#i'm sure it's all a trick so people send more pictures of their cats playing with gbf merch
icharchivist · 1 year
Granblue truly understanding that their true audience is with cats.
well, cat lovers, too, probably, but, mostly, cats.
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the true GBF audience.
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yoonia · 2 months
3, 5, and 38 for the ask game :)
Forgive me for disappearing right after I dropped the ask game (rip). Thanks for sending in!
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
Ooff haha I can't say if I have any specific ritual for writing. But whenever I'm on writing lockdown, I always make sure to have these three things: coffee (or any warm drink available as long as it's not tea), snacks, and music. Sometimes I'll need to listen to some music for a short while before I actually start writing just to get in the mood for it or catch the vibe I need to have to focus on the story. Depending on what time I'm planning to write: if I'm planning to write at night, I try to rest in the afternoon or after work and take a long nap so I can stay up all night. I think this is the part of my "ritual" that is cursed for me because I can't really control how long I'll be napping, especially when I'm writing after work or after a long project deadline and I'll end up getting more tired than I'm supposed to 😭 Another "cursed moment" would be when I pick the wrong type of music to listen to while I'm writing. The wrong music can either ruin my mood or send me to another inspiration train. Like the last time I sat down to finish Ever A Never After and played my smut writing playlist and then I ended up writing a pwp smut fic instead. fun times.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
I'm not sure if these are considered a superstitions, but I do keep up some habits that I've developed since I first starting writing and sharing my works. One, I try to post my fics on Monday (my time) and avoid publishing anything on Friday or the weekends. I don't have any superstitious reasons in general. At first it's only because some days fit my schedule the best and I'm a person who works better when I have a target or order set up for myself. But then it somehow grew to make me feel uneasy when I miss a posting day or if I'm posting at a different time of the week. Surprisingly, sometimes it does matter when I'm posting something. My fics rarely get a lot of traction when I post other than those two days, but maybe that's only in my head haha. Two, I often set up posting schedules for Patreon and releases for special occasions on Tumblr based on dates related to number 5 (on the 5th, 10th, 15th, and so on). I can't remember why I started doing this but I guess setting up habits do work a lot for me to stay focus.
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
Lmao. Okay, so I've mentioned a few times on my writing tips & tricks posts that I don't always work in linear way and would often jump around between scenes. I know some others might do this a lot too so it might not sound weird, but there are three things that I do in my writing process whenever I get stuck on a scene or the fic in general. One, when I'm jumping around but still have no clear vision of the scene that is happening in some parts, I'll fill in that scene with dialogues. Sometimes it helps me picture what's going on, what the characters might be doing as they speak, their expressions, etc when I get the characters talking to each other. Oftentimes, I write the entire conversation from start to finish to get a scene done, and then I'll go back to add/insert the actions, expressions, some other details needed to help build the scene into something that people can see happening between then (idk if that makes sense? lol) Two, when I'm stuck in the middle, I'll often jump straight into the smut scene (when the fic needs one, or two, or more). I'm not sure why, but working on the smut scenes first often triggers my brain into filling in what events that would lead these characters into this situation. For short fics with smut, I often start from the actual smut scenes first before going back to write the events leading to it and other details needed to build the story. Three, is when I get stuck and I jump straight to the last line of the fic. One of the most helpful advice I've read about writing is that "your first line/sentence to open your story is important to gain your reader's interest." Well, in my case, writing the last line/closing line first often helps me set the tone of the story. As weird as it is, I've found this helpful a couple of times before. Although there was a time when I did this and that "last line" ended up turning into a whole epilogue (*coughs* In Motion *coughs*) so there's that haha
Additional note: learning from my own cats, I think they think of us as their silly, furless, clumsier, and maybe dumber companions. Just cats like them that walk on their two feet. That's why they never see us as their "master" lol
Ask game: Weird Questions for Writers
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barnesbabee · 3 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴇɴ - ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ
⇜ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ᴛᴇɴ-  ɴᴇxᴛ ⟿
White Rabbit - Choi Jongho Absolem (Blue Catterpilar) - Kang Yeosang Cheshire Cat - Kim Hongjoong Mad Hatter - Choi San Haigha (March Hare) - Jung Wooyoung Tweedle Dee - Song Mingi Tweedle Dum - Jeong Yunho Bloody Red King - Park Seonghwa
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @myunvillage @mirror-juliet @jess-1404 @earth-to-leiki @miraculoustaytiny [Send me a DM, an ask or comment to be added to the tag list]
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The King wasted no time. After getting you back, he immediately scheduled the coronation, as he couldn't wait to call you his Queen. The Castle was in a frenzy, the sound little frog feet slapping against the marble floors echoed in every division. Seonghwa refused to have the coronation in the same room where he got married, he didn't want to re-live the awful moment when his wife got stolen from him... So the maids and butlers found new decorations, moved the paintings and transformed another one of the King's dark and cold rooms into a place worthy of a welcoming party.
