#i've been sick... but i really wanted to draw something for you guys
woulnutt · 1 year
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Happy Easter!!
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zsupika · 5 months
Love and Deepspace x Reader
> general relationship headcanons
A/N: I've been in the lnd fandom for a few weeks now and I'm so obsessed of this game. Keep in mind these are just some random things that I have in mind when I think of them in a relationship.
>> My requests are open if you have any ideas!
Characters: Xavier, Zayne, Rafayel
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I imagine him as a very caring boyfriend
He'd listen to what you have to say and whenever you have something that troubles you, try and find a solution
His favorite sleeping position has got to be spooning you with him being the big spoon
He just loves to embrace you and know that you're safe in his arms
While laying like that he loves to breath in your scent
And while you're asleep, he plays with your hair and softly glides his fingers along your skin
It calms him down, especially after aonh day of fighting wanderers
He also likes to go on missions together with he
He won't admit it but whenever you get assigned with a different partner than him, he gets so jealous
He just loves to spend time with you
He's more a listener than a talker
Through the entire year he takes notes on the things that you mentioned you wanted to have
When your birthday comes up he buys all those things for you!!
Although he loves to spoil you on valentines day with flowers, chocolate and lots of kisses, he doesn't really see a point in the day specifically
He buys you flowers every once in a while and doesn't understand why there would have to be a whole day dedicated for it
But if you see it as important, he definitely puts up an effort to make you happy and see a smile on your face
He always blushes when you get him something in return!
He prefers to give, more that receive
He also makes sure that you're nicely relaxed after a mission
While you sit on your chair he might come up from behind and give you a soft shoulder massage and some neck kisses to ease your mind and body
I imagine him to smell like lavender and fresh laundry
His favorite drink has to be iced coffee and water
In winter he'll also drink a hit chocolate with you
He loves to add cute toppings and make it delicious
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As we all know he's a doctor and always very busy
You see him a lot less than you would the other two boys
He appreciates it when you come to the hospital and visit him on his breaks
You'd remind him to relax and take it easy every once in a while
It makes him smile to know that you care for him so much
Him not being able to see you as much makes him sad, so he tries to make the few dates that you go on extra special
He always consideres your wishes and does whatever you desire
You want to stay home with him and watch a movie? Sure, he'd love to. You want to go out to a fancy restaurant? Yeah, he's down.
He has a hard time expressing his emotions with his words, so he's definitely more of a "actions over words" kinda guy
His love language would equal to "acts of service" and "quality time"
His hugs and kisses feel very intimate, because it's his way of expressing his emotions to you
He adores the fact that you understand him so well and that you respect his boundaries
He's a morning person for sure
He likes black coffee
For you he always makes sure that you're healthy
Whenever you get a little sick, he's always worried about you and tries to prevent it with all that he can
It makes you chuckle how much he can get worked up over a little cold
Once you get better he makes sure that you stay healthy and happy
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Starting of with a very basic headcanon but I think he'd paint you
But not in the way in which you might think
He wouldn't only paint full on portraits of you but he'd incorporate you into his art in a very different way
He'd draw the landscape of your favorite places
He would use your eye color as the background color of a beautiful still-life
You being around him would inspire him to draw freely without any restrictions
Your laugh would make him move his brush in the same rhythm
Sometimes he'd let you help him with a painting
He also loves to go and search for different ways to create paint with you and look for ingredients
I think even though he's very sassy and bold most of the time, when it comes to intimate moments he'd be rather shy
He blushes a lot!
And definitely has a hard time keeping eye contact with you in those moments
His kisses are more soft and caring than you might think at first
In my eyes he'd be the furthest thing from rough in any intimate situations
He holds you as if you were a fragile piece of glass that could break at any second
He feels like you're the only one who he can let his emotions out on, without feeling judged
Loves sleeping on top of you like a weighted blanket
Slightly snores but not very loud
It's more of a heavier breathing
As we know he's very ticklish
When you two are playfighting you can definitely take advantage of that
He'll be a whining and whimpering mess
Do with that what you want
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starleska · 1 year
Hello again!! I'm the anon from before (and I'm glad to hear you had a nice time yesterday!!!), and here's what I wrote.. I've been thinking a lot about the 'Wally eats with his eyes' idea, as many have been !!! I'm not sure how to warn for what this exactly so feel free to tag it with whatever you deem necessary. Wally just. Likes you a lot lol. i guess this is a little silly but i had a good time writing it haha
You are having a staring contest with your friend Wally.
You can't quite remember who started this, or why. Just that Wally had wanted to draw somewhere outside and you tagged along with him, until you were sitting somewhere in a field of flowers around the Neighbourhood.
Wally simply returns your gaze, unblinking, his hands folded over on top of his sketchbook. You think this has lasted long enough. What you want to do is crack a smile or a joke, but you find that your muscles are frozen stiff, and your tongue is so, so heavy.
His pupils expand.
You're supposed to panic about being this frozen up. Moving shouldn't be so difficult. But it's like your body feels like even stressing out about this is too much effort. You feel warm. Your eyelids tremble with the effort to blink. There is no movement, though your eyes don't burn either. You've held them open for so long that the world starts to gray out around you.
His pupils expand.
Wally leans his head to the side, little by little. You mirror his movements without thinking. The tips of your fingers are tingling, your feet feel numb as if fallen asleep. He smiles at you even more than usual. You think that this makes you happy. His lips part slowly, as if to speak, and-
"Hiya, guys!" Eddie calls out from the path to your right.
Your body jolts in surprise, and the spell is broken. By the time you whip your head around to look, Eddie has already continued his delivery route without waiting for a response.
Your returned awareness feels like breaking the surface after almost drowning. A weight disappears from your body, and you practically double over, gasping for air. Your shoulders are shaking, your eyes wide. When you squeeze them shut, it burns. You feel tired like you never have before.
"That was good," Wally says. For a moment, you are hesitant to turn your head back and look at him. You want to hide from his eyes. But you snuff that thought out as soon as it pops up, because that's just silly. You must've eaten something wrong, or have caught a cold. What else could explain this.
You look at Wally. He looks normal, and his eyes upon
"W-what did you say?"
"I asked: Are you feeling good?" Wally speaks even slower than he otherwise would, but his smile is as wide as ever. "You don't look good, friend."
"I don't… I'm a little out of it," you force out a laugh. "I think I'm getting sick."
Wally leans forward.
"You'll be okay," he says, and puts a hand on your knee. "Let's sit here until you feel better."
!!!!!! anon!!!! anon do you know how good this is?!?! oh my gosh!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 honey, i cannot express how much i adore this fic. it's such a wonderful blend of terror and intimacy, so frightening and claustrophobic yet warm and safe in a way you can't understand...ugh, i'm in love 🥴 your descriptions are so vivid - i could really feel Your panic and nausea. some real Lovecraftian horror stuff going on in here. and oh my God the little detail of him saying, 'That was good' and then switching to 'Are you feeling good?' absolute chills!!! 😱😱 if you feel comfortable enough, you should absolutely post your writing somewhere!! you've got such a talent for writing, Wally in particular, and i'd love to read more of your stuff should you be inclined. i'll definitely be taking some tips from this awesome little fic going forward 😉 thank you so much for sharing 🥰
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"Oh geez I'm so clumsy; how embarrassing! Huh, oh! You'll help me up? T-thank you!"
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A BELLE OF DA BALL Yume for @starry-night-rose's Glimmering Soirée! I saw a lot of people doing this event and have been wanting to draw for it for awhile. Unfortunately, I've been sick the past week.
I went for a more femme design since my last two designs for Yume were more masculine; plus I just think dresses are more fun to draw. Heavily inspired by Cinderella's dress with my own takes.
During the event Yume isn't trying to be the belle of the ball themselves (that would be mortifying), they are actually heavily advocating for their brother Yuuta! (@bunnwich)
They are assisting the Prince's with their duties (mostly Deuce while avoiding Azul) while keeping and eye on Grim to make sure he's acting right! They're also taking pictures of everyone in their fancy clothes; partially bc Crowley told them too and partially for their own scrapbook.
Summon: You my friend, will be da belle of da ball!
Groovy: Everyone here tonight… don’t they kind of look like stars in the night sky…Hey! Don’t laugh! Haha! Was that too cheesy? 
Set Home: We’re all bedazzled up!
Home Idle: Azul tried to get me to sign some contract in order to” secure my brother's win”. Pff! Nice try, four eyes; do you think I’ve learned nothing?
Idle 2: When I walked up to Deuce and he gave me a big fancy greeting! He was so proud of himself; I didn’t have the heart to tell him he curtseyed at me…He’s not really cut out for princely stuff…
Idle 3: *whining* Kalim! Please don’t keep making me dance in these shoes! My feet are killing me *fake sob* who makes glass shoes anyway…
Idle Groovy:  Malleus came up to ask what was wrong with his Tamagotchi and everyone in the room gave us a wide berth. Is it that serious? He’s just some guy?
Home Login: Oh man…I don’t wanna think about how long it’s gonna take to clean all this glitter up. 
Tap: The Royal Sword Academy students keep coming up to greet me oh so politely. Something about it kinda gets on my nerves…
Tap 2: Hey, didja see Grim’s vest? I made it myself. It took me hours to bedazzle the whole thing!
Tap 3: Ugh…I feel like everyone's looking at me…maybe this outfit was a bad idea…
Tap 4: Hey, if you see Vil; don’t tell him I’m not voting for him. It’s nothing personal…! 
Tap 5: *sigh* I need a break. Hey, do you wanna go sit on the balcony with me? I’d prefer the company of the stars right now.
Tap Groovy: Oh! Wait right there! Let me get a picture of you in your outfit! You look amazing! Ready? Cheese!
Here is some sketchy draft for the dress too:
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Not-So-Secret Drawings
REQUEST: Hi there, so I've been daydreaming about this for awhile but I absolutely suck at writing so, could i request hcs were the reader is really good at drawing and has been secretly drawing random people on campus whenever they get the chance, but one day reader forgets there sketch pad somewhere and a character (of your choosing) finds it and decides to snoop and finds drawingsof them and people on campus. Just as they finish looking through reader comes (after realizing they forgot it). I hope this makes sense to you, have a nice day/night.
SUMMARY: Your carefully hidden secret is out now. WORD COUNT: 1k
WARNINGS: Riddle, Azul, Floyd, and Vil snooping looking through your drawings, reader is a really good artist, Riddle threatens you (out of love I swear), Azul is uncomfortable by your drawings (not in a bad way- I think), mentions of getting lectured by Azul, Floyd is a ball of chaos, Vil gets no warnings because he's perfect/j A/N: When I tell you that as soon as I saw this I immediately rushed to write two parts before having to stop because I needed to do my summer homework - and then procrastinated the last part (Vil)- Also I know you implied one character but since I'm indecisive I did multiple haha (I'm sorry (but also kind of not because this was fun)) I'm sure you don't suck at writing!! You just get sick of your own writing because it all seems predictable (speaking from experience, I read my work and I'm like "ew?? I need better words" haha) Vil's part is definitely weird because I was like "Fashion Designer!Reader" (probably because some of my friends take fashion/design classes) and I don't know how accurate this is I suck at drawing so I know nothing please don't come at me- Also on a side note, I have a lot of requests right now and since I have a lot of schoolwork I have to do right now, my writing will probably be scattered. Hope you guys understand! (Hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night/etc too!!)
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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You had always been careful with your drawings. You never wanted another person to look at them. After all, you had been drawing other people - and who knew what they would think?
Sure, they were pretty accurate, but still. It wasn't like the people at Night Raven College knew that you were drawing them. And you didn't want your drawings to get destroyed just because someone in a foul mood found them. Just your luck though, as you had left your sketchbook somewhere. Where did you even misplace it…
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Riddle Rosehearts
He had always seen you with your sketchbook, but had assumed it was just for studying.
Likewise, when it popped up during class, he assumed that you were diligently taking notes.
It was almost sad seeing how far from the truth he was in hindsight.
Since he found your sketchbook on the floor (perhaps having fallen from your bag - it was always full, after all), he decided to take it to you. On the way over to Ramshackle Dorm, he flipped through the sketchbook before he paused.
These weren't notes. They were drawings.
And very good ones, at that.
They were so detailed, he thought for an instant that you had magicked them on here somehow (before remembering that you didn't have any magic).
So was this what you could do with some time and diligence?
His mother had never let him draw much so his drawings were mediocore at best (at worst, one would think that a small child had drawn them).
He found himself captivated by the artwork, flipping through the pages, seeing the drawings of various people from the school. Even some of himself…? With more details... It was odd, the small flutter in his chest. Happiness?
He jolted as he heard your voice, asking if that sketchbook in his hands was yours, abruptly slamming the sketchbook shut as if he had been looking at something completely inappropriate. Which, in a way, he might have been?
"Sorry for looking at these without your permission." He got out after a moment, handing it back to you. "You're a really good artist." He paused. "But you shouldn't be drawing in class. If I catch you with this sketchbook out during Trein-sensei's lectures, I'll have your head!"
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Azul Ashengrotto
Of course Azul had noticed your drawings. He needed to in order to make sure he knew as much as possible about others so he could scam help them whenever they needed it.
Still, he found it intriguing, so he couldn't help but skim through your drawings. And my, were they amazing.
Until he got to the section where you had drawn him.
Sure, there were drawings of him in regular uniform, some of him in his P.E. uniform (he thought that they weren't really flattering on him, but you made it look good).
But then there were the sections where you had drawn him in mer form.
Of course, you had no idea what his mer form actually looked like (without all the overblotting, which you never got the chance to see clearly anyway) so it was mostly guesswork and using your imagination.
There were ones with long, large tentacles swarming around him.
Some with tentacles that were slender.
Some of them popped out of weird angles, which he was puzzled about, but okay.
My tentacles can't move like that - or can they?
They definitely shouldn't be popping out of his ribs. Wherever did you get that particular idea? It made him uncomfortable just by looking at it.
He was so caught up in examining your drawings and he didn't notice you until you literally snatched the sketchbook from his hands, saying something about how they were private.
"Sorry, [Y/N]-san... But these drawings aren't too accurate, you know."
And that was how you got roped into a three-hour long discussion about the anatomy of octopuses as well as the anatomy of merfolk and how your drawings were terribly inaccurate. (You were just guessing, how were you supposed to know any of this?)
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Floyd Leech
Floyd wouldn't even wait until the sketchbook was unattended.
He'd pop out of nowhere, eyes bright, asking what you were doing.
Never mind if it was in the middle of class or not.
You've both gotten scolded about this, he should know better.
Still, one day he caught you by surprise, and the book slipped from your hands.
You muttered a small curse before trying to grab it, but whoops, too late. Floyd had already gotten it and was flipping through the pages.
