#i've said yknow in like every tag here i should stop
happylandfill23 · 1 year
oh yeah i got bangs btw
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ukaiknowsbest · 3 years
Why you all gintaes cannot stop erasing kyutae and other ships? Is it too hard for you to make posts for gintae without mentioning other ships? You love to mention other ship because it makes you feel superior because this ship doesn't have any canon implication compare to the rest. Gintoki and Otae don't even like each other in the first place. It's sad and pathetic.
i see. so you've come to my blog anon. all my posts have been tagged gintae and tae shimura for a reason. the fact that you came here means that you purposely looked for gintae content. If u saw my posts under "recent" then pardon my carelessness, i will make sure to add in the appropriate slashes.
Let me make this clear anon. I love Otae, I adore all the relationships she has in the manga. My problem is the anime adaptation of her which as I have said, take away key characterization of her in the story.
Anime producers constantly cutting her scenes with Yorozuya: with Shinpachi, with Gintoki, with Kagura and then sometimes replacing them with weird Kyuubei and Otae moments without context IS A PROBLEM. Kyuubei not being shown in the anime that she was not able to help much in instructing the homelesss men IS A PROBLEM. Kyuubei showing up in GIntoki's memories with Yorozuya even when they're not that important to her and she is not that important to him IS A PROBLEM. Tsukuyo being portrayed in spaces which she should not be in IS A PROBLEM.
The characterization of Tsukuyo and Kyuubei are already suffering because of subtle anime decisions. Ya'll burst a vein when some fans (even non-gintae and non-shippers) point out that Tsukuyo was reduced to a Gintoki love interest. Well guess what? Aside from Sorachi’s occasional wishy-washy writing, it's because the anime constantly pushed it on us when they didn't have to. Don't you get it?? Kyuubei, Tsukuyo, Gintoki, and Sarutobi's characterization are suffering right under our noses. Is that not worth mentioning? We're all suffering here! Not just Otae!
"Gintae hasn't have any canon implication compared to the rest."
Op this shows that you haven't read all my previous posts until now. I did not make a 6 parter Otae + Yorozuya masterpost for you to tell me that Otae is not important to Gintoki, to the Yorozuya and to the whole story. If you want to know, that post detailed every damn encounter and appearance of Otae with respect to the Yorozuya in the 704 chapters and one original movie of Gintama. Please I beg you, check that one out first. I really worked hard to not make it shippy. I bust my fkng arse making that yknow??
Adding to this since i didn't get your implication the first time (Im an airhead). When did i even say that GinTae is canon??? Or is this the case of ya'll bringing up your beef with my fellow shippers from years past? Get out of here op. I dont tolerate that sht in this blog.
How about I tell you that GIntoki and Otae's friendship and closeness is canon and that is what I celebrate (again pls check out my Otae Involvement with the Yorozuya Masterpost w/c I already linked above. It's all there). Is it really so bad if I want to explore the romantic potential between them? Ya'll are the ones pushing your ships to be canon and getting insecure on your own. Leave me out of it.
"Gintoki and Otae don't even like each other in the first place. It's sad and pathetic."
As I said op, this statement alone show that you haven't even read half the sht I've been discussing about Otae in this blog. I don't even know if we watched or read the same story. Do me a favor and read my Otae notes first. or better yet, my gintae thoughts. Okay? Luv ya.
