#i'm sleepy and i have the cold so i'm not entirely on the planet right now 😅
i Need to stop expressing my thoughts on tumblr dot com at 7am on zero sleep, one of these days i'm gonna end up embarrassing myself ALXNALXMSKXNSXN
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galraluver · 1 year
I got a cute idea for a Sendak x reader. It is a nice summer night, the sky is clear and the air isn't to hot or too cold. Just right. They are laying on a wood, suspended, outdoor swing and the reader is laying on sendak's chest asleep and Sendak is softly singing love songs.
You're right, that is cute 🥰💕 You know that I love writing soft! Sendak fics, so this'll be super easy
Sendak purred softly while he slowly swung on the large wooden suspended outdoor swing, his beloved human wife resting on his fluffy chest. Since it was a beautiful summer evening he wanted to spend time outside with his mate on their outdoor swing; the weather wasn't too hot nor was it too cold, just the perfect temperature, and the stars were beginning to show up in the sky. Ever since he fell in love with the young human woman nearly three years prior he changed in a way he never imagined he would before he met her, although he wasn't complaining because it meant he got to have a cute little wife who could be feisty sometimes. That evening in particular (Y/n) wanted to watch the sun go down with her husband and Sendak wasn't going to deny her of any cherished moments of their marriage. Right as the sun went down he knew that his wife was about to fall asleep, but he didn't want to go back inside of their house yet because he wanted to spend more time with her outside.
(Y/n) loved spending time out on their wooden swing with Sendak; it was one of the simple pleasures in life that neither of them would ever take for granted. They lived in a large house on a planet she couldn't pronounce the name of in a secluded area which meant there were no close neighbors, although she was fine with that seeing as she was married to Sendak and people usually hated him considering what he did in the past. The gentle rocking motion of the swing and being pressed against her lover's body made (Y/n) feel relaxed and sleepy. With a gentle breeze rustling the leaves on the trees and the long grass on the ground accompanied by the sound of a few cricket-like insects chirping it was the perfect romantic setting for the couple to enjoy, just the two of them for the time being. (Y/n) wasn't quite asleep and she wanted to hear her husband sing a soft love song; she loved hearing him sing even though he didn't do it too often.
"Sendak, sing me a song." (Y/n) quietly requested while she glanced up at his face, her gaze meeting his.
"What would you like me to sing, little one?" Sendak queried with an equally quiet tone, his ears perking up when their eyes met.
"Looking for romance." (Y/n) mumbled dreamily, a soft smile tugging at her lips as she looked at him with a starry-eyed look.
"If that's what you want me to sing, then I will." Sendak responded with a loving tone, feeling his heart beating faster in his chest before he cleared his throat and started singing in a soft tone.
"I bring you a song, and I sing as I go. For I want you to know, that I'm looking for romance. I bring you a song, in the hope that you'll see. When you're looking at me, that I'm looking for love."
"I'm seeking that glow. Only found when you're young and it's May. Only found on that wonderful day. When all longing is through. I'm seeking that glow. Only found when a thrill is complete. Only found when two hearts gently beat. To the strains of a waltz that's both tender and new."
"I bring you a song, for I'm seeking romance. You're by my side, there's a moon up above. It shines with a light that's so mellow and bright. It's easy to see that tonight we shall fall in love."
"I bring you a song, for I'm seeking romance; and you."
While Sendak was singing the old love song (Y/n) ended up falling asleep on his broad chest; not because it was boring, but because she loved the way he sounded when he sang so beautifully. No one in the entire universe would expect Sendak, the late Zarkon's favorite commander, to have a gentle side when it came to his significant other because only (Y/n) got to see that side of him. As Sendak finished singing he felt emotional and he could feel that a couple of tears of happiness had escaped his remaining eye; he couldn't help it, though, because of the tender moment he was sharing with his wife. When he looked down and saw her sleeping the ex-commander felt a warm feeling in his chest, loving the sight of his much smaller mate sleeping on his chest with her fingers tangled in his fur. (Y/n) breathed slowly while she slept on her husband's chest without a care in the world, knowing he would always be there for her.