"Aww, Koebi-chan, you drew me?" His gaze met yours, a wide grin on his face (showing his extremely sharp teeth). "You should've just asked, I would've modeled and stuff for you."
You shook your head slightly. You had wanted to keep this a secret if possible... At least Floyd seemed to be in a fairly good mood. You told him that you wanted to draw people in their natural state, without them posing for the "camera," so to speak.
He looked disappointed, but then immediately asked if you could come to a basketball practice or match or something. Perhaps you'd find it more interesting to draw him there. Or maybe in the ocean?
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Vil Schoenheit
He was no stranger to people drawing him. He was famous after all.
He did sometimes get… odd pieces of artwork, but that was to be expected.
Still, he didn't expect to find a sketchbook with him in it, abandoned at an empty seat. Only drawings of him.
It had so happened that you were trying to figure out a good design for clothing. You always wanted to have a face to your designs, and he was the perfect subject.
Maybe your drawings didn't do him justice, but it was interesting to see how you could tweak your designs to fit him better.
Still, Vil was plenty impressed.
These designs... He could definitely see himself wearing them.
Maybe he could show them to one of the people he knew... They could help make something like that. With your permission, of course.
He closed the book as he heard you come up.
"These designs really are fascinating. Would you mind showing me more details? I'm certain that we can turn these drawings into reality if you'd like it."
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As always, reblogs and comments are always appreciated! ♡ Send your thoughts grr
Feel free to send requests! Check out this post for info ^^
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shlonguru · 4 months
hey omg I’m not sure if your still taking smut fic/shot requests but I saw your alastor one where he fucked y/n in his booth and broadcasted it and now I need a Vox version if you haven’t already!!! (obviously no rush and I apologize if your not taking requests thank you anyway and I am obsessed with your fics and fanart keep up this absolutely amazing work 🗣️❤️‍🔥)
Hi! Thank you so much for your request I love it 😭 I'm so glad you enjoyed my work 🥹
I'm so sorry for the delay guys school's been rough and I've been sick but I'm back on track and ready to report ! o>
Thank you all for your patience and I hope you like this one! I have more coming up but I wanted to finish this one first.
On another note I’m not sure this series has passed the Bechdel test yet T^T
But without any ado, I present to you :
Alastor x Fem!Reader x Vox 3 - Sealing the deal !
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Credit of the gif : @SSerenitytheOtaku on DeviantArt
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Summary : Waking up ready for round three but how does one get the attention of two busy men ?
Warning/Tags : 18+, Smut, Oral, cumshot, pussy eating, dirty talk, teasing, brat taming, edging, cum eating, oral creampie, double penetration, hair pulling, piv, anal, brat taming, praise, rough, spanking, threesome, toys.
Word count : 6368 words (Idk what to say) -> Not proof read yet but I'm on it o/
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You woke up in a better state on this day. It had been a few days since your last encounter with the two demons. You had been quite exhausted from your activities and had been lounging around Vox's bedroom, resting. You looked around the room and had no idea whether or not he had come to bed to rest or had just continued working until now.
Within minutes of you waking up, a butler walked in with a tray full of what looked like a fancy breakfast. Your stomach informed you verbally that you were hungry, starved even. You wondered how they always had such a perfect timing to bring you breakfast and remembered the cameras you had noticed in the corner of the room, it felt like Vox was monitoring you but there was nothing much you could do about it. You hadn’t even seen Vox since the last time.
After feasting you asked yourself where he might be at.
You turned on the giant TV screen in his room and saw him presenting the news, with a poorly drawn picture of something that looked like Alastor. From how he spoke at your last trio encounter you thought Vox would be all over you all day everyday but reality was, he also happened to be a busy man. That made you question what you were truly expecting out of anything that had to do with him and Alastor, you weren’t the type to beg for attention, but you usually knew how to draw it to yourself if needed. How do you do that when the two men are out of reach?
After a while you felt bored in his bed, you had grown tired of just looking at him on his TV. You were trying to think of a way to get his attention, when you heard a loud bang, making you jump and bringing your attention to the door of the bedroom which had just flung open.
‘Damn, do they ever open this door normally ?’ You thought to yourself.
A little lady walked in alone, not looking away from the phone she was texting on. She was pretty with a very nice and voluminous hairdo. Her fashion was also impeccable. You were staring as she walked in then stopped in front of the bed, still typing without acknowledging your presence. She eventually finished what she had been doing and looked up.
“Oh, so you’re the current hyper fixation?” She cockily announced before staring you down for a few seconds. “Yeah, that checks out.”
“Hi…?” You asked not knowing what her intentions were at this moment. “You are?” You inquired.
“Ah! I’m Velvette sweetheart, one of the Vees?”
“Pleasure to meet you.”
“Yeah! I just wanted to see you for myself you know? Vox can’t seem to shut up about you these days.”
“Really?” You asked poorly hiding your excitement.
“Yeah, why do you ask?” She inquired with a slight grin.
“Well, I haven’t been able to get a hold of him pretty much since I got here.”
“Oh…and that makes you…sad..?” She smirked seeing what was happening. “Sit down with me and let’s have some tea while you spill yours for me thank you.” She pointed at the table not too far and started heading there while texting again.
“Damn, I still don’t understand how he bagged such a hottie.” She declared before laughing out loud.
“Well, he has his charms…” You looked aside sipping your tea slowly getting your point across.
“Oh…oh!” You both laughed.
“Still, if I can’t get a hold of him what’s the point of staying in this tower?” You questioned.
“Listen Sweetie, that prick knows you need rest and is keeping himself busy in the meantime but don’t sweat it, you will get him.”
“Yeah…” You sighed.
“You know, we have a gala tonight and I don’t know if he invited you or not but if you’re feeling well rested you should totally come.” She sipped her tea.
“That asshole, he didn’t tell me about any gala!” You exclaimed angrily.
“Oh, it’s a Gala to help post-extermination orphans but it’s pretty much a front to sell more V-tech products. “
“Sounds about right” You responded unimpressed.
“Don’t worry I got you, I’ll make sure you’re dressed for the occasion.” She smirked then winked at you. “You’ll get back at him. #Fuckhim am I right?”
“#InMoreWaysThanOne !” You added.
You smiled back and you both laughed maniacally.
You paused your laugh.
“Will Alastor be there?” You asked.
“Probably not, unless Vox invited him, which I doubt.” She chuckled.
“Aww…” You whined before resuming your maniacal laugh together.
For all you know he might have tried to give you space to rest just like he might have just been too busy, but now was not the time to speculate, it was time to shine.
Velvette hadn’t been lying, you looked absolutely stunning. But then again, if you look expensive, you probably look good as hell, and Velvette being a fashion designer, she knew what she was doing.
Your hair was up in an elegant hairdo and the royal blue, diamonds studded dress fitted you like a glove, it had been sewn on you after all. You hadn’t felt this fancy since…well, the first night you had met the both of them. You were excited at the idea of spending a good evening and of course seeing Vox.
You arrived at the party with Velvette. The party was thrown at the rooftop of the Vees Tower and it was as big as you would expect. People were mingling and Velvette quickly disappeared after showing you around.
You headed for the bar and there, you met Charlie. You were surprised to see her there but then remembered the initial reason for the gala and it all made sense.
“Charlie oh my god hi!” You exclaimed excitedly.
“Y/n! Omg how are you? How is it at the Vox Tower?” She asked just as excitedly.
“It’s good! I do miss the hotel though!” You smiled.
“You are welcome to come back whenever you want!” She hugged you.
You both chatted for a bit at the bar until all the lights of the rooftop went black, then a spotlight illuminated, shining on the scene where the musicians had been, now making place for the main host, Vox.
He looked gorgeous, or was it that you had missed seeing him in real life?
He was wearing a nice tuxedo. He looked elegant and very well put together. You could tell it was his public persona but nonetheless, it did something to you.
Vox opened with his speech about how terrible the situation for the orphans of hell was then slowly and cleverly morphed it into a full-on advertisement of V-tech products. You were expecting it but still felt a little impressed.
Vox was staring at the crowd, talking confidently.
“-you can trust that none of this would have happened in the first place if everyone had been equipped with our bullet-proof V-ests and-“ He stopped for an instant while he was scanning the crowd, a dumbfounded look on his face.
You realized after a couple of seconds he had been staring straight at you. Red went to your cheeks as you made the realization he had noticed you for the first time and it had probably taken him by surprise as well. You smiled and blew a kiss at him.
He coughed and adjusted his bowtie before attempting to finish his speech.
“Hmm…where was I…haha…it is HOT in here…yeah, orphans, let’s help them, donate and invest, and most importantly, trust us!” He gave a very obviously fake smile before everyone applauded, visibly impressed by the speech anyways.
People went back to mingling and you could see Vox being swarmed by people asking him business related questions.
Charlie had gone and blended with the guests, and you were still at the bar enjoying your drink and the view when you heard a cough from behind. You turned around and met the eyes of a man you had never seen before. He looked elegant and kind of cocky.
“Hey babe, wanna grab a drink?” He asked.
You hesitantly tried thinking of ways to turn him down when you gave a quick look around and noticed Vox staring at you two, his eyes glowing red and black with anger.
A devilish idea crossed your mind at that instant. Seeing as he had basically abandoned you for days after all, he deserved a little backlash for neglecting you.
“I’d love to have a drink with you!” You smiled.
While drinking your cocktail you laughed exaggeratedly loud at whatever this man was saying and laid your hand on his chest. You weren’t checking on Vox but you had a feeling he was witnessing every minute of it.
After a little bit, you turned slightly, checking the crowd surrounding him but he was nowhere to be found.
You turned back to the man facing you only to notice Vox towering over him.
“Hey, buddy!” He said with an aggressively kind tone. “You might wanna go find yourself busy somewhere else yeah?” He smiled, slightly bent with his arms behind his back and a smile on his face.
The other man didn’t even look behind him and kept looking at you.
“Yeah…I’m already busy but thank-“
Vox grabbed him by the collar violently.
“GET FUCKING LOST.” His eyes radiating again and his voice sounded static-y. Your eyes widened at the sight of him and you felt an familiar urge to have him ravage you.
“Fuck, Mr. Vox I’m so sorry, of course I’m leaving.” Exclaimed the man before leaving running out of this situation.
“Aww no, my distraction.” You whined resting your face on your wrist as your elbow rested on the counter of the bar, witnessing him run for his life. “See you in hell!” You cheered holding your glass up in the direction the man had gone running to.
“Huh-hmm.” Vox fake-coughed.
You turned to him.
“Oh hi there, fancy seeing you here.” You smiled looking at Vox.
“Y/n, are you drunk ?” He asked.
“Nope, just bored, and lonely…” You look up at him with puppy eyes as you said that last part. “How’s your fancy gala?” You asked with a hint of bitterness in your voice.
Vox’s face stared for a second.
You felt something grab your arm and were swiftly pulled in the isolated spot between the bar and the plants behind it. It all happened so fast, next thing you knew Vox’s whole body was close to yours, his hand resting on the wall against which your back laid.
“Is someone mad they weren’t invited to the gala?” He smirked.
Hearing him tease you ticked you off.
“Actually no, my good friend Velvette invited me.” You smiled cockily.
“Of course this is Velvette’s doing…You’re supposed to be resting! If I find this cunt I swear-” He mumbled under his breath, looking away, trying to find her in the crowd.
You grabbed the edge of his face, bringing his gaze back to you.
“Hey there, don’t you think I know how to take care of myself? I’m a big girl you know.” You declared.
His screen glitched.
“You sure are.” He composed himself focusing back on you. “By the way Y/n, you look ravishing tonight…to be honest with you, you look so good I don’t think it’s fair to have you out here for everyone to enjoy.”
“Well, it’s not my fault, I’m more than well-rested and the people I craved the attention of were both nowhere to be found…” You rested your hand on his chest, slowly rubbing it. “Such a shame if you ask me…” You looked up at him knowing damn well the effect it would have on him.
“Oh….Y/n….you shouldn’t do that…” He cautioned you lightly bending over you looking like he was trying to hold himself back.
“Or what…” You slowly moved your leg from the slit of your dress, leading your knee into Vox’s crotch and ever so slowly rubbing against it. “What are you gonna do about it?”
Vox threw his head back, groaning before he slowly brought his face back to yours, levelling his eyes with yours.
“Someone is eager tonight~” He teased. “Missed me?”
“Of course I did, your room might be big but if I’m alone it’s boring.” You snapped back.
“Sorry, I assumed you’d need more time to recuperate from our last session, you had practically passed out from the pleasure remember?” He smiled.
You blushed.
“Well, I guess you overestimated yourself” You replied, snarkily.
“I’m sure.” He grinned.
You slowly wrapped your arms around his neck and planted your lips against his. You gave him a slow, yet passionate kiss which he reciprocated immediately, the gentle kiss quickly turning into a heated one as you both fed off the energy of the other and couldn’t get enough. His hands travelled down your body, feeling all its shapes as your tongues melted together. You then pulled away from the kiss and he took in the sight in front of him, admiring your flushed and visibly eager figure.
He proceeded to kiss down your neck, pulling you closer and earning a soft moan from you.
You hand boldly cupped his now very hard member, making him grunt before looking at you.
“Alright we’re outta here.” He muttered and before you could react you saw him disappear into pure electricity yet somehow lift you up then move faster than you could process (or anyone else for that matter) before landing you both into the terrace that led into his office.
His office had a massive desk off which he threw everything to the floor and sat you on it. He immediately went back to kissing you more aggressively. You pulled out of the kiss panting.
“I thought you had a busy night.” You asked.
“Yeah, well they can all go fuck themselves, I’m busy now.” He pulled you closer, his crotch pressing against yours.
You moaned softly, feeling how sensitive you were.
“Oh, I like that sound.” He murmured. His hands went from your hips to your waist. He took a second to look at your whole figure.
“You look drop-dead gorgeous in this dress…” He almost salivated. He kissed you gently but you didn’t let him as you kissed back more aggressively, he noticed and immediately matched your energy. His hands went to your breasts and cupped them gently, earning another soft moan from you. It quickly changed though as you felt a jolt of electricity tease both of your breasts in a soft yet intense way, transforming your moan into a louder one. He had his way of being rough yet soft at the same time, and all of his movements were smooth, though you could feel him get eager and tense. He pulled away from you.
“Fuck, you’re so hot. I gotta pace myself.” He looked out of sorts and tried to compose himself back into his eloquent persona. “Y/n, may I offer you a deal.” He asked.
“A deal?” You panted and asked suspiciously.
“Well, more like a bet.” He noticed you looked interested and continues. “What if I broadcasted you, to that idiot radio bastard, and if you can hold it in like a good girl and not come until he gets here you get to ask whatever you want.” He smiled viciously.
