#i'm not a very good doodler so it doesn't really happen
have you ever been asked to draw somebody irl
hi scrib! Mmmmnope, not that I can recall!
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nutria--oscura · 1 year
The Oak family make me so mentally ill actually
Like, for starters, the generational trauma that cannot and will not be shaken off:
The very obvious first point is The Doodler. 'The Curse of The Doodler' passed down from generation to generation. Even after Lark and Sparrow release it, the curse still haunts them as the apocalypse they have to bear the blame for. Now Dood is walking amongst them, as a teen protected by the teens, and all Lark and Sparrow can do is look him in the eye (not even really). Lark wants to end this generational trauma by killing Dood but Normal wants to do it but helping it (parallel to what we see happen in s2 ep23 when they sit on the Throne).
The next obvious ones are the veganism (has been an Oaks thing since Hildy's grandmother, if not great-grandmother).
and the 'shoes on' household. Something Henry started due to always being barefoot in Oakvale cause of Barry's Rules. Something that is still instilled with Normal and Hero.
All of the Oaks have a dislike towards their kids/parents. Hildy hated Barry cause he abused her for so long and in the final years of her life he abandoned her in Oakvale and left her to die. Barry and Henry fought constantly, Barry creating more Oakvalians cause Henry would never have been good enough for him. Henry and Lark straight up just do not get along, especially after Henry took the Gauntlets of Ogre Power (which in Lark's eyes caused Walter to get injured and almost caused Sparrow to die), ESPECIALLY after Henry pulled to rogue card. Henry and Sparrow don't talk anymore which is something I will get into later on. Lark and Sparrow weren't even Henry's favourite kids, it was his pet bird Beanie. Honestly, I'm kind of scared to see what Henry and Birdie's relationship is like. Then we have Sparrow and Normal. Sparrow is open about being not being proud of Normal and wishing he was more 'normal'. Finally we have Sparrow and Hero. Sparrow probably isn't that proud or happy with Hero either since she just noped out of being the chosen one. (check out this post)
Another kinda obvious one, the (very strong) family resemblance. They all look so alike, so similar, of course they're going to be the least likely to change and break tradition. (post)
SPARROW AND HENRY NO LONGER TALKING - so many implications. Like, is it because of the shit Lark and Sparrow pulled with Hero? Cause he married a centrist (/j)? Was it because Sparrow (potentially) used the memory syringes on Rebecca to keep their marriage in tact(more in a bit)? Some other reason which we will later find out? Is it why Sparrow can no longer turn into a Love Wolf? Or the final straw as to why he can't?
SPARROW, REBECCA AND THE SYRINGES - So. In s2 ep18 when Normal asks Sparrow if Rebecca knew about all the Doodler stuff, Sparrow says "Your mom doesn't know… about what's going on." ... "that's kind of how we… stayed married." Later, we get to know, from Hero, that Rebecca did in fact know what was happening - that she was involved in what happened to Hero when she was younger, "mom and dad, just sort of looked at me as like, the golden child. They weren't like with me, they were like demanding things of me." So potentially, Lark and/or Sparrow used the syringes on Rebecca cause she threatened their marriage over what happen with Hero. (POST)
Speaking of Hero's childhood - Other than what happened very obviously traumatising her, "they showed me a glimpse of the Doodler for a second and I cried for 3 weeks straight," it also very heavily strained her relationship with Normal: "I feel like things have been choppy between us for a while" ... "It felt like I shouldn't befriend you, cause I knew at some point I'd have to like, sacrifice myself heroically and I didn't want to make you lose me in that way, so I felt like 'I should just keep him at arms length.' " It is suck a stark contrast and parallel to the (toxically) codependent relationship Lark and Sparrow have
HENRY - The fact that Henry is the last of the dads that is alive is so depressing and so expected. He has elf blood and is a high level druid, of course he's still alive. He is (most probably - we don't know the situation with Mercedes and Birdie) alone, all of his closest friends are dead, his sons don't talk to him and because of that he probably hasn't seen his grandchildren in ages either. If something happened to Mercedes and Birdie and Henry is truly alone, there are parallels with Hildy's final years (this post and the tags)
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biirbi · 1 year
Dndads season 2 expectations :3
Frankly I do not really know how tumblr works; just posting this to keep track of it! I just finished season 1 of dungeons and daddies a bit ago and am starting the next one soon! Here are my current thoughts/expectations:
ummummmm honestly I have no clue what's going to happen in S2- I know the premise is the doodler has returned, but besides them trying to defeat it probably, no idea. I'm excited to hopefullyy see some of my favorite s1 characters again (I am pretty much exclusively talking about Erin and Scam)! If willy shows up again im going to leave. forever. he doesn't get to be an antag for two seasons.
