#i'm sorry if u've been tagged already
agustdiv1ne · 1 year
thank u for the tag mille (@majestyjun) and mika (@toruro) ^^
tagging (no pressure!!): @gummygowon @st4rrykai @dinoyuv @beoms-sugar @jmin-s @huenation @koqabear @bibibinnie @boba-beom
blank copy under the cut !
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yunogf · 1 month
lmao i asked bc, as you said in your tags, there was a certain way that it comes across as with how you’re talking about it, so i genuinely wondered bc i was gonna listen to it as well. i’ve been reading plenty of comments about it as well that mostly just lean on “aoty” “soty” “best album ever” and i get that these are (hopefully) exaggerated claims by stans, but i was seriously yet to see a decent comment about its musicality. it’s either about his face in the mv or his voice or the aesthetic of the mv. nothing on the lyricism or the instrumentations or its creativity or depth, so i was hesitant. i get liking it, but i doubt its being “the best”, so when i saw that your comments were the same, i began to wonder if this is another case of exaggerated praises and it’s just... meh at best. nothing new and all that. i am still gonna listen to it on my own ofc but, i guess, since i’m not really his fan, i’m not all excited. amazing debuts usually create tractions of their own, and i don’t hear much for this, but i ain’t judging based on that ofc. anyway, no need to feel attacked. as i said, i was genuinely curious so i asked. i’m well aware that i have ears. i was just genuinely curious about what you actually thought about it, what with your unhinged tags and whatnot. that’s all.
hard to gain traction when ur company announces ur album 2 weeks before it drops!
i was thrown by your wording and i still kind of am but i don't listen to music i don't enjoy and that's across the board for any artist bc....why would i do that lol and maybe ur not in the right circle being a casual fan/non-fan bc I've seen most ppl talk abt the musicality along with everything else 🤔
ik u said u were genuinely asking and i appreciate the explanation but im picking up on an overall unimpressed tone ("hopefully exaggerated" "doubt it being the best" ?) and it feels like u've made up ur mind about jaehyun and his music and ur asking me to give u a reason to change ur mind/care/be impressed but that's not my job ur free to make ur own opinion to me it seems ur going in with a half formed one already but it's music so like it or leave it either way is okay! ur under no obligation!
I'm sorry if being a kpop stan (im assuming...?) has made u feel disillusioned by solo releases tho i understand bc ppl are often overhyped by fans but jaehyun is a music enjoyer who did his homework and worked with artists he himself is a fan of and the payoff is really good music
overall ur ask is very uninformed which if ur not a fan is understandable but as a native english speaker myself listening to an album that is almost entirely in english from a nonnative speaker i have to say the lyrics are very well done they make sense create good metaphor and aren't superficially about balling or making a lot of money (i loathe to hear this often in eng versions of kpop songs lol) and jaehyun is credited as a lyricist on almost every song afaik
the production value is solid "can't get you" has an entire band accompaniment (the trumpet >>>>>) he wrote/worked on "flamin hot lemon" with emotional oranges (one of my fave artists actually <3) so that one is Excellent in every regard esp for a song inspired by cheetos lmao I've said numerous times that none of the songs sound like they were created with the intent of 30 secs going viral on tiktok (a very important differentiation for me) and one of my favorites parts about the title track "smoke" is the outro it's soooo good there's an unexpected bit of piano that he adlibs along with >>>> and the ballad "completely" has a Gorgeous piano backing to it (the lyrics on this one are also so beautiful)
my excitement about the release may have overwhelmed me so i might not have broken down each song beat by beat but rest assured i'm not wasting time on music i don't enjoy
in summation the album is good and on a separate unrelated note he just happens to be really hot ❤️
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delicris · 10 months
five songs on repeat
ty for tagging me hehe @sommerregenjuniluft <;33
murder by the howl and the hum will forever be there istg, i listen to that song religiously, THE BRIDGE I'M NEVER GETTING OVER THE BRIDGE
november was... interesting to say the least
np-tagging: @the-sun-is-also-a-star @oddbrainedtboy @godsofwoes & @courfee (sorry if u've already done this, there have been many many spotify links on my dash lately and i'm failing to keep up ngl)
