#i've just started picking up that hobby again after a long while
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stargirlie-sharon · 2 months ago
chat.... should i post my voice acting here
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power-handmaiden · 8 months ago
Day 180: Not Pounded By Self-Doubt Because I Can Do Anything I Set My Mind To
Ok, from the title I was expecting this to be a broad feel-good tingler. I wasn't expecting it to hit me in a personal place. So this post will get kind of personal.
I wish I had read this one earlier! Close to the beginning of this project I made a post about how I hoped to get some inspiration to be creative again from reading all these tinglers. I don't have any aspirations of making professional-grade work like the protagonist of this story... I just missed being able to channel my feelings into hobbies I used to enjoy. I don't think I was able to put voice to exactly the problem for all those years- I thought I just couldn't think of ideas anymore. That wasn't it, though. I was feeling exactly what the protagonist of this story was feeling- self-doubt over the quality of his ideas. They were all too ridiculous, or too niche, or not fleshed-out enough (when you've gone creatively stagnant it's so easy to forget how those inklings of ideas have a tendency to develop themselves once you get down to actually writing/drawing them out!)
But, while I feel like this tingler is a great one for anyone feeling this way with their creativity... I think tinglers in general, especially the act of opening oneself to enjoying them without any feelings of irony, can be just as powerful. For fuck's sake, I read a story where a guy named Rim Tuesday fell in love with and had sex with a sentient veggie burger. And I LOVED it. And I could tell the author had fun writing it! Who's to say any idea is too ridiculous when the work I just described is an incredibly enjoyable one?!
Recently, I've gotten back into writing fanfiction. Slowly, but it's a start after letting the self-doubt keep me down for so long. It's fun! And this tingler makes me feel good about picking the hobby back up. This tingler is a good reminder that the fun I'm having with the ideas (hardcore lesbian sex between video game characters mostly, to be clear) makes it worthwhile no matter how far what I'm doing lies beyond what popular opinion would call "good" or "respectable" art.
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becausebuckley · 5 months ago
michelle's buddie fic recs: week 41!
another excellent reading week <3 this list is spoiler free for season 8: for season 8 fic recs, click here!
this is a mix of fics with all ratings, so some include NSFW content. please take a look at both the ratings and the fic tags before reading!
if you come across something you like in this list, remember to show some love to the author by leaving kudos and a comment!
for thy true-love take | lecornergirl/@clusterbuck| 1.9k | T
Chimney Han and the ethics of slipping your coworkers love potions. chimneyhen bestieism!! this felt so them <3
from the ground up | blueberrytwoberry/@blueberrytwoberry| 17.5k | M
And so, really, the last thing he needed when he got home at the end of a long shift was to find a massive, weird-ass dog curled up on his front porch. And yet, there it was. just this morning i realised what a goldmine animal transformation aus can be and wow this was exactly what i was looking for!! the maddie scene had me giggling, such a lovely fic!!
i can't sleep without you | Buddiesmutslut/@buddiesmutslut | 1.9k | G
He can exhaust himself with a workout or a good shift or a night out, but by the time he climbs into his bed, he lays awake for hours, replaying his mistakes over and over again. He’s barely sleeping, beyond exhausted and he just wants to go home. so so soft and so lovely <3 exactly the comfort i needed earlier this week
i didn't know (that it could be good) | rainbow_nerds/@rainbow-nerdss | 27k | E
They're friends, that's all there is to it. Until Eddie lets himself into Buck's apartment unannounced, and finds him in a compromising position. That should be nothing, just something to laugh about down the line, except afterwards, it's like a switch has flipped, and neither of them can get it out of their minds. okay yes yes the smut is good the clothes sharing is nice the sexual tension is so there but can we talk about the butterflies?? just read this and you'll know what i mean it will be so worth it i promise. a new favourite for sure <3
i'll be the north star that takes you home | marviless/@marviless | 7.9k | G
in which eddie is moving back to el paso for the summer, and buck is deeply in love. listen the idea of eddie moving to el paso hurts me and also hurts buck BUT when it leads to fics like this i suddenly don't mind anymore <3 the airport scene!!
i'll keep your brittle heart warm | reeseofmind | 12.8k | E
5 times buck and eddie wear the other's clothes + 1 time they don't wear much of anything. i've been deep in the clothes sharing tag and this was one of my favourite finds <3
in synchronicity with the score | therainbowsedge/@therainbowsedge | 30.2k | E
“How long have you gone without scening?” And isn’t that a loaded question that Buck doesn’t even know how to start responding to. i have such a weak spot for fics like this. this has some gorgeous descriptive passages and looks into buck's mindset in this au!
love like woven thread | renecdote/@renecdote | 1.9k | G
the one where Eddie is a clothes thief and Buck kind of loves that about him. the ultimate hurt/comfort fluff clothes stealing fic <3 so lovely!! i reread this while working on this rec list actually hehe
steal my abuela (you already have my heart) | anarchyat4am | 4.6k | T
“Hey,” Eddie says softly, “You really showed up for me yesterday. Thank you.” “Course,” Buck says, “We had fun.” “Fun? You sat in the ER with my abuela for three hours.”. buck and abuela!! i love them together so much!! family feels indeed <3
vary my days | Chash | 12.6k | T
After Christopher leaves, Frank tells Eddie to get a hobby. Eddie picks Legos, Buck picks crochet, and they both wait for Chris to talk to them again. eddie and the legos my absolute beloved <3 such a fantastic working of these characters!!
you've haunted me so stunningly | playinginthunderstorms/@playinginthunderstorms | 9.6k | T
Five times Buck and Eddie hold hands, one time they do by proxy, and one time Eddie freaks out about it. holding hands!! so so hurt/comfort in the best way possible. i was saving this one for a bus ride home after a long day and it hit the spot exactly <3
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donutdrawsthings · 3 months ago
Do you have any art tips?
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I've given it a lot of thought, and here are what my art tips are!
Enjoy yourself! this is a hobby, after all! I've found that drawing from emotion makes it easier to enjoy the art making process, and that emotion can literally be ANY emotion. Sadness, Joy, Rage, Desire,,, they are all great motivators to start drawing and when you're so full of emotion, you might find yourself feeling relieved after a drawing session!
Get Inspired and REPLICATE!
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The way I learned how to draw most things is by looking closely at my favourite shows/movies and picking apart what I like about them so much! Make fanart! Redraw one of your favourite scenes! Care very little about what others will think and focus purely on enjoying yourself! Oh and also tracing is a perfectly fine thing to do too. That's a way to train steadying your hand with certain curves!
No art style? no problem!
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An art style is really just a word for the way you draw. You've ALREADY got a style! It doesn't need to be eccentric looking to be unique. That being said, you'll find your art style developing naturally as you get more inspired and learn to draw certain things through fanart. What people will look at as Iconically You is really just a big compilation of all the things YOU love and got inspired by, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. It's normal and how it works in professional mediums like film making, too!
Focus on your own progress I see a lot of beginner artists beating themselves up over not yet being able to draw what they envision, and for that my biggest tip is to not see your latest drawing as your last. It's healthy to analyse what you do and don't like about what you've just drawn, but be kind to yourself about it. instead of telling yourself "I can't draw [thing]", try telling yourself "I don't like how I drew [thing], because of [reason]. Next time I'll try it differently". That next time can be immediately after, but don't underestimate the power of a good nap either! Not worrying about it and sleeping on it will get you closer to where you want to go, rather than getting more and more upset with yourself!
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Art is knowledge, study it! Being ABLE to draw doesn't make you 21st century Da Vinci, knowing HOW THINGS LOOK and HOW TO MAKE IT are where the real power lies! Look around and really study how things are. The glow from a lit jack-o-lantern, the colour of the fluffy mold that starts growing on it, the way paint starts to chip off the wooden porch, the colours of the sky at any time of day... Look at all of it and ask yourself, how would I go about drawing that? How many layers would I use or what brush do I need? What colour is that on the digital colour wheel of my art programme? And then once you get your gear and draw you can re-evaluate again what you've made and ask yourself if you captured what you saw the way you want it or if you'd do something differently next time!
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Don't listen to online content creators Now you might start looking at me funny, because that'd just contradict everything you just read LMAO, but I still think it's an important thing to say. Online there are a lot of artists who tell you to NEVER EVER do something because if you DO draw this way your art is BAD and you're doing it WRONG. However, I believe it's impossible to do art "wrong", because art by its very nature is purely subjective. A point I see in a lot of tutorials is to NEVER EVER shade with black. And while I don't shade with pure black either, shading with black doesn't make your art impossible to love... Invader Zim is an example of that!
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As you can see, Invader Zim has an extremely unique style that's loved by many, yet it does feature a shading technique a lot of people say you shouldn't ever do... It is, subjective! And part of the style!
Anyways, sorry this got so long! I hope it was of any help or what you were looking for :'oD
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umbra-borealis · 4 months ago
Dimitri Lousteau is the most 'human' villain in Sly Cooper
Hello and welcome to my TEDtalk, I've been meaning to type out my yapping for a long time but always talked myself out of it because I mean, this is coming from a guy with Dimitri for a pfp and I figured people would just take it as a guy on tumblr simping for a weird lizard but no. The reasons I care for Dimitri the way I do goes pretty deep and I could sit here and talk about it point by point but to save us both some time (and because I am DEAD tired) I made a graph!
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I used Luciano, my little sona, to personify myself in this.
I focused mainly on formative things and similarities in personality without inserting headcanons, even if based on traits or even symptoms I recognize. Most of these are rather straight forward but some run a little deeper. The funny pattern here (maybe aside from the drug thing lol) is that there's a high likelihood that you reading this right now can at least relate to just one or two things on those list and while you could argue that you could do the same with other characters, I picked these traits because in my opinion they ride that thin line between just relatable enough to apply to a lot of people, but not too superficial to be on the same an interest or hobby. Anyone can get upset when angry, it's HOW you express that anger that says something about you as a person for instance.
I also want to quickly mention that yes, a LOT of characters in Sly Cooper are very human, but I said 'villain' for a reason. After all I don't think your average college kid can relate to Contessa, Rajan or Panda King because mass brainwashing, destroying villages and being a literal drug lord are bordering on supervillain and that's not what Dimitri is. A supervillain can be relatable to a degree as well, but it makes sense that the Panda King had to have a whole Moment TM (several really) to come to terms with the kind of person he allowed himself to become. When we see Dimitri in Sly 3, he seems to have already done this perhaps because his sins aren't nearly as great. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
I'll insert a read-more here but I'd like to ask you to keep reading anyway if you can because my biggest pet peeve is that Dimitri is seen as a dumb, sleazy (and old??? which is dumb and I got math to back up that he's not in fact in his 40s during Sly 2 lmao) lizard who's only good as a level 1 boss for beginners to learn the game and all he's remembered for, though fair, is his manner of speech and not what he's REALLY saying. None of you ever picked up on what he was throwing down so I'm going to spell it out for you.
(PS I have ADHD and it's 3 AM so go easy on me this is coming from the HEART baby)
To make it easier on myself and you, I'm going to start sectioning the word soup in my head into four categories based on Dimitri's enterprises and roles and just kinda... waffle on about my thoughts regarding them. I'll start superficial and work my way down to the Deep Shit. Feel free to skip around to whatever interests you since I include some lore too, though changes are you're already aware of said lore.
Lets start with:
Dimiti, the club manager.
Nightclubs, and the people that run them tend to have a bit of a sleazy stereotype attached to them, which I suppose is fair. Though a large chunk is attributed to movies and other media, there were in fact some really large and important movements surrounding nightlife and club culture. Just look up the Club Kids if you want to go down a rabbit hole, in short they were a fairly large group of partiers from the 90s who contributed a LOT to fashion and art movements as well as being generally very fluid when it came to gender. Unfortunately that too would eventually be plagued by drugs and members getting addicted to drugs. Again, I digress.
