#i'm sorry this answer is so short!!! brain is not. cooperating. but i love the way you're tying this all together
So sorry for such a late reply work has been crazy the last couple of days and haven't had the time to atcually sit and type lengthy messages lol
I like that idea with Zoe and meds, that could be very interesting!! So the same night I sent you that message I had a dream about an idea for it all (go figure right?) So now I'm kind of deciding between your idea and what my sleepy mind came up with :') My minds idea was that Josh and Jim were super close growing up but a year before events that I will explain Jim had a case and it really got to him and he started missing his sons games/band gigs etc cause he had to help the victim now Jim would miss things with his kids here and there and they understood but this was constant he eventually did catch the guy and whilst the kdis were mad they thought things would now be back to normal but it wasn't to be as Jim was so affected by the case cause the victim died before he could save her and get her husband so he went further and further into his cases instead of getting help and became more and more distant and Josh was especially affected cause whilst he loved his mum and sisters he needed his dad so he started rebelling not caring so much about school, hanging around the wrong kind of kids.. Then came a case about an abused child who was around Zoe's age and Jim wasn't going to let anything more happen to her so he fought and fought and then one night when he found out the father had yet again done something to the little girl he lost it and beat the guy but didn't kill him but hospitalized him but the guy ended up dying and Jim was charged with murder even believing that he had to of done it as he beat him so bad.. A few years passed and the wife of the deceased guy admitted to her close friend it had been her who had killed her husband she had been so scared to stand up to him he beat her and her little girl and she was so ashamed she didn't have the guts to stand up to him for her and she saw an opportunity to finally get him away from them both and she took it and eventually all this got back to the law enforcement and Jim had to be released from jail..and then comes the move cause Jim can't work where he use to anymore with eeyrbody looking and they don't want to stay in town anymore and yeha hopefully this makes sense and even sounds ok cause i've just pretty much rambled this out as i'm a tad tipsy right now so it's a miracle I got this far x'D
Oh, wow!! I finally got a chance to sit down and read all of this, and ohhhhh my goodness my heart!!! It makes so much sense, though, and I can totally see that. ;-;
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xtra7s · 6 months
First, I love your work!
Second Clicking ont the yes baby button made me feel things !
Third I was wondering if you could write about Leighton or Renée who has an hidden anxiety disorder
Thanks ♤
𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦
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Leighton Murray x Fem!reader
Synopsis: Your girlfriend Leighton is struggling.
Content: Anxiety attacks, fem reader, ummm idk fluff
Word Count: 1.1k
a/n: LOVE REQUEST SO MUCH HOPE I DID IT WELL IM SORRY ITS SHORT (Glad the button made u feel things)
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Leighton's heart raced like a runaway train, each beat reverberating through her chest like a drumbeat of impending doom. She stared blankly at the pages of her math textbook, the equations and formulas blurring together into an indecipherable mess. No matter how hard she tried to focus, her mind refused to cooperate, consumed instead by a rising tide of panic.
"I can't do this," Leighton whispered to herself, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own ragged breaths. "fuck I can't do this."
She raked a hand through her hair, tugging at the perfectly styled blonde locks in frustration. This wasn't like her. Leighton Murray was known for her sharp intellect and unwavering confidence, especially when it came to academics. But now, faced with the looming specter of failure, she felt utterly powerless.
The fluorescent lights of the college dorm hallway cast a stark glow on the beige walls, as Bela, Leighton's roommate, hurriedly dialed Y/N's number. She could hear the faint sound of Leighton's pacing from the other side of the door, mixed with the irregular rhythm of her breaths.
"Come on, pick up," Bela muttered under her breath, anxiety lacing her voice as she waited for the call to connect.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Y/N answered. "Bela? What's up?"
"Y/N listen, something's wrong with Leighton. She's freaking out about something. I don't know what to do."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the urgency in Bela's voice. Leighton was known for her impeccable composure, if she was hyperventilating over something, it had to be serious.
"I'm on my way," Y/N said without hesitation, grabbing her jacket and keys before rushing out of her own dorm room.
Minutes later, Y/N knocked on the door of Leighton and Bela's room, her heart pounding in her chest. Bela opened the door, her eyes wide with concern as she stepped aside to let Y/N in.
Leighton was pacing around her room, her usually perfectly styled blonde hair in disarray, and her hands shaking as she clenched and unclenched her hands.
"Leighton, hey," Y/N said softly, crossing the room to grab ahold of Leighton's hand softly, stopping the pacing. "What's going on? Why are you so worked up?"
Leighton looked up, her blue eyes swimming with panic and vulnerability. "Y/N, I… I don't know what to do. My brain is all scrambled and I can't memorize these formulas for shit I don't know what's wrong with me."
Y/N's heart broke at the sight of Leighton's distress. She smiled sadly at her, offering a reassuring squeeze to her hand.
"Hey, look at me," Y/N said, her voice steady and soothing. "You are more than capable, Leighton. You're brilliant, and you know this stuff. I know you do, you're quite literally the smartest girl on campus."
Y/N noticed Leighton's breathing picking up, and she gently guided Leighton to sit down on the edge of her bed.
"Hey, it's okay," Y/N said soothingly, her voice a beacon of calm in the storm. "Just breathe with me, alright?"
Leighton nodded shakily, her breaths coming in short, shallow gasps. Y/N settled down beside her, taking Leighton's trembling hands in her own and guiding them to her chest.
"Feel my breath," Y/N instructed, her voice soft and reassuring. "Inhale… and exhale."
Together, they began to breathe in tandem, the steady rise and fall of Y/N's chest a comforting rhythm against Leighton's fingertips. With each breath, the tight knot of tension in Leighton's chest began to loosen, replaced instead by a sense of peace and calm.
As they continued the exercise, Y/N whispered words of encouragement, her voice a gentle melody soothing Leighton's frazzled nerves. And with each passing moment, the storm raging inside Leighton began to subside until all that remained was the quiet serenity of the present moment.
"Better?" Y/N asked, her eyes searching Leighton's for any sign of distress.
Leighton nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Thank you, Y/N," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
Y/N smiled back, her heart swelling with love for the girl sitting beside her. "You don't have to do anything alone, Leighton. I'm here for you, always."
Leighton's breathing began to slow as she focused on Y/N's comforting words. With each steady inhale and exhale, the tension in her body began to ease.
After the storm of panic had passed, their fingers stayed intertwined as they basked in the calmness that filled the room. But amidst the tranquility, Y/N couldn't shake the nagging concern that had been gnawing at her since she first saw Leighton in distress.