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ambivartence · 2 years
✨ content creator year in review ✨
tagged by @alrightyaphroditie ilysm kass <3333333333
1. first creation / most recent creation my first was a hyunjin three-drawing set from the sbs gayo daejeon mirotic cover stage and my last was the bang chan three-drawing set for the stayblr secret santa event which coincidentally were the only three-drawing photosets i've ever done...essentially exactly one year apart
2. one of your favorite creations this black&white painting of dk is literally one of my best ever... as for gifs it's a dead tie between the dreamies hello future and off tbz jacob bc they're both such soft gifsets :')
3. a creation you're really proud of my drawing of jeno from the dream concert + beatbox era hair hehe and for gifs it would be my xiaojun sets (1 & 2) from lee mujin service which i posted some of the coloring for here
4. a creation that took you forever this lonely st han animation i did for ale's bday took a while to draw all the frames (but sooooo worth it ofc 💖🌷) ...and i also tend to put a lot of effort into my 1-gif posts like this the boyz gif (mostly spent cutting colors to get the file size down while keeping so many frames) and this mingyu gif (literally spliced ✂️ images from a screenshot of his photo gallery and turned them into animation frames) and this jeno gif (manually blurred the bg of each frame to fake looking HD bc i didnt have the ts file 😭) and this dojaewoo gif (erased the caption from each frame but if u look closely above their heads u will see the books are shimmering like a mirage bc they ARE a mirage LOL)
5. the creation that received the most notes my lee know as kiki's delivery service fanart & my nyfw jeno for peter do gifset
6. a creation you think deserves more notes ik i draw & gif idols from groups with varying fandom sizes here on kpopblr so i know how to set my expectations haha so instead i'm going to shout out to the creation that definitely has TOO many notes which is this blursed skz maniac hyung line set LOL i see yall skzblr... and i see ALL yalls tags....... 👀
7. a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it i started stanning so many new groups in 2022!!!! the boyz and ab6ix and p1harmony and golden child and ateez and monsta x !!!
8. a creation you made that breaks your heart all my monsta x gifsets i made in may before i became a monbebe and i still remember standing 3 feet from minhyuk actively regretting that i was not a bigger fan of them at the time... only took me like 7 more months.......truly heartbreaking
9. a "simple" creation that you really love my cherry-era donghyun drawing! <;3 and this giant single gif of minhyuk from my footage which is also my lockscreen
10. a creation that was inspired by another one i get into phases of trying specific styles/layouts for my art like my music player series (started with changbin)
11. a favorite creation created by someone else my favorite tag in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12. favorite content creators for the year literally anyone i've reblogged from this year but extra shoutout to all the artists from my *siyuantag and *art tags and everyone tagged below
tagging (totally optional sorry if u've been tagged before lol ik we're already so deep into 2023): @agibbangs @aunty-tiger-potato @avizou @brianbangs @chanstopher @chrstphrbng @coupsnim @dalkyeom @jeongtokkie @junjunies @kdongyoung @kyubinz @nevoono @njaems @potatzu @pvddins-art @quokki @rumue @shnryjn @shorelinnes @sulfurcosmos @wabisaba @wonjinist @wonwooridul @xuseokgyu + anyone who sees this and wants to share their fave creations from 2022^^
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formula-red · 2 years
ty for the tag nia @rossocorsaseb 🫶🫶🫶
shuffling my music -> the first 10 that play:
still haven't found what i'm looking for - u2
getting started - sam fender
sunday - bloc party
here is where - there will be fireworks
plain sailing weather - frank turner
cocoon - catfish & the bottlemen
younger & dumber - indigo de souza
viva la vida - coldplay (((<- wahhhhh sebbbbbbb)))
don't lie - vampire weekend
america (you're freaking me out) - the menzingers
tagging a random amount of ppl i <3 w/ no pressure & i'm sorry if u've already been tagged ;-; @theflyingfin @schumigrace @simplywrong @gentlebirdsong @usersewis @raikkonens @albonium @backwardscapcarlos @montrealpoleposition & literally anyone else who wants to do it (pls as it is well established i am a music nerd i luv seeing what u guys listen to)
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Playlist Shuffle!!
thank u @minnarr for tagging meeee!! 💚💚💚
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. No skipping!
