insooth · 1 month
open starter ft. adrienne arryn. accepting (0/4), @grandeurss @cursebrcken @divinemischiefhq @morewoe location — Highgarden, the grounds; the hour — soon after sunset.
The first days of the event, with their unending programme of activities, seemed to fly by the nobles without so much as a pause for breath, so effective were these distractions in consuming their time. Adrienne requested some wine from the attendant at the grounds and soon noticed another waiting nearby, appearing just as expectant as herself. It felt as though all they did was wait, these days. She offered a courtly smile—"I hear there's to be a play tonight," she remarked, wondering if this liege had any plans of attending. "What would be the more fitting entertainment, do you think? A tragedy, a comedy? Or perhaps a mystery play of sorts, arranged by the Septons?" Personally, she knew not what to hope for, and where she might otherwise find the prospect of a play delightful, the current climate of uncertainty only made her tense at such idleness. "I'm fairly certain they will steer clear of political satire, this once."
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regalxpoise · 1 month
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closed starter for @traegedys, @steelfyre, @sacrificeds
The noise of the festivities remained subdued behind the Hatchling of Castamere; who instead found interest among the various trees and bushes of berries. Aelora knelt carefully amongst the rows, plucking the best raspberries, gooseberries, and blackberries her violet gaze could find. Her dark green dress blending in with the thickets of leaves, while her Targaryen silver hair set her apart like a lone star in the night sky.
 As she filled the wicker basket one of the servants at the outdoor kitchens had provided her, she imagined the sweet and flaky taste of jam tarts so vividly it made her stomach grumble. She was guilty, as a child, of stealing more jam tarts than what was properly divided amongst whatever siblings happened to be in residence at the time. Aelora didn’t know what they were making in the kitchens with all this fresh fruit, but she was determined (if it happened to be jam tarts) to be more diplomatic in sharing dessert this time.
“Ouch-!” A sharp pinch from a blackberry bush made her recoil and she squinted at the droplet of blood that appeared, quickly wiping at the skirt of her dress and squeezing till her knuckles turned white, “Damn thorns…” Aelora murmured, wondering why only the blackberries were clever enough to armour themselves from hungry passersby.
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westeroslive · 21 days
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with  the  joust’s  hero  declared  victorious  and  the  queen  of  love  and  beauty  crowned  with  delight,  attention  turns  to  the  promised  great  ball.  a  missive  is  sent  round  to  the  nobility,  the  ruling  lady  requesting  that  all  dress  in  colors  as  vibrant  as  the  fields  of  flowers;  darker  colors  have  no  place  under  midnight’s  sunrise.
the  chosen  hour  upon  them,  ladies  and  lords  alike  adjust  their  hair  and  coats  one  final  time  before  the  grand,  oak  doors  are  opened.  eyes  widen,  gasps  echoing.  the  great  hall  has  transformed  into  a  living  forest  -  walls  are  hidden  behind  greenery  that  climbs  up  from  the  floor  and  travels  across  the  ceiling,  certain  strands  of  leaves  and  bunches  of  wisteria  hang  reach  down  from  the  ceiling,  flowery  vines  weave  around  every  pillar,  and  the  most  verdant  of  flora,  particularly  the  famous  golden  roses,  fill  the  room.  candles,  enclosed  in  paper  cages,  join  the  chandeliers  in  dimly  lighting  the  room,  a  mixture  of  stars  and  fireflies,  further  distancing  the  mind  from  where  it  truly  stands.  romance  and  mystery  are  in  the  air  as  the  nobility  navigate their  way  through  the  hanging  vines,  tulle,  and  ribbons  that  twirl  through  the  room  -  not  unlike  bees  buzzing  around  a  never  ceasing  hive.
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as  each  guest  enters  the  mystical  realm,  their  dance  card  is  tied  round  their  wrist  -  decreeing  the  list  of  dances  for  the  evening.  the  precious  metals  and  jewels,  sparkling  in  the  candlelight,  adorning  them  indicate  the  region  the  individual  hails  from:  emeralds  upon  the  wrists  of  the  reach,  rubies  declare  the  westerlands,  aquamarine  for  the  rivers,  those of the vale can be spotted adorning quartz, topaz  shines  like  dorne’s  sun,  pearls mark the wrists of those of the iron islands,  amber is gifted to the storm lords, opals  shine  like  snow  under  the  north’s  moon,  garnets  for  those  of  the  crownlands,  amethysts  grace  all  those  who  hail  from  across  the  narrow  sea,  and  finally,  diamonds  sparkle  as  they  hang  from  royalty’s  wrists.  however,  beauty  is  not  what  draws  nobles’  attention.
