#i'm not paying a subscription to play a game i already have lol
it's so dumb how you can't play PS3 games on the PS4/PS5 if you already have the disc BUT if you subscribe to PS Plus Premium, you can "stream them" 🙄
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otomiyaa · 10 months
Profile Tag Game 💕
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Hello - Lol hi I'm Ginny and this is a fun something I was about to do on my previous blog, and I remembered it! So I decided to still do it here. It's a random self introduction based on genshin impact character profiles! Maybe even a better fit for me to do it on this new account.
Chat: Tickling - I may have said this before, but I am a very bad tickler. In fact, I can barely remember tickling anyone properly so far in my life. I've done some quick pokes and scribbles, but I just can't go much further than that. Everything I wrote in my fics and hcs is just pure creativity and imagination. Not experience.
When It Rains - I get all cozy when I'm indoors and it's raining, like right now! But when I have to go out, it can make me frown and whine a lot.
When It Snows - I hope I don't fall down... I've got quite a number of experiences already, of slipping and falling in the snow.
Good Night - It's almost 1 AM. I should probably go to sleep. Ah, I'm too wide awake at night these days. And too tired during mornings hahaha.
About Me: Language - I speak Dutch, English, and Japanese and in all languages I sometimes struggle with formality levels at work. Especially when Japanese people call me by my first name without 'san', I am like..!!!! It's always a challenge to find the perfect balance of not being too impolite, and not being too formal and distant. I get the feeling I worry more about language and formality aspects than others.
Something to Share: Subscriptions - I've actually got way too many subscriptions running - Cinema, Spotify, Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Nintendo Switch Online, and Just Dance+. I kinda pay too much for things I don't always need, but I do need them a little and can't get myself to cancel any, even when they shamelessly increase their prices. Does it make me a money disaster? Hm.
My Hobbies: Journaling - My friends and I all have bullet journals and working on those while chatting and listening to some music is one of the most calming and satisfying things in life for me.
My Troubles - Needing a new laptop so I can play games like The Sims and Honkai Star Rail, but my current laptop isn't so old yet. Also, the Taylor Swift store doesn't ship to the Netherlands, I cry.
Favorite Food - Sushi, bibimbab, spaghetti with meatballs.
Least Favorite Food - Cheese.
About @ticklygiggles - On June 16, 2016, Mia sent me a message on Tumblr, starting a conversation. I messaged her back, and from that moment on we just... talked daily, grew closer and closer, watched anime together, wrote fics together, called and sent voice messages, and last month for the first time we FINALLY were able to play genshin together (Mia made a new acc because we weren't on the same server, huhu dedication girl). We did the Heart Island thing in Mia's world.
About @ragewerthers - We talked about it recently but our friendship started so smoothly and sudden. I was reminded it was because of Ragewerthers getting randomly shadowbanned on Tumblr, as well as our mutual interest in the soccer anime Days, Final Fantasy XV and Minecraft.
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Tagging some fellow genshin fans @ticklygiggles @wertzunge @lovelynim @shy-lee-chu @eliankrios @xsezzie @kusuguricafe @fuckparty and ofc anyone else who would like to do it:) Feel free to add more / use other lines or do literal voice-overs! I'll stick to just text hehe.
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 8 months
y'know im about to go feral on how EVERYTHING is under subscriptions. want this viddy game to run better??? get *insert viddy company name here or or viddy game title here* plus or extra or up your plan to get access to EXTRAS!!
bc the other day, i was making a list of all the different games i might download on my xbox in the future. fallout 76, which has fallout 1st.... which is a $22.99 per a month or $179 a year subscription, just to get better skins etc in the game. i want to download trivial pursuit for me and my dad. but xbox and ubisoft keep recommending "get ubisoft+" which is ANOTHER subscription service through ubisoft. another like $25 a month. like given it could be worth it for me if i got into assassins creed on a bigger level than casual. get EA play to get exclusive sims content!! for ANOTHER $6.99 a month. get xbox games pass (which i have) for $18.95 a month!!! and to be fair, i get EA play for free through xbox game pass. but still.
for example, the other day i updated my nintendo online sub account to the extras pack or whatever.... all bc i wanted to look at the gameboy advance online thing...... but instead of letting me look at it and play super mario world 2 on it on my NORMAL SUBSCRIPTION (which i already had access to on nintendo online snes/game cube or whatever.... and plus i though the GBA platform would have more games than it did (like 10 games but i thought it'd have like 50 or something) i had to change my subscription to the nintendo online plus extras pack for GBA online. but that subscription, was $41.95 this year bc i bought it on sale,... however, next year it'll be $60. like at least its $60 a year and not a month. but i'm still pissed off. i should've been able to get access to this for the $30 a year i was already paying!!! and for a measly 10 games not the like 50 games on the game cube/snes online game offerings.
just. im so sick and tired of EVERY company demanding customers to pay a monthly or yearly subscription for access or extras or for something to run better. who the fuck is made of enough money to afford fallout 1st??? ubisoft+??? like dgmw, i get it if you're SUPER into any of these games. like it's worth $22.99 a month to access extras across the library of ubisoft+ if you're a hella fan of assassin's creed or their other games (ie trivial pursuit). or $6.99 for EA play for the love of sims or every single sports game ever.
just i guess it's burn out maybe that EVERYONE wants your money. a section of your wallet continuously until you cancel. i have to subscribe to my area's local newspaper for $179 a year. i subscribed to an app by the adf (australian defence force) to do job aptitude tests (im ignoring it tbh lol). i subscribe to the NYTs games app for $2.99 a month. i WAS paying $15 a month (but now it's closer to $20) for scribd, which is now everand, for audiobooks. for better use of my xbox, i subscribe to xbox games pass, as i said earlier, for $18.95 a month. and from next year, i'll pay $60 a year for nintendo online (unless i drop down back to the cheaper option to get rid of GBA online). i subscribe for $100 a year to microsoft for the essential apps of microsoft word/powerpoint etc. i pay $100 a year for norton antivirus on my windows laptop that i barely use now.
there's adhd apps that I keep getting recommended on fb that are like $150 a year or something. astrology app subscriptions (that i'll NEVER buy) that are like $15 a month.... as examples of apps that i won't use, but I get suggested all the time on social media. once i get a job, i'll be constantly asked about what tv streaming apps im subbed to as well (none). WHY does EVERYONE want my fucking money???? i am so sick to death of subscriptions.
