#i'm too used to the crusty old version
secretagent9 · 10 months
i log into neopets for the first time in YEARS to do a bunch of dailies and i randomly get a christmas paintbrush. i'm gonna take this is a good sign
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petermorwood · 4 months
A day or so ago, @dduane reblogged a long post - a Canadian magazine article from 1966 - about the Americanisation of Winnie the Pooh.
It's an Impressive Tirade in which the writer (Sheila H. Kieran) says what she thinks about letting Walt Disney have a free hand with a foreign Children's Classic.
There's mention of the previous Adaptation Endeavour, "Mary Poppins" (1964) but it's very brief, perhaps with an eye to limited column space - or maybe because All Was Said Already in a previous review.
There is, however, rather a lot about the English characters being given American accents, and about the inclusion of a new character, an American gopher (which, the article suggests, looked vague enough to the Kieran children - its target audience - that it might as well have been a mole or a beaver).
And that reminded me of another bit of American Animalisation done by Disney, in the 1949 short "The Wind and the Willows" - though in this instance it's visual since the voices are, for the most part, suitably British.
They include Basil Rathbone as narrator, and a horse who sounds like George Formby. In some scenes the horse actually looks like Formby, so this voice may not be entirely accidental.
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Badger, however, sounds like a Scotsman - the worst kind of stage Scotsman at that - rather than how I used to "hear" him as a C. Aubrey Smith-voiced crusty retired colonel.
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That, however, is just personal preference.
However, Disney's Badger is not a proper British (more correctly, European) badger, Meles meles. Here's one, which though not the most amiable of beasts in reality, still manages to look fairly affable ("I say, old chap, whatever are you looking at?")
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Instead he's a North American badger, Taxidea taxus, which not only has a less affable expression ("Hey, bud, you. Yeah, you. You lookin' at me? You lookin' at ME?") but, more important, different stripes.
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Here's Disney's version alongside mine. The correction took about five minutes of pixel-tweaking.
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Disney's animators could have got it right from the outset just as easily, because I'm pretty sure the reference library which provided costume info for Rat's tweed Norfolk jacket and britches included picture-books of natural history.
Come to that, any "The Wind in the Willows" after the unillustrated first edition would have been enough, and there must have been at least one copy lying around for story adaptation and scene-description purposes.
The first illustrated edition came out in the UK in 1931, and its artist was, at author Kenneth Graham's request, the very same E.H. Shepard who had illustrated the Pooh books just a few years previously...
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...while this Arthur Rackham colour plate is from an edition published in 1940 in New York.
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So those books wouldn't have been impossible for Disney to get.
The problem, however, is that if a word ("badger", for instance) is well known to mean one thing here, it may be Too Much Trouble to find out if the same word means something else there, with the result that finding out can sometimes come as rather a surprise.
Check the UK / US meaning of "suspenders" to see what I mean... ;->
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askcometcare · 8 months
how did u get the idea for the emoji icons? and can we make our own for our characters :pleading:
OOC: a few years back i made edits of official twemoji animal emojis (pngs at the time) to be sparklecare characters! they're really outdated and old and crusty because i only used pngs at the time, but when i started working on cometcare i thought it would be a cute little thing to make the profiles unique.
i'll try and explain how i do this as best as i can, sorry if this is confusing!
for context, twemoji is an open-source emoji font that is officially made by twitter. it's what discord uses for its default emojis! it's completely free. you can find all the assets and svgs here on the official github page. to edit them, go into the 'assets' folder after downloading and find your chosen emoji by scrolling for it in the 72x72 folder, these are all pngs.
unfortunately, the files arent sorted by name of what it is, but instead just letters and numbers. once you find the one you want, copy-paste the file name and search it in the svg folder (as the svg has the same file name as the png version) and copy it into your vector editing program.
its kind of a hassle to navigate through these repeatedly because there's SO MANY OF THEM, so what i recommend doing is copy-pasting all of the animals (and other objects if you want to do stuff like use the tophat like i did for soob) into one big svg canvas (or a folder if you want, but i recommend the canvas just so its easier) and copy and re-use them for each of your characters. i also recommend scaling up the image so when you export it, it's not super small and you can put it in an art program to make the icon.
you absolutely can use this idea, no need for credit! if you don't know how to work with vectors, it's relatively easy to learn, check out inkscape since its a free program! there's also paid programs like adobe illustrator but inkscape is something i learned to use in a high school art class so i'm pretty familiar with using it
you can use this method for basically anything you want, you don't need to limit it to toyhouse icons or anything! you can make custom emoji for servers and stuff too if you want :]
in theory you can make edits of the regular pngs, but its not as easy to edit the colors as it is in a vector editing program and can make the lines crusty
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wisemins · 17 days
so I checked your f/o list and I saw not only do u ship w stan but also ford!?🧐 incredibly based😌 since I have gravity falls brainrot this is my obligatory ask about your s/i if you have one👀 if not use this as gush pass🎫
side note: do u prefer being called miya or starshine? because I saw someone refer to you as miya once and that's what I've been doing but you and some others refer to you as starshine so uh I just wanted to check🧍🏽
second side note: are you okay with sharing stanley? I understand if not, I only have 1 tag for him so far (💗: stan💸) if you want to block it. okay done for real🏃🏽‍♀️
YYAYAYAAAA I've been waiting forever to be able to answer this but I've been so busy with work!!! OH BOYYY IM SO EXCITED TO ANSWERR
Gravity Falls is like one of my all time 'tisms, like I have seen it an unholy amount of times, I've never kept track of just how many times. I used to just have it on 24/7 as background noise around my house. I know this show like the back of my hand and I simply adore it!!! okay so-- I've also been shipping in it since I first got into it, but eventually I wasn't shipping in it anymore and just enjoyed it for what it was-- until I rewatched it in my adulthood.
Now, I used to only ship with Ford, but...well, my crusty old man taste had developed to fruition already in 2021 so Stanley was instantly looking FOOOOOINEEE as hell alongside Stanford. So then it was-- I was shipping with both of them. Separately, though. Definitely needed different canons for it to work, since Ford and I have a much different relationship than Stan and I, but I'm honestly still working on my lore with Ford now that things have changed and that I'm much older. There's just more potential with him in terms of intergalactic/dimensional stuff!
So in terms of Stan and me, we're mostly just very domestic and comfortable outside of the crazy canon lore! I started off working at the mystery shack, helping Stan with his crazy ideas for new creatures and attractions, I also helped out a lot with sales and tours! But eventually we both just clicked and I discovered that I in fact LOVEDDDD that old man. And as it turns out he felt the same too!! He was more hesitant, for obvious reasons. A considerable age gap, the fact that he's a lot more insecure than he lets on, people in general think he's disgusting and conniving and a scammer, but I like his style! I never judged him like that, I get where he's coming from, and we've both been through a lot in our lives so we tend to relate A LOT despite the generational difference. But we're mostly just a very doting couple who makes the dream happen, we hustle and we take care of the twins! And also try to keep them out of trouble, to the best of our abilities. Stan and I are only dating, but if I were to ever have the pleasure of marrying him-- well I'd be honored to be any sort of caretaker figure to them!
Now, me and Ford? Our relationship depends on *when* we met. Currently I have two timeline ideas, but for now I'll focus on one where he's also a crusty old man. We relate a lot as well, just on a different level! We're both giga nerds, love to write and draw, are nervous wrecks but simultaneously too oblivious for our own good. We do have our own version of a domestic life, one that just includes more weird happenings and nerd stuff! Lots of D&D&moreD, talking and theorizing, and a lot of dorky longing looks and late nights of working on stuff together. I'd like to think in this version of myself in Gravity Falls, I'd be more akin to the weirdness and was far more aware of it than I would be if I was with Stan, seeing as Stanley would most likely try to shield me from it than make me aware.
