#i'm sorry if this is bad
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You Give Love a Bad Name (Yandere Diego x Backstabber Reader)
NOTE: I didn’t write anything for the entire month of October and I feel awful about that. Imagine me, a lover of horrifying JoJo fanfics, not writing anything for the Halloween season! Unforgivable! So I’m gonna try to make up for it all this month starting with this story. Please accept this as part of my apology!
NOTE 2: I don’t know why I keep pairing poor Diego up with criminal Readers. It's an aesthetic, I guess.
Warnings: YANDERE, possessiveness, very dark themes and implications, degradation, violence towards Reader, threats, and other forms of unpleasantness. Also Reader is kind of an asshole. I head canon that yandere Diego is a lot wilder and meaner than regular Diego (not that regular Diego was nice). No smut!
Diego hated himself for letting you into his heart. He wanted to hate you, but he couldn’t muster the proper level of emotion. He loved you. He loved you dearly, and that was the problem. You had somehow wormed your way into his heart. You were so sweet to him the day the two of you met. He’d been injured and you showed up out of nowhere wanting to help him. He shooed you away, his pride and distrust of other people preventing him from accepting help from anyone. You insisted and he bellowed at you, demanding that you leave him alone and mind your own business. You started bawling then, not because of him yelling at you, but because, in your own words,
“I can’t bear to leave you like this! You’re bleeding so badly! Please, please let me help you!”
He sneered at you telling you to just shut up and aid him then. Anything to stop your infernal squalling. How your demeanor changed. You were so happy that you’d been allowed to help him, smiling sweetly as you bandaged his arm. You looked so cute that he couldn't stand to look at your face. You didn’t ask him questions about how he got injured or pry into his personal affairs. Instead you talked about how you’d been a long time fan of his and had followed as many of his achievements as you could. You told him that this was the first time you’d been able to actually watch a race that he was in and you were so excited about that.
Diego was used to having fans that adored and worshiped him, but you were something else. No other fan could point out maneuvers that he used to achieve his victories, but you did. You didn’t just adore him for his achievements alone, you actually studied his methods. You told him that you became a fan because you wanted to watch him succeed. Never in his life had Diego felt so… supported. Others had been lured to him for his looks, charm, and achievements alone, but you seemed drawn by merely adoration of him as a jockey and your joy at watching him win.
It flustered him and he hated that. Diego Brando was the one that flustered, not the one who got flustered.
How dare you make him feel like this…
Thereafter you became an absolute pest. He saw you nearly everywhere he went and he didn’t know how to feel about it. He jokingly accused you of stalking him and the shocked and ashamed look on your face had him laughing. Finally he had made you blush, and it was the loveliest sight he’d ever laid eyes on. You had him, fully and completely, and he found himself looking forward to seeing your excited face in the crowds. Seeing you like that, waving at him from among the rabble, it never failed to have him smiling. You were like a rare jewel shining through piles of trash. Your very presence made him feel uplifted. Even when he wasn’t doing well in the race, you were there to offer your support.
“So what if you lost your place!” you said. “You’re Diego Brando! You’ll do what you have to to regain your spot in the race and gain five more places in the process! Nobody can keep you down!”
Then you’d hold your little fist in the air and cheer and another crack would form in the shield that Diego had put around his heart.
Some time after that, you confessed to Diego. You told him that you’d had a crush on him since you first saw his picture in the newspaper, but meeting him in real life and seeing his feats for yourself, actually getting to speak to him in person… it turned your crush into full blown love. Many women confessed their attraction to him before, but it was always limited to his looks or fame. Other than his mother, no one had ever said they loved him before. It shattered the shield around his heart completely and he went weak in the knees.
He confessed his own love for you that day, unable to hold back his feelings anymore. He’d given up on ever feeling loved again after his mother’s death. He’d given up on love in general. Love was a weakness after all. It made people do foolish things. Made them sloppy and stupid. Love could destroy a person’s life. How he wished that he’d remembered all that later… when you betrayed him.
It happened not long after he obtained Scary Monsters. He was so eager to go and show it to you. He longed to see your shocked face become an expression of amazement and adoration. He wanted to stand in place and watch as you marveled at his new power. He wanted to see the glimmer of tenderness in your eyes as you stroked his face and whispered words of encouragement.
