#i'm on s4e11 now
cinematicnomad · 3 months
i've been doing a deep cleaning of my apt today while watching mad men s4 so this has been a pretty successful day tbh.
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aromacaque · 18 days
Quick S5 Analysis and Theory
I cannot stop thinking about the way Wukong reacts to Macaque when he goes "oh no 'gee thanks for saving me macaque!...'" cause if this were before the S5E2, he would have snapped back at him, like he always does.
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We know Macaque does this solely to rile Wukong up. It's how we're introduced to his character in S1E9 and he does it throughout the series. This is why he did it here too (or at least partially), BUT WUKONG DOESN'T TAKE THE BAIT THIS TIME.
While he's obviously still reeling from seeing the memory of their fight he was forced to watch,
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you can still see that, for a split second, Wukong almost does snap back, but he instantly rethinks that and decides to be passive
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Macaque, again, pokes at him trying to get a reaction, but this time Wukong doesn't even think about snapping back. He simply responds casually/lightly (before then realizing that MK is in danger)
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This tells us possibly two really important things
Macaque sacrificing himself in S5E2 was a turning point for Wukong's perception of him. An increase in personal trust/faith/etc.
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2. Seeing the memory of their fight made him rethink his behavior toward Macaque
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For the rest of the season, they don't get a lot of moments because of, well, Everything, but we see Wukong is not only more willing to show concern for his wellbeing, but also seems to be more open/emotionally vulnerable in front of him than before (in little moments, anyway).
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Granted that has been building up since S4E11, arguably before that but I'm not going to deep dive analyze season 3. He's being more communicative with Macaque in S5E1 about MK too. In other words, not completely shutting him out or pushing him away, which seems like their natural progression from S4E11 as well.
All of that being said, this brings me to The Scene. Which I am completely normal about because there's so much to unpack about it and I am so normal about that. Evidently.
First of all, they wanted to hold hands during their final moments. MK and Macaque are the two most important people in Wukong's life, I feel like that speaks for itself.
BUT it's Wukong who reaches out here.
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This is Wukong's first major attempt to bridge the gap between them, at least in such a direct way. In my opinion, it's almost a wordless forgiveness on top of acknowledging how Macaque has changed and improved himself, as well as his reciprocation of that behavior. He wants to fix their relationship too, just as he has seen Macaque willing to do the same.
This moment being interrupted was actually a good thing. It's a good visual reminder that, despite them both wanting to reconcile, they aren't Quite there yet. There's still a lot left unsaid between these two, most importantly Macaque's death. (I'LL GET TO THAT. HOLD THAT IN YOUR BRAIN)
For macaque, this moment has another important meaning.
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In S2E7 we are introduced to this shot of Wukong on a pedestal over Macaque, turning his back on him and abandoning him. This is firmly established in that episode as one of the main reasons Macaque resents Wukong.
He is also portrayed as above him, subsequently nodding at Macaque feeling inferior to him.
In S4E11, we actually watch how this dynamic destroys their friendship. It is a MAJOR reason for their falling out. Macaque feels neglected, overlooked, ignored. Promises are broken and trust is lost. To him, Wukong is selfish, self-righteous, egotistical, uncaring, etc.
Obviously we as the audience are aware Macaque has a rather skewed perception of Wukong that seems to be influenced by his projection of his own insecurities, but that is a whole other analysis for a different time.
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In S5E10, this shot is paralleled. Visually demonstrating that Wukong isn't forgetting about him this time. He looks for him. Macaque is being considered in a way he had previously believed was lacking in their friendship.
Not only that, but they are on level ground. Balanced and equal.
Macaque is reluctant to reach back out. His trust in Wukong is practically non-existent, has been for a while (understandably), so it's a little hard for him, but he reciprocates because, like Wukong, he's acknowledging that he has changed. He wants to try to fix this too.
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They know they both want to fix things
They can see and have acknowledged changes in their behavior on both sides
Wukong seems to be less prone to arguing back, which will most likely make Macaque less likely to try and provoke him. All in all, they will be more civil with each other and most likely argue much less.
They are being held back by things left unsaid.
The obvious is they need to address Macaque's death. If they don't do it in this season it's bad writing and they are dragging it out for too long. It's the obvious natural progression here.
This is where they will have an actual, long overdue constructive conversation. It is literally singlehandedly the only thing preventing them from reconciling at this point.
Now, the problem, is how this would happen. Because we all know neither of them are going to randomly apologize out of nowhere. It's gonna take something to push them into that direction. And that should be how it happens otherwise it'd most likely feel forced in the script.
