#i've been on tumblr for a while but never made an intro post
missing-texture · 9 months
About Me
Hi, I'm Adrian. I’m a friendly, nerdy, music-loving proudly bisexual trans guy from NY. Mid-20s. He/him. 👋☺️
Here’s a pic of me 3 years post-op top surgery, aka my excuse to post a shirtless selfie lol.
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I have a bunch of side blogs dedicated to my various niche interests but this is my main blog. I mostly post about music, tech, art, video games, fashion, and queer stuff. Anyone is welcome to follow, though you will get blocked if you give off bad vibes (no bigots or assholes.)
I’m trying to find more blogs to follow so if I randomly followed you, it’s likely because I got recommended to your blog and/or I just think you’re a cutie. ☺️
If you're an ally of trans people and you have the means, check out this post and consider donating to one of the groups mentioned. Thank you!
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Read more about my interests and stuff below:
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-Tech 👨‍💻: I'm an aspiring software engineer, currently working a job where I help folks with tech issues while I continue my search for a software engineer job. I recently got my bachelor's degree in computer science, planning to go for my master's. I like all sorts of nerd stuff like web development, retro tech, tech history, and more. I’m skeptical of tech bro-y trends (many AI/web3 projects) and the tech industry in general. Ethics and privacy are important!
-Queer stuff 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈: I came out as bi and trans in 2015, been on testosterone since 2017 (I do a neat form of T called “testopel”), got top surgery and medical tattooing on my nipples, had my name and gender changed. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. I like learning about LGBTQ+ history and feel very connected to the community. Pro-kink, anti-exclusion, pro-solidarity.
-Music 🎵: I’m a metalhead/emo/pophead multiclasser. My fave genres are metal, emo, post-hardcore, pop punk, pop, europop, hyperpop, EDM, digital hardcore, dark wave, classical stuff. I love going to concerts and I've been playing the piano since I was a kid.
-Art: I collect pins, patches, stickers, and art. I follow a ton of artists online and enjoy going to conventions for art. I especially love bara. 💪🐻
-Video games: Metal Gear Solid, Red Dead Redemption, Baldur’s Gate 3, The Sims, Super Monkey Ball, Call of Duty, Hitman, Half-Life, Rimworld, Civilization V, Dangan Ronpa, and more. I like hot video game men.
-Movies: Hackers, American Psycho, Ocean’s Eight, Jennifer’s Body, Charlie’s Angels, Elvira, The Devil Wears Prada, Legally Blonde, Die Hard, Sky High, Twilight, the 2002 live action Scooby Doo lol. Anything campy, fun, and spooky/sci-fi/action/girlboss.
-Cowboys 🤠
-Vampires 🧛
-Cats (especially Garfield)
-Bears (the animal and the men)
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edging-diaries · 8 months
Intro Post
Hi! I'm Lili. I've been on the fringe of hypno and edging content for a while and decided to finally make a tumblr blog dedicated to it!
I'm gonna be using this account for tracking my daily edging and any hypno stuff I do, and also to reblog any stuff I think is cute or fun or sexy!
Basic Info
Lili, 20f, she/her (cis, not that it matters)
Submissive, not owned
Into hypno, edging, pet play, bimbofication, dumbification, intox/weed, and a bunch of other stuff!
Been lurking in the community for a couple years but never properly made a blog for it before.
Personal Rules
These are the rules I want to follow on my blog to make myself better, more submissive, more obedient, etc.
I must edge at least 3 times every day, when I wake up, during the day, and before i got to bed. More is better, but at minimum 3 a day.
Whenever I edge, I have to repeat a mantra.
I do not have to post a diary entry daily, but I must do at least one a week.
each diary post must be tagged with #edgingdiaries .
I'm not allowed to use autocorrect on any of my posts, or in my dms.
I must try to respond to every dm/ask I receive as long as answering doesn't put my health or safety at risk. (I reserve the right to block if I'm uncomfortable or harassed).
While i don't have a hard deadline for the end of my denial, if I cum or ruin without getting permission I must state it in a diary entry and ask for a punishment.
If you have any more suggestions for rules or ideas on how to make me a better edgeslut, please send an ask or a dm!
This pinned post may be updated/changed later if I need to add more.
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unetherian · 2 months
Intro post
Last updated:Wednesday August 28, 2024
First name: nickname: Lune (or unetherian)
age: yes
gender: nogender
pronoms: I don't have specific pronouns so . whatever you want
theriotype(s): Not yet found TwT But I think . it's a feline
𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼𓍊𖡼𖤣𖥧𖡼𓋼𖤣𖥧𓋼 ・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・
Hi! Welcome to my blog ! I created it to learn more about and connect with alterhuman, otherhuman, alterbeing and non-human communities.
Here is a safe place for:
those who are questioning
queer peoples (or queer créatures)
those who have a plural system (coming from trauma or not)
those who support alterhumanity
those who support alterbeing
those who support nonhumans
those who support otherhumans
those who support queers
those who support plurals systems
乁⁠|⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠|⁠ㄏidk who add
Here isn't a safe place for:
zo0philes/ped0philes/and other stuff like that.
antikin, antilink, antifur, queerphobe, and anyone who wants to physically or mentally harm those who are welcome.
I still don't know who to add ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌
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My hobbies : I love art, I draw a lot (on sheets of paper, digital is complicated) I might buy a graphics tablet one day but... it's expensive TvT. I also do quadrobics and climb trees. I take care of my pets, I observe animals outside, I look at the planets with my (small) telescope, I read, I collect vulture culture, I'm listening to music, any other activities in nature, and many other things.
My parents don't know that I have a Tumblr account so if I've been inactive for a while it means I must have deleted it or just abandoned it. I don't like lying to them, but without the alterhuman community on Tumblr, I think my mental health wouldn't be very good... (They don't know I'm alterhuman) I assure you that I am extremely careful on social networks, I know that you shouldn't joke about that. I prefer to warn <3
Later, when I can, I will try to educate the French alterhuman, alterbeing and nonhuman communities.
If you want to see my alterhuman journey, watch after the cut :3 nf
I awakened in February 2024. That's when I noticed that I wasn't just a person with a lot of imagination.
But it's a long story ;⁠)
I've never felt completely human since I was born. I have always had needs, instincts, shifts etc. At first I thought it was a game and I thought that ✨ one day I would turn into a magical creature who will save the planet from pollution ✨(I really believed it 😅) In my head, it was simple: I was a magical creature capable of transforming into several different animals/creatures, I had to watch over the Earth but humans were starting to become too dangerous so I found a way to become the child of a family and start a life as a human to learn more about this species and find a solution to fix everything, and later transform into my true form to make everything better.(I shortened the lore I created around this).
Finally, I grew up, and I noticed that this story didn't hold water. I stopped believing in all that, because I had made it all up, right?
All ?
I had effortlessly let go of this crazy story (I didn't really believe in it anymore at the end so...) but I still didn't feel human, I continued to have animal experiences... I returned to the starting point. Why do I feel like this? This time I didn't want to make up a weird story like I did in the past (I wouldn't even believe it anyway)...So I thought I was crazy.
I felt bad, extremely bad about my identity.
This time it wasn't completely because of my gender and species dysphoria, (I didn't know what the word dysphoria meant at the time), I just felt crazy. Deep down, I knew that wasn't really the case. But I didn't listen to myself. Who wants to listen to a crazy person, anyway?