“Look at you, Diego! My God! You’re unstoppable now!” he imagined you saying.
But you weren’t there. He couldn’t find you at the checkpoint. He searched the inns, saloons, shops of the town, but you were nowhere to be seen. He started asking the other racers if they’d seen you. No one seemed to know who he was talking about. Dread filled his heart to bursting. Where were you? Had something happened? Were you ill? Injured? Lost? Had someone done something to you? He’d bloody murder anyone that laid a hand on you!! Desperate, he started asking the townsfolk in hopes that one of them knew something. Fortunately, most of them seemed to know who you were, but the looks they exchanged with each other when Diego mentioned your name told him that something was wrong. Very wrong.
The townsfolk had a very interesting story to tell about you. Con-artist. That was the word they used to describe you. They told him about all the other men that you had warmed up to, how they all found themselves in the same predicament he was in. They told him about how you would seek out wealthy, famous, desirable men and make them fall for you. Then, when they least expected it, you would rob them and leave them with empty wallets and broken hearts. Diego could have massacred the entire town right then and there. He didn’t want to believe that they were talking about you. Not his sweet, innocent darling! Not the angel that was always there for him, uplifting him, encouraging him, loving him… He wouldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe it. He ran back to his hotel room and searched through his belongings. It wasn’t true! You wouldn’t do that to him! Not to him!
Half of his money was missing along with the necklace that he’d bought for you. You’d been kind enough, at least, not to rob him completely blind. How had he not noticed that his money bag was lighter than usual? When did you even have time to do this? You must’ve snuck into his room when he was practically tearing the town apart looking for you. You must have been lying in wait, watching for the moment that he left his room so that you could slip in and help yourself to what didn’t belong to you. Diego searched his bag again, hoping beyond hope that he’d just miscounted his cash and misplaced the necklace… and he found the cute little message you’d left for him,
“It’s been fun, Diego, but I’m afraid it’s time for me to head out. No hard feelings, handsome! Don’t be too mad at me!”
It felt like the room had fallen away, leaving him in a black void and the only thing he could see was the letter he clutched in his trembling hands. His mind was racing with all manner of dark and murderous thoughts. It had all been a lie, a cruel, hateful lie! He never meant anything to you at all. He was just another mark for you, wasn’t he? Another notch in your damned belt! He should have known. He should have been able to see through your act. He’d imagined you to be some kind of jewel amongst filth, but he forgot that ALL humans were filth! Well you certainly reminded him of that, didn’t you? Diego’s fury-fogged gaze dropped to the bottom of the letter where you had the utter nerve to leave a mocking lipstick print on the paper.
You sealed your fate with that little stunt.
Diego held the note close to his face and breathed deep of your scent. He hadn’t fully grasped all of Scary Monsters abilities just yet, but he did know how to utilize its heightened sense of smell. He could smell the oil in your lipstick and the hint of your breath still lingering on the paper. You’d had tea instead of coffee that morning. He also caught a whiff of your perfume. It was the one that he’d bought you, imported from France and very expensive. At the time he thought you were worth it…
…Your scent was fresh. Very fresh. You were still in town. You hadn’t left yet.
Diego slammed the door to his hotel room open, startling a young woman with a cart full of food trays. He sniffed at the air frantically, looking for all the world like a wild dog on the hunt. The woman started to speak to him, to ask him if he needed anything, but when he turned his yellow-eyed gaze on her, the words caught in her throat and she could only let out a tiny peep of surprise. His expression was that of a feral beast and he was panting ragged breaths as if he’d been running for miles. He sniffed the air a few more times before rushing past her. The woman pressed herself against the wall, barely avoiding being knocked down as he rushed down the corridor. She stared after him in confusion. She recognized him of course. Most of the hotel girls knew of the famed Diego Brando, but she was fairly certain that his eyes weren’t yellow.
Was it even possible for humans to have yellow eyes?
You sighed as you climbed into the stagecoach that was to take you out of town. You felt a little guilty, you had to admit. Diego seemed so enamored with you, much more so than you expected of him. Watching his haughty, bitter demeanor melt into something soft and loving kinda had your heart pounding. It was a shame you just didn’t feel the same way. You would never forget that story he told you about his mother. You really wished that he’d never opened up that much to you. Poor Diego. He would be devastated at your betrayal, no doubt. Knowing that would eat you up inside, but you were sure that the fat stack hidden in your bag would ease your heartache.