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lostinmcyt · 3 years
here's the thing though, there are /some/ people who call themselves dream apologists who do excuse abuse. just like there are /some/ other people in the fandom who excuse torture, and say he deserves it. here's what i've noticed though, there are more c!dream sympathists who are Like That on twitter and reddit (eugh, reddit), and there are more c!tommy apologists who are Like That on tumblr. (though there are always some on any platform) i've seen so many bad faith, horrible takes on twitter from every side (i know i sound a little centrist here). and i have genuinely encountered people on twitter, with large followings who said "oh dream didn't abuse tommy, their relationship was just toxic" and no one came in and corrected them. my point is, firstly we need to stop judging "apologists" by the outliers, or by their bad apples. BUT i also think, if we're gonna view it as sides, both sides need to start taking a little accountability, and also call people out people in their /own/ group when they genuinely do spout victim-blaming rhetoric, instead of no-true-scotsmaning them out. 'cause i've been tryna do that best i can, if i do encounter it. and i know the response to the survey was a bit disappointing from my side, i know how shitty it feels when people don't, 1. get the point of ur character and 2. echo a lot of victim-blaming sentiments, even if the character itself isn't real, because the things they say are real, and sound so eerily familiar. i genuinely cannot be on dream smp twitter for that reason. - cube (once again back in ur inbox with a long-winded opinion :P)
okay now that i'm off work-
yeah shitty as it is I have also seen some people who say they're c!Dream apologists who do say that c!Dream did absolutely nothing wrong or that c!tommy deserved the exile treatment or whatever with their whole chest (notably only in form of twt screenshots posted here either by antis going 'SEE THEY'RE ALL ABUSE APOLOGISTS' or by us going 'yo what the actual FUCK', but then again, i have my dash curated to avoid shitty people so i'm not saying no one like this exists on tumblr) - and i 100% agree that in the true spirit of this fandom discussing moral conundrums on a daily basis they should be told that hey, actually, how about you maybe reconsider.
with the c!tommy apologists who say the torture is okay - well if you're a c!dream fan and try to discuss that point you get called abuse apologist in return because Exile is the only arc that matters and we cannot discuss anything else ever and the cycle continues xD so a lot of us gave up lmao and now we just ask people to tag appropriately and stare in horror otherwise
but this is touching on what I said - difference in the definition of what a c!dream apologist is. cause you know, i go by 'i acknowledge his faults but i'm going to look into his character deeper to try and understand where they came from as well as i don't believe he's irredemable because god damn everyone deserves a chance to get better' definition which is i think the most popular angle at least in my corner of dsmpblr. the people i talked about earlier would not be c!dream apologists by this definition, they'd be what i like to call, 'wrong' /lh
idk man, it's the generalization that gets me, and also the fact that people will go out of their way to show up in your asks or your notes or in general tags even and say 'yeah if you like this character/if you're an apologist you're actually abusive to people in real life' hen it couldn't be further from the truth but they don't know that nor do they care to stop and think about the fact that maybe they're wrong-
and people of this fandom only seem to go this far in c!dream/c!dream fans case, i don't think people go out their way to go to c!q fans and yell at them about torture or yknow to go to c!sam fans and yell about prison reforms (if they do, guys, i'm so sorry /srs) AND ALSO some one them will be like 'you're an abuser /j' like????????? hello??????????????? show me where the joke is.
sorry for how rambly i am my brain is melting from the heat you have no idea how much effort it took to reply lol
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I posted 41 times in 2021
31 posts created (76%)
10 posts reblogged (24%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.3 posts.
I added 74 tags in 2021
#mod tenko - 12 posts
#danganronpa - 11 posts
#🎨•mod angie - 10 posts
#danganronpa headcanons - 10 posts
#danganronpa imagines - 9 posts
#danganronpa x reader - 8 posts
#🎨•artist speaks - 4 posts
#kai imagine - 4 posts
#korekiyo x reader - 3 posts
#danganronpa korekiyo - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 52 characters
#just reposting this here so its on the writing blog-
My Top Posts in 2021
Hello! This blog honestly picked my interest, so I'd like to make a request and give this blog some activeness.
Can I request Korekiyo with a S/O who has trouble with sleeping because of disturbing thoughts? Thank you in advance and have a good day!
Hello hello! Thank you so so so much for taking interest in the blog and requesting! We honestly haven't gotten a request in awhile so I think we're all a little unmotivated yknow? I honestly can't even explain how happy I got when I saw this. So again, thank you so much for your request! I'm super excited to write this, so let me shut up and let's get started! Let me know if you want this re-done at all!
