#i'm sorry grimmy :(((
deathly-dates · 9 months
i need to finish adwd but i still have other dlc content I need to finish aaaaagh
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noctsqueen · 6 months
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aah he's smiling,,, his voice lines are cute too, he's so serious about it ww
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Nick's and thirtysixandahalf's IG stories
7:21 a.m. August 10th, 2022
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^^ this was at the end of my video .. might be the song that was playing there(??) idk
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dotster001 · 8 months
The Queen Rises Again, a For Tuna End
Part One Part Two Part Three Choose another ending
You hadn't seen much of Vil, recently. And anytime you went to visit him in Pomefiore, he was always “busy” and refused to even open his door to you.
At first you had been frustrated, but you were starting to get worried. Rook and Epel had assured you everything was fine, Vil was just going through a phase of sorts, but that didn't ease your anxiety. For seven's sakes, what kind of “phase” could Vil Schoenheit be in?
It was on another evening that had you ruminating on this idea, that Grim sighed heavily next to you.
“Oh, Grimmy, when did you get in?”
He stared at you for a moment, before scowling. “I've been sitting here, sighing heavily, for ten minutes.”
“Oh, sorry bud. What's wrong?”
“Oh, it's nothing.”
You stifled a groan. No one saying what was wrong with Vil was already weighing on you, the last thing you needed was another person to not tell you what was wrong. You weren't good at the guessing games.
“Grim, if you don't tell me, I won't know how to help you.”
“Don't get snippy with me! I'm in distrust!”
He pouted, and crossed his tiny kitty arms, turning away from you with a “hmph”.
You steadied yourself, and forced a calm tone, gently scratching behind Grim's ears.
“What's wrong, bubbas?”
Grim sighed forlornly. “I've just been…thinking.”
You very much doubted that. That was the joke you'd have made if he wasn't so forlorn.
“About what?”
"About how I can't be everything you need.”
“Sorry?” You fought back a confused laugh.
“Look, I am the Great Grim! I bring joy and color to your life as the beloved roommate/son that you always longed for! But even I can't be everything a human needs…”
You quirked an eyebrow, and he scowled. “I can't give you romance. What I'm implying is that you're gonna die alone.”
“Ouch. Thanks Grim. Definitely could have said that nicer. But isn't the next thing you're supposed to say, “but you don't have to worry about being alone because I'll always be there for you?””
Grim looked at you like you were crazy. “My wife and ten children will be taking up all of my time.”
“Sure Grimmy. But I'm a big kid, I can take care of myself…”
“Sure, sure, I totally believe you. But what if…” he hesitated. “What if I had someone, who I knew was very in love with you, and was positive he could take care of you?”
You choked. “Sorry?”
“He's mad for you,  and I know if you asked him out, he'd say yes!”
“Lord, who would have a crush on me?”
Grim rolled his eyes, and muttered, “it's more likely than you think. Anyway!”
He pushed himself into your lap, cupping your cheeks. “Please Y/N. I'm worried about you, and I need to know that when I'm not with you, you will be okay.”
Your instinct was to say no. But when you looked into his eyes, he looked so sad and earnest, that you released a reluctant sigh, and agreed.
“Kay Grimmy, how do I look?”
He looked at the spot you were standing on the steps, and glared.
“Absolutely not. I told you this was a high fashion date.”
“Well, sorry, but this is all the high fashion I have! In case you forgot, we had to spend our entire monthly allowance to pay for a cleaning crew in the lab.”
“It'll have to do,” he sighed wistfully.
You heard a light knock on the door.
“He's here!” He scampered to the door, before looking back at you. “At least get a coat so he can't see the outfit.”
“If he likes me as much as you swear he does, it won't matter.”
Grim rolled his eyes and opened the door, to reveal…
Maybe it was just that you hadn't seen him in a long time, but something was different about the way Vil looked. 
“Apple blossom, if you keep staring, I'll get self conscious,” he mused as he delicately rolled some pasta on his fork. Your cheeks burned, and you looked down at your plate.
“I've just been worried about you, that's all.”
“I'm grateful for your concern,” he reached across the table and squeezed your hand, making your heart flutter.
“Have you started a new skin care routine? Your skin seems like it's glowing!” You quickly changed the subject.
“You have a sharp eye! I've been trying some new products, and I think it looks rather good.”
“Yeah…wait! I know what's different!” You sat up straight. “Your hair looks darker!”
He froze. “I don't think so…”
“It definitely looks a shade darker-”
“How about we split a slice of cake for dessert!” He said in a voice louder than you expected, but you nodded.
“Would you join me for a moment longer? I need to pick up something at Octavinelle.”
“Yeah, sure.”
He placed your hand in the crook of his arm, and escorted you to the lounge. As you entered, Floyd, Jade, and Azul all looked up, various looks of irritation and shock on their faces. 
“Wait here,” Vil whispered into your ear, and you gave him a nod as he walked over to Azul, who looked positively vexed. You watched him sigh heavily, then walk with Vil to the VIP room.
“So you and betta fish, huh?” A bitter voice asked in your ear, and you nearly jumped out of your skin. The last time your eyes had been on the twins, they had been across the room. And now they were here.
“Uh, yeah.”
“Was it a pleasant evening?”
“You know what? Yeah, actually,” you said with a smile. Maybe it was that you'd been so worried about Vil, and now you'd finally gotten to see her was okay, but you had a great date. You hated to admit that Grim of all people would set you up with someone you enjoyed, and could sort of see a future with, but then again, he knew you better than anyone. Why wouldn't he put thought and effort into finding someone he knew you would love?
“Damn, really? Ugh,” Floyd groaned, slumping against you, nearly causing you to topple over.
“What Floyd means to say, is that if you ever feel he doesn't live up to expectations, or he ever steps out of line, please feel free to discuss it with us,” Jade said with a smile.
“Please, please, please tell us if that happens,” Floyd had buried himself into the crook of your neck, and was now squeezing you tightly.
“I got what I'm here for,” Vil's voice called to you, as he not so elegantly yanked Floyd off of you. With Floyd apart from you, he took your hands in his, and then leaned in and pressed a kiss to your cheek. Over his shoulder, you watched Azul waltz back into the VIP room, and slam the door behind him, with an echoing thud.
“You ready to go, Apple blossom?” Vil asked as though he hadn't just completely reset your brain. You nodded dumbly, and he escorted you out. Over your shoulder, you thought you heard a growl from the twins.