“Hmm…I mean he did do the same last time so that would only be fair…” You thought. “But what’s in it for you?”
“Well, first of all, I get to tease that asshole and that in itself is a win, but if you fail and come before he joins us, WE get to do whatever we want. How does that sound? Probably pretty good, considering how cocky of a brat you are huh?”
You rolled your eyes before grabbing Vox’s jacket, pulling him closer. “Bring it on TV boy.” You arrogantly declared, smirking.
He chuckled and you noticed immediately after a little red light blinking on top of what looked like a camera in the top corner of the room, indication he was probably broadcasting everything to Alastor. His hand had moved behind your neck and he kissed you deeply as his tongue slid inside your mouth, you kissed him back with fervor as he bend over, laying you down onto the desk. He was still kissing you while his hands travelled down your body, resting on your hips before one of them moved to your crotch, softly rubbing it, making you moan.
“Damn Y/n you’re so fucking wet, I barely need to touch you.” He gloated.
Your eyes closed as you enjoyed the feeling of his dexterous fingers rub your entrance.
“Careful there, at this rate you won’t hold until I touch you raw dear.” He teased.
“I’m good V, just do your thing.” You panted.
You weren’t paying attention but it was an actual struggle for Vox to see you in that state. He eventually moved your panties to the side, exposing your dripping parts. He kneeled in front of you, spreading your lips before digging in, making you practically cry out in pleasure, realizing you were closer to the edge than you thought. Vox was savoring you, licking every nook and cranny of your pussy, his long tongue coming in very handy as he kept sending small jolts of electricity while eating you out, making the whole ordeal much harder to withstand than you thought.
“Fuck…” You moaned. “When is Al coming…” You whined, staring at the camera.
“Not before you sweetheart.” Vox declared before attacking you once again, diverting your attention back to him. He looked like he was greatly enjoying himself.
Moans were pouring out of your mouth as well as Vox’s name and you grabbed the edge of the desk, trying your best to hold it in, but you felt it inexorably get closer, that dreaded yet craved orgasm.
“Vox…I’m think I’m gonna…” You moaned.
“Come? I can tell.” He responded still eating you out yet this time pressing hard on your G-spot with his tongue and simultaneously sending a bigger jolt through his tongue, sending you fully over the edge as you gritted your teeth tightly before exploding into a moaning mess, clenching and arching your back. You finished coming and collapsed on your back.
“That’s what I’m talking about, good job Y/n that’s a hot way to lose.” Declared Vox standing back up.
“Fuck off…” You panted, upset.
You heard hands clapping coming from another corner of the room.
“Beautiful darling…” You heard. You turned your panting face to the corner of the room and noticed a shadow displaying red eyes and a wicked smile. The shadow came out of the corner, turning into none other than Alastor.
“No… you asshole, when did you get here!?” Whined Vox.
“Actually, I got here just on time to witness the absolutely delightful view of Y/n giving in to pleasure.” He replied enthusiastically making gestures before switching to a cold tone. “And don’t ever send me any of your stupid screen technology again I’ll appreciate it.” He tossed on the floor towards Vox what looked like a little drone with a broken screen as well as a broken propeller.
“Aww fuck, well that means we both lost, idiot!” Replied Vox angrily before rolling his eyes. You smiled in victory, still recovering though.
“Nonsense, how can witnessing our sweetheart reach a climax be considered anything other than a victory, plus if I followed your little bet correctly, Y/n still gets to ask whatever she wants.” He walked close to you. “I’m sure she’ll choose wisely.”
Having recovered enough to think more clearly you took a second to think of what you were gonna ask. It clicked and you sat up on the desk as the tall figures stood before you.
“Ok, so I noticed that the both of you are busy men, correct?”
They both nodded.
“However, as busy as you both might be, I do not enjoy being treated like a side piece.”
They both looked at you curiously.
“It is not okay that I basically have to beg for either of you guy’s attention, so what I’m demanding is some more quality time with the both of you, and also that you don’t just toss me around from the get go and leave me some creative freedom during sex.”
Vox looked perplexed. Alastor’s expression looked frozen for a second, he then palmed his face before opening his mouth, turning to Vox.
“Great job, blockhead. I leave her in your care for a few days and she launches a rebellion.”
“Shut it dumbass, this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t neglected her for two weeks while she was with you.” Vox countered.
“Right…” Alastor looked away annoyingly.
They both looked your way and Alastor spoke.
“Can you give us a minute to discuss the terms of this agreement?” He politely asked.
“Of course.” You smiled. “You have one minute.” Your smile faded.
Alastor looked at you with his usual smile, but you could tell even though he might have been annoyed there was a form of respect shining through his eyes.
“Alright dear.” He turned to Vox. “Come on Static, let’s go.” He started walking towards the corner of the room.
“Hey, who are you calling Static, old fart?” snapped back Vox as he followed.
You rolled your eyes and waited for a minute while they quietly debated. Seeing them being force to associate never got old.
After their minute was up, they walked back to you. You were still sitting at the edge of Vox’s desk.
Vox started speaking.
“Ok Y/n, we're okay with your terms. We’ll spend more quality time with you and not just fuck you when we’re with you.”
“As hard as that would be.” Added Alastor. “Though we need you to define ‘creative freedom’ dear.” He finished.
You thought for a second.
“5 minutes of uninterrupted action from me, to the both of you.” You replied. They both looked at each other and smiled widely.
“Alright then.” He declared in a satisfied tone.
“So, it’s a deal?” They both said at the same time, hold up their hand for a handshake.
You breathed softly then shook both of their hands, a massive glowing light engulfing the room, it shined red, blue, green and more. They both looked more than happy as everything calmed down.
“Perfect.” Exclaimed Alastor. “I’m just going to need you to bend over for me for a moment.”
“Al, we literally just agreed to let me do my thing !” You retorted back.
“Oh I know, don’t worry I won’t interfere I just need to do something first, no need to be suspicious.” He said innocently.
You rolled your eyes before bending over the desk, looking back at Alastor who had just pulled out something from god knows where.
“What’s that?” You examined the red object resting on his palm, it was neither big nor small, it looked soft, cone shaped with a narrow base and what looked like a small handle.
“I’ll show you Darling.” He grinned.
He bent over your body, and you felt him slowly start the insert the object in your ass.
“A butt plug!?” You yelled.
“Are you gonna stay a good girl?” Alastor asked politely. You nodded instinctively, which made you a little mad at yourself. Though you felt caught off guard you felt more curious than anything about this. He finished pushing it all the way in and you felt stuffed in a new way, it didn’t hurt at all and after breathing in you turned back around to face them.
“Great.” You smiled. “Love making deals with you guys.”
They both stared at you.
“Better hurry dear, the clock is ticking, you’ve got 4 minutes and 48 seconds left.” Declared Alastor looking at the clock on the wall in a nonchalant tone as they both harbored a sadistic smile.
You realized the situation you were in. They both stared at you, holding their arms behind their back, waiting patiently.
You quickly dropped to your knees in front of them and swiftly unzipped the fly of their pants. Both of their shaft slid right out of their pants, holding arrogantly in front of you. You looked up for an instant and noticed they were both looking composed yet eagerly awaiting your next move.
You grabbed the both of them by the base as started by licking Alastor’s tip while stroking Vox. You did the same to Vox after tasting Alastor and gradually took more of their member in your mouth. You wrapped your tongue around them and made sure you went all the way to the base.
A quick glance at the clock indicated half of your time had gone already. You then looked up and realized the both of them displayed flushed expressions. Seeing them like that made you feel so aroused you could feel yourself dripping. They were both dead focused on you. You continued and licked Vox’s member from the base to the tip before taking him all the way to the base and down your throat, earning a slight moan from the man, you then pulled out and did the same to Alastor’s cock, hearing him pant as he felt swallowed all the way down. You savored the both of them like lollipops, enjoying yourself so much you failed to pace yourself, resulting in you heavy panting in between each movement and if you were sucking one, you were stroking the other.
Pulling out of Alastor, you stroked the both of them, catching your breath. You resumed a little more aggressively, taking Vox in and sucking firmly on his tip and shaft while wrapping your tongue around him.
“F-Fuck.” You heard him murmur. You looked up at him and noticed how he was visibly struggling to keep it together.
You moved to Alastor, focusing on his tip as well and sucking well with your tongue guiding you. You looked up at him and caught his smile wavering.
The clock now indicated less than a minute left, so you gave it your all. You took them both in your mouth simultaneously, sucking hard and making them both lean closer, closing in on you as they broke their composure and each laid a hand on the edge of the desk behind you, panting heavily. You felt them both get bigger and tensing up. You knew they were close, seeing as they couldn’t stand without assistance. You also knew they were actively trying not to come. But as much as they felt like they were in control most of the time, you knew you got whatever you wanted out of them and decided to remind them just that. You pulled them both out of your mouth, stroking them at a rapid pace and looked up at them, slightly out of breath, with a pleading look on your face.
“Are you not gonna let me have your delicious cum?” You said softly opening your mouth, your tongue lightly sticking out.
These words were enough to make them both lose the little bit of control they were clinging onto, exploding simultaneously and spurting most of their cum in your mouth. You kept stroking them until they finished coming and swallowed all that had landed in your mouth, you even scooped the tiny amount that had landed on your cleavage and licked it eagerly.
You noticed the panting fading away and looked up. It’s like they had both snapped back into reality, Vox looked satisfied yet still eager and Alastor’s expression was a mix of satisfaction and something that looked like frustration.
“Fuck Y/n, you got game!” Vox exclaimed.
You smiled.
“I hope you enjoyed yourself thoroughly my dear.” Voiced Alastor, looking like he had lost a bet, smiling through obvious bitterness.
“Probably not as much as you did.” You shot back, still smiling from the corner of your mouth.
“This is why I hate giving control to brats…” He rolled his eyes. “Maybe it’s time we remind her who’s in charge here?” The radio demon declared smiling devilishly.
“Great idea.” Added Vox.
Before you could move they both grabbed you, lifting you effortlessly back on your feet.  Alastor ripped your dress off you in one movement before pulling you against him, his face dangerously close to yours.
“I think we’ve respected our part of the deal, now it’s your turn, so you’re going to behave and let us ravage you?” He smiled.
You nodded, dropping your bratty act as you craved them both.
He patted your head. “Good girl.”
 He then turned you around and swiftly pushed you over to Vox who caught you before grabbing your chin and giving you a deep kiss that felt like a reward. He then lifted you up, and, while still kissing you he moved towards a large leather couch on the side of the room. He then laid more comfortably on his back while settling you on top of him.
He kissed you deeply and you felt him rip your panties.
You pulled away, panting.
“You guys are gonna have to start buying me new ones.” You teased.
“If I had it my way you wouldn’t ever need any.” He teased.
You decided to move your hips, grinding against him and when he felt it, he grinned widely, feeling how drenched you were.
“If you’re gonna be so greedy and impatient…” He spoke softly.
You hadn’t noticed him positioning himself at your entrance, but you felt him suddenly pushing himself into you, filling you in a way you had missed. You both groaned in satisfaction.
After a moment you were done adjusting and noticed he wasn’t moving. He was just looking at you, smiling, his hands resting on your ass, holding it tightly.
“Aren’t you gonna move?” You asked curiously.
“Not yet Sweetheart.” He replied teasingly and you felt him spread your ass cheeks.
“What an impatient little mix.” You heard whispered right by your ear, taking you by surprise. It was Alastor, settled right behind you. “Well, if you wanna be ravage that much, I guess we’ll have to oblige.” He continued before you felt him suddenly rip the plug out of your ass, making you scream, you were surprised it didn’t hurt but the surprise itself had definitely caught you off guard. "I think you're ready for me darling." He finished.
You then felt what you could only assume to be Alastor’s tip press against your rear end, making you yelp.
“Now, now relax dear…” He whispered softly as he filled you more and you did your best, feeling him stuff you to your limit.
You had never been fuller but oddly enough that uncomfortable feeling faded quickly and was replaced by pleasure as you felt new erogenous zones getting teased.
They both slowly started to thrust and those feelings of pleasure were suddenly multiplied by a hundred. Soon enough, moans were pouring out of your mouth uncontrollably and even more so as they both picked up the pace.
Vox’s hands were resting on your waist and Alastor’s were on your ass, holding it tightly as he moved smoothly.
“I have to admit…” The radio demon declared in his usual composed manner, though you could tell some pants were breaking through his speech. “…She is louder than she looks when her mouth isn’t full.”
“I’m not about to complain.” Added Vox as he tossed your bra aside before cupping your breast and teasing your nipples, making your moans even louder.
Having so many spots teased at the same time was not something you were familiar with and they both felt you tighten as you gave in to pleasure.
“Oh, you’re gonna come already?” Smirked Vox pinching your nipples while thrusting hard.
“Yes…let us hear it.” Continued Alastor.
Before long, you were coming hard, making it almost uncomfortably tight for them both and you heard them groan as you cried out in pleasure.
“Shit…” Vox cursed, his face twisting in overwhelming pleasure, though he looked like he had managed to keep it together.
“Are you as weak as our friend when it comes to pleasure?” Teased Alastor. “You look like you’re struggling~” He added. That made Vox visibly angry.
“Shut the fuck up!” He yelled with a hint of embarrassment. “I’m fine! She just gets really tight when she comes that’s all.”
“That she does.” He acknowledged.
You emerged from your orgasm, thinking clearly again and they picked up their thrusting right where they had left it. The pleasure immediately started to build back up.
“You guys…” You cried out.
“What, are you going to come again?” Taunted Alastor.
“Already? You literally just came!” Laughed Vox obnoxiously.
Your face went bright red. You decided to try your best to not give them this satisfaction.
You grabbed tightly onto Vox’s shirt and did your best to focus and not let the pleasure control you. Alastor immediately noticed.
“Oh my…looks like she’s actually trying to hold it in!” He exclaimed in a sarcastically impressed tone.
“Cute…” Replied Vox enthusiastically. “Useless…but cute.” He smiled wickedly while starting to thrust faster.
Alastor did the same and before long you felt that edge get closer than you were comfortable with.
“Come on now dear…you know it’s rude to make people wait.” The red demon spoke gently into your ear, his voice sending chills up your spine and making you involuntarily moan louder.
“You know you want to.” Added Vox as he teased your breasts with some electricity, playing with your now rock-hard nipples.
Alastor spanked your ass as he kept thrusting.
“And rude people get disciplined.” Added Alastor.
You tightened around them and he spanked you again, this time harder.
Each time pushed you closer towards the climax, and you were now desperately whimpering in pleasure.
“Please…” You pleaded.
“No no sweetheart~, you know what we want.” Responded Alastor before spanking your again, making you yelp.
