#i'm sorry i ranted about qrow that wasn't part of the question
marrow-minded · 1 year
(this became a long rant, sorry)
Summer Rose is a character I don't really care about, but at the same time have criticism about.
She doesn't feel like a part of the story, but rather she feels *just there*. She feels like an after thought.
I don't mind if the dead character doesn't appear much in the story through flashbacks, because it sets in that the character is gone and because of that we the watchers and the characters in the story don't get the chance to get to know them.
And through characters talking about the dead character, you see how the death affected others and through the characters relationship with the dead character, you get to care about the dead character.
But with Summer Rose it's not the case. She rarely gets brought up by people who know her. Outside of Volume 9, there isn't any other flashback involving her where she speaks, shows her personality or is showing a dynamic between her and other character.
Sorry for sounding cold and unemotional, but why should I care when Ruby almost breaks down over Salem mentioning Summer?
I don't remember Summer getting brought up by Ruby or the writers showing us how much she misses her or wishes she had known Summer.
Maybe it's just me, but the writers didn't put much work into Summer's & Ruby's relationship and expect you to care about it, because the story says Summer was a good mom and her kids loved her.
I don't remember if that's actually a thing in the show, so if it's not feel free to skip this one, but apparently Ruby also idolizes and looks up to Summer?
Since when? Ruby looking up to Qrow is more believable given her weapon, her clothing style resembling Qrow and their dynamic in general.
But the story needs Ruby to be sad about her, so she'll be sad.
Summer & Taiyang? He brings up Raven's name more than he has screentime with Ruby. Could his be due to his grief over her disappearance?
Yes, but the story never explores that or gets brought up by Yang, Ruby or Qrow (except of that 1 time with Yang and Blake in Vol 2, I believe?)
Ozpin & Summer? Nope
Yang and Qrow are probably the main reason why I care about her (yes I know I said I don't care about Summer).
Through Yang I get to see how Summer was a mom from Yang's POV. I get to see that she loved Yang even if she wasn't her biological daughter. I get to see how much Yang loves her.
And through Yang I also get interested in Taiyang's & Summer's relationship. I want to know how they fell in love. I want to know if Summer had feeling for him before. I want to know what Summer thinks about Raven. How did Summer felt about the whole situation?
Through Qrow, I know she was person he cared about and had close relationship with her (like with others on the team). He carries around the old teams photo and you're left to wonder if Qrow's drinking problems also has to do with Summer's disapperance.
He tells Ruby her mother was a brat, but "hey, i love brats" which again gives you an idea what they're dynamic might have been or what type of person Summer was in the past. It makes you wonder if his relationship with Summer might be a reason why he's relationship with Ruby is more highlighted than his and Yang's.
I'm left with questions, but barely any answers.
If you took a sip everytime Summer gets brought up, you'll die of dehydration before you'll get to Salem mentioning Summer.
Again, why should I care about Summer as a character when the story doesn't give much reason? And doesn't do much?
Do the RWBY writers even know what they'r doing with her character? Do they have plan? Or are they coming up with things as they go?
When they put that flashback in Volume 9, did they do it because they were planning to focus on Summer or did they put it there with not much thinking only so that RWBY fans would get excited and get Volume 10 greenlighted?
I haven't read any Summer Rose centric fanfics, but in how many of them the writers had to come up with Summer's personality or her dynamics with her teammates, because RWBY writers have given them barely anything?
Summer Rose could have been something.
