#i'm very excited about it!! it's being kind of a feisty one to write but i'm slowly working my way through it
yellowloid · 1 year
💫, 🎀, 💥, 💋, 💌 for the writing asks 🥰
thank you so much for the questions 🥰
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
i love love love long comments where the reader just goes over a whole list of things that stuck with them while reading, little details, images, ways a character acted, something the characters said; i just absolutely adore hearing about what the reader felt while reading my fics, how a particularly angsty passage put them in their feelings, a very fluffy bit sent them giggling and smiling at the screen, or a smutty scene had them losing their mind skfjshsfh. i also love when people tell me they've got passages from my fics screenshotted on their phone or quoted in their journals, or when they tell me that something i wrote helped them smile when they were sad, or helped them through a difficult time, or simply managed to distract them from real life problems, even if just for a bit. i love knowing that my writing can have a positive impact on other people's lives, no matter how small it might be <3
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
i think i'm pretty good at coming up with new images to express the kind of visceral love i write about whenever i write milex, both with the romantic and sexual aspect of it; i also think i do a good job at making the most of the more "aesthetic" part of writing - making sure my words and sentences not only make sense, but also "look good" together. i want my writing to sound as poetic and melodious as it can, that's really important to me and i tend to spend a lot of time trying to achieve that :)
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
my least kudos'd fic is the third and final part of my 'satin and lace' series, 'of loving at will, of loving till death'. my venice honeymoon fic <3 one that, in many ways, closed a chapter of my life that started back when i posted the first part of this series; if you know me, you also know how much this trilogy means to me. writing and posting the last part not only felt like a challenge, but also a quite emotional one sjfhshsjgh because i knew i'd miss those chaotic smitten husbands so much </3
despite it having less kudos than other fics of mine, i'm still really fond of this one. i made so much research for it - which now results in me knowing a whole lot of random trivia about venice - and i'm very satisfied with how realistic and accurate the descriptions of the city turned out, as well as the way they mixed with the expression of their love, the romance and drama of it all... plus i went on vacation this summer and spent a day in venice (i'd visited once when i was a kid but didn't remember much) and it just meant so much to me, visiting that city now that it holds a whole new and special meaning to me <3 it felt so !!!! walking around those sunny alleys and crossing all those bridges over the canals, imagining miles and alex doing the same, hand in hand, disgustingly in love with each other. it was just so magical and special - and i think that fic really captures the spirit of venice as a whole 💙💜
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
absolutely!! i think it's not only ao3 etiquette, but also like... the whole point of it? if i leave a comment it's because i want the author to know i loved their work, and if they never reply i feel like a. they secretly hate me or smth or b. they haven't seen my comment and now they won't know i loved their fic!!!!! when i know damn well that they don't hate me and they also most likely saw the comment and appreciated it, but just didn't reply for whatever reason. some people don't reply to comments and that's okay skfjshfhs but i certainly do in most cases and i definitely want to hear back from other writers when i leave one myself!!
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
okay okay so. this is all assuming i don't have a mental breakdown over it and drop it lmao but basically. it's a long-fic. two and a half chapters are already written. it's very angsty and alex is a stupid self-loathing idiot in it (<3). their performance of 'last night i dreamt' by the smiths @ alexandra palace is an out of context spoiler for it. that's all i can say without getting into spoilery details and/or giving away the whole premise of it gkskfjsdhgk
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xmimiteh · 1 year
May be a wee bit late on this, but I gots questions for you!!
What is the longest amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do? (This one made me laugh when I read it, I had to!)
Do they usually live up to their own ideals?
And finally
What do YOU feel when you think of your OC??
Thank you so much! And don't worry, you are not even a wee bit late. It took me some time to get to it, anyway. So... the one being late is me - if there is one at all!
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What is the longest amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do? (This one made me laugh when I read it, I had to!)
This is actually pretty hard, because it basically depends on so many different things. I am usually not that keen on transferring too many cat traits over to Miqo'te - or at least I try to keep it clear, she is still not a cat even when I transfer "some" of it. But here it might apply.
Like a cat she can remain still for a long time. She can be super lazy in the shadow (mind you, not the sun!). She likes to smoke and simply chill. But she also can be a bit of an adrenaline junkey. She is a chocobo jockey after all and - she burns for it! Especially because of that adrenaline, because of that excitement. So she can get very restless from time to time. I guess this is more or less this typical catlike behavior transferred into a more "normal" humanlike trait. But it probably can be boiled down to "oh, she is having those five minutes again". Give her something to do, give her action and she won't sit still for a long time!
Other important factors are: Where is she? Who is she with? Who is around her? And what is on her mind? If something troubles her, she can get restless, because she wants to take her mind off. At other times, she might be angry at someone (or herself) and simply stays put to calm down. At another other times, she might do the total opposite. So I guess, the answer to the question is: ranging from "not one second!" to "several hours..."
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Do they usually live up to their own ideals?
Short answer: Yes, she does. Long answer: It is complicated - like so many things. She has a very set moral code. She might be rebel, she hates hierachies, she is a defiant little shit. She does not care for laws, but sticks to her own ideals. And yet, she "thinks" she is not doing enough. She is very harsh on herself, because she failed in the past big time to her own ideals - but not really to her own fault. This makes her think, she has to try harder and harder and harder. In the end this leads to her being as strict about her moral code for herself as she can be. And when her temper gets in the way this can prove. That is probably the one big moment, when she is in danger of not living up to her ideals. Because as soon as that tsuntsun mood is triggered big time, anything can happen!
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What do YOU feel when you think of your OC??
This is so hard, because at first I thought: I do not know? But, of course, there must be something, when I think of her. Probably first and foremost: I'm proud of her - as a character and as a concept. She has grown a lot and that's something I enjoy in writing: having character development. But I also think her feisty temper is a good concept to make rp going and has a positive effect on dynamics in a situation. That is something I am really proud of. And probably another thing I am proud of is, her design is kind of unique. It is hard to make something real unique with the FF14 character creator which still is looking decent and does not use any mods. But I really never found any character looking like her and she sticks out of the crowd. So I think, that's mostly what I feel about her: pride. And sometimes I simply want to hug her and tell her, everything is going to be alright (although I know it won't be, because... I'm mean to her - but don't tell her!).
