#i'm sure he'd be naked as hell 100% of the time of he thought he could get away with it.
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character design pet peeve but like. every single time i see a character with wings or a Wing AU I'm like. okay but how do you put shirts on though. how do you comfortable wear a lot of clothing with a chracter that has wings. why does the shirt seemingly wrap around the whole body even though the wings, which are based off a bats wings, seem to literally be in the way and now you have some weird fucking paradox going on with the wings and the shirt (i have been guilty of this but only because my brain wasn't working at the time).
like. i don't wanna hear "oh just don't think about it it's not important lol" actually it is important TO ME. there is a reason my character baphomet doesn't wear anything besides a loin cloth: HE LITERALLY CAN'T WEAR ANYTHING ELSE. He would need somebody to help him custom design a shirt that he can put on his body himself that he would inevitable end up not wearing because it would be too much of a hassle and probably be uncomfortable for him since he's never worn a shirt before in his life. i'm just like. maybe the body parts that alien and/or fantasy creatures have would make clothing a fucking stupid hassle that's not worth the effort? do we care at all about what they would actually experience or proper world-building or are we just too absorbed in our human experience which includes wearing clothes a lot.
#ash's personal tag#like come on. i saw a wing AU for like batman or whatever and i was just like. what do you mean in a society of winged people-#they don't help each other put their clothes on?#like. i'm sorry but the body parts that you have DO IN FACT ALTER THE SOCIETY AND CULTURE YOU LIVE IN#if EVERYBODY had wings things would NOT be as they are in this day and age. history would've been significantly altered.#idk i'm just. people don't realise that body parts are huge deal in how humans and animals and shit experience and think about their life#j'onn j'onnz being naked as hell in his true form makes a lot of sense because. he's a fucking alien.#and clearly his people do not need clothes. so why bother with them at all. he only bothers with them because of human ideas of decency#even in his more subdued alien form that he has in the justice league he is literally just wearing shorts a cape and boots.#i'm sure he'd be naked as hell 100% of the time of he thought he could get away with it.
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OKAY i am confused why no one thought of this..mark and the famous BPS duo headcanons of them reacting to a REAL Angel Y/n coming down and basically getting rid of the alternates?? :00
Oooo y'know that's a good idea. It makes me wonder if ALL angels in TMC were just replaced or never existed at all after Alt!Gabriel came along--maybe they lost the war with the Alternates/demons and were eradicated all at once.
Except for Y/N, ofc, because main character plot armor™
You've been watching over Mark for some time, eventually coming down to Earth disguised as his next door neighbor, wondering if he could help you move some stuff.
This strangely happens the same day he prayed for a "guardian angel" in his life, especially when he noticed you were wearing all white clothing, didn't specify where you were from, and.....looked quite ethereal in appearance.
But he thinks it's just a coincidence and becomes fast friends with you.
You shared his same values and beliefs, subtly protecting him whenever he visited the church and went to school.
Though you weren't sure if you should tell him what you truly are...
Until the night he gets that phone call from "Cesar" and goes to his house against your wishes.
When he inevitably leads the Alternate back to his own home, you're there waiting for it.
The second it enters, you stand between them and reveal your wings, halo, and several eyes, shocking the Alternate as it thought angels were already eradicated...
You basically say "nah I'm still here, go back to hell" and eviscerate it in a flash of holy light.
To your amazement, it actually worked! You finally had the power to avenge your fellow angels.
You immediately put your human disguise back on when you realized Mark's was watching the entire time-
But he's already kneeling at your feet, trying not to cry bc you're the guardian angel he's been asking for!!!
He 100% worships you now after you confirm that, but you ask him to just treat you like a friend and not as some divine idol.
Ofc you're telling that to a paranoid 17 yr old Christian human boy who saw you literally vaporize an Alternate so.....it's hard for him to talk to you so casually after that.
Posing as a new student, you approached him at school and asked if you could join BPS, feigning interest in the paranormal investigations.
He's like "sure but your clothes are prob gonna get messed up" as he gestures to your pristine white shirt and jeans.
You just wear a black BPS jacket over them and go along with the "ghost hunts", finding out that he's looking for Alternates specifically.
That's fine with you though, considering you came down to eliminate as many as you could w/o drawing Gabriel's attention.
One of the hidden cameras caught you making one disappear and Adam's mind=blown after replaying the footage and seeing your wings show up in a few frames, learning you were an angel all along!
You beg him to keep it a secret, but he's so excited he brags to Jonah and Evelin (who thinks he edited that stuff in).
He asks you to continue vaporizing any Alternates you come across as long as he can get footage of it...though you don't like the idea of him exploiting your powers this way for fame.
However he suddenly becomes afraid of you out of nowhere, especially in the days following the investigation at the Torres house.
He just kicks you out of BPS without explanation and goes into hiding.
But soon enough you find out he's a Sleeper Alternate and become faced with a very tough decision...
When he shows up on your doorstep, half-naked and pleading for you to purge him from this world.
Never in a million years did you think any Alternate would be so attached to his "humanity" that he'd rather die than live without it.
Unfortunately, you can't grant Adam's wish knowing he was closely tied to Six and Gabriel's plans, but you do reverse the damage the bleach did to his organs.
He's not in constant physical pain anymore, though you vow to protect this scared boy, knowing he didn't choose to be this way.
You met him through Adam sometime after joining BPS.
And right away, he feels a lot safer whenever you accompany them on assignments.
There's just something about your presence that's reassuring.
He makes jokes about how you act like a "perfect little angel" when you tell him you don't do drugs, never curse, mediate any arguments he and Adam might have, and always have the cleanest clothing.
Then he's confused as to why you tensed up.
Before you realize "angel" is just a metaphor humans use sometimes and calm down afterwards.
So he doesn't know what you are.....yet.
He used to say "hell" (like "oh hell yeah!") on a regular basis but now feels awkward when he says it around you.
You're only forced to reveal your true identity when Preacher tries to give him and Adam M.A.D, and you just....eliminate her on the spot with holy light.
She was particularly resistant to it, so your energy was spent and you nearly passed out.
Jonah's understandably freaked out by your powers and runs away, but after you find him and help him calm down, he becomes quite clingy.
His friendship with Adam grows more divided as he sees you as more caring and protective than him.
He didn't believe in angels before but he sure as shit does now.
#clanask#anonymous#tmc x reader#mandela catalogue x reader#the mandela catalogue x reader#mark heathcliff#adam murray#jonah marshall#angel reader#platonic#headcanons
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All impairs for a character of your choice, all pairs for Zheag :3
OH, tungl fixed itself, I can answer for you. U get In-Shu for my choice cuz I'm thinking about him :3
1: On a scale of “is occasionally forced to bathe” to “Instagram model with sponsors to hoe for” how involved is your OC’s Skincare routine?
He's the scion of the water dragon so...he does be preferring to be in the water. In his human form, he does take care of his appearance as well, after Auntie Navan teaches him how... So he would end up being an "Instagram model with sponsors to hoe for" on the scale.
