#i've said it before but man he'd love superman's powers so much
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alackofghosts · 3 months ago
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hi, hello, what's up
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spectreofgreengables · 3 months ago
I've said it before, but I'll say it again
Let me explain
We are introduced to character A, a lower-class, hard-working hero type. He's been hardened through the loss of his mother, cruel treatment from an abusive father, and has high expectations for himself, because he always promised himself he'd become a better man. We see that he's an absolute prick at times, because he's developed an arrogant persona to get through life because he knows that nobody will ever be there for him.
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Then, all of a sudden, our super-macho Superman needs something. And he can't fight or suppress or drink this need away. Probably something life-saving.
But here comes character B, an upper-echelon never-had-an-unfullfilled-need-in-his-life type with the power to save our hero. Originally, he's introduced as an antagonist to play with power dynamics in the plot, but the audience can't get enough of these two taunting each other. And so we get more of them, and slowly their character morphs into.. a companion role?
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As time goes on, we see that lofty character B is trapped and without love (connection? friendship? purpose?) in his position of power as a "higher being," but goddamit spending time with character A just makes him feel alive. Suddenly he's questioning everything about the institution of class and power and race that separates him from his friend. Why should he be safer, richer, or worth more than character A, when clearly character A is a much better person, and deserves so much better in life?
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And, at the same time, character A is learning, begrudgingly at first, that he can finally rely on someone to be there for him. He can have a weakness, and he can share his burdens.
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Time passes, plots thicken, we race towards the climax of our story, and suddenly character B is forced to give up his power to save character A's life. For better or worse, they're equals now, and suddenly the power dynamic has completely reversed.
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In the aftermath of losing his powers (status, rank, money, etc) character B is lost, confused, desperate in a world that makes no sense to him. And now, all of a sudden, Character A, who has never been able to provide anything for Character B, is in a position of power - but not only that - a position of care, as well.
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AAAAAANYWAY Stolitz is Destiel and I think the fan artists and fic writers might find this information...potentially useful.
Thanks for reading. :)
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maxwell-grant · 4 years ago
Downfall of a Dark Avenger Part 2: Shadows of Manhattan
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Having finished reading Al Ewing’s El Sombra trilogy and having had enough time to digest it, I’d like to talk about the trajectory of it’s titular protagonist, the character and series’s relationship with it’s influences. Relating to The Shadow and Zorro and general pulp archetypes, and also the way it incorporates Astro Boy’s Pluto into the mix.
This part is focused on Gods of Manhattan and El Sombra’s first appearences in Pax Omega and the ways in which the urban vigilante manifests itself in the books. 
In Gods of Manhattan, El Sombra takes a backseat to it’s central players, Doc Thunder and The Blood-Spider. I’ve mentioned how Thunder, while ostensibly a Doc Savage/Superman amalgam, also combines aspects that allow the character to condense the entire history of the superman into a single being, but to a character very much centered on the future and in progressive ideals, described in the book as someone considered both the city’s ultimate savior as well as viewed as "a faggot, a liberal and a miscegenationist”. In that regard, the Blood-Spider becomes his opposite. Perhaps the most comprehensive savaging of the dark detective/The Shadow ever put on paper, that has a larger point behind the questions and criticisms it brings up to what this kind of figure can be. 
"You can hardly have a war on crime unless you are the one defining what a crime is. First rule of the war on crime: everyone is guilty or something"
Us am vigilantes! Am us not men? Us use violence to effect social change! Am us not men? Us bring terror to underclass, make streets safer for overclass! Am us not men? Am us not men?
Making them loved rather than feared. Having them fight crime, or the right kind of crime, at least. Created a persona designed to appeal to the worst in people, to bring the citizens of New York around to his cause, his war on crime, which would, of course, then become a war against ‘urban crime’. Or some other little euphemism. ‘Inhuman’, for example. Sounds a lot more relatable than subhuman, doesn’t it? Comes to the same thing, though.
Although The Blood-Spider is an evil take on The Shadow, most of his character traits are taken from characters that followed him. He’s got the moniker, savagery, fright tactics and branded murders of The Spider, he climbs buildings and has a civilian identity akin to Spider-Man’s, with constant name references to characters like Stacey, Jonah and a redhead named Mary Watson, with him sharing a name with Peter Parker as well as Batman villain Jonathan Crane, he’s got Rorschach monologues that are echoed by his associates past his demise in white supremacist organizations dedicated to carrying off Spider’s legacy, predating HBO Watchmen’s take on Rorschach legacy. If Doc Thunder is all about taking the superhero’s past to create a better future with it, Blood-Spider takes the future of the urban vigilante and uses it as a conduit to enact a barbaric and reactionary agenda in service of undoing everything Thunder stands for, even before he’s revealed to be a Nazi agent. 