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thewickedmerman · 3 years
Lola Bunny Tier List
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This is my rankings of the different versions of Lola Bunny. The versions I chose to rank are Space Jam, the DC comics, Tweety's Highflying Adventure, Baby Looney Tunes, Dating Do's and Don'ts, Loonatics Unleashed (Yes, I am aware it's not actually Lola but it's still a variation of her), The Looney Tunes Show, Rabbits Run, New Looney Tunes (Formally known as Wabbit), and Space Jam: A New Legacy.
1.DC Comics- This version of Lola is absolutely the most PERFECT version of Lola that there is. She's smart, strong, competent, independent, and feisty but is able to get into wacky situations like a traditional Looney Tune. She's a pizza delivery girl for mythical creatures, ancient spirits, and deities, which is awesome and has a lot of comedic potential that they take full advantage of. She shows that she can hold her own as a Looney Tune without having to rely on the other Looney Tunes to make her story work. She's sassy, witty, hot-headed, vindictive, resourceful, clever, can take a beating, and is just everything you want in a great female Looney Tune and a great Looney Tune in general. I'd love to see animated shorts based on the comics.
2.Space Jam: A New Legacy- I was very skeptical about this when I learned that out of nowhere at the last minute they replaced Kath Soucie with Zendaya, who is a TERRIBLE actress in my opinion. However, Zendaya did surprise me by actually giving a good performance, for once. She wasn't monotoned, wooden, or stale but full of energy, genuine emotion, and showing personality. This version of Lola takes full advantage of Lola by fleshing her out more and making her more important to the plot than she was in the original Space Jam. She's really awesome and a lot like her DC comic book version. The only thing holding her back is that Zendaya voices her. I'm sorry but the fact that Kath Soucie was going to voice her but they just out of nowhere screwed her over in favor of a big named (And OVERRATED) celebrity really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
3.New Looney Tune- This is pretty much just like her DC comic book version where she is smart, competent, strong, and independent but is able to be in wacky situations. The episode Lola Rider is amazing and shows her full potential being shown. Kath Soucie even returned to voice her, showing off her versatility. The art style is terrible but this is a very faithful and well-done version of Lola. However, she's not higher because of two things. The first being she's only in three episodes, one of which is only for one minute. In her third and final appearance, she acts like a major fangirl that is kind of clueless, which seems out of character. However, I chalk that up to Lola just being such a big sports fan that when she's near someone she's a big fan of, she loses her senses in excitement.
4.Loonatics Unleashed- An underrated and overly hated show that is a lot of fun. Lola's descendant, Lexi Bunny, is the best part of the show because of her strong, smart, fun, sassy, and badass personality. Her personality is fleshed out and despite being the only girl never feels like she's just there to be the token chick but rather an essential member of the team. She's even second in command to Ace, Bugs Bunny's descendant. I really love her sass and how she carries herself in all situations whether mellow or dangerous. I find her interactions with Daffy Duck's descendant, Danger Duck. They have very much a sibling relationship where she never misses an opportunity to call him out on his crap, not to mention put him in his place when he does something to make her upset. I feel like this is what Lola and Daffy's interactions would be like, which I wish we would see more of with the actual Lola and Daffy.
5.Space Jam- The original Lola Bunny, who is awesome. I love her catchphrase, "Don't ever call me doll" and I wish that it would've stayed her catchphrase in later versions of Lola. She's smart, strong, feisty, has great expressions, is self-reliant, and never lets people underestimate her simply for being an attractive female. She's a wonderful character but she isn't very well written. She has less than 4 minutes of screen time in the whole movie, speaking and non-speaking. That makes her not as fleshed out as she could've been. They should've given her more to do and more of a role in the film. Not to mention make her a bit more looney like she would be in the comics. I feel like they should've modeled her personality a little bit more like Babs Bunny from Tiny Toon Adventures (Yes, Babs Bunny actually came before Lola).
6.Baby Looney Tunes- The same Lola we know and love but as a baby. She's still smart, strong, stands up for herself, is creative, feisty, caring, and maintains her amazing athletic skills. She's great but her being a baby does limit her.
7.Tweety's Highflying Adventure- This is just a cameo with her as a weather girl. She's cool and all but there's not much to judge because of how it's less than a minute.
8.Rabbits Run- This version of Lola is VERY different from the Lola that is normally shown in media. She's more of an airhead because of how she's based on The Looney Tunes Show version of Lola. So I should really hate this version but she was actually okay. She wasn't a brainless, man-obsessed, dumb blonde stereotype and actually had some independence and goals that didn't revolve around a man or just change out of nowhere. On her own, she's an entertaining character but she's still just NOT Lola.
9.Dating Do's and Don'ts- This version has no lines other than giggling like a dumb teenage valley girl stereotype. This really isn't anything like Lola and is just so out of character.
10.The Looney Tunes Show- I absolutely DESPISE this version of Lola. They took an already established character that was smart, competent, independent, self-reliant, and strong and turned her into the polar opposite of who she was. They made her a scatterbrained, man-obsessed, dumb blonde stereotype that never shuts up. This is bad fanfic levels of terrible character writing. The creators of the show actually said they never saw Space Jam or anything else Lola appeared in, which just shows how terribly written this character is. I respect people's opinions but saying this version of Lola is the best is just really insulting to the character, to women, and to quality writing. Just let this version DIE and never be allowed to see the light of day EVER again.
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ganon-binary · 3 years
Overwatch Heroes Ranking & Honest Opinions part 1
*Ahem* As we all are waiting for Overwatch 2 and Blizzard's rebirth as a company, I've decided to rank all of the playable Overwatch characters and give my 100% honest opinions about them. I have almost 2000 hours for this game and have a pretty big investment for the lore and the story so I thought this would be kind of fun? Parts 2, 3 and 4.
