#i'm so thrilled about how they matured separately and together
loz-furbies · 3 months
Ocarina of Time Zelda
For the first time in the franchise there is some actual content about Zelda and you don't have to squeeze out fanfiction from a single line in a guide book. However you probably get more out of her if you understand OoT's placement in the Timeline and what kind of role she plays in it, but I'm sorry, I really don't care about the Zelda timeline and just doze off when the exact details of OoT's main plot are discussed. So this will be written with only cursory understanding of the time travel plot.
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The biggest issue for me with OoT Zelda is the colour palette, I still find this kind of magenta really unappealing, and I don’t think the blue cloth with the royal crest goes well with it either. And the crest design is just a huge mess, I bet Zelda gurus can decipher each individual element but even if each scribble has a specific meaning I still think there’s far too much going on and way too many colours. Still I like when you have designs “progressing” with age like this, and overall I think the OoT design manages that well, with young Zelda’s design being softer while adult Zelda has some armour pieces and similar colours tying everything together.
Then there's Sheik, who looks perfectly adequate for the "mysterious ninja" role. The hairstyle does bother me, Zelda shouldn't be able to style her hair to bangs like that, but I suppose that is the least of issues when it comes to how Sheik relates to Zelda.
A lot of Zelda's lines are still about the plot, but this time she does have an actual personality to talk about. In princess mode she has a pretty standard nice and polite princess personality, but kid Zelda does have this plucky childlike enthusiasm about her. She's so excited to meet Link that she forgets to introduce herself, and even if it's pretty subdued, she's clearly into getting a partner-in-crime in Link. The whole scene in the castle yard has delightful "meddling kids" energy, with the kids spying on Ganondorf and scheming about their grand plans that end up being way over their head.
There is also obviusly the assertive and witty side to her since she does set up quite a grand plan, though that doesn't quite make her look like wisdom incarnate and rather comes across as just a kid who thrilled about this cool thing they saw in a dream. Meanwhile her passing the Ocarina of Time to Link manages to look like a proper and meaningful plan.
Once she has grown up Zelda displays noticeable character development, and adult Zelda is much more mature, calm and englightened. She even points out how she was naive and presumptuous about her plan, and takes responsibility for the results. I really like her character development, it makes good use of the game's two times mechanic and also fits the overall melancholic tone.
Sheik is of course also an important part of Zelda's character, and it's great that she got a more active secret persona. I have some trouble reconciling Sheik as a part of Zelda's character though, since they feel so separate. Once Zelda reveals her true identity, Sheik just completely disappears and we don't get to hear anything about how Zelda felt about her other identity (other than being sorry for deceiving Link) or presumably having gone a lot of physical training. Sheik's mysterious and poetic way of speaking is gone, as is their apparent coldness towards Link who clearly wants to know more about them. And Sheik doesn't say anything meaningful that would hint about their feelings about the secret identity either. Sure she didn't want to get caught, but I still wish there was more effort in linking the two together.
Role in the story
This time Zelda has quite a lot of presence in the story, especially if you know about the Sheik thing. It's nice that the player gets to see her set up her plan instead of hearing that she did something smart off screen, and in general she makes such a charming impression in her first scene the goal of first fulfilling her plan in the child portion of the game and then trying to reunite with her later is motivating.
Sheik's existence also gives her a way more active role both in terms of screen presence and like, getting to do something else than sit in place being a princess. Granted we don't really get to see Sheik do that much, but they did help out Ruto off screen and at least I can easily believe them to be capable of defending themselves. And I dunno, maybe it's just that because Sheik is written to be believed to be male (for unspoiled first-time players), they come across much more as Link's equal than many side character girls, who usually have at least some baggage that comes with being a girl in a video game.
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Gameplay-wise Sheik's appearances are also pleasant because opening fast travel locations is always useful, and making music together with an npc is fun as long as the player's controls don't suck.
Zelda and Link are super cute together as children, even if Zelda has to carry the scene on her own since the player can't contribute much anything. But still I get the feeling of two new friends who are excited to get into some mischief together.
As adults they have a much more professional feeling relationships, with a somber aftertaste when Zelda sends her back to the past. So while she is the most prominent npc in the game, she is far from my top pick for shipping out of Link's many potential love interests. Really I think he has the most interesting chemistry with Sheik, but I already wrote about how that doesn't automatically transfer over to Zelda. But there's just something about how he chases after the mysterious stranger! Who feels like a proper peer on their own quest too.
Impa is also there, but I don't get a lot out of them outside a pretty basic combination of child-and-caretaker and princess-and-servant relationship. I'd probably like it more if Impa wasn't in on young Zelda's plan, now it's harder to see if I'm supposed to take it as her being too naive and overconfident to begin with, or if the plan was actually valid and she's being too hard on herself after its failure.
She is also supposed to be the leader of the sages, but I don't get a lot out of that since they don't interact at all and Rauru felt more fitting for that role.
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the-brothers · 4 months
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"You kids know how I've been wanting to expand the family," your father started as the four of you had gathered around the dinner table.
"But Pops," you interrupted, "isn't it a bit late to be adopting more kids? I mean you're already so busy and not as young as you used to be."
His golden eyes narrowed slightly, "I'd like to remind you lass, that even though you are mature beyond your years, you are in fact only sixteen." he sighed, "These boys really need a home and can only be adopted together. You yourselves know how hard it is being grade school age in an orphanage."
You and Marco frowned. It had been almost eight years since your adoption, but you could never forget the way potential parents lit up when they saw the nursery. Not to mention all of the people who wanted to separate you from your self-professed twin. The social workers would always tell couples you were actually two years apart and not blood-related. You'd cry and shout to make things difficult, Marco would roll up his little sleeves and challenge anyone who dared to take you away. You were his sister and your DNA had nothing to do with it.
The day Edward Newgate arrived the two of you were separated to meet the man before he could take you home. It was less likely for you to act out if you didn't have your brother. When you entered the office, you were greeted by the enormous blond and another kid who had to be in his late teens. You were terrified, and shy having left all of your confidence with Marco.
After introducing himself and Thatch he began to ask you about your interests, typical stuff favorite colors, animals, what you wanted to be when you grew up, to which you murmured quick one-word answers. You also kept your distance.
"They told us you're quite the entertainer lass." Newgate pressed trying to figure out how the outgoing singer that was described to him was this timid girl.
You shrugged looking down.
Before you could think of a response there was a scuffle outside and the door burst open revealing the seething ten-year-old.
"Marco!" a worker desperately called after him.
He stood protectively in front of you scrunching his face at the man, "You can't take my sister, yoi."
"Sister?" Newgate sat back surprised, they hadn't told him you had a sibling.
"He isn't actually her brother," the woman corrected, "they've just been here for the last three years and are fond of each other."
"No," Marco growled, "she is my sister and you can't just take her."
Newgate watched you cling to the little blond, tears streaming down your tiny face. He was impressed by the boy's will to protect you and the bond you shared despite not being related.
"If they feel this strongly why on earth would you split them up?"
Your eyes snapped toward the man.
"That's just how it works sir, sometimes even siblings have to be separated. Our goal is to get them into a loving home, sometimes it's by all means necessary." the woman replied taking a step toward Marco.
"Marco was it?" Newgate leaned forward, "How would you like to leave here with your sister?"
Marco remained guarded but gave the man a nod.
"Then there we have it." he boomed, "Do you kids have any special belongings you'd like to bring?"
"But sir, you've only done the paperwork for F/N." she gaped.
"Then make copies for the lad," he smiled at her, "I'm doubling in fees. One would think you'd be thrilled."
"Boys?" you asked, "as in more than one?"
"Three." Pops nodded.
"She's just upset she won't be the baby anymore, yoi." Marco teased.
You swatted the blond.
"Two seven-year-olds and a four-year-old," Thatch confirmed.