3: What’s something pointless/petty/unimportant that IRRATIONALLY ANNOYS THE HELL out of your OC?
Jadebots. They are everywhere and they are annoying and noisy. To be honest he can't stand the buzzing of any other jade tech either. It makes him feel like he has an annoying mosquito around his head that he just can't quite kill.
5: Does your OC get lost easily? What do they do when they do get lost?
He does on land. In the water he knows all the currents and finds everything easily...but on land? He needs help. Thus he always has a map at hand. A physical one, no jade tech required.
7: Realistically, could your OC (in their normal circumstances- i.e. at their own house/battle camp/spaceship etc.) keep a small child alive for a week if they had to? A Dog? A Houseplant? A rock with a smiley face painted on?
Technically, he's stuck being a teenager for ages, so yes to all... He does not like children too much though so he wouldn't choose to take care of one unless he has no other choice. A dog or plant? Sure. He loves those.
9: What would cause your OC to choose to do something petty/pointlessly cruel?
He'd get really petty if someone were to brag that dragons aren't a big deal and are just "overgrown lizards", or the like. He wouldn't be cruel about it but boy he would creatively punish the person.
11: What song is 100% guaranteed to get your OC beyond turns and will be sung loudly and embarrassingly, either in public or the shower?
He's not familiar with any songs actually...so probably anything that has a catchy rhythm and is stuck in his head would get him to sing it. (aka. I have not thought of his music taste yet, sorry.)
13: Under what circumstances would your OC appear naked in public?
Does dragon form count as naked? Because otherwise not a chance... Unless someone maybe knocks him out and strips him... That's the only way.
15: How often does your OC “zone out” or do things on autopilot and how severe have the problems that have arisen from that be?
He's usually very concentrated on whatever he's doing. So he doesn't often zone out. If he does it's while he's sitting somewhere peaceful and gets lost in thoughts. So no troubles arise from it.
17: How does your OC sabotage themselves?
By not trusting people one bit. He doesn't know them and even if Navan and Aurene say they're chill and cool In-Shu doesn't see them as such and keeps his contact with the people at a minimum.
19: How dehydrated is your OC right now? Are they going to fix this?
He's a water dragon. He's never dehydrated. He makes sure to stay hydrated all the time.
2: What are your OC’s food preferences (flavours/textures/spiciness/calories/ when and how they eat) and how did they get that way?
He likes spicy food and meats. He often eats in Amnoon restaurants or at the Temple, but when on the road he just roasts himself some meat over an open fire that's good enough. he isn't a picky eater.
4: What’s your OC’s response to being asked for money by a homeless person?
He'd of course give them. He would also direct them towards his temple where they can stay for free so they don't sleep on the floor and in the cold night.
6: What would STOP your OC from Doing The Right Thing in a tense situation?
Being dead... or one of his loved ones being hurt. He'd get angry at that... He melted Drakkar's lake over Caim (@caim-the-godstomper) being shot by Bangar and he would do it again just to roast Bangar's fur off his skin... Anyway... Anger.
8: If your OC had to take the S.A.T. tomorrow with one night to prep, how would they do? both emotionally and academically.
...I have no idea what an S.A.T. is but he'd just wing it. no prep just wing it.
10: On a scale of “Complete and Justified nervous breakdown” to “Conquer The Entire Galaxy and become an Immortal God-Emperor”, how well would your OC handle being abducted by Aliens?
I mean... He's already a god... So I guess he'd be pissed because he got a family and a whole ass religion to take care of, no time for fucking around, please kindly put him back where he belongs or you'll be burned to death, thank you.
12: What perfectly-normal-to-them-thing does your OC do that confuses/pisses off/terrifies their neighbours?
Uses only their hand to heat up the metals he forges... not many can do that right?
14: What thing did your OC’s parents do that your OC wishes they had a better explanation for?
I mean he's originally a sylvari so his only parent is the Pale Tree...But perhaps explain why he was the only one with no fucking goal in his life. he felt so left out.
16: How strong or weak is your OC’s Impulse control? What’s the worst thing that happened because of their Impulsivity or inability to be so?
He's pretty impulsive. He left Trahearne after an argument and never went back to check on him because he fell into the magic toilet and ended up so far away. He regrets that a lot. He went to Bjora with Ulfric, his then-partner, to help Caim in the north with Bangar on a whim and had to kill Ul because he got corrupted by Jormag. He melted Drakkar's lake because he got so angry his god powers got out of control... Yeah, impulsive guy.
18: What’s the trashiest item in your OC’s wardrobe, when was the last time they wore it and why do they still have it?
He has a bellydancer outfit... He only wears it for his partners though.
20: What’s your OC smell like? no, not that “Vanilla and Anxiety” evocative stuff, realistically. Body odour? what have they been touching all day? When was their last shower? Did they put on any kind of artificial scent?
He smells like charcoal and cherry blossoms. Which is a weird combination but that's what you get if you put fire god magic into a plant man. On busy days he also smells a bit like a dog because of his not-jackal jackal buddy, Cliff, who he uses to move around the desert. He does take baths daily if they can but aside from some soap doesn't use anything scented.
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Pepa walking in on camilo and dulce making out, would she kick open the door like she did that one time😭 (best mom 10/10)
If she knew 100% that it was happening? And it was like, boderline some frisky shit? Absolutely. Would she yell at Dulce for it? No, because it's Félix's fault, he just HAD to give Camilo so much of his charm. You know what, this is probably better written out, actually-
Pepa was trying to be okay with Camilo's girlfriend. Don't get her wrong, Dulce was kind, pretty, and she made Camilo happy. It was just. Well, no mother wants her first son to grow up too fast, do they? He was only sixteen, it felt too soon for him to date girls. But, Félix had gone over this with her a million times- it was essentially drilled into her head.
Camilo was a growing boy, and she needed to let him grow. Besides, Camilo wasn't a sexual person, no matter how many times she thought otherwise. Everything was fine, absolutely fine. She should leave them alone, they were probably just hanging out in his room, like they always did. Nothing too crazy, right? She didn't need to be worried that it was sort of quiet up there. Félix was out grocery shopping, so he couldn't exactly STOP her. Oh, it wouldn't hurt to check up on them, just for a second.
She snuck upstairs, and tried to turn the knob of his door, only to have it disappear. Each doorknob did something different to repel people, if the owner didn't want someone coming in. Hers shocked people, Isa's covered itself in thorns, and Camilo's disappeared or turned into anything else (once it was a rubber duck, and that was honestly funny). But Camilo's door hadn't done that in years, not since Pepa had to make him take a bath. Camilo was intentionally keeping it locked. Okay, relax, breathe, clear skies, no snowstorms. She took a deep breath to calm herself, before pressing her ear to the door. Nothing. At first.
"Cami, come on, I'm trying to help you with your homework, knock it off!"
