#i've been wanting to paint Wilbur as well but i don't know what to do of him
bonesandthebees · 27 days
All throughout today, I've been thinking about the fact Rose is tagged with major character death as well as that dreaded 'execution' tag. I would say Wilbur and Phil as POV characters, plus Tommy, are the main characters whose deaths would count as mcd. And now that we've gotten to the events of the ball, I feel like the picture of why those tags are there has been painted. Though to us, it's blurry and far away.
Tommy will get caught up as a result of his involvement that night, I am sure of that. Most likely has someone like Wilbur trying to defend him or otherwise take the heat off him. Maybe someone tries using his involvement to ruin his chances in the heir competition. I could also see a scene where Phil tells Wilbur to cut his losses (aka turn his back on an imprisoned Tommy) but I'm not sure how that could come about because surely if Tommy is suspected, the next logical step would be to question and/or suspect Wilbur as well.
With sandduo themselves though, it's interesting how that could affect their ending. If Wilbur is the one who gets tried and executed, Phil may have to endure talk about how far his son has fallen and people wondering why someone with ears everywhere seemingly never noticed what his own son was up to or how bent on revenge he was. If Phil is tried and executed, Wilbur knows he'll have to endure similar derogatory whispers regarding his father's character and people wondering whether the young man who was raised to be like Phil will go down the same slippery path. And if they both end up at the gallows, it will be said Phil went too far, wielded his influence too irresponsibly, and dragged his son down with him by corrupting him. I have no doubt that whatever happens to them by the end, they will try to save the other because they can't lose their dad/son to this. Survival will no doubt be paired with fleeing with a ruined reputation, either voluntarily or due to banishment etc.
Niki could possibly be framed but I don't have many thoughts on that other than 'it could be pointed out she had the motive' with the assumption she got someone else to do her dirty work. Also something something lesson about cutting your losses/reluctantly betraying your friends from Phil again.
I know you can't say anything about the validity of these theories/thoughts but I thought I'd put them out there now and see whether they had any merit by the time we reach the end.
you're right I can't say anything to any of this but it's very very fun for me to read and look at with big ol eyes... though I would argue more than just phil, wilbur, and tommy count as major characters in this fic. in my head the characters I count as 'major' would be wilbur, tommy, phil, niki, and quackity since they are all the 'main players' so to speak and each have the most 'plot relevant' relationships to wilbur, our protagonist. don't know if 'plot relevant' is the phrase I want to use but I just mean like the plot is centered around those relationships if that makes sense
anyway just things to keep in mind :) ty for the theories theyre very fun to read
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A Train, A Ghost, and A Dream (whumptober2022)
Read on A03
Wilbur leans the back of his head against the window, watching through slitted eyes as the shadows zoom past. He can't make out much outside the train—only the fact that it's moving fast.
Taking a ragged breath, Wilbur shuts his eyes briefly. This is a very strange dream. The fact that he's dreaming is strange in and of itself; even when he was alive, he never dreamed. A few nightmares every now and then, but never dreams.
The train rocks, and Wilbur snaps his eyes open, letting out a squeak as his head bangs against the window.
"Sorry about that," A voice blares over the intercom, crackling with static. "I haven't exactly done this before, so expect some rough patches throughout the ride."
That's another strange thing. Dream is conducting the train.
Wilbur sits up, adjusting his position to be more ready to brace himself in case of more 'rough patches'. Just his luck that the one dream he's had in decades is a painful one.
A painful dream that makes no freaking sense.
"Hey, Dream?" Wilbur calls out, clearing his voice of an awful rasp before he continues. "Where exactly are we going?"
"It's a surprise," Dream hums.
Wilbur sighs, sinking further into his seat. "Of course it is."
They lapse into silence, with only the screeching of metal wheels on metal tracks for company. Wilbur's eyes flick to the rest of the train car, which is filled with dirty napkins and empty cups. Some of the paint along the walls is chipped, and the safety signs are old and yellowed.
It looks used… which Wilbur would have a better time believing if it wasn't for the fact that he'd spent thirteen years in complete isolation. If there was anyone else in the train station, Wilbur would have noticed.
He starts bouncing his leg, pressing his lips together. He'll wake up soon. He'll wake up, and this whole dream or nightmare or whatever this is supposed to be will be over.
And so will the false hope that exploded in his chest when the train had first pulled in. The hope that screamed, I'm going home, someone came for me, I won't be alone anymore.
Wilbur blows out a sigh. Of course his dream had to start out hopeful. It's what he deserves, he knows. He deserves to have his hopes crushed and shattered to pieces. He doesn't deserve anything less.
But it still hurts.
A loud whistle bellows, echoing through the tunnel and slamming into Wilbur's ears full force. He hisses, screwing his eyes up with pain.
"I've never blown a train whistle before," Dream explains over the intercom, sounding like an excitable toddler who had heard an ice cream truck outside his house. "I just had to do it."
"Good for you," Wilbur mutters.
"Hmm… you don't sound very happy, Wilbur. Has death been treating you well?"
"No, as a matter of fact. It has not."
"Interesting. Can't say that's surprising, though. You did do some pretty awful stuff up there. Blowing up l'manburg, permanently scarring all your friends, ruining everything… I guess you deserve it."
Wilbur swallows.
"But how's it been?" Dream continues, sounding so genuinely interested that it makes Wilbur want to scream. "What's been going on here? Have you met anyone? Schlatt, perhaps? And what have you been up to? Have any other trains come in? What did you think abou-"
"It was hell!" Wilbur snaps, which shuts Dream up. "It was—is, it is—my own, never-ending, hell."
Dream pauses. "How long have you been here, Wilbur?"
Wilbur's breath catches, and he swallows down the sudden lump that forms in his throat. "Thirteen and a half years."
"Whoa!" Dream exclaims, and Wilbur could swear that the train swerves. "Oh man, that is a long time! Far longer than I would've thought!"
Wilbur furrows his brow. "How… how long were you thinking?"
"That's not relevant," Dream says easily, brushing away the question like a pesky bug. "I'm much more curious about you than you are of me. So anyway, what have you been…"
Wilbur presses his eyes closed, tuning out Dream's voice. He doesn't want to answer any questions. He doesn't want to remind himself of where he is, of where he'll be when he wakes up. Even if it only lasts a moment, he'll take in the dirty napkins and empty cups and chipped paint and screeching wheels as much as he possibly can. Anything that's out of the ordinary is welcome, no matter how odd and confusing it may be. Anything different than that wretched train station he's been trapped on for over a decade.
Speaking of which…
Wilbur opens his eyes, recalling the man that had stepped out of the train as soon as it pulled in the station; a man that had looked like Wilbur but… not. Not Wilbur, somehow.
Maybe it was the desaturation, the way the man's skin had been almost see-through. Maybe it was the tears that streamed down his face, leaving dark trails on his skin that hissed and evaporated like smoke. Maybe it was his voice, which was scratchy and high-pitched, nothing at all like Wilbur's own, which was quite deep.
Or maybe it was the way the man had looked at him. One look, filled with so much fear and horror and anger that it had made Wilbur stop in his tracks, unable to take another step forward until Dream interrupted him, calling him aboard.
Whatever it was, it had made Wilbur's skin crawl. Somehow, he knew that he was the reason that this strange not-Wilbur was in his limbo. Wilbur had brought him here. Somehow.
The not-Wilbur had opened his mouth to ask a question. Wilbur had seen the spark in his eyes, the hopeful and heartbroken lift of his eyebrows. "Are you-"
The train doors had closed before he could finish. And when Wilbur had turned to Dream, determined to ask who that man was and why he'd been left behind, the conductor had merely smiled at him and walked away.
I'll be trying to figure this one out for a long time, Wilbur muses, staring up at the ceiling lights that flicker every time there's a bump in the tracks. Well. At least he'll have something interesting to do. It's better than spending his days sitting on benches or wandering the station, or even laying down on the tracks, hoping desperately for a train to come and run him over. Maybe another Hell would be better than this one, after all.
Anywhere would be better than here.
Wilbur blinks. Goosebumps prick his arms. A chill makes it's way down his back. He finds himself holding his breath.
Because everything has gone quiet.
Unnaturally, completely, quiet.
He doesn't dare move for several seconds, flicking his eyes towards the windows to make sure the train hasn't stopped. The walls of the tunnel continue to zoom past, just as they have been doing for the past ten minutes or so.
But there's no sound.
"Dream?" Wilbur calls out, hating the way his voice trembles. "What's going on?"
There's no answer.
"Dream?" He calls again, a bit louder. Still nothing.
Wilbur chews on his lip. This is odd. Maybe he's about to wake u-
An invisible force slams into Wilbur's body, causing him to fly out of his seat and crash onto the ground. He wheezes, clutching at his chest while he waits for air to fill his lungs. Shadows spin above his head, creating a dizzying effect that makes him grimace.
All of a sudden, sound returns, filling his ears with screeches and loud whistles.
But it keeps getting louder. It doesn't stop or fade, it just grows louder and louder, until his own thoughts are drowned out by the noise.
"Dream!" Wilbur cries—or at least, he thinks he does. He feels his mouth opening and forming words, but he can't freaking hear himself.
All he gets in response is another piercing whistle, and Wilbur squeezes his eyes closed, covering his ears with his hands and praying that he'll just wake up, snap out of this, find himself back on the bloody train station, please.
I'm sorry, Wilbur silently begs, tears pricking his eyes. I'm so sorry. I'll never try to escape again, just let me go back. Get me out of here. Please.
Lights dance in front of Wilbur's eyelids, burning spots wherever they land. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts-
Everything hurts. It hurts so bad, and all he wants is for it to end. He wants to wake up from this horrible nightmare, and never have to think about it ever again.
