#i'm upset with him for his petty behavior. i'm upset with myself for not getting better soon enough. i'm upset with the situation as a whole
brattylikestoeat · 2 months
So, as someone who does not understand the open part of relationships (I am wildly insecure, it would drive me nuts):
Wtf is wrong with that guy? I am glad you're alright. And frankly you should have cracked the front of the phone on his head. Do not enter things you are not fully comfortable or do not unerstand what they entail. You are in part - cause other people always factor in - responsible about your experiences as an adult, don't cry about the terms and conditions of something you went into with your eyes wide open. I know I would be a nightmare in that scenario. Is he not self aware enough as a grown ass man to know that about himself?
Also, the moment someone shows violent behavior of that level for absolutely petty shit? Yeah, no.
I'm glad you're okay, I'm sorry about your phone, do something nice tonight for yourself.
Tbh most men aren’t as prepared for an open relationship as they claim. It’s all over the internet. Men will ask for an open relationship overestimate their value in the market and get no play. Meanwhile a women will clean house given the chance.
I’m always honest for this reason. I don’t want to put myself or these men in a situation. I like Ted and Donald is my rock. I don’t want anything to happen to these men.
So why get upset if I told you I had someone else, someone more solid?
Because Rico thought he was better and that he could outshine them. Only way to outshine Donald is to put in the work. No one has seniority like him and that comes with time. I could be on the nicest place and if Donald call imma leave and that’s just keeping it honest.
And that hurt his feelings a lot. Everyone should think highly of themselves but that doesn’t mean I feel the same way at all.
And getting violent over texting is crazy. A real playa would have put me out where we was and told me to text that nigga to come get me.
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hellsbroadcaster · 5 months
💚 = What is one thing that makes the mun and muse jealous?
Mun VS Muse — send a symbol! || Accepting
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Alastor's jealously is very subtle and petty. He might not show it right away, but he will reveal it eventually and it could be in a very fucked up way or tame way. Depends on what or who it is making him jealous. He can be possessive when it comes to his partners, not particularly liking the idea of sharing, and he won't. What's his is his, no touchy. Its also both really easy and difficult to get him jealous. Its all situational. He's confident enough to not really care or dwell on that stuff, and when he's with a partner he is stable and secure enough to trust his partner only has eyes for him. if they know what's good for them. And then, if someone is provoking him purposely, which is likely the case, he will be super petty about it, showy and in front of whoever it is trying to make him jealous. he don't like playing other peoples games.
As for meeeeeee. Well, I'm human so I do have instances where yes I can be jelly. I try not to be though. Jealously usually stems from our own insecurities and i do have mine, so I can get scared and insecure when I care a lot about someone. I work on healing myself everyday, so its become less of a struggle to not get jealous over things. feeling more secure and confident in myself. i tend to feel a little like someone's second choice a lot? so sometimes I panic when i think someone might not be interested in me anymore. if that makes sense. ive also been on the other side of a jealous person, where my ex thought I as cheating on him with everyone. i couldn't look at a dude without him claiming I wanted to fuck them. and then when he found out I was bisexual, he was sureeee I was cheating on him with women too. so that isn't the kind of behavior I want to give to the people I love. I don't want to put them in that position. If I am uncomfortable or feeling a type of way, need reassurance or something I will talk to you about it. communication is important to me, i need to know too when I do something that upsets you. its how I learn, its how I learn to love you better and be better for you. I'm determined to learn from my past mistakes, and be a better person.