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Ana Amari: 10/10
Imo Ana has probably the coolest character design I've ever seen in a video game. Who doesn't love sniper grandmas with healing and sleep darts? She is all kinds of badass with a heart touching backstory, a very interesting storyline and not to mention she is fun as hell in the game. 10/10 love you granny Amari <3
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Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe and B.O.B: 8/10
Oh Ashe, you poor, misunderstood victim of a horrible release timing. A big part of the fandom hates her guts due to her being another skinny white woman released in the game before Blizzard added a black woman to it and many people's opinion haven't changed since then, but an unfortunate release timing aside, what is she like as a character? She is a just a lonely girl who wanted a family, and she decided to make one by forming a crime group. She has another case of the found family trope, and imo this is a good case of that. Personality wise she is bossy, feisty and takes no shit from others which a good contrast to her silent robot butler, Bob. In game she may be overtuned but she is still fun. 8/10, The fandom may not love you, but i do! <3
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Jean-Baptiste Augustin: 9/10
Baptiste is the hottest Overwatch man and y'all are just racist. He was meant to be the "fan-service" dude and the fandom ignored him and decided to simp for old man toes instead. He has a really charming and sassy personality and his totally not gay storyline with a not yet playable character, Mauga is so intriguing! He has p hilarious interactions with other characters which make me always giggle a bit. He may be problematic in the game but his personality and lore over-weights that, 9/10, he is just a good man.
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SST Laboratories Siege Automaton E54 / Bastion: 6/10
The character with probably the most iconic Overwatch animated short, Bastion is a very charming little robot. Their voice-lines in game are very cute but otherwise I don't really have strong feelings about them. Their storyline in OW2 seems interesting and their dynamic with Torbjörn is hilarious. They makes me groan every time I see them in game though. 6/10, no hard feelings buddy!
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Brigitte Lindholm: 8/10
Brigitte is such a sweet and lovely character. I really love her caring and loving personality, and her obsession with cats! Her dynamic with Rein is SUPER good and I'm so excited to see more of them in OW2. She is probably the most controversial character in the game, because of her they literally had to change how the game was played and added role lock. Good for you, girlboss! Looking forward to her rework in OW2, 8/10, i wonder if she likes The Cat returns?
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Hana "D.Va" Song: 7/10
Not gonna lie, before her animated short "Shooting Star" I didn't like her that much. A young girl being a celebrity, but has PTSD is an interesting concept. I wish her interactions with other characters would show more Hana, and less D.VA. Arguably the most fun tank in the game. 7/10, See you in OW2!!
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Akande "Doomfist" Ogundimu: 8/10
I used to think he was a very one dimensional villain, but then I started to look more into his voice lines and lore. Another really charming and classy character. His dynamic with Efi is really interesting and I want to see more of it in OW2. He was a real star in the "Masquerade" comic. No comments about him in game though! 8/10, don't disappoint me, writing team.
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Echo: 7/10
I really would have preferred getting her creator, Dr. Mina Liao in the game instead, but I understand why they went with her. Her backstory is very.. whatever? I think she is getting way more development in OW2 anyways. I really think they could have done more with her interactions with other heroes, there is so much potential for hilarious interactions. In game though, she probably has my favorite kit. She is super fun and smooth to play. Also props to her voice actor, Jeannie Bolet, such a pro! 7/10, meh in the story atm but very fun in game.
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Genji Shimada: 7-/10
The ninja. I have many mixed feelings about him. I like his fandom portrayal way more. I really don't care about the Shimada's backstory, and could someone please explain the magic dragons, please!? Anyways, the difference in his interactions in the Retribution event compared to the Storm Rising event is so hilarious. He seems like a fun guy, but I would have liked more if he was more extravagant and queer. In game.. eugh. 7-/10, at least the fan art of you is very cute!
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Hanzo Shimada: 5/10
Please get another personality that isn't broody and depressed. To me, Hanzo is such a nothing character, his relationship with Genji aside, there really isn't anything to him. As to quote a popular tumblr post "Fanart of him fucking McCree isn't lore." His design is nice to look at, but he really is just the broody samurai stereotype. If he even appears in OW2, I hope they make him interesting. Also as a Widowmaker main, not a big fan of him in the game. 5/10.. but seriously, what's with the glowy magic dragons???
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sanzu-sanzu-sanzu · 3 years
Just came here to say that I love your Songs About Toxic People so much.❤️ I've been obsessed about the Bonten Executives ever since I caught up with the manga and it's just so sad how we don't have enough content about them yet.🤧
I love all the Bonten Executives and my favorites are Sanzu and the Haitanis.🥺🤧💕
It's funny because I don't even know how that happened and I didn't notice it right away but the next thing I know I'm simping after the three of them so hard and for days my mind has been filled with nothing but thoughts of them ever since. Oh, the struggle. (😂)
The lack of content about them almost turned me into a fanfic writer right then and there (🤣) because I seriously wanted to read something about an OC who's also the only female executive in Bonten and I almost wrote it down myself, I swear.😆 I have never written something before in my life. Never. That's why I am soooo glad to find Songs About Toxic People. You have no idea how you saved me from the thirst I've been having ever since I got introduced to Bonten!Sanzu and Bonten!Haitanis and how you silenced the raging thoughts in my head about them if only for a little while, may God help me.
Now. About your absolutely beautiful and wonderfully written fic. Let me just say that I love everything about it.✨ The characterization, the little details about OC, their interactions, the dialogue, everything, is chef's kiss in my opinion. English is not my first language and (I'm guessing your's isn't as well? If I'm wrong, please ignore this but if I'm right then) I admire how beautiful your narration is. The words you use and the way you can create an image in your readers' minds using your descriptions is amazing.❤️
Your "show, don't tell" skills in writing is very beautiful, very admirable, and it's also my most favorite part of your story. I love it very much, seriously. That skill is the one thing I lack that made me give up in being able to write something of my own.😌 I realized that when it comes to writing, there are so many factors to remember and consider in order to make it interesting and engaging for your readers. Worldbuilding, character development, pacing, to name a few. But the hardest for me to master is the one thing you're so amazingly good at. And I admire you for that. That's why whenever I come across a writer like you with such excellent "show, don't tell" skills, I always make sure to make my appreciation shown. ❤️
Another thing I love about your story is the OC.😭 God, I love her so much. She is everything I've wanted to see in a fic that involves the Bonten Executives. She's a badass, she's feisty, and she perfectly fits right in with the other characters. I could just cry with how perfect she is in my opinion and you made that happen.😭❤️ I'm very satisfied with her character and I want to thank you again because I just know that if I did followed up on my need to write my own fic despite my inexperience, I just know that I'll end up disappointing myself and possibly even hate the plot idea because I was not able to meet my own expectations so thank you, thank you, thank you.❤️
She is amazing. You are amazing. Your whole fic is super amazing. I am glad and relieved that I don't have to write my own because yours already exists and it's so perfect.🤧
A female Bonten Executive, and the only female one at that.🥺🤧😭 I am so incredibly happy that the idea is finally out there and someone finally wrote it and that someone is also such a good writer. 🙌🏼
Kudos to you and I hope I can do more than just read and then say thanks. I believe you deserve more than that because I've been looking for this exact content you made and I've been looking for days. And now that I found one, even just the one, I'm relieved because it's already perfect on its own.😌
It's possible that it would take a long time for other writers to write something like this: a female OC that involves the Bonten Executives, my favorite flavor.🤧 It makes me sad, but no matter. I don't mind if I have to reread Songs About Toxic People again and again and again like how Sanzu takes drugs I'M SORRY for a long while because it's enough to satisfy my hunger and my thirst for the time being.❤️
Wow. This got super long. My bad. 😅 I did not mean for this to happen. I hope you don't mind this long ass appreciation message. I love leaving this kind of messages to writers like you.😊
Anyways, yeah. I just came here to tell you that. I hope you're having an amazing day and that you're safe wherever you are. Please take care of yourself. I'm looking forward to more of your works and what you can come up with. I am super excited! 😁
Best of luck and God bless.