“Fuck, how tight are you gonna get?” Blurted Vox, seemingly reaching his limit as well.
“God, I’m gonna come…” You cried out.
Vox’s face got closer to yours. “Wrong name Y/n.” He started fucking you harder, aggressively thrusting into you.
Alastor grabbed your hair, pulling your face close to his. “Now darling be sure to keep his name out of this room.” He declared before kissing you aggressively as they both relentlessly pounded into you.
You wanted to apologize but didn’t have time. You grabbed Vox’s shirt tightly with one hand, and Alastor’s hand laying on your waist with the other as you felt yourself lose control and a huge wave washed over you, making you climax somehow even harder, your walls tightening again around them and earning a groan from both men as you felt them release deep inside of you as they kept fucking you, filling you to the brim.
As you cooled down you collapsed fully onto Vox as they both pulled out, cum dripping from both of your holes. They didn’t waste time to clean you up and Vox carried you back to his bedroom after Alastor had covered you with his shirt.
You woke up the next morning, not having realized you had passed out once again. You smelled Alastor’s scent and thought he was nearby but quickly realized it was coming from his shirt that you were wearing.
The situation felt familiar, except they weren’t in the bedroom having tea, you were alone. It felt strange because the bed looked messier than it would if only one person had slept in it, plus you weren’t a restless sleeper. You stood, taking a moment to acknowledge how sore everything felt yet again.
“Maybe I did need more rest than I thought.” You spoke to yourself, walking towards the terrace, wrapping yourself into Alastor’s shirt. You opened the curtain and noticed the two recognizable figures sitting at a long table filled with breakfast items. You walked out to join them.
“Well, hello my dear Y/n!” Exclaimed Vox noticing you as you arrived. “Did you get enough rest this time? We can’t keep having you pass out like that each time.” He chuckled, drinking coffee from his mug.
“Indeed, it is problematic, I can’t make a habit of watching you all night in case something happens.” Added Alastor sipping from a tea cup not far from Vox.
You sat at the table.
“You guys stayed with me while I slept?” You inquired as a butler served some orange juice in front of you.
“Well I kinda had to, I mean you were in my bed after all…he stuck around cause he’s a freak.” Said Vox. “What kind of host would I be if I didn’t look out after my guests, but don’t worry, we got some rest as well, you weren’t easy yesterday.” He added.
“Ah yes, I would appreciate if you didn’t make me share a bed with that specimen again in the future thank you.” Declared Alastor nonchalantly as Vox glared at him.
“I literally told you to leave.” Vox shot back.
“And leave her in your care? No thank you we saw what happened after she stayed with you last time, she’s never been this defiant before.” He argued back.
You laughed. “I’m just getting comfortable that’s all.” You expressed casually.
“Oh dear…” Alastor rolled his eyes. “But I have to admit I do like a good challenge.”
“Anyways Y/n,” Interrupted Vox. “We were discussing the deal we made yesterday, about that quality time, will you be rested enough to go out tonight?” He asked politely.
“Sure!” You responded enthusiastically; your mouth stuffed with a croissant.
“Good.” He smiled, before taking a sip.
“Perfect then.” Continued Alastor, sipping as well.
“I have to admit.” You continued. “I’m surprised you both accepted that deal.”
“Well, as irritating as this guy gets, it’ll be worth it if you’re in the picture.” Replied Vox calmly.
“And I’m sure you’ll come to your senses soon enough and ditch this guy so don’t worry your sweet little mind about it.” Added Alastor.
“Fuck you.” Snapped back Vox.
You laughed and continued your breakfast, satisfied with how things ended up turning out.
To be continued...
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I love writing those two, I feel like this time I focused more on y/n and her dynamic with them but I'll be sure to write more exchanges between them next time. This whole series started because I was obsessed with 'Stayed Gone' so it makes sense i guess? Anyways I hope you enjoyed and thank you if you've read this far. Shlonguru out! o/
PS : I know Alastor is Aroace and I hope no one takes offense to my work. I genuinely take pleasure in writing smuts and I've been loving his personality that's all.
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factual-fantasy · 6 days
28 Asks! Thank you! :}} 🧜‍♀️
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Nope. That's not me. I don't have a tiktok. :/
Remember folks! Like my pinned post says, if you find my artwork anywhere else other than here? Its stolen 100% of the time!
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I don't understand what you're asking... <:0
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My only opinion is that the eyes are really spooky looking <XDD
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Thank you so much!! :DD Unfortunately I haven't thought much of that through yet.. I only have vague ideas so far. Like how the slimes in The Wilds will be hisuian pokemon for example. I plan to work more on the slimes soon! <XDD
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@sora-the-air-wubbox (Oh hey! I know of wubboxes! :D )
I have not actually.. are those the roblox guys..? <:0
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Awe! Thank you!! :DDD I'll have to think of who to pass this to next! :00
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AAAA THANK YOU!! :DD I haven't played the slime Rancher 2 demo but I still want to play it when the full game comes out! :))
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(PLA inspired comic in question)
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Having my artwork compared to the beautiful works of studio Ghibili is such an honor!! 😭😭💞💞💞
And speaking of a continuation.. I actually finished drawing a short comic last night about Ingo and Emmet's reunion. It was all done and ready to post... but then I changed my mind. The quality of the comic was much lower than the PLA comic I just did. No backgrounds, rushed line art.. uninspired house design.. eh. I just wasn't satisfied.
I still plan to post a reunion comic mind you! I just want to put more heart into it and try drawing it again- <XDD
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A tempting offer I must say, but I'm still on break from the Octonauts fandom!.. <XD
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Thank you!! :DDD And my favorite slime is the puddle slime.. 🥺💞 and my fave largo has gotta be the Mosaic x phosphor, but specifically the secret style pack version XDD
Now for Boom Boom and Pom Pom.. that's a good question.. I haven't really thought about them :00 I supposed they can be some higher ranking soldiers of some kind! (Also my Koopa Kingdoms has more primitive technology than in cannon <XD. Although they get quite a boost thanks to magikoopas.👀👀)
Also the super ball flower creates some interesting ideas.. maybe it could be a flower that allows Mario and Luigi to turn things into metal? But why would it be a flower.. hmm.. I think I'll have to do a lot of retconning If I wants to add this flower to my AU <XDD
Also thank you for the ask! Always appreciated :)))
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XDD Who knows? Maybe they are!
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XDD Cant say I'll make a comic series for them, but if I did it would totally be like that! Mostly Dink being high energy and annoying the sleepy Doink XDD
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So far my intentions are that they don't have a trainer :00
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You'd be surprised how often I get told that <XDD
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Draw something for me?.. weeell.... I do love Dusknoir... 🥺🥺👀👀👀
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Not sick again, its the same unknown medical problem I've been dealing with for almost a year now.. 😔😔😔Thank you though, I'm doing my best to stay calm and take it easy <:}}}
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Hi Timothy! I am afraid :D
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His eyes always make me laugh <XDD
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I have not.. though it looks good, maybe I should give it a watch! :00
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(Furby Grimace)
Oh he's fine. He's just coming to grips with his own mortality that's all <XD
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:DD THANK YOUU!! :)))))
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And I'm so glad you feel the same way about the whole romantic love thing!! Sure they're great an all.. but I feel like the only kinds of relationships I see I fandoms are romantic ships..
Where are all the brotherhood comics? Characters motivated by a deep love for each other but its platonic and not romantic? I have so much more fun experimenting with those kinds of stories!
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:DDD Thank you! I'm glad to see Jangles getting some love! 🥰🥰
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XDD Go for it!
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I know this was probably a drawing suggestion, but since they're closed now I'll answer it as a question....😅
My favorite legendary is a tough pick.. I love a lot of them.. 🥺💞💞but man, its hard to beat Xerneas. My favorite shiny is also a hard pick.. Its gonna have to be shiny Giratina. With shiny Rayquaza and shiny primal Kyogre as honorable mentions XDD
I know you didn't say this but I'll put it in there anyways XDD My favorite sub-legendary is Suicune. But my favorite shiny out of the sub-legendaries is actually Chi-Yu.. 👀👀
My favorite mythical Pokémon is Celebi , and my favorite shiny mythical is also Celebi. XDD I love that littol onion,,🥺💞💞💞
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piratefalls · 4 months
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i'm back! between work and trying to write my first fic for this fandom i've been falling really behind on reading, so for now these are going to be a more bi-weekly occurrence than weekly. in any event, there's truly a little bit here for everyone, so enjoy this week's mix of a+ works!
you and me, babe, how about it? by @myheartalivewrites
Alex sits in the back of their Secret Service approved, PPO driven Land Rover, excitement thrumming through his body. The leather squeaks as he fidgets incessantly; his skin burns where Kieran’s shoulder is pressed into his, despite the layers of fabric between them. On the other side of Kieran, he can see Henry’s fingers twitch on top of his own knee, playing an imaginary piano, flicking out and squeezing in before releasing and starting again. Like he’s so fucking desperate to reach out and touch the leg next to his he’s having to muster up all of his self-control, draw on all the years of keeping himself restrained, just to not start things too soon. Alex can’t believe they’re actually, finally, doing this.
you know i can't be found with you by stutteringpeach
“He’s cute,” Alex declares on the first day of class. Liam doesn’t even bother to look up from his laptop. “Uh huh.” “The professor.” Liam makes a non-committal noise. “I’m gonna fuck him.”
Longer Than Most by happinessofthepursuit
“Oh,” Alex says. “Sick.” Henry can’t help but grin. He can’t believe he’s so bloody gone on a man who says sick and dude, who he’s slept with all of one time and proceeded to knock him up. Henry’s a cliche, honestly. “It is, indeed, sick, as you say.” Alex rolls his eyes, but his cheeks darken a shade, giving him away a bit. “Listen, the closest I get to poetry is your fucking face. Excuse me if my vocabulary doesn’t quite compare to yours.” Or, Alex and Henry have a one night stand. That is, until a baby’s involved.
Baby (Let Me Put On a Show) by SatinBirds
It’s been five months, and still Alex is never completely prepared for Henry’s performances. Private or otherwise. Or, Henry is a night dancer, and he’s everything Alex wants.
Sun Salutations (Waif for Me) by @duchessdepolignaca03
He repeats the movement five or six times, his body heating up with each repetition, loosening the hangovers’ grip on him through very effective breathwork. Wanting to open up his hips a little bit more, he settles into a wide-legged forward fold. He holds the pose, enjoying the delicious stretch on his lower back and virtually all the muscles of his lower body. Then he just about jumps out of his skin when he hears, “Mmm, breakfast is served.” Or: Alex parties hard on a Thursday night and has some deliciously anonymous sex with the glittery blond he calls Waif. When he wakes to do his naked sun salutations, he learns that Waif is a very, very hungry, 'temporarily unhoused' boy whom Alex quickly invites to live rent-free in his head.
secret, scars, and trust by viciouslyqueer
He trails off and Henry takes the opportunity to cup his cheek, gently swiping his thumb over the smooth skin. “Hey. We don’t have to do anything. We can stop right now if you want to, or cuddle for a while. I can put on a movie if you’d like. I don’t mind either way.” Alex’s smile grows and he leans into the touch, pecking Henry’s lips again. “Thanks, baby,” he murmurs, and Henry has to fight the urge to react at the pet name. “But it’s not that. I want to keep going, if you want it, too. I just have to tell you something before, okay?”
make it five by anincompletelist
“Fifty bucks says I can get that guy’s number.” Popping the bubble of cinnamon-flavored gum Alex had just blown, he glances up from his phone to look at where Nora’s pointing. Just over the soles of his shoes, crossed at the ankles and propped on the flaking black wood of the shop’s front desk, there’s a man with broad shoulders lingering by the far wall. Alex hadn’t even heard the guy come in. “Nora. He’s literally looking at one of the biggest dildos I’ve ever seen,” he deadpans quietly. + alex works at a sex toy shop. it's usually a pretty easy job — if he could just stop daydreaming about the blonde guy that keeps coming in to buy literally all of alex's favorite sex toys.
talk by smc_27
Henry records himself for an audio erotica app. Alex finds it. And listens.
Got a ticket for two by clottedcreamfudge
Henry likes his apartment - he has done since the day he moved in a year ago. The light in the sitting room is gorgeous at all times of day thanks to the ceiling to floor windows which lead out onto a south-facing balcony, only just large enough for the plethora of plantlife his flatmates care for. The kitchen is always stocked with his favourite tea, everyone keeps to their allotted cupboard and fridge space, and the bathrooms are kept meticulously clean. There's a rota for chores stuck to the fridge with magnets from Rhode Island and Minnesota, London and Milan, with everything typed up neatly so that nobody has to squint to read someone else's awful handwriting. His flatmates themselves? Well, they're a little… strange.
Far Away From the One That I Love by allmylovesatonce
It's been an agonizing two months of Henry being in London and Alex being in New York. When an opportunity to finally be reunited with Henry comes his way, Alex jumps on it. But things don't go quite how they expected after so much time away.
If We're Caught in a Wage (I Will Carry You Over) by @sparklepocalypse
There it is, up ahead – the small island just offshore, with Alex’s favorite broad, flat stone outcropping, perfect for sunning himself in seclusion. He splashes into the shallows and dives in when the water’s up to his knees, and it’s a matter of maybe a minute’s swim to reach the island. Alex finds his footing among the sand and pebbles, pulls himself upright, and shakes the water out of his hair, then pushes it back from his face. He can practically hear the outcropping calling to him -- you know, if inanimate rock could speak. Alex stretches, his mid-back satisfyingly popping, and then skirts his way between some larger rocks until his sunning rock is in view. Except – there’s someone already on the outcropping, their short blond hair shimmering in the sunshine, the upper slant of their shoulders visible from where Alex is standing. (Movie or Bookverse AU; Alex rents a remote beach house and Henry is a cecaelia.)
Protect Your Solitude by graceofgrayskull
At the 2016 Rio Olympics, Alex stumbles onto Prince Henry crying in a storage closet and is forced to rewrite his perception of their first meeting.