"Aw come on, I haven't seen you all day! And you know you like my kisses~"
"Doesn't matter, I just...oh come on, that's not fair~"
Pepa knew for sure what she was hearing. They were making out. Sure, she'd seen them kiss occasionally, but this wasn't just kissing. She swore she could hear every bit of it, from the sound of their lips, and even rustling of clothes. When she heard a moan, right from her own son's mouth, her mind immediately told her to do SOMETHING! Her son could be losing his virginity, right here and now! So without thinking of any consequences, she kicked the door, and HARD. It sent the damn thing flying open, and sure enough, they were both on his bed.
Homework laid around them, Camilo looming over her, her shirt slightly askew. They both screamed as the door scared them, Camilo immediately getting off of her and Dulce hugging her frame, as if she was naked.
"Mami what the HELL!?"
"I'm so sorry, mi bebè, but mami REALLY needs your help, please!"
Camilo's look of annoyance immediately faded as soon as she said that. Camilo was such a mommy's boy, he'd never NOT help her when she asked for it.
"What? What's wrong?"
"Well, your mami's back hurts, and I was wondering if you could make me that tea you always make. It always makes me feel SO much better, mijo."
Camilo, not having any clue that she was fibbing, got up, wiping at the lipstick Dulce left at his cheek. He still had some on his lips, and even on his neck and shoulder, Pepa swore she was going to feel faint.
"Of course mami, and you walked up all those stairs- I am SO sorry. Let's get you to sit down. Dulce, we'll finish in a minute? I dunno if you wanna just hang out here or-"
Dulce scrambled to get her things, cheeks absolutely on fire.
"No it's...fine. I think I should just go home. I'll see you later, Cami."
Camilo looked like he wanted to say something, but he settled for a sigh as Dulce scurried out of there. He gave a sad smile to his mom, before gently patting her hand.
"Let's get you that tea, mami."
"Hey dad, you're back!"
Félix nodded at Camilo as he started to empty the groceries. Usual stuff, fresh meat, fresh fish, rice, corn, the essentials.
"Yep, and I got you and Dulce some snacks, since you guys are having a study date. Where is she?"
Camilo rubbed the back of his head shyly, as if he didn't want to say what he was going to say.
"I uh, wanted to talk to you about that. She left after mami said she needed the tea for her back, and I'm wondering if I should still be with her."
Félix signaled with his hand for him to stop. That was a loaded sentence.
"Wait, hold on. Pepa needed tea during your study break, for her...back?"
"Yeah! And Dulce looked all uncomfortable. I don't wanna be with a girl who's uncomfortable with me helping mi mami."
Félix knew exactly what was going on. Pepa gave him such a lie, and he believed it, because it was his precious mom. That woman only had back problems after either a bar fight, or a rather intense night with yours truly. Félix sighed, gently patted his shoulder.
"What were you and Dulce doing when Pepa interrupted you?"
"Uh...well. Honestly we were kinda...you know."
"Hey, I'm your papi. You can tell me."
Camilo wanted to look embarrassed, but there was a small bit of pride in his grin too.
"We were kinda making out. Like a lot."
Félix laughed, nudging his son until he was grinning with pride.
"Ha! That's my BOY! It's that Castillo in you! Look, don't be too offended by Dulce, women get ansty when they get cut off from Castillo men. Invite her over tomorrow, talk it out, alright?"
Camilo thought about it, before nodding.
"Okay, you're right. I shouldn't be too quick to get upset with her. Thanks, old man."
"Uh huh. Get your snacks and get out of here, chamaco."
He handed him his snacks, and sent him on his way. After putting the rest away, Félix went to go look for his wife. She was reading her book, sipping her tea.
"Félix, you're back! How was-"
"You and I need to talk. Now. Kitchen."
She followed him to the kitchen, worry over her features.
"What? You look upset."
"I am. Camilo just told me what you did."
She winced in recognition, seeming to shrink a bit.
"I just. Wanted a tea?"
Félix gave her a look, and she groaned loudly.
"They were making out! I could HEAR it!"
"So you were snooping."
"I wasn't!"
"You aren't fucking Dolores, you could only hear that if you were snooping!"
Pepa hesitated, before she growled, her bitter thunder doing nothing to scare him.
"Okay so I checked on him! Big deal! Moms do that!"
He grabbed his wife's hip as she tried to walk away, sighing.
"Pepa, that boy needs SPACE! WE were young and in love before!"
She glared at him, trying to keep her thunder from striking him.
"It's not the same thing! He's my boy! My angel! I don't want him being rash!"
"If he DOES do it with her, it'll be safe! He knows how it works, he's equipped with everything, he comes to us for questions-"
She peeled his hand from her, looking damn near offended.
"It's good that he's safe, but I'm still his mami! If I don't think he's ready, he's not ready!"
Félix sighed. He knew what he had to say, but he hated that he had to say it.
"Pepa, I'm gonna tell you something you need to hear. It's going to make you upset. It's five words."
"Don't you DARE."
"You are becoming your mother."
She gasped, hand over her chest, and her horror was illuminated by both her thunder, and strong wind. Agustín poked his head into the kitchen, only to immediately leave the second he saw what was going on.
"You did NOT! I cannot BELIEVE you! Me, my MOTHER?! OH! You are sleeping on the sofa tonight!"
The one thing a woman just hated, was being compared to her own mother, and Pepa was no exception. Félix shrugged, letting her get her rage out, else it just builds up like a tea kettle.
"That's fine, you needed the truth. But if you're going to put an ultimatum on me, you're getting one too. Tomorrow, we are letting Camilo and Dulce have the Casita to themselves for the day."
She opened her mouth to argue, but he raised a finger, letting her know he wasn’t done.
"I mean EVERYONE is going to be gone. You are going to NOT have Dolores listen in on them, and before we leave, you are going to apologize to Dulce. Because of you, Camilo considered breaking up with her. You almost ruined their relationship. You need to let go. Do you understand?"
She opened her mouth to retort, before she seemed to focus on his words. She hugged her shoulders, and nodded, her clouds settling to a dull gray in her realization.
"I didn’t mean..."
"I know what you meant to do. Your mother tried to make you have rainbows, but now, you have problems with your feelings. And I'm sorry for that, okay? It's rough. But that's the beauty of being in a relationship,"
She looked up at the umbrella over her head, all thanks to him. He smiled at her, knowing he was getting through to her.
"Is having someone to help you. Don't you want someone to help our son, when he needs it? We won't be here forever."
She thought about it for a second, before nodding.
"You're right. You're absolutely right. Tomorrow, I'll apologize to her, and properly. Maybe with some cookies!"
Félix looked down at her, brow raised.
"You trying to get forgiveness from her, or a request for mercy?"
He snickered as she smacked his shoulder, that all too familiar scowl decorating her pretty face.
"You don't have any tastes, that's all!"
"I have tastes in women ~"
He held onto her arm, kissing the back of her hand, and getting that all too familiar look in her eyes. He loved his wife, even when she was in the wrong. Because even her bad choices, were made in love, and you couldn't ask for more.
