#i'm picturing like ??? young adult julia here
dunnewithyou-arch · 1 year
@senseibalance sent "sorry, what's your name again?"
"julia dunne. my dad's billy dunne," julia answered. someone asking her what her name was rarely ever happened, so she found it kind of funny when it did. then again, this was her first time talking to this guy. apparently her dad had gone to larusso auto group for a new car, his from the 70s was finally dying, and he had overheard some people talking about miyagi do karate. and since julia mentioned karate once, at five years old, he told her about it when he got home. julia just nodded, then billy told her that he had talked to daniel and he wanted them to meet. so she got in her car and drove up to the dealership, and here she was. julia had no idea about the all-valley, miyagi do, or cobra kai.
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quantumhealingava · 1 month
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Julia Fox
She is a Shravana Sun (gifted) truly, much like Billie Eilish. You can see it in the eyes, that psychic, 'weirdo', 'rejected' 'freak' kid. She talks a lot in her book about feeling 'different' from everyone else, unique and strange. With Shravana natives, we see the gifted child (Harry Potter vibes)
Her Bharani Moon gives her a seductive, hypnotic, sultry, Venusian beauty. She loves fashion, like a typical Venusian, and has a hedonistic, intense, extremist side. We know she was a Dominatrix in her young adult life, which is perfectly in line with sensual Bharani Nakshatra (it's symbol being the literal Yoni)
Her Mercury is in Purva Ashadha, and she does have a very soft, beautiful writing (and speaking) style. Mercury rules over how we speak, write, communicate and think, her mind is beautiful really, and so is her speech.
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I can definitely see her sensual Bharani Moon in a lot of photos of her online; lollipops, sugar, ice cream. Venus (Shukra) is oozing out of every pore in her body. She does give off a very seductive energy, and has an intoxicating, Aphrodite-like aura.
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Bharani is ruled by Yama, The God of Death, and she does talk a lot in her book about sewersidel thoughts. She overdosed twice. She almost died, she's definitely 'tasted' death. This is in line with Vedic Mythology. This is directly from her book: "My new friends and I hold séances in my bedroom, invoking the spirit of the deceased front man of my favorite band, Nirvana. I tape a picture of Kurt Cobain on my wall and fantasize about dying so I can join him on the other side. “It’s better to burn out than to fade away,” he wrote in his suicide note." -Julia Fox
Her Ascendant is in Ardra Nakshatra (ruled by Rudra, The Storm God, and The Tear Drop), she's lived an extremely traumatic and tumultuous life. She does have a bit of Taylor Swift energy though (Also Ardra influenced), whereby she constantly mentions 'not needing men', and is a radical feminist). Ardra Nakshatra is also very into fashion, due to Rahu here creating obsession and craving, a touch of materialism. (Peep the black and white Fabric - Coco Chanel vibes and the leopard print too!) From her book: "The faces on the missing posters stare blankly back at me. There are so many all stacked on top of one another, each telling a devastating story. At night, I lie in bed and wonder if every plane I hear flying overhead is actually a bomb. I grip my pillow over my ears and brace for impact."
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In my humble opinion, she is extremely iconic, and still too underrated. I believe she will continue to grow further into her fame - she's got a very socialite 11th House Moon, (fame, friendships and the spotlight).
Her life purpose (Rahu) is in Shravana (The Moon); a huge part of her destiny in this lifetime was to become a mother. Chandra = Mother / Moon. We know that she writes and talks a lot about her son, and how he changed her entire life and is now her whole world.
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A lot of Moon influenced women, Venususians and Rahu girls will fall in love with and greatly look up to Julia Fox. (Shravana + Bharani, Purva Phalguni) as well as many Ardra Natives. Gen Z in particular, I can see a ton of women with those placements feeling inspired by her, feeling like her story is home to them, feeling like they understand her, and she understands them.
Overall, I love Julia Fox and her energy, and just wanted to share this with you all. As a Bharani Sun woman myself, I feel so close to her energetically and spiritually (and I'm sure many of you out there do too!)
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mirasmirages · 2 months
Scars (part 5)
first previous masterlist next
Has: texting, zoo setting, panic attack, flashbacks, alcohol mention, pizza, tattoos
James and his family belongs to @starliight-whump
James woke up the next morning to a room bathed in sunlight. He blinked in confusion for a minute before he realized, that was the first time he woke up that day. He hadn't had nightmares bad enough to keep him up.
