#i've been into cotl for a few weeks now
rampantram · 4 months
I've been saving this but I can't take it anymore... your art is super cool!! I love the drawing style you have, especially the lines and expressions. Also the dynamic poses and interactions between characters, everything looks so cute but at the same time exciting to keep watching!! I would read a whole manga with your art in it :3
Curious question: what size are your drawings normally? I see that you draw in pencil and many times there is more than one drawing on a single canvas/sheet so I am curious to know approximately the size of your drawings
I hope you don’t mind me using your ask to say this, but…you guys have no idea how much your kindness and positivity has affected me since I started posting my CotL stuff.
I’ve had anxiety since I was a kid, and depression for almost a decade now, and most recently been diagnosed with ADHD and OCD. I’ve had the most lows in my life over the past few years, and my consistency and drive to draw has suffered for it; at most, I’ve posted every other week, but mostly once every couple of months, and even longer than that until now. Being on medication has affected my motivation to draw, and I’ve been on short-term disability for over a month now, trying out new medications and feeling mostly miserable from the side effects.
Despite all that, I’ve wanted truly to finally be consistent with art, interact with people, try new things, and it’s helped so much to have so many people loving the things I’ve come up with. I haven’t been as consistent this last week, and spotty some weeks before that, but you’ve all been so patient despite that, which is part of the reason I want to give you some transparency and vulnerability on my part.
So I apologize if things continue to be a little less than organized or consistent, but I’m going to keep trying my best everyday, because I want to keep bringing you things you enjoy and want to interact with, so…thank you. 🥹
But getting to your question before I really start to tear up…this 9x12 sketchbook by Strathmore (specifically the recycled paper) is what I’ve been using for my sketches for a long while:
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And it typically depends on how big or small I think each of the drawings should be, but I do try to keep them on one page if I can just for organizations’s sake.
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Also if I know I need to post it from my phone, I try to make things easier for myself by putting things within proximity of each other with my phone’s camera in mind (not the whole page because it’ll be blurry, up and down since that’s easier for me to take a shot with, and so on).
If I’m gonna scan it, that makes things a bit easier, but I do try to condense them enough so I can try and avoid doing two scans of the same page and having to stitch them together (this one below just ended up taking the whole page, and since most scanners - my roommate’s included - usually only scan Letter or A4 size areas, those I end up having to scan on multiple parts and edit them together in Clip Studio Paint).
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But of course, it all comes down to what feels right or works with your own method the best (as long as you achieve the outcome you wanted, the tools and method to get there don’t necessarily have to be the “best” or “right” way to do it).
I hope this helps, though, and that you have a brilliant day~✨
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cotl-flower-crown · 3 days
Going on hiatus*
*Well, kinda.
Hey, I'm gonna start this post with "omg, this blog has more than 2 followers, what the fuck?? That's crazy!". I don't usually look at numbers, because I don't want it to be a focus on my platforms, but just know that I appreciate every single one of you and I hope that you all enjoy what I'm doing here. Like at the moment of writing this there is 2277 people that decided they want to look at my art more and it makes me very happy, thank you! ^^
So uhh yeah, hiatus.
Not gonna lie, the past few months has been stressful for me and I have reached the point where my chest and stomach are in pain and I can't get enough sleep because of it, among other things (damn you mosquitoes!!!). It's something that happened before and it might take me months to recover from it. So I suppose you could say that this hiatus is mainly for the health reasons.
Though it's also because my gut is telling me that it's time to move on from this fandom to do other things.
Hear me out. It's not that I hate COTL now, far from it, I still love this silly cult game and I will follow what MM has to offer for this game in the future. I am just kinda not keeping up with myself when it comes to posting. I've been trying to post about my favs at least once a week, but honestly it's been a struggle to pump out anything at all lately. It's not that I don't have anything to post, I'm just tired and burned out.
So yeah, I think it's time to put this blog on hiatus for the time being. What I mean by that is I don't want this blog to be the top of my priorities and I want to take it easy.