"You're so beautiful when you sleep, little one. I'm grateful that you changed my life after we met. I love you." Sendak whispered so that he didn't accidentally wake her up, lightly caressing her back with the backs of the fingers on his right hand.
It was as though she heard him, and she did, but after Sendak finished speaking a slight smile appeared on (Y/n's) face. Sendak decided to stay outside for a while longer so he could look up at all the stars and two moons in the sky, basking in the gentle blissful feeling he felt during that beautiful summer night. He decided to quietly sing one more love song to her before he carried his significant other to bed, although it was an ancient galran love song that he managed to remember after living for so long. With (Y/n) peacefully sleeping on his chest Sendak felt overwhelmed with love for her, knowing he made the right decision when he decided to stop Zarkon from destroying everything in his path. Sendak eventually got up and carried (Y/n) to bed, making sure she was comfortable before he let himself fall asleep; he slept curled around his wife that night, holding her close to him because of how much he truly loved her.
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Clone adoption Agency
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So, this is a Star wars thing my friend and I have been writing. It's not exactly strict on canon, but it is wholesome and fun. The entire story is meant to give something of an alt timeline where things go better for the clones, a lot don't get killed, more get loving relationships and happy homes, and basically the events that caused the original movies get subverted. If that's not your thing I totally get it, but if you're up for some wholesome clone stories mixed with some fun drama and romantic shenanigans. This is for you. It's mostly about Kaviir and her mother Vette, and the clones they trained on Kamino. So I hope you enjoy the first chapter.
Also feel free to ask any questions about anything you're not familiar with. You can definitely understand the story without a lot of star wars knowledge, but I'm happy to elaborate!
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Chapter 1
Ten years pre Geonosis.
The rains over Tipoca City poured hard that day, as Jango stood on the deck yard, waiting for the crew of the new ship to disembark. If it weren't for his armor, he likely would have been shivering in the cold. This planet was terrible, all rain and sterile hallways. No, Jango couldn’t say he was fond of the place he’d be spending his next ten years. But what they offered him was worth every storm and drop of blood. After a few more minutes, he was pulled from his thoughts as two figures stepped off of the old mando ship. Both women, one in her thirties, tall, wearing armor he’d come to know all too well. While the other appeared to be no older than seven, holding tightly to the woman's hand and squinting through the rain as they headed towards him. Fett walked up to the pair and pulled off his helmet, “Vette, it’s good to see you, ner’vod.”
“You too, Jango.” She picked up the young girl and placed her on her hip, “It’s been over a decade now, yeah? Thought you were dead after your headhunting of the Bando Gora?”
“Not exactly.” He smiled, leading them out of the rain, “Who’s this?”
“Kaviir. My daughter.” She shifted the young girl's weight to sit on her hip.
The girl looked sleepy, as she cuddled against her mother. Her eyes were dropping slightly, he guessed from the exhaustion of the trip.
“Kid?” Jango sounded surprised, “Who’s the fa-“ he was cut off as Vette raised her hand.
“Adopted Fett. You know I’m not interested in the old fashioned methods.”
“Fair.” He nodded, then looked to her with a serious expression. His lips pursed into a tight line, “Well, then we need to settle this before we go any further.”
Vette narrowed her eyes at him, “Jango… what’s going on?”
“I did take that job for the Bando Gora, and I completed it. Five million credits, but… I lost Roz.”
“Oh, Jango… I’m sorry.” Vette said gently, she placed a reassuring hand on his arm. He relaxed a little at that, the two had trained together at a young age. And while there was nothing romantic between them, she had a way of making him feel much better. This was what made him reach out to her, but seeing her daughter, he was questioning if he should have.
“It happens, it’s part of the job… afterwards, I was approached by the man who hired me.”
“Tyrannus?” Vette raised an eyebrow.
“You know him?” Fett sounded surprised.
“I got offered the job too, for the hunt of Komari Vosa.”
“You turned it down?”
“Had bigger priorities.” Vette began to lightly bounce the girl up and down.