(i don't have a spotify, so i'll use the audio files i've already got downloaded on my computer, hope that's ok!! 😅)
òran a phrionnsa (the prince's ballad) by kathleen macinnes it's quite long bc it's like a romanticised story about bonnie prince charlie and the jacobites, with lots of allusions to mythology and folk history and such. idk i just think it's neat and i'm rly proud of myself for being able to recite the whole thing ok 😅
lon-dubh (blackbird) a gaelic cover of the beatles song by julie fowlis!!
sadhbh ní bhruinnealla by liam ó maonlaí (my fav cover as well! 🥰)
coisich, a rùin by capercaillie
hò bha mi, hè bha mi by julie fowlis
eilidh by robert robertson (my recording is BRILLIANT bc he's performing casually in a pub!! truly stunning!! sorry i just wanted to gush about it 😅)
cairistìona by kyle carey
thig am bàta by julie fowlis (again) (sorry i just really love her. this song SLAPS btw. THE DRUM BEAT is. amazing. and the story behind it is interesting as well 👀)
........it's julie again ._. im a broken birb ._.
hè gràdh, hò gràdh by julie fowlis. it's about cows. no i won't elaborate.
bodaich odhar hogha gearraidh by juLiE fOwLiS. it's about old men from hogha gearraidh fighting some other dudes or something. also there's fionnlagh and the piper's lad and tormod the deaf blacksmith asdfghjk fUCK THIS IM TIRED OF BEING EXPOSED. BIRB OUT >:V
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bulletnotestudies · 4 years
@jeonchemstudy and @study-van tagged me in this, thanks so much guys, i love these kinda tag games sm<33 i’m tagging @ndemic, @medical-magpie and @smileystudies 
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // dc or marvel (can i choose neither dfsjkdfs - oh mood, daphne) // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon (who the fuck picks nickelodeon) // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theatres // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
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grumpymacaron · 2 years
hello!! i was tagged by @staycgrls , @girlsgenerati0n , AND @yerinbaeks (thanks taylor, rin, and winter!!! y'all make me feel so loved 🥰 HAHAHA)
name: jolie~
sign : ♏︎
height : 5'3-ish! last time i checked i was 160.5 cm?
time : 11:18
birthday : won't tell~ but i will say i'm a taurus moon, if that narrows anything down hehehe
fav band/artist : top five all time would be (in no particular order)
baek yerin, f(x), day6, kwon jin ah, tvxq
last show : his man (남의연애) i highly recommend!!! it's a comfortable watch; i love everyone on the show and it's fun to cheer them on ^^
last movie : days of running wild (i literally just watched this... i just finished it at like 10:34...) it's very good, but maybe don't watch it after things don't work out w someone;;; LMFAO
when i created my blog : my first blog (under the same name) was created back in nov 2014 but then tumblr nuked it around july 2016;;; so i guess this particular instance has been around since then!
average hrs of sleep : it's been weird lately but if i'm feeling awesome great super fantastic i can get 'bout 9 hours in~
what i post : mostly kpop and aesthetics!! i used to be more about video games and the like but those fandoms have died out around here... sigh
do i get asks : whenever i post ask games (thank u for anyone who participates, i love u dearly)!!! i've been too busy as of late to really commit time to em tho so u'll see me post one whenever i'm in the headspace to write smth thoughtful
other blogs : i'm considering moving all my aesthetic posts to a sideblog, but i haven't yet! i do have a translation sideblog tho; plssss check it out @genuinemacaron !!!
instruments : i sing~ used to play the flute in elem + middle school tho; still remember the notes but i bet my lungs are not set up for it now
dream job : translator/linguistics researcher! or maybe a language teacher :o) i also love neuroscience and genetics so it'd be fun to do research on those topics, too
what am i wearing : giant merch t-shirt for a local ice cream shop i love~ it's very comfy and makes for a really nice sleep outfit hehe
fav song : currently i'm a big fan of wine by jooyoung ft. gsoul but if u're talking about all time faves... i'd say top three are:
joy's be there for you, tvxq's before u go, and baek yerin's limit
tagging : @dalgonamilk @uknow @taeminsupremacist @ruoxin @igotaboy @bubblegunnm and @jazzclub ! there's no pressure, tho~ also sorry for the ping if u've done this already ;;;
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iriswestallens · 8 years
i'm not one of the angry anons i know you made a mistake it's cool but you apologized but still tag it babe :) anons related to the spoiler. just #spoilers it. again not mad. sorry u've been receiving asshole anons. ur good people. :)
I know I was supposed to tag it “spoilers.” Other people have posted exactly what CG tweeted and didn’t tag it, it’s not brand new information. But again, damage is done. Everyone would’ve found out anyways, and most people already have when I posted it. And me tagging it doesn't necessarily mean everyone has "spoilers" blacklisted.
