#i'm so done
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murdamour · 6 months ago
Gojo clan head and the monk who gave up
the next moment Gojo wakes up from his wet dream ('cause realistically Geto would never give up💀)
✨️the end✨️
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yasyassie · 10 months ago
fuck your pride activism if it only includes cis, white able-bodied and neurotypical queers
fuck your pride activism if you forgot why we celebrate this month and who started it (black and trans working class ppl if you needed a reminder)
fuck your pride activism if you pretend to care about the community but then continue to buy from big companies that donate millions to anti lgbt politicians, perpetuate genocide, exploit other human beings and destroy the environment (but put a rainbow on their logo each june so it's ok)
fuck your pride activism if it continues to support israel and still falls for its pinkwashing and racist bullshit (about it being the only progressive country in the middle east etc)
fuck your pride activism if you exclude palestinian, congolese, sudanese, uyghur, armenian, (and every community suffering from genocide) lgbtq people from your cry for freedom
fuck your pride activism if it doesn't support the liberation of south and central american, caribbean, asian, romani, eastern european, sámi, middle eastern, native american, pacific islander, maori, aboriginal australian, indigenous tribes everywhere, and african people.
fuck your pride activism if you don't support religious queer people and reject their spirituality and connection to their faith as part of their identity
fuck your pride activism if you don't welcome queer inmigrants, war refugees and political refugees
fuck your pride activism if you don't uplift the voices of those who can't, those who are silenced, those who have to hide, those who fear imprisonment or death for being who they are
fuck state homophobia and opressive regimes
fuck homonationalism and the hypocrisy of the west
fuck capitalist and colonial pride
pride is for every single one of us
pride was a riot before it was a celebration and i intend to protest for an intersectional activism each and every day of this month
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thereinart · 8 months ago
Mamma Mia here we go again...
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Still not my piece just Ai crap please don't mind this blatant theft, and give some love to the original drawing please TvT (which i used glaze on now so this person must have saved my piece from before... I don't know what I can do about that TvT)
it's a bit below down my Tumblr feed if you want a better look (I also edited it on an hades 2 screenshot :3)
I really appreciate the support and vigilance of yall ❤️ thank you
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shiftinghoesblog · 15 days ago
Why does shifttok make my blood boil so fucking bad?? Like let me seat down I just scrolled onto a post with slides and the first caption went along the lines of this: "If you don't understand this, you will never shift" or some shit. What is up with this whole narrative of "if you don't do xyz .... you won't shift" ???? or if you don't understand certain things, you won't be able to do it. This is exactly why I moved here because shifttok is always full of limiting beliefs nonsense. Listen, everyone is cable of shifting. Nothing is holding you back and may I say not even yourself, plus we shift every second so I don't get what the heck that post was about, I never scrolled up so fast.. miss me with that crap!!
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apathetik12 · 12 days ago
Okay y'all, petty rant time that doesn't affect anyone, but pisses me off.
Can people please look up the definition of sycophant before using it for Stobotnik?! I know it's an important term story-wise, but you NEED to know what it means to understand the importance of it!
Sycophant(noun) - a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.
In other words, someone being a suck up for personal gain.
Robotnik calling Stone a sycophant is a direct byproduct of his deep rooted belief that he is unlovable. Even when there's nothing for Stone to gain(ex. The Crab), he still believes that Stone wants SOMETHING. He might not know what, but he believes that Stone is planning to get something from all of this. We, however, as the audience, know otherwise. We know that Stone would do for that man, and we know it isn't because he wants to help rule the world. That's understandable, right? We all are on the same page? Good? Good. Now for the meat of the issue-
Robotnik calling Stone a sycophant when he still believes he's out to get something is one thing, but when people keep using after Robotnik realizes pisses me tf off!!! Robotnik wouldn't use a word if he knows it wouldn't fit. His whole thing is being stupidly smart, just not in the emotions department. I know the scene that you're thinking of when I bring up the importance of "sycophant" in their relationship, but you need to understand why it's being used there. The whole "syco-friend" thing wasn't him acknowledging Stone's feelings, it was him acknowledging his own. He was admitting that he let Stone get close to his heart, but still couldn't come to the conclusion that Stone doesn't want something from it- hence the "syco" part of friend. THAT'S WHY HE USES IT! IT IS NOT A TERM OF ENDEARMENT, IT IS A PEEK AT ROBOTNIK'S DEEP SEEDED, LOW SELF ESTEEM! STOP USING IT AS A PET NAME!
