#i've wanted to make sth like this for a long time indeed
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linusbenjamin · 2 years ago
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Only eight of us survived the crash. I was hurt pretty badly. In fact, if it weren’t for her I would have never made it to the shore. She took care of me, took care of all of us.
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fandoomrants · 7 months ago
Tua, s4, ep 5 thoughts!
-Five and Lila travelling for years?! Omg!
-Also them fighting, laughing, and bonding!
-Pls no one make this weird and sexual! That was finally them bonding and showing trust, taking care of each other. Him, helping put the glass out of her leg, and her shaving him and leaning on him. That's just trust!
-Klaus is gonna spend some time in that coffin, wouldn't he?
-Can he potentially die due to lack of oxygen and food, and be reborn over and over again for eternity?!
-I knew he's gonna set sth on fire....
-That was indeed uncalled for!
-I feel that the same thing with Klaus trusting Reginald and then being stabbed in the back by him is repeating again...
-Ok, Ben's mind is really hijacked...
-Yep. Viktor's name is indeed spelled with a K. I knew that, not sure why I started spelling it with a C.
-Can't believe for once Luther is reasonable, and Diego's not. Well, they both usually are but I've always thought Luther is more oblivious.
-Wherever Five and Lila are, the time must be passing differently.
-OMG, dog ghost!! Cute!!!
-Claire was picking up Klaus 🥹
-Allison can just try to rumour the guy.....
-Caire to the rescue!
-Can't believe Allison did that in front of her daughter....
-Aw, Diego learned another language to be able to communicate with Lila's family?!? Cute!
-The place Five and Lila are at is kinda nice.
-..... Thoo, I did say their bond was nice and shouldn't be seen as something romantic in the beginning but ngl, they give me a bit odd vibes....
-Nooooo! 🫣🫣 This shouldn't have happened!
-Ughhh, finee! I get it, I can't read people's relationships right! Every time I decide "oh, what a cute platonic bond", and ha! Nope! Not so platonic!
-I'll be forever mad about that!
-Sidenote (I wanna forget the prev scene!) but where is Gene kinda familiar from? 🤔🤔 Been trying to decide that for 5 episodes now.
-Luther actually trying to bullshit his way out of a situation, lol.
-...And gets in trouble for being nosy.
-Ok, the others got in trouble.
-Not the pants 💀😂
-Yay, fighting to music!
-Why are clothes being ripped? 💀💀
-And a random cat!
-"The moneymaker" 💀💀💀💀
-I was gonna say how are they gonna explain this to Five but Five has things to explain on his own...
-No, really, noo, I don't want this thing with Lila and Five 😭😭 Why is it happening?! It's literally proving Diego was right. Is like, something wrong with them? Like, are their brains messed? I suppose, 6 years is a long time...
-Umm.... Isn't Five a bit afraid of the train...
-Why is he hiding it?! Ughhh....
-Ok, kinda actually really happy Klaus decided to fight his way out.
-Tho, I expected that Allison and Claire would get there then.
-Aw, cute reunion!
-Why is Lila suddenly not worried about her kids, btw?
-But hey, good thing Five gave her the notebook!
-Ok, I kinda get why he's like that but like, he's been through apocalypse and all, he needs a break. But Lila is right, this isn't real.
-Ok, she remembered her children...
-Nah, Viktor, let them shoot him.
-See, bad idea. You got shoot, and he's bitching about his suit!
-I'm not buying the old man's nice words.
-Ouch! That was unexpected!
-But I suppose I guessed right for Reginald's wife?
-Omg, that skin thing is creepy!
-Is she an alien too?
-I think Jean isn't buying it...
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f0point5 · 1 year ago
Good evening :D
First off, I was sooo happy bout your last answer to my ask! I love writing those rambles and I'm always eagerly awaiting your answer.
I got incredibly excited when you said I was cooking at the same stove, with less ingredients, but anyways, and it got me thinking and thinking and I'm really stuck in this rabbit hole, I can tell you that.
So whenever my rambles make you feel like you need to spill your guts and tell me everything, you know my UN! ;)
Now back to the story at hand... this new part was perfect! In so many ways!!
