#i'm really bummed about this whole thing ngl
bl33py · 2 years
i'm really sad to say that i'm kind of underwhelmed with the new hozier ep :(
I don't think its bad by any means - i feel like some of the tracks are more pop adiencent than usual, which isn't inherently bad, but it does feel like they lack some of the substance previous releases had.
eat your young is for sure the standout and it's clear why it was chosen as a title track. I'm still not in love with it, but its definitely my favorite out of the three, i love the first pre chorus and the chorus.
i wasn't expecting anything like swan upon leda from the teasers so i'm not surprised there isnt anything like it, but i am a little bummed about it ngl.
song of the day 76/365
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Is request open? Can i rquest for a jealous eyeless jack with a S/O that alway reassures him that they would never leave him and that the people that they talk to are just friend or family.
Jealous Eyeless Jack!!
Requests are open!! Yipee!!!
Ngl I'm so glad for this prompt because with my take on EJ this is just
He's already insecure as is
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I wanna start this off by saying that he doesn't nessacerarily treat you bad when jealous; and when he does it is a genuine accident and he will raise hell trying to fix it
We don't support toxic stuff here
Moving on
As per my silly headcannon, Eyeless Jack lives in a silly little cabin in the woods, all secluded from everyone
Due to that he doesn't expect or firce you to completely move in with him, be gets it's a huge change
However with that understanding, it does nothing to calm any insecurities he may feel
Can you really put all the blame on him? He used to be a normal guy and that got torn away from him, his life was turned upside down and he lost everything
He also wasn't the pinnacle of confidence and self love before everything; so that doesn't really..help..
Mostly unrelated to the jealousy, he wants to make sure you're safe at all times, so when he's not out getting.. "groceries".. he's watching from the sidelines to make sure everything is going well
I feel like that's how he ends up seeing you being all buddy buddy with someone else
Cue his self deprecating thoughts
He doesn't blame you, who would want to be with a flesh eating demon thing
When you swing by his cabin, after he fails to come to your place like he does every night, you find him sitting on his beat up couch
Please set the record straight because he'll probably be too caught up in his own head to work it out himself
He won't immediately bounce back to his
Okay well he's not a very cheerful person, or a chatty one
Actually him being bummed out and him being neutral are almost identical
Jokes aside, he won't really
Take his insecurities out on you directly
He's more so the type to beat himself up, isolate, and all that
At worst he'll probably make a mean comment about himself, or the person stealing your attention
Never says anything mean about you, though
He DOES feel dumb when you explain it's a friend/family member
I mean part of Jacks whole thing with "hunting" is to be observant, and be able to pick up on every detail and relationship his target has before he strikes
So how did he miss this about you?
I mean, he was originally gonna steal your organs when you first met/hj
Tldr; he's not the type to get mean or fight for you, or hurt whoevers taking your attention from him. He just kinda gets sad and picks apart everything about himself that he deems as negative. Self love is a journey that doesn't have to be done alone, give him some reassurance and he'll go far
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powderblueblood · 1 month
May I vent? Don't worry I'm not bashing either party. So this whole thing was equal parts hilarious and equal parts concerning to me. Concerning because even though I know full well that he's just some guy whom none of us really know or ever will, I felt weirdly possessive when I saw the pictures and video the first time. And bummed out too which is not how I want to feel at all. Whoever he chooses to see is his business and I just want to have fun and enjoy myself, you know? I think it's because I've been keeping up with the latest about him since 2022. I can't think of any other fandom I've been into like this one. Either way, I think I just became too invested without realising it until now. Major go out and touch some grass moment. I genuinely want to be unbothered and have a giggle over all of this and whatever might come in the future. Anyway thanks for letting me spew some nonsense. Also btw, what exactly is a melt? Ngl it sounds kind of yummy even though im guessing it's far from that😂
it do happen when we participate in online communities and it’s not a bad thing to fall ‘’’victim’’’’ to it (I say victim dead loosely because it’s not falling victim to it really, it’s just Thinking About Some Guy Too Hard Disease—and let he among us cast the first stone am I right sluts!!!) but yeah at the end of the day who cares but also furthermore… whole thing gives me the ick re: him lol we’re better off just enjoying the work
but that said and my hand to the fire I do love the goss
and when I say melt I do mean someone exhibiting drippy fool behaviour. barry keoghan leaving his baby mother for sabrina carpenter and generally acting the maggot—melt. Paul mescal running away from women in parks after one night stands—melt. Doja cat showing feet in racial chat rooms—melt city.