“Right.” Jango nodded, “Well, here’s the hard part… I can’t tell you what’s next, until you agree to become cuy’val Dar.”
The girl felt Vette tense as a scowl crossed her face, “You got some nerve, Fett…”
"What's that?" Kaviir asked softly.
“One who no longer exists.” Vette spoke softly and brushed the girl's hair out of her face, “It means we wouldn’t be going home.”
"Oh..." She said quietly,"Ever?"
“Maybe someday… but it won’t be the one we recognize.”
“Twenty five million.” Jango spoke up.
“What?” Vette looked at Jango, her eyes widened in surprise, “Twenty five million?”
“The price is high, and it comes from me… not some unknown source. On top of room, board and anything else you need.”
Vette looked between Jango and Kaviir. With that kind of money, she’d never have to worry about taking care of her daughter again. She could give Kaviir any life she wanted. Kaviir looked up at her,"Will you be okay so far from home?" She asked her voice soft, concerned.
“Wherever we go, kav’ika… when I’m with you I’m at home.” She nuzzled her cheek, “What do you say? Want to take that first step on our next adventure?”
She nodded,"Yeah, I think we can handle it."
Vette nodded, “Alright, Fett… let’s hear it.”
“Well… how much do you know about cloning?”
Another hour had passed, Vette and Kaviir had heard the entirety of what all Jango had been up to. From the jobs, to the clones, to why the Cuy’val Dar were needed. Vette sighed and raked her fingers through her hair, “Fierfek, Jango. What’s this really about?”
“A chance at immortality.” Fett shrugged, his tone sarcastic,“An army of warriors crafted in my image? What’s not to love?”
Kaviir looked rather confused by it all, and had more or less passed out in Vette’s arms about halfway through. She was clinging to her mother as she slept soundly. Jango smiled and pet the girl's hair, “Decided it was time, eh?”
“Yeah… figured it was time to live for something other than the money.” She smiled and softly kissed Kaviir’s forehead, “Can’t afford to live in the fast lane like some of us.”
“Well, it’s funny you say that.” He smiled as the doors opened and a young boy, spitting image of Jango, yawned and walked up to him. “Dad… I'm tired…”
“Bloody o’sik.” Vette laughed, “You too, eh?”
“Yeah… this is Boba…” he smiled proudly and ruffled the boy's hair.
The noise stirred Kaviir, she let out a soft whine and sat up rubbing her eye,"Mom..."
Vette smiled and stroked the girl's hair, “Shhhhhh, hun. Just meeting some of the other kids.”
"Kids?" She asked, still fuzzy from sleep as she looked around.
Boba was now staring at her, holding his dad's hand, he looked no older than two or three. Vette softly chuckled and kissed Kaviir on the cheek, “This is Boba. Jango’s son.”
She looked down at him and gave him a small wave.
The boy waved back to her and returned a similar smile. “Hi, I’m Boba.”
"Kaviir..." She yawned in quite an adorable fashion.
“Alright.” Vette chuckled, “I know that yawn means it’s time for bed.” She stood up and pulled the girl close, “We can go over the details later, but yes, we’re in.”
Jango nodded and held Boba in his arms, “Agreed. You two have had a long trip.” They walked into the hallway, and split to head to their separate rooms. Jango paused and smiled towards Vette, “Ner’vod… thank you, for coming. I mean it. It’s good to see you again.”
“You too, Fett.” Vette smiled. They lingered like that for a moment, they could both feel the question hanging in the air. Were they making the right choice? Neither would know until it was all over. Vette turned and made her way into her and Kaviir’s room.
It was white, like a hospital room. Everything in this blasted place was. Vette frowned as she stepped into the apartment they had been given. The furniture was clearly not configured for humans, but they would make do. She walked into the main bedroom. It wasn’t much, just the basics. Clearly the room was set up for two. It would do. She went to the bed further from the windows and set Kaviir down for the first time since they landed. Kaviir held onto her hand as she rubbed her eye,"is this our room?"
“Mhmm.” She poked her nose, “Get cleaned up and get to bed. You did well today, so I think you can get some extra sleep tomorrow, okay?”