Remember when I said I'm waiting for things to get spicy? I guess the kinda spicy I needed is indeed happening in those last couple of chapters!
When you let us in with the whole date gate and Clara setting them up back then, everyone was wondering if y/n had a thing for Max back in the days and how it wasn't a real date right away because he decided it wasn't one. Even before that story become public knowledge so many people were wondering if there once were feelings on her part.
Now WHY is noone talking about how it's sooo obviously been Max who's had a thing for her? Like it cannot be any other way! And she clearly doesn't know a thing about that!
What I'm still not entirely sure about is what her feelings were back then... I've said it before, she's so much more outgoing and tough and I think she's hiding things a lot better or let's say easier with her wit and by making fun of things... like with the hair cut. Saying she probably just made fun of it without meaning it. Did she really?
I'm still having a harder time understanding her, she's keeping more inside and shading the truth with bright colors and witty comebacks, whereas Max is easier to see through. At least with the snippets we get, they are easier to pick up on. If that even makes sense...
You put a lot of emphasis on the fact that they've know each other a long time and that Max is in the general public for a long time already. And I can't stop thinking about what kinda part that information plays in the greater picture. Because Max might feel a lot of things when it comes to how y/n perceives him or how he thinks she does, but he knows what he means to her. And he knows she's not there for the fame. But my brain is still stuck on your words and what you've possibly could have meant there...
The more you hint towards Max having a thing for her back then, the more I do get him... all the doubts with relationships and marriages and parents' mistakes and all aside, I've said so pretty early on and I stand by it that I believe he'd need a BROAD hint from her to actually make a step. And I get it. You keep saying in this house men need to man up and I'm all for it, but I just feel for him. I really do. Just assuming he's always felt like she's not interested in him physically, her whole attitude doesn't change a thing about that. Because she's always joking around it. Especially with her horny tweets and all. How is he supposed to know if she actually ever means any of that? I feel like it also doesn't sit well with him to consider the possibility that they might've missed a chance back in the days.
Y/n's words saying when has Max Verstappen ever not taken sth he wanted are on a constant repeat in my head thinking about all this. There might have been that one time where that assumption didn't fit at all. That one time might have been her.
However, I loved how Max openly admitted to letting the haircut grow out. Like he didn't even think about it or hiding anything or whatever. And when she picked up on what he was actually saying, he started deflecting and saying he didn't like it himself. Those two! Seriously... what I really loved about it was that she didn't let him of the hook as easily as I thought she might. And I do believe that's important! Because she needs to see those things, needs to understand what's been going on. Those details need to stick with her and pester her, because otherwise they'll keep staying stuck.
They do need to realize some things all on there own... but I'm a strong believer that they'll also need to realize that the other starts to realize or feel some things. Otherwise I doubt they'll ever move...
On a last note for today... do you know what kind of pressure you put on me saying my cooking wasn't that bad? I'm constantly feeling like I can't stray too far from that path, in fear of taking a wrong turn. :D
So feel free to hint some more, I love me some good new theories.
Have a great weekend! =)
Okay so, now DateGate is out there, I feel like I can shed a bit more light on the MaxY/N feud years. There was a lot of misplaced jealousy on her part. First, she was never as good at her sport at Max was at his, and I feel like her dad and Jos compared notes a pushy dads. She never measured up to what Max was achieving. Then, as they got older, She had quit competing in horse riding, which was the thing her dad wanted her to do, like Jos wanted Max to race. She was a big disappointment to her father while it seemed to her like all he did was please his. Then at 17/18, a time where everyone else is just trying to figure out who they might want to be as a grown up, she’s applying to universities, feeling nervous and insecure like most teens do…Max Verstappen becomes the youngest ever F1 driver. She was like, “dude seriously”. Let’s not forget the father who made her feel inadequate her whole life is sponsoring Max at this time, so she has a front row seat to everything he’s achieving, and her father has a front row seat to everything she didn’t become. There was a lot of bitterness there. And on top of that, he had the nerve to ignore her. Y/N definitely had a touch of Popular Girl Syndrome lol and Max never played ball, he just straight up pretended she wasn’t there, wouldn’t even muster the energy to be rude to her. I think it was jarring to her and made him seem super arrogant. Also, she maybe felt like he was siding with their dads, thinking she was just a nobody accessory and not worth any time.
