#i've made posts like this and deleted them cuz i never feel like i'm wording it just right but just. god.
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also. amber gris as a character is really important to me as an appalachian.
not just her accent or the specific type of person justin based her off of but like
the feeling of losing someone to addiction/overdose while the government does nothing to help, just criminalizes and stigmatizes and makes things worse. which obviously happens in more places than just around here, but we have one of the highest rates of overdose death in the whole country and that whole set of scenes felt like they were really informed by growing up around that
#eliot posts#taz#taz ethersea#the adventure zone#amber gris#drugs cw#death mention#i've made posts like this and deleted them cuz i never feel like i'm wording it just right but just. god.#i'm lucky enough to have never been addicted or to have a best friend or immediate family member die from it#but i've lost or nearly lost extended family to it#and it's like.#my own accent isn't that thick and neither is my immediate family's or best friends'#but i've known ppl who talked like her.#specifically a man named larry who lived with us when we were real young#for some reason especially the way amber says ''come on'' just always reminds me so strongly of larry's voice. he said that phrase a lot#he was the one who taught me to tie my shoes even after my parents lost patience with me for being 'too old' to not understand#he drank excessively like my dad did but he never got mean with us kids#he came and went a few times over the years. the final time he left was when i was in late elementary#he died of an overdose when i was in high school. i didn't feel much of anything at the time.#it had been so long since i'd seen him but also i was at a point in my life where i'd've been numb to big emotions like that anyway#so my parents got drunk about it and i did nothing. just went to school and shit as usual.#i did not expect those feelings to get dredged up by a goddamned comedy dnd podcast#but they did it well i think#even though i had to pause it to take a breather multiple times. i enjoyed it overall. cathartic i guess?
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Elden Ring: my new player experience so far
I finally picked up Elden Ring on sale after all these years. I knew it would be difficult for me as a casual gamer who's never played a FromSoft game before but I've been itching to try it out for years now. Here's what's happened to me so far:
(some early game spoilers btw. for those who want to visualize, my Tarnished is a Vagabond Knight that kinda looks like Saoirse Ronan)
The First Hour:
I struggled hard with the PC controls. Eventually managed to limp my way into a cave where I killed an angry dog man after dying to it like 3 times (skill issue + i'm not comfy with the controls yet). Only after all that did I rest at a grace site outdoors. That's when Melina appeared and said "You suck. Here's a horse."
I spend some time going around aimlessly, killing whatever small fry I run into to get my level up as much as possible. I was feeling confident so I decided to challenge the Tree Sentinel. I was most comfortable using the halberd and I read he drops a good one. As expected, I died multiple times. Eventually, Renna appeared and said "You suck. Here, use summons" (i still couldnt beat the tree sentinel)
For the next 2 or so hours I accomplish nothing except killing more small mobs. At one of the ruin sites I massacre some unarmed... people(?) and then deal with some giant rats. A player message said the chest was a trap but I love Frieren and I know she wouldn't let that silly message stop her.
It was a teleport trap to some godsforsaken mine in a hellish death zone. Surprisingly I only died 3 times before I successfully escaped. During those three attempts I followed a phantom I saw jumping up so I also jumped up and followed that path upward (i'm in a mine, and the exits to mines are upwards duh), managing to juke the big monsters and kill one of the smaller ones that got in my way. I made it to a gate which I assumed was the escape/entrance route. I did it. Now I can get away on Torrent with some runes to spare!
To my horror, the gate opened to an isolated chamber, and a health bar appeared on screen with the words "FALLINGSTAR BEAST." I could only watch helplessly while my character was locked in an animation pushing the gate open to meet certain death. Fuck it, we ball. (there's no happy ending here, I suck at this game lol)
Turns out all I had to do was run downstairs a bit to get away.
The Erdtree:
I think there was grace in the mine but I didn't use it because I wanted to see where I ended up. I surveyed the red hellscape before me, and thought, "yeah this sucks I'm going back Limgrave." I mounted Torrent and began taking the scenic route back to greener pastures.
That's when I noticed that the Erdtree was much closer than before. So I decided to go for it. Let's head to the big tree and become Elden Lord! We fell off a cliff and died.