I'm not going to get into the nitty-gritty details of this particular theory, but just know that I am a firm believer in the "Macaque was consumed by his own powers and that's what killed him" theory. I do think Wukong played a substantial role in his death, enough for Macaque to reasonably believe Wukong killed him, but ultimately it was less Wukong directly killing him and more indirectly causing it and not saving him.
That being said, Wukong and Macaque's relationship is a major subplot in this show with a considerable amount of focus. They have been slowly building to their inevitable mending relationship since Macaque's first episode, which means that they're going to want to reach that climax in a pivotal emotional moment. Not a random conversation smacked into an episode.
And what is going to be plot-relevant next season??
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S5 built up to Macaque being an established member of the group
(Also the VO here being "change can be terrifying" is absolutely foreshadowing to some degree)
Now, there's also something else I need to address. Macaque has gone out of his way 3 separate times, 4 if you count the LBD fight, to save Wukong. On the other hand, Wukong obviously cares about Macaque, but ultimately hasn't had many opportunities or reasons to try to save him specifically.
With all of those details in mind, I think Wukong will need to take direct action by either saving him/protecting him/etc. because I think it would be a high-stakes moment that inevitably kickstarts an apology/conversation between them. Maybe it's something that reminds Wukong of their fight or that macaque can die (hence the chaos powers potentially harming Macaque in some manner or maybe a potential difficulty controlling them reminds Wukong of their fight, something along these lines).
Why this route?
Macaque has regained Wukong's trust. He basically says as much in S5E2. And while it's fairly obvious with Macaque's behavior and choices that he has learned from his past mistakes and is working on his faults, he definitely needs to acknowledge his wrongdoings. However, I think that would naturally happen during any conversation they may have (or the aftermath) regarding his death and their feelings.
That leaves Wukong because he made a promise to Macaque that they’d spend eternity together and that he would protect him and their home. A promise he broke multiple times and has not made up for yet. He needs to mend that and make it right to solidly regain Macaque's trust in order to reconcile.
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Christmas Episodes
Usually I'd make a page for this on my tumblr site through the browser for this but this way I can access it through mobile a little easier.
I don't feel like making a whole list now so I'm literally just listing and adding whenever I feel like it
Adventure Time
American Horror Story
Big City Greens
Shortsmas (holiday special premiered during S3)
Codename: Kids Next Door
Danny Phantom
Doctor Who
Hailey's On It!
How I Met Your Mother
Kim Possible
Schitt's Creek
Summer Camp Island
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S4E11: Season 4 is over!!!!!
I should have put out more candles. Whyyyyy. This is so not cute of you, Cloverworks!!!!
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Also, my brother sent me this message today pretty much unprompted. And he was right, unfortunately orz
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"No McMillan too."
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It's them!! AND THEY SPEAK GERMAN!!!!!
And I think it's perfectly fine?? I could understand it well, and the wording/grammar was perfect. The "hunt is more fun..." bit was the only part I very slightly struggled with but hey, they are in Bavaria. They speak German very differently down there than what I'm used to.
Anyway, I hope this continues, and we get more actually spoken German next season. That would be so much fun. It would also solve the little mystery of my second favourite panel of the entire manga. (Cloverworks can't rob me of that one at least, I hope.) Right now, the panel below is perfectly stupid because "Halt" and "Stop" is "Halt" and "Stopp" in German with virtually no difference in pronunciation.
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My little theory is that Wolfram actually said "Stehengeblieben!!" (stand still) or so, even if it's the wordiest choice of them all.
But first, they need to actually announce Season 5 orz. Because they haven't done that yet!!! I fear they're making us wait until Anime Expo or something.
On another note, the girl is dead. Rip, again. But with a glow-up this time.
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Also, I'm not sure but doesn't her name on the locket look a bit odd??
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The o/a looks a bit mangled (and it's attached to the u very weirdly), like a messed-up little heart.
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It did not look like that in BoC btw; the ou looks perfectly normal there.
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Cloudia? Claudia? No, Cl♡udia.
I might need to go to sleep. Yes...
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s4e11 family reunions
DEAN And what am I running from?
SAM From what you told me. Or are we pretending that never happened?
you fucking tell him, sam.
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i'm not sure what i know her from really, she's been in a lot of things. could be old old supergirl, or even her uncredited role in a seinfeld episode because those have all been seared into my brain. maybe city slickers!!
