#i'm so proud of you bb
mitski · 2 years
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RWBY (09x04)
Isn't that what you want? To be whole again?
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amourtoken · 2 months
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Saw this little thing from a revolver interview and im actually insane and need to be put away cause I see "I've always been a little arrogant and even condescending at times" and it goes straight between my legs bye
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bonefall · 1 year
Have you thought about collabing with the creators of Clangen?
It would be cool? But from what I know, Clangen really tries to stick close to canon, moreso than I do. They wouldn't be looking to add my clan culture expansions or spirituality overhauls.
So like, sure, if they/a mod maker approached me with an idea or request. Otherwise I'm not sure what we'd collaborate about?
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plaidpyjamas · 1 year
Father Gascoigne's role as the first required boss in Bloodborne, blocking you from leaving the first in game area (who is also known for permanently forcing about 50% of all new players to quit the game forever) is the same as the Xenomorph's role in Yautja hunters becoming blooded and continuing to go on hunts, in this essay I will-
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
welp. looks like i'm maining kaeya again. 🫠 been getting him ready for 3.8 and omggggg he's so much stronger now??
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Did Prism just call Ashton a sick fuck I can’t I’m dying this is too funny
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moonchild-in-blue · 3 months
hi lovely. this is drunk em in your inbox. you may do with this message what you will <3
i have so much love for you in my heart. everything about you and the way you interact with others is so lovely and delightful. YOU are a delightful presence on this website and in this community, you were someone who, long before we ever interacted, made me feel comfortable leaving my tumblr lurker cave. you deserve absolutely nothing less than infinite love and happiness. i love the way you love, i think it’s beautiful. anyways. if you’ve never noticed. i think you’re great.
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Em honey, do you have any idea how much my heart is swelling right now????? 🥺💜🥺💙🥺💜🥺💙🥺💜🥺💙
I never really know how to respond to these, cus what do you meeeaan?? I'm just a tiny liddol frog living a big ass beautiful, crazy garden pond with you all 🐸🪷
There's nothing that makes me happier than hearing people say I somehow make them feel comfortable and safe over here. I didn't always have a safe space to fully indulge in my interests, or have people who were just as insane as I was about certain things, and I know how isolating that can be. So if me being... *gestures vaguely*... like this, makes you feel confident enough to engage with others and be okay with the things you like, then I think I've must've done a good job at something 🥺💙✨
I love you Em, and I'm genuinely grateful and delighted to be your friend 🪻🌷
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“I haven't been running from my problems --  I've been running from you! What kind of parents would rather see their daughter dead Than be married to a man from the wrong family?!”
~“Stronger” from & Juliet
tw: physical and emotional abuse
The Cromwell estate was a very large property in the outskirts of Yorkshire. It was honestly remarkable that such an old and beautiful manor house could live in such isolation, but the cloaking spells around the house were virtually impregnable. It warded off not only Muggles, but all creatures as well. No one could Apparate onto or Disapparate out of the property -- instead one would either have to use the very well-guarded Floo Network grate in Charles’s office or Apparate outside the house and come through an enchanted gate that only a member of the Cromwell family could open. There were times that the enchantments around the house were so strong that it was even impervious to the elements outside, warding off rainstorms before they could go any further than the back gardens. 
Marilyn Cromwell would say it made her family’s home a sanctuary, safely detached from the normal mess and noise of everyday life. For Lane, however, not being able to go out and play in puddles, hear any birds singing outside, or even watch frost crystallize over the windowpane was just one more mark of how like a prison this house was. 
Now, of course, Lane hadn’t always seen it that way. In the beginning, she didn’t give the arrangement much thought at all, aside from her usual discontent at being forced to attend social gatherings and entertain her father’s coworkers. She’d contented herself with the contents of her father’s library for most of her life, escaping onto the pages of A History of Magic, Nature’s Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy, and biographies about Cornelius Agrippa and Uric the Oddball. Charles had actually encouraged Lane’s escapism in his own weird way, generously giving her free reign to borrow and read whatever book she wished from his library. It was a freedom Lane had cherished at the time, before realizing just how many subjects were censored from Charles’s collection. How many authors were censored from it...
It was largely thanks to the love of learning Charles had encouraged in Lane by reading in his library that resulted in her being sorted into Ravenclaw house. And sure enough, it was here -- and at Hogwarts itself -- that Lane saw starkly just how many things had been denied her at home. 
Not having to wake up at the same time every single day. 
Having a pet. 
Choosing what you wanted to wear, no matter what was scheduled for the day. 
Being allowed to eat whatever and as much as you wanted, when you wanted. 
Making real friends. 
Having actual privacy -- being allowed to write, do and say whatever you wanted, without being afraid that your father would somehow immediately know you’d done wrong no matter how much you might try to hide it. 
Even being able to sit back in a comfy chair and just look out the window! At school Lane had multiple windows in her dormroom -- ones tall as the ceiling and completely uncovered, which let in both sunlight and moonlight that lit up the whole room, and yet also looked out toward the entire Hogwarts grounds, thanks to the height of Ravenclaw Tower. At home Lane had to settle for one very tiny window mounted high on the wall over her bed, which overlooked nothing but the flower-trimmed hedges in the back garden. She could barely even see the sky, the hedges grew so high. 
And then there was the library. Hogwarts’s library was the place of dreams, for Lane Cromwell. Compared to her father’s admittedly rather respectable collection at home, Hogwarts’s library was nirvana -- endless rows of shelves, all a mile high, full of books about every subject: even ones Lane hadn’t known were subjects before! Books about scrying and Flesh-Eating Trees -- scholarly journals about new and developing Potions research -- even a few fictional stories written by Muggles! David Copperfield by Charles Dickens -- Animal Farm by George Orwell -- Treasure Island and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson...all books Lane hid safely under her pillow in her dormroom, half out of fear of her siblings seeing her with them and half to sneak a few more chapters after curfew while everyone else was asleep. 