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i mean genuinely i dont even have anything to add lol you literally hit every nail on the head with pinpoint precision
its like in v9 crwby wanted to invoke the same sort of dramatic reveal that rose quartz from steven universe had? like oh my god the dead mom actually had something deep and mysterious to her and thats why ruby is so stressed and distraught and wow isnt this awesome dont you want v10 to see what raven and summer were doing?!
and its like. yall didnt earn that. yall didnt put the time in to establish how summers presence and subsequent disappearance and Death actually affected the people in this story. yang is the only one who actually says anything of note about summer as a person and thats "shes supermom. baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters" and then crwby relied on the fans to give that meaning and weight. but theres no EFFORT put into summer
i couldnt give less of a shit about summer especially when the dynamic between ruby and QROW is more interesting-- im a dad!qrow truther tho like not even as a joke i genuinely choose to watch the show like qrow is ruby biological father bc that actually makes his choices have a little bit more logic and depth imo-- and now theyre trying to take away that establishment of "qrow is someone ruby looked up to and then as she grows older her feelings kinda get shattered and now theyre being mended slowly again" and are trying to speedrun that with summer
summer was revealed to be a liar mere moments before she was restablished as supermom to ruby so im just sitting there like. well summer might as well be a liar and an idiot like raven, its not like she had a personality before hand!
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz - Atlas Hospital Scene Part II
"... James?" Oz ventured, tentatively, as he re entered the room. "What is it? What did they find... who do they think I was?" "I can give you good news and bad news. On one hand, you do have several living family members, assuming this information is correct. On the other, I'm not so certain you would wish to claim them all..." "You said there was a kidnapping ring? How many others went missing in it, and would there be anyone beyond your sister that..." "Was important enough to merit extra attention? No one missing child case should be more important than any other... but. As said, if the scroll is right, then there have been people looking for you for a quarter of a century."
Oz swallowed, taking in that information, mind racing as he tried to recall any cases from that time that he'd ever really heard of. The fact that there had been a kidnapping ring did tickle something in the back of his brain, but he was still so tired that whatever it was wasn't coming to him. This was another reason he hated hospitals, the drugs they gave him tended to slow his mind down to an unacceptable extent. Even without the full merge, he was used to knowing these things. But would he, now?
Qrow, getting impatient, jerked the scroll away from James, glaring at him as the latter snarled. Dammit, Oz was his friend, whatever this was sounded like something they would need to deal with together. Besides... Qrow had been eleven when Oz would have been snatched and, unlike the others, he had a sudden, horrible incling of just who the database would have believed Oz to have been. Because Atlas plus Oz's rather unique coloring painted a rather terrifying picture. He wasn't right, of course. He was very, very certain that the child in question had been murdered, there'd been certain consequences to that action that the Branwen tribe as a whole had been gossipping and snickering about for months afterwards. But then stranger things had happened. Some of them even to Oz.
Oscar leaned closer to his brother, Ruby moving to his other side, one hand raising only to drop it again, a guilty expression on her face. Oz himself was watching Qrow, eyes narrowed but trusting that he knew what he was doing. After all, this was probably still a dream. The others were being so nice, so friendly, even though he'd done nothing to earn that sort of trust from them again. It was a very nice dream, though. Even the thought that the child he had once truly been had actually had a family that missed him was nice. He doubted it, after all he had been rather prominant in Vale later on, but still. It was nice.
Qrow swore, too. His vocabulary was even more extensive and impressive than James' had been, and Oz could feel Oscar blushing into his shoulder. In fact, he was pretty certain he was the only one in the room not learning new words from the rant. He stilled, though, as he heard a single surname repeated several times.
"Qrow? Please tell me I'm hearing things, that you didn't just say Schnee? If I'm related to Jaques Schnee, I'll kill him myself." His voice was tight with a fury the others hadn't really heard from him before, but his hatred for that particular public figure bled through loud and clear.
"You're not. Not directly, anyway. Have you ever heard the story of Winter? Not the specialist. The other one."
"... the missing one." At that, Oz couldn't help but swear, too. Thankfully he knew enough languages that he doubted the others would that they were unlikely to understand. From Qrow's impressed noises, though, he at least got the gist.
"Not that I don't agree wth you about Jaques Schnee's ancestry, Oz, but... maybe tone it down a bit? Little ears. Technically including your own. And Oz? I'm sorry. You're my best friend, you know that. I just... yeah. Well, won't happen again."