Out For A Bite by everwitch
Henry's eyes fly up, zeroing in on the reflection in the mirror. There, behind him. The man from the bar. He looks different in the fluorescent bathroom lights. Sharper. There’s a look in his eyes that has Henry shivering all over again. It's greedy. Hungry. He’s staring right at Henry. Henry's throat feels dry. His heart beats madly. He's heard whispers of this place, and more importantly of its patrons. He thinks he knows what this man is.
each time we touch / i wanna take too much by @firenati0n
my fingers slipped and now there are fingers in mouths. wrote this in one sitting at 5am today. please forgive any egregious errors, i wrote it without my glasses on and on no sleep lol. hope you like it. <3 title from New Girl by FINNEAS
you took the time to memorize me (my fears, my hopes, my dreams) by coffeecatsme
The tour guide has a small bisexual flag pinned to his chest, right next to where his name is scrawled in big, bold letters. Alex, it reads; simple, to the point. The name tag rests on a red and black flannel, and underneath is a white t-shirt with Georgetown’s name stretched on the front, reminding Henry ever so starkly that he’s thousands of miles away from what he calls home. The flannel stretches over broad shoulders leading up to a strong jaw, all in contrast with the bright, dimpled grin stretched over a beautiful face. Henry thinks there isn't a place on the world far enough away from his grandmother to escape her clutches - even after transferring to Georgetown. Then, his tour guide extends a helping hand and shows him otherwise. Or, 5 steps Alex and Henry take to memorize each other and 1 time they realize they already do.
Praise & Supplication by NoCoastPosts
Alex is always moving, always going, always seeking. He is defiance and brashness tinged with anxiety, but not in these moments. Henry pins him down with a gaze as heavy as his touch, and all of Alex’s motions cease. He is calm, he is obedient, he is pliable. He knows he’ll be broken apart piece by piece, sending waves of heat deep into his core. or When Alex gets stuck in his head, Henry helps him let go.
Another Door Opens by 14carrotgold
Henry takes a long drink. “If it makes you feel any better, my dad's dead. He and my mum had the type of love straight from the storybooks and it got cut tragically short, so what is the point in finding something real if it's just going to hurt you?” Alex bites back a smile and shakes his head. “How in the fuck was that supposed to make me feel better?” He waves his hand awkwardly. “Oh, I just thought we were both sharing the trauma that impacted our romantic relationships.” - Henry and Alex first meet when Henry reveals their partners are cheating on them with each other.
Fifteen Hours Till Forever by inexplicablymine
“I would say that in this life, we aren’t granted many chances at true happiness, at the unadulterated freedom and joy that comes to the lucky ones. I would say that I know right now only fifteen feet apart, fifteen hours till forever, and somehow the universe has decided I ought to be one of the luckiest there are.” “But tomorrow,” he continues, “when we are saying our vows, when we are promising ourselves to one another forever, I want you to look me in the eyes and know that you are it for me.”  OR The year is 2025, and the world doesn't know they are getting married. 
home by rizcriz
For a moment he fears Henry’s been outed against his will somehow, but he scrolls down to find a video clip. Unable to trust himself to watch the video, he scrolls a little further to read the transcript. He learns that Henry had come out during a ribbon cutting, of all things. He’d stood in front of a crowd of a couple hundred people gathered for the opening of a new youth shelter, and he’d told his truth. Alex is tempted to watch the video, to examine his body language to see if it was planned or not, but he reads further and one sentence stands out to tell him it wasn’t. There is no comment yet from Buckingham Palace. -- or, six months after Henry rejected Alex at Kensington Palace.
The Way of Things by writerkenna
Henry and Alex have been very much enjoying the life they’ve managed to carve out for themselves. They’ve had to compromise and work and change to maintain it, but it’s worth it. Henry finds himself pregnant, though, and everything they’ve built starts to turn on its head. as always, let me know if you want to be tagged either because you're a writer or a reader (or both!) and i'll see you next time!
My life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person by lizzie_bennetdarcy
Alex plans to be a lot of firsts in the world. But this absolutely isn't the kind of first he was thinking. He stares wide-eyed into the mirror at the letters on his shoulder while June whines to be let in. Alex finally unlocks the door and June bursts through. “Show me!” Wordlessly, Alex turns to show her his back. "What the actual fuck?" June exclaims, then claps a hand over her mouth. "Sorry, that was rude, but — is it more than one person?" Or: Five times Alex doesn't find his soulmate, and one time he does
tagging: @starkfridays @stilesgivesmefeels @midnightsfp @sarahjswift omg i feel like i'm missing someone
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u1dh · 10 months
My Bowser x reader ideas:
Bowser seeking refuge in your kingdom after he escapes Princess Peach's imprisonment.
Princess Peach using you as Bowser bait cause she's sick of being kidnapped n shit (you're totally into it, tho).
Princess Peach x reader x Bowser? I've literally got nothing else cuz I've had Bowser brainrot for a few months now, but omg..... 🫣
This is probably the one I like the most, and the one I've put the most thought into (under cut):
While Bowser is still in Princess Peach's captivity, you wander around his kingdom just cause you think it's cool and like, who's gonna stop you anywayz?
Eventually Kamek and the rest of the Koopa Troop notice you, but they don't really care because they're too busy trying to figure out how to aid Bowser in his escape, along with running the kingdom without him (I'd imagine that mostly lies on Kamek).
You figure hey, you dig this place, and you're bored as hell. Why don't you just become the new ruler for a little while? And that's what you propose to them.
They decide to entertain you, knowing that a random little human isn't gonna be able to do much harm anyway. They don't expect it to go much farther than being an inside joke, but they're surprised when they find out that they actually... Like you? And you're kind of good at this? And it's kind of nice to not have a huge fire-breathing beast with anger issues over their shoulders all the time??? Kamek is also enjoying his much needed break, so it just ends up not being a joke anymore. You're just their ruler now, and they're chill with it.
Anyway, when Bowser inevitably gets out, drama ensues, and it's kind of like a weird custody battle. Reader and him start off on a really bad foot, and they consider each other enemies at first. The only thing that stops Bowser from murking you on the spot is Kamek (lucky, lucky you!), and it is very physical. We're talking movie Bowser here so, he doesn't really care about what's best for his kingdom or what they want fr.
Anyway, a lot of the Koopa Troop really, really like you, but they are also loyal to their king, and let's be real: some of the troop could probably go without Bowser, but that simply isn't allowed. So, you guys basically have to co-parent the troop, even though you hate each other. They even pick a favorite "parent," lol.
Obviously the relationship will escalate to more of a romantic one once you guys really get to talking and interacting or whateva... and yeah.
There's still a lot for me to figure out like, where does this reader even come from? What draws them to the Koopa Kingdom? Do the Koopa Troop aid Bowser in his escape, or do they get carried away with you being their ruler and he ends up having to escape himself?
Lots for me to think about, and lots of plot holes to fill... but I wanted to know what you guys think of this. Is it something you'd be interested in reading? Does anything already seem inaccurate our OOC?
Oh and btw, if you wanna use some of these ideas in your own works, I don't care!!! Go crazy with it! I'm not necessarily new to writing fanfiction, but I've never been particularly good at it so... if I never end up writing these ideas into real stories, I really don't want them to go to waste! I'm going to try my best, but y'know... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think it'd be fun to see others takes on these prompts anyway.
I really love Bowser, and there is not enough x reader fanfiction to satisfy me. I just had to post something... I'm going crazy!!!!!!!!! Feral, even! Help me!! 😩
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amor1st03 · 1 year
10 Things I Hate About You | Bang Chan
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Bang Chan x fem!reader
(kinda) enemies to lovers
warnings: some swearing, smoking, alcohol use, mentions of being sick, Jisung being a prick tbh, if you don't have a sister sorry but now you do I've used S/N for sister's name
word count: 6.5k
in which: I literally rewrite 10 Things I Hate About You, it sticks pretty true to the orignal film but a few things have been changed just for a bit of fun
a/n: I, in no way, intend to claim the idea/plot as my own, I have slimply taken a film I really like and rewritten it. also, if you haven’t seen the film go watch it, it is so good and this will probably make much more sense if you’ve seen it.
Skz Masterlist
"He's our guy," Changbin said to Jeongin, pointing out Bang Chan. "He's the only one who would dare to date Y/N."
"Okay, and how are we going to convince him to take her out?"
"I've thought of that too. We need someone with cash." Changbin turned to look at a different table in the cafeteria, pointing out Jisung this time. He was sitting at a rowdy table of boys, laughing along with them.
"Alright, and how do we get him to do that?"
"We all know he's been trying to get with S/N recently, so we'll just suggest to him that he should pay somebody to take Y/N out so that he can take S/N. While he focuses on paying Bangchan, you can swoop in and make S/N fall helplessly in love or whatever you have in mind."
"Right," Jeongin said, but he didn't sound too confident.
"I'll sort this, don't worry." Changbin stood up and walked over to Jisung's table. Jisung and his friends eyed the boy as he sat down. Jeongin watched as they talk, saw Jisung grab Changbin's face, and start drawing something on his cheek with a marker. When the conversation was over Changbin had a satisfied look on his face. Jisung turned to look at him and Jeongin saw him mouth the words 'you can go now' with a tilt of his head. Changbin left the table and smiled a smug smile as he sat back down with Jeongin.
"All sorted, see, told you this was a good idea." Jeongin smiled as he started to imagine getting to take S/N out. Changbin also continued to smile for a moment more before thinking back to Jisung drawing on his face.
"I have a dick on my face, don't I?"
Chan eyed the two boys, cigarette hanging from his lips, as they sat down beside him on the bench.
"Do I know you?"
"No, but we know what you're trying to do with Y/N. See the thing is, we are behind it all, we convinced Jisung to pay you, thinking that he would get a chance with S/N, but Jeongin here has a thing for her too. We figured we could help you out."
"Okay then, you got any advice for me?"
"Not yet, but S/N offered to talk to Jeongin and tell him a bit more about Y/N. So far, all we know is that most people are scared of her."
"I figured that much out myself from the way people avoid her, thanks." He glanced over at you on the pitch as you were playing football.
"Are you kidding me, that was a foul, we should get a goddamn free kick for that!" Chan smiled a little at your outburst. He had been observing you for a few days, deciding how best to approach you. He found it was not as easy as he thought. He had seen how cold you were to other people and he wanted to make a good first impression if he was going to get you to go out with him.
As the game concluded you headed off the pitch, grabbing your water bottle. Chan stood up, ignoring whatever Changbin was saying.
"Hey there. Saw you on the pitch, you were pretty great and so right about that foul, should've been a free kick."
"Anyway, Y/N, right? How are you feeling after that match?"
"Well, I'm sweating like a pig, actually." You continued to walk away from the pitch, Chan caught up, walking next to you.
"That's one way to get a guy's attention."
"Ah, yes, my mission in life," You said sarcastically. "Well, I seem to have struck your fancy so whatever I'm doing must be working."
"It is. Working, I mean. So how about I take you out on Saturday then?"
"Hard pass."
"Come on, just one date?"
"I'm good, thanks, I've got better things to do on a Saturday than hang out with some 'bad boy' who probably just wants to get in my pants."
"I'm truly hurt you think so little of me."
"Don't be, I think little of most people. I'm leaving now, you can stop following me." And with that, you walked away from the boy. He smiled a little. This was going to be a lot harder than he thought. Good thing he liked a challenge.
After a few more failed attempts at asking you out, Chan needed all the help he could get. So Jeongin did some digging, with the help of your sister. S/N had managed to give him an insight into your life. You liked music, reading, and drawing but your biggest hobby was definitely fashion design. It was your dream, your room, which your sister had shown him, was filled with sketches of design ideas and fabrics for projects.
Jeongin and Changbin had found Chan in a bar, playing pool. When he saw the two of them approach and leaned against the pool table, bringing his cigarette up to his lips.
"What have you got for me?"
"Well, she loves music and art and fashion. She has tons of designs in her room. S/N also told me she's not big on smokers," He said, taking the cigarette from between Chan's lips and putting it out in the ashtray as Chan blew the smoke. "And, uh, Y/N likes pretty guys."
"Are you telling me I'm not a pretty guy?" He stood up straight, looking questioningly at Jeongin.
"No, no, of course not, you're a very pretty guy," Jeongin stumbled over his words. "Anyway, there's this art exhibit she's going to on Friday night, it would be a great opportunity for you to try and ask her out again."
"No way, I don't like artsy shit like that."
"Come on, man, you're getting paid for this," Changbin spoke up beside Jeongin. "Just show her that you can take an interest in the things that she likes." Chan thought about it for a moment.
"I'll think about it."
"Well, we already bought you a ticket so..."
"Yep, here you go, Friday, 7 pm, I'll message you the address," Jeongin said, handing him the ticket.
You had been peacefully strolling around the art exhibit when you noticed a familiar face. He just had to come here and ruin it, didn't he?
"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked Chan in an annoyed tone as you stood in front of him.
"Sorry, do you mind, I'm trying to look at this piece, you're kinda in the way." You looked at him in disbelief before moving to the side.
"You're really here for the art exhibition?" You asked more softly this time.
"Yeah, am I not allowed or something?"
"No, I just- never mind." He continued to look at the painting in front of him before looking over at you.
"I really like that top you have on."
"Oh, thanks. I made it actually."
"Really? Well, you look pretty in it." You felt your cheeks warm at his words. To the side of you, you saw an old couple whispering. They saw you gazing over at them, questioningly.
"I'm sorry, it's just so nice to see a young couple like yourselves acting so sweet around each other."
"Oh, we're not-"
"Thank you, my girlfriend and I really appreciate it." The old couple smiled and moved away.
"Bang Chan!" You said, but you couldn't help but laugh a little in disbelief.
"Sorry, couldn't help myself," He replied with a smile.
"Hey, since they think we make such a cute couple, how about you go with me to that party everyone's talking about on Friday?"
"I'm leaving now, Chan." You moved away.
"Was that a yes?"
"Well, was it a no?"
"I'll pick you up at 7."
"Bye, Chan."
He smiled as he watched you leave.
You never really cared about what other people thought about what you were wearing. You wore and made stuff that you liked. But as you got ready for the party you found yourself wondering what Chan would think of your outfit. You hated that he seemed to be slowly working his way into your life and your thoughts.
"Where are you going?" Your father asked you as you came downstairs after finally deciding on what to wear. He was in the midst of an argument with S/N about the party.
"A party."
"See? She's going so I can go too."
"Fine, but I want you to wear the belly."
"Dad, no."
"Yes, 5 minutes in the belly or no party." She sighed in resignation as he got out the fake pregnancy belly and put it on her. You laughed softly before opening the door. On the other side, you found Chan with his hand raised, ready to knock on your door.
"Chan, hi."
"Hi, 7 o'clock right? Well, I'm a little early actually."
"Yeah, 7. Anyway, let's go, I'm driving."
"Sure." You moved out the door, past him.
"Who knocked up your sister?" Your sister rolled her eyes as Chan laughed a little following you to your car.
"So, what's with the belly?" He asked you as you both got into the car.
"My dad makes us wear it so we are reminded of the consequences of being a little too friendly with boys."
"Your dad's kinda scary."
"Wow, I didn't know you could find anything scary."
"Parents are always scary."
