#i'm? screamin?g?
just-french-me-up · 2 years
every french speaker's pet peeve : having a character introduced as French, like properly 100% born and raised French, and the closest the actor performing has ever been to France, French culture or the French language is Paris, Texas
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blitzbuckz · 22 days
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【𐂃】 ❝ y' were always a showbiz type of jester, a real show off. ❞
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glugglugs · 3 months
Hate Britain, despise the UK, there is just something so incredibly wrong with us, it's a sickness.
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sam-loves-seb · 4 months
Hello!! I’ve been reading your gallavich fics for a while now and I’m constantly amazed and so impressed at how good your dialogue always is! As someone that’s attempting to be a writer, do you have any tips on how to incorporate good dialogue into a story and make it feel natural and not forced?
Love your work you’re a slaying diva always!!
oh this is so sweet :') thank you so much <3
uhh my best advice is gonna sound so fucking cliche but: read your dialogue out loud. even if you're just whispering it to yourself. it's the easiest way to figure out if something sounds stilted or clunky or unnatural. i read my dialogue out loud constantly, even if it's just under my breath and to myself. if i can't get myself to say it in a way that sounds normal, how can i expect my characters to?
some other random advice, maybe, idk:
just because a character says something one way once doesn't mean they always say it that way. i see this a lot in dropped letters, mostly g's (runnin', bitchin', screamin'). sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't.
figure out where to put in swear words. a swear in the wrong place ruins flow like nothing else (especially for characters like mickey and ian). try it around in different parts of a sentence until it makes the most sense when you hear it out loud.
dialogue knows no grammar bounds. dialogue is not always full sentences, nor does it always make sense. let them stop mid sentence. let them hesitate, stutter, lose their train of thought.
and lastly: not everything has to be dialogue!! use head shakes and arm waves and eye rolls!! i often see too much dialogue in things i'm reading, and it turns me off. i'm not saying you can't let characters go on rants or anything, it's more like, not every question asked has to be answered with a verbal "yes" or "no", sometimes it's a hum or a grunt or a pat on the leg. and sometimes it's just "yeah" over "yes i will do that" or whatever the fuck it is you're trying to get them to say.
please take this all with a grain of salt, i am in no way shape or form an expert. these are just things that i do, and things i've done to improve dialogue in my own writings.
thanks for the ask, i hope this helps. <3
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kharonion · 10 months
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Guys, help.
I have finally done The Thing I've been so scared of... and now lookit him. With his proper tattoos and everything I'M SCREAMIN G
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chocos-universe · 5 months
One Hell of a Laugh!
--Looks like Suction Cup Man's in hell! Can he survive Satan's wrath? Or will his annoying attitude get him demolished?--
|Lee - Suction Cup Man -- Ler - Satan|
Famous last words. Suction Cup Man got hit by a car, then got hit by another car, then was set on fire. Guy Business gulped and closed the window to his building.
Suction Cup Man fell through a red portal and onto the hard rocks below. He groaned and blinked, not being able to see properly. He shook his head and fluttered his eyes all the way open. His eyes widened as he saw fire, smoke, red rocks, and a wall behind him. He spun around, observing everything. He heard a low growl from behind him. He stiffened and slowly turned around. Satan himself... was standing right behind him.
"Greetings sinful o--"
"WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!--" Suction Cup Man raised his voice, his eyes darting around. He was more confused than scared. "Uh-... you're in hell--... tha... that's so obvious wha..." Satan mumbled to himself, pinching the bridge to his nose. He huffed and cleared his throat, straightening his posture.
"Greetings, sinful one! Welcome to your EnTERNAL damnation!"
"Oh, LORD!"
"For your MANY... many... misdeeds, you will suffer everlasting pain throughout a THOUSAND lives!"
"Oh GOD!"
"We shall begin with 100 years in the pit of FIRE!!"
"O-Okay..., can you stop with all the... 'God Talk' we... we don't do that here." Satan muttered, crossing his arms, his intimidating manner disappearing quickly. "Well, excuuuuuuse me, beardo! It's not like I CHOSE to be here!" Suction Cup Man said, offended.
Suction Cup Man felt the ground shake under him as tiny rocks fell from the sky (and / or ceiling). "Woah, hey! Watch where you're screamin'!" SCM put his hands on his hips, annoyed.
"I--..." Satan sighed and inhaled.