At this point, I have accomplished nothing but the multiplication of my own pain and suffering. Waking at the nearest site of grace, Melina appeared once again and spoke thus: "You're an idiot. Welcome to the Roundtable."
-- In summary, I feel like one of those absolute loser main characters in a fantasy/isekai anime that's stuck killing rats in some ungodly corner of the world trying to build up skills and power to eventually kill God. Idk if I'll ever get there because so far I am horrible at learning attack patterns and can't seem to time movement/dodging to save my life but so far the journey has been hilarious and I want to keep going.
(decided to post here cuz r/EldenRing automatically deletes this there. I read the rules and dont seem to be breaking any of them, even tagged spoilers and all. so fuck 'em. wassup tumblr)
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guys I did it
I survived a full day of being a parent WITHOUT A NAP. Aidan slept through the night in bed with me and myles, he woke up at 5am and it's 845pm and I survived the day, I didn't even lose my temper or have a meltdown or sensory overload (it is like 30 degrees out and I'm still sweaty all the time why) and Myles didn't get out of work til 11 (he's working 1am-11a ugh peak season for holidays).
sure, I got a little stressed and my brain was going in a hundred directions at once, but I GOT STUFF DONE. I DIDNT NEED A NAP (I mean, I did, I always ~need a nap, but I managed without one!) holy shit never thought it would happen. I told myles I feel insane bc I was so so sad last night but today I've been such goofy weirdo and laughing at everything. maybe the sleepy-delirium is good for me lmao
~let me list my accomplishments for the day please
•I got all our laundry out of the dryer (myles folded it later)
•I put in a load of Aidan's laundry
•made coffee and a peanut butter + jelly sandwich for breakfast lmao and a pitcher of formula for the day
•I chopped up apple and banana to put in the little mesh fruit feeder things and froze them for his teething pains. he's doing okay on the chamomile tea right now but I can't wait to use the camilia again cuz it's concentrated and I won't feel like I'm filling his belly up on tea water
• did dishes and washed Ade's bottles
• I packed up a lingerie set that I sold on depop, added some cute little surprise gifts, wrote a quick thank you card and dropped it at the post office while Myles hung with Aidan.
• While Myles had Aidan, I also sorted through my stuff that's in boxes from when I moved here, repacked some things, and got almost all my boxes onto the shelving unit in the basement. it makes me sad that I have so much cool stuff and can't display it or be my full self and feel at home.
•I took care of the dogs too, made puzzles for Zaiyah and made sure Bear wasn't licking his surgical incision - he is SO STRONG, he even tried to chase a rabbit today. crazy fucker, it's been like 3 days since you had half your shoulder muscle removed. gave lots of pets and sweet words bc they are the best dogs.
•I got little dude to nap while Myles worked out and we finished Squid Game The Challenge (minus the finale in December) and he slept for 3 frickin hours. I also deleted a million photos that were taking up all my phone storage.
•and finally I had Ade hang in his crib to wind down, while I took some photos for depop and packed a box to donate to savers tomorrow
Editing to add that I still managed to tell Myles I love him and get some good kisses and quick cuddles and man, I just really appreciate our relationship. we're insane for having a child after a year of being together - but... are we that insane? our relationship just keeps growing and getting better and feeling more solid. it's incredible. seeing him be a Dad makes me love him even more and I find him even more attractive. I used to think I was lucky in my last relationship (and people told us they were jealous) but no. no no. I was settling for less than i deserved back then (lessons lessons) this, is it. this is the relationship to thank the universe for blessing me with it.
and that's all in between bottles, diaper changes, soothing crying, playing, tummy time, crawling practice, lots of spit ups, dancing and making him laugh.