But you couldn't think much about that as you got intoxicated by Vil's warmth and perfume.
The End
Tag list- @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @savanaclaw1996 @happycatastrophesworld @murderisokayforme @kazumify @1fandom2many @hamhamlikesyukio @dreamlessnight
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I've been dreaming of my First Friend.
In this strange new world, nothing is certain—not even one’s safety.
But through it all, you were with me. Always by my side.
Please don’t leave me behind.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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"Grrr...! This stupid thing won't close," Grim complains. He fumbles with the buttons on his robes, which refuse to be secured.
"That's because you've got two left thumbs... or, more accurately, no thumbs at all," his human companion teases. They crouch down, gesturing for him. "Here, I'll help you."
"Myahaha, that's my minion!" Grim scrambles over on all fours—definitely not like a cat. He's far more dignified than some glorified house pet or familiar.
"You're going to get your clothes dirty if you walk around like that," they scold him lightly as they cinch his robes shut, then dusts him off. They pause, going in to adjust his waistband, then the angle of his cap. "There you go." "All set for your big day."
"Our big day," Grim corrects, nudging them on the cheek with his paw. "We're a 2-for-1 deal, remember?"
"Right. Me and the almighty Grim-sama," they reply with a laugh, poking his little nose.
An ear-splitting sob disrupts the intimate scene. Three ghosts in top hats and gray cloaks sail in—one small, one plump, one scrawny—all wailing.
"I can't believe this day's finally arrived!"
"Grimmy and Prefect, all grown up... Off to tackle Twisted Wonderland head-on..."
"WAAAAH, I'm gonna miss my living roomies!!"
"Hey, hey, what's with the empty nest syndrome, guys?" The prefect huddles with the ghosts. They cannot physically touch, but the same energy is there, their arms lingering where the ghosts’ bodies float.
“Don't worry. No matter the time or place, we'll carry the spirit of Ramshackle dorm with us wherever we go.“ They smile sympathetically. “That means you’ll always be with us! This world, this life… and into the next.”
"D-Do you really think friendships can last more than a lifetime?" one ghost asks through his tears.
"For sure. So please… Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened. Can you do that for us?”
“O-Okay,” the trio blubbers and sniffles.
“Geez, you’re all a buncha babies,” Grim sighs, paws on his hips. “C’mon, we’re supposed to be celebratin’ US today!! Like my minion said, let’s see some smiles, yeah?”
“We’ll come see you off at the ceremony the,” the small ghost suggests. The cheer is strained, like he is holding back a torrent of tears.
"The ceremony…” The prefect’s eyes go wide and panicked. “Oh crap, we're going to be late! The headmaster should already be starting his speech...!"
"Not a problem, leave it to this Grim-sama. A teleportation spell's easy as takin' a tuna can from a kitten!"
"Sorry, guys. Gotta run...! We'll see you there?"
Grim expertly clambers onto the prefect's neck, making himself comfortable as a boa on their shoulders. The magestone dangling from his neck lights up, and the duo are enveloped in its glow.
The last sight before they blip away are the ghosts, waving good-bye with wet eyes.
A blink later, the two are among a crowd of students in the same uniform as them. Long robes, graduation caps affixed to their heads. They're lined up behind a stage, the curtain stained the dark sapphire of a night sky and dotted with sparkling stars.
Crowley's voice drones from the other side, amplified by a microphone. A waiting crowd murmurs appreciatively as he crows on about hard work, congratulations, and new beginnings.
"See?" Grim winks at his minion. "What'd I tell ya? Anything’s a cinch with my magic~”
"Great going, archmage-in-the-making. You really saved our butts," they say, ruffling his fur. “Come to think of it, were running late for our first day too… and the sorting ceremony before that. I guess we’re destined to be tardy together, huh, Grim?”
"Heh, you got that right!" He bumped his tiny fist with his partner's. “Let’s keep at it, you ‘n me! Grim-sama and his loyal minion, together forever.”
"Oiiiii! Grim, Prefect!!"
"Oh, that’s..."
They glance up, finding a group of boys making their way toward them in the crowd. One with a heart etched onto his face, the other, a spade. A wolf beastman, another with reptilian eyes and slicked back hair, trailed by a smaller, delicate boy and an android with a head of blue flames. Old friends from the other dorms.
"There you are. We thought we'd missed you." Deuce calls out, looking relieved.
"Idiot, we wouldn’t have missed them—you worried for nothin’. They're first on the chopping block cuz they're sooo special." Ace rolls his eyes. "Lu~cky. You get to show off and hog the spotlight before anyone else does.”
"We um... wanted to come and say good luck," Epel offers. "It's a big deal to have made it this far. Starting a new life in an unfamiliar world and all, it's a lot."
"Thanks, everyone. I really couldn't have made it these past few years without your support."
"Ah-HEM!" Grim coughs.
"... And Grim," the prefect added, scratching him behind the ears.
"This is really it, then." Jack is blunt, his arms folded. "Our last chapter at Night Raven College."
"Hmph! Is that all you have to say?! Surely you can muster up more oomph than that!! Today is not just that--it is the start of the rest of our lives." Sebek straightens, looking rather proud.
"Hmm..." Ortho taps at his chin contemplatively. "You know what? When words are not enough to express ourselves, action may be the next best thing!"
"... Wait, what exactly are you suggesting?" Ace asks suspiciously, an eyebrow raised.
"A group hug! For one final sendoff."
Sebek is the first to protest, his voice cutting through loud and clear. "I refuse!! There is absolutely NO WAY I am engaging in physical intimacy with you humans!"
"Not so hot on the idea either."
Ace and Deuce warily stare at each other. "Not happening," they chorus at the same time.
"Well, if the others don't want to, then..." Epel trails off.
"Guys, shut up and group hug already," the prefect groans, throwing their arms around their friends. Reluctant grumbles round the group, but no one makes an active effort to peel away.
“GACK!!” Grim chokes out, crushed between everyone’s chests. When their bodies recede, he collapses, vision spinning, seeing stars.
“Hahah, looks like Grim got flattened like a pancake,” Ace jeers. “Still got it in ya to waltz on stage after that?”
“C-Can it!! Of course I do!” he snaps back.
The timing is opportune. Right then, Crowley’s speech reaches them, a summons.
“… We will now begin calling up our students to receive their diplomas, starting with Ramshackle Dorm.”
