#i'm very salty
shadowqueenjude · 7 months
It's actually so sad that Nesta isn't a POC because I could've been such a good Nesta. Edit: I'd actually make a fire Elide Lochan too. If she was a little less pale and taller. But hell just put a giant man besides me and I'll look tiny anyway. I've got the tits for it and I have that innocent look to pull it off.
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sparklyheartsdiana · 1 year
[Rant] Ladybug's Suit
WARNING: This post contains profanity and a brutally honest opinion.
As a fan of magical girl series, I'm disappointed in Ladybug's bodysuit. Why?! The bodysuit is an awful outfit! For a couple of reasons. One, it's [bleep] hideous! I hate it so much! I want to rip it off her! Like, why does she have to wear THAT atrocious onesie?! It's all red with black spots all over. It's an eyesore! A [bleep] eyesore! For real, it's an eyesore because there is very little black to break up the red. Have the character designers and animato
When Marinette transforms into Ladybug, she wears the worst ever bodysuit among the teen-aged heroes, it made me change my mind on two particular outfits. My opinion on what Yumi and Aelita had in season 4 of Code Lyoko shifted from a negative one to a more positive one. I no longer look at their virtual spandex as bad outfits, as it made sense for them to have tighter fitting attire. Though, I also like their initial virtual attire too. Their bodysuits from season 4 of Code Lyoko had more effort put into them! At least those bodysuits look good! Not gonna lie, Yumi actually looks hot and sexy in her spandex. Meanwhile, Ladybug does not!
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This is what I'm talking about! Ladybug's bodysuit in the image above is so bland! It makes for a childish superhero outfit and an even WORSE magical girl outfit!! Considering Sailor Moon was one of the many magical girl series that influenced Miraculous, you'd think Ladybug would wear a practical suit to fight evilized villains with. By practical, I mean a super suit with padding and armor. But, alas, she does not! Heck, girl doesn't wear boots either. Yes, Ladybug doesn't wear a [bleeping] pair of boots. Sailor Moon at least had protective padding in both her base and Super forms plus boots.
For this reason, I drew redesigns of her outfit so she wouldn't wear a literal onesie! And isn't it Marinette's dream job is to be a fashion designer?! So surely, she'd have her sketchbook filled out with alternate outfits for her heroic alter ego.
Furthermore, Miraculous also does a terrible job with how Marinette has her keep the same hairstyle after transforming into Ladybug. Her hair is just a brighter and deeper shade of blue. It feels like Sailor Moon all over again.
The grade I'd her bodysuit is a D-. As a superhero outfit, it gets a C-. As a magical girl outfit, it gets a big, fat, F---!
End rant.
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theslimeologist · 7 months
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can we take a moment and ask what happened here? like what did they do to her??
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that-dumb-dinosaur · 1 year
okk Sabine was so good. the chipped nail polish, her hair (especially at the end of ep2), the loth cat and chopper doodles everywhere, HER MUSIC TASTE? perfection
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antisocialxconstruct · 2 months
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thatswhatsushesaid · 13 days
this person has me blocked, which is something i used to genuinely lament because occasionally i'd see bits of their very thoughtful commentary floating across my dash, and i'd find myself sighing sadly over what other gems of wisdom i was missing out on by not having access to their blog. i'd even lament about it via dms to some of my pals who did still have access to this person's blog. what interesting discussions must have been happening beyond that "???" "this is no one" "uh, who??" opaque door that tumblr always presented to me whenever i clicked on this person's username? would i ever know?