- ✨
helloooo :”( this one took me a quite a while to answer because i just couldn’t stop gushing whenever i’d open my inbox huhuhu but you have no idea how much this truly means to me and i wish i can write better words at explaining how this made me feel. <3
first of all, your obsession with the bonten executives is COMPLETELY understandable i’m literally on the same boat as you my friend hahaha with sanzu being my main guy <3 they’re just so hot and dangerous but i also think there’s something kinda funny with all those guys being together LMAO (especially sanzu and the haitanis…add in a dead-eyed manjiro omg..)
just like you i am quite sad about the lack of content on them hahahaha it’s the main reason why i started writing about them in the first place, actually! (also because i'm just obsessed with sanzu) but that was more at the beginning when i still mostly relied on ao3, and then i got more active on tumblr and now literally everyday there’s new fics about them and that makes me extremely happy 🥺 i always did think that the bonten executive OC would make for such a nice flavor so i just latched on to the idea, and i also wanted to keep it a little more casual because i’m not the best with dark themes hahaha but it also helps me imagine the bonten execs in friendlier, more human, more everyday settings—a very fun exercise when you can’t stop thinking about them!
i am beyond happy knowing that you’re enjoying my fic to the point of sending me this lengthy message (whose length i don’t mind at all!!!) 😭 painting a picture with words is one of my favorite things ever when it comes to writing and i just…tear up when people enjoy my descriptions and the interactions and the little details huhuhuhu you have no idea. i didn’t even know i was doing a ‘show, don’t tell’ manner of writing until you pointed it out, so i gotta thank you for this cause it made me think more about how i write (in a good way!), so thank you, i super appreciate it.
i also hope you do get to write if ever you wanna! manifest the things you’d like to see in the world—something like that! hahahaha but also yeah, it can be fun and the possibilities are endless and it’s fanfiction so you can always do you <3
again, this really just made my day and i’ve saved it to my notes to read for when i’m feeling meh hahaha. i gotta say in advance tho that my updates might not come as regularly as before cus (1) life and also (2) need ken wakui to reveal more about my favorite bad boy sanzu LOL so we get to know him better.
and here’s to hoping more people write about oc’s that are bonten execs! so you’d get to have your share of this genre of bonten fic! hehehe you deserve it <3
THANK YOU SO MUCH, i hope you’ll have a nice day too 🥺 and take caaaaare. MWAH.
ps. oh yes, you’re right! english is not my first language hahaha.
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harringtonsbae · 3 years
Hi!!! Can I have a male matchup for Harry Potter in the Golden Trio Era?
19, Southeast Asian with Spanish descent, Libra, Bi Pan and Genderfluid, ENFJ-A/ENFJ-T, and a proud muggleborn Ravenclaw. Short (5'1"), chubby with kinda cherubic-like face, chic messy/wavy brunette hair, chocolate brown eyes, oriental skin, and boyish-emo sense of fashion with korean makeup look.
Really quiet, soft spoken, distant, and timid around random people (to the point they think I'm modest, demure, immaculate, and educated) but once I finally open up it's totally opposite---super talkative, rowdy-mouthed, laughing loudly on a daily basis, creative, talented, expressive, swears like a sailor, very clumsy, witty, passionate, religious, very supportive, unfortunate, super childish, determined, thriving, speaks with sarcasms, has a lamest sense of humour, gets excited so easily, skittish, forgetful, and unashamed to be myself but can be awkward around the strangers. Nice and kind to good people, but an opposite who isn't
Opinionated and EXTREMELY COMPETITIVE, in terms of academics and extra curricular activities (even I'm a procrastinator---I still ace them like what kind of sorcery I did?) that's why I got frustrated and dissappointed quickly if I failed, because I thought people I know is pressuring me, but I tried to keep moving forward once I already cheered up.
I may come off as stubborn, feisty, tough, demanding, and harsh if I get really angry also demanding and intimidating if things aren't all right, but my deeper self is sensitive, insecure of my physical appearance (some people around me makes fun of it and it's rude), and fragile who cries easily also has strong beliefs and reasoning, like fighting for my dreams to the point it'll become a debate because of my brashness. But I'm also willing to help or give up something as long I can, they think I'm selfish, but not really---I do have biased sentimental value and I have a different way how do I care---by being supportive and giving gifts also teaching them, in addition I have an emotional overwhelm, I get flustered too quickly, blush on compliment, and melt over wholesomeness.
My interests are arts, choir, night sky, makeup, fun/deep/dumb conversations, Christianity, documentaries (about saints, real crime stories, and inspirational people), reading interesting stuffs, talking about social issues, and creative writings.
My hobbies are are singing, drawing, roleplaying, listening to music, chatting/browsing on social media, conceptualizing, writing, and reading some stuffs. I'll include making corniest jokes/puns, sleeping, and dancing when nobody's around or walking like a model if I feel so bold (even I'm terrible at both xD). I also used to learn Italian language a bit.