"It might, if I ever make you all as angry as I did that day. Speaking of, at some point soon, James, we'll need to talk. There's information that I need to share that I've been, well... scared to."
"Scared, Oz? You? I'll believe that when I see it."
"Another version of me asked the wrong question, ever since, I've been... well. As said, we'll talk in private. Just promise me you won't hate me?"
"Hate you? NEVER, Oz, I couldn't even if I wanted to."
Oz just nodded, face pensive, as a set of footsteps echoed down the corridor towards them. James looked like he wasn't really looking forward to seeing whoever that was, but since he had to have been the one to have summoned them, Oz felt that was probably very much a him problem. He had enough on his mind with the revelation that he was apparently another Winter Schnee... but he had heard of the boy in question, the fact that their father had used the name for a son not a daughter had rather tended to stick in the mind, given the connection to the story of the maidens.
A white haired young woman in military garb entered and saluted James, before turning to look at the others. Her eyes scanned past Oscar, Oz, Ruby and Nora to land, glaring, on Qrow, who glared right back.
"Great, the ice queen. I know why she's here, Jimmy, but can we get some of the kids out first? I doubt Oscar will leave, but Ruby and Nora probably should..."
"Agreed. You two? Dismissed. See if you can send Weiss Schnee back up here, while you're at it?"
"Yes sir, general Ironwood sir." Ruby stuttered before dragging a protesting Nora from the room. Winter watched them go then turned to James again.
"With all due respect sir, just why am I here? And who are these children?"
James sighed. "That's not really an easy answer, but... Specialist Winter Schnee? Meet Oscar Pine... and Winter Schnee."
She stared at Oz for a minute, who met her gaze as evenly as he could, before snapping. "Sir, that is not a funny joke."
"I'm not laughing, Winter."
"My uncle never lived long enough to carve out his own path. If he had, he would be a lot older than that boy is."
"As said, it's complicated." Ironwood said, gently. "But it boils down to this. You know of magic, after all, I have briefed you on the maiden powers before and you know what it means to accept them. However, as much as the maidens are real... so is the wizard. The current incarnation is apparently your uncle."
"But sir, you said that the current incarnation was..." She turned back to Oz, staring at him again, taking in the dark glasses, the pale hair.
"Oh." She said, weakly. "I'm not sure this is a situation I would wish for my father to find out about, he'd try to manipulate things. You are Professor Ozpin, correct?"
"Yes," Oz confirmed. "Although I prefer Tip Pine at present. Also, I challenge your father to try to manipulate me. It would not end well. For him."
"You... hate him almost as much as I do, don't you?"
"Quite probably. For how he has treated you and Weiss, he had my hatred. Now that I know that your mother may in fact be my sister... there are rumors as to her current state and the reasons behind it. That he could do that to someone he claimed to love is unconscionable. As such, I intend to find a way to rescue her from him. Young Whitley, too."
"Whitley is currently older than you, I think. How are you a child, sir? If I can ask."
"Nobody really is certain of that, including myself, however the theory is that it was an unfortunate confluence of various factors that resulted in a rather unexpected response."
"Do you remember? Anything, really?" She sounded far more tender now, but Oz wasn't sure he quite liked the look in her eyes.
"Before waking up in Vale? Nothing. Snatches, perhaps. Also, I am not the child I appear to be, Winter. I don't need mothering."
"I wasn't!" She sounded indignant. "I... wait, was I?"
"Very slightly, yes." James interjected, still sounding amused. There was a noise as Weiss entered, blinking at her sister. "Hello, Winter. Hello again Oscar, Qrow. Oz. General. Why am I here?"
Oz shrugged as Winter sighed. "We came into some interesting information, sister. It appears that Professor Ozpin is our uncle."
"Excuse me? How is that... Uncle Winter?" She sounded strangely happy at the revelation, something else that rather convinced Oz he was still dreaming.