Blood-Spider is what happens when the absolute worst aspects of said characters are brought to the forefront and twisted by a dose of reality. He’s to The Shadow what Plutonian is to Superman, the most sour way said character and legend can be twisted into something horrendous. He’s the Doutrinador in a fedora, everything I vehemently argue that The Shadow wasn’t, and yet seems sadly ever closer to as more and more comics dehumanize the character. He’s Howard Chaykin’s Shadow, naked and raw and exposed for what it ultimately is. An insult and a wake-up call, if a necessary one.
In fact, said poisoning of a legend is explicitly a plot point in the book, because the book establishes that, before The Blood-Spider, the city’s main vigilante used to be a man by the name of Blue Ghost, friend of Doc Thunder and, although a mysterious public figure, still firmly on the side of good. Unfortunately, moral victories aside, “good” alone doesn’t cut it in the world of El Sombra. 
You took a look at the Blue Ghost - mysterious masked avenger, operatives all over the place, big fan-following with the working classes, and you figured...we need one of those. Just take away the Japanese orphan kid and replace him with a foxy Aryan chick.
Blue Ghost is almost a textbook Spirit analogue, even defined as being beat up a lot as his main asset, except here, he’s placed as Doc’s counterpart that died before the story began and is now replaced by a darker and more horrendous counterpart, and because The Spirit was influenced by The Shadow, it opens a roundabout connection. You can read this as a comparison between the shift from Adam West’s Batman to Frank Miller’s Batman, or a comparison between The Shadow and earlier more straightforward pulp vigilantes like Jimmie Dale, or a comparison between the pulp/radio Shadow and later iterations of him or analogues to his archetype that upped the nastier aspects. Again, nothing in El Sombra is ever quite just one thing. 
And at last we come to El Sombra, who spends much of the book caught in between the duels of Doc, Untergang and players in between. And it’s interesting that here, while El Sombra’s final victories over the story’s major conflict lie in his willingness to team up with Doc, despite knowing of his origins as a Nazi weapon, his victories over Blood-Spider instead come from turning tricks of The Shadow against him. First, when he discovers Spider’s true nature, spying on him by pulling a Fritz the Janitor. And then in the finale, when he schools Spider on what a real shadowy avenger looks like. 
"Amigo...that's my sword"
The voice came from the darkness above them, where the gaslight did not reach. The Spider's blood ran cold for a long moment, and then he grabbed hold of his other gun, tearing it from its holster and raising it to fire a volley of bullets into the darkness. "Where are you? Show yourself!" he hissed, turning in place, the gun raised to fire at the slightest sound or movement.
"You're not the only one who can hide in the shadows, my friend. I've got very good at it, over the years."
"Show yourself!" Another volley of shots, with no result. Was he throwing his voice? Was he everywhere at once? Was he a shadow himself? A ghost?
The voice echoed from another place now, continuing his speech exactly where he had left off. And still that mocking voice echoed from the shadows above.
"See, I didn't know if you were a good guy or a bad guy. I mean, sure, you killed people, and you were kind of a dick about it, you know? But I didn't know if you were one of the bastards. I didn't know if you needed to die or not, amigo."
The gun clicked empty. He was out of bullets. He turned again, and there was the man in the red mask. Just standing there, in the middle of the concourse. His smile didn't look human. And his eyes. Oh, his terrible eyes...
"Stay back." The Spider whispered, and his voice sounded in his ears like a frightened, animal thing, waiting to curl up and die in its hole.
The man in the red mask only laughed. A rich, deep, joyous laugh, a laugh that echoed and filled the whole station, bouncing from pillar to pillar, careening through the great vaulted arches. Such a laugh!
Then the laughter stopped, and he fixed the Blood-Spider with a look that would freeze the fires of Hell.
And suddenly - quite suddenly - there was no Blood-Spider. There was only Parker Crane, the Nazi. Parker Crane, the traitor. Who thought he could destroy America, and only managed to destroy himself. Parker Crane. Just a man wearing a mask. He ran, and left the sword behind him.
"Nice trick," Doc murmured, turning to the masked man. "Throwing your sword from up on the balcony - good aim, by the way - then throwing your voice and a little mental suggestion to make him think you were up in the arches where he'd been. Where did you learn that?"
The masked man shrugged, lifting up his weapon. "In the desert. You can learn a lot in the desert, if you put your mind to it."
By the story’s end, once Lars Lomax, Thunder’s arch-enemy and Lex Luthor, takes center stage as it’s ultimate threat, Parker Crane is left a traumatized, broken shell unable to even move, utterly stripped of any mystique or power that his mask and guns may have brought him. And in the end, El Sombra finds him, neutralized and no longer a threat to anyone. And he makes his choice.