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maddiem4 · 2 months
I almost put this in the tags of another post, but I didn't want to derail it. I'm sure this isn't a new observation, but there's an interesting thing to notice about the social utility of generative AI (particularly, to whom) entangled with the conservative creative plight.
Let's start there, actually. Conservative art is in kind of a dire state. A particular piece might be well executed in a technical sense, or resonant to the audience, or motivated by the artist's personal feelings, but stuff that checks all three boxes is really rare. And I make that sound like a high bar, but there's a cornucopia of leftist art (much of it published for free) fitting the bill. Those goals aren't arbitrary either, they're the bare minimum recipe for art as conceptualized as a conversation between artist and audience.
(The reason why conservative art fails those criteria is actually not necessary to my larger point today, and could be a giant tangent on its own, so I'm going to lazily handwave it as "something something passion and empathy" right now, and save a deeper version for another day)
The most successful conservative art is the kind that sacrifices the third pillar. The artist is often a blurry picture far behind the medium at the best of times. So if you're a conservative and you want to publish good, audience-resonant art, you find someone from the (predominantly leftist) pool of people who have the talent but need money, and you pay them to make the art. From the artist's perspective, it might not be the most dignified job, but it puts food in your belly at least.
Enter: generative AI. An impressive tool, the platonic ideal of which is morally neutral, but presently viable forms of which are morally complex at best. It ingests as much publicly available human creativity as it can, and remixes that labor according to prompts.
Here's where I finally get to the bloody point after a mile of exposition. The promise is not just to allow the creation of art at a cheaper price than human artists, though that's true. It also enables conservatives to sidestep the distaste of employing their political opponents. Conservatives love art but hate most artists. Ask your Republican grandpa how he feels about people who go to art school. Fascists love for art to be the starving kind of career.
Now, the tool is usually presented in neutral language. It's about letting anybody make anything. But AI companies do want to get paid, some of them are subscription based already (like Midjourney), and even stuff that's currently free is obviously pitched to its VC investors (who are paying big bucks for the expensive expertise and hosting) as eventually being a product that will charge the client. And the training data is mostly stuff presented for the free access of the public. So take a second to look through a political demographic lens here and ask yourself: who does this product exist to empower? It's people with capital, right? And whose labor was it built on the back of? A mix, but leaning anti-capitalist, right?
I think it's important to say, I don't necessarily ascribe this intent to AI companies. I don't think there's some conscious class warfare plot, nor does there need to be. If you want to get paid, for making an art machine, based on the only competitive financial model for compensating human artists ("just don't lol"), you will reinvent the class warfare machine from first principles.
And you see it. Like in the clearly AI picture of an American soldier returning home to his cishet nuclear family in the suburbs in the 1950s, and... it's supposed to be an American soldier uniform, but there's a lot of subtle nuances about the design that look more like the uniforms in communist propaganda posters. Which won't be noticed by the audience of credulous Facebook boomers it was made and posted for, of course, they'll just see the "I want to go back to THIS America" caption and hit Like. Well if you want to play that game, I remember when making this kind of art usually entailed paying a gay guy or scraggly cat lady to break out pencils and paint, and it would get them by for another month. Can we go back to that America? Or is nostalgia just the spoonful of sugar fascists use to make the violently enforced patriarchy go down smooth?
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terras-diary · 9 months
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reading: vampire hunter d v.1 + from far away
watching: nothing
playing: final fantasy 14
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i beat the msq of stormblood so now i'll work on the post game. i think i'm going to try something different. before, i did all the extra sidequests before doing the post game, but i'll do the story first this time. i don't think i'll pay for a subscription, i'm kind of getting tired of it. 330 hours in.... lol
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also.... i'm kind of really bummed. i know i said i was interested in the open position at work once i learned the ewp had been adjusted. well... the department head (my old supervisor) asked me to be on the hiring committee for it. if you are on the hiring committee, then you can't apply. welp. uh. okie dokie. i think that's her way of telling me she doesn't want me in the position. guess it will go to one of the other two people that want it. i didn't think to ask who else was on the committee. she said i'd have helpful expertise to serve the committee, but i guess not enough expertise for the job. oh well.
i just accepted because like you shouldn't work where you aren't wanted. i'm trying to be positive. i work one day at home, and i don't really know if that job will be able to. it probably will but like.... i'm delusional so.... and my job isn't bad. i actually kind of like it. and it's easy.
just let me get my degree and move on from here. working your first job at the same place you got your degree, i already feel like i've been here for a decade. it's because i almost have. four years of being a student + one year of working.
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💙 Tues 5 Jan ‘21 💚
Is today's biggest story really a pair of socks I mean WHY NOT am I right, that may as well happen! With impeccable timing, as the fandom and the world went bananas about Ho-livia WildStyle (a drag queen name for the ages right there), the first of the limited edition TPWK socks that people ordered basically on blind faith (you fully couldn't tell what they were going to look like at all on the website, and now we know why lmao) have arrived with a bang: they seemed to come with either blue or pink hearts, but in fact it turns out you get one of two color combos, either pink and white or, uh: BLUE AND GREEN HEARTS. I'm not one to carry on about like jeans and a green shirt or what have you but this is a CHOICE, and if the antis don't have performative burnings of their evil larrie merch honestly WHAT is the POINT; the resale market of the limited edition socks is already booming though so there's always that option, if either side can bear to conduct business across the divide. My question is, did they really time it to play out this precisely on purpose? Unlikely tbh, but if that's a thing they're capable of I have some THOUGHTS about the way other Harry merch takes like 4 months to arrive...