Also you can call me either or honestly!! Miya is my real name so it's more personable (I would be honored if you felt comfortable enough to call me as such!), and Starshine is just a cute nickname that my mans Wonka calls me along with some other mutuals! or if you want another *another* nickname, you can also go with Marnie!
Also I am super duper cool with sharing Stan!!! for so many years...i have felt alone in my Stan loving because he was the "gross" twin that only very few people actually liked 😭😭 So the solidarity and the sharing of joy in this crusty old man is ALWAYS welcome!!!
tysm for the ask once again Frankie!!!! MY BELOVED MUTUALLL <333
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keaganjervis · 1 year
Tumblr's new dashboard layout
Did you, like me, hop onto our beloved hellsite this morning, and find your dash looking like this?
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Were you, like me, pretty unimpressed with the new layout?
Did you, like me, imagine a world in which your dashboard could look a bit... less? Well, imagine no more:
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(Thanks to @nyancrimew for making the perfect post to showcase my changes at precisely the moment I was taking screenshots)
One of the advantages to being a front-end web dev is that, when I don't like how a website looks, I can change how it looks in my browser. And now, you can too.
Install a browser extension that lets you inject custom CSS. I use Code Injector for Firefox, but you can take your pick - just search for "[Browser name] custom css [plugin/extension]" in your search engine of choice
Create a new rule for tumblr.com, and paste in this snippet of CSS: https://pastebin.com/LnAduQnM
I've bumped the left-hand sidebar off to the edge of the screen, hidden the right-hand sidebar, centered the feed in the remaining space, and increased the width of the feed a bit. I've also reverted to an older version of the Tumblr blue, and added li'l arrows from posts to their associated avatars, because I'm a crusty old curmudgeon who hates change.
Feel free to tweak these changes to your heart's content; I know I'll be doing so for my own use - this was just a quick first cut to make my dash a bit less claustrophobic.
And don't forget to go leave some feedback for @staff to let them know how you feel about these changes. Squeaky wheels, and all that.
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ponyguru · 2 years
What kind of paint do you use for your MLP customs? Like, what specific brand would you recommend?
Great question! Honestly, for the longest time I just used the most basic craft paint from Michael's, like Apple Barrel and the like, and tbf they do work okay! The issue for me was that because they're cheap (accessible!) I could get tons of colors, but they were so unpigmented that I had to do tons of layers just to get the opacity I wanted. Thus, all of my eyelashes turned out way too thick and blocky, and it was really frustrating.
A huge upgrade for me was upgrading to an artist quality white acrylic, originally just so I could do eye-whites that wouldn't be crusty and chunky (due to layers), but the REAL game changer was getting the Citadel miniature paints. Those things are so thin, and so pigmented, I'd get full coverage in one layer, maybe two tops. My eyelashes got soooo much more precise!!
They're pricey, like $5 a bottle, so if you are just starting out I still recommend you just go for Apple Barrel or whatever cheap acrylic Michael's has. (I feel like Apple Barrel is the worst, LOL maybe Americana is the more 'quality' version for a dollar or two more?) Decide if you LIKE customizing before you drop $90 on paint, you know? (And I'm sure if you're Bob Ross or some kind of amazing artist, you can make amazing art with the worst paints anyway!) But if you need/want the extra ease of NOT having to double back over the same lines over and over again, at least invest in a high quality white and black, and it'll make your life so much easier. (Also, if you outline all of your designs in the high quality white, when you go over them with the colors it'll make the colors pop that much brighter without having to do tons of layers!)
I still use my old "craft" paints, but I do notice the difference more now. Still, it's nice to have the wide variety of colors that I've collected over the years, compared to the small handful of Citadel colors I have so far. So realistically, Citadel is the best; but I still use all of them! I just rely more on Citadel for the tiny detail stuff, like eyes and especially eyelashes. I hope that's some help! Sorry this took me a hot second to answer, @god-of-hurmanur!
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iwonderwh0 · 9 months
Watching RoboCop for the first time
Wait, the RoboCop movie is also taking place in Detroit? Really?
That old man looks like realistic version of mr Burns from the Simpsons
The idea that solution to high crime rates is some supercop is like the idea of hostile architecture being the solution to homelessness
Did they put a sample of a lion roaring into that cop bot?
Oh damn, so that's where this scene is from😳
"Somebody call a god damn paramedic!" Lmao, yeah, they better hurry, right? 💀
Old crusty men instantly going on about how much it costs, classic 👌
"Oh, Shit, Clarence, my leg!" It isn't supposed to me comical (I think?), but it sounds too much like that fish from SpongeBob
"Can you fly, Bobby?" "Clarence, no!" No but really why do they sound so much like cartoon characters? I mean, it's so fun, is this supposed to be funny?
Huh, surprisingly comedy isn't listed, but I feel like it is really much intentional. Now I'd love to see it in a company
Oh, that was a dickstraction! Really such a dick move
Holy, I must admit, those gory special effects are working and getting me off guard every time
Oh, they haven't finished 😳
Damn, they really haven't finished
It's just keep going and going holy shit
No surgeon is wearing any kind of protection mask or anything wth
Lmao, imagine being turned into a cyborg but now having your vision in a fucking CRT
Holster built into a leg? Huh, that's actually really cool idea for a cop robot
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And I'm pretty sure I've seen Perkins too
Here it is
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Hah, I wonder how many more familiar surnames there are in here
Oh, another one! Miller!
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I like this movie, I somehow didn't expect it to be funny at all
Why do men get so homoerotic when they're trying to be intimidating to each other? Crossing the personal space and murmuring into the nape of the person they're trying to scare in a hushed voice, using half-humiliating infantilizing pet-names like "buddy-boy"? Come on...
He's even cradling his hair gently, help 💀
It's not specific to only the RoboCop, but I just find it so funny to see it when it occurs in movies
The operator is so animated in this movie, I love it
Actually, I just realised that the surname Lewis is ALSO used in dbh
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Ah, yes, the true duel, "robot vs the stairs", who'll win?
Apparently it's the stairs
Well, it got a lot less fun closer to the end. Still a fun watch tho
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flickeringflame216 · 1 year
Same hair!!! same hair!!! If you don't mind telling, what products do yoy use/how do you care for your hair? I had it figured out when I lived in the middle east and now that I'm back in the States I cannot keep it from frizzing and just...NOT listening to me!
ooh nice! *high fives*
Ok so. I cut my hair really, really short a little more than a year ago. I'm talking 3/4 inch buzz cut short.
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This ^^ is about what it looks like now, a year and a half and a lot of maintenance cuts later. The care is very different now compared to when it was long, so I'll do my best to remember since I assume your hair is longer.
So I grew up not knowing at ALL how to care for my hair. It was generally kind of a mess. I feel ya on the stubborn frizz, friend! Best advice is to mess around and find out. Experiment! Find what works for you! I tried soooo many products and did a lot of research to figure out my hair! Like with anything else, people will do a lot of yelling on the internet about how bad X thing is for your hair. Especially sulfates and silicones, people looooove to yell about those. (Note: I did end up avoiding sulfates and silicones, but I won't yell at people who can use them in their hair scot-free.) Take it with a grain of salt. I'm not a professional but here are some things that worked well for my hair when it was longer (it oscillated between collarbone and past bra-strap length when dry for awhile):
Wash day: I washed my hair once a week or at most every 5 days. Even though I have very coarse individual strands and my hair doesn't look fragile, it's prone to breakage if it gets too dry.