After reading those, she actually sought out other books written by Muggles -- this time regarding her favorite subject, history. Thanks to her dormmates, who were all thoroughly charmed by softspoken Lane getting so excited about something, the third-eldest Cromwell got her hands on even more interesting books, including The Diary of Anne Frank and biographies for Muggles like Elizabeth I and William Wilberforce. Lane’s dormmates also introduced her to other interesting Muggle things, like soda pop and roller-skates. And from there, Lane’s love of Muggles and the world they’d created only grew, to the point that she’d even fallen hard for a Muggle she’d collided with in her best friend Judy Castine’s neighborhood -- a protective, upright young man named Evan Bach.
At school Lane truly was happier than she’d ever been in her life. And Charles Cromwell most assuredly had noticed. That was made very clear to Lane when one day, during the winter break of her seventh year, Charles asked to speak to Lane privately in his study.
Charles’s study was a room no Cromwell child ever liked visiting. From the time they were very small, it was a place they were expected to stay away from, whenever the door was closed -- it meant that their father was busy, whether because he was speaking privately to some Ministry official he’d invited over or because he was speaking privately to one of them. And you did not interrupt Charles Cromwell when he was speaking to one of his children. No matter what you might hear -- no matter how much crying or pleading, no matter what kind of sounds might echo from behind that door, you never interrupted. You never tried to intervene. After all, it was just about always just a simple talk -- Charles never raised a hand or wand against his children, unless they really made him. And there was no reason for anyone to cry about something as normal as a talk with one’s father...
Lane’s hands were freezing cold at her sides as she approached her father’s study. The door was open -- she could see Charles sitting at his desk, his reading glasses on as he consulted some papers. Before she could even think of speaking, Charles looked up, greeting her with a cold smile as he slid his glasses off with one hand.
“Lane, my dear. Come in and close the door.”
Lane glanced down at the doorknob under her hand. She did not want to do that. She didn’t like being in a room alone with her father -- she’d never liked it, especially when he was angry --
But she knew she had no choice. With a swallow, Lane very reluctantly did as she was told. She closed the door behind her and wordlessly approached her father’s desk.
Charles considered his third daughter for a very long moment. It was a detached, and yet thoroughly penetrating stare -- one that made Lane feel exposed beyond belief. Like every flit of his eyes along her lightly freckled cheek and long, loose blond hair was a needle poking at every tiny, seemingly most insignificant flaw. 
“You seem apprehensive, child,” said Charles. 
His voice should’ve been concerned, and yet, for some reason, it didn’t sound that way, to Lane. Instead it sounded perfunctory -- rehearsed, somehow. 
“I’m sorry,” Lane mumbled at once. 
Judy’s father’s warm, reassuring face rippled over her memory. 
“Oh, now, don’t fret -- we won’t bite you. Go ahead, take off your coat -- ”
Charles’s eyebrows seemed to twitch. Lane felt her heart skip a beat anxiously. 
“I...I just...I hope I haven’t upset you,” she said very quickly. Her voice was a frail, breathy shadow of what her siblings’ were, even more so due to the slight strain that came from her nerves. “I’ve been studying very hard -- I’ll make sure to pass all my NEWTs...”
Charles didn’t respond to Lane’s nerves. Instead he merely gave a very slow nod of muted approval.
“As is proper. With a brain like yours, I would expect nothing less.”
Lane attempted a weak smile. “...Th-thank you, Father.”
Charles, however, did not smile in return. He merely watched her, his bue eyes boring into her with singular focus. Lane could feel a cold chill running along the back of her head, almost like a claw -- it made her stiffen despite herself. 
“I’ve summoned you here so that we may discuss your future,” Charles said airily. 
Lane faltered. “...My future?”
“Yes. After your schooling has ended. Surely you’ve considered it -- how you intend to be useful to the Cromwell Clan?”
The claw seemed to scratch at the inside of her brain. Lane flinched. 
“...I...I did, yes,” said Lane meekly. 
Memories of her Career Advice session with her Head of House flitted over her mind. Pleasant conversation by a sunny window, alongside a cup of tea and some fairy cakes --
Lane suddenly felt like the claw poke a single, sharp nail right into her brain. She gave a soft cry as it scraped across her skull, dragging that memory up to the forefront of her mind --
“It’s your life, Miss Cromwell -- may as well live it! So? What is it that you want to do?”
“...I...I want to be a Historian. Like Bathilda Bagshot. I want to travel, and study dig sites...maybe even write a book, someday -- ”
“If that’s what you want to do, then I say you should do it! And don’t you let anyone tell you otherwise -- ”
“A Magical Historian?” Charles’s low Bass tone seemed to echo through Lane’s brain, warping the memory she’d been forced to relive. 
Lane felt like her head had been roughly thrown backward. She choked, blinking back tears as she tried to orient herself. The room was spinning...
“Lane, my dear, I’m disappointed,” Charles pressed on as if nothing had happened. “Magical Historians have always been severely undervalued, from an economic standpoint -- why, even Bathilda Bagshot herself only just barely stays afloat, on the back of her book sales. You know full well you can’t support a husband and children of your own, with so pitiful a salary.”
Lane swallowed, trying to catch her breath. 
“Yes, but...won’t it be all right, for a little while?” she said timidly. “At least...while I’m unmarried? Mother said I’d stay at home, a-after graduation...a-at least until then...so I won’t need to find a home, just yet. I...I could save up whatever I don’t spend on food and necessities -- ”
“That won’t be necessary,” Charles cut her off. “I’ve already made arrangements to ensure you’ll be well-provided for.”
Lane’s shoulders tensed. 
“...What arrangements?” she said very softly. 
Charles offered Lane a very cold smile. “Come now, Lane, my dear...what other kind of arrangements could I mean? You’ve grown into a very pretty, well-read, obedient young lady -- it’s high time that we capitalize on those favorable qualities, while your bloom is still new.”