"Bow before me, HEATHEN, and face your punishme--"
"HEY! What's that??" Suction Cup Man pointed upward. Satan raised an eyebrow and looked up to where Suction Cup Man was pointing. "That is the gateway from which the sinful arrive." Satan explained, looking down at Suction Cup Man. "It don't look like a gateway!" "But... but it is..." "It looks like portal! A red milk portal!" Suction Cup Man raised and shook his hands in the air with a smile on his face. "...I-... I'm sorry... red milk?.. Did... do you mean... Strawberry Milk?" Satan asked, genuinely confused. "Oh yeah! Strawberry Milk! Ye-Yeah, that!" Suction Cup Man, put his hands on his hips, proud of himself. "I thought Strawberry Milk was pink..." "Well you're clearly color blind!" "I- NUH UH!!" Satan huffed. "Yuh uh." "Nuh uh." "Yuh uh." "Nuh uh." "Yuh uh." "Nuh u--"
A person fell from the portal, screaming as he landed on his face in front of Suction Cup Man. SCM shrieked and jumped back. "...Well people have no manners these days..." Suction Cup Man grumbled, crossing his arms and looking away. "Hi, welcome to Hell. Enjoy your punishment." Satan said, waving his hand a little as the guy responded by running off and crying. Suction Cup Man took note from where the guy fell and looked up at the gateway. He thought for a moment before speaking "What happens if I go back through it?" "Go back through what?" "Y'know, the Strawberry Milk portal!" Suction Cup Man bounced a little, being impatient. "Oh... pff, hah! No one can return to the land of the living!" "Not EVEN if I go back through it?" Suction Cup Man asked, doing a shrugging motion with his arms. "We-Well... you can't do that." "Why not?" Satan stayed silent as he looked around before looking back down at the human. "...You're not supposed to..." "Well FUCK that!" "Excuse me--" "I can do what I want! I'm Suction Cup Man!" Suction Cup Man huffed, pulling out his suction cups, and climbing the wall that was behind him. "Wha-- HEY!!" Satan shot yellow (golden?) lasers from his eyes above Suction Cup Man's head. He screamed and fell down to the ground and on his ass. Satan growled and disintegrated the suction cups to dust. Suction Cup Man's mouth hung open in horror before looking at Satan. "The FUCK was that for?!" Suction Cup Man got up and dusted himself off, turning around to fully look at him. Satan growled lowly before speaking.
"YOU have no choice in this matter! You WILL face your punishments accordingly to PAY FOR YOur--..."
Satan was so lost in his words, that he didn't even notice until now that Suction Cup Man was climbing the wall AGAIN. "What are you doing?.." Satan asked, getting more pissed off by the second. "Got bored, FUCK you, I'm leaving!" Suction Cup Man said, climbing up the wall with his suction cups. "I-... get off that WALL!!" Satan screamed, getting extremely pissed off. "Make me, gaint ketchup bottle!" Suction Cup Man remarked back. Satan blinked and turned to his mirror as his reflection turned into an, indeed, giant ketchup bottle.
"*GASP* How DARE you speak to me in this manner! I am the Prince of DARKNESS! The harbinger of ALL that is EVIL!! You are in MY realm! You WILL bow to me or face the consequences!"
"...FUCK YOU! Look at me GO!!" Suction Cup Man ignored Satan's threats as he climbed further up the wall. Satan growled in annoyance. He was about to respond with violence again, but he stopped. He paused for a second before snapping out of his thoughts. If it worked in the living world... it'll work here. Suction Cup Man felt himself being levitated away from his suction cups. "WOAH, SHIT!!" He squirmed around in the energy that was lifting him up in the air. Then he felt himself falling onto the ground, face first. He groaned and got on his knees, looking up in pain. And literally almost jumped out of his skin when he saw Satan's face in front of his. "Fuck man, what the--" before Suction Cup Man could finish, he felt himself being scooped up into Satan's hand as now he was (sorta) eye-level with him. "...What the hell are you doing?" Suction Cup Man asked, scooting away a little. "Just a little... experiment..." Satan said calmly. "Huh?" Suction Cup Man mumbled in confusion. He saw Satan's claw lift his shirt up a little. "...H-Hey-- what are you..." he felt himself shake a little. "Just giving you one hell of a punishment..." then, he felt Satan's claw lightly circle around his belly button. Ah, shi--
