#i'm really sorry for that pun
justachoker · 3 months
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🎶 we have romantic 'fanta-seas' about what dying truly is 🎶
Happy birthday, RAB 💕
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marklikely · 2 years
anti-ableism revenge horror b movie titled autism shrieks is that anything
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name-doggo · 1 month
Unpopular Opinion...
I like Eleanor's Design. I like when Eleanor looks Similar to Circus Baby.
Eleanor being Circus Baby's Prototype will always be Real to ME-
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shions-chin-scar · 1 year
The fandom: *collectively losing their mind over Kento Nanami this episode*
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orpiknight · 5 months
You could say that the opening credits of Dead Boy Detectives are humorously humerus.
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revidenant · 1 year
Going Ghost
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sysig · 5 months
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I hope you blink before I do (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#DAX#Blood#Fuck you *reinjects romance into your song about love-lost*#It's the ''I want to be the one to lay you to rest'' of it all#Or if not that then at least to be the last one suffering#See him off - make sure he goes knowing that he's not alone#I'm Fine just Don't Look at me and I'll Be Fine#Schrödinger's Fine lol - I am simultaneously Fine and Not Fine until I am observed#I simply subsist largely off of angst and then whatever small scrap of comfort that can be coaxed from there hehe#I am very mean to them considering how much I want them to be happy lol#Honestly I think what would be meaner is seeing ZEX off and then somehow DAX survives alone#Night ends just as he's about to blink out and oops you're still stuck here sorry about that <3#But I wouldn't do that to them would I?#:3c#I also think it's interesting that I started doodling this before I actually read ZEX's death - I finished it after but still!#Does he just give off gutted vibes? Canonically he's eviscerated so#And not just in the eye way - in this case it's enucleation#Did you come here for eye removal surgery puns? I don't see why you'd expect anything different *b'dm tss*#I've done way more research on eye removal than I ever expected to but now those two terms will be forever seared into my mind haha#Hhh ZEX's death was very affecting to me ;; I'll talk about it more with its accompanying doodle but really 💔#I wanted an honourable death for him - and if not that then a death where he wasn't alone - and if not that then to rest#He got one of the three ;;
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What I really love about Sherlock Holmes Chapter One is that this game does not hold your hand through nearly, if not, everything that you encounter. Cases, evidence, deciding which conclusion to go with, since each chapter allows you to make your own decision, hinging on consequences that you may have to bear with for the entirety of the game.
So not only do you truly have to feel like a fool sometimes when you don't have a direction (which would probably be the case for me if I were a detective, because I'm just that terrible) but you're also dealing with Mr. Drama King in the back of your head.
Yes I'm talking about Jon. I've (to the best of my ability) grabbed snippets from his journal of his personal thoughts about you when you so much as do something this little potato doesn't approve of.
Though let's be real, a few of the reactions he gives are mostly just him complaining about his impatience with you. I'm going to leave all this under the cut so that it's not some HUGE text that blocks everything on your dash:
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First of all, I'm not that smart when it comes to finding certain articles, at least not in every case (I will say I think the main story paper digging feels a lot more generous than the DLC ones, my word I felt stupid sometimes). You take two seconds to flip to another police document or news article and Jon pretty much moans behind you like "Hurry up I feel like I'm aging" and it's like "I don't see you helping honey, PLEASE."
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Yes I'm struggling in archives because I accidentally looked up the wrong thing. Now he's just being a little brat. He acts as though you dragged him to the grocery store like he was your youngest kid and makes him walk on the side of the cart always. And no he can't get a toy from the toy section and he's going to pout about it. The best thing is leaving the screen to retrace your steps or figure out what you missed and all you see is this 👎and it's like would you calm down, I'm doing my best!
He's also super sarcastic. Since Jon is a portion of Sherlock's own personality that seeps through, mostly the playful and self-loving sort of aspects, his humor is also as dry as his, which is probably why they're able to run each other into annoying circles without actually pissing each other off. You never win and you never lose when you argue with yourself do you?
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I dunno which I prefer more: Jon's incredibly witty and improvised liners out in the free world where you can roam and he occasionally makes his presence, or his down-right back handed comments in his personal notes.
Though don't get me wrong, I understand when things don't mesh well with someone that you know better than anyone else could ever know someone and things don't add up or something happens.
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My weakest points when it comes to figuring out the cases was definitely the recreation process. I feel like this is where the two kind of combine heads. This is where they're seemingly more in tune with one another. I really enjoyed having Jon be the one to piece together what happened, as though they were walking through it together without saying a word. Finishing each other's sentences with each point that was connected.
Making mistakes you couldn't pin-point precisely, and then when you finally get it you either feel accomplished or a little defeated because it's like "Okay well you knew that you just had a few steps to get there" and Jon's in the corner being like "We're supposed to be a team y'know" and it's like I know, I just suck at being a detective.