I don't want it to go completely silent though. I'm planning to open my ask box again, because I miss interacting with everyone. However I will not do any art requests or draw anything for the asks in general. If I do, it will most likely be poorly drawn or it will be something related to character design, since that's what I'm most comfortable with, but I would prefer not have to draw at all. Though I am open for writing. I also wish to draw sometimes, so maybe I will post some artwork when I feel like it. I'm just not gonna post as often as I used to. It might take like a month (maybe two, maybe three, etc) before I decide to make anything.
What's the future of this blog? I am not sure yet. There is a chance that eventually I will abandon this blog entirely OR I could repurpose it for fanart in general. To be honest I'm leaning towards the second option at the moment, but that is a future me's problem.
I think that's all I've got to say right now. Again Thank You everyone who decided to follow, reblog and like my art and leave comments, I appreciate it all, and thank you to my moots and friends that I made along the way, I love you all (plat/non parasocial) and I hope this will work out.
TLDR: I'm going on hiatus, but not completely silent, also ask box open, but no requests
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howlsnteeth · 7 months
hi, just wanted you to know that if you ever wanted to like. interest-dump about cotl and your thoughts about the lore/storyline and stuff as ive seen you show in your art, id read PARAGRAPHS. im so curious and love to hear about people's interest in game/story/media lore and the interpersonal relationships within the universe!!! - from an autistic system who has loved your art since like. forever. (u can call us moss)
okay hi moss :3
i'm kind of due for an infodump on my cotl headcanons, so! i'll try be somewhat concise because this is going to be a long post anyway rip. i drew some pictures :D
(i can't really think of any warnings to give outside of usual cotl themes/killed race/dying/blood/etc but let me know)
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obviously watching the destruction of your entire race is traumatic as fuck, also because it likely took a few weeks or months to achieve. so they died pretty underweight/weak bodied/pretty shut down. the bishops are gone by the time lamb is revived by toww, and their body hadn't quite made it to a 'body pit' (or food pit). still, they get Their Bell from another of their race on the way out. probably weren't thinking about it too hard and just desperately wanted to grab something while their eyes burned in their sockets and this red crown fit like molded clay in their hand. my lamb has a little notch out of their left ear which was caused while escaping, which ends up never healing because of a few reasons but mostly because i like it.
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over the course of the game/story they start to slowly physically change. after revival it takes scars a Long time to fade, considering lamb is technically a walking corpse, and also because of their affiliation with Death (narinder, who has similar i'll mention later). they get dark marked lines under their eyes from that classic 'bleeding eyes' action during rituals/etc. their ears but especially horns get longer and sharper. their way of coping is similar to most lambs, jokes and pulled punches.
by the end of the 'main game/toww fight,' they've already made their choice, and start flexing their control/communication with the red crown itself. it gets harder for toww to view through it, and lamb gets somewhat intoxicated with the idea of an ultimate revenge, having killed all the other bishops. they've done everything they can to stop their cult members noticing signs of weakness, but as things get more stressful this kind of rubberbands around to them seeming extremely unstable. by the time they go to fight toww they're muttering nonstop, barely aware, and also they let their wool get longer and basically end up with a mullet. <3 because it's funny to me
they obviously beat toww and for them it's like a smashing of clarity, like a gripped handle let go, standing up from the river of blood. it's freeing but also the most pain they've ever been in. and instead of killing toww this pit in their stomach spares him. lamb went from a corpse to a god and now, in some sick way, they want to watch a god turn into a living corpse, just like them. because with every other sheep dead, narinder is the only one with a connection to that genocide, the cause of the other bishops doing it.