The library book had fallen to the floor, so he picked it up and flipped through it until he found the page he had fallen asleep at last night. He had gotten through a little under a tenth of the book, which wasn't bad. He took his phone and snapped a photo of the book from the top to show his progress and sent it to Henry.
I'm enjoying it.
He didn't have to wait long before the reply ticked in.
Hours later, when James was wrapped up in a blanket, reading on the couch, his phone lit up with another text. It was a picture of Henry with glitter on his face, in front of a big table covered in paper scraps, crayons and glue sticks.
Craft's day is great, but is sure does make a mess!
James rested the book against his chest and typed out his reply.
Looks fun! You got something on your face.
Do you know how hard it is to get rid of glitter? This is what I look like now. Our next event will have to be Twilight themed.
James had a vague memory of Julia reading those books, many years ago.
I'll bring Julia. She'll love it.
Do I get hot pockets for dinner or act like an adult and get frozen pizza?
James reached for his phone the moment it lit up. Henry would be on his way home from the library now.
Is frozen pizza really adult?
They had been texting for a few days now, about nothing in particular. Henry would send him random updates from the library, and James found himself looking for anything normal he could say to keep the conversation going. Other than James's first message, they hadn't talked about what had happened to him at all. Henry never asked, and James found that he was able to act more like his old self with Henry than he was around his family. Even Julia, who did her best to pretend nothing was wrong, always looked at him like he was one wrong movement away from a panic attack. To be fair, he often was. Still, it was nice to talk to someone who didn't know him before, who wouldn't look at him and see what was missing.
It is if you make it in the oven.
I don't think that's how it works.
Too late, I got the pizza. If that's not adult, I guess I'm forever young, baby!
"Uncle James! Look!"
Oliver grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the tiger enclosure, where a sleeping tiger seemed to be waking up.
"Wow, that's amazing! Look how big it is!"
Julia was not far behind. "Look, it's coming towards us! Let me get a picture!"
James knelt next to Oliver so she could take a picture of them. He looked into the lens of her camera and tried to remind himself how to smile.
Smile, James. The memory came sudden and unbidden, Harrison's voice drowning out the world around him. Smile for me, or I will make you.
"James. James, can you hear me?"
Julia was in front of him, hugging Oliver to her side. James blinked, confused at the bright sunlight all around him, as her face came into focus.
"You're okay, James, you're safe. Do you need to go home?"
"Mommy, I don't wanna go home!" Oliver complained.
"I know, but we can come back another time."
James shook his head. "No, I'm fine. We can--we can stay."
He didn't feel great, with so many people and noises and now the memories pushing to the surface, but he had wanted to come here today. It would be a nice story to tell Henry later, and he had wanted to send a picture, too, since Henry had sent him several pictures. It was a bit disappointing that he wouldn't be able to.
Oliver decided they should look at the elephants next, and then they went to the petting zoo, where James got to pet an alpaca. By the time they stopped for a meal, James was exhausted.
"Do you wanna go home after this?" Julia whispered when Oliver was distracted by his coloring place mat.
"Yeah," James said, picking at his food. He felt like he could sleep for days after this. "Actually, can we go one more place first?"
They went to the penguin enclosure. James hadn't tried again to get any pictures of himself again, but he could get a picture of the penguins, since they had talked about the gay penguin children's books.
Oliver talked excitedly about all the new animal facts he had learned while they went to the car. James was barely pretending to listen, collapsing into the front seat when they got there.
Julia got Oliver buckled in, and started driving. It was only a fifteen minute ride home, and then James could go to bed.
Julia put her phone in his hand. "I know you didn't like the camera, but I hope this is okay. You can delete them if you don't like them."
The phone was open to the camera roll, with a handful of pictures James hadn't noticed her taking. They were all of Oliver, but James was in some of them too. His back was turned in most of them, just his blue jacket and dark hair, but in a few, his face was visible as he talked to Oliver.
"No, this is … this is fine," James said, flipping through the pictures again, looking for one he could send to Henry. "Can I have some of these?"
"Take whatever you want."
James texted a few of the pictures to himself, and started planning what he would write to Henry when he got home.
Henry looked up, first with a polite smile on his face, that turned into a surprised grin when he recognized James.
"James! You're here!" He looked around for a second. "Where's your sister?"
"At work, I think. I'm alone today," James said, and didn't mention that his dad was waiting in the car. "I wanted to return the book."
"You finished it? What did you think?" Henry took the book when James handed it to him. "Do you want the next one?"
James shook his head. "I had the other books at home, actually, so I read all of them. I thought maybe you could help me find something new?"
