#i'm sorry I killed off Esteban
leclerc-s · 7 months
big reputations - part five
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user1 this interview further proves that max is daniel’s emotional support boyfriend.
↳ user2 was that ever up for debate?
↳ user1 no, but you get what i mean.
user3 oh, he’s got those stupid stars in his eyes again. this man is down bad.
user4 i love how he never brushes off questions about daphne. every single time he answers the questions about her
↳ user5 take notes joe alwyn. this is how you talk about mother daphne.
↳ user4 the shade towards joe. this fandom will never let him rest.
user6 these two are never beating the dating allegations.
↳ user7 i don't think they want to
↳ user6 oh for sure, these two want to know how far this whole thing is going to go
user8 even if they aren't dating it's such an adorable friendship
↳ user9 it'll be official when he meets ryan and blake. that's when you know they are actually dating.
↳ user8 or when she meets christian and max, oh wait.
↳ user9 that's actually a good point
user10 someone stop this man from being so down bad for daphne.
user11 i am loving that max is daphne and daniel's third wheel.
↳ user12 i'm living for max teasing daniel. you know this man does it constantly and never let's daniel rest
↳ user11 oh i know max has never given him a moment of peace.
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george russell everyday i am reminded that daphne jones fans are a different breed.
lando norris i would ask why but i have been on twitter today. apparently dts is trending on netflix
alex albon charles, mate, you've got the daphne fans crying.
charles leclerc oh god, what did i do now?
fernando alonso season 1 episode 8 charles leclerc oh.
daniel ricciardo is that why we're trending? i thought old tweets of mine were found and i was getting cancelled
esteban ocon have you said things that’ll get you cancelled?
daniel ricciardo no, but it’s a genuine fear estie! max verstappen at the ‘girlies’ have joined in on our mutual hatred for zak (oscar and lando you saw nothing) oscar piastri never thought i would see the day max verstappen said ‘girlies’
yuki tsunoda added one person
yuki tsunoda speaking of daphne jones ARE YOU TWO DATING RICCIARDO??
george russell yuki who did you add??
unknown number hello, it's liam lawson. george russell oh cool.
daniel ricciardo i don't feel like i have to expose my personal life to you people. i already see you too much.
max verstappen stop being a pussy and ask her out.
daniel ricciardo how about you shut the fuck up for once?
charles leclerc in the words of arthur, 'uh oh, the girls are fighting'
logan sargeant arthur's chronically online so it doesn't surprise me that he knows what that is.
valtteri bottas have you asked her out daniel?
nico hülkenberg i have to admit this is the highlight of my year, have you done it yet ricciardo??
kevin magnussen yes, have you?
jenson button no pressure or anything, but have you?
daniel ricciardo oh for fucks sake. i hate all of you.
liam lawson i'm so confused.
liam lawson i thought they were dating already? considering what ajdbfwei
max verstappen sorry, liam is currently out of commission.
george russell why is that so fucking threatening? what did you do verstappen?
max verstappen nothing. liam is just out of it for the next 20-30 minutes
sergio perez i have never seen max's body move so fast. i fear liam is unconscious.
carlos sainz what the hell is happening?
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daniel ricciardo what the hell did you do to liam? is he okay?
max verstappen liam is okay. i pinky swear it.
daphne jones what happened?
max verstappen i was not going to let liam ruin the magnificent plan that i made. he had to be silenced.
daniel ricciardo you make it sound like you killed the poor guy
daphne jones he makes it sound like he's a mafia hitman
max verstappen i could totally be a hitman.
daniel ricciardo cat-dad verstappen could never be a hitman. mad-max however is a different story.
max verstappen i could be a hitman who loves cats. hitmen have many sides to them daniel.
daniel ricciardo do you think this man could be a hitman?
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daphne jones that man could never be a hitman
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daniel ricciardo could max be a hitman?
charles leclerc absolutely not oscar piastri no fucking way sabrina carpenter i'm going to need context but the answer is no
max verstappen fuck you guys. i could be hitman.
daphne jones face it max, you could never be one.
sabrina carpenter however this version of max and charles could totally be hitmen
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charles leclerc how the hell?
sabrina carpenter tiktok is a wonderful place.
daphne jones i thought it was the countless twitter tags asking if you had seen it already? sabrina carpenter oh no it came up on my for you page. it was a video called f1 quotes i quote on the daily. i, of course spiralled when i saw that specific part.
sabrina carpenter my favorite driver is kimi.
charles leclerc well he's retired. so who's your favorite driver on the grid right now?
sabrina carpenter fernando alonso
daniel ricciardo wow, that's so mean.
oscar piastri i would've said the same thing just to annoy you.
daniel ricciardo look who's no longer my favorite grid son
charles leclerc what the fuck? i'm a part of this group chat too.
daniel ricciardo you're on thin fucking ice until you tell xavi off or someone at ferrari.
max verstappen you can't seriously still be bitter about singapore
sabrina carpenter i think charles has no choice but to enter his reputation era.
oscar piastri not yet, he hasn't hit rock bottom yet. charles leclerc and, in the rookie's opinion, what is rock bottom? oscar piastri dnf, dns, dsq max verstappen if at any point charles gets dsq'd i will be calling oscar a psychic. daniel ricciardo WHY WOULD YOU PUT THAT OUT THERE OSCAR??
sabrina carpenter so, mom, dad, are we going to qatar??
oscar piastri yeah, mom and dad, will you be at qatar?
max verstappen they went from being two strangers to mom and dad to three children in span of a few months.
charles leclerc he's only a few years older than me, how is he my father?
sabrina carpenter you dare argue with the twitter giriles?
charles leclerc no?
sabrina carpenter then congrats, you are now mine and oscar's older brother.
oscar piastri charles right now
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max verstappen he should save that energy for xavi and ferrari
charles leclerc don't tempt me to crash into you max. i'll do it. then we'll have to wait another weekend to see you crowned world champion again
sabrina carpenter via air max?
max verstappen who told the pop girl about air max?
sabrina carpenter once again, tiktok is a wonderful place max verstappen once again, i hate you so much sabrina carpenter stay pressed sid. i'm their child and you are simply daniel's mistress. oscar piastri what is it the twitter people say? gagged him.