"PFF-- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! H-HEHEHEHEHEY!! WHAT THE FUHUHUHUHAHAHAHAHACK?! *hic* OOHOOHOHOHOHOH NOOHOHOHOHOHO! *snort*" Suction Cup Man tried to push Satan's hand off, but in this state, he couldn't do anything. "Awh, I guess you got even MORE ticklish after that weird old guy tickled you." When Satan brought up Guy Business into the story, one of Suction Cup Man's eyes shot open. "YOU-- YOU KNOHOHOHOW ABOUT THAHAHAHAT!? *squeal* AHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHO!!" Suction Cup Man kicked his legs a little. "Yup. I know plenty!" Satan said, smugly. Suction Cup Man just slammed his eyes shut so he didn't have to see that stupid smirk on Satan's face. "But, aren't you a grown man? Or are you a ticklish little boy inside a grown man's body?" "NOHOHOHO SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP! *snort*" "Such a snorter!" "F-FUHUHUCK YOU!! *hic*" he squirmed under Satan's claw. "Just stay stillllll~" "NEHEHEHEHEVER!!" Suction Cup Man refused. He shrieked when he felt the claw lightly tickle under his underarm. "EEK-- N-NOOHOHOHOHOHO!! OH, YOU AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHASS!! *hic*" he covered his face with his hands, kicking his legs more now. Satan lightly squished Suction Cup Man's belly. "*squeal* NOHOHOHO!! *snort* JEHEHEHEHESUS CHRIHIHIHIHIST!! AHAHAHAHAWH NOOOHOHOHOHO!!" "No? No, what? Dohon't squish your belly?~" Satan chuckled a little at Suction Cup Man's reaction. "DOHOHOHOHON'T CAHAHAHAHALL IT THAHAHAHAT!!" "Pff, what? Belly? You get embarrassed by the word belly? What about tickle? Tickle. Tickle. Tickle. Tickle... Tickle~" Satan teased, watching Suction Cup Man's face get even more red. "SHIHIHIHIHIT!! I HAHAHAHATE YOU!! JUST SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUHUHUP!!" "Y'know, you've HARDLY asked me to stop..." Satan pointed out, grinning. "...I think you may like this~" "I DOHOHOHOHON'T!! I DON'T AT AHAHAHAHAHALL!! YOU'RE SO MEEHEHEHEHEHEAN!!" "That's kinda the point, pal." Satan lightly traced his claw up and down SCM's ribs. "*snort* NOHOHO!! P-PLEHEHEHEHEASE!! OHOHON ALL THAT IS F-FUCKING H-HOOOHOHOHOHOHOLY STAAAHAHAHAHAHAP!! *hic*" "HOLY?! Aw, we talked about this heaven/God Talk, BUD!!" Satan inhaled deeply and blew a small yet big raspberry on Suction Cup Man's stomach. And he fuckin' SCREEEAMED. "AAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!! NOHOHOHO-- W-WAHAHAHAHAIT!! I'M SORRY!! I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORRY!!" Suction Cup Man felt tears starting to fall down his cheeks slightly. "I think you took this well enough." Satan said, stopping and putting Suction Cup Man back on his suction cups.
Suction Cup Man panted and huffed, holding onto his suction cups for dear LIFE. "You... ehevil... mother... hehe-- f-fuhucker..." He shook his body a little to get the ghost tickles off. "That's why I'm the Prince of Darkness!" Satan said proudly, putting his hands on his hips with a grin. "Yeah, yeah... oh! Also! I wrote cha a song!" Suction Cup Man announced, looking over at Devil with a big smile. "...You did?" "Yep! And it goes a little somethin' like this..." He pulled out his guitar and played it once, inhaled, and...
"Go eat a dick! That's right, go eat a dick! Go eat a dick, dick, dick! Go eat a big ol' dick! Go eat a dick!" Suction Cup Man sang, playing his guitar and climbing all the way up, dodging every powerful gust of yellow/golden power ball shot at him. "*Harmonica Noises*" Suction Cup Man jumped into the portal and escaped Hell.
"...You eat a dick, you..." Satan grumbled as he stormed away from that spot, pouting.
"I TRIED to warn him he was drifting towards the highway--" Guy Business explained to the cops. "--but he passed it off by saying something like... "Fuck The Highway, You Can't Kill Suction Cup Man." Guy Business said, shrugging. The people in the back looked concerned as they saw the white sheet move, and saw Suction Cup Man pop out from under. "And also, "Look At Me Go!" at the end there!" Suction Cup Man added, smiling. "Right, he also said "Look At Me g-..." Guy Business's voice trailed off as his eyes widened. "SHIT!!"
Suction Cup Man sat up and walked over to the three. "Officer, arrest this man for attempted murder!" Suction Cup Man said, pointing at Guy Business before putting his hands on his hips. "We know who you are... and we're not doing that." Paul Ease, statted, raising an eyebrow. "Fair enough. Same time next week, business dummy?" Suction Cup Man asked with a smile on his face. "Go to hell." Guy Business responded, coldly. "Trust me, never going there again..." "Wha--" before Guy Business could answer, he shrieked when Suction Cup Man poked his stomach and ran off, jumping off the bridge, gliding through the air with another parachute.
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
I seen you are loving painted petals as well!! I need kit and grey to get divorce and marry their loves!! Also if kit has figured out jades fav flower and sends it to her … I’m screaming !!
Are you kidding? I'm obsessed with that fic. I can't believe it's almost over!! OMG I would die if Kit's figured out Jade's favorite flower!