El Sombra knew what it was to hate, to hate so hard and so long that you knew nothing else, to hate so strongly that it crossed that line into something beyond reason.
He lifted his sword, resting the blade in his palm for a moment, considering. Crane only stared, weeping and making his soft, mad noises. El Sombra sighed, shaking his head. "You know, I don't know if I can kill a guy who's already dead. Even if he is one of the bastards."
"Don't let him in here." Murmured Crane, his eyes wide.
"Shhh, I won't let him in," smiled El Sombra in response, trying to be reassuring. "You'll never have to face him again. I promise. It's okay, amigo. It's okay."
It was strange. He knew he should feel hate for Parker Crane. It was Djego's job to bear things like pity and doubt, to feel sorrow and shame. That was Djego's role in their team of one. El Sombra was there to take never-ending revenge and to laugh and to never look back. But to know that his murder of Heinrich Donner - his righteous kill - had resulted in so much harm coming to so many... and now to see the leader of Undergang, the man he'd come to New York to kill, just an empty, broken madman, a shell of a person... El Sombra wondered if he was changing.
"Don't," whispered Crane, a tear rolling down his cheek. "Don't let him back in."
El Sombra smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, amigo. I'm going to go and make sure nobody ever needs to see him again. And I couldn't have done it without you." He squeezed lightly. "You didn't mean to, but you did some good. Remember that."
Then, gently, he pushed the tip of the sword through the front of Crane's skull and into his brain.
He was not incapable of pity. But he was who he was, and he did what he did.
And broken or not, the bastards had to die.
We’ve seen El Sombra struggle and be faced with choices, choices between Djego and El Sombra, choices between kindness and violence, between peace and conflict. We’ve seen the conflict in his soul between things that he knows are right, because Djego is a good man with a good soul who wants good things for himself and others, and things he knows he must do, because he is El Sombra and El Sombra was created to kill the bastards that brought his world to ruin and therefore it’s what he must always do. And in the end, El Sombra is simply stronger. He has to be. But strength and violence and hatred can only get one so far. 
Gods of Manhattan is the trilogy’s moral compass, the book that most clearly defines the morality the series operates on. And in between the spectrums of justice embodied by Doc and Crane’s approach, between the two urban avengers in The Blue Ghost and Blood-Spider, El Sombra made his choice. And it’s the first choice that dooms him.
Enter Pax Omega, and we learn that, 4 years since the previous book's events, El Sombra joined a squad of agents called Yankee Bravo Seven, who work for an organization named STEAM, who enact missions against Nazis to turn the tides of war. He is joined by several other types of characters, including The Blood Widow, Crane’s former assistant Marlene Lang now having taken up the moniker (just as Nita van Sloan did for The Spider, even with the “Widow” prefix). We see that El Sombra has joined a team of bantering heroes and even formed a friendly rivalry with a man named Savate, modeled after Batroc the Leaper. 
But we see that the hunger for vengeance still burns, still burns beyond reason, restless because it’s been 4 years and the war still isn’t over and Hitler still isn’t dead by his sword. And it’s that restlessness that again dooms him, when he once again makes the wrong choice and betrays leader Jack Scorpio, Scorpio who had personally brought him on board and gave him the best shot he ever had at getting to Hitler. 
El Sombra frowned. "We need to make our move now."
Scorpio shook his head. "Not yet."
"What?" El Sombra looked incredulous.
"Wait for my signal, I said! Damn it, I need you to trust me!" Jack Scorpio reached up to brush the back of his finger across his forehead, and realised he was sweating. 
Through his special glasses, El Sombra's aura was glowing an angry, pulsing red, like a throbbing vein. "Just...trust me. I'm asking you to hold back for just five minutes. There's more going on here than you know."
El Sombra just stared at him, his lips pulling back from his teeth in a cold snarl.
"Trust me. That's all I ask." Jack Scorpio looked into the blazing eyes behind the bloodstained mask, and spoke softly, soothingly, almost desperately. "Can you just hold back for one minute?"
The eyes behind the mask narrowed.
"Can you?"
El Sombra spat in Scorpio's face.
"Chinga tu madre."
Then he drew his sword and leaped down into the fray.
After the mission is over, with the base destroyed and a major victory secured, although with Jack Scorpio having been killed, the team disbands. El Sombra continues to wander the forests near the Luftwaffe base for about two weeks, killing as many Nazis as he can, until an explosion blast hits near him, knocking away his mask and portions of his leg and arm, and rendering him unconscious for 8 months. By the time he wakes up, the war has ended, and so has El Sombra for the past 7 years.
Djego was afforded the best of medical care at the hospital in Venice. El Sombra was nowhere to be found.