"Leighton," Y/N began softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "do you… do you have an anxiety disorder? I'm so sorry if that's rude to ask, I've just noticed you get really.. panicked sometimes."
Leighton's breath hitched at the question, her eyes widening in surprise. She hadn't expected Y/N to pick up on the underlying issue so quickly, let alone address it so directly.
"Yeah," Leighton admitted hesitantly, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "I do."
Y/N's brow furrowed in concern as she faced Leighton, her expression a mixture of empathy and confusion. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"
Leighton looked away, her gaze fixed on a spot on the floor as she struggled to find the right words. "I guess… I guess I was scared," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Scared that you would think less of me, or that you wouldn't understand."
Y/N reached out and gently lifted Leighton's chin, guiding her to meet her gaze. "Leighton, I could never think less of you," she said earnestly, her eyes filled with sincerity. "You're still the same amazing person I fell in love with, anxiety disorder or not."
Leighton's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she absorbed Y/N's words, her heart overflowing with gratitude for the unwavering love and acceptance she found in Y/N's embrace.
"Thank you," Leighton whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
Y/N smiled softly, leaning in to press a tender kiss to Leighton's forehead. "You never have to face anything alone, Leighton. I'm here for you, always."
And as they sat together in the quiet intimacy of Leighton's room, surrounded by the gentle warmth of their love, Leighton knew with unwavering certainty that no matter what challenges life threw their way, as long as she had Y/N by her side, she could weather any storm.
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naavispider · 8 months
Merciless - chapter 4
It's a short one so I've posted it under the cut, or here is the link to AO3 if you're the kind of lovely human who likes to leave comments 🥰 Sorry I'm a day late 💞💙💞💙
“Why are we here? Where is this?” Spider took a step closer to the glass, his body pumping with adrenaline. 
John Mercer smiled in that ugly way of his. In all of Spider’s life, he had never seen a smile as chilling as Mercer’s. 
“We are in a facility to the West of Bridgehead. Fifty cliques away from the city.”
Spider blanched - he couldn’t help himself. Fifty cliques? That was over a week away on foot. 
“I’m waiting for the why,” Spider stressed. 
“Welcome to Kinglor Base, Miles. This is a specialist facility built purely for scientific research. You may have seen some of our tech on the way in.”
“Research on what?” Spider hissed. A sinking feeling was making its way through his stomach, clenching his intestines in a tight, cold fist. 
Mercer looked at him like he couldn’t wait to answer. Like he was feeding off Spider’s fear. “On you.”
For a second, Spider was stunned. Then, slowly, he let out a low laugh. “Right. Okay,” he smirked, but inside his guts were churning with hot fear. 
“I would tell you not to worry, but I’d probably be lying. This is not an ideal situation for you, I understand that. But unfortunately for you, your body holds answers to some of humanity’s greatest questions. It is my job to ensure we educate ourselves.”
Spider was staring at Mercer as he tried to process this. He heard the words but his brain just couldn’t compute what Mercer was telling him. Eventually, he pulled himself together enough to respond. “What do you mean? My body? I’m human, just like you!”
Mercer appraised him with a pitying look in his eye, which sent chills down deep into Spider’s bones. The man shook his head slowly. “You’re adapted to Pandora in a way that nobody else is. You grew up here, surely you’ve noticed how different you are from others? How much… stronger.”
A rage of fury flashed through Spider's chest in that moment, and as if to prove Mercer’s point, he took an aggressive step forwards to meet the glass separating them and sank his fist into it with a snarl. Mercer watched his attempt to break the glass without raising an eyebrow. Unfortunately, Spider’s outburst had no effect whatsoever on the glass, creating only a low thud that echoed through both rooms. He clenched his fist again, cursing himself internally for the pain now radiating out from his knuckles. 
“I don’t expect you to understand, of course, but getting angry is not going to help. The best thing you can do is accept the situation and cooperate,” Mercer sniffed imperiously. “Not that it matters much to me.”
“You can’t keep me in here.”
Mercer frowned in a way that told Spider as clear as day that he wasn’t sympathetic in the slightest. “Sorry… But that’s exactly what I am doing.”
“Does Quaritch know about this?” Spider’s heart was racing a hundred miles an hour, making it difficult for him to hear anything other than his own blood pounding in his ears. He had to believe the answer was no. 
Mercer paused for a moment, as if deciding what to say. “That is none of your concern,” he settled on after a moment. 
“Mercer!” he shouted, though it came out as more of a snarl. 
Mercer simply shrugged. “You won’t be seeing him again. I’m not sure why you’re so concerned, to be honest.” He levelled Spider with a dangerous glint in those cold, grey eyes.
Spider’s shoulders were rising heavily. When had he got so out of breath? He could feel Mercer’s unspoken dare hanging in the air. With as much gusto as he could summon, he held Mercer’s stare. “He would never allow this.”
“And why is that?”
Spider held eye contact as long as he dared. Quaritch was the one person who might just stick up for him. If he ended up being complicit in the whole thing…
“No one here has raised a single objection, Miles. The case has been approved by the ethics board and so will proceed. I know it’s a lot to take in.”
Approved? How could this possibly be above board? 
“You’re not a citizen, Miles. You don’t belong anywhere. You’re not even documented. There’s no legal evidence that you exist at all.”
Spider’s retort got stuck in his throat. As he processed Mercer's words, he realised he had no reply. Mercer was talking to him like he wasn’t even human, like he had no rights at all. “Fuck you,” he said with venom. 
This only brought a callous smirk to Mercer’s lips. “We’re not wasting any time. In a moment the medics will be in to take your baseline data. Are you going to behave or will we need to restrain you?”
Spider scoffed, taking a step back. It felt like he was on a train headed straight for a crash and there was no way to jump off. If what Mercer said was really true then he was utterly screwed. He had a choice to make. 
“What the hell are these baselines?” he growled, bidding for time. 
“Standard protocol,” Mercer replied casually. “Height, weight, muscle mass, blood pressure… that kind of thing.”
“You know I can’t trust a word that comes out of your mouth, right?”
“No,” Mercer smiled. “But as we’ve established, you don’t really have a choice.
Spider snarled, but didn't reply. 
“Now be a good little boy and don’t put up a fight. I don’t need any more men or women in the med bay.”
Was that supposed to be a guilt trip? For a second, Spider almost considered that he’d been too physical with the security, but then he remembered why he was here and the bubble of rage in his chest painted his insides hot again. Before he could answer, a quiet buzz sounded by the sliding glass door, and he turned to see a woman who looked to be in her late thirties with brown hair and kind eyes step over the threshold, flanked by two armed guards. 
