#i'm not going to go too hard in messing up their approach here
sweetbans29 · 2 days
Train With Me - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You met Caitlin at the gym (based on THIS request)
Warnings: fluff, flirting? if you even consider that a warning
Word Count: 2.4k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: I know little to nothing about boxing, apologies.
It's 5AM when you walk into the weight room. You had only been there a few times but enjoyed the quietness of the morning. There have only been a few other people around who didn't bother you - one of which is a cute, brown-haired girl who you noticed stared a lot.
You were used to the staring as it came with the territory of being an Olympian but when it came to this girl - you found yourself wanting to capture her attention more than anyone else. You felt silly but couldn't help the way she would get flustered when you would put in time in front of the mirror shadowboxing.
As focused as you were, you would catch her eye through the mirror causing her to look away in a haste all while trying to hide the blush creeping into her cheeks. You thought it was the cutest thing in the world.
One day you saw her glancing at you, eyes turning away when you had stopped for a break. You decided you had seen enough and wanted to start a conversation. It was honestly kind of surprising to you that she was in the gym so early. You know she is a part of the basketball team and knows teams have workouts together every other day. So it was odd to see her there every morning before the crack of dawn.
Walking her way, you see her try to keep her reps going. You don't hide the fact that you see her and give her a little encouragement.
"You got it, keep going babe," you say boldly.
Caitlin feels her arms go to jello as she does indeed not keep going. She lets out a huff and sits on the ground looking up at you.
"Thanks for messing me up," she says teasing you.
"Hey, I was here to encourage - you could have easily done 2 or 3 more," you say as you reach your hand down to help her up. She gladly takes it and you easily pull her up. Caitlin shouldn't be surprised at how strong you are since she has been watching you for the past few weeks but can't help but feel a blush creep back to her cheeks when she thinks of how easily you maneuver her.
"Ya well, I got a little distracted," Caitlin says, avoiding eye contact with you.
"Why are you all shy all of the sudden," you tease. "Didn't seem too shy when you were staring at me in the mirror."
Caitlin desperately needs to find a way to regain any control of this conversation or she might just combust.
"Just been a minute since I have seen someone work that hard at 5 in the morning - you're putting in some serious work," she says feeling decent with the approach she took.
You shrug, "I don't mind it - knowing you're watching gives me a reason to work harder." You have no idea where this confidence is coming from but you aren't going to question it in front of the pretty girl.
"So are you on a team here?" Caitlin asks, not wanting the conversation to end and tired of blushing like a schoolgirl.
"Ya, I'm on the women's wrestling team - I recently transferred here from Michigan. I box as well," you say trying not to up-play the two sports aspect but she catches on immediately.
"Wait, you are on two teams?" She says in disbelief. "That's impressive."
"Thanks," you say, now the one a little nervous. "Sort of just became a thing when I was younger - you know, the parents saw an opportunity and took it."
Caitlin nods.
"And you, you are on the basketball team," you say wanting to know more about her.
"Ya, I am," she says with a smile. She likes the fact that you know what she plays and completely forgets the fact that she is wearing an Iowa Hawkeyes basketball team shirt. You knew what she played regardless of the shirt. "You should come watch a game sometime."
"If my schedule permits, I'll be there," you say with a smile.
The two of you part ways. Caitlin heads to practice and can't help but bring you up to a few of her teammates.
"I don't know what it is but I can't keep my eyes off of her," Caitlin says to Jada and Kate. "She has me feeling like a middle school boy."
Jada lets out a laugh and Kate just shakes her head.
"Have you talked to her?" Kate asks.
"This morning was the first time we actually talked but we have made eye contact multiple times before," right as Caitlin says the part about the eye contact she wishes she can take it back.
"Well, that's good," Jada says.
"She even knows who I am and that I'm on the basketball team," Cait says with a little sense of pride.
"You do know the whole school knows who you are right?" Kate says.
"Tell us more about her," Jada says as they continue stretching before practice.
"Well the only thing I know about her is she is on the wrestling and boxing team," Caitlin says as she begins to trail off.
"That is all you know?" Kate asks.
"We need more than that," Jada says. "Next time you go to the gym I am going with you. When do you typically go?"
Caitlin is sort of uneasy but doesn't combat Jada.
"5AM," Caitlin says under her breath.
"WHAT??? YOU ARE IN THE GYM AT 5AM," Jada yells and Caitlin hits her arms telling her to shut up.
"Caitlin, you hate getting up early," Kate says in disbelief.
"Ya, well I couldn't sleep one night and decided to put in some work on one of our off days and saw her. Ever since then, I've been going at the same time...ya know, to see her." Caitlin says shyly.
"You are whipped," Jada says. "I can't wait to meet her!"
Caitlin groans and puts her head in her hands. Kate pats her on the back as Jada starts to complain about getting up so early.
A few days later Jada regrets the decision to hit the gym this early with every ounce of her being. Kate also decided to join to be Jada's voice of reason, just in case Jada decides to go rogue.
The trio heads into the gym and Caitlin leads them to where she usually starts.
You are already mid-workout when the group comes in. You don't notice them at first which is definitely to their benefit. You are working on a punching bag in the zone when Caitlin and her friends see you.
"That's her," Caitlin says shyly and both Jada and Kate stand there with their jaws dropped.
"Caitlin, do you know who that is?" Jada asks in disbelief that you are who Caitlin has been talking to in the gym.
Caitlin mutters a ya and tells them your name.
"She has multiple gold medals from the Tokyo Olympics - I remember seeing her podium. She is a freaking beast," Jada says.
It all begins to click in Caitlin's head. Your name had been familiar but couldn't pinpoint from where. Now knowing you are a literal Olympian, Caitlin feels even more nervous around you.
"Introduce us," Kate says wanting to see the interaction between the two of you.
"Absolutely not, you are not meeting her. We are going now," Caitlin says grabbing both of their arms.
Both girls protest but Caitlin is not having this today. She is dragging them out when she hears you call her name.
"Hey, I thought that was you," you say coming over, out of breath. Sweat drips down your forehead and abs as you remove the gloves and tape you have on. "Who are your friends?"
Caitlin stumbles over her words at the sight of you which causes Kate to take over.
"I'm Kate and this is Jada," Kate says reaching out to shake your hand.
"I am such a huge fan - I watched you in the 2020 Olympics and you freaking dominated," Jada says, fangirling. You smile.
"Why thank you, that means a lot," you say and shake her hand.
"I can't believe you are here. What are you doing in Iowa?" Jada asks.
"My coach moved me here for training - Iowa's program from my sports are some of the best in the nation, not highly visible but solid. He wanted to make sure I was getting the training I needed for Paris 2024."
"That is so cool," Kate says.
Caitlin at this point is standing in awe of you. You have won gold and are planning on returning to the Olympics but are at school in the meantime. She also can't seem to keep her eyes on yours with the way your skin is glowing.
"Are you guys hanging out for a bit? I would love to jump into whatever workout you all are doing," you say and smile at Caitlin.
"Yes! Of course! That would be awesome," Jada is the first to respond.
The four of you pair off - Jada and Kate then you and Caitlin. The whole workout Caitlin does her best to stay focused but finds that incredibly hard to do when you are so close to her and whispering encouraging phrases.
When the workouts finished Kate and Jada say their farewells and tell Caitlin they will be waiting in the car.
"Thanks for letting them join," Caitlin says.
"I am the one who asked to join you remember?" You say with a little laugh. Caitlin nods as she remembers and scratches the back of her neck.
"I also wanted to say I'm sorry for not knowing who you are," Cait says with a shy smile.
"Not going to lie, at first I thought you were just trying to treat me like a normal human being which I really appreciate. But finding out you really had no idea is cute," you say. "The attention can be a lot."
Caitlin nods in agreement.
"How do you deal with it?" Caitlin asks - a genuine question as she ponders what the spotlight has been like for her.
"I have a great support system around me to keep me grounded in truth," you begin. "It is so easy to get caught up in the media and take whatever they are saying to heart but at the end of the day, they don't know me and they don't know what I have done to get where I am. Having people around me who know the real me helps keep me in check and is a reminder of who I am."
Caitlin nods and you can tell she is deep in thought.
"Hey," you say grabbing her arm. "I'm here if you ever want to talk more about it. It's a lot to wrap your head around and to adjust to, especially in school."
She smiles at you. The two of you part ways yet again. This time it is a little different - Caitlin begins to see a change between the two of you. A change she is liking.
It wasn't long after meeting Jada and Kate that you made your appearance at one of their games. This was also after you had asked Caitlin out on a date which she excepted without hesitation. You knew if the ball was left in her court - you would be waiting far too long before anything happened.
Going to their game was so much more fun than you would have ever expected. They pulled out the dub. You were planning on heading down to the court to see the girls when you got pulled aside for pictures and autographs. Your mindset was to never say no to those who sought you out.
When you finished - you noticed the team was making its way back through the tunnel. You picked up your pace and followed them back. Thankfully you weren't stopped and were able to grab Jada's attention before she went in the locker room.
"Hey! You made it!" Jada says as she gives you a hug. "Caitlin was telling us how she got you tickets but wasn't sure if you would be back in time."
"I did make it, missed the first quarter but was able to see the rest of it. You all did great," you say.
"Let me go get CC for you," she says as she enters the locker room. You thank her and wait outside.
You are only waiting a minute before the door opens and Caitlin walks through. She immediately lights up at the sight of you. She makes her way to you and wraps you in her arms.
"You were amazing, babe," you say and kiss her.
"I wasn't sure if you were going to make it. Glad you did," she says her hand trailing down your arms to hold yours.
"Of course I made it," you say with a smile. "You don't want to know how fast I had to drive to get here but I made it."
She playfully goes to push your shoulder, which you dodge and begin to bounce and bring your hands up. This became a common occurrence between the two of you as you were teaching Cait how to box. She gives up immediately and begins to fight you like a child.
You laugh and back her up against the wall. You kiss her shoulder and she sighs.
"Go get changed so we can go," you say wanting her all to yourself.
She nods rapidly and you release her from between you and the wall. She begins to head back into the locker room.
"Plus, we gotta be up early to hit the gym," you tease her.
She groans," You said we didn't have to after game days."
"Hey, you shouldn't complain. I still see the way you look at me when I train - don't even do half your workout," you shoot at her with a laugh.
"How you expect me to work out with my incredibly hot girlfriend, not 10 feet away is not on me," Caitlin says with her hands up.
"Mmmmhmmm, sure it's not," you laugh and wait for her to go home.
AN: Hope you enjoyed this! It is a cute one. Let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Noah saying, "I don't think Mike likes Will back" doesn’t equate to him not knowing about byler being endgame, and here's why.
Noah and a majority of the main cast have been given a rough idea of how the show will end, broadly in terms of the entire story, but also more specifically in terms of their personal character arcs.
Actors are out here acting. This is nothing new.
Any of the the main cast insisting they have no idea how the show ends at all, are lying. This is because their safest bet is playing dumb.
There's nothing safe about them revealing they know how the show ends, least of all to an audience that is dying for any spoiler they can get their hands on. It just puts them in a position to have to think very carefully about everything they say, which is something they already have to do regardless.
It's a lot easier to just say you don't know, because then you can give vague answers or even just flat out lie and get away with it, as opposed to saying you know and then having everyone take whatever you say as gospel since you admitted to knowing what's coming.
David is pretty much the only actor who goes around explicitly saying that he knows how the show ends, which is something he's been doing consistently since s2 premiered back in November of 2017.
Something David has also mentioned on a few occasions since then, is how much input the Duffer's let him put into his character. He's literally praised them for having a collaborative process, because it allows him to play Hopper more authentically.
And so yes, I do think it's safe to assume that the Duffer's extend this approach to their other cast-members as well, at least among the main cast-members. I do not at all think this is some exclusive treatment only David gets, because this seems like more just something the Duffer's do out of respect to the actors. How else can they expect them to portray their character accurately if they don't know what they're going through or what their motives are or what's right for them going forward?
We obviously won't know all the details about who knew what at what times or how long they've known certain things, until they themselves come out and reveal after the fact, if they even do it at all.
Still, I do think that when it comes to byler actually happening, it's going to be very satisfying for fans who saw it coming.
This is because we're dealing with something the Duffer's are predicting a good portion of the ga will be bitter about, with the main argument at the forefront being that Mike and Will came out of nowhere.
And so, how do you think they're going to combat that?
With the literal proof.
They have David, who has been used happily as their main scapegoat through the years, whose words are literal proof that things were planned for quite some time. We have him saying all the way back in 2017 that there are easter eggs in the first season which we won't understand until the end, how it's beautiful and surprising and it will explain why certain characters acted certain ways...
Not only that, but there's just no way people are going to be able to use the whole 'it came out of nowhere' argument (at least without looking like idiots), because we'll have the Duffer's themselves out here confirming shit like blue meets yellow in the west and other theories that were entirely intentional (as we predicted).
And because of this, I think I can guess roughly how things will go moving forward and it's honestly already panning out in some ways I expected.
Because while season 4 ends in a way that seems to be leading towards Mike and El ending up together from the perspective of the ga, there are numerous details in the subtext and just outright in the literal text that's trying to tell us this is not actually the case.
And so now the Duffers and everyone who knows are in this limbo of tricking their audience in plain sight, hoping to keep this act going for as long as they can, and that's obviously not easy to do.
What I think makes it most difficult is that they want to surprise fans, but they also want them to be satisfied and happy with the ending.
And that is why the whole Milkvan straight bait is indeed very near its end.
If they want ST to live on as a cult classic with rewatch value, they can't keep this straight bait going on into the last season.
They'll want Mike and El to definitively give off platonic elmike for s5, with byler being endgame and Willel being wonder twins.
This is why Mike and El's dynamic HAS to blatant in a way that will come across as platonic to the ga in s5. And the shift needs to be immediate, otherwise byler will not be satisfying.
I feel like a lot of bylers already predict this, which is why a lot of us assume that the milkvan breakup with happen (or be acknowledged as having already happened) as early as 5x01 or 5x02.
Honestly, I do think that Will's painting being plastered on merch recently was one of the big moments which is representative of a shift we're already seeing start to happen. We're going to continue to see milkvan be promoted as elmike, while byler is being promoted in a way that is, well byler.