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taglist: @glow-ish @agustdpeach @msolbesg @spilled-coffee-cup @1nt3rnetgf @six-call
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¡leclerc-s speaks! can you tell i started rewatching dts now that the season is over? i actually do cry everytime i watch episode 8 of season 1. personally, i love suzuka, but i think the fia's choices with putting tractors on the track has given it a bad history. anyways, hope you enjoyed this, it's a little sad but i never write sad stuff so this is new.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet. enjoy!
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formula1fanfiction · 2 months
Charles Leclerc / Pierre Gasly
Title: What's going on?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Pierre Gasly
Characters: Charles Leclerc, Pierre Gasly, Lando Norris, Oscar Piastri, George Russell, Alex Albon, Esteban Ocon.
Prompt: Could you write Pierre, who becomes a kisser when drunk? Bottom Pierre.
A/N: Pierre's a little meance in this and poor Charles is the one who has to deal with all the shit.
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If Charles had one thing to say about is best friend, it's that he's not a very classy drunk. "I'm not going to drink, I promise." Pierre tells Charles as he walks through the door. "I've heard that before." Charles replies before following him through the doors.
They are already late to the party, most over drivers seem drunk already. "Come on Pierre, it's wine it won't kill you." Charles watches as Max pratically shoves the drink into Pierre, most of it sloshes out of the side and stains Max's white shirt red. "Whoops."
"I'm good, i'm not drinking tonight." Pierre smiles at the Dutchmen politely, then walks away.
"You drank last time and nothing bad happened." Carlos tells Pierre, Charles stares daggers at his teammate behind Pierre's head, because yes something bad did happened last time. Pierre vomited into a potted plant and then tried to make out with Sebastian Vettel, Charles had never been more embarrassed, especially when Seb had told him to control his best friend.
"He's good." Charles steps in. "Because last time he vomited into a potted plant." He decides to leave out the kissing Seb part. Carlos laughs so hard, he has to clench down on his stomach.  
Pierre likes kissing people when he's drunk and that's a problem.
"Stop being boring, it's my party, now drink." Lando presses a vodka into Pierre's hand, who gives a little shrug. "I guess, one can't hurt." Oh, here we go. Charles mentally rolls his eyes, watching him tip back the drink.   
One quickly turns into several, Charles hates that he can't enjoy himself because he's got to take care of Pierre. Hopefully he doesn't try and kiss anyone tonight.
"Oh hello, Estie bestie. Why do we hate each other?" Esteban, who never drinks looks repulsed as Pierre closes the gap between them with puckered lips. "Pull yourself together." Charles hisses, quickly pulling Pierre away, giving Esteban a small smile in apology. "You would only hate yourself in the morning for going there."
"Drink this." Oscar presses a glass of water into Pierre's hand. "It will help you sober up." Charles is too busy watching Alex and George shamelessly making out, Alex has George pressed up against the wall, a hand up his shirt. A small part of him wishes that was him and Pierre.
"Yeah, they need to get a room." Oscar laughs, following Charles eyes. "I would tell them to get one, but i'm scared they will end up fucking in Lando and I's bedroom." Charles forgot for a moment that Lando and Oscar are together, it seems everyone is in an established relationship but him.
"Get away from him." Charles glances over and sees Pierre, now has George pressed up against the wall. Luckily the Brit, doesn't seem that angry about it, his boyfriend on the other hand roughly pushes Pierre away. "Kiss your own boyfriend."
"You took my seat, so I thought i'd take your man." Pierre is smirking, Charles doesn't think he's ever seen Alex that angry, he quickly pulls him away. "Sorry Alex, he's drunk." Alex places his hands on his hips. "Why don't you kiss him instead, we all know you want to." Charles narrows his eyes and pulls Pierre away.
"What was that all about?" Pierre asks staring into Charles' soul, like wasn't the one who tried to kiss George and piss off Alex. "You tried to kiss George, while Alex was standing right next to him." Pierre giggles. "I wasn't talking about that."
"Then what, Pierre?" Charles just wants to home, parties are no fun when you a babysitting an actual idiot. "When Alex said, why don't you kiss him, we all know you want to." Charles shrugs.
"Do you want me to kiss you, Charles?" He wants to say, but that would be lying, so he doesn't say anything, just glares at Pierre. His personal space is suddenly crowded by Pierre then their lips meet. The kiss isn't a good one, Pierre's drunk and it's full of tongue and teeth but Charles' heart does a happy dance finally getting what he wants.
"Shall we go back to the hotel?" Pierre smirks as he pulls away. How can Charles say no to that. They don't bother saying goodbye, Pierre's pissed off way too many people.
"Are we going to fuck, Charles?" It's the first thing Pierre asks when they enter the bedroom. "No, you're too drunk for that." Pierre laughs. "I'm not drunk, tipsy maybe but not drunk."
"Still no, because i've never, you know with man." Charles gestures with his hand, embarrassed that he's even admitting to this. "You can fuck me, it's no different than doing it with a women, I know you've done that." Pierre shrugs. "Well yes, okay."
"Great." Pierre tears off his clothes, like he's some kind of animal and spreads himself out in the middle of Pierre's bed. "There's lube in my pocket." Charles fishes it out of Pierre's jeans while slowly taking off his own clothing.
"Are you sure about this? I feel like i'm taking advantage of you." Charles climbs up onto the bed and settles himself between Pierre's spread legs. "I've wanted to fuck you for years Charles, just get on with it, i'm horny."
"Ok, Mr bossy." Charles pours a generous amount of lube onto his fingers, probably too much he makes a bit of a mess and it runs down his fingers. "Not the whole bottle, Cha." Pierre giggles placing his hands behind his head, lifting his legs slightly giving Charles better access to his hole.
"Actually, maybe my hands and knees will make it easier." Pierre rolls over and soon Charles is presented with that nice ass. Charles is a little nervous sinking the first finger inside, he's fucked girls, this isn't too different. He twists and turns the digit, fucking him with them, then adding another one. He works his way up to four fingers, just because he's scared to death of hurting Pierre.
"Today Charles, I am not a virgin, I bet I could get your fist inside me at this point." Charles lets his fingers slip out. "You are so bossy for someone who is about to have a dick in their ass."  
"I just know what I want, now stop fucking around and get inside of me." Charles resists the urge to spank the pale pass and pours lube on his cock, hissing in pleasure at finally giving himself some pleasure.