#encanto#not transformers#asks#Pepa did in fact apologize with cookies#and Dulce ate them despite feeling absolutely sick after#the only person who likes Pepa's cooking is Félix's brother Julio#and he has pica
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𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚜: 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚂𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚠𝚊

Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, encouraging, justifying, promoting nor romanticizing yandere behavior or lifestyle. This is all a work of fiction and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
Warnings: Mentions of toxic relationships, violence, degradation, physical/mental abuse, kidnapping, hostage holding, self-harm, attempted murder and other yandere behavior. Read at your own discretion.
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧:
𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎: 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚂𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚠𝚊
𝙳.𝙾.𝙱: 𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟹𝚛𝚍, 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟾
𝙷𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝: 𝟷𝟽𝟾 𝙲𝙼/ 𝟻'𝟷𝟶 𝙵𝚃.
𝙰𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■■■■100%
𝙾𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: ■■■■■100%
𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢: ■■■■□90%
𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕: 𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝙳𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝙰𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚜:
𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚞𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢.
𝙾𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚕 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝.
𝙽𝚘 𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚏𝚞𝚜𝚊𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚍𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜.
𝙱𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚊𝚕 𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.
𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚘𝚋𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝.
He was the school's and the town's heartthrob.
From the time he was young, every girl was in love with him and every boy wanted to be him.
From the tenderest of age, old folks were praising how cute and adorable he was.
That's just how Park Seonghwa grew up, being admired and loved by everyone around him. He was so used to his little club of adoring fans.
He dated, or more like, messed around with more than a couple of girls in his classes.
Not a single one of them was immune to his charms, even if at first they said they'd never ever fall for him. They always fell like dominoes.
And then the day finally came....The day someone ignored him, the day someone didn't worship the ground he walked on.....
The day someone not only refused but humiliated him in front of others.
You had recently moved into the small town, wanting to get away from all the bustling and, in your opinion, futile life of the city.
So you moved somewhere more quiet, serene, calm.
You only wanted a nice and comfortable life, and with the small but sturdy job you accepted, it allowed you to have a comfortable living.
For a while, no one really noticed or payed the to you, and those that did were wary of you.
You couldn't blame them. A stranger suddenly moves into their town? Of course they'd be careful.
You were very observant and in that time you observed Seonghwa.
He was good looking you had to admit, but he had come into the shop with a girl by his side which suggested to you they were an item.
Meaning he was off limits so you didn't bother to think about him.
But then he came in weeks later with a different girl, which threw you off a little.
And then a different girl, then another and you saw the pattern.
You shook your head and cringed at him. "Fuck boi." You muttered every time you saw him.
It didn't take long for him to hear about the new girl in town.
Which to him meant another heart to steal and a pair of legs to open and add to his collection.
He was with his friends, who were anxious to see what would happen.
You saw him confidently stride up to you, cocky grin on his face as his eyes looked you up and down. You internally scoffed.
"Don't think you can easily play me boy." You resolved in your head to wipe that smirk off.
"Hey gorgeous. Come here often?" He winked at you.
"I work here." You responded with absolutely no emotion or expression, barely giving him a glance as you arranged the shelves in the store.
He moved so you could see him better, thinking it would cause you to melt, but you just stared straight at him as if he wasn't there.
"If you need any assistance, please ask one of the managers. I only stock the merchandise."
You had to hold back from laughing at his shocked face, probably because no girl had ever not blushed or become flustered from his close proximity.
You moved away from him to put some articles on the next aisle.
Not giving up, Seonghwa followed after you, his friends trailing close behind you.
He tapped your shoulder to get your attention again.
For the first time in his life, a girl glared at him as if he was no more than a bug....
That was strike one for him.
"Listen...... I.......just wanted to get your number?" He couldn't believe that he was actually sweating nervously.
"Sorry. I don't give my number to strangers." You stated.
Seeing an opportunity, Seonghwa smiled flirtatiously at you.
"Well then maybe I should take you out. Then we won't be strangers. Maybe we could even get...really close." He licked his lips.
His face froze when he saw you roll your eyes at him.
That was strike two.
"Thank you but no. And if you'll excuse me."
You moved to leave him there again, but his hand reached out and gripped your wrist, a little too rough for your liking.
"Come on darling...no one's ever said no to me."
Yanking your hand away, you looked at him with disgust as you told him:
"I believe I just did."
Those words and the snorts and giggles from his friends behind him were strike three for him.
In that moment something snapped in him.
How dare someone like you reject him? The Park Seonghwa.
He was so stunned by your actions that he couldn't get you out of his mind from then on.
He no longer looked at any other girls.
His thoughts were fixated on you and only you.
He had to win you over, he just had to.
You were the ultimate challenge and he was going to make sure he was victorious.
But you made it so damn difficult.
Every. Single. Time.
You never hid how much he annoyed you and that pissed him off so much.
Days turned to a month, then 3 and still you kept refusing him.
The final straw for him was when he tried gifting you a rather expensive necklace that would have anyone else swooning.
Not batting a wink, you threw the case back to him.
"I'm not some whore you can buy for the night just cause you feel like it. Go find someone else to be your toy, fuckboi."
He gripped the case so harshly it actually bent, eyes staring daggers at you as you walked home.
"You're not getting away so easily. You're going to regret this."
You were surprised when you didn't see Seonghwa the next day..
Or for an entire week.
But you shrugged it off, perhaps he had finally learned his lesson and opted for leaving you alone.
Walking home, you couldn't help but feel like something eerie was going to happen.
You tried ignoring it by plugging in your headphones and just head home as soon as possible. It was dark and cold.
You weren't paying attention to your surroundings so you didn't see nor hear the car that was heading straight to you.
You only felt something knock you to the ground, immediately passing out from your head hitting the pavement.
The driver got out of the vehicle, his dark orbs staring down at your unconscious figure.
Bending down, he tilted your chin to look at your bloody face.
"I told you would regret this."
You woke up sore and with a pounding headache days later.
But more than anything, you woke up frightened when you saw you were chained down on a chair, wrists bound on the arm rests and feet tied to the legs.
Who the hell would kidnap you?
Your answer came in the form of Seonghwa himself, coming into the dimly lit basement where he held you.
He smirked as he saw you swallow harshly when he came close to you, face bending down at eye level to you.
"You can get out of this whole mess you know...."
Cupping your chin, he brought his lips dangerously close to yours.
"Just give in to me and agree to be mine."
You swore this had to be a joke. He'd go through all this trouble just for this shit?
Unable to stand his close proximity, you opted for showing your contempt for him by spitting on his face........something he did not take kindly to.
He looked at you as if you committed a heinous crime. And he wasn't going to let you get away with it.
Lifting your face up, he slapped you several times across the face, not satisfied until your nose was bleeding and your cheeks were stinging so badly, there was going to be bruising for sure.
You cried out when he harshly gripped your burning cheeks, adding even more pain.