"Kay..." She yawned,"Mom..."
“Yes, my little Nexu?” She nodded as she began to pop her armor off and let her hair down.
"This place smells funny..." Kaviir mumbled sleepily.
“It’s a new place, hun. There’s a lot of funny things we’re going to have to acclimate ourselves to.” She helped Kaviir to the freshers to wash her face and began brushing out her hair, “But… Jango has about one hundred mandalorians working with us, so we’ll have a bit of home as well.”
"All the furniture is funny too." She grumbled looking up at her in the mirror.
“Think so?” Vette asked, “Maybe we can get some furniture to make this place feel more like home.” She stripped down into a sleeveless top and some shorts. She wasn’t quite comfortable in this place, but she trusted Jango enough to let herself get some sleep,“Definitely going to need to get some actual food. You’re a growing girl, you need to eat healthy.”
Kaviir nodded and tugged on her pajamas before she crawled into bed,"How long are we going to be here?"
Vette paused for a moment, having doubts about all of this. “I… I don’t know, sweetheart.” She sighed, “Ten years… maybe longer, but once we’re done, we��ll have enough money to go wherever we want.”
"That's a long time to not exist." She yawned in that adorable child way that just made Vette smile.
“It will pass, soon enough. And besides, Jango said we can leave every now and then, so we can still celebrate your birthdays… and life day.” She added, doing her best to focus on the positives.
"yay!" Kaviir yawned and curled up in bed. Vette smiled as she leaned over and kissed her daughter good night. She stretched her arms up and went over to her bed to fall asleep.
At some point during the night a clap of thunder woke Kaviir. She wasn't crying, but she sleepily crawled into bed with Vette. As she settled, Vette’s maternal instincts kicked in as she set herself between Kaviir and the window, she tucked the girl in and wrapped her own body into a crescent shape around her daughter, giving her most of the blanket as she let herself drift back off. Feeling far more content in her mothers arms, Kaviir fell into a comfortable sleep for the rest of the night.
Well, if you read all of that, I hope you enjoyed it! It's a slow start but I really enjoyed writing this. The next chapter will be up soon. And if you decide you want to keep up with it I'll link future chapters below.
Chapter 2
Thank you!!
Star Wars Master Post
Clone Adoption Agency Navigation
Image: Vette holding Kaviir, by me.
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hailbop1701 · 3 years
Curing a Rainy Day
A sort of five times Star Trek gen fic for your viewing pleasure. I mentioned I would write it but please be aware that I wrote this on my phone late at night and I has no beta. Typos and mistakes will be found. 🤣
Word Count: 2,166
Leonard McCoy wasn’t a huge touchy-feely type of man. Well, that’s what he really wants folks to think anyway. He was a doctor and that meant it was his oath-bound duty to cure what ails his patients. Whether it was from a physical malady or an emotional one. The first time he initiated his “Rainy Day Cure” --title courtesy of his daughter-- to one of the command crew he was surprised that it was Sulu of all people. If Len were being honest he thought it would have been Jim. Sure he had hugged the kid in the past but he always let Jim be the one to initiate contact. The reason why is complicated and a story for another time. 
When he found him the young pilot was huddled alone in Observation Room Five, his shoulders hunched, his down so his eyes were hidden and mind lightyears away. Leonard had a feeling he knew where. The chaos after Khan and Marcus had caused a lot of damage, and not all of it was physical. They were all still healing even a year later. They had left Kronos not three hours ago and according to the mission report, Sulu’s younger sister was…
Not who she claimed to be. ‘Yuki,’ McCoy recalled her name lamely as he made his way loudly over to the depressed man.
She revealed that she worked for Section 31 and was determined to fix the Federation the right way. Though the term “Right way” is skewed for many folks. War was almost started, again and the Enterprise had to stop it, again. Section 31 now had the last little pebble of Red Matter and was holding it like a…” Nuclear deterrent” as the old saying goes. 
Shaking his head Leonard pushed recent events to the back of his mind and continued on his own mission. Plopping down on the couch that faced the giant window of stars, McCoy leaned forward so his elbows rested on his knees. 