Jon's reactions to what you do in the cases almost each and every step of the way is what sold his personality for me. He's rounded enough to have himself as a separate entity to Sherlock, with his own opinions and thoughts and sense of morality. He's a fantasy nerd for goodness sake, drinks and smokes a lot more than Sherlock probably ever implies, and is never afraid to speak on the sensual things (I'm talking about Sherlock's unmentionables comment as well as the painting in the caravanserai)
Which means he's very capable of calling Sherlock out when he does something wrong. A healthy relationship with anyone you assign yourself to isn't immune to having arguments or disagreements. Much less, you're allowed to tell someone you utterly made a mistake.
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Both of them have a sense of mortality and a sense of justice. When someone is wrongfully accused or being blackmailed, or even shot down, that's a red flag in their books. The only reason I'm calling him dramatic in this sense with these images is because I had been nearly a full clear on two separate bandit lair occasions, and scuffed the very last one at the last possible second and left the dude a corpse on the floor. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT.
Though however, the consequences of your actions that give you Jon's comments do in fact alter the image of his visage when you open his notes. If you've done this type of accident enough, it makes sense. Sherlock does not act this way, this is not Sherlock, what the hell is going on? Jon would have no ability to step in and take away the automatic to defend people. It's immoral, and the two of them don't need to stoop to a lower ground to gain justice for something else.
You're a detective, you do not get a say in who stays above ground and who goes, that's not your prerogative. And that's why I love reading these notes. A lot of them are not mentioned here because 1) they're mostly positive because more often than not I had some sense of understanding of what I needed to do, and 2) they're repeated in certain situations. Though I'm very tempted to have a playthrough of where I get more negativity in Jon's responses to see if there are any other quotes that I've not seen before.
There were already at least 30 pages worth of comments - but I really love his little doodles. This game lets you mess up, it's not going to reach forward and say "this is what you need to do" there's no hint whatsoever. You're bound to make these mistakes, and it's the comments given that makes you feel like you're truly a part of the action and story you're walking through.
You're not alone when you travel here, and what you do is painting a certain image of yourself to someone that cares about you. This is your story, and you're free to make these mistakes, you're free to take the information you learn, dissect it and learn what happened - but in the end, it's you that makes the ending decision. There is no one correct answer, but there are many consequences.
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businesstiramisu · 2 years
The Magnus Archives? Don’t mind if I do
Yeah i love that little dude
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^Magnus leading Duane through the minefield is SO IMPORTANT TO ME
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Okay Magnus was the baby/favorite of the group but taking these screencaps is really emphasizing *how much* so -- he’s always right there next to Duane
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but like not to forget the fact that they’re child soldiers tasked with killing other child soldiers
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But to end things on a positive note, here’s Magnus saving Duane as they flee Shaensigin
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and Magnus waging existential war against pants
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blackvahana · 1 month
So what I did earlier (marriage with the Abyss) caused my house to just become. wet. seems like it's a part of the sky rn it is a fucking fuzzy-rainy beach in this bitch
But you know, I'm looking at things and they're... cryptic... but there's a storm blowing through and uh. fascinating. and something. and foreboding. to walk out of the room (my fucking bed is so fucking wet) and hear Grey's disembodied voice echoing through the storm itself. And when I say disembodied, I mean disembodied. I mean the part of him detached from himself to be me, now apparently hypnagogic in the environment. This place is currently the experience of being a ship on a stormy sea and boy is the storm's wind not just sounding like voices but muting the other sounds in the environment to talk.
Which. can I keep talking about myself like "oh my god self that isn't me did this and bruhhh and it was intimidatingggg" so I don't have to actually grasp and accept what that means. Either way. Ah. God. Yayy weather. How am I going to clean this place up
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moonfromearth · 1 year
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Clyde S. Dale
for @loveryss Embracing Erin Unofficial Bachelorette Challenge~!
About Clyde...
Age: Young Adult Aspiration: Championship Rider Traits: Snob, Outgoing, Music Lover Backstory: Clyde left his small town in Chestnut Ridge behind the moment he aged up, heading to San Myshuno to find fame and fortune in the music industry. However, after his debut album flopped hard, his manager suggested he "return to his roots." Begrudgingly, the Clyde S. Dale brand was born, and everything in Clyde's life became about keeping up the cowboy image. Now, Clyde has returned to his hometown, determined to reconnect with his cowboy image for real and not just as a marketing tool (though this has proven quite a challenge after so many years spent in the city softening him to the realities of ranch life). Always one to put himself out there, despite his adjustment struggles, he's signed up to be a part of Erin's bachelorette challenge in hopes of finding someone to learn and grow alongside him. Bonus Facts that didn't fit in the backstory section: - His real name is William Taylor. Clyde S. Dale was his manager's idea. - His first album had a very electronic pop sound, much different from his current music. - Super outgoing and always the one to carry a conversation. No need to worry about awkward silence when he won't stop talking. - Hasn't given much thought to family life. Has always been more focused on his career. He has more of an, "If it happens, it happens," mindset on the whole raising kids thing.
Download Here (Google Drive, CC Free!)