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groovetrill · 1 year
It was my only wish to rise above these jealous
Coward motherfuckers I despise, when it's time to ride
I was the first to hop inside (Let's go, nigga, let's go,) give me the .9
I'm ready to die right here tonight and motherfuck they life (Yeah, nigga!)
That's what they screamin' as they drill me, but I'm hard to kill
So open fire, I see you kill me, witness my steel (That's all you niggas got? Hahaha)
Spittin' at adversaries, envious and after me
I'd rather die before they capture me, watch me bleed
Mama (Dear Mama,) come rescue me, I'm suicidal, thinkin' thoughts
I'm innocent so there'll be bullets flyin' when I'm caught (Shoot)
Fuck doin' jail time, better day, sacrifice
Won't get a chance to do me like they did my nigga Tyson
Thuggin' for life, and if you right, then, nigga, die for it
Let them other bustas try, at least you tried for it (Hahaha)
When it's time to die, then be a man and pick the way you leave (Yeah, nigga)
Fuck peace and the police, my ambitions as a ridah
I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridah
You don't wanna fuck with me (My ambitions as a ridah)
Got the police bustin' at me
But they can't do nothin' to a G
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hareofhrair · 2 years
Indigo and Violet potion :>
Indigo Potion: …their greatest strength, and greatest weakness.
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"=oh, easy. My greatest strength is =obvi=ously my speed! I'm fast as hell. In a fair race acr=oss flat gr=ound there aint a tr=oll =on this planet i can't =outrun. As fer my weakness, well, put quite simply, i d=on't have any. That's right, n=ot a =one. I'm just that amazin."
"alright FINE maybe, MAYBE, i have s=ort =of kind =of =one weakness. My eyesight is real damn bad. It weren't great when i was y=oung, and when i started travelin i g=ot caught =outd=oors durin tha day a bunch, and eventually my eyes g=ot s=o damaged by tha sun that i can't hardly see fer shit. M=ostly just shapes and c=ol=ors. Which is part a why I never did learn ta read! I have s=ome psii=onics- they aint g=ood fer much in that traditional sense, aint strong enough ta lift anythin weighs more than an =ounce- but i can use em ta s=orta feel =out tha edges a things around me fer a g=ood distance. Aint tha same as seein, but it lets me get ar=ound unfamiliar places with=out needin help. But if ya slapped a psii surpess=or =on me, i'd be just ab=out helpless. Ain't much I'm m=ore afraid =of, ta be h=onest."
Violet Potion: …the obsession that’s going to lead to their downfall.
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"Yeah, I've kn=own what'll pr=obably get me killed eventually fer a l=ong time. It aint hard ta figure =out. D=ont kn=ow that I'd call it an =obsessi=on per se, except fer h=ow i think ab=out it all tha time and i lay awake durin tha day after dreamin about it and s=ometimes i can feel it just simmerin away inside me like a v=olcan=o in my gut gettin ready ta bl=ow its t=op, magma just creepin up tha inside a my thr=oat, and I'm just clenchin my teeth ta h=old it back because if I ever =open my m=outh ab=out it, if i ever let my c=ontr=ol slip just =once and say tha wr=ong thing t=o that wr=ong pers=on, if i ever give in ta tha v=oice screamin inside me ta pick up tha nearest heavy =object and make it st=op, y=ou c=ould st=op it, y=ou c=ould save them, y=ou c=ould--..."
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"...yall can pr=obably guess tha rest fr=om here."
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trashkerouac · 2 years
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Dang get down with the shit
Baby O cold, G-walk on a bitch
Baw with da baw, kick rocks, get down
Dang house, bitch, muthafucka, who now?
6FEETDEEP, muthafucka, who that?
Baby O beat 'em with a baseball bat
Steel toe, bitch, weigh about 250
Beat a bitch stupid, put a blade in his kidney, damn
Hold up, wait, hold up, stop
Baby O jukin' up the muthafuckin' block
Hold up, wait, hold up, stop
Baby O, bitch, make your body fuckin' drop
Mac, I be pimpin'
Fuck all these bitches
Fuck all these haters and bustas and snitches
Fuck they opinion
Fuck what they thinkin'
Fuck everybody, fuck everyone dissin'
Say what you want
Talk with your chest
Talk to me nice or I'm breaking your neck
Fuck with my team
Fuck with my set
Fuck with me, bitch,
I'll put six in your chest,
I’ll put six in your chest,
Six in your chest ———
So you wanna be hardcore?
With your hat to the back, talkin' 'bout the gats in your raps
But I can't feel that hardcore appeal
That you're screamin', maybe I'm dreamin'
This ain't Christopher Williams, still some
MC's got to feel one, caps I got to peel some
To let niggas know, that if you fuck with Big-and-Heavy
I get up in that ass like a wedgie
Says who? Says me, the lyrical
Niggas sayin', "Biggie off the street, it's a miracle"
Left the drugs alone, took the thugs along with me
Just for niggas actin' shifty
Sticks and stones break bones, but the gat'll kill you quicker
Especially when I'm drunk off the liquor
Smokin' funk by the boxes, packin' Glocks is
Natural to eat you niggas like chocolates
The funk baby.
