support of the families and victims of the Bear Island Attack. Euron Greyjoy is a photo on a mantle in a house I barely remember. And I'd like to keep it that way."
"Got it."
"One more thing, Wylla…"
"The headline is me and my uncle. The family's been through enough without Euron goading them into a brawl." Better Euron's army of bots calling him "sheepboy" than whatever vile shit they'll say to Arya.
"Careful, Greyjoy. People might start thinking you're galant."
"Me?" Theon smiles. "Never."
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theyoungwclf · 4 months
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#THEYOUNGWCLF / an independent & selective portrayal of robb stark from a song of ice and fire and hbo's game of thrones with a mixture of both book and show canon.
exploring themes of repressed sexuality, repressed personal desires, the burden and weight of titles and crowns, surviving trauma, ptsd and loss of one's worth.
Written by DJ ( they/them ) / 25+ / formerly wclfcrown / northernxking. est. in 2015
HEAVILY AFFILIATED WITH: @winterreigned, @scndor / @prodigum, @stovmborn EXCLUSIVE with @winterreigned's Sansa
rules under the cut until i can update my old google doc. blogroll: @heroesvow ( video game multi ), @heroesoath ( comic multi ), @biosurvive ( chris redfield ) @kinglywarden ( alistair theirin )
First and foremost, the mun is named DJ, I use they/them pronouns and I’m 28 years old. I have been roleplaying on this website for over a decade now and I have seen pretty much every drama known to man on here. I will NOT be getting involved in whatever drama is unfolding in the RPC these days. I’m here to write my muse and enjoy myself. Because of this you will never see me reblog a call out. I don’t want to see them, though I will block if the person in question is truly dreadful / a predator, but I will not involve myself. In turn, I will also unfollow if you continuously spread call outs, I personally am not here to get involved in petty drama.
I have written Robb on and off for nearly a decade now, and while my old blogs are gone, I have put a lot of work into this muse. My portrayal of him is important to me and it may be canon divergent at times. I lean heavily into Robb being a closeted bisexual and his crush and affection for Theon and the hurt he feels after the betrayal are core parts to my Robb. If you're against that ship then this blog is simply not for you.
When it comes to formatting I have grown past the need for fancy formatting, small text with a few bold and italic words here and there and maybe an icon, but that's it. You can format all you want, but I won't go all out and make anything crazily fancy.
As I am very much over the age of eighteen, I will not be following blogs that are written by anyone below the age of 20. It’s just a personal preference and I apologize in advance for it. That being said, this blog will be NS//FW at times. ASOIAF is not child-friendly, especially plots Robb is involved in and neither will my blog be, mentions of gore, violence and sexual themes will be present here. As far as writing smut, I will write it, though please plot with me beforehand. Memes are another story, but actual descriptive sexual threads will need some talking about beforehand.
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the best at plotting. I have ideas here and there, but I’m actually way more better at continuing prompts or winging it. Please keep this in mind when you ask to plot.
I am open to shipping, I like writing romance, and I have a soft spot for for plenty of ships for Robb, please do not force a ship though, I can't stress it enough that there needs to be chemistry in our writing.
My discord is open for plotting and chatting but I will not write on there.
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steelfyre · 1 month
open starter ›› ft. theon stark status: accepting 4 / 5 replies.
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a  rare  smile on  his  lips, theon picked up his daughter so she could reach the apple hanging in the tree. he waited until the fruit was picked before he spun her around in a circle, making lyanna giggle, before placing her back down. a mistake he realized a second too late; his daughter took off through the orchid. catching up with her wasn't difficult but not before his daughter had crossed paths, or possibly run into, another noble.  ❝ lyanna, you know that you can't go running off. ❞   he picked her up again before looking at the noble.  ❝ my apologies, my liege. ❞
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royalreiqn · 2 years
closed starter    /    theon stark. where:   the training grounds. who:   @stvvlblcde, @scigne, @drwnedsun, @exfabularum, @disfunctie + open to 1 - 2 more replies
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        knowing  that  he  couldn't  leave  the  city even if he wanted to made the walls feel closer. for the past years, he'd grown accustomed to the openness of the north; here, however, walls surrounded him in all directions. he couldn't help but wander if joss had felt similarly before the call for his arrest was made - had he felt the doom drawing nearer? or had been caught unaware, blinded by his faith that the one he loved would never let harm befall him as she should have? but the velaryons put their crown first, even above those they called family. theon slashed at the training dummy with greater force. at least they hadn't be stripped of their weapons. he surely would've gone mad without being able to train. another slash was followed by another. his chest heaved with each breath as he stepped back for a moment, and only then did he realize someone was watching.       ❝  were you looking to train too? or do you need something?  ❞        he asked, turning toward them.