AND ALSO IM GONNA BE. VERY UPSET IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO THE STAMPLERS. I know scary isn't a stampler technically but I'll still refer to them all as that. but I care them so hard im gonna be so mad. all in all I just want the stamplers to be ok. and scam and erin. Also speaking of erin I hope vince dies she deserves someone with more dimensions (me)
The kids as dads!:
Honestly, I love all the kids- I cannot see them being that bad of parents (but apparently I'll find out soon!)
Adulthood clearly fucks them up SOMEHOW bc idk how they could be so awful but Sparrow (My favorite kid as of now :3) would probably just be. kinda like henry but I still think different? Like Henry is probably more protective than I imagine sparrow would be; aloof (p.s. I had a different idea of what aloof meant but I can't think of a different word so. oh well just use your imagination LMFAO) though he still is very loving! And does his best to sprinkle in life lessons even if they're not. that great. Like I'd think the worst he could fuck up his kid is not really teach him any particularly valuable life skills
Terry Jr! I love him, I'm very glad he and Ron are doing well as of now. I think he's a great kid that would make a great step-dad, especially considering the fact he knows what it's like to 1: lose his dad and 2: have an emotionally distant step-father. You'd THINK he wouldn't want a kid to also go through that but who knows I guess.
I love Grant too, and I know I've said this for all of them but honestly I have no clue what tf they do to him to possibly get him to be that bad of a dad. He was definitely traumatized by murdering that thing so I get him maybe like being emotionally distant. and like overbearing at the same time. but I wouldn't really call that being a poor parent,,,
Nicky uhhh. He confuses me I don't really know what he's like anymore since he was Glenn's kid. then Jodie's. now kinda both so honestly I've no real idea of what he's gonna be like but I still can't see him being that bad.
AND THAT REMINDS ME if hermie is presumably a grandkid of one of the preexisting s1 characters I can not figure out WHO tf might be the one that fucked him up that bad. I don't really know anything about him but it's soo obvious that he is Not gonna have a Good Time. I don't even know if he's a normal guy (normal hehe) or from the forgotten realms or>?????
Characters I'll probably get attached to
Honestly, as far as I can tell abt hermie (which I'm not really supposed to know about yet but whatever) he does seem like a character I will get attached to. And hopefully not empathize with cause that won't help. He just looks like he's designed to hold SO much trauma.
*slaps roof of hermie*
This baby can hold so much trauma in it.
I don't really have any clue abt him but. I can tell it probably won't go well for him! Also he kinda? ?? looks like an antag but also doesn't? Idk maybe an antag because of a forced hand, or more along the lines of an anti-hero? I've no idea.
Scary! She seems likeable in an. unlikeable edgy way. She's played by Beth so it can't be that hard to like her (Which I recently met someone who DOESN'T like beth!? He just hates to see a funny woman...), plus I'm a sucker for edgy emo characters. She's not actually related to ron but yknow terry's her step-dad and that's close enough.
Honestly I don't particularly take to very chipper and upbeat characters (which I'm just assuming Normal is, I could be wrong), so no clue if I'll like him. I at least probably won't dislike him as long as he's not annoying abt it.
And I have no clue what Taylor's gonna be like so really I can't say anything. He's kinda sorta related to Glenn? kinda????? and I didn't like Glenn very much at first, he did grow on me a little but idk- we'll see
I totally forgot to put lincoln in here. idk ANYTHING about him so uhh we'll see!
ermm I think I had something else to say but I forgot- I'm going to start dedicating the next 10 days while I'm by myself to probably binging all of s2. Uhhhh wish me luck!
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dapper-nahrwhale · 2 years
HI if you're still doing the wip ask game thing PLEASE can you share something abt the dndads time loop au that sounds so cool :0
The wip ask game is ALWAYS UP. Love getting questions abt fics! Thanks for thos ask!!!!
So, the dndads time loop au is basically about sparrow being stuck in a time loop when the doodler gets released and every day he is trying to prevent the apocalypse from happening. He does this for a while fruitlessly stopping it every day just to have the day repeat over and over in him. Until one day, something changes. (Glenn comes in chapter 2)
Title of it is from the songs a matter of time and miss Templeton's 7000th dream by jukebox the ghost: Time will wear you down (over and over again)
Preview for ya from the very beginning of the 1st chapter!!!