a friend this morning: want to see a bad take to get mad at
me: obviously yes
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anyway as it turns out, it looks like i'm missing out on exactly nothing, actually, so that's a huge relief
more seriously, recalling the insightful commentary that i have seen this person reblog in the past when it has come across my dash, i am frankly in awe of this one, because it is so profoundly disconnected from reality and how people experience stories. like i'm not even sure where to start with peeling back all of the wrongness layers at work here because i haven't taken my adhd meds yet this morning, but the primordial stupidity at this take's core (coming from someone who is clearly smart, ftr, i am targeting the stupidity of the concept, not the person) has made me genuinely angry. it's not even just about applying this framework to mdzs, though of course it is principally about that because this book DOES actually place class front and centre at multiple points in the narrative. it's the idea that we just shouldn't be having conversations about classism, or sexism, or [x]-ism, in the romance genre, because don't we realize the point is the romance, actually?? these other things clearly don't matter and aren't worth talking about??? and this mindset is so utterly foreign to me because at no point have i ever felt compelled to stop myself from thinking thoughts about a book because "oh, but this is genre fiction, i need to turn my brain off to read and enjoy this, i forgot." or "this thought is not appropriate because genre fiction, i'd better stop thinking it before i ruin the story."
like. i am deeply, deeply sorry for this person, actually, that they are not picking up on precisely what mxtx is putting down in the text, especially considering mxtx has explicitly explored themes of class in at least two of her novels (i'll get back to you on including svsss once i've read it). but also, a critique of class in the jianghu, or how mxtx has written her female characters, is entirely as valid use of fandom time and energy as writing one more definitely original and not remotely repetitive thinkpiece on the power of wangx!an's morally good love to overcome all obstacles (not saying OP wrote any of these, just that there ARE a bunch of them out there).
like. why do you want to simplify the experience of reading and thinking and talking about these books? why do you want to push for more boring analysis of stories? why are you using your platform to encourage this? i'm so mad about it actually. people listen to you, and this is what you're encouraging them to do: think less.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The nice thing about reaching adulthood as a trans person is that there are plenty of instances where, before as a kid, your transness mattered, but now it doesn't necessarily
When I was in high school, I was required to take a P.E. class to graduate, and I was always yelled at for being late and bringing my backpack to class with me because I couldn't change in locker rooms like the other guys. I changed in a faculty restroom and brought my bag with me, my tardiness be damned. It gave me an unhealthy view of fitness because I despised how othered I felt, and I couldn't articulate why I didn't feel safe necessarily. I felt like transness would always be what others saw before they saw me, and I hated that feeling. I don't like being seen as The Trans Person, I just like being seen as me, where being trans is part of me but not the whole.
However, as an adult, I can join a gym and they don't fucking care. I get to retrain how to have a healthy relationship with fitness on my own terms because now, I have the freedom to be left the fuck alone about my transness. I love weightlifting, I love feeling physically fit, and high school was not the place for me as a trans person.
If any young trans person is feeling how I felt about their transness being front-and-center, just, please hold out hope. I know shit's scary, especially for you young people, and I do not blame you for how you feel. Just know that there can be good out there.
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eggplantgifs · 9 months
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Kazuki Tomono: Halston » 2023 Japanese Nationals
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ginnymoonbeam · 1 year
I love The Eighth Sense so very much, but sometimes people talk about it in a way that feels... awfully erasing of the QL media that other Asian countries have already been making. Like I get the distinct sense that to some people, South Korean media "counts" - not just in terms of a preferred style but in the sense of being worth recognizing - in a way Thai or Taiwanese media doesn't. And I do not like that and I wish people would reflect a little more on why they feel that way.
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vinceaddams · 3 months
got confused about salt herring vs. smoked herring and accidentally ate a piece of very very salty but still raw fish, but that was 3 days ago and I haven't died, phew.
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macaiv · 10 months
Source: Esteban's Insta Stories
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tsukiharu · 1 year
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I love them sm arghhhhh
I've given up trying to resist their otp charm 😔🤚
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
Kawaki Homophobia Moments
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bossuary · 2 days
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hypervoxel · 3 months
Oh, so, like, the entire first season's establishment of the characters and their interactions don't actually matter in Helluva Boss. Okay, cool.