Charles lines himself up with Pierre's hole and slowly sinks inside. "Charles." Pierre snaps again and Charles gives up taking it steady and slams inside of him with one swift thrust. "Fuck yes, you feel so good." Charles stalls for a few seconds but soon starts to move, because Pierre is annoying as fuck and keeps complaining, drilling Pierre with rough but shallow thrusts.
"Wow Charles, you really know what you're doing." Charles has had it with Pierre's mouth now and decides it time to shut Pierre up once and for all and slams inside even harder, getting deeper and deeper with each thrust. The headboard slams against the wall. Pierre's bossy sounds are now replaced with loud moans, which are slightly better to handle.
Charles sinks to the deepest parts of him and angles his thrusts until he slams into Pierre's prostate. "Fucking hell." Pierre throws his head back, taking his own leaking cock into his hand are furiously strokes himself to the same pace as Charles' thrusts.  It doesn't take long for him to fall apart and he's screaming Charles' name as he paints his own hand with his milky white seed, collapsing down onto the bed in the process, leaving him face down ass up.
"I'm close." Charles digs his fingers into Pierre's hips and thrusts into him with all his might. Pierre is still moaning loudly, even though he must be feeling sore and oversensitive by now. Three more hard thrusts and Charles is following suit, screaming out Pierre's name as he spills inside of him. Charles pulls out instantly and collapses down onto the bed, trying to catch his breath.
"I'm sorry Pierre, I feel like I took advantage of you." Pierre makes a sound and pulls Charles in for a cuddle, until his head rests on Pierre's chest. "I was bossing you around the entire time, you can't think I didn't want it."
"I think you wanted it, but you are drunk..." Pierre giggles. "I'm not drunk Charles, i've always wanted you, I always kissed the guys to make you jealous." Charles can't believe what he's hearing. "You kissed George, in front of Alex." A shit eating grin appears on Pierre's face. "No harm in pissing of Alex in the process."
"So you wanted to fuck then?" Pierre nods. "I've wanted to fuck you forever Charles, I had always thought that you would be the bottom." Charles shrugs. "Maybe next time?"
"I hope that's a promise."
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f0point5 · 10 months
Honestly i think yn is def more tough than max and while yes opposites do attract we saw how her comments taken out of context and he did nothing to defend her or shut those comments while they were still friends. Imagine them as lovers; they would argue ALWAYS because 1) she had some pretty bad shit in her childhood just like max and it's one of the maybe the biggest reason why they clicked so good but mick had a pretty good childhood and honestly i dont think he would've understand her childhood struggles 2) like i said, she is rougher than him and just imagining them having arguments gives me 😧 became she would annihilate that man with a few words... Mick is sweet and she's not a terminator but their personalities crashes so much for them to be lovers.
On the other hand max and yn is perfect for each other and im not saying it just because im rooting for them. Max KNOWS what she needs and just trying to do it. Didn't cut the communication between them even though she's pretty much ignored him and talked with everyone, nearly throw hands again because esteban talking shit (again). Their bond is much more unique than what she and mick had/has. I dont think they can go back to what they had either.
I'm sorry but mick doesn't have a backbone in this story. This man let his uncle and "bestie" to talk shit and bully (yes) about one of his oldest friends just because he didn't like what she said in a podcast. Which by the way it was taken out of context. He didn't do anything when the whole f1 fans degrading her with nasty comments either. These weren't simple hate comments they were talking about her in a way that was so awful that she had to go awol for a bit because she can't handle that (naturally of course who could've). HE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING. And these idiots trying to make an enemies to lovers? Nahhh hell no.
Me reading this knowing the next part is called “My words shoot to kill when I’m mad”…
You read my mind. Y/N has a temper on her that we are about to see pop off lol. I think that’s the main difference I see between Y/N and Max, they’re both tough but where Max is more blunt and a bit of a hothead, Y/N can be quite calculated in her reactions. But yeah, she and Max were definitely both cut from the same cloth in terms of having to learn to fight for themselves whereas Mick had more emotional support, and what support means to him is different to what it means to Y/N (and Max).
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 1 year
Sick Froggy (THSC Yaoi - Jordon One-shot).
This was based on the day 19 of my Stickmintines Prompt.
The Criminal was running towards near the river at night, he was caring an bag with tons of money, he thought that he was going to escape that easy... But he was wrong, because in that moment when he let his guard down, John Frog Pilksin jumped right in front on him, along with his partners and best friends Amelia Turtle Esteban and Gordon Eel Banks, and a government helicopter appeared.
John Frog: Your not going anywhere mate.
The Criminal: (💭Fuck!)
Gordon Eel: Alright! Hand over the bag and put your hands in the hair, and don't try to trick us! You have nowhere to escape!
Amelia Turtle: *Grabs her communicator device* General! This is Amelia Turtle Estaban! We stopped the criminal! Bring up the force immediately.
General Galeforce: *From the communicator device* Roger that turtle, bringing back up right now, they should arrive in a few minutes.
Amelia Turtle: Alright general. *Turns off the communicator*
The criminal: *Grumbles angry*
John Frog: *Gets close to the criminal to put the polices wives on him* alright fella, your going straight to jail for what you've done.
The Criminal: ... *Sees the river* (💭Heh heh, i don't think so you sky-blue hair guy!)
In a quick movement the criminal grabbed John's arm and he immediately pushed him to the river, causing him to fall straight into the water, Gordon and Amelia were completely shock about what happened, and they grabbed the criminal's arms and put the polices wives on him.
Amelia: *grabs her communicator device again* Quintin! We got an emergency! The criminal pushed John into the river! We got to find him!
Quintin: *from the communicator device* Got it Turtle, I'll let you know when we find him!
After a few hours, the criminal was arrested, now everyone was back at the government camp, Gordon and Amelia were so worried about John, but they became more relief when they saw their best friend safe and sound, although he was wet and he was covered by a blue towel.
Gordon: Froggy! We're so glad your ok! We thought you were killed!
Amelia: Yeah! Thankfully the criminal was arrested, he won't be a problem anymore.
John: That's good to hear, I'm sorry for the big scare, everything happened so fast.
Gordon: *hugs John* that doesn't matter Froggy! What matters is that your ok!
John: Yeah... And i think a warm shower will help be get more relaxed, that river's water was so cold for me...