Scalp: My scalp was getting a bit crusty from the new wash routine! Product buildup is real. I got a silicone scalp scrubber from Walmart--nothing fancy, it was probably like $7. I still use it even though my hair is short now--it cleans effectively and gets rid of that icky scalp feeling for me.
After-shower routine: My hair (this applies to curly hair in general, i think) hates being combed or brushed when dry. That means I had to get products in and set up the "structure" of my hair, or how I wanted it to look when it was dry, while it was still wet. This is the cheap version--I get my haircare products at Walmart and don't own a diffuser. If you can afford better products/tools, more power to ya!
Wash day routine-- a. detangle before getting in the shower! I would sometimes dampen my hair with a spray bottle or just in the sink beforehand to make this easier. A chunky wide-tooth comb can help detangle, and you want to go slowly to avoid breakage. b. wet hair and wash with the shampoo of your choice (I'll list some that have worked for me below). You can use a scrubber thingamajig or just your fingers. c. rinse out the shampoo and condition. I had to use way more conditioner that I thought I would at first, since my hair was so dry. Then I would let the conditioner sit there while I did the rest of my shower routine. When my hair was near waist-length I would tie it up with a scrunchie in the shower so it was out of the way and the conditioner stayed in. d. rinse out almost all the conditioner. I would leave a very small amount in, again because of dryness. If that's not a problem for you skip this step--again, experiment til you find what works! e. I found that terry cloth towels destroyed my hair. If that's a problem for you, try microfiber towels or an old cotton t-shirt. Some people swear by styling their hair soaking wet, but that never worked for me since it had to air dry. I dried it to medium damp and then added products f. only on wash day, I would scrunch in some kind of medium-hold gel. Get your curls hydrated and defined at this stage! There are lots of methods for this. I never had to do much besides the gel and the scrunching, but there are some great resources I can link if you need them. Once your hair is 80-90% dry, scrunch again from the ends to the roots to get rid of the "cast" (the crunchy feeling from the gel). And that's day 1 hair! usually it's a bit less voluminous than your rest-of-the-week hair, but has great curl definition.
All the other days-- I put my hair up in a pineapple in the shower and avoided getting it wet. Then I'd use a spray bottle with a fine mist (also from walmart eyyyy) to dampen the shaft of my hair (so avoiding soaking the roots) and scrunch gently. This reactivates the product (whether gel or something else) from day one. I'd add a small amount of mousse or leave-in conditioner, depending on what I was doing with my hair that day and how it was looking. Then you just mess with it a little to get it where you want and voila! Ready to go!
Sleep-- I covered my hair to sleep. Usually with a little bandeau or scarf of some kind, just to keep it from getting frizzballed from rolling against my pillowcase. You could also get a silk pillowcase, which is said to help with that, but I personally never did (silk be expensive).
Products-- Right now I use Native shampoo and conditioner and Maui moisture curl mousse and that's it. When my hair was longer I bounced around a lot. Maui moisture shampoo and conditioner (I know I used the Heal & Hydrate and Nourish & Moisture specifically) worked pretty well, and smells AMAZING, but beware of silicones in some of their conditioners if you're avoiding them. I also used their gel. I tried Aussie and didn't love them for my hair, I tried Shea Moisture and their stuff was better but hit-or-miss for me from product to product. The Hairitage line wasn't bad, but again I think they used silicones in their conditioners. Native works well for my hair now, but I never used them when I had long hair so idk. Also they're a wee bit pricey compared to what I'm used to (but they have great sales). Hopefully this is a good starting point and you can find what works for you! Hit me up if something was unclear or you have more questions--or just to share something that went well! It was tons of fun rambling (sorry this is so long) so thanks for the ask, friend! ~Zaki P.S. Do you mind telling where in the middle east? I get it if you can't share or don't want to, just asking because my Dad is Egyptian (that's where the curls come from lol) and I was curious if you're also from around there!
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whiskey-nips · 11 days
A wedding of a dear friend happened and afterwards a flood of feelings. Not about my friend getting married, but from me seeing old friends i haven't seen in a decade and being back in the city that holds a multitude of painful memories. There were feelings I knew i was going to experience. I expected I'd be around people who can best be described as the "fashionably insecure" or a bunch of "too cool turtles" afraid to get out of their shells and be real, if we decide to get silly about it. I was openly excited to see these old comrades of my youth, hoping there would be that spark of connection. I am of the fortunate to still have close and deep friendships with people I have known since I was in my 20's, since I was a teenager, and even some since I was 7 or 8. Whenever we would reconnect it was like nothing had changed. It's a wonderful feeling to be seen as a person and understood in that way, for someone to know the many versions of you that you've grown, cultivated and adopted. And those people have also seen the unhealthy or unsightly characteristics that we have hopefully outgrown or come to term with and THEN knowing all that, these individuals still love and cherish that friendship. The energy, love, and emotion is there and can be witnessed and felt. Unfortunately I didn't get any of these feelings or moments at this wedding. my old friends that i have not seen in a decade were congenial and friendly towards me, and I tried to seek them out and talk to them, but it all felt amiss. my interest in seeing them wasn't as reciprocated. everyone was tied in their cliques like a high school cafeteria. I've tried to dissect it and there could be so many reasons why I felt alone and out of place in a group of people that i used to be so close with. I could make it complicated or just make it simple and say it's just a cliche, stereotypical part of growing up and growing apart. the people who matter stay, the ones not meant for you don't.
maybe It's because I'm apart of the "status quo" now married with kids, away from the city. Maybe it's because I don't organize activist events anymore. I'm not an activist in their eyes and that's all that was important to them. Maybe I'm emotionally open, vulnerable, and not afraid to be uncool and they are uncomfortable with that. Maybe I'm too much. Maybe they are Jealous. Maybe someone spread a mean rumor about me. Maybe they were never invested in me from the beginning. Maybe I'm viewed as a coward for running away from that community. because I did I run away and it was the time where things were getting dicey. I tried to stay in the city, but i didn't have the support or resources like the other kids. unchecked privilege ran rampant. I joined the subculture of nomads, traveler punks, crusties, trainhoppers and then saw the outcome of staying in that reality for too long (RIP) and had to start from the bottom re entering society again. speculation can go on and on. but I don't really care. I'm free from what other people think of me. I love being corny, goofy, mushy and embarrassingly open. I have always been that way. That hasn't changed. I don't think I'm as tolerated or well received anymore because I'm not solely part of that subculture anymore. I still Identify as an (A) but maybe I'm still not (A) enough to them. Even though I could credit myself with inviting at least 4 of those individuals to their first (A) event and Introducing that subculture to them. I did feel like I had some genuine interactions that were pleasant, but a lot of others where i felt out of place and not well received.
But really I wasn't there for them I was there for the Groom. And I showed and expressed all my mushy love to him and how happy I was for him and how much I cherish him. We have had a complicated relationship the last 4 years. I tell him things like it is. I don't lie to him. I'm not afraid to start conflict with him, because it comes from a place of me wanting him to be healthy, happy, and treated right. It's tough love because I care about him. I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't tell him honestly what i thought. He didn't take it well the last time but would still call me on my birthday. I hadn't been in touch with him for a few years and thought that maybe he was phasing our relationship of 17 years out, but he called me on mother's day and was very sweet and invited me and my family to his wedding. And I am happy for him, but also still scared for him and our friendship. If there will be some other event weather it be wedding or funeral where we've grown too far apart from each other to have any connection anymore. Just nervous strangers staring at countless memories in the form of a face, but at a loss of what to say.