“Hello, dearie.”
You were not expecting to ever hear that voice again. You looked up to see Diego staring at you with a blank expression from the seat across from you. When did he get into the stagecoach with you? Was he already in there waiting for you?
“Diego!” you said with a start.
“I got your note,” he said, holding up the note you’d left him and giving you a joyless smile. “I couldn’t let you leave without saying goodbye in person.”
Your eyes darted around the inside of the coach, looking for anything you could use to bend the situation into your favor. Diego kept talking.
“I was so worried about you, sweetheart.” he said with a mock pout. “I couldn’t find you anywhere. I was afraid something awful happened to you.”
Your eyes fell on the bandages on the sides of his face. Was he injured? It didn’t matter. It was something you could use. Show him sympathy. Make him forget his anger and remember how good your hands felt against the skin of his face. That’s usually all it took for most.
“Diego, what are those bandages for? Did you hurt yourself?” you said, giving him a pitiful look of concern.
You reached up to him, hands coming up to touch the bandages. Your fingers had barely grazed the gauze of each bandage before Diego uttered an inhuman growl,
“Keep your filthy, thieving little rat claws to yourself!”
You pulled your hands back as if he’d tried to bite you, and held your arms to your chest to protect them.
“Diego, please, you don’t understand…” you began but he sharply cut you off.
“Oh, yes. Let’s hear it! Tell me all about what I don’t understand! What sob story will it be this time? Will it be the one about your dying aunt who was like a mother to you? Will it be about how you want to pay off your father’s gambling debts? Or will it be the one about you needing money to send your younger siblings to school? Or maybe it will be the one about buying shoes for orphans? Does that cover everything or will I be getting a new story this time?”
You gave him a pleading look and tried to think of something, anything to tell him. You didn’t know what to do or say. Most of your victims were too busy wallowing in heartbreak to bother confronting you. Diego was the only one that went so far as to track you down. It was unexpected, but it wasn’t a scenario that you were completely unprepared for.
“Floyd, Fleetwood, The Allman Brothers, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young…” he listed off the names of some of your previous victims. “Do those names ring any bells? Including me, was that the full list of your targets or am I missing some?”
He was, actually. He left out Morrison and Dylan, but you weren’t about to correct him. While he fumed you reached into the hidden pocket on the inside of your shawl and grasped the grip of your pistol.
“How did it feel to know that you got one over on the great Diego Brando?” he asked. “Did it give you a little thrill? Did it give you your adrenaline fix? Did you have a laugh or two at my expense?”
“Diego, please. I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t needed the money!” You pleaded in a last ditch effort to sway him. “I’ve fallen on hard times!”
“Hard times?” Diego scoffed. “I doubt that you’ve experienced any hardship more serious than deciding what to have for breakfast in the morning!”
His eyes darted to your throat for some reason. He thought he saw movement there but he wasn’t sure. He tried to focus his blurred vision on the glimmer of something around your throat. Ah. You were wearing the necklace he bought for you. He smiled bitterly at the sight of it.
“The necklace looks lovely on you, dear. I was trying to keep it a secret from you until I was ready to give it to you, but it seems you’ve gone and spoiled the surprise. It goes well with that new outfit though. Blue was always your color. Tell me, did you buy that with my money?”
You drew your pistol and aimed it at his chest.
Diego’s instincts kicked in at the sudden movement. He saw something shiny in your hand, but couldn’t quite make out what it was. Though that newly awakened, primitive side of his brain was screaming at him that what you held in your hand was a weapon and he was in danger.
You didn’t want to do it, but he’d cornered you, and cornered rats have a tendency to bite. You barely had time to cock the gun before Diego slapped it out of your hand with a speed you hadn’t expected from a human being. The gun flew out of the window of the coach and you heard it clatter against the ground a moment later. It’s a wonder it hadn’t gone off. The state of your gun was the least of your worries as Diego swung backwards with the same hand that had knocked the gun out of your hand and backhanded you across the face. You let out a yelp of pain and shock and shrank in on yourself, curling up in the seat and shielding your head with your arms. You could feel your hair dangling down in your face. Diego had slapped you so hard that your hair came undone. You could feel blood trickling out of one of your nostrils and you really hoped he hadn’t broken your nose. Your face stung like hell.