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narinder hates their fucking guts. obvs. he thinks, or knows, that lamb is doing it on purpose. but narinder's body hasn't been normal for far, far too long. even before he was made death (as in artworks i've done with him), his body turned skeletal and rotted away. lacerations open all over his body, but especially down his front torso. when he's first brought to the cult, lamb gives him red robes, also because of this 'problem'. but narinder does every single thing he can against them. he gets white robes and lets them turn bloodied and disturbing to everyone around him.
even washing them stops working, and lamb does resign slightly to letting him sit in his dirty stupid robes. it's the pettiest shit. narinder also keeps his veil, and lamb can't bother with a reason to take it away. let that dumbass keep his yuck robes and veil. you can only stick him the stockade for a week before your other followers get too concerned.
over time, they do end up getting closer, but it comes from a place from both being touched and changed by Death, the red crown, and the choices of the other bishops. it takes a really long time and only after all the other bishops have been recruited (another whole thing). both of them catch themselves enjoying little things, and then having moments of all the pain bleeding through. an example is over time narinder does end up wearing darker robes, but it's fairly gradual. in this piece, it's lamb getting too deep in the countless lives that were taken from their race, triggered by blood (a whole little story thing), and narinder does make the (semi subconscious) choice to wear dark robes.
anyway you're probably looking at that giant shadow in the picture huh. it takes a long time but lamb Does end up truly becoming a bishop.
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not 100% done with this design, but it has the basics. their main horns end up breaking off (thinking of a story behind that still). the main thing with them that i really like is they have multiple strings of bells on them. so everyone starts associating the sound of ringing bells as Death. so if you hear them, they're coming for you. that being said, they also have the ability to move completely silently, despite being covered in bells. which adds to the scaring-the-fuck-out-of-everyone factor.
there's a ton more i could get into with the other bishops, ratau, the duck siblings, the crowns themselves, more aym and baal, but i'm probably gonna do more artworks with them so i can talk more then :3 this is already too long lmao
thanks for the ask though!! it's nice knowing people are interested in my stuff :D (it's also worth mentioning that i am also a system and have alters of lamb, narinder, and aym and baal, who all contribute to this stuff)
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COTL : The Midsummonar Diaries(8-12-24 ----18-24-24)
Lambert : "Dear Diary Recently on our current day 615 of Midsummonar, our growing family of members and followers have became quite interesting after a few weeks gone by.
Recently I've done a few rituals consisting of a new daily schedule in our temple from Guving my beloved followers a morning food feast, then a enrichment ritual and finally as the last thing any other daily ritual I'm commenced or convinced would be fine to lift up their faith so no members shall lose their worshipping and hardworking devotion we've breached farther throughout the last 2 years!
And speaking of such changes to my followers, my beloved wife Samantha Bloodsucker Sheepard has been gained a happily married trait as a reward for our faithful and everlasting growth of a family of Spousal children, grandchild I've adopted and raised alongside my beloved purple bat demoness!
Overtime Sammi and Midges Daughter Maxine Butterfree(who's a very splitting image of their birth mother Sammi) and has a lot of her other mother Midges Quirks and Flings with lovers from her time of her youth of immortality thanks to the golden skull necklace I've gifted most of the followers I deem favorable or most kept as worshippers for better or worse..
Anyways Maxine or as I like to call her Maxiie with 2 letter Is has ended up with a charming shy orange tiger cat by the name of Armen Clawhauser whom is pretty humble and a sweet husband to her in mating and having many children(6 so far! & counting)
With their first being Maximus Butterfree who is a wonderful young purple cat of a member, he loves missions with his current love of Alice loves missions also as I gave them a task of going on a simple mission.
As for more updates on such members I've recently gotten a new kind of member who had a peculiarity of a poet which they write poems all day in the most odd places of the grounds of the cult base..
My first one I've named after William Shakespeare only taking Shakespeare as his official name and is now a father and written plenty poems over the past few days since he's joined and with him having a daughter named Juliet and she's a follower in her poetic father's writing footsteps it's too adorable to witness everyday!
As for Julie's mother Pyra, she loves her daughter but became overwhelmed with such a role of being a parental mother to her daughter of having such a trait of poet with lack of doing hard work..
By the way Crownie took some pictures of such a cute few quotes I plan to use from them!
Here's Shakespeare's he wrote most about the bishops and I adore such to use as quotes!
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And here's his daughter Julie's which she's a natural like her dear father!
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Honestly both of the kitties have such pride & love of writing poems and maybe just maybe Juliet can be a match for Maximius Jr. And speaking of him.. oh lord below..