“Hello, Spider,” she said. “My name’s Janine.”
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
Hey hey, how about 27, 31 & 39 for weird questions for writers 😊
Hello! Sorry for taking some time to answer -- I was really tired and needed to get some rest :) oh, and thanks for the questions, of course!
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Oh, so far it's got to be Rose from Golden Girls. I feel like there's a very delicate balance to writing her POV, and it's easy to get it wrong. Like, I don't know -- take St Olaf stories. They're a part of Rose, so you really can't avoid them when writing her POV for long enough, and they've got to be ridiculous, but not mind-numbingly stupid, because at some point they stop being funny and become frustrating. You know?
I will say it's worth it, though. I love Rose to bits, and as stressful as it can be to get her thought process just right, it's also a lot of fun!
31. Write a short love letter to your readers.
A love letter? What could I write in a love letter that I haven't written in my works? :)
You know I write for myself, but I'd be lying if I said I don't think of you all when I'm writing something. I anticipate your reactions to certain scenes, I get curious about your general thoughts, I wonder if someone will notice something that flew under my radar and surprise me with it... it's lovely! I had no idea that writing could be such a cooperative effort before, and it warms my heart.
I don't know much about love. I'm on the aromantic spectrum, and I've only ever fallen in love once -- but, in my very humble opinion, a big part of love is consideration, it's paying attention, it's building up a conversation. If that's true, then any of my works is a love letter to anyone that reads it. <3
Oh, and of course: thank you, so much, if you've read any of my works. I'm still shocked at the idea that there are people out there who are actually interested in what I write. It's an incredible feeling.
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
Mostly, I try not to get to the point where I feel like giving up! If I notice I'm getting frustrated with a work, I put it down and go do something else, maybe leave it be for a while. Sometimes you just need to give your brain a break! I just try not to be too hard on myself about writing in general -- this is a hobby for me, it's supposed to be fun. If it's not, that means I probably need to focus on some other hobby for some time, and I'll come back to it when I'm ready.
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mayybirds · 2 years
Is the Winters family still in some kind of contact with other survivors? I’d love to hear more about them, and what life is like in their situation. (for ttvtl)
ah anon my secret favorite!! questions about the Winterses <3 <3.
The short answer here is yes. Delia, Michael, and Ethan live civilian lives first and foremost (Ava is...more complicated), but I think they still maintain their contacts in Survivor networks. I don't want to paint them as like...cool spies or some shit with Secret Networks, but they do have like...contacts and people they can reach out to when there's trouble. To me that's just a natural facet of a group of people who experienced a massively traumatic and "othering" life event, that they'd band together and many would maintain some kind of distant contact even years and years on (sources: history, and I am Jewish lol). To me, I picture Survivor Networks as these weird, lopsidedly-interconnected webs of people who are basically running their own semi-self-sufficient Witness Protection program. You can't go making trouble for people, but there's people you can rely on for shelter and help if you need to disappear or need new documents.
I've tried to lightly make reference to this in chapter...five, I believe, of TtVtL, when Ethan has his panic attack in the car. He basically is having this moment of realization that he's like...totally blown his civilian cover wide open, because naturally the BSAA will go investigating into him and his identity as Ethan Winters is not going to hold up under scrutiny, especially since there's nothing more than a very sparsely planted paper trail to even show "Ethan Winters" existed before he was about fifteen, because he....didn't. And if the BSAA/government finds him, they find Delia and Michael (and Ava, possibly). And they potentially find the people they know--a bunch of other survivors living under false names / under new identities as well.
Like, would all these people be in immediate danger if the government got their hands on these names 20 years down the line?? Maybe not necessarily?? Ethan definitely has some level of (well-earned) paranoia towards the BSAA. But I think it's like...complicated overall.
Aaa okay so. To my mind. Quick jump into my own lore bc sorry I'm obsessed with the aftermath of Raccoon City and the fact that it has not been explored in a promising manner in a main game--and no random unlockable DLC documents or a character mentioning something offhandedly doesn't COUNT--in years (aside from remakes buffing things up a little) is a CRIME (fun fact there were some early side-games set from civilian perspectives escaping Raccoon City that were like...semi-canon or canon divergent!! But they're basically never mentioned now because they're not included on main game lineups and they were never remastered and it's fucking impossible to get your hands on a copy of these games now... so they're basically lost?? kind of?? At least unless you have a lot of time and money to go hunting them down and get the consoles necessary to play them).
Right. Lore. So to my brain there's like three main classes of Raccoon City survivors in the 2010s/the beginning of the TtVtL timeline: Public Survivors, Survivor Network Re-homed Survivors, and Underground Survivors.
For background I genuinely believe given the nature of how government and official powers are treated in the original RE games 1-3, corrupt officials would have cooperated with Umbrella to make Raccoon City survivors "disappear." Like sorry the entire thing of the original games is like...sometimes the people in power are the most corrupt and will choose self-interest over the greater good. The most powerful people in the Raccoon City Police Department--Chief Irons and Wesker, the leader of STARS--actively worked for/with Umbrella, and betrayed their own people and left them to die to cover up their crimes. IRONS FUCKING HELPED SMUGGLE ORPHANS TO UMBRELLA FOR TESTING LIKE KDFSJG. Lore in the RE2 remake also suggests the mayor was in on this shit!!!! and Umbrella actively built into the city's sewer systems and their experiments were loose down there--AGAIN suggesting gov officials knew this and just. didn't give a shit.
And RE3's ENTIRE PLOT is like...cover-up. The Nemesis is released on the city, never mind what havoc it reaps, to kill the remaining STARS members who might be able to publicly testify to what happened in the mansion incident (I think LITERALLY only Jill, Barry, Chris, and Rebecca are left as far as STARS members go post-3?). It is pretty outrightly established some of the UBCS, paramilitary soldiers employed by Umbrella, are shooting survivors. And what's the national government's response?? THEY NUKE THE FUCKING CITY?? Supposedly to contain the virus but let's be honest it's probably primarily to take out witnesses to Umbrella's crimes and the government's knowledge of those crimes. The national government was in on this shit. There's plenty of supporting document evidence in RE2 and RE3 in that, and supporting content from later installments (the references in later games to the public trials Umbrella had once this shit came to light and it also became obvious Umbrella had some influence over governing (pharmaceutical) bodies, and like...EVERYTHING ABOUT INFINITE DARKNESS...).