a  glance  at  the  cards  tied  neatly  ‘round  their  wrist  reveals  all  but  two  lines  empty.  vexation  can  be  seen  clear  upon  the  countenance  of  some  for  the  card  they’d  hoped  to  fill  with  objects  of  their  attention  is  already  filled  save  the  two  final  dances  of  the  evening.  if  only  they  would’ve  looked  closer,  they  might’ve  noticed  that  names  were  inscribed  not  by  royal  hand  but  in  penmanship  eerily  similar  to  certain  lady  mothers  amongst  the  nobility  but  realization  goes  ungrasped.  confused  whispers  pass  between  couples  both  wed  and  promised  for  not  even  their  cards  were  spared,  though  handwriting  upon  them  stands  more  generic.
silence  washes  over  all  as  the  ruling  lady  of  highgarden  stands  under  the  gazebo,  more  ribbons  and  flowers  adorning  every  inch  of  the  structure,  at  the  center  of  the  dance  floor.  she  welcomes  all  to  the  grand  ball  that  will  most  regrettably  mark  the  end  of  the  name  day  celebrations  that  she  will  remember  most  fondly  due  to  all  who  brightened  highgarden’s  halls.  all  are  encouraged  to  partake  fully  in  the  evening,  the  many  dances  emphasized  but  so  too  are  the  array  of  refreshments  and  pastries  that  will  be  available.  the  one,  simple  rule  of  the  evening  is  repeated:  one  could  not,  if  unwed,  dance  with  the  same  partner  more  than  once  before  the  palpable  confusion  in  the  air  is  addressed  with  a  smile.  with  so  many  gathered  together,  the  ruling  lady  declared,  it  felt  a  perfect  occasion  to  forge  and  strengthen  bonds;  hence,  all  have  been  assigned  initial  partners  to  spend  time  with  those  whose  paths  might  otherwise  not  cross.  as  the  evening  draws  to  a  close,  however,  the  choice  of  who  one  shares  their  last  two  dances  with  remains  theirs.  the  one  rule  must  still  be  followed,  but  those  wed  and  betrothed  may  drift  back  into  their  beloved’s  arms  for  both  dances  if  they  so  choose.
with  her  declaration  of  the  ball’s  commencement,  music  fills  the  halls  and  the  first  dance  commences  -  one  that  is  for  only  the  married  couples  of  court,  led  by  the  ruling  lord  and  lady  of  highgarden.  a  single  exception  is  made.  a  boon  offered  to  the  victorious  lord  mormont  and  his  queen  of  love  and  beauty,  lady  karstark.  they  are  permitted  to  join  along  in  the  first  dance  of  the  evening,  twirling  across  the  floor  amongst  the  sea  of  couples. 
some  take  the  time  to  tuck  themselves  behind  fortuitously  placed  potted  plants  in  their  hopes  to  avoid  the  names  upon  their  dance  cards  for  the  evening;  others  shyly  or  reluctantly  approach  the  first  name  on  their  card  in  preparation.  wine  and  laughter  fills  the  great  hall.  many  eyes  remain  fixed  upon  the  dance  floor  as  different  couples  take  to  it  but  court  does  not  only  play  out  on  the  surface.  the  constructed  forest  casts  many  shadows  and  eyes  cannot  see  all.  a  night  of  mysteries  indeed,  but  the  dances  will  continue  and  certain  ladies  of  the  court  will  whisper  amongst  themselves  as  they  watch  their  children  turn  about  the  dancefloor,  meddlesome  machinations  further  growing  in  their  heads.