And for his part, Max didn’t help by being so aloof. He’s always been very “if you don’t like me then fine” and he clocked quickly that she was standoffish with him so he ignored her. Also, he likely took one look at this pretty, vivacious teenager and thought “yeah not really my vibe why doesn’t she just go shopping”. He just sensed a bit of a stuck up attitude from her and was like, yeah I have things to do I’m not dealing with this. Very much put his blinders on and tried to ignore her existence.
I’m rambling so much omg
But about the haircut thing, that again is something that happened in 2016. Remember Daniel said he would talk to her that year because Max and Jos and her dad would ignore her? So she’s there in Abu Dhabi at RB, again there to see the Wunderkid on one of the few weekends she gets to see her dad and he’s somewhere with Jos talking about/watching Max. So she’s feeling a little bit shit and Daniel brings up Max and she makes fun of his hair. Whether she liked it, didn’t like it, or even really noticed it is irrelevant at that moment, she just wanted to hate him a little bit. She didn’t think Max would hear her.
I think you’re right. In an ideal world, Max would want a whole flashing sign. He’s probably used to girls approaching him, even in his younger years I don’t imagine he was rizzing up girls in the hours he spent at school or at the track. Very much strikes me as the type who needs a lot of coaxing to realise a girl is genuinely interested. BUT. Life ain’t fair and he’s got to man up.
Y/N is right about what she said…but there’s an addendum.
I know for a fact she was SHOOK at that revelation. Like, if it had been 2018, 100% she would have let him off the hook. But it’s the fact that her offhand comment could have affected him when they weren’t even friends that threw her off. And I think in her mind she was probably running through all the times when they were younger when she was kind of a dick to him thinking “oh damn was he actually listening to me?”. Like it’s…a moment of reflection for her…illuminating, if you will.
Lmao look out for me in your DMs because honestly I’m one glass of champagne away from hopping over to your stove and adding the SPICES.
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newtonsheffield · 4 years ago
Hello again!!!! I'm the Spanish girl back in here!
Firstly, I'd like to send you my best wishes for this tough week of work, and I bet we're going to miss you around here this week. But duty calls! And, look, how many people can say they've got a whole week for relaxing after a week of work? 😌 (Perhaps I've misunderstood the whole thing; I've read your posts quite quick and I've understood sth different to what you wanted to say lol)
Well, what can I say with one of the last prompts you have gifted to us...? Kate, Anthony (and his Spanish!!!!!!) and Spain; you got me there. 😂 I even cried the famous "Ole!" when I read all of it (curious note: not all Spaniards use the expression "ole" in daily contexts; it is more like a regional expression that became worldwide famous bc of several reasons that are too long to post here, lol) and I think it's needless to say I loved it... isn't it?
And, I LOVED a lot Edwina's POV and story (well, I've loved everything you have posted and gifted to us, but Eddie has a special place in my heart)! I don't know, but sometimes I get the impression that, in romantic literature, relationships between sisters are not addressed at all and kinda force them to be friends (if they're not rivals... which I find stupid, tbh), not really deepening in the bond between them. Like, they're sisters and they behave more like "my next door neighbour and friend to whom sometimes I'm distant bc life happens" instead of "this person and I share much more than many people can imagine that's beyond friendship and she's more important than anybody else" -idk if this makes sense anymore... I rewrote it a couple of times bc I got the impression I can't express my idea very well 😂-. And that's something I think both of you, JQ and yourself, have achieved and gifted to all of us! We see Edwina and Kate as sisters: they fight, they tease the other, they can't stand each other sometimes, but always, ALWAYS, they care for and love the other just as sisters do. Because of this, I think TVWLM is one of my favourite books in this genre: they give us a two fantastic love stories, not only between a -heterosexual- couple but also between sisters; which is as important as any other kind of relationship.