His mask had been torn off in the explosion, along with some of the meat of his leg and arm. He walked stiffly, now, with a pronounced limp, and his left arm was all but useless, hanging limply at his side. The Wildcat crew had salvaged his sword, but Djego had little interest in using it.
Gradually, he regained his mobility. The back of his head itched constantly, and he suffered from horrendous mood swings, when he would rage against the Fuhrer and the bastards, or weep helplessly, like a child. But gradually, he found his personality stabilising in the gentle, antiseptic atmosphere of the hospital. He found that Djego - so long despised as a weakling, a coward and a fool - was capable of a kind of gentle, melancholic wit that made him popular.
Djego healed and grew, and the itch in the back of his skull began to subside, as El Sombra relinquished his grip.
Djego felt his heart seize in his chest. The cloth was missing a scrap at the end, and there was mud ground into the fabric along with the old bloodstains; but it had two evenly-spaced holes in it, and was unmistakably a mask. It seemed to be looking at him.
He takes up gardening and establishes himself in the city of Brandenberg, he becomes a fixture of the city and a friend of it, he enters a relationship, and El Sombra never appears again.
Until a mysterious stranger named Leonard Lorraine, walks through his door one day, saying he’s got a mission to fulfill, and hands him his mask. And, once again, El Sombra is simply stronger, and he makes the wrong choice again. 
Djego shook his head and tried to step back from it, but his legs wouldn't move.
"No," he whispered. "No. Please"
"I was happy," pleaded Djego. "Doesn't that matter to you?" He picked up the cloth in trembling fingers, looking into the empty eyeholds. "Doesn't that mean anything?"
There was no answer. The patrons of the bierkeller did not even notice anything was happening.
"I was happy," Djego choked, and then, in one spasmodic motion, he pulled the mask onto his face, and secured it tightly, so that the knot once again rested in the back of his head, where it belonged: so tightly that it might never come off again.
El Sombra looked at his hands.
He prodded his belly, amused at the rounded shape of it, and took a couple of steps back from the bar. The limp was gone.
He laughed, very softly, so as not to disturb the patrons.
Djego and Lorraine walk through the desolate streets of Berlin, which in the years since has completely sealed itself from the outside world through an impossibly thick dome, and Djego discovers the city completely bereft of life, with only a few lobotomized robotic citizens aimlessly wandering and chewing on the mountains of corpses in the city, as their Nazi ideology reached it’s inevitable outcome of total annihilation of any and all that the party could find an excuse to slaughter in the name of purity, which eventually included it’s few remaining members. In this world, Hitler has been a brain inside a robotic contraption ever since 1945, and it’s amidst this scenario that El Sombra, while thinking about how his final confrontation with Hitler would play out, eventually finds what’s left of Hitler. 
All around them, there were the sounds of machinery, but the Mecha-Fuhrer was completely silent, utterly motionless. In the centre of its chest rested a tank of toxic green fluid, and on the surface of the fluid, a human brain floated, like the corpse of a goldfish.
It was quite dead.
El Sombra stared at the Fuhrer for a long moment. Eventually, he spoke, and his voice was cracked and raw, and choked with rage. "Is...is this a joke?"
De Lareine smiled his terrible smile. "The Fuhrer's body needed a great deal of maintenance and repair, you know. After two years, one of the processes delivering oxygen to his brain failed...and there was nobody left to repair it. He died, slowly." There would have been some pain, at the end".
El Sombra slammed his fist into the great iron throne on which the massive body sat, shattering his knuckles and tearing the skin from them. He didn't seem to notice. "Some pain," he choked, through gritted teeth."
El Sombra was still staring into the empty, dead eyes of the Fuhrer.
El Sombra again chooses poorly. It’s this moment, above all else, that truly damns him to his fate, as we come to see what is it exactly that a persona created for the purpose of vengeance has, when said vengeance is robbed from it. Like Parker Crane, his persona crumbles completely to expose the petty, ugly little feelings that drove it to such grandstanding antics in the first place, and the allmighty El Sombra is exposed for the all-too human failings that damned him once and for all.
"This isn't right," he said, eventually, in a strangled voice. "How...how can it end like this?"
"Why shouldn't it?" De Lareine shrugged. "Here's a thought. Maybe, despite his twenty-year tantrum and all his dressing up, spoilt little Djego is not the centre of the universe -"
El Sombra turned, face red, tears streaming from his eyes, and charged at De Lareine, slashing his sword. El Sombra crashed down onto the floor, into the soot scattered about, as De Lareine walked around him.