“Looks like that’s our cue, Grim.”
“Let’s get goin’!!”
The prefect steps back and passes one final look to their peers. People from many different places, many different backgrounds. United at last.
They do.
Clutching onto their graduation cap, the prefect races up the steps from the wings. Grim bounding along by their side. Every stride equal against the other’s.
Like shooting stars, they’ve come so far. They can’t go back to where they used to be.
When they emerge from the darkness, they’re hit with bright sunshine and stage lights. Spring is in full bloom, welcoming them with balmy weather and armfuls of flowers.
The headmaster beams from behind a podium, gesturing for them to approach. In his grasp, two scrolls secured with navy ribbons.
Their diplomas.
“Presenting Grim and the Prefect, our special students sharing the spot of Valedictorian.”
Grim squeals, soaked up the adoration. He waves at the audience, flashes silly poses for the cameras. The prefect laughs, prodding him along with their hands.
“Come on, let’s not stall the ceremony for everyone else.”
“One moment.”
A smallish figure blocks their path. It’s a young man with crimson hair and heart-shaped ahoge. He holds out his hand--and the prefect, stunned, takes it.
"Riddle-senpai. You've returned."
"Prefect. Grim." He politely greets them, shaking their hands in turn. "May the Queen of Hearts and her spirit of strictness guide you as you cross this threshold in life. Remain disciplined, and I know you will both achieve even greater things."
Riddle releases, and another seizes their hands. This shake is rougher, looser.
"Congrats, you survived four years at this place," Leona purrs. He wears less of a smile and more of a bemused smirk. "Persisted, like the King of Beasts did."
His duty done, he casually drops them. Azul elegantly ducks in, his grasp firm and tone professional.
"Fufu. What an honor it is to reunite like this. Your benevolence has done much to improve our dear Night Raven College. The Sea Witch would surely extol your generosity."
"Prefect, Grim!!"
Azul steps back with a bow, making space for the next person.
Kalim practically collides with them, excitedly yanking their hands up and down as he chatters. "So good to see you again!! Gahahah, you haven't changed a bit! I bet you're much wiser now though--maybe just as mindful as the Sorcerer of the Sands was!”
Behind him, someone clears their throat. Awareness hits him and Kalim gasps, letting go of the graduates.
"It takes considerable tenacity to arrive at this milestone,” Vil says, clasping the prefect and Grim’s hands in his own. Then, he smiles ever so slightly. “… Be proud, potatoes. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed by the Beautiful Queen.”
He steps aside, allowing a gloomy, hooded figure to replace him. Idia grimaces, shielding his eyes from the lights glaring down at him.
“Tch… Dragged me out here for this,” he mutters, keeping his clammy, pale hands shoved squarely into his hoodie pockets.
A pause—and Idia managed an anxious smile. “GG or whatever. I guess even an amateur can clear hard levels if they’re diligent enough. The King of the Underworld was a noob at one point too.”
(“Is that really the most encouraging thing you could muster?” Vil tuts from the sidelines.)
With that, Idia shuffles off, joining the other ex-dorm leaders.
“Nyahahah, it feels nice to be recognized~” Grim snickers.
“Well, I certainly hope you haven’t had your fill yet.”
A frigid touch comes upon the prefect and Grim’s hands. That voice, like sudden nightfall. They find themselves staring up at a colossal shadow with leering green eyes, scales studding their forehead.
"M-Myah?!” Grim’s fur stands on end.
“Even you came, Tsunotaro!!” the prefect gasps.
“I wouldn’t miss this ceremony for the world,” Malleus smoothly reassures them. “I wished to lend my support to my dear friends and send them off with my blessing.”
He raises his arms to the open sky. Bright blue, barely a cloud in it. Sunlight pouring down, framing the ceremony in a golden spotlight.
“The Thorn Fairy’s utmost value is nobility. As you of the new generation sally forth into the world, let your souls shine as noble and true as her own.“
Uproarious applause rises, cheering and clapping combining into one frantic melody. The flowers blush, swelling large and healthy with color. The sun itself seems to brighten too, the wind lifting in a joyous, effervescent song.
“Waaaah, Tsunotaro made the whole world light up!” Grim cries, eyes sparkling. “Heheh, okay, that’s a pretty good one—but watch out cuz one day I’ll be one of the top 5 strongest, most charismatic mages too!”
“Fufufu. I look forward to that day.”
Malleus bends down, his lips puling back to reveal luminous teeth.
“May you never be apart,” he whispers, so quiet that no one hears. Then, more loudly, “Congratulations. I wish you all a happily ever after.”
“I dunno what you’re goin’ on about, but thanks for hypin’ us up!!” Grim grins from ear to ear. “Today’s definitely… the best day ever!”
“I’m glad of it.”
And may it remain that way, forevermore.
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foxglovepng · 7 months
Hi !
I saw the post were Grimmy is against the young love of his henchman so maybe you could do a part 2 where Yuu asked them out on their own and also apologizing for Grim's behavior :>
Obly if you want !
Have a great day ♡
Characters: Ace, Cater, Floyd, Rook
CW: Ace cringey goofy flirting, maybe OOC Rook, not proofread.
A/N: Hello!! I am going to name you the 🔥Anon. I hope this satisfies your request. I hope you have a great day as well and make sure to hydrate yourself!!
If you liked reblogs and likes are always appreciated <3
↠ Part 1
Ace felt a bit hurt by your last encounter. Grim was hurting his feelings and he genuinely wanted to tell Yuu how he felt. Even though most of the time he may seem mean he can have his vulnerable moments where he just truly feels. And he truly felt for Yuu. Although it surprised him a little when Yuu approached him without Grim.
"Where's Grim? You normally have him around you." The red head asked.
"Don't worry about it. I just wanted to apologize for Grim's behavior I don't know why he's acting like that. I hope I can make it up to you." Yuu spoke
"It's fine. I'm used to him being annoying. Plus you can make it up to me by going on a date with me." He flashed his charming smile.
"Sure." Yuu spoke as Ace slightly turned red not expecting that response, "I was going to ask you out as well that's what I wanted to talk to you about."
Ace bragged to Deuce about the encounter and how he's now dating Yuu.
After cancellations of hangouts Yuu suddenly out of the blue asked him to hangout. Cater wanting to see his friend of course said yes. Although when Yuu showed up he was surprised Yuu dressed up a little.