Amelia: it looks like it.
John: Alright, I'll go and take an shower, and the we'll see in the tend.
Gordon: Heh, alright Froggy.
John began to go the bathroom but during his way he began to cough and bit and sneeze, but he didn't give much to it and continue his way.
Back with Gordon and Amelia, the two guys were in their tend, it was a big tend with two beds, Amelia sleeps in one, while John and Gordon sleep together in another one, Amelia notice that Gordon was having and concerned face.
Amelia: Hey Eel, are you okay?
Gordon: Not really... I feel guilty of what happened to Froggy... I'm also worry that it might get worse...
Amelia: Hey relax mate, John is strong, he'll be fine, today was a really exhausting day, let's just get ready and go to sleep, maybe you'll feel better in the morning.
Gordon: ... Yeah... Your right Turtle...
It was like 3:48 a.m. and the trio of Bounty hunters were sleeping, Amelia was sleeping in her bed while John and Gordon were both sleeping together, they were sleeping peacefully until a weird movement awoke Gordon, he notice that his best friend was shivering badly, and his face was a bit red, this concerned Gordon more than usual, so the white hair guy got up form the bed and quickly went to find some blankets to warm up his best friend.
John: *shivering* B-brr... (💭I-I feel cold... Very cold...)
Gordon: *returns with a blanket* Hey froggy.
John: *slowly opening his eyes* h-hmm?
Gordon: I brought you another blanket.. *warps the blanket around John, making him more comfortable and warm.*
John: *Feels a bit more warm* T-thanks E-eely... *Coughs and sneeze* Achoo!!
Gordon: You don't sound too good Froggy, are you feeling alright?
John: A-a few hours ago i was feeling great... B-but now... I-I don't feel so good... A-and i-i don't know why...
Gordon: hmn... *Gently puts his hand in John's forehead, it was very warm* I think I have the answer Froggy..
John: R-really?
Gordon: ... You've came down with a fever...
John: E-eh??
In the next day at 8:30 a.m, John was looking way more awful than last night, he was seriously sick, he was feeling very weak and sleepy, he was feeling cold and hot at the same time, his body temperature was quite high, his face was more red than before, he was having constant headaches, and of course, he was tired despite not getting up from bed. Dr V was checking on John, putting and wet towel on hid burning forehead to cool it off while she was also checking on his temperature.
John: *lying on his bed with the wet towel on his head and a thermometer in his mouth with his eyes closed* Uuuuuuuugh..... *Coughing violently*
Dr. V: *pulls the thermometer out of his mouth* hmnnn... 42.7 ... Just as i thought, πá... *Turns back to the General, Amelia and Gordon* General... I'm afraid to tell you that John Frog has come seriously sick, he has contracted a really bad cold, so the best thing is that he gets in completely quarantine so he can't get his cold to the others and stay in bed for at least 3-5 days.
General Galeforce: Understood Dr. V, and thanks.
Dr. V: no problem general, and also takes this cold medicine, it will help him beat the symptoms so he can sleep well. *Puts a cold medicine bottle on the table* now, i should get going, I've got more patients to check for. *Leaves the tend*
General H. Galeforce: *Looks at John* Frog?
John: *weakly opening his eyes* G-general...?
General H. Galeforce: you heard the doctor, you won't be able to go on missions until you recover, plus you've contracted a really bad cold, so you'll be in quarantine until you recover because i won't let that you get the other soldiers sick, understood?
John: *Coughs violently* Ugh... I feel horrible to go anywhere... I won't move from here general...
General H. Galeforce: Good, now, stay in bed, and get some sleep, it will help you get your strength back.
John: *nods and sneezes*
General H. Galeforce: *notices that Gordon was extremely concerned* everything alright Eel?
Gordon: N-no... Froggy is sick! And it's my fault he's in this situation! I'm the one who should be lying in that bed! Suffering that cold! Not him!
General H. Galeforce: hey easy Eel, don't carry an weight that you don't have to carry, this is not your fault, nobody knew that this would happened.
Amelia: The general Galeforce is right Gordon, besides, John is really strong, he will be able to recover.
Gordon: I-I know... It's just that i hate seeing him like that... General, if you give me the permission to watch over him until he recovers..
General H. Galeforce: Are you sure Eel? Because i won't be responsible is you get sick too.
Gordon: i don't care! I prefer more getting sick myself than seeing John being sick!
Amelia: Wow man, you sound like you love John, Gordon.
Gordon: *immediately blushes* W-what!?? N-no! Of course not! Besides, John is my best friend!
Amelia: Sure bud, sure~
General Galeforce: Well if that's the case Eel, I'll allow you to take care of Frog until he gets on his feet again, just watch your distance and don't get too close to him, and wear a mask for the occasion, understood?
Gordon: Yes general, i understand.
General Galeforce: Good, now, turtle, go and tell along Price and Spencer to meet in my office for an mission they'll have today.
Amelia: Right up general! Good luck Gordon, and get well soon John. *Leaves the tend*
General Galeforce: I know that Frog will be in good hands with ya Gordon. *Leaves the tend*
Gordon: *Nods and then sees John, who was trying to sleep but a headache he was having didn't let him* (💭I have to be strong, for Froggy... After all... He's my soulmate...)
John was having a nasty headache that it was not letting him sleep well, he tried the best but it was useless, he was feeling so tired and weak to fight back the headache, but then he felt something touching his head softly, besides feeling weak John slowly opened his eyes and notices that Gordon was next to him.
Gordon: Hey Froggy...
John: E-e-eely... *Coughs* W-w-where's the... G-general and... T-turtle...? *Sneeze*
Gordon: They are outside doing missions, in meantime, I'll be watching over you until you recover.
John: B-b-but... I don't- *coughs uncontrollably* I-i don't want you get sick from me... *Sneezes*
Gordon: Don't worry about me Froggy, i don't care if I get sick, i just don't want to see you like this.
John: E-eely...
Gordon: Don't worry, whatever you need to get better, I'm on it.
John: T-thanks...
Gordon started to take care of his ill best friend, every hour he would remove the towel from his head and then submerge it on cold water and put it again on his burning forehead, John was actually enjoying how his best friend was taking care of him, it was really cute.