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wetpapert0wel · 4 years
#flick ticks#also i am aware that i'm not ready to commit to anyone. i won't for a While. i have friends and while i adore this one i'm not going to like#tie him into my stuff i guess??? like. i don't want to lock him down just to hurt him- i don't want to lock him down in case i do end up#hurting him!! i'm taking precautionary measures to make sure he doesn't get hurt!!! i am doing my absolute best to learn from my bullshit.#i am upset. i'm allowed to be. obviously he's allowed to be upset too but like. trying to restrict my feelings is what made me so awful lmao#i'm upset with him for his petty behavior. i'm upset with myself for not getting better soon enough. i'm upset with the situation as a whole#because fuck me for being worried/concerned about him i guess????? like. god forbid i feel bad about the shit i did and attempt to do#whatever i can to like. make up for it in some way or another. fuck me for worrying about whether or not he's going to be able to pay bills?#jeez. i? don't get it. i really wish i did though- i wish i like. Actually understood what he's going through and what he's feeling and just#yeah#i'm always going to hope he's doing ok and i'm always going to hope that he'll get the help he deserves#he deserves to be happy. i will never stop thinking that he does. Never. because despite everything i don't hate him at all. he hates me duh#but like. idk#idk! i just want him to be happy. i'm not going to be the one to make him happy and? i'm ok with that. Finally i am ok with that#the difference between him and my ex before him is that for a long fuckin time i Hated my ex. i was so angry at them for how i was treated#by them. it took me 3 years to get over being angry at them and it took me about 5 years to realize that they were kinda justified in#how they treated me; i was shitty. i was manipulative. i was toxic. i never stopped. but i was angry because the whole time i was thinking#''why does no one believe me when i say i dont mean to act out? why does no one see/realize that im Tremendously fucked up and try to help''#and i still think like that! i still don't? understand why it's so hard to believe me when i say that i don't mean to act out. trauma ig lol#idk. i'm gonna stop w/ this nonsense lmao#tl;dr i still care about him. i still care about his friends. i don't want him to be my friend anymore. i want little to do with him tbh!#but i still care about him. i want him to be safe and happy and well cared for. that's it. nothing else
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I’m the Louis interview anxiety anon. I’ve been thinking a lot about why Louis makes me anxious. It does all lead back to me and how I see parts of myself in Louis. Rather than observing Louis for Louis, I’m putting my baggage on him and asking him to perform the way I want and getting upset when he doesn’t. It’s been an interesting few days thinking about this and I’m starting to see Louis quite differently. The odd thing is I don’t think I do this with other celebrities. I’m very capable of observing them from a distance. I’m curious about why it’s different with Louis. I think I see this same behavior in other fans and I wonder what is it about us or Louis or a combination of the two that makes this occur. All things lead back to yourself though.
Thanks so much for coming back and talking about your experience anon (and I'm sorry for the delays in responding - it does often take me longest to reply to anons that I find most interesting). I'm really interested about the questions of identification in fandom and love hearing about people's experiences.
You're definitely not alone into identifying with Louis in a way that you don't with other celebrities (I think that's really common and it's part of my response as well). I think there are lots of reasons for that, including the nature of being a boyband member (boyband members are treated as if they were women without being women. I think for a lot of people who are, or have been treated like women, identifying with boyband members can be a way of processing experiences that would be too painful to identify with female popstars). A lot of fans stories involve Louis having to perform being someone he's not. There are so many reasons that might resonate with people (particularly given how much blank space he leaves around yourself.
But the other thing that I think is worth thinking about is the process after identification. That for a lot of people identifying with Louis means projecting feelings of the world being very unforgiving onto him. In your ask, like so much about Louis - I get the feeling that one of the things that people are projecting onto him that all criticism is catastrophic.
Whereas, looking at Louis now - all evidence is of someone who is pretty resilient. He has been a boyband member (a job that is known to be pretty damaging) and experienced significant personal tragedy and trauma. He has also dealt with frustration, and petty bullshit in his solo career (and maybe more we don't know). In addition, like all of us he's dealt with a fucking pandemic fucking up all our plans.
How he's responded? By taking time for himself and only appearing to produce two incredibly successful, fully formed pieces of work (the livestreams). And then by embarking on a tour that seems to have been everything that he wanted.
What I wish, for everyone who is projecting their anxieties and fears onto Louis. Is that they take some strength from that. If Louis is able to deal with difficulties and he doesn't need to be uncriticisable to live the life he wants - maybe that's true for others as well?
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Alright, hunker down - but warning this is all pure vent post straight from my life, it's a bunch of bullshit drama, and has to do with manipulation and grooming and the effects of such. It's just gotten to the point that I need literally any outside support I can have because it's infested just about my whole in-person life. Massive trigger warnings for all this stuff.
So many months ago, this man, aged 28, joined my volunteer firehall, as well as started working at the same place as I.
For months I supported this guy. He was my best friend - I could rely on him. We got along great and he basically became apart of my life, I even had a small crush on him at one point.......
Until within the last month, I've seen just how much of a manipulative psychopath he is. I put the pieces together, inconsistencies in his behavior, and I realized he's been doing this TO EVERY GIRL around my age (20) and even younger. I was so enraged when I figured it out, and while he's never done anything to me sexually, I still feel violated. I realize now all it was for was to try and coerce me into a relationship because he is a vile, insecure man who manipulates younger woman.
I can't get rid of him. He's literally being investigated but because all of us are of age, and he's technically "done nothing illegal" they can't get fire him, they can't kick him out of the firehall and he KNOWS THAT. He LOVES IT. He loves this chaos. Midnight tonight, he sent everyone I work with/volunteer with a snap of him gr*ping his barely legal girlfriend. He's saying things like "You are all just jealous of our love, get over it." "No, you're a fucking creep and you're manipulating this girl just like you tried to manipulate the other five woman you tried to date - this one fell for it."