[I love for the funk|I die by the funk!]
All I want is bitches, big booty bitches
Used to sell crack, so I could stack my riches
Now I pack gats, to stop all the snitches
From stayin' in my business, what is this?
Relentless approach, to know if I'm broke or not
Just 'cause I joke and smoke a lot
Don't mean I don't tote the glock
Sixteen shots for my niggas in the pen
Until we motherfuckin' meet again
Huh, I'm doin' rhymes now, fuck the crimes now
Come on the ave, I'm real hard to find now
'Cause I'm knee deep in the beats
In the Land Cruiser Jeep with the MAC-10 by the seats
For the jackers, the jealous ass crackers in the
I'll make you prove that it's bulletproof!
Hold ya head, 'cause when you hit the bricks
I got gin, mad blunts, and bitches suckin' dick
The funk baby
So I guess you know the story, the rap-side, crack-side
How I smoked funk, smacked bitches on the backside
Bed-Stuy, the place where my head rests
Fifty shot clip if a nigga wan' test
The rocket launcher, Biggie stomped ya
High as a motherfuckin' helicopter
That's why I pack a nina, fuck a misdeameanor
Beatin' motherfuckers like Ike beat Tina
— Dang get down with the shit!
Baby O cold, G-walk on a bitch
Baw with da baw, kick rocks, get down
Dang house, bitch, muthafucka, who now?
6FEETDEEP, muthafucka, who that?
Baby O beat 'em with a baseball bat
Steel toe, bitch, weigh about 250
Beat a bitch stupid, put a blade in his kidney, damn
Hold up, wait, hold up, stop
Baby O jukin' up the muthafuckin' block
Hold up, wait, hold up, stop
Baby O, bitch, make your body fuckin' drop
— Mac, I be pimpin'!
Fuck all these bitches
Fuck all these haters and bustas and snitches
Fuck they opinion
Fuck what they thinkin'
Fuck everybody, fuck everyone dissin'
Say what you want
Talk with your chest
Talk to me nice or I'm breaking your neck
Fuck with my team
Fuck with my set
Fuck with me, bitch, I'll put six in your chest
— What's love got to do?
When I'm rippin' all through your whole crew
Strapped like bamboo, but I don't sling guns
I got bags of funk, and it's sellin' by the tons
Niggas wanna know, how I live the mack life
Making money smoking mics like crack pipes
It's type simple and plain to maintain
I add a little funk to the brain
The funk baby…
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nsfwhiphop · 2 months
Current mood - This song is so old but soo good! Classic 90s song.
[Dat Nigga Daz:] Tha Dogg Pound rocks the party (All night long) Uh-huh, 'til when? ('Til the early morn') It don't stop, and uh... it don't quit for the... Tha Dogg Pound clique to drop the cavi dope shit Diggity-Daz out of the motherfuckin' cut once mo' So grab a seat and grab your gin and juice and check out the flow I flip-flop and serve hoes with the fat dick 'Til I die, I'm still screamin' out ("Bitches ain't shit!") Now, I'm the mack daddy, had he Not known about the city where I'm from, dum-diddy-dum As you groove to the gangster shit The D-O-double G, the P-O-U-N-D, the gangster clique Now as Tha Pound break it down with the gangster funk I can see and I can tell that's what the fuck you want So I blaze up the chronic so I can get high I promise I'll smoke chronic 'til the day that I die
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mxmmyviolet · 1 year
Chapter 9 (nsfw)
A/N: hii so um, this chapter is gonna be a insane NSFW so prepare yourselves!
The next day, I wake up in a good mood for some reason, i never wake up in a good mood. Of course I wake up thinking about julia, who else would i think about, barnabas? hell no. I roll out of my bed and get my clothes out and pick up my room, i needed to take a shower but i can wait a bit, i'm hungry.
I walk to the kitchen to get some cereal and there is a note on the fridge.
Note: To Elena: Carolyn, David, Barnabas, and I will be gone for a few days, we all need time out, but don't worry, Julia will remain with you since I don't trust you alone anyways, love mom.
"I'm gonna be alone... with Julia... for a few days..." I smirked. I grab the note and put it on Julia's door since I think she's still sleeping, now it's time for my shower. Apparently Julia woke up when I was about to walk in the shower. She gets up from bed with her adorable messy bed head and opens the door and sees the note and reads it. She had a huge smile on her face. She heard the shower, she knew I was in there. She knew what had to be done.