Larrie socks aside however, the real discourse continues to be about you-know-what, with the players out there fanning the flames wildly. There's too much nonsense to bother with it all (the quoted sources in the articles directly contradicting each other's stories also makes it difficult) so let's just... *spins wheel*....okay I landed on 'tabloids say Harry's wedding speech talked about his girlfriend Olivia' here goes. Sjksdfjks WHY would you be talking about your girlfriend of three weeks in a speech for your close friends' wedding, OMG, how uncomfortable and inappropriate is that?? Imagine if any of this were real, that Harry ('I'd take my time and make sure a thing was serious before telling people about it', end quote, I mean that's ALSO a stunt quote (oh the layers) but just pointing out that it's contradictory) starts dating his co-worker who just got out of a huge relationship and is also a famous person with presumably an interest in privacy, and immediately the two of you get to work setting up a big reveal to happen right away (even in a weird fantasy world where any of this is real the possibility that JEFF AZOFF'S WEDDING had the paps present for any other reason than to do EXACTLY what they were told is flat impossible- what pap or celeb outlet can afford to be on Jeff's bad list?!) and then he casually writes her into his speech (a guy who's so anxious and shy about public speaking and what to say that he begs people to write speeches for him and practices endlessly) uh huh, sure Jan. There are so many things about this that are ludicrous, but more to the point, none of the things they're saying hold up to scrutiny any better than this. There just isn't any point in taking them that seriously though; Harry is a closeted artist and, just like the many queer artists that came before him who he repeatedly reminds us are his icons, he both lets us know all day every day in a million ways that he's queer, and also plays the industry game and winkingly gives the press their Straight Guy Harry fodder. You don't have to like it, or indeed anything at all in this world, but people do need to accept that whether they like it or not is neither the point nor anyone (including Harry)'s responsibility to respond to or do anything about.
Like I said I can't cover every detail but! I always have a little space for the absurd: today, our best entrant is the possibility that the whole wedding we saw was a sham– fans ask, was this public spectacle Jeff and Glenne's actual wedding? Listen if anyone would be up for it it would be this crew, and if they did stage it I'm sure they had a good laugh! Suspicion has been cast on Glenne's dress (allegedly an untailored 2018 off the rack number), the small guest list (wouldn't they just wait and have a huge event?), and the fact that they invited paps there at all. It would make the no explanation robe pics EVEN FUNNIER though if you imagine that was for our benefit but left totally unadressed (undressed). ANYWAY Don't Worry Darling filming is back in business and Harry was papped some more today, out for a casual not at all pap walk hike with a work associate and multiple items of his own merch (including an unreleased hoodie design.) On the topic of DWD, sometimes a different perspective can be interesting-- for example considering whether Harry is the point of all this at all? Or is he but a bit player in the real DWD publicity drama, an elaborate and very public dramatic reconciliation between Olivia and her ex husband? Either way, he's neither a clueless dupe, a helpless pawn, or anyone's 'boy toy', so please: can we rein in the hand wringing and pointless Olivia bashing a bit?
Let's talk about something else shall we? For example! Liam's setlist, just released for the upcoming LP Show Act 4. Look at that song selection! Fireproof! Strong!! Through The Dark!! More exciting 1D faves! Plus Slow and Home With You off his EP, NICE, singles and more, it looks awesome. The Hugo Man fragrance relaunch is less exciting, featuring the dopiest possible articles full of chat about his skin care routine (oh shucks I'm just  manly man, I don't have one at all... *names two products and refers to 'multiple moisturizers'*), trademark accidental candor (“I’m quite tired!”), and of course trying to describe a fragrance, always an entertaining gymnastics (“every time I spray it, it kind of takes me back to being on that rooftop in Berlin”), but also there are manly new pics of Lia.
A new song Niall co-wrote is coming out! The JC Stewart song, Break My Heart, will be out this Fri! Charlie Lightening posted pics from a year ago on the Walls music video set, featuring an intent Louis in the sun (and fashion voter underrated excellent Looks), and Louis commented on Dave Allen's post (“top man!”)-- the famous boxer is offering to help friends through lockdown by facetiming 3or 4 people a day for home workouts, damn, and also aww. That shitty Doncaster secondary school turned out some really sweet dudes, against all odds tbh. With Los Angeles experiencing some of the worst COVID surges we've seen since the beginning of the pandemic, Grammys organizers have elected to postpone the (already limited) ceremony. Originally scheduled for Jan 31 it is now TBA, tentatively for March. Harry's stalker, who menaced him in and near his London home in 2019, is being charged with violating his restraining order by attempting to contact Harry via social media, Global Fund for Women thanked Harry for donating, and HLDaily and other accounts were suspended for posting pap pics, always a risk, but one trick potato Jeff is on the job; HSD is back up and running, cause they can't have a proper stunt season without their most faithful mouthpieces. Niall continues to vote for himself on twitter threads about what to listen to in the New Year.