The noise reaches an ear-splitting crescendo, and the lights in front of his eyes grow as bright and hot as fire, and even his body feels as if it's being ripped and torn apart.
Wilbur doesn't know what's happening. He can't think.
He can only feel, and he hates it.
He's scared.
I'm passing out, Wilbur realizes, feeling his consciousness slipping away. Passing out, or dying.
He's not sure which is better.
And then, something takes his breath away—literally. Something inside him, something deep, vanishes. And Wilbur feels empty. Hollow.
He would've said that his soul left his body, if he believed in that sort of thing.
And then everything vanishes, and Wilbur feels no more.
There's a breeze against his skin.
High-pitched chirping in the distance.
Something warm on his face.
Wilbur opens his eyes.
He's immediately met with the colors of the l'manburg flag, red and white and blue and yellow and black.
Wilbur blows out a quiet breath, glancing around, not daring to move anything other than his eyes. Trees. Sky. Ground.
It looks like… a world. Not a train station. Not limbo.
It looks alive.
Wilbur swallows. This is a dream. This isn't real. He's going to wake up soon, and find himself in the train station, alone and dark and dead. None of this is real.
But… but it looks real. And different. Wilbur doesn't recognize this place, even if there is a hint of familiarity to it.
Wilbur's blood chills as he remembers what had happened before this. Who had been with him.
"Dream?" He whispers.
Only the softly blowing wind answers.
Wilbur exhales, running a hand through his hair. This is crazy. This isn't… real, this isn't happening, this can't be happening.
And then Wilbur freezes. Because he feels something—something deep within his own head—that he hasn't felt in thirteen years.
Wilbur drops his hand from his hair, holding it in front of him. It's shaking.
Slowly—very slowly, because he won't know what to do with himself if it's true—Wilbur brings his other hand closer, resting his fingers on his wrist.
And he feels a steady thump-thump, thump-thump.
A heartbeat.
He hasn't had a heartbeat in thirteen years.
He has a heartbeat.
"I have a pulse," Wilbur whispers, feeling it quicken along with his breaths. "I have a pulse. I have a pulse."
I'm alive.
This was SUPPOSED to be an extremely short drabble about Wilbur right after he was revived, not the entire hekkin process which added a few thousand words but okay *shaky thumbs up*
Keep in mind that this isn’t heavily edited!!! I’m just trying to post all the stories I can for whumptober, regardless of their status!
Tag list (let me know if you’d like to get added)
@biathediamond @photogirl894 @ladysongmaster
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veinteremates · 3 years
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I've been meaning to paint George since the vlog!!
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god1ngs · 3 years
━‎ ghost of a memory
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synopsis; the ghost of a man comes back.
contains; pogtopia wilbur spoilers, yandere themes, mentions of death, implied death, swearing, mentions of stalking, wilbur is a creep in this
yandere c!wilbur soot / reader, 2.8k wc
note; this is the longest thing i've ever written >:)) very proud of this
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‎ ‎ ‎it was snowing, like it usually was. the layers of snow piled up on the floor only to get crushed down by your boot. you were on your way back to your house, ready to lay down and relax. days were hard now, especially since having moved away from the dream smp and l'manberg.
‎ ‎ ‎it was easy at first, but you were more lonely now. there was no tommy to come greet you in the mornings, or no tubbo to show you his new bee portrait done by someone else. it was lonely, only your presence to comfort you when days got too lonely.
‎ ‎ ‎you lived near techno, phil, and ranboo, but you never really talked to them. while you could hold your own, the angel of death and blood god striked fear into your heart. phil, although somewhat of an intimidating man, had been much different after the explosion of l'manberg.
‎ ‎ ‎you hadn't been there to know what happened, but it was something severely detrimental from what you've heard. and you haven't even heard that much. you heard of how l'manberg was exploded, but didn't know much else. there was a way people looked whenever you asked about it though.
‎ ‎ ‎you set down your things as you came inside your house, tired from the long day of venturing out from the snowy area. you had been trying to find some more resources, having been slowly running out of some minor ones, but wanting to have them nonetheless. sighing, you tiredly looked down at your hands.
‎ ‎ ‎you never went a day without thinking of what you had done with those hands. blood splattered along the calloused palms of them, rough from gripping swords and bows. you regretted your previous decisions, having worked alongside l'manberg. while you didn't regret meeting the people, the experiences would plague you for years to come.
‎ ‎ ‎a knock on your door brung you out of your mind, gentle and soft. it was unlike any of the loud banging from the war. you shook away your troubles, wanting to block out everything from your past as a soldier. you opened the door, hesitantly bringing your hand to the sword rested on your side.
‎ ‎ ‎it was ranboo. he stood at the door, taller than your doorframe, and looking down at you. "oh," you said, retracting your hand from the hilt of it. "hello ranboo. what brings you here?" you were curious, never having really been close to ranboo during your time at l'manberg. you two had become closer since you lived in each others radius, but had never talked for a long time.
‎ ‎ ‎"uh, i just.. i just wanted to ask if you've seen ghostbur. i haven't seen him in a while and was wondering if you have?" the dual boy asked, tugging at his shirt collar. ghostbur? your brows furrowed, a nervousness piling in your stomach. did he mean wilbur? he seemed confident about what he had said though.
‎ ‎ ‎you cleared your throat before speaking again, leaning against the doorframe. "who's ghostbur?" you asked, confused. maybe it was just a mess up with his name, ranboo was very forgetful after all. realization crossed his features, eyes wide. "you don't know who ghostbur is?"
‎ ‎ ‎disbelief coated his tone, shining in his eyes as well. the boy stammered, trying to figure out what to say. "oh boy, uh..." he exhaled harshly, scratching at his neck in nervousness. "do you know what happened when l'manberg was blown up?" you hadn't known much, but you did know what mainly happened ─ l'manberg had been blown to the smithereens.
‎ ‎ ‎"not really, i guess. i mean, i know l'manberg was blown up, but i don't know much besides that." you told ranboo, being confused as to why this was even important. he stayed silent for a minute, cautious as to what he should say. does he just tell you outright that wilbur had been killed and that ghostbur was his ghost?
‎ ‎ ‎he exhaled again, nervous. "well, wilbur is the one who blew up l'manberg and.. phil killed him after." he said, pausing between his words to see your reaction. your eyes were wide, throat dry. there was a deep pit in your stomach, a neverending bad feeling. "he's dead?" your voice trembled as you spoke, brows furrowed.
‎ ‎ ‎ranboo nodded, sucking in a breath awkwardly. "i'm sorry i had to be the one to tell you." he said shortly, hands clasped behind his back. you tried to shake it off, laugh and tell him it was fine, but no words could come out. "so," you spoke once you had finally grasped your words. "is ghostbur his.. ghost?"
‎ ‎ ‎he nodded again, rocking on his heels. "he doesn't act anything like from what the old wilbur used to, from what i've heard." he tried to confide you, however it didn't do much to help. you smiled weakly at the male, not exactly knowing how to deal with the information as of now. "thank you, ranboo, and uh, no i haven't seen.. ghostbur. i hope you find him though."
‎ ‎ ‎with that, he thanked you and left you alone for now. you shut the door gently before breaking down. you grasped your hair, sliding against the wooden door. he was dead? while you slid against the door, you began laughing. he was dead. you were gleeful. you laughed and laughed and laughed. god, he was dead.
‎ ‎ ‎you didn't know you would ever celebrate a mans passing, but wilbur was different. wilbur was.. obsessive. not only with control, but with you. you always got a weird feeling from him too. he was always with you somehow, always greeting you wherever you would be. he was highly protective of you and, while he passed it off as it due to you being a citizen of his country, you suspected otherwise.
‎ ‎ ‎your gleeful laughter masked the sound of the rustling bushes.
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‎ ‎ ‎ranboo hadn't known you didn't know of wilbur's passing. he thought maybe phil or someone else would've told you, not him having to break the news to you. you seemed awfully upset, he hoped you would be okay. as he walked, head down with a friend, there was a thought nagging at the back of his head.
‎ ‎ ‎recently, ghostbur had been acting different. he couldn't put his finger on it, but something was off. he tossed the thought when there was a sudden shout of his name. he turned, quickly, seeing the man of the hour. "hello ranboo!" ghostbur said, smiling warmly at the other. "oh, hey ghostbur." he replied, a soft smile painting his face.
‎ ‎ ‎the two talked for a little while, catching up with each other and seeing how the other was. "well actually, i think i left friend at phil's house, do you mind go getting him for me, ranboo?" ghostbur asked, tilting his head at the half and half boy. ranboo's brows furrowed, wondering why he couldn't go get the sheep himself. it was his sheep after all.
‎ ‎ ‎ranboo glanced back at his house, rubbing at the back of his neck before answering him. "uh, sure, yeah. i can do that! why can't you go get him though?" he asked, confused. he didn't mind going to go get friend, liking to help out his friends, he was simply curious. "oh, i just have something to do! it's nothing really, but thank you again ranboo!" the airy tone of ghostbur coated with delight, he smiled at the man.
‎ ‎ ‎ranboo nodded, wishing him a farewell, before walking away to get more food for the trip. finally. ghostbur smiled, turning to the wooden house you had gone in a few minutes prior.
‎ ‎ ‎he would have you.
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‎ ‎ ‎you didn't think that today would be the day you celebrate a dead man, but you learned new things everyday. you didn't celebrate per say, you were just happy the british man wouldn't bother you anymore. he had creeped you out when he was alive, but in death he couldn't do anything.