Basically like... I 120% headcanon that the military would have "disappeared" survivors/witnesses of Raccoon City they caught escaping, and locked them up or just...straight up shot them. So I believe there were few, if any, public survivors of Raccoon City who were not already too difficult to disappear (see: the STARS members who would go on to help form BSAA, not that people didn't try like hell to kill them...), or who the government didn't have an interest in keeping alive (see: the government moving and giving new identities to Umbrella scientists who they thought were still useful). The vast majority of people who survived Raccoon City were civilians who went on the lamb, took on new names, and cooperated with one another to establish new identities in other parts of the country/world.
After Umbrella publicly went on trial / some of what happened in Raccoon City came into the public consciousness in the 2000s, I imagine some survivors came forward publicly now that the public eye could somewhat protect them. But these people will be public figures for the rest of their lives, and they're probably still being surveilled... tapped phones, no-fly lists. The government will be watching these people to make sure they don't say anything TOO incriminating--and for those who came publicly forward with the intent to GET rowdy, I again have no doubt some ended up dead or threatened into backing down.
So, again, I think the vast majority of survivors remain under new identities.
I think the third group of survivors (spoilers: people like Ava), are people still actively looking to expose the rest of Umbrella's crimes and the national government's full culpability in what happened. All survivors are leery of the gov, the BSAA, the DSO, Blue Umbrella, etc., but these are the people who are like... these institutions and the people in them who helped cover up what happened or who worked with Umbrella will fucking answer for their crimes. Full exposure. Public outcry. The redacted version the public got is not enough. And these people will do whatever it takes to make this happen--get insurrection-y about it, infiltrate these orgs, leak documents, fuck em. Someone is going to pay. Trial by public opinion, baby.
(To my mind, this movement, while a minority of survivors, has a lot of traction, especially among younger survivors of Raccoon City. And at this point they probably have quiet backing from people who sympathize with their cause but work under more "public facing" fronts. For example, I believe Claire would absolutely be involved in this stuff. We don't have a clear picture of what TerraSave, the nonprofit she works for, does beyond "helping with the civilian catastrophes that result from bioweapon outbreaks" etc etc., but everything about how Claire is written reads as someone who'd go full "fuck you you're going to answer for this." The release of Infinite Darkness wildly supported my headcanons there and padded them out--like girly you work for a nonprofit but you're spending your time investigating cover-ups, harassing public officials you think are in on shit, and trying to convince Leon to leak information on the government's war crimes?? Babes you're not an aid worker, you're a fucking survivor rebel who wants the truth Out There.)
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emptymanuscript · 8 months
OMG - I have SOOOOOO much brain fog right now.
... <_<
And yet I am also being productive ????
For me, anyway.
I also kind of just need to scream in excitement because I feel like my IRL group is really getting going and I'm so excited and I want to go to back to sleep but also just run around like my hair is on fire and do everything and like call everybody and say, hey, I'm terrible at organizing and communicating and saying anything short but I want to volunteer for everything. Please let me love you all and do anything anyone needs so we can get momentum and totally be a thing and I love that we've been named a "co-op" because OMG I so wanna cooperate with you all, when can we meet? How can I help? What can I ddddoooooo???
It's weird because one guy - I'll refer to him as F, and I thought we weren't going to get him because he is a bit farther away than a lot of other people and I'm so happy that he has joined because he is EXACTLY the sort of person you want in this kind of group, like, seriously, you find someone who is dedicated and eager and throwing their whole-ass-self body, mind, and soul into being present and engaged and OPEN, OMG, F is open. He is there to learn and there to work and there to find joy in the moment. AndI'm just really excited he joined but anyw - F was talking about how he meets up with other writers and just gets inspired to write and was sort of betting on how we would respond the same after this last (first? I have no idea how to classify this stuff. I don't even really know what is going on. Just that it is good and exciting and I want to be MORE of a part of it) meeting and be really inspired to write. And I'm not... really. Like I'm absolutely feeling inspired but it's not so much for writing. I'm feeling inspired to join or contribute or be active or something like that. I'm inspired to be more a part of this whatever it turns out to be. This co-op of writers is what I want out of life. More of this please. Let me contribute more in some way. :/ I just need to figure out how to do it without like begging and needing my hand held and constant instruction.
And I can't think straight for more than a minute. But I feel fine if I'm still and don't move and ignore the fairly blazing headache. I should eat. I should drink. I should go back to looking at the co-op information instead of running around screaming about it.
Just needed to run around and scream a bit.
... I wonder if this is why that guy I knew in college said he felt like I was a helium ballooon and his job was to grab me and pull me down before I flew away. Dude, I'm just excited ok? And you're the one who has to explore and touch everything? Please don't turn that. He was cooler than the rest of our group in retrospect. He got shafted with the short end of the stick. Suck. My friends in college were so DRAMA. I'm so strangely both anti-drama and sure love being around the people who have it.
Maybe it's nice to be the quiet and stoic one for a change.
Hmmm... I should probably remember that for therapy. That sounds like a rich vein. You're fine, how am I... so if you're all nuts, that must mean I'm sane and reserved. Hooray!! Yeah, I bet I can talk about some projection or something in that.
I may need to engage in some self care like food and drink and sleep... maybe some breathing exercises. After I get back to the co-op.
Sorry for the screaming. I'm just full of HEEEEEEElium. Like a baloon. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
0_= I'm tired now. Thanks for watching me something something. We now return you to your regularly scrolling dash. Or not. Maybe you need self care, too. Maybe tumblr is not the answer. Doubtful ;p but possible ;p
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blackthunder137 · 2 years
may may may
may you forgive me!! im so late but I just couldn't get free😭😭
but imma try my best to flood you with my asks now ;)
🎵Mystery of Love- Tell me who's concert would you like to attend and with whom. I'll make a short blurb for it with a few pics.
Alec benjamin withhhhh draco?
Warnings- Fluff; pure fluff 
a/n- Babe, I am sorry for responding this late. I know the celebration is over and I am still here answering asks and who doesn’t want to attend Alec Benjamin’s concert. I hope you like this :)
Draco Malfoy masterlist
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Draco's dorm was your destination. He was the only person who listened to you. You walked into his dorm and saw him studying. You sighed deeply and sat on his bed, laying down with the blankets pulled up to your face.
Draco became aware of this and paused his work. "What's the matter, love?" he inquired as he wheeled his chair around to face you. "I hate myself," you whined as you peered a little through the side of the blanket.
He got out of his chair and walked up to you, climbing in and crawling beneath the blankets with you. "Alright, then, let me love you, even more, today," he added. But I'm curious as to what's wrong. "
"I forgot to attend Alec Benjamin's concert," you continued complaining. "I-I promise I was going to, but my brain decided not to cooperate. I had wanted to visit there. I am so so stupid. " You hid beneath the sheets, dejected. His music was one of your favourites. You've always wanted to attend one of his concerts, but you missed the one chance you got to.