I get in the shower and the water is running down my body. Julia comes creeping in my room where my bathroom is, she peeks around the corner and watches me, she knew what to do. She started getting undressed, she had no bra on since she just woke up. Not even a few seconds later she walks in, but my eyes were closed since i had the water running in my face. Without saying anything, she stands behind me, I turn around a wipe my face and I see julia standing infront of me, naked.
Before I even got to say anything, she pushed me against the wall and put her hand on my throat.
"Are you going to be a good girl for me baby?" she says to me looking deep into my eyes filled with lust. I nodded. "Use your words princess" she said as she squeezed my neck tighter. "y-yes mommy" i said. I felt julia's lips against mine, her lips are so soft. With her free hand she makes her way down my stomach and lowers it down to my pussy. I open my mouth and let out a gasp. She looks at me and smirks, "Darling, you may want to close your mouth before I find something to put in it" she said with a daring look. I liked it. So I just kept it open and smiled. "Oh? I see my princess is deciding to be a bad girl today hm? okay then" She was not kidding, she grabbed my face and lowered my head down to her breasts, she put my mouth on one causing me to suck it like I was a baby. I let out a gentle moan.
"Oh, you dirty slut." She said looking down at me. "You like sucking on mommy's boob?" she said in a seductive way. "Yes mommy, I love it" I smiled. She got me back up and lifted me up and dried me and herself off and we went to my bed. Julia put me on my back and she hovered over me. "I want my dirty slut to scream for me" she began to kiss me and play with my breasts. She kisses down my body teasing me. "m-mommy p-please don't tease me, i'll be a good girl" I whined. "your gonna be a good girl?" she asked. "yes mommy! i'll be a good girl! i want to be your little slu-" I was cut off by feeling 2 fingers pushed inside me. I look at her. "mommy, p-please fuck me" She smiled, starting to move her fingers. I was a moaning mess at this point, but that didn't stop her from anything. She got lower and attached her lips into my clit and started sucking it while adding a third finger. I was shaking intensely, i felt myself about to reach the edge. "mommy! i-i'm g-gonna..." i screamed. "cum for me baby, i want to feel and taste you when you do"
As she said that, i came on her face and fingers, i think that turned her on even more. Her extreme kinky side that I or anyone has never seen, finally came out of her. She immediately grabbed me and laid herself down on the bed and before I knew it, I was on her face. I felt her tounge run on my clit and inside me. This was the hottest thing i've ever done, I was a moaning mess. "m-mommy!!! o-oh fuck!!" i was screaming for mercy. "OH DONT FUCKING STOP PLEASE MOMMY" In just a few seconds, I came on her face, but she didn't stop, she loved to see me like this. She was holding my legs down on her face, but tighter than before, so i couldn't move. I was basically twitching because of the extreme pleasure I was in. She got me off her face and layers down next to me, trying to catch my breath.
"Did you like that baby?" she asked me as she kissed me. "Most definitely, that was the best thing mommy" i was laying on her chest and and we ended up taking a nap.
A while later, I heard noises from the house, it was still daylight, but the house was still dark. I then heard a loud bang from the living room, sounded like glass dropping. Julia heard it too, so we both got dressed and went downstairs. We see someone downstairs. She turned around and looked at us with a cheeky smile. "Hello Julia" she said. It was Angelique.
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alteredfm · 3 years
TELL  ME  YOUR  WISH?  we’re  pleased  to  welcome  you  to  the  island  of  ashling,  alice  cullen  [  twilight  ],  bill  denbrough  [  stephen  king’s  it  ],  jessica  riley  [  until  dawn  ],  theodore  “laurie”  lawrence  [  little  women  ],  gamora  [  marvel  ],  bucky  barnes  [  marvel  ],  natasha romanoff  [  marvel  ],  wanda  maximoff  [  marvel  ],  ryan  atwood  [  the  oc  ],  kate  wallis  [  cruel  summer  ],  steve  harrington  [  stranger  things  ],  will  byers  [  stranger  things  ],  simon  kalivoda  [  fear  street  ],  sidney  prescott  [  scream  ],  rachel green  [  friends  ],  rachel  roth  [  dc  ],  fiona  gallagher  [  shameless  ],  harry  potter  [  harry  potter  ].  make  sure  you’ve  got  your  checklist  on  hand,  lex,  and  we  hope  ashling  is  everything  you’ve  ever  dreamed  of!