He didn’t offer his apologies or sympathies, he knew Sulu didn’t want them. So they sat in silence. Sulu just shook his head and looked up at the doctor with confusion and betrayal in his eyes. “I don’t - I” he stopped swallowing and the helmsman looked so young Leonard didn’t even think about it until after he had already done it. 
He wrapped an arm over Hikaru’s shoulder and squeezed. Sulu stilled for a moment before relaxing and saying what needed to be said, a weight slowly lifting off his shoulders and his chest. 
Leonard and Scotty were both having a terrible terrible time. The cold sucked in Leonard’s opinion and being trapped on an ice ball of a planet only confirmed his feelings. Looking over at the Enterprises Chief Engineer, Leonard had a feeling that he wasn’t alone in his thoughts and feelings. 
The Scot was curled into a tight ball up against the last running console the entire ‘Fleet base had. He was shivering and muttering to himself, glaring at the distress signal he had rigged up. There was nothing they could do but wait. Rubbing his hands together to warm them Leonard moved toward the console and slid down to the floor next to Scotty. Touching shoulders with Scotty, McCoy tucked his hands under his arms and sighed. There was nothing he could really say to ease the engineer’s anxiety -- which stemmed from Delta Vega no doubt --  so he simply let his presence be enough. 
Scotty glanced at Leonard to see that he was looking back at him with calm understanding. Grunting Scotty curled himself closer to the CMO and let the man wrap an arm around his shoulders. They didn’t speak a word and only moved when they heard the sounds of the rescue party on the other side of the sealed doors. 
Pavel Chekov was the youngest of the command crew, so he was automatically protected and treated like the youngest sibling of a giant family. The navigator understood that his friends didn’t mean to and that it was just sometimes a reflex but he was getting damn tired of it. Today was his birthday, he had finally turned twenty! Chekov was so pleased to find that after the incident with Khan he was being treated like he should. There was one person who always treated him like he was young and precious. 
Pavel found that he didn’t mind so much. Doctor McCoy treated almost everyone that way -- even though he wasn’t that much older than the rest of them --  in an almost fatherly manner. A true caretaker. Chekov allowed the behavior from no one but McCoy. 
Leonard walked into “Rec Room Two” taking in the crowd with a softening scowl. A small wrapped parcel gripped in his hand. He looked down at the present, weighing it in his hands carefully.  With a sigh, McCoy strode through the room looking for the birthday boy. Jim waved at him wildly from the other side of the room a huge grin on his face. Narrowing his eyes, Leonard saw that his captain wasn’t in fact drunk at all. Grunting in approval he smiled at Chekov who was hurrying over to greet him. 
“Happy Birthday Pavel,” 
Chekov grinned and his eyes widened at the present presented to him. Leonard gestured for him to open it and the young man did excitedly. The wrapping paper littered the floor a long black box in its place. Slowly opening the box the navigator knocked a silver antique pocket knife into his hands. Examining it closely he looked up at McCoy in confusion. 
Leonard shifted nervously on his feet. Clearing his throat he pulled out a similar from his belt. “My daddy gave me this one to match his when I turned twenty. I know your pa wasn’t around as you grew up and so I thought…” his sentence fell into silence. For once Leonard McCoy was at a loss for words. Pavel quickly wiped a stray tear from his eye and grinned at his friend holding onto the gift tightly. 
“Thank you doctor!” he said gratefully and Leonard understood that it was for more than just a knife. A small smile graced the CMO’s lips and pulled the kid in for a hug. 
With anyone else, Pavel would have been annoyed. This was an exception. 
Leonard was tired. He longed for his bed but as he looked around at all of the injured crew he pushed the longing away. There was no time for it. Rubbing the blurry fatigue from his eyes he pushed on. Triage, surgery, aftercare. He really didn’t truly stop to breathe until the middle of gamma shift when the ship was sleepy and quiet. The only noise was the soft beeps and whistles of monitors. His nurses quietly whispering and working. 