‎ ‎ ‎knocking at your door had interrupted your moment, brows arching at the door. hadn't ranboo just left? maybe there was something else he had to tell you. as you got closer to the door, hand nearly on the doorknob, you hesitated. why would ranboo come right back? it didn't make sense.
‎ ‎ ‎you put your hand on the hilt of your sword, once again preparing you for if you were to get attacked. yet as you opened the door, there only stood a man ─ a man who looked exactly like wilbur soot. from the hair, to the clothes, to the face shape; it all reminded you too much of wilbur.
‎ ‎ ‎"hello! i'm ghostbur!" the man happily introduced himself, smiling warmly at you. this wasn't how wilbur acted? ranboo had told you that ghostbur acted different from him. "uh, hey. why are you here?" awkward and a tad rude, you asked, narrowing your [color] eyes at the brunette. he only smiled.
‎ ‎ ‎translucent, nearly grey in color hands rose up to wave you off. "i just wanted to come meet you! ranboo had said you were a good person! here, do you want some blue?" fishing in his pockets, ghostbur pulled out a small clump of blue. royal blue in color, it made you somewhat happy to look at it. the corners of your mouth twitched.
‎ ‎ ‎you accepted the blue, gently getting it place in your hand, his fingers brushing against yours as he did so. you squished it some, finding a certain fondness in the way it felt. maybe he wasn't bad. "may i come in?" the ghost asked, tilting his head quizzically. could you trust this guy enough to let him inside your house?
‎ ‎ ‎you pondered the idea, considering the worse case scenario ─ which would really be just takes all of your things or killing you. you doubt he was able to though, he seemed way too nice to even think about it. he seemed trustworthy and so, without another thought, you let ghostbur inside of your home.
‎ ‎ ‎he thanked you and took a look around, complimenting your interior design with a warm smile. he had that aura, the one that makes you feel comforted in his presence. kind and gentle, he was the type of man to be gentle with anything and everything. he seemed rather innocent as well, a child like enthusiasm in the way he carried himself.
‎ ‎ ‎you didn't mind, you actually found it quite admirable. before the war, you had been like that as well. bubbly and warm, smiles that could outshine the sun ─ and now, you were alone, although of your own accord. you had to admit, it was better for it to be like this though. the war and other experiences you shared with l'manberg still haunted your nightmares, causing you to wake up in a cold sweat everytime.
‎ ‎ ‎"[name]," the ghost murmured, looking over the paintings on the wall. "these paintings are quite lovely!" you smiled, agreeing with him. the paintings were nice, as they had been given to you as a president from ranboo. he had magnificent taste, the paintings holding such beauty. you sighed softly, glancing towards ghostbur.
‎ ‎ ‎"hey ghostbur? do you remember anything.. before you died?" you asked, cringing at the question yourself. you assumed it was a question he got a lot, being the ghost of a man who was loved by many, but you couldn't help the curiousity arising in you. he only smiled at you, he always seemed to be smiling.
‎ ‎ ‎"only the good memories! i don't remember any of the bad memories wilbur has!" he answered, still staring at the paintings. he seemed to take a liking to them. you nodded, humming in thought as you glossed over the paintings. "you know," you murmured. "i never really had fond memories with wilbur."
‎ ‎ ‎you had never told anyone of your past experiences with the man, being too scared of being called a liar or saying that you were wrong. wilbur was a man of great charm and charisma, traits he knew how to use to gain what he wants. you knew this first hand, having been on the receiving side of the anger he never showed the public.
‎ ‎ ‎ghostbur was quite for a moment, causing you to look over at him. he seemed deep in thought, eyes nearly wide with a nearly upset look crossing his face. "are you alright?" you asked him, concerned. it would be understandable if he didn't like talking about wilbur, having been the ghost of said man.
‎ ‎ ‎"oh yes, i'm fine! can you tell me about your memories with alivebur?" he asked, looking over at you questionably. you nodded, sitting down on the couch, to where the ghost followed. he sat beside you, almost a little too close for comfort, but he did seem obvious so you chose to let it slide.
‎ ‎ ‎you told ghostbur everything. about how wilbur was a creep. how you suspected he was stalking you. how he had been possessive of you. how you saw a side of wilbur that was never shown to the public. how you never liked him. how wilbur was a deranged man.
‎ ‎ ‎he listened to you quietly, not talking as he stared down at his lap. as you were finished talking, going to ask him if he was okay, he sighed. he shook his head, tsking at you. this was different. confused you scooted away from him, brows furrowed. he only looked up at you, grinning.
‎ ‎ ‎"was my disguise that good?"
‎ ‎ ‎your mouth ran dry. your hands trembled, trembled with fear of the danger lurking in his voice. the madness glinting in his eyes. was this ghostbur? no, this couldn't be. as you stared at him in disbelief, shock coating his features, something started happening. he was melting?
‎ ‎ ‎the grey skin, along with the yellow sweater and beanie, melted off of him. it was like slime dripping, coating your couch in the gooey substance. it disgusted you, how it melted into a puddle of grey just below him. but that was the least of your problem, as the disguise had melted, something sinister lurked below.
‎ ‎ ‎it was wilbur.
‎ ‎ ‎unmistakably, it was wilbur soot.
‎ ‎ ‎the brown hair that bunched up, the dull red beanie atop his head, the brown trenchcoat that coated his features. you backed away, horrified. standing up, you tried to run, yet he only laughed. a sickening laugh that made you stop in place, eyes wide with fear. your feet were glued to the floor, unable to move despite your door beckoning you to run.
‎ ‎ ‎the crazed look in the mans expression would be one you would never forget. he laughed maniacally, grin wide with unmasked enthusiasm. "you really thought it was ghostbur!? that little punk, yeah? you thought wrong, sweetheart!" he shouted, his voice bouncing off the walls, surrounding your every direction, making it impossible to escape.
‎ ‎ ‎who knew you would be trapped inside your own house?
‎ ‎ ‎you could hardly find the words to talk, the phrases getting stuck in your throat as you simply shook your head. it couldn't be wilbur. why was he here? how was he here? the man, who you previously believed to be ghostbur, had been inside your house. you had ranted to him on your troubles with his alive state, unaware he was the one you were speaking to.
‎ ‎ ‎"you- how? how are you - how are you here?" you mustered out, your voice weak. you could barely make them out, quiet and frail. he laughed once more, throwing his head back with unfiltered euphoria. he was so joyous, so content with watching you fall apart in front of him. watching you break down was what he wanted.
‎ ‎ ‎"i always come back, sweetheart, you should know this." he said, smirking devilishly. he walked to you, triumph yelling with every step he took. you backed away as he came closer, fearfully backing away from the brunette until your back hit a wall. alarm coursed through you, desperately trying to look around for a way to leave, a way to escape the misery that would soon come.
‎ ‎ ‎he stalked up to you, stopping in front of you. he was even more terrifying up closer. the broad shoulders and the looming shadow over your figure terrifying you more than anything ever had. "sweetheart!" the pet name rolled off of his tongue, almost in a sing song tone. you hadn't even noticed the tears running down your face until he wiped them away.
‎ ‎ ‎"don't cry, don't cry," wilbur muttered, pulling you closer to him, bringing your scared form into his chest. you tensed, worry clear in your figure as you tried to fight back. you tried to pull away, muttering how you didn't want this. you didn't want wilbur to touch you, to hold you as if he was someone special to you. "why do you keep trying to pull away from me?"
‎ ‎ ‎once you had finally pulled away from him, you looked at him in the eyes. you were still backed up against a wall, knowing your end was nearer than you thought. you glared at him one last time, choosing to pick fight over flight, and spit in his face.
‎ ‎ ‎"fuck you, wilbur soot."
‎ ‎ ‎blood splattered on the walls seconds later.
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
The Empress (pt.V)
Emperor Vacation! Pog! Remember to drink water today lovely’s!
also if you squint hard enough you might see me simping for C!Philza.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death
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   The flight back to your village was long, it wasn't that you were in bad company, just after sitting so long you were extremely stiff. You could only shift positions so much before your butt, and legs were numb. So when Phil had mentioned seeing land, you were more than glad it was over.
  Phil was right about having a extra cloak on too, the wind was horrible, not to mention the altitude you flew at was already freezing. Phil and Techno were smart on leaving when we did though as well. By the time we reached the village it was easily past noon. You were kind of giddy on showing Phil around your village. On the way up you and him discussed a bit about it, and your heritage. He was very open and interested when you explained how everything came to where it was today. Along with going home, you were also more excited to see and hug your parents. You could only imagine what your father would say about you working for a ruler.
   When Phil and techno landed it was near the village, but also in a bit of a walking distance. Phil had made wind that he didn't want to land too close, and risk scaring anyone. After Phil had helped you out of the plane, all of you were stretching out. Especially Philza, he had made comments on how the plane's only down side was the confined space for his wings. When he let his wings span out you were awe struck. There were massive, easily wide enough to lift himself off the ground. The wings, although made for use, were oh so elegant. When Phil stretched you could see his figure better now. his wings spanning out wide behind him into the air, almost like a bird preparing flight. He wasn't in his normal Robes, instead he exchanged them for a simple black shirt that clung to his form. The arms were cut off, allowing you so see his fit arms. this didn't surprise you, the sword Phil always carried looked like it had a bit of weight to it. For being a father, Phil was very fit. Once his stretching was finished he took a light cloak from the plane and precisely wrapped it around his shoulders, minding his wings.
   Well you two worked the numbness away techno had approached. He also was stretching. But simultaneously shedding a few of his layers. He casually tossed the cloaks and capes into your seat of Phil's plane. You did shed a few layers like Phil, but not as many as Tech.