While Gordon was watching over John he thought something, it was like 1:30 p.m and John haven't ate anything, so he might be hungry.
Gordon: Hey Froggy?
John: H-hmn... Y-Yeah?
Gordon: I just thought on something... It's like 1:30 p.m and you haven't eaten yet, you want something to eat?
John: T-thanks for asking E-eely... B-but I'm not hungry...
Gordon: Are you sure?
John: Y-yeah...
Gordon: If you say so...
Suddenly, a hunger growl that came from John's stomach was heard.
John: ... O-ok... Yeah... I'm kinda hungry...
Gordon: *Chuckles* I knew it, what do you want to eat then?
John: ... M-maybe some soup...
Gordon: Alright, I'll tell Ma'am Camila to make you some soup, I'll be right back. *Leaves the tend*
John: ... A-alright... *His stomach once again growls of hunger* (💭M-man I'm really hungry... M-maybe not having breakfast was not a good idea...)
After 10 minutes, Gordon came back with some soup and grilled cheese.
Gordon: Hey Froggy, I'm back, Ma'am Camila made you some Potato soup along with grilled cheese. *Sits in the chair next to the bed* Also she told me to tell you get well soon.
John: A-ah thanks E-eely...
Gordon: Your welcome Froggy, now eat up, I'm pretty sure you're starving.
Jordon: I-i am...
Gordon carefully handed the spoon full of soup to John so he can eat, and when he tasted the soup, his eyes shine.
John: W-wow! T-this is actually so delicious!
Gordon: *chuckles* She knew you'll say that, because she knows how much you like potato soup.
John: I truly love it Eely... Thanks...
Gordon: Your welcome Froggy.
Gordon continue giving John the soup, and after a while he finished his meal.
Gordon: Well that's all of it, did you enjoy it Froggy?
John: Y-yes, i did... *Smiles*
Gordon: I'm glad you did. *Grabs the cold medicine bottle* Now have this, it will help you sleep with that awful cold.
John: A-alright... *Coughs*
Gordon poured the medicine in the bottle's cap and then give it to John, when he swallowed the medicine, he let out an "bleh" in disgust.
John: Bleh! T-that tastes horrible!
Gordon: Yeah, i know, but it will help you beat the colt symptoms so you can sleep well..
John: I know...
Gordon: *Notices a sad expression on John's face* Is everything alright Froggy?
John: I-it's just that... I hate being sick... It makes me feel... Useless...
Gordon: Useless?
John: Y-yeah! I can't go out fighting criminals when I'm sick, sometimes i feel like an outcast! Seeing the others fighting without me it's kinda annoying... *Coughs*
Gordon: Froggy...
John: I-i don't like when I'm like this... M-my body hurts so much... I-i can barely move... And I'm having terrible headaches! I can't keep going like this!
Gordon: Hey, hey, take it easy Froggy, i know how you feel, everyone hates being sick, but sometimes when you get sick you get some rest from all that work.
John: Y-yeah... I guess...
Gordon: And don't worry, i know that once you recover we'll be able to go on missions again... I know we will..
John: Y-your right... You are the best Eely...
Gordon: Thanks Froggy, know, you need anything else?
John: A-actually yeah... Can you be next to me in the bed please?
Gordon: O-oh... *Blushes* S-sure! Heh heh.
Gordon takes his glasses off, gets up from the chair and then he sat next to John in the bed, Gordon warped his arms around John, making him more comfortable.
Gordon: Are you comfortable like that Froggy?
John: Y-yeah... T-thanks E-eely... *Lets out a yawn*
Gordon: *chuckles* Looks like someone is getting sleepy, are you feeling better Froggy?
John: Y-yeah... T-thanks to you... F-for watching over me... Eely...
The cold medicine began to kick in when John started to fall asleep in Gordon's arms, Gordon by seeing his ill best friend sleeping peacefully it made him feel more relief now knowing that John was safe, ho se wrapped the blanket around John making him more comfortable and warm.
Gordon: *chuckles* Get well soon Froggy... And sleep well too... I love you...
That's all, i hope you enjoyed this one-shot :)
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ghostwnby · 4 months
Ghostwnby's intro post!
Hello everyone! I thought it was about time I wrote a little intro post for this blog. So with that being said, hello! Welcome to my blog!
Some quick facts about me:
- I'm 18 years old (I'll be 19 in a few months 🤭)
- I'm American
- I use any/all pronouns
- I identify as queer <3
- I am currently hyperfixated on f1 (my fav teams are Redbull [excluding Christian Horner], Mercedes, Aston Martin) but I do love hockey (my fav teams are Boston Bruins, New York Rangers, Pittsburgh Penguins, and Chicago Blackhawks) as well :)
Talking about f1, my top 5 favorite drivers are:
1. Esteban Ocon
2. Daniel Riccardo
3. Sebastian Vettel (+ Lewis Hamilton they are a bonded pair they come as a duo i dont make the rules 💀)
4. Max Verstappen
5. Fernando Alonso
I really like the rest of the current grid (especially Lance <33) but if I had to share my "bottom" three it would be:
1. George Russell - I'm sorry but something about this man's vibes are extremely off to me and he lowkey scares me 😭😭
2. Pierre Gasly - Same reason as George. He's not as bad but still his vibe is just not it for me 💀
3. Sergio "Checo" Pérez - I'm sorry to all the Checo fans out there but I absolutely hate this man so much. Even before I started watch DTS I hated him. He gives me creepy gross man vibes. I hate it.
Even though I haven't posted anything in YEARS, I have been getting back into writing fics again.
So with that being said, here is a list I am (or will) write for:
- Sewis
- Maxiel
- Strollonso
- Landoscar
- Charlos
- Yukierre
- George Russell + Alex Albon (idk their ship name??)
- Esteban + Lance (again idk their ship name)
And ones I won't write for:
- lestappen (don't kill me)
- Max/Checo (or any dealing with Checo tbh)
- Carlando (don't kill me 2.0 yall are scary)
- Lando/Daniel
- Charles/Pierre
Also, my request box is open! I would love to answer any questions/requests you all might have for me 🤭
But before that I want to set a few ground rules.
Here is what I am WILLING to write:
- imagines/oneshots (involving the drivers/ships I listed before)
- fluff
- angst**
- smut**
- Maybe x reader??