"Yuu!! You look nice let's take a pic." He spoke as you two took a selfie together.
Yuu and him both went on their walk and finally caught up after while.
"I'm so sorry about that. Grim has been making me so busy I don't know why he's doing that, but I got some alone time for a bit." Yuu spoke
"It's no biggie! I totally understand he probably just wants you two to succeed." Cater spoke
"I was also hoping you'd maybe want to go out with me? like on a date." Yuu asked
Cater's face turned into a smile a genuine smile. He's been waiting for this moment.
"I'd love too. If you want, we could also consider this our first date." He spoke
Yuu had to wait till Floyd was off his shift. When he finally was Yuu approached him and his eyes searched for Grim before he ran at Yuu squeezing them.
"Shrimpy. Took you long enough to see me. You didn't bring baby seal with you right?" He asked
"No, I didn't I actually wanted to talk with you. I apologize about Grim he's been weirdly defensive lately, and I'm hoping it's just an animal thing for him and will go away." Yuu spoke.
"He hasn't scratched you, has he?" Floyd asked. He already knew Grim's tactics and why he was acting like this.
"No, at least not yet. But I have a question for you actually. Would you like to go on a date?" Yuu asked
Floyd didn't even answer he just picked up Yuu threw them over his shoulder and is now going on their date to the pool in Octavinelle.
(We all know damn well he was manifesting this via making an Eel and Shrimp plush kiss)
Rook was in the middle of writing poetry. This time he was going to assure he finds a way for Yuu to receive his letter. While in the middle of writing he got a knock on his door and thinking it was a Pomefiore student, Epel, or Vil he was surprised to see Yuu at his door.
"Oh, Trickster what a lovely surprise." He spoke
"Hi Rook. Can I come in?" Yuu asked
"Oh, most certainly." Rook spoke as he let Yuu in closing the door. Yuu sat on the edge of his bed as Rook sat in his chair looking at Yuu with the biggest heart eyes known to man kind.
"I wanted to apologize for Grim's behavior I would love to read whatever you are giving to me however he has been acting weird. Again, I do apologize on his behalf." Yuu spoke
"I'm sure he's just worried about you he does seem to care about you." Rook spoke
"Maybe. On Another note would you like to go out on a date?" Yuu asked.
"Oui." Rook spoke as he is staring with a beautiful smile and the biggest heart eyes known to man kind he is so in love with Yuu.
Special Mention
You asking him out? He assumed you were engaged already and has the whole wedding planned. Lilia is the officiant, Silver is the flower boy, and Sebek is the ring bearer.
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sweetbunpura · 4 months
Hey, you're cool, date my brother.
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Najma pocketed her phone as she walked through the bazaar. The market was crowded with people from all over Twisted attending the Firelit Sky and grabbing what they could before tonight's big show. She spotted someone at the gyro stall, a gray cat creature was jumping up and down excitingly. It talked animatedly about something Najma couldn't hear. She spotted what she assumed was the creature's handler, as the person grabbed the creature by the bow around it's next. She got closer to the stall and overheard their conversation.
"Grim, calm down. Urging them to hurry up isn't gonna get the food out faster."
"But I'm hungry!"
"You're always hungry!" The person sighed. "Jamil and the others don't mind if the food takes a bit, so calm down, okay?"
Ah, that was a name she recognized. So, did this person know Jamil? Only one way to find out. Najma slid up behind the person and right as she was about to say something, the person turned around quickly. Jeez, they was about as perceptive as Jamil.
"Gonna have to ask you to not do that." Oh, they were a girl with green eyes and short black hair. "Don't want to start a fight in the market."
"Oh, I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that." Najma apologized. "I heard my brother's name and-"
"Brother? Jamil?"
"Yeah, do you know him?"
The girl looked her up and down. "Damn, you look exactly like him, but yeah, I know him."
"Here you go, miss." The stall owner grabbed their attention as he held out a basket of food. "Thank you for waiting!"
She took it. "Thanks!" She handed one to the creature. "Here, Grim."
"Finally!" Grim tore into it.
Najma looked at the gyros and swiftly grabbed the one she knew was Jamil's. She bit into it as the girl turned to face her with a eyebrow raise, yet she gave a smile and said nothing.
She started walking. "Didn't know Jamil had a sister. Younger or older?"
"Younger." Najma swallowed and pointed at her. "You wouldn't happen to be the prefect he talks a lot about, would you?"
"He talks about me? I hope it's good."
"Well, he calls you a troublemaker. What's your name, by the way?"
"I'm Yuu, and you are?"
The three of them were nearing a group, Najma could see Jamil standing near the fountain.
"Here you guys go." Yuu handed out the food and turned to Jamil. "Sorry, yours got eaten."
"Eaten?" A green haired guy with glasses asked. "Did Grim inhale it?"
"Damn, Grimmy, you didn't have to eat Jamil's." A guy with ginger hair and a diamond on his cheek spoke.
"It wasn't me!" Grim defended himself. "She ate it!" He pointed a paw at Najma.
All eyes shifted to her, which she waved at and took another bite of the gyro. Jamil's eyes widened upon seeing her, Yuu took a bite of her food and patted him on the back.
"You never said you had a younger sister, Jam-jam." Yuu teased him.
Jam-jam? This was gold, another new name to tease her brother with.
"You never asked." Jamil tried to recover before sighing. "Why are you here, Najma?"
"Wow, rude." Najma crossed her arms. "Do you see how he treats me?" She looked at Yuu. "And I've been nothing but nice to him."
"Such a mean older brother." Yuu laughed. "Treat your sister better. She's fragile, you know."
Jamil glared at the two of them, a faint blush dawning his cheeks before it disappeared from sight. He 100% had a crush on Yuu, there was no denying it now that Najma had seen it with her own eyes. She gave him the message their father told her to send. After a few more moments of talking with the group and them introducing themselves, Najma left to go hang out with her friends. She returned before the fireworks began and sat next to Yuu.
"My brother's single." She said, gaining Yuu's attention.
She fixed her with a confused look before smiling. "Is he now?"
"Mm-hmm and he's good at everything he does. Cooking, singing, dancing, just to name a few. You just gotta deal with the bugs he's afraid of."
Yuu started laughing and Najma smiled. "He could be mine for the low price of bug murder or atleast relocation?"
"...You're cool, date my brother."
"NAJMA!" whoops, Jamil had overheard and it sent Yuu into a louder roar of laughter.