"Awe~" you sang, "They're just babies!"
Marco rolled his eyes while Pops smiled and shifted.
"We'll go shopping tomorrow they've given me the boys sizes and the youngest will need a booster seat for the dinner table and the car." your father rumbled.
"They're here, yoi!" Marco shouted up the stairs.
"I'm coming!" you covered the receiver of the phone to reply, "Shanks, I have to go my little brothers are here."
"Call me tomorrow, babe." your boyfriend cooed, "Good luck with the rug rats."
"Of course. Now I gotta go before Marco drags me down." you flushed and said your goodbyes before hanging up and excitedly rushing down the stairs.
Thatch entered the house first with the small raven haired toddler in his arms. The two older boys followed with wide eyes taking in their new surroundings. The youngest shifted against Thatch's chest and turned toward you with an adorable grin. Immediately your heart melted, every fiber of your being was beckoned to protect him for all time.
"This is your new brother, Marco and your sister, F/N." the brunette introduced pointing at each of you
"I'm Luffy!" he chirped, tiny voice full of confidence.
"This is Ace," Thatch pointed to one of the boys who looked up at you with large ruby eyes that only accentuated the smattering of freckles on his face, "And this is Sabo." he motioned toward the other boy with messy blond hair.
The older two crossed their arms remaining guarded though Ace gave you a curt nod Sabo's green eyes refused to acknowledge you or your siblings.
"They've been to a few rough foster homes so give them some time." your father piped closing the front door behind him.
"Well, welcome home." you murmured, "Would you like to see your room?"
Luffy reached for you wrapping his legs around your waist.
"You guys have to share for now, but we'll be moving soon, and you'll have your own spaces, yoi." Marco added.
"We're used to it." Ace muttered following you up the stairs with Sabo far behind.
"Can I stay wis you?" Luffy asked squeezing your neck.
You squealed internally that the cutie in your arms already seemed to be attached to you, "Of course you can! I'll even read you a story."
After giving the boys a tour of the house and backyard Thatch called everyone in for dinner, which was a bit of a mess to say the least. Luffy rocked back and forth and side to side in his booster seat after clearing his plate trying to snatch food away from your and Sabo's plates as you both were stationed on either side of him at the table.
"I've never seen a toddler eat so much." Thatch said quickly fixing Luffy a second helping.
"Please hurry I can't fend him off much longer." You muttered blocking the kid again.
"He's always like that." Ace commented handing Thatch his plate to fill next.
"Are you not hungry?" you asked Sabo watching the blond poke at his food.
His green eyes moved toward you before quickly glancing away. He had been like this all evening carefully listening and watching but refusing to speak or make eye contact. It bothered you that he seemed to distrust the family so much. He must have survived some trauma in foster care.
"He'll eat when he's hungry, lass." Your father rumbled, "No pressure lad, if you don't like it there are plenty of other things to eat."
"But this is real good," Ace added.
The blond scrunched his nose at the freckled boy as if he were betraying him somehow. You could only hope he'd warm up to the rest of you in time. As you reached to wipe Luffy's face clean there was a sudden clatter of dishes and cutlery. Ace seemed to have passed out in his food splattering mashed potatoes everywhere.
Marco panicked and stood yanking the boy from his seat as he groggily opened his ruby eyes and muttered, "I'm not done."
"He has narnolopsy." Luffy chirped.
"Narcolepsy." Sabo quietly corrected.
"Does this happen a lot?" you asked watching Marco help Ace wipe his face and clothes.
"Yus." Luffy replied.
"If I'm still for too long or bored I guess. It's not so bad." the freckled raven replied getting back to his food.
After dinner, you set the boys up for a bath. It seemed the three felt comfortable all going at once though you worried if two seven-year-olds could really keep an energetic toddler in the tub or from drowning for that matter. So, you waited outside the door listening for any distress until they were done.
Luffy rubbed his eyes and yawned wide as you tugged him into the living room to pick a kid-friendly chapter book off the shelf. Not knowing what he was looking at he just picked the one with the most colorful cover and handed it to you.
"Pirate Adventures? Good choice." you hoisted him up on your hip and took a seat in the old recliner in the corner of the room.
Leaning back and covering up with a throw you read until Luffy was sound asleep snuggled into your chest and your eyes were too heavy to keep open. You dog-eared the page and set the book aside before drifting off yourself.
Some hours later your slumber was interrupted abruptly by the blaring pinging of the home security system. Not feeling the weight on your torso anymore your eyes shot open in a panic. Luffy was gone. Covering your ears, you stumbled to your feet and bolted up the stairs as the house phone began to ring.
Marco had already burst into the boy's room and was holding Sabo by the back of his shirt. All three boys had full backpacks strapped to their backs and the window was half open. Finally, the alarm cut off as Thatch entered the room still speaking on the cordless phone.
"No worries, it was just our little brother's opening the window," he spoke politely as he frowned at the boys.
The coming days, weeks, months, years, were sure to be interesting.
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mermaidsirennikita · 7 months
Do you know any books where accidental pregnancy is done well? Preferably historical in contemporaries I usually just want the heroine to get an abortion
Yep! I actually really love a well-done oops baby plot. I'm a big fan of the DRAMZ.
Melissa and The Vicar by S.M. LaViolette. Melissa gets pregnant and has a whole crisis of faith thing about it due to her internalized self-loathing, which means she's not like... thrilled about it at first? Which I liked. She had to THINK about it. She doesn't tell the father at first, which I know some people hate, but... to me it was deeply understandable.
The Recruit by Monica McCarty. The heroine gets pregnant by accident doesn't tell the father immediately, but she a) kind of has reasons to both not tell him and have literal issues getting in touch what with it being medieval Scotland and b) honestly develops a pretty solid plan for concealing it lol.
The Rakess by Scarlett Peckham. The heroine gets pregnant and actually has a lot of trauma surrounding it due to a horrible loss earlier in her life. And she's also an alcoholic, so she has to like, figure out shit surrounding that. Refreshingly messy imo.
Never Seduce a Duke by Vivienne Lorret. LOVE this book. The heroine gets pregnant, she and the hero are separated due to some traveling issues/twists of fate, and she can't find him to tell him about the baby. Fortunately, she has a very supportive brother (hero of a past book, naturally). Then there's a time jump a few years later.... And our hero shows up.
Suddenly You by Lisa Kleypas. An oops baby of the "well now I'm putting a ring on it" variety. TW: this does end in an early miscarriage. I thought it was done well and was moving, but of course YMMV.
The Leopard Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt. This one is about a heroine who inherits an estate and begins an illicit affair with the rough and tumble steward... which leads to CONSEQUENCES. I really liked how conflicted everyone was about the whole thing.
The Dragon and The Pearl by Jeannie Lin. This one is towards the end, but I really love it and I ESPECIALLY love how she tells him, I gasped.
In Bed with the Devil by Lorraine Heath. This is another one where it's like when will you learn!!!! That your actions have consequences!!!!
I will say, if you want to try a contemporary that has good accidental pregnancy stuff, I would recommend:
A Holly Jolly Ever After by Sierra Simone and Julie Murphy. In this one, the heroine had been trying for a baby with her ex, I believe, so it did kinda make sense to me that she'd want to keep it. And it's not like. EASY when she does. The hero needs to get his shit together, she has very overbearing parents. She has to really grapple with tough stuff, which imo is what makes an accidental pregnancy in romance work--I don't want it to be easy and simple. I want there to be consequences.
The Friend Zone by Kristen Callihan. In this one, the hero and heroine are fairly young (like 22, though he is set for the NFL and she comes from a wealthy family, so it's like... they do have money to help) and the relationship is super new. So they actually do seriously consider an abortion. Together. It's honestly really mature. He's supportive of whatever she wants. She does end up deciding to keep it, but, TW: there is a miscarriage and it is a tough read but I like how it was handled. Nothing's wrong with her physically, she's not going to be "barren" because of an early loss. It just happens. A good amount of the time. It felt very REAL versus a plot device loss.