Dimitri is seen partying in the intro of his chapter in Sly 2,
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which is a nice touch because not only is it in-character, it's something that would actually happen. Owners of a popular joints would be popular or just enigmatic figures that would regularly get subjected to patrons schmoozing up to them. Some weren't a fan but there were many that soaked up the attention, bought rounds on the house when business was good, maybe get a little TOO cocky with confidence. It's a bit too simple to look at Dimitri in relation to all this info and say 'no doi he was in it for the money it checks out.' because if you spend enough time in his club or just, in the safe house after placing the bug there's signs of more going on.
We KNOW Dimitri is a criminal and he did his whole art forgery business on the side, or maybe it's the other way round? Either way he seemed fairly confident in his skills with this. His biggest risk being that time he tried to marry someone over a STATUE. (Really dude?) So then why was he so damn paranoid? While you could argue that he was sippin' his own supply I don't think that's what it was. He was so paranoid he played his music super loud in almost all areas of the club JUST to keep his security detail awake through-out night and day, whenever his club wasn't open to the public. To compensate he would promise them they could all 'retire early'. with that fake confidence chuckle that masks a sense of 'haha please don't abandon me'
So, ever heard of Imposter Syndrome? Because his behavior as a club owner SCREAMS it. He wasn't JUST cocky and sleazy, he was simply fitting in with the culture of the time because *everyone* was overly confident, over confidence was something to be admired, something to look at and go 'yeah that guy has it figured out' while in reality most struggled with something, anything. So what is Imposter Syndrome? To keep it short and blunt, the overwhelming feeling that you're not worthy of your accomplishments. We know that Dimitri is a 'failed' artist who turned to forging art to make money, it could just be a sense of guilt telling him something he's not ready to hear so he starts overcompensating and this insecurity bleeds into Sly 3 after Sly puts him in his place. His success with this insanely toxic coping mechanism lands him a new enterprise.
Dimitri, the Spice distributor.
Rather than going chronological, I'm going through the 'layers' that is this lizard. So if his career as a club owner is the tip of the ice berg with some neat little facts and info about the stereotype he conveys, this subject is a tier deeper. Dimitri the Spice distributor is Dimitri the next level criminal, or so he thinks. When you think about it, it's pretty strange that they gave Dimitri some Clockwerk parts at all. He was never mentioned by the other Klaww Gang members and thus seemingly not missed either when he was the first to get busted. In fact, nobody was upset that their DISTRIBTOR was arrested, putting a hold on their primary income... or so we thought until the Contessa was revealed to have a rather large and lucrative side hussle Dimitri probably could never compete with. Dimitri was expendable, sure he had a role and he played it well but he was also a loss they could cope with without much harm done to their wallets or their pride.
I think about it often, Dimitri in his jail cell, maybe hearing from another criminal or even his lawyer after the whole Clock-La thing about the full scope of the plan. He might've gotten a reduced sentence for ratting the other members out because if you think back to his legendary conversation with Sly he really doesn't seem to know what he's talking about. ("What is it with clocks bro!?") All of Dimitri's other crimes aside, he was young and naive, Sly 3 reveals he came from some form of poverty as well so it makes sense that he'd chase easy money. That's all it was though, he wanted the money and the fame, he didn't want to brainwash an entire city, he didn't know about the giant robot owl. He's once again left feeling like a failure, this time one that was easy to fool and all the confidence he had as a criminal would've seeped out of him, starting this weird cycle of him trying something only to be caught breaking the law and ending up where he began.
Like I said all of this would bleed into Sly 3 and it's pretty damn neat that for how little lines he had and how little he was on screen, they managed to convey this well in my opinion. By the time we reach Sly 3, most of us don't remember him as a Spice distribtor at all. Which leads me to...
Dimitri the Artist.
Being an artist is a pretty broad term and while we know Dimitri as a painter, I think he applies his artist mindset in way, way more. He's genuinely creative an smart, he thinks out of the box to protect his secrets and to cover his tracks. His identity as an artist is also his most vulnerable and 'real' self. Folks will say art is about self expression and usually mean conveying complex topics with pretty pictures or thought provoking stories, however it can be apparent in smaller ways too and the most obvious thing for Dimitri is his business in forging art. Think about it this way:
Picture you don't speak a LICK of english, you're from a lower in-come family or even straight up poverty but you grew up on tall tales of your grandpa being a total badass who lived freely and seizes every opportunity he could to make money... or take it rather but you get the idea. Your grandpa used his talents as a diver and deep down, you know what your talent is. It's art. So you somehow manage to move across the world to Paris, go to an art school work your ass off to develop your own style, your own identity and when it came to making a name for yourself you were rejected super hard. You're now probably in debt, in a foreign country and all you're known for is being the art community's clown.
One thing that gets overlooked is that Dimitri's paintings aren't actually that bad.
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He very clearly knows the basics quite well, he's using color theory to shade and add depth but as he goes from student to independant artist, he breaks away from the basics and develops a style. His color use becomes brighter, he adds little stars just because why not? He likes em! This style is PERFECT for the nightlife club scene he ends up in down the line of course, but in the world of pretentious parisian artist hipsters? Absolutely not. So while he's just being himself, he's shown that that isn't allowed, that wont get him success. It reminds me of artists who say shit like 'I'll just learn to draw furry porn I guess!' thinking it's a guaranteed money printer (heh) and whether they enjoy making that kind of content is irrelevant, which leads to burn out or in case they DO find success, imposter syndrome. The dread that you do not deserve this recognition because it's not something you're actually that passionate about, not something you want to be known for. Say what you will about Dimitri but he never compromised. And while the cutscene shows shoddy painted depictions of classical paintings, I think this was more to illustrate him forging paintings to a younger audience than imply he was a bad painter as just before those crappy version, we see what's probably the REAL version he would've painted and sold.
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This is conjecture on my part but I have to believe it because well, art forgery is HARD. You'd have to actually be a freaking genius to do it and sell it for so high, you can just afford what is basically a freaking opera house in PARIS and turn it into a nightclub. Also did I mention Dimitri just, HAS a ~mansion~ in Monaco? Because he does.
I've also always liked that scene for the expression on his face. It's smug, it's so full of petty, passve aggressive anger, a stubborness to admit defeat and instead to just 'prove a point' even if that point is lost to the means being SUPER illegal. That being sad, I don't think any of us feel bad over this man stealing a couple thousand from billionaire pockets. Billionaires that probably have their own little illicit ways to get that cash. Funny... It seems Sly isn't the only one who steals from other criminals.
And you might've stuck around this long and gone 'Umbra, get to the fucking POINT already." to which I have good news.
Dimitri, the Marine Iguana.
My favorite part, feel free to skip ahead to this headline if you want.
So who is this guy anyway? Well, from Sly 3 we see that he has a mother, a sister and his grandparents and that's about it as far as we can tell.
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Just look at that smile! He looks like your average, awkward teenager. No struggling on the streets from what we can tell, no bullying by bigger kids, no weird sociopathic tendencies, no childhood trauma or grudges. The events that changed him seem to all have happened after he left for Paris. Sure it aint much to go off of but even if his life was hard, it seemed he was close with his grandfather and got to know him for a decent couple of years. Marine Iguanas are, like the name implies, an aquatic species of reptile. They're well adapted to land but due to low food availability in-land, they migrated to the beaches and started living off of sea algae, learning how to dive in the process. Even in Sly 2 the devs included plenty of references to Dimitri's affinity for water. The windows in the dancefloor area of his club are partially submerged, there are two massive aquariums in his office, he lives on a boat (or hides there anyway) and has several water features but inside and outside his club.
When you take a step back and look at all that, Dimitri is... just a guy who left his home country, his family, to follow a dream only to have that dream shatter and he's left to pick up the pieces all alone, making poor choices in the process. Choices based on anger and a broken heart. And the truth of the matter is that ALL of this, could happen to anyone. Granted in varying different ways as not everyone's life is the same and not everyone will make the same choices but I think many of us had a dream career as a kid only to become a jaded adult who thinks it's unrealistic or only does that thing as a hobby, I think there's many of us that remember the moment our hearts were broken and we realized the cold, unforgiving nature of real, adult life.
We see the effect of ALL of this come to a head in Sly 3, when at first he's not sure if he should still be mad at Sly for putting him in jail while he's currently the only guy he knows that COULD break him back out of jail as well. He still overcompensates, he's still overly confident and he put himself in that cell but still, he honors his word and helps Sly and Bentley find their friend. Then in Holland we see him behind a bar, seemingly as if he's actually got a job as a bartender there. Heck, he DOES have a job! He's the announcer! He may not super like it but he's being humbled by it all the same and when Sly comes for help a second time, the bravado is gone for a moment. He expresses genuine fear, not necessarily for his own safety but for losing a job, for *failing*. Of course the right answer in this scenario is to hype up his confidence again. And because Sly has proven himself to be trustworthy in the past he figures he can trust him with a favor of personal, sentimental value. If anyone would understand how it feels to have your family name dishonored and an heirloom stolen, it's Sly and Dimitri knows that damn well.
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I think this is about as real as Dimitri can get, aside from the whole scuba gear thing. I know the gang is disguised but I don't think Dimitri is at all. I think that's just... what he likes to wear, further making me think he's just a regular guy with so much heart ache he lashe out in some pretty vile ways. Tortured artists are known to do some crazy shit after all. And while he continues to be his funny eccentric self we know him to be, he starts to have his first real moments of genuine care and loyalty while a part of the Cooper Gang. He tells Bentley he 'has his own flavor' which is his way of telling him that he's unique an valid the way he is. He dives after Sly's cane in VERY dangerous waters, risking injury or even his life, no questions asked. He sends Bentley postcards and letters to let his friend know he's safe and doing well. But perhaps something that hits me harder than any of that, is how angry and shocked Dimitri looks upon Sly's 'retirement announcement'.
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Here he was thinking he made a friend out of Sly, and just like that he was gone. It makes me wonder if he held onto that grudge or not but a part of me likes to imagine that he didn't. I think his time with that gang made him realize that although he might not understand and he might be upset, it's not all about him. If anything he silently continued the rivalry by seeing how many girls he could cram into one post card with him to one up Sly's act of running off with a girl himself or perhaps he took it as a sign to make a career switch as well. Either way, Dimitri ended up changing for the better, he became himself in the end. A sweet, goofball iguana who loves the ocean and loves to paint. Making money became a nice bonus rather than his main focus.
Coming from a similar, rough background, having gone to therapy and trying to find my place in the world, this gives me hope. Hope that if I look hard enough, I can find my niche too and that being myself is the best I can be. If you read all this, thank you. I fgured it was best to just get it ALL out at once. I hope it was a fun read or made you look at Dimitri a little differently.
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ghoastixx · 9 months ago
hi! I absolutely loved the Father!Sam with the GN!Child! It was adorable! I was wondering if you could do the same with Dean? Where his kid doesn’t want to go to sleep?
Dean Winchester w/ GN!Child!Reader
Author notes: I'm absolutely adoring all of the requests I've been getting as of lately, I'm really trying to get into writing again. Make it feel like less of a chore, so thank you all! I'm currently doing a week long theater camp so I might not get to writing all requests right away, but don't let that stop you from sending them in. Please do!
Note notes: This is set during a period where Sam is dead and Dean's trying to leave hunting behind.
Synopsis above
Dean Winchester was one stubborn man, so no wonder his child would be the same way. Y/n Winchester, a stubborn kid who liked testing their dad.
Dean didn't really have any issues with you staying up a bit later, he himself often found himself to struggle with sleeping. It was 9:30 when Dean had looked down at his watch. He wanted to try and get some sleep tonight, so he stood up. He put the beer he was drinking to the side and started walking to his room. Your room was across from his. Your door was cracked open and the light was on inside, you were still awake.
"Squirt? I'm heading to bed alright?" You looked up from the book you were reading. Books. He never understood where you suddenly picked up the hobby. Hell it reminded him of Sam. It made him sad that you two never got to meet, as he took you in shortly after his brother's passing. You were almost eleven and a fairly bright kid.