What I think is most noteworthy in terms of how they're approaching this conflict going forward, is how the actors themselves have talked about it when asked.
For example, there was one Con specifically that I remember Noah attended right around when Vol 2 dropped, where he mentioned byler at least 3 times. Two times when asked and one other time unprompted.
And no one ever talks about this, but full serious you guys, it was dead silent at that con whenever he mentioned byler. There were maybe a few hoots and claps, with Noah literally looking kind of worried. It was obvious he noticed the silence the first time it got brought up, and so he felt the need to mention it a second time when asked about what he shipped and then AGAIN, with a note of defensiveness in his voice:
"Byler is just, at it's peak right now, okay, so definitely ship that--"
And while in the background, all you hear is maybe 2 bylers supporting him, otherwise, it's mostly crickets...
Let's try to remember that while Byler is a lot bigger now undoubtedly, unless you're active online, most of the ga does not see it coming. And so byler is by no means fan-service. If anything it's show-runner service.
This means Noah had literally no obligation that day to go all out with referring to byler in a positive hopeful light, nor does he still. And yet he did and he hasn't slowed down much since.
His approach makes sense. Because his character has been revealed in canon to be in love with the other, he can freely say he ships it and even take the opportunity to hype it up in an attempt to open peoples minds to it, who might not have considered it before. And he can also do this because in canon, Will assumes Mike doesn't love him back, so Noah can just co-opt Will & the ga's assumption that Mike doesn't feel the same, and get away with it, without anyone whose close-minded giving it a second glance as evidence.
If they wanted to avoid queer-bait and get people to not look at byler that way, they had the chance to. A majority of the ga didn't read byler romantically and so they could've just kept things casual by not bringing it up, nor humoring it at all.
The byler tag didn't even hit 30k followers until AFTER vol. 2 dropped! Most people were oblivious (including bylers).
Undoubtedly, Noah in particular around that time, was a big part of why people started to look deeper on their own and it's how a lot of people ended up here, now with 277k of us.
Like seriously, listen to me ya'll, Noah would NOT put himself in a position to broadcast his support for byler like this and the Duffers would probably be begging him not to, knowing he would be subject to a lot of criticism in doing so, if byler was not in fact where the story was going. Point blank, period.
His tweet "vol 2 got me shipping byler over everything' has to have been the most obvious stunt of all. He was not saying that to be quirky or to appease a few thousand people, he was saying it to wake up the hundreds of thousands that might be open to it, and who just need a push to see what's right in front of them.
Then we have Millie's approach. Her approach for a long time has been to say stuff that she thinks the audience wants to hear, that being anything pro-milkvan. And up until Vol 1, she was still mostly on board with referring to it in a super positive light.
She also insisted during s4's run that she has no clue how the show will end (lies, Millie is a good actress pls give her more credit), and this also explains why she's tended to feel somewhat comfortable lying about milkvan positively...
Though as Vol. 2 neared and ever since, a shift has started to happen, where in interviews Millie is getting a lot more into depth and real about El's personal arc. She mentioned right before Vol 2 dropped that El was insecure in her fight with Mike at the start of the season because she thought he only considered her a superhero and didn't see her as more than that.... Then more recently she has doubled down saying that she is her own superhero, having been shaped a little too much by the men in her life.
Honestly, even though I understand they are trying to trick people into thinking they're clueless and so I guess I'm happy for them that they've succeeded in that, I can't help but admit I feel a little disappointed upon hearing some bylers say that they are convinced Millie doesn't know, but that Finn does and even Noah does, but that she's entirely in the dark about it and that they're okay with this I guess?
First of all, why would anyone be okay with that? Why would we be okay with Millie not having insight into where her character is going. What, do you guys think they're just going to pull up on her at the last minute like, "yeah sorry we didn't tell you sooner, but this is where your character is going to end up. anyways back to byler!...."
I don't care, it would seriously be fucked up to keep her in the dark about this because El IS important to the story and Millie, just like everyone else, deserves that closure so that she can understand her character better and therefore perform to the best of her ability. She also deserves a say somewhat in where she feels her character should go, just like David has said the Duffer's afford them.
Now lastly, when it comes to Finn, I think most assume at least he is aware of byler, and I do agree he knows, so let's start there.
Again, we don't know when they found out and so for now I don't feel like going too far into guessing the exact point and so I won't. However, I do think that Finn also as of late has had an approach that manages to somehow be very different from both Noah and Millie's, and for reasons that also make a lot of sense.
Because Finn's character is assumed to not return Will's feelings, he has to be more careful than all of them. This is arguably why he goes to the least cons out of everyone (most recently everyone attended a con in person, with Millie present over zoom even, but no Finn or Noah... seems very intentional at this point).
Why I think they need to be more strict with Finn in particular is because he's in the exact opposite situation as Noah.
His character is assumed to not return Wll's feelings, and so he can't go very far with what he reveals. What we've got up to this point is actually quite revealing enough as it is, which is why that's all we're getting for now.
What I find interesting is that Finn's approach is quite similar to David's. I know Noah is known for spoiling things, but arguably Finn is just as bad, he's just a lot more sneaky about it. He has a harder time lying, which is why I think he actually looks uncomfortable when asked milkvan questions. Not necessarily because he doesn't ship it like lots of bylers assume, but because he's having to dance around and lie outright and he probably feels bad.
His most common approach though is that he likes to make jokes and say things that could be looked at from multiple perspectives, where it could be looked at now as milkvan evidence, while simultaneously being looked at from the future as byler evidence. Him saying 'I think everyone knows how Mike feels about Eleven' was him quite literally gaslighting the audience just like Mike did with El in s4:
'I care for you so much" "I say it" "You know how I feel about you--"
But do we? Do we really? Or does the audience THINK they know, and so Finn can get away with saying something cryptic and vague like that? When really, in the future, everyone will be laughing looking back because to Finn and all the cast, it was actually abundantly obvious Mike's feelings for El were platonic and his feelings for Will were romantic.
Same for his response when asked if El and Mike would be together and happy in season 5. He dances around it, doesn't deny it, but also doesn't confirm it. Instead of just being like yes they will (which is what we're being led to assume is inevitable at the end of s4, and so he has no reason to dance around it), he starts by deflecting, talking broadly in terms of the stories overall ending, only to say he hopes they find happiness... Again his answer fits with the ga's assumptions now, but it also fits with the surprise of byler in the end as well.
Also important to note that Finn and Noah are the ones to repost about the show most out of everyone from the main cast. A LOT. In fact, they were the only main cast-members (besides Brett LOL) out of everyone to repost about the episode title name for 5x01 being released on ST day...
And it's because THIS is their character's big revelation going into the final season and they had a say in it going this direction. Even if it's what the Duffer's wanted all along, they still gave them and everyone to an extent, a say in things. And now that it's all slowly happening, they are front and center standing by that decision, because they insisted they could do it and wanted to.
I can't say for certain that things will just be smooth sailing from here on out though, by no means is everything just going to shift completely.
There is still undoubtedly this element of the Duffer's and everyone wanting to have the pleasure of tricking the audience. In an industry where everything that happens is usually expected and predictable and therefore rarely exciting, and with an audience that is always figuring stuff out before their supposed to through leaks and stuff, byler is something they have finally been able to successfully trick most of the audience to think will never happen. And that is fucking impressive when considering the heaps of evidence.
And yet still, they don't want to be yet another show that is considered to have a bad ending.
So, going forward, I think things will continue the way that they are, but we'll slowly see them be more comfortable in this element of acknowledging endgame in a way that will be easy to look back on positively when everything is all said and done.
Because if byler is endgame, IF they want people to look back and go oh Oh OH during all those moments where they misread things, but now they can see the other side of it, there needs to be more of an approach that gives Byler equal playing field and allows the ga to actually start to appreciate it and even want it and root for it. Which means buh bye predictability and heteronormativity and hello surprises and gayness (but also be open ended about it so the homophobes will stay tuned until the last second).
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tasteracha · 10 months
a/n: minho eating his own cum out of your pussy when you’re asleep (inspired by this anon) (warnings: smut, minors dni; consensual somnophilia)
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you feel warm before your consciousness returns to you - a feeling of all-encompassing comfortableness blanketing your body. you don't want to wake up, your clinging to the last dredges of sleep as valiantly as you can, but soon the sensations of your head touching the pillows and your hands opening and closing into fists becomes too real, and your mind returns to your body from whatever nameless dream it was submerged in.
you're still comfortable, but there's something else taking over, a familiar sensation that you can't quite place in your drowsy state. whatever it is though, it's not enough and you let out a whine and try to adjust your body, hoping to find out what it was. another whine rips out when something holds you down, preventing you from moving at all.
minho's throaty laugh from the foot of the bed wakes you the rest of the way up so quickly and you feel your head spin because -
that feeling was his tongue swirling into your cunt.
"oh," you sigh, letting your muscles relax into the bed. your voice sounds a bit dreamy, softened around the edges from sleep. "what are you doing?"
"i left a mess down here," he pops off from your pussy, letting his head rest on your bare thigh as he stares up at you with fond eyes. "i'm just cleaning it up. a midnight snack, if you want to call it that."
and he had left a mess, you were barely aware of the mess of slick and cum that had been painted over your pussy as you fell asleep. he's usually so good about aftercare, taking his time to clean you up even if you had fallen asleep, so the thought of him being to fucked out to care about that sent a shiver up your spine. that, and the way his lips had returned to your core like you waking up was a minor inconvenience to him enjoying himself. like it didn't matter whether you were conscious enough to feel it.
he wraps his lips around your hole and sucks, a horrible squelching sound echoing around the room as he cleans his own come out of you. it's filthy, a little gross, but it's so hot that you don't care.
your control over your muscles hasn't fully regained itself and you can't stop from rutting your hips against his mouth, short aborted movements since his arm was still pinning your lower body down against the mattress.
he moves back up to your clit, wrapping his red lips around it and hollowing his cheeks as he sucks and licks and swirls his tongue, and you can feel your orgasm approaching fast. you might have been embarrassed over how quickly he worked you up, but for all you know he had been at this for hours before you woke up.
the burn in your core intensifies, traveling up your chest and down to your toes and you're shaking as you come, unable to do anything but ride it out as he eats away at you, making little satisfied noises as he does it.
he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and climbs up the bed to you, wrapping a leg around yours as he curls up against your side. he presses a kiss to your cheek, ignoring how you grumble about how his mouth was just in your pussy. he's hard, you can feel him pressed up against your leg, but he doesn't make any movements to relieve himself.
"go to sleep, kitten," he purrs, twining his fingers into your own and resting them against your stomach when you try and snake your hand into his pajamas. "thank you for the meal."
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tbko111 · 6 months
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
⊱ contents: yuta x fem reader, smut, noncon/dubcon, yandere, delusion, obsession, masturbation, stalking, virginity loss, mind break, creampie, manipulation, ⊱ wc: 2.6k ⊱ synopsis: There was just something about your friend Yuta that slowly urged you to let your guard down. Maybe it was his gentle nature, or his softspoken voice. Either way, you trusted him into your dorm room.
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Yuta has spent years of his life shying away from intimacy. Inevitably he has masturbated at times, but was never big on it. Once he entered high school – festering with amorous teenagers, he still didn’t give it much mind.
That was until he met you.
It started off small. Being quiet, people would find you hard to approach, but Yuta felt otherwise.
"You dropped this." you muttered, holding out an eraser. Yuta blinked for a moment, surprised to hear your voice for the first time. It was like honey – easy on the ears. It even made him wonder why you don’t talk more.
"Oh, thank you." he smiled.
You awkwardly smiled back. It was his first time getting a clear look at you, and he thought about it for the rest of the day. He only thought you were kind of pretty, nothing more. Or so he told himself; he was too convinced he wouldn't find love again.
But the two of you surprisingly shared a lot in common, easing into conversations over time. It started as a normal friendship, but love waits for no one, and he couldn't help but start to admire your every detail. Your every move, every habit, every word… so thoughtful and reserved. It was tantalizing. Only to this point you felt similarly, thinking he was intimidating at first but putting your guard down at his unexpectedly sweet and sensitive personality.
It was spring, just the right amount of breezy and students abustle over the romance in the air. You had known Yuta for quite some time now, being comfortable enough to give gifts - albeit not too forward.
After school, you remain seated as your classmates race eachother to the exit. Yuta takes note of this and stays back as well.
"Are you not going?"
You fidget, then reach into your bag.
"Here, you can have this." you held out a small box of cookies. Adorned with small flowers to complement the season. He stared for a moment before accepting it.
"You remembered my birthday?" Yuta beamed, touched. 
"Um... I just made too much yesterday." you chuckle, not daring to make eye contact. But he knew it was no coincidence. It was singlehandedly the best cookies he's had in his life, and he later lost sleep recalling your abashed face.
The more he got to know you, the stronger his feelings got. He wanted to know more. To feel more. You would only offer small joking pokes, or touch him accidentally which were always followed by apologies. He would calm his beating heart secretly wishing you wouldn't pull back all the time.
In the dead of summer, the two of you sat in front of a convenience store. Licking your ice cream carefully, you looked to the side to see Yuta blush and turn away. You suddenly grow embarrassed of the display, and cover your mouth.
"You want some too? I have change." you glance at him gingerly, trying to ease the air.
"What? Oh. No, I'm fine." Yuta lets air in through his collar, quickly looking away again. Something tells you he's not this worked up from the weather.
That night he touched himself for the first time in ages.
"Hahh... Y/n... Y/n... Y/n..." 
Yuta mumbles to himself, twitching at his own touch. He rubs his length up and down with thoughts of you playing in his head like a movie. Your gaze, your voice, your everything, how you'd look so pretty with your lips wrapped around his cock, and how you'd look when he finally gets to fuck you and see your face melt into a pleasured mess, all for him.
"Fuck..." he inhales, climaxing at the thought.
Eventually, unable to get his mind off of you, he would steal small belongings as mementos of you, even touching himself with your handkerchief. It felt like a crime. This is wrong. I'm sick. He tried to tell himself, but as if in withdrawal from a drug, he'd cave into ogling you at every chance. No girl has made him feel this way before.