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theology101 · 1 year
My Works Master File
Howdy! I do a lot of stuff across a lot of different platforms, so I figured that I should maybe collect some of them. I'm only including active or completed works in this - I do not have the best history of follow up lmao
She-Wolf of the Rock: My first ever fic and... you can tell. It's also my most kudos story... we make do. It's dogshit and a fetish story before I understood that it was. But I'm still proud of it
Tentacle Porn, but the Tentacle is a Metaphor: Female Theon Greyjoy gets silly drunk and seduces Jon Snow
A Quiet Conversation: The recently married younger son of the King Rhaegar Targaryen, first of his name, has come back from war. And not only that, he's gotten married and has a baby! Modern AU where Jon decides he and Joffrey need to have a chat
The Daughters of Tytos Lannister: Tytos' children are genderswapped. Tya is Tywin, Tyene is Tygett, Kyrene is Kevan, Gerion is Abigael and Genna is Gerold. Female Tywin is just as brutal - but in a different sort of way
Who would win in a fight, Robert Baratheon or the Mountain? My first major Quora answer and also a respect Robert Baratheon thread. Plus, I figured people might want some more info on medieval weapons
Will George R.R. Martin's Winds of Winter be different than the television series? Will he change the outcome or events or keep things the same? This is for those who are familiar with the show but don't know that much about the books. This thread is my explanation of a few differences.
Cannibal, the Cradle Egg of Maegor the Cruel, is alive on Skagos and will bond with Jon Snow: A theory I think I actually came up with? I've always thought Cannibal on Skagos could be the 'Waking Dragon from Stone.' Idk, I first posted this on quora years ago but this reddit link is the most clear
Unnatural Histories: A book-accurate Spreadsheet of all Dragons in ASOIAF sorted by either age, size, or political affiliation.
Baldur's Gate:
A Plant on the Road to Baldur's Gate: Halsin and Jaheria find some weed. Lae'zel, who has never been high before, get's overconfident. Shadowheart metls. (3/3)
Saved (Against her wyll): Wyll/Minthara starting in act 2. He learns that she's brainwashed and feels morally obligated to save her - only to then find out she was always like that, just her allegiance changed. (2/3)
Mommy? Sorry: Tavomir of Fort Morninglord's mother comes to visit the camp. But... she didn't know Tav would be there. The rest of the camp reacts to his mother, specifically Wyll and Karlach
Star Wars:
Two There Must Be: Anakin/Vader's spirit, immediately after Endor, is teleported back over fifty years to be reborn as his own older sibling. Or should I say, her own because she's in a female body. Started as silly goofy, but now I'm really into the politics of the Prequel era
Title of Jen'ari: AU of 2tmb, set a thousand years before Yavin on the planet Dromuund Kaas. Has minor spoilers for 2tmb (read until chapter 13) but is largely independent of anything. Anakin and Ava are siblings and they're Sith attending an Election on Dromuund Kaas
Fan Map of Dathomir: Legends and Canon have two wildly different depections of Dathomir. My solution? It's just different continents lmao. I consider the Nightsisters to actually just be a collection of other clans under the authority of one Overclan and it's Matron - that being Talzin. The Language is butchered Slavic but such is life.
Nieces and Nephews: Sabrina Spellman is prepared to face down the Dark Lord... only for a sarcastic, British asshole to walk into Dorian's. He flashes his detective badge, and claims to be Lucifer Morningstar, who came from LA to deal with an impostor. And oops, Sabrina is his daughter!