"Did you really believe Adolf Hitler would wait around for your sword? Did you not imagine that it might be better for him to seal himself off in a hole to die, instead of murdering and enslaving continents until you finally got around to him? Did you think you were the hero of your own little story, El Sombra, with your mask and your laugh and your-"
"Shut up!" El Sombra cried out, scrambling to his feet, the sword shaking in his hand, tears and snot running down his face. "He was mine! He was mine to kill!" He lifted the sword, the tip trembling. "Bring him back," he screamed, "do you hear me? Bring him back to life!"
De Lareine had to laugh at that.
And in the end, El Sombra is crushed, spiritually and physically as his spine is shattered by Lareine, who begins to experiment on him as he lays dying, ready to fulfill fate’s greater purpose for El Sombra. Ready to become not just the perfect machine Pasito’s conquerors intended, but a superior design. Ready to abandon his former life, ready to abandon everything that defined him, ready to shed any and all traces of Zorro and Shadow and pulp hero in his system, because the age of pulp heroes and superheroes has passed. 
The metal man emerged from his hole, dragging the corpse of the Fuhrer behind him.
The brain in the metal man's chest would, perhaps, live for thousands of years. He wondered how he would spend the time.
He remembered little of his former life; he had been a man named El Sombra, or perhaps Djego. He had been stupid - he realised that now - but that was something he would never be again.
Apart from that, there was only a succession of faces, the memory of laughter and of a final, awful betrayal that had destroyed him. But there was also the sense that a great and terrible mission had ended at last, and it was time for a new life to begin.
The metal man took a last look back at the great dome of Fortress Berlin. Somewhere in there, the Leopard Man was hunting, freed from his own mission. And in the Fuhrer's old office, the empty, lifeless clay of El Sombra - or was it Djego? - lay, discarded, like a butterfly's cocoon.
The metal man thought on this, as the Fuhrer rusted at his feet and the tanks began to approach from over the hills ahead.
He would need a new name.
It’s now the age of Pluto.
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aros001 · 4 years ago
Going in blind: Watching season 3 for the first time. Random thoughts.
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Episode 1: I know in the original series She-Ra was the sister of He-Man so I'm curious how much of that will be carried over to this series. Not saying He-Man has to make an appearance, same as how Batman didn't need to show up in Teen Titans. That was Robin's story, not his, and similarly this is Adora's story, not Adam's. Regardless, it makes sense why Hordak was so annoyed with the baby Adora in Shadow Weaver's flashbacks. To SW, there was something different and special about the baby, but to Hordak, whom seems familiar with the world before Mara separated Etheria from the rest of the universe, including Eternia potentially, Adora is just another "First One" child like he's seen many times before. Special in comparison to those who only know Etheria.
Great clap-back from Catra to Hordak, and not entirely unfounded. It's debatable how much he actually cares about conquering Etheria. He has others leading his forces in his war yet all his focus is on his portal creation.
According to Entrapta, productivity of the Horde is up 400% ever since Catra became Hordak's 2nd in command. I wondering how much of that is Catra's direct doing? Is she genuinely just that good of a commander? Is it because she's properly delegating and Scorpia has been handling most of the load? Or is this just because it's in comparison to Shadow Weaver? Entrapta said Catra's focus on First Ones' tech has been greatly aiding them and SW definitely focused more on magic, which was an aid mostly to herself since everyone else in the Horde seems to fight only with weapons and technology. And most of what she saw of SW while she was Hordak's 2nd was her being obsessed with bringing back Adora rather than fighting the war.
Episode 2: Let's see... Hordak's easily an adult and Entrapta is...[checks google] late twenties, early thirties. Oh good, then let's sail this ship!
But yeah, that was a heck of a backstory for Hordak. This reminds me of a video by a Youtuber named Savage Books comparing the villain Steppenwolf in the theatrical and Snyder Cut versions of Justice League and how, while he still wasn't a great villain, just a small addition made him a much better villain, that being a failure in his past and the desire just to go home. And in this case, Hordak is the much better, or at least way more developed, version of that. One of many clones of Hordak Prime but having a defect that labelled him a failure and had him cast out to Etheria, a "backwards world" as he's called it before. If he can conquer Etheria, perhaps by building a portal that'll bring forward Prime's army, he believes that'll prove to Prime that he is not a failure and that he can return home to rejoin his forces. Just this bit of backstory adds SO MUCH to Hordak, including new insights on his past interactions, and keeps him from being a flat character like theatrical version Steppenwolf. His lack of tolerance for failure makes sense when he himself is trying to prove that he's not. It gives him compelling motivation to want to conquer Etheria beyond just power and greed. Not motivation you're meant to agree with but one you can still understand.
I like the story with Huntara too. It's a nice little tie-in to something Adora was talking about with Glimmer and Bow last episode. Adora defected from the horde, not because she was different but rather very much in spite being very much like every other soldier there. She wanted to believe Shadow Weaver may have at least some goodness in her too and now we have Huntara as a fellow defector who realized the evils of the Horde, even if she chose to stay out of the war entirely after.