   "Are you sure you don't want something to block the sun? Sun burns suck" you said to techno. He unbuttoned the top two buttons to his shirt, before pulling his main braid out, changing the style for his ponytail.
   "If I wear to many I might get heat stroke" He said simply, watching you. Without his mask he wasn't as menacing, but you definitely weren't used to seeing his face. you gazed at him with a perplexed look. 
   "Heat stroke?" You knew what it was, but you were a little confused. He chuckled lightly as Phil looked up to you two.
   "My body runs hotter, princess" he crossed his arms, relaxing into his stance. You flushed at his words again. Glancing away to avoid his eye contact. ’fuckin’ hell there he goes again’ His tone was casual, but he was obviously still in his teasing mood.
   "Since Tech is part Piglin his body is always warmer than you or I, that's why sometimes he just walks around in the snow without freezin'" You looked up to Phil and nodded. It made sense, you will admit, sometimes you forget that techno isn't fully human. When you think of Piglins you usually think of a gold obsessed beast. But Techno carried himself with elegance and pride. Yes he adorned himself in gold, but that was part of who he was. He had a right to be proud of it.
   You started towards your village with the two. As if a unsaid agreement occurred they made you walk between them, walking like your own personal body guards. Techno strolled on your right well Phil kept close on your left. When you saw the children playing outside you smiled brightly. You missed this. The sound of children's laughter carried around like ringing bells. Sweet and ever so innocent.
    As you walked into town. Some of the older kids ran up to hug you, jumping into your arms without hesitation. You without a thought picked them up and spun them about in your arms. These were your friends. Your community was small so everyone was close. Phil and techno respected this and just quietly stepped aside to give you the moment. Soon some of the other towns people had stepped out to see what all the commotion was about. Your mother included.
   When she saw you her eyes lit up with love. She couldn't help but grab her skirt and run to you. Hugging you tightly to her chest, almost knocking you off your feet. Her tears of joy could be felt on your shoulder as you held her tight. Your nose buried into her neck, you missed this. You missed her. You missed the village. Everything just made you beyond happy at this moment. everywhere you looked there were smiles, wide and contagious. Soon you herd a quiet voice. Your father. When you looked up it was your turn to tear. he was hobbling over to you, his arms wide. You smiled widely hugging him tightly, but carefully. You didn't want to hurt him.
   "I did it.. I did it- I did it!" You were so ecstatic. Your father put his hand on the back of your head gently well he hugged you. You were his little girl, and he was beaming with pride for you. 
   "I'm so proud of you.." He was tearing. He was proud of you. So very proud of you. He was even happier to see you back home safely too. He pulled back, taking a moment to take you in, you looked a tad different from your trip. not in a bad way, just a little different. Your fathers eyes moved from you, to Techno and Phil. "I assume these two are with you?" Your father asked. He was mostly summing Tp techno, you assumed because he was basically a year older than you. Phil sent your father a kind smile and nodded.
   "Oh! Mhm! Sorry, I forgot to introduce them. This is Philza, and his Imperial Highness Technoblade." Your fathers eyes widened. When he realize was in the presence of royalty, he tried to go to his knee to bow. Techno quickly grabbed his arms in turn. Sopping him from doing so.
   "Please.. (y/n) told us of your pain. I couldn't ask formalities from you, sir" your father was speechless. He could only look at Techno with awe. Techno helped him stand properly. Only letting him go when he safely had himself steadied. Your mother chimed in.
   "Would you like something to eat or drink perhaps?" She asked looking between your father, Phil and Techno.
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   After hearing the young emperor was in your house, the village was buzzing around trying to tidy up a little. Nestled inside your house however Techno and Phil were eating. You had ate, but also were packing a few more possessions that you held dear to you.
   You knew that after today you would start your full time job as a blacksmith. In the beginning you were nervous. Everything you herd about there kingdom was terrifying. But after seeing who is in control you actually have felt very at ease with them. Wilbur was ever so kind, Phil treated you like an additional child of his, and Techno was something all in himself. You did find yourself thinking back to how he has taken up the nickname 'princess' for you. It made you blush obviously, but it was just how he said it that made you want to hear it again, and again. He could be so brooding and quite. But also find a way to joke and tease. Not only that, but just from what had happened outside your home. He didn't want your father hurting himself on his own account. It was the little things like that, that somehow just made your heart maybe skip a little faster. 
   Well you pondered Techno and his family, you didn't realize that he was leaning on your door way until he spoke up.
   "Having troubles packing?" He asked. You couldn't help but jump. Turning to face him. His eyes were relaxed, along with his stance. He was just hanging about basically.
   "Sorta" you said. Glancing him over. He slowly walked into your room and looked about curiously. Mentally you were thankful you cleaned before you left. Your room was small, your bed shoved against the wall, navy blankets resting on top of the mattress. Next to the bed there was a nightstand with the candle still half melted from the last use. Your dresser was across your bed, old and worn, it had been your grandmothers previously. Next to that was a little desk you and your dad had built. Your room wasn't much, but you could tell somehow techno didn't mind. "Its hard in a way..." He looked up at you. His eyes dancing between yours.
   "How so?" He questioned as you sat on your bed. He took the que and leaned on your dresser. Respecting your space. He knew he wasn't familiar to you like Wilbur or phil. He did want to get to know you more, but he also didn't want to force you to befriend him.
   "Well... I mean I've grown up here. All my life and memories are here... I know I can make more at the palace with you and your family." You smiled softly. "Wilbur already wants to teach me how to ice skate..." Techno smiled a little.
   "I bet you'll fall" he mused. You laughed a bit. smiling down to the boards under your feet. 
   "I probably will.” you were smiling gently, It’s the little actions like this that made you happy to see the family for what they were. Rather then what the rumors had painted them as. “I dunno, I know I want to work for you. I know my parents will appreciate the money and-" at this Techno’s brow furrowed slightly before he cut you off.
   "(Y/n) are you sure your doing this for yourself. Or for your parents?" The question took you aback briefly. Earning a slight head tilt. Techno pressed his lips, thinking of how to continue. "Are you working for me to make your parents happy. Or are you working because you will be happy?" You could only look at him with a blank look. He had a point there. "If your working to make your parents happy, you will be miserable the whole time your with us" He was watching your expression. Trying to read it for how you felt. You were kind of stumped. Techno had stepped closer. His boots were in front of yours. When you looked up he was right there. "I don't want to see you miserable well working" his gaze was gentle. He wasn't talking as a ruler, but rather as a friend. you understood too. If your hearts not in it, your work will never be as good. You paused a bit.
   "I do want to work for you. Its.. what my heart is telling-" again he cut you off, leaving your mouth agape with the words of your sentence lingering.
   "Your heart is a organ, it cant tell you what it wants" ok you wanted to hit him. He knew what you meant.
   "I mean... my consciousness is telling me to go with you and Phil. I really like your guy's company. Your brother Wilbur Is a lot of fun too." You shrugged and looked down a bit. Techno moved again and slowly sat beside you, almost hesitant like he wasn't sure if he could. When he sat the bed dipped quite a bit. Not that he could help it. He was a built man. "Maybe its just telling me to go because your family is the closest thing I've had to genuine friends..." Techno's face contorted into a little confusion. Getting a 'heh?' Out of him.
   "Don't tell me you've never had friends, princess" he said looking down at you.
   You smiled a little. "I've had friends... but usually there years younger than me. Like four or five. Maybe seven. I mean friends closer to my age like you and Wilbur" techno hummed a bit. His cheeks a very faint pink.
   "So you think of me as a friend now" his brow raised in question. his gaze was curious. not swaying to disgust, nor pure joy.
   “I mean, if I can count you as one...” You said looking up to him. If someone would have walked in at this moment, they would have thought they disturbed a moment between the two teens. Techno was tall, but that didn't stop his head from lingering down by yours. Your Voice was softer almost unsure now. Techno didn't speak at first, his eyes only lingering your face. soon he hummed in response, standing slowly.
      “Mmn... I mean. I guess you could.” his cheeks were tinted the faintest pink as he moved his fist to his mouth, clearing his throat. “yeah, yeah... I suppose were friends”
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   When you were fully packed you walked out from your room, Techno in tow. Your fathers eyes saw your form and lingered on the two of you. Your father wasn't born yesterday, something inside him knew that there was unspoken chemistry between Techno and you. He didn't mind that though. Well, ok maybe he did. You were his daughter after all. 
   “do you have everything you need?” your father asked, his tone softer when addressing you.
   You nodded, slinging the bag over your shoulder. “I believe so, If not ill just have to come back” You smiled gently. Your father returned the smile. Phil looked up to Techno who was standing behind you, his arm’s crossed as he leaned on your door frame.
   “We should probably leave soon if we want to make it to the Mansion by night fall, Techno” Techno offered a nod to his father. when looking at Phil he couldn't help notice how your fathered watched him. Techno did understand though, it was probably unnerving to know he would be sending his young daughter several miles away with a teenage boy. Of course Phil was present, but that was minor. Techno simply just returned a look to your father, not trying to be hostile, nor too passive. After all techno did have a name to keep up.
   Your small group slowly moved outside to the street. you didn't notice, but your father had pulled Techno aside well you went with your mother and Phil. You hugged your mother tightly. wanting to savor the feeling of her hug. knowing it would be quite a while before you got another one.
   “Promise me you’ll be safe (y/n)...” she said softly. you nodded slowly, nuzzling into her neck. you could feel the tears threatening to spill. You knew the goodbye wasn't forever, but that still didn't lessen the slight sadness. This was a new chapter in your life. you couldn't live your life on a single page. it was time to move on and see what else awaited in your story. when the two of you pulled away, your mother saw your tears and wiped your eyes gently. “Chin up, you’ll make a lovely smith, honey” you smiled softly, taking deep breaths to calm your tears. Soon Techno had returned back to Phil’s side after his talk with your father. You turned towards the two of them together and smiled at them. Techno offered you a nod well Phil smiled back at you.