Later, I decided to create a clothing style more related to fantastic animals or creatures, to feel better. (unconsciously, I created gears for myself)
And even later, on YouTube shorts, I found a strange video where I saw a masked person running around with a mask, I was looking for something else, so I didn't really watch the video. If people like to pretend to be an animal, as long as they like it and it doesn't hurt anyone, why not?
And I found another video. Then two. Then three, four, five, six, etc.I finally gave in and watched these videos.
And there is the flash.
I admired the impressive jumps and the magnificent masks based on animals and nature. Before, I thought it was a hobby, looking for the animal that most resembles you, and doing quadrobics. I needed this "hobby" to escape my dysphoria and anxiety...Besides, I thought the members of the community were called furries. But I noticed that in a lot of these videos it said "you don't choose to be a therian" or "theriantropy isn't just gears and quads", so I did some research .
And I discovered the actual definition. I discovered MY definition! This part of myself, A WHOLE COMMUNITY HAS FEELINGS SIMILAR TO MINE?????????!!!!!!!!
I discovered the definition of therian. Then that of otherkin, otherhearted, nonhuman, plantkin, otherlink, ockin, fictionkith, ect.
I learned a lot about these communities, before deciding to learn about myself.
Am I therian psychological, spiritual or physical? Not physical, anyway. But I don't know what's causing all this... Not trauma or anything like that, because I didn't have any traumatic experiences in my early childhood, yet I've felt like this since the very beginning of my life... Could it be a past life? I never had any memories, even if certain sensations or smells of nature seem familiar to me even though I have never experienced that... A neuroatipy? I did a lot of research and I have not found anything that describes anything in my behavior or way of thinking... The multiverse theory? Idk...For now, I think I was just born that way. But I am determined to find out why I am like this.
For now I'm looking for my theriotype... We'll see what I'll do next
My introspection is unlikely to stop, anyway ;⁠)
A big thanks for reading! It was a bit long I know but oh well I do what I want >:3
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aurianavaloria · 3 months
👑 The King - An Analysis ✨
I've already stated my love for the Kingdom of Heaven soundtrack in a previous post, and in case it wasn't already obvious from my ambience edits, "The King" - essentially, King Baldwin's theme - is one of my favorite tracks on the OST album (if you're curious, "Burning the Past", "Crusaders", "To Jerusalem", and "Ibelin" are my other faves); it so effectively encapsulates his character with several simple variations on a single melody, on top of just being a lovely piece to listen to. What follows is my amateur analysis of this track (fully enabled by @atomnolly - please go check out their art, they're amazing). Please note, however, that I have absolutely zero experience with musical composition and theory. I'm just going by what the piece invokes in me, as a listener, in relation to Baldwin's character in the film.
I'll primarily be analyzing the OST's version of the track, which brings me to my main gripe about the way this piece is presented in the film and one reason why I'm doing this analysis to begin with: there's actually two variants floating out there - the basic OST album version and the Complete/"Full Expanded" album version, the latter of which is how it was implemented in the movie. Unfortunately, in the film, you never get to hear "The King" as its own full track like you do with "Burning the Past", for example. Instead, it's spliced up over the course of several scenes, one of which has nothing to do with Baldwin himself. 🙃
Go figure.
Because of this, I'm using the full "suite" version from the OST (called the "Album Edit" on the complete soundtrack) as, oddly enough, it is far more coherent to listen to than how it actually shows up in the film. More on that later.
The suite opens up with an intro that is called "Golgotha" on the complete soundtrack (unfortunately, Tumblr isn't letting me upload my audio clips no matter what I do, so we'll go by timestamps instead - I highly advise docking the video in your sidebar while you read for convenience). Between 0:00 and 1:20, we get this soft, meandering, mysterious melody on duduk, accompanied by equally mysterious female vocals that briefly drift into a brighter, almost angelic sound. This change in tone is backed by what sounds like a glass harp before the duduk repeats the initial melody.
I've noticed that the "tinkling" glass harp often shows up in the film to seemingly emphasize something ethereal or supernatural, and we mostly hear it in connection to Baldwin, although it does spring up in other places on occasion. Each time it's used, it invokes the slightest bit of tension, as if it's a cue to think more closely about whatever it is the viewer is looking at.
Even more intrinsically tied to his character, however, is the presence of the Armenian duduk, which, if I haven't missed anything anywhere (which I could have), doesn't appear in any track other than those clearly associated with the king. In this way, I think we can effectively say that, as far as the KoH soundtrack goes, the duduk is "his" instrument - fitting, considering his Armenian heritage.
As a side note, this is why it's strange and somewhat frustrating to me to have this intro segment tacked onto Balian's visit at Calvary in the film, because, after hearing it as part of "The King" suite on the album edit, it's obvious that the duduk signals Baldwin's presence. Yet at this point, the king hasn't even been introduced and won't be for a few more scenes. I do believe it replays in full after Balian's invitation to speak with Baldwin, but it is almost completely overshadowed by his conversation with Sibylla, leading the viewer to possibly attach it to her rather than her brother.
Back to the duduk. The Armenian duduk, a double-reed instrument traditionally made of apricot wood, has a very distinctive sound that's been described by listeners as everything from mournful, lonely, and haunting, to relaxing and soulful, to majestic and even romantic, depending on how it is played. This powerful versatility is certainly demonstrated in "The King", beginning with this introduction that I would say ventures into "haunting" territory. In fact, it almost feels like a lure - a siren's call for listeners.
After that call, we get the beginning of what is "The King" on the Extended soundtrack and the first appearance of the leitmotif that is attached to Baldwin from that point forth. Between 1:20 and 1:50 on the album edit, we have a very "gentle" (as @atomnolly put it 😁) melody played on a flute, first heard when Baldwin is beckoning Balian to come closer, again accompanied by the glass harp. While starting at a lilting higher pitch, it soon trails off into a lower one before a slight pause, and then a slide of strings precedes a repetition of that same melody at a lower pitch than the first. A solemn tension builds from then until 2:24, at which point, in the Complete soundtrack, it is very obviously and awkwardly chopped to silence. 🙃We'll get back to that in a bit.
This introduction of Baldwin's leitmotif is a very interesting point of the suite, because the almost light airiness of the flute doesn't last very long. It soon gives way to a much richer, even "darker" sound. For me, this represents what belies the almost angelic appearance of the king - there's far more depth there than his friendly introduction might suggest, and this is reflected in the music itself... brightness intertwined with mystery, and possibly a little danger (this is a king we're talking about, here, with all the power that position provides).
This mystery is further emphasized when the duduk comes back in, echoing the leitmotif between 2:25 and 2:50, and it is further strengthened by the dual presence of the glass harp and growing strings supporting it. Unfortunately, this part doesn't show up at all during Balian's first conversation with Baldwin; in fact, it is put off until the middle of "Terms" on the complete soundtrack: the discussion with Saladin at Kerak. IMO, it would have been far more fitting to have it in the background during the most serious part of Baldwin's lecture (a la my first atmosphere edit); this is really the second-strongest iteration of his leitmotif and should have accompanied his most powerful quote in the film.