Conductive Materials: Female Toni Stark and Thor bond over the fact that position's of power can often limit their personal connections. And then they bond over not having a power dynamic over each other.
No One Escapes Cidhna Mine: My first attempt to chronicle my elder scrolls character. It was fine, I guess, I'm not too crazy about it and would definitely change a few things about it now. My Dragonborn (or the one I consider to be my 'main') is a Half Nord Half Reachman intent on reaching godhood through artifacts and political schemes.
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jackoshadows · 1 year
Saw the stuff from THAT side about the girl in grey on a dying horse unfortunately in the tags recently and not surprised they’re using the show to justify their twisted theories for a ship that never happened, how boring does a character have to be for them to steal a side characters small arc to justify their delusions
The show was trash even for Sansa and yet they want show Sansa's plots for the book version if it gives them Jonsa, never mind that this crackship did not happen on the show either.
Sometimes someone likes or reblogs old posts of mine when GOT was running and I take a look at those posts and go 'I wrote all this?'. What a sweet, summer child I was 😂.
Anyway, in one post I talk about how despite giving show Sansa book Arya's theme of 'The lone Wolf dies but the pack survives' they failed to implement what that actually means in show's Sansa's story.
And I think that's one reason why the North plot was so much superficial, one dimensional, badly written garbage. They replaced Jeyne with Sansa in order to give Sophie Turner something to do on the TV show. And then what? They never carried over any of the reasons for why that plot existed in the first place.
GRRM seems particularly bothered about that plot change and views it as where the divergence happens with book and show canon as I explain here. That's because Arya's marriage to Ramsay in the books is a thread that connects together several plots in the North, exploring themes of loyalty and love.
We got nothing of that in the show because according to Benioff and Weiss themes are not important to the story they are telling.
On Game of Thrones, characters are free to while away hours, even entire seasons, on the periphery. The story lines move forward and dig deeper as the episodes progress but rarely circle back and almost never pause for reflection. When I asked Benioff and Weiss if it was possible to infer any overall intentionality to the upcoming 10 episodes, they sneered. “Themes are for eighth-grade book reports,” Benioff told me.
Theon risking it all, braving the fear of capture and more torture, overcoming that fear and panic to save a nobody like Jeyne Poole - who no one cares for - is now helping Ned's s daughter Sansa who pushes at Theon to help her and who he ends up saving.
While Ramsay marries Sansa to hold the North (Same excuse as in the books for marrying 'Arya'), the show never follows through on the theme of 'The North Remembers'. Even after Sansa escapes from Winterfell, the rest of the North keep fully supporting the Boltons!! They even support Ramsay over Sansa and Jon in season 6!
So why in the world did Ramsay marry Sansa in the first place if he does not even need her to hold the North?!
Rickon is quickly dispatched off even though we get the most powerful Northern house supporting him in the books. There are no mountain clans supporting Ned's girl anymore, no plotting and the game of thrones being played by the Northern houses for the Starks.
And while it's clear Stannis will in some manner be responsible for what happens to Shireen given this was a plot that GRRM told D&D, I am confident the motives and how it happens in the books will be more complex and conflicting than him burning his little girl at the stake to win some battle 🙄
Jon breaking his oaths to go save Arya is no longer a thing, removing that very important conflict (Which makes him a flawed character) from his arc - instead we get Olly killing him for the watch because he let the Freefolk in 🙄.
The less said about Jon's resurrection the better. He got about 30 minutes to be sad and then become mopey Jon Snow so that D&D could hand over his book plot - of rallying the Freefolk to attack the Boltons - to show Sansa. And that was it, he was back to the usual boring and 'noble' Jon Snow after a couple of episodes.
And why the hell did Melisandre randomly decide to resurrect him considering he had no role to play in the defeat of the White Walkers, spending his time running around screaming at a dragon? It would have been better for the show version of the character to stay dead as D&D couldn't be bothered to write for him.