Christine hours ago told him to stop worrying and to go to bed already but something in him just couldn’t. Blinking dumbly down at the PADD in his hands he sighed and signed off on the next round of Spock’s antibiotics. During the Enterprises most recent scuffle the bridge took a hit and the science station exploded sending the first officer flying, earning him a ticket to medical. 
After the fight was over and things had only calmed down to a trickle of wounded instead of a flash flood, Nyota Uhura breezed through sickbay’s doors. She waited patiently and even helped where she could. When Spock came out of surgery and was placed in a private room she immediately went to his side and hasn’t moved an inch since. Jim would have been right beside her if he could afford to. But it appears the admiralty wanted words and had kept him busy since. McCoy had barely just convinced him to get some sleep saying that he would call if anything changes. 
That was three hours ago. 
Leonard walked -- though Nyota would say shuffled -- into Spock’s room, his eyes going straight to the monitors above the bed. The half Vulcan was resting peacefully. McCoy knew it was only a matter of time before he woke and would go into a healing trance. Something that should be monitored anyway. Leonard quietly wondered who he would grant the opportunity to slap Spock awake this time…
The sound of his name made the CMO snap his head in Uhura’s direction. Her eyes were fire, filled with frustration, exhaustion, and worry. McCoy winced, “Sorry Nyota, guess my mind wandered a bit,” he said somewhat sheepishly. Her expression softened a flash of guilt passing through her features. 
“You need more rest. You’re going to run yourself into the ground at this rate,” she scolded half-heartedly. McCoy gave her a small smile and a shrug, 
"I'll rest when I'm not needed." He whispered and badly covered up a yawn. The hidden meaning behind his words wasn't lost on the linguist though. She pressed her lips into a tight line deciding not to comment. Instead, she rested her gaze on Spock once more her hand inches away from his. 
So deep in thought, Nyota hadn't even realized that McCoy had left and come back, a tray with a couple of hypos in his always unwavering hands. Catching her eyes he gave her another encouraging smile. He took care to tell her everything he was doing and how it would help keep infection away. Leonard knew he didn't have to explain but he felt it necessary to fill the quiet with "Illogical chatter" as Spock would surely call it. 
Uhura was so tired and so frazzled that she was startled to find the CMO crouching in front of her with concern all over his face. "You need to get some rest Nyota. I can have a cot brought in if you'd like…" 
Uhura, let a few tears fall before she bottled it up again. She shook her head wiping her face, "I'm alright Leo. Everything is just catching up to me…" she mumbled with a watery chuckle. Leonard snorted at the nickname she had given him, 
"Just let me know darlin' " 
And without truly thinking about it he pulled her into a hug. It only took Uhura a second to process what was happening before she wrapped her arms around him tightly. A genuine smile breaking across her face. The first time in hours she felt content, safe, and able to truly breathe. 
James T. Kirk was a touchy-feely type of man. Leonard supposed it may be from a less than stellar childhood. So whenever Jim would pull him into a one-armed hug or slapped his back or even leaned up against him, McCoy would let him. He would definitely bitch but only half-heartedly, Leonard needed to keep up appearances after all. 
So when they found Jim partially dead, hanging from his wrists in a cave all smirks and charm…
Well, no one batted an eye when -- after he made sure that the man would live -- Leonard pulled his best friend in for a hug. Jim just laughed, laid an arm over McCoy's shoulder, and leaned into the hug. 
"I only had to get tortured and offered to an alien God for you to hug me. Good to know," 
"Shut up Kid," 
No one ever thought the words McCoy, Spock, and hug would ever be uttered but stranger things have happened on the Enterprise. 
No stranger than an alien device that turned back time. In a physical sense anyway. Leonard looked down at his adolescent hands and sighed with a heavy eye roll. "Not this again," he grumbled with a shudder. 
Looking around the room he saw Jim shouting at Mudd who had bought the alien weapon and decided to point it at him and Spock. McCoy tilted his head, his eyes going comically wide. 
Where was the green-blooded rugrat? Leonard looked around and sighed in relief at the sight of the first officer. He was hidden under a rickety wooden table. Crouching down Leonard gave Spock a small smile, he waved and gestured for the Vulcan to come closer. Apparently the younger you go the further your mind goes with it. Spock had a mentality of a...of well, a toddler. He couldn't have been more than two. 