#1ddiscourseoftheday#everyone loves a powerful successful woman as long as she never ever visibly does anything to try to promote her interests#yes this is about extremely bad takes about Olivia Wilde and what she should or should not do#and what forms of publicity are okay and which are not for her to utilize to promote her film#you don't succeed in Hollywood by refusing to play the game!#Harry and Olivia are adult professionals doing something silly and not particularly time consuming#that has zero impact on their actual personal lives but is extremely effective for achieving their goals#it's just not that serious#hopefully he's tapping her professional relationship with John Frusciante to get Louis an intro lol#everyone freaking out about the reports that he already met her kids sjsjskaj I don't usually believe the Sun but like YES OFC HE DID#IT'S HARRY he probably had their names penciled in for tattooing by day two on set omg I'm sure they LOVE him#they'll be on his book subscription list forever now#but I do have something to say about the way people think buying Harry (or whoever's) merch or tickets or whatever#means they get a say in what that person should do because they're OWED something#and how it relates to the idea that sex workers sell their bodies rather than units of their time#both are wrong. You get what you pay for and nothing more- you get a show or a product but you don't get a controlling interest#in the case of Harry or of a sex worker part of what you purchase is the carefully crafted illusion of friendship and intimacy#but it isn't real#I realize this is terrible example to use because this fandom is virulently puritanical and anti-sex work and sex work adjacent jobs#see: 'eleanor doesn't have a job' 'beards don't work' 'get a real job' etc etc#but guess what that's THE WORST TAKE so I will continue to ignore it and act like I'm talking to people with better takes#until it's true#anyway I was personally favoring Wilde-Styles but that one's for you Amanda#long post
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nek0mars · 2 years
A Review of The Ssum (from the perspective of an MM fan)
Ok, so the first thing I would like to say is:
Please be considerate toward Ssum; it’s an entirely different game from MM, and despite there being similarities, SSum is NOT Mystic!! (but you all know that, surely ^^)
However, I will be comparing things in my rant...because I am one of those Mystic Messenger Fans ;-;
(Also I see some of you all asking Cheritz for more MM content...I get it, I want some more too but...we all have heard that Cheritz has (supposedly) said that updates for content will be sparse or MUCH less frequent
(however I have heard from someone that they said after Ray's AE, they were planning on stopping updating in general other than new start screen CGs, BUT YOU NEVER KNOW, I'M PATIENTLY WAITING FOR A VANDY ROUTE IDC)
So first things first: Teo.
I’ve already seen people say this, but he’s sort of...bland? In fact, he actually seems like a mild mixture of Zen, 707, and Yoosung. He’s an aspiring film director who likes to game in his spare time, and is helping test developing AIs. After growing up with Mystic, it’s strange to see such a normal character!
The typing speed is extremely slow, and you can’t speed it up.
The only way to speed it up (from what I’ve seen) is to pay $9.99 for fast typing speed. That’s...a lot more than Max Speed in MM.
Here’s some comments I found in Ssum already, lol:
"mystic messenger >>>>>"
"give me 200 days of content of jumin han instead"
"i am confused lol"
"i really miss yoosung"
"i don't understand this HEEELLLLPPP"
"this game is so confusing lol"
Aside from the MM comments, I see a LOT of people being super baffled about the interface of Ssum. There are a ton of features that MM never had, and for former and present MM fans, it’s very new and confusing.
There’s also the fact that the purchases aren’t made to be a one time purchase. In fact, the packages are SUBSCRIPTIONS. Meaning you have to pay MONTHLY. Some people just cannot afford a subscription (myself included).
This, along with the fact that everything seems overpriced, is making MM fans a bit irritated that they can’t fully enjoy this new game without having to spend money.
Here’s some of my personal opinions on the game!
The interface is really nice! It’s smooth, it’s clean, it’s modern and new :)
The voice acting is really cute and high quality, and I appreciate that.
However, the way that Teo talks with you in the chatrooms and over the phone is a bit strange. It’s a bit sudden, and feels sort of rushed.
I mean, it’s only two chats in and he’s talking about how he feels flushed talking to you!
I also understand the idea of talking to only one person to get to know them, but it is honestly strange to not have a wider option of characters. (Is Cheritz planning on adding more characters? I genuinely do not know)
Also, a little detail, but you can’t pause the phone calls. I understand that you’re simulating a real phone call but what if I’m busy? ;-;
For MM fans, it's definitely not going to overtake Mystic.
It doesn’t have the same “charm”, and I feel like MM fans are just going to hold onto Ssum simply because it’s a Cheritz game.
We do need to keep in mind that Cheritz has spent 4 years creating this game. That’s very commendable (...despite the fact they kept telling people they’d release it, ...only to push it back another few months)
Still, I do know mystic fans want Mystic content to continue rather than have to deal with an entirely new and different game.
MM attachment shouldn’t be carried over as irritation for Ssum. BUT, that irritation is understandable considering MM is what we’ve lived off from Cheritz for a solid 6 years.
My closing thought is that I genuinely believe that people who have never played Mystic will enjoy Ssum! Having a clear slate and not having gotten attached to the former game will definitely allow for hardcore Ssum fans to crop up.
Unfortunately, I know that I’ll always be a die-hard MM fan.
Thanks for reading!!
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starlightshore · 5 years
Probably a loaded question, but with all the game engines you've worked with, what are the pros and cons for each? I'm really interested in trying my hand. So far I got rpg maker mv for a paid engine, but I'mma l look into free ones also. (Game Maker seems a bit expensive for my tastes :()
GOD YEAH game maker is... so expensive... i’m hoping my bro gets me it for Christmas when its on sale. but even then like. ouch. that price tag.
so here are all the programs I've used to make my fangame at some point:
uh. long ass post ahead.
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COST: 15$
its a visual novel making program! like RPG maker, its not code based, but visual based! you just click and drag the stuff from the left onto the right area and boom. game made. Honestly, a really good introduction to making a video game! Its very basic and simple, which is very newbie friendly. Lots of Youtube videos on how to do things too.
You can technically do more with it by using the program’s coding language OR by using java-script, tho personally i’m not good at coding yet so i never really saw what i could do with it. i haven’t really used it in a year but honestly, i can’t thank it enough for being such a good introduction to game development.
Pros: cheap one time fee, easy for newbies and visual based.
Cons: very limited to just visual novels, and even then to do more complex stuff you really have to work for it to get it to work.
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THE free visual novel program. It’s a bit of a learning curve since everything is done in script, (ie: no visuals) BUT its VERY simple and easy to learn and once you get it and it clicks, you can do a lot with it! because you code it yourself, the limits are nearly endless. uses it’s own language, but you can also use python (or its built on python? can’t remember lol) and python is built for newbies.