hope you get the idea even though I'm keeping half his face anonymous lol I just don't want photos of my kid floating around the internet - unless where I can control it. his grandparents are ridiculous with posting his photos and I can only hope they have private profiles (I keep meaning to ask)
also if we are mutuals and talk, you probably have seen photos of him. but if you haven't, you can surely ask :) he's the kind of cute where you wanna scream and it lights up your day lol not to brag, I'm still in awe I created such a beautiful human.
anyways I'm really fucking proud of myself right now. I won't always feel this way or have days like this, so I'm gonna yell about it while I feel good.
ps I STILL need to shower. the one thing I didn't manage to do. tomorrow is the day bc my mom is coming to watch Aidan for a few hours and im gonna shower and faceplant in my bed for a nap before doing my errand. I cannot wait to shower lol being a new mom is truly wild
also the way I'm writing this must sound truly manic/adhd brain and y'all just have to deal, this is who I am now.
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the fact that you still remember that idea, about my Horseman stuff and Emmett being her steed. I get your feeling now, when I said I remember horse!Emmett. Thanks so much, dear. Silly little thing but it honestly means a lot (for a person who has a really bad memory). ah, so I see you're reusing the ideas. That's great! I like that idea, cuz he can always have something to protect himself with (and doesn't destroy his back by carrying that heavy shield xD).
haha, yeah! that's true. I managed to get my old blog back tho, but of course, changed the name Cx. I don't use it now cuz I made yet another blog! even after all those years, I still like to change accounts/names. I appreciate that you wanted to give me the name, truly <3
Oh my god, all of them? That's... that's so awesome. Makes me truly happy ; w ; just like the fact you still remember me <3
ah yes! it did use to be one word and you had something like 'teahouse' in it? (seriously someone did that sort of joke? effing rude). Ngl I tried to find your blog by putting that name first, but eh, I kinda forgot how it went xD. So I changed the approach and, ta-dam! I'm here!
Oh my good, Oreana! Delete these, right now! I've changed, I swear! I can make new ones! Better ones! /hj Seriously tho, it means so so so much for me, that you still kept them (even when they are so awful /hj). It really was fun to make those for you, just like it was fun to see you enjoying them <3
Not so sure about the rp (bad memory, yeah), but I agree, it was so damn long ago! Glad to hear you consider these good memories! ; w ; It's wonderful to catch up with you too! But I'm kinda not done, cuz we spoke about Overlord too! keke So, getting back to it: I know what you mean cuz I also got into anime first xD. Then, I picked the LNs and holy eff. I absolutely love the idea of the overpowered bad guy (well, Ainz is not exactly fully bad cuz he only cares about his 'children' from Nazarick but, you know what I mean xd). I picked my LN cuz I don't remember how things went with Demiurge(being Demiurge) and oh boy, he did firstly offer to kill her to prevent the information from getting outside XD. He did propose for her to work on his farm tho! (ngl lie when you said you thought Demiurge and Sebas would fight over what Tuare would do for Nazarick... I thought of some unexpected, sick threesome XD) Also, uhh, according to what he said later, I guess he wanted for her to cook food for the residents of the happy farm. You know, food made of other residents. (#justdemiurgethings). I wonder if that would be a true torture for Tuare. After all, she doesn't care much about humans right now. XD But yep, Overlord is so dark, it's such a nice change from all of those isekai-ed good dudes. Especially overpowered isekai-ed good dudes. I agree tho, out of context Overlord is the best (mm, ah yes, that plan? THAT plan? Yes, you're so smart Demiurge, so then I'll allow you to describe MY plan to everyone)
I been writing a bit more since these years ago. Even started a writing blog for Resident Evil (mop man Carlos <3). Not active for 2 years now, basically disappeared with small info xD. Nah, such writing isn't really for me. Still writing tho, but only rps. So hey, it's amazing to see you're still writing! <3
Read your post and, you got this, dear! don't let your mental state beat your ass. beat the mental state's ass! slaay! and feel better soon <3 take as much time as you need and focus on getting better!
Love youuuuuuuu! Thanks so much for your sweet words and all ; w ; (but delete these edits /still hj). Sorry for worrying you tho! But yep, I'm fine! And I'm so so glad you're fine too! - Pandemonium
(it's morning currently and I'm laughing to myself at how fast you accidentally exposed me XD)
X”D You'd be shocked at things I can and can't remember, truly. There are even a few passing anons in my life that I never got to meet out of anon, but I still treasured their continued interaction with me. Haha, I am glad you like the thought! I really wanted to reuse it somewhere, and Cheshire fit the bill being a tank like how Emmett was in that story idea. ♥
Of course, I do! I am happy you're still around! That brings me such relief.