You being whiny drew a little smile on Draco's lips. When you were sad or felt miserable, he loved you even more. All of your flaws were perfection to him, and he knew he had to be there for you, which he was. He hugged you from behind and murmured, "Hey, I know it's quite awful to have missed your favourite singer's concert, but you have to understand that he will be returning again and again, and it's also awesome because you get to be with me, and let me tell you that I love you so very much." He hugged you from behind and murmured, " Every day, not just today, tomorrow, Your smile lets me forget about my problems and brightens my day. Will you, princess, please smile for me? "
You gave him a tiny smile as you turned your head to where he was. "Yes, that's what I want," he continued. Whatever happens, you'll have someone to rely on, and that someone is me. I can't bear seeing my girlfriend so upset, so I'll grab us some snacks and we'll watch a movie together, but first I need you to reassure me that you're fine and-"
You hugged him so tightly that he was cut in half. He made you feel special and unique as if you were the only girl in the world. everything that he does. He was the only thing that was always on your mind.
He grinned broadly and hugged you tightly, holding you close. You were everything to him, and once he had you, he never wanted to lose you. These are the things that make life worthwhile.
You whispered a little "Thank you and I love you so much" against his chest as he caressed your back.
"I love you too, my beautiful y/n," he whispered as he kissed your forehead.
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the-wee-woo-royal · 3 years
Bath Time
Renegades Ship Week #1 l FREE DAY!
AHHHHH sorry this is late, my brain wasn't cooperating.
Im making it a personal goal to try and get a dirty joke in all my fics. I just have too, sorry not sorry.
Hugh and Simon - 28 yrs old / A few years after aoa
Simon basically skipped to the office he and Hugh shared. The time they had together lately was minimal but now he was free and Hugh could be if he just put down his pen.
Oh and he would, Simon just needed to persuade him a bit.
This was gonna be fun.
When he arrived, Simon knocked on the door frame a few times. He was only met with a grunt, which he guessed was a substitute for a ‘Hello, Darling, what is the reason your presence graces me today’, or something.
Simon knocked again, this time Hugh looked up, “What's up, Si?” Simon put up his most mischievous smile, “Nothing, really. I'm just going to take a bath in a moment.” Hugh paused for a second, hope leaping into Simon's chest, but ultimately his Hugh was not on the same page, “Didn’t you shower last night? I remember because I left the water running for you.” It was a habit they'd yet to break. Back at Simon's house the water, especially hot, would pick and choose when to work so they would keep it on and just jump in after another.
Simon dramatically sighed, “Yes, I did but this is a de-stress bath. With the jets and maybe some bubbles…” Simon trailed off, not breaking eye contact with his husband.
Hugh on the other hand had other plans. He looked back down at the papers he had, “Oh, ok. I'll make sure no one touches the water.”
I love this man but oh my, THIS MAN.
“I'll probably bring out a bottle of wine.”
“Good, you deserve it.”
“I have two glasses.”
Simon was about to explode. He wasn’t gonna lie, he loved the teasing, but he loved it more when the other was a little more receptive. But then he remembered who he married. Hugh Everhart, Captain Chromium, one of the best superheroes and self-taught detective… couldn't pick up a not so subtle hint from his husband. Ironic.
Simon wasn't sure why he was surprised anymore. It was funny, honestly, at most times.
Simon straightened himself, “Would. You. Like. To. Join?” He said, clapping his hands on each word.
Hugh’s eyes widened, “Oh, love... umm, I got some work to do.” He shot Simon a guilty smile, “maybe next time.”
Simon dramatically sagged and pouted, Hugh seeing right through him only chuckled, “Don't do that. You know we can't.”
Simon, still wearing a faux sadness facade, turned and slowly started walking out. Hugh shook his head, “I love you, Darling. Next time, I promise.” Simon turned back, adding onto his act with a quivering lip, “Simonnn!” Hugh extended his name, rolling his head back. He hesitated for a moment before letting loose a short laugh, “I’ve got a short call in a minute so just prep everything and I'll meet you there. I'll only have like a little more than a half an hour.”
Simon's demeanor switched in a flash, “Fuck yeah!” He walked away from Hugh, who was still chuckling. He then turned back and entered the room again, “When you say prep everything, do you mean…” he ran a hand seductively down his body, “everything?” Hugh’s eyes trailed the slow movement. He didn't answer for a moment, but shook out of his short trance, “I said a short bath,” he snapped, payfully. Simon raised his hands, smiling, “Let a man dream.”
Hugh only rolled his eyes, blowing his husband a quick kiss before he picked up the now ringing phone. Simon pretended to catch the kiss and threw Hugh a finger gun. Simon stopped in the hallway when he got there. A finger gun?
God, he was so damn gay.
When Hugh was finished with his call he went straight to their room. Simon had always wanted a good room, bathroom and closet.
Hugh didn't know why. When he asked Simon years ago, he said he didn't really know either, it was just his dream.
When their friends would ask Simon what he would do if he got a lot of money he always said renovate a bed, bath and closet. Always. Simon was a man that didn't need much and appreciated what he had but if he could have a better room he would go for it.
So when they moved into the mayor's mansion Hugh let Simon do his dream thing. Their room, connected bathroom and walk-in closet was all Simon. All of it. Hugh didn't really have taste, and he also didn't want to get teased by Simon and Kasumi for choosing the ‘obvious no-go.’ Hugh was only consulted a handful of times, like choosing between sliding and a standard door for the closet. He chose standard… Simon went sliding.
He later learned that Simon and sometimes Kasumi, when Simon allowed her to help (which was still scarce, given it was his dream), specifically went to him for what not to go with when they were conflicted.
Hugh was a little offended at first but… who could blame them. He still gave Simon the silent treatment for a little over a day to make sure it didn't happen again.
Hugh stripped down, putting all his clothes away, and entered the bathroom. Simon wasn’t lying when he said de-stress. He had his eyes closed and his head was leaning against the side.
Simon didn't budge as Hugh slid in the deep tub across from him. Hugh admired him for a few minutes. He was just in awe that someone could be so perfect. It seemed impossible but with Simon, not having a care in the world how he looked, with a messy bun on his head and an overgrown beard. Goodness Gracious.
Hugh flicked some water at his husband, “I was promised wine.” Simon slowly opened his eyes, “I put my hair up so it wouldn’t get wet.” Hugh nodded, “I want wine.”
Simon rolled his eyes, “I dislike you right now, so no wine.”