"Okay, night. I love you." He nodded and left.
Dean couldn't sleep. He laid in the dark, just staring at the ceiling. He decided to get up and try and use the bathroom, maybe that was the problem. Once he was done and walking back to his room, he peeked into your room. The light was off now but you had the lamp beside your bed on, you were still reading.
"Y/n?" You jumped, he smiled a bit but he felt a bit bad. He didn't like you feeling scared. He always teased you and was very adamant about you "being tough" but he didn't like seeing you scared. He wanted you to be safe. "Sorry- I thought you'd be asleep by now?"
"You said you were going to sleep.." They looked at a clock, "an hour ago."
"Yeah yeah, I know. I'm going." He groaned a bit, "Make sure you get some sleep tonight. Okay?"
"Yes dad,"
Dean actually managed to fall asleep for a while. Then he woke up suddenly with a feeling of dread. He decided he was gonna try and ride it out, not much had went wrong since he left the hunting life behind.
The feeling wouldn't go away, so Dean sat up, glancing around the room. Quiet. He decided to go check up on you, he needed to know that you were safe. He didn't like when he walked into your room to see you still up and reading. He cleared his throat and you looked up. Smiling nervously.
"I know- I know- bed. Yes, I'm going-" You said, putting the bookmark in your book and placing it on the bedside table. He crossed his arms, watching from the door.
"Everything alright in here?"
"Hm? yes,"
"Okay, please get some sleep. Don't want you all grumpy in the morning,"
"Fine. I know-"
"You better," He smiled a bit. "I mean it Y/n."
"I know dad, night."
"night kiddo,"
You were asleep, he had checked. He wasn't sure what was wrong or how to fix it.
He'd understand when his brother knocked on his door the next morning.
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livingbarbie · 2 years ago
finding a hobby ‧⁺˚*・༓☾
something really key to improving your self esteem and productivity is getting off of that phone !! but i feel like we all know this, and most of us also know that the best way to get off your phone is to find a hobby. this sounds simple enough, but it might be one of the hardest things i've had to do in my growth journey.
finding a hobby can be really difficult for a multitude of reasons:
there are so many possibilities - if you google 'hobbies', you are hit with hundreds (or even thousands) of ideas. while that's promising at first, as you scroll through these lists it can become quite overwhelming and confusing. after ten minutes of scrolling, you're likely to just lay back down and play on your phone again.
lack of interest - the biggest issue for me was simply a lack of interest in ANYTHING. i would scroll through lists on google, tumblr, whatever and nothing at all would catch my eye. this is probably something to do with instant gratification (i don't know much about it), and is most likely a result of the amount of time i spent on my phone doing a whole lot of nothing. either way, know you are not alone in this feeling!
perfectionism - if you do find something that peaks your interest, that's great! however, i know a lot of us struggle with perfectionism. often this can cause you to give up on the hobby almost as quickly as you started it, because you are not outstanding at it immediately. once again, you will probably end up feeling defeated and resort back to your phone.
it took me a long time to be able to push past these obstacles, but once i did it was so insanely rewarding. here are some of the things that helped me to do so:
hide your phone - so silly, but this truly did help. i put my phone in a drawer, and closed it. with my phone out of sight, i couldn't just pick it up out of habit. this forced me to kind of just sit with my boredom, and eventually i found things to do. (usually ended up being something from the MANY lists i had read)
try anything - i mean ANYTHING, anything at all. pick something that didn't really catch your eye at all and just try it. for example. i tried crochet out of boredom. it turned out that i didn't really enjoy it that much, but now i know how to crochet which is kind of cool. just try as many new things as possible, until something sticks.
change your mindset - shift that perfectionist mindset ASAP. find a way to embrace doing things badly. this is way harder than it sounds, but it is so worth it in all aspects of your life. try things and do them badly. learn to accept your bad attempts at things. these hobbies are for you and your enjoyment only, you do not have to show people. the best thing you can do for yourself is give yourself permission to make mistakes.
i have found many hobbies in the past year, some i am more passionate about than others. these are some of my favourites:
reading: an idea you have probably seen everywhere, but it is genuinely a favourite of mine. don't buy into the idea that you HAVE to read in a pretentious way. for many people, classics and books written in the 1800's are not enjoyable and that is perfectly okay. don't be afraid to read something that might seem silly (e.g fantasy, young adult, even children's novels). there is no point in trying to read something you know you probably won't enjoy.
coding: i got into this by accident if i'm being honest, i just got hooked on it when watching my younger brother do something for his digital technology class. this is something i NEVER would've guessed i would like. if you have access to a laptop or a computer, it is so worth trying. there are thousands of free resources online to teach you, and it is super fun learning to code your own little projects.
dance: something i sometimes do in my spare time is learn dances (specifically k-pop dances). i enjoy a lot of k-pop girl group music, so i find learning the dances really fun (and sometimes challenging). i would totally recommend trying this, k-pop or not, as it also doubles as exercise!
learn a language: you can do this in so many different ways, whether you learn the basics of many languages or you dedicate yourself to fluency in a single language. this is such a cool skill to build, and i honestly just find it really fun.
this is a very brief overview of finding a hobby, but the main point i want you to takeaway is to try anything and everything. ultimately, you will not know whether you enjoy something until you try it. please do not feel discouraged when you don't enjoy the first few things you try, there is something for everyone !
stay dreamy, my angels <3
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lauronk · 5 months ago
https://www.tumblr.com/redandpointy/160507446187?source=share hm... Maybe a fic that takes place in jackson? I've heard that sometimes when people experience childhood trauma they can develop some old childhood habits when they feel unsafe or triggered by someting, as a form of defense mechanism (like sucking their thumb when no one notices, rocking back and forth in a nervous way, isolate yourself in a specific place, don't talk at all, shut down with hobbies when they feel unease, bite or scratch their own hands with the nails as way to express anger or anxiety, trouble sleeping and in some cases even having bed wetting problems) - It's actually more common than we think, and I've always wondered how a orphan girl that was neglected all her childhood, saw people get killed and kill themselves in front of her and was almost molested by a creep never had psychological problems resulting from roots of her childhood in specific. So, yeah, maybe a fic where joel is noticing some problems with ellie and somehow knowing what is this coming from, and feeling guilty because he feels like he was also one to blame for her bottling her feelings on the road because he told her on the road they shouldn't talk about feelings. Did she had habits like that on the road and he didn't notice? When she saw him mutilate people and be violent, did that affected her too? She was dealing with stress on their journey and he stopped her from talking about it? Or when he feel and she had to be the adult...God, how could he forgive himself... And now he wants to comfort her and provide her safeness every time something triggers her, wants to create an habit of talking about her feelings everyday. Like he is her personal diary.
hi! thank you for sending this, sorry it took me so unbelievably long! this is definitely one i could see being continued eventually, i feel like i just scratched the surface here really. i hope you like it!
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old habits die screaming
length: ~1.2k words tags: joel & ellie; canon divergence; nail biting/picking/peeling; technically self-harm? but without the intent to do harm; more like a stress reaction; joel is ellie's parent; ellie is bad at feelings; mentions of nightmares;
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She’s doing it again.
Joel stares at Ellie’s wrecked cuticles, scabbed and picked at, the nail beds bitten down as far as possible, and feels worry sink like a boulder into his gut. No wonder every time he’s around lately her hands are in her pockets, or she’s actually wearing her goddamn gloves for once.
She’s been hiding this from him again.
He’d noticed it first after Silver Lake, when the temperature started to lift and they started to shed their winter layers. Fingernails chewed down to nothing, hangnails picked and pulled until they bled. And then getting to the hospital only to find it empty, no trace of the Fireflies or where they’d gone…it’s a wonder she hadn’t peeled the skin clean off her hands then.
It’s stress, the book he’d borrowed from Jackson’s library tells him. Stress and repressed emotions that need an outlet somewhere.
Repressed emotions, Joel thinks now, looking down at her hands. She’s curled up on her bed, fast asleep, and he’d just stepped in to check on her before going to his own room. But the moonlight slicing through her window had illuminated her hands just right and now he stood here, transfixed.
It’s his fault, Joel knows that. He’s the one that told her all those months ago that they keep their histories to themselves. That they didn’t have time for tears on the road unless something was seriously wrong, and that she was cargo.
No wonder she’s making herself bleed rather than talk to him about what’s bothering her. And now he’s gotta fix it.
Joel’s awake before Ellie the next morning, coffee brewed and the strainer with her tea ready and waiting. He thinks for a second about making her some eggs, but he’d heard her tossing and turning last night while he’d been lying awake thinking over his repeated failures. She’d had a nightmare, and she frequently woke up nauseous the morning after.
He’d wait on the eggs.
Ellie’s up not long after, shuffling to her seat at the coffee table with a yawn and giving him a small, grateful smile when he sets her tea and the jar of honey in front of her.
“Sleep okay?” Joel asks.
Ellie shrugs, not meeting his eyes. “Yeah.”
He should have expected that answer, honestly. Joel lowers himself to the chair across from her, hands wrapped around his mug. “School goin’ alright?”
Another shrug, another quiet “Yeah.”
God, he’s so damn rusty at this. Then again, he never really had to pry with Sarah - she always told him about her day in excruciating detail, every passing interaction she had, every step she took. And Ellie when he first knew her wouldn’t have taken much prying to get information out of. But after Silver Lake - and Joel still didn’t even really know what had happened to her there - she’d retreated in on herself, giving mumbled one word answers more often than not, and that had only changed a little when they’d come back here and started settling in.
Joel thinks again of the book from the library, the one from the early 80s about listening so kids will talk and talking so kids will listen or whatever the hell it was called.
Share, it had said. Make sure you open up enough so that your children feel safe doing the same and it’s not a one-sided relationship. Make sure they know that they can come to you with their problems and that you’ll be willing to listen.
“I had a nightmare last night,” Joel says, and Ellie’s head snaps up. It’s only a slight bending of the truth - he hadn’t really slept at all last night, but he’d had one the night before. “We were in Kansas City again, when that horde came up outta the ground.” He blows out a breath, eyes drifting out the window. “And my gun kept jamming every time I needed to fire because they were comin’ at you.”
Ellie’s grip on her mug tightens, skin bleaching white at the knuckles. “You still have nightmares?”
He hadn’t thought he’d ever be admitting this to her. Ever since they’d made it back here Joel had tried to be steady, show that he was alright and he liked it here in the hopes that it would be modeling a way to adjust for her.
Apparently, it had had the opposite effect.
“Probably every week or so,” Joel tells her honestly. “Not always the same ones, and when we first got here it was more like every other night. But yeah, I still have them a bit.”
Ellie’s eyes have dropped from him to her mug of tea, staring down at it like the dregs of it will have all the answers. “Me too,” she whispers, so quietly that if Joel hadn’t been as intently focused on her as he was he probably wouldn’t have heard it. He doesn’t say anything, just waits to see if she’ll continue. “A couple times a week lately. I had one last night where –” she sniffles, sitting back in her chair with her arms wrapped over her stomach. “Where we were in Colorado and you died in the basement and I couldn’t get out of the steakhouse and –” Ellie hiccups, tears slowly trickling down her cheeks.
Carefully, Joel reaches his hand across the table to her. An offering, if she wants it. He can see her weighing whether or not to take it, but he doesn’t move, doesn’t say anything. Ellie still struggles with the idea of relying on anyone, whether she’d admit it or not. They’ve come leaps and bounds since that first mistrustful, angry conversation in his and Tess’s apartment, but a few months in a safe space isn’t enough to undo nearly fifteen years of suspicion and solitude.