“But -- but I thought that Pearl and Claire would -- ”
Lane’s voice was naturally so quiet and insubstantial that Charles was able to talk over her without even having to raise his voice. 
“Your lack of enthusiasm during our most recent gathering was rather troublesome, for your mother. Fortunately I’ve been in contact with Elias Urquart, and he believes his son Claude would do very well in the company of a quiet, patient young lady like you...”
“F-Father -- ”
Lane felt the claw sinking its claws into her head again, latching onto the fear in her brain. She gave a weak cry as that ball of fear inside of her was seemingly slammed down into her throat, forcing her into choked, suffocated silence. 
“And I must agree,” said Charles, seemingly not even noticing his daughter’s distress. “Why, a lady so soft-spoken and frail as you needs a proper husband to provide for her, if she’s going to make it in a cut-throat world like this. And with Claude’s wealth and the size of his family’s estate, you would be able to raise quite a respectable family, there. A son or two -- a daughter, perhaps. All within a stone’s throw of Cromwell Manor, as well. Your mother and I will never be far away...”
Fear. All Lane could feel was fear. Over her eyes, she could see Cromwell Manor -- the endless halls, lonely and dark -- the dining hall, underscored by Marilyn’s digs at her posture and table manners -- the windows never touched by frost or rain -- 
No -- no -- 
Lane felt her knees give way, but it was like she couldn’t even feel the floor. Both it and the room she’d been in were invisible to her eyes, through the pain in her mind. 
Locked doors. Barred windows and high hedges. Those would be her future, for the rest of her life. The thought made her intestines snake out around her nauseously pumping heart and stomach and squeeze. In her mind, she was back in her room right after her first year, miserably peeking out through that tiny window in a vain attempt to see the sky -- missing Judy and Simon and Carol -- all of her professors -- Evan -- Evan, oh, Evan -- me, married, Evan --
Then, all at once, the fear suffocating her throat seemed to slowly dissipate. 
Lane gasped for air. Her knees were throbbing with pain from the impact with the floor -- her hair was wet with sweat and her pale hands clutching the carpet were trembling. She tried to take several deep breathes, even as her father’s shadow engulfed her.
“Lane,” he said in a strange, almost paternal manner. “My poor child...there’s no need to be frightened...”
Lane felt her father bring his hands under her arms and gently hoist her up as if she were a child. She blinked up at him, trying to see through the teary blur that had overtaken her vision. 
When she made direct eye contact with Charles, however, she instantly knew she’d made a mistake. 
At once, the claw had seized hold of her brain again, making her crumple up in her father’s arms. Her frail voice came out in a weak, pitiful scream, more akin to a badly wounded animal, as the claw tore into her mind with force.
“Who is he, Lane?” her father’s voice rumbled through her head like some kind of distant thunder.
Lane could see Professor Slughorn, in her mind -- Professor Dumbledore --  Judy’s and her father Roy’s smiling faces --
Her father was searching. He was searching for him. 
Evan’s silhouette in the diner, by the jukebox, was brought to the front of her mind -- he’d be turning around any moment -- introducing himself -- 
Lane shoved Evan to the back of her mind. The claw seemed to dig in further, shoving things crassly aside trying to get to the memory, but Lane tried to push it back.
No -- no, you can’t have him!
“Who is he, Lane?” Charles’s voice rumbled more forebodingly than ever.
The claw slammed down into her brain with the force of knives. Lane could hear her own screams echoing endlessly in her ears. Still, however terrified she was and however numb with pain her body was, she still weakly tried to keep Evan obscured.
Don’t think of his face -- don’t let Father hear him say his name --
Lane had read about Legilimency in the Library. Sure, none of the books gave much guidance about how it worked or how to prevent it, but she still immediately knew that that had to be how her father was so able to see through her and her siblings, when they were young. That had to be how he was able to hurt them like this, without ever raising his wand. 
Legilimency is a magic that allows a magic user to view someone else’s thoughts or memories. 
That was what the book had said. And so that is what Lane focused on -- however much Charles tried to shove the thought and memory aside to reach Evan, Lane desperately tried to stay locked on the memory of reading that book, while kicking and writhing to try to get out of her father’s arms --
You can’t have him -- you can’t hurt him -- 
Evan’s hand, holding hers -- no, not his face -- “your parents -- they shouldn’t say stuff like that to you” -- his comforting smile -- “I’d look after you -- I mean -- ”
Lane felt both the claw and her father throw her roughly to the floor. She collided with the side table, making the glass lamp on it smash on top of her with a loud CRASH, before she crumpled to the floor, shaking and breathing heavily as she blinked back both tears and blood. The glass must’ve collided with her head...
“So it seems you’ve read up on my particular talent,” Charles murmured. “I must wonder if Blaise prompted that...”
He bent down beside Lane. Rather than help her up, however, the head of the Cromwell Clan merely looked down at her with such an emotionless, uncaring look that he resembled one of the china dolls Lane had seen in Judy’s room at her house. 
“I do not know who that boy is,” he said, his Bass voice so low and hushed with displeasure, it was like a demon bitterly whispering his terms to his latest target, “but you will discard him immediately, or else I shall have to make pointed inquiries to Hogwarts’s school governors, regarding his identity. We don’t need you getting distracted, do we?”
Charles’s voice grew darker still as he leaned his hand on the floor right beside Lane’s head. 
“Never forget that your life -- your future -- everything you are and ever will be -- has been written to serve the Clan’s interests. My interests. It is I who has paid for your home, comfort, and safety -- the clothes you wear and the food you eat -- and it is I whom you shall have to pay that back for, with interest. I wished to be generous -- allowing you the freedom to be a bit more selfish at school, if just for a short while...but sadly, the clock has run out, and playtime is over. It’s high time that you grow up and accept your duty as a member of the Cromwell Clan. Your duty to your father and leader.”
Charles’s almond-shaped blue eyes grew a little smaller.
“Have I made myself clear?”