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echoesofdusk · 2 years
(this took far too long to write)
It's time for a review of the second piece of media I experienced this year:
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
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I actually have a bit of a history with this game. I got into Zelda in the spring of 2011 with the original N64 version of Ocarina of Time. When I heard that a new Zelda game would be releasing on Wii later that year I ofc really wanted to get it, but being a 15 year old at the time there was no way for me to afford a Wii and the game (as I also lived in Iceland at the time, which was and still is notorious for blowing up prices of video games and consoles). Throughout the years I tried figuring out ways to get a Wii and the game but eventually I gave up and just accepted that I'd never be able to play it unless I did it through illegitimate means or something.
Until February of 2021 that is, when Skyward Sword HD was announced. I was really happy about the announcement, however, I didn't get the game straight away due to its price point and after hearing about all of its lows, I was afraid of spending money on it and not liking it in the end. However, last December I decided to just take the plunge and grab the game when it was slightly discounted and played through it in 4 weeks.
And boy do I have a lot to say. This is gonna be a lengthy one. I already summed up this game to friends as the game with "some of the highest highs and lowest lows I've experienced in any Zelda game I've played so far". Keep in mind that SSHD is my first time playing this game and I've never played the original Wii version, though I'd love to, even if just a small part to compare the two. Also, I played the game with motion controls, although I did try out the button controls from time to time (and used them for some sections, particularly the Fun Fun Island minigame.)
Alright, let's get to it!
Skyward Sword was in a rather interesting position at the time. Before its release, Twilight Princess had been the latest 3D Zelda game, and it was rather similar to the previous 3D Zelda titles at the time. Because of this, it's really easy to tell that the developers tried experimenting more with Skyward Sword as well as implementing more complex motion controls in the game, as while Twilight Princess was on Wii, it was not designed with motion controls in mind as it was originally developed to be a GameCube game. The developers also had to find a way to implement motion controls fully and I have to say, for the combat itself, it works nicely on the switch version. I had a lot of fun swinging my arms for the combat, although I did go a bit crazy at times.
Guys I swear I'm a pro gamer!
One of my biggest complaints for SSHD is that it doesn't let you fully customize controls. Just bc I like to use motion controls for the combat doesn't mean I want to use motion controls for swimming, flying, controlling the beetle etc etc.
Anyways, can I say just how gorgeous this game is? And it's an HD upscaled port of a late Wii game, which still looks nice (albeit slightly crusty) today. I just think it's a shame that the painterly filter applied on more distant objects is a lot more subtle in the Switch version and like, I get it, the Switch is more powerful than the Wii but it still sucks. Aside from that, this game has an absolutely stellar art direction. It's so good, even if some of the character designs can be weird. Personally, I love them.
This game has some fantastic dungeons, some of which may be my favourite in all of the Zelda games I've played so far. Lanayru Mining Facility, Ancient Cistern and Sandship are the ones I find the most memorable, I absolutely LOVED the timeshift mechanic in Lanayru Mining Facility and Sandship, hell I loved the part leading up to Sandship. Sailing in the desert, shifting the sand to actual water was really cool.
My favourite item in this game has to be the beetle, not only is it cool but it incentivizes exploring in a uniquely different way! I hope there'll be more of it in the future games (I've not played BotW as of writing this).
And the characters, gosh I love them. Well, I mostly mean Link himself, Zelda, Groose, Impa, Old One, and ofc, Ghirahim. This game definitely has my fav incarnation of Link so far. I love how dorky he is while still having a slightly snarky streak, and isn't afraid of being angry. I also love this game's incarnation of Zelda, and she's my fav incarnation of her alongside Spirit Tracks Zelda. I think making Link and Zelda actual childhood friends and lovers in this game was a fantastic decision and I love their dynamic so much. I knew going into this game that Groose would go through character development and that he was a fan favourite for this reason, and yeah he's absolutely one of my fav Zelda characters now. His character development is so good and I love what it stands for. SS Impa is probably the coolest version of Impa so far. And oh boy Ghirahim. My favourite Zelda villain. The ending of the game made me emotional, this is the definitely the best ending to a Zelda game yet in terms of story. The story in Skyward Sword isn't anything groundbreaking, but the character writing is solid. The stakes being more personal this time around also really adds to it.
Skyward Sword also has my favourite enemy/combat theme so far, and it's cool how it's used as a base for one of the Lizalfos battle themes. It's hype as hell. Skyward Sword OST is all around really solid. That staff roll theme evokes so many feelings.
And one more thing. KOLOKTOS! Just Koloktos. I need more Zelda bosses like this.
Unfortunately, while I had mostly a good time playing this game, there are some things that bogged down the experience for me. Fi is one of them, but not in the way many experienced her back in the day, as for those who didn't know, the Switch version removes a lot of mandatory encounters and dialogue boxes, including ones for Fi. For me, she just felt really flat and not really taken advantage of. While she didn't annoy me too much the section before Fire Sanctuary felt particularly insulting, where she just straight up tells you to get water dragon's basin made me scratch my head. Why would you tell me something like this instead of letting me figure it out? Or just give me a clue that leads to the basin? Like something past Zelda games would usually do? There were a few times she popped up where she didn't annoy me, but insult my intelligence. It's one of the worst things a game could do, especially in a long running series like Zelda where players are used to running in circles.
The sky is also particularly disappointing. It felt half baked and barren. I wish there were more towns up there and not just Skyloft. Flying controls are also really bad I think, and not just bc they're motion based when you choose to play with motion controls. Even when you play with buttons, the flying still feels clumsy. It's tight, but you can't do anything like take sharp turns or do cool tricks up in the sky. This makes a particular boss battle rather annoying.
There were also a few times where the difficulty felt all over the place though it may have just been me.
The one thing in the game that really got to me however was the padding towards the end. I was actually starting to get fatigued by the time I finally beat the game. Also fuck that Scrapper escort mission. And god fuck the imprisoned. Stupid dinosaur and his stupid jellybean toes and fingers.
I dreaded Silent Realms though I found in the end that they weren't THAT bad, but stealth still gets to me (and I also used a guide on those bc stealth just gets that badly to me LOL). Eldin bokoblin stealth was really pushing it though, but the tadtone gathering actually kinda killed me on the inside. I was so relieved by Lanayru not being anything like these and actually being somewhat cool and fun, but honestly. Sometimes, less is more.
I do agree that it kinda sucks that the game only has like three or four kinds of environments. They're all really beautiful but yeah. The game's extreme linearity didn't bother me too much though I can see it souring potential replays. I also find it strange that there isn't an area on the surface in this game that would basically become Hyrule field later on. Lack of fast travel also really hurts this game, and I find it so strange that there aren't hidden passageways leading to other areas. Imagine exploring Eldin Volcano and bombing an inconspicuous looking wall, discovering a cave and entering it, ending up in Faron Woods. I wish this game had that. I love finding weird shortcuts in older Zelda games. I'm currently replaying Twilight Princess and bombed a rock in a pool of water behind Kakariko Graveyard, entered the cave which was behind the rock and ended up in Lake Hylia. Why doesn't Skyward Sword have any of that?
The final boss was so... underwhelming. It feels like it's missing a phase or two, although I guess it's that way bc of the final Ghirahim battle and just a lot going on, but man I really wish the devs had cut out that padding and instead used the development time to flesh out the sky and the final boss battle.