LOL!! I cannot say I don't understand you, hon. All those old pieces of Emmett I gifted you? Oof, I could do WAY better now. I swear it! ♥
I will say that Overlord makes you want to cheer for the villains because so many of the good guys are so dang horrible. X”D But well, the villains have awesome designs and on top of that, are far more interesting?? I just love so much about how they feel. I dunno if you read fully about Renner and why Climb kind of kept her going, but she had debated just ending her self, because she was an intelligent young girl growing up around a bunch of idiots. I felt SO insanely bad for her. X'D;
You make an awesome point—makes me curious if she would care or not given how poorly she was treated. But she's a pure soul, and Tuare would be upset if innocents were harmed no doubt! HAH! A sick threeway. Oh man! XDD If Demiurge and Sebas ever had to share a woman, it would be funny.
I gotta admit: I love dark storytelling. Twisted characters make it all the more fascinating. ♥ It's why I'm so mad Demiurge is the one mainly putting everything into motion, but he gets like...no spotlight. X”D I'm so dang upset! Oof, Demiurge's over analyzing ass gets me every time! ♥♥
Oh man! That's awesome! I know the RP part. x'D I opened a Demiurge RP account on Twitter, and it's been fun when...I get on there to interact with folks. My biggest crushes in RE world are Leon and Claire. I'm so dreadful! LOL But the series holds such nostalgia for me. ♥♥ I love those games! RE 1 remake still holds up to this day. Love that game to pieces...even if I never beat it... C'x
Mawwr, thank you so much! ;^; Love you too!! Take care of yourself!
Hehehe, I can easily see through peeps. >3 ♥ (I'm kidding though, really. Some people just have that sort of soul I can sense through anon, and I'm glad for it!) ♥♥
#though having those vivid ignis/ demi/ me dreams?#yeah that felt what demi/sebas/woman would be like#where one is groaning at their lady has to spend time with the other LOL#mod answers#anon#anon: P#anon: pandemonium
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idk... my issue is that these tweets are about 10 years old. i know i thought and said and posted things over 6 years ago that i wouldn't stand by today, and i too would delete them and ignore them. now, if he still stands by those tweets today, that's a whole separate issue. but 10 years is a long time, and i think if he said anything publicly at this very moment, he might end up fucking over shadow and bone. also, he doesn't seem very active on social media, so he may not feel like he's under any obligation to explain himself to the general public, even though it is in his best interest to do so.
hmmm i didn't consider that tbh,, cuz the criticism against him i'm kind of considering valid is that "he had the time to delete the tweets within seconds but never addressed them" altho i do think it's harsh to say never because for all we know, and thanks for reminding me,, he could be taking the time to collect the words to appropriately address the situation because it is a grave matter. either that, or his management told him to stay put or something. or we have the third option where he does still uphold these views which hopefully isn't the case. one thing i'd disagree on tho is the obligation part, i feel like as a professional slash public figure and feel free to correct me on this but i think he knows he has the obligation to explain himself regardless of how inactive he is in social media. i do wish he could address this really soon because yeah,, it's looking really bad for him the more he puts it out but until then, i hope the fandom can be less toxic and at least reserve their judgments until he addressed the tweets.
i didn't really want to spoke about this but the thing i hate about the internet is how most of the times, the culture and time isn't considered at these cases. i think we've come so far as a society towards this social issues that we easily forget that this wasn't the case at times back. also, a decade and a year is a pretty long time, there's a chance for growth there- lots, i just hope he took it.
i saw a lot of people on twt saying "he was famous for a while now (since he was on a big show or something) and if he really regretted it, he should've apologized long ago". the thing is tho, these tweets only resurfaced because majority of the fans were so unhappy with the casting that they managed to miraculously dig up tweets that he made a decade ago when he was in his early/mid teens. for all we know, he'd probably forgotten about it as he grew up. i honestly felt bad for him on that regard, although it really would be on his best interest to respond asap cuz while there are some of us that can give him the benefit of the doubt like that, most people on the internet aren't really forgiving. of course, again- regardless of the words whatever he has to say there will always be people that'll hate him, but a bit of acknowledgement would be nice.