**There are limitations to what I am willing to write. (No heavy angst aka any triggering/heavy topics And I will list the restrictions on smut below)
With that being said here is what I'm NOT willing write:
- Anything dealing with the drivers/ships listed earlier
- Again any heavy/triggering topics
- Any type of age play
- Anything that deals with extreme k!nks
- Piss (or anything along that matter)
- Anything problematic (I've seen some insane tags for fics smh)
I think that's all for now! If I think of anything else or I have any big updates I will definitely update this! Thank you all for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day/night 🥰💕
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kerink · 1 year
haunting of night vale react
god ive been so fucking excited for this drop im gonna bite my arm off
"buying" girl i know enough about this showyeah youre building one i knew that
baby hates tv i knew it
cecils so bad with money hes such a babygirl hes spending all of daddys money
fuck everyone who cheered for the moon ‼️‼️‼️
ARIES FIRST oh YAY god i wanna travel honey you have no idea TT_TT i want love i want a promotion
it was very sexy cecil dont worry 🥵 god baldwin trying not to laugh while doing that was really cute
god i love when cecil hates doing the news and instead just wants to talk about his life
2x2 ft rooms and no bathrooms...
carlos calling him baby......
"thanks its friday" was me yesterday on the verge of a breakdown but luxuriating in crabfest
oh 🤨 so tamika believes in violence again suddenly? girl where was this energy when we had a serious problem
"what..................how" hes so funny
ceecee 💕🥵💕
cecil trauma timeeee
yeah baby... youre the thing ruining your home sorry this was mean
yeah honey you should go back to therapy
cecil getting horny over carlos being mad lmfao
point me in the direction of people who left mean comments on your ig post queen ill kill them
i hate the sound baldwin made while talking about pamella winchell
okay i knew that cecil saying "my love for carlos is a ____ kind of love" was different at different shows, i'm glad they wound up making "greedy" the canon line because it gives us sooo much to work with
hes gonna disappoint esteban no matter how hard he tries TT_TT
michelle is going to kill cecil one day she really is i believe this
shes making cecil imagine motivational posters....
he knows telling michelle shes wrong is going to get him killed
why is cecil confused about this its been this way for the whole show
cecil why do you have a basement in your southwestern home? thats just asking for trouble
god i love sam o7 thank you king for all the hard work you do
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hey-kae · 1 year
always the ranting italian anon (sorry i really enjoy talking 💀)
personally i feel like that pirelli didn't mean to help red bull specifically, they just changed the compounds so the teams in general would stop complaining. in the end it ended up helping red bull especially bc of the skyrocket they put out as a car. also i feel like races this year are more boring in a sense compared to previous years bc the harder they are the longer they last, so teams have to make less "extreme" calls and sometimes overcuts and undercuts don't even work anymore. medium tyres aren't supposed to last for almost an entire race, but then you had verstappen's stint on medium in miami and i was just like "fuck off" (in an annoyed way, not at him). i (again, personally) believe that if pirelli stood their ground in 2021 maybe we'd also have more exciting races bc overcuts/undercuts would still be as effective and, currently, they're not. also i'm not saying the entire "fault" lies on pirelli, bc we all know it's also the fia's fault for changing regulations during the season (ie: the dt39 last year to change the floors, which killed ferrari [also their own fault for relying on a gray zone]).
and for ferrari... i love them but i also hate them but i love them 😭 like here you get feed ferrari shit everywhere. after every race you get a part of the tv news dedicated to how f1 went and how good/bad ferrari did. also living in the same region as them means that i get to see ferrari's flags hanging from balconies and such. like i love this team, i grew up cheering for them and my family loving schumacher, but if they don't start changing mentality and stop money and sponsors influence them so much nothing will change for the better. charles is currently our only hope and they better not throw him away like that, bc i'm sure that if he ends up in a top team he's going to win and it'll hurt twice as much
No please i enjoy talkingg too you can definitely keep talking to me on here i love it🫶🏻
I definitely see where you’re coming from. I also agree that raising the floors messed up ferrari’s performance and not by little (thank you toto🙂)
Personally i just don’t get changing regulations because a few teams are complaining like that’s literally not fair to the ones that weren’t.
But i also feel like ferrari fucked up their chances of bouncing back with upgrades that really didn’t do enough and the strategy fiascos (not mentioning reliability here as well)
It was really weird a few races ago when haas (i don’t remember which driver) and esteban only pitted cause they have to not cause they needed it. Like the tires lasted a whole race?!?
And honestly i feel for you being fed ferrari news, especially during seasons like this one. Here, motorsport isn’t too big so we get like a few seconds recap of who won the f1 race and if anything special happened (longest time they spoke was Australia this year😭) and sometimes I still tell the tv to fuck off.
(They also say vershtappen instead of verstappen and now im confused if that’s how it’s pronounced 😂)
Listening to how the race went afterwards feels like rubbing salt in the wound sometimes so imagine how sick of it you must get when it’s bad news but i also imagine it’s awesome to live there when they’re doing well maybe after wins. Ferrari seems so special to italy and i feel like even now, I don’t fully understand they extent that italians are willing to go for this team so I imagine it’s really a whole different vibe when they’re winning.
Also, the money and sponsors thing. I’d love to hear your opinion on the sabotage conspiracies as i feel they’re getting so much attention right now and idk what to believe (im really not hating on carlos or saying anything is his fault before anyone comes at me😭)
It will also definitely hurt to see Charles only being able to win with other teams which is why i always go back to being delusional as soon as a slight positive happens like in canada
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sinnamonfox · 4 years
~ Sean x Finn - Rival mechanics AU ~
Exam period’s dying down, still, I should be writing essays rn yet here I am, spewing out AUs. Oh well.
Hope you guys enjoy it too! <3
I imagined Blood Brothers Sean and Daniel cuz hot damn, plus Parting Ways Finn, his dreads in a bun. Since Daniel just turns 21 I guess Sean’s 28 and Finn’s maybe a year or two older.
Both of the boys are mechanics in Seattle. They have their own, separate business in the same area, not too far from each other. Finn has been dealing with cars all his life and Sean's watched Esteban during work, often gave him a hand too. Now, that Esteban's been gone for a few years, Sean's taking over the garage with the occasional help of his little brother, although he wasn't so little either anymore, only turning 21.