Ellie sniffs again, her jaw working back and forth, before she finally reaches forward and clasps his hand. Joel squeezes it gently, waiting for her to look up at him. “I’m alright,” he tells her softly when she does. “And you’re alright. And I know this is a lot to get used to here. But baby, I am asking you –” Joel rotates their hands until hers is facing up, the damage to her nails on display. She tries to pull it back, relenting when Joel squeezes again. “Come talk to me when somethin’ is botherin’ you, alright? You ain’t…you ain’t gotta tell me all the details, don’t need to say more than you’re comfortable with. But I am askin’ you to please come say…” He pauses, searching for the right words. “Just come say you had a nightmare, or say you’re sad, or even just say you need a hug. That’s all. You ain’t doin’ this alone, kiddo.”
Ellie just sort of looks at him for a moment, eyes rimmed in red. She seems…small. Withdrawn, unsure, five seconds from shattering into a thousand pieces, and until she speaks again Joel thinks he’s maybe made a horrendous mistake, and that all she’s gonna do now is retreat even further.
But then she gives him a wobbly nod and says okay and Joel knows that at least now, they’ve made a start.
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thanks for reading! you can find the full ficlet collection on ao3
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kit-williams · 1 year ago
Hello! The Cuckoo Anon is back again!
Something more Fluffy with some existentialism sprinkled in I've had stewing in my mind. Could also be interpretted as soft yandere. Hope you enjoy.
You'd never considered getting an Astarte, and quite frankly you'd have to admit it came down to both reasonable and unreasonable factors.
Reasonable being cost, both in time and finance. Even if most Space Marines could care for their own basic needs, you'd feel bad if you couldn't provide other enrichments. Art Supplies and Makeup for Emperors Children or Blood Angels, a proper training area for World Eaters and War Hounds, nests dark and secluded enough for Night Lords or Raven Guard. All things to consider when bringing home a new large friend.
Even if you weren't financing a personal sparring ring in your back yard there would be fees and regulations to consider, not to mention travel to and from these places alongside your already cramped schedule.
In less reasonable factors, or so you thought them to be, was fear.
Dying to an Astarte was seen much like dying to the mishandling of an exotic pet or by an unfortunate encounter with a wild animal.
At worst more onus seemed put on the human for poor decision making, at best it was deemed a tragic accident that nothing much could be done about in the aftermath.
There was still culling of known human killers. And your mind wrestled not with the morality of putting down a dangerous being, but how strange it seemed for such powerful intelligent beings to be at odds with their niche.
Some feral, some domestic, some neither, yet all of them...all of them had to be human on Some level right?
They're just larger, and speak differently, but all are hominid forms under that ceramite so why...why-
You could feel your brain starting to hurt, as it often did when these thoughts surfaced.
Well right now you didn't want to think deep hard thoughts about the mysterious beings you shared the world with.
Instead you were going to let your skates do the thinking for you, and let your brain get swept along in a sea of bright colors, cheesy music and dancing on wheels.
Your local roller rink wasn't as close as you might like it, but the drive was worth it so you could practice your hobby. After a long hiatus due to personal life things, you needed to clear your head with some mindless fun.
While not a professional by any means you'd become a regular here, and you have to say, you picked up some nice tricks over the years.
As you walked in the place was a buzz with the weekend crowd. Sunday might be the less busy of the two days, but there was still a lively population within.
You didn't mind though, the rink was actually a place you preferred to visit while busy. Too few people and it just felt dead, too many and you'd struggle to not feel overwhelmed.
Truly, the perfect happy medium.
...aside from the hulking Astartes accompanying their various humans both on and off the skating floor.
This was something you were used to at this point, but it still felt awkward maneuvering not just around regular sized people, but their gigantic body guards, especially when you needed the restroom and already had your skates on.
Then there were the times children would approach you asking how to do certain tricks. Explaining to a child how you learned to skate backwards was already difficult with the loud music, now you had to sweat under the intense gaze of their family Space Marine keeping an unflinching eye on you.
And don't even get started about the encounters you had accidentally bumping Into others.
People are clumsy, people on wheels even moreso, and you'd be a damn rich fool if somebody paid you for everytime you narrowly avoided a child with no situational awareness while on your own set of wheels.
Now multiply the fear of harming someone else by accident, by the fear of an angry protective space marine seeking retribution. Not a fun concept.
Fortunately, any mishaps you did have hadn't ended with a bolter stuck in your face or a chain sword through your spine. The rinks owners didn't allow weapons on the premises.
You supposed most human and astarte were intelligent enough to understand that a roller rink carries a higher than average risk of collision.
"Thank the throne for that." You muttered with a chuckle, using a phrase common enough amongst Astartes to have been translated. You pondered what kind of throne deserved such reverence, as you slipped on your pads and skates.
Once geared up, you stood, and with practiced ease carried your bag to the cubbies.
But now a new issue. The lower cubbies were full, you'd have to stretch to get your bag into the higher ones.
Shuffling onto your toe stops, you clumsily lifted your duffel bag upwards. Your balance was well enough, but it was a strain, and your bag seemed to protest by sagging down against your lifting, like a wet sack trying to fall out of your hands rather than overwhelm you with weight.
Which is exactly what Almost happened as your next bid to push/throw the bag into the desired cubby resulted in it bouncing and falling back to you.
If not for a large magenta ceremite hand coming over your head and catching the duffel with ease.
Your surprise was palpable, as you slowly turned your gaze; sliding up the arm to the hulking shadow behind you.
Note to self, don't wear both earbuds while distracted Ever again.
The magenta and gold clad space marine met your gaze. His helmeted face betrayed no emotion, and despite the chorus of the skating rink around you, it felt like all you could here was his breathing. Just that raspy...Breathing behind the mask.
Surely, he could hear your heart hammering, as he stood above you, arm still holding the duffel bag you'd been struggling with a moment prior against the cubbies.
More or less holding you against the cubbies as well.
Neither of you moved.
Okay you couldn't take it anymore. "Can...can I help you?" You asked, trying to swallow the nerves that made your throat tight.
The marine, Emperor's Child your brain noted, twitched from his stillness and actually looked...surprised?
If you hadn't known any better you'd think he was just a stunned as you were a moment ago. As stunned as fully armored astartes could look anyway.
The minor expression passed in a moment, before he simply pushed it the rest of the way into the high cubby.
He said something in his Gothic tongue, seemingly an apology, then turned on his massive heel to walk back towards a small group of mostly other Emperor's Children.
As he left you found your voice. "Uh hey!"
The Astarte turned for a brief moment.
"Th-Thank you! I appreciate the help!" You called brightly over the music, making sure to smile inspite of your still frayed nerves. You even gave the big fella two thumbs up incase he didn't understand.
And then your embarassment won out and you quickly hurried onto the skating floor with your face burning and heart racing for an all New reason. 
Maybe...maybe having an Astarte wouldn't be so bad.
Meanwhile the space marine returned to his group of battle brothers. They'd discovered this recreational location, and more or less set up operations here after their leader bonded to one of the business's owners.
The influx of humans and their space marines made it an ideal location to conduct trades of goods and information.
While their situation was...unorthodox, I Ithio couldn't find it in himself to raise complaint.
His brother's were content, some even more so having found their bonds. He wouldn't deny he'd felt a certain yearning for that closeness. And now he may never get a chance to Feel that with how he'd fumbled his introduction.
"So...your little Bird of Paradise has finally reappeared." Salvali chortled.
Matisse chimed in. "They seemed to take the encountee better than you did brother! Regardless, I think a celebration is in order tonight!"
"Please stop," Ithio groaned, embarassed though he was grateful the humans around them couldn't understand nor see his burning face.
All he had to do was say Hello, and he couldn't even do that!
He'd tried So Hard to restrain himself when he'd seem them walk in. After so long of not seeing them he feared he'd have to take drastic measures to find them.
But they just Strolled back into his life and in turn he'd Strolled over, intending to help when the perfect moment had presented itself. Practically a gift wrapped golden opportunity to make himself known to his Bird of Paradise.
And he Froze. Frozen up! Iced over the moment their eyes met. By the throne and stars above he wanted to melt into the floor.
"Ah don't feel too bad, there's always next time." Salvali assured patting him on the back.
But would there be?! What if you were so put off you never came back. He'd have to find you, he Wouldn't live without you the way he had the first time you vanished. He couldn't take that! He couldn't-
"Uh Hey!" Ithio broke from his dooming and turned back to see you, calling to him.
Marines in general may not have the best grasp of the ancient terran languages, but Emperors Children are not general Marines. Language is but another artform, and Emperor's Children Pride themselves on their art.
"Th-Thank you! I appreciate the help!" Your sweet voice reassured him, your smile though unsteady was so genuine. You even gestured with your thumbs to show your approval before you scurried to the skating floor.
With his superior sight, and the aid from his helmets tech he could read the blush on your face, the race of your heart. All the other noise faded into the back of his mind as he replayed your words and watched you take the floor.
Oh...oh sweet Bird of Paradise.
I mean I think anything I write gets interpreted as soft yandere because that's what I'm good at. We will see where this goes if he gets thrown into the non canon husbandry (because that seems to be where the yandere husbandry boys and stupid sexy Gabriel hang out)
Husbandry Taglist: @egrets-not-regrets @liar-anubiass-blog
You tried not to think too hard when you skated. Enjoying going round and round doing a few tricks just simple ones and you only fell onto your ass twice. But now you were probably about to eat wall as you skated to not run over a fallen child and you were moving so fast.
You still hit something hard but the way you're scooped up as well decreases the momentum you feel as if you just slammed into the wall or the other barrier. You feel weightless for a moment as you hear the whirl of your skate wheels still go as you brought your arms to your chest to try and minimize the impact damage. You look up at the ceiling with owlish eyes as you look up at green eye lenses that are looking down at you.
Ithio felt his hearts beating hard as he moved fast to get to his Bird of Paradise from smashing into the wall and getting bruised. He feels you move in his arms as you look at the small child who started this all... who was pulled out of the way but not fast enough that you nearly fell over them as you just close your eyes as Ithio watches you lay back in his arms coming down from the rush of adrenaline. The skate ref skates on over to make sure you're fine.
"Yeah I'm fine thanks to the Astarte." You say just patting the twin headed eagle on his breastplate and Ithio feels his hearts flutter happily. You lean on him as the referee skates off and she tries to hop out his arms and Ithio selfishly keeps you just a bit too high for you to feel comfortable to leave his arms. "Um... hey big guy?" You say nervously as the blank look of the helm looking down at her was bringing back that itch in the back of her head...
Ithio was starting to feel nervous... and his mind started to race again... what if she was already bonded? What if she didn't want him around. He feels his mind race and everything about him simultaneously melt as he was actually holding his beautiful Bird of Paradise... sure the dyes at the tips of her hair had faded but they were still so vibrant in his mind.
"Brother... are you okay?" Ithio heard Salvali over the vox.
"I'm fine." He lied as easily as he breathed. As he put her down.
"Well this is twice you helped me out... um I could buy you a drink?" You say trying to not feel the danger that being stared down by an Astartes brings.
"I never..." He finally speaks and his voice is so airy, "never got to tell you how pretty your hair was dyed when I saw you last here." He was happy he finally managed to tell the beautiful bird of paradise that of course her feathers were pretty... how marvelous she looked with her hair long and splayed against her back like a colorful bird's tail.
You smiled up at him not expecting that answer.
Salvali, Matisse, and the others watched from a distance.
"He's doing it... he's doing it!" Matisse said laughing softly.
"Well he's finally talking verses standing there holding her awkwardly." Salvali says as he watches Ithio put her down and her eyes seemed to be focused on him as she talks.
"Do you think it's a bond or just affection?" Matisse asks out loud to no one really but Salvali just shrugs.
"Does it matter? Feels like it's been ages since Ithio has been happy and see him fawn over a pretty bird makes me feel like we've got our brother back. Well it's almost time for Astartes skating are you going to try?" Salvali changes the topic and teases his brother. As the two laugh leaving Ithio to continue to cling to the words of his little bird.
