#i've now made sure to include the artist's name on any cool drawings i download so i can find the source again
dravidious · 1 year
Felt like mentioning that for over 5 years now I've been using this drawing of two cute little creatures snuggling by @pyromaniacblujay as my desktop wallpaper
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because it's super cute and nice and good. Anyway I recently decided to change my wallpaper. Switch things up. Do something different. See something fresh and new. Not just the same thing again.
Anyway my new wallpaper is this pic of two cute little creatures snuggling by @quonit
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BONUS: Actually the pic I was using was this edited version that's black and with the shadow removed and trial-and-error cropped to look good on my screen because I couldn't find a simple way to crop a desktop wallpaper
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I later found an easier way to perfectly fit a wallpaper and now I'm using this less edited version of the Quonit pic
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For anyone wondering, the tactic is to make the ratio of the pic's resolution equal to the ratio of your screen's resolution. Figure out how you want to crop the pic, then compare the resolutions to see how many pixels you need to crop off. I ended up having to crop off ~250 pixels vertically, so I took them off the top to make sure the cuties are visible.
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