Despite all of this... I still went out of my way to get all gratitude crystals, and I think I even may have found all of the goddess cubes. I even thought about getting all of the heart containers but after playing the Fun Fun Island minigame... I decided I was good LOL
Skyward Sword is a messy game. The Switch version improves many aspects and introduces a more traditional control scheme as well, making the game far more accessible, but it doesn't fix the fundamental design of the game. There's still an ungodly amount of padding towards the end and while it didn't make me feel nowhere the same way I felt when I was reaching the end of XC2, I was still starting to get enough of the game, though not quite completely fatigued. Although I have some gripes with this game and believe I'll be annoyed by some things if I were to replay it... I still can't help but look at this game with some fondness. I'm actually a little bit sad I'm not playing it anymore. I looked at the screencaps I took when I beat the game and I felt emotional again. Ocarina of Time makes me emotional too, but Skyward Sword does it in a different way. I hear that staff roll theme and I feel so moved.
Man I just can't help but think fondly of this game despite its flaws. Hard to recommend unless you're a diehard Zelda fan, or just someone really curious about its game design as I think it's a rather interesting case study in that department.
anyways Ghirahim is my new fav Zelda villain and he lives rent free in my head now
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♧ DANGANRONPA: Severe, Silencé, Salem | SalemRonpa ♤ [ Danganronpa x Town of Salem ]
???: "Hey! Do you reach me?" I heard a voice after that. Slowly, I opened my eyes— and the first background I notice was the white, bright lighting. When I change my position to sit against the wall, touching my head slightly. My vision didn't catch an apperance as soon as I tilt my head— because it's...blurry.
???: "Y'know what, she's probably just like us. Lost n' kidnapped." I'm that she...right?
???: "That's too obvious. We only passed outside the hallways. Maybe she knows...something—"
???: "Man, f*ck it. Just leave 'em alive, I don't give a motherf*ckin' abandoned, lost n' kidnapped stranger anymore." Slowly, I recieve a vision, and saw three people...they're familliar, but due to the bluntt, it looks like I can't catch their names.
???: "Should we just abandon her? She don't really know anything, and is maybe paranoid."
???: "I— WAIT!"
???: "Oh, looky look here. She can talk like the rest of us."
???: "Yea...the first thing, my body was paralyzed...worst part, ever." It's...true.
???: "Told ya, she was paranoid. Anyways, I suggest we should introduce to ourselves!" Introductions already?
???: "Why jump into introductions, a*shole?! She can be dangerous!"
???: "Your so protective to others, and in the inside, your probably being very senstive."
???: "I ain't the one to talk..." I should introduce to myself before they do it.
???: "Name's Shiloh Lopéz, the Sheriff in my town." Despite my occupation, I don't really look like nothing but a sheriff, just an ordinary weestern outfit.
???: "What I'm glad about is is that you don't look like a sterotypical sheriff— Big-a*s heavy frabric hat, sheriff clothin' n' stuff. Only is that ya got a badge in your waist." I guess I'll take that as a compliment. "Elliot Adler is me, the Lookout. Like you, I don't wear anythin' f*ckin' sterotypical, but I do have a...an old uniform..." What is he talking about?
???: "Oh— i-it's my turn, yea?" Her mask's reaction turns worried, as I can see by the eyes. "I'm Ada Adkins, the...the..."
Elliot (LO): "The bastard?"
???: "No, no. The psychic is my positon!" Something's wrong with her. I'll interrogate her a little bit...
Shiloh (sher): "Do you have trauma related to your backstoy?"
Ada (psy): "F*cking... That's just too personal!" I see. Her mask's mood tells us that she's angry. Her staff behind her back...the orb seems to be glowing.
Shiloh (sher): "Right, apologies."
???: "Let's bring the chill down, 'cause it's my turn! You know me, the famous sly Investigator— Oliver Rodrigo!" His name does really looks famous.
Elliot (LO): "Like that popular song artist?"
Oliver (inv): "WHAT?? NO! I also treasure snacks for fun. Well, anywaysss..." Despite his formal uniform, he doesn't look like a investigator to me. "We should probably explore before anything happends. All we know is that we are in this crusty rusty dusty room..." A messy classroom, I suppose?
Elliot (LO): "No sh*t sherlock, we are inside a messy-a*s classroom. Since we're investigative related, we're probably gonna look around for the damn clues—"
A white ball appeared, as it opens— it made a BIG FOG THAT COVERS THE WHOLE ROOM!
Elliot (LO): "AH! WHAT THE F*CK IS HAPPENING?!" We continuosly coughed.
Ada (psy): "Jeez...!" She used her staff and stomps it on the ground, making the fog stop. I guess it's useful?
Oliver (inv): "I— Wow! I guess the staff is useful behind your back. You know, I was wondering on why you had a staff behind you before Shiloh woke up..."
???: "Wow! Outstanding performance, *Adagia Adkins*! You must be the *Ultimate* Mystical Psychic!" That's her full name?
Oliver (inv): "Pfft— your full name's Adagida?" We were all speechless.
???: "Haha. Anyways, I'm the Potion Master, the one and only! You must be all investiative related. Welcome to Salem Peaks! This is a school version of your town, Shiloh Lopéz."
Shiloh (sher): "Me? What does it have to do with me? My town isn't named Salem!"
PM: "Yes, but you did transfer to the Town of Salem." Gh— she knows?
Elliot (LO): "Look's like someone here needs a f*ckin' explaination."
PM: "Anyways! The *headmistress* decided that I will be the one assigning you to explpre the whole campus! In this school, you needed names you need to catch. Okay, you guys?" We slowly nodded, still speechless. "Oooookay! Potion Master signing out!"
Shiloh (sher): Wait— who's the headmistress?!
Potion Master: "GOODBYE FELLAS!" After a blink, she dodged my questioned and vaporized thin air.
Oliver (invest): "If this school is a school version of the Town of Salem... Shiloh, do you remember?" ...That's funny to ask, but...
Shiloh (sher): "I don't remember anything." ...After silence crept everywhere, Elliot broke the silence by kicking the table.
Ada (psy): "I get that your mad, but—"
Shiloh (sher): "Yea, yea...sorry..."
Ada (psy): "No need to be sorry, he's just like this in the past...maybe."
Oliver (inv): "If I can recall, the Potion Master told us to explore the whole campus and catch names. There are perhaps many people outside..?"
Ada (psy): "Only the possible chances in my vision, the staff can detct there are oher peopl outside..."
Elliot (LO): "...Whatever." He walks towards the door and twists the knob. "Let's get over it."
Whatever what's behind the door and not kknow what's the current even on what is happening...we need to know.
Why are we adbucted here in the first place?
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feralreason · 2 years
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Let's Discuss Plot Ideas | Accepting !
@salvenged sent :
🖋 for any of my la skrunklies i have on this multi. I would love to hear any and all your ideas you are wanting to thread truly I am looking gigantically.
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For Bon-Bon:
AOUGH I don't think you have a verse for it but!!! DSAF!Spring Bonnie and my Diner!William if you are down. Because he is so normal about the rabbit so so so normal.
Your SB verse could work with mine too where Dave is ESPECIALLY SUPER NORMAL about the Diner and raaaabbit.
For William Afton:
FAMBLY......... I know I have already sent a ton of asks and I'd do it again.
I would love for them to like.... bond over their Aftonisms??? You know, being so normal about Spring Bonnie, discussing child murder and how nobody understands Happiest Days....
Actually SPEAKING OF THE ABOVE would love to see Redemption Arc Will inject sense into the boy. They should discuss Henry Miller sometime maybe and how he was such a great guy :]
For Michael Afton:
THROWING DAVE AT MICHAELS IS ALWAYS SO GR8 TO ME.......................... Literally never gets old, tossing this sassy lost child who is a younger AU American version of his dad at Maikohl and watching what happens.