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seinfeld s3e19 the good samaritan - helen slater as becky gelke (uncredited)
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helen slater in city slickers (1991) and supergirl (1984)
and me just realizing in my head city slickers and when harry met sally take place in the same universe because of billy crystal and the dude the with mustache are in both.
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the magicians s2e1 knight of crowns - karin konoval as the kitchen witch
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i did not watch this season because it was post-the Very Bad Thing involving quentin coldwater, but they in fact DID NOTHING with the candy (kitchen) witch. NOTHING HAPPENED. she had quentin's blood. no nothing. the end. fuck you. *bitterness intensifies* maybe that was their little joke. i've let go a lot of my feelings about sera and how she was involved with the magicians fuck up, it sure seems like a lot of it is on the other showrunner john mcnamara (and honestly realizing how young she was when she started writing on spn had something to do with it, hell she's younger than i am), but she was involved and things like this get my back up all over again. deep breaths.
okay karin konoval has also been in 3 episodes of the xfiles - two iconic ones and one.. i don't remember at all.
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the xfiles s3e4 clyde bruckman's final repose / s4e2 home (it was her 😩)
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the xfiles s11e3 (2018) plus one
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me: that looks like the 13 reasons why kid, but i bet it isn't, i would have noticed when i looked up the rest of the cast. oh. it is.
for something i actually enjoyed (the docudrama about elizabeth holmes, it's really well done),
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the dropout (2022) s1e6 iron sisters - dylan minnette as tyler shulz
why are we getting to know this family and their issues. emotional music swelling, what are we doing on a farm, talking about zucchini.
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this, i think, was a much better spooky implementation of climbing inside the walls vs that episode with jo.
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now this feels like an actual homage that landed for the x-files home episode. nice little circle getting one of the actors from it too.
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doesn't dean already carry enough guilt, did they really need to put 10 years of enjoying torturing souls on top of it. edgelord shit.
sometimes media crosses this line with me where i feel like it's emotional manipulation and i get pissy. like if a show is engineered to make you cry a minimum once an episode (looking at you this is us), it really puts me off and i'll lose interest. in this case, i'm heavily invested in the characters, but the angst despair anxiety etc.. at some point, i get mad about it. walking a fine line right now.
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starry-mist · 8 months
S4e11 thoughts:
I can appreciate what the episode is trying to do. It's a very obvious homage to James Bond. I just feel like it tries too hard.
We have Bond (Charlie), Bond Girl (Trina), Moneypenny (Sarah), Q (Jesse), M (Joe), and an actual character named M who gets the very obvious line about MI-6 just in case the audience has somehow missed that THIS IS JUST A JAMES BOND STORY DONE HUDSON & REX STYLE.
Of all the places they could have chosen, they went with Hamilton? Seriously? I would have gone with Toronto. I know the whole trick was to have Rex jump through the O in the Hamilton sign, but I can confirm that Toronto has one of those two, with three O options...maybe a triple jump?
However, as I'm writing this, I'm remembering that they actually didn't film all that many scenes in Hamilton itself. The interior shots (both the Hall of Heroes and the fancy restaurant) were both filmed at The Rooms in St. John's. The absence of Toronto's recognizable skyline would have been pretty obvious with those huge windows. Hamilton's scenery isn't all that distinctive, and parts of it could resemble St. John's if you squint (hilly in some areas, and close to a large body of water.)
Charlie and Sarah in fancy dress but in separate places is a crime. I said what I said.
The introduction of Michael worked in this episode, the "she's not just that into you" vibes did not. It was a little too quick to hit that so hard. But given Andrew Bushell likely had limited availability, I'll chalk it up to them needing to move that story along within the time they had him.
Also the very obvious Sarah hiding Michael from the team... *cough* Charlie *cough*...it becomes even more obvious in episode 12, but anyway. Has apparently met her other friends, but she hasn't told her parents about him, and he's yet to meet the coworkers who are basically family...this was when I started to think our lovely Plot Device was toast.
When Joe asks Jesse about the report on the Iris Cross case, I feel the tiniest tease of season continuity, and I'm totally imagining that Jesse and Sarah share a quick glance and headcanoning that they covered for Charlie after that case and just go with it, okay?
Also, Joe. Quit shitting on Jesse. We're supposed to have passed that phase.
Trina. Your flirting skills suck.
(Charlie, so do yours.)
Look, irritating as I found it at the time, I am not going to begrudge Charlie a little fling, nor will I hold it against Sarah to be stepping into the dating world. These two have each been (presumably) single for a while. They deserve a little action. (Obviously I'd have preferred that action to be with each other, but...for now, let them have their fun.)