Notes: I apologize if there wasn’t a lot of kork in this. I ended up kinda accidentally centering this around s/o and even when he is part of the story, he’s kinda ooc.
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~Mod Tenko, who's really happy! 😊~
Korekiyo with a sleep troubled S/O
Korekiyo also had troubles sleeping sometimes, but not nearly as much you
You’d always go to sleep very late and usually wake up in a panic about 1-2 hours later, meaning you were getting very little sleep
Sometimes you couldn’t go to sleep at all
Sleeping meds would help you sleep longer, but never would you stay asleep
Korekiyo was becoming terribly concerned for you
He’s tried his best to help, meds, cuddling, trying to help you think of other things before you go to sleep..
The list goes on, but nothing really works
Finally, he takes you with him to one of his therapy sessions (yes he is getting therapy, he needed it severely)
His therapist, Mx. Toshinori is delighted to meet you! They’ve heard a lot about you
Korekiyo gets a little embarrassed at this
Korekiyo explains your problem as Mx. Toshi gives you a look of worry
When they ask you to describe what you’re seeing and how you feel, you’re hesitant at first, but Korekiyo reassures you
You sigh, and finally explain this damning burden on you
As you explain what you’ve been seeing, and how it’s been such a burden to you, you begin to cry
You apologize and continue as Korekiyo comforts you
When you’re done, Mx. Toshi has already prescribed you something
They explain that the medication should help you sleep better by putting you in such a deep sleep, that you don’t dream at all
They also explain it may be a little harder for you to be woken up, but that shouldn’t really be a problem
Mx. Toshi says you’re welcome to stop in with Korekiyo at anytime if you need to
You take the prescription and thank Mx. Toshi
A few weeks later, you’ve been taking your meds and have been sleeping much better
You become a whole new happy person that Korekiyo hasn’t really seen before
Korekiyo is extremely happy for you and loves this new you
He finds it fascinating how fast you’ve recovered from your state
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31 notes • Posted 2021-09-25 16:03:39 GMT
I think its valid if i request Rantaro and Kaz walking on their partner killing some1 during the killing game
(Anon. You amazing person. I love this idea! This is very valid. It's also interesting because Kaz is my favorite, as I'm pretty sure I've said before, and I've never written angst so let's see how this goes. Btw after writing this, I can say that I'm so bad with angst, it turned into 'EVERYTHING IS OK, NOTHING BAD HAPPENED.' Which isnt surprising.)
Characters: Rantaro Amami, Kazuichi Soda
Warnings/things to look out for: somewhat detailed attack, small spoilers for SDR2 CH4
Type: Angst
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~Mod Tenko who's interested to see where they go with this~
Rantaro hadn't seen you all day and was starting to worry
Just a day ago Monokuma sent out a timed motive
He felt you were the only one he could trust in this game
So ever since the motive came out, you've been reassuring him
But he's noticed
You've clearly been very nervous since the motive became clear
He's tried talking to you but you would always say,
"I'm fine! Dont worry about me!"
But here you were
Bloodied wrench in hand
Korekiyo backed up to the library wall, silent fear on his face
He could tell what was happening immediately
He quickly walks over to you, who turns around
You're crying
He tries his to comfort you as you run into his arms and sob
But he feels betrayed
What if he hadn't found you?
You promised him you two would escape together..
But he made the same promise
That's why he's just glad he got here when he did
Kork in the bg like 'wtf I almost just died'
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40 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 02:41:55 GMT
Uh, so I'm busy writing a oneshot rn, but I wanted to do smth so here we go!
Random Tenko Headcanons
(Includes Sakuraoi and Tenmiko)
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~Mod Tenko, who's kinda bored rn~
She talks in third person! Not many people point it out, but there's bound to be those kind of people, (Kokichi mainly) but she's not bothered by it!
