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Writing Notes: Bruises
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Bruises - or ecchymoses
A discoloration and tenderness of the skin or mucous membranes.
Due to the leakage of blood from an injured blood vessel into the tissues.
Pupura - bruising as the result of a disease condition.
A very small bruise is called a petechia.
These often appear as many tiny red dots clustered together, and could indicate a serious problem.
Pattern of a Bruise
Bruises change colors over time in a predictable pattern, so it is possible to estimate when an injury occurred by the color of the bruise.
Initially, a bruise will be reddish, the color of the blood under the skin.
After one to two days, the red blood cells begin to break down, and the bruise will darken to a blue or purplish color.
This fades to green at about day 6.
Around the 8th or 9th day, the skin over the bruised area will have a brown or yellowish appearance, and it will gradually diminish back to its normal color.
Long periods of standing will cause the blood that collects in a bruise to seep through the tissues.
Bruises are actually made of little pools of blood, so the blood in one place may flow downhill after awhile and appear in another.
For instance, bruising in the back of the abdomen may eventually appear in the groin; bruising in the thigh or the knee will work its way down to the ankle.
The blood under the skin that causes the discoloration of bruising should be totally reabsorbed by the body in 3 weeks or less.
At that time, the skin color should completely return to normal.
Sometimes, a bruise may become solid and increase in size instead of dissolving. This may indicate blood trapped in the tissues, which may be need to be drained. This is referred to as a hematoma.
Less commonly, the body may develop calcium deposits at the injury site in a process called heterotopic ossification.
A bruise by itself needs no medical treatment.
It is often recommended that ice packs be applied on and off during the first 24 hours of injury to reduce the bruising.
After that, heat, especially moist heat, is recommended to increase the circulation and the healing of the injured tissues.
Rest, elevation of the affected part, and compression with a bandage will also retard the accumulation of blood.
Rarely, if a bruise is so large that the body cannot completely absorb it or if the site becomes infected, it may have to be surgically removed.
Vitamin K promotes normal clotting in the blood, and therefore may help reduce the tendency to bruise easily. Green leafy vegetables, alfalfa, broccoli, seaweed, and fish liver oils are dietary sources of vitamin K.
Other good foods to eat would be those containing bioflavonoids, such as reddish-blue berries. These can assist in strengthening the connective tissue, which will decrease the spread of blood and bruising.
Zinc and vitamin C supplements are also recommended for this.
Sources: 1 2 ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References Writing Realistic Injuries ⚜ On Anatomy ⚜ Fight Scenes Part 1 2
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Writing References: Character Development
50 Questions ⚜ "Well-Rounded Character" Worksheet
Basics: How to Write a Character ⚜ A Story-Worthy Hero
Basics: Character-Building ⚜ Character Creation
Key Characters ⚜ Literary Characters ⚜ Morally Grey Characters
Personality Traits
5 Personality Traits (OCEAN) ⚜ 16 Personality Traits (16PF)
600+ Personality Traits
East vs. West Personalities ⚜ Trait Theories
Character Issues
Character Tropes for Inspiration
Tips from Rick Riordan
Writing Notes
Allegorical Characters
Binge ED
Childhood Bilingualism ⚜ Children's Dialogue ⚜ On Children
Culture ⚜ Culture: Two Views ⚜ Culture Shock
Emotional Intelligence ⚜ Genius (Giftedness)
Emotions ⚜ Anger ⚜ Fear ⚜ Happiness ⚜ Sadness
Facial Expressions
Fantasy Creatures
Happy/Excited Body Language ⚜ Laughter & Humor
Hate ⚜ Love
Health ⚜ Frameworks of Health
Identifying Character Descriptions
Jargon ⚜ Logical Fallacies ⚜ Memory
Mutism ⚜ Shyness
Parenting Styles
Psychological Reactions to Unfair Behavior
Rhetoric ⚜ The Rhetorical Triangle
Swearing & Taboo Expressions
Thinking ⚜ Thinking Styles ⚜ Thought Distortions
Uncommon Words: Body ⚜ Emotions
Voice & Accent
Writing References: Plot ⚜ World-building
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woke up and someone spilled vanilla extract all over my dash, so as punishment you strange little beasties are getting all the VANILLA FACTS i know:
vanilla is the 2nd most expensive spice in the world (2nd to saffron)
which is why more than 99% of what we call "vanilla extract" is actually vanillin (vanilla's dominant flavor compound) and is not extracted from real vanilla.
luckily, even professionals struggle to tell the difference when it comes to things like baked goods. but there is a distinct difference in non-heat treated products like vanilla ice cream. real vanilla has a more complex, individualized flavor profile.
why is vanilla so expensive? because it is a ridiculously delicate & demanding crop. complete primadonna.
vanilla beans come from vanilla orchids. these crazy flowers bloom for A SINGLE DAY and have to be HAND-POLLINATED in a process that is exhausting, delicate, and requires specialist knowledge passed down over generations.
then, if you're lucky, you get vanilla beans.
which then require months of further specialized treatment.
the entire process takes about a year and can go wrong at any stage
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vanilla has been cultivated for over 800 years (possibly much longer). the first known cultivators are the Totonac, an indigenous people of Mexico.
the Aztecs used it as a sweetener to balance out the bitter taste of cocoa. it was popular in a drink called xocolatl--the precursor to modern hot chocolate!
it is only pollinated by a very specific orchid bee!!!
which is why no fruit could be grown outside of Mexico until the 1800s
Edmond Albius, born into slavery, invented the pollination method we still use today--launching a global industry when he was just 12 years old.
today, the majority of the world's vanilla is grown in Madagascar
if you want real vanilla, read the labels carefully--it's harder to find than you think!
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in conclusion, those tiny black specks you see in fancy vanilla ice cream? those are vanilla bean seeds! itty bitty orchid seeds!!! they are delicious and also a PRISSY BITCH!
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Good Omens S2 Transcripts
Been working on these for a few weeks now, and they're finally done!
I really missed having the Script Book to refer to, especially when writing fic, so I made the next best thing, which is some transcripts (+minor descriptions)
UPDATE: Google docs links below:
Episode One
Episode Two
Episode Three
Episode Four
Episode Five
Episode Six
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