"Sooner or later, you'll have to give in. The more you resist, the worse it'll get."
He left you there for 3 days, or a week. You honestly couldn't remember, you were going in and out of consciousness for a while.
When he finally let you out, you thought he'd be a little more nicer to you, but you were wrong.
Things only got worse.
You were being treated worse than an animal.
You couldn't walk anywhere, you had to crawl. You weren't allowed to use utensils for food, nor your hands.
The first time you tried to refuse to these rules, Seonghwa shoved you to the floor and dragged you by the hair across the hallway.
And as for food, he smashed your face into the bowl, you were surprised it didn't break from how hard he did it.
You could never look him in the eye or else you'd get struck across the cheek.
"Never look your betters in the eye. You should be grateful I even spare a glance at such a lowlife like you."
He lived, no...he thrived out of humiliating you.
It was sickening to know that such an individual could hate someone so much to go out of their way to try and dominate them to such an extent.
The times he was actually being 'nice' to you, his voice was filled with mock pity, talking to you as if you were his little pet.
It was those times where you truly couldn't hold back and glared at him.
And it always end with you back in the basement, stripped naked, and left there for days in the cold, body bleeding and sore from the canning he gave you.
And everytime he came back, he'd always say the same thing:
"You could end all of this if only you'd love me."
More than once you thought about giving in, even if just pretending.
He couldn't possibly treat you any worse than he did now.
But your inner strength, independence and repulsion from him kept you from giving in.
You'd rather die than ever let Park Seonghwa win and give him that. satisfaction.
But the day you found out you were pregnant with his kid, you knew you had to get out of there.
You were not going to allow a child to be raised by a monster.
You never told him anything, he couldn't know. You even resorted to cutting yourself so he'd believe you were still menstruating.
And for months you played it nice, obeyed him so he wouldn't cause you harm or to the baby.
He actually began to soften up, thinking he had finally broken you into the perfect lover he imagined.
"Fucking idiot."
That was the exact thing you thought when you finally allowed him to kiss you, instead of the forced ones he'd usually give you.
Taking advantage that his guard was down, you pulled out the knife you had hidden and didn't hesitate to plunge it on his side.
He pulled back in shock, but had no time to react because you just took out the knife and plunged it back in...
Over and over again until he layed unconscious on the floor.
Blood was everywhere and you honestly couldn't believe you did that.
Choking back the tears, you scrambled to find anything that could help you break the lock, which you eventually found.
You ran out of that place, never looking back.
You didn't run into the direction of the town, people would be too suspicious.
You ran towards the direction of the highway, hoping someone would find you and take you to the nearest hospital or police station.
It seemed luck was on your side as a woman immediately stopped when she saw you running.
She didn't hesitate to help you out, taking you to a hospital so you could get checked up.
You lied and simply said you had been kidnapped and managed to escape, feigning that you don't remember who your kidnapper was.
The police bought your story and more so dropped the interrogation when you said you didn't want to press charges and just wanted to lay low for a while.
You moved all the way across the country, far far away from the place of hell you were in.
You quickly got a job and a small, but comfortable home to raise your newborn daughter in.
She was such a cute and beautiful baby, looking like an exact replica of her father which somewhat haunted you but you pushed those thoughts aside.
Time had passed, you were safe, she was safe and almost a year old, and you'd never have to worry about that insane man ever again.........
So you believed.
Unaware of the piercing eyes that were looking through your opened window, staring at you as you fed yours and his baby.
"You'll love me in the end....."
#ateez#ateez seonghwa#ateez headcanons#ateez scenarios#ateez imagines#ateez reactions#ateez angst#ateez fluff#ateez smut#ateez fanfiction#ateez fanfic#ateez yandere au#yandere!au#yandere!ateez#ateez seonghwa scenarios#ateez seonghwa headcanons#ateez seonghwa smut#ateez seonghwa fluff#ateez seonghwa fanfic#ateez seonghwa angst#ateez seonghwa imagines#yandere!seonghwa#park seonghwa#park seonghwa scenarios#park seonghwa angst#park seonghwa fluff#park seonghwa fanfic#park seonghwa smut#park seonghwa imagines#park seonghwa headcanons
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Studio Sessions 1

It's Min Yoongi's birthday and you're ready to give him whatever he wants. When he makes a sarcastic wish while blowing out the candles he didn't think you'd take it seriously. But he's glad you did.
When word spreads about these special "Studio Sessions" everyone wants to collaborate.
A chaptered 0T7 smut.

The Taehyung Collaboration - Smut
"You should take a break baby, it's your birthday." You whined at him while rubbing his shoulders.
Turning in his chair he chuckled, "We've already had sex 3 times today, I'm getting old jagi, I can't keep up." He kissed your hand that was gently massaging his old injury.
The doorbell rang and Taehyung came in with his cake followed by the other 5 members. They sang and left, visits to Yoongi's studio we're usually kept pretty short, he made no qualms about telling them he'd rather be alone.
Taehyung was the last to leave as usual. His affinity for Yoongi was endearing, always taking his time when he was allowed to be in the studio.
"What did you wish for Hyung?" the curious dongsaeng asked.
You kissed his cheek grinning with a raised eyebrow, "Yeah what did you wish for?"
He shook his head and groaned, "I wished that Taehyung would take you off my hands and fuck the shit out of you so I could get some work done."
"Interesting," you tried not to let his words fluster you.
It was a game he liked to play, albeit usually not in front of people. Yoongi liked to be vocal in bed, calling you a slut, asking which of his friends you wanted to fuck. You'd spoken about three somes but nothing ever came from it. Now, here you were.
Looking from him to Teahyung you went along with it, "Well, I did tell you you could have anything you wanted today."
Poor Taehyung stood with his mouth open as Yoongi shrugged, "I've got work to do, just keep it down."
Grabbing his hand playfully you pulled Tae over to the green leather couch, he stood not knowing what was happening.
Looking over his shoulder Yoongi let the words leave his lips, "Go ahead Tae, she's fucking instiable. Think of it as doing me a favour."
Taehyung looked at you questioningly, so you nodded in approval. Like a switch had flicked inside him, his hungry sexuality was now on display. His duality always amazed you, changing his whole persona in a heartbeat. You knew he was never as shy as he pretended to be, now you looked forward to seeing just how bold he would get.
Staring you down he rubbed his thumb over his bottom lip. His eyes went dark before swirling his tongue around the appendage and forcing it into your mouth.
Yoongi let out a laugh, "oh baby girl, I think you may have just met your match.
It took all of two seconds to learn that Tae was 100% Dom. Grabbing your face he pulled you in close, so close you thought he was going to kiss you but instead he hissed, "Get on your knees."
You got down reaching to undo his pants, you couldn't wait to see him. It was a common joke amongst the members that Tae's cock was so huge and talented that it could easily be named the 8th member of BTS.
"No touching," he said, swatting your hand away. Undoing himself, the baggy brown dress pants fell around his barefeet. He wasn't wearing any underwear and his semi hard honey cock was already impressive against his dark full pubic hair.