You ever seen her beta design(s)?
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49 notes • Posted 2021-08-29 19:03:46 GMT
i hope this isn’t too specific but could i get korekiyo, and nagito a reaction to their s/o walking in on the morning meeting with a stab wound?? like what’s their reaction would be, make it a bit angst if you will!! thank you !! <3
< uh-oh, that must've hurt. Being stabbed is no good! >
< warning - Panic attacks >
< also, Mod Angie doesn't know how a panic attack works so please tell me if there is something wrong! >
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Korekiyo shinguuji
He'll notice it quickly, i mean. He studies people, of course he will notice it in one glance
"M-My dear, what happened to your beautiful body?" He will be distraught, who in the world hurted you? It will make the others get alerted, someone tried to kill someone? Kaede rushed in the conversation
"S/O What h-happened to you! Did you see who the person was-" she got cut off by Kiyo dragging you to his lab, he didn't trust no one. Only you, he can trust only you.
You heard mumbles, was he having a panic attack?
You walked to him
"K-Kiyo, please. Follow me, we'll breathe together." He nodded "In....out...in....out..." his breathing steadys, thats good "Can i hug you Kiyo?" He nods, still trembling. You hugged him, his head on your chest. He can hear your heartbeat, it really calms him down "kekehehe..My dear, thank you...."
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49 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 12:27:42 GMT
Korekiyo, Nagito and Shuichi with a s/o who has likes some serious problems but they just say eat the pain away
Character: “S/O you can’t just eat your pain away”
S/O, pulling out a bag of chips: “If nobody’s stopping me, who says I can’t?”
Honestly I can at least somewhat relate to this one cause I tend to have a problem eating when I'm bored, but I think I'm getting better about it at least. You probably didn't wanna hear my problems, so let's just get to your request!
A/N: Nagito says 'my hope' as a name a bunch btw and I personally think these might be a little weird and not well written and shuichi's headcanons are very short since I wasn't really sure what else to do so please let me know if you want this rewritten
Warning: a little swearing (I guess)
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~Mod Tenko, who clearly talks too much~
Korekiyo Shinguji
Both you and Kiyo have some problems but Kiyo deals with them in a much healthier way than you do
While Kiyo tends to drown himself and others in anthropology, you.. eat.
Had a bad day? Eat a bag of chips.
Emotions gotcha down? Eat a tub of ice cream.
Hell, stubbed your toe and it hurt like a bitch? Great! Go make some mac n' cheese.
Kiyo noticed this early in your relationship, way back to when you were just friends
He's said something to you before about it when you were friends
"Y/n, I've noticed your habit of eating when upset."
"Yeah? It's that obvious?"
"Yes, it is actually quite fascinating, but not a very good coping mechanism."
"Yeah but I don't really have much else to do." You say as you pull out a dollar.
"I'll be right back."
You came back with a bag of chips
Kiyo kinda gave up on that one, but now that you're dating, he was hoping the conversation would go.. a little better than last time
But Kiyo has a little... trick up his sleeve
"Y/n, I would like to discuss something."
"Yeah Kiyo? Hope it's not a three hour long anthropology post again."
"No, but I will continue to share those."
"I would actually like to speak of your poor coping mechanism once more."
"This habit of yours can grow unhealthy my love."
"I know Kiyo. I just.. don't know what else to do."