"Apparently." he muttered as Oscar started to laugh, Qrow following suit. They both sounded slightly hysterical, in fact. But then, it had been that sort of a day. In the back of his mind, Ozymandias sounded rather relieved that, if nothing else, at least he knew who he had once been, at last.
They talked for awhile longer, but Oz was fading in and out as the drugs took hold once more and soon enough they left him to sleep. He did so smiling, softly. For a dream, it had been a rather nice one.
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flightofaqrow · 3 years
Raven x Tai x Summer
grade the ship ** accepting
B+ I enjoy it, it’s really cute
I will take all and any combination of STR that leaves the Q the heck out of it. I love the inner turmoil and self-fulfilling prophecy of qrow doing his own thing at beacon, doing his own thing with the drinking, falling into the habit of forcing himself to the outside looking in because of his work and his semblance, even when people do start wanting him around. This is how his life goes. Of course they all hook up and leave him behind. That’s how it should be. I like this angst for him.
Also, particularly for my muse, his grayromantic tendencies have him scratching his head through all the hormones and crushes and dating world that beacon brings, and he is more than happy to sit on the sidelines and watch his dearest ones be happy with all of that without fucking it up even worse than his semblance does by trying to make anything more or deeper than it already is. he has his found family and a place to be, no more no less, and he has his job that lets him fly around the world being a single, cool guy, huntsman-spy doing whatever the hell he wants. he’s GOOD. i’m alone in this crowd, but i can’t see it any other way. 
Also, whyyyyy does no one talk about qrow possibly being “uncle qrow” to Ruby because Raven and Summer were a thing at some point and Ruby’s kind of her daughter too, so that’s what he would actually be??? or even more likely because qrow and Summer were like brother and sister but that’s not relevant at the moment. AND if Ruby is Tai’s daughter, and qrow is still Tai’s brother-in-law, then like, it also checks.
Anyway, on to the actual ship.
Poly STR sure beats the hell out of a love triangle, or the people that cry out about Tai x Summer not even being possible because “it’s too soon” after Raven left. Have you met actual real people? Especially hurting people with pre-established comfort with others?
Raven and Tai are canon and I can see that and I have 1000 ways of picturing how it happened and this dynamic and they’re all good and I really hope we learn more eventually. I don’t think Raven was used to any kindness from boys other than her brother and it just knocked her for a loop and she couldn’t handle it. Likewise, Tai probably never met anyone like Raven before; he canonly has clear admiration for her. Sunshine Jock and Edgy Goth get married. Good for them!!! Raven probably also never met someone like Summer. Someone I picture being an equal amount kind and hardass. Also equally difficult for Raven to fathom and even harder to accept the way she somehow overcomes her rebellious nature with that firm, guiding hand. We don’t know enough to know how Raven might effect Summer, but I imagine she could equally benefit from simply all that tenacity. Maybe Summer was a little too humble or a little soft or a little too scattered. She probably helped her, possible even forced her to focus. Some sexual tension there that turned to more? I can see it. Summer and Tai. The most wholesome. Just. Classic Romcom. I don’t know how and I don’t know why, but I’m pretty sure we can all feel the feelings and the deep love there, just by looking at what’s left of the family. I picture Summer having a quiet depth to her that drew in all the members of STRQ in varying ways. Tai probably fell into it the hardest of all.
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ask-ivory · 5 years
RWBY Random Rant #3!
The true inspiration behind the headmasters?!
I know this post relatively close to the previous one, but after reading a recap done by @imdcathsmeow I realized something critical.
We were WRONG.
We all know that each and every RWBY character is inspired by a fairy tale character, or characters from classic books. But we've been looking at Ozpin's faction of allies the wrong way completely. I mean, characters like Glynda are in the clear about this, but I'm talking about the headmasters, Qrow and Raven.
Here's what I figured out.
Leonardo Lionheart
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This character is a coward. This is obvious and everyone knows, but doesn't really care. But we all know that Leo is based off of the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz. The lion wanted to be brave, but couldn't find the courage to do so. But thanks to the Wizard, he became brave.