Pros: free, limited only by what you’re willing to learn to do with code, while you can make RPGS its pretty limited since its not built for it
Cons: only super easy to use once you get over the learning curve. if you have any experience w/ code, its a breeze. if not, still easy to learn!, you can only use it for rpgs, NOT a visual program
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(and other RPG Maker game engines)
COST: 50$ (EXPENSIVE! but it does go on sale once in a while. i got mine at 20-ish$)
idk if you plan on making a UT fangame too but its totally possible!!! i’m doing it!! and i would be very happy to share/help others with theirs. i mean. mostly its just plugins from other people, but i did set up a pretty nice inventory and i can show ya’ll how i make the sprites. (since UT has a lot smaller tileset size) and honestly, if you need help w/ this program my instant messenger is always open B)
uh anyway. RPG maker is a godsend for someone like me who is very visual minded and has a hard time grasping code. i know python... ok-ish. im still a noob. ANYWAY yah, theres LOTS of tutorials and plugins you can sink your teeth into, big communities who are all happy to share and help each other out. its pretty great! (actually, you could say the same w/ all these game engines! but the RPG maker forums is like. super nice from what i’ve seen)
so like, with youtube you can learn how to use it within a day or two, frankly. and you can do SO much with it w/ plugins. and the community is ages old, and the game itself is a few years old and has plenty to offer. you need something? likely someone else has made a plugin or forum post on the topic and someone has helped them figure it out. HIGHLY recommend this program if you can afford it (and you already have it, so honestly, just go w/ rpg maker.)
i wouldn’t super recommend the default assets cause the community hates them. they’re way over used and people see it as “lazy.” its good as like, a stepping stone but you shouldn’t rely on them for your whole game if you can manage your own graphics or pay someone to make them. if not, theres still free tilesets you can use if you look for them.
Pros: big friendly community, lots of resources to use, capable of A LOT of things, hassle free for the most part!
Cons: price is big, but it goes on sale often and the older versions of RPG maker aren’t that much different/worse. granted, MV is the best but like, the others aren’t bad. quite a bit to learn at first, but really simple honestly.   
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COST: Free (sorta. you need a license for certain aspects, but really u could do it free w/ zero issue except for exporting to multiple devices)
ok so like. i don’t. really know how to use unity too well. out of all of these, i haven’t used it for long. while still somewhat visual, you still have to learn a quite a bit of code and look up tutorials to figure out specific things you want to do.
for UT fangames, there is UNITALE/Create Your Own Frisk which uses unity, tho you don’t need the Unity to make games unless you want to make a overworld. since i’m making a overworld and more, i’ll need to learn how to use Unity. It’s a uphill battle but i’m fairly certain i can do it eventually.
there’s a LOT of resources but theres also a LOT to learn. untiy is pretty big and well known, for both 3d and 2d so like, go ham. have fun.
Pros: can do anything
Cons: can do anything so you gotta learn how to do it w/ code.
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Cost: has both a subscription and a license you can purchase. its,,, pricey and doesn’t go on sale all too often.
I actually don’t have ANY experience with this program except for like. a few night’s worth. i read the manual if that counts for anything lol.
uh, its very script base and it looks good? uh. idk. its. yeah? i heard its great and i’m sure for that price and for it to be respected so much its got a lot live up to. my brother likes it and hes a Real nerd. so. i guess??? it should be worth it? i’d say wait until around Christmas/later in November for the steam sale if you really want to.
i mean, UT was made with the first one (tho i hear GMS 2 is way better) and toby didn’t know how to code going in so like. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ honestly anyone can learn it and while i haven’t gotten to use it much yet, I want to.
there’s the Undertale Fan Engine made with GMS 2 and i’ve tried it, its pretty extensive and frickin cool.
TLDR; figure out what kind of game and story you want to tell/make. i could of saved a year’s worth of work if i just sat myself down and realized i wanted to make a completely new fangame separate from my old blog stuff. and that i wanted to make an rpg specifically.
honestly, i want to make more games after AL, like, if i could become a indie dev that’d be my dream. (ironic since i don’t play video games LMAO)
but yeah! theres lots of choices, and its all a little overwhelming honestly! if theres anything you need help with w/ any of these programs I am happy to help further. I wish you the best of luck!!!! video game making is hard work but its so worth it!!!
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sketchguk · 2 years
Hi! You're making me blush saying that remembering icecream flavor is third base 😭 I hope he likes me atleast little hdsdsss I'll tell him i had wing women if we get close, I don't want to freak out him if he is not interested in me like that 😔 we will meet tomorrow! I'm excited!
aaah it's okay if your friend doesn't know about it either! I don't want to annoy ahaha 😔 but he did his masters and phd same time??? and he's a pilot too 😭 he sounds hot 😭😭😭😭 sorry hdsdsss
I like strong woman soon sooooo much! I like When we fall asleep too! Maybe special episode of 25 21 will make everyone happy too!
What did you do in Philly?
Aaaaaaah when you find a nice tag it will be so nice! The. Everything about the au will be in one place.
Mc mc should pay attention to soonyoung 😭😭 what mingyu said was wrong! Soonyoung is right to get mad! It's so cute he wants to spend time with mc on his bday he really loves her 😔
Have you thought of any other headcanons for this au too?? Anything youve not said till now? - 🍰
I hope he's interested too 🥺 or at least maybe he'll catch feelings eventually ! Who knows?? ✨✨
Oh, my friend got back to me about the flight training ! During the pandemic, her bf didn't fly commercial airlines, but instead, he flew cargo planes ! They delivered vaccines and other covid related products to other cities. I don't know if it's possible to do stuff like that now ! Or maybe the needs are different in other countries, I'm not sure hmmm. Hope you have fun when you see your crush !!! What're you guys gonna do? This is another hangout with friends?