Ghost and Nymeria? The direwolves are non-existent. Who care that these beasts are part of these characters, their soul, their other halves. Bran was not even given one line of dialogue to mourn the loss of Summer. The show only has the space/time and budget for one magical creature and dragons it is.
The Northern houses randomly make Jon Snow KITN when Ned Stark's legitimate daughter is sitting right there! Why? Could it be because she got many of them needlessly killed in the battle of the bastards by not telling them of the Vale army? Nah, that's no big deal and Jon shrugs it off with a kiss to the forehead!
The Vale army? It's Littlefinger who rallies them to support Sansa and all she does is write him a letter accepting his help and then lie to Jon Snow about it. She makes idiotic arguments about how the Karstarks would help and it's Davos who explains that Robb's actions with Rickard makes them enemies. And it's Davos who gets them the lone support of Lyanna Mormont while Sansa criticizes him. So Sansa is not even written as smart on the show!! The Vale lords and army then continues to hang around in the North for some reason.
D&D just wanted the shocking moments from the books without the deep characterization, nuance and complexity. They just wanted to replace Jeyne with Sansa and shock and disgust their audiences with what happens to Sansa without any of the actual plot that goes along with what happens to Jeyne in the books.
This is why Jonsa fans - and even a lot of times just Sansa fans - trying to co-opt this plot for the book character (because they want Jonsa and QITN for book Sansa) leads to all these ridiculous theories of the 'Girl in Grey' being Sansa riding all the way from the vale to the Wall on a horse in the thick of winter... It was ridiculous on the show and it's ridiculous when they try to rewrite the books to mirror the show fanfiction.
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rp-partnerfinder · 6 months
Please be 21+ and communicative to interact!!!
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST. I like to plot on Tumblr and write on Discord. I write in third person, past tense and ~2-4 paragraphs (about 200-400 words or more). I work full-time during the week so replies won't happen every day. I aim for at least 2 replies a week, but it all depends on how work is going. I don't expect anything more than 1 reply a week from my writing partner. I don't double because I don't have the time to put equal effort into two threads with one person. I want both of us to be happy with the one idea we come up with.
What I'm Looking For: Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire and House of the Dragon threads. MxM is my strong preference, but I'm open to doing FxF or MxF. I prefer my writing partners to be open to discussing MxM. I'm mainly interested in canon x canon pairings. I'm willing to do some canon x OC, but I'm picky with OCs so don't be offended if I turn you down. I like canon or canon divergent plots. As long as something makes sense within the universe, I'll generally be okay with it. Romantic ships and NSFW/smut are preferred but with a healthy dose of plot.
I'll be listing my main muses (I might be willing to try some other characters out) and some of my favorite ships. I'm open to discussing other ships as well.
All characters will be 18+.
My Muses:
Alicent Hightower (pre-10 year time jump only)
Alliser Thorne
Benjen Stark
Beric Dondarrion
Daemon Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
Gerion Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Lyn Corbray
Margaery Tyrell
Otto Hightower
Petyr Baelish
Robb Stark
Roose Bolton
Stannis Baratheon
Tywin Lannister
My Favorite Ships (bold = my preferred muse ; italics = slightly preferred muse ; nothing = no preference):
Alicent x Rhaenyra
Alicent x Daemon
Alliser x OC Member of the Night's Watch
Benjen x Yoren
Beric x Thoros
Daemon x Criston
Daemon x Laenor
Daemon x Rhaenyra
Daemon x Laena
Dany x Margaery
Dany x Jorah
Dany x Jaime
Gerion x Male OC
Jaime x Bronn
Jaime x Sansa
Lyn x Male OC
Margaery x Sansa
Margaery x Stannis
Margaery x Joffrey
Otto x Viserys
Petyr x Renly
Petyr x Sansa
Robb x Roose
Robb x Theon
Roose x Stannis
Roose x Tywin
Roose x Sansa
Stannis x Davos
Please message me (highly preferred) or like this post if you'd like to work something out.