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celestles · 5 years
how was your day? mine was good, i got to see old friends from school :)
hi love! mine was a bit sad, to be quite frank, but i got to see my cat for a few minutes AAAND!!! since i got to know you had such a lovely day, everything's getting better now! tell me more!!! how did that happen? like, did you plan to meet up? how are they? how did u feel after seeing them?
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ambivartence · 2 years
I was tagged by @drzibs @chanstopher @rumue (thank yall <333)
NAME: siyuan
SIGN: sagittarius
HEIGHT: 5'4" // 162-163 cm (idr)
TIME: 12:42 am
BIRTHDAY: 1997/12/19 🐂♐️😃
FAVOURITE BAND/ARTIST: skz, nct, svt, tbz, bts, ab6ix, p1h, etc etc the list is endless u already know
LAST MOVIE: i haven't watched a movie in literal months.... rewatched princess mononoke back in may lol i usually only watch movies on the plane or in theaters, if im at home i just want to draw or watch youtube tysm
LAST SHOW: yesterday i was watching House and the first ep of the new GoT house of the dragon show with my roommate
WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG: foreverrrr ago but i revived it into a kpop blog late 2020 !
WHAT I POST: kpop art n gifs of so many groups :))))) the speed at which i collect new groups is a problem
OTHER BLOGS?: @dreambivartence art inspiration and @jacob-bae tbz jacob + idols with flowers (kpop aes blog?) and i'm working on a sideblog for just my art sort of like a portfolio idk im bored i'll drop the url soon 😃
DO I GET ASKS?: mostly when i ask for an ask game bc im rly bad at checking otherwise im sorry i usually end up taking at least 1-2 business days bc i just fORGET to 😭
FOLLOWERS: so many!!! too many!!! why r there so many of u guys >:( lol thanks for putting up w my multi shenanigans 
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: my ideal is 9 bc im a babie when it comes to sleeping but i think i try to get at least 7 a day tho i usually only need 5-6 to function BUT ALSO i have a major napping problem i take the LONGEST naps like im talking 3+ hours each time so my sleep schedule is easily screwed over :')
INSTRUMENTS: i wish i could play an instrument :( i learned a little bit of piano n ukelele so i can at least read sheet music (uke/guitar tabs r still confusing to me) but i prefer to spend my time drawing :')
WHAT I’M WEARING: my pjs (free dropbox tshirt from college lol n sleep shorts)
DREAM JOB: "no job lmao." <- so real dreamy so real. "the platonic version of a trophy wife?" <- also real rumu <3 my roommate n i have actually been debating lately about which one of us needs to become rich so the other can be the platonic trophy wife lmao or let me be an idol makeup artist i want to do their pretty makeup i want to doll them up so bad !!!!
DREAM TRIP: taiwan / korea / japan / china (if it ever opens again 😭) also extremely niche but i really want to do the andean lakes crossing between argentina and chile near bariloche during the snowy season but idk if that would be too bitter cold to be enjoyable </3
FAVOURITE SONGS: rn it's villain by key & jeno and also doom du doom by p1harmony but all time is probably winter bear by v, side effects by skz, dream in a dream by ten, the truth untold by bts, cherry by ab6ix, zombie (eng ver) by day6, some by bol4
tagging (no obligation, sorry if u've already done thisss): @alrightyaphroditie @babytunninjadrac @decembermoonskz @efflorescing-mary @i-like-hockey-a-latte @lolacouldnotcareless @lvrli @myriad-of-colors @njaems @ofyoursilentreverie @peachjaem00 @pvddins-art @sulfurcosmos
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