Lane’s face had lost all its color. Her long blond hair fell into her face as she crumpled up on the floor, bowing her head.
“...Yes, sir,” she whispered.
Charles seemed to relax a bit. Lane could hear the floor creak a bit under him as he got up off the floor. 
“Good,” he said, his curt voice feigning gentility again. “Now then -- go clean yourself up and get ready for supper. Your mother plans to serve a lovely roast goose.”
Lane heard the door of Charles’s office open and -- without seemingly any hesitation -- his footsteps down the hall.
Lane remained still on the floor, bleeding and weak, for what felt like ages. When the clock chimed the hour, though, she knew it was in truth only about fifteen minutes. 
It was right as the clock chimed that Lane felt someone hoist her up off the floor.
“Lane,” she heard Pearl sigh in aggravation, “why do you always have to be such a thorn in our sides...?”
Despite muttering this, her older sister nonetheless hoisted Lane up onto her back and carried her to her room. 
Lane didn’t speak at all while Pearl carried her -- her older sister likewise didn’t say anything to her, though she did have to fend off Blaise at one point, when he saw Lane on her back.
“You need to support her head better!” Blaise said, his petulant voice nonetheless betraying some genuine upset. “See, you’re getting her blood on your shoulder -- ”
“I’ll clean up her mess myself, thank you,” Pearl spat at her youngest sibling. “That’s what I always have to do, for you lot -- ”
“You?” Blaise shot back vindictively. The last Cromwell sibling, Claire, stayed off to the side, timidly watching, as Blaise tried and failed to yank Lane out of Pearl’s arms. “Please! You don’t know the first thing about taking care of someone -- all you ever do is tell us to shut up and stop complaining -- ”
“Maybe if you did shut your trap and stop whining, I wouldn’t have to say it so much!” snapped Pearl. 
With a not-so-pleasant kick, she forced Blaise back away enough to reach Lane’s bedroom door, which she lightly kicked open and then slammed behind her. She then dropped her sister down on the bed like dead weight.
“Mother and Father still expect you on time for supper,” Pearl said harshly as she turned to the door. “Keep your mouth shut and your head down until it’s over, and maybe Father won’t see the need to do anything else.”
With this, she opened the door again and shut it firmly behind her. Lane could hear her shooing Blaise and Claire away outside the door -- Blaise was taking it much less well than Claire did, since Lane could hear him obnoxiously arguing the point as their voices faded away down the hall.
Very weakly Lane tried to pick herself up off the mattress. She only managed to hoist herself up enough to lean against the wall under her window -- but it was as she leaned back, her blond hair sliding out of her face again at last, that her pale face was fully visible once again.
And anyone who could’ve seen Lane’s face would’ve known...that face was not that of someone who had decided to surrender.
Lane knew there was only one way in or out of Cromwell Manor -- through Charles’s fireplace, which he would never let her near in a million years, especially now that she’d managed to hide Evan’s identity from him. But Lane would have to return to Hogwarts, in order to graduate -- she was much less valuable to him, if she didn’t. That had to be why he had made these marriage arrangements so abruptly and why he’d called her into his office to tell her about them. He wanted to make sure she knew she was trapped -- alone, penniless, and powerless -- that he still had control over her life, and that he would keep that control for the rest of his. 
But even with this...while she was at Hogwarts, Charles could not access her. He could not monitor or guard her or read her thoughts. Most important of all, while she was there, he could not stop her from making her own choices. 
And after Hogwarts, Lane decided...after she was a legal adult, with her education complete...he never would again. After graduation, she would steal a chance of freedom for herself, and leave Charles Cromwell and his Clan behind her, once and for all. 
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ss-trashboat · 1 year
oh my god blorbos HMM LEMME SEE
so obviously kyle (aussie open as a whole tbh but specifically kyle)
chrissy b and babygirl drew are blorbos
tentative elp? i know hiromu is one for sure. is tama a blorbo i know you like him
ace, i think bey also counts by now?
i know im forgetting something obvious lol but heres a few ~
elp is def blorbo, don't make outfits for daryl for just anyone lol. tama i count as a blorbo, very much bey as well ~
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nakanotamu · 11 months
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landograndprix · 1 year
「Mini me, mini you? ๛ l.n || c.l」
part ix - ending 1
✧.* a little surprise becomes a welcome surprise and life does get better.
✧.* ending one! there will be one part after this to finish it off completelyl this is a psa for the people who wanted to be on my taglist but never got tagged, i didn't forget or ignore you, I simply am unable to tag you and therefore removed you from the list since it's a mess to tag that many people when half of it doesn't work, hope you understand! Some people are tagged in the comments, I can only tag 50 peeps in a post. Love ya ❤️
✧.* prev part - next part
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𝟐 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell and 229,782 others
y/nusername the goodest boy(s) 🧡
tagged: landonorris
view all 421 comments
hannahh I would die for Benji 🥺
norry4 so this is basically saying they're back together..right? (In my delulu era ✌)
maxfewtrell the best norris there is
landonorris are we talking about me or my son?
maxfewtrell since when are you the best norris there is? You never were mate..
hamilt44n hello, is Benji looking for a sister? I'm putting myself up for adoption..just so you know..I'm nice and will do the dishes...please..
norrizz I just know this dog is living his best life 😭
carlandooo I need a Benji in my life and a lando..and a y/n..
sharl16 good news guys, I'm still obsessed with this little icon
landonorris what a little lad ❤️
y/nusername love of my life actually but okay
chilisainz you've been booted to p2 my dude 😂
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liked by carlossainz55, riabish and 278,656 others
y/nusername 💙👶🏻
tagged: landonorris
view all 527 comments
julieeeexo oh my fucking god lando's gonna beba dilf?!😭
norrizz I called it! I told y'all!
zhou_ey stop it, Benji looks so proud to be a big brother 😭
carlossainz55 congratulations guys, you'll name him Carlos no?
landonorris not a chance mate..