"He just worries about us a lot. Like the other day, I got accepted into this really good fashion school but it's on the other side of the country. It's my dream to go there but he wants me to stay closer to home." You thought back to the excitement you felt when you had received the letter. You remembered the disapproving look your father had given you.
"You should go. I know you probably don't care for my opinion, but if it's your dream you can't give up on it."
"Thanks," You said, a little shocked at his sincerity. You cleared your throat a little, turning on your car. "Well, let's go to this party, shall we?"
You had never been this drunk in your life and it probably had something to do with the fact that you bumped into Jisung earlier. You'd told him to stay away from your sister but he just said that she was the one who couldn't stay away from him. You knew that sober you would be screaming at you right now as you climbed up onto the table. But something overtook you and all you wanted to do was dance. You moved to the music as the cheers from the crowd of people encouraged you. You probably would've stayed up there all night if you hadn't accidentally hit your head on the chandelier. Luckily, Chan was there to help you down.
He had lost you before in the herd of people but after a while he found you dancing on the table. At first watching you dance made him smile. But he pushed aside how much he enjoyed it and thought of how much you would've hated it if you were sober and fully aware of what you were doing right now.
"Come on, get down Y/N." He had told you but you ignored him. He kept a cautious eye on you. You moved to the rhythm and he was surprised by how well you danced, impressed even. That was until you swung your head up and hit it against the chandelier.
He was quick to help you outside, checking on you, making sure you didn't drift off before he checked to see if you were alright.
He spotted a tree that had two swings tied to a branch. He guided you over to it.
"What do you care if I'm alright?"
"I do care. I mean, if you're not I'll have to start taking out girls who actually like me."
"Like you could find one."
"See that, there, who needs affection when I have blind hatred?" He sat you down on one of the swings. You fell back but Chan was quick to catch you, sitting you upright once again before taking the swing next to you.
"Why do you let him get to you?"
"Ugh, I hate him."
"Well, you picked the perfect revenge, mainlining tequila."
"You know what they say."
"Nope, what do they say?" But as he turned to you he found that your eyes were shut as you leaned against one of the ropes of the swing. He was quick to move from the swing, crouching down next to you.
"Y/N, come on, wake up!" He gently tapped your cheek. Your eyes opened slowly. You had to admit close up he was rather good-looking.
"You're eyes, they..."
"What about your eyes?"
"Your eyes are really rather pretty, actually." He left out a breathy laugh. He stood up, still looking down at you. You both smiled at each other but your face soon turned sour as you turned to face the floor throwing up all over his shoes. Chan sighed.
He drove you back in your car, parking outside your house. He switched the engine off and took out the keys before turning to face you to find you already looking at him.
"I had a nice night."
"Surprisingly, me too." You smiled slightly before looking out the window to your house. You sighed.
"I don't want to face my dad right now. First, he finds out I applied to a school on the other side of the country and got in without telling him, now I'm coming home drunk. He always warns me about this stuff."
"Yeah, well, you don't strike me as the type of girl who does everything that daddy dearest tells her to do anyway."
"Oh, so now you think you know me?"
"Getting there."
"The only thing people know about me is that I'm scary," You replied sarcastically.
Yeah, well, I'm no picnic myself." The car fell silent for a moment. "So, what's up with your dad anyway? Is he a pain in the ass?"
"No, he just wants me to be somebody I'm not."
"S/N," You said in a light tone, putting on your sister's voice.
"Oh, right, S/N." Chan hesitated for a moment before turning to look at you. "No offense or anything, I know everyone digs your sister, but she's without." You turned to look at him with a soft smile.
"You know, you're not as vile as I thought you were." Your tone was sincere and it made Chan's heart race a little. The two of you fell silent as you slowly leaned in. This was so unlike you, to want to get to know someone, to want to kiss them. But you did want to kiss him.
You closed your eyes, hoping he would meet you halfway. You waited for his lips to meet yours but they never did. Instead, he cleared his throat and spoke again.
"Maybe we should do this another time." You looked at him in disbelief as you pulled away. You scoffed before snatching the keys from his hand and exiting the car. You slammed the door shut, leaving him in your car. You would've been more worried about locking it but right now you didn't care.
You lay in bed that night wondering what you had done wrong. But you told yourself the answer was nothing. You had never wanted anyone new coming into your life and you certainly were not going to let some guy ruin everything. If he didn't wanna kiss you, fine, but after all wasn't he the one that had chased you in the first place?
People are so frustrating, you told yourself before you finally drifted off to sleep.
Chan found you later in the week in a music store. He tried to work up the courage to talk to you but didn't find the opportunity. He ended up following you to a bookstore. He watched from the other side of one of the shelves, as you ran your fingers along the rows of books. As you came to turn the corner he stepped out in front of you.
"Do you know where I could find 'The Feminine Mystique? I've lost my copy." You rolled your eyes.
"What are you doing here?"
"I heard there was a poetry reading."
"You're so..."
"Charming. Wholesome."
"You're not as mean as you think you are, you know that?"
"And you're not as badass as you think you are," You replied, not even looking at him, instead browsing the shelves once again.
"Somebody's still got her panties in a twist.
"Don't think for one second you had any effect whatsoever on my panties."
"What did I have an effect on then?"
"Other than my upchuck reflex, nothing." You picked up a copy of 'The Feminine Mystique' you had found, roughly shoving it in his chest. He grabbed the book with one hand to stop it from falling as you turned and stormed away, out of the shop. You missed the small smile that appeared on his face.
"You embarrassed the girl, you gotta even the score, sacrifice your dignity," Jeongin told Chan after he had informed him and Changbin that you were still mad at him.
An awful idea came to him. A terrible one. But, hey, it was all to get you to stop being mad at him right? And it was for the money, right? That's what he kept telling himself at least. Yep, that was definitely it.
It was definitely the money that had him learning the lyrics to an old Frankie Valli song. And it was definitely the money that had him paying the band leader to get the band to play said song on the field. And it was definitely the money that now had him on the bleachers, microphone in hand, ready to sing to you.
It was definitely an awful idea. But, as he began to sing, he didn't care. You looked up at him in disbelief as the band marched forward and began playing. You laughed as the security guards chased him away. Everyone on the field applauded after the song had finished and he managed to get away from the guards but not for long. He soon found himself in detention, a small smile on his face as he thought of the way your eyes had lit in and the way you had laughed. His smile got brighter once he saw you walk into the room.
You walked up to the teacher taking the detention and began talking to him about tactics for the upcoming football game. Chan managed to sneak around the classroom and out of the window as you kept the teacher distracted. You prayed that Chan had not seen what you had to do to help him escape detention.
The two of you were walking through the town centre after you had successfully managed to help him escape. There was a comfortable silence between the two of you but, once you started talking, you found it hard to stop. Everything was so easy with him.
"Yeah, I really wish I could go. The pictures from the designer's last fashion show were so incredible but it's just so expensive. Honestly, I'd sell my soul to be able to go."
"Well, get saving up and we can go to the next one together."
"Yeah. I don't know much about fashion, but, hey, I've got you for that." The two of you laughed before silence settled again. "I know I've already said it but, seriously, I can't thank you enough for helping me get out of detention."
"No problem."
"How did you manage to keep him distracted."
"Oh, I dazzled him with my wits." You managed to hold back the small laugh bubbling inside.
"So, what's your excuse?"
"For what?"
"For acting the way you do?"
"I don't like to do what people expect. Why should I live up to other people's expectations instead of my own?"
"So you disappoint them from the start and then you're covered, right?"
"Something like that."
"Then you screwed up."
"Well, you never disappointed me." You were surprised by his words. They made your heart race. "You up for it." He pointed to a big arcade across the street.
The two of you must have spent hours inside that arcade playing all sorts of games. You moved on to the basketball game.
"Come on, let's play."
"Alright, but I won't go easy on you," He told you as he picked up one of the basketballs.
"Yeah? Neither will I." In the end, you both put up a good fight, but you won.
"One last game before we leave?"
"Yeah, okay," You replied, about to insert a coin into the machine to release the basketballs again. Chan brought his hand to yours to stop you. His soft skin against you made your heart flutter.
"Not this one. That." He pointed out the sign at the very back of the room next to a door. Laser quest.
"Oh, you're so on. But we aren't playing on the same team, I'm gonna beat your ass."
You ended up on the red team and him on the blue. Most of the other players were just kids and the two of you stuck out like a sore thumb but you didn't care. As you raced around the course in search of him, you were having too much fun to care. His team was leading by a few points when you spotted him.
Quietly, you made your way over to him, aiming your gun. You fired and hit one of the sensors, the lights on his jacket turning off and his gun disabling for a few seconds.
"Ah, shit." He sighed but smiled at you.
"I got you, I got you!" You said as you jumped with joy, doing a little victory dance. "Told you I was gonna beat your ass." He walked over to you.
"Hey, my team is still winning!"
"Not for long, mister." He laughed at the bright smile on your face. When his laugh died away he looked at you, straight in the eye. He began to lean in. Internally, you began to panic a little but you couldn't help the way your heart raced. You leaned in to meet his lips.
Despite your heart racing almost, you were certain, at the speed of light. A sense of calmness washed over your mind. Everything around you seemed to still as his hand came to rest on your cheek. When you pulled away for air the lights on his jacket were lit up again. He raised his gun and shot you in the chest.
"How dare you!"
"My team is gonna win," He replied softly before leaning in again. His lips hovered over your own until you were so rudely interrupted.
"Hey, you two, no making out, stop that!" The voice over the speakers said. The two of you laughed as Chan rested his forehead against yours.
"You heard the guy, don't you dare try and kiss me again."
"But I really want to."
"Doesn't matter. Now get out of here. I'll give you a head start but I'm gonna get you back for that."
"So none of that stuff is true?"
"Nope. None of it."
"Not even the duck rumour?"
"No, I didn't eat a live duck." He rolled his eyes but gave a small laugh. "Bobby Ridgeway's balls?"
"Fact. But he tried to grope me in the lunch line."
"Fair enough."
"The accent?"
"Real. I moved here at 13 from Australia."
"So, where were you last year? I know the porn career is a lie."
"Do you?" He asked, taking a seat on your front porch, where you joined him. You laughed at his response. It felt refreshing having someone to joke around with like this. It had been so long. It was nice to have someone who was actually interested in getting to know you.
"Tell me something true."
"Something true?" Your eyes never left his face as he thought about what to say. "I hate pineapple (on my burgah, I'm sorry I had to)" You breathed out a laugh.
"No. Something real. Something no one else knows." He couldn't stop himself from reaching up and gently brushing his thumb over your cheek.
"Okay. You're sweet." He leaned in and kissed one side of your neck. "And sexy." He kissed the other side, as you started to laugh again, heart racing in a way that only he could cause. "And I'm completely crazy about you." He leaned in and captured your lips. As he pulled away, you chased his lips.
"Crazy, huh?"
"Yeah, but you've got the hots for me too." You scoffed a little at his remark.
"You're incredibly self-assured, has anyone ever told you that?"
"I tell myself that every day." He kissed you again, one hand resting on your cheek, the other on your thigh. He pulled away but remained close.
"Go to the prom with me."
"Is that a request or a command?"
"Come on, go with me." You thought about it for a moment.
"No? Why not?"
"I don't want to, it's a stupid tradition."
"Come on, what happened to not doing what others expect? They won't expect you to go."
"Why are pushing this?"
"I'm not."
"What's in it for you?"
"So now I need to have a motive to want to be with you now, huh?" The thought of the money came to mind, knowing how upset would be if you knew. But the truth was he did want to be with you. Every conversation, every slight brush of your hand against his, every kiss had made him fall for you more and more.
"You tell me."
"You need therapy, has anyone ever told you that?"
"Answer the question, Chan."
"Nothing. There's nothing in it for me. Can't I just take you to prom simply because I enjoy spending time with you?" He scoffed pulling out a packet of cigarettes. He picked one out and placed it between his lips. In anger, you snatched it from him and threw it to the ground before storming inside your house, slamming the door behind you. He turned to watch you, racking his brain to think of anything to say but he couldn't find the words to stop you from leaving.
You knocked on your sister's door before entering. You knew she was upset because your father had said she couldn't go to the prom because you weren't going.
"Hi," She replied rather dejectedly.
You told her how you were sorry that she couldn't go but you wished she didn't try and live up to everyone else's expectations. You told her how you had been there. You told her all about your past relationship with Jisung which you honestly thought you'd never speak of aloud again.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I wanted to let you make up your own mind about him." You sat next to her on the bed but she moved away.
"Then why did you help dad hold me hostage? It's not like I'm stupid enough to repeat your mistakes."
"I-I guess I thought I was protecting you."
"By not letting me live my own life? Not experience anything for myself?"
"Not all experiences are good ones. You can't always trust the people you want to."
"Well, I guess I'll never know, will I?" She moved towards the door and opened it, indicating she wanted you to leave. You did.
You were just trying to look out for her, right? You just didn't want her to have the same bad experiences as you. But the more you thought about it the more her words rang true in your head.
In the end, you wanted to make amendments with both Chan and S/N. You accepted Chan's invitation.
You also apologised to your sister and told her that you would be going to the prom, meaning she could go too.
Now here you were at the entrance of the prom, looking in at the crowds of people.
"Wow." You heard a familiar voice behind you say. You turned to see Chan with a rose in hand. He offered it to you, you gladly accepted it.
"You too." He did look good. Really good. He offered you his arm which you took as he guided you into the hall. "Where'd you get a tux at the last minute?"
"Oh, just something I had lying around. Where'd you get a dress at the last minute?"
"Oh, just something I had lying around. I made it an ages ago, it was just collecting dust at the back of my wardrobe."
"You made it? I knew you were good but not this good." You smiled brightly.
"Listen, I'm sorry I questioned your motives. I was wrong, I shouldn't have." Chan sighed deeply. You were, in fact, completely right to question his motives. He was still being paid for this. But, as he looked at you, he knew it was never about the money, not really. He simply wanted to be here with you. If he could take it all back and start again without the ulterior motive, he would. In a heartbeat, without question.
The night, honestly, was a lot more enjoyable than you ever thought prom could be. The music was actually good and you were happy dancing with Chan. You were also happy to see that S/N had come with Jeongin instead of Jisung. All this time you had thought she had only been thinking about Jisung, but she would later recount to you all the time she spent with Jeongin and how it all happened.
"Australia," Chan said as the two of you danced to an upbeat song.
"That's where I was last year. Back home. I wasn't in jail nor do I know Marilyn Manson. My grandpa was ill, so I spent most of last year on his couch, watching reality TV and eating spaghetti Os." You laughed at the absurdity of it all as he dipped you.
"No way." He pulled you back up and twirled you around. It was a really nice night until Jisung had to come and ruin it all. He moved in between the two of you pushing Chan back a bit.