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jungkookjeon0007 · 7 months ago
The House Party | Part 1 (JJK X MYG FF)
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☆ summary: Fresh out of high school, Kim Su-Jin has always been sheltered by strict parents and has walked a straight line all her life. She made a promise to herself that once she went to college and was out on her own, that she would finally cut loose and have the fun she always wanted to experience. In college, she meets some of her best friends within the first week, and soon the opportunity arises for them to go to their first party. While there, her life suddenly gets thrown into a whirlwind when she meets a group of 7 extremely handsome boys. Two of them in particular caught her interest and that’s when her life changed forever.. ♥️
☆ pairing(s): min yoongi x jungkook x su-jin.
☆ ratings: (18+) for detailed sex scenes + harsh language. SMUT SMUT. Double lip piercing JK, full sleeve tattoos, long hair Min Yoongi, dark theme, threesome, polyamory.
☆ genre: smut, angst.
☆ word count: 1.65k.
☆ a/n: I am really loving this story! There will be a second part to this posted either tonight or tomorrow, but if you really enjoy it and want a full book... LET ME KNOW and I can make it happen! Please make sure to share, comment, and like to support my little hobby. I love making stories for you to read and it warms my heart all of the messages I have received from how everyone loves 'Night in Vegas'. <3
"Okay, next victim!! Jungkook, truth or dare." Namjoon exclaimed as he rubbed his hands together menacingly.
"Dare, Hyung."
Namjoon tapped his chin as he thought,"I dare you to kiss Su-Jin's neck for 1 minute, making her moan at least once. If you fail, you take 3 shots."
Jungkook turned to see that I was already smirking at him. "What are you waiting for, Kookie? Are you not up to the task?"
He smiled back as he moved closer, "I'm always up for this Jin, especially if it's with you-" Without warning, he picked me up and placed me gently in his lap.
"Taehyung, start the timer." He said, never once taking his eyes off mine.
"Anddd GOOOO!" Taehyung yelled as he pressed start on his iPhone.
Jungkook smirked, quickly finding my neck with his blazing hot lips. He kissed, licked, sucked, and bit at my sweet spot, sending shivers straight down my spine. I bit my bottom lip hard, trying to hold back the moans that were threatening to already leave my quivering lips.
He grabbed my hips, moving me on top of him, and as I was grinding on his semi hardened erection, I questioned myself on just how much more I could take.
"15 SECONDS!!!" Taehyung yelled out again as the intensity heightened.
Jungkook started to grind back, whispering how good of a girl I was being for him then gently bit my ear lobe, breathing his hot breath into my ear. That was the last straw and I broke, not being able to take any more of this torture. A loud moan escaped my lips as he smirked in satisfaction. The timer ran out right after as I opened my eyes, hearing the chant of his name echo throughout the circle we were all sitting in.
"Damn, I have to admit... that was the hottest fucking thing I've witnessed." Taehyung said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Several of the others agreed, nodding from around the room.
"Such a good girl you were for me, Jin." Jungkook whispered into my ear as he tapped my butt, signaling me to stand up.
I crawled back to my spot beside him, straightening out both my clothing and hair. I was so engulfed by the game that I hadn’t realized someone else within the circle was eyeing me heavily, wishing that it was the two of us instead of Jungkook and I.
The game proceeded for a few more rounds but once everyone grew tired of it, we moved on to spin the bottle.
Whoever the bottle landed on had to go in the nearest closet with the spinner for 10 minutes. What they did within that time frame was their own choice, but they had to make it the full time, or they had to take 4 shots.
The first few rounds didn't go as planned because someone always left earlier than they should've. But now, it was my turn and I was sweating from the nervousness that suddenly took over my body.
The bottle spun for what seemed like ages until it finally started to come to a stop. When the bottle landed, everyone, including me, gasped at who was sitting on the opposite side... Min Yoongi.
"Yoon, you have the choice to go or not, which will it be?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi smirked at me, showing his beautiful gummy smile before speaking. “Let's go, Princess."
He motioned for me to follow him as I did without hesitation.
Jimin escorted us and before going in, he told us the rules just like with the pairs before. "Okay, you guys have to make it 10 minutes in there without coming out too early or you have to take some shots. Are we clear?"
We both nodded in agreement.
"Perfect! Enjoy!" He opened the door as Yoongi motioned for me to walk in ahead of him. "Ladies first."
I blushed profusely and walked into the closet, him following close behind.
Once we were in and the door was shut, we stared at each other smiling.
"So, what do you want to do in here for 10 minutes?" He asked, staring intensely into my eyes.
"Hmm.. How long have you known the other 6 guys?" I asked, trying to make the situation less awkward.
"I've known them for several years, they are like my brothers."
"I can definitely tell you guys are close." I said as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
“Yeah, we most definitely are." He replied, gulping in what appeared to be nervousness.
I smiled. "Your turn."
He looked at me in confusion. “What do you mean?"
I rolled my eyes with a smile, “Ask me a question, that way it kills time faster."
He smirked, realizing my intentions. "Ahh, okay I get it."
"Do you miss where you lived before?"
"Yes. I do very much." I replied, looking down at my fidgeting hands.
"Your turn, princess."
I thought for a moment before speaking, “Are you interested in anyone currently?"
I could have mentally face palmed myself for asking this stupid ass question. Out of all the questions I could have asked, I fucking chose that one. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
He took a deep breath as my heart began to pound harder in my chest. "I think I'm starting to be."
“Oh." I didn’t intend to sound as disappointed as I was, but it slipped.
"Mhmm... What about you?" I stared into his eyes and saw him glance down to my lips then back up to meet my gaze.
"I think I may be starting to as well."
"Interesting." He said as he took a step closer to me.
"Your turn." I said in a whisper as he was now so close, that I could feel his breath fanning against my lips.
He looked at his phone."We still have 6 minutes and 27 seconds left... Want to make them count?"
"What do you mean?"
"Excuse me for being so blunt, but I really want to kiss you, is it okay if I do?" I stood with a blank expression painted on my face, processing what he’d just said.
I wanted him to kiss me and the tension between us was so intense, I nodded my head. He stepped closer, grabbing my hips as he pulled me into him. The moment our lips touched, I melted into it instantly as it felt like our lips were meant for one another.
The kiss started off slow but after a minute, I began to run my fingers through his hair as he gripped my ass. It felt so good to feel him touch me.
"Fucking hell.” He mumbled between kisses.
I did nothing but smile as I pushed my tongue into his mouth while simultaneously rubbing his hardening member with my upper thigh. His hand found its way under my shirt as he palmed my breasts in such a way that made me feel goosebumps all over my body.
Unfortunately, our moment ended all too soon as the door swung open, revealing a shocked but very impressed Jungkook. "Oh my gosh. You guys actually made it! Great job and honestly, so damn hot. I mean shit!"
We backed away from one another while smiling then walked out of the closet. "Way to go you two! I'm surprised you guys were making out like that, I’m sure it was fucking awesome!"
Yoongi and I looked at each other and smiled shyly as the game continued.
[Yoongi's POV]
“Let’s go dance!" Su-Jin said as I was standing with the guys, drinking a beer.
My friends all turned to me waiting for a response, as they know I don't like dancing, but how could I say no when she is looking this cute? I rolled my eyes, sighing heavily. "Fuck it.."
The guys cheered as we all started dancing. I admit it was fun until 'Turn Me On' by Nicki Minaj and David Guetta came on. That’s when Kari, Su-Jin’s best friend, grabbed Jimin and was dancing all over him as Su-Jin came over to start dancing with me and Jungkook. When the chorus started, she turned around in front of me while dancing and every part of me wanted to grab her hips to pull her in but I couldn't get my hands to cooperate.
Jungkook saw that I was struggling and whispered in my ear. "Hyung, just dance with her."
About that time she spun around and looked at him with pleading eyes, "Kookie, will you dance with me?"
He was shocked and I could tell he wanted to say yes, but backed out. "I absolutely would Jin, but I am going to get another drink with the guys real fast. Yoongi can dance with you though!"
"Yoongi! Dance with me." I stepped up as she pulled me to the center of the floor, thanking him with my eyes as he left with a nod and smiled.
The beat thumped through the air as we were in perfect sync while dancing together. All of a sudden, she pushed her butt into me and started grinding. I couldn't help but let my hands wander over her amazing body, feeling the alcohol start to take over me. She threw her head back on my shoulder as my lips automatically grazed her neck, making her moan just loud enough that only I was able to hear. This fueled me more, and I gently kissed her neck as my hardening erection rubbed against her ass.
If we keep on like this, I don't think I'll be able to control myself because I was starting to get horny. All I could think about was this beautiful girl underneath me, screaming my name.
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arcane-vagabond · 1 year ago
Okay, so I've gone back and forth on whether or not to post this, but here we are. Long post under the cut.
I realize that I tend to post updates fairly often. However, I am not a machine, and I do actually have a full time job. The only reason I've been able to update like I have is because we've been in the off season. Eventually, things are going to pick up quite a bit and more than likely, I won't have as much free time to post like I do now. With that being said, I will try to get updates to you guys as much as I can, BUT there seems to be an attitude going around (not just towards me, but towards many other authors on here) that we should be updating almost every day. This is not feasible. Do I love that you guys love my stories so much? Absolutely! And I love talking about them with y'all. However, this is a hobby first and foremost. I am not being paid to write these stories and everything that I do post, I post for free. So, it's a little aggravating when I get asks in my inbox asking when I'm updating again after it's only been a week. It's a little aggravating when I get asks in my inbox for requests with not even a please or thank you, just a demand for something.
Which brings me to the next point. I don't mind taking requests. In truth, I'm a little backlogged right now, so until I can catch up, specific requests are closed. I will still talk about the stories with you guys, but I wouldn't necessarily expect a drabble until I can catch up on some of the ones that have been sitting in my inbox for about two months now. Along this same line, I really don't appreciate people coming into my inbox and telling me that you like my writing and then turning around and insulting it. I also don't appreciate when people come into my inbox and ask me to write an entire AU with specific scenarios while also insulting the way I write my characters. I love hearing about the different AUs you guys wanna see me do, but when you are sending me paragraphs of specific things you want to see in the AU, then it's no longer just an idea. At that point, you should be considering writing it yourself because it's not my original story at that point.
To clarify, there's a big difference between "I think it would be really cool if you wrote a mob AU and the reader could be a waitress or work in a bookshop or something" and "You should write a mob AU where the reader is a waitress and gets caught in a shootout and this character saves her! But then it turns out the waitress is secretly working undercover to bring down the mob boss and there's a shootout where this thing happens and then the characters have this specific conversation and then..."
I'm not trying to be a bitch, I swear I'm not. But it's frustrating when I can tell some of you don't even read the actual stories before ragging on them and then submitting a request in the same breath. It's also getting a little frustrating when I have the tag list at the top of my posts (with the trigger warnings) and I'm still being asked to add people to the tag list. I try to be accomodating and understanding, guys, but things have been a little much recently, and I just felt like I needed to say something. I know I'm not the only author on here experiencing this sort of stuff, and I'm not going to sit here and say that I'm speaking for them, but please start reading the author notes and the trigger warnings and what the author has posted before the actual story. And please stop pestering the authors on here about when they're posting. I know some people post daily, hell, I used to be one of them back when I was unemployed. But we have lives outside of this website guys, and a lot of us have plans with the holidays upon us as well as mental health problems with the changing seasons.
Again, I'm not trying to be a bitch, but I think people tend to forget that there are actual people behind these accounts, and while we love interacting with and giving you guys content, sometimes we need a break too. I know I have other hobbies other than writing, and sometimes I just need to take a step back so I don't get burnt out and stop writing altogether. Just show a little compassion and courtesy, y'all, that's all I'm asking.
Happy Holidays, and I hope to have something out for y'all this week if not a couple things. I have the entire week after Christmas off, but I don't know how much I'll be able to write given I have to go get my car fixed now and I have plans with some friends.