carlossainz55 very disappointed
landoscar OMG OMG OMG
maxfewtrell you're going to tell me there's going to be two of lando in a couple weeks?
charlos16 WEEKS?
norrislando4 a lot of us have been saying she's been pregnant for a while so I guess were right? 😭
hamilt44n my parents becoming actual parents and they're getting a lil dude? Life is beautiful 😢
landonorris 💙💙💙
landooofour congrats on becoming a dilf my dude!
charles_leclerc congrats you guys!
y/nusername posted to their story
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Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @softboystarkey @buffysummrsx @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs
Mini me taglist: @myloverjk-blog @allywthsr @myescapefromthislife @justdreamersdream @celestialams @ihrtdan @sunnytkm23 @yunnie-f1 @stevesworld9 @azxulaa @raizelchrysanderoctavius @leclercdream @opchelia @ssararuffoni @mqcherie @c-tangerine @au-ghosttype @changetyre @elijahslover @roseseraj @luciaexcorvus @evans-dejong @rinhvnt @champomiel @ohyoureaqueenbutuncrowned @hearts4joao @escapism-writer @eugene-emt-roe @bb-swift @christianpulisic10 @bladestark @ayoana @greigreyhiyyih @f1mockingjay @ironmaiden1313 @enhacolor @loxbbg @babyvinnie @wibi96 @celesteblack08
Lando taglist: @beatricemiruna @simp-for-fictional-people
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dearhargrove · 6 months
summary You comfort Evan after he has to deal with his parents over the course of four days.
word count 730
tags fluff, just someone being there for my bb buck, short and sweet
a/n So basically I was watching the Buck Begins episode and died every minute where his parents neglected him and generally every second of that episode :( so expect some more Buck fics to come (Eddie too tho !!)
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You didn't know but you were probably the sole reason Buck wasn't completely breaking down every day he wakes up and has to deal with the two people that call themselves his parents.
After the first dinner he had felt bad, but he'd felt like he usually does with them. Alone, unwanted and never enough. That day he'd come home to you, quiet and dull.
You hadn't made him talk about it when he didn't start explaining himself, instead you simply wrapped your arms around him and held him close. That's when he'd felt loved. That night he waited until you had fallen asleep before letting himself cry.
What did he expect? For some reason he had hoped they'd changed. Or at least that they would be proud of him. After all, he'd saved a lot of people and does so every day. Instead he is reminded that they hadn't bothered to check on him when he almost died twice - first by being crushed and second because of the blood clots - and then laid in the hospital.
Those were the people supposed to love him no matter what and all he got was constant criticism.
That night you had woken up not long after him because of his missing warmth. With a worried expression you'd found him and once again, held him close. He had melted into your arms, tears starting to fall again as he clutched you close as if scared to lose you.
After reassurance you would gladly give any day you had gone back to bed, your hand on his cheek and caressing his birthmark.
Today you hadn't even known Buck would see them or be confronted by their doings. The last time you'd heard about them was when he explained that he had a brother. That he was only conceived to be a match for a bone marrow transplant.
That night had been harder than the one before. You're quite sure no matter how much you tried to show him that he wasn't just a failed way to save someone you don't think it got completely through to him. And you didn't blame him; you couldn't imagine living with something like that weighing you down.
You're in his kitchen trying one of Bobby's recipes when the door opens and Buck comes in. You could read him like a book; there wasn't a moment you weren't able to tell what he was feeling. But now? You genuinely didn't know.
He was frowning but there's a smile resting on his face and his eyes are red.
He looks up, seeing you there in his sweater with a knife in your hand as you chop vegetables for a recipe from Bobby he loved, and he breaks. But instead of simply crying he chuckles, too.
“Buck, what's going on?” Your voice is worried and he just shakes his head as he wraps his arms around your waist and presses his forehead to yours. You put the knife down and reach up to cup his face and your index finger soothes over his birthmark, something you'd made a habit over the year of being with him.
“I think they're finally accepting me for.. me.” He only says and you sigh but nod. He notices your slight apprehension and quickly adds on, “But I don't want them to. I don't need their acceptance. They don't decide how much I'm worth.”
Your mouth forms an ‘o’ in surprise but you laugh breathlessly and nod, “Exactly. You're saving lives on the daily, you don't need anyone to tell you how good you are. Not your parents, not your friends, not me.”
He nods along until the last part where he cocks his head and looks at you with his signature half smirk. “I do need you to tell me how good I am, actually.” That makes you smile as well and you sigh, “That's not what I meant and you know it.”
He just shrugs and unlike when he first came in you can see pure happiness and love on his face.
“God, I love you so much, Evan Buckley.”
He grins and surges forward to kiss you passionately, his hands gripping your hips as if you'd slip through his fingers any moment.
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madameriasims4 · 1 year
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Blahrky (Toy & Deco)
POV: You just got home from school and your little brother wants to play sharkies with you~
Take home your very own Blahrky today in three different ways!
MadameRiaBlahrkySharkToy: A very smol shark toy that children can play with
MadameRiaBlahrkySharkDecoMedium: Decorative shark that can be placed in medium slots, and has a curled tail
MadameRiaBlahrkySharkDecoLarge: Decorative shark that can be placed in large slots, and has a straight tail
You can find Blahrky in the BB catalogue by searching for "shark"!
Download link below the cut!
I started this project in early May, because I wanted to put some love into the world (and apologize for my country). The Sims community is so wonderfully inclusive and thoughtful and I hope that having this little trans icon shark in your game makes you smile while you play.
On another note, this is the most "organic" thing I've ever meshed from scratch! Everything else I've meshed has been quite "primitive" (as in basic mesh shapes) and boxy, so I'm really proud of having made an animal! It's not a 1:1 recreation of the Ikea Blahaj shark, (trying to avoid legal action lmao) so I took the chance to try putting my own spin on it!
(Also, the kids are just my models Devin and Darren aged down haha)
Download (Patreon) Always free, no ads.