What comes after is the closest thing we get to a battle theme for Baldwin. From 2:50 to 3:06 we get another repetition of the leitmotif by the duduk, but in its strongest form: at a higher pitch but with greater power than before, it is accompanied by drums and backed by strings that give a sense of urgency. This is the king on horseback, both right before the meeting with Saladin and immediately following. Utterly gone is the glass harp - mystery gives way to majesty.
The leitmotif then continues with even stronger strings alongside the duduk at a lower pitch from 3:07, almost overpowering it, before being repeated a final time by horns at 3:22. This, I believe, is essentially a royal fanfare of sorts; brass has been associated with military and nobility (as the ultimate leadership of said military) since ancient times, and it is here that the score emphasizes Baldwin's role as commander of his kingdom's army. Again, unfortunately, this part isn't kept singular to Baldwin and is replayed in the future scenes of Balian's battle at Jerusalem - it's possible this is intended to evoke the memory of Baldwin, but it further takes away from the composition's uniqueness.
At 3:37, then, we get a small "falling action" portion that actually doesn't appear where it was intended. According to Drake55116's analysis, this particular bit was actually supposed to play while Baldwin dismounted his horse and approached Raynald in Kerak's courtyard, but was ultimately cut. I'm not sure why - it has a definite sense of "impending doom" to it, not just for Raynald, but for Baldwin himself, as this becomes his last great "hurrah" as king. Both the string and horn buildups are wonderful and really emphasize it as the climax point before the disaster that follows.
After that, interestingly enough, the portion that appears at 4:17 on the album edit is actually put where the leitmotif chops off suddenly during Baldwin's earlier conversation with Balian on the Extended soundtrack. To be honest, I think it would have served just fine during or even after Baldwin's interaction with Raynald instead. The slide of the low strings and the slightly discordant horns continue that regal majesty, but also provide appropriate tension for the situation.
Briefly returning to the initial conversation between Baldwin and Balian - there is one portion of the theme that is reserved for the Complete soundtrack and doesn't appear on the OST album edit: at 56:28 there is a unique high string version of the king's leitmotif followed by a slower, half repetition by the duduk, which has had an echo added to it. It essentially serves to "close-out" their conversation after Baldwin gives his orders to go to Ibelin. This iteration is much, much softer in tone, and with the echo and the growing glass harp sound alongside it, it seems to purposefully emphasize the ethereal mystery of the king, but this time with a definite positive tone... perhaps reflective of Balian's hopeful outlook on him?
Back to the album edit. From 4:42, the leitmotif appears again as an even higher flute than it first appeared, almost delicate. A deliberate pause follows with emphasis on the glass harp between 5:06 and 5:15 before the duduk echoes the theme one last time... the softest and slowest it's played on the whole track as it extends to the end. Here, from 4:42 onward, is the dying king. A certain innocence is reflected in the high flute notes, weariness and vulnerability conveyed through the duduk. Despite being the gentlest segment of the suite, it is perhaps the most powerful way to close it out, the prior strength and mystery quite literally fading away into nothing.
In essence, I think "The King" would have been much more effective presented in the movie exactly as it appears as a suite on the OST, going precisely in that order and restricted to Baldwin's appearances alone. As a whole, it perfectly illustrates the king as a character - the flute and glass harp reflecting the angelic elegance, the horns the majesty, the duduk the mystery, power, and tragedy. Harry Gregson-Williams's composition is beautifully-deep despite its relative simplicity, and it adds so much to every scene in which Baldwin appears; thoughtfully-crafted to invoke the above feelings in the audience, it effectively enhances the Leper King's brief but powerful presence in the film.
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Just my two cents about the Ned Fulmer situation
By the time you will be reading this some new development may have been made that could possibly change the outcome of what I currently know, but as of September 29, 2022 and the recent things that have been posted on tumblr in general I feel like I want to say a few things (and yes I know I broke my don't go to tumblr rule but learning the news from youtube, a platform notorious for clickbait titles I feel like tumblr was the platform to verify it while there was no mainstream news media outlet covering it).
Some background before you read this: I've been a Try guys fan since their Buzzfeed days and it was actually through Keith, Zach and Becky's eclipse video where they stay overnight in a fan's house that was allegedly haunted, that I discovered Shane and Ryan who I am now following for their Ghost files content as well as their Puppet History show. My bias among the Try guys was Keith because of our interests in musical theater, feeling like the one who has to find things other than our physical appearances to make up for it, and I just vibe with him a lot more (and our favorite color is blue). That's not to say I didn't like the other Try guys I also had moments wherein I vibed with them as well because I didn't like how the fandom's favorite moments was about Keith screaming during without a recipe for his loss. And having said that the member I least vibed with was with Ned, I probably only vibed with him because I've never tried mary jane before in my entire life but I have drank a lot of alcohol before. I also enjoyed it when he was more in actor mode, and was genuinely funny sometimes.
As with many things I consume on youtube, I tend to view youtubers as both performers and people. To messily quote Cristine from Simplynailogical "A balance of being authentic enough to be yourself but not too much because it's also a performance and you need to protect yourself from what you are outside of being a youtuber." Or something along those lines. I'm bringing this up because while I do have a parasocial relationship as a Try guys fan, I tend to not really care what they do outside of those videos because they are people too and they also deserve the privacy to actually live life and deal with issues in private. The only thing I really follow is their main youtube content, while occassionally watching some of YB's videos and those on the Second Try. And because we live in a capitalist system as of the moment, the Try Guys are in the business of producing content.
When I first watched the three recent videos, I'll be honest it wasn't until the most recent one "Try guys try stand up comedy" that I began to feel and notice Ned's absence. Unlike other people who follow them, I only exclusively follow them on Youtube, so when the new intro came without Ned, I thought it's because he was doing a side project or something else since I remember Eugene was absent for a long while before.
So I among many others who follow them was incredibly shocked to learn that a.) Ned cheated on Ariel; b.) He cheated on Ariel with Alex from the Food Babies; and c.) It happened at the start of this month (of September) and the recent videos were highly edited to remove them from it.
Do I feel shocked? Yes. Betrayed? Not as much as others because again I knowingly consume their content knowing that this is only what they've allowed to share about themselves and it's not their entire selves. As an example from the Try guys documentary, and in some of their more personal videos, Zach's persona of being the man child of the group is just that, a persona. His talents really shine when he's behind the camera and his film school education really shows and has brought some of my favorite videos on their channel. But even those are just some slices as to who he is as a person, it's not entirely who he is, and I'm okay with not knowing him in the same level that Maggie and their other friends know him as.
Does this mean I condone what Ned and Alex have done? NO. We don't live in a time of arranged marriages anymore (or at least the vast majority of us, I'm not sure about some parts of the earth) and if you marry for love as you claim to have done so, then there shouldn't be a reason for you to cheat from your spouse. Did the Try guys know before we knew of it and was their actions justified? From the perspective of a business (because again they are a business), yes their actions were justified in first keeping it to themselves to plan how to deal with the issue (including when the issue may come out to the public), do what needs to be done to prepare for what was to come and what their stance is based on their actions. Also you need to remember that Ned being fired from the company must have a grace period of some kind for them to be able to move forward without Ned who was part owner of the company and was essentially Alexandria's boss. No matter how friendly we see them on camera, the main Try guys are the bosses of their staff and there is a power imbalance there that has the potential for abuse, and opens them up for a potential sexual misconduct lawsuit. I don't know the laws in the U.S.A., but from what I have gleaned an employer - employee sexual relationship has so much room for abuse no matter how consensual Ned alleges it to be. This doesn't remove Alex from liability but no matter how you spin it, he is still the one controlling her means of livelihood. And if (BIG EMPHASIS ON IF) it turns out Alex was the one who initiated it, not only did she know that Ned was a very married man but because again since he controls her paycheck, she could abuse that relationship by potentially getting more than her fair share if not through the paycheck then by other benefits that may set a bad precedent for the rest of the staff. If it seems I'm analyzing this from the perspective of a lawyer, well guess what I'm a law student, I'm in training to do this.