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sleepy-vix · 11 months ago
journal/braindump 26/3/24
i hope life gets better soon. school is so miserable and weird and i just constantly feel like my physical shape is blurred and i'm but a a faceless entity drifting through the crowded and sweaty halls. when i speak to people it feels like i have to physically force myself to and i'm always so conscious of the fact that i would really love it if i were alone and not speaking to anybody at all.
i don't feel confident in myself and i feel like this year has passed by way too fast and i feel like just attempting to live feels like a bunch of cold sand is piled in my hands, and like sand does, it slips easily through my fingers and all i can do is watch. i feel so stupid and so naive all the damn time
for a while i had believed that everything would be okay, and then for a while after that i believed that i should kill myself. i'm okay now, i still feel very unsettled and it's like i'm not really me but i feel fine enough to function and i feel fine enough to live and wish to keep on living
i wish to keep on living
tomorrow i will wake up early and i will make myself coffee and i will sit down and read (i've had reading block for 2 days- which seems short but its annoying for me bc i really really want to read but i feel too restless and distracted to). i'll try to be nice to myself and protect my peace really hard and go on walks or something
i find that watching youtube videos where people just sit and talk, or rearrange their house and books, is really calming to me. i can't wait to just sit in front of the tv with a cup of matcha and a box of chocolates and just watching people talk, or watch all the movies ive been meaning to watch for sooo long
autumn is rolling around, and i'm infinitely greatful that it is because i always feel so inspired during this season. autumn makes me want to read, it makes me want to watch more films and eat more food and drink warm drinks that make me feel okay inside.
i also hope to pick up journalling again, but i'm not sure if i will because i don't have my own printer for images and idk what to journal but i have recently tried to just draw pictures- ive recently written journal pages on what i want to read, and also an "about me" page, and hand drew pictures. it's nice, but it doesn't give the same effect as full out journalling (with stickers, images, tape, etc... sigh.). i hope i journal more this holiday nonetheless.
i also hope to read without feeling so much pressure. i usually have no problem with reading whatever i want to read, as i like to think of myself as somebody who isnt easily influenced by other people's views (eg. if someone told me i have to read a certain book, i will consider it but i wont read it unless i want to) , but lately i've been thinking of all the books i want to read this holiday (for me i have autumn break in one week- and autumn break lasts for 2 weeks) and as u can imagine, it is very stressful bc ive somehow fallen into the mindset that i must read ALL of those books before next term or else.
fyi the books comprise of
- the complete collection of jane austen
- the complete collection of sherlock holmes
- the poppy war
- the iliad
- hamlet
- the metamorphosis
soo yeah... especially the first two points are stressing me out haha... im starting the poppy war now but im a little nervous bc ppl keep saying that its VERY gory??? and i usually dont care abt such things but lately my nerves and emotions have been such a wreck that i dont trust myself to read it in a calm manner
i'll try to break free of this toxic reader mindset tho! it would be nice if i could talk to people abt books, so it feels like im engaging with my hobby while not actually having to do the hobby, but nobody ik irl will want to talk abt books as i do
MAN i so badly want to rant abt booktok (ok actually i wont expand on this bc its a very sore point for me in the sense that i might get worked up over it and then feel shit afterwards for displaying sm emotion)
anywaysss next topic
ummm i get my maths result back on thursday and im so fucking scared bc i know i messed up bad for a few questions but im not sure if it was enough to drop me down to a b... idk i REALLY REALLY WANT AN A. like istg my whole self esteem for until the next exams roll around is goijg to be based off my maths result.. fuck im so emotionally immature its laughable
ummm also i have literature class tmr and i love lit class but we have to watch fucking "shes the man" and im sorry but i hate that movie so so much (ive never watched it before but we watched half of it last lesson and it was soo annoying). ughh why is my eng teacher making us watch this 😭😭
also my eng teacher is very blunt and therefore very interesting to talk to so ive been wanting to ask him abt books hes read lately but i CANT bc we have to watch thats tupid fucking movie and also he has to mark papers :( but also like hes the only intellectually stimulating person ik irl so what am i meant to do with all of my buzzing book thoughts ughh (rhetorical question. pls dont answer) :(
hmm what else is there to say
oh yeah last night i had a dream tjat i got a B+ for english and that was... it was like a nightmare im not even kidding. it was such a vivid dream too- everybody else got an A meanwhile i got a B+ (very close to an A) and i was just absolutely shocked and i desperately begged my teacher to give me some extra credit work so i can bump it up to an A-... yeah...
oh but also back to me wanting to have a better life- i think i'll take myself to the thrift more and go out with my friend (yes, singular. theres only one friend that i like hanging out with outside of school 💀) atleast once this holiday... thats what teen girls my age do, right??? haha...
also i want to watch ladybird and the perks of being a wallflower and rewatch little women and dead poets society !
i also might reread solitaire but aghh that makes me stressed out abt reading again... fuck. maybe i should just take a break from reading omfg
i cant wait to wake up early tomorrow and drink coffee though! :)
also i will make more spotify playlists (it makes me rlly happy to) and MAYBE even try cooking????????????? man idfk im desperate okay? feeling suicidal is not fun and i dont want to feel like that again this year. i cant afford thay bc im meant to be an academic weapon :( (lol who am i kidding? im more like an academic victim)
also maybe i will just text my friends more in general. it stresses me out and makes me feel icky but the other day, i had a nice and fun and lighthearted texting convo with one of my class friends and it made me realise that i should probably text people more ...
anyways i think thats all? i think ive gotten everything off my chest for now. i liked doing this actually. maybe i'll do it more often idk 💀💀
hope u guys have a good day 🙏 i dont actually expect anyone to read this but if you did, i hope you have a good day TIMES TWO!
no refunds :}
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purplefangirl42 · 2 years ago
Neat Little Rows
Summary: Reader picks up a new hobby and learns something interesting about Silco.
Pairing: Silco/GN!Reader
A/N: This is a belated birthday gift for @silcoitus 💜 love you lots and lots Coi! This is a continuation of some requests I've written for them, which don't need to be read to understand this piece, but they are in my Arcane requests if you want to check them out!
Tags/Warnings: Family Fluff, Fluff, Hobbies, Knitting, Gift Giving, Established Relationship
AO3 Link
A soft curse left your lips as your fingers slipped from one of the bundles in your hands, falling to the floor with a thud. You attempted to shift the other ones to one arm so you could pick up the fallen package, sighing when they wouldn’t cooperate. There was no way you would be able to get all of them up to your studio in one trip. 
Your gaze drifted down the hall in the direction of Silco’s office. Your husband would be gone until the evening, which meant the room would be a good place to stash your spoils until you could transport them up to your own space.
Abandoning the fallen package, you carried the rest of your goods towards the office. You had to pause to dig your key out of your pocket to unlock the door, but you were soon inside. You released the bundles from your arms to drop into a pile on the couch before returning for the one you left behind. Once everything was safely in the room, you closed and relocked the door, heading down to grab some lunch before doing anything else.
When you returned, you were not surprised to find your packages ransacked. Skeins of yarn in every color littered Silco’s office, all surrounding the culprit sitting on the floor. Jinx looked up at you with wide eyes when you entered the room, an apology on her lips. 
“I thought maybe there was food,” she said.
“So when you opened the first one and found something that wasn’t food, you decided to open all the rest of the bundles regardless?”
Jinx gave you a shrug, tossing one skein from hand to hand, throwing it higher with each pass.
“I wanted to see all the pretty colors,” she said, wincing as she missed the falling skein and it hit her in the face. “What did you buy all this for anyways?”
You moved about the room, gathering each discarded skein in your arms before dropping them into a basket you had saved for holding them. 
“I’m going to start knitting. I learned some when I was younger and wanted to pick up the hobby again.”
“Can I learn too?” Jinx asked, grabbing a mismatched pair of knitting needles and banging them together. “I can’t be that hard, right?”
“I thought you’d be interested,” you said, reaching into a bag that she hadn’t managed to get her hands on. “So I got you this.”
You handed her a simple how-to-knit book that you had picked up when you purchased the yarn. Jinx let out a whoop of excitement and stood from her place on the floor to wrap her arms around your midsection.
“I’m going to make all of the things!” she shouted as she ran from the room with her long blue braids trailing behind her. 
“Jinx!” you called after her, laughing softly. “You need supplies to make things, not just the book!”
When you received no reply, you knew that your daughter hadn’t heard you. Shaking your head, you placed a few things for her in the bag and set it aside to give to her later. You grabbed the pattern book you had purchased for yourself and started pursuing it to find a project to work on. Once a specific one caught your eye, you picked the colors you wanted to use out of the basket and started unrolling the skeins. The yarn would be much easier to maneuver in ball form, but that unfortunately meant you had to unravel the entire thing and start over, which left you in a giant pile of yarn.
That was how Silco found you when he returned to his office later that evening. You had moved to sit on the floor after a while, which meant the loose yarn was strewn about the floor with you. When your husband entered his office, he was not expecting there to be a tripping hazard and nearly fell on his face when one of his feet caught on the string.
Silco cursed as he caught himself on the door handle, his good eye roaming the room to see the mess you were surrounded by. His eyebrow rose at the sight before him, confusion clouding his features. Carefully stepping over the trap he had almost walked into, he closed the door behind him before making his way over to where you sat.
“Are you planning on helping Jinx make a very elaborate booby trap?” he asked, peering down at you.
“Nope. Just planning on doing some knitting. I’ll finish this ball as soon as I can and your space will be yours again, I promise.”
“Was one creative hobby not enough for you? Or have you given up on your paintings and this is your new fixation?”
You returned his curious look with a pointed glare. 
“You know very well that I would never give up on my painting, Silco. This is just another project for me to work on between paintings. Besides, I thought I could do some good with this. Make some hats and scarves for winter.”
Silco let out a soft chuckle before moving past you in the direction of his desk.
“It’s only the very beginning of summer and you’re thinking about winter?”
“I’m likely a bit rusty, so I’ll have plenty of time to build up my skill again before we need the hats and scarves. Jinx is also interested in learning how to knit, so it will give us something to do together.”
Silco made a humming noise that sounded a bit too doubtful for your liking. You weren’t sure how long the interest in knitting would last once Jinx started to learn, but if it helped keep her occupied and she enjoyed it at least a little bit, it was worth the effort to try and teach her. 
Eventually, you reached the end of your yarn and it was all rolled up in a neat ball, which you added back to the basket. You picked up the basket and rested it on your hip, gesturing to the now yarn-free room.
“The office is all yours again. If you need anything, I’ll be up in my studio.”
As you made your way towards the door, you stopped at the sound of Silco calling your name. You turned to look at him, shifting the basket to a more comfortable position.
“You’re welcome to work here,” Silco said. “Knitting is a far more transportable activity than your paintings are.”
You could hear the underlying hopeful tone in his voice. He had suggested the idea of working together in the same room before, and this seemed like a good opportunity to do so. You could easily plop yourself down on the couch and work on your projects while he worked. Your renewed interest in this hobby was already showing you some benefits, which you would be glad to exploit.
“Maybe once I get something started,” you said. “For now, I think I’ll leave you to your work.”
You set the basket down on the floor and crossed the room again to his side. Leaning down, you placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before returning to your basket and leaving the room.
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Teaching Jinx wasn’t as difficult as you had originally thought. She took to the craft quite well with only a few stumbles and was soon confident enough to work on her own without your help. She took a few skeins of yarn off your hands and disappeared off to her own space, leaving you alone with the project you had been working on. 
In the time since picking the hobby back up, you had knitted a few hats and a scarf or two, which you had gifted to random people that worked for Silco. Some had seemed truly appreciative of the gesture, which warmed your heart. Even Sevika had thanked you, albeit begrudgingly, when you had given her the hat you made to match her poncho. 
With each successful project, your confidence in your skill grew and you thought that maybe this hobby wouldn’t be as temporary as you had originally thought. You hoped Silco wouldn’t mind the fact that both you and your daughter would be invested in this for a while. He was good at indulging you, so it was likely that he wouldn’t be too bothered.