Episode 3: I legit thought Catra stabbed the goat lady for a second.
After Scorpia asking her why don't they just stay in the wastes I'm seeing a bit of a parallel between Catra and Hordak. They've both found a place where they can be the top dog, where they can do and have basically anything they want; her with the wastes and him with the Horde. They can be happy. ...But there's still this pull they're feeling to somewhere else. Catra back to the Horde and Hordak back to Prime. Because they feel they have to prove something; prove that they're not failures. They could be happy but they can't let go.
And that scene between Adora and Catra at the end. That was such a great line read from Catra's actor. "She left me for you. Everything that's happened is because of you." I got chills.
Minor note: While I'm only judging off the Mara hologram, which didn't have color, I do think the She-Ra outfit looks better with pants than shorts like Adora's She-Ra form. I think it makes it look sleeker, if that makes any sense.
Episode 4: Catra's spiral has turned into a drill and its taking her down as far as she can go. Though something I had to a laugh a little at myself over was that my biggest "Catra, no!" reaction wasn't to her wanting to open the portal but rather when she lied to Hordak and said Entrapta let the princesses in. She was actually a positive influence on Hordak's life and Catra with one move just destroyed that relationship and all progress Hordak had been making.
I'm guessing there's going to be some kind of long-term effect from Shadow Weaver continuously siphoning off Glimmer's magic. The woman is basically a parasite and the magic she uses is very different from the kind Glimmer does. I can't believe it never occurred to me that since Shadow Weaver trained Glimmer's father there might be a connection there between the two of them later in the story. While we don't know about anything that might've happened after she left, SW clearly had enough affection for Micah still to not kill him. I could see her trying to take Glimmer on as a student later like she did him.
Episode 5: There is something kind of hilarious about it being Scorpia's jealousy of Catra and Adora's closeness that causes her to be the first one after Adora to pick up that something is off.
11 is my favorite of the Doctor Who Doctors so naturally I'm comparing all this to the crack in Amy Pond's bedroom wall. Whatever goes in gets forgotten about and basically never existed. Though does that mean Bright Moon isn't going to remember the Horde? Basically that entire place got sucked up in the collapsing reality. There shouldn't be at war anymore because their enemy literally no longer exists.
Adora and Catra had their own little Star Trek 3 moment there.
Adora: "If we don't help each other, we'll die here!"
Catra: "Perfect! Then that's the way it shall be!"
Catra's just so far down her spiral she doesn't even care about getting her own win, just so long as Adora doesn't get one, despite just minutes ago clearly loving having Adora back in her life and on her side, to the point was trying to resist remembering the old reality. Her "perfect" world was them together again but when given the chance (another of many. I love those cuts to their past woven in there) she slapped the hand away.
I'm sure I'm wrong but I'm starting to theorize Madam Razz is actually Mara and just at some point went kind of crazy and started thinking as and Mara were two different people.
Episode 6:
"You are everything I ever wanted in a son. This... This is everything I ever wanted in a life. ...But I've got responsibilities, Van. And...I have to...go now."
-Superman, Justice League Unlimited: For the Man Who Has Everything
That was my favorite episode of JLU, where Superman is trapped in this world that isn't real but still perfect in every way, and the only way out was to give up everything he'd ever wanted, including a son he remembers watching grow up, even if it never really happened. With a similar premise, this definitely helped elevate Angela up a bit for me, whom I was kind just meh with before. I didn't dislike her but I didn't really care much for her either. This episode gave her a lot to work with though, with the heavy sacrifice she made. Not just saying behind to pull out the sword but just simply forcing herself to accept her husband is gone and not coming back. I was right that they wouldn't remember the Horde, but I definitely didn't think of the full effects of them never existing. They never exist, Bow never becomes a rebel instead of a scholar like his dads wanted. They don't exist, Micah never dies in battle against them. Glimmer gets to grow up with her father in her life. Everyone, most especially Angela, has to reject everything they would love to be real in favor of what actually is.
I'm guessing we're going to have Shadow Weaver taking advantage of this situation, trying to act like a teacher and mother-figure to Glimmer now that she's basically a orphan.
I talked before about how Catra and Hordak seem to have a parallel between them, especially regarding failure. Catra seems like she has a very hard time accepting her own failures and mistakes and thus why she more or less uses Adora as a mental scapegoat for all of it. Nothing is ever really her fault, it's Adora's, or Shadow Weaver's, or Hordak's. It makes for a great moment when Adora finally punches back, both literally and figuratively. She's not going to accept responsibility for Catra's actions anymore. She gave Catra every chance to make the right choice and she didn't, so now she has to finally live with the consequences. Heck of a glare She-Ra gave Catra at the end. Very much a "If I ever see you again..." and it certainly scared Catra, at least for a moment.