After my TED Talk (sorry if it's been too much... 😅), I cannot help but imagine an escapade between Anthony and Kate (sans children) and Matthew and Edwina (oh, Matthew... I love you) to Spain just for Anthony, in his stupid one-side battle against Matthew (I love this, tbh; it's sooooo fun 😂), demonstrate Matthew he can speak fluently another language... Just for Matthew be oblivious to this and enjoy a little escapade to Spain with his girlfriend and her family. 😂
Anyways; I hope you're alright and, again, I wish you all the best for this week.
Besos!!! 🥰 (Spanish equivalent for the "Love!" farewell expression; it means "kisses")
Hola! You’re back again! And I’m so glad! 
I do have a week off once I finish work tomorrow (Saturday)!! Very Exciting! I have a scarf to knit, and lots of writing to do so that’s very exciting. 
Oh Anthony on a Spanish beach in tiny little flamingo shorts? Ole! indeed! That is a curious note, I literally love learning things about other cultures and languages so if anyone wants to share a curious note about their culture, hit me up! I will in turn tell you about the curious culture of The Land Down under, and our propensity to butcher the English language!
I agree, Sister relationships are a very curious thing in media. I’m not a huge fan of very contentious relationships between sisters, I’m not saying they don’t exist in real life, they definitely do, I just think having them as constant rivals is exhausting. And Yes! I Love the relationship between Edwina and Kate very much because I see it as a mirror of my relationship with my own sister. My sister drives me more insane than any other person on this planet. We fight, we bicker, I get absolutely enraged when she steals the last property I need for a set in Monopoly, and yet, She is my favourite person. She can say whatever she wants about me, but were anyone else to? It’s fight on sight. I’ll be honest, that all I’m doing is basing their relationship in these fics  on my own with my sister. Nothing special! 
Okay! Here we go! Anthony and Kate + Goose and Edwina +Spain
Kate Bridgerton was many, many things, but she liked to think an idiot, was not one of them. And so, when Anthony had said, in a tone she was sure he thought was casual. “I think we deserve a holiday, you’ve been working very hard to grow the little broad bean after all and your sister and her little gander should celebrate their engagement.” She had known exactly what he was up to. And she wasn’t really sure why she played along along with it. Perhaps something in her thrived on the chaos she knew Anthony would would create, perhaps part of her just really wanted a decent paella. Surely it didn’t matter, the result was the same: Kate fixed an innocent expression on her face and said  “Where did you have in mind?” 
 And so, surprise, surprise, here she was: back on a beach in Spain. She had to admit, eyeing Anthony appreciatively as he paddled demonstratively in the shallow water, his plan had its merits. though thus far his attempts had been... unsuccessful at best. Matthew Bagwell seemed absolutely thrilled to be in Spain, on holiday with his fiancée, giving them helpful facts he knew about the architecture as they walked through the city, a wide smile on his face, Anthony practically purple when he corrected a fact Anthony himself had said.   “Do you speak Spanish, Goose?” Anthony had said dryly in the hotel lobby shortly after they’d arrived. And Kate had rolled her eyes at Anthony, though Matthew was not paying attention. He had his arms wrapped tightly around Edwina’s waist, whispering something in her ear that made her nose crinkle in delight, the sapphire of her engagement ring glinting in the sunlight. And the beautiful picture they made gave Kate’s heart a little stutter. Anthony tutted. “Matt!” He said sharply, getting the man’s attention, Matthew’s glasses slipping down his nose as his head shot upwards in surprise.  “Do you speak Spanish?” Edwina was rolling her eyes now. And Matthew, for his part was completely unbothered  “oh, no. Sorry Mate, might have to lean on your pretty heavily this week.” He said, and Kate caught the smug smile on Anthony’s face and bit back a groan Damnit Matthew.  “I’m pretty fluent in French, German and Mandarin though!” Matthew said smiling happily, turning back towards Edwina, completely oblivious to the scowl Anthony tossing his way. “Of course you fucking are.” He muttered, fixing Kate with an irritated glare as a laugh escaped her!   