For Xerox:
IDK IF THEY CAN LEAVE THE VOID BUT.... Having An Interaction even if it's short lived may be fun if that fits their lore.
For ITP Spring Bonnie:
For Henry Emily:
Do you like fluff? Because b o y I cri ever tim when I use my FNAF!AU DSilliam with a Henry Emily........ because of their respective plots, they are Just Two Guys.
For Old Sport:
Literally all of it. Maybe I shouldn't even post about him but dhdhdfjfjgf.
Okay but maybe some Flipside interaction??? Maybe??? Maybe they kiss--
Also I wanna throw the crusty zombie rabbit @ him s'more. Love that.
Related to the above but angst..................... because this dumb bitch spends at least 75% of the series choosing Henry over Jack *shakes him*.
Also I'm opening to interacting with your other muses but I just don't have ideas........ send memes, or lay it on me? IDK
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jaybird-fanfics · 3 years
Thing Of The Past |Ch. 25|
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⚠️Warnings: This story contains adult/sexual themes, graphic violence, and harsh language, please read with caution. Some of the plot from bnha/mha had been altered to better fit this story line.
Uncut Version Here
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🔞Minors DNI🔞
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Now that Y/n had some time to herself, she could fully process her new quirk, or at least try too. Her entire life she had been quirkless, and now suddenly, out of nowhere, she gets a quirk. Healing of all things. There's coincidence and then there's down right unbelievability. She raises her hand, inches from her own face, and just stares. It activated out of nowhere back then too, then Hakai forced it out of her. It was the most exhausted she ever felt afterwards too. It was so strange, the feeling of her own warmth aiding someone else's to resurface.
"But how do I use it?" She asked under her breath. If she ever needed to use it again, for Dabi, herself, or anyone else, she would need to know how to activate and use it properly. In that moment, all she could think of was Dabi, or rather Touya. She still couldn't believe it. All this time...it was him. She shook her head, trying to clear her head. "No. I can't think about that right now. I have to focus."
She closed her eyes and took deep breaths in and out. She put all her focus and energy into her palm, and slowly but surely, she felt a light warmth grow in the center of her palm. She opened her eyes and saw the most slim of light peeking through. It wasn't enough however. The light and warmth was gone as soon as it came.
"Damn it." She cursed. "Is this because of what Hakai did? Did he really drain all of it?" She asked, as she lowered her hand back to her side. It made her think about the moments where she believed she would die in Hakai's grasps. She remembered the angered and desperate look on the deranged man's face. His voice sounded like his throat had been cut up from the inside. And his eyes...it made her skin crawl. He wasn't right. He was completely and utterly insane.
Y/n turned back in the direction of where she came from, where the explosion was, even from a  distance she could still see the smoke from over the buildings and skyscrapers. "Touya...Keigo...please come back to me." She preyed.
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Hakai fell to his knees in an old alleyway, blood pooling from his opened wounds. It was a miracle his quirk had kept him going for this long, but it would not last him much longer than this. He needed to find Y/n before it was too late. "Those motherfuckers actually managed to put a dent in me!" He rasped, looking down at his missing hand. "I nearly killed that crusty bastard too!" His remaining hand was placed on his face, it stung as that contact to his fresh missing flesh.
"I'm practically falling apart now...Even if I do find that woman, I won't have much time after I use her again. I drain her so much already, she wouldn't do much besides prolong my death by a little. But that's all I need, and as soon as it happens, this whole city will fall under the power of my destruction. If I do it right...so will the surrounding cities as well." He laughed weakly.
"Oh what beauty...in the aftermath of destruction..." His grin turned into that of a lazy one, unintelligible words and chuckles came from him as he stared off into nothing. Before he could do any of that, before he could ravel in his destructive beauty, he needed to find her.
He needed to find Y/n. No matter what the cost.
Pain was all he ever felt, ever since the beginning, pain was what he knew. After so long, he thought he would be use to it by now. But every time he would try and used that cursed quirk of his, new waves of pain, each worse than the last, would nearly send him into shock. It was then he decided, if this quirk would stay with him until he died, he should learn to control it before it cut his life short.
He trained himself every day, perfecting his quirk slowly. When he finally used it, he did something he never thought he could. He had somehow managed to destroy an entire parking lot, he even killed someone in the process. Though a horrid sight by others, to him, it was...magnificent. The broken ground as made beautiful again stained in bright crimson blood of the ones who died.
It sickened him, and also excited him. The fact that his pain would cease anytime he properly used his quirk, anytime he inflicted that same pain onto others, anytime he would destroy all in his path...it filled him with a new sense of yearning. Yearning, for the screams of the damned, yearning for sweet crimson to fill the air, yearning for the beauteous destruction that he'd cause wherever he may go.
Even the confines of institutions could not hold his lust for destruction back for long. He would be set out into the world, only to destroy it. Yes. That was his way of life, is only right to life, was to end it all for everyone else.
And it would be so beautiful...
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Y/n eventually made it back to her home by evening, though she would not stay long. The city was no longer safe while Hakai could possibly still be out there. There were no announcements of his death, only leading her to believe that theory. Not only that, but neither Keigo or Dabi had showed up since the attack earlier today. Y/n tried her best to stay calm, it wouldn't help to panic and make herself sick with worry in this moment.
For right now, she needed to get as far away from here as possible and find Dabi and Keigo. If they're still alive...no they are still alive. They were both strong enough to take down someone like Hakai, and the League was there too. They wouldn't work with a hero, but they seemed to have hated Hakai just as much as herself and Keigo and Dabi did. Surely, they would put Hakai before taking down a hero.
Y/n opened her door and walked in, shutting the door behind her, she turned on her lights. She took a moment to breathe as she was surrounded by a familiar place. It felt like it had been forever since she'd been home. Too bad it wouldn't last long. Y/n heads to her room to pack her things, she didn't know where she'd be going, but she was going. It would be best to pack light. She did not know when or if she'll be back, and it made her more than a little upset.
She didn't have the best life, but she was content. And now, it was changing so drastically. It's like she couldn't get a break.
"I'm not really in a place to complain though..." Y/n muttered. "I could have stepped up and been more assertive a long time ago." She turned on her bedroom lights and slumped down on her bed. Taking out her phone, she scrolls through she checked if she had gotten any new messages or calls from either Dabi or Keigo. Nothing.
With a shaky sigh, she sat her phone down beside her and hid her face in her hands. "Where are they?" She whispered.
"Dead. Most likely."
Y/n didn't even have time to react to the new and sudden voice before she found herself being pinned down to her bed, a cold hand over mouth, silencing her screams. Her eyes shot wide open at the person holding her down. Another scream left her, but would not pass their hand.
How in the ever-loving fuck did Hakai find her home!? How long had he been here!?
"You know what I want...now give it to me." He rasped.
Y/n felt a warm liquid drip down at her neck and chest, glancing down she saw dark crimson blood pooling onto her skin. She followed the dripping to find out just where it was coming from, sure from Hakai, but where? She choked out a gasp when she saw the gaping wound from Hakai's forearm. 'His hand! It's...it's gone!' She thought with part amazement and part disgust. Hakai noticed her gaze and hovered the forearm over her face.
"What? This?"
She flinched whenever blood dropped down onto her face. She tried desperately to turn her head away, not wanting to see the wound or feel the thick warm liquid on her skin. Her whimpers brought a sadistic grin onto Hakai's face. "One of the League took it. I was weak, so it was pretty easy for them." He explained. "Even stabbed me too." It was then she noticed the bleeding wound on Hakai's chest.