Speaking of firing, people have rightly pointed out that the Try Guys have no legal ground to terminate Alex and I'm not sure if they plan on giving her a huge amount of money to leave as a settlement (I dont think their company is big enough to do that but then again I don't know the ins and outs of the company), or if she will be resigning soon because essentially all of the Try Staff we as the audience have seen have unfollowed her and Ned. But if you are going to base on firing her just because of the cheating incident, then that could open the company to a lawsuit for termination for something not work related. If you think this is a bullshit legal provision, then imagine this: Would you want to be fired if you were essentially coerced into doing something wrong but you can't because refusing could lead to dire consequences that are wrong but not illegal such as being assigned to do a job you don't like? This is what we're potentially dealing with here because of the power imbalance that is present.
I want to now tackle the worrying trend that I've observed from tumblr posts and maybe the internet community in general (I can only really speak from what I've seen on tumblr because I'm the most active here). Ariel has already issued a statement that they want to resolve their marital issues in private and we should respect that. As someone else has pointed out, she is still a.) A human being; b.) Uses the internet; and c.) Is one of the victims of this whole scandal. Roast Ned and Alex for what they've done, but don't add salt to a gaping wound by promoting posts from employees from Buzzfeed or ex- Buzzfeed employees who have taken this opportunity to simply smugly say "I knew he was trouble." When they were working with him. It's clear they are just using this scandal to chase clout and I've lost my respect for each one who has taken this opportunity to do so. If you knew he was trouble then why didn't you say anything to Ariel back when they were in Buzzfeed? You know the time before they had children. The most likely answer is that it was none of their business, or they brought it up with HR then nothing must have happened, or they didn't know who Ariel was or didn't take the initiative to go the extra mile to find her and inform her of her spouse being shady (this list is not exclusive). If they want to air their grievances then do it in your private chatrooms. Do it in a place wherein you 100% know Ariel is not going to be on. She's on twitter, she's going to see it, and in all honesty, if any dirt goes out about any one of them, I would support Ariel rubbing salt on their wound but from what I know she's too nice about it (Becky Habersberger will probably do it on her behalf).
As of this writing, there has been an update that the Trypod will be on October 6 addressing what we have learnt in these past 2 days. I'm hoping the best for Keith, Eugene, Zach, and the rest of the Try family. Ned and Alex have broken up so many precious relationships. The silver lining in this to repeat a quote frequently repeated by fellow fans is that the Triceratop has three horns and they are going to be fine. They just need to weather the storm, and I forgot who posted this but I agree with someone saying that these three have all distinct traits that make them stand out as individuals and as a part of a group. No matter what Ariel decides to do moving forward from this to protect their children, she'll have this fan's support.
P.S. If they should hire anyone so that they could have a four person group again, it should be filled in by Kylie Burke. She brings the right amount of being anxious yet eager to try in Ned's last video "Try guys try high diving." I don't vibe well with Kwesi since I sense he has an air of him making fun of the things to try rather than giving it an actual try.
Okay now back to my study hiatus.
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choosingwhatmatters · 3 months
"Reverie" in Dream episode 7
I think the last time I've had this much to say about the music of a particular piece of art was when I was writing my master's thesis. My goodness, I love tumblr! It's such a wonderful feeling to share thoughts and theories with people who are just as invested in a particular piece of art as I am. Thank you, y'all! I'm having a blast!
I start this post with a conclusion I seem to draw from every Dream episode: Dream sounds fantastic. As far as I can tell, they're only working with a few costum made melodies as well as the intro song and the two outro songs, but for me the soundtrack works beautifully. Today, I want to talk about the following scene:
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@unrealcosima has already pointed out the music in the scene in which Wan and Kim have their only out-of-dream talk of the episode. Kim has learned about the alcoholism of Wan's mum as well as Wan's depression. In turn, Wan learns about Kim dating Mawin (but not the reason behind this decision). Interestingly, Wan seems to have only two modes when it comes to Kim: hardcore, clingy "I need you in my life, no matter what you need" and sad, dejected "it's okay, just live your life without me and be happy". Let's see whether that changes in future episodes. The music, at any rate, speaks a very clear language. It is the instrumental version of "Tha khuu fan di (Reverie)," the ending credit song of the first six episodes. It has an melancholic, ambient feel to it. It speaks of yearning and regret.
Music theory time: The yearning is mostly achieved by the harmonisation of the piece, meaning all the different notes that we can hear simultaneously at any given time of the piece. The harmonies in "Reverie" float, they glisten. They try to find their way home but never do. Home, in this case, is A flat major. I know this because of the other chords and the way they are positioned. Listen to the outro of the piece (which also serves as intro):
The very last chord you can hear is A flat major. This is where all the the other chords want to guide us. This is home. The beauty of the song is: We never get to hear A flat major. Not once. The chord you hear in the recording has been added by me, it never appears in the actual song. Home is so close, but we never get to step into the warmth of the firelight. That is one of the major contributors of the song's restless, melancholic energy.
The restlessness is also achieved by the note values of the piece, meaning how long one note lasts before it is followed by the next. The shortest note values are in the chorus, which sounds a little bit like this:
The tempo of the song itself is fairly slow (about 72 beats per minute) but the short note values (semi-quavers) drive us onward, forward. They don't allow us time to breathe. In the show, we're at the point where Wan has just told Kim to not come back to her simply out of a sense of obligation.
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While we hear the chorus, Wan and Kim are silent until Kim gets a call from Mawin. The notes keep raining down and for me, they symbolise the thoughts shooting through Wan's head. As Kim talks, she keeps wondering one thing, and her question coincides with the end of the chorus: "Are you two together now?" When she gets an answer, even one she has feared, the music becomes once again calmer. (/music theory time)
We get to hear the chorus a second time, this time in its complete version including Mint's beautiful voice. It is when Wan gets up and walks away from Kim, leaving Kim first staring after her and then leaning on the table, looking like a sad little sea lion cub. Oh, my heart!
This was my music rant for this episode. Thank you for sticking around! I fear I won't be able to post anything about the next episode because I'll be chaperoning 160 teenagers on a class trip but I am very much looking forward to all the posts here!
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jayflrt · 4 months
I like your work a lot like it's genuinely Hilarious so I thought you would be the best person to ask for this.
I want to make a writing tumblr for enhypen but I'm a little lost because I've never used tumblr (as a creator) before LOL just used twitter and AO3 to write/socmed for fictional fandoms (tbh this is my first time like being a proper fan of a kpop group as to occasionally liking a song or two).
Anyways! What I've gathered from my experience on twitter and the writers I've followed here is obviously your blog should have an intro about you (inc. what you're comfy with, what you write, etc.) and a master list of your works BUT some of Tumblr's mechanics are Confusing.