"Let's do it in the throne room. Place her throne by my right." He had said.
The tradition was for the throne to be moved in front of everyone present, so they could witness the changes and their new reality first hand, but Seonghwa was a little tired of following tradition.
You and him stood in the middle of the throne room, with every single maid and butler running around frantically, trying to get everything done on time. You looked on proudly, enjoying the way it was all coming along.
The excess of red and black was gone, it was now balanced with white and gold, and with the new paintings and lights giving the room a new life it looked like a completely new place. The blinds behind the throne were finally opened, revealing the most beautiful stained glass images. There were four people, who you assumed were Seonghwa's family.
You reminisced the first time you had come to that room, panting and confused, standing in the dark, cold room being judged by the merciless man Seonghwa once was. The contrast was almost unbelievable, but you were glad you had gotten this far.
You felt a pair of arms wrap around your figure and a chin on your shoulder.
"I'll have it replaced. First, just the two of us, and then, once we have our little prince, or princess," he paused, caressing your stomach, where you'd carry your future child "I'll have it replaced once more, with a full picture of our family."
He kissed your cheek and you smiled.
"But Seonghwa, are you sure you wanna take down the picture of your family?" You questioned, feeling honoured yet a little wrong, replacing the original King and Queen.
He stood straight, and his cheerful expression was immediately replaced by one of pain and confusion, remembering all of the memories alongside those people.
"Why not? They have given me nothing but a lifetime of suffering, you have given me nothing but happiness and a chance of redemption. You deserve to be up there, immortalized, as a part of the new Royal family."
"Thank you..."
That was all you could say, as there were no words that could possibly describe how you felt.
One of the maids stole you away from your husband for a second, so you could change from the dirty, ripped-up wedding dress for the new ceremony. She helped you switch to a princess-style dress, all in red silk. The revealing heart-shaped neckline was covered with black lace, that extended all the way to your hands and wrapped around your index finger.
"You look lovely, Miss." The maid said as she fixed your hair.
You thanked her with a small smile and headed towards the throne room. Usually, it would be packed with people, but due to the previous altercation, the only people attending the coronation would be the castle staff, aside from the knights who were assigned to protect the castle during the event.
You carefully sat on the throne, feeling Seonghwa's eyes (or... eye) inspecting you. He leaned over, so he could whisper in your ear.
"You look marvelous in red."
He sat back straight in his throne and smiled at your shy expression. A tall man soon entered the room holding two boxes. He opened one of the boxes and slowly (and carefully) placed the crown on the King's head. It was exaggerated, yet classy and sophisticated like Seonghwa. You could tell it had been specially done for him.
"We shall now begin the coronation of Miss Y/N." The man announced.
He opened the box in front of you, revealing the most beautiful, victorian crown. It was made up of white gold and adorned with the most beautiful red and white stones.
"I hereby declare, by the powers given to me by His majesty Park Seonghwa, the new Queen of Wonderland, Queen Y/N."
The man slowly placed the crown on your head, and it was a perfect fit. He stepped away so the painter could see your smiling faces, as he immortalized the moment on a canvas.
The castle staff smiled and cheered for you, their new Queen.
"Bring her!" The King shouted, and the whole room froze.
The thought on everyone's mind was 'Who's her'.
The heavy doors to the room opened, and a chained woman, dressed in a black cape with her white, disheveled hair showing stepped in, with the help of two guards.