Pleasure finally overtook his guilt over fantasizing such vile things. He'd follow you at night "Just to make sure you're safe", and always keep an eye on you. He didn't have to worry about seeming creepy to you; he was all too good at putting up a front. To the point you only ever saw him as a kind friend, nothing more.
You've grown a soft spot for him and he didn't mind taking advantage of it. Yuta had always been nothing short of generous, but even he had his limits. Especially when it came to such an insatiable need.
By the time you trusted him, your every kind gesture became an indicator that you must like him back, justifying everything under that pretense.
It was winter before you knew it – roughly a year since you've met Yuta. You offered to do homework at your dorm room, and his pulse nearly stopped at the suggestion. He tried to sound casual, agreeing a little too quick.
"Come in, there's not much to see, but..." you welcome him in, taking off your shoes. He breathes in, almost going lightheaded from how your scent surrounds him.
You take off your coat, then your school blazer, the dress shirt framing your figure with more definition making him gulp and turn away.
Unloading your things and settling down, you help eachother with questions within the warmth of your room. There's about an hour of silent working – though it takes everything in Yuta to focus, until you stretch and groan complaining about the workload. One joke here and there turns into full procrastination as the two of you laugh quietly at trivial conversations.
At one point, you gently slap him on the arm, snapping what remained of his self-restraint. The giggles die down, and coming to your senses you find Yuta eyeing you shyly.
The room is falling dark. You hadn't bothered to turn on the lights, and the daylight was beginning to fade away.
He leans in, making you pull away just slightly. But he won't let you do that this time. You were so cute that rational thought was flying out the window. All he knew was that you both wanted this.
He swallows, then snakes his hand up the back of your head, leaning in until your lips meet. For a moment you’re resistless, frozen in shock. Soon you’re quick to push him away, feeling your face burning up.
“Wait, Yuta, I didn't know y-”
Yuta finds your shocked face cute, but soon grows impatient and coaxes you back with a groan. He might just die if he keeps his hands off for any longer.
"If you really don’t want it, you can bite my tongue." he breathes, not even giving you room to respond. He knows you wouldn't, anyway.
He starts off with a small kiss. Running one hand down your arm with the other caressing the side of your head. You gasp, allowing him to slide his tongue in – desperate to taste you. The wet sounds make your head reel, but of course you don't bite. Despite being reluctant, you can't bring yourself to hurt him. You only groan softly, and feel Yuta purr into you like he’s in heaven.
He keeps you in place with an alarming amount of authority. The kiss grows hot and sloppy. It’s hard to think as he lifts you with surprising ease and lays you on your bed - conveniently close to your floor desk due to lack of space. He finds his way atop of you, one knee resting comfortably between your legs. You try to push away for air, and he lets you, only to start kissing your neck and down.
“Ah… Yuta, what-” your voice wobbles.
He shifts to loom over you completely, breathing erratic and needy. He continues to leave marks, feeling your body as if dying to memorize it by touch. Despite every alarm in your head going off, you don't want to believe that Yuta is a threat.
The affirmation is cut short when you jolt at the feeling of him unbuttoning your top.
“W- Wait!”
Yuta had held back for too long. He's been nothing but good to you. He deserved this – you deserved this. Having none of you was endurable, but just a taste was never going to be enough. All he got from your protests was that you were just shy. How cute.
“I’m sorry, I need you. I’ll make you feel good, I promise…” he’s murmuring, telling himself that more than anything.
He opens your shirt delicately, revealing your bra, and your arms fly up to cover yourself.
He steadily casts them aside to awe at your figure. His gaze lingers for uncomfortably long with bated breath.
“You’re so…” he trails off, lovestruck.
Your eyes meet his, and you can't help but look away. You've never let anyone see you so vulnerable before. He dips his head down to continue tasting your neck, and you feel him fumble to remove your bra. You tug at his clothes in place of asking him to stop, but it only tempts him more.
He finally removes it and puts it aside, shaking slightly at the sensation of your bare breast. Starting off with just his fingertips, he grows greedy and kneads them, carefully, as if you’re made out of glass. He’s nice as always – misleadingly so. You groan and pull your legs together as he teases your nipple, and grabbing his wrist with your weakened arms proves useless. 
His hand travels down your body, each touch torturously tender.
A finger hooks on your now semi-unzipped skirt and stockings, undressing you like you're a precious gift. Yuta timidly runs his fingers over your panties, a grin creeping on his face at the dampness.
You feel your heart drop as you sense him undoing his pants. You look down with wide eyes to see him pull out his length. Being inexperienced, just the thought of that entering sent a foreboding chill down your spine.
“No...” You're too scared to even raise your voice.
Yuta sighs shakily, face flushed.
“Stop being such a tease. You’re killing me…”
His rough yet pretty hand pulls down your garments slowly, making you attempt to draw your thighs together at the sudden airflow.
He lines himself up to your entrance, and you curse yourself for being wet. You try to shrink back, but gasp when he holds you by the waist, lifting you slightly for better access. His tip pokes your slit, making you shudder and stifle a sob. Even now, you can’t bring yourself to slap him, or scream.
Yuta isn’t a bad person.
You shake your head, hands firm on his arms to no avail.
He marvels at the sight, in a trance.
“I’ll be gentle.”
“No, Yuta, don’t-!”
You cut yourself off with a guttural shriek as he forces himself in, inch by inch. You gasp for air as you claw at your sheets fruitlessly.
He takes a moment to settle, groaning as your muscles contract frantically.
“Ahh… oh, god, you feel even better than I thought…” Yuta tilts his head back, screwing his eyes shut in bliss.
To your dismay his cock goes even deeper, until you can feel him in your stomach. You gasp for air, moaning pathetically as every nerve screams for help.
"Mngh, no, i- it hurts-"
Yuta groans, getting even more turned on.
The pretty sight of you twitching around him alone threatened to make him cum right then and there.
"It's okay. I'll go slow..."
He starts moving, painstakingly slow. Somehow, him being so gentle is worse than being forceful. You’re left with no choice but to fully suffer through every little sensation.
Even as he goes at a leisurely pace, you can't help but fight back tears. It's also torturous for him, but for different reasons. He cares about you too much to fuck you as brutally as he'd like.
There are only timid movements for a long while, until he gradually picks up speed, and your legs are on the verge of giving up already.
"You're so pretty." He mumbles.
You cover your face, unable to answer. Your lip is bitten to suppress shameful noises, but the crude fill in your stomach makes your jaw weaken.
Your mouth hangs open, and soon the room fills with lewd noises as he continues to shower you with affection. He babbles barely coherent compliments, kissing your neck. He winces slightly at your tightness, clenching around him with all your life.
“Relax for me.”
You sputter into your arms. You're a moaning, flinchy mess and your legs shake like a leaf as he loses himself in you – slowly going faster and harder.
"...Let me see your face."
You groan, unrelenting, but the way his eyes bore into you has you complying meekly. He leers, pleased with the display.
"Look at you… you love me. You take me so well."
His familiar smile almost convinces you that nothing is wrong.
"Say it. I wanna hear it from you."
He bucks his hips in deep, going almost fully in and out, earning violent twitches followed by helpless moans. It's music to his ears.
As you very slowly ease into the feeling, what remained of your fighting spirit diminishes as his cock fills you just too right, involuntarily arching your back. Your sounds grow more harmonic as euphoria washes over your body.
He whispers breathily, pleading so weakly in spite of the power he has over you.
"I love you..." you drawl, barely words at all. Your once pained face is now melted in pleasure; pupils blown and eyes barely open.
Yuta smiles, sickly sweet.
"Good girl, I love you too. I love you so much. I'm yours..."
His dark eyes make you shudder as he looks at you - looking almost coy as if having his nervous first kiss and not fucking you into your own bed. You feel high as he continues to thrust into you using your waist as a handle. His kind voice and affectionate teasing with his thumbs contrasts all else.
Feeling every sense overstimulate, sinful moans freely escaping your mouth, you weakly reach out to hold him.
"Ahh, Yu..."
“You feel so good, I- fuck,”
Yuta curses under his breath – you never even thought he was capable. But neither did you of this whole situation.
You're no longer in control of what kind of vulgar face you may make. You feel burning ecstasy build up inside, until you’re dangerously close.
"Mngh- Yuta...! I can't, I..."
"Shh, I got you." 
His sweet voice hypnotizes you to relax, not even letting you register the gravity of him cumming inside. His breath hitches harshly and the grip on your waist tightens, as if to say you're not going anywhere.
Your eyes roll back, feeling him paint your walls white. You feel his cock so clearly, you're convinced you've memorized its shape. Your body shudders in pleasure and in that moment, you truly are convinced he's the love of your life.
“Ah… mmn… ugh,”
You lay twitching in place, small moans emitting as you breathe. You can hardly even remember where you are.
He stays inside for moments longer, savoring the moment. You tighten instinctively as he pulls out slowly with a cute smile plastered on his face.
“You’re amazing.'' He's breathless, either from the sex or breathtaken by you alone. He kisses you, stroking your hair lovingly.
And you can’t help but kiss back.
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♡ ao3
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mistywaves98 · 23 days
first time requesting but oh my goodness meena i need more loser scara pretty please 😔🙏🙏
I feel so awful today and was in the mood to write something about Scara, so here I am
✧・゚:* ->Scaramouche x Fem! Reader
✧・゚:* ->¡Warnings!: NSFW, Fingering, Scara is down bad, Mirror sex, Slight bondage, Praise (pretty girl, good girl), Pussy slapping (once)!
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Scaramouche just couldn't get enough of the way your pretty pussy looked wrapped around his fingers. A wide, lopsided grin adorned his face as he observed the reflection of the two of you in the mirror. You were on his lap, legs spread wide as he held your back against his chest. One hand held your thighs apart, the other knuckle deep inside of you.
His eyes were fixated on the sight of your cunt sucking him in as he slowly pumped his slender fingers in and out of you while you whimpered sweetly for him. You were squirming in pleasure, hands tugging at the sort rope that bound your hands behind your back, leaving you at his mercy as he tortured you with the snail's pace he was moving his hand at.
Every drag of his digits left you shuddering, hips bucking desperately into his palm as you begged for him to move faster. The consistent movement caused your ass to brush the bulge in his pants one too many times, making him grit his teeth before moaning as your walls tightened around his fingers,"Fuuck... Your pussy's so tight, clenching around me so fucking hard— Hnn— Stop moving so much, it's like you're trying to rile me up on purpose..!"
"I'm not, I-I swear! Just pleasee move your fingers a little faster...! I can't—!!" Your plea is cut short as a sharp slap is delivered to your pussy, making you flinch the sound resonating throughout the otherwise quiet room, save for a couple gasps and moans,"You can and you will take it." Scaramouche says in a tone that leaves no room for arguing and before you know it, his fingers part your slick folds once again, three digits sliding in easily with a wet squelch as he thrusts them at a faster pace.
Your face is flushed and sweaty, jaw gone slack as pitiful whines and groans escape your parted lips. The pleasure clouds your vision, eyes going glassy as your mind becomes a blurry haze. He relishes the sight, looking at the mirror intently as the urge to make you cum becomes more apparent. The hand hooked under your thigh goes to slip under your shirt, up to your braless chest where he proceeds to play with the soft mound of flesh there, giving your erect nipple a hard twist when you least expect it.
The added stimulation makes you even wetter, your essence soaking his lap as your orgasm approaches. Scaramouche realizes this and his thumb begins to massage your puffy clit in gentle circles while his fingers curl and hook against your sweet spot, smirking as he feels you jerk in his hold and squeal,"Ohh, you like that, huh? Come on, that's it, moan for me, pretty girl. Wanna hear your sweet fucking voice as you squirt around my fingers.."
Your face contorts into an expression of pure bliss as your head falls back against his shoulder, your climax so close now. And it doesn't take long before you're cumming hard around him, warm juices coating his fingers as your body trembles. He gets a full view through your reflection, almost cumming in his pants himself at the utterly erotic sight of you coming undone around him.
After helping you ride out your high, he removes his drenched fingers from your swollen pussy, admiring the mess you've made on them before sucking and licking off the tasty nectar. Scaramouche cradles you close, his cock still rock hard, but you're clearly exhausted and his pleasure can wait. Seeing you take his fingers was good enough anyway. He buries his face in your neck, occasionally nibbling and running his tongue over the sweaty skin, feeling his face flush at the salty taste before murmuring in your ear,"You took me so well, good girl. As much as I'd love to fuck you on my cock right now, I think it's better if we go prepare you a nice bubble bath. Wait here, I'll start running the water."
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Me & my hubby!
—When you accidentally introduce your boyfriend as your husband
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings: Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Ranpo, Akutagawa, Jouno X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Format: Drabble
Warnings: Suggestive content in Dazai's
Word Count: 1.6K
A/n: This is very rushed so sorry if its not well written
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↳Osamu Dazai
As the door of the fitting room opened, your boyfriend came into sight. The white tuxedo hugged his slim frame perfectly, making his tall figure stand out even more. The color had given him an elegant look, which nearly made you wonder if he was the playful guy you were dating.
Dazai smirked as he picked up on your stun and flashed you a cheeky smirk. "Like what you see, Bella? You're staring a little too hard you know~"
Suddenly the fitting room seemed like the perfect place to show him how much you actually liked his new look. It didn't matter if you made a mess out of the tux, since you were about to buy it anyway.
"Oh Osamu... You should wear white more often"
"Everything alright here?"
The salesclerk was checking up on you with a warm smile.
"Ah yes! We would like to buy this one. It looks gorgeous on my husband"
You didn't exactly pay attention to your words, but seeing Dazai's eyebrows jump in surprise made you question your statement, and...
Anxiety washed over you as you weren't exactly unfamiliar with your partner's commitment issues, but much to your surprise, Dazai wasn't upset nor terrified; his huge ass grin was showing off his joy and flatter.
"I'm her husband!"
For god's sake.
The salesclerk on the other hand was looking at you oddly, probably questioning her life choices.
"Ah, ok. Well then would you mind taking the tuxedo off? I'll wrap it up for you"
A snicker left your boyfriend's lips as he pulled you close by your waist. "Sure, but I might need my wife's help to take my clothes off. Will you be kind enough to help me out, Anata?"
"Oh shut up already!"
↳Chuuya Nakahara
One of the benefits of working at the same organization was that when your boyfriend had a mission overseas, you could go with him.