The water surely must be a little cool in early October but Anthony showed no signs of it, Beckoning Kate into the water. She groaned and made her way towards him, laughing happily as he tugged her in, his hand resting on her stomach, still no sign of her pregnancy. “Is he watching?” Anthony whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist, spinning her through the water So she had a brief image of her sister smiling brightly at her fiancée who appeared to be... bless him building a sandcastle. 
“No. He’s not.” Kate said batting her husband’s hands away irritatedly as he scowled.  “Are you really trying to look more in love than they are?” Kate scoffed, disbelief at her husband’s idiocy rising with in her. Anthony looked indignant. “No! A man can’t take an interest in his wife now? Very poor show Mrs. Bridgerton.” He said, but his eyes, darted towards the shore at the last second.  “Oh I cannot believe you! You’re absolutely manic!” She replied as Anthony attempted to pull her back towards him, Kate putting up very little fight as she tumbled against. him, his voice hot in her ear. “Insufferable I hear.” Kate scoffed. “Ugh! If Anyone’s insufferable it’s him!” 
Kate turned to follow Anthony’s gaze to find Matthew waving at them, grinning broadly, completely unbothered. And Kate couldn’t keep from laughing as Anthony went on another muttered tirade.
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aobajohxsai · 4 years ago
(Fem!Reader HC) May I request for Oikawa, Iwa, Daichi, Tsukki and Yams's girlfriends feeling insecure because the boys are surrounded by taller and slimmer (she's short and chubby) girls so she grows distant with them and starts to avoid them like the plague. How they find out, approach and reassure/comfort the girl will be up to you~ 💖 I understand if you dw to write this. ^-^ It's just, I've struggled with my looks for years and it's just ☹☹☹ Sending love and hugs 🥰 - 🍡 anon
has it been six months since i last posted sth here
Love, I’m so sorry everything took so long!! Your wonderful messages never failed to brighten up my day and I just think you’re the loveliest person I’ve ever met! I may not show it, via my blatant avoidance of this blog, but you’re amazing and I appreciate every message, thank you!!
Without further ado, I hope this was worth the wait (probably not, I haven’t written in half a year, but I tried my best) <3
Also, I didn’t do Daichi, Tsukki and Yams, as I went wayyy overboard with the headcanons (it’s 600+words each), but feel free to request them again in a separate ask, love :)
Oikawa and Iwaizumi comforting their insecure girlfriend (Plus-sized!Reader)
Warnings: Some self-loathing, but it turns fluffy afterwards
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You tried to even your breathing, (e/c) eyes glued to the horde of fangirls almost jumping on your boyfriend. Your hot, talented, brilliant, athletic boyfriend - Who, to your dismay, seemed adamant to keep flirting back.
Normally, you weren’t a jealous person - It’s a given when it comes to dating someone such as “The Great King”. That day, however, the green monster seemed to be rearing its ugly head, pushed upwards by all your deep-rooted insecurities. The girls he was surrounded with were stunning - Long, slim legs, the oversized sweater of the Seijoh uniform actually being oversized on them, the way they seemed to look so much better by your lovely boyfriend’s side than you.
“Y’know he’s only doing that to ensure Seijoh’s popularity or whatever bullshit he keeps spewing about it, right?”, a deep voice spoke from behind you, effectively startling you. How Iwaizumi could read you so well, that would always surprise you, but you supposed it came with years upon years of having to read his seemingly unreadable best friend. You tried to will away the tears that had formed in your eyes, letting out a small giggle at Hajime’s characteristic profanity.
“Oi, Shittykawa! Get your ass over here and greet your girlfriend!”, he yelled, effectively grabbing the attention of the entire fan-club and the man to whom it was dedicated. You felt a deep flush rising on your cheeks at the attention, prepared to listen to a quick dismissal from your boyfriend, but were instead met with a surprisingly feminine squeal.
Oikawa seemed to all but pounce on you, taking you into a tight hug and spinning you around a little. Placing you back down, his whiskey eyes seemed to have a gleam to them, effectively having lit up the second he’d seen you.
He tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, before pouting exaggeratedly.
“Why didn’t you say anything, love? I kept waiting and waiting and my beautiful girlfriend just wouldn’t show up!”