"Unchain her."
The guards obeyed the King, and unchained the woman, who rotated her wrists with a sigh of contentment.
"Finally, what do I owe the honour, Sir?"
The crowd in front of you looked on, petrified. Who the fuck was she?
"Undo the room." Seonghwa commanded.
"Hm there have been some changes, I see." The woman said, her voice cracking mid-sentence.
She looked at you, with her bright purple eyes, sending a shiver down my spine.
"Yes, there have. Now please do as I asked."
"Very well Sir."
The woman removed her black cape, revealing a small, crooked young-looking woman. She lifted her hands in the air, creating a small green fog in her hands, that she aimed at all beings in the room. The people, who were previously humanoid frogs, were turned back into their original form. Tears of happiness formed in everyone's eyes and cries of thankfulness echoed in the room. One maid approached you and knelt by your feet.
"Thank you... Thank you so much!"
You recognized the voice, it was the maid that had thanked you the other day for staying with Seonghwa, and the one that usually helped you dress. You smiled and held her hands.
"No need to kneel around me Miss, thank you for your hard work."
She bowed to you as she walked back to cheer with her peers.
Seonghwa stood up and held out his hand for you to take, and so you followed.
"Iracebeth, follow us. You two," the King said, looking at the two guards who had brought the witch "make sure everyone is gathered at the town center by the time we arrive."
The guards nodded and immediately headed out. Seonghwa took your arm and started walking with you, headed to the town center, you guessed.
You looked behind you to look at the witch, that stared at you with a sinister expression.
"Are you sure it's safe to bring her along, won't she like... curse you? You know, for keeping her locked up?" You whispered.
"Oh, no that won't be an issue."
You tilted your head to the side.
"How come?"
Seonghwa blushed, embarrassed to recall what he had done.
"Well, I tricked her into falling in love with me so I could get her to cast a spell on herself that would only allow her to cast the spells I request her to. I then locked her in the dungeon because I didn't want to deal with her constant crying and blabbering about how I tricked her, that's probably why she's looking at you like..." He glanced over at the witch "... like that."
You hit his arm.
"Park Seonghwa!"
"Ow! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I regret doing it but if I undo it now it could have severe consequences, not only for me but for you too. And we can't have that."
You sighed and nodded. It's true that it was cruel, but you didn't want any consequences headed your way, you'd had enough.
You stopped in front of a black and gold carriage, the one that would take you into town. Seonghwa helped you get on and then sat beside you. The witch rode in front of you, her creepy smile and envious eyes staring into your soul the whole ride. Seonghwa held your hand tightly, also feeling uneasy by her presence.
"We're here, Sir."
Seonghwa took a deep breath. You could tell he was nervous, as all of the people from the Kingdom looked at the carriage, expectantly. You kissed his cheek and held his hand tighter.
"It will be okay." You assured him.
Seonghwa smiled softly and exited the carriage, alongside you and the witch. The expressions of the people once they saw the witch were the same as back in the castle, and they braced for the worst.
The King said nothing, he only turned to the witch and said 'do it'.
Once more, she cast the spell, that supposedly returned them to what they once were, but it didn't go as planned. Some people returned to their original state, but the ones who had turned from animals to humans, not so much... Some had the luck of being completely turned back to who they were, others were left hybrids, mixes of animals and humans. You found Cheshire, still as a human, happily playing with his ears and tail, and Haiga, the Hare, jumping about with his hare feet about the return of his long ears. It didn't take much for those two to be happy. There was a mix of emotions among the crowd, however, some people that had married into families who were previously human, were happy they got some of their old life back and they would still be able to maintain their relationship, others were sad (and mad) that they would never be able to return to whom they once were.
"What happened!?" Seonghwa whisper-yelled to the witch.
"The curse has been cast for far too long, I wasn't able to undo it completely." She explained, ashamed of her own skills.
"People, I apologize," as soon as he spoke those words the commotion calmed down, and everyone seemed shocked. The King? Apologizing? "it seems the curse has gone on for too long and is irreversible in some cases. I ask that whoever has been affected attends the castle tomorrow so I can offer a proper compensation for all of the damages caused, that would be all."
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