1) should I create specific tags for my asks?
2) on twt, usually you create a tweet like "Hi! New to #___twt, looking for moots blah blah" to get an initial burst of likewise new people to bond and communicate with, does it work similarly here and if so/not please elaborate TT
3) is the etiquette to reblog every work you like, or is that spammy and you should just like them?
4) is there any other advice you have for navigating tumblr (like odd quirks)
5) ALSO this is a small dumb question but in the fandoms I've been in until now we usually used socmed au instead of smau do you have any idea why that's different (low-key smau is smarter tho bcus it's a shorter abbreviation)
I think that's all. I tried going through your rules and intro again, but I didn't see anything on whether an ask like this was alright or not, but I hope it is! I didn't want to Like intrude, but I felt most comfortable asking you because you're also desi ❤️❤️.
Anyways!! If this is something you don't want to/don't feel comfortable answering or it's like annoying genuinely just ignore this, I don't want to be make anyone uncomfortable!
omg thank you so much ml, i'm so glad you enjoyed my works!! 🥹 welcome to the kpop community first of all!! did you recently become an engene? :') and welcome to the tumblr ff community too! honestly i feel like if you can navigate ao3 just fine then tumblr shouldn't be too difficult after a while but i'm sure it's confusing at first 😵‍💫
as for your questions i'll answer them in the same order you asked them:
1. honestly i'm not 100% sure if there's any real purpose behind specific tags for your asks other than organization personally LOL but it's pretty helpful if you want to go back to look through your asks for something instead of scrolling past all the posts on your blog !!
2. omg yes i love the twt intros 💗 honestly for tumblr i think i just started posting content right away whenever i made a blog 🤧 i think intros are usually just in your navigation anyways but if you want to talk to different authors then it doesn't hurt to send an ask!! usually people communicate with different authors via the ask box 🥰
3. all sorts of interaction is great but i think reblogs are preferred!! i typically use likes as my bookmarks and then reblogs to comment on work or share it to a wider audience. the algorithm for tumblr works so that your likes don't show for others (unless you make it public on your profile) but your reblogs are on the dashes of people who follow you
4. ooh i'd say make use of the tagging system!! using tags like #enhypen fluff or #enhypen x reader on your fics will make it easier for people to find your work 💘
5. HAHAH I USED TO CALL IT SOCMED AU TOO BEFORE I JOINED TUMBLR 😭 i still use social media au as a tag but i think smau is more widely used here!! not exactly sure why but im guessing its just easier to tag 🙂‍↕️ i get you tho bc i experienced the same culture shock
dont worry you're most welcome to send asks !! 🥰💘 and thank you for reading my rules and intro!! i definitely don't turn away anyone who's looking for advice <33 also omg fellow desi 🫶 welcome to enhablr !
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dglvr1760 · 4 months
I've never actually made a post about just me... crazy so here we go!
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Hello! I'm bell (dglvr1760 or even Doglover1760), I am currently 20 and attending university 3 hours away from my home (that info will not be disclosed). I major in Zoo and Wildlife Biology and minor in communications.
Ive always had this dream of working with animals since I was young *most ppl working with animals says the same thing*, but I pushed. I went into college stuff a little early, I went to a career center for two years while in college to handle and work with animals. I graduated and attend my college now for two years and have taken the roll of a leader in the zoo at my school. I will deal with the education aspect and will be in charge of shows with my coleader!
I always have believed we should care for those who can't care for themselves and to aid in helping people learn, this just so happens to fall into animals for me. I love animal behavior and the interactions with them, people have been hard to interact with for me, bit my minor has helped with that.
I started art a while ago, just little things as a kid, mostly self taught animal art books taught me shape and such in 2015, then I actually posted stuff in late 2017 on an app called Sketch. It was a Sony made platform that was eventually shut down from being a community posting place and is now just a hard to find app for making art (I still use).
I have grown in my art, made and lost many friends, and am proud to see this change! I am glad Tumblr took me in and glad to have made many friends though my journey!
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(I was messing around in the image above, mainly where the heart is on the 2nd one lel)
So thank you and ik this intro is long and you can scroll past it, but I never got to talk about myself bc I have alot of self issues. Kinda being traumatized at a young age doesn't help but I'm getting through it. Even taking that pic at the top was hard, but I did it.
Anyways, have a great day, enjoy my blog, you can request anytime and I don't take money so plz, feel free to ask! And more detail helps lel!
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alolawinters · 25 days
☆Pinned Intro Post☆
Alola! Yo~ All the hellos~
My name is Wally. I'm transmasc, and I use he/him pronouns. I'm a 30 year old Team Skull Admin and Pokémon stylist who enjoys traveling to other Reigons with my team, and I sometimes travel for work too! When I go for work however, Guzma always comes with me. I love the paranormal, battling, and creative grooming (especially on a Furfrou).
I was born in Lavender Town, Kanto, and now I live here in Alola- in Po Town to be exact. It's always rainy here, we're near the beach, and my found family is wonderful. If you have any questions about life here, I'm more than happy to share a bit~
I'm in a relationship with Guzma, I'll get that out of the way. He calls me Boo, and I call him Bugs! So if I refer to someone as my Bugsband (instead of husband, haha get it?), that's who I'm talking about. Plumeria is not part of our relationship, she is literally like our sister. Guzma grew up with her!
My Pokémon
I have my active team, and I just have some around. I love giving my Pokémon freedom to roam around Po Town, but I'll just name off my team for now.
Goblin • M • Sableye • Prankster - He and Pyrite are never seperate so I'll have Pyrite stay back during any battles. Both are gremlins and they will try to get your jewelry if it's a jewel.
Aulkhor • F • Dusknoir • Pressure - She is my most serious Pokémon. I don't think I've seen her smile, but she gives good hugs.
Lullaby • F • Wigglytuff • Cute Charm - Lullaby is the second Pokémon I caught while I lived in Kanto! She has been with me through thick and thin, she is my "jack of many trades", and is a Cute Contest grand champion~
Nemophila "Nemo" • F • ☆Sylveon☆ • Pixelate - My Nemo baby~ She has such a sweet tooth and will constantly ask me for a PokéPuff- Specifically the orange one. She will get you with her puppy face, she's very good at it.
Pepper • M • Unovan Zoroark • Illusion - He is the brother to Salt... I assume. I found them both on Mount Lanakila as Zorua, and Zoruas aren't native to Alola, so I think they were abandoned there and... well. They both have since recovered and made an amazing ninja battle duo. I'm very proud of them~ Pepper is the bigger of the two and also the loudest.
Salt • M • Hisuian Zoroark • Illusion - Brother to Pepper He is smaller and more quiet, but when he gets loud in a battle it's a little scary how loud and shrill he can get. He and Pepper Like to snuggle.
((Ooc under cut))
Woof sorry for not getting a proper intro up for this blog! I've been busy with life and art work.
So I'm Wally. This blog is my self-insert roleplay blog! Anything that happens here does not affect other people's universes. This is for me to have fun, make some friends, and do a bit of roleplaying because I'm tired of being shy about it. I am an adult ('93), so I wanted to reflect that in my sona as well. Most of what StoryWally likes is what I like~
There's not really a canonical timeline for this, StoryWally just kind of exists and event could be happening, all depends on how this goes!
There will be no NSFW here.