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon is suchh a fun show. Hyungsik has my whole heart, that beautiful man. I watched it when I was in high school, way before I even got into kpop or kdramas LOL. The show you recommended is While You Were Sleeping? Is that the one with Bae Suzy? I'll check it out ! I kid you not, I activated my Hulu from my student Spotify account just now. This is dangerous 😭 Kdramas already consume too much of my time, and now I have another streaming subscription lol. I'd definitely wanna see a special 25 21 episode because there are so many questions left unanswered :-( Also, I don't know how many more projects Joohyuk will have before he has to e*list 💔 I'm not sure if they can squeeze in a whole episode 😔
Ahh I only spent 26 hours in Philly ! I went to the famous Rocky steps, walked along the waterside, visited the Philadelphia Magic Garden (they sold out of tickets LOL but they had sample stuff outside!), stopped at the museum of neon signs, walked by the liberty bell (we didn't wait in line but we saw it through the window aha), bought a few things at reading terminal market, and we stayed up until 4:30am, slightly tipsy, and we played card games :') I also ate some chocolate ice cream yumm 🥰
I don't actively think about headcanons unless someone asks me questions about the au 😭 I think there might be a few things I've talked about in DMs, but they're just concepts and small scenarios😔 Nothing that I remember too well (I haven't written them down), and I can't really add it to the storyline (as if I even have it fleshed out LOL)
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randomfanfic1 · 4 years
Yeah, I get it. Ya'll mean. But I aint mad anymore. Had my bitch fit about it last night and I feel better after the best fucking sleep in my entire life in MONTHS. So, yeah, keep having your Town Hall meetings in my back yard at ungodly hours and if the cops ask just tell them I said it was okay because it's peak hours for Pokemon GO or something. But please let me sleep and if you want to update me on your thoughts or the situation please send me a super encrypted, anonymous email. Hell, even do it in memes if you're afraid I'mma syphon your energy to read it. At this point I honestly dont give a fuck and gonna enjoy doing other shit.
You can even keep whatever stuff you have of mine and furiously fap to it if you like behind my back or keep on your little crush or whatever - if that was actually a thing and I didnt imagine it or misinterpet the cards.
If later on you get the nerve to ask me out I'll say yes with no consideration to what has happened up until now. Just dont mention this until about until three months into us dating because I dont think I could mentally handle it until then.
If you need it - do seek out that psychiatric treatment like I suggested it but it's not a requirement to be in my squad - even at a distance. I completely forgive you and am not mad. Am still entirely enthralled that you made all this effort even if it were an elaborate prank. But after this I am done, though, and gonna train and learn as Becky's Padawan because she's an Asexual Jedi Master and I just learned about my Force Sensitivity before I leap into the Dark Side and become Darth Vader... Or heaven forbid - FUCKING KYLO REN. Cause ya'll drive me to that shit. And Becky's gonna have to pull an Armitage Hux as my bestie and collect data and figure out how to pay for the collateral and psychological damage caused my emotional fits. Lol
Yeah, as far as BOA, the J-Pop artist is concerned? "Done with the crying game." So, unless you approach me first I aint looking at anybody. Not because I'm waiting for you(cuz your stupid ass probably aint coming like everyone else - figures, right? Just what I deserve), but because I'm ragequitting my dating life and me and Becky are gonna be two old biddies living in a swanky witch house who have brownies for breakfast, scare the shit out of our neighbors(lulz), and are gonna die on the same day, at the same time, after we have epic battles of Backgammon throughout our lives(because that's my favorite fucking boardgame, FYI.).
I'm gonna get heavily back into gaming not as a form of alcoholism to cope with stress but because it used to make me fucking happy.
You already know about my desires with the PS+ Account and a PC tower cuz I know you done read that shit.
Aint nobody gonna be called on you. No report gonna be made. Keep going on with your real life and fapping life and let me fucking SLEEP AT NIGHT WITH PEACE OF MOND, TYVM.
Hate the shit that you violated me and turned world upside down but it was necessary for me to live again, get my shit together, and figure out some new life goals.
You are literally The Tower in my Tarot Deck. Still dont get it? Google an ondepth meaning for that or read one of my Tarot ebooks on it and figure it out.
And while I gave Ace my entire life in exchange as a payment for him overpaying for my spiritual services and saving my life from Tang after William? It's just a lifetime subscription service to my spiritual services and full commitment of sisterhood for the rest of the days of his life. Kind of like how Japan hires social workers or pretty young women to play "onee-san" to lonely, recluse Japanese men who hole up in their apartment and never participate in life again.
But you? I was gonna give you an all-access, non-refundable, non-exchangable(cant Karen your way out of this one) full subscription to my Eternity with my heart and soul and everything in there as an added benefit. But I guess you'll never hear that. The offer will still stand if you ever come to me sincerely without expiration. I wont wait, though.
Not gonna Tang just because of my promise to Ace - but because I gotta spite all ya'll mother fuckers who try to bring me down. Not just you and Bromance. Still gonna post on this anonymous account for you to peer at occasionally as to not spam or stress people out via DM. Already fucked up Ace over this. Not your fault. It's like the situation with inufandom and William. I got time to patch things up and MAKE THINGS WORK so I dont fuck up so badly like I did with them or any other bestie I had in the past.
So, until then? Asexuality/Aromanticism is thing but I can still have my pretend boyfriends but will not bother looking to RP those romances because that comes with expectations and heartache I literally cannot handle anymore.
Enjoy your day. Play a video game. Fuck up some bitches. Pay off your debt with Bromance. Keep your bromance with Bromance because you probably need the friendship or comfort(no longer worried about it).
Goddess bless you and thank you for guiding me through this Shadow Work because I would have denied ot forever.
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onemanzerosquad · 5 years
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New York Blackbeard Diary Pt. 3
Day 11.......Woke up.....Started my day getting breakfast then headed to my neurologist office to get my form from my job in regards to my restrictions. After, went to the library to print out documents in regards to a situation that led to someone purchasing something from a PayPal. Pretty much someone hacked into my PayPal and purchase a monthly subscription to watch a show smh. As I was heading to work, I thought about all of my problems and have decided to take care of all the problems. Feels like time is not on my side in my opinion and I can no longer deal with the bullshit no longer. As take care of the problems head on, I have no problem dealing with consequence even if my body limitations is at risk cause. I'm alone in this and that's no one fault cause everyone has their own problem to fix.
On on to the side story......2012.......