You felt yourself being grabbed by the shoulders. You shrieked as Diego yanked you up to face him, pulling you out of your protective ball.
“D-Diego! Please! Don’t h-hurt me!” you begged.
“Hurt you?” Diego said, voice suddenly sounding deep and distorted. “Hurt you? After what you did to me, I should KILL YOU!!”
His voice came out in a roar that shook the coach and vibrated throughout your entire body.
You were crying now, sobbing and pleading for him not to kill you. Diego just stared at you with wild eyes. The color of his eyes seemed off and his pupils looked odd. You don’t know if what you were seeing was the result of the abject terror that Diego had instilled in you or if there was something strange going on with his face. The corners of his mouth seemed to shift under the bandages and stretch up the side of his face far further than they should go. His lips, and patches of skin around his face and neck seemed oddly scaly. And his teeth… Why did they look so long and sharp?
“W-what’s happening to y-you?” you asked.
He didn’t answer your question. He was too busy panting like an animal and being hypnotized by the trickle of blood coming from your nose.
“Does it make you feel accomplished, knowing you humiliated me like that? I can practically hear everyone laughing at me behind my back. How they’ll look at me when I pass by and whisper to each other about how I fell prey to a con-artist and then they’ll snicker like schoolchildren. I won’t allow it. Do you hear? I won’t allow you to add me to your lists of conquests! You won’t place me on your trophy shelf! What’s worse is that you have the nerve to pull a gun on me! Were you thinking of adding murder to your list of crimes? I’ll kill you first! Love, you have no idea how hard it is for me to keep myself from biting your pretty head off…”
You sobbed as you listened to his mad rant and watched at his face and body continued to contort into something monstrous.
“Please don’t kill me…” you sobbed.
Your plea seemed to snap him out of whatever daze he was in and his eyes lifted from the trail of blood from your nose to your tear-filled eyes.
“I can’t…” he whispered. “I should. Believe me I’m angry enough… but I don’t think I could ever live with myself if I ripped you apart like I want to. And prison’s too good for you. You wouldn’t stay there long anyway. You’d just flutter your lashes at the nearest gullible guard and you’d be back on the streets in no time without ever going to trial. Isn’t that right?”
“Diego… you’re hurting me…” you said in a pained gasp. He was gripping your shoulders so hard.
“Oh poor thing.” He mocked. “Well you hurt me first, you lying, conniving little harlot and, believe me, you’ll pay for it! I’m not letting you go… I still want you. Damn my own foolish heart, I still want you. So you’re going to stick by me just like you used to. But you’re not getting out of your punishment. As much as I love you, I won’t let you get away with what you did to me. I want you at every checkpoint singing my praises louder than ever before. I want you throwing yourself at my feet even if it means kneeling in filth. I want you to do it where everyone can see you, so you can see what it feels like to have everyone laughing at you. You’ll be at my beck and call, my personal servant. If I can’t have you as my lover, then you’ll be my dog! You’ll grovel before me, beg for my attention, and my kindness, and I’ll give you none of it until I think you’ve earned it! That’s right, there will be no more perfumes, jewelry, or fancy clothes for you. From now on you’ll have to earn that, too. I’ll show you exactly what it means to fall on hard times!”
This couldn’t be happening! Not to you! You were supposed to be on your way to the next town and the next poor sap to con. You weren’t supposed to be here now in the clutches of a madman who seemed to be turning into a monster.
“Don’t think for a minute that you can run either.” Diego continued. “Try to escape and I’ll find you. I’ll hunt you down just like I did today, only when I find you again I will kill you! I’ll kill you and anyone you try to get help from.”
“Please, Diego,” you sobbed. “I can pay the money back! I can--!”
“This isn’t about the damned money!” he thundered.
You cringed at his tone, afraid that he’d hit you again.
“I can make it up to you! Please, Diego! I’ll do anything!” you said, hoping beyond hope that he would listen to reason.
Diego grinned revealing rows of jagged, animalistic teeth. You just stared at them, unable to believe what you were seeing.