"Hey, what's S/N doing here with that prick? I didn't pay you to take out Y/N so that some little shit could snake in between me and S/N." The words hit you like a bus. You focused on Chan now as his eyes met yours. They looked so sad and sincere and pleading. Like the words hurt him as much as they hurt you.
"Nothing in it for you, huh?" You spoke up before quickly walking away. You shouldered past him. He glared at Jisung thinking of what to say to him but he decided it wasn't worth it. Instead, he turned around, trying to catch up with you.
He did catch up to you, just outside the entrance of the prom.
"It was all bullshit right?"
"Please just let me explain."
"You were paid to take me out by the one person I truly hate. I knew this was too good to be true. I knew I shouldn't have trusted you."
"Y/N, please, it wasn't like that, okay?"
"Oh yeah, what was it like then? A downpayment now and a bonus for sleeping with me?"
"I didn't care about the money. I cared about you." You scoffed a little.
"You are so not the person I thought you were." He moved towards you, reaching for your hand but you pulled away.
"Please." You turned away from him, wanting to get as far away as possible from him. This time he decided not to follow you. He really had fucked everything up.
Your sister expected you to be in a bad mood. You always were when you got hurt. But this time it was different. You were quiet.
When she had told you that she had punched Jisung last night, after you had left, it lightened your mood for a little while but, soon, the frown returned to your face.
Now, you sat on the porch, working on your English assignment to rewrite Sonnet 141. You had been struggling before with it but now you had so much you wanted to say. It was honestly good to get some of the words you wanted to say to Chan on paper, rather than just buzzing around in your mind. Maybe this would allow you to let go. You were almost finished when your dad came out to talk to you.
"How was prom last night?" You didn't want to tell him about the whole Chan ordeal.
"Some parts were good."
"Which parts?" He asked suspiciously.
"The part where S/N beat the living crap out of some guy."
"S/N did what?"
"Afraid I'm rubbing off on her?"
"No, impressed actually." This reaction from your dad surprised you.
The conversation between the two of you continued to flow. Your dad moved on to the topic of college. You were honestly certain he was going to try and convince you to go to a more local college but he didn't.
"When I go?" You asked, wondering if you had misheard him.
"Don't tell me you've changed your mind. I've just sent them a cheque." You looked at him in disbelief before reaching over and hugging him tightly.
The day hadn't started off well but it ended much better. You knew you'd be over to get over Chan and soon it would all just be a memory.
That was until Monday morning rolled around and you had to face him again. Whenever you walked past him in the halls you avoided looking at him, but in your peripheral vision, you saw the way his eyes followed you. You were glad that in English you weren't sitting next to him. You were also glad to find that Jisung was a lot quieter in that lesson than usual.
The teacher was talking about the assignment he had set you to rewrite Sonnet 141. When he asked if anyone wanted to read theirs aloud nobody raised their hand. You looked around the class before hesitantly putting your own up.
"Oh, lord. Here we go." The teacher sighed as he stepped to the side. Truth was, in his class, you never were one to keep your opinions to yourself.
As you read the poem the only thought in your head was him. You struggled to avoid looking at him. But every now and then you would catch a glimpse of the way he was looking at you. Eyes full of sadness and regret. He knew the poem was about him. Of course he knew, it was obvious. But you wanted him to know how you felt. Halfway through you felt tears prickle your eyes. You didn't even try to stop them. In that moment, you didn't care if the whole world saw you cry.
"I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly, I hate the way I don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all," You said with a trembling voice, tears running down your face. You looked into his eyes this time. But it felt like any second you would crumble to the floor in a big sobbing mess. Quickly, shut your book before leaving the classroom. As you brushed past him, Chan tried his hardest to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat.
You walked towards your car at the end of the day, still thinking about the English class earlier that day. Once you had finally managed to collect yourself the class was almost over. You waited until you knew everyone had left before going back to collect your things from the room. The rest of your classes that day were a blur.
You reached your car and unlocked it. Your hand rested on the door handle, ready to open it but you stopped in your track when you saw two slips of paper on your windshield. You knew they couldn't be tickets because you were parked in the school car park. Reaching over, you grabbed the two slips before examining them. You could've jumped for joy when you realised they were tickets to the very fashion show you had told Chan about.
"I know I said we could go to the next one together but, honeslty, I didn't want to wait."
"You managed to get tickets?"
"But, they're so expensive?"
"Well, I know you really wanted to go and, plus, thought you could use it as inspiration for future projects in college. And, besides, I had some extra cash lying around. You see, this asshole paid me to take out this really great girl." You smiled, tilting your head slightly.
"Is that right?"
"Yeah, but I screwed up. I um... I fell for her."
"Really?" You asked with a soft smile on your face. It warmed Chan's heart.
"It's not every day you find a girl who'll flash someone to get you out of detention." You covered your face with one of your hands and laughed out of embarrassment. Chan reached up and took your hand from your face. He kept hold of it as his other hand came to rest on your cheek. He leaned in to kiss you and as his lips met yours you knew you had forgiven him. But still, you wanted to tease him, just a bit, so you pushed him away after a moment of enjoying the kiss.
"You can't just buy me tickets to a fashion show every time you screw up."
"Yeah, I know. But then again there's always art exhibitions, workshops, and galleries. Hey, I could even buy you a new sewing machine, I know you said your other one had seen better days." He pulled you in for a kiss again but you pushed away again.
"And don't just think you can-"
"Y/N, just shut up and let me kiss you." He smiled at you brightly, a smile which you returned before leaning up to meet his lips once again.
As much as Chan hated the fact that dating you had started out strictly for financial purposes he was secretly glad and happy that he had taken the job. He probably wouldn't have met you if not. And, as you kissed him, god, he was happy to have met you. He didn't think he had ever been as happy as he was in that moment.
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elionwriter · 1 year
Sherlock Holmes the Awakened: a Review
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Sorry, sorry, sorry, but I just NEED to talk about this game! I have been a Frogwares Holmes fan since the very beginning and 'The Awakened' was always among my favourite titles. Not to mention one of the games that had scared the wits out of me. So I have to speak about the Remake now.
First and foremost, I think it needs to be reiterated that this game was made DURING THE FU****G INVASION OF UKRAINE! During such dark times, the team kept working on this. I would have supported this game even just for this reason alone.
Now, let's be honest: Frogwares never had the most marvelous graphics nor the most polished of gameplays and this entry is not an exception. I still feel the map system is a bit difficult to navigate (I may be an idiot, but I had the same issue with Chapter 1) but I really appreciated the added help the game gives you when you're recreating a scene, letting you know which passage you got wrong. Last game I found myself changing everything trying to hit the right combination so I really liked this fix.
This needs to be said: the game doesn't feel under any shape or form a product for a new fan. Everything from dialogues to game mechanics sort of take for granted that you've at least played 'chapter one'. Honestly? I'm ok with this, I hate having to always go through nearly identical tutorial stages for games I know inside out (like Pokémon) and I believe that most of not all people who are going to get this game ARE old fans!
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I wasn't originally a big fan of the new Holmes and Watson models when the last game came out but....I dunno, they have grown on me. I find myself liking them now for, I suppose, no other reason than 'they are very expressive' and 'I've gotten used to them'. I think it's gotten to the point that these might be my favourite models of the two to date. Please ignore how fickle I am! (In honesty, just to draw a similar parallel, when Roger Craig Smith was first announced as Sonic's voice I hated it and now he's my fav Sonic v. actor)
This game has something.....compared to its predecessor, that makes it less scary. I can't really put my finger on it, but I distinctly remember the feeling of claustrophobia building in me when I was in the Black Edelweiss. Or the sheer jumpscare I got when the sacrificed American detective on the altar had tentacles coming out of it and severing his head making it roll to the ground. I remember almost not wanting to paddle the rowboat under the tree of hanging men in the Bayou. I remember how viscerally sick I felt at the lighthouse by all the gore and blood depicted. This time round.....I just didn't. I'm honestly not sure why this didn't hit me nearly as hard as its 2006 predecessor did!
And talking about comparisons, one thing I'm a bit disappointed they didn't grab the chance to do in this remake was fix the loose ends that were left hanging in the 2006 version. I mean....they still abandoned completely the search for that one Maori servant, what happened to all the people they managed to rescue? Who hired the private American detective that was killed? Why give out the cheap pendants? I know I'm a bit dumb and need extra explaining than what is necessarily needed but...I can't be the only one right? Sometimes you want to be told just a bit more.
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Now, getting into the really good bits, that make all of it worth it!
'Chapter One' acted as a 'de facto' reboot of the Frogwares Holmes series, and I honestly think that was for the best. I don't really see where they could have gone with things after 'Devil's Daughter' and their Holmes had changed too much to be the same guy from 'The Silver Earring'...let alone Watson. But like this? They have a fresh, clean slate to start off from and they can rebuild the two mains' relashionship and lore from the ground up in a more strictly consequential manner. And the way they are doing it? I think it's state of the art!
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The fact that they poke fun at themselves on certain points like Watson stating: "What about when you used to roll up only one of your sleeves? Did you get bored halfway through?!" I think the Devs themselves realized this was a cringe design choice and I like that they said so out loud.
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The meta-conversation they wrote in towards the end, 'because yes, this HAS Happened before and the story still has the same outcome', is brilliant. I don't think I've ever seen another remake that acknowledges that it is a remake, and in the general madness that is mounting in the narrative this makes perfect sense! It adds one more layer of horror and inexplicable to the tale. The villain's warning 'that the Final Problem is coming and Sherlock will fall in the abyss too' is such a powerful way to use Canon. The prophecy is only made more real and dreadful by the fact that this person is aware of what has already happen in a similar but different scenario!
Also, not them using that one quote from 'The Valley of Fear' novel which happens to be one of my all time favourites!
I say, Watson,’ he whispered, ‘would you be afraid to sleep in the same room as a lunatic, a man with softening of the brain, an idiot whose mind has lost its grip?’ ‘Not in the least,’ I answered in astonishment. 'Ah, that’s lucky,’ he said, and not another word would he utter.
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I think the thing that has most benefited from the Remake is Watson's character. Compared to the 2006 version, this Watson is a truly compelling character in his own right and this time round he's not just along for the ride. In this version, you simply cannot imagine how Holmes would have done it on his own. Watson was in every way a key component to the solution of the problem and the reason why Holmes didn't drown in madness. That point is driven home by Rochester asking 'How did you defeat me?' and Holmes answering 'I made a friend!'
Much of the narrative in the game was focused on Holmes truly learning to accept Watson's friendship and him as a person when he was still clinging so much to his old imaginary friend. You can see how, at first, Holmes refuses to be honest with the Doctor about what he thinks and feels and it's only as they move forward in the adventure that they both open up to each other. You can see as the adventure progresses that Holmes shifts his desperate cries from 'Jon' to 'Watson' to 'John' and the Doctor goes more and more often from 'Holmes' to 'Sherlock'. Mycroft also points this out when he says that Sherlock 'went from one Jon to another'. But this one, John Watson, is real and there to stay. In the context of a story that happens mostly in the detective's mind, Watson's friendship is really what turns the situation around!
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I could add of little tid bits which were so random and on the nose that somehow worked, like the possessed 'Heidi' doll or the fact that you had to actually 'Kill Holmes' with the booby traps instead of avoiding them.
Also, "The director Guygax was randomly killed.....by a doll?!????!?!?! Yeah, let's just walk out of here no questions asked. That's too deep a wormhole even for this f***d up Adventure to go down. I'm sure nobody is gonna ask us questions, suspect or stop us as we go out the main doors!" 😃 -Holmes, probably.
So, yeah, I loved this game despite it not being perfect and my love and support goes to Frogwares more that ever!
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topguncortez · 1 year
How do you think Jake and Bradley would handle PPD?
If you aren’t comfortable answering I completely understand.
Some HC's under the cut:) Also, send in more head cannons. I've only gotten a handful since I started this blog and I really like them:))
I feel like Bradley is very in tune with your moods and your body. I think he noticed the signs of postpartum depression before you even did. He knew it was a thing, and knew that it was something to look out for.
Now, I think he is more focused on how to help you vs the baby. Not saying he's not a good dad, I think he'd be the best dad ever, but I think he is also a very nervous dad.
Bradley is very careful with his words. He knows that words can have a strong meaning and sometimes he says the wrong thing. But he is careful when talking to you because he knows that one thing might make you slip even further into depression.
"I am very proud of you." "Nick will be just fine, sweetheart." "I love you, so much." "You'll get though this, honey, it'll be okay."
He also wants you to talk about how you are feeling. Bradley has been to therapy before, as a kid, when things hit the fan with Mav, when his mom got sick, when he almost died on the Uranium Mission. He likes therapy and knows how important it is to talk about what you are feeling. So he just sits and listens to you talk about how you are feeling. He doesn't offer an advice like he's a doctor, he just listens to you and gives you affirmations on how proud he is that you can talk about what you are feeling and how it'll pass soon.
He's very much an act of service type of guy.
He's cleaning the house, doing laundry, making meals for you, drawing you a bath every night, bringing you medication, helping you set up your breast pump and freezing extra milk.
But beside doing just chores, he's also making sure that friends and family don't just show up unannounced. Like one time Mav and Penny showed up at the house and Rooster told them to leave. Any calls from your parents he is taking and telling them that you can't come to the phone and writing down messages for them.
He's keeping the family updated about the baby and not telling them about your depression because he doesn't want you to feel embarrassed by it. He's leaving it up to you if you want them to know or not.
He's also supporting you by letting you make the decisions. If you want him to touch you, or if you want him to do this, or if you want him to do that. Sometimes, you just don't know what you want, and that's okay, so Bradley will just sit with you in the quiet bedroom. Just silently letting you know that he's there for whatever it is you need.
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At first I think he doesn't understand what is going on with you. Going off the cannon that Jake doesn't deal with emotions well because of his parents, he might see your PPD as a very negative thing (WHICH IT IS NOT)
So when your doctor first tells you that you have PPD, Jake feels like the biggest asshole in the world. He turns to look at you with a shocked expression and then tries to put the math together on where he missed the signs.
so this kicks him into gear.
Like Rooster, Jake responds in acts of service, but it is more geared towards the baby. I think Jake is more comfortable around children, especially babies, than Bradley is.
Jake takes over the night feedings so you can get some rest. He keeps up with changing diapers and laundry. He'll take the baby during the day to go run some errands or go on walks so you can have time to just decompress in silence by yourself.
Unlike Rooster, he's not very big on the whole, let's talk and get this out sort of thing, so he's assurances to you are physical. It's a kiss on the forehead, or a hug, or a hand on your back, or running his fingers through your hair, or helping you wash yourself.
Jake says some affirmations but it's his typical "I love you," and "You're beautiful."