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as the flowers bloom, my heart does too ⋆*·゚misa x putellas!femreader, social media au, (12/-)
when your relationship ends and all you want to do is hide and cry, flowers suddenly start to appear on your doorstep.
or; misa hating to see a pretty girl cry and suffer and going out of her way to cheer her up while staying anonymous
fic: see my masterlist 🤍
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yourusername: conquering my jet lag, one yawn at a time Liked by albaps9, begovargas, janafernandez3 and 2,309 others
alexiaputellas Our lucky charm is finally here 🤩 ↳ marisabel_rguez Good things to come for sure!! ↳ alexiaputellas 😎🙌
albaps9 oh no! there goes my peace! ↳ yourusername and here i thought you'd enjoy another slumber party 🙄 ↳ albaps9 so long as you won't hog the bedsheets again, sure 😬
bff2 Have the best time! 😊
jennihermoso Aye, she's here!
username1 yay she's in sydney!!!! liked by 23 others ↳ username2 effing finally 🤭 ↳ username3 Took her long enough 😂
bff1 bring me back a kangaroo pls ↳ yourusername can't fit that in my carry on. how about a melon sized spider?
marialeonn16 🎉👯‍♀️
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↳ 18h ago: yourusername added to their story
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↳ 1h ago: yourusername added to their story
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yourusername: the happy faces i'll never get tired of seeing. i'm so proud of you both!! i've seen all the hard work, energy and time you've both put into this dream and the things you've had to sacrifice to get where you are. and i feel so grateful to have been there to support you both from the sidelines wherever and however much i could. this one's for the little you's who had a dream, and for all the little kids you've helped want that same dream tonight. here's to more successes, and i can't wait to cheer you on for as long as i can! i love you two. Liked by bff2, alexiaputellas, janafernandez3 and 4,290 others
albaps9 what about me? 😪 ↳ yourusername i'll always want to see your ugly face 😘 ↳ albaps9 sigh, i'll take the backhanded love ↳ bff1 and what about me?????? 🥺 ↳ yourusername you too bb 🤗 ↳ albaps9 stop stealing her attention from me ↳ bff1 go CRY about it 😡
bff3 Congratulations Misa and Ale! 😍
marisabel_rguez ❤️🤩🇪🇸😱😭💪🏽
begovargas woooooohoooo 🎉
username1 stop, i find it so cute she's celebrating both their wins 😭 liked by 78 others
alexiaputellas I LOVE YOU!!!!
bff2 Congrats lovelies!!
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↳ 16min ago: alexiaputellas added to their story
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↳ 16h ago: yourusername added to their story
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↳ 1h ago: yourusername added to their story
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tagged: yourusername marisabel_rguez: Reunited with my woman and it's never felt better 🤩 Liked by bff3, albaps9, haleyraso and 38,389 others
alexiaputellas The dream team is together again!
bff1 mama... y papa. papa y mama. ↳ yourusername delete tiktok or vine or wherever that's from ↳ bff1 vine's been dead for YEARS omg you're such a grandma ↳ yourusername oh em gee no!!!😱 ↳ bff1 but hey, who's mami and who's papi? ↳ albaps9 real questions being asked 👀
bff3 Enjoy your vacation, sweethearts 😘
username1 'MY wOMAN'!! 😭 ↳ username2 i was going to say! 😪 ↳ username3 They're the most adorable couple rn omg
jennihermoso Teaching her to surf? Where's her lifejacket? 😂 ↳ marisabel_rguez Jajaja, we could still stand there. She didn't want to go further out. ↳ yourusername because of the fishies and the sharkies. i need to be able to run and not wail around in the water if i see something approach 😭 ↳ marisabel_rguez You're cute 🤣
Text Messages
18:01 Misa 🤍 You're adorable, you know that right? And I love you.
18:01 Misa 🤍 And incredibly irresistible too, but sshh.
18:03 you only for you chula. and i love you 😘
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tagged: marisabel_rguez yourusername: bliss 🤍 Liked by bff3, bff1, marisabel_rguez and 2,872 others
marisabel_rguez Best birthday ever 😘 ↳ yourusername so my birthday surprise for you last year wasn't memorable enough? 😤 ↳ marisabel_rguez I loved that, but considering you keep on raising the bar for yourself, it's going to get better every year, just like the rest of life with you. ↳ albaps9 i think you broke her or else she would've definitely replied ↳ marisabel_rguez Jaja yes, she's a teary mess beside me now.
alexiaputellas Very sweet 🤗
username1 happy birthday, misa!! 🍰 liked by 56 others
bff1 ohhh what did you do for her birthday? ↳ yourusername each other <3 This comment is no longer available ↳ bff1 YOU SHE-DEVIL, I SAW THAT ↳ albaps9 saw what?? let me in on the goss!!! ↳ alexiaputellas What's going on? ↳ bff1 nothing! ↳ albaps9 👀.... ok gotcha. ↳ alexiaputellas You know what, I don't even want to know. ↳ bff1 they had birthday cake, that's all 🤷‍♀️ ↳ alexiaputellas 🤨
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↳ 16h ago: yourusername added to their story
Direct Message
albaps9 ok, you have had that picture as your lockscreen, sent it in every groupchat and now also flaunt it on ig. it's adorable but are you ever going to stop boasting that your girlfriend won a world cup? 👀
yourusername NO, duuuh! my girlfriend is a gold medalist 😌
albaps9 if you're now going to make a goalie dad joke and say that it were her golden hands that won a golden medal i will actually block you
yourusername .... ☹️
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yourusername: black is my favourite colour 🖤 Liked by marisabel_rguez, albaps9, bff2 and 5,323 others
marisabel_rguez What a woman 🖤 (and it is my favourite too 😉) ↳ yourusername all yours ↳ marisabel_rguez ❤️
bff1 black isn't a colour, idiot ↳ yourusername i know, it's an inside jOKE
username1 Absolutely living for the resurrection of their comments 😭 liked by 39 others ↳ username2 can't believe we worried they'd broken up 🤣
bff2 Yesssss 🔥
ingridengen 🤩
janafernandez3 😍😍😍😍
bff3 It's getting hot in here!