As far as Sean can remember Esteban hated the McNamara Salon. Said they were no good troublemakers, knowing the owner from when Esteban started up his business here after freshly settling down in the country. He was suspecting that him and his sons were actually living off of illegal deals. Although the other man never explicitly said so, something was just.. off. Turned out, his dad was right.
Finn's own father isn't a good man, he's far from it. He's still in jail for drug dealing, car stealing, domestic violence and putting his minor sons up to his kind of work. Finn ended up in juvie but he's out now years later and he's running the garage all alone, under legal circumstances. It's a lot of work, especially after his father put a permanent mark on the garage's reputation, but he's doing his best to get by. Being a mechanic is the only thing he knows how to do anyway.
It's a warm summer night when they accidentally meet at a bar. Sean's taking Daniel out drinking for his 21th birthday with Lyla, Chris, Noah and some of Daniel's college buddies. Sean goes up to the bar to buy the first round of shots, leaning on the counter, waiting with his fingers tapping the surface.
Finn.. he's fucking smitten the minute he spots Sean. There's just something about him that stands out in the crowd. He's also kind of.. familiar. Sean has a slightly rugged look with a goatee. He's all lean muscle, broad shoulders in a plain white tshirt that compliments his natural tan skin so well, a long, black wolf medallion hanging by the middle of his chest. The veins on his arms are prominent from all the smoking and heavy lifting, and his legs.. well, fuck.
Finn doesn't hesitate for a second before sliding up to him, calling him sweetheart right off the bat.
Sean's considerably less shy than he was a years ago as a teen. He's still quiet, more brooding than he used to be but definitely more upfront as well. He flirts back because Finn's very attractive and it's flattering that someone like him is showing interest in Sean. With Finn's dreads put up in a bun his sharp features are fully visible, there's a septum hanging from his nose. His face tattoos are strangely endearing, he pulls them off by being so confident in his own skin.
They banter flirtily, there's no doubt about the attraction between the two. Finn notices the Diaz tattoo on Sean's wrist and it clicks where he's seen those brown doe eyes before. They met once because of their dads. He comments something about his looks and how he’s changed. Sean's confused at first. As it dawns on him, he starts acting more reluctant, recalling Esteban's warnings about the no-good McNamara family. Finn, despite sensing the shift in his behavior, doesn't give up.
When Sean gets his shots, he excuses himself back to Daniel's, but before he could go back Finn hands over his phone number, scribbled down quickly on a scrap of paper with a goofy smiley:
"*call me, Sweetie
xoxo ~ Finn*"
Finn gets back to his own crew but all he can do through the whole night is steal glances of Sean. Sean tries to focus on Daniel, it's his birthday after all. He's giving him the keys to his old car but playfully warns him not to give it a go tonight. Daniel's ecstatic, it's the first (official) time they're getting drunk together.
Still, even after finding out about who he was, Sean's eyes can't help wandering over to Finn.. the two men's gaze occasionally meet from across the room. Turns out, both Lyla and Daniel notice, they saw the two interact at the bar and what they're doing now is obvious. They tease Sean because of it. "Think you've got some drool on your face, man." Daniel knocks his elbow against his with a cheeky grin, Lyla has a similar expression on her face as she sushes Daniel. "Sssh, careful, dude. You're interrupting the eye-fucking."
Sean decides he needs a smoke. He downs his (third) shot before grabbing the lighter and cigarette pack from his coat then heads out alone. He can't resist checking on Finn one last time despite how his head is full of warnings. Finn catches it and follows not too far behind, ignoring his friends' perverted comments.
Sean's leaning against the brickwall in the alley with his left leg bent when Finn joins him. "Ain't usually into smokers but damn, sweetheart. That's a good look on ya." Finn's accent is impossible to miss, his voice is smooth and so relaxing. The grey smoke cascades out of Sean's mouth as he exhales, disappearing into the dark night, his own cheeks slightly pink but the neon lights conceal it. His lips wrap around the cigarette one more time before they part softly, looking erotic even though it's not his intention. Finn follows the motion with his eyes, not at all hiding his interest.
At first, it's mostly Finn flirting, Sean's still undecided, his heart in a constant fight with his brain. They chat for long, their friends completely forgotten. They end up laughing together, a lot. Sean finds out Finn's got a way with words and Finn.. he learns that Sean doesn't really but it's okay because he gets him on a deeper level. Sean's eyes are more expressive than he is verbally but luckily Finn's excellent at reading people. The tan male finds himself liking this punk more and more.
The topic turns more serious. They connect. Neither of them knows how but they end up chatting about their families. Finn he reveals more than he normally would to strangers, Sean (sort of) knows his situation anyway. Sean talks about how he's alone with Daniel, the only family they have is each other and Finn can relate to that, his brothers are the only family he's got left.
As silence falls upon them once more, Sean realizes Finn's somehow drifted closer to him and he can feel Finn's breath on his face. There comes the moment which seems to be a turning point, somehow. Both of the guys are thinking the same. Finn's eyes flickering down to Sean's plump lips. Their heartbeats quickening, breathing turning faster. Finn makes the first step, bringing a calloused hand up to Sean's face, thumb swiping over his cheek, curiously awaiting his reaction.
Sean's heart wins. His lips part, he couldn't look away from Finn's piercing blue eyes and doesn't think before he closes the distance, their lips meeting in a sensual kiss that's excruciatingly slow and passionate. Sean feels like he's forgotten how to breathe, the wind's knocked right out of him. Finn's lips are massaging against Sean's for minutes, they're getting lost in the sensations. Sean's hands are now resting on Finn's hip, not wanting to pull back because it's so damn good.
When Finn goes to break away, Sean chases after him and tugs on the neck of his tshirt to pull him back which causes their bodies to collide accidentally.
Finn downright moans.
Pins Sean against the wall with his forearm by his head, which in turn makes the younger whimper into his mouth. Finn swallows up the sound, the make out session suddenly turns more heated. Sean’s long fingers slide up the front of Finn's tshirt, feeling up the flat of his stomach and it sets off something in the tattooed man, his tongue pushing into Sean's mouth to explore it eagerly. Finn grabs Sean's ass over those tight black jeans and they're both getting carried away, it's too much and Sean's stopped thinking..