Oof- I love you! Ron Weasley! Yes another Weasley!
•Ron loves you, no questions asked
•He has a VERY soft spot for people who are shy when they meet new people, but are really open when they are themselves
•It’s a reward for him when he gets to see your true self.
•You may not see eye-to-eye at times but it normally ends in really good makeup sex sweet cuddles on the the couch or in bed.
•Listen, this man would follow you anywhere anytime
•Would try his ‘lame’ nose jokes on you (I don’t know if you’ve read cursed child or not)
•He loves to join you in funny dance parties/runway shows that only you two get to do probably ends in sex
•He would definitely think roleplay was just for sex until he met you:
“What do you mean ‘Do you want to roleplay?’ Isn’t that for sex?”
•Ends up loving it, but he would never admit it
•He has the Weasley family sex drive for sure, so don’t even underestimate him
•When he first started dating you he would try to be romantic by going to your house and throwing rocks at your window until you either open it or look at him through it. There’s definitely a speaker playing some cheesy song in the background
•Later he takes you to go sit somewhere in a field and watch the stars while talking about anything
•Okay, so you guys are a literal power couple, no one ever plays games with you two because you guys always win
•He is smitten with you no doubt
•He probably gets jealous of Percy when he starts trying to talk to you about documentaries, social issues in the wizarding world, and would probably try to start debates with you. Your Ron’s world, one that he wouldn’t share ever, period
•Ugh you guys are a power couple and I can not stress it enough
I hope this is good! I’m still new to shipping people lol
Lots of love, babes<3
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hi can I please have a ikevamp matchup? I'm goth/emo and pansexaul. I dislike rude people, too much social interactions, people harming animals and loud children. Often can be found listening to music, playing games or with animals ao reading. I'm mostly a loner, have major trust issues, can be cold and vindictive, sarcastic to the fullest, insecure when people point out the scar over my right eye and notice my selfharm scars, tend to observe more than speak. Number 1, will send in nr 2-anon🐺
Number 2, people say I'm polite and wise and tend to notice smaller details and conversations more than others and also say I'm kind as long as people don't get on my bad side upon first meeting. I can hold a grudge but can also easily forgive and have an unhealthy obbsesion with drinking black bitter coffee. Hobbies are drawing, reading, writing, listening to music, chatting with my bestie, playing with animals, gardening and daydreaming.-Anon🐺
Hi hi, love! 😊I hope you are doing well. 🙌Thank you so much for the request and sorry for taking sooooo long with this!😱🙈❤ I hope you have a super good day and enjoy this!❤❤ 
So I match you with.................. Arthur
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The first time you meet Arthur, he was hella intrigued. 
You couldn't sleep that first night you came to the mansion due to some crazy scary nightmares. You made your way down to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee. As you entered into the dark kitchen you noticed a figure by the fridge, it was the mystery writer himself. At the sound your your footsteps entering into the kitchen he promptly shut the fridged and closed the distance between the two of you. He stared down at you with his ocean blue eyes gleaming in the darkness. That is when Sabastian joined the two of you in the kitchen carrying a clear crystal bottle with what appeared to be a thick red liquid inside. You eyed the bottle curiously, and that's when Arthur had revealed the Mansions secret to you as he downed it. You were honestly pretty shocked, but when Arthur got up close to you, you instantly believed him as staining the collar of his shirt was undeniably the crimson red colour of blood. 
You rushed back to your room freaking out, coffee long forgotten and somehow throughout the evening, you managed to pass out. You woke up to Comte sitting beside your bed with some breakfast. He spent the morning telling you all about the residence and the exact situation that you had managed to find yourself in. As Comte continued to explain the situation to you, you drifted off into a world of your own, replaying the previous night's events. You thought about Arthur and decided to low key forgive him for scaring you that previous night, as he was simply being honest, even though he could have done it in a less dramatic way.
You spent the day in your room, reading and writing. You didn't exactly feel like interacting with the residents, not cause of them being vampire but simply because you just didn't like social interaction in general, plus it had been a while since you last had time to completely relax. 
The next morning you woke up and made your way down to the kitchen. You started a fresh pot of bitter black coffee, just the way you like it and who should walk into the kitchen and steal the very cup of coffee you had been excited to drink…. Non-other than Arthur himself. "Hey, that's mine, if you want coffee, then I suggest you make your own," you scolded the author with a frown and grumbled sarcastic remarks at him under your breath as you move to make yourself a fresh cup. Arthurs's eyes gleamed in excitement you certainly were a feisty little creature. The two of you took your sarcastic banter to the dining room as breakfast was being served. You weren't really one for social interaction, but you did enjoy the back, and forth you had with Arthur. Usually, no one could keep up with your quickfire of witty remarks and sarcastic comeback, but here Arthur was, holding his own against you. 
When the next morning rolled by the exact same thing happened, Arthur yet again stole your freshly brewed cup of coffee, you let the first time slide but this time you narrowed your eyes at him plotting your revenge. Little did this mystery writer know, you were a rather vindictive kind of person. The next morning just as you predicted, Arthur showed up to steal your morning cup of coffee, except this time it wasn't coffee that he found himself drinking but a concoction of warm sludgy, muddy water. He spat it out and started rinsing his mouth under the kitchen tap, "serves you right," you legit couldn't hold back your laughter and hosed yourself laughing, watching the expression of disgust form on Arthur's face, "oh revenge certainly is sweet." This, my dear, is how the revenge war started between you and Arthur. Since that day, he would pull small pranks on you to get revenge, and you would plot a prank twice as good to get him back. You honestly enjoyed this little game the two of you played and even though you never like social interaction if it was with Arthur, you honestly didn't mind.
Speaking of games, one day, you walked into the game room to find Arthur and Isaac battling it out over a game of chess. You stood in the doorway next to Theo to watch the intense match between the two. Theo had warned you never to play a game against Arthur unless you wanted to lose, as he had never lost a single game in his life. You low key scoffed and laughed as it seemed he was losing at your little game of revenge, as his pranks were becoming more and more predictable. Issac hung his head in defeat, having lost yet another match against Arthur and now earning himself the nickname A-chan. You patted Isaac on the back and challenged Arthur to a game, winner takes all loser takes non. He simply shook your hand and smilingly accepted the bet
You challenged him to a game of rummy, and for the first time in Arthur’s life, he was sweating. You were definitely a tough opponent, and your observational skills were like his, second to none. The game had ended in a draw, so the two of you played another round one which you had managed to win by the skin of your teeth. You stood up, smiling triumphantly, and that's when he challenged you to a rematch. The two of you spent the afternoon playing various board games and trash-talking each other. You honestly loved playing games and playing against someone who could provide you with a good challenge definitely made it more enjoyable. You and Arthur actually added this to your list of fun activities to occasionally do together. It was always something which both of you looked forward to as it was always filled with laughter and witty banter.