Jana Goes Wild by Farah Heron. I liked this one because again, consequences! It sorta happens before/in the very beginning of the book, wherein the heroine has this amazing fling with this man, only to find out that he's married.... And then she finds out she pregnant. And he's the hero! Shocking, I know. But there are Reasons. And then it jumps to like five years in the future and they're realistic, mature co-parents in their thirties (which I also liked--the heroine lives with her mom due in part to family/cultural dynamic stuff and gets that help, and she's also a successful professional with a high income so it makes sense to me that she'd be like "fuck it I'm doing this" if she had a gut feeling to keep it). But then Tension arises when they end up in the same destination wedding party...
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Sokka in LoK (Oldkka????)
We were all robbed of old Sokka so fuck canon I'm putting him in
Sokka moves like he's still in his prime, always full of energy
but sometimes the knee that he hurt during Sozin's Comet will lock up and he's down for the count
totally carves his own cane. or makes one idk mans made hot air balloons he probably finds some way to make his cane some kind of cannon or sword
absolutely treats Korra like his own kid; won't hesitate to snark or playfully punch her, but will also give her advice when she needs it
he teaches Korra how to fight with weapons or hand to hand, or at least teaches her to fight while thinking outside of the box
White Lotus member Sokka feels so right; he's like a more upbeat version of Piandao mixed with less cryptic Bumi. wicked smart and quick wits with a sharp tongue but goofs off a lot so people assume he's just an old wackjob
Sokka makes it so that there's a permanent nonbender councilperson position and/or a Water Tribe representative
though they've matured, Katara and Sokka still squabble but with more words and the occasional bending of water/snow into Sokka's clothes
loves to remind Zuko of his teenage, angsty self constantly
I firmly believe that Toph told him she was gonna go live in a swamp because Tokka friendship my beloved
fuck it Suki is also very much alive and retired on Kyoshi Island and is an instructor and Sokka will occasionally drop by to talk
Sokka definitely still fights, regardless of what people try to warn him about watching his health, he's still fit, thank you very much
never got over the thrill of travelling and goes wherever his heart takes him, but always visits friends when he's in the area
still loves art and writing, tho he has improved a lot lmao
when they were first building Republic City, he may have gotten a liiitle mad when there were no non-bender statues so he made Non-Bender Row, a street solely dedicated to statues of well-known non-benders and plaques of their achievements
always calls his friends to see how they're doing when phones become a thing
speaking of phones, Sokka loves seeing all these new inventions and definitely would like Varrick; reminds Sokka of a younger him, or so he likes to say
hates Amon with a passion and how he preys on the useless feeling of nonbenders; Amon doesn't get as much attention and followers with Sokka opposing him
when he first meets Korra's group, he thinks Mako is somehow related to Zuko
Mako: it's nice to meet you, Mr. So-
Sokka: are you Zuko's long lost son or something
Mako: ???
loves messing with Bolin and constantly teases him; very proud of him when Bolin learns lavabending
very impressed with Asami; I like to think Asami really looks up to Sokka as a non-bending inventor and when he finds this out: ego boosted, Asami is his new favorite
I have a whole separate wip of young Bumi II and Sokka bonding, but just know these two are very close and love to poke fun at their other family members together
Oh they also have the same connection to spirits so they can bond over that too
When Bumi gets airbending, yeah Sokka’s a little sad, and yeah maybe he cries a little bit, but it’s fine Bumi’s still his favorite
Sokka sees so much of Katara and Kya in Kya II; very supportive when she comes out and will hurt anyone who judges her for it
loves messing with Tenzin; sometimes will call him mini Aang; has a running bet with the rest of the family to see who can get him the most red (currently Meelo is in the lead)
Meelo and Sokka are a disaster together; the sheer chaos they can and will cause is through the roof
thinks of Ikki as a female version of Aang; also like to cause trouble together, but mostly through pranks
likes to poke fun at Jinora about her spiritual connection, but he's really proud of her when she gets her airbender tattoos
Sokka: jfdslkjh go Jinora fksdljg
Kya: Uncle are you crying
Sokka, sniffling: nO-
Give me Sokka interacting with his nieces and nephews he’d be such a good uncle spirits please
definitely thinks Kai is not good enough for his grandniece
very wary of Wu, doesn't like him at first
Sokka: he's an entitled royal brat with no manners
Katara: so were you, but without the royal part
Sokka: *offended noises*
Would absolutely be best friends with Pabu and Naga; jokes that he loves them more than their owners
Sokka would be super into probending and would probably even buy a team; but that's a post for another time
Liked the Black Quarry Boar-q-pines, but when Korra joined the Fire Ferrets, he started rooting for them
he's the first one to notice how close Asami and Korra are
Asami and Korra: *smile at each other*
Sokka: oh??? what's this????
when Mako goes through the awkward phase with Asami and Korra after that whole love triangle shitshow, Sokka tells him about his own love struggles
Asami and Korra: we're together now <33
Sokka: KNEW IT
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lgcjaehwa · 1 year
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jaehwa twirls the pen between her fingers. she may be adept at expressing her feelings through writing but this task came upon her rather suddenly. she needs to break down what she wants to say and rearrange it before penning it down neatly. since she finds crossing out words or using a correction pen less aesthetically pleasing, the idol often opts for two separate pieces of paper. one serves as a rough draft, while the other becomes the final letter. even though their task is to guess who the mysterious sender is, jaehwa believes that writing a heartfelt letter matters more than trying to remain anonymous.
dear hyejoo, before I start gushing about how amazing you are, just know that this letter isn't the best one I could've written. but hey, it's the thought that counts, right? I'm sure you'll know who this is because I'm having a hard time trying to remain anonymous. anyway, let's go back to the day I found out you were my groupmate. i had heard your singing before and thought you were incredibly talented! I loved your voice and secretly wished I could have one like it too. so, when you were announced as one of the members of crystallis, i thought, "wow, she's going to be in the same group as me. crystallis will be known as the girl group with the best vocals!" and to this day, I still believe we slayed every single song given to us. i mean, have you ever heard the parts where we harmonized together? our voices blended so perfectly! i'm genuinely thrilled that you're my vocal partner. despite us being just a year apart, it often feels like you're the more mature one. i've never actually voiced this sentiment before because i'm a bit too shy to say it in person, but truthfully, you were the best roommate i've ever had. sadly, we're not roommates anymore but i hope we can maintain our friendship like this. i'll always come knocking on your door even if we only have a minute to spare just to have a little heart-to-heart. you're an incredible and beautiful human being and i'm sure the others will agree. we're all blessed to have you as one of us and will hold onto you forever, even if you try to shake us off ♡
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fatechica · 5 years
Mileven’s S3 Journey
Can I just say how much I love Mike and El after season 3? Like, the amount of growth they experienced is just amazing and I don’t think I will ever be over it.
Under a cut because this is going to be LONG
Let’s start with Mike. Mike starts out the beginning of the season, let’s just admit it, as a cocky little shithead. Like, I love the boy so much and think he’s an amazing person, but, like, dude, just because you have a pretty girlfriend who you get to make out with on the reg does not make you invincible and all knowing. But this felt so very “teenage boy” to me. Like, he’s 14; of course he’s going to think he’s the shit because he gets to make out with a pretty girl who has super powers and wants to be with him as much as he wants to be with her.
But then he does a stupid (but understandable) thing when he lies to El and then has to face the repercussions of it when she breaks up with him (I’m a little iffy on this, but considering how they grew through it, I’m learning to live with it). Obviously when the shit starts hitting the fan, there’s really no time to talk about it, but regardless, Mike doesn’t leave El’s side. He’s there for her the entire time - helping her, saving her from Billy, comforting her when she needs it.