See the full post
113 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 14:32:38 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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billhaderlovebot · 5 years
of heartbreak and raviolis - aaron conners
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summary: you're sick and tired of everyone taking advantage of your best friend, aka aaron conners, aka the most wonderful man in the world, aka the man you love. not so subtle amy bashing fic.
tags: @whoseblogsthis @mpmarypoppins @a-second-hand-sorrow
aaron conners had always had shitty taste in women. you'd mainly thought so because none of the women he'd ever picked happened to be you.
aaron was too soft. too soft for this world and the men and women in it. they would break him. they would ball up the effervescent, unconditional kindness and love he had for people and shove it right back down.
amy was going to break him, too.
you knew she would.
and, oh, how you hated her. you hated her and how unreliable she was and the infuriating vapidness within her and her terrifying lack of respect for the man you had loved since you were seventeen. your best friend.
watching him kiss her was hell. watching him fall for her, knowing he was gone and there was nothing you could do about it, was worse.
but he was so happy, and he looked at her like she'd hung the moon.
it fucking hurt.
because you were tired of sitting by while everyone took advantage of how fucking nice he always was.
because you knew what was coming. and you didn't have the heart to say "i told you so".
"hey, hey, slow down, honey, i can't understand you."
aaron was crying. his voice came broken and shuddering down the line, trying desperately to get something out that wasn't cut with a sob burning from his chest. but you already knew what he was going to say. you knew, and you were pulling on a sweater and grabbing your keys before he could explain.
"she... she said-" and he couldn't get it out. the sound of his heartbreak made your own heart shatter.
"im coming over." you breathed, slamming the door and heading out into the night to comfort the man you had always wanted but could never have.
amy had cheated. actually, amy had been cheating for quite some time. she had never stopped, in fact.
you'd been tangled together on aaron's couch, a mass of crying and limbs and throw blankets, for hours now.
"i thought she loved me." aaron scoffed, staring blankly out of the window to where the sun was just beginning to rise over new york.
his head was in your lap and the only thing keeping him tethered to sanity was your hand threading through his hair. "she said she loved me."
he let out a mirthless laugh, and you were suddenly furious.
"i'm so fucking angry." you whispered, eyes intent on aaron's face, angled towards the sunrise, the remnants of heartbreak in shining tracks down his cheeks.
"why?" he inquired, turning over to look up at you.
"because... because this shouldn't happen, aaron. not to you."
light snores filled the quiet apartment as aaron drifted off in your arms. he had moved so that his face rested in the crook of your shoulder, his hand draped over your waist. you couldn't help but feel that this was a little bit not fair. it wasn't the first time something like this had happened to him, and it wasn't the first time you'd had to hold him and comfort him and pretend you hadn't been painfully in love with him since high school. so here you were, again, the doting, supportive best friend. again. fuck.
in sleep, he looked younger. in sleep, he looked content, save for the small wrinkle between his eyebrows, the remainder of the day's emotional strain. it disappeared with the gentle press of your lips against the soft skin, and aaron unconsciously held onto you a little tighter. your heart ached as it did when you were a teenager.
when, at seventeen, you lay eyes on him at a house party, shrouded in smoke and coloured lights and the thumping bass of some nondescript vaporwave track, your heart skipped, like, twelve beats or something.
and, when, blue eyed and floppy haired, he looked back at you, raising his red plastic cup, your heart fell out of your ass. upon trying to talk to the guy who had so quickly stolen your heart, you spilled your vodka soda all over him. he tipped his own drink over your head. you stared at each other for several solid seconds of short lived fury, and then cracked up, immediately going to find more alcohol. you were best friends from that day on.
you were the one who supported him through medical school, helping him study and walking to campus every morning to give him coffee and whatever baked good you deemed acceptable. bidding him goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and the promise of a movie marathon.
you endured aaron's many vapid, fake-nice, passive-aggressive girlfriends who would loathe you and shoot you looks that, should they kill, would have you six feet fucking under.
you pushed how deeply in love with him you were right down below the surface, because his happiness was more important to you.
you thought, now, almost a decade later, as he had cried in your arms for hours about a woman that didn't feel the same, that it might be time for you to get your feelings in order and fucking tell him that all you wanted was for him to take you in his arms and kiss you fucking senseless.
and then they got back together.
"aaron, you fuck- you what?" you were absolutely livid, like, struggling-to-hold-the-phone-without-smashing-it-into-someone's-face livid.