“Good. Glad to hear it.” he sneered. “You can start by giving me a little kiss.”
You stared warily at his mouth and wondered if he could actually bite off your head, like he’d suggested before.
“Well?” Diego growled, impatient with your hesitation.
You leaned forward and planted your trembling lips against his. The skin there felt rough and leathery. You didn’t have time to think about it as Diego abruptly dragged his tongue across your face, lapping up the blood from your nose. You groaned in disgust and Diego chuckled.
“Again. Kiss me again and this time do it like you bloody mean it!”
You obliged, pressing your lips against his and his mouth all but engulfed you as he turned the simple kiss into a full on make out session. You whimpered pathetically the entire time.
Diego pulled away, his face back to normal.
“Well, that’s a start.” he quipped.
Diego walked out of the stable after putting Silver Bullet away. Like clockwork, you shoved your way out of the crowd and landed on your knees at Diego’s feet. He turned, giving you a blank look. You didn’t look up. You didn’t want to see that triumphant look in his eyes. You also didn’t want to see the looks of disgust and pity on the faces of the crowd. It was bad enough that you could hear the things they were saying about you.
At every checkpoint, Diego had you playing the part of his pitiful little fan that followed him everywhere he went, desperately seeking his attention. It was beyond humiliating, but you didn’t have a choice in the matter. Diego warned you that if you wanted to eat today, you’d better put on a good show like the obedient little dog you were.
“You were wonderful out there today, Diego!” you said, using the tone you’d always used on him back when you were trying to win him over.
Laughter erupted from the crowd and your face heated up. You lowered your gaze even further so that you were staring at the mud that stained your knees. Diego ignored the crowd and tenderly grasped one of your hands. He pulled you up from the dirt, earning a murmur of adoration.
How kind he was to give that filthy street walker even a modicum of his time.
“You don’t look like you’ve eaten in a while,” He said in a soft tone that had tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
He was horrible. The living definition of a monster. How could anyone buy into this act of fake kindness he was putting on? He used a thumb to wipe the tears from your eyes, smearing some of the caked up dirt on your cheeks.
“Don’t cry, now. Let’s get you fed.”
He pulled you along and you followed behind him, head lowered. Diego had ruined you. The days of holding your head high were long over. You would never get your dignity back after this. The only thing that concerned you now is whether or not Diego would let you sleep in a hotel room or stick you in the stables tonight.
#jjba#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojo no kimyou na bouken#reader insert#yandere jojo#yandere jojo's bizarre adventure#yandere jjba#jojos bizarre adventure#jojo x reader#yandere jjba x reader#yandere diego brando#diego brando x reader#diego brando#yandere steel ball run#steel ball run#jjba part 7#jjba sbr#i'm sorry if this is bad
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there is seldom warmth
in the way my fingers
linger above familiar buttons
in the way my ears
search for familiar notes
in the way my eyes
see beyond what was
through chaos, they made sense
they leave quickly now
paths out of sight
counting dirt under my feet
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God told me to draw this
#my art#drawing#one piece#fanart#one piece fanart#art#monkey d luffy#vinsmoke sanji#cat burglar nami#roronoa zoro#usopp#strawhat crew#i'm sorry this is really awful#a really bad choice#i'm very unfunny guys i know#op fanart#strawhats#mugiwaras#east blue crew#east blue polycule
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bunch of dandadan stuff i've drawn/pixeled lately! figured i'd compile it all in one post rather than posting all of them separate lmao
#dandadan#momo ayase#okarun#ken takakura#seiko ayase#turbo granny#famke draws sometimes#sorry i haven't experienced brainrot about a manga this bad since haikyuu. i'm so normal ab this series#doubt i'll be drawing much else other than ddd and rejuv for the time being LOL#1k#5k#10k#thanks for 10k yall... i honestly did not expect it LOL
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There's an unspoken rule that gets established early on in your relationship with Bakugo, one that he assumes you know after a few months together.
The rule in question? You need to kiss him three times before you leave his apartment; one for luck, one for the road, and one just because.
One day, you're in a rush to get out the door, running late for a lunch date with your friends. You're bouncing around his apartment to be sure you have everything — phone, keys, wallet — and place a quick kiss to his lips as you pass by him in the living room. "I'll be back in a few hours, love you!"