Well can't post anymore a part 2 shall be written but that will be back to return for another Diaries log of our cult and day of forthcoming 666th day which were doing steady good atm
Fare de well cultists-Lambert
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starheirxero · 5 months
Hi can i please know a bit about every spider spouse. For no reason at all -the spiderliker
YES I'D LOVE TO TALK ABOUT MY BELOVED SPIDER SPOUSES TO THE SPIDERLIKER..... Here I even took screenshots of each of them so u can see them in all their joyous glory <3
So, for context, COTL did a Don't Starve crossover a bit ago where Webber could be added a follower form! And most forms have a few variations, so alongside the original Webber, I also have his two variants as my spider spouses!! So, here is my beloved husband Webber, my beloved wife Webby, and my beloved spouse Webbula <3
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They are all sweeties (when they Want To Be) and I love them all so much. I gave them all the immortal skull necklaces because I loves them soso much and I also gave them unique outfits also because I loves them soso much ^_^ I've had them like,,, not since the start, but forever now. I married them all first and I made them all my disciples first! (< u can tell they're disciples bc of the halos!)
Webber fell in love with Sozo recently too I GUESS. I think Webby and Webbula fell in love with someone else but I didn't see who?? My game is kinda glitched so instead of saying "person and person became friends/became enemies/fell in love!" it'll just say "person and person" which is wildly unhelpful ABAIQBS
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Please ignore me staring at them from over the chest that was entirely accidental HAJQHQJW
Getting Shamura was genuinely so thrilling to me. I've been wanting to add them to my collection of spider spouses for a MINUTE now and I did it literally just last night!!!! Which also unfortunately means there isn't a lot to say because they've been here for such a short amount of time LOL
but that's all my spider spouses :3 I don't think there's anymore to collect so that's probably all have which is still fine with me bc like. yay 💗 hooray 💗 so there they are you're welcome HAJAHAJS
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salilaoceania · 2 years
Get to Know Me
(useless info edition!)
Tagged by my friend @bobapplesimblr :)
1. What do you have under your bed?
Depends which bed! College dorm bed has a different set of stuff under it than at home bed. The drawers under my dorm bed are for miscellaneous items I might need (heaty pad, ruler, umbrella, hot glue gun, etc.) whereas my ones at home all have a specific purpose. Half of the underside of my bed has been converted into a bookshelf so it's full of books and FNAF plushies (because that's the only space big enough to hold them all since that hyperfixation lasted so long) and the other is drawers filled with old stories, sketchbooks, cards and art people have given me, empty notebooks, and then another miscellaneous section.
2. Favorite candy? (be very specific if possible)
Dark chocolate and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Milk chocolate (and candy in general) has tasted too sweet recently but I still love dark chocolate.
3. Describe your favorite shirt:
I have a few shirts I really like and Idk what I'd really consider my favorite but I'm fond of my two black turtlenecks (long sleeved and sleeveless) and then my assortment of different crop tops (mostly because I was NEVER confident enough to wear stuff like that was younger, dealt with a lot of issues with my weight), as well as a Portal 2 shirt I got off Teepublic back in middle school (artist is pbarbart), a blue shirt with a pink and white print of bunnies on it that I got at a con (artist is s2heartbunny), and then a Starset tee I got from one of their concerts recently.
4. The last thing you drew/doodled was:
The Bishops from COTL as kids for my fic :)
5. Are you completely sober rn?
6. What's the one thing that annoys you more than anything?
I get really frustrated with guilt tripping just because I've had to deal with it a lot so it's basically on a no nonsense policy now.
7. Have you ever gotten you tongue stuck to a cold pole during winter?
No. I don't lick poles, cause like, that would be really gross. I don't know of anyone who actually does that.
8. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
To be honest, I don't know. I'm pretty happy where I'm at (college dorm at end of finals week, meaning I'm basically just getting to hang out with friends today.) Would be cool to be with friends I don't get to see often/haven't got to hang out with irl though.
9. What was the single last word you spoke?
"Wahoo" which I have taken to saying in the saddest tone anytime something mildly inconveniences me.