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⌜  fred  hechinger,  any,  genderfluid  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  HEART  SHAPED  BOX  by  NIRVANA,  must  just  be  SIMON  KALIVODA  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  SCRIBBLES  ON  THE  BATHROOM  WALL,  HAPPY  PILLS,  and  EMPLOYEE  OF  THE  MONTH,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  ENERGETIC  yet  IMPRACTICAL.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY  TWO  year  old  DEALER  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  FEAR  STREET  and  BEING  CHASED  AROUND  SHADYSIDE.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  sebastian  stan,  he/him  cismale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  TRY  TO  CHANGE  by  MOTHER  MOTHER,  must  just  be  BUCKY  BARNES  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  DARK  SKIES,  POCKET  KNIVES,  and  HAZY  VISIONS  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  ALERT  yet  STUBBORN.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  ONE  HUNDRED  AND  FIVE  /  THIRTY  TWO  year  old  MECHANIC  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  MARVEL  and  THE  FIGHT  AGAINST  THE  FLAGSMASHERS.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  ana  de  armas,  she/her,  cisfemale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  MY  BODY  IS  A  CAGE  by  ARCADE  FIRE,  must  just  be  NATASHA  ROMANOFF  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  WORN  OUT  BALLET  SLIPPERS,  A  HERO’S  POSE,  and  THE  SILHOUETTE  OF  A  GUN,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  SELF  RELIANT  yet  SECRETIVE.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY  EIGHT  year  old  SOCIAL  WORKER  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  MARVEL  and  THE  SACRIFICE  AT  VORMIR.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  alba  flores,  she/her,  cisfemale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  LOOK  WHAT  YOU  MADE  ME  DO  by  TAYLOR  SWIFT,  must  just  be  WANDA  MAXIMOFF  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  SITCOM  RERUNS,  GLITCHES,  and  A  DISTINCT  RED  GLOW,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  BENEVOLENT  yet  UNSURE.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  THIRTY  year  old  CHILD  CARE  WORKER  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  MARVEL  and  CREATING  YOUR  OWN  REALITY  FUELED  BY  GRIEF.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  dylan  minnette,  he/him,  cismale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  ME  AND  MY  HUSBAND  by  MITSKI,  must  just  be  BILL  DENBROUGH  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  INCONVENIENT  STUTTER,  UNFINISHED  STORIES,  and  THE  CLICK  OF  A  KEYBOARD,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  LEADERLY  yet  OBSESSIVE.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY-FIVE  year  old  WRITER  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  IT  and  THE  SUMMER  IN  DERRY.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  sydney  sweeney,  she/her,  cisfemale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  WOLVES  by  PHOSPHORESCENT,  must  just  be  JESSICA  RILEY  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  COLD  OF  WINTER,  FOOTPRINTS  IN  THE  SNOW,  and  AN  ECHOING  SCREAM,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  VIVACIOUS  yet  DEMANDING.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY-ONE  year  old  COLLEGE  STUDENT  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  UNTIL  DAWN  and  THE  NIGHT  AT  THE  WASHINGTON’S.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  froy  gutierrez,  he/him,  cismale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  SCAR  TISSUE  by  RED  HOT  CHILI  PEPPERS,  must  just  be  RYAN  ATWOOD  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  AN  ABANDONED  HOME,  TALKING  WITH  YOUR  FISTS,  and  A  BUSTED  LIP,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  PROTECTIVE  yet  PESSIMISTIC.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY-THREE  year  old  CONSTRUCTION  WORKER  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  THE  OC  and  GRADUATION  NIGHT.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  khadijha  red  thunder,  she/they,  cisfemale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  ROLLING  IN  THE  DEEP  by  ADELE,  must  just  be  SIDNEY  PRESCOTT  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  OCCASIONAL  WOUNDS,  DIAL  TONES,  and  THE  FINAL  GIRL,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  ADAPTABLE  yet  GUARDED.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY  SEVEN  year  old  DETECTIVE  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  SCREAM  and  THE  3RD  GHOST  INCIDENT.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  elizabeth  olsen,  she/her,  cisfemale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  JUST  A  GIRL  by  NO  DOUBT,  must  just  be  RACHEL  GREEN  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  DADDY’S  MONEY  and  COMING  BACK  STRONGER  THAN  A  90’S  TREND,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  SURPRISING  yet  SENSITIVE.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY  SEVEN  year  old  PERSONAL  SHOPPER  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  FRIENDS  and  THE  PLANE  TO  PARIS.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  olivia  holt,  she/her,  cisfemale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  A  PEARL  by  MITSKI,  must  just  be  KATE  WALLIS  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  FISHNETS,  SMUDGED  EYELINER,  and  SEEING  THE  WORLD  THROUGH  A  NEW  LENSE,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  OBSERVANT  yet  WARY.