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card  one    —    myranda  karstark,  laina  dayne,  shyra  hornwood,  shaera  rogare, jaime lannister, maxwell cerwyn
card  two    —    viserra  targaryen,  theodore  baratheon, pearse  sunglass,  adrienne  arryn, arushi tully
card  three    —    maesella  targaryen,  lyonel  lannister,  dovasary  hightower,  arya stark, alyce graceford, aerea targaryen
card  four    —    gwyneth  allyrion,  calyx  targaryen,  rhea  greyjoy,  matthos  redwyne,  catraena  dagareon
card  five    —    odette  mallister,  malaya  dagareon,  amos  tully,  harrion  karstark, vaella targaryen
card  six    —    helaena  zalyne,  naerys  paege,  aelora  targaryen,  tanya  baratheon,  garin  allyrion, nestor royce
card  seven    —    klahan  rogare,  dyanna  marbrand,  desmond  mallister,  daemon  celtigar,  rhaenys  tarth, bronte velaryon
card  eight    —    alysane  tyrell,  baela  velaryon,  joanna  targaryen,  dalton  greyjoy, sebaston dayne, robert karstark
card  nine    —    lucretia  lannister,  carilyn  harlaw,  adhika  dagareon,  dilara  martell,  syrena  tully,  tyrek  hightower
card  ten    —    baris  tarth,  shirei  stark, cersei lannister,  dantae  dagareon,  gwayne  florent,  rhaeys  targaryen
card  eleven    —    martyn  stark,  alara  dayne,  jessamine  hightower,  kovarro  zalyne, maika templeton
card  twelve    —    perrin  rogare,  trystane  tyrell,  elowyn  harlaw,  jrwyn  mallister, ysabela arryn
card  thirteen    —    iliana  baratheon,  alaric  mormont,  myrcella  paege,  melantha  bolton, neşe tarth
card  fourteen    —    aerion  targaryen,  benedict  blackwood,  theon  stark,  jesmyn marbrand, ysilla royce
card  fifteen    —    sylaisha  of  pyke,  priya  fowler,  antony  arryn,  erena  bolton, caspian lannister
card  sixteen    —    calla  rowan,  alyssa  tyrell,  gysella  lannister,  aelyx  targaryen,  elias  baratheon
card  seventeen    —    isra martell, amiyah mormont, thalina brax, andros brax, varric royce, alistair rowan.
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and  without  further  ado,  we  reach  the  conclusion  of  the  lady  tyrell's  festivities.  threads  do  not  need  to  be  stopped  /  ended  when  the  ball begins,  and  we  encourage  continuing  what  you  can  /  want  to,  as  during  the  day  of  the  ball  regular  festivities  still  occurred.  no new threads for the festival or joust should occur, unlike pre-plotted.
in  terms  of  your  muse(s)  dance  cards,  think  of  it  as  assigned  partners  that  your  muse  might  never  have  a  chance  to  interact  with.  threads  are  not  mandatory  to  be  written  with  your  muse(s)  assigned  partners  but  we  would  love  to  see  some  !
event doesn't officially begin until monday september 2nd, but you may begin writing threads surrounding the ball. event duration will be about two weeks ooc. anything related to the ball can be tagged westeros.maidensball
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heavenechos · 24 days
open starter with: rhea and anyone! location: outside the walls, along the river Mander time: mid-afternoon
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The rumble of music and laughter echoed in the distance as the current inhabitants of Highgarden came together for another afternoon of revelry, but the laughter was faint next to the rush of the river, and no music could match the beauty of the birdsong in the trees. Rhea had snuck away from the festivities, blanket and basket in hand, and was lying in the long grass, the sun warming and enveloping her in a mid-afternoon bliss. The open basket held a partially drunk bottle of wine, an abundance of grapes that Rhea absent-mindedly picked at, and an old book that she’d taken to press flowers in, rather than read. It had been so long since she’d taken a moment to be honestly, truly alone, so the sound of approaching footsteps in the grass was unwelcome. Rhea’s hand itched toward the dagger on her hip, but instead she propped herself up into a seated position, looking over her shoulder at the intruder, and deeming them not a threat- for now. “I can’t imagine why you saw me alone, perfectly happy, enjoying the afternoon, and still felt you should approach.” Her words came out colder, harsher than she’d intended, but it was impossible to take them back now. “Well,  you’re already here. You may as well sit if you’re going to stay.” 
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vxlxrdohxeris · 28 days
Open starter. @crimsonsbled. @luvburn. @traegedys
Three days after the beginning of the tournament, at the maester's tent.
Desmond had not been sure how long he was asleep for, until the maester told him that it had been three days. To say he was in a bad mood was an understatement, his head hurt and whenever he tried to move, his side would make him groan in pain. Seems like he could not catch a break when it came to tournaments. He had asked the maester or whoever was at the entrance of the tent to not let anyone inside, he didn't want anyone to see him like this, he looked weak and pathetic. His head was bandaged because of the injury he had suffered during the fall. The same happened to his torso, that was badly bruised and where the piece of wood had penetrated on his side. The Gods had a strange sense of humor, humiliated him in such a way, leaving him badly wounded but merciful enough not to take his life. His head turned towards the entrance of the tent when he heard footsteps. "I said I didn't want visitors." He said as he laid down on the bed.