How was he still alive? What the fuck is this guy? Y/n closed her eyes tightly when he got closer to her face. "After that, I blew up that entire fucking area...so it's slim that your precious little boy toy made it out alive. And as for that bird fuck, can't say. He could be on his as we speak..." Y/n wanted to ignore his words, he was lying. He had to be lying. "That's why...you will heal me, now."
Y/n finally looked to Hakai, desperation all over her face. She whimpered and cried into his hand, trying to commune with him. Hakai moved his hand away, but was ready to use it again to silence her if needed.
"I-I can't! I don't know how!" She cried. "I tried earlier, and it didn't work! You took everything I had!" Hakai scowled. "No. I can not take away quirks. I can only take away so much to use as my own. But I can not steal them for good."
Even so, she still did not know how to use her quirk She had never had a quirk to use her entire life.
"So you're gonna use that quirk of yours, or so help me..." He trailed off. "No. I can't do that. I need you alive for as long I can. I decided I wasn't gonna die until I'm satisfied with what I can do." He looks down at her remaining hand. "I feel like, you gave me a bit of a boost. Your healing gave me a little bit of a break from the pain I suffer through every god damn day. So as much as I hate to admit it, I need you."
You raised an eyebrow. "Need me? Even if I could use my quirk, what makes you think I'd go along with it? I don't have anything to loose, and if what you said was true...that Dabi was dead...then you might as well forget it! You've taken everything from me! I'm not gonna do this, I'm not gonna help you hurt more people!"
"Oh? Did you forget I told you that Hawks was on his way here?" Y/n's heart skipped a beat. "If you really claim that I've taken everything from you, then I should-"
"No!" Y/n cut him off. "Not Keigo too!" She begged. "You're not in a place to make demands here! I'll kill that bastard if I damn well please!" Hakai says firmly. "Please! Please don't kill Keigo! I'll do anything! I'll...I'll..." Was she really going to consider helping him? If she did this, hundreds upon thousands of people would die. Was she really willing to do this over the life of one person? One person, who might be able to take down Hakai?
Hawks was her dearest friend, she didn't want anything bad to happen to him. But if she agreed to help Hakai, she would be aiding him in killing so many innocent people.
"Well? What will it be?" Hakai's tone let her know, that he was growing ever impatient.
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karasunology · 4 years
╰─ ─ ゚headcanons of suna & kita of how it would be like if they were your older brothers.
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ suna rintarou & kita shinsuke <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting.
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➜ suna would your quiet older brother that's very caring for you
➜ let me explain
➜ suna is the type of person that may seem quiet but could honestly be as chaotic as he can be
➜ good chaotic? or evil chaotic?
➜ you decide for yourself
➜ and that's when he's just a normal person to any other normal person
➜ but you're his younger sibling
➜ y'know, the one he sees everyday
➜ willingly or not HSJSNNXC
➜ yeah he'll be quiet sure but if YOU ever join into the mix
➜ fox boi is thriving quietly while your parents are just so done with you guys
➜ i headcanon that he's the type to fall asleep in day time
➜ but when it's night where h's supposed to be sleeping, homeboy is anything but sleeping
➜ he'll have a hard time sleeping and honestly you're probably also in the same situation as him because wow, sibling goals😍❇✨🗽
➜ and if you ARE in the same situation as him, and you'd get a random message from him at the most UNGODLIEST TIMES to go to a 24 hours open mcdonalds fast-food,
➜ who were you to object??
➜ like y'all's parents would wake up to go to work or something and would when they check the family gc, suna sent a pic of you falling asleep on a mcdonalds playground
➜ would paniK LMAOOO
➜ but before they pull your drowsy ass back, they'd check your guys' rooms and in the midst of checking they'd find you guys sleeping on the living room sofa
➜ woke up the next day in the floor because suna unconciously pushed you from the sofa y'all were sharing but you had a blanket placed on top of you while he was ShiVERING to death
➜ expect cursed videos or weird snapchat stories of you guys either saved privately or drunkenly high posted for the whole world to see😗😍
➜ y'all have the most random conversation at 3 am in imessage but y'all still forgot you sent those
➜ the type to message you a meme he finds funny while his drowssiness is taking a toll on him
➜ the type to message you while he's in the same room as you
➜ like especially if there are guests around & he hates socializing & just doesn't have the energy to talk to them
➜ fights were uncommon, and if it ever happens oH my
➜ he'll give you a cold shoulder because he's THAT petty b itch💅👊
➜ but he's probably the first to apologize because you are probably also a petty bi tch 💅👊
➜ b i c t h
➜ he's honestly a great listener 10/10 would recommend
➜ he may not be the best at advices, but atleast he's good at listening
➜ would a HUNDERED ( 100 ) PERCENT % dump the chores ordered for him to do TO YOU
➜ and would definitly use the excuse
“ because i'm older than you ”
➜ in conclusion, suna may be a lazy bicth but he'd be an . . . entertaining brother to say the least & never fails to take the role as an older sibling through hidden and small ways.
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➜ the silent but active older brother
➜ the type of older brother that may not seem he cares about you but he actually does
➜ like  a l o t
➜ like that one chapter in the manga where kita may sound like a judgemental douche but actually cares about atsumu and gave him a note to take care of himself or something? with cough drops, pickled plums, lemon water etc.
➜ ugh i live for that
➜ anywh0res, that chapter?? yeah, you experienced alot of those
➜ you have gotten used to his attitude ever since you guys were young
➜ one time, when you guys were young, you scraped your knee and kita may seem like he's lowkey judging you but he was actually so worried
“ see? that's what happens when you're too clumsy ”
➜ yet proceeds to kneel next to you & would piggyback you while saying that you should lay off desert becausr you were getting heavy
➜ and one time when you overworked yourself because of your studies to the point you got sick, kita was the one that was taking care of you
➜ your temperature? taken AND recorded by him. your porriage? made by him. if you got worse, he would make an appointment with a doctor. appointment? scheduled and made by him.
➜ and that's on periodt😋
➜ would scold you and use judgmental tones BUT would be so caring towards you ahHh
➜ and if it wasn't that bad but you still had to stay home the next day, but it was a school day so that means volleyball practice for kita
➜ and y'all probably argued about something that morning and he left while you were still sulking about your fight and when you entered the kitchen you would find a bag of your favourite foods, those cooled things you put on your forehead to bring the heat down, & medicines.
➜ and in the table was your porriaged cooked and served with a note on the side which says :
please take care of yourself more, i'll be home after practice like usual.
love, kita-nii.
➜ and when bb boy went home you apologized about your fight that morning and he'd be so shocked because you don't usually say sorry first whenever you guys fight
➜ would tell you stories of what happened at practice that day simce you weren't there
➜ speaking of that, you would wait around the volleyball club and would be their unofficial manager
➜ why? because kita made you since he would ALWAYS walk you home with him and maybe some of his team mates that lives near you guys
➜ like he ain't reporting a missing teenager anytime soon
➜ already has a lot of things to handle so he would appreciate that you would get kidnapped on a different day? yeah, thx💋
➜ would garden with you because i headcanon that he really loves and has a passion for gardening & probably has his own little vegetables growing in the side awe
➜ would 100% help you do your chores
➜ and with anything you need honestly
➜ ugh we stan
➜ and if you ever awknowledge everything he has done for you and would let him know that you awknowledge him & that you REALLY APPRECIATE HIM AS YOU SHOULDDD💅😩✋
➜ he'd probably cry on the spot ngl
➜ i'm joking, but y'all would probably be so soft at that moment that he just offered you to watch those old childhood movies you guys used to love to watch
➜ in conclusion, i love this mans so much and that you should too. even if he may seem judgemental & a douche but trust me when i say he cares ALOT about you but he just shows it subtly. and he deserves a lot of love as well because you don't know how much has he taken care of you ever since you guys were kids.