He then reached over the tub and grabbed a glass and an already uncorked bottle from below. Hugh peaked over the side, he didn't remember seeing it there. Maybe he really did need to relax. Simon didn't break eye contact as he poured the glass, set the bottle back down, and took a long sip.
Hugh raised an eyebrow, Simon only did it back. Hugh closed the gap between the two, getting unreasonably close just to take Simon's glass and take a few gulps for himself.
Although people would assume that in their predicament, something erotic would happen, they both were men that knew how to appreciate what they had. Yes, Simon's core was fluttery and he wouldn’t oppose it. Yes, Hugh felt the warmth spread across his body, but they both liked what they were doing now. Just loving each other without loving each other, and that was more intimate than anything their R-rated desires could conger up.
“This tastes like actual shit,” Hugh's mouth puckered up in distaste, “how do you drink this.” Simon snatches the ball back, “It's my comfort wine, don't hate on it.” Hugh shook his head, “I know what it is… but it tastes so bad.”
“It's amazing and calming.”
“No, it really isn't.”
“Yet again, Love, you have no taste.”
Hugh pulled back. You see, Hugh knew all Simon's weak spots. Like why Simon put his hair up in a bun for this occasion. When his hair got wet, it got really frizzy, hard to brush and it was an all around hassle. That's why Hugh Everhart, the best, most wonderful husband ever, waited for Simon to finish down the last of his drink before closing the gap yet again by putting his hands on Simon's shoulder … and completely dunking him in.
Hugh let go immediately, he wasn't a complete monster, and pulled away fully, returning to his original spot. Simon rose quickly, coughing a bit.
“That shit went up my nose,” he fumed. Hugh smiled and shrugged, “My taste isn't that bad.” Simon shook his head, cursing, then stalled.
Here it was.
“My hair… YOU ASSHOLE!”
If Hugh could die, it would be of laughter at this moment. From the look on Simon's face and the near murder he tried to commit on Hugh after was priceless.
When Simon was done, he sat as far away as he could, garing at Hugh, “I just wanted a calming and romantic bath with my husband.”
Hugh smiled, “I think it's plenty romantic. What's better than trying to top one another until we can top one another.”
Simon snorted and sank lower into the water, it just barely touched his chin, "I don't like you."
Hugh smiled like the obvious angel he was, "I love you more. Hun."
Simon lit up, "If you really really did you'd help me with my hair when we're done here."
Hugh actually pondered the request.
"Oh, let me rephrase that. You will help me with my hair afterwards. Well, if you want to sleep in the bed tonight. "
Hugh was offended, "You know I was gonna say yes but now I don't want to."
"You're a child." Simon said a little aggressively.
"Says the person dishing out threats." Hugh was getting heated.
Now both of them were actually kind of mad. No, not mad… just not in the mood for each other right now.
Hugh stood, grabbing a towel, "I have shit to do. I'll see you later."
Simon did not respond. He didn't know how. He may have taken it a bit far, but so did Hugh.
Perhaps bath time wasn't the best for right now.
Forgot to tag bc I'm an idiot
Tagging: @obsidianfr3sk @dt-everwoods @greenalmond @galaxy-creationz @healing-winston-pratt
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simptasia · 3 years
Sorry I'm a bit late, but here's some Lost nonsense from my brain:
If Jacob's & MIB's adopted mum didn't adopt them, then a whole lot of mess could have been avoided.
Why didn't John's dad just say he was moving after he stole his kidney and see him like once a year? (That way if you need to borrow a lung later down the line the option is is there.)
If I knew my past self was gonna kill my son I won't let that happen. Screw the time space continuum, I'm doctor who-ing this nonsense.
And on top of that.
How come no one really tried to mess about with time in the 70s? I know there was a bit of "ahh don't effect the future" but like, if I was stuck in the past I'd have a go at screwing around with time. I'd be like suck it universe, there's no Internet and I've got people in the present I care about. I know alot of the Lost people had reasons not to, like Jin's trying to keep his family safe and Sawyer doesn't really have anyone outside of the island. But Julie's sister? Kate needing to find Claire? WHY WASNT THERE A DANIEL FOCUSED EPISODE ABOUT HIM TRYING TO CHANGE THE FUTURE AND SAVE CHARLOTTE THAT JUST MADE THE FUTURE HAPPEN MORE SO THAT THEN WHEN SAYID SHOT CHILD BEN I COULD HAVE BEEN ALL LIKE nah bro thats no gonna help, when instead I thought there was gonna be some funky timeline nonsense that I'm always here for AND THEN THERE WASNT. Also more Daniel.
Last thought (sorry I can't shut up)
Now I'm thinking about it, why was everyone's reaction to Sayid shooting child Ben as a bland "this is bad" ?? Im not trying to say it was good, but its like the whole 'go back in time and kill Hitler as a kid' argument? I thought characters would at least have thoughts? Like no one even talked about it beyond face value?? Or even had an emotion?? Everyone was just like: "this is bad, but let's leave him with his abusive dad" ???????????????
Epilogue Thought: i genuinely thought when Kate handed child Ben over to the Others she was doing to say something to him along the lines of what adult Ben said to her at the beginning of series 3 when they had breakfast together. (My memory is so bad, but it's something like "I wanted you to have a nice memory to cling onto because a lot of bad is going to happen.") And then it was gonna be like a weird time loop thing of who really said it first, like Ben doesn't remember them properly or anything (but it might help why he didn't just ask Jack for surgery help when they first crashed.)
lost spoilers ahead
Okay, first of all, how the fuck did you send a message this long. Whenever I send messages, I'm given a character limit???
If Jacob's & MIB's adopted mum didn't adopt them, then a whole lot of mess could have been avoided.
"Adopted", yes that the's word for it. And yeah... yeah. The entire plot of LOST, down the drain. Isn't it ironic, this show is known for so much daddy issues and all of this fuss was caused by mommy issues
Why didn't John's dad just say he was moving after he stole his kidney and see him like once a year? (That way if you need to borrow a lung later down the line the option is is there.)
Short answer: Because Anthony Cooper is a cunt
Longer answer: it's pooossible that anthony genuinely didn't wanna spend any time with locke at all. as you pointed out, this isn't pragmatic on his part. but he's a dick. he also has a history of not sticking around the people he's conned
If I knew my past self was gonna kill my son I won't let that happen. Screw the time space continuum, I'm doctor who-ing this nonsense.