Spock stared at Leonard intensely before darting out and crashing into his legs. McCoy stumbled a little before he got his footing. Spock looked up at him with wide scared eyes, tears threatening to fall. 'Must have gotten all Vucan-y at four or five,' Leonard thought as he picked up his friend. 
Leonard pulled Spock close, hugging him to his chest whispering softly. Spock seemed confused for only a moment before he buried his head into the young CMO's neck. 
Jim of course saw it all and later under the threat of meeting his end via an airlock kept his mouth firmly shut. The only thing the Starship Captain said -- which everyone agreed-- Doctor Leonard McCoy could absolutely cure a rainy day. 
@lauraaan182, @chickadee-djarin, @cowenby2, @bluesclues-1234, @sayuri9908,
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ithebookhoarder · 4 years
Your sleepy head canons for the SW trio were adorable! Can I pretty please ask what the original star wars babies would be like with a sick reader? I just need some cuteness in my life right now and I'm rewatching the movies so yeah...
A/N: Um, yes you can! One fluffy dose of OG star wars coming up. 
Star Wars (Head-canons): Dealing with a sick reader
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This man is a marshmallow on the inside, even if years alone in the smuggling game has ensured that it’s deeply hidden away beneath that stoicism and devil-may-care attitude. 
You are one of the only people in the entire galaxy he lets see his softer side, whether it’s his casual affection during the day on the Falcon, or his little thoughtful gestures like fetching you caff when you’re flying or working your ass off on repairs. 
It’s why he’s actually rather sweet to you when you’re sick, ordering Chewie to take over whatever you were meant to be doing so you can get some rest.
“Han. I’m fine. It’s just a sniffle. I’ll live.”
“I know that, princess, but I don’t need you breaking my ship because you’re too busy coughing and sneezing to see what wires you’re tinkering with.”
You laugh, knowing his sass is his way of hiding the worry that’s brewing inside of him at the sight of you coughing and spluttering around the place. So, you surrender your tools to him and allow him to help you back to your quarters. It’s that or letting him drag you there over his shoulder, like some kind of deranged caveman. 
Once you get to your room, you half expect him to leave you there to fend for yourself, but you’re surprised to see him hovering around you, already working out a list of supplies. 
“You should lie down. I’ll grab ya some of that fancy tea you like so damn much.”
“Thanks, hon.”
“Do you need anything else? What about some more blankets? Some pillows? I can grab Chewie’s. He doesn’t need it-“
Who knew Han Solo could be such a secret mother hen?
Turns out, with all his travels, he knows a thing or two about fending off a cold. It’s actually rather cute. 
You’re too busy trying not to laugh to say no as he hurries about the place and effectively builds you a nest in your shared quarters. He’s also glued to your side, leaving his Wookie first mate in charge while he sees to your every need, even if it’s just holding you while you sleep off whatever it is that’s taken you down.  
“I told you you needed a better coat on that planet but nooo your stubborn ass said you didn’t need one.”
“Han. Stop. I didn’t catch this cold there.”
“Where else would you have caught it?”
“Things just happen. It’s ok.”
Han definitely doesn’t think it’s ok, but he doesn’t want to tire you out for arguing over something dumb. You’re just as stubborn as he is and arguments between you two have been known to go on for days sometimes. 
Instead, he agrees to disagree for now. As long as you rest and get better then everything else doesn’t matter. 
However, the next time you plan to leave the ship he just so happens to be waiting by the ramp, a thick, chunky coat in his hand. And a hat. And gloves. 
He grins and presses a kiss to your frowning face as you waddle out, almost suffocating but willing to endure for his sake and as a thank you for all his care the past week.
You also make a mental note to repay the favour next time he gets a little under the weather. You’re sure Chewie would enjoy the sight of his captain haggling with clients, while swaddled in knitwear. 
Coming from a desert planet, Luke doesn’t know too much about handling things like colds. He’s more used to handling dehydration, sunburn, malnutrition or even the odd blaster wound or two from Jawas.