   “I'm going to miss you runnin’ around that forge” Your father said, he also had a few tears welled up in his eyes. “You better bust your butt down there and show em’ what your made of” You nodded at him, taking his words of courage to heart.
   You hugged him tightly. Him returning the tight hug. “Ill miss you...” you muttered to him. keeping your face hidden in his neck. Your dad was your grounder, he was along your side the whole way. Starting the new chapter without him was hard, but you knew it was necessary. “I love you...”
   “I love you too... Be safe for us...” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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   By the time you reached France's countryside it was night already. Well in flight you had rested yourself on the side of your seat. Watching the ground fly past with incredible speed. Phil kept a keen eye on you to make sure you didn't fall. The last thing he wanted to do was have to turn around and explain to your parents that you fell to your death.
   Techno and Phil made wind of wanting to find somewhere to set up camp for the night. Knowing they both shouldn't fly well tired. When they saw the mansion up ahead however, they lost there ideal for a camp. Instead they landed nearby and prepared themselves to enter. Rambling off about where to enter. You were quite unsure about this, after all this was someone’s home. As they went on about a plan you looked the mansion over. It was rather massive to be honest. The mansion, although big, was ever so detailed and beautiful. The owners took amazing care of the structure. Well your eyes scanned the side, you saw movement from one of the windows. this made you realized that there were things inside. they planned to raid a mansion that someone lived in. Your eyes wondered for more movement and that's when you saw it. A Pillager. You felt rage take hold of your chest.
   "What are we doing here." Your voice was harsh, this caught Phil off guard. He wasn't used to hearing you take up such a tone. Phil and Techno swapped quick glances. Pondering if they should tell you about there plan. Ultimately Techno figured you should be included. Seeing that if this raid wad successful, your first task would be presented.
   "Do you know what Pillagers are?" Techno inquired. He knew you did, but he meant his question beyond face value. He was quizzing to see if you where aware of their history.
   "Yeah, heartless creatures that kill for fun" You hissed, not wanting to be near the mansion anymore. Techno watched your eyes. He could see the hate swirling within. To him this was intriguing to see you angry. Usually you were more quiet and docile.
   "Pillagers are a branch of Illagers..” Techno started slowly “The Illagers were a old type of Cult that was formed for the sole purpose of Black Magic" His tone was slow and calculated, he wasn't talking down to you, rather just simply explaining. "They are known for dealing with Alchemy, and Witchcraft" his eyes glinted with something that you couldn't quite put your finger on. "They even have been Rumored to deal with Necromancy" You were a little confused now.
   "What's Necromancy?" You inquired, your hate was leaving and slowly replacing with curiosity. Simultaneously, you didn't understand where this was leading.
   "The ability to raise the dead." You felt a shiver run down your spine at his words. You sent glances between the two of them. that's ridiculous, no one can raise the dead, it was impossible. Once you were dead, you were dead. You started getting uncomfortable with the way the conversation was leading. "It is rumored they have a Item that can bring those who have died back" Techno’s eyes never left yours.
   "That's.. That's impossible..." You said quietly, watching Techno intently. His eyes glinted again, you weren't familiar with his side of him so it raised alarm within you. This wasn't the Techno that sat with you in your room. Nor the one that asked your father not to bow. This side of him was different, almost more daring, and challenging.
   "Oh, but is it?" He paused briefly, His voice rose up now. Taking a tone of greatness. Turning to face the mansion. Soon expanding on his thought. "You see (y/n), sometimes rumors are so far  fetched... That they just have to be real." You glanced to Phil who only watched Techno like you. "The item they have, rather a totem actually... Can indeed bring the dead back. But it has to be on the person upon there death. You cannot bring someone who is long gone, back" he said simply.
   "How do you?..." you struggled to find your voice. “How do you know it’s true?” you asked no longer liking his tone. He turned back to face you, his emerald earring catching the moon light.
   "Because I have tested it" He said, looking into your eyes. Once he saw your eyes and the emotion that swirled within them he paused. He swallowed thickly, pondering his thoughts briefly. "I want you to stay back with the planes..." His tone had softened, it was the same one he used to address his father nights ago. "You'll be safe with them..." He glanced away, no longer able to keep your gaze.
   "We'll be back soon, I promise" Phil said, sending you a reassuring smile. the two of them turned and headed towards the entrance. there swords drawn, ready to counter what was inside.
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   You had been waiting for a while now. The sound of the forest was peaceful. You had missed the frogs croaking, well the crickets chirped a endless harmony. In the artic this wasn't a luxury, the land was so snow covered that not many bugs resided, if any. The only sound you could hear was a low whistle, or hum, which was only the wind really. The temperature had dropped well you sat waiting, causing you to rub your arms for warmth. You looked down into the cockpit looking for one of the cloaks left behind. You felt one of them and pulled it onto your shoulders, securing the clasps. The feeling of the fabric quickly warmed your arms. You laid your head back, pondering the look that Techno had in his explanation. The look he had was hard to explain, it’s almost like he wasn't himself. Like he had something else within him, fueling him, talking to him. You didn't know Techno deeply, but you had seen him for a few weeks now, his attitude then compared to now was different. It was unnerving to say the least.
   Well pondering and listening to the casual hum of the woods, something caught your ear. You pushed yourself up so you were sitting. You could plain as day hear crying. But not just any crying, it was a Childs. You slowly climbed down from the cockpit. You know they told you to stay put, but you also couldn't just listen to a child cry. Your hand fell to the sword that hung on your hip. Slowly you started your descend into the woods, determined to find the source.
   The woods were thick. Everywhere you looked there was a branch ready to swat at your head. Minding the branches, you were able to spot the small crying toddler. He was curled up tightly, his knees to his chest as he wept. He had dirt on him, his face stained with tears and mud. His red and white shirt was torn to hell. At the sight of him your heart hurt. He saw you and without hesitation he reached up, wanting you to pick him up.
   "H-hey.. Shh.. sh.. your alright.. your safe.." Your tone was gentle as you carefully picked him up. Subconsciously your body started swaying without a spare thought. The boy did slowly quiet down. You glanced around and  tucked the boy within the cloak next to you, wanting to keep him warm. You needed to find Techno and Phil, like. Right now. "I'm gonna h-help you ok bud?.." you could feel him nod his head against you. Gripping to your clothes tightly.
   You tried to hurry back to the mansion, but luckily that wasn't hard to find due to the fact it was on fire. Wait why was it on fire. You now broke into a run, fearing that Phil and Techno were caught within it. But no, of course not. They were simply in front of the burning mass, watching the once beautiful mansion turn to ash.
   "What the hell happened here?..." You drifted off as your eyes scanned the flames with wide shock. Phil turned to you and smiled.
   "Oh there you are (y/n)- whatcha' got there?" He tilted his head seeing the bump underneath the cloak. Techno turned as well, blushing faintly when he saw you.
   You stared up at the giant fire well approaching them. "I uh.. found him.." you pried your eyes from the train wreck in front of you, still not able to wrap your mind around this.
   "What did you find?..." Techno asked trying to see beneath your cloak, that was actually his. But he didn't want to bring that up yet, finding you within it quite adorable.
   You moved the cloak to show the toddler, Phil's wings puffed out a bit when he saw the child in your arms. Both of their eyes widening. "I wanted to bring him back to you... He was alone when I found him and I've never taken care of a toddler so..." You slowly handed the child to Phil. He didn't fuss much with being handed off. Instead he just buried his head in Phil's neck. As if on instinct he checked the child to make sure he was ok, no cuts, or bruising "I couldn't leave him out there..." you said chewing your lip. Phil only kept his eyes on the child. Pondering.
   "No of course not.." Phil said slowly, looking down to the child. Rubbing his back. "Hey buddy.. do you have a name?.." Techno and you watched curiously. The toddler nodded. Sitting up to wipe his big round blue eyes.
   "I'm Thomas.." His voice was rough, showing he had been crying a while.
   "Its nice to meet you Thomas.. I'm Philza, and this is Technoblade, over here is (y/n). How old are you?" Phil asked slowly. Just like he would with his own boys. Tommy held up two tiny fingers, showing how old he was. "Your two? Wow your a big man, ya?" Tommy slowly nodded. "Do you know where your mom or dad is?" The boy shook his head and broke into a large sob. "Sshh.. don't worry.. we'll find them ok?" The small boy nodded through his cries, gripping to Phil.
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   After finding Tommy we checked every nearby village we could think of, but no one claimed the poor child. The longer he was with us, Phil started to grow very attached to the boy. Techno wasn't very surprised with this of course, and neither were you quite honestly. You knew he had adopted Techno on a whim from what Wilbur explained. That's why Phil popped into your brain when you found Tommy.
   We ultimately decided to head home with Tommy. None of the villages we searched seemed to recognize tommy, so Phil figured it was the universe telling him that he has another child. Phil kept him on his lap most of the trip. Occasionally handing him to you or letting him ride with Techno, to whom your surprise, seemed to have a soft spot for children. Tommy found a lot of joy out of being in the plane with you three. You would bounce him on your lap when he was under your watch, letting him stretch out in joy. His little giggles rang out loud, bringing smiles to Phil's face. You did pull him into your arms securely when you reached the artic air however, mostly just to keep him warm.