The new year started and I was in a long distance relationship. Unfortunately, It didnt last long. Obviously, communication was the cause of the problems. From there I was talking to girls got into a relationship but that didnt even last too. Then I saw her. Now I'm not gonna write her government name. So I'm gonna name her HopelessRomantic. Unlike every women I've been with physically, I actually found her online. I didn't expect her to give me a chance but she did. At first, we were back and forth breaking up and making up. Then mid year, she broke up with thru a inbox smh. She was right tho, I wasn't doing anything with my life and she felt I had no ambition. It's crazy because before she broke up with me, I wanted to let her know that I finally got a job lol. During that time til September, I was dating and talking to other women but at the same time trying to get back with HopelessRomantic. Then at one point, HopelessRomantic was going through a tough time. So I took an opportunity to help her out. I was making sure she was okay. Then one day there was a BWA (beach) reunion show and since I told HopelessRomatic about my backyard wrestling career, I invited her to the show. That day was interested as I got to see some of the guys even my first love and by the night, I brought her home and "Netflix and chill" happened lol. It was our first time doing something after 9 months of us knowing eachother. From that moment on we were back together but this time she trusted me and gave me another chance of love again. On to other things,in that year I started wrestling officially in BWA (Bronx). I had a chance to wrestle in RCW but I decided not to go. I knew I wasn't going to be comfortable there and plus the only people I would mostly trust would be the DIW wrestlers that I meant in 2011. Everyone else ehhhhh (the white boys weren't really there lol). BWA (Bronx) hands down was the best time of my backyard wrestling career. Holy Convictions Tag Team with Genocide, 4 aces, matches with Loco, Dixon, Dom The Don, my epic match against Gencocide that open everyone's eyes, and the match of the event of SuperShowDown (their Wrestlenania), against Joker. I had a epic time in the BWA (Bronx). Now back to HopelessRomantic. Our relationship was great. Our families liked us together, I got to see her often, I was working, the sex was great lol, and she even motivated me to actually go to college. The original plan was to go study Criminal Justice. Then December hit and after the hurricane, I came from chilling with a friend and HopelessRomantic send me a message on Facebook breaking up with me. There wasn't a particular reason. She wrote like an essay but it had nothing to do with me. I can only assume she wasn't interested anymore. So the year was heading to its end. So I decided to live it up with Black, Red, Green, and Blue Label with some 40s. Regardless of the break up, I still had good year.
Day 12.......Woke up and started my day with a cup of coffee. Went to my job to pick my check check my app to see how much since I started last week and today was pay week and apparently I got no pay listed on this week. So I can only assume my next check will make up for last week or something. Money is always with no value hard to get by but hey whatever. So went on my morning and TD Bank to fax the people apart of my dispute case and unfortunately the bank printing machine doesn't work doesn't work. So another Negative Nancy in the poison air of New York City. After work, I saw my Autismo crew (J God, Weirdo, and Porn Plug). Chopped it up a little bit and by the way F**K WWE 2K!!!!!
On on to the side story......2013......
2013 new year.....still working on and off. Surprisely, me and HopelessRomantic kept in contact regardless of the breakup. One day I brought her over just to chill. She got cozy which didn't bother cause she was single as was I. From what I remember, we were talking and it led to her being emotional and she was crying. So held her tight then boom......we had sex......The next day we were talking and I kinda express to her I wanted to get back together but she didn't want that. I actually cried but accepted and got over it. Probably like a month later, she got into a relationship with someone else which sucked even more. Other than that I signed up for a program that dealt with Digital Media and did well in the program. I was still working but not as much. My birthday but on that day I was sick (for about a week). After I healed, I started this new job that my guy Dirty Sandchez aka Eyevrows from Getaway hook me up with. It was an maintenance job. Did the job and all. July 4th hit and partying up drinking doing my thing. I woke up and got a call from HopelessRomantic letting me know that her Aunt passed. All I had was tears cause her aunt meant a lot The last time I talk to her was Mother's Day so the pain was more. I was mad and I played Dante's Inferno with anger. From morning til night, I beat the game. The one thing I notice alot that day was I had double vision that whole day. I would think that would be gone by the morning but it wasn't. After hanging out with my boy. I started to fall easily and constantly told I looked crossed eyed. By August my left leg felt like I or sprained it. August I finally hit the switch and started college. I was studying Mental Health/Domestic Violence Counseling. First semester went well. All As and 1 B. I even had my own little crew.
SIDE NOTE: One person in that crew ending up being my girlfriend (2016)
During the first semester I was still dealing with my health problems. Things got worse. My hands were so numb that I couldn't write. My double vision was there everyday and I had a hard time walking on my left leg. After going to the emergency room doing MRIs and Catscans and testing my strength with a group of neurologists and constantly hearing that I'm so young (I was 22), I saw a neurologist and he told me that I have Multiple Sclerosis.......
Day 13........Woke up, got ready, and speed walked to the bus stop to get to work. Unfortunately, I got a little late due to the bipolarness of the bus coming on schedule. When. I got to work, I couldn't punch in due to the app I punch in on couldn't connect to the server. After work, I went to see a friend that I haven't seen in quite some time and that was pretty much my day.
On on to the side story......2014.......
2014 came. I finally got my finally treatment after waiting for months for insurance reasons smh. I had to take it every week. I continued college by taking free classes inthe winter semester which was apart of Fall semester. As a result passed both classes with an A. From there my GPA was 3.6. With my education background with a learning disability, D equalivent grades, being in special ed classes, and receiving services due to my learning disability, for a guy with a incurable health condition that pretty much messes with your body depending on the central nervous system state, it was remarkable for something like that to happen. Spring semester hit and once again did my thing in classes, went on dates, and followed the routine of being on grind. Then the summer semester hit and I was offered to take a short summer class and I took it of course since it was free. That morning of first day of the class, I wanted to do the impossible and walked from my home to school (Albemarle and East 19 to Manhattan Beach). It took about 3 hours. Got to class on time and kind sat around or whatever. Some other people got inthe class and informed the professor that they were in the other classroom. For some odd reason I was more aware of a woman saying that then the others. Crazy cause that same woman ended up being my girlfriend by the end of September. We ain't saying government names. So her name for this post is Hermione (she likes Harry Potter). She had tattoos, smart, and she was honest for what I feel most of the time. Eventually the relationship didn't last and ended the same way.......a message. Her reasons made sense I guess (went too fast). Honestly I don't believe time should be a determining factor for a relationship to happen. If you feeling this person then give it a shot but that's just my opinion. Also, in 2014, I officially ended my backyard wrestling career against my friend, my brother, and my on screenplay rival Rodney Banks. It was the perfect ending to the legend that was called Heavy D.