A quiet,"Fuck," slipped out of your mouth. You could hear Yoongi shift, back still turned in his chair.
Teahyung's large hand wrapped around his dick as he tapped it on your lips, getting it harder and harder. "Do you think you can take it all, be a good little girl choking around my cock?"
Opening your mouth as far as you could, you sure as hell were going to try.
Moving his hands to hold both sides of your face he pushed himself in slowly. His head fell back and he sighed.
"She's good right?" Yoongi offered from his work station.
You wondered if he felt jealous, was he enjoying it? Suddenly Taehyung thrust into your throat making you gag, "Pay attention!"
Testing your limits he shoved himself deeper, holding himself there until you struggled for air. Tears were streaming down your cheeks as he continued the pattern, leaving you gasping everytime he pulled back out.
"I told you to fuck her, not kill her," Yoongi had turned to watch. "Tell Tae our safe word baby."
He used your hair to pull you off him, saliva dripping down your chin. Taehyung waited for the answer, "It's Mercy, and I've never had to fucking use it so keep going Tae."
Tae laughed,"Get up and strip, I've been imagining what those tits look like for years."
Yoongi cleared his throat as if to scold the younger man. "You're the one who asked for this, we're just giving you what you wished for," Tae said a little to defyingly.
Walking over to his chair you knew he was questioning his decision to do this. You leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek and whispered, "If you want me to stop I will, I belong to you."
That was all he needed, a reassurance that despite who was fucking you, you were still thinking of him. He gave you a slight nod to continue.
Turning back to face Taehyung you got on your knees between Yoongi's legs, "unzip me baby?"
Undoing the zipper of your dress he let his fingertips trail over back. A shiver took over your skin turning your nipples into hard pebbles. As you stood, the dress fell to the floor leaving you on display. You'd foregone any undergarments in the anticipation of today's events. However, your wildest imagination couldn't have prepared you for this.
Taehyung walked towards you, cupping your breast, "God you're perfect." He said leaning in to finally kiss you.
His mouth, his soft lips, his warm tongue, he moved them down your neck, making you moan. Pinching your nipple while asking softly in your ear, "How do you want me to fuck you?"
Making eye contact with your boyfriend you answered, "I love it from behind...leaning over the desk."
Yoongi could only shake his head at you, "you're really determined to keep me from working today aren't you?"
Sliding his chair and keyboard to the side he gestured to the empty spot on the desk, "don't let me stop you."
Strategically positioning yourself on an angle, you made sure your tits would be bouncing in Yoongi's face while Tae fucked you. He pretended to do work as you bent over waiting for Tae's giant cock to make it's entrance.
You heard him spit before it landed and slid down the crack of your ass. Using his fingers he spread the slick of his saliva over you. "I don't think you even need this, you're so wet already."
You winced as you felt the head of his cock attempt entrance, "such a tight little hole Y/N."
He really was big, not just in length but the sheer girth was beyond normal. They made a special category of porn for dicks like this. "For fucks sake Tae, just fucking shove it in."
So he did. Nothing held back, full force, one thrust and it was in. It jolted you so hard you smashed into Yoongi with a whimper, tears streaming down your cheeks. Tae stayed frozen inside you while Yoongi held your face, "You're doing so good baby, let him know when he can move."
He kissed you, his lips soft and delicate on yours, a huge contrast to the stabbing pain radiating from between your legs.
Tae was patient as he ran his hands over your skin. Reaching between your legs his fingertip found your clit and he began rubbing it trying to bring back some of your lost arousal. Slowly you moved, adjusting yourself to Taehyung's cock by rocking him in and out little by little.
"You feel so fucking good Y/N, are you ready? I want to make you cum so badly, cum all over my cock…"
When he knew you were okay, he picked up his assault on your pussy. The pleasure mixed with pain had you moaning and crying while he seemed to get off on knowing he was afflicting you with both.
Yoongi watched, staring at you as his friend fucked you right beside him. You could tell he was enjoying himself as he palmed himself over his jeans.
"Do you want more baby?" He asked you.
"I always want more Yoongi, help me cum, you know what I want."
Pushing his chair closer to you, you braced yourself on the arms. He did know what you needed, he knew your body so well he could get you to cum in seconds. Reaching out to grab both your breasts he sucked and licked back and forth until your moans were so loud he wasn't sure the soundproofing would muffle it.
Picking up speed as you got wetter Tae was grunting trying to hold off a little longer. Yoongi could tell you were just about to peak. "Cum on his cock baby, I want to watch," he slid his tongue around your nipple and you hit your high.
"Fuuuuck, I'm coming, fuck...Tae don't stop…"
He sloppily thrust a few more times and shot his cum deep inside you.
Yoongi collapsed back in his chair while Tae was leaning over you pressed into your back. Trying to catch his breath, he laid small kisses over your shoulders and repeatedly muttered thank you.
After a few awkward minutes Yoongi broke the silence, "So thanks for the birthday party."
Tae took the hint and began putting his clothes back on. Walking him to the door you left a kiss on his now shy blushing cheek. Yoongi shouted from across the room, "Yah, don't make this weird...and for fucks sake don't tell anyone."
The door clicked shut and you made you way over to your boyfriend. Sitting naked in his lap Taehyung's cum dripped out of you puddling on Yoongi's jeans. "Oh no, I got you pants wet. You should probably take them off."
His smiling mouth hung open, "You still haven't had enough?"
Just about to say you hadn't, you heard the lock tone of the keypad and the handle turning.
Jimin came bustling in and immediately began blushing, "I'm sorry..." he said, but he made no quick effort to leave. "I just...wanted to make sure you had a happy birthday." He licked his plush lips while staring.
You looked at Yoongi and he palmed his face. "You should be careful what you wish for I guess," you couldn't help but laugh.
Giving in Yoongi sighed, "Come on in Jimin, it seems like everyone's getting presents tonight."
J-Hope & Joon
#bts smut#yoongi smut#taehyung smut#jimin smut#jin smut#hobi smut#namjoon smut#jungkook smut#bts#boyfriend bts#rm#jin#yoongi#jhope#taehyung#jungkook#jimin#bts x y/n#bts x reader#bts x you
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danny phantom, season 3, episodes 1-2 thoughts! I had to split up my season 3 watch awkwardly because the second part of it was too picture heavy and tumblr only wants you to have 10 pictures per post, per the No Fun Allowed Rule. :/ I was planning on just doing 1-6 then 7-13, but, it'll probably be split into 3 posts now... (along with a follow up thoughts post after I finish and think on it for a lil while...)