There will be swearing and heavy content, but I'll do my best to tag the heavy content stuff with "cw"
My own lore and tidbits in my AU that will, again, not affect other AUs
I will occasionally have my other OCs and canon characters roleplay and interact~
My main Tumblr is @ribbonwolf , and there is cw on that because I post a bunch of stuff that definitely is NSFW.
Lore, Wally at work, Wally's pokemon, Po Town, pokemon photos
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starrykirsche · 1 year
Blog intro!!
Haiii, this is Kirsche!! While most of my info abt this blog can be summed up by my desc alone, I think this post might be helpful!! :3
++ UPDATED (07/07/24)
Hiii!! This is Kirsche... I'm back! It's been about a year since I made this Tumblr, and I felt that after a medium-length hiatus, I should return! (I've still had a presence on Tumblr, but on a super-secret account you'll never ever discover!)
I don't plan to write anymore fics (as of right now), so I'll be closing my asks.
Original Intro:
I write nsfw and sfw fics/headcanons!! If you only want to read one or the other, it will be very clearly marked on the post which one it is ^.^
Most of my fics/headcanons are fairly gender neutral, but if you’d like a specifically fem, masc, or non-binary reader character, feel free to request that!
I color code my posts!! So if you’re looking for a specific person, you can simply look at the colors!
Bill is purple, Tom is green, Gustav is orange, and Georg is blue!! And just Tokio Hotel generally is red!
Like I said earlier, requests are always open and are honestly asked of!! (Writers block gets to the best of us)
I adore comments, so feel free to leave any critiques or notes in my comments!!
Anon asks are on
Photo dump/Gif requests are totally allowed
If you want any links to interviews, photo shoots, or magazine pages let me know!
Feel free to message me and info dump ૮꒰✿ˊᗜˋ ꒱ა
About me:
I go by Kirsche on here
I use she/her pronouns
I’ve been writing fanfiction for definitely too long
My alt blog
My pinterest
Tysm for reading, this has been my pinned intro,
deine, kirsche. ✮
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oceanlipgloss · 4 months
was belial’s h scene voice acted? ik that he can’t actually “speak” without jjyu but i still really hope there was a voiceover of what he was “saying” through touch >_<
Hey there, anon:) I'm sorry for the atrociously late response. I've been logged out of Tumblr and on hiatus, ongoing.
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To answer your question and please prepare to be disappointed, I'll say that I have no clue :P that's because, while I do swing between playing story scenes often with no audio to rarely with low audio, I always dive into H-scenes with my volume on zero. To me, that makes it more effective and easier to focus. I'm also not very interested in the 'erotic' genre of voice-acting, if you will.
Actually, the game altogether has been on mute for a loooong time now lol a bonus pro that comes with that is the option to listen to music of my own (were I in the mood to do so) as I get daily/weekly achievements done.
+fun fact: the only game I play with both BGM and voice on is Mystic Messenger; it's not merely a game to me, but one of the dearest things to my heart.
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Now I'll get to the subject at hand, so: if I were to use logic and give an answer, I'm inclined to assume that Belial's H-scene most likely had very little to no voice acting (i.e. the 'husky moan' part may be voiced), though it would be pretty cool if what he wrote on MC's body was voiced—as in, those were his 'thoughts' and 'intentions.'
However, it's noteworthy to mention that Belial can, in fact, talk without Jjyu, but the deal here is with how his voice sounds, something which makes apparent the reality that his vocal chords have been subjected to certain trauma. For citation: his voice is described in-game as though 'coming from a damaged pipe,' (and that description was made when he said Solomon's name before he and MC broke their contract, I believe).
He also did talk a whole lot before his H-scene (while he was in the hospital), which is a reason as to why I was confused once it was mentioned in his H-scene that MC had 'never heard him talk.' Perhaps that was meant to refer to how, since his voice is damaged, MC had never heard his 'healthy' voice.
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Either way, PB should please forget about Panty Party for a minute and make an editing and polishing party for the writing 'cause it thirsts for needs that quite desperately, man lol
Improvement was made in the latest chapter, in Gamigin's event, and in Leraye's event despite the frightening mistakes, which of course is better than nothing, but damn...
And although I have no clue about the severity of the linguistical horrors that surely haunted (Selfie) Lucifer's prologue + story and (Uniform(?)) Leviathan's I didn't bother to read the prologues or pull for the cards and unlock the stories, I can definitely guess :P
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Belphegor's appearance fucks, and he hasn't even been entirely shown yet.
The double iris + pupil? The black, apparently slicked-back hair? The numerous silver piercings?
His eyes on their own are quite eye-catching horrific pun intended and unique. And the little pieces of trivia sprinkled about him in chats made me like him. He seems to be pretty strange lol
+edit: PB's latest post about him? He's likeable material for sure. I mean, the literal embodiment of sloth—who cannot be bothered to leave his room other than once in a blue moon and deals with a mass of stuff as quickly as possible before holing himself back up in his room—spends time and energy making a mask because he read a comic. So boyish and quirky. He then threatens to kill anyone who dislikes his craft. He's a cute one.
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xdibstinkx · 5 months
Okay so me and my fiancée have had our own Invader Zim AU going for 3 years now, it's a mix of our OCS and canon characters but a lot of their personalities we have changed to make them unique to our universe and our world! We call it the RoseGold universe
My fiancée doesn't have a Tumblr but she's been desperate to post our characters and stories somewheres so we're gonna make her one tonight! For now I'll post some OC intros and some basic lore
Our AU can be NSFW and 18+ sometimes, but I will always give a warning and tag the post properly. The 18+ moments are all mostly lore based
Almighty Tallest Golden
Belonging to my amazing fiancée Holly, she is the Irken ruler in our AU
She is a defective Irken with semi-rare genetics like fluffy antennas and almost blindingly bright yellow eyes
Fashionista! She loves to design her own dresses and clothes
She's soft and gentle, but can be very murderous and revenge hungry. Low-key a dictator but a sweet dictator
During her elite training, she met Miyuki. The two started a secret love affair; they would sneak out of their bases in the middle of the night and go to degenerate space clubs
Miyuki became a Tallest before Golden, she had vowed to Golden that they would be the first gay irkens to rule Irk together and prove that their race doesn't need to be all about destroying planets and training young smeets to be killers
Red and Purple were like um nope lol and had planned for Miyuki's death so they would become Tallest before Golden
In the AU Red and Purple don't die from the Florpus, but end up being demoted and banished from the Irken Armada, so Golden becomes Tallest
Has an appointment therapist, Tenn, who has an unhealthy and unprofessional love for Golden but Golden only sees them as really close work friends
Here's some art I've made of Golden! Also the bottom two are commission pieces by zimdial on Instagram!
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Royal Scientist Roze
Belonging to me, Roze is Golden's lover and the Royal Scientist!