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crimsonsbled · 1 month
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"  this  pear  dessert  is  our  cook’s  best-kept  secret  ,  "  alysane  said  with  a  faint  smile  ,  her  lips  curving  as  she  dusted  powdered  sugar  over  the  baked  goods  .  as  pleasant  as  the  day  was  ,  she  preferred  the  cool  shade  away  from  the  heat  and  the  bustling  crowds  of  highgarden  .  "  one  lord  even  claimed  it  was  a  gift  from  the  gods  themselves  .  a  bit  of  an  exaggeration  ,  of  course  ,  but  they  are  rather  delectable  —  go  on  ,  don’t  be  shy  ,  try  some  .  "
OPEN  STARTER  —  location  :  by  the  kitchens  (  accepting  4  /  4  replies  )
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steelfyre · 1 month
open starter ›› ft. theon stark status: accepting 4 / 5 replies.
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a  rare  smile on  his  lips, theon picked up his daughter so she could reach the apple hanging in the tree. he waited until the fruit was picked before he spun her around in a circle, making lyanna giggle, before placing her back down. a mistake he realized a second too late; his daughter took off through the orchid. catching up with her wasn't difficult but not before his daughter had crossed paths, or possibly run into, another noble.  ❝ lyanna, you know that you can't go running off. ❞   he picked her up again before looking at the noble.  ❝ my apologies, my liege. ❞
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disrcpairs · 1 month
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seen  the  apples  rolling  upon  the  grass  before  the  source  ,  and  stooped  down  to  collect  the  spilled  fruit  .  with  the  outside  kitchens  in  full  swing  preparing  treats  for  the  guests  there  was  expectation  for  something  to  go  awry  ,  yet  as  alyssa  followed  the  trail  to  a  crying  child  a  rare  smile  unseen  since  first  arrival  of  the  court  .  “  here  you  go  ,  sweetling  .  ”  the  ones  she  had  picked  up  dropped  gently  into  the  basket  in  their  arms  before  their  gaze  caught  on  another  close  to  a  body  .  ”  excuse  me  —  could  you  hand  that  to  me  ,  please  ?  ”  finger  pointed  to  the  fruit  at  their  feet  .       
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open starter : @steelfyre, @vi0light, @awhispcr, @sacrificeds, closed to replies
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celestei · 12 days
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open starter for event : accepting replies , 3/4 ( if on dance card does not count ) .
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imposing figure stands out among crowd , lord of the rock used to such attention . he , adorned in dazzling emerald and gold -- colors more akin to the tyrells who hosted this grand affair but that fit him none the less ( for how dazzling did his emerald eyes look , even more so than usual ) . he needed excuse to avoid dance , to stay away from prying mama's who sought alliance through one remaining sibling . with two glasses of wine he moves , finding a space with little occupancy - save for a few . moments pass , he makes a subtle show of looking before turning to near person . " my wife seems to have gone off after saying how parched she was , " lie slips from lips so easily . " would you care to have this drink with me in her stead ? "
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westeroslive · 24 days
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the  final  day  of  the  tournament  has  arrived,    and  golden  coin  tosses  hands  with  ease  as  the  court  placed  bets  not  just  on  who  would  be  the  victor  but  on  other  odds  too.  for  what  was  winning  when  one  could  be  killed? 
her  grace  cannot  be  found  to  hold  staunch  support  for  either  lord,  claiming  her  interest  dimmed  upon  the  first  days  of  the  tournament—yet  the  final  joust  will  surely  entertain  her  at  best ( one can hope ).  our  hosts,  the  lord  and  lady  tyrell  themselves,  have  been  overhead  placing  friendly  wagers  themselves,  yet  none  can  agree  on  just  who  they've  placed  their  support  with.      
among  the  stands  fill  the  eldest  of  court  to  those  still  yet  to  pass  a  single  name  day,  all  unable  to  contain  their  excitement  and  anxiety  as  they  glance  upon  the  tourney  grounds  where  jugglers  can  be  spotted  as  the  knights  prepare  in  their  tents  on  either  end  of  the  arena.
as  the  lords  ride  out,  lord  elias  baratheon  from  the  west  and  lord  alaric  mormont  from  the  east,  it  is  clear  to  all  that  this  will  be  no  easy  feat  on  either  end.  for  how  the  lords  hold  strong  upon  their  steeds,  armour  well-placed  to  ensure  no  cracks  in  which  a  lance  might  sneak  through.