I expected Michael to be taller, blonder, and with just a hint of scruff. But seriously, track the development of his facial hair over his few appearances. There's a definite Charlie-esque trajectory.
I had always fixated on there being some sort of reason why the camera panned down to Sarah's phone as she puts it in her purse, but I could never figure out why it was important. Tonight I finally realized it's because she was checking for a message from Charlie. Duh.
To this day I can’t watch the scene where Charlie “pumps Rex’s stomach.” Cool that Sherri Davis is there, though, maybe to keep Diesel comfortable?
The contrast between Charlie losing his shit, and Rex basically being like “quit it, dumbass, I saved the day," as he casually trots back in after the bomb goes off amuses me.
And finally, on the subject of the awkward mess that is that ending kiss with Trina...Rex is judging you, Charlie. That whine says it all.
I'm still trying to manifest a "Charlie actually got Trina pregnant, then she turns up dead and he finds out he has a kid and oooh drama" storyline, but I feel like this isn't that kind of show. Might work in a fic someday though.
Anyway, I guess the episodes I like less somehow get the novel-length posts...Objectively, this is actually a pretty good episode, it just doesn't do it for me.
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foreignobjecticus · 5 years
All I could think about while it was happening tho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRi3zy3Ndjc
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blairsanne · 2 years
DFP Actors August: Simon Prast
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NZ actors tend to end up in a lot of the same shows over the years it seems. I have a lot of fun spotting familiar faces, so I thought this would be a fun and silly little project, seeing which actors have repeatedly been in things that Deano was also in (not necessarily alongside). Just a bit of trivia. Enjoy!
Shortland Street (1996/1995-1996)
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Dean played Nurse Harry Martin in 1996. Simon played Nurse Paul Churchill in 1995-1996.
Once again I don't have any stills of the other person on Shortland Street. Ugh, sorry. If anyone has any I'll update this!
Xena: Warrior Princess (1996,2000/1995)
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Dean played two roles: Homer/Orion - S1E13 “Athens City Academy of the Performing Bards” Wiglaf - S6E9 “Return of the Valkyrie”
Simon played Nemos - S1E4 "Cradle of Hope"
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys (1995-1998/1995-1996)
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Dean played a few different characters on this show: Iloran - S1E12 “The Gauntlet” Young Iolaus - S4E3 “Regrets… I’ve Had a Few”, S4E11 “Medea Culpa” and S4E20 “Twilight”. Ruun - S4E7 “Prodigal Sister”
Simon played two roles: First Soldier - S2E3 "What's in a Name?" Patronius - S2E21 "The Wedding of Alcmene"
When Love Comes (1998)
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Dean played Mark, a young man who is mixed up with some people who don't take very good care of him, doing what he needs to get by. He also writes poetry/lyrics. Simon played Stephen, Mark's (slightly older) lover. Their relationship is complicated but ultimately seems to be on a healthier track by the end of the movie.
Ahh, I felt weirdly nostalgic pulling stills for this one. I think I need to rewatch it soon. They're both so young!
Serial Killers (2004)
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Dean played Andrew, the actor for "Dr. Gilligan" on the in-universe soap opera ‘Heart of Hearts’ in all 7 episodes. Simon played Patrick, the actor for "Dr. Harrington" on the in-universe soap opera 'Heart of Hearts' in all 7 episodes.
These two are both hilarious on this show.
Go Girls (2009/2010-2011)
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Dean plays Marco in 2 episodes, S1E2 & S1E11. Simon played Jeffrey Duff in 10 episodes, S2E3-S3E4.
Hillary (2016)
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Dean played George Lowe (in all 6 episodes). Simon played "Society Chairman" in episode 2 "Louise".
The Brokenwood Mysteries (2018/2022)
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Dean played Barnaby Buchanan in S5E4 "The Dark Angel". Simon played Gordon Godley in S8E1 "From the Cradle to the Grave" (the same episode Joel Tobeck is in!).
Both of their episodes were written by Tim Balme!
Under the Vines (2022)
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Dean played Griffin in 5 out of the 6 episodes in S1. Simon played Rupert Shaw in episode 6.
If I am remembering correctly, Rupert comes to the vineyard after giving it a glowing review because of some arm twisting from Griffin...?
"The other Simon". I gotta say Simon Mead was originally "the other Simon" to me but now I'm not sure, haha.
That's all I have on these two - did I miss anything?