She is also a defective Irken, she has emotional outbursts frequently and has a history of self harm (due to the trauma of being an invader + bad past relationship)
She's quiet and keeps to herself, awkward and bitchy, but behind closed doors she is the sweetest kittem
Very work oriented, takes her job very seriously as it took her forever to work her way up in the hierarchy
Her and Golden first fell in love while waiting on an emergency waiting room on the Armada together. Roze was training to be a scientist and Golden was still in elite training, this was during Golden and Miyukis relationship but they didn't exchange words until years later
Roze previously was engaged to her lab partner, Lilac. Their relationship was sloppy and not healthy, but they had to keep their lives a secret. They ended in flames, and later Roze gets her revenge on Lilac
Wasn't promoted to Royal Scientist until after Golden had come into power. Roze was assigned to give weekly debriefs on research and potential biological and chemical breakthroughs + hazards. They were always messy, Roze became so nervous from Golden's soft yet glaring eyes
Their relationship started one day in Golden's secret greenhouse. She grew all sorts of space flowers from all over the galaxy, and had invited Roze there for a 'research meeting'. Roze felt like she was going to be killed, until Golden leaned all the way down into her and admitted to how much she respects Roze. She asked her out on a date, same time same location in a few days
Because Tenn is an appointment therapist for the Almighty Tallest, she was also appointed to the Royal Scientist. Tenn developed an unhealthy and unprofessional relationship with Roze as well, but Roze didn't reciprocate and never actually liked her.
Some Roze art I've made! I don't draw her a lot, but I should
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Here's just some RozeGold stuff :)
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autumnslance · 2 months
hello Aeryn! Question! I have seen you post that Dark Autumn is your experience the story character and Aeryn is your personal WoL, when playing Dark how did you start planning out Aeryn? I want to make a personal WoL for myself and I don’t know what I should do? Any suggestions or tips? I love your tumblr! Such an inspiration! ❤️
Thank you for the lovely words! And well, I didn't really plan out anything concerning alts, let alone a WoL, at least not at first.
I think I've spoken about it before, but: I started playing back around Heavensward's release, and Dark Autumn was my first and for a long time only character; FF14 was my side game, as I was still pretty active in WoW. By the time Stormblood came out, though, I was burning out on WoW for various reasons, and started playing FF14 more. I was still level 40-something and in Mor Dhona trying to save the Scions, so I finished ARR, ripped through HW, and caught up to StB 4.0 pretty quickly while that was still new.
But I realized, going back through the cutscenes in the Unending Journey to remind myself of the plot I'd slowly meandered through for over 2 years, that there was a lot I'd forgotten, or missed, and also 2 other starter city experiences. This is also, crucially, long before New Game+ became a thing during the Shadowbringers patch cycle. The only way to re-experience the game was to replay it on an alt.
So I made C'oretta in Ul'dah and a Duskwight in Limsa Lominsa. The Duskwight didn't stick around far past the intro, but I ended up replaying the entire MSQ on C'oretta, remembering things from ARR I'd forgotten, and picking up on things I'd missed in the ARR patches, HW, and StB.
Also, I did not make Dark or C'oretta to be the WoL. I was still thinking of myself as a roleplayer back then, and thanks to my old WoW experiences built RP stories where one does not play "the hero" even though that's FF14's entire setup. I also just couldn't really separate in my mind a "WoL version" versus "RP version" of either character back then. It also just didn't seem to...."fit" either one of them.
But I also eventually realized, especially as I left WoW for good, that I was just too tired and disinterested in getting involved in the dramas of another open RP community. Sticking to fanfiction was looking infinitely better, and I got a little RP from close long time friends now and again (in FF14 and also more traditional tabletop gaming). By this point, I had a better grasp of the world and the lore, the story and the characters, and the various ways the fandom approached WoLs in RP and fanfiction.
I also learned about an unused CGI Midlander woman model, and that got some wheels spinning in my head, about our beloved Meteor Survivor default WoL, and Ardbert and his crew all based on the original legacy and ARR trailer characters, and decided I was going to make an "actual WoL" OC and try experiencing the story (again) that way. I also decided, for myself, as I like "coloring within the lines" for my fanfiction writing (a lot of "missing scenes" or "meanwhiles" etc and not too much lore/canon divergence), that to keep it simple and not go too far off the rails for my own time and sanity, she'd play close to what I call Assumed Default WoL's canon actions, attitude, assumptions, etc that we get throughout the game.
Was also going through some identity figuring out at the time, so my WoL totally wasn't going to be romantically or physically involved with anyone, going to write about an aroace WoL who was just focusing on the MSQ and side story events. WoLNPC shipping obviously wasn't for me after 2 and a half other playthroughs, there were plenty of other people doing all that, it was fine if I didn't.
Plans never survive first contact with the enemy, players at the gaming table, or how your own OC actually reacts to the plots you throw them in and characters you introduce them to.
By the time I created Aeryn, I'd been playing FF14 for 2 or 3 years. I had a rough idea of her background and some important people (though not all their names yet), and then saw where playing through MSQ and the various side stories took her. I already knew the plots, after all, having done it all on Dark, and some again on C'oretta, so was able to focus on Aeryn's characterization and reactions and how that changed over time, as well as adding details to her backstory and supporting cast over time, too.
And it's become a kind of running way for me to do things; Dark is first cuz she's my baby and I can just play as me and my reactions as I puzzle out the story and see what happens. Dark's own RP responses are pretty straightforward and simple, if I decide she's even present for those events. Aeryn playing through a second time lets me see things with the benefit of hindsight and foreknowledge, catch things I missed/forgot (from hints and foreshadowing, to references, etc) and rather than puzzling out the mystery or having my own knee-jerk emotional reactions, I can take a step back and know what's happening and why--or am better able to figure that out now--and see how my character would respond, especially if that's different from me the writer.
(I'm probably still crying, though; there's no escaping that)
It also lets me solidify the lore and remember it better, especially as it starts to get meme-ified and characters flanderized by the community. C'oretta and Iyna ending up replaying again months or years later also helps remember and solidify things. New Game+ helps a lot too, especially if you don't want to alt like I ended up doing thanks to early game's lack of replayability and this game being not very alt friendly.
Some people play their WoLs first (if not only) time through, some people have multiple alts they play, some make no distinction between RP and fanfic WoLs, some folks go with their initial gut reactions to events, and some parse and reconsider the storyline and its elements later. There's no right or wrong way to do it; this is just the path I took, and have decided to stick with due to the time and energy I have for gametime. I end up playing Aeryn more as she's my collector and the one I want to have all content done on for my story reasons, and do just enough on Dark to keep her ready for MSQ requirements (and cuz I love her pretty face and giantess physique). The unexpected WoLNPC ship did help focus and adjust my writing for Aeryn, but it's far from the only thing I write about for her, or the other alts, who settled into "friends and allies summoned by the Azem stone" spot.
So my advice is, as usual, if you decide you want a whole alt to be a WoL, start with a vague plan and some general idea of the backstory, and worry about the details as they come. It can shift and change and solidify as you go, over time. Let the character grow and change in reaction to story, good and bad, and embrace the unexpected reactions and see where they take your writing. Can always leave it in drafts or retcon it later. Use replays to actually look at the story, the parts you like and dislike both and be honest and objective about why and what that means for your story, what ends up important or not to your telling and to your WoL.
Be flexible, do it at your own pace in your own way, and have fun doing it, are the main things.
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angsty-prompt-hole · 6 months
WIP Question Tag Game
Tagged by @ceph-the-ghost-writer
Rules: Answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
Tagging: I'm leaving this as an open tag
I'll be answering all of them for A Hero's Call.