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sinkat-arts · 7 months
Man, ok. On the one hand, I am so so so so grateful for the folks who stuck with me through Blood Upon the Snow and commented on most chapters (or all of them!!) and sent me little things that reminded them of my boys and even made beautiful art!!!! They really kept me going when, legit, there were times when I was convinced the whole thing was stupid, I'd lost the spark that made it interesting and cool in the beginning, and I wanted to delete it and then crawl in a hole.
But on the other hand. I'm bummed that now that it's up... that's it. All that work and... it just sits there. It will collect internet dust from here on out. It's just. It's sad. And ngl, I'm working on the next thing, and it's going to be just as much work (if not more) and I'm really... not looking forward to dealing with this feeling again???
I'm gonna write it. I am writing it. I'm excited about it based on the outline... it's really ambitious and fun and if I can pull it off, it's gonna be something I'll be proud of, I'm sure. But still. After you sit there and just silently hit post on that last chapter...
It's kinda lonely.
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As I wait for my beta to get back to me...
Okay I've never had a beta before and I love him but I'll never have a beta again bc i'm IMPATIENT but anyway I messed around with the sourceless incorrect quotes generator and I'm dying over here so. have these ig
including some things with peter as spider bc guess what! they'll also interact. yes i have three fucking fics planned
Jean: Where did you get that tomato soup? Peter: It’s actually a bowl of ketchup I just microwaved.
Peter: What goes up but never comes down? Jean: The amount of stress you're bringing me.
Jean, shooing Peter away: Can you go be depressed over there? You’re bumming out my whole area.
Peter: Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this. Jean: Maybe we would, if you would sTOP ILLEGALLY ENTERING MY FUCKING CRIME SCENES!!!
Peter: So I can either do something dumb that could very well get me injured or I can listen to Jean and not do the thing, Peter: Well there’s a clear right answer here. Peter: *proceeds to throw five packs of mentos into a barrel full of diet coke*
Jean: So I have made the decision to trust you. Spider: A horrible decision, really.
Peter: I'm tired. Jean: You slept for three hours last night! Why are you surprised?! Peter: I'm not surprised. I just wanted to complain about it.
Jean: They don’t make them like me no more. I’m the last of my kind. Peter: Thank god.
Spider: And then they ran into my knife. They ran into my knife ten times. Jean: You mean you stabbed them? Spider: They ran into my knife.
Jean: Do you have any idea what you’re doing? Peter: Why start now?
Peter: I love hearing Jean shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change.
Peter, getting a full nap with a warm blanket for the first time in literal years (i WILL make it happen): You know I think my life has value. Jean: Who are you and what have you done with Peter?!
Jean: You use humor to deflect your trauma. Spider: Awww, thanks- Jean: That’s not a good thing. Spider: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
Jean, to Peter: All right, let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. I’m going to go first– I hate you.
Jean: Why are you on fire? Spider: This is just how my day is going.
Jean: I'll offer you some friendly advice- Peter: I don't want your advice. Jean: Well, then consider it unfriendly advice, dipshit.
Jean: I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you, Parker, are a fucking cactus.
Jean: That’s illegal, right? Peter: Why do you care? Are you a fucking cop? Jean: Kinda- Peter: Just shut the fuck up.
Jean: I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing. Peter: But ya' didn't!
Jean: Don’t go picking a fight with me. I could make your life difficult. Peter, sarcastically: Wow. I wonder what it’d be like to have a difficult life.
Kidnapper: We have your child Jean: I don’t have a child? Kidnapper: Then who just told us to fuck off and that he doesn't have time for more stupid problems? Jean: Oh god, you have Peter
Jean: Who hurt you? Peter: *snorting* What, do you want a list? Jean: ...Yes, actually.
Spider: Something’s off. Jean: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people. Spider: No, but that’s funny.
Jean: Peter, no. Peter: Peter, yes.
Peter/Spider: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Jean: Killed without hesitation.