Your latest project was a bit more complex than the ones you had finished so far and was taking you a bit longer to complete. When it was finished, it was going to be a gift for Jinx when the holiday season rolled around again. Thankfully, you still had quite a bit of time to finish it. Your aching fingers begged for you to stop for a break, so you followed their wishes, setting the project aside and standing up to stretch. 
You grabbed your empty tea mug and headed down the stairs in the direction of your husband’s office, wanting to check if he wanted some coffee or anything while you were in the kitchen. When you opened the door to his office, you nearly dropped the cup in your hand at the sight before you. 
Silco sat at his desk, a brightly colored hat perched upon his head and a scarf of clashing colors wrapped around his neck. Jinx was perched on his desk, working away at the end of the scarf with her needles. She didn’t seem to notice that Silco would suddenly jerk to the side when she pulled on the scarf as she worked. You covered your mouth with your hand to hide your laugh as you entered the room.
“Having fun?” you asked.
Silco glanced up at you, his good eye narrowing in a glare that you knew was a warning. You coughed in a further attempt to prevent the laugh from escaping you. Jinx looked up from her work, pulling the knitting with her, once again jerking Silco sideways.
“I’m making dad a scarf!” she said gleefully.
“I can see that,” you said as you crossed the room. “Usually you don’t make the item while it’s on the person though, sweetheart.”
Jinx pursed her lips in thought as her glance moved back to your annoyed husband. You could see the annoyance fade slightly as he tried to put on a brave face for her. His attempt only made you want to laugh again.
“I think it’s almost done. Just needs a few final touches,” she said.
“Yes, well why don’t you take it back to your room to finish it?” Silco suggested, unwrapping the item from around his neck. “I will be able to appreciate it much better if the final product is a surprise.”
Jinx took the scarf from Silco’s hands and wrapped it around herself as a method of carrying it before gathering her supplies and rushing past you out the door. When it closed behind her, you looked back to Silco with a smirk on your lips. He was still wearing the hat, which was bright green and did not go with his clothes at all.
“I blame you for this,” he said, pointing at you accusingly.
“I think it’s good that she’s having fun. I’m sure you won’t have to wear her gifts often to appease her. Once or twice should do it, and then you can just hang them up somewhere she can see."
Silco pulled the hat from his head, which only succeeded in messing up his slicked back hairstyle. You finally let a soft laugh escape you as you crossed over to his side to help him fix the messed up hair. When he was finally back to rights, you settled down on the armrest of his chair and he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“I am glad that she found something not quite as destructive to occupy her time with,” he said. “As long as she doesn’t get too out of hand, I’ll deal with as many mismatched items she throws at me.”
You smiled to yourself at the softness your husband had towards your daughter and her eccentric ways. It was probably a temporary relief to him that she wasn’t dripping paint down on him from the rafters for a change.
“I’ll try to keep her in check and not give her too many crazy colors,” you said. “Maybe throw in some gold and maroon for your sake.”
Silco hummed in response, giving your waist a gentle squeeze before releasing his hold on you to return to work. As he began to write on the papers in front of you, your eyes were drawn to how nimbly he was able to move his hands. 
Another hum left him, indicating he was listening.
“Have you ever considered knitting?”
Silco’s pen stopped moving and you felt him shift beside you to look up at you. The raised eyebrow caused another soft laugh to escape you and you shook your head.
“Nevermind. Forget I asked.”
Silco leaned down and opened one of the lower drawers of his desk, pulling out a pair of worn, gray, knitted gloves and handing them to you. You turned them over in your hands, admiring the neat rows of stitches, still holding up despite the gloves being well used. 
“These are lovely, Silco,” you said, giving him a questioning look. “Where did you get them?”
“I made them.”
Your mouth dropped open in shock as you looked at the gloves again, admiring the skill that had to have gone into making them. While you were decent at making things, you were nowhere near this level of craftsmanship.
“You never told me you could knit!”
“You never asked,” Silco said with a shrug as he returned to his work.
You were shocked beyond belief. You knew Silco was a multi-talented man and had learned many things in his younger years to help him get by in the rough life he was forced to live, but this was not something that had crossed your mind.
“You have any other secrets I should know about?” you asked. “Do you play any instruments? Are you a wanted bank robber? Talented ice skater?”
Silco chuckled and shook his head.
“No, darling. I’m not keeping any big secrets like that from you, I promise.”
“Can you sew too? Were you always capable of doing that yourself and just pawned it off on me?”
“I’m afraid sewing is not one of my skills. Why do you think I have all my clothes tailored?”
“Lack of time?”
Silco reached over and patted your knee gently.
“You have no idea how much I appreciate it when you patch things up for me. It means a lot to have your personal touch on the things that I wear.”
You huffed and placed the gloves down on his desk. You weren’t really upset that he hadn’t told you about his secret knitting skill, more surprised by it. 
“I’m going to have to think of something special for your holiday gift this year. Maybe I’ll get you a new pair of knitting needles as well and we can finally have a hobby to do together as a family.”
Silco looked up at you with a small smile.
“You know I would love anything you gave me, my love. Although, your idea isn’t a bad one. I learned many times that those needles work well as emergency weapons if you need as well.”
That brought a smile back to your face. You shook your head in amusement at Silco’s comment before standing from your place on his armrest. 
“Leave it to you to weaponize knitting needles.”
“Don’t tell Jinx I said that,” Silco said. “She might start using them to bother Sevika.”
The image of your daughter poking Sevika with her knitting needles and the woman’s inevitable reaction made you chuckle. Silco may have a point. It would be best if your daughter never learned that use for her new found toys.
“I’m surprised we haven’t found Sevika tied up with yarn somewhere as it is,” Silco muttered, shaking his head.
“I don’t think yarn is strong enough to hold Sevika down for long.”
“You’re only saying that because you weren’t the one tied up in a scarf not too long ago. It’s stronger than it seems.”
You recalled the scene you had walked in on earlier and admitted that Jinx had the potential to turn this skill against Sevika if she so wished. Perhaps it would be best to discourage that line of thinking.
“Knitting materials are for craft purposes only. Got it,” you said, grabbing your discarded mug as you walked in the direction of the door. 
Silco turned down your offer for coffee so you left his office and returned to your original mission. As you walked across the bar, you saw a brightly colored line strung across the floor, ending at a barstool, which had yarn securely tied around the legs. While the stool was currently unoccupied, you knew that Sevika would often sit there. 
It seemed that your plan to keep the knowledge of weaponized craft materials from Jinx had already failed. You bent down and removed the string from the stool and followed the trail to where your daughter had attached the other end. No doubt she would wait here until the unsuspecting Sevika sat down and then yank the stool from under her. You did not want to deal with the aftermath of that prank, which would likely end with Jinx being strung up with her weapon of choice by the very angry Sevika.
“Jinx!” you called, knowing she was most likely close by. 
Before long, she appeared at your side. You held out the pile of yarn that you had gathered, giving her a pointed look.
“I’m trusting you to make better decisions with this,” you said as you handed it to her. 
Jinx pouted, her disappointment at you finding her trap evident. 
“I thought it would be funny,” she said. “It’s not like she’d get hurt.”
“Do your father a favor and save him the headache of dealing with the situation later. He may even be willing to help you learn some new things when it comes to knitting if you behave yourself.”
You could see Jinx’s eyes light up at the prospect of learning more things about her new hobby. She agreed to leave Sevika alone, for the time being at least. You placed a kiss on her forehead before sending her away with the tangled mess of yarn in her arms.
Sevika better appreciate the fact that I just saved her from being dumped on the floor.
You continued your tea mission and headed back up to your studio with the steaming cup, ready to start on your project again. You wanted to get as much finished as soon as you could so you could work on a gift for Silco as well. You still intended to get him the needles, but he would need something else too.
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Many months later, the holiday season had arrived and you were excited to present your gifts to your family. You had been able to finish both Silco and Jinx’s gifts with time to spare, leaving you time to work on smaller gifts for others. When the day to open the gifts arrived, you handed the wrapped presents to your husband and daughter.
You had given the needles to Silco a few months ago as an anniversary gift, not wanting to deprive him of the ability to use them if he wished. The gift you had crafted was a sheath for one of his knives that he could wear under his large coat. It clipped onto his vest and matched his clothes quite well.
“Thank you, darling,” Silco said, giving you a peck on the cheek.
Jinx was equally as grateful for the large blanket you had finished for her. She wrapped it around her shoulders like a cape and ran around the room a few times before settling down on the floor in a big heap.
Silco handed you a neatly wrapped box with a large bow on it. You opened it carefully to reveal the gift inside and found a beautifully made pair of gloves in your favorite color. The stitches were just as neat and well-done as the gloves Silco had shown you months ago. They were nicer than any pair you could hope to buy at a store in the upper part of the city and fit you perfectly.
“Thank you, Silco. I love them,” you said with happy tears brimming in your eyes.
“You’re welcome, darling. Thank you for giving me the tools to make them for you.”
Silco wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close to snuggle up against him as you watched Jinx open the rest of her gifts. The warm gloves on your hands were more appreciated than anything he could have bought for you at a store, made with the love and effort of his own hands. You intended to wear them as often as you could, along with the hat Jinx had made for you.
You thanked Janna for bringing the two of them into your life and for allowing you this happy moment, hoping it would last forever in your memories long after the season had passed.
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A/N: Give this a like, comment, and reblog and let me know what you think!
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eulaliasims · 1 year ago
Get to know you: Sims Style
Ty for the tag @executables-sims. ^^
What’s your favorite Sims death?
idk this time, whoops. I haven't had a sim die in my game except by old age for a while. 🤔
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Both? Is that an option? Both. Really, I like aspects of both and so I blend both in my game. Alpha hair and clay hair, maxis match objects and realistic objects, whatever, if it fits in my game I'll use it.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
I used the SimBlender to change some of the models fit states on my last download post; otherwise, no.
Do you move objects?
I move so many objects, baby 😎
Favorite Mod?
My enormous hacks folder makes this hard to answer, lol. I'll shout out Epi's Baby Personality mod, b/c finally I'm getting some sims with more than 0 to 1 nice points born in Middleground again.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
It was Pets. Because I've always been an animal lover and it came out right after I started playing.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
It's still LIV mode and I'll still die on this hill.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Made? Idk, I don't often make sims to play (I think I picked Jackie from Far Valley last time), so I'll show you my favorite born in-game sim!
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is anyone surprised (if you're new here, that's Clara Blanch)
Have you made a simself?
Yeah, but she no longer exists in my sim bin and no one gets to see her.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Black? I guess? Idk, I don't really have a favorite hair color.
Favorite EA hair?
Hmm, I don't remember what I answered last time I did this one. I think the little half-up ponytail from Seasons.
Favorite life stage?
Is it a cop-out if I say everything besides the infant stage? (Does that one even count? They're basically potatoes.) Playing this hood for so long, I've come to enjoy playing sims through each of their life stages. Toddler and kid are cute; teen stage is fun because I get to explore their personality and interests more, and ofc there's budding romances for sims who are into that; adult stage, I get to build their lives and see what their own family turns out like; and elders in my game usually get to relax and savor things once they retire, and spend a lot of time with their family and friends and hobbies, which can be a nice change of pace.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
insert both is good gif from @executables-sims's post here
Are you a CC creator?
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Yeah, though the concept of a sim squad is so funny to me for some reason.
Do you have any sims merch?
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Nooooope. I like to watch some simmers, especially speedbuilds (shout out to @kayleigh-83 and @nervosims for their great speedbuild vids!), but no one would enjoy me flitting back and forth between seven different things at once, lmao
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Play style or aesthetic style? They've both changed over time. Gameplay wise, I really only stick with Middleground and my rotational play now, whereas I used to start (and abandon) a lot of legacies, tried at least one BACC, just random sims that were fun to play. Aesthetically... hmm, you know, I'm not sure this has changed *that* much. Here's Clara circa 2011:
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I use more matte skins now, and the style of clothing I download has probably changed the most, but I could absolutely recreate this pic without downloading anything new, including the CC stuff in the background.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Don't make me pick one!! If you're really interested, check my sims pinterest in my pinned post, I'm sure there's patterns there.