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findyourrp · 7 months
About Me: 21+. She/Her. EST. I write on Discord but like to plot on Tumblr. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. I work full-time during the week so replies won't happen every day. I try to get them up as soon as possible and don't really expect more than 1 reply a week out of my writing partner because sometimes that's all I can do myself. Because of my limited amount of free time, I don't double. 👑
Please read everything and be 21+ to interact!!!
What I'm Looking For: Threads for my five-ish biggest fandoms right now. I prefer canon x canon but will take on some canon x OC (I'm just picky with those so don't be offended if I turn your OC down). I'm open to MxM (my big preference for my male muses), MxF, or FxF. I like canon and canon divergent plots the most. As long as a plot could reasonably happen within the universe, I'll likely be okay with it. I'm open to writing NSFW/smut and do prefer romantic ships, but I'm also okay with keeping things clean.
I'll be listing my main muses for each fandom and some of my favorite ships (with my preferred muse in italics, if I have a preference). I'm more than open to discussing other ships, however. There's only a small chance I'll turn one down.
All characters will be 18+!
Doctor Who: Delgado!Master, Dhawan!Master, Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Second Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor
Delgado!Master x Three
Dhawan!Master x Any Doctor
Eleven x Jack
Eleven x Clara
Five x Turlough
Fourteen x Jack
Two x Jamie
Ten x Jack
Ten x Simm!Master
Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter: Albus Dumbledore (FB era), Barty Crouch Jr (Golden Trio era)., Cedric Diggory (Golden Trio era or AU where he survives), Cormac McLaggen (Golden Trio era or post-Hogwarts), Gilderoy Lockart (any era), Severus Snape (any era), Theseus Scamander (FB era)
Dumbledore x Grindelwald
Dumbledore x Newt
Dumbledore x Theseus
Barty x Lucius
Barty x Draco
Cedric x Harry
Cormac x Ron
Cormac x Hermione
Lockhart x Snape
Lockhart x Quirrell
Snape x Lucius
Snape x Harry
Snape x Lupin
Theseus x Newt
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon: Alliser Thorne, Benjen Stark, Beric Dondarrion, Daemon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister, Yoren
Beric x Thoros
Daemon x Laenor
Daemon x Criston
Daemon x Viserys
Daemon x Laena
Daemon x Rhaenyra
Dany x Margaery
Dany x Jorah
Jaime x Sansa
Margaery x Sansa
Margaery x Roose
Margaery x Stannis
Margaery x Joffrey
Petyr x Renly
Petyr x Sansa
Robb x Roose
Robb x Jon
Robb x Theon
Roose x Stannis
Roose x Tywin
Roose x Sansa
Stannis x Davos
Marvel: Benjamin Poindexter, Billy Russo, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Carol Danvers, Eddie Brock, Frank Castle, Loki Laufeyson, Nathan Summers, Andrew!Peter Parker, Ray Nadeem, Remy LeBeau, Tony Stark, Wade Wilson
Dex x Ray
Dex x Billy
Dex x Matt
Dex x Karen
Billy x Frank
Billy x Karen
Bruce x Tony
Bucky x Zemo
Carol x Valkyrie
Eddie x Venom
Frank x Matt
Frank x Karen
Loki x Grandmaster
Loki x Thor
Loki x Mobius
Cable x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Tobey!Peter
Andrew!Peter x Matt
Andrew!Peter x Wade
Andrew!Peter x Male MJ
Andrew!Peter x Gwen
Gambit x Wolverine
Gambit x Rogue (canon female or genderbent male)
Tony x Strange
Tony x Tom!Peter
Tony x Steve
Wade x Wolverine
Wade x Dopinder
Wade x Comics!Peter
Wade x Matt
Wade x Colossus
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Charlie Hewitt Jr., Drayton Sawyer, Johnny Sawyer, Nubbins Sawyer
Johnny x Leland
Johnny x Sonny
Johnny x Nubbins
Johnny x Julie
Nubbins x Bubba
Nubbins x Sissy
If you'd like to work something out, please like this post. It may take me a few days to get back to you because I'm both wary and weary of being shadowbanned for sending too many similar messages at once.
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