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jetlaggingbehind · 3 years
Whooo I really am writing that bulleted list about mistholme s4e11 bc owie! under the cut:
Throughout this I'm going to continue to call guide guide even if that's not technically its name, mostly cause it proved too confusing for me to keep track of after a while, ill probably get used to it eventually tho
Starting off easy with the interdepartmental turmoil lol
Retrieval bro why u gotta be so rude
'does the guide get a vote' I MEAN YOU'D THINK SO AFTER ALL THIS TIME LMAO
The wish engine is just so wild man though I do think what you wish for and what you get will be very different, especially when you consider what it did when asked to not exist
Research's resentment is palpable D:
Side note I like her va's voice it is very nice :)
what I wouldn't give for a qna episode during a season break with all the vas
The museum is really struggling to keep itself together after everything nowadays, u gotta wonder what it's like for the patrons lol
Tbh this was such a plot heavy episode but it didn't feel full of exposition, which is great
Lmao ma'am did you forget abt the recording you requested??
Idk if we already knew that restoration is called diana, but either way neat!
Damn it retrieval you've jinxed it
Here we start the emotional damage :'(
Beast kinda forgot abt its curator story and I didn't notice until I relistened 😫
The guide puts so much trust in beast and it hurts me so much that it's misplaced get guide some more non abusive friends 2022
the voice actingggggg u can hear guides fear it's so aghhhhh
'Won't be happening anytime soon' AAAAAA???????
He broke out the villain speech O_o
(though I have to say that switching TMWTV's gender was a genius move in making me be completely blindsided by this reveal bc I hadn't even considered him a possibility..... dang it's just so smart)
also im so angy that we started off w an antagonistic character, thought it had some good in it, then it turns out it actually was antagonistic... emotional turmoil :’(
Stares at the beast backstory episode that is now also a TMWTV backstory episode
*flashbacks to hello jon apologies for the deception*
(was it a reference? It would make me laugh through the pain it it actually was)
It's completely loyal to TMWTV..... it knows what it's doing is wrong and is still doing it???
me, sobbing: beast you absolute bitch we all trusted you we thought you were cool
(probably it was in shock understandable tbh)
End notes:
obviously this bodes terribly for the museum– beast literally having guide under its complete control is absolutely horrible, which gets worse when you consider how much information guide holds since it straight up knows restorations and eagles names for starters. adding in how its only just become considered anything close to a colleague/friend to the triple r departments, this whole situation is gonna give it even more trust issues
both plots were built on heavily, on one hand narrative wise this was a phenomenal episode, on the other hand me very sad D':
also this season is spelling 'IRRESOLUTIO', presumably irresolution. foreboding 😬
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nyssavex · 7 years
i love lexie grey
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baroldspaghet · 3 years
I wish they'd known Scorpion was being canceled so they could have ended the story at S4E11. I've decided to stop now because everything feels wrapped up in a bow very nicely at the moment and I'm told the real ending sucks.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e7 bad boys (w. adam glass)
trying to piece together the logic of dean's story here.
DEAN We, uh – we crashed at the, uh ... the bungalow colony with the ping-pong table? SAM Yeah. Uh, y-you disappeared. Dad came back. You were gone. He shipped me off to Bobby's for a couple months and went and … found you. You were lost on a hunt or something. DEAN THAT'S what we told you. Right. SAM I'm sorry? That's what you told me? DEAN Truth is, uh… I lost the food money that Dad left for us in a card game. I knew you'd get hungry, so ... I tried taking the five-finger discount at the local market and got busted. I wasn't on a hunt. They sent me to a boys' home.
trying to wrap my head around sequence of events. lost food money (but they presumably had some food where they were staying) and dean called dad's cell after getting arrested? and if dean was 16 then this was 1995 so within the realm of possibility i guess
SAM A boys' home, like a … reform school? DEAN Yeah, more or less. It was a farm, and the guy who ran it – Sonny – he, uh, you know, he looked after me.
spent far too long reading on wikipedia to even understand what a reform school might even be these days. if it was like, juvie.. via like, the juvenile courts.. but boys homes i think are generally private things you have to pay for? and i dunno the overall gist but religious seems common. also dear internet, i'm not looking up boys homes to send my actual children away :S
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how is sam not hounding him about acting so weird? and the zeke thing. come on now.