Arthur quickly realized that you were incredibly smart and had a keen sense for picking up on finer details. So he invited you to tag along and play detective with him, helping him to solve some cases around town. TBH he pretty much pestered you into helping him, until you finally cracked one day. However, after having so much fun using your combined skills to solve a case you and Arthur teamed up and became the towns mystery solvers. Two of you work many a case together. Arthur legit loves working on various cases with you as this means he can spend more time with you and get to know you even better. 
You guys stumble on a case where the owner of a beautiful Germain Sheppard had kept the poor dog chained up in the backyard. As Arthur chatted with the owner, you went over to pat the dog, and that's when the blood drained from your face in horror. The poor dog was incredibly thin, and you could see scars all over his body from being abused. To top it all off there had even been fresh wound on his leg. You looked over to see that the poor had no access to fresh clean water, and looked incredibly thirsty. You opened your bag to retrieved your bottle of water, you poured some water in a small dish for the dog. The poor thing must have been incredibly thirsty as he drank up every last drop of water. Your heart broke in two, and you didn't want to leave the poor animal in this cruel man's care. Just then, the man came out with Arthur and was incredibly rude with you telling you to get away from his dog. That afternoon as you and Arthur walked back home, the poor dog had been on your mind. Arthur stop abruptly and stared down at you curiously, "you know luv, I would do anything you ask, all you have to do is say the word. I do hate to see you looking so down. So tell me what is it I can do to bring that beautiful smile back to your face." You had never seen Arthur look at you with so much love and worry before, he had always been a bit of a pain in the ass, but during the past few weeks, you couldn't help but fall in love with him. And at the moment with him staring at you so earnestly, you had realized you really had fallen for this man standing before you. 
Once the two of you got back home, you made your way to Arthurs room where you poured your heart out and told him that you hated rude people and you couldn't stand it when animals were being abused. Arthur simply nodded and smiled, "well then, what do you say we go and rescue that sweet dog from the clutches of the evil villain." You nodded and rolled your eyes slightly, trust the writer to create a story out of every situation. The two of you now sat side by side at the dining room table, each with a cup of bitter coffee in hand, planning the poor dog's daring rescue.
That night the two of you had successfully managed to save the poor dog. It took no effort at all for you to convince Comte to let you keep the cutie. After speaking with Comte about keeping the pet as your own, you walked back to your room, smiling at the memories you had created that night. Not only had you managed to rescue an animal in need, but after your daring rescue, you and Arthur were so excited at a job well done that he kissed you. On the walk home, you and Arthur had confessed your feeling for one another, and thus a new chapter in your life had officially started.
Often you could be found in the garden playing with your new pet. The second Arthur would hear the excited barks of the two dogs, he would put his pen down and rush downstairs to join the fun. He couldn't help but smile like a fool at the scene before him before joining in. The two of you would spend most afternoons playing with the animals while laughing and just having the best time together. 
You had actually been the one to introduce Arthur to gardening, as a therapeutic way for both of you to relax and unwind. Plus this pale British boy had never seen a drop of sunshine in his life, thanks to always being cramped up in his room writing, so it did him a world of good to get out of his room once a while to soak up that sweet vitamin D
Arthur, like you, has had to deal with a lot of pain from the past, so he never ever did mention anything about your scars to you. He knew that if you wanted to talk about them, you would. And you did, one day after he had told you all the traumas of his past and why it had taken him so long to confess his feelings for you, you told him about your past. That day the two of you completely let your guards down and let each other in. Arthur did everything in his power to be by your side whenever you were feeling insecure about your scars. You best be sure this boi will hold you tight and tell you how perfect and beautiful you are. If that doesn't work to quieten down your insecurities he will show you with action how much he loves and adores every inch of you.
Often the two of you cuties can be found just chilling together in Arthur's room. He would be slouched over his desk, writing the newest chapter, and you would be cuddled up on his couch reading about the latest topic of interest. When Arthur discovers that you also dabble in writing, he was legit over the moon. He would always insist you read your latest piece of writing to him as he rests his head on your lap, while you lazily pull your finger through his ocean locks. The two of you cuties would also sit and talk and talk for hours in deep conversation about anything and everything.
If the two of you aren't engaged in some kind of battle of wits, you are nestled in Arthur's arms as the two of you just enjoy a peaceful moment together wrapped in each other's warmth, each in a daydream of their own. Don't be surprised if this playboy drops a few sneaky kisses on your face as you comfortably rest in his arms, daydreaming away.
Other potential matches................. Vlad 
I hope you enjoyed this dear and I hope you have a super good day!❤❤😊🌻
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Hello again! :D I'm here because of our conversation earlier... where I asked you if I could request a fic where Jemma wakes up after some surgery and asks hilarious questions to Fitz while still not fully recovered from anesthesia.. may be an au, may be canon! It's totally up to you ♥
hello! Here’s your finished piece and I hope it’s kind of what you were looking for! Thank you so much for prompting me it - it was such a joy to write
bumblebees and wisdom teeth
{Read on Ao3}
or read below! 
“No. Absolutely not. You must be out of your mind toeven suggest it.”
Fitz rolls his eyes as she turns her back for a moment– knowing better than to do it so she can see. His tone is calm, without a hintof frustration. “It was your dentist, Jemma, not me. And it wasn’t so much as asuggestion as she effectively told you that you needed your wisdom toothremoved.”
Jemma makes a harrumphsound, before throwing herself forcefully into the kitchen chair. “My teethare perfect.”
“I know,” hetells her, for the fifth time. “And so does she. But it’s hurting you. And youeither leave it or it gets infected and this becomes a much bigger deal.” Helooks at her imploringly. “You know this.”