You had just arrived to your hotel after a five hour flight, which made you tired as hell since you couldn't sleep on the airplane. Although that wasn't enough to lessen your excitement for going on what could be some kind of a trip after you finish the job.
"Have you made a reservation beforehand ma'am?"
"No, it was kind of rushed. Would that be a problem?"
The receptionist shook his head to the side. "Not at all. Lucky for you, we still have some rooms available"
The door of the hotel opened and Chuuya came in, approaching you with your luggage in his hand. You looked back at the receptionist. "Great! Then I'd like a room for two people. We're going to be here for a while since my husband needs to take care of some stuff from work; right, honey?"
Chuuya froze in the spot and a light shade of crimson appeared on his cheeks. This was definitely unexpected. It made him feel butterflies in his stomach in a good way and somehow questioned all the logic that made him avoid thinking about the future of your relationship.
"Well your husband doesn't seem to be sure" The receptionist commented in a humorous way. "Alright then, here's your key"
On the way to your room there was a silence that couldn't exactly be marked as "uncomfortable". Chuuya was wearing a warm smile yet so drowned in his thoughts that you refused to take him out of his zone. However, when you reached the door, he suddenly lifted you up, making you suddenly gasp and gaze at him with astonishment.
"What are you doing?"
"What a good husband is supposed to do"
The familiar beam was back on his face.
"I'm carrying my wife to our shared hotel room"
↳Ranpo Edogawa
"Ranpo! You can't eat this whole cake!"
Going to the bakery had become some sort of tradition since you and your boyfriend started dating. You went there every afternoon, tasted the new pastries, you lectured him to not get carried away and he stopped you by shoving a cookie in your mouth. That was pretty much repetitive, except that something extra was coming along today.
"I can and I will. That's why it's called sample y/n" He munched on his cheesecake, delighted by the sweet taste lingering in his mouth.
"Well Mr. detective, It's a sample so you should just take one bite and then move on! If you like it then just buy one!"
The baker chuckled and walked toward you. She knew you since you were regulars there, and she had enough respect for the president to not throw a tantrum over a few pieces of cake. "It's alright Miss y/n. Let the man eat his sweets"
"You don't understand ma'am! My husband eats way too much sweets and that's not healthy at all! What if he comes down with diabetes or something?!"
Ranpo stopped chewing for a brief second and looked at you from the corner of his eye. The lady on the other hand, was more excited than shocked. "You got married? Oh! Congratulations! It's nice to know that Mr. Ranpo has finally settled down!"
You didn't know if you should correct yourself or hide your red cheeks. "I— I meant that— " "Please have some more cake! They're on the house. Consider them a gift from me"
As she left you alone, you finally turned to your boyfriend to see his reaction, which was exactly the way you expected it to be; smug and playful. "Ah, I went into this marriage with so much hope"
"Oh grow up!"
↳Fyodor Dostoevsky
"How's your steak honey?" You asked, looking at your boyfriend with curiosity. He had been taking bites reluctantly, swallowing without actually tasting the meat.
"It's burnt to a crisp, even though I ordered it medium rare" He gently wiped his mouth with the napkin, placing the cutlery on the table. You gave the dish a once over and flagged the waiter down. After a while he approached your table. "Is there a problem, ma'am?"
"Yes. My husband ordered his steak medium rare and as you can see, this is not what he asked for"
My... Husband?
"Eh, so... He'd like his steak... Medium rare... Please?" Awkwardness was hitting you and you really didn't want to be alone with Fyodor right now, but unfortunately, you were on a date and there were no way to escape from it.
The waiter excused himself after apologizing and taking the plate back to the kitchen. He did find your sudden change of expression odd, but he didn't say anything since he wasn't asking for less tip. However, Fyodor was completely ready to bring it up. You could tell that based on his grin, but you were doing your best not to face him at that moment.
Not that it was enough to stop him.
"How's your pasta Mrs. Dostoevsky?" "Fedya! Stop!"
↳Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Getting sick on valentine's day was not originally your plan, but at least you got to visit the doctor together. You were now waiting for the secretary to call your names.
"How long should we wait?"
Covering your mouth with a tissue, you lightly coughed. "Anytime now. All the people ahead of us went inside"
Akutagawa glanced at the door of the doctor's office and nodded. He had made a reservation at your favorite restaurant today and was planning to take you to some place nice afterwards, get on one knee and ask you to spend the rest of your life with him, but you suddenly got sick. It's not like he could be mad at you. It was not your fault, but... It seemed like the perfect opportunity. The perfect day for a memorable gesture...
"Mrs. Akutagawa! You're up"
She was referring to you, with his last name.
You had introduced yourself as Akutagawa. He was sure you did it accidentally since your face was redder than a tomato now, but still, he never thought hearing it would feel so... special.
The raven-haired man held your hand and leaded you to the doctors office, a ghost of a smile spread on his face. He might've lost the chance to propose now, but it's not the end of the world. You're stuck with him and not going anywhere, so he would try to make the perfect plan for a perfect proposal, for the perfect girl.
↳Saigiku Jouno
"Are you sure this is the store?" Your boyfriend crossed his arms.
"For the thousandth time! Yes!" "Well, you were also sure that you knew my size but it turns out you were wrong" "Ugh! Let's just get inside!"
Thanks to his job, Jouno was always on endless missions and barely had time to rest, let alone go shopping. You this T-shirt when you were walking by and you just couldn't help but to imagine your boyfriend in it. It might've cheered him up if it was his size.
The clerk recognized you the second you set foot in the store. "Oh hi ma'am! Welcome back!"
"Hi Amaya. Thank you. So, remember how I was not sure if the T-shirt was my boyfriend's size?"
She only nodded with a forced smile, because how could she forgot? You spent fifteen minutes staring at the T-shirt, wondering if it would fit him.
"Well, it wasn't" Jouno's smile got wider and you sighed. "Yeah yeah, I admit it. I don't know what size is suitable for my husband. I'm the worst partner ever. Can we please change this one and leave?"
"I don't understand ma'am"
For real? You just can't take a break.
"I'm saying that the T-shirt was too big for him!" "Yeah I got that, but I thought he was your boyfriend?" "What do you mean you— oh!"
No no no no no no no no.
Jouno's smirk was still on, and now with a little smugness. He was clearly enjoying himself.
"If this is your way of proposing, it's really lame" "Oh shut up you big jerk!"
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All rights reserved © 2023 AshTheMadWriter. Please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works on any platform.
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mechaknight-98 · 5 months
Kozy (NSFW) FT: Karina
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Dating a celebrity was hard. Dating a possessive celebrity is more so. You had known this by watching several friends fall for the honey trap. So you tried so, but God has a wild sense of humor you learned.
You met Karina while in between paleontology digs. She came to one of the seminars you were giving on dinosaurs and she knew then that she had to have you. She approached you after the seminar and said that she really “digs” the info you “excavated” for everyone present. You laughed at her puns and that's when she asked you out. Not knowing who she was you readily accepted her advances and two weeks later the two of you are officially a couple. A week after that you noticed a “change” in her personality. When Karina was on she was the flirty socialite who wowed everyone with her passion and precise performances. When she was off she was kind of a loser. An extremely loveable and hard-working loser but a loser nonetheless. For example, when she first met your black friend named Vladimir she said “Aye what's up homie? You got any fresh stories.” in her most awkward tone possible. It also didn't help that Vlad was the smartest person you knew and was often very at times particular about how he was spoken to, but he laughed it off and Karina was able to ease and relax her awkward speech tendencies. The puns never went away though. She also always had this nervous energy in her that kept her moving and bouncing you see a lot of that in her nonperformance videos. It was endearing and always made you smile. Despite all of her “loser energy” she was so loving and doting…almost overbearingly so, but you were her man and she was going to spoil you as much as you would let her which for your disciplined ass wasn't much. You spent a lot of time traveling and helping with paleontology digs. Which led to what unfolded tonight
You arrived back at your small apartment where you and Karina would secretly retreat to. It wasn't big but considering the price of things it couldn't be helped. You open the door. You chuckle when you see Karina in her undies playing through Kingdom Hearts 2. A couple of soju bottles sit in front of her. She turns when she hears the door open and a smile quickly replaces her focused grimace.
“Oh babe good you're here I need help with beating Luxord,” Karina says to you
“Rina, you started this game a week ago how are you already at Luxord?” you asked concerned
“Well we just finished promotions and I needed something to do. Also aren't you the one who beat Persona 5 Royal in an unbroken marathon of 6 days?” Karina says teasingly. You chuckle as you nod at your girlfriend. Your eyes wander her body her curves look vivacious. You sit next to her and she burps. She turns to you and hands you the controller.
“You know sometimes I forget how sexy you are,” you say to her as you blitz through Luxord’s game boss fight. Karina smiles at you as she begins to kiss you intensely. You make sure to pause the game so you don't lose progress. You also set the controller down away from you. After that, your fireman carry Karina the your shared bedroom. Karina is all giggles as she loves being manhandled by you. When you lay her on the bed her eyes are narrow and hungry.
“You wearing too many clothes.” She says as she rips your shirt and pants off. You groan as you remember how expensive these all were. Karina sees the dejected look and quickly moves to reassure you.
“Oh babe I'm so sorry I got caught in the moment.”
“It's okay I forget you have the strength of gods sometimes,” you say Karina smiles and apologizes again for messing up your clothes. You forgive her as she starts leaving a trail of kisses down your abdomen.
“I'm going to devour you tonight,” Karina says seductively, “our schedules have been so busy and disconnected but that ends tonight. This cock is mine for the night.” you let Karina do her thing as she begins to suck. Before she can get really into though you get a call. Karina's eyes widen mischievously
“Answer it,” she says coming up f94 air. You eye her but she remains firm. As she pushed you onto the bed. “I said answer it,” she says before pinching your cock. To stop the minor pain you do as she asks. She goes back to kissing your cock.
“Yeah, this is Max. What's up?” you say.
“Oh good to hear you Max we just confirmed that the skull you found was a new skull of a dinosaur no one has ever found before. So Danger suggested that you name it.” your friend Galavant said excitedly. Karina excited for you sank her throat down further than she had ever taken it before. She gagged on your cock which was a new sensation you weren't used to.
“Oh well, that eh great. Gally. I'll have to think of a name later because right now I'm a bit preoccupied.”
“Okay well just wanted to let you know fearless leader that your research is going down in the history books with this one.” you chuckle as a feeble attempt to hide your moans. galavant figuring what going on hands up the call then you moan louder
“God Karina your so bad.” you huff as she continues to work your cock. Her cheeks are hollow as she takes another deep breath before throating you. “I need more,” Karina says as she goes deeper and deeper on your cock. You groan as no partner has taken you this far before, and in a second she bottoms out. Her face is reaching your pelvis as she looks up at you with a smile and a ruined face of makeup. She begins to bob up and down only retreating halfway before engorging herself once more. Tears streak her eyes as she takes you in. As she bobs around your cock her pace increases inching you closer and closer to release. Before she gets a call from her business phone. She tries to ignore it but it keeps going. So frustrated she answers it.
“Yeah. Oh, wait I got the deal?” she says as her body language and fine shifts from annoyed to excited “No I'll be there in 30 minutes.” she says. “Great see you then.” she hangs up then says “shit”
She looks at you then apologizes
“So honey that was SM I just got a call confirming I got the Pucci Korea ambassador gig.” you smile and clap for her. Which makes her do a little happy jig.
“So do you want to shower and then head out?” you ask.
Karina sighs and says, “yeah but as soon as I'm done were finishing this.”
you nod and respond, “remember to take your time don't get overzealous.” Karina rolls her eyes and says
“I know.”
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hai7ani · 10 months
adult rindou is a lovesick fool + ran still peels rindou's prawns to this day
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"What's better, vomit green or pee yellow?"
"'The hell's wrong with you?"
Rindou thinks you're stupid.
Not in a bad way of course -- he fucking adores it, especially when you're all sleepy and blabbering nonsense to him before bed in that stupidly cute face of yours. "Baby, have I ever told you that you look a bit like Chicken Little?" "Shut up. Go to sleep."
He says that with an annoyed expression and yet every time, Rindou will simply gaze into your eyes with a lovesick grin as you continue to sleepily mess with him in bed. A few swats to his chest when he sneaks a hand down the blanket to pinch your butt, a few giggles tumbling from your mouth when he attacks your neck with his lips because it tickles there . . .
And he'd air his whiny complaints out to Ran who is busy peeling prawns on the dinner table.
"I swear, why do all girls get zoomies when they're 'boutta fall asleep?" He rants to his brother with a scrunch of his nose and the older boy simply chuckles before placing down a nicely peeled prawn in Rindou's plate. "Does your girlfriend do that too? I gotta know, bro."
"You say that as if you don't like it. Love it, even." Ran licks off the sauce from his fingers with a look on his face. He stares at his brother, and stifles a laugh upon meeting eyes. ". . . And ya, she does." Rindou pokes into the prawn with his fork and brings it up to his mouth, before eventually choking on the meat from trying to hold back his own laugh.
Two unserious brothers.
And today, Rindou is holding your hand as you walk back home together after a dinner date out at a high-end restaurant in Aoyama. It is payday and he had immediately forwarded you a copy of his payslip when a notice from HR came through. "Eating nice today, baby." He'd smirked into the phone and you'd laughed loudly into the speaker. "Sure, sure. Whatever you want."
The crisp autumn wind blows past the two of you and dried leaves rustle around the walkway with some crunching beneath your shoes following the steps that you both take. You sway your hands together back and forth while kicking a pebble in your step.
"Answer it, baby. I needa know which kinda disgusting colour are you more into." You cling onto his arm and pout up at his blank expression.
Rindou pinches your thumb between his fingers while you giggle up at him, "do I seem like I got a fuckin' choice?" You shake your head, "you don't, no. So hurry up, answer it."
He clicks his tongue and moves to wrap a warm arm around your shoulders. "Lord have mercy. I'm stuck here with my annoying lady and she won't stop asking me weird n' stupid questions."
You ignore his whines and cries for help to the Lord and hug your arms around his frame tighter. You laugh into his shirt and a hand reaches up to caress at your hair. It's warm, it's comforting.