[it says cc in the gallery an I don't know why I swear he's cc free]
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haus-mom · 4 months
1, 10, 20, 30 and 40! And 9!
aaaa thank you mar!!!! you better believe i'll ask you back! though when this gets posted the questions will already be on your askbox but anyway
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
AUGH I HAVE. A LOT ACTUALLY but if i had to choose a few hmmmmm
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first there's ninten!!! yes that's actually his name. or ken. he's named ken in the novel. any mother/earthbound character would fit but i'm specially attached to ninten because Back Then he used to get characterized as this super silly guy with millions of penguin plushies in his room and he's just. he's a cool dude! his first and only quote in the entire game is at the end, when the adventure is over, he just plops into his bed and falls asleep mid sentence. the penguin thing is kinda canon btw. he loves penguins <3
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then there's neku from twewy!!! i'm trying to go chronologically or i'll get irrevocably lost. met him through kingdom hearts and seeing as his game was on the ds i was like "eh why not" (<- this later led to a life changing experience)
he's such an idiot and i actually hate him a lot <3 (affectionate. like, really affectionate) he's the definition of a closed off edgelord but he grows so much and learns so much and dhsbhdabhjhjbhj
there's another reason why he's here though!!! twewy is played with both screens on the ds, neku being on the lower and his game partner on the upper. but i absolutely sucked at keeping track of both screens so my brother would control the partner so when i see him i smile remembering everytime my brother and i almost broke my ds in half trying to beat sho <3 it was christmas too! yay!
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the fun part about being a fan of this game is that the only official art that came up when i looked him up were a super close up of his face and a spoiler. so i had to go into the game files and get this pic myself.
this is yuuichi mizuoka from re:kinder, he's the last character someone would consider a comfort character, and he basically invented being a princess with a disorder (sort of. heart did it first)
this is also the little guy who went around biting people (like chibita!) and telling you why he's a comfort character would both be extremely spoilery and extremly sad, because i already showed you his introduction and he's just. he's a murder baby, what else do you need? the things that this li'l fella has both gone through and done are unspeakable. he's unfixable. he's also 8 years old.
honestly every parun character (that. that i know of (?) is a comfort character in the sense that if i see them i get all happy and [FLAPS HANDS]
some more than others, like, i can highlight tokimeki, gote, ramu, and if you show me a picture of handa i will actually do the 🥺face irl. does that make topema from henderland no daibouken a comfort character? wait, she actually kinda is, isn't she?
i have some more but this ask would never get actually answered if i listed them all, have the ones from my formative years (11-13 y/o, everyone's formative years, right?) honorable mentions are the second year trio from inago, kasane teto, ryuunosuke naruhodou, minori hanasato, sora kingdomhearts (that's his actual name), takane enomoto... see, this is why we go chronological, otherwise we get confused and forget characters </3
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
neither, actually, i don't like coffee and caffeine makes me sleepy, so i normally don't drink any... i don't like tea either, so i'm team third option: chocomilk :D!
10. would you slaughter the rich?
not realistically, because i'm hilariously weak (physically), but i'd gladly watch others slaughter the rich! i'd feel bad doing nothing so i can offer emotional support! i can even dress as a cheerleader. or the cheer squad from osu tatakae ouendan. hell yeah.
20. do you say soda or pop?
les digo FANTA y COCACOLA porque creo que aparte de "bebidas gaseosas" no tenemos ninguna palabra así cortita para definirla, así que en españa (no sé si en alguna parte de latinoamérica tenéis alguna) siempre les decimos como las marcas. creo que rebloggeé hace poco un post sobre marcas teniendo que ceder derechos porque la gente empieza a decirle a los productos como las marcas y me resulta hilarante
when speaking in english i say soda because, despite my (british) teacher's best efforts, i was raised by american youtubers and that cannot be undone. pop is a hilarious word to me because it is what it is. it goes "pop!" when you open it, so it's called pop!
30. is there dishes in your room?
there were two (2) dishes in my room when you sent this ask, but i decided to be a responsible adult and wash them before having dinner. there's a cup here though. from dinner. because i don't feel like leaving it in the sink just yet.
40. did you have any snacks today?
uhhhh, do chewable fruit candies count? when it's exam season i usually have a bag of snacks nearby because the sugar does wonder to my concentration ✨ might be placebo, might be me doing better because i get to have A Little Treat, who knows
(these candies have the flavour written in portuguese, i think, and i was so confused like 'what the fuck is a mirtilo 😭'
cuando vi el limón, que pues, es literalmente limão, quedé como así
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
There is exactly one good cook in fine and it's Wataru. Tori has never prepared a full meal on his own in his life he has servants to do that. Same goes for Eichi. And while Yuzuru can cook just fine it tastes bland and the main objective isn't to taste good, it's to fill the quotum of nutrition and calories. So unless Yuzuru actually tries to season his food he'll forever be place 2 on the fine fine cook ranking
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drop this sunflower 🌻 into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! lets spread a little sunshine ☀️🩷🩷
Thank you lovely anon that made me smile!
Let me spread the joy to all of my followers because all your blogs make me happy dear maggots, but I'm gonna do it my way, take this stupid pun that I put three seconds of thinking into coming up with:
What job would Crowley have at Google?
...web devil-oper
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onlinehorseproblems · 11 months
Me: Oh Genie that you have to choose-your-words-really-carefully with... I'm going to Nyc for a trip, all I ask for is guidance.
Genie: Okay
*these guys show up*
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