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY-ONE  year  old  WAITRESS  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  CRUEL  SUMMER  and  THE  TRIAL  SETTLEMENT  IN  ‘95.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  joe  keery,  he/him,  cismale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  AFRICA  by  TOTO,  must  just  be  STEVE  HARRINGTON  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  BLOODIED  KNUCKLES,  A  BAT  FULL  OF  NAILS,  and  A  PERSONALITY  THAT  FILLS  THE  ROOMS,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  PERSONABLE  yet  DIM  WITTED.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY-SEVEN  year  old  BARTENDER  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  STRANGER  THINGS  and  THE  BATTLE  OF  STARCOURT.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  lee  sungkyung,  she/they,  cisfemale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  SEA  OF  LOVE  by  CAT  POWER,  must  just  be  ALICE  CULLEN  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  ROSE  PETALS,  A  BREATH  OF  FRESH  AIR,  and  MAKING  FRIENDS  WHEREVER  YOU  GO,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  GREGARIOUS  yet  MEDDLESOME.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY  TWO  year  old  COLLEGE  STUDENT  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  TWILIGHT  and  THE  BATTLE  AGAINST  THE  VOLTURI.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  lorenzo  zurzolo,  he/they,  cismale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  BAD  THINGS  by  CULTS,  must  just  be  HARRY  POTTER  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  OLD  BOOKS  and  REFLECTIONS  IN  AN  OLD  MIRROR,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  CLEVER  yet  IMPULSIVE.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY  year  old  STUDENT  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  HARRY  POTTER  and  BATTLE  OF  HOGWARTS.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  tessa  thompson,  she/her,  cisfemale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  GOLD  DUST  WOMAN  by  FLEETWOOD  MAC,  must  just  be  GAMORA  ZEN  WHOBERI  BEN  TITAN  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  FEMME  FATALE,  SHARP  BLADE,  and  A  TWISTED  SELF  PERCEPTION,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  INDEPENDENT  yet  ABRASIVE.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  THIRTY  TWO  year  old  BARTENDER  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  MARVEL  and  BETRAYAL  ON  VORMIR.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  zoe  kravitz,  she/her,  cisfemale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  MAD  WOMAN  by  TAYLOR  SWIFT,  must  just  be  FIONA  GALLAGHER  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  HALF  LIT  CIGARETTE,  UNFILTERED  LANGUAGE,  and  WORKING  THREE  JOBS  AT  ONCE,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  SELFLESS  yet  OPINIONATED.  i  haven't  really  seen  the  TWENTY-EIGHT  year  old  BUSINESS  DEVELOPER  around  much  lately,  i've  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  SHAMELESS  and  LEAVING  CHICAGO.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )  
⌜  jung  hoyeon,  she/her,  cisfemale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  LITTLE  DARK  AGE  by  MGMT,  must  just  be  RACHEL  ROTH  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  UNWANTED  DESTINY,  DARK  SKIES,  and  THE  EERIE  FEELING  OF  A  FOREST,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  SELF  RELIANT  yet  MOODY.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY  year  old  STUDENT  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  DC  and  LOSING  CONTROL.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  miles  heizer,  he/they,  cismale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  A  WINNER  NEEDS  A  WAND  by  SUFJAN  STEVENS,  must  just  be  WILL  BYERS  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  THE  FELT  OF  A  WIZARDS  CAPE  and  VIDEO  GAME  VICTORY  MUSIC,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  GENTLE  yet  TIMID.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY  TWO  year  old  ENGINEERING  STUDENT  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  STRANGER  THINGS  and  LEAVING  HAWKINS.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
⌜  timothee  chalamet,  he/they,  cismale  ⌟  —  far  away  on  the  island  of  dreams...  hey,  do  you  hear  that?  sounds  like  SPACE  SONG  by  BEACH  HOUSE,  must  just  be  THEODORE  ‘LAURIE’  LAWRENCE  passing  through.  i’ve  heard  people  associate  them  with  FLEECE  JACKETS  and  LOVESICK  EYES,  and  you  can  totally  believe  it,  given  they’re  SUAVE  yet  CARELESS.  i  haven’t  really  seen  the  TWENTY  FIVE  year  old  BARISTA  around  much  lately,  i’ve  been  hearing  rumours  of  them  getting  dreams  about  LITTLE  WOMEN  and  PROFESSING  THEIR  FEELINGS  TO  JO.  probably  nothing  serious  though..  /  (  lex,  she/they  )
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petitprincekiryu · 2 years
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stfreds-arc · 4 years
reasons i’m a clown : i purposedly avoided adding too many florence + the machine songs to fred’s playlist because i was trying to distance her from the previous ‘main’ muse i had whose vibe was basically all florence. —— i just took a walk and listened to ceremonials and hb3 back to back and holy shit, you guys. holy shit. every single song is fred i’m losing it.
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blacknovelist · 4 years
“I’m not gonna cry when I finish my ambition in fallen london” I said, when I was looking up what i need to finish it so I could finally get around to it a month ago. “I won’t cry because I know what’s gonna happen, more or less” I said today, five minutes ago.
you know, like a liar.
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