And when they do get a moment to talk? HE APOLOGIZES. Like, swallows his pride and outright apologizes for not being the sharpest tool in the shed, for being jealous and angry, for being stupid and lying to her. And he very nearly gets to say to her that he loves her after tripping over his own tongue for, like, 30 seconds (thanks Dustin for interrupting that, by the way *eyeroll*).
And, finally, at the end, when they’re packing up the Byers’ house, and Mike and El have a moment alone, it’s clear he’s been trying to give El the space she needs to grieve while still being there to help her if she needs it. Like he’s learned that he doesn’t have to be with her at every moment of every day for her to know he cares about her. 
Also, bless this boy for that awkward moment when El brought up that he said he loved her at the cabin when she was in the other room. It was obvious he knew what she was referring to from how nervous he got and he was fishing for information (”What did I say again?”) like a total doofus so he could know what he had to walk it back or explain. Because there probably hasn’t been a good moment to talk about it and Mike’s not sure exactly what El feels (though it’s pretty obvious they’re back together given how he promises he’s going to call her all the time and come out and visit her and all that).
(And, omg, boy was seriously SHOOK when she said she loves him too and then walks away. Like, he just froze and it was so adorable.)
But, as clearly devastated as he is over El moving with the Byers (as evidenced by the way they hug outside), it’s obvious he’s putting on a brave face for her and that he’s hopeful for the future (making plans to visit, calling her, etc). He’s learning that he doesn’t need to hold on so tight, he’s learning to give El the space she needs to be her own person, he’s learning that he can still be with someone without always have to be with someone.
And El’s journey? AMAZING. Obviously, her storyline paralleled Mike’s in so many ways, mostly in learning how to grow and be her own person. I have issues with some of what Max said to her and how Max pushed her in certain directions, but I really loved that Max at least gave her the space to start figuring out how to be her own person. 
Let’s face it, El, for the previous two seasons, has been heavily if not primarily defined by Mike and what he thinks about her. And that’s cute and all, but it’s not healthy in the long run. El needed to have an opportunity to be, relationship-wise, on her own for a while. Do I wish the show had done this part differently? Yes. But, in the end, it was good for her. She got to develop her own style, have her own opinions, and figure out what she really wants.
And that’s to be with Mike. It feels pretty obvious that, by the scene in the hospital, she’s ready to forgive him (even though it takes him another day to actually apologize). And when Mike compliments her new outfit (which was very, very adorable of him to do), the way El just melts is so cute and it means so much. Because she made her own choices and here’s Mike, totally supporting them. She’s not following his lead anymore which is so good for her. El needs to be able to make her own decisions and come to her own conclusions and I’m so glad she learned how to do that.
And it’s not like she still didn’t want him in her life after she broke up with him. She still reaches for him when she needs him and lets him support her. But then she’s able to go and take care of herself after and stand on her own two feet.
This all leads very nicely into where El ends up: even though she’s grieving the loss of Hopper and having to move, she approaches Mike and brings up what he said to everyone at the cabin about him being in love with her. She clearly feels comfortable and confident enough to finally bring it up (I can imagine that it’s been on her mind during the entire 3 months) and I’m so glad she had the space to do it only when she was ready.
Really, I just love where these two ended up: Mike having learned not to hold on so tight and El having learned who she is as a person and stand on her own two feet. And, yes, they’re obviously going to miss each other every day while living in separate towns, but it’s also very clear that they are not about to let each other go. There will be regular visits and daily calls and letters (if you don’t think Mike isn’t going to write her ridiculously long love letters, then, well, you have another thing coming). Mike will to go El when Nancy goes to visit Jonathan and Jonathan will bring El when he goes to visit Nancy. They will still spend holidays together and buy each other gifts for their birthdays and the whole bit.
Mike and El are still going to be together and not even living in different cities is going to break them apart.
And the best part of this is that the physical distance will do two things: it will give them each the room to grow independently, help them learn how to be their own people before they become adults (and most likely move in together because you know that’s going to happen); and it will make them have to work for their relationship, make them keep in mind exactly why they’re so important to each other.
Because, at the end of the day, Mike and El love each other and they both know it and they’re stubborn enough to not let go when it really counts.
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born-in-september · 4 years
I have obviously been listening to Folklore since the day it came out and I think most of the songs in the album are part of the story, even though I know some are just abou Taylor’s personal life, I like to link them all together and turn the album almost into a musical haha
Here’s the sequence of my version of it, let me know what you think!
1) Seven, sang by James
He talks about how he had to be mature even from an young age (“I hit my peak at seven”), probably because of family issues and so he kind of closed himself for others (“I was too scared to jump in”), but now he is ready for a relationship with Betty (“I think you should come live with me” even though I don’t think they will literally live together, but just be with each other), who didn’t come from an easy childhood either (“your dad is always mad”).
2) Peace, sang by Betty
She feels haunted by her past (“No I could never give you peace”), but she wants to be with James and this is her opening her heart to him (“I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best”).
3) Invisible String, sang by Betty
This is the relationship in her view, how she fell in love with James after some bad relationships (“A string that pulled me out of all the wrong arms”). She feels like being with him is mending all her broken bones (“Time, mystical time, cutting me open then healing me fine”).
4) Mirrorball, sang by The Mistress
This girl is in love with James and she does everything to try to get his attention (“I’m still trying everything to keep you looking at me”). She has low self esteem and is a straight up pleaser, she needs attention and gets it from men who just want to use her (“The regulars (...) drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten”), but her heart beats for James and she’ll have him even if just as an affair (“Hush when no one is around, my dear”).
5) August, sang by The Mistress
One day, she drives by James walking alone, a sad look on his face and she decides it’s now or never. She pulls over and calls him in and to her surprise, he accepts (“Whispers of ‘are you sure?’”) and that’s how the affair started. They were together for little over a month (August), but James called it off when Betty found out and he decided he loved her and wants to be with her.
6) Hoax, sang by Betty
This is when Inez, a gossiper friend, tells Betty about James’ affair and Betty is heartbroken (“Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in”). She feel betryed, not only because he was with someone else, but because she felt like he was the only one who accepted her despite her past (“You knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart, but what you did was just as dark”).
7) Illicit Affairs, sang by The Mistress
She is also heartbroken after James ends things with her to try to make it up to Betty and she looks back to their relationship. She is lost and angry, but she still wants him (“Look at this idiotic fool that you made me. You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else and you know damn well, for you, I would ruin myself a million little times”).
8) Betty, sang by James
After some time, James gather courage to go talk to Betty and try to explain to her what had happened. After 3 years, their relationship was not as it once was and James was really jealous of one of Betty’s friends. After a fight, he saw her dancing with him and left the party, that’s when The Mistress found him and the whole thing started. He is parked in front of Betty’s house, who is having a party, picturing the moment and song ends when he walks to the door.
9) Mad Woman, sang by The Mistress
James got to Betty’s house and was trying to explain himself in the middle of every one who was at the party. Betty takes him somewhere more private for them to talk, but that part is all the Mistress sees, and so she believe they got back together (“It's obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together”). She gets really mad and starts yelling at them, while all Betty wanted was not to make a scene (“She should be mad, should be scathing like me”).
10) This Is Me Trying, sang by James
Literally, this is him trying. He apologizes to her (“It's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound. It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you”) and says that he never loved her the way he loved Betty (“Pouring out my heart to a stranger, but I didn't pour the whiskey”), but she is still upset and doesn’t want to listen to him.
11) Cardigan, sang by Betty
Betty’s response to James’ apology. She doesn’t accept it, she won’t tolerate being cheated on and is still really hurt because she trusted him with her past (“You drew stars around my scars, but now I'm bleeding”). She knew he would regret it and try to get back together (“I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired and you'd be standin' in my front porch light”).