SAM Hey, Dean ... I mean, why didn't you just tell me you went to a boys' home? DEAN I don't know. Uh, it was Dad's idea. And then it just – you know, the story became the story. I was 16.
blegh. someone else could spin out how things might have changed, or not changed, if sam knew as a kid. protect sammy from the truth
SAM You were here for two months and Dad couldn't find you? DEAN Oh, no. He found me. He found me quick. But he left me here 'cause I lost our money.
again sounding more like juvie than whatever this reform school farm situation is
SAM You were 16. You made a mistake. DEAN Yeah. I made the mistake. Look, I know how you think. None of this was Dad's fault.
uh huh. totally appropriate discipline for the mistake 😒
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hey she's back! she was in the spn homage to the xfiles home episode, and was in the xfiles home episode (and 2 others)! and the magicians she was the candy witch who took Q's blood (which never turned into anything despite sera gamble tweeting that it would be resolved in the finale 🤪 but cheekily stated such that you can say so they planned it never to go anywhere, great. you got us)
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supernatural s4e11 family remains - karin konoval as mrs. curry
i know a lot of people are in multiple episodes, but if i don't notice it myself i don't bother mentioning it
DEPUTY BILLY Steven Hewlett caught him red-handed stealing up at his store. SONNY So what'd he take? DEPUTY BILLY Get this – peanut butter and bread.
the raging assholeitude of getting a 16 year old arrested for stealing a couple dollars worth of basic food. that it could be considered an offense even capable of being arrested for.
SONNY Okay. And how about family? DEPUTY BILLY Well, his old man called. Once he found out what happened, he said let him rot in jail. Judge is off on a fishing trip. Boy's too young to leave in County. So we thought it best he stay here till arraignment.
thanks for clearing up those logistics after i spent far too long trying to consider how this went down (my problem/fault).
YOUNG DEAN So, what is this place, anyway? SONNY It's for boys like you. You work the land. Teaches you some discipline and responsibility. Keep you out of trouble.
will do my best to stop thinking about the logic (or lack of) and go with it
YOUNG DEAN That's lame. SONNY Beats jail. Come on. I'll fix you something to eat.
trying to ignore the thought in my head that this is the most parenting he'll have been on the receiving end of in years
this show likes to swing from one extreme to another with the people playing the kids. first 18 year old dean here (who looks like he's in his 20s) with ~supposed~ 14 year old sam and now this kiddo playing dean is 18 but looks quite young and is.. 5'6.5". was looking at his imdb pictures at from about a boy (so he's next to sam) lol
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s4e13 after school special brock kelly as young dean and colin ford as young sam / s10e12 about a boy - dylan everett as young dean
i ranted at length and provided cdc growth charts about the improbability of 6'4" sam winchester being that small at 14
from the wiki! Dylan Everett, who plays Young Dean in this episode, also plays Young Dean in 10.12 About A Boy (however, in that episode Dean is 14 and not 16) and in 11.08 Just My Imagination (where "Young Dean" is 13)
13 is slightly more reasonable lol oh but it gets even better
Originally Dean was written as 14, but upon seeing Dylan Everett on screen, the crew decided he looked older, and used ADR to change the age to 16 in post-production.
that's hilarious. they really should have stuck with 14. also the bed that dean supposedly slept in looked like a toddler size bed.
jesus fucking christ i meant to keep my trap shut during this episode. failed spectacularly
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🥲it's fine
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damnit wasn't prepared for an episode that was gonna make me cry
DEAN Let's try that again. If you're gonna be a man, you got to learn how to shake like one, okay?
i get what they were doing but 😒
YOUNG DEAN I meant for getting the charges against me dropped. SONNY Well, being hungry's not a crime. It's the stealing that is. But I feel if you only do that once, you don't deserve a record. And seeing as how we can't find your pops anywhere, you can stay here as long as you want, Dean. You're doing good in school. You're making friends. You made the wrestling team. I'm proud of you.
oh jesus. so he'll have to walk away from this like. loving, supportive place. to be with john and sam.
SONNY That story have anything to do with why you put the salt in front of your bunk door every night before bed? YOUNG DEAN Well, it's a family thing, so I can't really talk about it. SONNY Same family that left you here?
so he was there over a month after the charges had dropped because john wanted to teach him a lesson i guess. thanks for more reasons to be mad at john winchester. except the intended punishment ended up being more like a luxury vacation with a caring parental figure
i couldn't deal with that horribly awkward interaction with the lady who didn't remember dean, i had to skip it
is this the same farm as the time traveling to the 70s with mary etc
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spn s9e7 bad boys / s4e3 in the beginning
the trees combined with the field behind was like ding ding familiar. double checked on the wiki of the map of known filming locations for both episodes because i don't trust myself
it's late and i'm only halfway through this. adjourned until tomorrow
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