the  eldest  surviving  queen  of  love  and  beauty  among  them,  the  dowager  lady  risley  an  octogenarian  at  nine  and  eighty  name  days  yet  still  holding  a  charm  of  her  own  clear  within  emerald  hues,  begins  the  final  round  of  the  tournament  as  she  drops  a  rose  to  the  field.
parental  hands  cover  the  eyes  of  their  little  ones  as  the  match  starts  with  glorious  purpose  -  fearless  charging  from  each  noble  lord,  planning  to  end  the  match  quickly  ⸻  tight  steering  on  the  reins  of  their  steeds  as  they  gallop  faster.  it  should've  ended  in  carnage,  perhaps  even  loss  of  life  instead  it  is  a  draw  with  no  bloodshed,  unexpectedly.  displeased  clamor  makes  way  in  the  stands,  nobles  who  wagered  quite  the  dragon  coin  on  this  tournament.  nonetheless,  it  is  merely  the  beginning  of  the  war  for  the  crown  of  love  and  beauty,  stalemate  in  the  first  battle  -  time  will  come  for  demise  at  the  hand  of  one's  opponent.  
and  so  it  goes,  another  round  -  another  challenge,  their  horses  even  faster  than  before  -  the  willingness  to  pierce  through  wet  flesh  until  they  meet  bone  with  their  lance.  narrowly,  respective  lances  miss  target  but  it  is  a  mistake  that  will  not  happen  thrice.  
as  they  say  in  court,  third  time's  a  charm  and  it  appears  that  lady  helaena  for  once  in  her  life  brings  a  gallant  knight  some  luck.  the  bear  nearly  overpowers  the  stag,  hitting  lord  baratheon  shield  as  if  lord  alaric's  lance  was  a  war  hammer  pummeling  his  enemy  to  death,  the  stormlander  manages  to  escape  unscathed  -  uses  his  own  moment  of  weakness  against  his  adversary.  strikingly,  lord  elias  gives  the  final  blow  with  a  quick  thrust  of  his  lance,  targeting  the  abdomen  underneath  the  armor,  weakening  the  other  until  mormont's  balance  is  gone  and  he's  fallen  off  his  stallion. 
on  his  hands  and  knees  almost  like  he  was  praying  to  the  seven  -  faced  god  instead  the  northerner  subscribes  to  the  old  gods  who  give  him  strength.  lord  elias  may  have  bested  him  upon  his  stead,  but  the  winner  would  be  determined  by  who  might  stay  up  the  longest  ⸺  no  victor  can  be  crowned  until  one  of  them  flies  the  white  flag.  while  the  stag  bathes  in  the  praise  by  the  stands,  overtaken  by  loud  cheers  and  applause  for  the  southerner,  court  allows  him  to  bask  in  public  adoration  as  tyrell  roses  are  thrown  at  his  feet.  
the  taste  of  triumph  gives  lord  mormont  the  time  to  gather  his  weapons  -  picking  beloved  sword  before  heavy  metal  clashes  against  baratheon  armor.  the  show  must  go  on  -  until  death  do  us  part.  an  uproar  fills  the  crowds  as  they  watch  in  horror  ⸻  turn  of  events,  a  fight  until  the  last  one  standing.
ever  the  fair  knight,  lord  alaric  throws  lord  elias  his  sword  before  starting  his  attack  all  over  again  -  bruising  more  than  just  the  stag's  ego.  the  switch  from  crowned  victor  to  tribute  in  the  arena  too  much  to  handle,  he  never  found  his  footing  back  and  with  aggressive  dominance  lord  mormont  has  the  upper  hand.  sharp  blade  almost  grazing  lord  baratheon's  neck,  back  clutched  to  the  walls  of  the  stands  as  the  bear  towers  above  him  -  fire  in  steely  ice,  imploring  other  to  accept  his  defeat.  his  weapon  will  not  touch  blood  today,  but  alaric  mormont  will  be  the  victor  of  the  tourney  -  he  is  the  champion.
a crown of flowers placed into his hands, the northerner wastes no time with pomp and instead strides across the arena to where the lady who's favor had not once left his arm sat. if words are exchanged, they are known only to the two. if words are exchanged they are known only to the two. lady karstark's cheeks are red as roses as garland is placed upon her head, gesture possessing a gentleness that stands in contrast to the brutality that'd followed the mormont throughout the days. moment concluded as lord tyrell rises, offering his congratulations to the victor and the newest queen of love and beauty.