"I'm trying to get the prefect for you, Jamil!"
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lululawrence · 2 months
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Sus' 40 to 40 Countdown: 32 Days
Today's theme for my birthday celebration fic rec was difficult, because I feel like all of my fics fit this particular theme, but I managed to narrow it down for all of you! haha Today's theme is...
My Most Self-Indulgent Fics
I Can Go With The Flow - Gemma/Greg James, Nick Grimshaw/Harry/Louis (Gemma's POV, established relationship, banter, fluff, polyamory, best friend's brother)
When Greg comes up with the brilliant plan to introduce Harry to their best friends Grimmy and Louis, Gemma isn't entirely pleased. Then again, she never could have imagined the outcome either.
I'm Ready for the Worst - Greg James/Louis Tomlinson (canon compliant, friends with benefits, friends to lovers, banter, pining, angst with a happy ending)
Through it all, Greg's dirty little crush he could never, ever admit to was on the secretly gay boybander that was also the boyfriend and eventual ex of one of his closest friends. It was fine. It was nothing. It would never be anything.
Until, one spring night in 2018, it suddenly was.
Thou, Sun, Art Half As Happy - Nick Grimshaw/Harry/Louis (established Gryles, photography, meet-cute, feelings, genderqueer characters, polyamory)
I’m looking for someone who identifies as male or male-ish (sorry, ladies) who is between the ages of 18 and 40. I’m a 29 year old male-ish myself, for those who would like to know before replying.
If you’re interested and are free the early morning of August 7th and would like to kiss in the sunrise with me for the sake of some (hopefully) interesting and fun photos, let me know via DM and I’ll give you the location.
I Said It Wrong, But I Meant It Right - Nick Grimshaw/Liam (partial girl direction, girl Nick and Liam, disaster gay, flirting, firefighters, humor, banter)
Nick was a bit of a disaster, but she was used to it.
Or so she thought. She had never known how much she could struggle just to function until the new fire lady goddess angel person winked at her.
Swerve the Handshake - Nick Grimshaw/Louis (canon compliant, discussion of covid, banter, crack-y elements, fluff)
There's a pandemic afoot and social distancing is being recommended for everyone, but what is to be done to still greet people with respect whilst avoiding the handshake?
Scott and Chris have ideas, and Grimmy becomes attached to a particular suggestion.
All 40 to 40 Countdown Posts
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ruanscube · 1 year
I asking, why?.
W H Y?.
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Hiks. I wanna pull my son but grimmy, I saving all this time to bring you father back!.
Look at this,
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I'm sorry, grimmy. I really, really, really want to take you home too. But, but oh,
I love mal-mal more I'm sorry!! T_T
I hope, someday, I can pull you again. You looks so cute with Mikey, but I know you'll understand. This shrimp is a simp.
By the way the bonus?, Gift?, Or what is called, is so much traumarks omg!!
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One million traumarks!!
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I played a date with death once over the weekend and I'm so normal about it (lie)
Can you umm write mc showing grim human sweets? Maybe they go to a cafe or something but like imagine one of them having crumbs or something on their face and the other one gets it for them-
- 🍰 anon
omg that would be so cute, I can imagine grimmy with cake crumbs on his face tbh FINALLY GETTING TO POSTING THESE LMAO
Sweet Tooth It wasn't exactly unexpected that Casper didn't know much about human foods, besides basic things like pasta, hamburgers or eggs, and he hasn't been that curious about anything else outside of that. That is, until... he happened to come across an ad for a sweets shop. Now here he is, holding the phone to your face, showing said ad, filled with appetizing cakes and pies of all kinds. "Mortal, I wish to go here. It looks appetizing." He demands, pushing the phone closer to your face. Worst part? He has his phone on light mode. "The bake shop...?" You question. You hadn't exactly sparked Casper as the type to have a thing for sweet things like candy, chocolate and cakes, but he is practically begging you to take him there. "Is that what its called? If so, then yes, I do want to go to the bake shop." He finally pulls his bright phone away from your face. You may need glasses after having that in your face... "Well, sure, why not. It's just down the street anyways..." Your shoulders go up in a shrug, "Go get ready, we'll walk there." Surprisingly to you, he dashes into your shared bedroom, it doesn't take him long before he's out of the clothes he was just in, and back into a simple t-shirt and sweatpants. "I'm ready. Can we go now, mortal? I don't want to wait any longer." His arms cross each other as he stands there impatiently. You stand there stunned for a moment, before nodding. "Yeah, yeah... let's uh... go." You dragged him out the door, he gladly followed. It was a rather hot day today, unfortunately, but luckily not too hot that the two of you are melting into puddles like snowmen in summer. The two of you walk down the street, passing by many people on the way. Upon reaching the bake shop, Casper is staring into those windows for the first time like a little kid, eyeing all the sweets displayed inside, his eyes sure had an excited sparkle to them, depending on what he wants, you may just walk out of here broke as hell and with a thousand cakes, pies and pastries... Brace the wallet, for war is coming. "...It looks very..." He began, but you already knew what the rest would be. "Appetizing?" You finish his sentence. "Exactly! See, you get me." He said proudly, his hands on his hips "Here, take my debit card. Don't go too crazy, otherwise we'll be kicked out of the apartment for unpaid rent." You sigh, handing him your card reluctantly. You really hoped he wouldn't walk out of there with you bank account empty. Heeding your advice, he runs inside without another word. Oh god. Maybe this was a bad idea....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi! I'm officially back!! I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything for a while! I'm still alive, please don't worry! My summer ewnded up being different than I believed it to be so everything was pretty delayed. here's your request at last <33 more will be posted soon and thats a PROMISE
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humphangh · 1 year
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"what can i say? I'm just very VERY attractive!" 🕶️ 🍏
whooop whoop drew this! sorry for the inactivity! with twitter getting worse i have decided to come back! helloo! obviously credit to @/grimmie on twitter for sharing their Fresh!Wally haha!