Now, someone go save Entrapta from Beast Island!
Season 3 verdict: Easily the best season thus far. I know this was technically the second half of season 2 but even in comparison to the full season 1 there was just so much that happened in this, so much that got revealed, and so, so many moments of emotion or tension. Weirdly I feel kind of disappointed that Hordak Prime is probably going to come in now and be the new big villain. I really like our Hordak's motivation and Prime seems like he might just be the generic conqueror for power that Hordak seemed like he was going to be at first. Not saying those types can't work. I love All For One from My Hero Academia and Frieza from Dragon Ball. Those guys are pure evil and selfishness, but they also have a captivating presence/charisma to them.
Naturally, since I bring her up the most out of all the characters, I'm very curious to see what happens with Catra now. She's basically nuked every positive relationship she had with anyone. Entrapta's gone, she threatened Scorpia, Hordak's not going to trust anyone including her anymore now that he thinks Entrapta's betrayed him, and Adora firmly sees her as an enemy. She has no one (those under her direct command don't count) and it's entirely her own fault.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PrincessesOfPower/comments/o0trfz/going_in_blind_watching_season_3_for_the_first/
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wolfjackle · 2 years ago
Danny is sitting in his first Justice League debrief and trying not to vibrate in excitement. He's working with the Justice League now! He was just some kid from a small town, really. But they thought he would be perfect for a mission.
Some demons or something attacking a town. Not that different from a ghost attack, really. And he'd been handling those for three years alone now.
"So we'll have Shazam and Phantom taking lead on this," said Superman.
"What? Shazam?" Danny froze in his seat as he stared at the other hero. Why did it have to be Shazam?
"Is there a problem, Phantom?" asked Superman. "Shazam is an established member of this group and knows how we operate."
Danny forced a laugh and rubbed the back of his head. "No problem, Superman. Nope. Not at all." Thank god he didn't have a heartbeat in this form or it'd be going way too fast and his ruse wouldn't hold up. He took a deep breath and held his hand out to Shazam. "It'll be good to work with you."
Shazam shook his hand. "Same."
He hoped it wasn't obvious how his jaw was clenched behind his smile. It wasn't Shazam's fault he hated electricity.
As soon as the mission was over, Danny found a closet to hide in. He made a dome of ice and collapsed to his knees, breathing ragged. With shaking hands he dialed his sister. "Jazz..." he started, but couldn't continue. He was breathing too hard and could stop the tears.
"Danny? What's wrong? Are you okay? Wait, stupid question. Come on, breathe with me." She started counting out her breaths and Danny tried to follow along.
But then he'd remember how electricity had spouted from his teammate and rushed through the air so close to him and he'd lose the rhythm.
"Danny, just listen to my voice. You're safe, right?"
"Y-yeah," he managed to force out.
"Okay, good. That's great."
It took a little longer, but she was able to talk him down. Danny was still shaky and off-balance, but his breathing was more-or-less steady and he had stopped crying.
"Now, can you tell me what happened."
"I was partnered with Shazam for today's mission. He uses electricity."
"Okay," said Jazz. "Do you think you could tell them?"
"Talk about my death? No. I can't. Not to people who don't already know."
"All right. That's perfectly fine. When you come home, we'll try and figure something out. Hopefully your next mission won't be with an electricity-user."
But it was. He was working with Static Shock. This time he had the wherewithal to text Jazz before the mission so she'd be ready for his post-mission panic attack.
The time after that, he was assigned to work with a larger group. None had electricity powers and Danny thought he was safe. Until the moment he was back to back with Nightwing and felt static run along his back from his weapons. He jumped ten feet in the air and then had to send up an ice shield to stop the attacks now heading towards Nightwing's unprotected back.
"What was that, Phantom?" demanded Nightwing.
"Sorry! Won't happen again!"
"It better not. I could've gotten hurt!"
Several hours later, Jazz hugged him tightly when he came home.
Danny had no idea what he was going to do.
Danny was starting to hate being called in for Justice League meetings and missions. Why did so many heroes use electricity in someway?
But this time, Martian Manhunter would be there! He hadn't met the man before but wanted to meet the alien. He wanted to know all the differences between Mars at it's peak and Earth. How the differences in planetary composition affected how life had evolved.
When he entered, he saw Shazam and Static Shock both present and fixed his smile firmly on his face as he said his greetings. But still sat as far away from them as possible without it seeming odd.
If that brought him closer to Martian Manhunter, so much the better.
"It's Phantom, right?" asked the Martian when he sat down. "Welcome. It's nice to meet you."