"I really do need to apologize, father. I am sorry."
"Sorry for what, bud?"
"For this."
And the world ended. 
At least Sparrows world did.
Because after Lark plunged the dagger in their father, he was dead on the ground, the staticky grotesque incomprehensible shape that is the Doodler was coming out of him. Leaving his father and Lark hollow and empty and wrong.
A scream tore from Sparrow's throat, along with the static pouring out of his eyes, ears, mouth, nose. It burned. 
Then the rest of the world exploded in static and.
And then.
It was just blank and empty, like the pages were torn out from a book. He didn't know what had happened afterwards, but he knew that it filled him with…relief.
But then, Sparrow awoke with a strangled gasp to his alarm. 
The drowsy exhaustion of far too many bad night's sleep caught up to him like a freight train. He couldn't remember the last time he got this bad a night's sleep though.
He was in his bed. Familiar wolf patterned bed sheets wrapped around him. Posters and drawings the boys had made littered the walls. His and Lark's bedroom.
He desperately peeked his head over the edge of his bunk bed.
If Lark is dead he doesn't know what he'll do- and.
Lark was sleeping with a scrunched up face, twisted up in the sheets like a ghost in a tornado on the bed underneath Sparrows.
It was fine. The world was still there. 
He let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding. 
Weird dream then. Just a dream.
Sparrow tried to get it out of his head as their father called out that breakfast was ready. 
He put a smile on his face.
Time to start the day.
He had a good feeling. Today's was going to be a good day.
The song good day by jukebox the ghost is a big inspiration for this section. Actually all the songs from their let live and let ghosts album is the biggest source of inspo for this fic.
(Fyi this is the main fic I am working on currently, its prob 4 chapters in alternating povs, I'll try and get the 1st out but timeline shenanigans have to be fully mapped put before, so I'm trying to write all chapters at once and then posting them!)
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ladybeug · 3 years
hey buddy just wondering if u have any tips for Go Very Fast. drawing wise. i think u are the speediest draw-er I know with such a cute style and I very much enjoy your amazing stick figures and such and would like to learn how to Do That if possible. unfortunately I’m the slowest artist I know and I get v hung up on stuff and have a hard time loosening up and just doodling. i always end up fussing with construction lines and stressing about making things much more finished and proper than I intended to even if I originally set out to just make a 30-second uggo doodle for laffs and kicks. as resident Esteemed Doodler do you have wisdom for high-strung nerds such as myself who seek the sweet nectar of Literally Just Doodlin, Learning And Improving And Stuff Ofc But Mostly Just Having a Great Time About It (not that any of your doods are uggo, on the contrary I find them all high-quality art and I would pay money to visit a fancy art gallery with your very doodliest doodles on display in all their glory)
HI! I would LOVE to talk about Go Very Fast, drawing wise!! It's my all-time favorite kind of drawing, and it is very near and dear to my heart.
First of all, let's get this out of the way: it's practice. we all know it's practice, we've heard it, we are tired of it, we are taking a nap instead of practicing.
Here's my tips and thoughts:
(1) Let it look bad!!! It's going to look bad!!! I'm sorry its just true
Sometimes it will look like the people have broken 5 bones:
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Sometimes it will look like whatever the fuck this is:
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oh god how did this happen:
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It will even look bad when the picture looks good! For example, take a look at Evita in the lefthand panel here:
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Overall the panel is nice. But if you focus on Evita's actual shape it's awkward. The arm on the sill doesn't look like it's supporting any weight, and the arm pulling back the curtain doesn't make sense, and the pose looks like it would hurt my back, and it's just not very attractive.
But its FINE THAT IT LOOKS BAD, because the composition of the whole thing is okay and the scene is clearly communicated.
Connecting to my next point:
(2) Focus on the outlines and the silhouettes!
Composition is always important but its pretty much all you have if you're working really fast.
Here are some drawings I did really fast that I think are really hard to look at:
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Can you tell what I was trying to draw? Can you tell that that's ladybug fighting godzilla there in the distance? I can't. I literally drew this and sometimes I have to squint to figure out what it is. It looks like nothing. the silhouettes are not communicating "ladybug and godzilla", because ladybug is in a big white explosion, and godzilla's tail is cut off and obscured by the foreground, and also the shape isn't very good. It's so busy that your eye doesn't find the shapes I want you to find.