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↳ 6h ago: marisabel_rguez added to their story
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username1: misa and y/n with fans last night ^
username2 fyi misa was such a smitten gentlewoman <3 ↳ username4 YOU MET THEM? ↳ username2 yeah we were lucky to run into them! misa was constantly giving heart eyes and sticking close to her and yn is the sweetest human!! she absolutely doesn't look like half the devilish things she comments come from her 🤣 ↳ username5 Why would you approach them when they're out together? I don't understand 😭 ↳ username2 they were walking by and seemed fine with it tbh ↳ username5 Yes because how else should they react?
username3 am i the only one who's kind of getting the ick with fans disturbing them on their night out?
username6 Hot couple alert incoming wee-woo-wee-woo 🚒🚨
username7 yn's so pretty 😣
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↳ 1min ago: yourusername added to their close friends story ↳ 26secs ago: yourusername added to their close friends story ↳ 3secs ago: yourusername added to their close friends story
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tagged: yourusername marisabel_rguez: My favourite person to match and be in-sync with 😎 Liked by alexiaputellas, ireneparedes4, yourusername and 18,837 others
alexiaputellas Yeah, you've become inseparable now, it's annoying 😆 ↳ albaps9 don't act like you don't adore it 😡 liked by alexiaputellas
username1 of course her handwriting is as beautiful as she is
username2 are notes their thing? bc i feel like they are <3
sofie.svava Fit 🔥
yourusername love you love you love you
marialeonn16 😍
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yourusername: my everything. Liked by patri8guijarro, claudiaapina, marisabel_rguez and 9,349 others
bff1 aw the 'm' necklace! ↳ yourusername i got it for our 600 day anniversary ): ↳ albaps9 you've become a hopeless romantic, bc that's not even a THING ↳ yourusername IT IS NOW ↳ albaps9 well if anything, it's more of a reward for misa for sticking it out this long 😂 ↳ bff1 alba's just jealous bc she's single ↳ albaps9 the audacity to say that?? ↳ yourusername don't be, your perfect someone is out there!!!!! ↳ bff1 definitely 👀 ↳ albaps9 don't you get ideas now ↳ bff1 never 😯
bff3 ❤️
bff2 Girlies!! 😍
marisabel_rguez My entire world 😉
marialeonn16 ohh lalaaa 🌅🤩
bff1 what flavour icecream was that? ↳ yourusername cappuccino! ↳ bff1 oh wow i could've sworn it looked like hazelnut ↳ yourusername hmm, i can kinda see that! close tho. i should probably get that next time. ↳ bff1 i only like hazelnut if they have tiny wafers in them ↳ yourusername OH! but those get soggy. it's like leaving cereal out in milk too long ↳ bff1 duh, that's why you gotta eat it fast ↳ yourusername no thank you, i don't want a brainfreeze ↳ bff2 🙄😂 ↳ bff3 Tweedledum and tweedledee, said with love xo 😘
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yourusername: i miss her already. Liked by ingridengen, begovargas, alexiaputellas and 1,193 others
jennihermoso Who knew Misa was secretly a dorky and smitten romantic? Definitely not me 😆 ↳ marisabel_rguez Only for her! 😁 liked by yourusername
username1 well this is utterly adorable
marisabel_rguez Miss you more. ↳ alexiaputellas 🤢 ↳ alexiaputellas Jaja, kidding ❤️🤔
username2 whoop, yes, notes are their thing
sofie.svava You've exposed her, don't know how she'll feel about that 😆 ↳ yourusername if i've ruined her tough act, then girlies will never steal her away from me 😏 ↳ sofie.svava I think they'll love this soft side even more, though! ↳ yourusername 😩 ↳ marisabel_rguez I'm not going anywhere, like I wrote, I've left a piece of my heart with you 😌 liked by 85 others
Text Messages
21:58 you waaaatcha doing, love?
22:10 Misa 🤍 Texting the most gorgeous woman in the entire world!
22:10 Misa 🤍 What about you, love?
22:10 you omg ew, i have competition now? 😒
22:10 Misa 🤍 Jajajaja never!
22:10 you but i'm missing you. haven't stopped doing that since you left.
22:10 Misa 🤍 ○○○
22:10 Misa 🤍 Y/N ☹️
22:11 Misa 🤍 I'll be back before you know it! Okay?
22:11 Misa 🤍 And I know you can be patient.
22:11 Misa 🤍 Especially for me.
22:12 you hmm i don't know, can i? i'm not too sure.
22:12 you ○○○
22:12 you i might need a little something to hold me over?
23:45 Misa 🤍 Fuck, I'm so sorry for disappearing on you. Let me call you. I like it better on the phone than through texts.
23:45 Misa 🤍 Y/N?
23:45 Misa 🤍 Are you still up?
23:45 Misa 🤍 I'm sorry, my love. I hope tomorrow will be a good day at work. I'll call you before you leave 😘
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↳ 5min ago: yourusername added to their close friends story
Text Messages
23:59 Misa 🤍 Wait, you're awake?
23:59 Misa 🤍 Are you still up for it?
00:06 you it's late, misa, you should go and catch some sleep.
00:08 Misa 🤍 Okay, beautiful. Your say ❤️But I see how it is... I'll remember this 🤫
00:08 you i sure hope you will. you'll have to make it up to me somehow ☺️
00:08 you sweet dreams, chula 😚
00:08 you ○○○
00:08 you and i love you.
00:08 Misa 🤍 Sweet dreams, my love. I love you.
00:08 Misa 🤍 And I will make it up to you, don't worry 😉
Text Messages
09:45 ale 🐻 Ay dios mio, I did not need to see that on a Thursday morning.