[that second part would work for either tho ngl but i can't NOT have pete say the first line]
Peter: I'm bored, any suggestions? Jean: Sleeping is nice. Peter: I acknowledge your suggestion, and I’m deciding to ignore it.
Spider: It’s nice to be wanted, you know? Jean: Not by the law!
Jean: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm gay right?" and watch the look of terror on their face. Peter: Peter: I like you.
[Jean if he was not living in the 30s were being gay could get him fired and killed :D]
Jean: You have an impressive pain tolerance. Peter: Thanks, it's the trauma.
Jean: Where have you been all day? Peter: Oh, just dealing with things way beyond my maturity level.
Peter: Jean, I sense hostility. Jean: Good, because I hate you.
Spider being an edgy bastard: I could kill you if I wanted. Jean: Yeah? So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special.
Jean: You're alive. Peter: No need to sound so disappointed.
Peter: You read my diary? Jean: At first I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad handwritten book.
Jean: I can't imagine what Peter is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
Jean: Ayo, what the FUCK is this?!? Spider, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what.
Jean: What are you doing here? Peter: I could ask you the same question. Jean: I work here. This is my crime scene. Peter: I should probably ask you a different question.
Jean: You saved me! Why? Spider: People would think I murdered you if I didn't.
Jean: Can you pass the salt? Peter: Can you pass away? Jean: Too much salt.
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3gremlins · 6 months
ngl it bums me out how fast everyone hopped off masks not just for covid/communicable diseases but just the concept of revisiting personal safety equipment in general.
long post i guess
I've been taking a 5 week pottery workshop on wheel throwing (it's neat!) and we got up to glazing last week. When you glaze pots, the glaze starts as a a thick liquid and then dries really quick into a powdery form (on your clay piece). I was asking my instructor about clean up and she was like "oh you can just rub off the excess carefully, but try not to get dust in the air as it's a little toxic. obviously you're wearing a mask but the rest of us aren't"
(my partner and i wear masks b/c it's inside and that's just what we still do. it sucks but it's better than covid and also now inhaling dust/fumes)
I kinda wanted to respond "maybe we should all be wearing masks??" like if not for covid concerns, at least for the semi-toxic powder we're all just handling/some folks are breathing in O.O
(i didn't b/c tbh i'm still a little on edge with the going out/doing stuff in public thing/esp indoors and people misgender me/mispronounce my name constantly and honestly sometimes you just want to do ceramics and not fight with people. it also just didn't feel winnable)
I feel like there's so many things like that that people just disregard as a risk that don't need to be, but as a society (US at least), we just never wanted to have that conversation (it was at best, begrudging, at the height of government awareness of covid and now it's completely gone by the wayside). At this point people either respond negatively or aggressively to any suggestion of it.
But like we've all had that one art teacher/professor who was a little bit off b/c they'd just been inhaling toxic paint fumes their whole career and it was always written off as just a quirk/part of the job (maybe things are better now? new art students feel free to chime in) and not something that could have been mitigated.
idk, it just makes me sad that we never got to even have the conversation about how so many jobs/hobbies should use more personal safety equipment than they do (either b/c people feel inconvenienced by it or don't know).
(tangent but i remain appalled at how many people i see riding bikes/etc around here that don't wear helmets! it's fucking wild to me, like we had the "wear a helmet or your head will be shattered like an egg" demonstrations as early as elementary school in massachusetts. Like it's just silly not to, and yet so many people in cali are like "a helmet? i don't know her". Also adults will agree that children should, but they shouldnt?!? wear a helmet for biking/skating/etc is the hill i will die on, esp on pavement)
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rubberduckyrye · 3 months
You don’t need to post this, but thanks for caring about antisemitism on a deeper level beyond that whole Kokichi’s hat thing. Just saw a different post that really bummed me out so seeing you being thoughtful about it cheered me up (which is funny bc Gonta’s backstory never personally bothered me, probably bc my standards are low and at least the reptites portrayed as nice there & a video game reference lol)
NGL Anon I'm morbidly curious about the post you saw, but aside from that--
I actually want to give @jacksmusesdrv3 credit here, because for the longest time I did not want to really engage with the antisemitic stuff at all--which while my intentions were good (as in I wanted to just kind of erase them from my rewrite), it made me blind to other antisemitic notions in the narrative, a lot of them being philosenitism, which in this case, is a very specific breed of antisemitism that idolizes the stereotypes instead of condemning them/using them to fear monger.