12) Exile, sang by James and Betty
Betty turns down James quite quickly, she doesn’t want to hear his apologies (“And it took you five whole minutes to pack us up and leave me with it, holdin' all this love out here in the hall”). She turns around and seek comfort in the very same friend James was so jealous about (“I can see you staring, honey, like he's just your understudy, like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me”). Their relationship is over.
13) My Tears Ricochet, sang by The Mistress
After the scene she made at Betty’s party, the emotions sink in and she regrets what she said (“I didn't have it in myself to go with grace”). Still, she is very mad at James for leaving her like that and just going back to Betty - even though we know that’s not what happened - and is now predicting he will miss her too (“Cursing my name, wishing I stayed, look at how my tears ricochet”).
14) The 1, sang by Betty
They go their separate ways and run into each other after a few years (they dated when they were 17, now they’re in their 20s) and have that awkward moment, when you meet an ex, making small talk. Betty forgave him now, there are no hard feelings (“If you never bleed, you're never gonna grow and it's alright now”) and she knows their relationship wasn’t perfect, but she still wonders if he never cheated, if they would still be together, because deep down, they still love one another (“If one thing had been different, would everything be different today?”).
@taylorswift what do you think?
Here’s my playlist following the order I believe the story to happen in: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1l3b8oyQoemV2fnqiS3Tgj?si=nRxgw-g4SaaSwpW1feIfEA
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scandalsavagefanfic · 5 years
Hello. For your 500 followers Prompt-A-Thon request, how about Death/Jason. Honestly, I'm just wondering what the batfam's reaction would be to finding out Jason is dating death. Like their reaction whenever there's a near death experience and Jason is talking to thin air (because only he can see him/her). Then one day Jason is the one having a near death experience and Death comes physically to talk to him. Congratulations, BTW!!
Ok. So. Once I got going, this turned out a little differently than I expected. I hope you still like it. And thank you for the congratulations!
Matter of Life and Death - Read on Ao3!
Rating: Mature (a teeny bit of mostly glossed over smut)Warnings: Lots of talk about death. Kinda sorta suicide discussion...Words: 3161 
Pairing is Jason Todd/ Death of the Endless, btw 
(And while I did read some stuff, I’m not super familiar with the Sandman universe so if anyone out there thinks I wrote Death wrong you’re probably right so no need to bite my head off ;) )
He’s not supposed to be there. So she says as much.
“Look lady, I… I don’t even know where here is. So… uh…” theboy trails off.
She can’t blame him. If she doesn’t know what’s happening,she can’t expect the maybe-sorta-dead human youth to know.
He’s dressed absurdly in what would be green texturedshorts, a red tunic, and a yellow cape, complete horrendous green pixie boots,if it weren’t for the way color was leeched from all things in this place. Ithelps fill in some of the gaps. But certainly not all of them.
“Why don’t you tell me what happened,” She asks, taking asmall step toward him. He’s obviously frightened and even though he’ll neveroutrun her, she doesn’t want to chase him down. “Then we can figure out—”
“No offense,” he interrupts, crossing his arms over hischest, “but I don’t know you and the last thing I remember was getting beatento gory mess, blown up, and gasping for air in a grimy warehouse. Now,suddenly, I’m—” he looks around at the black void and shivers, “—here, with akinda-hot-kinda-creepy lady who is… unnaturally white. So why don’t westart with who you are, and then go from there.”
She just gazes at him for a moment. The situation isunprecedented and for once in her extremely long life she is genuinely… surprised.Not just because he’s there. Even if that is the primary concern. Humans, orrather their souls, aren’t meant to see this place. It’s just… connectivetissue—a pass through. No one has ever just… stopped. But it’s clear he alsodoesn’t recognize her.
Stretching her memory back to the beginning, she can’trecall a single soul, separated from its physical shell, not recognizing her onsight. As such, she is certainly used to a much more… respectful tone.
It’s both insulting and refreshing.
“Am I… am I… dead?” The oddly dressed boy asks softly.There’s a tremble in his voice and he’s gripping the hem of the cape tightly.
If he was dead, he wouldn’t be here. If he was dead, hewould know her. But if he was alive, he wouldn’t be here, and he wouldn’t seeher at all. It feels extremely disconcerting to be unable to answer.
And yet, a part of her is thrilled. She doesn’t think she’sever just… not known something before.
“I can’t be dead,” the boy mutters, more to himself than toher, as he drops to sit on the inky void that surrounds them. “He needs me. Ijust… I made a mistake. I need him to know… to know that it wasn’t him. Notreally. I wasn’t trying to… to replace him. I just needed to know.”
She watches his shoulders shake when he drops his forehead tohis knees, unsure how to respond.
Finally, she sits at his side.
“You are… you seem to be caught in limbo,” she answersfinally, gently as she is able. “You are not alive, but your soul has… taken anuncommon detour and you have not actually died. If you had, you would know me.”
There is no recognition in his eyes when they rise to meethers. But the blue of his irises somehow manages to burn through the void. Theonly color that exist in this place.
“I am Death,” she continues, surprised and intrigued whenthe only reaction the revelation receives is slight widening of his eyes. Whichshe can’t stop looking at. She can perceive the colors things were supposed tobe in this realm but there shouldn’t be any actual pigment here. “You are…something entirely unique.”
He tears his gaze away from hers and actual color, a softrosy pink, rises in his cheeks.
His name is Jason. The young protégé of one of the manysuperheroes on one of the many worlds in one or the many universes.
She spends a great deal of time with him over the nextmonths or years, time means very little to her. It does, however, still mean agreat deal to Jason. She can move between the realms, but he is stuck in thevoid. She was away for a week the first and only time she left him and returnedto find him distraught and inconsolable after being alone in the still, silent,nothing.
The best she can guess, after discussing the mystery with aless than helpful Destiny, is that he isn’t meant to die permanently. He can’tmove on because he’s destined to return to his flesh.
It is, in her opinion, a particularly grisly thought. Butone that proves accurate when he is suddenly ripped from her side in the middleof a conversation and when she checks on him, finds him desperately strugglingto escape his airless coffin buried deep under the earth.
She shouldn’t interfere but she can’t help it. It’s a simplethink to crack the wood, to move the dirt more than he should be able to.
He’s not himself when he emerges, face wet with tears andgasping for air. She can tell. The young man she spent so much time getting toknow needs healing she can’t offer.
But she resolves to keep an eye on him.
The next time they meet would feel like a coincidence ifDeath didn’t know better than to believe is such a thing.
She doesn’t know why she still bothers to come for the Demonwhen he’s on her doorstep, when so often he laughs and runs away. Perhaps it’scuriosity. Will this be the time he can’t quite manage to evade her?
It’s a different kind of void this time. Acid green andviolent, burning, agony. Death is not meant to be circumvented, she thinks, itis not natural to outlive ones’ welcome.
But then she sees Jason in the thick color and allows thatit is not her will the universe follows. That she is a just another mechanic,keeping everything in working order. That perhaps there is a future purpose forthose who are fated to evade Death.
Except that Jason is different, she thinks, watching hisface twist in pain as he’s stitched back together.
The Demon has been on her list for centuries, rising to thetop, just to drop back down again.
Jason was never fated to die.
She reaches out and touches his face. When his eyes open, heknows her. He knows her even though he’s never known true death.
His pinched, agonized expression smooths out at her touch.His eyes soften when they find hers.
She is unused to the reaction. Most people feel fear orsadness or anger when they see her and know.
But Jason finds comfort in the presence of Death.
“You’re asking if I can bring someone back from the dead?”
He's not entirely wrong but even she doesn't know the rulesthat allow her to do it and when. So she doesn’t know what makes him think thatshe can.