That’s when the previously-forgotten dread made its appearance again. He hadn’t even noticed you in the sea of pretty girls. But that’s alright - You should have seen it coming, ever since you started dating the most popular guy in your high-school. Just fake it ‘til you make it, c’mon, he made a joke, laugh, Y/N, dammit-
A bitter laugh left your lips, so aggressive it even startled Oikawa. 
“It’s quite alright, wouldn’t have expected you to, surrounded by all these pretty girls and all.” Another aggravated laugh left your lips, as you tried to sell it as a good-natured joke, but it was obvious that your boyfriend had definitely read through it. His expression seemed to darken, brows furrowing, before he quickly fell back into his well-rehearsed role, letting out an exaggerated gasp. 
“Oh, but you’re the prettiest one out of all of them! I’d never miss your gorgeous face!” He smirked, before squishing your cheeks lightly, eyes widening in a playful expression. “Actually”, he motioned towards the girls still watching you guys oh God- before promptly placing a hand around your shoulders, pulling you into his side protectively.
“Hey, everyone, look at my beautiful, lovely, gorgeous, girlfriend! Isn’t she the prettiest?”
The girls seemed to be whispering amongst themselves, confused expressions adorning their faces, before nodding shyly. You couldn’t have cared less, though - In the arms of the boy you loved, you were sure you’d never feel insecure ever again.
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Having your boyfriend be the ace of a popular volleyball team was proving to be an incredible experience, as you had the opportunity to witness not only the developing friendships on the team, but also the colossal amount of hard work that went into the winning streak they had been on for the past few matches.
You couldn’t be more proud - wearing Iwaizumi’s jersey in the stands, your voice louder than anyone else’s - Everything was going well, except for one little, tiny thing.
For once, along with the relentless Oikawa Tooru fanclub, a small group of girls had seemed to form around Iwaizumi, the only thing you could overhear being something about his “hands that were totally made for choking”. 
The bigger issue? They were all perfect. In their tiny, stupid skirts and their cute shirts and their sharp jawlines and sculpted faces and - Well, you had curves where others didn’t and you weren’t particularly proud of your body. Your thighs seemed larger than usual and you almost gasped at the sudden wave of despair washing over you. Why would he date you when he could easily have them?
You weren’t a masochist in any sense - However, you found yourself unable to turn off your eavesdropping, only hearing more and more things that would make you spiral into self-loathing. You felt overwhelmed, so you quickly grabbed your bag and hurried out of the room, finding a bench to sit on and simply breathe.
Not long afterwards, however, you heard lots of squeals - presumably from Iwa and Oikawa’s fanclub - and prepared yourself for what you’d have to witness.
To your surprise, however, as soon as the doors of the court opened, you could only see a tuft of black hair aggressively elbowing everyone in the crowd, dropping a nonchalant “sorry” here and there, before finally running straight into your arms.
He breathed in your perfume, still hugging you tightly, before letting go and grinning widely towards you.
Before he could speak, however, he found himself being interrupted by some loud squeals. Looking at you, he rolled his eyes playfully before shouting:
“Trashikawa, grab your stupid fanclub and get out of here, I can’t talk to (Y/N) properly!”
To your surprise, the setter’s face twisted into that annoying, cocky smirk of his, before he coyly replied: 
“Iwa-chan, maybe you should grab a hold of your fanclub! We’re well-behaved here, aren’t we?”, he smiled dazzlingly towards the nearest girl and you swore you saw her faint.
Upon glancing at your boyfriend, however, you quickly noticed his agape mouth, the surprised look quickly being overtaken by a frown, a hand grazing the back of his neck.
“Uh, thank you, ladies, I appreciate it, but I really wanted to talk to my girlfriend, so would you mind leaving us alone?”
He was being so genuine, you felt a pang of jealousy in your chest - It’s alright, he’s just happy to be supported, you had to remind yourself.
The ace had noticed your sour look, however, quickly turning back to you, mouth turned down into a scowl.
“Why the fuck can’t they stick to Shittykawa?”