Barnacle can be used- cause Robotnik knows he can't get rid of Stone if he tried. Simp can also work- still demeaning, Robotnik uses slang all the time, and gets the same point across. Other languages might have some loose terms of endearment that could work, especially since Jim Carrey has said that Robotnik knows all of the languages. You can come up with your own for all I care! Please, for the love of all things gay, stop using it out of context. It has a deep, emotional meaning and if I read one more scene where Robotnik is finally coming to the conclusion that Stone doesn't want him for something and then immediately calls him a sycophant, I'm gonna crash out. (Not really, I'm still gonna read them, I'm just gonna mentally curse at my own knowledge for ruining the scenes for me)
Thank you for listening! Have a nice night, and remember this is my opinion. If you don't care and want to keep using it, I won't stop you. Plus, this isn't aimed at any specific fanfic writers or comic artists, because I see it EVERYWHERE!
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aurumalatus · 11 days ago
Chat with ANGST Xiao | character.ai | Personalized AI for every moment of your day
here we fucking are again. please report. i'm seriously getting so fucking sick of this. putting "inspired by" does not change the fact that you are STEALING MY WRITING TO FEED INTO A BOT. guys, please. i can guarantee that NO WRITER on here wants you to feed their shit into ai. it is in my rules. i have posted about it SO MUCH in the past. i'm seriously about to just deactivate because i'm sick of it.
editing for those who asked: this bot is a copy of my fic “the light we saw”. if you’re curious, you can read that and see it is exactly the same
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lynnsenpai · 28 days ago
Old art, but very much fitting where I'm at today, so it's worth a repost.
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guelyury · 3 months ago
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Estoy DESTRUIDA, holy fuck
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mysticalarmand · 10 months ago
I feel like ranting on Tumblr, because it's much more safer(?)
I only recently started reading comics. Unaware of the age gap between Damijon. I thought it was fine to ship them, because I thought they were teens, until a Pinterest post told me that they do. And honestly, I could give less of a fuck.
A ship's a ship. Seriously, like when the hell did we care about DC canon. You can make your own reality atp with how inconsistent DC is with their characters.
But I feel like most antis either can't accept that there are shippers willing to make Damijon the same age or that Damijon is in no way— shape or form— Superbat.
I mean from what I've read and seen, Damijon's bond is special. It can either be platonic or romantic. I mean like soulmates type of thing.
They're different from Superbat. They just work, you know. Without having to change anything about their characters. As friends or boyfriends. They make each other feel normal.
That leads to my other problem. The age gap was unnecessary. I don't care what y'all say. Jon shouldn't have been aged up. The moment he was aged up, he was given to Nightwing.
I know how our fandom likes to joke about Jason getting Dick's old friends, but what about Dick getting Dami's???
Jon and Dami has a well-deserved bond. Again, either platonic or romantic, they just work. And now the only person that makes Damian feel human instead of a fucking weapon is given to his brother???
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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boylftv · 5 months ago
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my two moods right now
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thissying · 8 months ago
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Drivers did not become drivers to become role models and F1 decides which already censored radios they broadcast and it's never the basic, boring ones.
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a1ty · 8 months ago
Hi, so I am on artblock 🙂
Have some stanarrator and me and @britishbiscuits
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Also have more ponies cuz why not
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I just wanna retire :')
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shiftinghoesblog · 1 month ago
me being confused as fuck after being removed from a community as a member because i made a complaint about me constantly seeing those corn 🌽 bots and asking to remove them so i don't get scarred everytime???
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drawing-prompt-s · 2 years ago
Update :')
I am so tired, y'all. My doctor put it as "when it rains it pours" - fitting, bc I had to walk back from the doctors office in the humid summer rain. I personally say "Murphy's Law has too much fun with me."
Anyways, yeah, in addition to my missing cat and just general financial issues, my truck just... Quit??? Today of all days.
Of course it's a Monday.
I was literally going to go get in to go to my doctor's appointment, it clicked on like it was starting and a second later everything died. :')
It's not the battery, I know that, because we bought and replaced the battery only a few months ago. It's most likely either the alternator or the starter.
This truck is 19 years old, almost as old as me, so God only knows. I don't know the last time either of those things were changed, if ever, and I can't ask either of the prior owners (I'm the third).
So I am once again posting pictures of my cat and my Paypal link because Jesus. I'm just. I'm so tired, guys. I am so, so tired.
Plus pictures of the missing miss Salem. My absolute heart who I'm still holding out hope for.
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Sincerely yours,
(a very tired) Prompt Prophet
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overdramaticbaddie · 1 month ago
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Project I made for art class.
I'm so sick of musk and trump and project 2025 and all this bullshit.
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wisegirl25 · 3 months ago
We work to earn the right to work
To earn the right to work
To earn the right to work
To earn the right to work
To earn the right to give
Ourselves the right to buy
Ourselves the right to live
To earn the right to die
-The Fine Print by The Stupendium
Capitalism in a nutshell. And then people wonder why everyone is miserable like hmm maybe the never-ending work to live to work to live to die cycle and a society constantly driven by shallow consumerism has something to do with it.
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