   When you arrived to the palace Wilbur was confused on your early arrival. He had expected you three to be gone for at least two, to three days. But when he saw the toddler he mostly summed up the early arrival. Phil didn't linger long on the hellos of being home. Instead he took tommy straight to the physician to make sure he wasn't sick at all. His parent sense buzzing in full drive.
   Well waiting for Phil and tommy to show up again, Techno, Wil and you had found yourself comfortably in the library. You were extremely tired. But like Techno you were waiting to see Phil and Tommy first, before you made a run for your bed. The fire was lazily burning in front of you offering a warm wave of comfort. Your head started to roll from your sleepless state. Even Technoblade started to droop his head. Luckily Phil walked in with a happy tommy on his hip.
   "The Physician says he’s all good health wise. nothing we should be concerned about thankfully" Phil said. Claiming his seat beside Techno. Tommy made his way into techno’s lap, interested with the earrings he had. Instead of telling him no, or swatting his hand away, Techno just took one of his earrings out. showing tommy the jewelry. The two of them were honestly were too adorable.
   “Is he our new brother?” Wilbur asked, watching the curious two year old.
   Tommy held all of your attentions, his actions were all done in innocence and curiosity. He was a cute kid, he had little Ringlet’s of blonde hair that matched Philza’s. “You think we can handle another mouth to feed?” Phil asked looking to Wilbur. Wil nodded in response. The idea of a younger brother exciting him. Phil looked back to Techno and Tommy.
   Tommy was happily babbling off about things he thought were cool on Techno. Techno only sat with kind eyes and a soft smile, replying to tommy.
   “I suppose I do have a new son now” Phil said, a kind smile dancing on his lips.
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
You've probably talked about this kinda thing before (I'm willing to hunt down the post if so), but I'm pretty new to your blog and I'm curious; what makes you like c!Dream so much? Other than, like, his potential - or the skill that went into writing him - I mean specifically as a character, what causes you to sympathize with him as opposed to others like Wilbur or Quackity?
If it's personal you obviously don't have to answer! I've just read tons of posts like that from c!Tommy apologists and I realized I'd never read one from the other side of things (so to speak) and I think you present your ideas and stuff rly well :p
Alright, I’ve made a couple of replies like this, but this one is going in the masterpost to later link it to people - thank you for your interest, and I hope you don’t mind this one being a bit detailed.
Initially, on more of an emotional level, the answer to that question would be Dr3. It was how I got into Dream apologism, it justified my compassion for the character, and made me feel more comfortable where the rest of the fandom was overwhelmingly negative.
The c!Dream that people portray seems unsympathetic, and pretty fitting on the surface - a relentless manipulative villain with an insatiate thirst for power who threw away his friends in order to gain control over others for the sake of being on top.
Until you actually look into canon, and do some analysis, and realize that's,,, rather far from the truth.
See, the thing about c!Dream is, that he's a person much like anyone else in the story. He's not a "villain" or some morally black character only because of his actions. It's all about context, which doesn't excuse actions, but it might explain them and make an impact on the way we view the character himself.
In this fandom, people usually look at him, and then throw both accurate characterization and any of that context out the window.
Because power, and hurting people, and chaos isn't his goal or his motive. It's a means to an end. Everything is a means to the end to this character, including himself, which I find fascinating.
Is it wrong to do? Yes. Will it get him closer to his goals? Yes? Then he's going to do it, no matter who gets hurt in the process. No matter if he gets hurt in the process.
And this ruthlessness is not inspired by cruelty, this efficiency isn't out of enjoyment. It's out of genuine attachment and perhaps even desperation, but that's difficult to get into.
He's had such a downward spiral into doing continuously worse things - and for what? For control? For power? No, he never cared about that in the first place, why would he start now?
Do you know what he did care about?
His friends. The server. The people he feels responsible for.
c!Dream's goals have never been selfish at all, no matter how much people try to paint it that way. His ends were always for others - considering how likely the theory that he got himself locked up on purpose is, that enforces the sentiment even more.
If he didn't care about the server, why would he fight against L'Manberg and then list his reasons for it always as reasons "we" had? He pretty much never used "I" when talking about it, I know because I counted it.
If he didn't care about the people, why would he stand against Schlatt - despite understandably still despising L'Manberg - and actively support them in getting their country back when he could've just left them alone? Schlatt wasn't hurting him. Wilbur taking a tiny piece of land wasn't threatening him.
Manberg was threatening the server's peace, which is why he fought against it. L'Manberg threatened (and ruined) the server's relative peace and unity, which is why he fought against it.
It was never him fighting to control the server, it was him fighting for the server and the people in it, even if he ended up hurting them in the process, and that's pretty clear from analysing his motives before the second season.
And yeah, his thinking is flawed, I noticed - but cc!Dream has confirmed his goal in the end is for everyone to get along and, well, stop hurting each other, as well as him having an "ends justify the means" mentality.
And I guess that silent realization of - hell, he cares - was what drew me to have such a strong attachment towards the character.
So thinking about him forcing himself to do all this terrible stuff - about him being stuck powerless inside a cell, hurt over and over again - about just how desperate he must've been, alternatively, how ready to sacrifice himself he must've been back at the Finale.
If you recontextualize the story from c!Dream's perspective, it all falls into this picture of someone who wanted to protect people more than anything, and who cared more than anyone, and ended up losing everything, not entirely by his own fault, but because of the cycle of violence he was actively trying to stop.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Dream is incredibly selfless both in his overarching goals, and in his smaller more immediate ones. He will, more often than not, put himself in a disadvantageous situation if it means his friends or allies aren’t caught in the crossfire or harmed.
His relationship with his friends - Punz, George and Sapnap specifically - is incredibly tragic. He wanted to protect Punz, he showed genuine concern about him, he was willing to have one less person on his side just so that people wouldn't target him.
He wanted to protect George, but he hurt him in the process, because he was too caught up in being in the right, and Sapnap was distraught thanks to Tommy telling him that Dream doesn't care about him, and Quackity who despised Dream was there to fan the flames, so they fell apart rather easily.
He wanted to protect the cat, and he failed.
He wanted to protect Techno, stand up to Quackity, and he failed.
If you think about it, he failed to protect everyone miserably.
Alright before I break down sobbing incoherently - as you can probably see, my sympathy towards c!Dream doesn't come from him being a good person to any degree, more from just incredible amounts of sadness.
You see, c!Dream is a very reserved character, and he puts up the "cruel scary villain" front on purpose, and he doesn't talk about his emotions on purpose. However what we see of him is pretty much enough to classify him as a rather tragic character.
Most of his actions, with enough context, shift the way I think about the character in a more positive direction only because if I like the way a character is written, it's going to bleed into my feelings for the character himself. Ruthless villains are my jam. A character being fun to analyse and too complex to complicate further is pretty much the only thing I need to become attached.
Did I mention the prison arc yet? I cannot see a character suffering and not be sympathetic, I don't think that's a thing with me. Healing arc potential, isn't it?
A lot of people also relate to the character on a deeply personal level! Trauma responses such as cutting people off and emotionally isolating yourself, trying to regain control of your environment or to get back the past, some people even relate to,, what's being done to him during the prison arc. There's definitely some amount of projection going on, but I'd say I only do it to a degree where when I'm depressed I'll start relentlessly posting about a healing arc.
It's just hard to see a villain with good intentions hurt and alone, even if he's done terrible things, and not feel some amount of empathy. Most people don't care to see him that way, but my blog's mostly a place for those who do.
Anyways, here are some essays to check out perhaps if you've read this far that elaborate on some of the points further-
[ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ]
- and here's an explanation like this from a fellow Dream apologist. Might be useful to get multiple perspectives on the subject. Feel free to also send asks if you have any questions! That's what I'm here for.
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ephemeralspnp · 3 years
class captain ; chapter one.
yn and sapnap's rivalry dates back to their middle school days. but now they're in their first year at college, and being forced to work together may just give them the push they need to turn their rivalry into something new.
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chapter one : " is it legal for foolish to be a dilf? "
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- - - - - - m.list ⏀ next
THE FIRST DAY OF semester two was here, and yn wanted nothing more than to sleep in. her roommate, niki, was already up and dressed, sliding a textbook into her book bag while yn groaned, slowly tumbling out of their bed, rubbing the sleep from their eyes. "god, i do not want to be in class this early." niki turned to them with a slight frown.
"doesn't your class start at 11? you could've slept in, you know." yn's eyes widened and their mood worsened, cursing under their breath. they decided to get ready anyway; they were up, and usually their group of friends would have a late breakfast at the campus cafe every monday, wednesday and friday morning (the days when foolish had an afternoon shift, or a day off).
niki waited patiently while yn got themselves ready, pulling on a simple but cute outfit and grabbing the stuff they needed for class. upon niki's confused look they shrugged. "i figured i'll probably just chill in the library until class starts," they said as they tugged on a pair of shoes. within exactly twenty-five minutes from getting up, yn was heading out the door, niki hot on their trail. the pair made small talk as they took the familiar route to the campus cafe.
"i can't believe it's already the second semester!" yn exclaimed, "it feels like yesterday i graduated high school." niki giggled.
"i can't believe your rivalry with sapnap is still going," the girl teased. she adjusted her bag on her shoulder, eyes shutting as she soaked in the rays from the sun. "i mean, you guys barely interacted at all last semester. why do you hate him now, all of a sudden?" yn bit their lip, brows furrowing.