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and thus, the maiden's tourney has concluded. more information on the upcoming grand ball will be announced shortly. for now, muses can enjoy the final day of ruling lady tyrell's name day celebrations and prepare for the ball.
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heavenechos · 3 days
open starter with: nestor royce location: the maidens ball
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There was safety in a crowd, if you knew where to look for it. Nestor waded through the crowds, feeling mostly at ease- though he was unsure where to put his hand without a sword to rest it on. He’d almost made it to a table of food when he heard a voice that seemed to be directed towards him. Turning, he turned to see someone looking at him with expectant eyes. “What was that?” Now a bit bashful, he turned to look behind him, certain the comment had been meant for another. “Are you talking to me?”  
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crimsonsbled · 1 month
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"  he  will  be  just  fine  ,  "  shirei  momentarily  lifted  her  gaze  before  tearing  it  back  to  her  youngest  who  was  clutching  his  knee  .  "  it's  just  a  little  bit  of  a  scratch  .  he  got  too  excited  with  the  little  trinket  he  found  while  playing  hide  and  seek  .  "
OPEN  STARTER  —  location  :  highgarden  grounds  (  accepting  4  /  4  replies  )
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disrcpairs · 1 month
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“  i  do  not  see  why  the  children  should  have  all  the  fun  .  we  have  been  relegated  to  watching  the  jesters  rather  than  searching  for  treats  in  the  gardens  and  apple  picking  —  surely  as  long  as  we  leave  enough  for  the  children  ,  we  could  indulge  as  well  .  ”  twinkle  in  cool  blue  gaze  as  velaryon  leaned  over  one  of  the  fountains  ,  mental  count  of  the  apples  available  for  giggling  children  that  ran  past  .  “  there  are  four  and  ten  of  them  .  i  believe  that  if  we  were  to  take  two  of  them  it  would  not  missed  and  the  kids  would  have  more  than  enough  to  brag  about  in  their  games  .  ”
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open starter : @steelfyre, @heavnle, @vxlxrdohxeris open to 3 other replies ( 1 / 4 )
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westeroslive · 29 days
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the  first  day  of  the  tournament  draws  to  an  end,   leaving gold  to  switch  hands  as  bets  pay  off  for  members  of  the  crowds.  the  cheering  through  the  day  left  the  stands  parched,  and  the  lord  and  lady  of  highgarden  were  sure  to  have  their  servants  provide  great  amounts  of  wines  to  sooth  them  before  the  next  day  began.      the  results  of  the  first  day  are  as  follows:
antony  arryn  vs  dantae  dagareon    —    ends  quickly,  a  total  triumph  on  the  prince's  part  as  a  hard  hit  throws  the  lord  arryn  to  the  ground.  when  he  does  not  rise  immediately,  servants  are  sent  to  check  on  him  and  bring  him  to  the  maesters'  tents.  the  lord  is  found  to  have  simply  been  knocked  unconcious,  with  only  minor  injuries. 
theodore  baratheon  vs  elias  baratheon    —    the  crowd  sits  on  the  edge  of  their  seat  as  the  baratheons  charge  at  each  other.  lord  elias'  fury  proves  the  mightiest  as  a  forceful  strike  from  his  lance  sends  ser  theodore  tumbling  from  his  mount  during  the  fourth  round.  there  the  lord  commander  momentarily  remains,  the  wind  knocked  from  his  lungs,  before  slowly  rising,  bruised  but  unharmed.
calyx  targaryen  vs  shyra  hornwood    —    perseverance  kept  the  match  from  ending  after  one  hard  hit  with  the  lance,  the  liege  hornwood  while  no  longer  in  saddle  held  onto  her  horse  with  unexpected  strength.  it  is  the  second  tap,  feather  -  light  to  spook  the  horse  that  makes  them  tumble  and  fall,  losing  the  round  effective  immediately.  
aelyx  targaryen  vs  matthos  redwyne    —    both  lances  only  deliver  glancing  blows  on  the  first  pass,  but  a  strategically  aimed  strike  from  lord  redwyne  throws  the  prince  of  summerhall  to  the  ground  as  the  lance  splinters.
pearse  sunglass  vs  daemon  celtigar    —    exciting  battle  between  two  skilled  horseback  riders,  their  dexterity  brings  frenzy  into  the  crowd  as  the  two  lords  are  evenly  matched.  it  is  a  sly  hit  by  jousting  lance  that  allows  lord  celtigar  to  proceed  to  the  next  round,  lord  sunglass  knocked  of  his  mount  after  his  weakness  was  exploited.