I knew that the hat was likely a reference to WWII Germany (I still can't believe military officers wore hats with SKULLS ON THEM like how can I take you seriously you are LITERALLY being supervillans in a cartoon I cannot--) and I knew the Reptites were suspiciously similar to the "lizard people" thing, but there's quite a few a bit of philosenitism in it--things I plan on trying to remove if possible.
I also have been discussing the ableism (pardon the extra salt for the post with the links, this one's personal) and racism in the narrative of V3, both of which I also plan to either address or reassess.
I am very neurodivergant (AuADHD), so the ableism is something I face first hand in my daily life--but the racism and antisemitism aren't things I experience, which is why I want to learn about them and rework the story of Twins AU to be rid of them, if possible. Especially since the ableism is baked into the character interactions and Gonta's character arc so that's hard to remove, but the racism in Angie's writing is mostly backstory related so that can easily be reworked and changed. (Namely, I'm stuck on if I should keep the deities she refers to as the Atua, since I'm not sure if that's interchangeable with the Kupua, which is specifically Native Hawaiian, where as Atua refer to deities that aren't so specific.)
For the antisemitism and antisemitic-philosentism, I'll need to do more research on. I know there is something with Kirumi's last name being a reference to a prime minister of Japan, which has something to do with philosentism/antisemitism, but I don't 100% recall it atm.
I try to be very, very mindful of these sorts of things in fiction, as I want to create a story that isn't going to perpetuate stereotypes or harmful rhetoric, which will isolate readers of those groups from my work. I never have fun seeing ableist shit in media, in fanfic, so I apply that same logic to everything. A Native Hawaiian won't like seeing Angie's narrative racism. A Jewish individual would feel uncomfortable seeing antisemitic characteristics, even if they are being glorified. So I try to eliminate those things from my own rewrite.
And TBH, I am a little ashamed of myself for wanting to shut down any discussion about the antisemitism/philosentism in the past, because I didn't realize it was making me ignorant. I thought I recognized all of it and that was arrogant of me. I have a lot to learn, and I will always be learning! So I've been slowly working myself up into discussing it and understanding what about V3 has the antisemitism and the antisemitic-philosentism, so I can rework that in my own story.
But yeah--sorry for the long response, I just kinda started rambling a bit.
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itgetsrad · 6 months
[my thoughts on Cowboy Carter]
TEXAS HOLD EM is really really good and somehow gets better every time i hear it. a perfect lead single
"now come get everything you came for" is the hardest lyric i've heard in a long time. it goes so fucking hard
i really like SPAGHETTII but it feels strange on this album and i wish it was longer with out the 'genre' opening. i need a remix real quick
PROTECTOR is prob my fave right now
AMERICAN REQUIEM - TEXAS HOLD EM is pretty perfect. 16 CARRIAGES had to grow on me but it has
not super into the whole radio show interludes - it just kind of feels like an attempt to solidify the album the way RENAISSANCE did effortlessly. it seems forced to me. a lot of the album seems 'forced' to me which is why i'm not sure i like it much
i really hate RIIVERDANCE a lot. i have not like actively disliked a Beyoncé song since 4 but here we go
i admittedly don't know who Willie Jones is but i do not like his voice on JUST FOR FUN
i want to like BODYGUARD but it sounds corny to me
when i say "corny" i think i mean like a generic pop/country song and like ... Beyoncé is not generic. you can like or hate her music but for almost a decade now she has been making music that always sounds technically perfect (the production value) and pushes boundaries into new territory & at the very least does not sound like anyone else. so to hear songs like BODYGUARD, DAUGHTER, ALLIIGATOR TEARS, LEVII'S JEANS that just feel and sound like they could easily just be on some other pop artist's albums is just really strange and disappointing
LEVII'S JEANS is not good
i know i'm being pretty negative but another thing is how a lot of the songs feel almost there - like YA YA or even AMERICAN REQUIEM - something about them just don't feel like a finished Beyoncé song to me. i can't even put my finger on what it is exactly
YA YA is going to be so fun live tho
i wish MY ROSE and OH LOUISIANNA were longer
DESSERT EAGLE needs a remix w/ 3stacks and Big Boi
II MOST WANTED is so damn good - love Miley and love her on this
kind of bummed that The Chicks aren't on the album, ngl. or at least Natalie. seems like a missed opportunity
TYRANT slaps
not sure how i'll feel after continued listens but for now there are a bunch of skips for me that i don't think will grow on me & that's really shocking to me
i guess i have to talk about JOLENE - i have never really liked this song regardless of who sings it. it's a fine song but yeah i've never liked it as much as everyone else seems to so i'm not inclined to listen to Bey version either - don't @ me
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spacelessbian · 1 year
Good Omens S2: review-ish
I saw Good Omens and I honestly don't know what to think. Spoilers ahead. These are my first thoughts and I'm writing it immediately after finishing episode 6, so I will ruminate some more but I wanted to get my thoughts out right now, as some sort of brainstorming.