09:49 albaquerque 🌼 what did she do now?
09:49 ale 🐻 I love how you know what it's about before I've told you.
09:49 ale 🐻 Go to your instagram.
09:51 albaquerque 🌼 AYYYY MAMACITA
09:51 albaquerque 🌼 damn we've got some good genes 🍑
09:52 ale 🐻 I should've just stayed quiet 😫
09:52 ale 🐻 I'm pretty sure that picture was meant for someone else to see??????
09:53 albaquerque 🌼 i bet misa's having a GREAT morning 😱
09:53 ale 🐻 Wouldn't know, haven't seen her come down yet to the breakfast hall.
09:54 albaquerque 🌼 as i was saying- i bet misa's having a GREAT morning!!!!!
09:54 ale 🐻 Great, you've ruined my appetite now and breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
09:54 albaquerque 🌼 i think misa would beg to differ 🤣🤣🤣
09:55 ale 🐻 OK😑 Bye.
09:55 albaquerque 🌼 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
09:56 you stop spamming my phone it's way too early
09:56 ale 🐻 It's ten??
09:56 albaquerque 🌼 oh there she is
09:56 albaquerque 🌼long night, hey? 🤣
09:56 albaquerque 🌼 you didn't happen to be on the phone with a certain goalie just now? (who's late btw)
09:56 you i have no clue what you're talking about 👋
09:56 albaquerque 🌼 sure you don't, but ale does. right, ale?
09:56 ale 🐻 GOOD BYE. Dios mio, I'm not doing this.
09:56 albaquerque 🌼 ok bYEEEE. so laelia, why the story??
10:01 you well i couldn’t text it to her directly, that’d be too much of a gift. and i'm just confident in my body idc who knows 😚
10:02 albaquerque 🌼 ohhh she made you maaad?
10:02 you hmm no
10:03 albaquerque 🌼 sexually frustrated? 🤣
10:05 you noooo 😫
10:08 albaquerque 🌼 ok so that's a yes lol. do you still have mami on your close friends?
10:08 you god no, not after last time
10:08 albaquerque 🌼 what else did you think would happen that time tho?
10:10 you she’s always been very open minded, i honestly didn’t think she’d bat an eye or notice 😔
10:11 albaquerque 🌼 yeah with us, you’re her little pookie poo. i’m surprised she doesn’t still talk to you in a baby voice 🤣
10:11 you 🙄
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↳ 1h ago: marisabel_rguez added to their story
a/n: long overdue update, but i hope you've enjoyed it. here's a flower to brighten up your day 🌻
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sapphire-drawings · 3 months
How did adult!Webber manage to befriend bb!Wilson after that traumatic introduction?! 8O
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Almost a year later. Here's the continuation of How Mr. Webber and baby Wilson met
Here's the first part cause you won't remember, it's been so long
But this is the First part of the continuation, there'll be another 2 more I think so... just wait... if you care, if not that's fine by me
Anyway, I'm proud of these pages lmao
Imagine the thorns on the postern's vines for me, please
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wolfiesmoon · 10 months
The sweetest memories
Toji x gn!reader
You have infected me with fixed!toji brainrot i hope you're proud of what you've done. You know who you are.
Anyways writing this made me remember so many sweet memories from my childhood omg🤭💞
Also our bb megumi is a toddler😚😚
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"Why do I have to do this..." Toji grumbled under his breath, dragging the sled behind him without much effort needed.
"Because, you promised to be a good dad." You lightly poked his chest. He groaned slightly in annoyance, but you just know he'll mention days like this to you once his hair is gray and his back is killing him.
Megumi had asked you to take him sledding yesterday and you were immediately ecstatic about it. Toji a little less, apparently.
"You're staring at me real hard. Do you really find so much joy in my suffering?" He asked, exhaling with a visible cloud of cold air. "Are you trying to tell me you never went sledding as a kid? Some child you were." You playfully huffed, briefly stopping Megumi and fixing his scarf.
The three of you arrived at a local hill where many kids and their parents gather to go sledding in the winter. Megumi excitedly grabbed Toji's hand and tried pulling him towards the hill to no avail. "Come." He mumbled.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm goin' with you, brat." He dutifully ignored the glare you shot him at the name he called his son, going up the hill with him in tow.
You smiled as you watched him place Megumi in front of him on the sled and then sitting down himself. He mumbled something to Megumi before sliding down the hill with him.
This is truly one of the most adorable sights you've ever laid eyes upon. Megumi is comically small compared to your husband and it becomes super visible in moments like these. You got the sudden urge to take a photo, though you know Toji might sneak off at night and delete it.
"Again." Megumi begged, clinging onto Toji's sleeve. Toji sighed. "Why can't you go?" He looked to you.
"No. You." Megumi's eyebrows furrowed slightly and you couldn't help but giggle. Toji simply took him back up again, muttering something to himself as he went along.
You decided to keep yourself busy by making a snowman while watching the two of them go up the hill and slide down over and over. Over time, the slight smile on Toji's face was unmistakable.
You knew he would eventually stop grumbling and enjoy the moment. He always does. It makes your heart swell every time.
Suddenly, the two of them are approaching you. "Nice snowman, babe." He complimented, looking it up and down. You even carved a little face into it with sticks and your fingers. "It's weird-looking." Megumi commented, making you gasp.
"Hey, what did I tell you about saying mean things?" You scolded him lightly. "Dad told me to be honest."
You sighed. "Of course he did."
"See? I'm raisin' him right." He said, placing a peck on your lips. You squirmed a little at the coldness of his lips, but your face got flushed with warmth a second after anyways.
Oh man, his kisses are always so great. The scar on his lips makes for an interesting addition, too.
Your sweet little thoughts were interrupted by a snowball to the back of your head. "Ow, what was that for?!"
"You weren't paying attention." Toji smirked.
"Fine. No kisses for a week." You crossed your arms.
"You wouldn't."
"Try me."
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