And I've been trying to tell the victim that she needs to dump this guy, he's "consensually" violating her - he's tried to get with everyone - he does not love you, he just thinks he does. But this guy, like I said he's manipulative:
He's turned this girl and all the young woman against one another. He's actively lied to get us to dislike one another so we won't talk, so that we would be divided and conquered.
I am one of the first to figure out his manipulative ways, and the other victims are still reeling from it and don't understand fully the magnitude of this shit - and neither do my coworkers/co-volunteers. We should be rallying against him but instead were divided like this because of petty lies he's told.
I am upset - most of all I'm angry. I trusted this man. Befriended him. I'm angry at him and myself and I feel like a dumbass even though I know it wasn't my fault for trusting him. I have almost no one to turn too because they don't understand yet. They only see this through rose colored lenses - despite the fact that he literally confessed and boasted to doing ALL OF THIS. "He's a nice guy! He's just a bit immature, maybe that's why he likes younger girls!" It makes me want to scream. My own MOTHER thinks I'm being dramatic over this - she says "This is what men are like, get used to it." And I know that's not fucking true.
Literally any words of comfort or anything are appreciated, I'm just so tired and angry, and it's hard to cope with this situation because it's my life, it's a huge chunk of my life and I can't just quit my job and pack up and move somewhere.
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
Knock Before Entering
If Chase had simply knocked before he went in that room, there would be nowhere near as much awkward tension right now between the three of them.
But alas, he hadn't knocked and they were all in an uncomfortable position.
Let's set the scene: Just an hour ago, Michael and Willow had made their marriage official. In Wiley's playroom they were supposed to be painting stars on the ceiling in so their son could have stars to see when he was an astronaut. He was going to be one when he grew up and so they had begun painting them when the annulment papers had came in.
Instead of annulling their marriage, however, they'd finally said everything they felt about each other to each other- and acted on it. Several times.
They'd decided to go again and were making out like fifteen year olds when Chase barged into the room.
The mood had never been killed quicker.
Glaring at Chase, Michael and Willow threw on their shirts and tried to look somewhat presentable as Chase was standing there awkwardly, looking at everything but the sight in front of him. Willow blushes a deep red color, more embarrassed than upset. For her especially, this is an awkward situation.
When everyone's fully dressed, she excuses herself to go find Wiley. As she leaves, Michael's glare returns, as well as his bulging neck veins. "You wanna explain what you're doing here right now?"
"Brook Lynn and I made a deal where if she and Ned talked, I'd talk to Willow," Chase explains, clearly digging himself deeper and deeper into the hole he's created.
"Why are you and Brook Lynn making deals? And what do you have to say to Willow?" Michael asks.
"We're friends. For God's sakes, she's living on my couch! So, since we both have things we don't want to do but should, we made this deal. She tries to work things out with her dad and I tell her how I feel."
Confused, Michael asks, "What do you feel for my cousin that involves Willow?"
"No, not Brook Lynn. She's great, and very interesting, but I don't feel that way about her. We're just friends, nothing more. The deal was I tell Willow what I feel for her. Willow, she told me you two were getting an annulment so I thought it was my final chance to tell her how I feel about her."
Taking a deep breath, Michael asks, "And what do you feel for my wife, Chase? Please, tell me. I'm dying to know. I'm dying to know how you feel about her."
Chase can sense the anger in his tone as he says, "I love her. I-I know what you two-"
"You cheated on her with Sasha. The two of you broke our hearts when you did that, and I don't think you can say you love her if you can have an affair. I get that your conscience might not have let you date Sasha afterwards, but you still managed to cheat on her while you were supposedly in love with her. It's been months Chase, months since the affair," Michael reminds him. "So don't tell me you love her when you broke her heart and didn't care about that. Don't you dare do that."
"I didn't have an affair with Sasha! We faked it for the custody case, so you two would get married and keep Wiley safe from Janelle and her manipulations," Chase exclaims loudly.
Suddenly, everything comes to a halting stop. How loud was he, could Willow hear? Could Brook Lynn hear? What had he just said? The affair was fake?
Willow walks back into the room, confused. "What did you just say?"
"Willow, I love you. Sasha and I never cheated on you and Michael, we made up the affair because you two needed to get married for Wiley's sake. Now that you're getting annulled, I thought this would be my last chance to tell you that I love you and I don't know if I'll ever stop loving you. I need you to know that I still love you." The look on Chase's face is one of anxiety, but it's obvious he's telling the truth.