i am all for holding people accountable but most of the grishaverse fandom, at least on the side i've seen about this issue, confuses accountability with life sentence. everyone is so set on subjecting him to the tweets and not giving him the space to at least clarify himself, and i saw a lot of people sending him death threats and people making fun of his looks and people joking about organizing a murder and it's just so sick?? like,, that's just as low as the tweets he made those years ago, altho i'd push that the condemnation against him now is worse than what they're condemning him for because we're at a time and height of the internet were majority of us know this is wrong, this is vile and sick and it just reeks of performativity. at least give him a chance to explain himself before condemning him completely to his past.
i'd clarify that i think it's valid to be offended and hurt by those tweets, but to stoop down below to the level of decade-old tweets that were likely influenced by his surroundings, this isn't a defense this is to give understanding to what probably made him tweet those things but here's a serious question— what's the excuse of everyone in the fandom jokingly plotting on killing him/sending him death threats/and other insults?
the sad thing is, i honestly don't think those tweets would've resurfaced if most of the fandom didn't hate him so much (or at least they would've resurfaced at a much later time or sum). they just tried to find an opportunity to hate on him and sadly for patrick gibson's part, they found one. i would clarify again that these tweets did offend me, still feels a bit off for me, but as someone who had similar thoughts way back because of my surroundings,, i can't help but feel bad for some of the hate he's receiving rn (we can do both people) and hope that he changed.
this is pretty long and lowkey kinda preachy (also i derailed a lot lol it's the adhd lmao) so sorry for subjecting u to that anon, but thank u for this ask ♥
#patrick gibson#nikolai lantsov#shadow & bone#shadow and bone netflix#shadow and bone#grishaverse#s&b show#netflix#cancel culture#asks#raeraegoaway
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For the happy fic writer ask game.. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13 😁
2. Talk about a favorite comment you received.
Way, way, WAY back when I was first writing for the fandom I had a regular anon who either dubbed themselves or I did my "By the Sea" anon for my fic of the same name. I used to get regular messages from them for some time, and one time they sent me a very long message that I saved to my computer and it was very nice and just yeah it had a very big impact on me.
4. Which comment has had the most impact on your writing?
Answered above. I still have it. I just read it again now after a very long time - April 19, 2016 (My birthday six years ago!) and teared up so yeah it really did have an impact and still does.
6. Describe what you do and your feelings after posting a chapter. (For example: When do you usually post a fic/chapter update? How do you celebrate a posting? Are you the type to refresh constantly?, etc.)
There's a huge difference between how I feel with Patreon than I did without it, mostly because I've shared chapters weeks in advance through Patreon so I don't have as much anxiety posting chapters to ao3 anymore. How I used to feel? Sick, mostly, and maybe a little excited. I've literally deleted entire fics because of the reception they got so yeah it's much better now.
8. Talk about any friends/connections you've made as a fic writer.
I've gained and lost many friends over the years but I've kept some that never left. The ones who stuck with me I'll keep till my dying breath because they stuck around when other people were just out for clout/fandom attention. No I'm not gonna name names or elaborate.
10. Why do you continue writing fics?
Cuz I feel wrong when I don't write. I had years and years where I couldn't write a word and Hannigram reignited writing in me again and I feel like I ever stop that will go away and it terrifies me.
12. What is your favorite theme/subject matter/trope/ship to write about? Why?
A/B/O with or without mpreg, preferably with. My favorite ship is still Hannigram. The reason I love Alpha Beta Omega Dynamics so much is mostly the true love/true mate aspect of it all.
13. Describe your writing style. If you were to participate in an anonymous fic writers guessing game (like The Masked Author), what writing habits do you have that would be a dead giveaway that it's you?
The overuse of ellipsis for one and the many many huge spaces. Otherwise probably phrases like "smashed their mouths together" and also people crying a lot.
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