Hannah interrupts, looking for Finn because Cassidy knocked herself out. They're both visibly flustered, Sean's feeling shy suddenly. "Sorry, darlin'. Duty calls but.. would love to do this again, sometime. All'uv it." Finn winks suggestively before disappearing inside, leaving Sean there alone. He brings his fingers up to his lips, the taste of Finn still lingering.
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
O Canada, the big surprise
Well, hello hello, we're back at it again in dearly beloved Canada!
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Race day finally came and if I could (I'm wearing aligners on my teeth, so I can't) I'd be biting my nails, my fingers and whatever I found in my way right now. The start has been pretty good, Lewis and Kevin again wheel to wheel but this time without such an inchident, thank goodness.
Writing while I watch (from lap 10 on, I mean), this has started to go crazy pretty early on. Pérez just lost the engine after 8-9 laps, which is pretty comforting. Now there's only one person who needs to lose it and I'd be pretty happy.
Chucky Leclucky has managed to get back a few positions so far, which is very encouraging for now. I'M SO PROUD 🥹 Georgie and Lewis doing a very good job, let's hope they can push enough to climb a little more.
NOOOOOOO MICK MY BABY!!!! SHIT!!!!! He loses power in the exact same place Checo did. And I believe he swore like hell, which is more than understandable, he was doing such an amazing job 😭 My baby boy deserved so much to be on points today, this is terrible. I believe we might not have to wait as long as I initially thought for Mick to start committing war crimes like his dad did. It might be what he needs?
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I've just now watched Dani boy's pit stop.... I have absolutely no words. What the fuck Mclaren!!!??? And now fucking Antonio Lobato that Hamilton is "unfortunately" there after Alonso. Yeah, no shit we didn't already know that you hate him for absolutely no reason.
AND LEWIS GETS P3!!!!!! Jesus fucking Christ, this is madness!!! And now Charles is up to P7, he's flying now that he has less slow people ahead. Sorry, Estie Bestie you're next in the demon's list.
Tyre management it's looking more complicated than what was expected or is it a me thing? Because I'm seeing difficulties going around. What I can't really grasp to this day is Ferrari not listening to Charles. I mean, how many HOURS has this kid spent listening to Seb while being teammates? Do they really think he knows nothing, or worse yet, that he learnt nothing from him that he doesn't know what he's saying?
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST FERRARI WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT PIT STOP AGAIN!? AND LEWIS MANAGES TO GET PASSED VERSTAPPEN JUST AS HE GETS OUT OF THE PIT LANE. Pitty that obviously the RB fucking flies, but that was so sexy!!!!!! I was saying to Marina that I wanted to kill Mercedes for pitting him right after that but I might as well kiss them for how good they were today with the pit stops. Lewis setting fastest lap has been a very beautiful thing to see today.
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And now Tsunoda goes off track on the grass. Poor Yuki... Safety car about to go on track for sure... Shit, why. Ferrari, fucking Carlos' pit stop wasn't needed today of all days considering it's the Human Error going P1 now for fuck's sake.
This Safety Car never ends.... They're all way too close to each other, it's scary given the circumstances.
I've just seen Seb getting P9 inadvertently? Yes, I did. And finally, DRS is enabled. The party is finally starting again. And Carlos just let go of his first chance with DRS on Human Error.
Charles just passed Alonso and Esteban is next again! Finally! Let's go Sharl, you can do this!! This guy's so good, and so elegant when he overtakes, he doesn't need to put too much pressure or push anyone off track. Someone should learn from him. Crappy luck getting Esteban's place going off track now and having to return the position, but it can be done. AND HE'S DONE IT!!!!! HE 'S SO FUCKING GOOD.
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Meanwhile Lewis is right there, not so far away from Carlos and Max, with Georgie following close behind. This is good. Not perfect, not what I want, but it's good. It's better than what we've gotten so far.
I believe Carlos is the eternal third string. Unless he shuts me up in the last 6 laps, I've made up my mind. He's so close, yet so far. I don't really like him (except when he's being an absolute idiot with Charles, in those moments I do like him because it's fun to watch them), I don't want him to win either, but he's a better alternative than Max 🤮
And now Alonso's crying on the radio when told that they're staying the way they are (Esteban is right in front of him). Look you douchebag, you haven't been able to do your fucking job maintaining your position in the first place now shut the fuck up. Jesus, how can this guy be such a moron?
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Asshole No.1 is gonna win again and I hate it here. Although it's been one of the few races that I've enjoyed for a while at least, so it's something.
Lewis ends up P3 and George P4 and Charles is P5 after starting P19. My boys making me proud as fuck. I really hope they give him DOTD because he deserves it so much. I'm listening to Lewis on the radio now and I'm so happy, he deserves this so much after all the shit he's been through this season.
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Okay, now that it's really over, I just wanna relish on the fact that Lewis and Charles are fucking incredible and I love them dearly. I really haven't seen anything from Charles after the race, but I have seen Lewis and he was GLOWING. I mean, look at him:
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Between the hair like that (I truly love when he wears the bun like that with the dreadlocks), the purple cap (like the one I bought at Montmeló) and that bright smile. It really, really warms my heart seeing him that happy.
I looks like James Allison's presence has boosted the W13's performance or something, because what a coincidence. James, please, never leave again, we need you at every single race from now on to try and make this a constant.
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Well, now that I've made this a long one, I have to say that I'll be watching Silverstone but I have no clue yet how I'll do it, since I'm going to Bilbao (my city) in order to see Metallica live that Sunday, but I have to work on Saturday and I have no clue of the planning for those days just yet, but if I can't watch it on time, I'll do it later when I can, Monday tops, and I'll come back to bomb all of you with my nonsense 😬
Until then, peace out ✌🏻
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noctude · 3 years
im SO glad you brought up the bonus tracks on v&v bc honestly i do agree they might be better than the album itself ,, thos ebonus tracks r everything . i fucking adore p.o. sm as well,, theres just something about ryan ross‘s lyrics that r just . unmatched !
like god. bittersweet. certified banger. ill never get tired of those tracks!!! also let's kill tonight <3
yeah the vibes of pretty odd are off the charts.... afycso is obviously so fucking iconic too... i constantly thank god for esteban was always my favorite but the whole album is so fun
AGHHH they were just . a cultural reset. anon you GET me
i'm so sorry for people who do not want this emo shit on their dash but MAN ....
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