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I am bummed to say that I did not enjoy this new story as much as I enjoyed season 1. Now obviously there is a huuuge difference in watching an adaptation of a story you know well and already love and watching an entirely new thing. But still.
When it comes to the overal plot I did enjoy the Gabriel mystery, at least for about half of the season. It lost steam around the middle and the ending of it... I'm sorry, I do not buy Gabriel falling in love with anyone for one second. Maybe if it wasn't shown in one big info dump and there was time to explore his connection with Beelzebub, I would have enjoyed it better. But Gabriel was such a brilliant asshole in season 1. Amazing even. I loved to hate him and this turnaround did not work for me at all. The fact that I didn't connect with the new actress in the role of Beelzebub probably did not help (obviously I have nothing against the actress personally, she was not bad). So this storyline ended in a disappointment for me. I also cringed a bit ngl. (important to note: I have previously read fanfics for Gabriel/Beelzebub and liked them, so it is not just about this pairing in itself).
Aziraphale and Crowley on the other hand, I enjoyed very much. The whole season is basically a love story, an explicit one this time. Part of me thought - I will admit - that Neil Gaiman just wanted to stop the constant barrage of fans demanding explicit gay sex on screen, but okay, I'll allow it, it was sweet (until it wasn't, then it was heart-wrenching). Both David Tennant and Michael Sheen are in absolute top form and I loved every second of them doing stuff.
The little (and not so little) scenes (or mini episodes) were interesting and fun to watch, the Job story was especially really good. I did not expect to see Crowley as an angel, he was so sweet building nebulas. I could have done without the zombie Nazis... Maybe someone will explain to me why it was necessary to basically stop the story for it, I did not understand it while watching. I expected them to pop up later or something... But no, they are just zombie Nazis. I liked the processing sequence in Hell of that episode, though, it looked very cool and fun, especially the... firewarmer (???).
That brings me to Miranda Richardson. God, I've had a crush on her for about fifteen years now and Shax definitely did not stop that. I loved her so much! She looked fantastic, her dialogue was great and I liked her dynamic with Crowley. I don't understand why would she be offered a position of Duke of Hell, seeing she fucked up everything she was assigned to do, but I can excuse that detail. I hope we see a lot of her in season 3 (which we must get!).
My other gay crush, Archangel Michael, was in a lot of scenes and I'm not complaining. I think her position as possibly the only angel who thinks for themselves (at times) and who is just constantly surrounded by confident idiots while also being an idiot (but not as much) was just great. More of this please.
The other angels were okay. Muriel is a baby ray of sunshine cupcake darling cutie and if anything happens to her, I will kill anyone responsible and then myself. The other demons were not as important, but I must mention Dagon's robe (? coat? uniform?) which fucks verily.
Maggie and Nina did not make as much impact as I thought they would and I didn't care much about their romance tbh. I know, I know, it is supposed to mirror Aziraphale/Crowley but like... I don't see it. Sorry. The ball scene was weird as hell. I appreciated the seamstress joke, a very nice nod to Pratchett.
And I now see that I just started listing characters instead of talking about the whole thing but I suppose this is how my brain works. I can't wait to read and watch everyone else's opinions and reviews. Despite me not being very happy at the end of the show I enjoyed most of it and I truly hope we will get season 3 to tie the bow.