Bakugo grabs your wrist gently, tugging you back toward him with a pout on his face. "Nuh uh, c'mere." He pulls you over his lap, cradling you while tilting your chin up to face him. "You're askin' for trouble if you think we're done here, sweets."
You blink at him in confusion. He rolls his eyes, no actual annoyance behind it, and shakes his head. "Ya only gave me one kiss, you know better than that."
"Oh, so I owe you—"
"Damn right you do," he cuts you off with a cocky little smirk that he's too good at doing. "Three — no ifs, ands or buts. And mean it, none'a those quick bullshit pecks, real kisses."
Of course, what were you thinking? You lean forward and press the first kiss to his lips, soft and gentle. "One," you whispers before following up with two more, slow and purposeful. "Two and three."
"Much better," Bakugo whispers with a genuine smile. He lets you get back to your feet, a large palm on the small of your back to support you. He pats the back of your thigh once you're steady. "Love you too. Have fun with the girls, but not too much fun. Don't wanna chase ya down the sidewalk again after you down 4 mimosa pitchers to yourselves."
three kisses from him would cure my depression at this point, chat.
#the idea of him pouting about not getting *real* kisses makes me wanna melt#like oh i'm sorry you want affection? my bad mister anti-touch lol#we all know he's a softie for his partner <3#☆ — scrapbooking#☆ — bkg.notes#bakugo x reader#bakugou x reader#soft bakugou#mha x reader#bnha x reader
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Unification (2024)
#i'm so sorry i have to make a post#i sent my sister like 47 screencaps in a row#i'm!!! so!!!!#thank you universe i needed this so bad#william shatner#spirk is canon#spirk#short film#star trek#the premise#k/s#spock#star trek tos#leonard nimoy#unification
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Chapter 8 - 6
The head boy!
Read Heartstopper Online
More info/buy the books: https://aliceoseman.com/
Heartstopper updates three times a month, on the 1st, 11th, and 21st at 11am UK time.
#heartstopper#people on the patreon pointed out that charlie shakes the headmaster's hand with his left hand which is apparently bad social etiquette#i'm very sorry i didn't know this when i drew it and i cba to redraw it right now but i will do it for the book lol
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ekko describing jinx from his timeline to powder as someone who's just different but whose ideas change the world. jayce saying to machine herald!viktor that his imperfections are a part of everything that made him so admirable. powder getting mesmerized when she sees different timeline!ekko before he leaves. jayce building his whole life around the idea he got from different timeline!viktor when he saved him. love does transcend reality after all
#sorry for arcaneposting. really didn't expect it would hit me this bad#and like. with the parts i didn't care about as much in s1#it really took one episode to sell me timebomb. two to make me more than casual jayvik enjoyer#and i'm usually a hater of alternative timeline/reality plotlines because they often get too convoluted and messy#but oh boy did they make it beautiful enough to make me forget to care about logic and continuity. idgaf honestly. i love that love is real#jayvik#timebomb#arcane#arcane spoilers#arcane s2 spoilers
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I realized that I could easily do the same to DAI's script, and I did that, but then I immediately created my magnum opus:
A Text File of Everything Solas Says In Inquisition and Veilguard, The Ultimate Fanfic Resource For Writing Solas' Voice*
and I fell on the floor because it made me happy.
*edited to correct a minor mishap
#did you know Solas says 36000 words#Dragon Age#Solas#Inquisiton spelunking#Veilguard spelunking#I cannot wait to look through it more#I wonder if there's a difference between him speaking in Dread Wolf I'm The Bad Guy mode#that's noticeable just in text#he's sooooo cute#and some of these are very rare lines#Solas says 2345 lines in Inquisition#and 814 lines in Veilguard#I didn't bother to keep in the “Dread Wolf whining noises” sound effect lines sorry about that#and I'll upload the DAI version later I made a mistake on it and I'm tired for now
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Hello ghost trick fandom
#ghost trick#ghost trick phantom detective#ghost trick missile#ghost trick sissel#ghost trick phantom detective sissel#ghost trick phantom detective missile#fragsdoodles#artitst on tumblr#i know it looks bad but had this idea today and just wanted to get over with it#it was supposed to be a quick sketch with no color#idk if anyone else did this idea first if so I'm sorry#and yes I tried to look up for the real life missile and I'm not sure if this is him but was the few best pictures I could find#I never thought my first drawing of ghost trick would be a shitpost I've been wanting to draw something related to it FOR MONTHS#also I'm not used to draw animals and I wanted to draw this as quick as possible#so yeah everything is badly drawn just cause I wanted to throw this idea out before giving up#EDIT: I didn't expect this getting popular and I want to say that I used mitt sushi art as a reference for sissel expression#EDIT 2: I copied and pasted an alt description by memo-sepia
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Not a moment of rest.