However, once joining the Rebellion, he learns pretty quickly after being struck down with surprising regularity. He’s an old friend to  colds and other conditions common on other planets and in space. 
That’s actually how he meets you, always being ordered to stop by the Med Bay by Leia the minute he starts sneezing. 
“I don’t need you spreading the plague, Luke,” she sighs, ushering him over to you and ordering him to let you take care of him. “You may be some mighty Jedi but even Jedis get sick.” 
You actually enjoy getting to spend time with Luke when he’s sick, and sharing your knowledge about cures and ways to avoid catching diseases in the first place. Luke also enjoys listening to you, admiring how clever you are and how kind, and careful, you are when handling patients. 
Thus, when you eventually get sick, he’s only too eager to return the favour. It’s time for him to take care of you, even if he knows you’re perfectly capable of doing it yourself. 
“Just because you can doesn’t mean you should, Y/N. Let me help you. Please?”
You smile, agreeing as he takes up residence at your bedside for the next few days. Turns out, he actually has a tender bedside manner, and is incredibly good at keeping you distracted when you get fed up of being on bedrest. 
He’s also incredibly aware of changes in mood or your condition, sensing them through the force before you even do. Hence why he’s by your side the moment you take a bad turn, despite him being half way across the base for training.
If he’s out of breath then that’s just a coincidence cause nooooo, he didn’t run here. No. He was right outside and just so happened to be coming in when you needed him most. 
“Luke? What the-?”
“Here. I brought soup and some more pain killers from the med bay.” 
You take his offerings, grinning in delight as the smell of food hits your nose. “Hmm, my saviour.”
His smile is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen as is his blushing cheeks. “I’m just taking care of you. Who else is going to nurse me back to health next time I’m the one who’s sick?”
“Anything for my favourite farm-boy.” 
“Your farm-boy.”
His kiss as he settles in bed beside you is almost enough to make you feel better all on its own. 
Like mother, like daughter, this woman is a public servant. She may also be a workaholic, but she has her priorities in order and you come before whatever meetings or plans she has for the day.
In fact, the first time you got sick and didn’t tell her, she was hurt. It was C3-PO that had outed you, saying something about you being in your rooms and unable to join in the meeting scheduled that morning when asked where you were. (You knew you shouldn’t have trusted that golden tin can) 
Leia had been on you in seconds, bursting in your room and yelling at you for a whole hour about how stupid it was to suffer in silence. 
“We have medical staff, Y/N, for this exact reason! You’d rather lie here in pain, suffering, when you could have called someone? Or even me? Don’t tell me you’ve been around Han too much, Maker knows I don’t need two stubborn idiots on this base.”
“I love you too, Your Majesty.”
“Shut up or I’ll tell threepio to come and watch you.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” 
She would dare, but you were more than happy to put up with the lecture, however, given that she was busy wiping at your brow and tucking you in whilst yelling. That, and you had enough of a headache without threepio making worse. 
It felt rather surreal to think you had royalty waiting on you hand and foot - even if Leia would have yelled again if you said that to her face. She loved you more than anything and made sure to tell you at least once a day. She wasn’t just a princess, she was your partner and that was all that mattered. 
Needless to say, you’d learnt your lesson; whenever you got sick again, you made sure to let Leia know you weren’t feeling great. 
That way she could make sure to keep an eye on you, or assign someone to do so when she was dragged from your side for some super urgent meeting she couldn’t avoid any longer. 
“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Leia. Go. You’re needed. I can survive an hour or so without you, but we all know this base won’t if you don’t get your ass over to mission control.” 
“You have a good point.” 
You chuckle as she steals a kiss before hurrying off to her duties. By the time you wake up from your nap, she’s back again and curled up next to you, watching you out of the corner of her eye whilst she works on the pad in her lap. 
She also sings you little lullabies when you’re sick and can’t sleep. They’re all songs her parents sang to her whenever she got sick as a kid. That alone makes you feel better, sharing something so private with her. 
Long story short, you may hate being sick, but you don’t hate being sick with Leia around to love and care for you. 
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