You smiled giddily, before tangling a hand in his spiky locks. “Well that’s because you’re sweet, kind, genuine - muscular - and, uh”, you looked down embarrassedly, tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear, “fuck, you should be with one of them, I don’t deserve you.”
Now, you’d seen an annoyed Iwa plenty of times, but this couldn’t be matched - His brows seemed to furrow until they almost disappeared, his mouth pressed into a tight scowl as he looked your face up and down, checking whether or not you were being serious. Upon noticing that indeed, that was the case, he pulled you into him a tad too aggressively, pushing your chin up lightly to gaze into your eyes. 
His glare seemed to soften, before he started peppering your face with kisses. 
“You”, kiss, “are”, kiss, “the best goddamn thing”, kiss, “that’s ever happened to me.”
Finishing with his assault of kisses, Iwaizumi gave you a soft smile, before glaring playfully. “If you ever think that any of those girls would interest me half as much as you do, you’re really just as much of an idiot as Trashikawa, you know.”
Finally, he looked around before promptly squeezing your thigh, his large hand almost engulfing it. A small smirk played on his lips as he rose his gaze back to yours.
“I promise I’ll show you how gorgeous you are when we get home.”
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wigglebox · 4 years ago
Look, I've had a wild day. I woke up early, had to take a look at Tumblr to see spoilers because I couldn't help myself, saw sth about a 'I love you', got so excited I couldn't go back to sleep, fell asleep 2 hours later, woke up convinced I had somehow mistook discussion about 12x15 for spoilers in my sleep, found out I hadn't, felt glee I had never felt before, found out people were really angry (like "graduated from queerbaiting to homophopia" and those weren't even the bad takes), felt bit sad, then the memes hit my dash like a tidal wave and now I'm gleeful again cause they were some good memes, and now I don't know which way to sit.
How are you doing today?
Hello! Welcome to the morning if it is indeed morning where you are! The episode was very good and I highly suggest watching as soon as possible. 
I don’t like saying things like this, but it’s hard for me to take people who believe all that seriously because before this episode I wouldn’t even call SPN queerbaiting but even more so now because we uncovered the first part of the final puzzle piece of their canon which was already established. Their feelings for each other were already canon, and what we were waiting for was one of them to figure it out and/or act on it. 
I really need to ask these folks nicely how is it queerbaiting when talking about queer canon, especially now that it’s even MORE confirmed than before. 
I don’t understand the homophobia argument about last night either, even less than the queerbaiting thing. I imagine it’s the ‘bury your gays’ trope to which I think they may be willingly ignoring story and plot because that the percentage of Cas likely returning before the end of the show is hiiiiigh. I wonder if emotions are just high and they are annoyed there wasn’t a long-winded conversation followed by whatever and whatever.
But that’s why we prepared ourselves for these things. We knew it was going to be bittersweet. The whole show is bittersweet. And, when Cas comes back because I'm convinced of it, it’s not a bury your gays thing. Bobo is a gay man he can play with whatever tropes he wants to and subvert them as he wants to especially since he has like.. .confirmed this ship. Just like any queer person can play with tropes that always severely knee-capped the representation of queer people in media. 
I know a lot of older folks, I’m kind of on the age-line here, are used to constant media never giving gay characters a happy ending be it in books or movies, very much to the bury your gays trope, so maybe that’s why some are more cautious than others. It’s this deep-seated paranoia? I think? 
And I can’t force anyone to think how I do or we do or a lot of us do. 
My advice, however, is to blacklist those on your dash so you don’t see their posts, or unfollow, or just add more positivity to your dash so it drowns out those voices that make you feel bad because the fact remains:
We had an audible confirmation of feelings (this is what I call part one)
Dean’s reaction very much spells out we can be heading for the second audible confirmation (part 2)
Anything about a script saying ‘he can’t reciprocate’ just means he couldn’t respond at that time
Bobo is a great writer and took this ship in his hands this season (like other seasons but with more freedom this season) and helped it cross the finish line. 
There’s no queerbaiting and there’s no homophobia only high strung emotions  and people rooted in their positions (I am rooted too, so they aren’t alone in that lol) If you need positive blogs to follow I can recommend some! I may just make a post at this point. 
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