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-'DAnnY FenTon MadE mE ThE LaugHINg StOCk oF WisCONsIn' if you dont shut up. you made yourself a laughing stock. love the cute pink hotel room. also, Vlad's Naked on The News. VLAD BUYING THE NASTY BURGER TO TEAR IT DOWN. the way they keep escalating these..pranks? IS TEARING DOWN A BUISSNESS A PRANK?? (the metric by which I decide if its a prank is if its funny to me or not. vlads house being torn down? funny prank. local burger place being torn down? maybe not. MAYBE the naked on the news prank was pushing it because he WAS in a hotel just, minding his own business, but like, he stays bothering danny for no reason when danny is just minding his own business, too! its not right but there IS a sense of vindication here. yknow?
-...'at least now he's channeling his sociopathic lonely bachelor energy into something positive!' this is unironically an insult to actual sociopathic people. 'but he doesnt care about other people!' 'and thats why he'll make a great politician!' BRUTAL. but not untrue? I mean, this is not at ALL surprising. hes a billionaire via cheating and lying, and already a huge Slimeball. So yeah, politician is 100% right.
-but did vlad move to amity park? I might be wrong about this, or illinois laws might be different, but I kinda assumed if you're running for election for mayor in a town, that you had to live within the voting jurisdiction and be registered to vote there. I mean, he's temporarily in a hotel and technically displaced rn (...I thought for sure he'd have more vacation homes...) so I guess there's probably a grace period to find a permanent home in amity park?
-'hes overshadowing the voters!' why...are you surprised, danny???? election fraud is Nothing. did you forget he stole BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.
-ok the school uniforms are kinda cute tho lol.
-NO TEENAGERS ALLOWED IN THE NEW RESTURAUNT?? WHAT KIND OF BUISSNESS IS THAT,, SO PETTY. tucker straight up tearing off the security camera. king of property destruction
-vlad trying to make life hell. For a 14 year old. who is trying to genuinely apologize and offer a truce (despite all the creepy and fucked up things vlad has done to him and his family). what the fuck can I even say about this. I think i've said several times while watching 'what the fuck is wrong with you', i need a stronger statement.
-Teens Against McMasters! Fries Not Lies! I want to see vlad get mauled by teens. I want them to start Throwing Rocks.
-vlad saying 'dudes' is the worst thing I've ever heard.
-frostbite's design is really interesting. ghost...bones... incased in ice?? anyway im so glad danny is getting more hugs :)
-oh, they basically worship(?) or put danny on a pedestal because he defeated pariah?? well IM happy for him having more ghosts that are friendly to him :) also, sam and tucker's lil snow jackets...super cute.
-VLAD ACTUALLY DID GET A CAT AWWW KITTY I WUV U KITTY. who he plays chess with...okay, you know what, thats so valid. and actually, pets are usually actually good for mental health, you have a lil guy to care for and they can give u a reason to try ur best so u can provide for them, and they are always good for comfort...good job, vlad!! next go to therapy. 'if anyone asks, you're my sister's cat!' so does he actually HAVE a sister? can she come beat him up
-sam is Right. they shouldve immediately taken the map back to frostbite! but I get it, exploring Can Be Fun
-'carnivorous canyon' in the ghost zone is just mystery flesh pit
-vlad is going to burn a 14 year old girl at the stake. you know, I half expected clockwork to come up and stop this, because they're fucking with time, BUT. nope. this is nbd, I guess.
-well, blood blossoms are terrifying. I know 'ive never eaten a vegetable in my life!' was tucker being hyperbolic, but this kid is going to get so many digestive problems if he doesnt Start Eating Healthier.
-...vlad wanted to go to rome and be a god?? I want to know where he self-inserted himself in their already established pantheon. what did he say he was the god of??
-how embarrassing, to swordfight a 14 year old and struggle to win. lmfao they keep running vlad off every place he tries to take over
-'if i can destroy the first airplane, man will never fly and I will rule the air!' VLAD. DO YOU THINK. DO YOU THINK THE WRIGHT BROTHERS WERE THE ONLY PEOPLE TO THINK OF AND CONCEPTULIZE FLIGHT???! oh my god he is so dumb. people have always been trying to fly even before that, and even if you destroyed (1) plane its not like no one else could make one??? as if people hadn't already been making hot air balloons since the 1700s??? or coming up with concepts, and studying on how to make them work? starting to think vlad shouldve paid attention in college and not been so fixated on maddie. or, I dunno, read a book in his huge library...(I mean, I dunno what he majored in or studied in college, but it obviously wasnt history...)
-vlad getting his ass kicked by snow dogs and getting shidded on by a pigeon :)
-'hes got more in common with us than he realizes!' DANNY IS A YETI??? CONFIRMED (no,, but I hope that means we'll see more of the far frozen! I like them :)
-what in the world was this episode tho. like..okay?? vlads plans did not make ANY sense to me, like, was I missing something , or. WHY is he so fixated on Ruling all of the sudden...sure he might be power-hungry, feeling powerless can do that and I'm sure the accident/being abandoned made him feel that way, but its always felt like his real end goal was just to steal jack's family out of jealousy and spite, not to like. um,, rule rome I guess. ?? theres No Maddie In Rome, Vlad.
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Steamy Love (A Tom Hiddleston x Reader) Part 21: ~Friendship~
Summary: You spend more quality time with your best friend and best man!
Warnings: None.
Read it on my Wattpad: @/HiddlesStar
Word count: 1715
Author Notes: Sorry this chapter took so long! Had to take a break to get the creativity back. Expect weekly chapter updates to resume again!
Tags: @theoneanna @midnightdragonzero @drakesfiance @kcd15 @ihthr @deviantsendbyreallife @bookgirlunicorn
"What the hell is 'Leg Day'?" Your friend asked, looking rather confused.
Your cheeks immedietly got a little pink. You had remembered in the last live stream you did with Tom, he mentioned the infamous High-Rise 'Leg Day' inside joke you two had created in regards to the first love scene where Laing lifts Charlotte's legs up. He had referenced the joke while talking about how Zero Suit Samus fights in Smash Bros. Ultimate. He didn't explain it, though, keeping the inside joke as an inside joke.
"Umm.." You paused again. You really weren't sure how to explain it, or even if you should explain it. It was a bit...personal.
Before you could really give a response, Tom knocked at the door, walking in once he had permission.
"Are you ladies hungry at all?" He asked. You could tell your friend liked being called that from him. You weren't offended by their little crush. You understood how they were feeling, and it honestly made you feel even luckier to be with Tom.
"I am." You smiled some.
"Me too!" Your friend chirped. "I've barely eaten today."
"Shall we go out for lunch? Say, 10 minutes?.." Tom smiled some.
"In 10 minutes works!" You chirped, and your friend nodded in agreement. Tom gave a little wave and left, closing the door again. Surprisingly, your friend didn't ask about Leg Day again, thankfully. They probably just forgot about it.
After a couple minutes, the three of you left to go get some lunch. Unfortunately by now, the paparazzi knew what streets you and Tom go down to get to places like the grocery store and restaurants, so you'd spot cameras at specific areas. Tom tried not to acknowledge the cameras as you all exited the vehicle after arriving at a lunch joint, but you and your friend gave a slight wave before entering the building, knowing they couldn't follow you in. You were surprised to see that no one in this lunch place knew Tom or you, so you didn't see anyone watching you while you all ate.