"i mean - i've just always hated him. but i ran into him on break and he was just so cocky about his assignment marks - and he was talking about how much his professor loves him and - ugh! he's just -" yn paused their blabbering for a moment, looking at niki's knowing smirk. "he's infuriating. and don't give me that look, i know what you're thinking!" niki laughed at hit yn's shoulder as they entered the cafe together.
the cafe was cozy, decorated in an assortment of plants and greenery, contrasting with the brown and beige colour scheme. it was warm, and the smell of freshly baked goods was comforting to the two friends as they made their way to their regular table. it was more of a booth, next to the window. early morning dew danced along the window as the sun glowed, giving the cafe a golden hue. karl, foolish and wilbur were already seated, their regular orders sitting on the table. in front of the two empty seats sat niki and yn's own orders.
"listen, all i'm saying is that with the body he has noah is gonna be a dilf," karl was saying, chewing his croissant. noah - foolish - was sipping his coffee with a confused look, shoulders shaking as he quietly laughed. wilbur waved at niki and yn as they sat down, before turning back to karl.
"is it legal for foolish to be a dilf? he's like, what, 19?" foolish coughed as he laughed at the absurd question, wiping his face on a napkin. karl's high-pitched giggles resonated through the cafe as niki and yn shook their heads, knowing that it was safer to not ask why they were talking about this.
"you two excited for semester two?" wilbur asked, stretching his back. yn shook their head, mentioning how tired they were before niki began babbling about how excited she was. yn looked around the cafe while taking a bite of their muffin, their eyes being locked on the door when an all-too familiar face walked in.
ella always looked like she had her life together, yn noted. ever since middle school, she was attracting boys left, right and centre. yn felt their smile drop. the pair had once been such good friends, and seeing ella just felt odd now that they weren't anymore.
ella walked up to the counter and began ordering. the emptiness of the cafe allowed for the group to hear every word she was saying. however, yn could barely hear the girl over foolish's voice.
"a hot chocolate with a blueberry muffin to-go," he sighed, staring with love-struck eyes at the girl. his crush on ella was a well-known fact amongst students, as was hers on foolish. it appeared that they were the only two on campus unaware of the other's feelings, and it was borderline annoying for yn.
they knew, however, that they were one of three reasons why foolish wouldn't go after ella, and they felt terrible about it.
"c'mon, man," karl said, "just... ask her out. she's, like, in love with you." foolish scoffed and shook his head. niki and wilbur turned to the group, trying to convince foolish to just say something. "for what it's worth," wilbur added, "dream and george told me that she told them that she likes you. it's just that punz doesn't like her dating."
"exactly!" foolish cried out. he took a glance at ella before turning back to the group, trying to hide his dopey smile. "there are three reasons why i'm not asking her out. one: she is so very out of my league. two: she has an overprotective step-brother who i'm terrified of. three: she's friends with sapnap, and yn hates sapnap."
yn sighed, standing up. "well, i don't hate ella, at all. she just... chose sapnap over me. i say go for it. besides, you can beat punz up any day. you're fucking huge, dude." yn moved to the counter to grab another napkin, standing next to ella. the girl looked up from her phone, a soft smile painting her face.
"hey, you," she greeted, pulling yn in for a hug, "how are you? it's been ages. we should hang out more! get the middle school gang back together! how fun would that be?" yn hugged back awkwardly before pulling away, smiling back at ella.
"uh, yeah, i'm good. and, um, i guess we should all hang out. it's just... sapnap, you know?" ella slowly nodded, her smile dropping as her name was called. picking up her order, she turned back to face yn.
"well, i have to go, but i'll see you around? i have english with you this semester, right? so... i'll see you then?" waving bye to yn, she turned and said goodbye to the group, her eyes lingering on foolish. the two shared a sickeningly sweet smile before ella turned to leave.
she paused and moved back to yn. "and by the way," she said, a smirk forming on her face, "sap doesn't hate you. like at all. in fact, it's quite the opposite."
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sparkiekong · 3 years
I am judith fan so i want to know how she is different!
6, 11, 15, 20, 27, 31, and finally 40
Thank you for this ask! I suspect you're looking to find out what the differences are between the LTL Judith and the KSU Judith as they're different worlds. LTL is an AU where Judith never went down the path she did in the KSU. LTL or Love the Laffers is an alternate universe Judith that is currently being imagined by me... a sort of what if scenario to see how Judith's life might have been had she never met Anton in @helenofsimblr's story... and instead met up with a likable guy like good old Wilbur.
So I will preface this with LTL (Love the Laffers) Judith is infact still human. She never got caught up with Anton and never went down the path set for her in the KSU timeline that she's currently gone missing in after getting her booty handed to her on a platter in the KSU by Cordelia Stimpfield.
If you want to know about KSU Judith in the Tomorrow Men, you will need to send one of these lovely asks on over to my counterpart @helenofsimblr as she is the creator of vampire Judith and likely knows more about the nuances of vampire Judith than I do.
Rest is under a cut! Remember this is Love the Laffers Judith and not at all canon. The true and factual Judith resides in The Axiom Conclusion and The Tomorrow Men (aka KSU) and if you wanted the questions answered for that Judith you will need to send the questions over to @helenofsimblr who can give you a proper good answer on the vampire Judith and her motivations.
So... for LTL Judith (Robinson) Laffer
06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?
I don't think Wilbur can physically or mentally find anything that Judith does odd. She has grown to like painting and spends most of her time watching the babies autonomously. He is quite blinded by love and can find no fault in anything his lovely Judith does. I honestly can't keep them off each other, it's like porn hub after the kids go to sleep... 👀👀👀
11. What is something that would make your character fly into a rage?
Someone hurting her two babies or Wilbur. I think that might the one thing that would get her to come flying out of the booth like a mad mama bear. Her family is important.
15. Is there a certain person in this world that they cannot stand? The very mention of this person’s name makes them tremble with anger or fear.
Judith and Wilbur's mother Willa do not get along well.
20. Does your character like animals? What are some of their favorite animals? Would they want pets? What about mythological creatures?
Judith does like animals (dogs, cats, etc) very much, I don't know that she has quite a favorite yet as I've only just started the LTL series. They recently bought some chickens I have yet to post about. She doesn't seem too thrilled with them, I caught her glaring at the rooster a few times... but she and Mrs. Mustachos get along ok... I have seen her scold the cat from time to time for jumping on the counter. Which Mrs. M... generally ignores unless it's Wilbur talking to her.
27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?
If there are no kids around... then probably public indecency... I am seriously not kidding about them not being able to keep their hands off each other...
31. Would your character be the kind capable of killing? Would they enjoy killing or only use it when necessary or, perhaps, refuse to kill no matter what?
I think Judith is incapable of killing in LTL. She would never enjoy it or delight in the suffering or pain of anyone or anything. However I do think she would begrudgingly kill in order to protect her family, but she would not at all be happy about it.
40. Does your OC have any guilty pleasures they enjoy? Hobbies, past times, music, etc that they wouldn’t want known by others?
She has grown to like painting and sings quite often. She especially likes to sing to Wilbur when the kids are asleep. I could see her being a bit embarassed by the singing sappy love songs... and maybe even being a bit embarassed of her painting skills starting out, but I think after a while confidence would grow and those guilty pleasures would disappear.
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zooone · 2 years
after Wilburs last lore stream i have rounded out my character fully and completed her story as well (ps , i don't write romance . i write HEAVY ANGST and this is only a snippet of my oc's full story , btw my oc is fairly young shes somewhat apart of the crimeboys duo..... you'll see what i mean~)
laughing and chattering consumed the air whilst birds chirped in the background.
"WILBUR!!!!!" Tommy yelled enthusiastically
"YESS??!" Wilbur returned , full of his shit whilst breaking concrete.
"yES! i understand ittt!" Tommy simply returned not a care in the world
" okay,,what do we say when we encounter a police officer ?"wilbur questioned with a playful smile .
" when we see a police officer we sayy....."
" A CRAB!!" both //Name// and tommy said in unison
while wilbur started quietly giggling to himself ....
" ACAB !" Wilbur corrected
"ohh" //Name// said in realization
"Acab?..thats ehhh" tommy tailed off
"Yes! yes ! thats it " wilburr said in a cheerful tone
"Wilbur your like my big big big brother wilbur I'll follow /jesus// you! ill follow look!" Tommy said
"yes yes i know" Wilbur said picking up the concrete
" and im just here" said //name// in a singsong voice trying to dry her long hair in the sun
"unfortunately I've gathered that look- by the way tommy I've been thinking.."
"MMMMMHHH OOHOHO me too about girls big girls-"
"Oh ive been thinking about our hotdog business."
"Is it.. hey hey come with me , should we rename it to the hot woman business , and we got lots of women !//no//and we get them //no// and we put the in a van! //TOMMY!//"
"I just really like the idea you said earlier !"
"Oh the blaze rod shitting one?! where we shit out blaze rods!!"
"okay i liked ..look tommy!TOMMY TOMMY!"
" i liked the idea, but its was more about naming this place , and making it into a country!'
"Wait! REALLY?" //name// said enthusiastically
"oh the l'manburg one?"
"yeah! the L'mangburg one, jt has a really good ring to it man!"
"do you really think so i? i thought it might of been a little bit weird"
"i liked it it sounds nice!"
"no i ..yeah.. i think we go ahead with it"
"this isn't a silly river tale to me anymore it's got a name its got a story!.. it's.. it's L'mangburg and to me it's you two "
"do you really mean that?"
"aye wills gone soft!"//pffttt-//
"Mhm" willbur starred down at //name// in mock disappointment
"Hey NO ONE, no one! i will not let anyone ruin this even if it kills me"
"i swear to God if i let it get ruined ill die on purpose even if i could stop it."
"okay! let's make official , next time i see dream im gonna go hard on him im gonna demand independence!im gonna fuck him up!
what do you say?"
"You know what i say wilbur ! i say L'manburg for ever !"
"L'mangburg for ever!"