I've had this same thought. Offense to Eloise, but I'm different.
like, yeah, even if it turns out to not be possible, there's merit in fucking trying to prevent this. like, morally, emotionally, i'd respect eloise if she'd fucking TRIED to not kill her baby boy :(((
legit, same, if i knew i was destined to kill my boy, i'd be like "no"
and at the very fucking least, i'd give the best life possible! which, paradox or no, is what a parent is SUPPOSED to do, eloise!!
not only does eloise not even try to not do this, what makes it so much worse is that she didn't allow him the life he wanted. you know he's gonna die young, bitch, let him have love and piano!
HES NOT EVEN ASKING FOR MUCH. free will??? please???
i Cannot talk about eloise without going on this rant, it seems
and the rest of ur message, i won't copy paste, but what ur saying about time travel. i'm kinda indifferent to a possiblity of them trying to change more but thinking about it, it's odd that they didn't Try more. however this can chalked up to like, not enough run time. but yes i'm all in favour of the characters ties to other characters mattering more. and charlotte mattering more. grrrr
oh boy the ben thing. well, i don't blame them for the This Is Bad thing. because it is. it's very bad to shoot a child. i wanna say, sayid is so fucking out of character when he does this. the writers mishandled sayid pretty bad in seasons 5 and 6, sigh. personally i don't believe its anywhere near okay to try to kill somebody because they're gonna be a bad person One Day. but yeah i am surprised there wasn't more of a debate about this in canon. we have people of different morals here... plus, it's a debate in real life. i'm in the "punish the people who have actually done something wrong" camp
it's fucked that he has to stay with roger though. i don't put that on our losties tho, overall i blame the others. because they could have accepted ben into the others way sooner and they really should have. richard could see this kid was suffering and they let him stay with his abusive dad. that's awful. then again, charles was in charge during this time period so that makes THAT make more sense but ugh
and finally. inch resting... i always saw kate's sympathy for little ben as 1. he's only a child, he's Not big ben. and 2. she grew up in an abusive home too so she sees a kindred spirit
regarding ben's memory, it annoys me how the writers felt the need to erase some of little ben's memories to supposedly Make It Make Sense but i felt that was unneeded. i think it's perfectly viable for ben to remember all the stuff that went down in season 5 but he never mentioned it because why the fuck would he. for one thing, he was henry gale at first, he's hardly gonna be like "oh hey are you the guy who shot me when i was a kid??" no, he'd keep his memories to himself. i think ben keeps a lot of things to himself for tactical reasons so i think the lost writers employed a get outta jail free card when they really didn't need to
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blueeyedheizer · 4 years
All Over Again - Matt (part 4 - the end)
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WARNINGS: amnesia, implied sex, super soft overall <3
A/N: it's finally here, the last part to this short story!! I really like this part although I had a bit of a hard time finishing it. It's a bit cliché but i'm happy with it. Also, thank you so much to everyone who still reads my Matt fics, I appreciate you guys so much <3 (PS: I know the transition from part 3 to part 4 is really sudden...I hope the timejump isn't too disappointing) Anyway, enough talking. Enjoy xx
After two months, you are finally released from the hospital.
You weren't surprised to find out that you shared an apartment with Matt, and at this point you didn't mind at all. You felt comfortable around him and despite not remembering your old life with him, you were starting to feel strongly for him. He had been there for you since day one, he never gave up on you even though you still couldn't remember anything about him. You never thought it was possible for someone to ever love you this way but there he was, doing absolutely everything in his power to help you get through this, even when he knew things might never be the same again.
Matt opened the door and you walked in closely behind him, taking a look at your surroundings. The house was quite messy, but you couldn't blame him. His mind had been all over the place these past weeks and he had spent most of his time with you. Tidying around was really not his prioritiy.
Everything around you looked familiar. Somehow, you still remembered where most things were situated, and you had no trouble in finding each room, including yours and Matt's shared bedroom. And yet you had no real memory attached to it. You couldn't associate anything with it. You knew it was there, but the room itself was just like the rest; a blur.
Your first week home was mostly focused on resting. You were dying to go out and do something other than sit on a couch and watch TV but the doctor had said it would be better if you spent a few days home to let your bruises heal properly before envisaging going back to your normal everyday life. Matt was just as supporting as he was before, cancelling his plans to stay with you, hoping that you would remember something, just a fragment of your old life with him. But that was a long process, and even though you two were basically back to being a couple it was different. You loved him, but it was different. You loved the boy who visited you everyday at the hospital, not the boy that you had met at a gig almost a year ago now.
In order to train your brain, the doctor had recommended to regularly go through familiar things such as photos, videos and possessions. Considering the fact that you and Matt had a common passion for music and cinema, you decided to focus on this.
You were cuddled up against him, a blanket covering the both of you as the end credits of your favorite movie rolled on the screen.
"Why didn't you tell me he was going to die?" you sniffled, wiping a tear from your cheek while chuckling.
"Didn't want to ruin the experience"
"Well that would've spared me a heartbreak." you pouted. Matt chuckled, pressed a kiss to your forehead then stood to turn off the TV before settling back next to you, allowing you to cuddle up against him. A comfortable silence fell upon you both as he intertwined his fingers with yours, squeezing your hand every so often and running his thumb over your skin.
A few more minutes passed by and you glanced at the clock, sighing softly.
"I should probably get some sleep." you announced. Matt kissed the top of your head and you reluctantly pulled away from the warmth of his body.
"I still need to work on some things, I'll join you later."
"Good night, love"
"Good night." you smiled and pecked his cheek before making your way to your shared bedroom. You quickly changed into your night clothes and brushed your teeth before slipping under the covers.
You tried to close your eyes but your mind was racing with thoughts about everything and nothing. You just kept moving around on the bed, changing your position every two minutes, unable to find your usual comfort. You sighed heavily and rolled onto your back, hands crossed over your chest. However a small smile tugged on your lips when you heard the quiet sound of Matt's guitar as he worked on his song. It probably would have lulled you to sleep if your brain cooperated with your desire to sleep.
You spent another fifteen minutes or so just laying wide awake on your bed, waiting for sleep to eventually come. A few more minutes go by and you hear footsteps approaching before seeing the door open, Matt walking in seconds later.
"You're still awake?" he asked and you hummed in response.
"I can't sleep."
"I'm sorry, was it the guitar? I tried to be as quiet as I could—"
"No, it wasn't the guitar. I actually enjoyed it." you chuckled. "It's just me. I have a lot on my mind."
Matt stripped down to his underwear, put on a random shirt then slipped under the sheets, taking his spot next to you. He propped himself up on his arm so he could look at you.
"What's on your mind, love?" he wondered. You shrugged, looking down at your hand as your fingers drew small patterns on the sheets. Your face dropped a little bit.