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
The very first part of A Hero's Call that I created was the concept of dimension jumping in general. It was inspired by both the ghost portals from Danny Phantom and my middle school self's mighty need for crossover content from my favorite shows, and then I kind of just made a self insert to make those crossovers happen, and that self insert evolved into Kira.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
So, when I was young and naive and didn't know how filmmaking worked, I wanted A Hero's Call to be a tv show. The intro song was always gonna be some sort of early 2000's rock/emo/metal song, and I almost always came back to In The End by Black Veil Brides. And honestly, I still stand by that.
3. Who are your favourite character(s) and why?
So, I love Kira, I really do, she's the main character after all. HOWEVER, my blorbos for the series are definitely Lucent and Cairn, which is really funny if you have the knowledge I do (that knowledge being that Lucent has ice powers and Cairn has fire powers). Lucent was a character I originally made to rp with some friends without having to use my already established characters, because I was weird and had stupid hangups about sharing my work, and she's kind of become my punching bag OC of the series which is how I know she's one of my favorites. I love making her go through physical and emotional torment.
Cairn is just fun for me to think about conceptually, because he's a villain that really could have chosen redemption, and he almost does at quite a few different points in his life, but ultimately he succumbs to the cycle of abuse and gives in to that darker side of himself. Also the thought of this very inhuman-looking dude having a Tumblr is SO funny to me (he is canonically VERY internet-savvy).
4. What other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
Any number of media pieces tbh, but the biggest one would probably be Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which was a HUGE inspiration for this project.
5. What has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
Writing the beginning of it. I've struggled so hard with it and I can never figure out what's holding me back, which annoys me. And the more I write the more I discover that when I have all the pieces to a story that I want to tell, the writing starts flowing eventually. But with this WIP I've just had to drag those first few chapters out kicking and screaming from my brain and I can tell something is missing, but I don't know what.
6. Are there any animals in your story?
Yes, there are. There's the Shade family dog, a golden retriever named Gary (who is, in fact, just my real dog inserted into the story), and there's also Lucent's "pet" Jannik, who is a ferret-like creature called a skitnik. Emily and Pickle are ranch kids so they have a ton of animals that sometimes get mentioned, but Gary and Jannik are more central to the plot than those animals are.
7. How do your characters get around?
All the normal ways you would get around in rural Wyoming in the 2010's (cars, horses, off-road vehicles, etc). And, of course, dimension jumping.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I'm rewriting the first few chapters (again) to try and get them ready to post on AO3 because I've been churning out fanfiction nonstop because of how much the kudos and comments go to my head, so I want to see if putting my original works on AO3 would spur me on to work on them more.
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
I think that the characters and the worldbuilding will be the major draws for people, cause I have a LOT of lore and a lot of fun characters to introduce and I think it'll be fun for people to explore.
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thebendsbyradiohead · 8 months
HOLY SHIT OK i have had this memory of being so so freaked out by a macedonian kids shows intro as a little child but i could not for the LIFE OF ME find what show it was i asked my parent slooked at old archive clips everything AND THEN!!! AND THEN!!!!! YOUR TAGS ON THAT POLL YOU REBLOGGED MADE ME CHECK IT OUT AND IT WAS THAT SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK! I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS SINCE ACTUAL LEGITIMATE KINDERGARTEN DAYS. OH MY LORD why did sitel do that to us. im like in shock that a TUMBLR post helped me find this thing
LMAOOOO NAUUUUUR this is insane we should get together and launch a class action lawsuit against them & sue for emotional damages they were SO FUCKED UP FOR THAT!!!!
& i'm glad i could be of help lmfao i didn't think anyone else had that bizarre fear 😭 😭 😭 i went back to find it on youtube and i was genuinely afraid to turn it on but it's just a bunch of little kids doing stupid stuff fast forwarded? the garbled words and the kid blowing its tongue were the scariest to me personally & for some reason i remember the kids at the start with the huge hats (oven mittens?) on their head on the piano as wearing native american headdresses lol
i'm not joking when i say my fear was pathological, i would run and hide behind furniture while screaming and covering my ears as soon as i saw it starting, my grandpa had to threaten to "beat" the TV with an axe before i would calm down, i am straight up scarred!!!!
P.S. i never found out where i can buy your balkan medieval comic story!!!
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codecicle · 1 year
Read the intro post
wow what a cool and awesome person...
1: YOOOOOO YOU THINK IM A COOL AND AWESOME PERSON?? THANKS MAN :DD and 2: LMAOOOOOO YEA I AM!! I've been on here since I was like, 11-ish? not sure. my friend introduced me to tumblr during the beginning of my 7th grade year! (and fun fact: that same friend is both my mutual and the person that gave me my nickname actually!! which turned into my url ^_^)
anyway, I'm going to rant underneath your ask about being a child now im so sorry 😔
It's always been so weird being as young as I am both on tumblr and in the fandom space I'm currently a part of. Like realistically, a 14 y/o boy liking minecraft/mcyt sounds really normal but I don't know anyone my age that is open about being a part of this space. I think growing up on tumblr instead or twitter or tiktok honestly really helped when it comes to being happy in my intrests, since almost every other freshman to ever exist has no idea what this website is and they have no chance of ever finding my posts to make fun of me with them. I still use the other two, but I don't post and I only really open them when a cc like Charlie or Ted posts.
It's hilarious to me that because of my current intrests (jrwi and charlie in general) almost everyone that I'm friends with on here are much older minors or adults, mainly because charlie has a pretty mature and well rounded audience (THANK FUCKING GOD 🙏🙏), but also because everybody else my age that are in this fandom are on tiktok. Using tiktok for me and actually posting is kinda unsafe because of the way the tiktok contact sharing works? if someone from my classes finds it through "recommend accounts" then they can look through my account and harrass me if they recognize who it is. Not to steal a Charlie Slimecicle quote for a second, but I was rewatching an old podcast episode from the very beginning of 2020 and he described it as "elevated highschool" which I 100% agree with. Even 3 years later it's still very much just a higher form of highschool bullshit to have to deal with.
But since I don't post on tiktok I don't really have much to worry about!! My account is blank and it's the same @ as my url so nobody should recognize it and put a face to a name which im grateful for. However, being on tumblr isn't the greatest either;
People on here are all adults and I feel a little bit intimidated? In a sense? I understand that I'm a LOT different than most kids my age and I don't typically have anything to worry about but!! I feel like that's what makes it worse. The other people my age that were or still are on here don't understand tumblr etiquette, don't understand not to act like this is twitter and not have stupid cubito discourse, or just aren't funny? Idk I've just never found anyone my age (with the exception of like 3 of my mutuals you guys are amazing and I love you) that I can really talk to on here, so all of the friends I've made are much much older. I'm smart with who I talk to and how I talk to them so I'm safe don't worry!! My parents raised me right and online safety is such a wonderful thing, but one of my closest mutuals on here is in college right now, and the others are juniors or seniors in highschool. I kept my age out of my bio for so long but honestly that was because I was terrified I would scare away the people that I trusted so much because literally obviously it's going to feel weird for them to be mutuals with a genuine honest to god child. I'm relatively close to turning 15 so I'm getting less and less worried about stuff like that happening but eh that was still a real fear for a while.
Anyway sorry for the rant!! TLDR; highschool sucks, I'm scared of being this young on a platform and fandom full of adults and I have to be extra careful, and also charlie slimecicle is a pretty cool guy to look up to so I feel like him being [vine boom sound effect] my COMFORT STREAMER kinda works out in my favor ngl :D
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