Day 14.......Woke up. Gather some clothes and did some laundry. Sat outside for a little bit and headed back to the shelter and took a power nap. Woke up about 3 and watch One Piece Episode 901. I'm already current with the manga. So I'm basically watching what I already read. That was pretty much my Sunday. Plus I need all the rest for the upcoming days of this week. I gotta say, I'm slowly getting myself together to the point that people inthe shelter are noticing me more as hardworking individual. I'm always on the move and that's being notice and respected by people in the shelter.
On on to the tragic side story......2015
2015 started off okay. Winter semester was a success. I saw Hermione. But I didnt really give her attention after the break up but after we talked, we became friends and that was it nothing more. Spring semester came and I did my thing again and lived the college life but got a job. So now I'm get on my grind and officially had no time for much. Summer was here and my mother was working getting her passport to go back to Jamaica and see her family after years. One time I came from work and as usual expected my mother to be home since she doesn't like to be out late. She nevered came home which was extremely alarming. Call the police and I was informed that she was in the hospital in the city. Got to the hospital and use the phone to locate and she was in the 3rd floor ICU. I didn't know what ICU meant at that time but I knew it was something bad. Got to the ICU and saw my mother........Hospital covered with a bandage on her head as if someone bash a metal bat on her head. Come to find out, she had a seizure and fell on head in the street very hard. I was in tears. All I can remember was that the last time I saw her she told me that she was heading out. My mind was wtf like this ain't real. Called everyone I can call and every got the news that my mother was inthe hospital. She eventually got transfer to a rehab center in Far Rockaway Queens. Things seem to be okay. Then I come home from a hard day at home and I get phone call from a friend informing me that something happened and my younger brother didn't sound okay on the phone. Went to the hospital my mother was sent to. Her eyes was closed. Next couple of days saw her as the machine was helping her breath not responding or reacting inthe room. The doctor spoke to me and younger brother and pretty much said there a very little chance they can help. By October 12th. My younger brother called me and informed me that our mother died........
Day 15......Woke up.....Had to skip gym again. I had to get my mail and sent some emails. After, I went straight to work. After work, I happen to see a face I haven't seen in quite some time and we actually introduce our names after knowing each other for years. It's kind of cool knowing someone and finally just engaging in a conversation (just regularly). Then mailed my my money order to this One Shot Deal that I owe money to unfortunately. While on my way back to the shelter, I started thinking.....now knowing that just about everyone knows that I have Multiple Sclerosis......Hawk's Eye will be on me and my refusals from any assistance will make things a little more tough and edgier. So at this point, I have to be smart on everything I do. But I'm sure I'll get through this someway.
On on to 2016.......
2016 was here. After a hard 2015, I was able to keep the home, still work, made sure my health was good and survived a hard semester. I made the impossible possible. On the other hand, things were different. I started living somewhat a independent free life. I went to school, work, and party on the weekends. I was even going to the strip clubs and bars just living it up with my people. Eventually, I had this feeling like I needed to be what I was and I felt it was time to look for love again and I found it. No government names revealed. So her name was SoReal lol. I knew her since I started college (2013). We kept in contact and eventually we got together in July. It was love again. I haven't felt this type of love since my first relationship. She was smart, hardworking, and very determined to finish college. I was in love. When she felt she needed me, I was ready to help. We went on multiple dates. We talked all the time and we expressed that we loved each other. Other than love, I GRADUATED FROM KINGSBORO WITH AN ASSOCIATES!!!!! By September, I was city bound at City College. By the fall semester thing weren't good between me and SoReal. She distanced herself from me and with that I got less focus on school. Our relationship was so back and forth. When December hit, I got a letter from the landlord informing me that I must pay 3500 dollars in two weeks or I get evicted. So rent is not really being paid by my roommate, I'm barely getting thru college, and my relationship is a mess. As a result, I was still in relationship surprisingly, I pass my classes (barely), and I had to ask for assistance from this service called the One Shot Deal (where your whole rent is paid off but you got to pay back the money that was covered. 2017......would finally bring me to the limit.....
Not everything was meant to be......
Jikai........One Last Time. The Past From The Last View 2017 The Fall Of A Headliner
Mad King Recharging Arc
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lory-draws · 7 years
Watching your blog makes me want to try my hands on FFXIV. But I already waste my time with other games D: That and I'm afraid of mmo's for some reason strangers scare me
It’s nice to hear that my blog inspires you in that way! .u.
It may be scary, like any other mmo or online game first, but me and sure many others here too can recommend to give FFXIV even a try. It’s beautiful and versatile game, has ofc it’s flaws but when you once get in, it’s hard to stop after that.
I have always felt like we have exceptionally nice and welcoming ingame community there. And hey, I have played much of mmo’s during my life. Small ones that has been forgotten already, and big ones like WoW and Guild Wars i.e. I know what I’m talking about. And if I need to recommend something, I would say that FFXIV is the best choice here you can make if you are ready to pay that monthly subscription fee ( It’s my opinion here, you all may have yours freely, don’t come to whine me about what game you like the most because lol :D)
Let me tell you what - if you ever decide to start to play and chooce to play in EU servers, I can always hop there and help you out if you wish! Or if you go to NA servers, I can drop you so many names right away who surely and willingly will help you out there! FFXIV does even have that free trial account system nowadays where you can try out all the classes at least. It’s very restricted tho (surprise) but it will give you an idea what kind of game this is.
I really hope that you’ll find time to give it a try! Maybe we even see in game someday too in the future, who knows! :3
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