A small smile appears, and he watches as she givesway. “That did sound like something I would say.”
For the first time since they’ve arrived home fromJemma’s dentist appointment this afternoon, Fitz allows himself a smile, too.As big and as brave as his wife is, he knows she has great reservations aboutthe dentist. It’s taken two weeks to try and convince the normally completelylogical Jemma Simmons to get over herself and make an appointment about thebothersome tooth.
“It won’t be so bad,” he tells her gently, able tocomfort now the stubbornness has subsided. “A quick operation.”
“But it’s only partially erupted,” Jemma moans. “Whichmeans they’ll have to dig around in there.”
“After everything you have faced, you can definitelyovercome this.” He watches her smile again, though it’s small. “And if you’revery good, then I’ll even get you some ice cream after it’s all over.”
She laughs at him, reaching over to kiss him gently.“That approach may work on our daughter,” she says silkily, “but I’m afraid Imight require something more than ice-cream.”
“Whatever you want,” he promises, kissing her again.
“Can I come, too?”
Sarah looks at him beseechingly, holding her miniatureladybird suitcase in her hands. Fitz stops folding the washing to ruffle herhair.
“We’ll all be going, kiddo. Mummy’s going to need uswhen the dentist is done with her mouth. But it’s only for a few hours so wewon’t need the suitcase.”
“Oh.” Sarah looks disappointed. “Okay.” She sets itdown on the floor. “When are we going?”
“As soon as mummy is done worrying about all of thethings she won’t be able to do for a couple of days,” he says, watching asSarah’s ‘thinking crease’ appears between her eyebrows. “Hey, why don’t you goget some things to do and put them in your amazing bumblebee bag, yeah?”
She runs off, clearly excited about the prospect ofgetting to use some animal themed luggage today. Fitz drops the t-shirt he’sfolding and pokes his head around the kitchen door.
“You ready to go soon?”
Jemma sits at the kitchen table, a pen gripped so hardin her hand that her knuckles have gone white. There are sheets of paper allover the table, all of the lists she has made to comfort herself. “It says twodays is enough time for recovery.”
“That’s what the dentist said.”
“The NHS website, too,” she hums. “But what do youthink?”
“I think we’ll see how you feel afterwards, okay?” Hereaches out his hand and, though with a bit of reluctance, she takes it.
“You’ll be fine, Jemma,” he says softly. “We’ll bothbe there the whole time.”
“Okay,” she sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Okay.Let’s go get this bloody tooth removed.”
He grins in spite of himself. “That’s the spirit!”
“Oh wow! This is amazing!”
Fitz really only thought that the utter personality changesand complete silliness associated with wisdom tooth removal existed in thefilms, or was one of those things that was exclusively American.
“You are very handsome!”
But no.
“Are you single?”
It appears that it’s not. The proof of which iscurrently sitting on a chair in front of him, mouth puffed up with gauze, wheezingwith laughter at unknown jokes.
Jemma grabs his chin with her cool hands, and wiggles itabout. He tries not to laugh at the bewildered expression on her face. No doubtshe’ll remember it once the anaesthesia wears off.
“I think you’re incrediblyattractive.” She tries to roll her r’s, but it gets lose in the gauze. “Yourface is so symmetrical. I’ll bet if I checked, then you’d have the GoldenRatio.”
Knowing for a fact he doesn’t (because she’s checked,of course) he simply smiles and wishes it wouldn’t be frowned upon to record avideo in a hospital. “That’s a lovely compliment, Jemma, but I think it’s timewe get you home, now. Get you some sleep.”
Her elbow that he’d been about to take to help her upsuddenly retracts as if he’s shocked yet. Her eyes narrow, the crease betweenher eyebrows prominent. For a moment he’s overcome by the similarities between hiswife and daughter.
“How do you know my name?”
“You’re my best-friend and we’re married,” heexplains, patiently, opting for the short version. “If you let me help you up,we can get going and you’ll feel much better. I promise.”
“We’re married?!”She shouts, then winces, but doesn’t let the pain deter her. “Oh, I am verylucky indeed. A very lucky woman.”
“You know, I’m going to remember you said this.”
“Okayyy.” Jemma smiles up at him, glassy eyed, and offersher elbow up to him.
“Excellent, well done.” He helps her stand up, theturns his head this way and that. “Now we just have to locate Sarah and we canbe on our way.”
“Who’s Sarah?” Jemma asks sleepily, trying to lean herhead on his shoulder, and moaning a bit when his head swivelling doesn’t allowfor a comfortable stay.
“What kind of drugs did they give you?” He mutters, beforethe person he desires comes careening into the discharge room, brandishing asweetie from the vending machine.
“I got one for mummy and one for you!” Sarah exclaims,before noticing her mother and looking up at her, blinking owlishly.
“I’ll save hers for later,” she decides, stuffing thebumper pack of Starburst into her backpack.
“Good idea, kiddo.” He grins at her, then turns backto Jemma. “Right, let’s get going.”
“You are so pretty,” Jemma gushes, words slightly moreslurred than they were earlier. “Like a princess.”
Usually, Sarah becomes indignant at being likened to aprincess. Her face becomes all pinchy, and she tosses her toffee coloured curlsover her shoulder before walking away. If she’s in a particularly feisty mood,there can sometimes be shouting involved. He hopes that today isn’t one ofthose days.
Luckily, Sarah is a feisty but perceptive little beanand she simply loops her arm around her mother’s free one and leans her head inand says, “thank you.”
“And such lovely manners, too. You’ve been taught sowell.”
“By the best,” Fitz assures her. “Let’s go home.”
“Daddy,” Sarah whispers in the car on the way home. “Mummyisn’t going to be like this forever, is she?”
Fitz looks over to where Jemma has her head leaningagainst the passenger window, laughing uproariously at a dog, or perhaps theTesco delivery van, or the post box. He smiles a reassuring smile in the rear -viewmirror.
“Not for very long, kiddo. Don’t worry. Let’s justenjoy it while it lasts.”
“Knock knock,” he says, gently, pushing open the doorto the darkened bedroom.
“Ungggg,” Jemma groans into the pillow. “My head issplitting.”
He holds up a glass. “I brought you some water.”
She sits up, softly swiping hair away from herslightly swollen jaw. “My hero. Thank you, Fitz.”