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ashipiko · 4 months
For some reason when u talked about Yuu!Ashi's birthday it didn't occur to me that it was your birthday as well?? Like????💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 IDK WHAT HAPPENED IM DUMB... SO AS COMPENSATION HERE'S A SMALL SKETCH OF DAISY AND ASHI (feat Grimmy!!) FOR U
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I apologize I'm a terrible mutual tsk tsk 😔 /j
No but seriously sorry for not realizing 😭 I hope u enjoy this tho!!!! And hope that Yuu!Ashi likes pumpkin pies🥲
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“Uwah?! Daiiisy, you totally shouldn’t have…! Gosh, I’m totally bombarded by a sea of deslish treats this time— You’re way too sweet!” Ashi cries, gratefully taking the pie from Daisy’s hands. She pats Grim on the head a couple times too, cracking a few remarks of how she’s surprised he pulled this off as well. Are you sure you didn’t just piggy-back off of Daisy…? Things like that.
After safely putting the pie away and saving it for later, Ashi gets back to the blonde, “Say, I think this is SO grounds for a cute pic! Say, one, two, three!” Seemingly out of thin air, a flash noise is heard from across the room.
…Huh. How did Ashi just know it was there…?
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inkblot22 · 1 year
It Leeches Under The Skin
So I promise I am not obsessed with anything, but I definitely am going to be a bit more self-indulgent with this miniseries. Also I spent several hours staring at pictures of abandoned pools so that was kind of cool.
I'm going to try something new and put the target audience here. This part is aimed at gender neutral readers (they/them pronouns wooo,) and can be read as afab or amab, as there is no smut whatsoever in this section. I'll see if I can keep the body ambiguous enough for later parts, but it may come at a cost to writing quality as my skills are lacking.
TW for mentions of gambling, contracts with Azul (selling your soul to the devil), human hunting, if you squint, blood, biting, verbal abuse, reader is bad at swimming, Floyd and Jade because they freak me out and I know I'm not the only one. If you squint, there may be some primal play, but like I said there is no smut.
It was a little odd. Entirely predictable, but also a little odd. Their best friend and roommate seldom thought his plots and plans through all the way, and of course they bore the brunt of the collateral.
Well. It’s well-deserved, they supposed. Expect trouble and you’ll get it, after all. They only wished it wouldn’t cost this much.
“Prefect? Are you listening?” Azul’s kind voice broke through their thoughts, but it was so easy to lapse back into the comfort of their mind.
What did he do this time? Oh, yes. Grim just gambled away all their savings and won nothing in return. The Lounge already had the seedy vibes of a speakeasy, why wouldn’t they also have a gambling table? Regardless, he’d racked up enough debt and was unable to pay it back, so the Leech twins had paid them a visit, perhaps hoping that they’d have some stash of money somewhere to pay.
They would, had it not been what Grim used to gamble. They sighed and stared at the cup of tea in front of them.
“Prefect, I thought you enjoyed tea. If you don’t like that blend, we can get you another one.” Azul said, “You seem lost in your thoughts. I hope all is well?”
“Not really. I’m about to sell my soul to the devil.”
“I’m hardly the devil. Besides, the main stipulation of this contract is simply that you let Floyd take you swimming tomorrow night.”
They didn’t trust that at all. They snatched the contract from Azul, and sure enough, in big, bold letters, they read the requirement of going swimming. 
“There’s a problem.” They said, scanning over the rest of the contract and not finding anything particularly bad within, “Two problems.”
“What would those be?”
“Well, I want you to guarantee Grim’s safety,” They passed the contract back to Azul. “Also I can’t swim.”
“That’s not a problem, prefect.” Azul spread his hands in a relaxed, placating gesture, “I have potions and other implements to help with that. It’s a non-issue.”
“Alright, then. And what’s the thing about hanging out with Floyd later on as well?”
“It’s only a clause, don’t worry. If he gets bored, then it won’t matter.”
They had to narrow their eyes at that one, kind of unsure about this. Still, the chances of him growing bored was about a 50% chance,
“Okay… Fix that part about Grim and I’ll sign it.”
Azul’s writing was quick but not one bit less neat. They signed the contract and Jade placed it in the safe, then poked his head out of the Lounge’s office.
Floyd strolled in, holding Grim. His face broke into a big grin when he saw them sitting there.
“Hey, Shrimpy!” He unceremoniously dropped Grim and got in their face, smiling even wider, “Why are you gettin’ so sweaty? I can smell you all the way from over here!”
“You’re…” They turned their head away, grimacing, “You’re really close, actually.”
“Hee hee… I know.”
“Are we gonna pretend that he didn’t just drop me or what?” Grim bristled and walked over, climbing onto the couch and taking a seat, “You guys are so rude!”
“Sorry, Grimmy-wimmy-two-toes.” They cooed at him, squishing his cheeks and giggling as he swatted them away, “Did you break anything other than your pride?”
Floyd stood, picking up the prefect's untouched tea and sniffing it, “Ugh.”
“Well, since this meeting is over, I trust you’ll be in the natatorium at eight tomorrow?”
“Eight? Is it going to go past curfew?” The prefect asked.
“Yes. I am sure this is also not an issue.” Azul’s eyes glanced at Grim and they swallowed, narrowing their eyes and frowning.
“Yeah… no problem.”
After classes, Jade dropped off what appeared to be an overnight bag, including a terrible swimsuit. It sort of looked like a chitinous layer, a silvery brownish color with panels sewn together like the plates of a crustacean. Not a very funny joke, honestly. There was no clause in the contract that they could remember that required them to wear this, but they also couldn’t remember, so they put it on anyways and rifled through the rest of the bag. There were painkillers, a pair of water wings, a few potions that they would not be imbibing, a new toothbrush and tube of toothpaste, travel soap that smelled like Floyd's cologne (yuck), and a few pairs of underwear. How he had gotten their sizes correct was something they chose not to ponder for long.
The walk to the natatorium was sort of slow. Maybe it was just their reluctance to go through on this, the concern of what the night would hold fresh in the forefront of their mind. 
It wasn’t that they disliked Floyd by any means. They honestly thought he was okay, and other than the incidents before Azul overblotted, they hadn’t really had to consider him a threat of any kind. There was that primal part of their brain, long suppressed through years and years of being the apex species in their world, that sometimes whispered that they needed to get away from him when he looked at them a certain way, or made a certain noise or movement… Little things that unsettled them but were easily ignored. 
The natatorium was unlocked. They stopped in the locker room and took off their overclothes, leaving them in the swimsuit and the pair of cheap flip-flops they’d gotten off of Ace. The flip-flops were too big on them, but he assured them that he could just get a new pair whenever. It was nice of him.
The pool room was silent and dark. The water was uncovered and completely still, but they couldn’t see Floyd anywhere. They took a seat on the edge of the pool, dipping their legs in the water and blowing up the water wings. They kicked their legs and waited.