#my art#goro akechi#persona 5#shuake#p5r#ren amamiya#persona 5 royal#akeshu#low key vent art but im doing better now :D#i started my post graduate and the week was just kinda A Lot#i rly need to open comms but anxiety nghngh#anw#akechi having a bad time always helps me cope I'm so sorry akechi
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if i'm not DISGUSTINGLY in love with at least one (1) of the characters in any given piece of media it is not for me. if i have no one to crawl and weep for? can't get into it. if there is not one single character that makes me want to bash my head through a wall and then write ten thousand (fictional or academic) words about them then what is the point. respectfully
#I KNOW this is my own mental illness at work lest anyone lecture me on what makes media objectively good#I'm not saying it's bad I'm just saying I must suffer alongside the art or I don't want it#solas#emmrich volkarin#cullen rutherford#lestat de lioncourt#louis de pointe du lac#neve gallus#sorry I'm just listing all the characters that have done this to me most recently
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When you spend 20 years attempting to bring down the child slavery, murdering, human trafficking exploitation ring that stole your childhood, murdered your friends, and killed countless innocents only to have them rebrand as 'Noble Freedom Fighters™' off-screen.
#rip zevran's crusade against the crows >:(#when people said they wanted to be crows they didn't want devs to make the faction nice so we won't feel bad or conflicted about it#people wanted to be conflicted! they wanted to see the faction in all its glitz and glamour - then see what it hid beneath all the mystique#choose to play as a crow that loves the life/hates it/is undecided/etc...#but i'm sorry i forgot that this game doesn't want to do 'role play' options my bad#i will not stand for this zevran erasure!!!#they set up a schism with zevran's da2 codex entry - with other crows joining him!#have the antivan crows faced with a threat that challenged their outlook on why they fight#have the talons be the one to sell out antiva! in exchange for allowing their business to resume (have it be a sneaky reveal!!!)#their work has purpose and order to it so the antaam might agree! they're like 'babys first ben-hassrath!'#have Crows look around at their own home - see the vendor they bought fruit from disappear or the smiling old lady now cowed by grief#then have them decide to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT#have a schism! have Zevran take in Crows who are unhappy - have them realize how shit the organization is!#boom! somewhat-noble freedom fighters! (they're doing their best okay)#if there were differences between different crow houses they needed to explain it better...let us talk to Lucanis! I want to know him :(#my art <3#dragon age#datv critical#datv spoilers#dragon age the veilguard#zevran arainai
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He/him pronoun bracelet broke, call that fragile masculinity
#I'll be here all night#i'm so sorry lmao#bad jokes#trans humor#lgbtq#Genderfluid#You'd think with the amount of bullshit I've seen on this site I'd be more confident posting shit jokes.
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Bruce: Now you can live a normal life, fall in love-
Jason: Bitch I'm married already and have a job
Bruce: - and- what?
Jason: I've been married for a while now. My name isn't even Todd anymore, it's Harper
Bruce: ...like Arsenal?
Jason: Yes, like Arsenal. Anyway I have a Q-tech tracker and a panic button on me and I pressed it a while ago
Bruce: What does that mean- oh
Bruce: *turns around*
Bruce: Be reasonable, Oliver
Oliver: No *pulls out his automated arrow turret*
#this is a revenge post for all those bad parent oliver queen & clark kent posts#I'm sorry I'm thinking about gotham war today and pissed about it if you can't tell#good father-in-law ollie postin it is then#anyway you better run bruce#this is maybe half a joke. maybe not#dc#dcu#jason todd#jason and the arrows#anti bruce wayne#jayroy
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