altan  manwoody  vs  arya  stark    —    mind  still  clouded  by  drink,  lord  manwoody  can  barely  sit  steady  on  his  mount  let  alone  hold  his  lance  straight.  like  the  disapproving  crowd,  lady  stark  shows  little  mercy.  a  single  blow  from  her  lance  sends  him  tumbling  to  the  ground  and  concludes  the  match.
daeron  targaryen  vs  theon  stark    —    with  the  support  of  the  gods,  the  prince  is  victorious  after  lord  stark  loses  his  lance  by  accident  during  the  third  round.  merciful,  the  prince  wins  by  a  soft  knock  against  his  opponent's  armor  and  knocking  him  to  the  ground.  
desmond  mallister  vs  alaric  mormont    —    no  blow  proves  strong  enough  to  unbalance  either  until  lord  mormont  spots  a  gap  in  lord  mallister's  defenses.  his  aim  is  true  and  nearly  unseats  his  opponent,  but  lord  mallister  clings  to  the  saddle.  yet  the  gods  have  made  their  choice.  his  horse  spooks  the  next  time  the  lance  draws  near,  throwing  lord  mallister  directly  into  the  wooden  divider.  servants  rush  him  to  the  maester's  tent  where  he  remains  without  waking  until  the  third  day.  it  is  also  learned  that  when  lord  mormont's  lance  shattered,  a  piece  of  wood  pierced  lord  mallister's  side,  a  wound  worsened  by  the  fall  that  left  him  badly  bruised  and  concussed.
jessamine  hightower  vs  victarion  greyjoy    —    the  dual  lasts  several  rounds  while  fatigue  seems  to  overtake  lord  greyjoy,  giving  lady  hightower  renewed  strength  to  win  -  her  blow  nearly  unseats  him  but  he  stays  steady.  in  their  final  battle,  both  lances  manage  to  land  hits  only  lord  greyjoy  falls  to  the  ground  first  followed  by  his  challenger,  crowning  lady  hightower  the  winner.  servants  bring  her  into  the  maesters'  tent  as  she  is  yet  to  wake  up  after  her  nasty  fall  -  later  the  news  spreads  that  the  injuries  are  too  grave  for  jessamine  to  continue.
jocelyn  dondarrion  vs  otto  beesbury    —    anxiety  hushes  the  crowd  after  two  dramatic  rounds  and  only  grows  as  the  duel  stretches  onward.  but  when  lord  beesbury  quickly  claims  victory  in  the  name  of  her  grace,  lady  dondarrion  stands  without  hesitation,  drawing  a  loud  sigh  of  relief  from  the  spectators.
viserra  targaryen  vs  elowyn  harlaw    —    lady  harlaw  claims  the  win  against  the  targaryen  princess  though  some  spectators  in  the  stands  call  the  quick  ending  foul  play.  before  the  iron  islander's  lance  hit  the  princess,  she  was  already  up  in  the  air  together  with  saddle  -  thrown  off  her  mount  as  it  reared.
baris  tarth  vs  pluton  serrett    —    another  thrilling  duel  between  the  skilled  combatants.  when  lord  tarth  lands  a  forceful  blow  against  lord  serrett's  shoulder  victory  appears  his  for  the  taking.  but  with  something  to  prove  following  his  rejection,  lord  serrett  sneakily  adjusts  his  lance  mid  charge  and  the  unexpected  impact  sends  lord  tarth  tumbling.  hushed  disapproval  echoed  but  the  victor  has  been  decided.  however,  news  soon  spread  that  lord  serrett  was  seen  by  the  maesters,  his  shoulder  declared  dislocated  and  withdrawal  his  only  option.
gwayne  florent  vs  anika  moraqos    —    the  game  ended  before  it  even  began,  a  surprise  attack  by  lord  florent  the  moment  the  bell  rung  -  his  lance  hitting  its  target,  the  liege's  shield.  the  rough  blow  knocked  the  liege  moraqos  from  her  horse  as  she  lost  balance.  the  essosi  walks  away  with  just  a  bruised  body,  balancing  ships  on  rough  seas  more  their  forte  than  a  galloping  mount.
amos  tully  vs  kit  moraqos    —    a  mirror  to  the  day's  start,  the  duel  is  a  conclusive  victory  for  the  prince-admiral  -  a  single,  powerful  blow  all  that  is  needed  to  send  lord  tully  tumbling  off  his  steed.  some  will  say  anger  over  the  underhand  tactic  used  against  his  sister  that  aided  his  strength.  lord  tully  exits  the  arena  on  his  own  but  a  slight  limp  slows  his  gate.