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Ngl feeling kind of bummed that some people are taking this whole eurovision thing as an opportunity to complain about swedish speaking finns. Idk it is kind of bringing back memories of being bullied for speaking swedish when I was a kid. There is this belief that all Finland-Swedes have old money and are snobby and I'm like, idk me and all my friends are poor as fuck and our parents are farmers lol. Besides I'm half Karelian so it is not that black and white. Just speaking a certain language doesnt really say anything is my point...
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jeonqkooks · 11 months
Jeeen baby if you need a shield from weird people I'll take care of it 🥹🫶💗🙏
Did you see new suchwita ep dropped? 🥳🙌
Ahhh look, it feels a bit funny since I kinda made my peace with the whole album thing. As long as he's happy with his decisions at the end of the day there's that. I've been thinking about how we can't always know everything that goes on behing the doors right? Idk if you've seen bang pd's interview a few days ago, he mentioned how, at the begining of the year jk wasn't even sure he wanted to release an album (and if I remember he even told us himself in a live that he's not sure about his plans but he'll just follow his intuition) Maybe he thought we would be disappointed if he didn't. Now if you think about it, this second chapter for bts feels sooo rushed in a way and we know why, but you know... I'm trying to imagine that things wouldn't have been so chaotic if it wasn't for m.s. and everything, they would've had way more time for this. But there's really no point.
BUT AGAIN, we all know how jk specifically mentioned in so many interviews over the past few years that he's working on his mixtape (Stay was supposed to be in his mixtape, so was Your eyes tell) and I BET there were some other masterpieces there and it really got me thinking why would he change his mind all of a sudden. Maybe pressure, maybe he didn't think they were good enough and wasn't that confident. We'll never know I guess.
I support him though, he's working hard and who knows, there might be songs in there that I'll like. Still, I cannot lie and say I don't feel a little sad that we're never going to hear some song that HE made (as imperfect as he probably thought they are). This isn't me (or some fans) damanding something, just that little feeling of "what could've been if.." . To me, the songs written/ produced by them weight wayyy more than any other songs out there. Oh well 😬 there's always a next time.
Okayyy rant over. Now I'll just keep an eye out for anyone who wanna bother you 😝🫡 while I watch suchwita ofc!! Take care and keep warm, it's so cold these days! *channeling my inner jimin*
- 🎃
aw pumpkinnnnnnn 😭
yeah i’ve also kinda made peace with the fact that this won’t be an album for me. i’ve mentioned this before and i still stand by it, that it feels like there’s this certain pressure for everyone to release something before enl*sting 😔
you’re right, i’m sure there are other songs that we haven’t heard that were supposed to be for his mixtape. i mourn the loss of them too, just like i did with tae when layover came out. i don’t think being bummed about the old songs means you’re demanding. you’re sad because you know you would’ve liked them, and that’s a completely normal thing to feel. and yes i agree, songs made by them will always feel more personal and have more heart. i’ve already started manifesting for jjk2 lol 😂
(and tbh, i take everything a celebrity says with a grain of salt - even bts - so there are always things that i’m skeptical about)
yessss suchwita 😭 i forgot about it ngl bc it’s been like over a month since the last ep hahaha. but oh lord when i finally watch it it’s gonna be tough since it’s the first ep released after he left 😭😭😭
and YES IT IS COLD WHAT THE HELL. it’s like 10 degrees where i am and it’s only october??? the leaves haven’t even turned yellow but i’m already freezing my ass off. i have a feeling this winter will kill me
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mannatea · 2 years
32. What direction you wish this series would take? If no one's asked you this one yet. And it's okay if you've moved on to other stuff, but what would you *like* to see in a new FE game? And no need to be realistic. ;D
Oooh a daring question! I dig it!
And I appreciate the caveat that it doesn't have to be realistic. I fully acknowledge that the game series isn't made for me. I'm a very mediocre gamer and I'm objectively just...like, straight up NOT good at the game. I never have been. I don't play any other strategy games.
So while they've been really innovative in the last couple of generations when it comes to stuff like...you know...abilities and all that, I simply do not care. I liked Phoenix Mode or whatever it was called from FE14/Fates and if that carried through in all games I'd love it. I don't care about the battles. I just want the story stuff.