Danny felt himself relax into a more genuine smile. "Same! I've always loved space and the chance to meet so many people from different planets has been so great."
"Then perhaps we shall have the chance to talk more later."
"That would be awesome if you have the time."
Shazam spoke, then, causing Danny to tense. "But don't you usually have to leave right after missions? You never seem to have any downtime you can spend here."
And just like that, Danny was tense. How could he just admit that he had to run off to have panic attacks after every mission? They'd never trust him on the field again.
He didn't notice the curious look Martian Manhunter gave him.
"It's not so much a time issue," admits Danny, thinking fast. "But it's my sister. She's used to my fights being closer to home and worries when I'm not back so she can check me over for injuries. She didn't know for my first few months heroing and is now a bit overprotective."
"You have a sister? What's she like?"
This was safe territory, at least. He could talk about Jazz and his friends for hours if allowed. "Oh, she's the best."
Those present with siblings all ended up trading stories until Superman and Batman came in and the meeting began.
And sure enough, he was partnered with both Shazam and Static Shock. With his fixed smile, he nodded and didn't say anything.
Until a quiet voice next to him asked, "Phantom? What is wrong?"
"Nothings wrong!" he insisted. "It's all good. I've worked with them both before so it'll be fine."
Martian Manhunter cocked his head. "I do not think it will be. You are afraid."
Danny had forgotten Martians were telepathic. Before he could think of anything to say, Batman spoke. "Will there be a problem completing the mission?"
"Nope! It'll be totally fine. No problems on my end."
"Could I talk to you alone for a moment, Phantom?"
"Is that necessary, Martian Manhunter?" asked Superman.
"I do believe so. Come, Phantom. Do not worry, you'll be in no trouble."
Unable to think of a way to get out of it, Danny sighed and stood and followed the Martian out of the room. It was nice to have another person around who didn't need to use doors, though. He'd take his upsides where he could right about now.
"Why are you afraid of Shazam and Static Shock?"
Danny forced an awkward laugh. "What makes you think that? I'm not afraid of them. They're both great."
"Martian's are telepaths, Phantom. And your species appears to be empaths. I do not wish to infringe on your privacy, but I cannot prevent it the way you project."
"Of course not." Danny sighed. "I wonder if Clockwork can help me with that," he mumbled to himself. "Um, look. It's not their fault and I can handle it. It's all on me." Even the thought of the electricity made his breath catch, though.
"It is their powers that bother you. Why?"
"Fuck. I really can't hide from you."
Martian Manhunter smiled softly at him. "No, I'm afraid you can't. Perhaps we can practice building shields for you sometime. If your other mentors cannot help you. Now, electricity?"
The memories were always there, just under the surface. The glowing scars hidden under his sleeve and glove felt like they were burning. He felt the electricity running through his body stopping his heart and the ectoplasm rushing in just behind starting it again. He took a deep breath and shoved the memories away.
Only to see Martian Manhunter staring at him with horror on his face. "You truly have died. The others said, but enough doubted that no one was sure."
"What are you talking about?" That made no sense. "I told them I was a ghost."
"Indeed you did. And it is not your fault if others chose not to believe you. Now, I have dredged up bad memories for you. I apologize. Would you like me to speak to the others? There are enough of us. You do not need to work with those who use electricity in the field."
"It's not that easy, though, is it? I mean, if the world is in danger, I'll fight."
"But this is not one of those times. And if the others know of your history, they can warn you in advance so you are not so surprised. Or perhaps we can find other work-arounds. Regardless, it will not be necessary in this case."
"If I can help..."
"We can still accept your help in ways that do not force you to confront the cause of your death during fraught situations. Now, I will come back for you in a few minutes. Take some time to collect yourself."
"All right. All right. I will."
Martian Manhunter turned to go back through the wall into the meeting room.
Before he was gone, Danny said, "Thanks."
"It was my pleasure. I can only apologize that we did not know sooner."
And then Danny was alone. He texted Jazz to let her know that his secret with electricity was out, but that it might be okay and he'd give her details later.
Danny knew that by joining the justice league that he would occasionally be called in to do missions and that was fine, he knew that it was a necessary thing. Where the problem lies however were the partners he got assigned with on the mission, and they themselves weren't really that hard to deal with either however, where the real problem with them lies is that for some reason all the heroes he gets paired up with either had lightning/electricity powers or mainly fought with electric weapons. And that's a really difficult, personal and uncomfortable issue to explain
ooo i dig this sm. The characters that I immediately thought of that would be really interesting to be with Danny in this situation: Static Shock, Shazam, or Kid Flash. How do you tell your partner that you are scared of them because you died via electrocution? Where do you even start? Danny doesn't know.
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