"Absolutely," Henry said. He registered the book in the system, and James went with him to shelve it. "Do you know what you're looking for? More fantasy? Something you've read before? Same author?"
"I don't know," James said. It had been nice to read something old and familiar, but maybe something new would be just as nice. "Do you have a book you like? Maybe I can try that."
"I have tons," Henry said, and pulled a green book with gold accents off the shelf. "I just finished this series, if you think a magical school sounds interesting. It has some cool original world building, and I like the characters."
James took the book. A Deadly Education. A magic school didn't sound too bad. He flipped it over to read the back. "It sounds dramatic."
Henry laughed. "And the main character is the most dramatic of all, but she's sixteen, so she's forgiven."
I want a new tattoo, but I don't know what to get. Any ideas?
Where are you getting it?
Shoulder or shoulder blade, depending on the design.
You could get a hot pocket tattoo.
As soon as he sent it, James worried that it wouldn't read as a joke, and started writing a clarification, but Henry replied before he could finish typing.
I am ashamed to tell you I already have that.
The next message was a picture of a blurry tattoo that might, with some imagination, resemble a hot pocket.
I was drunk and my friend wanted to try doing a stick-and-poke. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
James struggled to imagine thinking getting a drunk tattoo was a good idea, but he supposed that's why it happened while drunk.
Do you have a lot of good ideas when you're drunk?
I used to. I'm a recovering alcoholic, so I don't really drink anymore, but back in the day? Half my ideas were drunk ideas, and they all seemed good at the time.
… Oh. They had texted a lot over the past couple of weeks, but their conversations had stayed light, avoiding anything too personal. That Henry would trust him with something like this was … it made James wonder if he should tell Henry something in return. Anything, about why he was the way he was. Just the thought of typing out the things that had happened to him, and having to wait for a reply, was nauseating, so he quickly pushed that thought aside.
You could get a penguin tattoo, he suggested instead. Like the children's books.
That's not a bad idea. I'll see if I can find a cool design.
A week later, James got a mirror selfie of Henry with a new tattoo, a penguin with a rainbow background on his shoulder. Henry could have easily shown off the tattoo by pulling up the sleeve of a t-shirt, but instead he was topless in the photo, showing much more than just the new tattoo. He had a variety of tattoos covering his arms, some blurry, some sharp, a binary code tattoo on the side of his chest, and pierced nipples. The piercings weren't really a surprise, considering how many visible piercings Henry had, but still. James hadn't noticed them before. He also hadn't seen the defined muscle of Henry's arms clearly on display here. Was Henry flexing in this picture? He had to be, right? Wait--was Henry showing off?
James's eyes went to Henry's face. In most of the pictures Henry sent, he was wearing a silly face or a huge grin, but in this one, he was looking at the screen with a slight pout on his lips. It was a pose James had mostly seen on dating apps. Was Henry--was James--were they flirting? Had they been flirting this entire time? James felt almost dizzy with the realization that, not only had he been flirting, he was falling for Henry. Hard. The way he spent his days waiting for a reply, thinking of what to say to keep the conversation going. The way he couldn't stop smiling while they were texting. The fact that the reason he had pushed himself to get out of the house and do stuff lately, was so he would have stories to tell Henry.
James only had a moment to be excited that Henry was flirting with him before reality started sinking in. He couldn't date Henry. Dating Henry would mean letting Henry get closer, which meant that Henry would find out what had happened to him. It would mean Henry looking at him with pity. One of the reasons he had liked talking to Henry in the beginning was that Henry didn't know anything, and James could pretend to be normal. Normal was good.
But … it wasn't really normal, was it? Henry knew something was up, even if he didn't know the details. He managed to treat James like nothing was wrong, but he knew. How different would it be, if he knew a bit more?
Thoughts of telling Henry, and how to tell Henry, swirled in James's mind. He wanted to tell him. He wanted Henry to know, so they could move past the small talk and get to know each other on a deeper level.
It was a terrifying idea. It was risky. But if it went well … it would be worth it.
He shouldn't do it over text, he decided. Maybe a call? They hadn't done phone calls yet. Maybe he should go to the library, or ask Henry if he wanted to meet somewhere else. This was probably a conversation they should be having face to face.
Looking good, he texted Henry, after letting him wait far too long.
Tomorrow, he decided. Tomorrow he would ask Henry to meet, and then they would talk. His toes curled with excitement, despite the nerves. He was going to do this!
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madeofcc · 3 years
5, 10 & 22 in the ask game, please! (I hope you know how much I adore your work!)