Tag time! Tagging @doodle-possum, @marionmeowz, and @blueanarchy :) Don't have to do it if you don't want to obviously.
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megsiepoo · 11 months
A tinge of redness appeared on Aziraphale's cheeks as he clasped his hands together pleadingly. "Won't you stay and help? It would be nice to have some company. And you're a demon! I'm sure you’d love the opportunity to scare humans!" "I don't know where you got that idea," Crowley mumbled. "But fine, I guess I can stay. Er, what exactly am I helping with anyway?"
What's this, a fic that isn't Cult of the Lamb? What madness!
I've had this fix idea on my mind for a while and have been working on it on and off for a few weeks. I've been wanting to create something for the Good Omens fandom for a while now, and what better opportunity than to celebrate Halloween! I hope you guys enjoy this silly little fic. Feedback appreciated as always!
And don't worry my cotl readers. I've still got plenty of stories left to write. In fact, I've got another one in the works now! I hope to have it up come Halloween, but if not, it'll be out soon enough.
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Pt 8 : "Life, Death, Love and Rebirths
"It has already been a Whole 2 and Half Months since Lambert murdered 2 of his Beloved Wives with Lady Dimistru and later on Ascended M3gan(Lambert's 3rd Beloved Wife) in Peace inside the Temple. soon enough he felt as though it's time to bring them both back and as Rebirthed Versions through Indoctrinating Both Dimmi M3ggy back into the Cult after hearing some absoutely Splendid News from his Good Friend S O U P the Angelic Guardian of The Gateways of Old Faith.
Lambert then went upwards towards the Gateway and saw his Friend/Foster Guardian S O U P peacefully standing but watching him walk slowly towards his Passage but not too fast due to S O U P being pretty Cautious about the young Lamb traveling into his Dimensional Realm.
The Bowlheaded Guardian smiled kindly at Their Adopted Calf with as much Graditude.
S O U P : "Ah, Well Hello Again Young Lambert! How are thy doing this Fine day?
Lambert then smiled back while he bowed proper & Gentle like while holding his Blue Fleece like a Gown.
Lambert : "Good Morning, my Favorite Guardian! I am mighty fine this wonderful day thanks for asking.
S O U P : Well alrighty then!, Glad to see you pretty excited. mind telling me why your excited hm. is it because of my upgraded wheel of fortune isn't it? *giggles*
Lambert stood surprised that the Guardian read his mind in a instant and knew exactly what he was thinking which soon started to laugh at how easily fooled he was by them.
Lambert : *scoffs nervously* oh yeah, of course i was thinking about the Necklaces and the Wheel of Fortune getting a huge update trust me you will not believe how much I LOVE your necklaces especially the..
"Right Before Lambert was about to finish his sentence, S O U P then interrupted"
S O U P : "The golden skull, your personal favorite one i know!
Lambert : Yeah that's the one!, how you'd know that Soupie? *laughs*
S O U P : I've been knew since you first tested it on your three wives Samantha, Lady Dimistru & M3gan ever since that day.. and afterwards you was obssessed with those specific golden skulls!
The Guardian smiled and while they quietly reminisced about all of those fun times Lambert enjoyed the Purgetory Runs and getting god Tears even while regulary crusading every week & even everyday of his Thriving Cult when increasing devotion through his followers. soon enough he saw Lambert grabbing a few god tears he's collected in his recent purge run last night and already was ready to spin that wheel.
Lambert : Oops sorry i was interupting your thinking Soupie.. i was just grabbing a god tear i've collected last night and wondering if i could spin it right now?
S O U P then nodded in agreement to Lambert's Question "You May Young Lamb!
Lambert then jumped while kicked his bottom hooves while happily giving S O U P his god tears while the wheel spined
Lambert was lucky to get 3 Gold Skull Necklaces & 1 Missionary Necklace which he was really glad to obtain them all.
Lambert : Gee that was good spin for today! Thanks Soupie!
S O U P : Your very welcome little lamb! glad your happy gaining my fine necklaces for your collection.
Lambert then walked back to his Cult to check on his followers while really glad he had S O U P as his not only his new guardian but even his Bestest Friend!
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