He's actually very interested in therapy, which shocks you. Jake has never gone to therapy in his life (even tho he could use it). But he wants to be able to help you through this tough time. He's open to sitting down with your doctor and hearing how to help you.
Because Jake doesn't handle emotion well, he relies on others to be his outlet when he gets overwhelmed. Usually that outlet is you, but he doesn't want to add more to your plate, so he confides probably in Penny or Phoenix or maybe even Rooster. They all give him some advice on how to help you and ways that he can help himself to not get too overwhelmed with a newborn and helping you through your PPD.
Jake struggles with patience, but it's something he learns throughout this whole thing. In the military everything is very cut and dry. You get told something, you do it. It's not a lot of guessing on what to do. But when it comes to you and your needs, Jake is kinda stumbling in the dark. He figures out that he just has to wait for your move on what you want. He struggles at first, and gets a bit pissy with you but after you called Phoenix in tears, he understood that he had to take things slow.
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wasyago · 3 months
Is the recks au dead?
recks au is that one corpse i keep in my basement that me and friends reanimate every month or so in secret. every time someone asks where recks au is i say "ohh they're okay they've just been really sick lately, but the doctors say they're gonna be fine soon... no, you can't see them it's very contagious, im sorry". obviously there's no doctors. it's been two years. the recks au i know is very different from what people remember it to be, no one actually knows who it is now, everyone misses the person that doesn't exist anymore...
jokes aside!
it's insane to me that people still remember recks au, and that new people keep finding it somehow even if no one mentions it anymore. it's not even the masterpost in the pinned, no one looks at that thing. like, you guys have no idea how much there actually is to recks au, you've only seen a very small portion of it. and yet you keep asking and you keep returning. that's crazy
i wouldn't say recks au is dead, i still think about it often and i still want to do stuff for it. but, just like with everything else, i want to but i don't do it. i dont know why really. i want recks au to be so much more, i want it be great i want it to be interesting i want everything i do for it to be top quality, and maybe because of that I've put too much pressure on myself for no real reason. not sure. it'd be better if i just kept doing little bits at a time and post about it every so often instead of just abandoning it.
the main bottleneck is "scar's story", a small comic series that was supposed to introduce scar into the au and tell about his past and introduce big worldbuilding elements, etc. i got all the way to the last "chapter", planned it all out and then never finished it.
and instead of moving on and finishing it some other day, and maybe focusing on other characters in the meantime, i decided that actually! no! im gonna stop posting about recks au entirely until i finish that comic! smart. once again, lots of unneeded pressure. why? I DON'T KNOW 😭
should i just forget about that comic and start posting now? better late than never? yes, probably. am i going to do that? mngnmhmmhgmhhmg.....
(recks au is centered around s8 of hermitcraft, and it's season 10 now!!!!! that's insane that it's been so long. should i really post about it now? is it too late? should i really do something for s8 when there's new stuff and new concepts to be made? am i playing into the consumption movement thinking that everything i do should be new and relevant and if i post about old stuff im outdated and missing the opportunity? why do i even care about all that????? 😭😭😭😭)
people have been mentioning recks scar a lot recently, mostly because of the charity stream bc he was a little robot on wheels (just like in recks au wow crazy!!!!!!!!!!!), and i do have a drawing of him done that i could post.................... and there's nothing stopping me except myself............................................ auggghh
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idyat · 8 months
Hey, if you're still up for it, would you mind making some Skinner M.D. content please?
(Though any art and/or writing made of the Arena crew is a blessing.)
I hope an x reader is okay with you (although I may draw some arena content later)
Bakery Infirmary (Skinner M.D x reader)
Warnings: Food
5:37pm, you were walking to the infirmary in no rush, as your daily raids and thefts and street fights left you unscathed for today. No, you were just going to get a health check-up and take the opportunity to see your big lover. Alongside all the other daily, sometimes hourly opportunities you take to see him. But come on, who wouldn't want to kiss their warm doctor g03lem boyfriend first thing in the morning?
You were already smiling from the thought as you opened the door to the medbay, peeking your head through to make sure you weren't interrupting anything.
"Hey sweetie, I'm here!"
Skinner whips away from whatever work was absorbing him enough to not notice you, but his surprised look quickly switched to joy as he realizes who's speaking.
"Oh! Hunny bunny!"
He gleefully says as he walks towards you to cup your cheeks and plant a masked kiss on your forehead.
"Hey hey there big guy!"
You hold and carress his huge hands with your own, giving him that grin he loves oh so much.
You then sat down on the consultation chair, having done this enough to know almost exactly how it goes every time. You probably wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for Skinner to be honest, the man cares a lot about other's health, and that worry is only amplified when it's about his own lover.
"So how's everything? No big injuries, no sickness, no seemingly random nauseas or faintings or anything similar?"
He asks as he pulls out a notepad and sits in front of you.
"Nope. Not sure why you're asking though, since you'd immediately know about anything like this."
"Just in case. The people here always underestimate their wounds."
His eyebrows furrow a little when saying that. Watching people ignore injuries that could potentially be harmful in the long run, would feel for a medical professional like watching a toddler think they can fit the big square in the small round hole.
You two continue with the check-up, Skinner definitely not missing the opportunity to give you little kisses and other physical affections for pulse and pressure tests, until eventually the tests are finished and you can leave (not sure if you really wanted to, but whatever).
But on your way out, you notice something. The jar right next to the door, usually filled with sweets, some of them baked by the medic himself, was empty.
"Hey, has that been empty for long?"
You turn back to him, pointing the jar.
"Ah, no actually. It just ran out yesterday. I was planning to bake some cookies for it tonight."
"Could I help you with it?"
You both light up at the idea.
"Of course! I'll see you at 9pm sweetie! Toodles! *kiss kiss*"
9pm exactly, you walk with your lover to Chef Pava's kitchen. Although it's mostly just a hideout for black market merchandise, it does have enough actual food to cook somewhat edible stuff for the gang. Even if you recall having found some bits of plastic, metal or blood in your food sometimes.
"I've already got a dough freezing in the fridge! Helps make the cookies tastier!"
"Where'd you even get all those ingredients? Last I recall, Chef got all of this from shady contacts."
"Oh I have my ways..."
You take out all the ingredients and start cooking, making some new dough in case the one Skinner had saved wouldn't be enough, filling one batch with raisins instead of chocolate chips for that one guy who was allergic, and taking the intimate occasion to be disgustingly sweet with your big boyfriend. Seriously, it was sweeter between you two than in the sugar you used.
"Alright, now we just need to bake. Did you preheat the ov-"
When you turn your head to look at Skinner, you are interrupted by a dallop of batter being smoshed on your face.
"Boop. Hehehe."
You can't help but smile at his playful giggles. God you love this man so much.
"Are you gonna kiss it off at least?"
You ask with a raised brow, pulling gently at his mask. He swiftly reveals his face and consumes the cookie dough off your face, although it was more like biting and licking it off. G03lems don't have many lips.
Of course you kiss him back while laughing and grinning like an idiot until he hugs you back. Cue you two cuddling and cooing over eachother for several minutes, only remembering the cookies when you almost knock the bowl over in your affectionate haze.
"Ah, right. Did you preheat the oven?"
"Oh...uh...did you?"
"Yeah, I did."
Skinner sighs in relief before you two throw the trays in the oven.
"Aaaand there! Now we just wait."
You lean back onto the wall, crossing your arms as your sweetheart walks over to you.
"Are the candies out too or just the cookies?"
"All out. The people here have quite the sweet tooth."
"Heh, it's one of the tastiest things you can get here. I'll try to pick up some sweets next time I go run errands, how about that?"
You feel yourself be pulled to a soft and warm torso, Skinner's arms doing good work of gently wrapping around your form.
"I love you."
You bring a hand up to his face, carressing it as you place more kisses over his hands.
"I love you mooore~"
I'm so sorry that this ended up so short
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Hi celina! I'm a new asker but I've been reading your work for a while! Specifically your rottmnt work:)
Could I request a yandere platonic turtles x Gn!reader who's willing? Like just completely accepts that they've been taken from they're life on the surface to live with 4 Mutant turtles in the sewers lol. And maybe reader gets babied and really enjoys it bc I feel like that would be really cute😭
I want nothing more than for my comfort characters to baby and take care of me ngl so I'm definitely projecting
And if its available could I be anon 💨?
Tumblr media
Indulgent aren't we? Well you're not alone my friend. We all are.
You're 💨 anon now.
Tw: overprotective, honestly really fluffy
Platonic Yandere Turtles with Willing MC
"Leo, if they come out the portal with even the tiniest little scratch I'm going to kick you to Bulgaria." Raph crosses his arms and stares down at Leo, uncertainty in his eyes.
"M'kay, I'll just ask for a train to go to the penguins." Leo holds out his sword, ready to create portal when Donnie interrupts him.
"Wait! I need to settle down the safety cushions, and the net if they come flying through plus the-" As he settled down the reinforcements Mikey intervenes.
"Slippers!" The orange-masked turtle places down a pair of slippers, clasping his hands together. "Leo! Send them through, pretty please?"
Leo looks behind, "I would've done it earlier if you guys weren't so particular about me portaling them!" He once again holds out his sword in front of him, then swishes it in a circular motion. An electric blue portal appears instantly, glowing brilliantly.
Momentarily after, a person shoots out from the gateway, landing straight into the net that Donnie held with his robot arms. They groan, opening their drowsy eyes.
"I told you guys! Safety protocol is important!" The scientist exclaims, untangling the victim of the net.
The boys love that you accept their appreciation for you! Now they get to baby you all they want, and you don't even complain!
I would say those who love this the most are Leo and Mikey. Leo likes providing for you so he can be deemed useful, and Mikey just loves serving you in any way.
If you don't like moving too much, or just feel lazy at times, then ask Raph. He loves carrying you around wherever. He's also a great person to sleep/nap with. His big arms are great if you ever want to feel extra safe. Will not let you touch hot food.
Leo is such a fucking try-hard for this that it's hilarious. If you wanna talk, he'll be right there, listening for every word. Do you feel sad? Let his one-liners and horrible jokes make you cringe so hard you laugh! Do you ever feel unsafe? Don't worry, your friend's got you covered!
D'Nello babies in a similar sense to Raph, but more critical. He makes sure your body is having a healthy intake of its needs: the amount of sleep, hydration levels, nutrition, and anything of similar sorts is managed by him. Is your sugar friend(?): he buys anything you want or need.
Mikey is also another cuddler like Raph, except he likes to clutch onto your arm or hand while you guys wander around the lair. He likes doing everything with you! (Well, most activites) If you're an artist, you guys can draw together, or if you're a pianist (totally not projecting) he'll sit down and listen to you play!
If you're ever sick or hurt, they're swarming around you. Both panicked and serious about getting you back in health. Donnie's going to be the worst one out of them all though. He won't leave your side unless he absolutely has to or is fetching something.
All of them will try to partake in your interests. Donnie probably will only do this because it's about you, his favorite person in the universe.
They have a hidden "who's the favourite chart" underneath one of Donnie's structures. Every week they try to debate who's the favourite.
The guilty fantasy of wanting to be babied is overpowering meeeee.
- Celina
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undead-memes · 1 year
PREACHER'S DAUGHTER. / prompts from the album peacher's daughter by ethel cain. tweaked for rp. change pronouns & cut & combine as you wish. (repost)
' i put too much faith in the make believe. '
' i feel it there, in the middle of the night. '
' say what you want, but say it like you mean it. '
' just give it on more day then you're done. '
' i don't need anything from anyone. '
' it's just not my year. '
' i'm doing what i want and, damn, i'm doing it well. '
' you and me against the world. you were my man and i your girl. '
' you were my whole world. '
' you came, and i laughed. you left, and i cried. '
' you told me even if we died tonight that i'd die yours. '
' really, i'd kill myself to hold you on more time. '
' it hurts to miss you. '
' i cry every day and the bottles make it worse. '
' you were the only one i was never scared to tell i hurt. '
' it was love, i guess. '
' and i feel so alone. '
' i watched him show his love through shades of black and blue. '
' show me how much i mean to you while i lie in these sheets undressed. '
' i'd hold the gun if you asked me to. '
' but if you love me like you say you do, would you ask me to? '
' trouble's always gonna find you, baby, but so will i. '
' i'm never gonna leave you, baby, even if you lose what's left of your mind. '
' please don't love how i need you. '
' i'm not above violence. '
' i've killed before and i'll kill again. '
' hell doesn't scare me, i've been times before. '
' tell me a story about how it ends, where you're still the good guy. i'll make pretend. '
' i hate this story where happiness ends and dies with you. '
' i thought good guys get to be happy. i'm not happy. '
' i was too young to notice that some types of love could be bad. '
' i'm tired of you still tied to me. '
' i'm too tired to move & too tired to leave. '
' love's never meant much to me. '
' i started to see you differently. '
' you wanna get my clothes off. '
' baby, if it feels good then it can't be bad. '
' you wanna fuck me right now. '
' if you hate me, please don't tell me. '
' i followed you in and i was with you there. '
' you love blood too much. but not like i do. '
' heard you, saw you, felt you, gave you. '
' need you, love you, love you, love you. '
' love you, saw you, felt you, love you. '
' love you, love you, love you, love you. '
' you'd do well to say yes to me. '
' suffer does the wolf, crawling to thee. '
' he's saying i'm the one, he's gonna take me. '
' suffering is nigh, drawing to me. '
' even the iron still fears the rot. '
' i'm hiding from something i cannot stop. '
' you poor thing. sweet, mourning lamb. '
' there's nothing you can do. it's already been done. '
' please don't look at me. '
' what have you done? '
' make it stop, make it stop, i've had enough, stop, stop, STOP! '
' i am the face of love's rage. '
' i am no good nor evil. simply, i am, and i have come to take what is mine. '
' i was there in the dark when you spilled your first blood. '
' i am here now as you run from me still. '
' you can't hide from me forever. '
' god loves you, but not enough to save you. '
' if they strike once then you just hit them twice as hard. '
' the more it hurts, the less it shows. '
' i think it's about time i put up a fight. '
' if it's meant to be then it will be. '
' i forgive it all as it comes back to me. '
' i can't let go when something's broken. '
' in your basement i grow cold. '
' don't talk to strangers or you might fall in love. '
' how funny, i never considered myself tough. '
' i tried to be good. '
' am i no good? '
' i just wanted to be yours. '
' can i be yours? '
' i'm happier here 'cause he told me i should be. '
' you're so handsome when i'm all over your mouth. '
' am i making you feel sick? '
' i never blamed you for loving me the way that you did. '
' don't think about it too hard or you'll never sleep a wink at night again. '
' just know that i love you and i'll see you when you get here. '
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