"Quickly, vomit green or pee yellow?"
"Dunno. You're stupid. Shut up. Go away."
You deadpan. He gives you a judgmental look that reminds you a bit of the silly The Rock meme that you always see on social medias before pulling you anymore closer to him.
You snort at it -- so much for telling you to go away.
"Fine. Have it this way then -- I'll massage your back tonight if you say pee yellow. Please."
It's an obvious bait -- it's deliberate.
". . . Pee yellow."
He willingly falls into it.
And Rindou flushes when you cackle and swat a hand at his back, "Jesus, Rin! Who's the stupid one now?" You point an accusing finger with a red face -- the aftermath of laughing so hard and he slaps it away with a faint pout. "Shaddap."
You approach a huge puddle of water on the ground and he hops over it in one big step. Rindou almost falls back when you don't let go of him, and instead, you remain where you are -- foot seemed to be mounted into the ground -- and you tug back on his hand. Hard.
Where on Earth did you find the strength to do that? He's got no idea at all.
"Shit, baby, I almost fell-"
Your hands break off somewhere in the process of him trying to regain his balance and not fall into the puddle of water with you figuring out your best course of action, and you soon realise that he's on the other side of the puddle now. You feel oddly left out despite the look of patience plastered on his face as he beckons for you to come over to him.
"C'mere, baby."
You stop moving, choosing to stare down the puddle with an annoyed expression instead while scratching at your bun that's starting to agitate you.
Your orbs scan around the tight walkway and notice that there isn't any walkable areas for you, and certainly not for the expensive Louboutin's you are currently wearing that is paired with a slim body-hugging dress hanging off your shoulders. No clear ground except for the muddy grass on the side from the light rain earlier, and you grimace at the thought of getting your heels dirty.
Because Rindou had gotten these shoes for you just last week -- you can't be getting them dirty this early into your ownership. These shoes are your pride and joy -- your absolute love. No harm can ever be done to them.
Rindou raises a brow at where he stands on the other side, staring at your figure who is awfully quiet all of a sudden. He notices that you aren't really paying attention to him and takes it a hint to follow your gaze instead -- the big puddle, the tight walkway, the muddy grass, the way you're checking and tapping your heels on the ground repeatedly . . .
And he pieces it together.
"I can't cross." You mumble and look up at him, who is already silently crossing your heavy Michael Kors over his torso. He puffs and fixes his hair before swiftly hopping back to you in one big step.
You reach out to hold his hands, a habit you make when you're unsure of what to do, and Rindou simply pulls you by the waist, closer to him, to grab at your arms and he looms it over his shoulders. You blink up at him with wide eyes and a cheeky smile -- you seemed to have picked up on what he's about to do -- and he resists himself to smooch at your rosy lips for being so cute.
He'll save that for later.
"C'mon, princess."
Rindou hurls you into his arms in one swift motion like an actual princess -- one arm supporting your back and the other tucked under your knees -- and you immediately smile widely into his neck, burying your face there as you shy and melt deep into his body. You hear wet footsteps sound through the area and can't help but finally let the giddy laugh escape your lips.
Rindou steps through the puddle while carrying your body in his arms with the heavy bag of yours slung over his torso that he's repeatedly tutted at the entire evening. "What the hell do you even put in there? It's always so heavy." "An umbrella, a recycled bag in case of emergency shopping, two packets of tissues, some pads, makeup, your stupid bulky power bank that you never use but still wants me to carry around-" "Enough."
You relish in the warmth radiating off his chest as you relax in his arms and thanking yourself for training a man like him.
You remind yourself to make it up to him tonight.
In what way? Guess he'll be finding it out tonight.
When Rindou finally makes it over to the other side, he moves to place you back down on your feet, but you cling closer to him at that and wrap your arms tighter around his neck.
"Noooo. Les' go home like this." You whine into his neck and he chuckles lightly, "I'll be all spent before we even get back home, baby."
Nonetheless, Rindou picks you back up and continues walking forward while you rest your head on his chest, listening to his frantic heartbeat and you giggle like a fool. "More the reason for you to look forward to tonight."
He smirks down at you in his arms upon your words, half-lidded eyes gazing straight into your mischievous ones. You bite your lip under his gaze and look away.
"Yeah? What should I be expecting?"
"Something like a really nice massage. Paired with a little extra thing."
You wiggle your eyebrows at it and Rindou leans his head down to bite at your cheek.
"I'll sure be looking forward to it, then."
Though the two of you are being rather . . . cheeky, right now, he can't help but have his heart swell at the current situation. It makes him feel all giddy on the inside and he silently prays the night hides it well enough that you don't notice the flaming red on his cheeks. (You always do, and you never point it out. It's so endearing to see him like this.)
You're giggling like a pretty baby in his arms as he carries you back home with wet footprints trailing behind and your heavy bag slung over his torso.
He smiles at it. You smile at him.
And Rindou will spend a lifetime carrying you home in wet shoes and sore arms if it means getting to see you so happy.
Happy with him.
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reblogs are appreciated ≽ܫ≼
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cybertronic69 · 10 months
- a little touch?
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warnings: loser!ellie , bff!ellie , top!ellie , bottom!reader , fingering (r!receiving) , choking (r!receiving) , degradation (r!receiving)
"and THAT'S what i told her." you finish your hot piece of gossip. "wow... the world is spinning." you mumble as you rest on your head on ellie's shoulder. she blushes a little and gently strokes your hair with her fingers.
"it's, okay..." she smiles softly. "i got you. take it easy." she takes a sip of her whiskey and tries to not make a face at it. she doesn't like whiskey. in fact, she hates whiskey. but when you invited her to a nice little pub in jackson, she thought that maybe that was her chance to make herself look cool to you. so here she is. drinking rat poison. "i think you've had enough for the night, no?"
"no..." you shake your head. "i can take it..." your voice is slightly breathy and oh. you really shouldn't say these things around her. not that she is going to do anything about it, cause she's a pussy, but it gives her a hard time. like, come on, have some empathy.
ellie tries to ignore the rumble in her heart when you look up at her with big curious eyes. "is it good?" you mumble when your hands slowly wrap around her cup.
she shrugs trying to act nonchalant. "i like it." she doesn't. her eyes are glued on your lips when you take a sip of her drink. indirect kiss. she wants to slap herself in the face. stop being weird. act cool.
"argh..." you stick your tongue out with a frown and she chuckles. "this shit is ass." you add.
ellie grabs her cup again and takes one more sip. indirect kiss. indirect kiss. indirect kiss. she sighs and shifts on her seat. she's pathetic.
you take a look around and notice that the cozy pub is almost empty now. the little screws in your brain start to work hard. you need to have her before someone else snatches her from you. ellie, being the dumb fuck she is, never notices when girls try to flirt with her. and that includes you too. like, ok... you might not be the most direct person ever but jesus christ the girl is oblivious.
so you shoot your shot. again. "looking pretty cute tonight, els..." you whisper with a little grin.
she looks at you like a deer in headlights. "o-oh... do you think so?" she swallows hard and chuckles awkwardly. "are you that drunk already?" neeever gonna get it.
"you look pretty even when i'm sober." you reply and ellie looks a tomato now. ok, maybe we need a different approach.
"hey... remember when you told me about the holes in the space... with the... snakes...?" you whisper. she always did stuff like that. you actually like it when she elliexplains things to you. it's cute. she's cute.
ellie's heart flutters in her chest just from hearing your voice. "snakes?" she frowns. "oh!" her expressions changes to a amused one and she chuckles. "you're thinking of wormholes... the holes in like... the space-time itself."
"really?" now you're the one frowning. you could swear it was the fucking snakes. maybe if you spent more time actually listening to her than just staring stupidly at her pretty little face.... "well... worms... snakes... they both don't have legs... or arms... so..." you shrug.
"i think wormholes are much cooler than snakes, personally." she gently smiles, finding you funny.
"snakes are definitely cooler." you blurt out and she laughs. "like... at least they're solid. everything in the universe is like dust, gas and blah, blah, blah..."
"not everything is gas or dust..." her eyes are sparkling when she looks at you. "what about black holes?"
"are they solid?" you raise an eyebrow.
"no... but... you can definitely see and hear things that have been affected by one." she stares up at the ceiling, like she's lost in thought. "plus they're infinitely dense, so that's pretty solid right?"
"no, it's not." you hug her arm and rub your face on her shoulder, making ellie's breath hitch for a moment and messing up her train of thought. "you are solid."
"y-yeah..." her voice cracks. "i am."
"i don't think i could hug a black hole, but i can hug you." you grin like you just made the smartest point ever.
ellie nods and stays silent. she's nervous. you make her nervous. even tho you two have been friends for a looong time, she always makes a fool of herself when you're around. trembling hands, stuttered words, flushed cheeks.
"you smell so good..." you brush your nose against her neck and ellie is really about to pass out. she clears her throat and adjusts her glasses that are slipping off her nose.
"you drank a lot, don't you wanna go to the bathroom?" she says trying to change to a topic that doesn't involve your lips being so close to her skin.
"mmh... yeah, i think..." you slowly get up from your seat and your little brain screws get to work again. your direct you gaze at her and smile. "come with me. girl code." girl code my ass.
ellie, not thinking much of it, just nods and follows you. she really is a dumb fuck... but you hope that by the end of the night you will be the one who's dumb.
you two get to the bathroom and you stop in front of the mirror to check yourself out. ellie also stops to check you out. she's very subtle about it tho. at least that's what she thinks.
"you're not going?" you point at one of the cabins and ellie shakes her head. "ok, just wait for me then."
as you sit on the closed toilet lid, your brain is working at the speed of light trying to figure it out what to do. this is the perfect opportunity. "els?" you whisper in a quiet voice.
"yes? are you okay?" her voice sounds gentle and caring. god, you need to have her.
"i think i need your help, can you come inside?" you unlock the door of the cabin.
"um... yeah... sure..." her filthiest dreams usually started like this. she's scared. and horny. "what is it?" she mumbles, now standing inside the cabin.
you get up and frown looking down at your clothes. "there's something making me itchy... i think it's like a tag or something... can you take it off for me?" get this woman an oscar.
ellie feels her voice dying out in her throat, so she simply nods.
"thanks, els." you lock the door and hear her gulp. "just in case someone tries to walk in..." you add with a grin plastered on you face.
"makes sense..." ellie mumbles and her eyes double in size when you start to take your shirt off. she is having a hard time looking you in the eyes. i mean, she always does, but this time there's a reason right in front of her. two reasons, if you want to be specific.
"cute bra, right?" you whisper with an amused look on your eyes.
she sighs with a flushed expression. "yes..." when you touch her shoulders and gently make her sit down on the toilet, she has to hold in a gasp. "w-what?"
you smile again. "just so you can see better. you know... the tag that we're trying to find in my clothes." your turn around and slightly fold the fabric on the waistline of your pants. "do you see anything?"
yes, she does. she sees your fucking white lace panties and this is so not fair to her. she looks up at you with that cute expression that she makes when she's too embarrassed. slightly furrowed brows, puppy eyes and flushed cheeks. she looks miserable and it's turning you on a little too much.
"what?" you try to look serious but the way your lips are curling up in a smile gives you away.
"why are you doing this to me?" ellie mumbles and her voice is so broken, so needy...
"because..." you get closer to her, making her nose brush against your ribs. "you make me so horny..."
ellie looks like someone who was hit by a car. her heart is beating so fast that she thinks she's going on cardiac arrest. "you're drunk..." she babbles breathlessly.
"doesn't chance the fact my panties are soaked right now..." you sit on her lap and she whines.
ellie was going to die. her boxers felt too tight, her lungs didn't seem to be doing their job correctly and her blood pressure was on the ground. "this is... this is not...."
"don't you want me too, els?" you bury your face on her neck and your hot breath against her skin is making her hyperventilate.
ellie closes hers for a moment and takes a deep breath... she tries to keep her cool and whispers. "we can't do that, you know it. you're drunk." her veiny hands hesitantly touch your bare back. "just relax... try to ignore... t-this feeling..."
"but it's such a good feeling..." your hips slowly start to move on their own, trying to get some relief.
ellie starts to panic a bit now "shhhhhhhh... just... ignore it..." she whispers again. her hands reach your hips, holding you tightly now, not letting you move around.
you let out a soft whimper at this. her hands feel so good against your skin... you need more.
"just...." ellie sighs. she brings you closer again and looks into your eyes... she feels your hips moving faster. she grabs you harder and tries to hold you down. "calm d... down..." she mumbles. "be good... for now..."
"touch me more... please..." you mumble against her neck.
ellie is trying to hold her breath now. her cheeks are a deep red, her jaw clenched and a few drops of sweat are now visible on her forehead. she can feel your hips moving against hers. "stop... don't make me do it..."
"do it..." your voice is shaky and full of need.
"i shouldn't... i c-can't..." she tries to calm down but it's not working. in a moment of impulse she starts kissing the side of your neck.
"nngh... love you, els...." you babble already feeling drunk in her.
"i... i love you too... i love you so much... that's why i... can't..." ellie's sentence is cut off by her leaning forward and nibbling your neck. she grips your hips tightly, not letting you move around.
"give me a k-kiss... a real one... " you touch your forehead on hers.
ellie's eyes go wide and her breathing becomes even more shallow as she hears you say that. "we're drunk... you're... not thinking clear..." she whispers, trying to find excuses so you change your mind.
"need you..." you whisper back.
her grip is tight around you. "i... i don't think this is a good idea."
you gently brush your lips against her jaw, almost not touching it. ellie lets this continue for a moment and tries to keep her cool. she feels your lips and your hand cupping her face. she bites her lower lip and tries to stay still. her body reacts to you and she's trying her hardest to stay calm and not lose it now.
but when you peck her lips, ellie loses her cool. she grabs your shoulders and pulls you towards her body, slamming her lips on yours. her hands are touching you everywhere as you're having the sloppiest and most desperate kiss of your life.
"can i p-please.... touch your..." she cups your pussy and you moan. you roll your hips against her hand and she moans.
"there's no need to ask... do it..." you whisper and she nods.