Something shot out of the water, grabbing them by the shoulders and pulling them down in the water. They didn’t even have time to scream before their head went under and whatever it was released them.
The water wings ensured that they popped back up on the surface, gasping for air and shaking. They struggled to paddle to the edge of the pool but something grabbed their ankle and pulled them back underwater.
Clawing at the air uselessly, the prefect went back under, no sound other than a cut off scream escaping them this time. When they popped back up, head and arms above water, they heard snakey-sounding laughter. Their head whipped around, panicked, before they saw him.
Floyd was leaning against the pool wall, grinning in his true form with his head slightly tilted. All they could see of him was his silhouette, highlighted by the moonlight shining through the large windows of the natatorium, and his glowing eyes, one gold and one silver. He kept laughing as they slowly paddled to the other side of the pool and hugged the wall, turning to shoot him a glare.
“You’re really bad at tag, Shrimpy.” He said before they could say anything.
“Yup. We were playing tag. It’s boring to be 'it' all the time, you know.”
“Floyd, I can barely even see you. How-”
“If we turn on the lights, we’ll get caught. It’s more fun this way, too.”
“But I can’t be 'it' if it’s dark. I can’t see you.”
He shrugged and slipped into the water, the only visible part of him becoming those glowing eyes, “That’s too bad, Shrimpy. Better start swimming.”
They were so bad at swimming, legs paddling in futility as they tried to get to the deep end of the pool. The water was black as ink under them, feeling endless. They felt a motion below them and disgust crawled up their throat as they paddled faster. It was slow moving, they waved their arms through the water and spat up the saltwater that got in their mouth. 
If it was, in fact, Floyd circling underneath them, he was simply toying with them now. The motion they felt went still as they got to the other side and they paused to catch their breath. 
The room was silent under their heavy breathing. They looked around and felt the sweat bead on their neck and shoulders, under their arms and at their hairline as they wondered when he would catch up or pull them under. Nothing of the sort happened.
They kept paddling towards the edge of the pool so they could lean on the wall instead of feeling so unsteady with these waterwings on. As they splashed slowly towards the wall, they relaxed infinitesimally.
An arm shot up in front of them, webbed hand grabbing their face as a sharp, spiking pain lanced around their shoulder. They screamed as they were pulled under, the breath they were expelling turning into nothing but bubbles.
They could hear giggling, sort of like the sound of pebbles sifting underwater, and he let them go again. Their head popped above water and they gasped for air, touching their shoulder and wincing as the saltwater tickled the wound there. Their fingers came back smeared with a dark substance and they began paddling faster, climbing out of the pool as soon as they could.
“Man, you got the water all dirty. It smells like blood now.” Floyd’s voice startled them and they looked around.
They couldn’t see him, not from wherever he was. Their lips quivered and voice shook as they spoke.
“You… you bit me.”
“Uh, duh, Shrimpy. Why do humans gotta have such thin skin anyways? It makes it harder to do fun stuff.”
“What the hell are you even saying? You can’t run around biting people!”
“I don’t,” He said, plainly. They could almost make out his silhouette in the water, or at least see the ripples as he moved towards them, “Well, since you wanna be lame and complain about a little bite, guess we gotta get out of the pool now.” 
He hefted himself up onto the lip of the pool and popped the cork on something. They could hear him swallowing and then they could see his teal scales change into pale skin. He frowned at them and that primal part of their brain whispered that they should run.
They swallowed and stood up, frowning and clutching their shoulder, “I… I’m gonna go find a first aid kit.”
They turned on their heel and Floyd pulled them back by the seat of their swimsuit.
“You’re kinda stupid,” He mused, “You were gonna walk into the pool again. Do you wanna keep swimming?”
“No!” They yanked away and waved their foot in front of them, ensuring that the floor was solid, “I already told you that I can’t see, Floyd.”
He giggled again as you entered the locker room and gathered your clothes.
You hoped he was bored, but it was an asinine and frivolous wish.
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thirtysixandahalf's IG stories
coffee beans, book, art
8:50 a.m. EST, September 14th, 2022
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dotster001 · 1 year
Quiet End
A/N: Your first non canon, custom content end is here! I've tagged everyone from the of tag list, and everyone who voted for this particular end. If you wanna add your vote for the next one, you can do so in the comments here.
Chapters: Part One Part Two Part Three Choose Another ending
You have to do this! It's all you've been talking about for a week!"
"I just can't!"
Idia was all dressed in a suit and bow tie, but stubbornly standing outside the door to the restaurant. Ortho gave him a pleading look.
"Idia! Come on! Pull it together! You'll always regret it if you don't go in there!"
As Idia was about to send out another string of curses, when an angry Grim, wearing a bow tie, and holding a clipboard, slammed open the door and stomped over to Idia.
"Shroud, pull yourself together or, I swear to the seven, Ashengrotto and I will have a reconciliation, and you'll never have another chance with Y/N!"
With that shout out of his system, he stormed back into the restaurant, probably to try and tell the band and you that "your date" was still coming.
Idia was still frozen, but now it wasn't just out of social anxiety, it was the anxiety that if he blew tonight, he blew any chance of future nights with you.
"Okay, that's it," Ortho said, pushing Idia.
"No…"Idia said through gritted teeth.
"Initiating thrusters," Ortho said, and Idia heard the thrusters kick in, and felt Ortho's pushing get significantly stronger.
"No, no no!"
Once Ortho had pushed him through the door, he let him go, and escaped back out, leaving Idia to make eye contact with you and the band. A smile bloomed across your face, and you waved at him.
Idia took a steadying breath, and robotically walked over to your table, taking a seat.
"Sorry I'm late," he muttered.
"It's totally fine! I'm just happy that you're my date. The last date Grim set me up on was with Azul, and, well, I'm sure you heard how that went."
Idia nodded. The entirety of NRC had heard the story of how Grim had been roped into a contract with Azul, so that Azul could date you. Only a select few knew the truth, though.  Azul had begun construction on a second branch, which meant his income was slightly lower this quarter. And Grim wasn't that good at business math. Which meant Idia was in.
"You're happy it's me?" He asked, unable to hold eye contact with you.
"I mean, yeah. Of course I'm happy it's you! I like you. Quite a lot," you grinned, and his hair turned a deep red as he buried himself in his hoodie like a turtle.