Actually, I wouldn't even be opposed to a "story" mode of the game.
Related, I liked how in FE7, in the "intro" chapters, people don't generally die, but rather, get injured in (fairly?) unique specified ways. I think I remember Kent's leg being the issue chosen for him. Yeah, it doesn't change the whole story or anything, but it was a neat little thing that let the characters not die while still also taking them out of the battle. And in that sense, it was really cool, just like...flavor text. If a fanfic writer inserted that detail into their story for whatever reason, even if it was just that Kent's leg was bothering him again, it would kind of give that hint at what happened earlier without actually having to come out and say it. I liked details like that, especially because they felt like they were used sparingly and most importantly, used well.
Also, the earlier games did a lot of stuff like special dialogue if you had certain units on the field for a particular chapter (for example, Kent and Sain both having dialogue if you put them out in the chapter you fight against Darin because they both feel it's their duty and obligation to, you know, personally end his life for what he did to Caelin).
I'm fully aware the newer games do some of this as well, but it feels less like a special little thing that happens every now and then and more of a tryhard thing?
It's hard to explain, and I realize i'm probably just being a bitch here, but the new games do this thing where it reaaaally feels like they're trying WAY too hard in EVERY area, and it has this effect, at least for me personally, of stretching everything in the game thin. Now the combat is really complex and confusing as shit. Now the characters have too many supports and half of them are honestly just the sound of clowns juggling whoopie cushions. Characters can reclass whether it makes any real fucking sense or not (I REALLY HATE THIS ONE ACTUALLY, IT TAKES AWAY FAR TOO MUCH CHARACTER IDENTITY AND YALL KNOW THAT'S MY THING). Now the story's really complex too but not always because the writers made it complex so much as the writers don't know how to write cohesive complex stories (laughcrying at Fates forever ngl).
I'm not just shitting on modern FE games, for what that's worth. I think they've made some good changes over the years. Byleth was about a thousand steps up from Corncob...i Mean coRRIN. At least she felt like she could theoretically be an actual person in the world.
But I still don't like avatar characters. I hate that they were so successful we'll never be free of them. I just can't. I tried to cope but all I can do is seethe. (I mean, I don't actually have the energy required to seethe but it sounded funny so I said it.)
All of this to say that if I could have my way IntSys would go broke because most of the things that made the game series wildly successful are things I'd remove or change. Feelsbadman. But I'm not too bummed out about it because in recent years I have come to understand that some things are just straight-up NOT MEANT FOR ME. Like I can seethe about my hallmark show going into the shitter but I also have to like, pull myself back and go "YOU ARE NOT THE TARGET AUDIENCE YOU DUMBASS" and I know I'm right so I simply disconnected from it. Sorta. Mostly.
Fire Emblem is much the same way. They really market the games as like this weird hybrid dating sim + self insert-ish avatar + really good strategy rpg game...and people eat it up. I have to recognize I'm just not the target audience anymore. (And I never really was, because I never cared about the literal main point of the games, which was, u know, strategy. LOL.)
So my ideal FE game would limit supports and make every one meaningful in some way, limit "marriage options" to characters that actually make some sense and have meaningful development, do away with an avatar character and just use an actual character instead (this is how I felt they should have really treated Byleth / I think Innes is basically the strategy character in FE8 and it worked fine), and try to incorporate little tidbits of info in the game in easy to get places. Also, no DLC. Literally none. Zip. Zilch. Perish.
I'd be okay with a more complex plot if the rest of the game followed those rules, probably because I'd be invested in the characters enough to really be invested in puzzling out the plot, versus getting dragged along by it.
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linkysmommy · 7 months
Is there somewhere where we can play A Toxic Situation once Storyloom is gone? Could it be moved to itch io or dashingdon? What you did with this story was amazing. Despite the restrictions of the platform, you managed to deliver a fascinating medical mystery and five romantic endgames while fleshing out MC's inner world and presenting us with a moral dilemma. Kudos to the other Storyloom writers BUT that was the one story that actually made me feel like I was playing a Choices book. It's one of the best short IFs that I have ever read. I played Aurora and Rafael's scenes. They were so beautiful. You made me care about the fate of a patient that I have known for less than a minute. I refuse to accept that we will never get to experience A Toxic Situation again. That's just so fucked up. Has anyone uploaded the routes to YouTube?