"Everything." Matt brushed a strand of hair off your face as you spoke, tucking it behind your ear.
"Tell me everything then."
You stayed silent for a moment, knowing that the conversation you were about to start wasn't something easy to talk about on both sides. A few more seconds go by and you finally ask the question you were dying to know the answer of.
"Matt...— what were we arguing about?"
You didn’t miss the way his entire body froze at your words. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again, detaching his gaze from yours. Then he shifted and sat back against the headboard of the bed, causing you to sit up as well.
With a heavy heart, he began to explain what happened. How it all started, how he snapped at you when you were just being rightfully worried about not having any news of him over two hours after he was supposed to be home. He was hardly holding back tears by the end of his explanation, and so were you. You couldn't help but feel a sting in your heart at the thought of him raising his voice at you.
"I'm not mad at you." you assured him in a small voice, seeing guilt written all over his face.
"You would be if you remembered. I almost got you killed."
"Don't say that."
"But it's the truth Y/N! If I had just kept my mouth shut and dealt with my anger alone then nothing of this would've happened. You wouldn't have had this accident and you wouldn't have lost your memory. I did this to you."
"And I could've just locked myself in our room instead of going for a drive in the middle of the night." you argued. "You're not responsible for any of this, Matt."
He didn't say anything after that, he just kept his head lowered and shook his head. You could see tears begin to fall down his cheeks. Pulling yourself closer to him, you placed your hand on his face, wanting him to look at you.
"Matt." when he still refused to look at you, you climbed over him so you could straddle his lap. "Matt, look at me." your hand came underneath his chin and brought his face up to meet your eyes. You moved your hand to cup his cheek, gently wiping away some tears while one escaped the corner of your eye. "This is not your fault." you whispered, leaning in to press your forehead against his, your hands moving to the back of his neck and gently scratching. "Okay? This is not your fault."
You stayed like this for a moment then you kissed him, pouring all your emotions into the kiss. Your hands found their way to his head, threading your fingers through his hair as your whimpered softly, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened, both your breathing gradually growing heavier.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" he murmured against your lips after pulling away, understanding your intentions. Your thumb brushed softly over his bottom lip as you nodded, still slightly panting for air.
"Have we ever...?" you said and he nodded. You answered with a barely audible 'okay' before pressing your lips back against his. But this time he didn't kiss back.
"Do you not want to do it?" you asked as you pulled away, sounding disappointed.
"It's not that."
"Then what is it?"
"I- I don't know, shouldn't we wait until you get your memory back? Are you actually ready for this?" he spoke hesitantly, and your face softened at his words.
"I don't want to wait for something that might not happen anytime soon." you said softly, brushing a strand of hair off his forehead. "And yes, I am ready."
He looked down sadly, his thumbs stroking your hips gently. Your forehead was resting against his as another tear rolled down your cheek.
"I love you..." you murmured, trying to fight back more of them. "Please don't give up on me now." that seemed to have startled him as he looked up at you almost immediately before cradling your head between his hands.
"I won't. I promise."
You nodded and closed the space between you, your lips meeting in a soft, passionate kiss. Your heartbeat was accelerating in your chest since this was new for you. It wasn't for the old version of yourself, but the new one had never been in such an intimate situation with him. You broke the kiss to pull his shirt over his head, discarding it to the side. You did the the same with yours before cupping his cheeks and kissing him again.
His lips eventually started moving down to your neck, pressing a trail of kisses there as you leaned your head back, giving him more access. His hands started roaming over your lower back and you shyly began to grind your hips, moaning softly.
"I love you too, you know." Matt said as you both laid on the bed, your head resting against his chest as his hand moved up and down your back soothingly. The silence of the room only highlighted how loud you had been moments before.
"I know." you smiled. Your hand travelled across his torso, absentmindedly caressing and drawing small patterns on his skin.
Tilting your head up a bit, you laid your eyes on a small framed picture of the two of you that was on his bedside table, one you hadn't seen yet. It looked quite recent. You propped yourself on your arm and reached for the picture, looking at it closely.
"That was the day I came back from London."
You turned to Matt, a genuine smile curving your lips.
"You've been to London?"
"Yeah." he smiled, his thumb caressing your shoulder. "One of our biggest gigs. 450 people, more or less. I'm not sure if they appreciated the music, but they were here." you both shared a quiet laugh and you shook your head, looking down at him before leaning in to kiss him softly.
"I'm sure they did."
You placed the picture back on the table and cuddled back against his chest, sighing in content. You quickly felt your body relax fully against his own, your breathing becoming even, steady, slow. With his fingers running through your hair soothingly you finally allowed sleep to take over, staying snuggled tightly against him.
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed and the smell of coffee. Rolling onto your back, you stretched your arms and smiled at the thought of last night's events, remembering how caring Matt had been the entire time.
You eventually rolled out of bed and got dressed, pulling on a shirt of his along with your jeans.
Then you decided to rummage a bit through your stuff to train your brain like you had been told to do. You started with the books that were on the shelves; you let your fingers run along their spines, reading their names. Then you looked through Matt's records before picking one and placing it on to play. The Sun Always Shines On T.V. began playing and you smiled when the chorus came on, the lyrics easily coming back to your mind.
You continued your exploration around the room and opened up a jewelry box, taking out a small star shaped earring. Your lips pressed into a thin line and you frowned as you searched your mind, feeling a déjà vu.
And that's when it happened.
"Is that...is that an earring ?"
You smiled and cupped his cheek, tilting his head to the side to take a proper look at the small moon shaped jewel. Then you tilted his head to the other side, noticing another one with a different shape; a small golden star.
"I like the moon one better." you smirked, leaning in to peck his lips.
"Matt..." you breathed out. Your eyes widened and you called him louder this time, breathing and heartbeat accelerating as you started crying.
After two more almost desperate, sobbed out calls of his name, Matt came running into the room, a terrified look on his face.
"What is it? What's wrong?" he rushed to your side and cupped your face, forcing you to look at him. Your eyes were already puffy and red and your breathing was ragged as you cried, hot tears soaking your cheeks, heavy hiccups leaving the back of your throat. You didn't answer, instead you grabbed his face and crashed your lips against his, kissing him as deeply as you could.
Matt immediately understood what was going on and kissed back, his own eyes watering up quickly. You eventually had to pull away for air, your current state making it hard for you to breathe. You rested your forehead against his and played with his earring, unable to say anything.
You eventually let out a small laugh through your tears, smiling softly as you looked into his teary eyes. Then you kissed him again, pouring out all your love and gratitude into it as you held onto him, wanting this moment to last forever.
"I remember."
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