Leo is the same way. He felt brave with Ozpin's advice, but he was a big coward deep down. And Salem took advantage of this by threatening him with his life and used his position to turn Leo's allies against him.
His cowardly acts brought him to his end.
General James Ironwood
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He is based off of the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz, while also barring reference to the Ironwoods from the Norse mythology. The Tin Man wanted a heart, but wasn't given one. He eventually got his heart from the Wizard.
Ironwood is the same way. In front of Mantel, Atlas, the ASOPS, and Teams RWBY and JNPR he acts like they're supposed to be under his control. But around Oscar, and Ozpin, he acts either like a father, or a friend. Because when Ironwood is around Ozpin, it's like Ozpin GIVES Ironwood a heart. A solid friendship between the two allows Ironwood to be more kind to everyone else around him. Ozpin also tries to keep Ironwood under control so he doesn't do anything rash.
Oscar seems to fill the role that Ozpin played to keep Ironwood sane. We see this several times in the Volume. We see Oscar giving Ironwood advise, keeping his hopes from crumbling, and when things get dark, it's OSCAR who tells Ironwood the truth. If no one else noticed, Ironwood didn't blame Oscar for lying, but he DID blame Team RWBY.
The point being, without Oscar there to reassure Ironwood, Ironwood will do anything and everything to keep Salem from winning. No matter what. He would literally sacrifice his heart towards others to do this.
Headmaster Theodore
(Sorry, no image.😁)
Many of us suspect that he is based off of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. This is where we are wrong. According to the thumbnail for the next upcoming novel Before the Dawn, a small part mentioned that Theodore was unsure of what to do with the Fall of Beacon. This makes it obvious that Theodore isn't the best person when it comes to strategies. And THAT can only mean one thing.
Theodore is the Scarecrow. Not Qrow.
In the Wizard of Oz, the Scarecrow doesn't have a brain. He is stupid basically saying. But the Wizard gives him something that resembles a brain.
Theodore is the same way as well. Around Ozpin, his mind is clearer and his able to make better decisions with Ozpin's advice. But without him, Theodore does his best, but in the end, the choices he makes aren't really very good. Right now, he is gathering huntsman from all over Vacuo to help defend the academy from the Grimm. He might not have thought this through very well, but right now it seems like the best option.
So,now that that's clear, Who is Qrow based off of?
Well right now, we definitely know that he and Raven collectively are based off of the Ravens of Odin.
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Both are gifted with the ability to turn into birds. And a crow and a raven are in the same family of birds.
Raven is also based off of the raven from Poe's poem.
So that means Qrow has a second inspiration, but I have no idea what it is.
He could be based off of Sinbad the Sailer because of his luck semblance, everyone around him dropping dead while Qrow's the last one standing. Then again, I'm not sure.
Now, let's get to the last part of the rant.
Professor Ozpin's Role
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Like I said, he holds everything together. Ozpin inspires courage, kindness, mercy, and strategy in the other headmasters. He keeps them all together, and helps them in anyway possible. Since he's had thousands of years of experience, he knows how to deal with a certain scenario. When the Grimm attack, or if groups of rebellious people rise to try and bring the academies down, Ozpin knows what to do.
And Salem Knows this.
THAT is the big reason why she went after Beacon first, why she was glad when she heard that Ozpin was dead, and why she was furious when she found out that he was back so soon. As Watts stated, "He's the only one with a chance of getting through to Ironwood." He wasn't joking. Ozpin is so inspiring, that all of the headmasters (except for Leo) would listen to whatever he had to say. And Salem knows that without Ozpin, the fatal flaws of the other headmasters would activate, and slowly, but surely destroy them, eventually leading to the fall of the academies.
Well that's it for today's rant! If anyone has any ideas on who Qrow is based off of, or has any questions or ideas for future rants, please let me know!☺️
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