“No bother.” He comes to sit next to her, handing herthe water with a paper straw in it.
She takes a sip, wincing a little bit, before lookingpast him, bleary eyes trying to focus in the dimness of the room. “Where’sSarah?”
“Downstairs making you a ‘get well soon’ card with hertoy dog. Expect a lot of paw prints next to her name.”
She chuckles, moaning and gingerly pressing her handto her jaw after she does so. He holds up a box of ibuprofen. “I brought these,too.”
“You deserve an award, Fitz.” She takes them with agrateful look. “I can’t believe what the anaesthesia did to me, earlier. I feelso embarrassed.”
“You shouldn’t,” he laughs. “It was cute.”
“Did I absolutely terrify our daughter?”
He can’t imagine Sarah being absolutely terrified ofanything. The child practically asks the world to come and take her on.
“No, not even a little bit.” He takes her hand in his.“She found it funny.”
“Oh dear. Never again, Fitz. I mean it.”
“I think you’ve done your fair share.” He takes in herpuffy jaw and bleary eyes and still thinks she’s the best thing, apart fromSarah, that he’s ever laid eyes on. “And it’s done now.”
“Mhmm.” She leans against him, head fitting on hisshoulder. “Thank you for everything.”
“Always, Jemma. What else was I going to do?”
He feels her try to smile into his shoulder, before shelooks up, gently taking his chin in her hand.
“What a handsome face,” she giggles. “I can’t believe I’mmarried to it.”
“Yeah, I know.” He presses his hand over hers. “I can’tbelieve it either.”
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k-hiphopshit · 7 years
Cause I'm Lying (Dok2 x Reader)
First off, I know I dissapeared, sorry I had exams and as I wrote this scenario it got deleted and I had to write it all over again. This was requested by @hiybbprqag who is now one of my online friends. Here you go girl, enjoy!
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You weren’t something phenomenal. You were just a youtuber, no one really expected a relationship between a youtuber and a rapper, you had a fair amount of fans but looking through so many others that have tons of fame and power, you were just tiny in front of them. You did a lot of things, from vlogs and skits to reaction videos, mostly for khiphop but also some kpop.
You were reacting to dok2’s and the quiett’s new m/v ‘beverly ills’ when you said that if this video hits a specific amount of likes, you will try to do a video with them. Surprisingly your fans loved that idea and hit that number in just a few days, having you in excitement but also in fear, since you just now realised what you signed up for.
When dok2 replied to your message, it had you jumping through the roof. You were acting like a pure fangirl and you could not wait for the day of shooting.
Likely, they were just as chill as they seemed and had each other in a very comfortable level when you turned on the camera.
“What’s up guys, it’s me again. But today I am not alone, I am joined by two of the most influential men in khiphop, please welcome dok2 and the quiett”
You said as you started clapping by yourself and they said hello.
“I’m going to start being honest and let you know that I never thought you would reply to my message”
“when I first saw it I didn’t really think about it, but we were with Jay park at the time and he had seen you before so he told us to look you up, we did and here we are”
This time the quiett said. His reply made you give a very creepy comedic smile
“jay watches my videos, jay I see you baby. Call me”
You turned to the camera and did the basic phone gesture with your hand and winked to the camera, wiggling your eyebrows after and making the duo laugh.
Joon kyung had to admit that he was very quickly developing a crush on you. He had the chance to talk to you before the cameras started rolling and he had already started noticing things, your energy, your smile, your compassion, your comedic personality. Everything was making him more attracted to you as the seconds passed by.
“So that’s it for today. Thank you for watching and leave a like and subscribe to my channel cause hey! I had these two do random stuff with me in a video…. content! Bye”
you got up giggling at your self to turn off the camera, as they got up to stretch and move around a bit.
“Thank you guys so much, it really was an honor”
“Don’t mention it. Actually we were wondering if you wanted to come to the our studio tomorrow, maybe do a vlog of yours”
And that is how your relationship with joon kyung started. It felt like it was meant to be, he slowly started to appear in more of your videos and you became a regular at his studio.
You were lucky enough to be one step ahead from the media and actually be the one to announce your relationship.
The tabloids had already suspected something but it was not until you posted a vlog with him shopping and calling him “babe and him calling you "baby girl”, the highlight was a kiss on the cheek and had everyone tripping balls.
You mostly stayed under the radar, you didn’t share a lot of skinship or anything like that. Not only it was not your cup of tea, what was also not helping was that your man was on the spotlight and everyone would love to see some skinship, most of them wanted it so they can judge you for it. So you both agreed on keeping that behind closed doors.
“ So what is so important that could not wait”
You said as you hugged joon kyung’s cat cash, well now that you had a house together it became ore of your cat, although rollie stayed loyal to his original owner.
“you know the show infinity challenge? they asked me to be in one of their episodes”
“oh I love the infinity challenge”
You were struggling to stay awake. Joon kyung pretty much demanded for you to stay awake for some “special news”
“They want me to do a house tour, and I want you to be with me”
“I will be in it if they want me to”
“I told them I won’t do it unless you are there”
You slowly turned your head to look at him with a glare that could kill a man.
“you’re slipping on the couch”
You were the one to open the door for the crew to come in, with your boyfriend right beside you. Your profession might be around cameras but right now you were having a mini heart attack.
You smiled politely and greeted the MC with a warm smile. Acting like having multiple cameras and microphones on your house and recording every second was normal.
“this is your house? Wow it’s beautiful”
“yeah y/n did the decoration”
You knew very well this was Joon kyung’s way to get to your good side. You just smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder
“if I left it up to him it would be all gold and we would have no money”
You joked but there was some truth in it. Joon kyung is kind of extreme and he has an addiction to gold.
“should we take a look around the house?”
“Sure, let’s do it”
“And this is the last room which we call it 'chill time’ ”
You opened the door and then the light. Here it was the bade of the things you both liked to do in your spare time.
“Wow, you got a lot of history comics”
“don’t get fooled. He has not finished half of them, he always picks new ones and leaves them to catch dust”
“hey, I will finish them”
“you have some of them before you even met me”
“woah, she is feisty”
the MC butted in, as he tried to control his giggle.
“she is right though, I promise i will finish them”
“why don’t I believe you?”
“cause i’m lying”
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