"um, i, i just really want to make it work with her, and she was really sorry, and-"
"aaron, she broke your fucking heart."
"yeah, i know, i-
"and i was the one to let you cry your fucking eyes out on me for hours, even though it hurt. i've stood by for years, watching people hurt you and knowing there was nothing i could do about it."
"i'm not your responsibility, honey." he said. "this is my own life and i... you don't have to be involved."
"how can you fucking say that, aaron? of course i do. i won't let her do this to you again. i'm your best fucking friend, is that not enough for you?"
"...i guess not."
you'd never wanted to beat aaron to death before, but if he continued being so fucking stupid, you'd advise him not to put it past you. there was a deafening silence on the phone after that, because there was nothing you could say to change his mind, and nothing he could say that would make you not want to murder amy townsend. or him.
"i won't do this anymore." you finally said, a lump in your throat.
"pretend that... that i'm not in love with you so that i can be okay with the manipulative assholes you pick as girlfriends."
"goodbye, aaron."
the month that followed was probably the worst month of your entire life. you didn't speak to aaron once. no calls, no emails, no 2am visits to listen to billy joel and eat junk and talk about how you both carried the weight of the world on your shoulders. you'd always shared that weight, and, now, it was like someone had torn you in half and left you bleeding.
you were halfway through the last episode of season ten of friends, and your second box of cold pop tarts, crying your eyes out, when the doorbell rang. you wiped your eyes with the sleeve of one of aaron's old college sweaters and dragged yourself up from the couch. your breath caught in your throat at the sight of the disheveled, very attractive man hyperventilating in front of you when the front door swung open.
"aaron?" you stumbled over your thrift store welcome mat you bought because of the blue cat on it, holding yourself up on the door frame and staring up at him in sleepy disbelief.
"hi, yes, hi." aaron was breathing hard, the aftermath of running the whole two miles to your apartment in the middle of the night. "i've been thinking a lot about... about what you said, and i just, i've missed you, yknow? and, i, um, not that that makes everything okay, because i didn't listen to you, and it sucked, and-"
"what do you want?" you asked, trying not to punch him. "i'm tired, aaron. and not just physically. i'm tired of waiting around for you to love me."
"oh, well that's, um, that's good." he nodded, peeling off his jacket. "sorry, um, im sweaty-"
"that's good?" you blinked. aaron was clueless at the best of times, but this was insane.
"yes, yeah, because i realised something, um, just now, at home, with amy."
"i really don't want to hear about amy right now-"
"no, i know, i just, um, i realised that she's not who i want." he shrugged.
"it's about fucking time, aaron, i swear to god-"
"you're my best friend, and... i meant what i said, yknow, about that not being enough for me."
aaron ducked under the doorframe, bending down to capture your lips with his own. your eyes widened, and you froze up, your arms at your sides. the fact that aaron conners was kissing you just wouldn't compute.
and then it did, and you were kissing him back, your arms flying around his neck and your fingers twisting into his hair.
the kiss was searing, and your skin burned where his hands trailed across your cheeks, cupping your jaw, and up the back of your shirt, ghosting across your hip bones.
even when you stumbled back into your apartment, falling backwards over the couch, aaron was relentless, attaching his lips to your neck as if nothing was amiss.
what stood out to you was how easy this was. how you were able to fall into place so quickly as if you'd been doing this for years. as if you hadn't been pining for him for half your life.
"hey," you broke the kiss, gazing up at him in all his blue eyed, flustered, swollen-lipped glory. "hey, we have some, ah, things to talk about, i think."
aaron nodded, swallowing. "yeah, um, yeah."
you pecked his lips, closing your eyes. you just wanted to be someone who had kissed aaron conners, no complications, for a few seconds longer.
"raviolis?" he asked quietly, still hovering above you with that signature, heart-melting grin.
"it's 1am, aaron."
"i know a guy."
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