Like, I get that characterization develops over time and the writers come up with new ideas and places they want to take the story, but. So much of the Stolas/Blitzø stuff recently isn't character development: it's retconning.
#I'm just salty because i was heavily invested in the unhealthy dynamic as i interpreted it#instead of the unhealthy dynamic the show decided on.#uhhhh. yeah I'll throw this in the crit tag#helluva boss critical#I'm mostly just not invested in this show anymore. alas! but i do still very much enjoy the art and animation style#every time there's shiny glowy eyes i go 😍#anyway it does just take a tiny amount of editing to have this come across how i would very much enjoy#where Stolas is just. hypocritical#he wants love and a relationship so badly#and that's such an interesting characterization and I'm here for it!#if we also just. acknowledge the way he was SO obsessed with sex while Blitzø was awkward about it#like there is a lot of mention of that - Blitzø says he thought that's what Stolas wanted from him#and is confused about why things are changing!! (i love it so much)#but the show seems to take Stolas's side instead of allowing that 'yeah‚ he doesn't recognize how his internal emotions were never seen‚#because all Blitzø sees are Stolas's external actions - exactly the problem that Stolas is having with Blitzø not communicating!'#AND i still think there should be more emphasis on 'hey yeah it was really fucked up to manipulate Blitzø into sex like he did'#the crystal didn't magically fix it and they should have issues with Blitzø not understanding his worth to Stolas#because from his POV: Stolas really does only want him for sex‚ is paying him with access to the book and human realm‚#and has repeatedly sexualized him And seemed ashamed of it when other important people knew#(compared to how he acted towards Blitzø around other Imps) (which makes it seem like he doesn't care about what Imps think at all)#Stolas can be sad and his emotions are interesting but not when all of the fandom I'm seeing is taking his side#me at all times always: i think these characters/this ship should be worse!!!
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taxinealkaloids · 2 years
so...John’s planning on pulling the plug on the world, right? Like that’s what he’s doing here?
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I’ve just been turning these bits of ntn over and over in my head and tbh I can’t stop thinking about the description of 10,000 years of civilization as a first draft. John’s first resurrection didn’t quite end up how he wanted -- closest friends all dead, turned traitor, or both, fighting a war on multiple fronts, his only allies the corpse of his accidental bastard daughter and a twenty-something princess with cannibalistic tendencies whom he canonized as part of a failed attempt to revitalize his polycule-- but hey, it doesn’t matter, because he can just start over. All of NTN he’s in this depression spiral; he’s falling apart, he’s having orgy parties with his senior staff, he’s got at least part of his subconscious camped out in the comatose mind of a half-dead nineteen year old he tried to have murdered, treating it like a confessional booth; because right there, in the background of his mind through all of this, is the off switch. He can have his breakdown, and then just...let Alecto out. Erase it all, start fresh, and this time he’s got one attempt under his belt, he’s got notes for what to do differently, and so let it all fall to shit! Nobody else is gonna remember any of this anyway. Two worlds, now, that only John will remember. Maybe three, later; maybe four, what’s to stop him from redoing it over and over til it’s just right? 
The issue with that, of course, is there’s really no way to treat the world like this and still care about it in the way other people do. You’d lose your ability to be affected by life’s events after a couple reboots and then what’s there to get emotionally invested in? When you’ve turned a person off and back on two, three, four times and you know you’ll probably do it again the next time something happens you don’t quite vibe with, how can you possibly look at them as a real person? Are they a real person, if they only know what you want them to know and do what you want them to do? And once you reach that point, once people aren’t people but project components for you to edit, what are you even bothering with all this for?? John started down this path because he so loved the world; what happens when he reduces the world to something he can no longer afford to love? Might as well pull that plug for good, yeah? 
Anyway. I’m fascinated by the way John’s shitty mental state is dooming the world and it’s everyone else’s bad luck. The rest of the cast is out there fighting for their lives and he’s like *sigh* let’s try that again. take two, everyone! 
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