"You two were making out on a couch! That's still cheating, you just didn't have sex. Do you want an award? Some applause? Chase, you broke my heart. You broke Michael's heart. I've moved on and I don't love you anymore. It's best you move on too," Willow explains to him.
Brook Lynn opens the door, seeing the three of them in an awkward conversation. "We heard yelling from Chase and it was decided I'd be the best to come up here and figure out what's happening."
Angry, hurt, and annoyed, Chase kisses the Quartermaine girl intensely. Is he using her? Only slightly. The kiss feels right though, and so they pull away moments later breathless. Neither were expecting that to be... That. For a first kiss, it was a solid 10/10.
Anger fuels through Michael as his cousin actually kisses him back. "What the fuck are you two doing? Chase, you love Willow but somehow you're making out with her? You can't make a decision for the life of yourself. When you chose to play god with all of our lives, you knew what you were doing. And now you don't want to deal with the consequences of your own actions."
"Michael! I'm an adult, I can take care of myself. Look, I'm fine, alright? That was the first time him and I did that," Brook Lynn reassures him and his breathing calms slightly.
There's a pause before Michael's anger at Chase continues to spew, uncontrollable. "I can't believe you! Saying you're in love with my wife one minute and the next you're making out with my cousin. Brook Lynn, I trust you can take care of yourself, and I trust you told the truth. But Chase, how can you do that? How can you break someone's heart and then say, months later, that you love her? Tell me, please. I'm begging to know. Maybe I can break someone's heart who doesn't deserve it like you did!'"
"Look, let's all take a deep breath before we do anything we're going to regret," Willow suggests, bringing Michael back to reality: they're still in the playroom, trying to solve a problem. With annulment papers conveniently somewhere around here if they so choose to get them and sign.
After that momentarily breather for everyone, Chase says, "I do love Willow, and I think you might love Sasha still, Michael. Things could go-"
As he says that, Michael can't hold back and, neck veins bulging, punches Chase. It's a good punch, one Jason taught him to throw years ago. There are perks to having your mother's best friend being a hitman and your father being in the mob, and one is punching lessons. Well, really more self defense lessons, but still. It's a perk to growing up in dysfunction.
Chase and him fist fight for several minutes to the protests of Willow and Brook Lynn, who both were trying to stop it. But alas, nothing can stop two angry men from fist fighting each other like 12 year olds over an XBOX.
They finally stop the fight, both having taken good punches and thrown good ones. Fury burns in Chase's eyes as shame fills Michael. He let his temper get the best of him and this happened. "Look man, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have thrown that punch and started that-"
The detective throws another punch, this time leaving a bloody lip. "Damn right you shouldn't have. But now, you're going to be arrested for assault."
"You do not want to arrest him. Arrest me," Brook Lynn suggests.
"As much as I'd like to, Brook Lynn, you don't have any grounds for arrest at the moment and he does," Chase reminds her.
"Chase, please don't do this. At the very least, let me take care of his bloody lip," Willow begs and Dante walks into the room.
Whistling, Dante says, "What the fuck happened in here? It smells like sex and Michael's got a bloody lip and Chase has what looks like a bruised forehead. Is this some weird sex thing I don't know about because if so I feel like it's illegal."
"Do not start that conversation or there will be more blood," Brook Lynn warns him. "But currently all I know is Chase told Willow how he feels and Michael punched him when he said that she still loved him and he still loved Sasha. But I'm guessing that the sex thing came from Michael and Willow, so I'm pretty sure that's actually encouraged in most religions. Also Chase made out with me."
"How much did I miss? But Detective, arresting him is a shoddy at best move. Trust me, I was with the police department for a while." Dante chuckles.
"Thank you for your input Dante, but I'm going to go and bring Michael to the station," Chase says before reciting the Miranda rights to him. "If you don't want him to be in jail tonight, I suggest you go to the police station."
"I feel like this is harassment and that that's how the commissioner will see this as well," Dante informs him.
But the protests of his family don't have any meaning as Chase handcuffs him and he's dragged out to the police car, absolutely silent while everyone sees him being arrested by his former best friend.
An hour later, Diane's there and clearly displeased with him. "Michael. I would expect this behavior from, say, Jason or Carly. They've actually both been in a situation like this at one point. Irony's a beautiful thing. That's not the point. You are supposed to be the good one! Not the one fist fighting people with no real reason except you're mad they're in love with your wife!"