As if the moment couldn't get anymore overwhelming, you looked over your shoulder at Grim, who was yelling at the singer in the band, and then leaned in enough that he could deeply inhale your scent.
"Wanna get outta here?"
The two of you were quietly walking along campus. Neither of you spoke, but neither of you needed too. It was a comfortable silence.
At length, Idia muttered," I quite like you, too."
You looked startled, but then smiled happily.
"I'm so happy, Idia. Thank you."
"Why? I'm just a loser otaku, with freaky blue hair…"
"Sevens, Idia! You're sweet, you're smart, you're funny, and despite how you feel, you're quite hot. Like that jawline could cut glass, dude."
He looked at you, not convinced.
"My god, I have to do everything around here," you said with a groan, before grabbing his face and kissing him.
His eyes widened in shock, but as he watched, you seemed to be enjoying the kiss. So he closed his eyes, and just took you in, letting the moment be.
"Y/N! Shroud!" 
You separated, and he couldn't stop himself from chasing your lips, until he realized that the angry sound was Grim.
"Both of you skipped out on your rather expensive date, so I just had to pay the bill. I expect rapid reimbursement."
You raised an eyebrow at Grim, then rolled your eyes.
"Whatever, Grimmy. Your money comes from me anyway."
"Don't sass me! This has been a rather stressful evening! We're going home, and neither of you gets to see each other until you've learned your lesson."
He stormed off, and you made to follow, but not before leaning in to Idia and whispering, "Let's do this in your room next time."
His heart was so full as he watched you leave, a dreamy sigh on his lips.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @i-like-forgs @astral-ami @homestuckotaku
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whosname · 9 months
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Oh, yeah, here's a second post about Gintama's Live-action adaptations. I'm a total completionist so I not only watched the second movie, I had to find the Mitsuba arc and then @sebfreak pointed me to the other miniseries, so... (sorry if it's a long post, while I'm not drawing my brain can't stop)
Right, the Mitsuba arc
Loved they include the spicy parfait scene, I mean, the cgi is what it is, but I have a lot of respect for 'em even trying,
Zaki's afro? chef's kiss, simply delicious
I mean:
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Also, Hijikata's reacion to the spicy snacks? delicious. These guys are good at funny faces.
Loved the Gin's pretending to be sleeping scene, missed the part about the black circles under his eyes, tho.
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(Look, it was very difficult to find the three parts of the drama, I got 'em from 3 different places and every place has it's own subtitles on indonesian or french. Also, the quality? oh my, the quality was terrible by the third part)
This is a fucking sad arc, daaaamn, and this being a drama... well, it's even more dramatic. I mean, that last scene on the roof? it always breaks my heart.
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And now, for something completely different, the mini-series thingy.
The episodes they choose to adapt are... interesting, I mean who in their right mind chooses those three? okay, I love how weird the decision is.
I love the details on the one were Kagura can't sleep, I mean, the Dragon Ball mangas, the justaway alarm clock, Gintoki's pajamas.
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Holy shit, the make up, the Napoleon thing, the radio drama, "I didn't get enough sleep, and I'm starting to hear strange things"; I love this episode.
And then, the one were Hijikata can't smoke, maaaan, this episode was like a fever dream in the anime and the live-action is so on point. The whole Namek planet thing, "I'm going to defeat Breeza!", "I'm trying to revive Grillin!", the cgi is not that bad, I mean, slimy grimmy Shen Long could've looked worst. Also, I insist, Hijikata's actor is so stupid good at expressions.
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And, finally, the dentist episode, another fever dream. I'm very afraid of the dentist so, yeah, can confirm that People of All Ages Hate the Dentist!. Also, again, their expressions!; Hasegawa!; the treatment! This episode may have worsen my fear of the dentist
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I love the way this live-actions thingies keep the whole Gintama spirit, I love that the first scene on the Rules are Made to be Broken movie is the still shot from Yorozuya HQ and it's just these idiots talking over it. If I've watched this on the cinema I would've cheered like the stupid weeabo I am (I told a friend yesterday "I went from 0 to otaku in like 3 moths" so there).
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I'm so thankful for Zura's piracy thing disclaimer.
Otose!!! OMFG, I love her!
"Work! We have to find work, Gin-san!" "I don't want to!" MOOD FOREVER!
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I love how they all try very hard not to laugh in the scenes with this guy, they failed, but I love it.
We've already talked about Zura's gender but... come on! how fucking amazing they are??!
Oh, and the Katsurap and then Pako (I mean, they changed her name here, but I still like Pako more 'cause Ginko is a different character, come on!) carrying her on her back.
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"It's the Shogun!" aaah, you didn't fail me, Rules are Made to be Broken.
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And then the hairdresser thing. I can't stop thanking you, Rules are Made to be Broken.
I guess the whole chip on Toshi's neck is weird, but maybe the whole sword thing would've been longer to explain so probably it was best for simplicity.
On that note, "Sakatashi"
"You're a Neet. You're thinking like a total Neet!" "Is that so? You guys look like pretty big Neets too." "Who the hell is a Neet?! We are hard-working workers now!"
So, yeah, I can forgive the the chip thing ONLY for the scene at Gengai's shop. Toshi, pilot the EVA.
I can't believe how close to the original is the scene were Gintoki catches Toshi by his neck and they all run away from those Shinsengumi guys.
"You tax thieves" <3
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this look badass, I mean...
We have little Takasugi action in this one, but hell, I don't care, I love his scenes with Bansai. Also, Bansai, of course.
Now, this is were I feel this goes weird, Bansai's gonna try to kill the (freaking) Shogun in a total different location form the train thing. It's... weird. Tho, Bansai looks amazing on his motorcycle.
I've said this a thousand time already, but I don't care, Kagura's really Gintoki's clone, I bloody love her.
Now, I don't fell Gintoki has a real motivation to go a fight Bansai in Edo, it never convinced me. I grateful for the Raccoon Bus scene, tho, I laughed like a maniac (look, I know I need to sleep more), but... dunno "then Takasugi Shinsuke will start killing people!" wasn't enough for me. Oh, and Zura, I love that they use every excuse to use Zura but still... weird?
I really like to like the first part of Gintoki vs Bansai but... too matrix~y too... the choreography is kind of cool, the shots between fights too but the whole matrix thing... I didn't like it.
BUT! the strings thing, that I liked.
And then the last scene at the dango place, I liked it a lot, I love when they did that on the anime averytime.
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