"How did you two meet, again?" Your friend asked as you waited for your food.
"I'm surprised she didn't tell you.." Tom smiled, referring to you.
"No I told her. She probably just wants to hear the story again.." You chuckled, getting a little grin from Tom. "We met when he came to my hotel room asking for an extra towel. I didn't even know it was him at that moment.."
"I don't blame you. Me and Loki look nothing alike.." Tom smirked.
"Still, I should've recognized those nice eyes immedietly.." You admitted, getting another big smile from Tom. "It was actually (BF/N) that helped me remember who you were."
"Really?" Tom asked, a little surprised.
"Yeah, I had a call with her on that bus ride to the meeting. That's when she told me. After that, I met you at the meeting the director had set up. That's where I learned we would be costars.."
"Ooh, and the rest is history.." Your friend giggled, nudging you some.
"Do you think you would've realized it was me at the meeting, if she hadn't of reminded you?" Tom asked curiously.
"I mean, they said your last name in the meeting.." You nodded some. "My anxiety would've gone through the roof." You joked, Tom smirking somewhat mischievously.
"I hope you guys weren't having super obvious eye-sex at the meeting." Your friend joked with a chuckle.
"Oh not at all. Not until we got to his hotel room that day.." You admitted with a wink. Tom gave a little snicker.
"I was quite tempted to make a move then, I'll admit.." Tom smirked.
"So was I.." You grinned, seeing Tom's eyes darken and look you over.
"Hey." Your friend snapped their fingers some. "We're in public! Y'all are like rabbits. Jesus.." They shook their head, making you and Tom laugh.
"People would lose their minds if they heard this conversation, I swear.." Your friend laughed, leaning back against their seat.
It was nice reminiscing about your first couple days with Tom, before you had even begun to share a living space. You remember the dark fantasies that had been playing in your head when you went back to his hotel room with him. Now you've probably relived those fantasies twice as much as you expected in your bedroom, and now especially out of the bedroom.
"Let them hear." You shrugged, noticing Tom's slight surprise. You had started to come across paparazzi the more you and Tom have gone out. You wondered if any one of them had watched your streams to get any juicy gossip. Things have been amazing. Any gossip has been good and just excites fans.
During lunch, you talked a lot about your streams. Tom's been really interested in the technical side of it. He's almost been a regular guest. You guys can't even count how many inside jokes you've created.
Leg Day will always be your favourite, of course. It was practically the first.
After dinner, you all returned back to Tom's house. You all decided to stream together. It would probably be a while until the three of you get together again. Now's a good time for it. You all got to play a game together too, deciding to pick Smash Ultimate since it had just come out. Helping Tom figure out these games is one of the best parts of streaming with him. He could be so old sometimes.
"Oh my God, enough with the legs!" You chuckled as you fought against your best friend. They're good with Zero Suit Samus, and they use the Up B attack when you're about 100% to get a stock off you. They're really good.
"What, I thought you liked Leg Day?" Tom commented with a smirk, getting a shy but playful chuckle out of you.
"I don't wanna hear any of that shit, big dog." You chuckled. You could practically hear Tom's big grin as he gave out that iconic 'ehehehe' laugh.
"Y'all still have to tell me what that means." Your friend commented. You gave a slight playful glance to Tom, and he returned the expression. This is very entertaining.
Further into the stream, you were letting your friend teach Tom how to play. He wanted to get better with Joker.
"Joker is a pretty cool character." You admitted with a little smile, keeping an eye on chat while watching Tom and your friend play.
"He seems cool.." Tom smiled. He liked using the white school uniform skin, rather than the mask skins.
"I like his mask. It suits him." Your friend added. "Do you think Loki would ever wear a mask?"
"I don't think he'd want anything to cover his face.." Tom replied. "He may wear one to a Ball, as like a disguise.."
"Who would want to cover those eyes?" You smiled, getting a bashful smile from Tom.
"Very true.." Tom nodded.
As Tom was learning to play, you kept an eye on chat. In a quick moment, something caught your eye.
"Someone sent in a donation and just wrote in 'Nut Hiddleston' and it's really confusing.."
Your friend laughed. "Tom Nut Hiddleston.." They spoke, making you laugh as well.
"Nut? What? What does that mean?" Tom asked, a little confused. "Like a peanut?"
Oh God. That just made you laugh more. How can this man be so innocent in public, but a freak under the bed sheets?
"Sure. A peanut.." You nodded, though you could tell Tom didn't believe that's what it actually meant.
"What? What does it mean?" He asked again, getting all confused when you and your friend giggled. "What does nut mean?"
Him repeating the question just made you laugh more. Hearing it with such a concern tone in his voice was just hilarious. You were starting to notice that little small things he did were funnier than you'd normally think, like him giving little smiles or dropping something. It would give you a warm feeling in your chest, too.
You finally leaned in close to his ear to whisper what it meant. His expression went from slight confusion, to complete embarrassment.
"O-Oh my.." Tom blushed heavily, fixing his glasses. "I-I see.." You giggled again, shaking your head.
"How did you not know what it means?" Your friend asked Tom with a little laugh.
"I don't keep up with today's lingo!" Tom chuckled. "I just learned of what TikTok was the other day..."
"Oh God, TikTok.." Your friend cringed some, making you laugh. "Stay far away from that App, Tom.."
"From what I've heard, I can understand that.." Tom agreed.
After the stream was over, you all got ready for bed. You helped your friend get settled in the guest room, your former bedroom, before going back to your new room to lay down with Tom. You crawled into bed and nuzzled up to his half naked figure. He smiled and wrapped an arm around you.
"I nearly forget the times we slept in separate beds.." Tom admitted.
"I nearly forget what it's like not to wake up with jelly legs.." You added with a shy blush, getting a chuckle from Tom.
"It's not too much, is it?" He asked. "I'm a bit of an...adventurous lover."
"No, it's great.." You smiled, pecking Tom's chest. "You're great.."
Tom smiled, turning off the little side lamp so the room would get dark, laying down on his pillow and closing his eyes to fall asleep.
"...I'm gonna miss this.." You admitted, making him open his eyes again. "After March, you're headed back to the UK and I'm headed home.."
Tom detected the sadness in your voice. Truthfully, he would miss this too, but he couldn't possibly ask you to move in with him, or at the very least, spend another couple months away from home.
"...Hey now, that's not for another couple months.." Tom spoke up, trying to lighten the mood. "Let's enjoy the time we still have together.." He pecked your forehead, making you smile a bit.
"I know.." You spoke in a soft tone, nuzzling close before closing your eyes and falling asleep.
You can't keep delaying this conversation forever, though.
#tom Hiddleston#tom Hiddleston x reader#tom hiddleston fanfiction#tom Hiddleston x you#fanfiction#fanfics#steamy love
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