"i'll do.... it." she turns you around on her lap, making your back press against her chest. "whatever... i want..." she mumbles in between hot kisses on your neck, her hand cupping your pussy again.
you moan softly as your back arch against her body. "yes... like this" your head falls back on her shoulder and she wraps one hand around your neck. you gasp. what the fuck. that's what she meant by 'whatever she wants?' filthy. not like you're the best person to judge considering the fact that you were basically smashing your boobs on her poor shocked face not too long ago.
ellie was in heaven. this barely started and it already was better than any fantasy, any wet dream she could possibly have. your hips squirmed on her lap everytime she toyed with your puffy clit through the fabric of your panties and you gasped when she squeezed your neck a little harder and... and... and...
her boxers were soaked. she couldn't believe this. she must be dreaming... that's it. it's too good to be true. but then you grind your ass down on her pussy. she feels it right on her clit and she groans.
"s-stop acting like a slut...." she bites down on your shoulder. "teasing me like that... all the time..." she slides two fingers inside your pussy and you mewl. "gonna give you... what you want... you fucking whore." she babbles against your neck.
see, ellie's mouth wouldn't be nowhere as dirty if she wasn't so pussy drunk. she was a loser, after all. but she had all this accumulated frustration inside her that she needed to let it out. and maybe you are a whore, so who cares? no hard feelings.
"gonna fuck... this pussy... nngh... so good...." she quickens the pace of her fingers, hitting the gummy spot inside your pussy and you sob.
"i-it's too g-good, ellie..." you babble, your hips trembling hard.
"y-yeah? you like it when... when..." she's full on dry humping you now, her hips hitting your ass cheeks making a delicious pressure on her clit. "ah fuck..."
when your walls squeeze hard around her fingers, she also has to close her eyes hard. because what the fuck? is she really about to cum? no... you need to cum first.
her thumb finds your clit and massages it as her fingers keep railing your poor pussy. her free hand grips on your squirming hips, to keep you in place.
"e-ellie.... nngh..." you can't even see anything at this point. your vision is blurry with tears and your lip is in between your teeth.
"shh... you're gonna cum for me, ok? please cum for me..." she whispers against your neck, sounding a little too desperate herself.
you nod eagerly, almost drooling at this point, and your orgasm hits you hard. when you let out a loud strangled moan, ellie's hand shuts your mouth and she buries her face on your back, trying not to make any loud sounds herself.
when she takes her hand off your soaked panties, she has to hold a noise in. you made a fucking mess all over her fingers and she needs to taste it.
"can you... can you give me another one?" she kisses your shoulder. "please, give me another one... need to taste your pretty pussy... come on..."
you simply nod at this, your ability to speak long gone. ellie lifts you up and presses your back against the wall of the cabin. "gonna make it good, i promise..." she whispers as she kisses down your torso and gets on her knees.
you look down at her and the view almost kills you. a very messy ellie, with flushed cheeks, trembling lips, and her glasses still on her pretty face. yours hands caress her hair and she blinks hard.
"you're pretty..." you mumble.
ellie looks very embarrassed at the compliment almost as if she wasn't calling you names 5 minutes ago. "thank you..." she puts one of yours legs on her shoulder. "you're... the prettiest." she kisses your pussy and you shiver.
she takes her time now, being gentle and giving your thighs soft kisses and bites, teasing you until she finally gives your slit a long lick. you groan at this and tighten your grip on her hair. she also groans at this.
as things get more foggy and intense, your noises get louder. "shh... gotta be quiet." ellie mumbles, even tho she's also moaning. from eating you out. insane.
"els... if you k-keep going..." you shut your eyes hard as your legs tremble.
"...you're gonna cum? if i keep going...? her voice is shaky as she seems even more hungry now. she's eating your pussy like she's starved, your juices all over her face.
you roll your hips into her face, pulling her closer by her hair. you're pretty much using her at this point and she couldn't be happier. best day ever. or maybe not, cause soon after that you two hear loud slams on the bathroom door.
"ah, fuck, fuck, fuck..." ellie eyes are wide as she slowly gets up, her legs wobbly. she wipes her face with her shirt and licks her lips.
"the pub is CLOSING. this is not a motel." the loud voice from the other room announces and you can't help but giggle.
"dont laugh!" ellie says, exasperated. "they all will know what we've done when we leave... what if-"
you pull her into a gentle kiss and she melts. when you pull back her face is even more red than before, somehow. "h-hey... i was talking..." ellie mumbles, a slight pout on her lips.
"talk to me when we get to your room... i'm not done with you yet." you put your shirt on and leave the bathroom.
ellie stays there for a little, trying to catch her breath, hoping the redness on her cheeks would stop. it didn't.
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spideyhexx · 6 months
okay, this is within the sej x reader x coryo universe kk? kk.
as mentioned in this, I think Coryo would achieve this through his fingers and mouth.
Thinking about Sej not being there with you two one night and one thing led to another and now Coryo's got three of his fingers stuffed into you, sucking at your clit. He's going harder than he ever has before and you're not even sure why.
Coryo is quieter than normal too, so focused on bringing you to your release, he's barely even listening to the little whines of pleasure you let out as you pull hard on his hair. He doesn't let up. Not one bit, curling his fingers against the sweet spot inside of you and noting the tension in your thighs.
He knows how close you are so he has no reason to slow down. You might've warned him as your orgasm approached, but again, he wasn't listening. You gush around his fingers, spraying to his chest, hips jerking against his touch as sensitivity immediately sets in.
Coryo looks up at you for the first time, his eyes dark and a smirk on his lips, "that good, huh?" He kisses your tummy as you roll your eyes at him, whimpering when he pulls his fingers from you. He looks in awe, not even caring about the mess you made on the bed, on him.
"You ever done that before, baby?" He moves up next to you, rubbing your thigh and kissing your cheek, using his free hand to tug the pillow more under your head. "N-no."
His hand stops for a moment before he's tracing circles on your thigh, "you mean...not even Sej-"
"Nope," you look at Coryo, lazily pecking his lips as the realization dawns on him. You move your hand to his cheek as he smirks.
Patting his cheek, you whisper, "don't look at me like that."
"Why? I'm gonna bother Sejanus about it, not you, angel," he mumbles as his lips brush yours, capturing them in a small kiss.
"I don't believe that," you let out a breath, kissing the corner of his lips and patting his cheek again.
"Angel...," Coryo nudges your hand away and cups your face in his own hands, "you were so good for me gushin' around my fingers like that. No point in teasin' you about it when I wanna see it over..." he kisses your chin, "and over..." a kiss to your nose, "and over..." and a kiss to your forehead before Coryo takes in the doe-eyed expression on your face. His hand slides back between your thighs, but the bedroom door opens.
Sej walks in, used to this sort of sight at this point so all he does is chuckle.
But then he notices just how wet the sheets are and the glisten on Coryo's chest. Coryo's smirk is back and you're already hiding your face in his arm.
"Oh, no," Sej jokes, but his brow is creased as he puts his bag down and sits to take his shoes off. "What did you do, Coriolanus?"
let's chat about sej, coryo, or both, here :)
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semiweirdshipper · 1 year
Slashers' as fathers with a child/reader. (Comfort drabbles for anyone like me who has daddy issues).
Notes: 100% NON-ROMANTIC. Platonic love only. Non-binary reader. The reader is less than ten years old (you decide the age). Freddy is alive and NOT a pedophile.
I'm a little embarrassed that I made this but I can't deny that it does comfort me and make me feel better. If it makes you happy as well, then I'm glad. Thank you for reading. I hope you have a nice day.
He was sleeping in his bed when he felt something nudge his arm, the soft callings of your voice quickly rousing him from his slumber. "Daddy? Daddy, please wake up."
Paternal instincts demanding that he instantly wake to check and see if you were okay, Freddy sat up and opened his eyes. Immediately the sight of you standing beside the bed in your pajamas with a sad, frightened look on your face greeted him, and he reached out to gently brush a hand through your messy hair.
"What's the matter, sweetie? Is everything okay?" He asked, gazing around for potential danger.
You whimpered, your little hands anxiously fiddling together as you say sadly, "I... I had a nightmare and I... I got scared."
Relaxing a bit, Freddy sat up all the way in bed and lifted his arms out towards you, "Oh sweetie, come here."
Stepping forward and lifting your arms, you whimper whenever your dad pulled you sideways onto his lap and held you close. He kissed the top of your head and gently patted your back. "Thought I told you not to be having those?" He mumbled.
"I know, but... It was so scary and I-I didn't like it," You whined, burying yourself into the divine safety of his chest, his scent familiar and comforting.
"Shh, shh," Freddy rubbed soothing circles against your back while hugging you securely against him, always prepared to fight all of your demons away- even if your demons were as simple as nightmares. "It's okay, sweetie. You're alright. Daddy's got ya. Everything's gonna be okay."
"Ok..." You whisper, still snuggled against him. He was so comforting and safe. "Daddy? I'm thirsty. Will you get me some juice, please?"
"You want juice?" Freddy tickled your nose causing you to giggle, "Hm?"
"And a story?" You smile at him hopefully.
"And a story? Well, aren't you spoiled," Freddy smiled back and leaned down to nuzzle your forehead, "Sure, sweetie, let's get you some juice."
Grinning at his compliance, you lean forward and give him a big hug. He hugs you back, and it feels so nice and comforting that you feel as if you could go to sleep right then and there.
Freddy holds your hand as he takes you to the kitchen to get you some juice. Then he grabs a book from a shelf and sits down in his arm chair with you sitting in his lap with your blanket and juice in clutch. He reads to you the short story as many times as you want until you've finished your beverage and declared that you were tired again.
"Can I sleep with you, daddy? Please," You ask, fidgeting in the hopes that you wouldn't have to sleep in the dark alone by yourself again tonight.
Freddy doesn't have the heart to tell you "no", so he nods and ruffles your hair, "As long as you promise not to have anymore nightmares. Promise?"
"I promise, daddy," You say happily, crawling into bed with him and immediately going to snuggle into his chest, "I love you."
Freddy kisses your head and tucks you both in with a blanket, one arm wrapping around you to hold you against him. Warm, safe, and comfortable. "Love you too, sweetie. Now get some sleep and, this time, have 'good' dreams."
Bo Sinclair + Uncle Vincent and Lester
"Hey Les, you seen (y/n) around?" Bo asked as he approached Lester's truck.
Lester gave him a look that he came to dread. "Yeah, they're on back with Vincent. Why?"
Relieved by your assured safety, Bo placed his hands on his hips and stared hard at the ground. Guilt chewed on him like a hungry wolf, and shame became a permanent dark cloud hanging all around him. "I-I messed up, Les," He admitted, shaking his head.
Lester raised his eyebrows in suspicion, "What'a ya mean?"
"Yesterday, I... I messed up," Bo huffed, dragging a rough hand through his hair, "An' now they ain't talkin' to me, and I... I just... Uh."
"Oh, so that's why the little critter wanted to spend the night," Lester chuckled and petted his dog's head fondly, "An' here I was hopin' I was the new favorite uncle. Guess I ain't, huh?"
Bo ignored him as he thought about what happened yesterday. He had been angry for reasons unrelated to you, and when you had tried to get his attention he snapped and yelled at you. Even though "what" was all he yelled, he could still tell how much he scared you and hurt your feelings. Now you wouldn't go around him. Gosh, he didn't mean to do it, he just... He was just an idiot.
Lester frowned at him as if noticing his distress, "Well hell, if it's botherin' ya to the pits then why don't ya go talk to them? You are their daddy after all, ain't ya?"
Yes. Yes he was your dad. And no child should ever have to be afraid of their dad.
Making his ultimate decision, Bo adjusted his hat and began stomping away, "Gotta go."
He found you in the house eating snacks with Vincent. When you noticed he was there, you looked at him and then quickly bowed your head like... like you were afraid of him. And it broke Bo's heart. Good grief, what had he done?
Pulsing with regret, guilt and shame, Bo slowly approached you and knelt down beside your chair, "Hey there, little critter bug. What'cha eating?"
You were hesitant, keeping your face averted as you timidly mumble, "Grapes."
"Ooh, yummy, can I have some?" He lifted his hands out, uncertain of where and when he should start explaining himself.
Sadness and uncertainty decorated your face as you lifted out the bowl to him. Vincent seemed to understand what his brother was doing, and he stood up to leave and give you some privacy.
As he ate some grapes, Bo was surprised to hear you quietly ask, "Daddy... Are... Are you still mad at me?"
"Oh..." He straightened his posture, set the bowl aside and reached out to gently grasp your shoulder, "Oh, (y/n), I was never mad at ya, I just... I was just havin' a bad day and I..."
Bo sighed, his hand squeezing your shoulder gently in reassurance, "Look, critter bug, I didn't mean to yell at ya, and I definitely ain't mad at ya. I just... Daddy made a mistake, and I'm so, so sorry, (y/n). I promise... I'll never yell at you again. I promise."
Your eyes glistened as you looked at him as if in debate. Bo's throat was dry as he waited for your reaction, the negativity and guilt nearly driving him insane.
Instead of saying anything, you spread your arms and lift them upwards. Bo sighed quietly in relief and went to scoop you into his arms, his aching chest slowly beginning to calm down. He still felt guilty for how he made you feel, and he wasn't lying when he promised that he would never ever make you feel that way again.
Michael + Aunt Laurie
You were both trick-or-treating and having a good evening on Halloween. Michael alternated between carrying you on his back, on his hip, or simply holding your hand while walking. It warmed his heart to see how happy and excited you were, your candy-bag becoming overloaded with sweet treats.
He decided to stop at Lauries for a quick break and some refreshment. You ran back out while he was still inside. It only felt like a minute before he followed your footsteps and soon came to a scene that made his blood boil and his eyes widen.
You were laying on your back against the sidewalk, small, frightened cries spilling from your lips. In the direction you were staring, Michael caught a glimpse of a group of teenagers quickly running away. They must have done something to you. But what?
"D-daddy," You cried as he quickly walked over to you, and you skittered to get to your feet.
Michael barely got to check you over for damage before you were wrapping your arms around his waist and crying into his belly. "They pushed me and stole my candy," You whined loudly against him, "I-I just wanted to be friends, b-b-but they stole my candy. Ehh, daddy, daddy, what do I do? They stole my candy."
Anger invaded every nerve within Michael's body as he held you close protectively. How dare anyone treat you this way. How could they? You were the nicest, sweetest little angel. What was their problem? Michael's eyes burned with the memory of those teenage scum and the direction they fled.