"an extension of you! " "an extension of my big willy" "PFFTTT-"
"OH MY GOD- pffttt- im in as long as you don't forget about me "
//names// young voice fading into the distance..
" hello Tommy //SHUT UP//, what are you doing out here its freezing?" //ghost!names// ghostly form moved closer to tommy but kept distance still.
"oh im waiting for Wilbur , he's uh talking with phill"
" i see."
as if on cue the door opened , after some bickering and confusioned expressions //g!name// knew how to read on the spot they left after apologizing to technoblade. . .
" why is he apologizing phill?"
"he wants too , make up for what he's done as far as he told me , he's apologizing to everyone here that he's hurt"
"i see"... the red painted smile on they're ghostly porcelain face as a substitute for a mouth to give some expression to apathetic appearance done by they're more angered counterpart, driped a single drop , which if the painting was resent would not be odd , except it wasn't.
" guess they forgot about me."
revival . . .
such a rush after 50 years in limbo.
the butterflies that act apon me as second eyes and whisper theories and facts about the lives others tell me about alot I've missed,
the ghostly version of myself is permanently gone .
just as i was revived during dreams escape my limbo was collapsing into eternal nothingness...melting away and it took them with it
I've been planning , really more day dreaming .. about killing said dream.
it would be easy if im being honest , the only thing thats been keeping me down is empathy , now thats been long removed from me .
i plan to kill him the same way he killed me , ane i plan on doing it as slowly as possible.
i don't care if he comes back or not . all i need is a life for a life.
after all you take and then give right?
as for will
i already knew he forgot about me. same with tom.
he said he wanted to apologize to everyone .... but he completely and utterly forgot me ..
thats okay . im used to it .
it's happened more times than you realize
name off anyone from this godforsaken server and I'll tell ya7
i always tried to make them happy, to make them scream in joy !
but nothing was enough
so why not make them scream in agony.
and if they say its not fair.
i simply thank them for being the best teachers !
and I'll give them something to remember.
how did i do this idk its 2 in the morning.
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
hi, here's a short (long) analysis of this song which you should at least give a watch in my opinion! you might not like it, but you also might, so i say give it a shot.
anyways, here's my personal interpretation of the lyrics i (co)wrote. ani might have a completely different one, but you know.
beforehand, i need to point out that the first half of this was written before c!wilbur's revival and the second one was written after.
so, starting with the title
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my motivation for it was c!wilbur's general role in shaping the narrative of the server, as well as cc!wilbur often joking around about scripts and other plot elements.
another thing was a clip of him talking with philza about how he thought the server's storyline was becoming very scattered, and i got the idea that maybe when c!wilbur comes back, he might try to rewrite the plot to his benefit as he has done time and time again.
hence, the idea for the song was born in my mind as i was falling asleep one night, because that is the only time i get good ideas.
the first half
"history, history, s'told by the winners, made by the sinners"
this was a reference to wilbur quoting the famous line "history is told by the victors". the reason i chose to use this set of words is because although the winners (wilbur) are the ones telling the story, the people who actually make the impact are often flawed, and genuinely invested in the cause (rest of l'manberg).
while c!wilbur knew the cause of l'manberg was false, he let the "sinners", or people he considered lower than him, since he was the one "telling" the story, win the war for him and make history as he altered the finished "story" in his own favor.
"so lie that you'll free them, s'long as you lead 'em"
this one is pretty self-explanatory. wilbur promised the revolution freedom in return for total loyalty to him, his power, and his country.
i'd also like to point out the use of "you" in this song - this was written, once again, before the revival; it was however expected that dream was going to bring wilbur back at some point. and i'm pretty sure ani doesn't know this, but writing this, i intentionally made the "you" wilbur is singing to be dream.
in essence, wil's telling his newfound ally about how powerful he is due to his abilities to "rewrite the script" - picture this being your usual villain monologue song after a dramatic return, since wil's always had a knack for the theatrics. keep this in mind for the rest of the explanation of these lyrics.
"the ink doesn't dry 'till time blows by spin a silver web and they're comply"
i absolutely loved this lyric, i couldn't stop gushing about it. ani came up with this one completely, so i don't know whether or not it has any deeper meaning, but i wanted to point it out because it sounds hella cool. the second part is about c!wilbur spinning lies until people would listen to him and do what he wants.
"smiles in the mirrors, reality's a game"
this line was meant to give an idea of just how screwed wilbur's perception of the world and people around him is, in that he treats everyone's lives as a narrative, as a symphony, as something that belongs to him and is free for him to play with.
smiles in the mirrors can be taken in a lot of ways, but one interpretation i like is that wilbur and dream as characters are parallels in their actions, but no one realizes it because the narrative paints them in different lights and the tragic hero and puppeteer respectively, when it's moreso the other way around.
"with help from the spinners we can shift all the blame"
spinners are the people wilbur uses to "spin" the tales for him. and, well, he's always been very good at shifting the blame and making himself out to be a victim.
seeing as he's talking to dream, in this line he is also reassuring him that he has people on the outside that can help them "rewrite" the current narrative and shift the blame away from dream and wilbur, in order to change the public's perception of them, which is at the time overwhelmingly negative.
"and if the world hunts you down out your mind and around we'll set their precious world adrift, adrift"
this is the most obvious pointer that wilbur is singing to dream. he is directly telling him that since the people of the smp have "hunted" him (or would, if he were to escape), and have hurt him mentally and physically in the prison, wilbur would work with him to destroy their lives and their world as they know it for their mutual gain.
it also brings forth his views of possession and power; in essence, he sees himself as in charge of the lives of everyone in his story, hence finding their realities fragile and fully his own to mess with. he finds it amusing that he has full control over something so "precious" to them, and mocks this sentiment in the last line.
"and if you don't like what's shown and you feel like no one's grown just, rewrite the script!"
this was the first lyrics for the song, which ani wrote, after i proposed the idea. this begins a trend in the song where wilbur will alternate between talking to dream and the viewers themselves.
here he is directly addressing those who don't like the way the smp has been since wilbur has stopped writing, and who call out the lack of character development in certain people's stories. he is reassuring them that now that he's back, he will rewrite it to be more entertaining - for him, that is.
the second half
alright, now we're going over what i myself wrote the day wilbur was revived after getting a surge of inspiration.
"screams, broken voices poor writing choices"
this starts off with revived wilbur's opinions on the new storyline he has come into. the first line refers to the torture dream is going through in prison, and the second is him simply commenting on how he finds the plotline inadequate after his return.
"dreams of redemption caught my attention"
the interesting thing about this is that wilbur, as has been shown before with eret, doesn't believe in people's redemption.
this line insinuates that even if there was any chance of the circumstances changing and dream getting better, now that wilbur was back, he wan't planning to let that happen, as he finds it one of the aforementioned "poor writing choices".
it caught his attention as something he finds interesting - since he's always had a twisted fascination with people's hopes and goals, finding ways to use them to his advantage - but in the end, naive, since his outlook on the world has always been quite cynical.
"train wheels screech on the rails in the end, my world prevails"
this was an attempt to shove a reference to the stream i had just watched into the song. the train stopped in limbo, and it came to get him back out to the world of the living.
the second line is him boasting that he knew all along that his efforts to gain people's loyalty would would pay off in the end, and hence his "word" prevailed even over death.
"i've got tales in store, of loss and of war it's a shattered world for me to restore"
see, this entire sequence is quite the oxymoron, and it's meant to be confusing, showcasing once again just how twisted wilbur's outlook on the world is.
he finds the story "shattered", which is a reference to cc!wilbur saying he prefers more centred stories than what the dsmp is right now. he is promising to fix this, finding it another game for him to play, another puzzle for him to solve, however, his definition of "restore" is proven by the previous line to be a contradiction at its core.
he has plans from his time in limbo, and just like all of his stories so far, they're tragic and traumatizing to the people playing in them. he plans to perpetuate war and conflict in order to make the story more lively and dynamic, while using loss as a tragic element to push the "characters" in their lives further towards development.
in the end, the way he's planning to "restore" the world is by rewriting the narrative in such a way that it wouldn't stagnate, or work itself out naturally, but continue endlessly for him to write and control.
"villains and heroes, traitors and moles when push comes to shove they'll burn the world for their goals"
the second part of the first line was meant to be "interchangeable roles" instead, but we switched it out so it would be easier to sing.
it's talking about how after all, it doesn't really matter to wilbur who the villain or hero is, as long as they are part of the narrative that he has power over.
"and if i harness the flame their hope will blaze all the same no time for interests to conflict"
this is confirmation of the previous point that he can use people's feelings against them and in order to perpetuate his own "interests". as long as he can make people think he's helping them, even if their goals are different, there won't be room for them to truly conflict.
the people on the dream smp all burn with hope and passion and human emotions he can exploit and use in favour of himself and his story, and even then they won't get any weaker. he sees them as an endless fuel source he can take from, essentially.
"so when you're blue and betrayed by all the choices you've made just, rewrite the script."
the last lines of the song, and here he is speaking specifically to the characters in the story. all of them have made mistakes and been "betrayed" by their choices to trust others, which left them or others grieving or hurt.
wilbur is in essence mocking this, by pointing out, once again, how simple it is for him to "just rewrite the script", and take all of their "blue" away - while also making it clear that he only plans to use this power to take further control by driving those he sees fit further down their path of revenge and villainy.
thank you all for reading, whoever did! this song was truly a passion project for me to work on, and i loved coming up with deeper meanings to the lyrics, by using my own personal interpretation of the character. i get that this is not everyone's interpretation, but i like it. i also really can't wait for what wilbur's up to now that he's back. either way, have a nice day!
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