Aw this is so sweet, I saw this message first thing in the morning and it made my whole day! 🥺 I'm so glad you liked it.
Unfortunately, I don't think there are any youtube routes of it. I never made one, because by the time I finished it I had played it so many times during testing I couldn't stomach doing 6 whole playthroughs (all the romance options + the single route). Also ngl, I put a lot of work into that and was a little bummed when I didn't place in their little shared worlds contest, not even as one of the runner-ups 😅 But I did write everything as a script in G docs originally before programming it, plus I exported the game as json file just in case, so I have everything.
If people are interested, I could be persuaded to post it on AO3? I just don't think I really have the motivation to program it using Ren'Py or something else like Dashingdon to make it playable, unfortunately.
There are a few days left of storyloom, though, so if anyone wants to record and post it to youtube I would love that! ❤️
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polarisjisung · 10 months
HUA YES! you're soo right about chenle in mma, like he really did soo soo welll! but but hyuck. he looked so good gawd? nobody needs to touch his hair now, he looks perfect! the pre poison dance break had me down bad ngl, all of them did so freaking good😭 also also istj jeno was everything😩
gawd i loovee 7dream so much🫶
andd! how have you been doing lately? i hope your migranes have gotten better! take care sweet!💗
YEAH I SAW HIS HAIR WHEN 127 WERE PERFORMING FAVOURITES I THINK? it's literally perfect so pretty and I don't usually like long hair on guys but he looks so good yo
I feel like each member really had their chance to shine, posion dance break for jaemin, jeno and chenle then also Mark and jisungs dance break and then renjuns dance break in ISTJ SKSKWKAKA I was losing my mind I had to keep replaying the whole thing and I cannot believe they performed poison and then ALSO LIKE WE JUST MET 😭😭 (I love the intro so I was kinda bummed when they didn't play it BUT IT WAS STILL SO GOOD)
if I'm being honest all the MMA performances were crazy good, I don't really look into new jeans much but their performance was genuinely showstopping I loved it and RIIZE I could go on and on 😭
also yess i got some medicine prescribed for my migraines so I've been trying that out!! I hope you're doing well too and take lots of care of yourself 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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xplrvibes · 11 months
https://www.tumblr.com/xplrvibes/732366949692178432/to-be-honest-the-thing-im-most-excited-about-on?source=share i just had time to finish the episode and not going to lie, i'm kind of bummed. I thought it would be a longer interview, with her describing (her pov) the aftermath, what went down with the warrens after that (they were really prideful people - and by reading books that recall their paranormal investigations, it becomes quite clear that at times they also bit way more than they could chew - WAY more - and lacked some in-depth understanding about a lot of things they were dealing with, but i digress), if any of the spirits kept on following her/her mom/the family, if she's had any paranormal awakening or encounter after that, what happened pre warrens, if the hauntings escalated through time, etc etc etc like I could hear so much more ngl
You know, I was a little bummed too, strictly because I had remembered hearing somewhere that she and her family were very critical of the Warrens and their legitimacy after what happened, and I'd love to hear them tackle that.
However, there are still two episodes left, so they could've cut up some of the interview to add into episodes 3 and 4.
They also sometimes post uncut interviews and things like that on xplrclub, so maybe the whole interview will eventually wind up on there.
Who knows, but I would definitely like to hear more.
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jentlemahae · 1 year
itzy's album spoiler came out and the title track is my least fave yet again and i'm kinda bummed about it ngl. obviously i can't judge fully until i've heard the whole thing but idk i really want this cb to go well. everyone basically turned on them after sneakers and the girls have made it clear that it actually has affected them and they're upset about it. there's a video of yeji explaining her thoughts about it to jyp too but he keeps picking weird songs as the tt
i haven’t listened to the spoilers bcs i know jyp tends to give away half the songs so im waiting for the songs :] weird songs can be good tho (and can actually be the best option sometimes than a normal/generic sounding song) so i wouldnt dismiss jyp’s logic - im gonna wait for the album tho to see if the song is weird (affectionate) or weird (derogatory) lol
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