Hearing your loud sniffles, Michael gently coaxed you back and knelt down. Slipping off his mask, he reached out, cupped your cheek and used his jumpsuit sleeve to wipe away your tears and snot. Then he used sign-language to ask if you were okay.
You nodded and cried in great sadness, "But they stole my candy. Wh-why did they do that, daddy? I-I just wanted to be friends."
Michael quickly explained to you how those teenagers were obviously bullies. This same experience happened to him too when he was your age. Everything was going to be alright. They would get you more candy. Calm down. Everything was going to be alright.
Slowly you began to calm down, your sobs and whines diminishing. Michael pulled you into his arms and hauled you against his hip so that he could take you into the house. You stayed attached to him the whole time, and he refused to let you go. Frustration still burned inside him, and he was overwhelmed with the urge to protect and comfort you/his child.
Laurie was there to save the day, thankfully, offering you all of the candy she hadn't yet given out and putting on a fun movie for you to watch.
You were snuggled up against your dad on the couch, your mood significantly eased as he rubbed your head and back and offered you pieces of candy. For the most part you forgot about the incident, but Michael certainly hadn't.
Let's just say that, by tomorrow, you would have your stolen candy back.
He had taken a leave of absence from work so that he could better take care of you while you were sick. It wasn't anything serious; just a small cold. The nurse from your school had sent you home earlier due to a sore throat and a fever. Hannibal had rushed to get you as quickly as he could.
Once he got you home, he had you take a bath and get dressed into your pajamas. You complained of throat and stomach pain, and you had irritated sinuses. He gave you some medication and told you to lie down while he made you some special soup that would soothe your tummy.
As he was cooking, he heard your tiny footsteps echoing from the hallway, and he turned to see your sleepy figure approaching, "Daddy?"
"Yes, my child, what is it?" He asked, setting his cutting knife aside.
"My tummy hurts so bad," You pouted, your voice beginning to sound scratchy, "And I don't feel good. I wanna be with you."
Hannibal grabbed a kleenex from the counter and knelt down to gently clean your messy nose, "I know. And that is precisely why you should be sleeping."
"But I can't sleep," You whimper, looking at him with sad, tired owl eyes, "I wanna be with you. Please, daddy? Let me stay with you."
Hannibal tilted his head at you, his brows lifting in debate. While he would rather you be getting some decent rest, he knew that you were young and still filled with energy even whilst you were sick. He didn't have much left to do cooking wise either, so he figured that having you stay around wouldn't harm anything.
"Alright then," Hannibal leaned forward and picked you up, swiftly positioning you on his hip and supporting you with one arm so that he could use the other to cook with.
You held onto his neck while resting your head against his shoulder, your eyes mostly shut as you listened to the sound of his heart beat. Safety and warmth enveloped you making you feel much, much better than what you had before. Your dad was always so cozy and comforting.
Hannibal was able to finish cooking dinner with you on his hip the entire time. Once it was time to eat, he set you down on a chair and made you a drink and a bowl of soup. You ate quietly which worried him a little, but he knew it was just because you weren't feeling good.
"Feeling better?" He asked when you were finished.
You smiled and nodded at him, "Mhm, it was real yummy. Thank you, daddy."
"You're welcome, my child," He reached out and gently squeezed your cheek before taking your bowl and cleaning it, "I don't suppose telling you to get back in bed will do any good, will it?"
Your pitiful whimper was enough of an answer. Hannibal chuckled, dried his hands and went to pick you up again, holding you close as he carried you to the living room. "A movie it is then."
"Can Will come over?" You asked, grinning.
Hannibal gave you a look, "I'm beginning to believe that you're not sick at all."
All good fathers' should fight their child's nightmares away, not be the reason why they have them.
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animexts · 1 year
Something different | Manjiro Sano
Sumarry: Mikey from the future returns the last night he saw his beloved Y/n, but ends up encountering his past self.
A/n: Before y'all say something like "Oh, there's no way your past and future selves can talk to each other" In my head, yes, and that made perfect sense to me lol.
I found this beautiful art on Pinterest
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"Fuck!" Mikey says as soon as Y/n slams the door in his face.
"You know what, I don't give a shit." He says turning around going to his motorcycle.
"Wow, I've always been a good liar." A voice says, making Mikey startle when he sees a figure leaning against the tree.
"Who are you? Why were you spying on us you weirdo?" He says approaching.
"I am you." The figure says getting a little closer, and Mikey looks at it doubtfully.
The figure really looked like him, but damn, what a horrible and sad look is that?
"Haha no way." Mikey says laughing a little, but the figure remains serious.
"That's the last time we'll see her." Mikey's eyes widen upon hearing this.
"Are you fucking threatening her? I'm going to kill you!" Mikey says ready to start a fight.
"Don't worry, I love her as much as you, at least…I did."
"Fuck, that's not even possible, stop lying and say who you are!"
"I said I'm you, I just wanted to come back here, to see her one last time, again." Mikey says looking at Y/n's house with a smile.
"If that's really true what do you mean by loved? I'm not dead am I? You look a lot older than me."
"You don't." He says and looks at Y/n's house making Mikey's heart stop.
"But... She's so young and... she's trying so hard to go to college, what do you mean?" Mikey says feeling a lump in his throat.
"It turns out that we don't have control of everything." He says smiling a little, and Mikey feels his eyes sting.
Mikey didn't know what to think, if that was really true... his dear Y/n... dead?
"We messed up, right? That's why she's so mad, I remember" Future Mikey lets out a humorless laugh.
"If I could do it all over again, I would go back there right now and hug her with all my might, tell her I love her more than anything, and that I would give up everything for her, you should do this, will be the last time." Future Mikey keeps talking with teary eyes.
"No, i'm not you, I'm going to do it differently... I..." Mikey says and goes back to Y/n's door slamming it hard.
"Open the Y/n door, come on!"
Mikey had no idea if that was true, but he couldn't risk it, couldn't risk losing the light of his life.
"You're lucky my parents aren't-" Before she can finish, Mikey hugs her tightly, crying into her neck.
"Please forgive me, damn I love you so much, I can not lose you, I can't."
"Because now?" Y/n says running a hand through Mikey's hair.
"Because if it's later it might be too late." he says with his eyes closed.
And he hopes that this attitude has changed the tragic future, he hopes from the bottom of his heart that it will keep his Y/n safe.
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a-hazbin-reader · 5 months
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Brief mention of Y/N not having control over her own life
Description: 👆⬆️
It took a lot for Alastor to be nervous about something, like A LOT
He wasn't nervous to start his radio show, he wasn't scared to sing in front of a crowd or dance with a stranger
But meeting your father has his mind in shambles, he's never been so nervous in his entire life
Every negative quality he can think of is coming to the forefront of his mind and making a home there
Not even asking you out made him feel this anxious
Okay so that was a fucking lie
He's heard all about your father from you, knows how close the two of you are-now he knows how you felt meeting his mother
Your father made you the woman you are today, and all of your best qualities were apparently cultivated by your father, according to you anyways
But he plays it cool when you ask him to meet your father, giving you a charming smile and confident response
"It's about time you asked me that, my dear~"
Hugs you from behind and buries his face in your neck so that you don't see the panic in his eyes
Pretends like he's not worried about it whenever you bring it up but as his S/O you pick up on his mannerisms
He's often distracted, getting lost in his own thoughts, doesn't hear what you're saying, messing up food he normally makes with ease
It's different for him, to him meeting your father makes the possibility of losing you feel more real
If your father doesn't approve of him then not only would you be disappointed but he could keep you from seeing Alastor
And nobody would question it, nobody would ask what YOU want, a girl's father knows what best for her
Then you two would have to elope which wouldn't be the worst thing but you deserve more-
"Alastor..? Are you sure you want to do this?"
He immediately relaxes at the sound of your voice, turning to give you a reassuring smile and kissing your forehead
"Of course, my dear~! What sort of a man would I be if I was too scared to face your father?"
Oh, he's scared of making a bad impression
He leans into your touch as you place soft hands over his cheeks, smiling at him in a way that makes him feel childish for being nervous
"Oh darling, you have nothing to worry about...I'll protect you~"
"Very funny..."
"I'm serious! He will love you, you're very hard not to love~"
Your gentle embrace on his arm keeps him grounded throughout the entire walk to see your father
Maybe he nuzzles your head to give you affection, or maybe he does it because your scent relaxes him
Alastor is hilariously stiff when you two enter the restaurant, tensing up as you approach your father
He's handsome for a man his age but the way he carries himself with kindness and pride reminds Alastor of you
The old man's eyes light up and happiness envelopes his features as he takes notice of you, standing to meet you
The love between you and your father is painfully obvious, this here is a man who would die to protect his daughter
Something he and Alastor have in common
Then suddenly, a switch flips in him once you go to hug your father, no longer is he your nervous boyfriend
"Papa, this is the man I've been telling you about, this is Al-"
"Alastor! Pleasure to meet you, sir! Quite a pleasure! Might I just say you've raised an exceptional young woman!"
This is Alastor, the charming radio host who is utterly mesmerizing and able to talk his way out of any situation
The Alastor that originally caught your attention and kept it long enough for you to fall for him
He spends the entire lunch charming your father, laying out all his best qualities in the hopes that he's making a good impression
And he definitely is, or at least he seems to be
"Oh Y/N, you didn't tell me that he would be such a gentleman! Wherever did you find him?"
Oh Papa you don't want to know
"Oh you know...we just bumped into each other-"
"She immediately had my heart in her pocket from the first moment we met! I was wrapped around her little finger and didn't even know it until it was too late!"
Now you're blushing, Alastor's words, along with him pulling you into a loving hug, making you feel flustered
He may have been busy trying to impress your father, but he didn't forget who he was doing it for, making sure to pay attention to you
He couldn't ignore you even if he tried, kissing your cheek whenever you boasted about him or squeezing your hand when your father embarrassed you
Which he did, your father couldn't help but brag about his darling daughter and every good deed she ever did
All of Alastor's earliest worries are gone, now understanding that your father isn't the type of man to rule over his daughter
Rather the kind to build her up and encourage her to be her own person, loving her for her strengths instead of smothering them
Which makes Alastor respect the man even more than he already did
At one point you leave the table to use the restroom, leaving the two men alone with each other
The mood shifts a little bit, your father suddenly serious and doubtful as he looks Alastor over
"Just what are your intentions with my daughter? She's not the kind of woman who you can just toy with until the next one comes along. My Y/N is too good for a playboy."
Oh, so now it's a serious talk, that's fine, Alastor came here for a serious reason anyways
"I'm no boy, and I don't plan on playing with your daughter's heart, I meant what I said earlier. In fact, I wanted to meet you so that I could ask your permission to not only continue seeing her but to marry her."
Apparently, he said the right thing because your father's eyes widened in surprise for a moment before the warmth flooded back into them
The old man relaxed into his seat and simply nodded at Alastor as you came back, the two men coming to an understanding
The atmosphere at the table becomes much more casual after that, your father and Alastor talking and joking like old friends
It warms your heart to see your boys getting along so well, leaning on Alastor happily
He smiles and rubs noses with you for a moment before going back to the conversation, something that leaves you flustered
And apparently, it makes your father blush too, finding the two of you to be a cute couple
The love you both have for each other radiates more than any sort of PDA would
Your father thinks that Alastor wouldn't be the worst son in law to have, he's charming, hardworking, obviously loves you
Why he's nearly perfect but there's something about him that makes your father think he's dangerous
And maybe he is but as long as Alastor keeps his daughter safe and happy then what does he care?
It's your life after all
Later, when you all get up to leave, your father ignores Alastor's offer of a handshake in favor of hugging him
"If you marry her, then you best not ever leave her, not even in death."
"Not only will I never leave her, I'll do everything in my power to make her happy~"
"Good man, welcome to the family.."
You give your father a loving hug, and he whispers his approval to you, making you tear up and kiss his cheek
Alastor is a little concerned when he sees your glassy eyes but you kiss him happily before he can even ask what's wrong
Presses his forehead to yours once you two finally stop kissing, both of you panting softly
Your smile is so breathtaking, he almost doesn't even hear what you're saying because he's so mesmerized
"I told you that he would love you~"
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gaypirate420 · 7 months
Haircut //Jasper W. Hale.
Jasper Whitlock-Hale x gn! reader.
Summary: Jasper did a thing while he was in a mood.
Angst/Fluff. Jasper icon by @jasperhaleobsessed
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The vampire steps out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. The water dripping down his yellow hair, his pale hand wipes the steam off the mirror above the sink.
Golden eyes stare at his reflection.
Paper white skin decorated with deep scars. His muscles tensed up. He leans over, his hands holding hard on the sink, cracking it slightly.
It hasn't been a great week.
No, it hasn't been a great month. Year. Decade(s).
Since Victoria and her wannabe army of newborn vampires showed up he's been spiraling each day.
Slowly, the glass have been a drops away from spilling.
The memories just flooded his mind everytime he closed his eyes.
They're always there, but they're more vivid this time, he doesn't like this, Jasper knows this cycle too well, he doesn't want to be part of it again.
He thought he was getting better.
Jasper's been pushing you away and he's an idiot for that because he needs you, he needs you so so so bad but Jasper just can't tell you he's struggling. And he doesn't know why that is. Maybe he feels ashamed for being so weak, so broken.
There's a reason why you and him have been together for almost fifty years. You just bring the best of him and make the pain go away. Always.
A smile creeps on his face but it goes away quickly, he sighs and looks at the mirror one more time.
"Jasper? Sunshine, you in here?" You asked while stepping inside the Cullen's house. The ironey flavor of blood still in your mouth after a successful hunt.
"...yeah." He mumbled from upstairs there was a slight shake on his voice. No waiting for you at the door? No bouquet of flowers? No forehead kiss? No 'Darlin' I missed ya.'?
Something happened. Something bad.
You approached your shared bedroom opening the door slowly.
Your eyes try to process what their seeing.
Jasper was sitting at the edge of the bed, eyes unfocused starring at the locks of hair on the floor. His pale fingers holding a pair of scissors, shaking.
And of course his hair. Short. Cut at random lengths after a fit of raw emotion. Anger. Sadness. Desperation. That's what his aura is filled with.