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . another big brother headcanon?? y'all eating tHAT SHI T UP. but honestly, me too. also, another one of bokuto's sister x akaashi one will be posted either tonight, or tomorrow as per an anon's request. ugh we love a productive sister. @ to the anon who requested this, hope you enjoyed it because i totally did while my crusty eyes tries to stay awake last nighy writing this👑
requests are open or just send me anything because i need hooman interactions rn😋✌
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thuranni · 3 years
id love to hear abt your latest session! my party and i are currently divvying loot after fighting a dragon :3c
athelina i owe you my fucking life. this is gonna be so long. and very complicated but i will try and omit what i can
last night we started with the party split in three different directions, and not of our own accord- our tabaxi cleric (wonder of the world) and our dwarf artificer (drorra) split in one group with some npc allies including drorra's wife (carrion), our warforged rogue (knife) by themself, and me (elf paladin, connor) with a dragon paladin npc (tepullanir).
how we GOT there is a bit of a long story- essentially a crusty old wizard named cabraxis who allied with the quori (creatures from the realm of dreams- and of the dreaming dark specifically, or nightmares) has taken a very sinister shine to our cleric and was trying to get us to help him reunite with his partner. but we figured he was Nasty and refused so he sent wonder and drorra in the middle of Cult Country and i managed to evacuate us with a wish, which tldr put us in the only thing keeping the archfiend manifestation of hatred, violence and war from tearing his way into the prime material plane and making the entirety of the world of eberron a war zone
now we want exactly none of those things, as you can imagine, so we are none too happy with cabraxis but incapable of contacting each other, so wonder and drorra are running around trying to find freedom, knife is picking their way through essentially a warforged scrap shop, and tepu and connor are trying to creep their way through the seal without being spotted or dying. drorra and wonder ended up directly fighting cabraxis, reversing time to save carrion who he disintegrated and teleporting the hell out, knife ended up killing one of the creators of warforged herself and then meeting a god they helped create. their shit was absolutely insane but for simplicity's sake since this is ALREADY SO LONG i am going to talk about what happened to ME
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visual aid, connor is on the left with the glasses and tepu's on the right, they are NOT YET KISSING BUT I KNOW IN MY HEART IT WON'T BE LONG
connor awoke in the seal to find tepu in draconic form with her wings cut off, and after administering some healing found out she had been feebleminded by A Certain Catboy We Hate (VERY LONG STORY) and had to help 1. convince her connor was not a threat 2. heal her enough to keep walking, which she did, at which point the dm threw a path to follow at me in the shape of connor's mother's bloody footsteps.
connor's mother, valleth, is directly aligned with the archfiends and pursuing a dagger i am desperately trying to keep out of her hands.
we pick our way through the shield for a while and run into another dragon npc named oli that connor despises and tepu has really bad history with but is a high-level wizard, so connor decides to play him like a fiddle and rolls nothing under a 28 on persuasion/deception to get him to help us! she tells him some egregious lies, he believes her and removes the feeblemind from tepu and we part ways and continue onward
after following the tracks for some time they split off into a branching path and we follow one, which leads connor on her own to a younger version of herself that does not recognize her- connor was born into a house of spies but she was shit at it, never gaining the approval of her very bitter mother, and this version of her is trying to by passing a test given to her that directly confronts her worst fear: heights! connor turns her around and tells her she doesn't need to try that path. if it sucks she can just walk away, and leads her by the hand back out to tepu.
which is about when we get confronted by a massive writhing Creature consuming everything and oli frantically getting our attention so we can all RUN, which we do, because what else are we gonna do. connor and connorcita which is what i'm calling her now for the sake of trying to simplify things track her mother down a manhole, leaving tepu and oli to try and fight this thing off
when connor^2 finds valleth she is in the process of opening a portal up with the dagger we DON'T want her to have so the connor the elder and valleth start duking it out- which goes much worse than expected for valleth so connor's like
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and crits, taking her nearly all the way the fuck down, at which point the archfiend of war and rage starts trying to tear his way through the portal
so connor corners her mother with the dagger like hey how do we stop this, fucker, and valleth reveals the only instruction she knows is to spill heart's blood on an altar at the end of the room. at this point the ceiling partially caves in and the dragons are back, fighting the vore critter, and connor now has a very desperate choice to make on who to kill:
her mother, who connor has a long and bad history with and would love nothing more than to kill, but connor's a redemption paladin. and the personification of killing someone you hate is clawing his way into the chamber.
her younger self, who is scared and upset and level 1
oli, who she REALLY needs alive right now because of a deal she made with a god
tepu, who has already been sacrificed to this cause and who connor was able to save and really really really does not want to get hurt again
herself, who has not wanted to die for nearly 8 years and is fighting to live.
so, you know. no big deal!
time freezes around her as i the player start throwing alternatives out to the rest of the table, and then the archfiend starts talking to her and trying to make her doubt herself and hesitate at the last second. he unfreezes connorcita who looks up at her with something like fear, or revulsion, and connor says "oh honey, i am you."
and then, after coming to understanding, and connorcita telling her that she is the only time she's felt safe, she knows what she needs to do. there's only one option; she needs to stop being afraid of what would be justice for anyone else being done for her. she needs to do what's right by her younger self, and her older self. there's always been a right path. the oath of redemption is not letting yourself be a punching bag.
the two of them take the dagger and drag connor's mom to the altar. connor, as she holds the knife, tells valleth she's sorry for whatever drove her to the archfiends. and then the two connors- one older, one still a child- drive the dagger into her heart
and with a bullshit percentile dice roll
seal the archfiend back into the portal and avert an apocalypse. the horrible devourer creature shrank up into a tiny ball.
she's back out of the seal now with two dragons and massive platinum wings sprouted from her back.
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don't you think post deployment Billy might Actually have more to lose though? That version of him is the one that really is at the mercy of men like Rawlins to get his foot in then door. Punisher Billy has 1 thing, Anvil. He doesn't have family, he has 1 friend left that he doesn't know how to keep but Curtis is so Good Curtis doesn't mind so much that Billy comes and goes. Curtis also sees right through Russo and that's a whole other thing
I get that again Billy tries not to let the emotional stuff matter because of his past traumas but a company is a cold mistress and once he knows he has the skill to run it well, i think the contacts matter less to him? He still goes into the field - he enjoys the hands on rather than dictating. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it still
don't you think post deployment Billy might Actually have more to lose though? Depends on your priorities. 
I get that again Billy tries not to let the emotional stuff matter because of his past traumas but a company is a cold mistress and once he knows he has the skill to run it well, i think the contacts matter less to him? He still goes into the field - he enjoys the hands on rather than dictating. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it still. I like this a lot and you’re absolutely right. Billy likes to get his hands dirty, he’s good at what he’s good at. Maybe, if i were more optimistic, I’d present the idea that men like Rawlins, who don’t get their hands dirty, are easier targets for betrayal? Billy, given the opportunity and the right set of circumstances, would fuck Rawlins over so long as it doesn’t blow back on him. Maybe, if I were more optimistics, I’d present the idea that Billy isn’t into relationships, but knows how useful they can be. He knows that serving next to someone and fighting next to someone is one of the most powerful bonds, and maybe part of him genuinely like what he does and another part uses it as an insurance policy. No one is loyal to Rawlins, they just owe him. Dudes like Rawlins crusty white dudes with old family money think that’s the same. Billy, someone who expects the worst, might try to get ahead of that? Who knows. 
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