Thanks a lot for these asks dear @shesthespinstersimmer :D I'm a huge fan of yours as well so this means a lot to me ♥
5/ how do you choose your characters’ names?
Oh ! This one is actually a good thought ! For DH I chose them for several reasons.
Destiny is obviously a strong name and you know that the one who'll have it will have a kind of burden to find their destiny ... Leïla and Soraya are french but also algerian so I chose arabic names I like for them (Leïla got that name because of a french arab actress named Leïla Bekhti -super talented). Hiro and Renji are half japanese and their names are a tribute to Tokyo Ghoul. Hugo has a french name because he adores France and french culture (but you'll see that later), but Hugo is not his real name. His name can't be spelled in our world. William has a typical dad name (and I think that Will is kind of a rock'n'roll name, don't know why). Violet got her name because of her hair. That way she's a memorable character instantly. The Brindletons all have typical english/american names (Edgar / Karen / Julia / Edgar Jr.) because they illustrate the white supremacy . Aïssa means alive and she's part african so that's why she chose this name. Milo can means seduction in a way (apparently) and the typical Milo character (apparently) is to be brave and confident, which he is (but you'll discover that later). Mizuki and Asami are part japanese so that's why I chose this name. I think that's all for my main characters at least ^^
10/ is your story fully planned or are you still working things out? is there a definitive end?
Everything is fully planned my dear :) DH is actually what I call my "netflix" serie because I created it just because I wanted to see a sims story with a main black female character who kills vampires >< That's why DH1 is so unorganized and a bit messy.
Then I started to think about the story and think about what I wanted to talk about in there. Because I'm a psycho who is obsessed by a story I have in mind until I find a proper ending/meaning to it I decided to prepare a proper plan for the entire serie. I love to write before sleeping, writting all my ideas down helps me to sleep a lot so DH kind of obsess my nights since I started it. Here's the plan I've prepared : DH1BB (Des is 18 / Beginning of everything/ 10 ep / Theme : Teenage issues) → A Special Day (DH2 EP0 -Theme : celebration of love. Lesbian love exactly) → DH2 Mystery in Sulani  (22/ Summer, fun and love with a touch of rebellion / 6 ep / Theme : Global warming - Capitalism - Rebellion - Love) → Melodia (DH3 EP0/ focus on Leïla and Hiro / Special Musical episode / Theme : Young adult’s lives) → DH3 Nightmares at Windenburg (Des is 24/ end of university and horror story / 12 episodes / Theme : Feminism / Fears / Toxic masculinity/ Finding yourself) → Special Episode focused on Renji and Milo (untitled yet / DH4 EP0 / Theme : dark gay investigation story) → DH4 (Des is 26/ the beginning of the end / around 10 episodes / craziest plot full of revelations ! / Theme : Upside Down ...) → Special episode focused on Destiny (you don’t want to miss that one) → DH 5 The Elementals War (Des is 28 /final season / 13 episodes / this will resolve everything and more). You can find some hints about what’s coming in the DH Halloween Special from DH1 ^^
The story also have a proper ending that I’m already satisfied with. I can tell you that every character alive at the end will have a ending. I’ve planned an ending in 3 entire episodes in order to show you everything. The only thing I can tell you is that Destiny will be 30 in the finale.
Now, remember when I say that I write before sleeping ? Then, picture what EA is doing with the sims (aka. their milk cow) ... I’m doing the same with DH lately, thinking about specific scenes I’d like to see but more ... Spin-off and AU >< I just thought about the spin-off yesterday and it could be something I might do. It would be totally different from DH but with one of it character as a main (title : Aïssa in the city -first draw at least) and the AU would be a kind of hunger games thing but not sure about that though ...
22/choose a favourite character from your story so far
Aaaaah !!! I can’t choose between my babies >< I guess I’ll say Destiny, Leïla and Renji because they’re the main trio of this all story after all.
Destiny because she’s my special baby but also because she’s everything I’d like to see in a TV show/movie more oftenly. I’m trying my best to give her more depth so she doesn’t just seems like “the hero” of the show.
Leïla is more personnal to me as we both share the same taste, we both have algerian roots, we both are witches, we both learnt trauma ... Yeah, we share a lot ...
Renji is also personnal but in a different way as he illustrates my dark thoughts and share them as well. He’s also my little special one with what happened to him :/ But Renji will be back (when ????) don’t worry ^^
Hope these answer are full of the infos you wanted ^^ Don’t hesitate to ask me more ! Thanks again for these ask my friend !
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