"Sweetheart..." You called softly and closed the door behind you. The vampire doesn't react to your presence at all, he just looks straight ahead, deep in thought.
Jasper catches on the steps getting closer to him and a gentle hand tilt his chin up gently to make his eyes meet yours. His almost numb expression makes you want to cry. The golden color of his eyes holds no shine, they're dull and empty.
"Hey, sunshine." You whisper softly and cup his face, leaning on your touch and a small gasp leaving his lips, if he was human he'll be all tears right now.
"Oh—it's okay, sweetheart." You whisper reassuringly. The blonde wraps his arms around your waist and holds you close, burying his face on your chest, taking a deep breath and drowning on your comforting scent.
You stroke his now short hair.
"...sorry" He whimpers against your chest trying to find some peace with your touch.
"Why are you apologizing, cowboy?" You whisper softly and caress his face, he can't look at you right now, he feel so ashamed because you're seeing him like this.
"... because— I'm a mess." His voice breaks and he holds closer to you. You just stroke his hair and kiss his forehead.
"...and my hair is ugly now." He added, a bitter chuckle follows. You take the scissors from his shaking hands and brush his hair down.
"May I fix it?" You asked before cutting anything.
"Can you?" He asks hopeless as he closes his eyes, he feels defeated, tired, he just wants to sleep but he can't sleep because of his nature.
"Well... either way I think you'll look handsome bald." You try to lighten the mood and it surprisingly works because his frown turns into a smirk. He nods and allows you to fix his hair.
You lean down to kiss his lips, a tender, slow and gentle kiss. He holds the kiss for longer, the feeling of your lips against his are a great distraction from the memories that are haunting him.
Jasper closes his eyes as you work on his hair. He doesn't know if the silence is dreadful or comfortable.
"Do you want to talk about what happened? I'm very worried about you, don't think I don't notice how distant you've been." You whisper with a serious expression.
He shakes his head slowly, the idea of discussing his feelings and pain being something he is not ready to do just yet. Your touches help in distract him.
"...maybe later, darlin', I'm sorry." Jasper whispers as he keep my eyes closed, focusing on the sensation of your fingers through his hair to avoid a relapse of his previous train of thought. He takes a couple of deep breaths as the gentle movement of your fingers helps him calm down and have a clearer mindset.
"Done." You said softly and clean his sweater from the fallen hair. You take on his image, his new look.
"You look real pretty, Jazz." You smiled, Jasper returned the smile in a much weaker way. He doesn't check himself in the mirror, he trusts you and knows you did a much better work than he did.
"....thank you, sugar." He whispers, feeling a little tired from all this. He holds your hand and kisses your palm.
"Cuddles?" You whisper back, he nods and picks you up to throw you in the bed with him.
He nuzzles his face on your neck, holding you so close to him. He takes a deep deep breath and closes his eyes.
".... you're- stuck with me forever...I'm sorry. You deserve someone better. I'm so sorry, sweetheart." He whispers against your skin.
"I'm happy to have you forever. I don't want anybody else." You whisper back and kiss the top of his head. He smiles weakly and hols you close, nuzzling to you like a needy kitten.
"...and I'm happy I got you too. I don't know who I'll be without you." Jasper closes his eyes and leaves gentle kisses on your neck.
"I love you so much." You whisper.
"I love you more." He answer with a gentle whisper.
"hmmm, I don't think so. I love you more than that." You speak teasingly, he chuckles softly and hugs you tightly.
"I love ya a hundred times that." He answers with a weak voice, like he's very sleepy.
"Well, I love you a thousand times that." You speak with a following giggle, Jasper chuckles and kisses your lips once more.
He's going to be okay. Here in your arms.
A/N: heyyyy, here's an angsty fic because an idea came to my mind thinking about why did Jasper has such a radical haircut in between movies. And I was like "that's how you cut your hair after a breakdown." Y'know? So here's this, hope you like it, requests are open!
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 1 year
Being a maid in the house of kokushibo and yoriichi and serve them nicely. (yk what i meant 18+. Also female bodied reader)
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Personal maid <3
GOD THIS PICTURE LMFAOOO also I'm using human kokushibo (michikatsu) for this if they have a maid to themselves
Part two: Here!!!
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Warnings: Fem!reader, reader is a maid, human kokushibo (michikatsu), hard dom michikatsu, pleasure dom yoriichi, cum, humiliation kink(?), spanking, rough fucking, choking, mention of 3some
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Michikatsu, who takes joy in having you, the Tsugikuni twins personal maid to satisfy his needs after a long day of being a samurai.
Michikatsu who approached you directly on what to expect, being his and his brothers personal maid, even if their father informed you already. He's not as affectionate, but he makes sure to get to know you and what you're comfortable so you and him can do things smoothly without trouble.
Michikatsu who trained your throat so you know how to suck his cock right when he gets home from a hard day. When he comes out the shower and sits in front of you, man spreading, you already know what to do.
Michikatsu feels the most relived after cumming from oral. Your lips wrapped around his tip and sucking it, bobbing your head and your hand jerking him off is rhythm. "That's it" he groans letting his head fall back and grabbing a fist full of your hair "I'm going to cum, make sure to swallow it all. Don't let a single drop leak out to get me dirty after I use showerd, " he said and pushes your head down to take more of his cock.
Michikatsu, who gave you rules on what to do for him. One of them is not wear panties under your kimono, that way it makes easier for him to fuck you when he gets home. Whenever he walks by you around the house, he'll grab your ass to check, but if he grabs your ass and he feels you've got panties on, he'll punish you afterward.
Michikatsu, who bends you over lap, lifting your kimono to expose your ass and spanks you, making you count out loud. "I'm sorry master! I'm sorry, " you whine, hugging his musclar thigh, feeling the stings from each of his spanks. "Are you really? This is the 5th time you've disobeyed me." he said, moving your panties to the side and chuckles, "but you like being a brat just so I can punish you. Just look at this mess" he said as his fingers played with your leaking pussy. He wasnt wrong though, you did like it, almost love even.
Michikatsu who fucks you rough to relief him of stress. He fuck you in missionary to have the most control and having his hand always makes it up to your throat, squeezing it. "Is this too tight?" He'll always ask while fucking you hard, making his skin clap agiants your and all you could do is shake your head, holding onto his wrist while you let out breaking moans. "Too dumb on my cock to answer with words mm. But I like that face. I can't help but think you're always this excited for me to fuck you like a stupid whore"
Michikatsu, who's good with his pull out game. Just when he's about to cum hell pull out, cumming on your pussy, in your mouth or if he's in a good mood and you've cum on his cock like your told too then he'll cum inside you.
Michikatsu's aftercare is always a "thank you" or a "good job." He's not the best with comforting words, but he always asks if you're ok physically and mentally after sex. If you say you're fine to head to the bath by yourself after a rough fucking session he will carry you to the bath and he makes sure you've gotten to your room safely.
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Yoriichi is calm. More clam than his twin, but you underestimated his sex drive just because of how calm he is. After coming back home from God, he knows where he'll always come back, wanting to have you all to himself, even if it ment bumping heads with his twin with needing you more.
Yoriichi, who isn't afraid to play with you in public and eats your pussy for his own pleasure. He has you up against the wall. His head between your legs, licking and sucking on your clit with his fingers deep inside you. "M-master yoriichi, please," you whispered as your hand griped onto his hair. "A samurai could turn around this corner any minute- f-fuck" you cover your mouth to surpress your moans. He only moans in response on your clit while stroking his hard cock.
Yoriichi who likes to over stimulate your clit by trying to make you cum as many times as he can. When is he done making you cum from his tounge he'll rub his tip on your clit. "So pretty. You're leaking so much for me..." he said, slipping his tip between your wet folds, catching your slick, and pushing onto his tip inside your hole, in and completely out.
Yoriichi, who can't help but smile when you beg for him. "I'm sorry, I've been making you cum so much you've had nothing to clench on. Here you go" he whispers in your ear and moans once he's slides inside you slowly. "You're so tight. Don't hide your pretty moans from me. Let me hear you when you cum for me."
Yoriichi likes to fuck you in missionary but its different from how michikatsu would do. He always makes sure to put a pillow underneath your lower body to penetrate you deeper than normal and make it more pleasurable for you. "M-master, please~ oh gosh. I'm suppose to be taking care of you here" you moan out, yoriichi slamming into you roughly and him leaning forward to suck on your nipples "you're doing more then enough to help me, haa soo good for me. Seeing you like this and your pussy squeezing me from how good it feels is enough for me."
Yoriichi who likes to press his hand down gently on your abdomen gently when you let him know you're close. "Squirt for me. I know you can do it, you're such a good girl" he said and kisses your jawline "your getting so wet for me" his free hand starts to rub at your clit "ill fill you up just how you like it if you squirt on my cock"
Yoriichi is very wholesome with the aftercare to you. After a bath, he gives you a massage in your room, making sure you're not tensed or hurt anywhere. Sometimes, yoriichi will sleep in your room since he does like the comfort you give him
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During a samurai meeting, the Tsugikuni twins would often sit in the far back request their personal maid to sit between them after you've brought them tea. Their father found it foolish how clingy they've become to you but always brushed it off.
Yoriichi is the frist to make a move by grabbing your thigh and slowly grabbing the inner part of your thigh. You keep your head straight along with the twist yet your body heating up once you feel Yoriichi fingers brush on your pussy and then michikatsu starting to grab at your ass.
Yoriichi gets his fingers to start rubbing your clit in circles through your panties making you bite down on your lip to not make a sound while the meeting is going on. You wiggle slightly making michikatsu chuckle lowly while he moves his hand from your ass.
Michikatsu puts two fingers in his mouth to lubricant them without anyone noticing and leans closer to your ear "don't a sound" he said parting your thighs open more to slide his fingers in making you gasp and quickly covering your mouth. "Shhh, not so loud now. We don't want to be found out" yoriichi whispered and moaned in your ear "I can feel your clit throbbing for us already" he said as his other hand cups your boob and playing with your hard nipple through your kimono with his fingers.
Michikatsu smirks and finger fucks you faster, hearing the sounds of your wet pussy and watches you cover your mouth desperately to hide your moans. "Be of service to us and stroke our cock" he said and your hands reach over, exposing your cocks and beginning to jerk them off.
Yoriichi's head falls onto your shoulder as he felt your warm hard wrapped around his cock and rubs your clit faster. Michikatsu bites your ear softly "fuck you're being so good" his voices became raspy trying to stay quiet himself. "If you cum for us you'll get two cocks stuffed I'm you as a reward. How dose that sound, y/n?"
"I-id love that," you whispered back. "I'll be a good girl, don't worry~"
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inklessletter · 1 year
Since I can't draw tonight, here's a steddie prompt for you:
Steve runs away from home once he becomes eighteen because his home environment is absolutely toxic. It's all yelling, and spitting insults, and constantly hearing that he is such a disappointment, so he decides to hit the road and go some city away from everyone he knows and just start over. His trauma response to loud, aggressive spaces leads him to accept a job managing a school library.
And he finds out it is his dream job.
He sees all these teens studying, sharing glances, romances beginning, stress increasing as midterms come closer, annoyed faces, giggling girls gossiping, kids vandalizing his tables... And he feels an observant. A watcher.
And he imagines. He imagines their lives, the tall jock with the widest smile going soft for the sarcastic redhead. The quiet thing blossoming between tose two boys who give longing glances when the other is not looking. The oddest friendship between the meanest eleven year old he's ever met and the most cynical kid to ever set foot in that school. He sees and he imagines, but he's silent.
Because silence is a precious shield that protects his imagination. Silence will never hurt him.
His first real friendship begins in silence. This girl, Robin, passes him a note with a poor drawing of him falling asleep on his desk. It made him laugh. She laughed too. That was enough.
They play this game together in which they both exchanged the craziest theories they could think of about other people's lives.
That one is a Russian spy.
That one runs a secret lab.
That one has mind powers (okay, that was maybe too crazy).
That one is an former cop.
"That one is a rockstar," Robin said pointing an absurdly good looking guy that was checking out a couple of books.
"He does looks like one, though..."
Robin was going to reply when she noticed Steve's rosy cheeks. She just smiled. She noticed the guy looking briefly at them, and then he grinned.
"Metal is more my scene, but close enough," he said.
The guy approached them and Robin, the traitor, bolted away. The guy, all dimples and soft hair lent Steve two books and his library card (Munson, Eddie), that he registered and gave back to him.
Steve tried hard not to be an awkward mess, he barely managed to.
"I do actually play in a band, uh, on Tuesdays," Eddie said. Steve looked at him with a twist in his stomach. "And today is Tuesday. So if you want to come, I would gladly buy you a drink."
Steve felt a lump in his throat, and looked down.
"Uh, I—I don't—"
"Oh, sorry, I just—"
"I don't do well with loud noises," Steve said quickly. "I'm sorry."
Eddie nodded.
"Good luck tonight," Steve said, not wanting to leave the conversation in a rejection. He pointed the book. "This one is really good."
"Have you read The Lord of the Rings?"
"Yeah," Steve smiled. "I've got time and silence here."
Eddie looked at him with something hidden in his pupils meant to be discovered by Steve.
Eddie left the library.
There were a few days and a lot of conversations with Robin about that Eddie guy. Steve let himself imagine again, about him. About Eddie. He fantasized a lot, ignoring deliberately the sting in his guts knowing that he blew up his chance.
Two weeks passed and Eddie was there to return the books again, with a small guitar case hanging in his back, and Steve tried his best not to look like a kicked puppy.
"I can do soft noises," Eddie said, out of the blue. It earned him a look from both Robin and Steve. "When do you, uh, have a break?"
"Right now," Robin chimed in, quickly. "He's having a break right now."
A few minutes later they were in the rooftop. They found a comfortable spot with the best views and Eddie took out an old and battered ukulele. Then he looked at Steve.
"I am not a silent person. I exist in noise, and busy environments, and awful high pitched laughs," he said with a smile. "I can't change that, but I can change the noise."
Eddie caressed the tiny guitar strings, and the sound sent goosebumps through all Steve's skin.
"I can change the noise for you," Eddie said, low and soft, and he started playing a song. "If you let me."
His first real love began with music.
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