“I know you can.” Jason’s voice cracks on the words. “Ididn’t tell him because I didn’t know how to find you again. Then it just cameto me and I… I had to try…”
He’s shaking like a leaf behind the steering-wheel of anautomobile that isn’t his and doesn’t suit him. All black and mean looking withtoo many lights on the dash and too many buttons. The front is smashed andsmoking and there’s a cut on Jason’s forehead from where he smacked into thewheel in front of him. The broken, bloodied skin of his knuckles aren’t fromthe “accident” though and she suspects his tears have more to do with theprevious fight than any physical pain from the wreck.
“You did it for me,” he sobs, choking on the lump in histhroat, “you can do it for my little brother.”
Ah. She supposes that from his perspective, that is the onlything that makes any kind of sense.
She rests her hand on his shoulder and wonders if he canfeel it when he doesn’t react.
“I can’t raise the dead, Jason," she explains, even ifit's not entirely true. She doesn't want to get his hopes up. "As much asI wish I was responsible for your second life, I’m not. And I can’t bring backyour brother.”
He is an al Ghul though, she thinks to herself, and one ofJason’s beloved Bats. His name was on her list. But she wouldn’t be surprisedto find it there yet again.
He cries quietly in the seat next to her for a long minute.She doesn’t like to see him in pain. It… it stirs something in her that shedoesn’t recognize. The fact that she hasn’t seen Jason free from his tormentsince he was pulled from her side only makes that thing inside her more…passionate.
“I can’t stay long,” she finally says into the near silence,“A sudden, near death experience may bring me to your side. But it can’t keepme here for more than a couple minutes.”
Jason swallows loudly and finally turns to look at her. TheDemon’s green has tainted his eyes, but she sees the fiery blue much moreclearly. Even despite the redness and swelling. She hasn’t missed the how muchtaller and bigger he is now. How handsome he’s grown.
“I miss you,” he all but whispers. “Sometimes I wish I’dnever come back. Being in the empty void with you was better than being alone inan ocean of people.”
If she had a heart, she’s sure it would break.
She takes his face in her hands and the surprise in his eyestells her that yes, he can feel it. Then she leans in and brushes her lipsagainst his.
There’s a spark of warmth on her mouth and it tingles as ittravels all the way down her spine to settle somewhere in her belly.
She knows her own eyes are as black and empty as the void;most souls won’t meet them.
But he does. And it’s not fear or sadness or anger in hisgaze.
It’s longing.
The nature of his life means she sees him often.
Or… ‘often’ relative to how ‘often’ she sees other humans.Which is not. Ever. Not like this.
A death in his vicinity will allow her to see him for a fewminutes. One of his own near-death experiences tugs at her and she spares aminute to make sure he’s alright. But otherwise, she has too much work to do.
“You should be more careful,” she scolds him on oneoccasion. One when he actually ‘died’ again for a minute. He wasn’t one of herappointments then either. But that’s not unusual. Momentary heart failuresaren’t enough to bring her around. Unless it’s him. “One of these days, you’llforce me to escort you over.”
“Please,” he laughs, even though he’s clearly still a littleshaken from the demon possession. “You’re my get-out-Death free card.”
She smiles at him because he knows that it doesn’t work likethat. But he doesn’t know that he’s not listed. Ever. She needled Destiny intolooking him up in the Book of Souls.
Jason Todd. Born. Meets Batman.
Then nothing. Just swirls of ink that won’t settle.
She doesn’t know how to tell. Doesn’t really know what totell him, even if she knew how. It’s a strange feeling, not knowing.
“How much longer can you stay?” he asks, sounding hopefulbut resigned.
“I don’t have any souls who need me here,” she answers,reaching up to tame a wild strand of hair. “I am needed elsewhere.”
“I just wish you could stay once in a while, you know? Thisis… this is ha—”
They both turn to look at Batman. Death smirks when Jasonflushes pink at the look of wary confusion on his mentor’s face.
“Kinda in the middle of something, B,” Jason barks, tryingfor and failing to find his usual façade of bravado.
“He can’t see me,” she reminds him.
“He could if you’d let him.”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“Jason? You’re acting strange after being possessed bydemons,” the Bat tries again, “I’m going to need you to say something to me orI’m calling Constantine back.”
“Just what I need,” Jason groans.
“John’s not so bad,” Death responds with a smile.
Jason makes a face at her and she kisses his lips just towatch him turn a darker shade of red.
“What the hell is going on, Jason?” Bruce snaps.
“Have fun explaining that,” she says as she pats Jason’scheek, just to the right of his scowl, and disappears.
This is her chance.
She has all day and she knows exactly how to spend it.
She puts herself in his path. It’s a test and it isn’treally fair because he doesn’t know anything about it. Her siblings say she’slost it and about time. It’s her turn, they said, and falling for a weirdmortal ranks.
He brushes past her in the aisle. Offers a distracted butpolite ‘excuse me’. Then steps away.
But before she has time to be disappointed he turns back toher, taps her shoulder.
“I’m so sorry, I swear this isn’t a line but… do I know you?I mean, do we know each other?”
She smiles sweetly. “I don’t think so.”
It isn’t enough. He needs to say it. He needs to knowher.
“Oh.” He sounds disappointed. His expression falls a little.“Sorry. You’re just very familiar… to…”
He’s searching her face and she searches his. When theireyes meet—his supernatural teal, her very human hazel—his brows go fromfurrowed to wide in recognition.
Stepping back in surprise he looks her up and down. Her skinis much darker than it usually is, her hair a soft brown and curly.
There’s no reason he should recognize her. There’s no explanation.
Other than: Jason Todd knows Death.
They spend the whole day together.
Jason promptly discards his plans, puts what he had in hiscart back, and starts gathering a whole different list of ingredients.
Then they return to his apartment, a small but comfortable placekept immaculate and tidy.
They make idle chit-chat while he cooks for her. Somethingcomplicated that she’s never had before because she never wanted to waste heone day a century in a restaurant. But time spent with Jason is easy andpleasant.
They eat. Beef Wellington, his grandfather’s recipeapparently. Pistachio soufflés for desert.
He wants to watch Casablanca, she wants to watch MaryPoppins. So they meet in the middle and pretend to watch High Societywhile they finish off the second bottle of excellent wine and make out.
It was a quiet, beautiful day.
And it’s a soft, lovely night.
Despite his brash, sarcastic exterior, Jason is kind and givingand… eager to please.
She spends an hour with his head buried between her legs andcomes twice. Then he lifts her off the sofa, her legs wrapped around his waist,and she kisses him as he carries her to his bed.
They fall into it together. She threads her fingers throughhis hair as he kisses his way down her neck, between her breasts, across herbelly. He pauses on his way back up to suck gently at her nipples, scraping histeeth over them lightly before moving back to her lips.
“May I?” he asks as he rolls his hips gracefully againsther.
She chuckles. “You better or next century we won’t get outof bed at all.”
He’s frowning when he looks up at her. “Next century?”
“I only do this once every hundred years. And it only lastfor a day.”
His face falls even further. “I… I don’t think I’ll bearound next century.” He tries for a smile but it’s weak. “Not all of us areimmortal personifications of cosmic forces.”
“Hmmm, we’ll see,” she hums. Then she pulls him into a kissbefore he can ask for clarification she doesn’t have, and flips them.
He’s breathless and flushed beneath her and she thinks that’sonly fair considering he had her the same way.
Closing the space between them, she takes his lips again andsinks down onto him. They both sigh happily at the same moment.
It might be the best day she’s ever spent as a mortal.
Jason Todd is still around the next century.
And the one after that.
And the next.
The first one wasn’t so bad.
But the ones beyond…
It’s after his great-grand nieces and nephews have gone,when that link to family, to the past, becomes so tenuous it just dissolves.
It’s when his strongest link to existence is an immortalpersonification of a cosmic force who he can only really be with once every 36,500days.