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      the  second  day's matches  are  announced as  follows:
daeron targaryen vs elowyn harlaw
dantae dagareon vs daemon celtigar
arya stark vs kit moraqos
alaric mormont vs gwayne florent
elias baratheon vs calyx targaryen
otto beesbury vs matthos redwyne
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westeroslive · 30 days
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with  the  favours  requested,  leaving  the  crowds  muttering  and  gossiping  amongst  themselves  at  the  surprise  choices  made,  the  competition  must  begin,  with  the  first  day  of  jousts  announced:
antony  arryn  vs  dantae  dagareon
theodore  baratheon  vs  elias  baratheon
calyx  targaryen  vs  shyra  hornwood
aelyx  targaryen  vs  matthos  redwyne
pearse  sunglass  vs  daemon  celtigar
altan  manwoody  vs  arya  stark
daeron  targaryen  vs  theon  stark
desmond  mallister  vs  alaric  mormont
jesamine  hightower  vs  victarion  greyjoy
jocelyn  dondarrion  vs  otto  beesbury
viserra  targaryen  vs  elowyn  harlaw
baris  tarth  vs  pluton  serrett
gwayne  florent  vs  anika  moraqos
amos  tully  vs  kit  moraqos
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westeroslive · 1 month
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petals  flow  through  the  ardent  breeze,  pulled  from  their  source  by  the  swarm  of  aristocrats  that  push  their  way  through  the  gardens  to  be  the  first  to  reach  the  jousting  grounds.  so  meticulously  decorated  for  the  festivities,  the  tyrells  may  not  have  thrown  a  grand  celebration  to  welcome  court  to  their  keep,  yet  they  have  nonetheless  proven  the  wait  was  well  worth  it  with  the  name  day  celebrations.  great  garlands  and  ribbons  pair  with  the  brightest  of  blooms  within  the  stands,  ornate  chalices  each  filled  to  the  brim  on  trays  throughout  the  grounds.  on  the  second  day  of  festivities,  a  jousting  tournament  is  officially  announced  by  the  ruling  lady  of  highgarden  herself  at  dinner,  in  honour,  she  states,  of  maiden  day's  fast  approach.  for  she  could  see  no  other  way  to  praise  the  seven's  gentlest  face  than  in  the  romance  of  a  great  joust  -  and  along  with  it  a  dance.  the  first  day  of  the  tournament  would  be  a  presentation  competed  in  soley  by  squires  and  the  youth  of  highgarden,  so  they  may  amuse  the  crowds  and  find  practice  all  the  while  the  true  competitors  could  prepare. 
she  announced  further  a  great  ball  upon  the  final  evening  of  her  name  day  celebrations,  with  one  simple  rule:  one  could  not,  if  unwed,  dance  with  the  same  partner  more  than  once.  to  ensure  this,  dance  cards  (  incorporating  precious  metals  and  jewels  from  each  region  in  her  majesty's  kingdom  along  with  ribbons  to  tie  round  the  wrist  )  have  been  prepared  for  each  noble  of  the  realm  -  decreeing  the  list  of  dances  for  the  evening  with  blank  spaces  where  one  might  record  the  name  of  their  partner  for  each  dance.
by morning's break, outside  the  arena, surrounded  by  garlands  of  roses  (  piercing  thorns  still  attached  holding  stains  of  red  from  the  poor  soul  who'd  held the responsibility of decorating   )  lies  a  great  listing  of  the  tournament's  great  competitors.  the  listing  reads  as  follows:
daemon  celtigar,  desmond  mallister,  gwayne  florent, jessamine  hightower,  alaric  mormont,  pearse  sunglass,  viserra  targaryen, theon stark, calyx targaryen, elias baratheon, aelyx targaryen, kit moraqos, baris tarth, matthos redwyne, elowyn harlaw, shyra hornwood, dantae dagareon, amos tully, theodore baratheon, antony arryn, daeron targaryen, arya stark, anika moraqos, victarion greyjoy, otto beesbury, jocelyn dondarrion, altan manwoody, pluton serrett.
more information and results of the joust will be announced soon. for now, muses may enjoy the stylings of the training knights. listing of knights in the tournament is public. all posts related can be tagged westeros.joust & westeros.cake
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