"I know, I know. I overreacted to it and I'm sorry for that and I let my anger get the best of me which I shouldn't have and I feel like hell but it was so great finally punching him. But, in my defense, he also said false things that we'd already said we're false and made out with Brook Lynn after insisting they were just friends. And he gave me a bloody lip, so I'd say we're even," Michael struggles to defend himself. "Is it still bloody?"
"Yes, it's still bleeding. Carly, Sonny, and Jason have been made aware you're here, and I'm sure that you and Chase have very different sides to the story but, provided he drops the charges, you'll be let free. If he doesn't, someone will need to post bail money for you and this petty case will be taken to court."
Chase walks back into the interrogation room. "Michael, I think we can make an agreement. I'll drop the charges if you and Willow get annulled."
Diane steps in, chuckling. "This form of agreement seems harassing, as does the proposition in question. Detective, I understand you decided to arrest him on the grounds of assault but a jury or the commissioner will just see this as you harassing my client. Additionally, the annulment papers were received by them today."
"Diane, we're not getting annulled. We, uh, we decided we're staying together. Chase, he walked in when we were making out and then told us he'd lied about the affair and that he still loves Willow and so Brook Lynn came upstairs to figure out what was happening and he made out with her and I asked him how he could do that and he insinuated several things about my love life so I punched him, not hard, and he fought back so we had a minor fist fight and then I apologized for throwing the first punch because that wasn't smart or productive and he gave me a cat lip," Michael explains.
"Detective, I strongly advise you stop harassing Mr. Corinthos here because that's what it looks like to me. Willow can make her own decisions, that's her choice who she wants to be with. She is not to be sold as property."
Chase, exhaling, says, "You're right. I shouldn't have arrested him in the first place, and I'll drop the charges, but someone does still need to bail him out."
"What is bail set at?" Diane asks, smiling.
"$500. I'll alert his family, which is loudly congregated out there," Chase says, standing up from the table.
"Thank you," Michael smiles.
As Chase leaves, Diane's smirk widens. "What's this I hear about no annulment? Did your grounds for it become, how shall I say this, void?"
"Well, the Quartermaine's already know, why not you. Yes, we did decide not to get annulled. It isn't something either of us want, so sorry for wasting your time."
"It's your private life so I'm not going to dig into it, Michael, but for what it's worth, I wish you and Willow the best on your marriage. Trust me, she's probably the only woman who both of your families will agree is good for you and who can deal with the chaos that is your life."
"Thanks, I think," Michael chuckles as she leaves and he finds out his bail has been posted and gets uncuffed.
He walks out of the room, embarrassed but fine minus the bloody lip, and sees that there's a good fifteen people out there for him; Carly, who's pacing and talking to Jason very loudly, Jason, who's remind her they're at a police station, Willow, who's trying to just ignore the situation, Brook Lynn, who's harassing Chase about how he acted, Dante, who's smirking about everything that's happened, Wiley, who clearly isn't comfortable with this situation, Sonny, who's just scrolling through his phone, Diane, who's discussing something with a disinterested Sonny. Dysfunction at it's finest.
Willow looks up and sees he's there and runs up to hug her husband. "You're okay? Your lip's not bleeding, but are you sure you're okay and we don't need to go to the hospital right now to get you checked out?"
Chuckling, Michael says, "Willow. Look at me. I am fine. Trust me, I've been through worse than my busted lip and soreness. You have absolutely no reason to worry."
"You were arrested! For punching him over me! I feel like there was plenty of reason for me to worry and be upset," she smiles.
"Well, I promise you, I am fine and don't need to go to the hospital. Your overreaction is, though adorable, unnecessary right now. I'm fine, Wiley's fine, you're fine, and that's all that matters," Michael assures her.
Smiling, she quickly kisses him which is convenient seen by everyone there. "Promise on your life?"
"That's a bit extreme."
"Then you're going to the hospital," she declares as Carly and the adults are laughing. "What's so funny?"
"How casually you two just kissed. Yesterday, you were getting an annulment and today there's this. We clearly need to be caught up on what happened. Besides, your concern is just so much like a wife, you two really are married now," Carly laughs.
"I'm still making him get checked out at the hospital. Would any of you like to join me?" Willow asks, earning another chuckle from them.
"Sure, why not?" Dante chuckles as the rest of them minus Brook Lynn agree to join; she's doing a thing she does where she just stares blankly while you talk so you can't see her emotion with Chase.
"You are way too worried about me," Michael protests.
"You wouldn't swear on your life."
"You're lucky you're my wife."
"I am," she agrees as they walk out, him kissing her forehead. "And you're lucky I'm your wife."
"That I most certainly am."
wsdfgbhnjm words
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