It’s when he stands alone, in a sea of people, tired, beatendown, ready to go and move on but unable.
“Why?” he asks, not for the first time.
“I don’t know,” she answers again and she knows it won’t bethe last time she has to say it. “I wish I did.”
He can’t meet her eyes. He hasn’t looked at her in decades.She knows he doesn’t blame her. But she also knows sometimes he has to remindhimself that it’s not her fault.
She’s not sure if that’s true. And she hates not knowing.
“I don’t know how much longer I can stand this,” he says,tears dripping down his cheeks because even if he can’t there’s nothing he cando about it. “It feels like that time you left and I was alone in the emptinessonly this time it won’t end. I can’t leave and… and no one is coming back.”
“You still have me,” she offers, nudging him with hershoulder.
It’s not enough and she knows it. Especially since…
“No I don’t,” he mutters even as he leans into her all tooinfrequent touch. “I never really had you. Not anymore than you ever really hadme.”
Death sits with him as long as she can. Which is justanother couple minutes.
“It’s only a few more years before my day.”
“Twenty-seven. Twenty-seven years, four months, seventeendays, and three hours, before your next mortal day.”
“What? No minutes? Seconds?”
He does her the kindness of forcing a smile before nudgingher back and saying, “You have to go.”
“I can stay a little longer.”
He sighs, a shaky, broken thing. “No you can’t.”
She leans over and presses a reassuring kiss to his cheek.Knowing it won’t work. Wishing she could do more.
“I’m sorry,” she says.
“I know.”
Because he does. He knows her.
And she knows him.
The curse of life is knowing that there is peace only indeath.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Drunk last night (7/?)
Summary: The gang celebrates a very Belated birthday for Ellie. A little alcohol makes some secrets come out. And ellie drops a bomb on one of the guys.
Pairing: Ellie x Logan, Ellie x Colt
Rating: Mature
Catch up here.. and as always if you would like added to the tags.. lemme know
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Song inspiration:
Over the next couple weeks Ellie and Luca spent A lot of time with both colt and Logan together and separate. Each forming a Bond with her. She knew both men wanted to have some kind of role in her life, as dad or an uncle. They decided to schedule the Paternity test, all 3 ready to know. Luca had a month left before school started, Ellie was adamant about showing here around parts of California, places that meant something to her growing up there. Logan planned for them to a race, see the track and meet the drivers. Colt planned a barbecue at his house for them, and so that Luca could meet Toby and ximena. And all 4 of them were going to the san diego zoo.
It was a Wednesday night, Ellie and Riya had their reoccurring girls night with Luca, while Darius kept Marcus.  They would have dinner, paint nails and once Luca went to bed talk about everything they couldn't in front of the kids. On this particular night Riya was acting odd, constantly looking out the windows checking her phone. Ellie started to have a panic attack,  the feeling took her back to running from the brotherhood. The doorbell rang, making her damn near jump out of her skin.
She walked over to the door with a shaky hand she turned the knob to see a girl standing there. “Stacie? Oh my god, what are you doing here?” Ellie threw her arms around the girl “I just moved here about two weeks ago and Riya invited me over. Ellie eyed her best friend “What are you up to?” Riya shrugged “Oh nothing. Ok don't get mad.” Ellie threw her hands up in the air “Oh god, what did you do now?”
“Don't get mad at me,” Stacie interrupted “I was talking to Riya about your birthday,  and how you haven't celebrated one in 6 years.”
Riya stepped in “So we want to go out and celebrate your birthday a few months late. This Friday night.” Ellie grinned “You guys really?” she hugged them both “But I can't. I have Luca.” Riya shook her head “Nope. Already taken care of. Your dad is keeping Luca. My parents are in, they are keeping Marcus for Dare and I.”
This would be the first birthday that she got to celebrate since she turned 18. Back when the path of her life took a sharp left. They spent the rest of their night chatting before the two women headed home.
That Friday night Ellie, Stacie, Riya and Marcus walked into the hopping club, they were lead back to a private area where Logan stood a broad smile on his face. “Happy birthday, Troublemaker.” He pulled her into a huge, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.  “Logan, you know its not really my birthday.”
“I know. But, we're making up for lost time. Just go with it.”
“Logan, you already know Darius and riya,” they said their hellos. “This is my friend Stacie from Langston.” stacie reached her hand out, Logan shook it “So you must be the notorious Logan I've heard so much about.” Logan cocked his brow at Ellie. “Hopefully all good things.”  he smirked.
Ellie watched the interaction between the two, a hint of jealousy twinged in her chest.
Her eyes locked with a set of Dark ones standing at the VIP entrance. “Colt?”
“Dont look so surprised, Riya invited us.” She gave him a confused look just as Ximena and Toby came in. “You guys all came?” She grinned, she was excited to hang out with them and then she spotted someone standing off to the side.  “Mona? Is that mona?” Colt shook his head. “Oh my God what are you doing here?” she wrapped her in a hug. “Good to see you too.” she could see a small smile threaten to break through her tough girl demeanor.
They all sat around the huge plush couches, a waitress bringing their drinks over. She found out Mona had gotten out of jail after spending 2 years in there. She headed east, but couldn't find a crew to settle in with. She came back to California and Colt gave her a job. After a few drinks ellie was feeling pretty giggly. She never drank more then a ritual cup of wine or two after a long week,  or a particularly rough day. Colt looked over at her as she downed another shot. “You should probably slow down, you're gonna end up getting sick.” she rolled her eyes. “I'm fine thanks.”
Riya and Darius were off on the dance floor, Toby and colt were talking by the bar.“Is that bothering you?” Mona motioned to where Logan was talking to stacie. “No. Yes. I don't know.” Ellie sighed. “Feels like the old day, huh X.” Mona let out a loud chuckle. “How so?” Ellie furrowed her brow. “Oh sweetie, you're staring at Logan while Colt cant take his eyes off of you.” Ximena placed a comforting hand on her. “Colts not starting. Hes talking to Toby.”
She motioned to the two seemingly deep in conversation.  “He may be talking. but his focus is on you.”
Ellie flicked her eyes up momentarily, sure enough locking with his deep browns. She could feel the heat filling her cheeks. “I need another drink.” she motioned for the waitress.  
After a few drinks she decided to walk up to the bar where Colt had seemingly taken up residency. “So what, you just gonna ignore me all night?” her words came out with much more  attitude than anticipated. Colt arched his brow “I'm not ignoring you.” Ellie slid up next to him, her side pressed against his. She placed her hands on the bar as if she were holding herself up and cocked her head to the sidez a mischievous smirk spread across her face. “What are you up to?” Colt cocked his brow at her.  “Noooothing.” She giggled as she bit her lower lip. “ What do you say we sneak off to the bathroom and, you know.” She gently rubbed his arm. “Ellie..”
“Is something wrong? You don't. You don't want me?” her bottom lip began to quiver.  “God No. No. Its not that. Its,” He ran his hand down his face “Jesus I cant believe im about to say this but.  Ellie you're pretty drunk. And as much as I would love nothing to make you moan my name. I don't want to do that in some nasty ass bar bathroom.” He squeezed her hand. She pulled away, angry. “Whatever Colt. You could have just told me you thought I was gross.” She sneered walking away, disappearing into the crowd.
She found a corner away from everyone,  she watched the people dancing on the floor, lost in thought.
“Enjoying yourself?” the deep voice pulling her from her drunken zone out. “Logan, Hi. Soooo kind of you to come talk to me.” she rolled her eyes. “Ok? Hey how about a dance?” He held his hand out for her. She took it stumbling as she stepped forward, breaking out in a cackle. “you alright?”
“Yuuup. Lets do this.” she followed him to the dance floor, wrapping her arms around him grinding her body against his. “Do you miss this?” She purred in his ear. “I'll always miss you ellie. But you're here now.”