(compare to the foreground, very clear, adrien's silhouette is so obvious, simple, unobscured)
Here's one that's too busy to read easily:
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This panel is ALL OVER THE PLACE, the silhouettes are unclear and it's hard to know where to look or even what they're holding because the shapes are so busy and undefined.
To make this better, while still drawing it just as fast, I could have:
(a) The people are the subject of this panel, so I should have made both of their heads more defined and easy to see. I would keep all of chat in the panel so you could see both his party hats (clear silhouette) and maybe given queen bee's pigtail more shape.
(b) added less detail to chloe's armful of gifts and given her actual arms more definition so you would focus on "she is holding a lot" instead of wondering what the fuck was happening in that mass of lines. Chat noir's armful is closer to what I wanted to go for.
On the contrast, here's some examples of fast comics I've done that have really clearly communicated shapes n silhouettes.
They are so easy to look at:
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Look at that. NONE of those drawings are good individually and I did them all very fast, but because the silhouettes are so clearly defined its very easy to look at and understand.
Here's another. SO fast. So clear and easy to view:
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It's about the CLEAR SHAPES!!
chat noir and ladybug are very very good for clear silhouettes and fast drawing - they contrast each other so good! you can get away with a ton of GO VERY FAST:
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Like the silhouette in this one is an absolute lump!! but because they contrast each other you still get both their shapes really clearly.
(3) Some exercises to try
If you want to be mindful about drawing quickly and not getting caught up in details, I can recommend a couple exercises.
<>Time yourself. Give yourself 30 seconds to draw something, and if you don't like how it came out too bad!!! Try again!! 30 more seconds, new image.
<>Do continuous line drawings, to focus on shape/form. put your pen down and draw your subject without lifting the pen up. don't even vary pressure, just one long bold line, creating the entire image.
<>Draw literally just the silhouette of the whole pictures you're thinking of. And then draw it again in one continuous line.
<>Go for quantity over quality! Do a lot of sketches of your subject and try to capture the essence of it, the feel, the gesture, the gestalt, before you go in and fill out the details. Or be like me and don't fill out the details at all haha
These will look bad!!!!!! That's good.
These will give you practice, but I hope will also help free you from the idea that your art has to be perfect and pristine to be worthwhile. This isn't to knock down detailed or precise art, which I adore! It's instead to remind you that art is good if it makes you feel something, or makes you think, or makes you laugh, or if you just like to look at it. It can be anything you feel good about!! or bad about!! art is wild!
I have always been inspired by artists like Kate Beaton and Quentin Blake. Their art reminds me that I can be a valuable communicator and excellent artist just with doodling and simple shapes. They've helped me have confidence in my lumpy art even though I really struggle with more detailed beautiful illustrations, and that can make me feel like i'm not a real artist! But I am. I'm just a very fast lumpy artist.
Anyways, thank you for the ask. I love to talk about it, I love to draw fast and bad, and I love to look through my old sketchbooks for examples of bad bad fast fast drawings.
I'll leave you with this one, which was so fast and bad I had to start over immediately:
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milktrician-hell · 2 years
probably going to just paste this from a chat but here's some thoughts on the latest ep am fully worried for my boy normal once they get to finally calm down after the fight and everything that happened crushes him even more :( every time scary’s protective of all the boys just warms my heart so much. those are MY freakos thank you very much! ok more into the daddy magic stuff below
honestly knowing the series, i bet sparrow got a huge vibe check when he was a teen and really tried to be a "normal kid" or like seeing normal is reminding him of what he was like as a kid and knowing himself he doesn't want to see normal go down that road and then expressed that feeling in the worst possible way (as the doodler tends to do that to people) im fully expecting lark and sparrow did actually have a fight years back though? that or something happened between lark and henry later on that sparrow had to mediate. edit: addition here cause i thought it would be good to mention. because sparrow was probably a mediator between his dad and his brother, he probably has some repressed shit that he doesn't speak about in favor for "keeping the peace" within his family. just thinking of the implications of the new dad's being stuck in the doodler realm and what that would do to them. i'm guessing nicholas isn't in that realm rn (or always has been? theory's in the air with that one) because taylor didn't feel anything in ep 1. but if the whole thing with daddy magic is child and parent matching expectations, i am VERY worried for everyone i think terry would probably have the least expectations out of scary, because he already knows the whole step child experience. but i feel like anthony is going to hurt me on this one
with grant, i think his overbearing nature is going to be set into over drive which. i am very concerned on what that would turn into in response to link. anyways. if the doodler reaches hermie he is going to definitely turn into the joker.
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