How long have you had Simblr?
*checks archive* ...Ten years next May, yikes!
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite?
Hmmm, I'm going to say Apartment Life this time. I've really been enjoying playing witches lately, and it added a lot of buy/build items I like. Or maybe Uni??? No, AL it is.
Tagging, uhhh, I'm a little late so sorry if you already did this and I missed it!: @isimchi, @tvickiesims, @episims, @anachronisims, @sushigal007
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tuliptired · 10 months ago
Cool Girl, The Kind your Mother Thinks are Trouble (Ch 2/3)
Pairing: Phoebe Spengler/Melody
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Of course my computer had to freak out when I started this
I've never wrote the name "Phoebe" as many times as I have just now
read on Ao3 for better formatting!
The firehouse was cold. Gary thought he was doing her a favor by turning up the AC while they ran errands. Phoebe should be mad, she was benched, after all, pretty much tethered to her room. She was benched, and it was absolutely freezing. But she felt warm, the inside of her body sickeningly hot as she sat up from her bed. Fate, as she learned, was waiting on her.
Speak of the devil, the phone was ringing, shrill and high tone bouncing off the walls. How long had it been going? She rushed to answer it, socks sliding on the worn floor.
The warmth she was feeling in her thorax spread across her entire body. Melody.
¨I think we have a ghost. At the diner.¨ There was silence on both sides of the phone.
¨Can you come and save me?” 
The phone was slammed down onto the receiver. Phoebe barely breathed as she squeezed her brown boots on, left on the right foot and right on the left foot. She left the front of her suit unzipped, proton pack haphazardly slung across her back. Melody Diner. Where was Melody Diner? It must´ve been somewhere near the park. She ran on autopilot, literally speed walking her away around with a trap in her hand. She didn't really know why she was in such a rush to get there. But she could bust ghosts, with…Melody there. That sounded a little more than nice.
She stopped in front of various buildings briefly, surveying their names. There? No, that's a laundromat. There? No, a Chinese restaurant. Her shoes came screeching to a halt on the sidewalk as she recognized the building. Melody Diner.
The overhead bell chimed as she pushed the door open, gingerly. She never did anything gingerly. ¨Ghostbusters,¨ she called out. ¨You called about…a ghost.¨ Duh.
Phoebe honed in on the jukebox in the corner, letting out a droning hum. As she reached for her gun, someone popped up from behind the counter, arms up above their head. Phoebe flinched backwards, proton pack making contact with the glass door behind her. Melody doubled over on the counter laughing, as she tried her best to catch her breath again.
¨Did I scare you?” Her smile was winsome. She had oddly perfect teeth. Phoebe’s eye twitched subconsciously.
She pushed up her glasses. “Sure.” Melody made her way around to the other side of the counter. That’s what she was wearing that night, a diner uniform, not a dress. “Where’s the ghost?” 
“It flew away. My aunt’s on her lunch break. Are you hungry?”
So they sat in a little corner, eating fries made in the deep fryer Melody technically wasn’t allowed to use by herself. Phoebe had a question nagging at her as she could hear Melody’s black boots occasionally knock against the trap now under the table, but she figured she could wait until after the story about the cat family by the dumpster.
“How’d you know where to find me?” She wiped her hands, a hobby picked up whenever she ate. 
Melody swallowed. “Your mom was on the news when your…ambulance thing ripped a tree out the ground. You have the same nametag,” she reaches across the table, pointing to the embroidery on her chest. 
“It doesn’t feel like it,” Phoebe leaned on her arms. She was supposed to be mad about the whole thing. But the feeling behind her words didn’t feel angry, it felt like relief. Like she wanted to talk to someone about this, and it’d be okay.
Melody shrugged. “I think I get it.” Phoebe blinked. No one’s ever really “got it” before, if anything they just made assumptions. But some part of her trusted Melody to get it.
“Yeah.” She paused, eyes scanning Phoebe’s face like she was under a microscope. “Do you like doing it? Catching ghosts?”
Phoebe clenched her fists. “It’s what I live for.” Half truth. It was half of what she lived for.
“Then I think…you should keep doing it. Break the rules, if it makes you happy.” She said it like it was the simplest thing in the world. Phoebe puzzled over her easy morality- she knew what she knew was right and what she knew was wrong. Melody made life easy. Digestible.
Phoebe let herself laugh. “That’s all I’ve been doing lately.” As Melody’s grin grew, there was another chime of the front door. She leans out the booth, waving to the woman that must be her  aunt. She can’t see Phoebe from where she is, and she somewhat prefers it that, if it’ll save Melody from getting in trouble. A few patrons came in once they noticed the diner was open again, and Phoebe discreetly pulled her upper body free from the flight suit and proton pack, tying the arms around her waist.
Melody eventually had to help her aunt again, reluctantly getting back to work, though making sure she stayed in Phoebe’s line of sight. Their conversation through eye contact made Phoebe appreciate being unseen, just this once. It wasn’t until there was a low rumbling from the kitchen that she used her voice again.
“Is it always that loud?” She questioned, not knowing what “it” was. Melody looked over her shoulder in the middle of wiping the counter, her expression not what Phoebe was hoping for. As she opened her mouth to answer, the sound of a deep freezer toppling over shook the restaurant, and a ghastly entity flew out. In the chaos, a customer managed to get their phone out and dialed a particular phone number.
Callie pushed the front door open, takeout in hand, though there was no time to eat. As she put it back on the receiver, she pushed the alarm button. 
“Should we get Phoebe?” Trevor zipped up his flight suit, eyeing the ceiling. Callie shook her head, closing her locker.
The keys to the Ecto were still in her pants pocket, and she sighed as she had to zip down again. “She’s still pretty mad.” Callie fished them out, zipping up again. Her and the two boys piled into the car.
“She can’t just, like, sit in the backseat or something?” Trevor couldn’t help but feel a little bad for his sister. He could imagine how crappy she must be feeling all alone, all day. 
Callie raised an eyebrow at that. “Like a dog? She’d hate me even more.” She palmed Gary the keys. “She’ll be fine, Trevor. Thank you for caring.” 
Gary started down the streets of New York. “Poor kid. I hope she comes around.” Callie hummed in agreement. Phoebe was, generally, a good kid. A great kid, even. But she just…had a streak of reckless behavior when someone got in her path. She silently hoped to herself that she was in her room, cursing the world like every other angry teenaged girl as the car pulled up to the curb of a little diner.
Gary pushed the door open, and they rushed inside, guns literally blazing, examining the room.
“Ghostbusters,” Trevor started, sneakers slowing down as he noticed the calm atmosphere. Everyone in the room looked at them like they were aliens. “You called about a ghost?” Duh.
Callie looked around, stopping as she noticed Phoebe. Before her instincts made her yell, scold her for leaving home, she noticed a girl about her age sitting next to her, shoulder to shoulder as they both finished milkshakes. The blonde stranger said something, making Phoebe laugh, full and unashamed.
“I already got rid of it,” she just short of rolled her eyes.
“You snuck out? Phoebe- you’re supposed to be-”
“Mom, can you calm down? I came to see my friend.” Her eyes pointed to the girl on her right, who gave Callie a polite wave. Her eyebrows shot up, before she remembered herself, waving back.
“I’m Callie” First name basis?
“Melody.” Callie nodded slowly, turning to Gary, who looked just as astonished as she did. 
“Do you need us to take you home later, Phebes?”
“I can walk.” 
She walked to the counter slowly, eyes flickering to Phoebe like she was a wild animal. “Trevor, are you hungry?” She pulled some spare cash out of one of her suit’s pockets.
“But we just got-” he was cut off as mom-shoes stepped over his toes, hard. As they sat at the counter, waiting on their food, they spared glances at the two teenagers.
Phoebe looked the best she had since she was officially grounded. She was smiling. A full smile, where both of the wolfish canines she inherited from her grandfather flashed themselves to the world. The line formed from her brows sitting along her eyes had virtually vanished.
“Sorry. About them.” Phoebe’s cheeks burned in the presence of her family as the trio finished and got ready to leave. Melody just ate the cherry out her glass. 
“My family’s weirder, I promise,” she licked the ice cream off her thumb. 
“Weirder than Trevor? Or Gary?” Phoebe looked at her incredulously. 
“Maybe.” She bumped her shoulder against Phoebe’s. There was that warmth again. 
“Is she sick?” Trevor speculated, pulling his seatbelt on. Callie smiled approvingly to herself. 
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kinmokusei-stars · 9 months ago
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I've had these two planned for ages, and they're pretty relevant characters to Kouko's past, so let me introduce you to Sakura and Toshii! It's a simple drawing, but I just needed a small reference for them! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
(Long description below, beware LMAO)
Remember how in that one drawing of anger-era Kouko, I mentioned a close friend dragged her out of her blind rage and taught her everything she knows about how to stay mellow? That guy was Sakura, a sleepy wandering monk just a couple years older than her, who ended up becoming a travelling partner of hers!
And a character who hasn't been mentioned much yet, is Toshii! The second travelling partner she had, and a skilled archer and hide trader. These two and Kouko were a travelling party for a long while there, taking on odd jobs to earn a living and picking up life skills along the way. Their time together only ended after a rift formed between two of them that Sakura couldn't mend.
They all became friends when Kouko was seeking training and vegence, with Sakura being the one to offer her to come with him and Toshii, who were already a duo. He was mostly going around helping with fighting aggressive demons and assisting with healing, while Toshii was learning quickly how to survive on the road and becoming skilled at archery and hunting. They were essentially an inseparable trio for ages, with Sakura being a supportive older brother figure, and Toshii and Kouko being a pair.
Sakura helped Kouko rein in her anger and taught her how to handle it in a more productive way, channeling it through physical training to grow stronger, and hobbies like cooking and refining her swordfighting. When he got too tired to walk (which was more often then you'd think), once Kouko got strong enough, she'd carry him on her back, piggyback style.
And Toshii was actually Kouko's first love. Toshii brought a positive spontaneity into her life and her playful mischievousness balanced out Kouko well in the somber time she was in. They were young and smitten for a while there. They'd play wrestle and throw silly jabs at eachother, but they couldn't last forever, and after a realization about Toshii's true identity, Kouko lashed out and broke things off immediately. Her and the two went their seperate ways, even if Sakura did his best to ease her mind and keep the group together, the damage was already done, and it was an extremely deep betrayal.
Nowadays, they don't run into eachother often, but Kouko thinks fondly of Sakura and holds nothing against him. And though she's settled down in the recent years, there's a lingering bitterness she feels to Toshii for lying to her.
When they do run into eachother, Sakura and Kouko hit it off like nothing happened, and she happily carries him on her back when he starts to doze off, with much more ease than before. He never stopped being her brother figure LMAO
She doesn't speak to Toshii. And even if Toshii respects her boundary, she's admittedly still hung up on her, especially seeing that nowadays Kouko is much more confident and happy then she was when they were together.
They eventually make up, but that's WAY down the line. They become friends again once they finally sit down and overcome their past problems. (Even if Toshii admittedly would have some, thankfully lighthearted, beef with Inuyasha.) Kouko doesn't have any romantic feelings for her by then, but she's finally able to look back on their past without the bitterness that hung over it, and they can be a friendly trio again, even if they're not with eachother all the time like they were before.
They're mostly side characters, but they're still relevant enough that I wanted to share them! Especially because I love Toshii's design so much LMAO I had a clear vision for her from the start. (๑˘︶˘๑) I likely won't draw these two often, but they might pop up from time to time! I have a silly drawing including Sakura I'll either post tonight or tomorrow!
(This description was a behemoth, it was such a pain LOL I might go back through and try to edit a tiny bit more after a bit)
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