She caught glimpse of Colt standing on the balcony, she could see his white knuckle grip on the railing from across the room. A thrill Rising inside of her.
She was still mad at him for leaving her behind all those years ago.  She understood Logan's reasoning but colt? He could have went with her or he could have taken her with him. They were married, you don't just leave your wife behind. And she was even more pissed he turned her down.  In her drunken state she could really care less for being mature about it.
Colts gaze was setting her on fire, a smirk played on her lips.  She turned around, her back side pressed against Logan's chest, she laid her head against it. Letting the rhythm of the music fuel her movements as Logans hands gripped her sides. “We shouldn't do this El. God you feel so good though.” Logan's voice hoarse in her ear. She continued to grind against him, she locked eyes on Colt who looked as if he was going to rip the railing right off.
She shrugged him off, she was a grown woman who made her own choices. She didnt have to answer to anyone, especially not Colt Kaneko. She turned to face Logan, now completely in the moment. His hands crept up and down her sides, sending a pleasant warmth throughout her.  It had been far to long since she had felt the strong hands of a man. “Kiss me colt.” she breathed out just inches from Logans lips. “Colt?” He pulled back, just as Colt pulled at her wrist. “Thats enough Ellie.”
She looked between the two, her head spinning. Did she really just call Logan Colt?
“We need to talk Ellie, alone.” Logan stared at her “She's not going anywhere with you. I think its time to go Ellie.” Colt snapped. “You dont have a claim on her Kaneko, who the hell do you think you are?” Logan stood his full height against him, colt easily matching him. “See pretty boy thats where you're wrong,” Colts lips twisted in a devilish smirk.  “I think its time my wife went home.” Logans eyes went wide. “You're fucking lying.” He turned to Ellie, desperately searching her eyes “Hes lying right? Tell me hes lying Ellie.” Colts wicked smirk grew wider “Go on Mrs Kaneko. Tell him.”
Ellie looked between the two, her stomach churning, panic set in. “I. I. I think im gonna..” she leaned down puking all over Colts feet.
Logan let out a wild laugh “Well, I'll let you handle that.” Colt rolled his eyes as he walked away.  “Come on El. Let's get you home.” Ellie started to walk losing her balance, colt grabbed ahold of her steadying her. He picked her up bridal style walking towards the exit. “Whats going on?” ximena question, and then looked down noticing the puke all over his legs and shoes. “Can you take ellie to her house? I'll follow you.” Ximena nodded. Colt laid ellie down in the back seat of Ximenas suv. “where are we going?” She moaned, her stomach churing. “were taking you home.” Ellie tried to sit up, panic written all over her face. “NO. My dad will kill me.” colt shook his head and chuckled “You're 25 years old Ellie,  pretty sure he wont.”
They pulled up to her house, colt grabbing her from the car carrying her to the door. He rang the doorbell, nervously awaiting her father to answer. He had never formally met him, and he wasn't sure just how he would act but he  wouldn't worry about that now. His only concern was getting Ellie home safely and into her own bed.
A few minutes later her father answered the door. His eyes widened at the sight “What happened?” he moved aside letting colt in. “She drank to much. I just wanted to.make sure she got home safe.”
“Hiiii Daddy.” Ellie groaned softly.
Her dad pointed him to her room, Colt got her inside laying her on the bed where Ellie started pulling off her dress. “wheres your pajamas.” He asked heading towards her dresser. “Hey! You'll see my underwear.” Ellie giggled.
“I've seen your underwear before, and you're in them right now.” He snorted as he rifled through her drawers. He found a tshirt and pulled it over her head. “Now. get some sleep.” He turned to walk away, Ellie already sound asleep. He walked out into the living room where her father stood. “Well, shes alseep. Sorry for bringing her home in that condition, I tried to tell her to slow down but, you know how she gets when she sets her mind to something.” Ellies dad chuckled  “Yeah. I do.” he looked down at Colts legs, seeing the colorful stain of Ellies vomit.
“She ah. Puked on me.” he gave a nervous chuckle. “I figured that. Why dont we get your shoes cleaned up. I got a pair of sweat you can change into. We can wash your clothes, but its probably best you stay over.” Colt tried to argue but his words fell short. Her dad came back and handed him a pair of sweats and pointed him towards the bathroom. He gave him a blanket and pillow and Colt laid down, his mind going a mile a minute.  
Just 6 years ago her father was investigating his father and the crew, and now he was laying in his house while ellie and Luca slept upstairs.
He woke the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee filling the air. He sat up from the couch looking towards the kitchen. “Morning Colt. Come get some coffee.” Colt stood, wiping the sleep from his eyes, he grabbed a mug and poured a cup, sitting at the table with her dad. “Thanks Mr Martin.”
“You're welcome, but its Frank. Call me Frank.” Colt nodded, the sides of his lips slightly pulling up. “So Colt, Can I ask you. what are your intentions with my daughter and granddaughter if you are her father?” Frank cut right to the chase catching him off guard.  
“Well Frank, I do not have a doubt in my mind that Luca is mine. And as far as Ellie,” He collected his thoughts “As far as Ellie,I still love her. And if she would have me, I would like nothing more then to spend the rest of my life taking care of them both.”  Frank sipped his coffee, nodding his head. “You know, I believe you. But what makes you so sure that Luca is yours?” colt sat his coffee cup down “Call it intuition. I just have a feeling and usually my feelings are right.”
They were interrupted by the sounds off footsteps coming down the stairs. “Morning sunshine.” Frank smirked Ellie groaned as she mindlessly made her way to the coffe pot, pouring a cup of coffee. She sat down at the table her eyes instantly locking with Colts. “what are you doing here so early?”
“I'll give you two a minute.” Frank got up and went up to his room.
“Your dad let me stay over. I wanted to make sure you were ok.” He smirked. Ellies eyes snapped shut remembering the nights events. “Oh god. I puked on you.”
“You did. But your dad tossed my stuff in the wash. It's all good.”
“Colt. You told Logan. Why did you do that?”
“I can't stand how he walks around so smug all the time. Like he's better because he is a semi famous race car driver now.” He scoffed.
“Colt. He isn't better than you.  You aren't better than him. You guys have got to stop this pissing contest, its been 6 years. Thats a long ass piss.” she giggled, causing colt to chuckle. “Yeah, maybe you're right.”
“We do need to talk about it though.  I was under the impression that you got the annulment Colt. Why,” She took a deep breath “Why didnt you?”
“Because When I asked you to marry me, it wasnt because we were under the stress of the what ifs.”
“Dont. I don't need to hear it.”
“We were just so young. And were practically strangers now, its just. I think its better if we.”
“If we what?” He cocked his brow
“I think it's best if we get a divorce.” the words came out so rushed she barely understood them herself. But the look of absolute hurt on his face told her that he understood every word.
“You never gave us a chance. And now you're back, with my daughter and you want a divorce? Ellie we could be a family. You won't even try?”
“Colt. im sorry. Im not saying that nothing could ever happen with us. But if it does,  I want to start fresh.” She didn't try to correct him about being Ellie's father, he was hell bent on it and it would just add insult to injury.
Colt stood up Grabbing his eyes from the coffee table. “You night now believe it yet Ellie, but I'm going to prove to you that we belong together. Do what you gotta do." he walked to the door, pausing for a minute. "You know they say a drunk persons actions are a sober persons thoughts. And last night, told me alot.kore then you're letting on." He closed the door behind him. She heard his motorcycle start up and take off down the street.
She knew he was sort of right. She never did fully get over either of them. But she couldnt throw herself into a relationship with one of them, not right away. She had Luca to think about afterall.
She pulled out her phone finding Logans number.  She sent him a text, telling him she was sorry. A few minutes later she received a text back saying “I need some time. I will call u when im ready to talk.”
She had only been back a short time, but oh what a tangled web she had weaved.
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